Why do you dream of wearing new clothes? Why do you dream about clothes? Dream Interpretation

In my night dreams we saw new clothes? In reality, you have grandiose plans. They will be implemented successfully if you are careful and follow each stage of implementation - this is the opinion of most dream books. But in order to understand in detail why you dream about something like this, try to remember as much as possible more details- new color, style, appearance and other little things.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

This interpreter considered all dreams in which this or that part of clothing appears prophetic.

For example, a dream in which you received a beautiful dress as a gift, but completely out of fashion, suggests that very soon you will change not only your interests, but also your circle of acquaintances. Trying on a suit that doesn't fit you? In reality, you are not doing what you like. But if you bought a large number of new things, which means you will soon feel an incredible creative surge.

Wardrobe item

What kind of clothes you dreamed about will also play an important role in the meaning of what you saw. Try to remember what exactly you dreamed about, and then look at the interpretation data below.

  • Strict “office” dress. Making a choice between career and family will not be so easy.
  • Weightless robe light shades. You will have a chance to flirt.
  • The skirt is below the knee. You are a person of conservative habits.
  • Short mini skirt. Get ready for a love adventure.
  • Shorts. Relax in pleasant company.
  • Three-piece suit. Good luck in your career.
  • Long cloak. A long, unforgettable journey awaits you.

Clothes fitting

The Eastern Dream Book explains why you dream of trying on new clothes.

Have you tried on a red dress or shoes of the same shade? Soon you will meet a very interesting person.

But trying on a new suit that you don’t like at all hints at the fact that evil gossip is being spread behind your back.

Did you dream that you were trying on clothes from someone else’s shoulder? Try to remember what she was like. If you are beautiful, happy moments await you in reality. But poor and unsightly clothes promise quarrels and disappointments, the dream book explains.

The plan will succeed

Why do you dream about buying new clothes? This is a very pleasant sign. He promises the fulfillment of the most cherished desires and the implementation of the most daring ideas.

The Muslim dream book has a slightly different vision - trying on clothes while sleeping hints at the fact that you want to “try on” a new life for yourself.

According to Freud's dream book, if a woman buys men's clothing in a dream or vice versa, the dreamer or the sleeping woman experiences secret sexual desires. But if you happen to buy children's clothes, in reality you dream of becoming a parent.

Receive as a gift

Explaining why you dream of new clothes purchased as a gift for another person, the Spring Dream Book advises remembering who it was intended for.

Do you have a dream in which your spouse gave you a luxurious dress? In reality, you will find yourself surrounded by attention and care. You yourself turned out to be the donor and gave the other half a suit? The relationship will move to a new level of trust.

A dream in which you are given an ugly thing and, moreover, are forced to immediately put it on, is not so good. According to Vanga’s dream book, you will be upset by the hypocrisy of someone close to you.

Palette of shades

When trying to understand why you dream of new clothes, don’t forget about their color.

  • Did you dream about a man in white? In reality, a lot of problems will fall on you, and melancholy will overcome you.
  • In a dream, do you see your own son dressed in a yellow suit? Get a significant amount of money. Did you dream of a daughter in a yellow robe? You'll have to spend money.
  • Those who see a woman in a black dress should not be afraid. This does not at all promise mourning, but is associated with triumph and success.
  • Buying, trying on or dressing someone in red clothes? Your relationship is full of passion, joy and unforgettable experiences.
  • What might you dream about if you dress a deceased person in a colorful suit? In reality, you will be quite calm about the fact that your secret has ceased to be such.
  • And if you dress your child in green clothes, in reality he will enjoy excellent health.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/02/2019

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. An abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions, given by Morpheus, says...
  • Seeing clothes in a dream is a dream-prediction. The success of your business depends on what the clothes were like in the dream: whole and clean, or dirty and torn.
  • Seeing excellent but unfashionable clothes foretells that you will be lucky, but will neglect valuable ideas.
  • If you refuse clothes that are out of fashion, then soon you will move away from your current environment, start new affairs, and make new love affairs. All this will completely change you.
  • Seeing yourself and others dressed in white means change, and almost always sad.
  • Walking with a person in white means illness and grief for him, unless this is a young woman or a child. In the latter case, you can expect pleasant events.
  • Seeing yourself and others portends quarrels, disappointments and unwanted travel companions. Commercial activity will not meet your desires.
  • Seeing yellow clothes - portends interesting entertainment and financial success. If you see a silently moving ghost in yellow, unnatural lighting, then you should expect a change for the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream.
  • Seeing blue clothes in a dream means that your energy will help you achieve your desires. Friends will support you.
  • Seeing crimson clothes in a dream means that you will get rid of terrible enemies by changing your intentions in time.
  • Seeing green robes is a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness.
  • Seeing multi-colored robes portends drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad in the future.
  • Seeing ill-fitting clothes in a dream means the end of some of your attachments. It is possible that you will make a mistake in some enterprise.
  • Seeing an old man or young man in well-tailored suits - means that you will undertake some unpleasant and troublesome business.
  • If a woman dreams that she does not like her clothes, the dream foretells that she will encounter unpleasant competition in achieving social success.
  • If she admires the clothes of others, the dream promises jealous suspicions of her friend.
  • Seeing the loss of some toilet detail in a dream means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love.
  • For a young woman to see herself in a black suit in a dream - the dream portends sadness and disappointment.
  • If she sees in a dream another woman in crimson clothes with a crepe mourning veil on her face, it means that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she did not consider equal to herself; bitter disappointment will embitter her against all women.
  • Interpreting a dream about clothes. You must pay attention to whether the objects you see are natural. If the faces are distorted and the light is unnatural, although the colors are bright, be careful, because failure to implement important plans will cause you harm.
  • Dirty and torn clothes always portend deception and warn about caution in dealing with strangers. Such a dream may also portend an action that could tarnish your reputation. But clean clothes mean prosperity.
  • If you dream that you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise wrong actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough even the most necessary things.
  • For a young lady, this dream promises unfulfilled hopes.
  • Light, pleasant cotton clothing promises that circumstances will soon not be in your favor. Weaving cotton in a dream is a harbinger of a successful marriage with an enterprising and economic person, For married women- this is a promise of comfort in the home and harmony.
  • Seeing yourself undressed portends gossip around your name.
  • Seeing an important person undressed in a dream portends grief and pain for the people dear to you.
  • Seeing others undressed is a harbinger of joy stolen from you.

In a recent dream, was this or that item of clothing most memorable? In this case, don’t be lazy to look into the dream book, because there will be very interesting and useful interpretations of this plot that will help you find out what awaits in the near future, and will also tell you how objectively you evaluate yourself.

In order to get a correct prediction about what clothes are for in a dream, you need to remember a number of details of the vision. For example, what was the color of the dreamed thing, its condition, style.


First of all, pay attention to the colors of the dreamed toilet.

  • Thus, white clothes promise pleasant meetings and joyful events.
  • Black, on the contrary, warns of possible troubles.
  • Red symbolizes passion, ardent love.
  • Pink is associated with a carefree, cheerful existence.
  • It is urgent to take a break, rest, gather strength and thoughts, since the sleeper is tired, physically and spiritually exhausted, this is why blue clothes are dreamed of.
  • However, the blue tint of the dreamed outfit indicates success in professional or business areas, predicts the emergence of new friends, faithful partners.
  • When you see yellow clothes in night vision, be wary. The dream book suggests that in reality there is an insidious schemer, a hypocrite, lurking nearby. Moreover, this person managed to gain your trust.
  • Green dresses, according to the dream book, are a sign of happiness, success, and prosperity.

Type, condition

Plans are feasible, wishes will come true, this is what new clothes mean in dreams. But the old one, according to the dream book, is a signal that the dreamer needs to overcome serious obstacles on the way to the desired goal.
Did you notice in your dream that your clothes were dirty? Be vigilant, perhaps someone is actually trying to deceive you, set you up. Torn toilets predict a situation in which your reputation will suffer.

A dream about a clothing store promises dizzying success, including in your career. And if you happened to purchase new clothes in your wardrobe in a dream, then interesting, memorable events will happen in reality. Deals and contracts will turn out to be profitable, besides, you clearly and competently plan your financial affairs, which is why you dreamed that you were choosing clothes.

The dream of children's clothing is associated with a certain “brainchild” that will completely absorb the dreamer in the near future. It is possible that a baby will appear in the family, or a person will become interested in a certain project or idea.

True, in a number of dream books this plot predicts conflicts between household members, or quarrels with the “other half”. The reason for the misunderstanding and cooling may be a lack of attention on the part of the sleeping person to his spouse.

Did you see bloody clothes? This plot is a hint - the competitors are planning something evil against the sleeper, trying to tarnish his good name.

Desires and feelings

There is a desire to distance yourself from former acquaintances, not to remember events of the past, to break old ties; this is what a dream in which clothes are washed means.

If you managed to wash it perfectly, then the dreamer will cope with all the adversities and problems that befall him quickly enough, the dream book promises. But if there are stains on things, then a difficult, thorny path and trials lie ahead. And all because many will try to place, harm the sleeping person, slander him, set traps, and start intrigues.

You strive, like an ostrich, to hide, to abstract yourself from difficulties, which is why you dreamed that you put on many things at once.

Have you noticed in your dream that you are wearing too many bright, beautiful wardrobe items? The Dream Interpretation recommends choosing business associates more carefully. This vision should also force the sleeper to be more careful about spending, expenses, and to more carefully control the work of an accountant and financier.

The dreamer is looking for, thinking over ways to protect himself, anticipating the impending danger, this is what he dreamed of, like he is looking for clothes.

In a dream, did you undress, taking off things? Then you have already subconsciously prepared for a new stage in life. When the clothes that you took off during your night's sleep were dirty and worn, then the dream book promises a noticeable increase, an improvement in your financial situation. And if the things you filmed were new, then you simply can no longer hide your romantic feelings, and are about to tell the object of your passion about them.

Any stains on clothing are interpreted by the dream book as the machinations of enemies trying to harm the dreamer and slander him. Therefore, if you see such things in your sleep at night, be on your guard, because evil envious people will not disdain to set traps intended for you.

Get your thoughts in order

Why do you dream of a man dressed in women's clothing? The dream book explains that this image shows how tired and exhausted the sleeper is. The reason is overwork caused by intense, nervous work, or troubles at work. The only advice in this situation is to take a vacation, come to your senses a little, gather your thoughts and strength. And then everything will go like clockwork.

Crazy carnal desires overcome you, that’s why you dreamed that you were tearing your clothes. You are simply delusional about a certain person, but are afraid to confess your feelings to her.

However, the dream book believes that it is most reasonable to behave as naturally as possible and if the opportunity arises, you will willingly respond to the signs of attention shown towards you. If a closer relationship develops, this is good, because it will not just be great sex, but tender affection and friendship.

Jackets, coats

The dream book will give an exact answer to those who are interested in what outerwear is for in dreams. So, the coat is a harbinger of the honor that will surround the sleeping person for being brave, decisive and dedicated.

And if you dreamed of a jacket, then the dream book suggests a radical change in the image of the sleeping person. A new style His manner of dressing will help him with finding a job and establishing connections with colleagues.

Actions of the sleeper

A kind, warm, trusting atmosphere will be established in the family, such a forecast is given by the dream book to those who night dream ironed things. And if you remember exactly that you were using an iron, putting a classic suit in order, then you will be lucky in finding a job - you will find an interesting, well-paid job.

What to think if you were careless and a scorch from the iron appeared on your clothes? The dream book hints: keep an eye on your other half, it is possible that you have a rival (rival).

But the closet in which the wardrobe is stored can be associated in a dream with the state of thoughts and thoughts of a dozing person. If, for example, the wardrobe is full of things, crumpled up carelessly, then the sleeper is famous for his absent-mindedness and lack of concentration. Moreover, as the dream book suspects, such a character does not always know or understand what he needs. And he can’t sort out his own feelings.

It’s a different matter when in a dream things are laid out on the shelves of a closet. Such a dreamed order promises that the dreamer will succeed, because he is used to acting step by step, systematically, without rushing.

In the dream book there is a very disturbing commentary on the vision that clothes are burning. This plot predicts large financial or material losses. Moreover, through the fault of the characters who are close to the sleeping person. He trusts them immensely. But in vain, the dream book reproaches, because these people are envious and full of hatred.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

New clothes in a dream are always associated with new plans and foretell good luck in business, new acquaintances, new relationships, new period in life or a profitable business if you like these things. Such a dream is especially favorable if you put on clothes and see yourself. If you dream that your lover is wearing the clothes that he wore before meeting you, then your relationship will soon come to naught, as his intentions will change.

Seeing or wearing rags or old clothes in a dream is a sign of need and deprivation. If you dream that you are wearing a lot of clothes, then expect trouble.

Seeing or buying children's clothes in a dream means that your hopes are in vain. Sometimes after such a dream one should expect family scandals or quarrels with a lover. Carefully sewn clothes in a dream foreshadow troubles and worries.

Seeing, trying on or putting on your old clothes in a dream means that you will live the same way as at the time when you wore these clothes. Unfashionable but good-quality clothes in a dream portend you modest prosperity and a calm, measured life.

If you dream that you are taking off old, worn, tattered clothes, or simply clothes that you don’t like, then good changes in life, success in business and in your personal life await you.

Staining a dress with oil in a dream is a sign of success in love.

Wearing someone else's clothes in a dream, especially if they don't suit you, means that troubles and disappointments await you. Such a dream also warns you that you have taken on the wrong business. For lovers, such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes and hints that they are not comfortable cutting down a tree. If you dream that you do not like your clothes in a dream, then you have rivals who would like to take your position in society. If your clothes are too big for you or you are wearing someone else’s, then you are not doing your own thing. Borrowing someone else's clothes in a dream means that you cannot do without someone else's help.

If in a dream someone asks you to lend him your clothes, and you refuse this person, then you should be wary of envious people or rivals. Such a dream also indicates that your rivals will be powerless in their attempts to harm you. If in a dream your clothes are too small, then you are doing empty work. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may soon find yourself in straitened circumstances if you do not learn to spend money wisely. Clothing that fits you poorly in a dream foretells disappointments and experiences associated with this. Wearing the clothes of loved ones or relatives in a dream means that you will receive an inheritance after their death (or after separation from these people).

A dream in which you saw that someone else’s high-quality or rich clothes suited you perfectly, then a business for which you did not have high hopes will come true and promises you the respect of others and profit. The same can be said about the long clothes that you dream about.

If you dream that you are poorly or poorly dressed, then your life will be joyless and monotonous, associated with worries about a piece of daily bread.

Admiring someone else's clothes in a dream warns you: beware of the jealousy of your spouse or lover.

Wearing wedding clothes in a dream means that illness or great sorrow awaits you. Wearing a wedding dress with pleasure in a dream means joy and success in business. Often such a dream foreshadows new meetings and acquaintances.

Seeing a dirty dress or stained clothes on oneself in a dream is a sign of disgrace, humiliation and shame.

Clothes drenched in blood, seen in a dream, warns you that your enemies are not sitting idle.

Having or seeing a lot of elegant clothes in a dream means that you live carefree and spend money without thinking. However, this will not last forever. The dream predicts that you will soon have to regret your extravagance.

Wearing a clean shirt in a dream means that you will be able to avoid trouble. If in a dream your shirt is white, then they are waiting for you good news about success in business. If you dream that you are sewing a shirt, then a loved one will appreciate your feelings for him if in the dream you can finish your work. But if you do not complete it in a dream, then your happiness with your loved one will not be complete. Losing your shirt in a dream means that failure and shame await you.

Wearing silk bloomers in a dream means making a profit. Wearing trousers in a dream indicates that you will try to get out of a difficult situation with honor. Buying trousers in a dream or seeing new ones is a sign of success in business. Taking off your pants in a dream is a sign of loss or loss.

Seeing or wearing a formal dress, tailcoat or tuxedo in a dream is a sign of imminent entry into a profitable marriage. Seeing a uniform in a dream means that a responsible job awaits you, thanks to which you will earn the respect of others and make a decent fortune. If you dream that you are putting on a priest’s robe, then the patronage of an important dignitary awaits you. The richer the robe, the richer your patron will be.

A dream in which you saw that your outfit is decorated with flowers means that your happiness is short-lived.

If you dream that you are walking through mud and your clothes are dirty, then beware of illness.

Putting on a woman's dress is a shame and loss for men; for a woman to be in men's clothing in a dream - a harbinger of imminent marriage.

Losing clothes or a piece of clothing in a dream is a sign that your hopes are in vain.

Seeing a cheap dress in a dream means vain hopes.

Being left without clothes in a dream means that shame and humiliation await you.

Seeing or wearing a vest means false news. For a woman to see herself luxuriously dressed (in a shiny, unusual dress or suit) is a sign of a serious illness.

A hole in clothes in a dream foreshadows illness or injury in the place where the hole will be.

Seeing patches on clothes is a sign that your well-being will be shaken.

Applying patches in a dream means that soon you will have to seriously reduce your expenses. Seeing patches on others is a sign of imminent need and trouble. A patch on new clothes is a harbinger that your bright hopes will not come true. Being ashamed of a patch or covering it up in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in a desperate situation and will try to hide it from others.

Sewing a patch in a dream is a sign that you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to your own stupidity and frivolity. Patches in a dream mean everything that is connected with hopes of improving one’s material well-being, which, as a rule, are not justified. Seeing or installing a lot of patches means lack of money. See spots.

To be wrapped in rags and numerous clothes in a dream means that you will be entangled by bad and deceitful people. Such a dream calls for caution. Being wrapped in expensive fabric in a dream is a sign of honor and respect from others.

Seeing a caftan in a dream means a calm, well-ordered life in the house.

Breaking it, losing it or spoiling it is a harbinger of trouble that will destroy your life.

Leather clothing in a dream is a sign of prosperity and good luck. After a dream in which you saw yourself dressed in leather clothes, you can try your luck in risky ventures. It is believed that the business will work out.

Seeing a corset in a dream is a sign of revealing a secret. Sometimes such a dream predicts that the person you love is not indifferent to you, but hides his feelings.

Wearing a corset in a dream means suffering due to one’s own curiosity.

Trying on a corset in a dream means for a wedding.

Fastening (unfastening) a corset in a dream is an indication that you should show patience in an important matter, and not take out your anger on your neighbors in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels.

A men's suit in a dream is a symbol of unsuccessful money transactions.

Seeing a masquerade costume in a dream foreshadows an extraordinary turn in your business.

A children's fancy dress in your dream means that you will be lucky in places you never thought possible. See masquerade.

Seeing cuffs on your dress in a dream is a sign of celebration, an official meeting. Seeing them starched and very white is a sign of honor or respect from others. Sometimes such a dream means the stability of your position or emphasizes the firmness of your position on some issue. If the cuffs on your dress are torn, dirty, frayed, then expect grief due to failures in business or love. Such a dream predicts that you will be dissatisfied with yourself, and your pride will be hurt by the dishonest and vile act of your partner or loved one. If you dream that there are no cuffs on the dress, although you know that they should be there, then something will not turn out the way you would like. See cufflinks, jewelry, collar.

Seeing a coat in a dream is a sign of a change in position. The more expensive and beautiful it is, the better your business will go. Dropping, losing, getting dirty, seeing it torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of great troubles, difficulties, and humiliation.

If it turns out to be large, then disappointments and failures await you in a matter that is “too tough for you.” If you dream that someone took your coat, then difficulties await you in business and in your personal life.

A cloak in a dream is a symbol of your condition, what you have or will have by law. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may receive an inheritance. If you dream that you are putting on a raincoat to protect yourself from bad weather or something else, then you should remember that the enemy is watching you. A raincoat (raincoat) in a dream means that you need to take safety measures to protect your interests or health. A camouflage cloak in a dream foreshadows troubles in business and indicates the need to keep your eyes open, since the enemy is not asleep. A new cloak in a dream portends success and prosperity. Covering yourself with it in a dream means receiving a lucrative offer. If you don’t like the cloak in a dream, then your affairs will not go well. See gap.

A home or hospital robe in a dream portends ill health, worries and troubles. However, to dream of men's dressing gowns in which you can walk down the street (such as national, quilted, beautifully embroidered) is a sign that another person will soon join your family. If the robe has an exotic look, then the person will be of a different nationality. Seeing a lot of dress robes in a dream means that you will have many meetings with different people from other countries. Being undressed in a dream is a sign of loss and loss. Dressing in a dream in the presence of strangers means that you will find yourself in an awkward position. Being dressed sloppily or inappropriately in a dream is a sign that you will be taken by surprise. Sometimes such a dream predicts an unexpected meeting. See naked.

Seeing yourself in underwear in a dream is a sign of shame and dishonor. If you dream that you see yourself in pajamas or a nightgown, then you should take care of your health. Such a dream portends illness. Seeing others in a dream in the clothes they usually sleep in is a harbinger that someone in your family will need your help. The dream warns you about the need to help people who find themselves in a difficult situation and ask you for help.

Trouble, worries and grief are foreshadowed by a dream in which you or someone will take off your underwear.

Seeing your underwear on your lover in a dream means that failures, monetary losses, shame and humiliation await you. To dream that your lover's underwear is damaged - torn, cut, burned, etc. - is a sign of great financial losses and worries. Sometimes such a dream predicts that your debtor will not return your money or that your creditor will ruin you. And sometimes both together. If you dream that some important person appears in your presence undressed or naked, then this is a sign of anxiety about a loved one.

If you dreamed of a mantilla, see why you dream of a veil.

Wearing a sundress in a dream is a sign of wasting time or empty worries about some business.

Seeing insects on your clothes is a sign of trouble, anxiety and dishonor. Shaking them off your clothes in a dream is a sign of liberation from worries and the useless machinations of slanderers seeking to discredit you. See insects.

Frills and ruffles on a dress in a dream mean that your behavior may cause disapproval from others. See lace.

Long tails on clothes are a sign of respect from the people around you. Short tails on clothes predict the opposite. Frayed tails on clothes mean poverty or need. Cutting coattails in a dream means losses and disappointments. A clasp on a dress in a dream means affection. If it is broken, then the dream warns you that you will soon be disappointed in some person.

A dream in which you saw that your clothes are on fire, but remain intact, means: your friends will betray you and begin to spread bad rumors about you. This is an unhappy dream. He foretells you a lot of grief, undeserved insults, humiliation and insults.

Clothes made of linen or cotton in a dream are a sign of poverty, unless you wear them out of season. A dream about clothes made from cheap fabrics foreshadows failures and disappointments. See fabrics.

Seeing or examining the lining or back of clothing in a dream means that you do not trust your loved ones or partners. Sometimes such a dream tells you that you should be careful when making important decisions that may affect your future.

White clothes in a dream almost always predict bad changes, sadness, illness, and worries. Seeing a crowd dressed in white underwear in a dream means that you will soon experience a period of great setbacks associated with reforms in the country. Funny company in beautiful white clothes in a dream - a sign of success in business and in love.

Green clothes in a dream are a sign of hope or a trip to distant lands; red (crimson) - a sign of sadness or illness due to the death of a relative. However, most often such a dream means that success in business, respect from others and power await you. For lovers, wearing red outfits predicts that their situation will change for the better and everyone will respect and honor them. The crimson color of clothes in a dream foretells you victory over your enemies, success in business and the protection of a powerful patron.

Blue, lilac or purple clothes are a sign of good luck in love and respect from others

If the dress is black, short or shiny, then such a dream predicts a quick death for the patient, and for the one on whom you see it, death from a serious illness in the prime of life. To be in black clothes in a dream means failure in love. Yellow in clothing means jealousy, gossip, love affairs.

White clothes on a loved one in a dream warns you of a serious illness of this person, which will cause you a lot of trouble and worry.

A white shirt in a dream means your hopes and pure thoughts. Sometimes such a dream predicts that some false accusation will be dropped against you.

Colorful and bright clothes in a dream foreshadow an abundance of opportunities. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows quarrels and misunderstandings. Clothes of floral, delicate colors in a dream indicate that a tender affection will arise between you and some person. This dream foreshadows pleasant meetings, conversations, and peace of mind. See color, buttons.

A long train on a dress is a sign that there are a lot of rumors about you that are unlikely to flatter you. The dream warns you that you should not talk too much about yourself and avoid rash actions and casual relationships.

Why do you dream about clothes according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of clothes - you have a lot serious problems. New clothes - achieving a goal, success. Old, shabby clothes are difficulties. Being naked or half-dressed and worrying about it is a fear that someone will reveal your secrets. Blouses, shirts - you are afraid that someone will guess about your feelings. Dress, coat, jacket - problems of relationships with strangers. Pants, skirts - concern about sexual image.

Panties, bras - sexual fears, innermost aspirations. Hats - hiding thoughts. Buy clothes - happy event in your life. White clothing signifies satisfaction and elation. Dark clothes mean sadness in the soul and changes for the worse. Children's clothing portends family troubles. If clothes don't fit, you'll break old connections, but you won't have new ones. Repairing new clothes - your energy will help overcome unexpected obstacles. Patching old clothes - deprivation will not last long. Wash clothes - you will be at a disadvantage. Giving someone your clothes means losing your fortune.

Why do you dream about clothes according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of clean clothes, you will receive long-deserved honors; if you dreamed of new clothes, you will have success in business; if you dreamed of dirty clothes, it means illness; if you dreamed of old clothes, people will gossip about you; stained clothes - tarnish honor with gossip; rags - you can get involved in a dangerous game; wearing black clothes in a dream means sadness; white clothes - to contentment; children's clothing - to a family quarrel; tie - to a heavy burden; blouse - success in love; if you dreamed of a sundress - to new worries; if you dreamed of a rubber raincoat, you are in danger; if you dreamed of a new raincoat - to a promotion; if you dreamed of an old cloak, it means a small gift; if you dreamed of a new dress - to success in business; to wear smartly - to the envy of friends; to buy smart - to the respect of friends; if you dreamed of a clean scarf, it means devoted love.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Clothes in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about clothes in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

“One meets people by their clothes...” Clothes are a reflection inner world and human personality. Does your clothing inspire admiration or ridicule? Clothing is a mirror of your self-esteem in life. Losing clothes shows your vulnerability. Buying items of clothing that fit you well and make you feel confident bodes well for positive changes in your self-esteem. Sometimes you buy items for special occasions or clothes that are magical properties. In this case, you are simply looking for understanding or protection, this is how this dream in which Clothes is dreamed is interpreted.

Sundress - To dream that you are wearing a sundress, but the weather does not match it, means that you tend to seek joy in those circumstances that are forced for you.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Clothes in a dream?

Clean, neat - success in business, dirty - dishonor, in rags, patches - dangerous game, unfashionable, but perfectly preserved - good luck. If you refuse to wear unfashionable clothes in a dream, it means new friends or a love adventure, new things to do.

White clothes (on yourself or on others) - to sad changes, walking with a person in white - grief, illness, but if it is a young woman or child - to pleasant events. Yellow clothes - interesting entertainment, financial success; a ghost in yellow clothes - changes for the worse. Blue clothes - support from friends, success in business. Raspberry color of clothing is a successful fight against competitors and enemies. Green clothes - prosperity, happiness. Multi-colored clothes on one person or people are an interweaving of good and bad. Clothing that fits poorly or is deformed from wear is a sign of a mistake and a cooling of relationships. A suit fits someone very well - an unpleasant hassle. Seeing yourself in a bright, beautiful outfit can mean committing an unseemly act. If a young woman sees herself in black in a dream, it means sadness and disappointment. If she doesn't like her clothes, it's an obstacle to her plans. If a woman admires the clothes of others, she will be jealous, this means a dream that you had.

Vest - to quarrel, deception.

Buckle (clasp) - the danger of abandoning business because of entertainment; for more details on why you dream about Clothes, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

You have many serious problems. New clothes - achieving a goal, success. Old, shabby clothes are difficulties. Being naked or half-dressed and worrying about it is a fear that someone will reveal your secrets. Blouses, shirts - you are afraid that someone will guess about your feelings. Dress, coat, jacket - problems of relationships with strangers. Pants, skirts - concern about sexual image. Panties, bras - sexual fears, innermost aspirations. Hats - hiding thoughts. Buying clothes is a happy event in your life. White clothing signifies satisfaction and elation. Dark clothes mean sadness in the soul and changes for the worse. Children's clothing portends family troubles. If clothes don't fit, you'll break old connections, but you won't have new ones. Repairing new clothes - your energy will help overcome unexpected obstacles. Patching old clothes - deprivation will not last long. Wash clothes - you will be at a disadvantage. Giving someone your clothes means losing your fortune

Jacket - A dream in which you put on a jacket portends forced necessity deal with someone you don't like. Putting a jacket on inside out means committing a rash act in reality.

Old, dirty or torn clothes foretell a bad business deal. Buying or receiving as a gift a new jacket that is absolutely stunning in every way - your deepest desire will come true. Wearing a jacket from someone else's shoulder in a dream is a sign of upcoming hardships and difficulties in a business that you have taken on without first setting a clear goal for yourself.

Take off - Take off your clothes - you must reconsider your plans and take a different approach to the situation in which you find yourself. Taking off your shoes means you are going on an urgent trip. Taking off your underwear means trouble at home, illness of a relative, or financial difficulties. Taking off jewelry means a letter from a distant friend. Harvest - after many troubles in life, you will finally find happiness

Modern dream book

A dream about clothes is always a kind of prediction. It all depends on the color of the clothing, as well as on what it was like: clean and intact or dirty and torn. Excellent but unfashionable clothes are a sign that you will be lucky, but will neglect valuable ideas. If you saw yourself or someone else in white in a dream, expect changes, and not the best ones.

Hood - For a young woman, a dream in which she wears clothes with a hood means that she will try to seduce a man. If you dream of clothes with a hood, you will be lucky and you will find a patron or faithful assistant, on whom you can rely in difficult times. For a woman, such a dream promises a caring and economic husband. A dream in which you see a man whose face is hidden by a hood warns of a conspiracy being planned against you. If you dreamed that you were putting on a hood, the predicted troubles will not be so large-scale

New clothes - Dreaming about new clothes is a favorable sign. However, it should not be taken literally - as a prediction of change. On the contrary, most often a new thing seen warns that hopes for change are illusory

Baby vest - For a young woman, a dream in which she irons or sews clothes for a child predicts a new addition to the family in the near future. If you dreamed that you saw a child dressed only in a vest, it means that your children will only bring you joy.

Shorts - A symbol of an ambiguous situation. If you dreamed that you were dressed in out-of-season shorts, beware: you will be deceived in the most merciless way. If you have ruined (stained, torn) your clothes, be prepared for the fact that the planned tasks will not be completed on time

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Tight - Seeing your butt in a dream wearing tight clothes is a shame.

Sleeve - Seeing a torn or torn sleeve on clothing means a loss of authority.

Sundress - Women's gossip will reach you, which will greatly upset you.

Duffel bag (backpack) with clothes. - To see you briskly walking along the road with your friends with a duffel bag on your back - expect that you will have to shoulder all the financial expenses of the house.

Jersey - Seeing yourself in Jersey clothes in a dream means trouble, old-fashionedness.

Vest - Wearing a fashionable leather vest in a dream means that it seems to you that you are irresistible, but others doubt it.

Splash clothes (get dirty). - You will be slandered.

Long johns - Wearing long johns in a dream means buying newfangled jeans.

Strap - Seeing a torn strap on clothing is a sign of failure.

Oversleeves - To see someone wearing oversleeves in a dream means trying hard at work.

New thing - Fortunately, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Pajamas - Seeing yourself in pajamas in a dream is a sign of stress.

Cassock - Seeing a cassock on the clothes of a clergyman is despondent.

Straighten clothes - Straighten your clothes, preen yourself - for a date.

Baby vest - By the way, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

A strap on clothes - your spouse will whip your mutual friend.

Shorts - There will be a misunderstanding related to indecency, as the dream book says about this dream.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Velor clothing - Seeing velor clothing on yourself or others in a dream means that you are living beyond your means.

Sleeve on clothes - Seeing a torn or torn sleeve means a quarrel with your son.

Sundress - To expose facts from your intimate life, to gossip.

Jersey (knitted clothing). - To slander you.

Vest - See the vest crying about your fate.

Splashing your clothes - Splashing your new coat with mud in a dream means that people have a bad opinion of you.

Long johns - Wearing antediluvian long johns in a dream means a feeling of malaise.

Strap on clothes - Seeing a strap torn from clothes is a sign of negligence on your part.

Oversleeves - See black oversleeves - - meet the accountant.

New clothes - New clothes seen in a dream mean impoverishment.

Pajamas - Walking in pajamas in a dream means sloppiness.

Cassock - A cassock on clothes is a symbol of spiritual conversation.

Correcting something on yourself - To the desire to look good.

Baby vest - This dream symbolizes small misunderstandings and minor worries.

A strap on clothes - to a feast at which you will become quite intoxicated.

Shorts - You will be jealous of younger people.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does Clothes mean?

U different nations There is a tradition of getting rid of junk, usually on special holidays. The Chinese and Japanese do it on New Year, Americans - on Halloween, and we - on the holiday of Ivan Kupala. By getting rid of clothes, we not only put our home in order, but also symbolically get rid of problems, illnesses, misfortunes, vanity, unnecessary and outdated relationships - in a word, from everything that interferes and burdens us in life.

The rituals of throwing away old clothes are so ancient that in dreams, when we get rid of old clothes, it means saying goodbye to something that is very boring and burdensome, or at least a deep desire to say goodbye.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about clothes for women:

Collecting clothes is long, hard work, but it is your path to well-being. Wearing junk means you will get into trouble. Selling a lot of things means order will be established in the house.

Summer Dream Interpreter

If a dressmaker sees some kind of junk in a dream, it means that a “retro” style will be in fashion, and you will get rich.

Junk buyer - To buy unnecessary things.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Wearing clothes inside out - putting something on inside out - means spoiled business.

Putting something on inside out means distorting the facts.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Wearing something means spoiled matters.

Wearing a shirt inside out in a dream means you will be beaten.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Putting clothes on inside out is a loss.

Wearing a shirt or T-shirt inside out means a fight.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Clothes in a dream?

If you are in a hurry, but cannot get dressed quickly, you are in for a meeting with ill-wishers. If you still haven’t found the clothes you need, communicate with frivolous people who will annoy you; the dream predicts good luck for you if you act more independently and purposefully, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to find out why you dream about Clothes.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Clothes according to the dream book?

A dream in which something is stopping you from buying clothes means that unkind people will cause you a lot of trouble. Such a dream encourages everyone to rely more on themselves in life and act with more confidence.

Spring Dream Interpreter

To wrap yourself in thin clothes means to wrap yourself in confidence that you cannot be harmed.

Changing into different clothes means changing into everything new and good in a dream - to good luck; into something old and torn - to ruin.

Slavic dream book

I dreamed about Clothes in a dream, what is it for:

Clothes - new and clean clothes - promise good things. Dirty clothes or a stain on it means loss of honor and shame. Slander, possibility of accusation. Health problems.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed about clothes in a dream, interpretation:

Clothes are a reflection of your attitude towards yourself; feeling of your individuality. Old or unsuitable clothes are an attitude that it’s time to give up; inability to undress – fear of failure; getting clothes out of an old closet is an appeal to family traditions and spiritual values; try on someone else's clothes - consider different points of view; indecisiveness when choosing clothes - uncertainty about the correctness of one’s way of thinking; gray, nondescript clothes - dissatisfaction with life and fear of changing it; pink clothes: for girls - the blossoming of feelings; for women - a desire to escape responsibility; for a man - to be too childish; inability to accept responsibility; dirty clothes - a negative attitude towards oneself; heavy feelings; rags - put up with humiliation; mending dirty clothes - making an attempt to correct a mistake in a relationship; sew up clean clothes– reconciliation; losing clothes is a strong vulnerability; buying things you like - improving self-esteem; buy clothes for a holiday or having magical properties - a desire for protection or understanding; to give – the desire to change someone; receiving clothes as a gift means worrying about what people around you think of you.

Jewish dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed about Clothes:

You dreamed of Clothes - Washing clothes. For a woman - to free herself from some kind of burden. For a man, it means taking on extra responsibilities. Ironing clothes means trying to calm a loved one down. Ironing clothes with a cold iron means showing indifference or showing insincere sympathy. Changing clothes means changing long-term habits. Burning clothes is trying to get rid of your past. Hanging your clothes on a tree branch means trying to find a way to treat some disease. A man should wear women's clothing, and a woman should wear men's clothing to look for reliable protection from suspected damage.

Dream book of E. Ericson

I dreamed about Clothes, interpretation:

What does Clothes mean in a dream - success or failure depending on the type of clothing. New beautiful clothes - to joy and success, old and dirty - with suffering of pride. Old-fashioned clothes - you are tired of your current environment. Clothes of yellow or gold foreshadow financial success, blue - energetic actions to achieve success, red - changeability of plans, bright red - reflects assertiveness, if there is a lot of red - aggressiveness. Green clothing suggests hope. Bright, colorful clothing characterizes the combination of both good and bad deeds. Noticing a hole in your clothes means unforeseen expenses; in someone else's clothes, it means the possibility of being deprived of money because of acquaintances who may involve you in dubious financial transactions. Sewing up a hole in your clothes means painstakingly overcoming your financial difficulties. All clothes in patches are gossip about appearance. Taking off old clothes means giving up old plans.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about Clothes - what does the dream mean?

You dreamed of Clothes - New, made of expensive fabrics - a good gift. Dilapidated - to a loss. Imagine that you burn old clothes and buy new, very expensive and beautiful ones.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed about Clothes, why:

Clothes - If you dream of yourself in clean, smart clothes, prosperity awaits you. It’s like you’re wearing torn clothes - someone will deceive you. You see dirty clothes on yourself - there will be an indelible stain on your reputation. It’s as if you are dressed not in fashion, but in accordance with the season and neatly - your well-being is a consequence of everyday hard work, but not the result of bringing brilliant ideas to life original ideas. The clothes don’t seem to fit you well - you won’t like what you liked; you will lose faith in what you believed; what you hoped for - you will not hope for. You are dressed in black - sadness and disappointment, disappointment and sadness - this is your lot. It’s as if you are dressed in white - you will be sad from the changes that will happen in life. You see crimson clothes on you - your power cannot be compared with the imperial one, but you will not be the last person in the country. You see yellow or gold clothes on yourself - financial well-being awaits you; a small percentage will bring big profits; a small percentage, multiplied by time, will open up great opportunities for you. You see yourself in blue clothes - friends will always come to the rescue. It's like it's on you green clothes- your hopes for prosperity will come true, you just need to wait a little. You see colorful clothes on yourself - you will have equal amounts of evil and good in your life. You see yourself without clothes - unflattering rumors will circulate about you; you will become an incredible hero.

Creative dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed about Clothes:

You dreamed of Clothes, what is it for 1. The clothes that we wear in a dream can often outline the image that we create for other people. Each of us has certain roles that we perform in accordance with the reactions of other people. The clothes that other people wear in our dreams can also set the scene for some kind of confrontation to play out. 2. Clothing can act as protection from touching Her from violence. It can also hide, emphasize or reveal. It can hide our flaws and disguise our sexuality.

If we undress in a dream, it means that we are throwing off old beliefs and oppressions like a shell. Believe me, clothes in a dream illuminate our vulnerabilities and fears. To be dressed incorrectly (for example, in formal clothes at a party) means to understand that we are in a difficult Situation or have difficulty communicating with others. It will depend on the scenario that develops in the Dream, whether we are surprised or upset, and often it is the emotions that we experience that will give the correct dream. The color of clothing is also very important (see Colors). If a person is not dressed in his own clothes, it means that the dreamer is not sure whether the correct roles are assigned to each specific character. A man in women's clothing - the dreamer needs to be more attentive to his feminine side. A woman wearing a uniform means that the dreamer has a need for a more disciplined, masculine part of his personality. Dressing up means that we strive to change our image. Clothes that have been shortened suggest that we have grown out of previous pleasures and We should look for new entertainment. Nice clothes means that there is a lot in our lives that is worth appreciating. Clothing belonging to a specific person reminds us of that person, even if we know that he may not always be with us.

A coat, shawl and especially a cape mean warmth, love, protection. This protection can be both psychological and emotional, and in the case of the cape, the spiritual protection of the Faith. The sheepskin coat enhances these meanings (see also Sheep in the Animals section). The fear of losing your coat can be a fear of losing your faith and beliefs. The coat may be too short or too thick, in which case we may fear that the love or protection we have is not meeting our needs.

Gloves (see also "P") can represent protecting and covering someone, but at the same time "showing a hand" and challenging the status quo.

Hat, Cap - a symbol of wisdom and intelligence, as well as a function of protection. They can also represent spirituality and sexuality, depending on the subject of the dream.

Pajamas and a nightgown suggest relaxation and therefore openness.

The raincoat, again, represents protection, but in this case from attacks and attacks from other people. Very rarely it means a desire to return to the embryonic state, to the mother's womb.

The shirt suggests appropriateness, right action, however, in combination with a hair shirt - grief and repentance.

Shoes represent our ability to be in contact with everyday life, to have “ground under your feet.” Understanding that the shoes we or others wear in a dream are strange forms our judgment, which is projected into our lives. Lacing up shoes in a dream is supposed to be extremely famous symbol of death, along with a shoe symbol on the table.

A tie in a dream has several interpretations. Sometimes it can mean correctness and appropriate behavior, and in other cases - most likely due to its shape - it means a phallus.

Underwear. When we dream about underwear—whether it’s ours or other people’s—it means we are taking into account that we are not fully revealing our self-image or our sexuality.

A veil or veil-like garment. When in a dream we ourselves or others appear in a veil, this means that we are trying to hide something, or only partially accept knowledge about ourselves or our relationship to others. Clothing can mean spiritual protection. Eg, Specific types clothes will signify roles and status.

Russian dream book

I dreamed about Clothes in a dream, why:

What does Clothes mean in a dream - cover, protection, the type of clothing indicates mental state person.