Why does your right hand itch on Sunday? Why does the right and left palm itch, the palms of both hands at the same time on Monday: a sign

Using the lines of the palms, palm readers predict a person’s fate; with their hands, magicians make various passes, trying to cast their spell.

Many people are interested in signs associated with palms. For example, why is your right palm itching?

Should you believe in omens?

The world of signs surrounds us from early childhood. Even skeptics feel a little alarmed when a black cat crosses their path or a woman walks towards them with an empty bucket. Who knows, what if fate really does send us mysterious signs, trying to warn us and protect us from rash steps? There are people who firmly believe in omens and literally build their lives based on them. Is it worth doing this? Psychologists clearly say no.

The fact is that signs arose at the dawn of humanity. Then people lived in a dangerous, uncontrolled world, constantly risking their health and even their lives. There was no medicine, there were no devices that could make our existence easier, there was no opportunity to find protection or guarantee food for ourselves and our family. In order to somehow influence the surrounding reality, people created magic and numerous signs: they believed that nature itself told them how to act. This created a feeling of security and gave confidence in the correctness of one’s own actions.

These days, signs are more of a relic of the past. However, many continue to religiously believe in them. Why not? If you feel that, thanks to signs, you are able to protect yourself from negativity, you may well use your conviction for your own benefit. True, if you refuse an important meeting, if you notice a cat crossing the road, and lose profit, you should think: maybe you should live more rationally?

Advice! Psychologists recommend believing only in good omens. This creates the right mood and allows you to program your psyche to be positive. This means that events will develop in the direction you need. You shouldn’t believe in negativity: remember that you yourself are the master of your destiny!

Financial side

Why is my right palm itching? Signs answer this question in a rather contradictory way. Right side body is “responsible” for activity, profit, development. Therefore, if your right palm is itchy, you should expect a promotion and unexpected profits. Moreover, be sure to pay attention to what day of the week you felt a sudden itch:

  • Monday - money will come from where you don’t expect. It could be a gift or even a find on the street;
  • Tuesday - most likely you will receive your salary a little earlier;
  • Wednesday - someone will remember that they owe you money and decide to get rid of the debt;
  • Thursday - your boss will decide to reward your work with a bonus;
  • Friday - you will have to ask for a loan. Therefore, you should not be happy, because you will have to return the money from your own budget;
  • Why does your right palm itch on Saturday? Your loved one will decide to give you a gift in the form of a fairly large sum of money;
  • Sunday - you will be able to sell some things.

Advice! Always pay attention to how intensely your hand itches. The stronger the butt, the greater the amount will be in your hands. It is also important how long you feel the itch: the size of your profit also depends on this.

How to make a financial sign work?

Let's say you felt an itch in your right palm, found this article on the Internet and realized that much-needed profit awaits you in the near future. What to do to make the sign work for sure? Magicians claim that with simple steps you can make the omen work 100%:

  • Scratch your palm on the bottom edge of the table;
  • Rub your right palm on any red object: it could be clothing, a bedspread, even a ballpoint pen. The main thing is the contact of the skin with the red color. Mentally say: “Rub your palm on the red so that it is not in vain”;

If you do not have the opportunity to perform all these actions, for example, your hand itches when you ride the subway, just imagine how the amount of money you need is in your hands. Moreover, you should not visualize a suitcase with banknotes: your desire should be fulfilled. This will also ensure that you actually get the amount of money you need in the next few days!

Advice! If you are concerned about a lack of funds, you can use other “folk” methods to increase your own well-being. For example, place nickels in each corner of your apartment. They say that thanks to this, the energy of your home begins to literally attract new finances. If someone gives you money, always take it with your right hand and give it with your left. And never repay debts in the evening: this should be done when the sun has not yet set.


Some sources claim that the feeling of itching in the palm has nothing to do with profit, but promises something completely different: a long-awaited meeting. Remembering this sign is quite simple: the handshake is done with the right hand, and not the left. That being said, who you date depends on your gender. U beautiful ladies itching means a meeting with a lover, but if a businessman’s hand itches, he will soon have to take part in negotiations with a business partner. However, just as in the previous case, it is important to pay attention to the day of the week on which you felt a sudden itch in your right palm:

  • Monday - you will meet with an old acquaintance;
  • Tuesday - you will unexpectedly run into a friend whom you have known for many years, but have not seen for a long time;
  • Wednesday - you will meet someone who will become a fairly good friend;
  • Thursday - you will see a person to whom you are not indifferent;
  • If you don’t know why your right palm itches on Friday, signs suggest that you will have an extremely unexpected meeting that will literally stun you;
  • Saturday - you have a romantic date ahead of you;
  • Why does your right palm itch on Sunday? In the near future you will have a conversation with a person who can have a strong influence on your destiny.

Advice! If you believe in omens, keep a special notebook in which you write down what the sensations mean. various parts your body. This will make it easier for you to navigate mysterious world folk beliefs. True, psychologists say that you should not believe too much in omens: it is possible that you will begin to engage in self-programming, and this will not lead to anything good.

How to speed up a meeting?

Your right hand suddenly itched and you decided that this sign meant a quick meeting? There is a way to make the meeting take place in the near future: kiss your right palm three times, clench it into a fist and hide it in your pocket. At the same time, it is advisable to imagine as clearly as possible the person you want to see.

If you don’t want to meet your old acquaintance, and the feeling in your right palm foreshadows exactly this event, then rinse your hand thoroughly cold water and hold her in open form, as if letting go of what the omen promises you. Then the meeting can be avoided (or the person will pass will not even notice you). As you can see, it is quite possible to influence fate!

Advice! Be sure to pay attention to the time of day at which unexpected itching occurred to you. If your hand itches in the morning, then a meeting awaits you during the day. If in the evening, then the universe intends to wait a while with the fulfillment of the sign. Thus, if you don’t know why your right palm itches in the evening, the answer is simple: in a few days you will have a meeting or profit.

Maybe it's not a matter of signs?

If your palms itch too often, it's worth considering. If itching frequently bothers you, it is possible that this is not a sign at all and you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. What reasons can provoke frequent sensation that your palms are itching:

  • Allergic reactions. Perhaps your skin reacts to constant contact with hand cream, washing powders and other household chemicals. An allergy is indicated by the appearance of a rash and redness of the skin;
  • Eczema. This disease is rarely accompanied solely by itching. As a rule, the skin with eczema becomes very dry, flaky, and red. If you notice these manifestations, you should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible: eczema tends to spread throughout the skin, and the sooner treatment is started, the better;
  • Severe stress. Psychologists say that the skin reacts to all stress experienced by a person. Therefore, the palms may begin to itch after recently experiencing psychological stress. Try to remember an event that could provoke such a reaction in your body, calm down, drink a decoction of sedative herbs. This will help get rid of the annoying feeling;
  • Scabies. Perhaps the discomfort is caused by the fact that you have become infected with a tick. A characteristic symptom of scabies is that the itching intensifies in the evening or at night. In addition, blisters filled with clear liquid appear on the skin. Scabies is quite difficult to treat and takes a long time, and besides, you risk infecting the people around you with it. Therefore, if you suspect this disease, you should immediately take action by contacting a dermatologist who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Advice! In women, the right palm may itch for a very simple reason: due to frequent contact with aggressive household chemicals. It is worth doing household chores while wearing gloves: this will protect your skin and protect you from unpleasant consequences cleaning and washing dishes!

Psychological reasons

There is a whole branch of psychology called psychosomatics. It studies the connection between various diseases and sensations in the body and mental processes.

Hands are of great importance in psychosomatics. After all, the hand is one of the most important analyzers; with the help of our hands we perform great amount actions. The hands are controlled by fairly large parts of the brain, so it is not surprising that sensations in this part of the body are extremely important for any psychotherapist.

The right hand is associated with activity, energy, creativity and aggressiveness. Perhaps you feel itching in your right palm because you harbor a grudge against someone and cannot express it. This is where the expression came from: “Fists itched.” Try writing a letter to the offender, trying to put all your rage and resentment into your right hand. Of course, you shouldn’t send a letter: just give yourself the opportunity to throw out your emotions and forget about them. In addition, regular exercise helps get rid of hidden aggression.

The feeling may also indicate that for some reason you have blocked your own creative energy. Think about it: maybe you have long dreamed of drawing, writing poetry, or even composing stories, but for some reason you don’t allow yourself to do it. Who knows, maybe you are literally haunted by the “creative itch”?

Advice! The body often sends us various signals. Be more attentive to them: this helps to identify hidden psychological problems and their elaboration.

You can believe in the signs or ignore them, but in any case, the constant feeling of itching in your hand should alert you. It may be a skin disease and you need to see a doctor. Or maybe your subconscious is giving you some kind of signal that needs to be deciphered.

A folk sign is a kind of help in life. It helps you tune in to the upcoming changes, prepare for them and meet your future fully armed. The Universe sometimes chooses very peculiar signals to warn about the future. The main thing is to record them in time and understand them correctly, which is not always easy. For example, when figuring out why your right hand itches, you will have to take into account many factors. Let's look at them in more detail.

The right hand itches - the meaning of the sign

The itching in your right hand should be so severe and long-lasting that you pay attention to it. Otherwise, it doesn't matter. The sign itself can be interpreted ambiguously, since much depends on the time period and the part of the hand that itches.

However, there is general interpretation signs. So, the right hand may itch before meeting with friends and loved ones, before meeting new pleasant people. Since the right hand is extended for a handshake during a greeting, the sign has its own logic.

In some cases, itching in the right hand is interpreted as future monetary gain. Moreover, completely random.

In order to attract more money, you need to take a coin and put it in your pocket. You should carry it with you for several days, sometimes take it out of your pocket, hold it in your fingers, and look at it. These actions will tune your thoughts and subconscious to an appropriate positive response, and then positive events related to finances will begin to occur in your life. The main thing here is not to miss good opportunities, which will suddenly open.

Interpretation of signs by day of the week

The sign can be interpreted depending on when the itching in the right hand occurred.

  • Monday. A very positive sign that promises a wonderful meeting with an old friend, relative, acquaintance whom you have missed for a long time. A date with the opposite sex will be especially wonderful.
  • Tuesday. Money will come unexpectedly. This could be a repayment of a debt, winning a lottery, a bonus, an inheritance, or a wallet that you find along the way. By the way, this is an excellent sign for those who play on the stock exchange.
  • Wednesday. Unfortunately, if your right hand itches on this day, then, on the contrary, you will have to say goodbye to money. However, there is no need to let go of your finances bad mood. Let it be a joy - a gift for good man, a purchase that has long been dreamed of, charity.
  • Thursday. Guests will come to you unexpectedly. And this is good, because meeting friends whom you have not seen for a long time always brings joy. Therefore, it is better to start preparing in advance delicious snacks and bake pies.
  • Friday. A wonderful romantic evening with your loved one, an unforgettable date. For married people, this is a wonderful time, full of love and tenderness, a moment that simply needs to be taken advantage of.
  • Saturday and Sunday. An unexpected pleasant trip, very short, literally for a day or two, to loved ones, friends or relatives whom we have not seen for a long time.

The palm is one of the most magical parts of the body. The lines on it are used to predict the future; hands are also used to perform various rituals. There are also many superstitions associated with the palms, which allow one to learn about the facts of the future. Separately, it is worth highlighting the signs that explain why the right palm, nose, forehead, lips and other parts of the body itch. Most often they are warnings about certain important events near future.

It is important, before understanding the signs, to exclude all reasonable causes of itching. If this concerns the palm, then it may itch due to excessive sweating, insect bites, allergies and various diseases.

Why is my right palm itching?

Most often, itching in this part of the hand is related to finances. How a person makes a profit depends on what day his palm itched. If itching appears on Monday, this is a sign that money will come unexpectedly and from an unknown source. Now let's find out why it itches right palm on Tuesday: in this case, you should expect it in the coming days wages. If the itching appeared on Wednesday, it means they will give it away soon old debt. When your palm itches on Thursday, this is a harbinger of receiving a bonus. Itching of the right palm on Friday means that you will have to borrow money from someone. If your palm itched on Saturday, it means that money will be a gift from loved one. It remains to find out the meaning of the sign, why the right palm itches on Sunday. Itching on this day will tell you that you will receive money by selling some things. It is worth considering that the size of the amount directly depends on the strength of the overthrow. In another source, itching in the right palm, on the contrary, promises unexpected expenses.

There is another interpretation of the sign, why the right palm itches. According to him, itching in this area appears on the eve of a date, and it can be completely different character. For example, for a young girl, superstition promises a romantic meeting with a pleasant man, and if a male businessman has the itch, it means that he will soon participate in negotiations that will end successfully. Interpretations of signs when the palm itches can also be divided into days of the week:

  1. The itching appeared on Monday, which means the meeting will be with a familiar person.
  2. If your palm itched on Tuesday, this is a harbinger of a meeting with an old friend.
  3. On Wednesday, the sign is interpreted differently: expect to meet a pleasant person.
  4. When the itch appears on Thursday, you will soon meet your loved one.
  5. If your palm itches on Friday, this is a sign predicting an unexpected meeting.
  6. Itchy palm right hand on Saturday, which means expect a romantic date.
  7. If the itching appeared on Sunday, this is a harbinger of a meeting with an influential person.

There is another deciphering of the sign why the right palm itches. Itching can represent restrained rage and irritation. To get rid of unpleasant feelings, try to throw out the energy. To do this, you can go to a concert, football or disco; in general, choose a place where you can shout. Itching may also occur in the palm of your hand before an important event in life. As you know, the left hemisphere, which controls the right hand, is responsible for logic and thinking. If itching appears, then you should take the upcoming events with full responsibility.

As you can see, essentially the same sign has many interpretations, so it’s worth drawing an analogy with your own life. In general, each person has the right to independently decide to believe in these superstitions or not, but one thing can be said: they contain the wisdom of more than one generation.

Folk signs and beliefs can influence our lives. The ability to interpret certain accomplished facts helps to correct one’s behavior and, as a result, change the future. Even minor details, from the point of view of beliefs, are important for making some decisions. Consider such a common phenomenon as mild itching of the right palm.

Signs: why your right hand or palm itches

There are many signs associated with hands. People with small hands are good leaders, while people with large hands are excellent analysts. Hairy hands speak of future financial wealth, perseverance, and determination. Sweeping hand movements give away a chatterbox. Sweeping away crumbs with your palm means being in need. A friend is not welcomed across the threshold.

Hands have great energy power

With them man creates and destroys. Healers who can control this power help people. They heal by transferring a particle of their mysterious substance using directed palms. A person who does not know the art of energy management can study signs by paying attention to the signals of his own body.

If itching in your right hand occurs suddenly

Analyze the situation, decipher the “clue”, take the right step. The hand itches, warning of a certain event, the opportunity to make your own adjustments. If “going with the flow” is not your way of life, then feel free to look for these opportunities, avoiding “obstacles”, choosing the most comfortable and pleasant path.

If a person’s right hand is the main working hand (not left-handed)

Then the meaning of the accumulated itching can be deciphered as a desire to throw out negative energy. When they say to a fighter: “Itchy fists,” this is what they mean. Think about your grievances, your anger, aggressive behavior. If they took place, then itching in the palm signals that the time has come to “let off steam.” Simple advice: do something that will allow your adrenaline to flow (attend a rock concert, skydive, go to the fear room).

The right hand is “responsible” for financial flows

Take money with your right hand, give it with your left, this is how balance is maintained. financial sector. Itching of the right hand before a responsible decision related to money indicates a favorable situation and future income.

Scientific background

You can interpret an itchy palm from the point of view scientific knowledge. The right side of the body is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain. There are centers responsible for logic and rationalism. If you are waiting for changes in your career, you are expected to make informed decisions, treat them with respect special attention, don't take risks.

Itchy palm - get ready for a meeting

The palm may itch, warning of an upcoming meeting with the right person or just a pleasant person. If you don’t want to frighten off the event, don’t scratch your palm, but clench your fist and hide it in your pocket. By the way, washing your hand with cold water can “erase” information about the upcoming episode and redirect energy flows in another direction. Just place your palm under the stream and hold until the itching goes away.

Signs by day of the week

An interesting explanation of the itching of the right palm in young people unmarried girls by day of the week:


A romantic meeting with a friend.


Expect a pleasant date.


New meeting. Meeting the groom.


The sudden return of a loved one.


Rendezvous with your ex.


The appearance of a handsome stranger.


The appearance of a rich admirer.

What does it mean if your right arm or palm itches in the evening?

Evening itching hints to you what may happen tomorrow. Talks about possible responsible decisions, important meetings, interesting offers.

Try to tune in and have a good rest. Try not to scratch your palm, but clench your fist and kiss.

If the itching is unbearable, scratch the area towards you.

Why might the palm of your right hand itch in the morning?

Morning itching indicates upcoming meetings during the day. Prepare more thoroughly for trips and leaving home. If a pleasant meeting is inevitable, it is better to be “fully armed.” If the meeting is not very pleasant, do not be afraid, boldly defend your opinion, discuss, show your will. Higher power favor you.

Don’t be afraid to spend money on global purchases on this day. The equipment will work, the fur coat will wear, the financial gap will soon be filled.

Our body accumulates information at all levels. The movement of streams and their interaction have not yet been sufficiently studied. When an excess of “data” accumulates, the body signals through various manifestations, for example, itching. Listen to your body, learn to recognize your signals, trust your intuition more.

According to signs, the right palm itches for money or a pleasant meeting. The meaning depends on the day you notice the itching. But remember: each person personally creates his own future.

In the article:

The right palm itches - money signs

If you feel itching in your right hand, you can be sure that you will soon get salary increase or other financial incentive . Notice how clearly this fact is expressed.

Some believe that the stronger the itch, the more money a person will receive. If not only your palm itches, but also or even your shoulder, the profit will be of unprecedented proportions. There is a similar sign about.

Don’t plan to spend as soon as your right hand itches. Perform some manipulations to attract wealth.

Imagine that the money has already arrived to you. Make a fist, kiss it, feel how happy you are about this profit, put your hand in your pocket and only then open your palm. This ritual will bring the long-awaited wealth closer.

There is another ritual. Rub the red wooden object vigorously with your right hand and say:

I rub against the red so that it’s not in vain.

By following our advice, you will activate a positive sign program and.

When your palm itched for a meeting

Itching in this part of the body indicates that you will soon meet an old friend. Our ancestors believed that such a feeling portends firm handshake. Therefore, pay attention to close people whom you have not seen for a long time. Perhaps it's time to meet and enjoy communication.

The right hand itches not only for friendly meetings. It is possible for relatives to come from afar. It’s not a fact that you will be happy with such guests.

Why else is your right hand itching? This phenomenon can predict a business meeting. You may have to communicate with a client or business partner. Whether the conversation will be pleasant depends on your actions in the past.

Signs by day of the week

The meaning of the belief varies depending on the day you experienced the itch. Mainly it’s money and meeting acquaintances, partners or friends. But there are also exceptions.

There are many signs about itching in various parts of the body, including the right hand. Most of them have a positive meaning and foretell meetings with friends and cash receipts. But every belief also has a dark side. However, you shouldn’t focus on it - a lot depends on what you’re in the mood for.

In contact with

According to folk signs, the right palm itches for an unexpected meeting. You will have a strong handshake with a distant relative, friend or long-forgotten work comrade.

Other interpretations of signs

    The palm of the right hand may itch for monetary events. In the near future you will receive a certain amount of money or part with finances. You may be reminded of past debt obligations and demand a refund. There is a risk of unforeseen expenses.

    So that the sign has an exclusively positive meaning for you and promises an increase in salary or unexpected wealth, immediately when itching occurs, rub your palm on the tree. If there are no growing trees near you, you can perform such a ritual using wooden table top or a red object (a piece of fabric, a handkerchief or a piece of clothing). During this, it is useful to say to yourself the phrase: “Oh, red rubbish, it’s not in vain that I wait.”

    Attract money luck it is possible in another way. As soon as you feel itching in your right palm, immediately take the money and squeeze it into the fist of your right hand. Continue holding the bills or change as long as you feel the urge to scratch.

    The right palm may begin to itch from an excess of negative energy. Take a closer look around and analyze who in your immediate environment annoys you or drives you to rage. “Itchy fists” most often occur in reserved and reserved individuals who accumulate grievances and do not allow their emotions to come out.

    To throw out all the negativity and balance your internal state, go to the next adventure movie, play paintball with friends or visit an amusement park. Spill out your emotions and recharge yourself with a wave of fresh impressions.

    For unmarried girls - a pleasant acquaintance with a young man. In this and the coming days, be active and don’t stay at home. Attend interesting events and do not refuse invitations to go out. Perhaps this is where surprises from the Universe await you.

    To make the moment of meeting come as quickly as possible, scratch your right palm with your left hand, kiss it three times, quickly clench it into a fist and put it in the right pocket of any clothing. After this, unclench your fingers and remove your hand.

    If you are not in the mood for a love rendezvous in this moment, washing the palm of your right hand under running water. At the same time, mentally imagine how water takes away moments that do not interest you and brings what you really need: a promotion, material wealth. After this, it is strictly forbidden to wipe your hand with a towel. To consolidate the effect of the ritual, it must dry naturally.

    For men - be prepared to make important decisions. You may be offered a business contract or caught off guard by love news. Get your act together and make only informed decisions.

If the itching comes not only from the palm, but also from back side, beware of gifts from friends. Such generous gestures will not be done from the heart and will bring you disappointment.

The right wrist or hand itches before hard work that will be well paid. Be patient and save your strength - you will need it.

Both palms itch for a positive outcome in any endeavor. The favorable will be doubled, and all the negative will dissipate without your participation.

The interpretation of signs depends on various circumstances: day of the week, time of day.

Why does your right palm itch by day of the week?

Monday- you may be happy with financial income not related to work. High chances of finding a large sum money or win the lottery.

Do not store funds received this way. It’s better to spend them for your own pleasure and thereby support the cycle of your financial well-being.

For young people, itching of the right palm on this day can symbolize pleasant flirting with members of the opposite sex. However, the relationship will not progress beyond spending time together.

In this way, fate warns business people and entrepreneurs about a close meeting with former partners or colleagues. Be prepared for unexpected questions and talk less about your current situation.

Tuesday- a friendly meeting is coming. Wait phone call from a childhood friend, a college roommate, or a forgotten acquaintance. Do not refuse the opportunity to remember the old days and feel free to go to gatherings.

Another interpretation of the sign speaks of future cash receipts related to the place of work. Get ready to receive a salary, bonus or financial incentive from your superiors.

Wednesday- romantic events await you. If you are unmarried and single, rest assured: your soulmate will soon appear on the horizon of your life.

For women in love, this may mean receiving a gift from the object of their affection. It will not be devoid of meaning and will make you think about serious changes in life.

For married people, the possibility of a light affair on the side is not excluded. There are fans in your immediate circle who want to get to know you better. Think with a cool head and consider the consequences of your weakness.

The right palm may itch in anticipation of a money find. You will accidentally discover a lost wallet with money, or it will be forgotten before your eyes bank card at an ATM. However, do not be deluded by the prospect of getting rich. Try to return the forgotten item to the real owner or donate all the profits to a charitable organization.

Thursday- soon you will meet loved ones and family with whom you have long lost contact. On this day, the sign does not foretell new acquaintances, but only strengthens old relationships. Therefore for married women this may mean that the husband will soon return from a business trip or service. Young and single people should remember when in last time they were with their parents. Perhaps one of them needs help or support. Put your plans aside for later and don’t wait for a convenient reason to visit. Make your loved ones happy by giving your attention.

Another interpretation of the sign foreshadows an imminent quarrel with relatives. You may be provoked into an unpleasant conversation or mentioned things that are unpleasant for you. Try to pay less attention to what is said and keep your emotions under control.

Friday- circumstances may develop in such a way that you will have to borrow a large amount of money. Do not be sad: what you borrow on this day is returned faster than usual.

Itching of the right palm on this day may indicate a promotion, which you will soon be informed about. Keep up the good work and watch your actions. Don't let your mistakes become an obstacle to your career advancement.

For young women, this sign speaks of a close meeting with ex-love. Don't get upset or depressed. Perhaps you have a chance to dot all the i’s and voice the unsaid.

Saturday- the right palm in this way tries to protect you from disappointments. On this day, do not start important things and do not plan any events. All this may be in vain. You are on the verge of a dark streak in life or a series of unpleasant situations. Therefore, relax and try to accept the situation regardless of your subjective perception.

For women, there is a high probability of going on a long-awaited date with a man who cares. Take care of yours appearance and meet the dawn of your prospects fully armed.

Sunday- the palm of the right hand itches on this day for positive events. Those who have been looking for their love for a long time have every chance to soon put on an engagement ring.

Those whose business is in decline should hope for an increase in sales or the appearance of an influential patron. Perhaps you will be returned a long-promised debt or surprised with a luxurious gift. Accept such gestures of attention without regard to conscience and do not think about what others will say about you.

For women, this may signal an impending scandal with their best friend. Someone around you is jealous of your friendship and is trying to interfere with your harmonious relationship. Be vigilant and do not allow yourself to become a victim of other people's intrigues.

Why does my right palm itch depending on the time of day?

Morning- in the evening or tomorrow in the morning an important romantic or a business meeting. Regardless of its course, you will receive answers to questions that have been troubling you for a long time. Don’t be afraid to debate and defend your rightness - your plans are still destined to come true.

On this day, protect yourself from big expenses. The acquisitions made will be useless and will not bring the expected result.

Day- today you should be wary of harsh conversations with your loved ones. Perhaps someone will want to humiliate you or hook you with their words. Do not succumb to external provocations and spend this day alone with yourself. This way you will not only escape the conflict, but you will also be able to strengthen your inner spirit.

Evening- A difficult day awaits you tomorrow. The right palm itches at sunset or before bed to make important decisions, make transactions or long-awaited purchases. Don’t be surprised if tomorrow at work you are offered a higher position or informed about the arrival of a product that you have been waiting for for months.

For family people this may be a harbinger of joyful changes. You will soon move into your own home or become parents. Don't think about the bad and spend more time with your loved ones.

Folk omens predict only the possibility of a certain scenario of events. You can humbly accept it or act at the call of your heart despite the circumstances. Don't give up, and luck will definitely smile on you.