Why do you dream of receding water? Why do you dream of water according to Freud?

  • Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If the dream contains this significant symbol in whatever form, it is vital to understand its role.
  • Water in dreams is a powerful symbol because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a babbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols create a feeling of fear or ANXIETY, then the stormy ocean intensifies it.
  • Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. This is a reflection of the human experience with water.
  • At the dawn of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. (They die from thirst much faster than from hunger.) Even more important was to know where the water was, because it made it clear where the FOOD was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, fraught with unknown dangers. TRAVELING by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas took the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease.
  • Emphasizing the positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always causes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to solving problems.
  • If there is a lake in the dream, is the entire shoreline within sight and probable reach?
  • If you dream of a river or stream, have they overflowed their banks, and in your opinion, can they be overcome? in the usual ways? These are all examples of managed water.
  • Water represented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a tired traveler, dreaming, suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey is close, at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a BOAT, slowly gliding along the surface of the water.
  • The sleeper must be anticipating a time of respite from everyday worries or trying to specially create such an opportunity.
  • Uncontrolled water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer finds himself.
  • Quiet, deep water that seems refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the potential danger lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what lies in the depths.
  • The exception to the general statements above are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the tap is controlled by the dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer is ineffective at operating the tap, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is out of control and unable to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the tap). If the tap is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of another. This whim can cause one to feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss , lover or other persons significant to you.

In the world of dreams there are symbols that carry especially important, sacred meaning to the one who sees the dream.

Fire, earth, air and water are the main primary elements that come into dreams, carrying important signs to those sleeping.

One of the most global symbols is water. The meaning of why water is dreamed of is not always easy to understand and interpret, since this symbol itself is very extensive.

Water, like fire, is one of the fundamental elements. It is in physical or spiritual aspect in everything on Earth.

It is considered to be the feminine component of the world, Yin energy, and is associated with the emotional, spiritual, subtle sphere of existence. In contrast, fire, for example, is a masculine energy, destructive, aggressive.

Water in all cultures is considered a symbol of life, rebirth, energy and inner world. If you correctly interpret a “water” dream, and correctly understand what water means in a dream, you can very seriously influence the course of your own life.

Remember your dream in detail

Before deciphering such a dream, you should consider in what aspect the water “flowed” into your dreams. The dream may be as follows:

  • You are swimming: in the sea, large lake, pond or river.
  • See splashes of water, stand under them, splash in a pond.
  • You are taking a bath or standing in the shower.
  • Wash your face or wash your hands.
  • You dream of water in your house flowing or dripping from a tap.
  • Dripping or pouring from the ceiling.
  • Flood in the house.
  • You drink water.
  • You are drowning or drowning someone.
  • Swimming underwater.
  • Ford any body of water.
  • Walk across the bridge over the water.

There can be a lot of different kinds of similar “water” dreams, and they all mean something different, always important for the sleeper. Before you understand correctly what water is in a dream about, you need to carefully replay the dream in your head and remember its details.

The quality and type of dreamed water is especially important - because this is the main point decisive moment in decoding the dream. Understand why you are dreaming muddy water, and why - clean and fresh, it’s not difficult.

Like looking into water - in a dream world

Let's consider dreams in which you happened to see water, but you did not come into contact with it. You often see bodies of water, puddles, streams or drops of water in dreams, and each such dream is extremely important.

1. If you happened to observe a powerful, beautiful sea in your night dreams - calm or with waves, at night or during the day - this is always a very favorable sign.

The sea is a powerful natural force, and it promises you complete success in your affairs, both in your work life. business sphere, and in love relationships, family, social life. A very favorable, cloudless and calm period of life awaits you.

2. If you saw a river in a dream, this is a direct reflection of your life. You can often hear such a comparison of life with a river - it can be either a stormy powerful stream or a weak stream.

What did this river of life look like in your dreams? A clean, transparent, blue, sparkling, cheerful river promises you a healthy, joyful life, strength and optimism.

If the flow is weak and the water is cloudy, take care of your health, it may soon be undermined. Don't overwork yourself, you need rest and a new environment.

3. If you happened to see a flood in your dream, Miller’s interpreter interprets this dream as a struggle with difficulties.

So unpleasant and maybe even horrible dream, water in which flows from the ceiling in the house, fills on the floor in the apartment or any room, its level is growing, symbolizes the fact that you have to resist with all your might the troubles of life, poverty, and difficulties.

But Miller’s dream book indicates to the sleeper that you certainly have everything you need vitality and energy to overcome these difficulties. So don’t think of giving up - the trouble will go away.

4. But if the flood in an apartment or house, on the contrary, gradually goes away, the water level drops until only puddles remain on the floor - this is an unfavorable sign.

If you dream of water running away, this is a warning: you may succumb to evil, give up on some important matter or solution to a moral problem, you will not want to fight, you will be afraid of difficulties. Take into account the advice of the dream book and try not to give in to dark thoughts.

5. Did you dream that you were looking at the water from a bridge? As the dream book says, water seen from above symbolizes your conscience and thoughts.

What was she like? Pure, blue and transparent is wonderful, this means that your thoughts are pure and your conscience is sinless.

But if it is cloudy, shallow, dirty - this is not good, this dream hints to you about your dirty, dishonest thoughts, bad conscience. Think about it, the dream book will not show such signs for no reason.

6. If you see drops of water, for example, from a faucet in the bathroom or kitchen, this is always a symbol of your “flowing” money. Finances go somewhere, and you cannot control it. This is a reason to think, reconsider your affairs, and correct the situation.

7. A waterfall or water pouring on you from somewhere above is happiness, boundless joy and pure life - without lies, vice and fears.

It’s not difficult to intuitively feel what you’re dreaming about. pure water, pouring from above is a stream of purification, joy, vital energy. A rare and extremely favorable dream!

8. Seeing boiling water in a dream promises quarrels, squabbles, misunderstandings and conflicts with someone close to you.

Getting away with it won't work

Contact with water in a dream carries an even more important meaning than dreams of observing it. Water quality also plays a key role here.

To decipher what water means in dreams, you need to remember your actions with it, its appearance, as well as your feelings in the dream.

Of course, it is unlikely that you, swimming in a dirty and muddy river in a dream, felt joy and purification. It is not difficult to understand intuitively that this dream bodes ill.

On the contrary, any contact with clean, fresh water always brings joy and purification. And you should expect only the best from such a dream.

1. If in your dreams you happened to swim in a body of water - the sea, river, lake - this means either happiness, health and complete harmony, or, on the contrary, a full “bouquet” of ailments and sorrows.

Remember what it was like - if it’s cold, clean and transparent - it’s an excellent sign, you have nothing to fear in reality. Well, cloudy and unpleasantly warm - beware of failures and illnesses, you are vulnerable to them now.

2. In a dream, bathing in the bathtub or washing in the shower is always good sign. This means spiritual cleansing, recovery, victory over illnesses and internal conflicts.

As every dream book indicates, cold water, which you water yourself in your soul - a symbol of complete cleansing of your conscience from sins, lies and insincerity.

3. But a strange dream in which black water flows from the shower onto you means a warning. It’s easy to guess why you dream of black water pouring on you - it’s some kind of accusation, a dirty conscience, a sin.

Try by all means to avoid this, so as not to get dirty and not later regret what you did or planned.

4. If you had to swim underwater in your night dreams, this, according to Miller’s dream book, is a sign that something will soon save you from trouble.

Some higher power, a lucky chance, the intervention of unknown forces will help you literally miraculously avoid great misfortune, failure, global failure or shame.

5. It is also easy to understand why you dream of water in a glass or any container from which you drink it. If it is clean, cold and fresh, and you get pleasure in a dream, this promises you health, recovery from illness, a lot of strength and vigor.

But if the liquid is unclean, it bad sign, because you already understand what you’re dreaming about dirty water- Drinking it is a bad sign. Try to protect yourself from illnesses that may attack you in the near future.

6. I wonder why holy water is dreamed of - this is a rather rare dream. It has the same symbolic meaning, just like any pleasant, fresh and clear liquid in a dream, only this symbol is even stronger.

This is not only purification and happiness, but also high spirituality, protection higher powers, complete confidence that no evil or dark forces threaten you at all.

7. If in a dream you wash your own face or wash your hands, this means that you probably regret something you have done and want to wash away guilt, sin, and shame.

8. If you are not just swimming in a pond, but also splashing, having fun, frolicking, you are among the bright sparkling splashes - this is a wonderful dream.

As any dream book says, clear water that splashes around, filling the space with sparks, is a sure sign of approaching love. And very bright, passionate, just crazy.

9. Fording a lake or river in a dream is a symbol of the fight against illnesses. Knowing already why you dream of dirty water, muddy and shallow, you understand that if you cross a body of water with such water, then there is a risk that illnesses will overcome you.

Well, if the water under your feet is clean and good, then rest assured that you will overcome illnesses, you have all the necessary strength to do so. And the disease will disappear very soon.

10. Watering something in a dream, pouring water, is a warning about losses, damages, and maybe even bitter tears about something.

11. But on the contrary, drawing water means prosperity. Wait for your budget to be replenished - wealth can come from anywhere and very soon!

As you can see, the main meaning of dreams with water depends on its type and quality. However, the nuances of sleep are also important - and it is important not to confuse the meanings so as not to make a mistake.

Take your time trying to decipher a “water” dream, because its correct interpretation will help you not only learn about the upcoming joy, but also play it safe, avoid failures, and prevent quarrels or illnesses.

This is the value of dream interpreters - they can tell us what to do right, what to beware of, and what nuances of our own behavior to pay attention to.

By doing this correctly, you can truly become the master and sculptor of your own destiny - happy, healthy, swift and pure, like a ringing transparent river running into the distance. Author: Vasilina Serova

Why do you dream about water?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing clean water in a dream foretells that a joyful prospect of prosperity and pleasure awaits you.

If the water is cloudy. You will be in danger and despondency will take the place of joy.

If you see that the water has flooded your house and is rising, this means that you will fight, resist evil, but if you see that the water is decreasing, you will succumb to dangerous influences.

Falling into troubled water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset about it. Drinking muddy water portends illness, but drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of the favorable completion of the wildest hopes.

Playing sports in water means a sudden awakening of love and passion.

If you walk on wet ground and feel that your feet are becoming wet, this portends troubles, illness and poverty, which will force you to solve difficult problems, but you will be able to prevent them with your vigilance. The same interpretation can be applied to the muddy water filling the ship.

If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love that will end happily.

Blue water and a beautiful white boat were symbols of disappointment in the long term.

Dreaming that you are drinking mineral water- portends good luck that will favor your efforts and you will soon enjoy the opportunities presented to you to satisfy your long-standing passionate desires.

Why do you dream about water?

Freud's Dream Book

Water is one of the main symbols, as it is associated with conception and birth of children and orgasm, both male and female.

A stream or stream of water symbolizes ejaculation.

Pouring water means striving for sexual contact, wanting to meet someone.

To save a woman from the water is to strive for sexual contact with her.

To save a man from the water is to want a child from him.

Looking into the water means paying too much attention to your appearance and your health; manifestation of narcissism.

If you swim in water, you experience pleasant, sweet sensations from caresses loved one(This also happens to people who suffered from enuresis in childhood; in this case, such dreams are not related to sex).

For women, swimming in water also portends an imminent pregnancy.

Splashing water - sexual fantasies that are unclear to you; desire for ejaculation.

Drinking water means problems in the activity of the genital organs.

Jumping or entering the water - you want to have a child or become a mother.

Getting out of the water is the same.

Why do you dream about water?

Vanga's Dream Book

Water is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away sins and oblivion.

In a dream, drinking clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new quality, along with many people around you.

If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, this is an omen of an impending wave of cosmic influence, which is unreasonable to resist.

If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world.

Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions.

If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, in reality expect a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people.

Drowning in water means in reality resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which your health will be damaged and your life will be shortened.

Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of the water in a dream means you will have difficulty withstanding the coming changes, but by surviving this stormy event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

Why do you dream about water?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Cold - happiness. Spill - you are carried away by the right thing; cloudy - an obstacle; drown in water - you will encounter obstacles; cross a ford - you will be freed from danger; swimming - you are rehabilitated from suspicion; bathers - get along with enemies; drink cold water - health; drink warm - illness; scalded by boiling water - incur losses through negligence; walk on water - you will overcome all obstacles; Hear the sound of water - you will be harshly judged.

Why do you dream about water?

Family dream book

A dream in which you drank mineral water portends good luck. You will soon enjoy the opportunities provided to you to satisfy your long-standing cravings.

Why do you dream about water?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Clean water - to health; to accomplish your plans; bathing in it means healing (if you are sick).

Muddy water - a disease that can be successfully cured by means traditional medicine; being in dirty water means illness; slander, gossip, and accusations of a non-existent sin are not excluded.

Dousing yourself with water is a surprise; to the presence of a negative program.

Pouring water is empty, meaningless talk; wasted effort.

Underground water - a conspiracy is being formed against you at work (study).

Finding artesian waters means achieving your goal; drinking means enjoying the result.

Why do you dream about water?

Spring dream book

Pumping water means profit.

Muddy water - to dark deeds, unclear and confusing.

Seeing a water meter sliding across the surface of the water means easily escaping the troubles that will soon appear.

Feeling hydrophobia means repentance.

Seeing clean water means health, dirty water means gossip, and boiling water means scandals.

To cross flowing water without knowing it is to happily avoid danger; getting caught in the rain means finding yourself in the center of events not of your own free will; drowning means illness.

Seeing sparkling water or drinking it is a sign of pleasure or dissatisfaction of your curiosity.

Hot water means worries.

Decanter of water - you will have to endure the tricks of your children.

The surface of the water means a calm life.

Drinking a sip of water in a dream means lack of self-confidence.

A handful of water - to recovery.

Seeing yourself in the underwater kingdom or under water is a sign of embarrassment.

Drawing water means profit.

Carrying water means news.

Why do you dream about water?

Summer dream book

Pumping water from a pump means siphoning money from someone.

Seeing muddy water in the river after a flood means the river will become shallow.

Being afraid to enter water in a dream means resisting some kind of evil in reality.

To see in a dream how your apartment is flooded: water pours out of all the cracks, and it seems that it will never end - means a clash with your neighbors.

Hot water means gossip.

Seeing a decanter of water standing on a festively decorated table in a dream means fullness and contentment with life.

Seeing a calm surface of water in a dream is a sign of stormy passion, as the song says: “Love is not calm water, but a stormy current.”

Take a sip of water in a dream - in reality you just want to drink.

Mineral water - Take care of your health.

Cold water is happiness.

Drawing water means hypocrisy.

Carrying water in buckets is fortunate.

Why do you dream about water?

Autumn dream book

Carrying water in buckets means profit.

Pumping water from a pump means labor-intensive work.

Muddy water - dreams of clouding of mind.

If in a dream you are swimming in a river and are terribly afraid of drowning, in reality you will be afraid that you will be accused of something,

Seeing a boundless sea of ​​water in a dream is a sign of great luck.

If you can’t get drunk in a dream hot water- expect big troubles.

Seeing a decanter without water in a dream at a time when you are very thirsty means hopeless grief.

The surface of the water means calm.

Drinking a sip of water in a dream means illness.

Drawing water means ruin, complete bankruptcy.

Why do you dream about water?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing water in a dream generally means abundance and wealth.

If the water is clean and not clouded, this portends a joyful outlook, full of pleasures, and prosperity.

Dirty water - you are in danger, and joy will be replaced by despondency.

To see in a dream how tap water floods your apartment - portends that you will struggle, resisting unfavorable circumstances.

Walking through dew in a dream and getting your feet wet is a harbinger of illness and financial ruin, which you can only prevent if you are careful and prudent.

Falling into dirty water means that in reality you will make many mistakes that will bring grief not only to you, but also to your loved ones.

Drinking muddy water in a dream means illness, warm water means danger from a serious enemy, boiling water - fortunately, clean and fresh - is a sign of the safe return of a loved one.

Cold water - peace of mind, loyal friends.

Blessed water - to quick success.

Seeing water drying up means the weather is changing for the better.

Drawing water is a long task and a lot of trouble.

Spilling water in your room is a hassle and a lot of work.

Cold water from a well or spring is good for health.

To throw yourself into the water means to be pursued.

Immersing yourself in water is a difficult situation.

Wash your hands - refuse the proposed business.

Drowning in water means encountering obstacles.

Fording a pond or river means freeing yourself from danger.

Swimming in water - those who suspected you of something will be convinced that their suspicions are unfounded.

Seeing people swimming or washing in the water - find mutual language with the enemy.

To be scalded with boiling water is to suffer losses due to your own sluggishness.

Walking on water in a dream means you will overcome all obstacles in your path.

Hear the sound of water - you will suddenly be condemned.

Jumping over water is a sign of completing some difficult task.

Watering something with water means sadness.

Seeing a waterfall means receiving important news.

If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, it means hard work, failure, sadness and anxiety.

To see railway tracks flooded with water in a dream - misfortune will soon overshadow the joy of life, but not for long.

Seeing or drinking mineral water in a dream means take care of your health.

Seeing others drinking it is a harbinger of good fortune that will favor your efforts, and you will soon enjoy the opportunities presented to you to satisfy your long-standing passionate desires.

Seeing a water pump in a dream or pumping out water with it means avoiding danger.

Drop something into well water - you will not tolerate the unfavorable situation that has arisen due to your abuse of your power.

Falling into well water is a harbinger of despair that will overwhelm you with false news.

Why do you dream about water?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you were washing your face with water, troubles will come to you, and from the direction from which you least expect them.

Pouring water in a dream means great grief.

You dreamed that you poured water - there is a danger ahead that will not be so easy to avoid.

In a dream, you pour water into some vessel - minor troubles await you.

A decanter of water predicts a pleasant date.

If you dreamed that you were looking at your reflection in the water, you will soon become seriously ill.

Walking on water in a dream is a sign of great joy.

If you dreamed that you were pumping water, success in business awaits you.

A dream in which you douse yourself with water means: they will set up a trick on you.

Why do you dream about water?

Esoteric dream book

Water is clean for health, positive results, positive.

Dirty - unpleasant work, negative result, negative.

Why do you dream about water?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing clean water in a dream means joy, improved well-being, and a lot of pleasure.

Drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of a favorable completion of the most daring undertakings.

Muddy water - portends danger or despondency.

Falling into troubled water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes.

Drinking muddy water means illness.

If you dream that water has flooded your home and continues to rise, you will fight and resist evil.

If, on the contrary, the water decreases, give in to the dangerous influence.

If you dream of splashes of water falling on your head, this means the awakening of passionate love that will bring you happiness.

Why do you dream about water?

Azar's Dream Book

Sitting in the water - be careful, people are gossiping about you. Hot water is a shame. If the water is clean - prosperity. Floating on a tree on water means unfulfilled hopes. stream with clean water- a pleasant future. Wash lettuce in water - happiness, good luck. Hear the sound of water - you will hear an oath in reality. A well with muddy water - bad prospects for the future

swimming in muddy water is a slight change in position

muddy water is an obstacle

muddy stream - incur losses and damages

swimming in muddy water is an obstacle

Why do you dream about water?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Drinking clean water is fortunate; cloudy - to illness; walking in troubled waters is a disappointment for the better; immersion in water - getting into a difficult personal situation; wash your face - to joy, liberation; pour - to shame, mistake; watering - to loss; drawing water - grief;

drinking warm water - to chagrin, illness; looking at the waterfall is a terrible encounter; splashed on my head - unexpected passion.

Water gushed out from under the floor - secret enemies, unexpected, unforeseen obstacles; from the walls - penetration, defenselessness; the source is dangerous gullibility.

Why do you dream about water?

Modern dream book

See calm smooth surface- means that your life will be easy and carefree.

If the water was turbulent, the following days will be full of worries and worries.

If you saw your reflection in water in a dream, you will deceive yourself in some way.

Reflection of strangers and objects portends deception and disappointment.

Seeing clean water in a dream means prosperity and pleasure.

If the water is dirty, you are in danger and pleasure will be replaced by gloomy despondency.

Seeing water flooding your home predicts a fight against evil. But until the water subsides, you will be in danger.

Seeing yourself scooping up water with wet feet is a harbinger of troubles, troubles and illnesses that will cause you a lot of trouble and which you will overcome thanks to your foresight. A dream in which muddy water floods a ship has the same meaning.

Falling into dirty water is a sign that you will make many offensive mistakes and will suffer bitterly from their consequences.

Drinking dirty water means illness; drinking it pure means a favorable fate and happy hopes for the future.

Playing and splashing in the water means an unexpected awakening of passion and love.

Splashes of water hitting your head are a sign that your passion will be mutual.

If you dream that you are at a source of sparkling water, this promises you joy and satisfaction after numerous exhausting trials.

Treating others to one or another delicious chilled drink in a dream is a sign that your efforts will be rewarded, even if at the moment it seems to you that your future is full of contradictions.

To dream that you are doing water slalom means that an avalanche of problems will fall on you and you will have to literally swim out of them.

If you are learning water slalom, be extremely careful in choosing your friends. They may give you an unpleasant surprise.

The man who dreamed that he was climbing gutter- will achieve his goal by illegal means.

Falling off a gutter is a warning sign, you should not commit a crime, exposure will follow immediately.

Anyone who slid down a gutter in a dream will be able to get out of a sticky situation in a very unexpected way.

If you dream that you are drinking mineral water, this is a sign that fate will be favorable to your endeavors and you will be glad of the opportunities that have opened up to fulfill your deepest desire.

Why do you dream about water?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

pure and transparent good fame, success and prosperity; muddy, dirty, dark sadness, resentment, gossip and damage in business.

Why do you dream about water?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You dream of clean, calm water - good dream; he foretells abundance for you; the time has come to open chests and caskets and fill them with goodness; you will have good prospects. You see muddy water in a dream - your well-being is unsteady; your well-being is at risk; joy goes away, despondency comes. Water seems to be flooding your house - the dream says that evil has taken up arms against you; you will be exposed to great trials and dangers. If you drink clean water, good luck awaits you. If you drink dirty water, you will get sick, and it will not be easy to recover from this disease. It’s as if you stumbled and fell into dirty water - financial difficulties await you, and you will decide to waste other people’s funds; It is possible that you will be caught in this. Cold water dreams of recovery and improved health. Warm water- to illness.

Why do you dream about water?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Water is the unconscious forces of the soul and, above all, the world of feelings; it can be the personification of animals or an unconscious return to a childishly naive worldview, but also a symbol of inertia, passivity, and therefore interference and disease.

Pure means joy, something good.

Muddy, dirty, gloomy - everything unfavorable and, above all, sadness.

Drinking clean water from a well means health.

Swimming in clean water means a carefree life, recovery.

Swimming in a pond is a hassle.

Swimming in dirty and muddy water is a disease, an accusation.

Seeing children swimming is a joy for parents.

To dive is misfortune/dangerous self-discovery.

Drinking cloudy or warm water is sadness.

Often water in a dream is interpreted as a symbol of cleansing, not only from worldly, but also from spiritual dirt. Many spiritual rites involve ablution, the most common being baptism. Moreover, water is a source of life, a source of information. The interpretation of the dream will depend on these meanings and understandings. It is dreams with water and about water that are the most informative, but at the same time, when interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account many factors.

I dreamed about water in a dream: what would it be for?

Seeing water in a dream, for example, how it flows from a tap, or any body of water - a lake, sea, pool, especially if the dreamer has swam in this water, can be interpreted as the onset of a moment of purification. Purification can mean many things, for example, parting with something unnecessary, getting rid of an illness, unpleasant activities, or any burden.

It's no secret that the moon and water are inextricably linked, and it is the moon that controls water. In addition, the Moon also influences psychological condition person. For these reasons, water in a dream also symbolizes our state of mind, and is able to reflect our experiences, what worries us. A simple example - simple, clean and clear water, will talk about peace of mind, and the same thing lies ahead - harmony with oneself. Dirty water indicates the presence constant stress, dissatisfaction and soon nervous breakdown. Often such dreams occur before the onset of prolonged depression.

When interpreting dreams, it is necessary to take into account the attitude towards water. So, if the sleeper is afraid of water, swimming, and dreams of visiting various bodies of water, then this can be interpreted as overcoming difficulties in real life, in the future it will be necessary to experience fear, and proportional to the fear of water. If water is your favorite element, then the interpretation of the dream will be rosy.

What kind of water did you dream about?

Moving water is an omen of receiving some information. This could be an unexpected but pleasant call, or a letter. If the water is motionless in a dream, and you have to look at an absolutely calm sea, pool or even the ocean, even just a vessel with water, this also indicates receiving some information. But if with moving water this information will be from loved ones, dear ones, then still water is more related to some kind of knowledge, wisdom, information that will be useful for a long time.

Dirty, muddy water, or water with debris in it, can be interpreted as receiving information that may contain a lot of unnecessary, and even negative, information. It is worth carefully filtering the knowledge and information received.

A dream in which the sleeper swam in muddy and dirty water does not promise anything good. According to tradition, dirty water is associated with diseases and germs, and such a dream can be interpreted as a prediction of an imminent illness, or participation in some unpleasant business.

If in a dream you only saw dirty water or a pond, then this may mean that in your immediate environment there is a source of disease from which you can easily become infected, or there is a person who uses foul language and spreads gossip.

If we turn to legends and epics, then bathing in icy streams and reservoirs has always symbolized good health and the return of youth. In the same way, you can interpret cold water in a dream, which will promise health and well-being. In this case, when interpreting the dream, there will be no fundamental difference in what exactly events happened to the water in the dream.

What bodies of water did you dream about?

When interpreting dreams, there is a fundamental difference between water of natural origin, i.e. those reservoirs that have natural sources of replenishment - a lake, pond, river, sea, etc. or are containers that are strictly limited by walls - a pool, bathtubs, a bucket, or even a simple glass of water.

How large the body of water is and whether it is limited by anything will determine how widespread the phenomenon or event will be. So, if you dreamed of a transparent, clean sea, then there is a significant event ahead or a series of them. If you dream of clean water in a closed room, artificial reservoir, then the event will have the appropriate size and character.

Sometimes in a dream you may dream of a real disaster - a flood, which creates a feeling of panic. Such dreams can be interpreted as an omen of difficulties and troubles. These events will happen in any case and nothing can be done about it.

Flowing water that flows next to the house can be interpreted as an improvement financial situation, it’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “money flows like a river” - this is exactly the case. Seeing standing water in a dream, for example in some container, and it is clean and transparent is a good sign. The meaning of such a dream can be twofold, either it is success in business, or on the personal front.

Dreams about water can concern not only the dreamer, but also his immediate environment. So, if in a dream a sleeping person treats someone with clean, well water, this may mean that soon the person who was treated to water will become rich, and it is the sleeping person who will help him in this. But if you give someone muddy water in a dream, dirty water, then such a dream says the opposite - a person will have problems and the dreamer will become their cause.

Finding yourself in the water element, among the waves and not being able to get out of there, may indicate that a difficult situation will soon arise, from which you will need all your courage and willpower to get out.

What did you do with water in your dream?

Water is a symbol of purity, and seeing yourself bathing or floating in water in a dream can be interpreted different ways, but in any case the value will be positive. So, for a sick person, bathing or swimming in water promises get well soon, getting rid of problems, getting rid of depression and all sorts of negativity. Bathing promises relief, literally, washing away problems.

Stormy rivers with flows are not entirely safe; to see a stormy river with seething flows in a dream and be in the flow of this river - the dream warns of dangers that will come from the machinations of ill-wishers.

Drinking water in a dream speaks of imminent, interesting changes; plans may soon arise that will need to be implemented. According to another opinion, drinking water in a dream means trouble, especially if the water is dirty, cloudy or has some strange taste.

If in a dream you dreamed that water spilled on the dreamer, then soon there will be minor troubles. Not only spilling, but also jumping into the water is not a very good sign; there will soon be trouble. If you fall into water with your head in a dream, then you are in danger of danger and illness.

Often in a dream you can see yourself drowning; fear and panic are inseparable companions of such a dream. Often after such a dream you can wake up with fear, worries - your soul is not at peace. And the interpretation of such a dream will be appropriate; soon you will have to face difficulties and problems.

Pouring water into any containers in a dream foreshadows empty conversations that can revolve around the dreamer, they do not carry any consequences, but it is always a little pleasant when there is a discussion of one’s own personal life behind the back. In addition, when we spill water, we lose it, and the dream can be interpreted accordingly. Spilling water in a dream means losses, and the more water you had to pour, the greater the losses.

Some dreams seem insignificant, but in fact they are of great importance. So, for example, with water - everyone is familiar with it, and when they dream about it, it rarely evokes surprise or strong emotions.

But if you look, it is difficult to find a more ancient, powerful, complex and comprehensive symbol than this element. And when someone dreams of water, it is always a clear sign, a message from higher powers. And why water is dreamed of is not always easy to understand correctly.

It is usually a symbol of emotions. It is this element that is associated with the feminine, intuitive, changeable principle; it is the most fickle, it can change its states and store information.

This means that in a dream, especially for a woman, water is an important sign. It can mean love, and difficulties, and great changes, and great happiness. It all depends on many details that need to be taken into account. There are a number of descriptions in dream books, including:

  • I dream of clean water, fresh and clear.
  • I dream about water being dirty, stale, cloudy or black.
  • She is in the sea, lake, river or pool.
  • Household dreams - why do you dream of water on the floor at home, in your house or apartment, pouring in the bathroom, flowing from the ceiling or dripping from the tap.
  • Icy or hot.
  • Walk on it, sink or swim.

It's just general review scenarios and plots; in reality, of course, there are much more of them. Remember sequentially - what it was like, whether you dreamed of dirty water or clear, blue water, whether it was in the sea, in the river or at your home, what you did and what happened. And then you will reliably decipher what water is meant for in dreams - specifically in your unique case.

What interpreters are talking about

It is not always easy to understand objectively and correctly what water means in a dream; it is a rather vague symbol that rarely means something simple and material. First, let's try to understand the subtext of this symbol.

1. According to Miller's dream book and other authoritative sources, it means the sphere of emotions and feelings. Based on this, we can decide that any “watery” dreams are dreamed to indicate the dreamer’s vivid and strong experiences, his emotional nature. There may be events ahead that will cause a flood of feelings. Often water dreams are about love.

2. You can also interpret why you dream about a lot of water - floods, streams, or when it is simply everywhere, around. This is an allusion to the spiritual realm, spiritual growth and transformation of personality and soul. Great internal changes, events associated not with the material world and things or events, but rather with the spiritual, esoteric aspect of life. Understanding something higher.

3. If you look for the interpretation of dreams with streams, strong waterfalls, natural phenomena, here you can consider a metaphor - a flow of feelings. You will be overwhelmed with emotions, feelings will begin to change and even overwhelm you.

4. In general, make associations if you see such dreams. Is there a stream flowing in a river or stream? There will be some variability, feelings will change each other. Stable waters– in a lake, in the sea, in a pond? Something calm, eternal, big. Use your intuition, it will tell you a lot.

5. Each dreamer himself can understand and guess what transparent, clean, blue water means, and why he dreams dark water, cloudy or even black. Of course, the first option always means everything good - joy, health, pure and happy love.

The second option cannot be interpreted fatally. Don’t be afraid to consider what dirty water means in dreams - dreams of this kind do not promise trouble or bad incidents. This is a hint of sadness, sadness that you can handle yourself.


In order to clearly consider what water is meant for in dreams, separately, in each specific case, we need to remember exactly what it was like. The interpretation will depend on its type, condition and properties.

1.It is quite clear why you dream of clean water - this is a symbol of the fact that a bright, good period . The dream book, alas, won’t say anything specific. However, if you have such dreams, then you should confidently expect prosperity.

If you are sick, you will soon be completely healed. If there is melancholy, problems, difficulties, they will soon end. For young people this is - sure sign clean and happy love which is coming.

2. But you should be careful when interpreting what dirty water means in dreams. There will be no trouble in reality! Miller's dream book, for example, indicates sadness that will soon pass. Other interpreters give a similar meaning.

Emotions are not always bright and joyful, sometimes sadness comes - even for no reason. The main thing is not to get “stuck” in it and tune in for the best. By understanding correctly what dirty water means in dreams, you can avoid sadness. Try to have a positive and wise attitude towards everything and remember that everything is for the better.

3. But why do you dream of muddy water, opaque and dark? This is a sign that you will find yourself in an unclear situation; something will not be clear to you. Perhaps dishonest people, some kind of insincerity. But you will be able to figure everything out.

4. There is also an interpretation of why holy water is dreamed of - this beautiful, bright symbol. Such dreams are rare; they are dreamed of with great happiness and spiritual renewal. Wherever it is, it always means that you are under reliable protection higher powers, you have nothing to fear.

5. As the dream book says, cold water, especially ice water, is a wonderful symbol of health. For a sick person or someone who is in anguish, ice water promises healing. For healthy people, ice water portends longevity and a surge of strength.

6. Such a dream, in which the water was hot, especially boiling water, promises happiness. A hot spring, or just a glass of boiling water, is a wonderful sign.

7. An unusual, frightening symbol - black liquid. It means your fears and empty worries and nothing else! They envelop your soul, swarm around you and interfere with your life. Fight them!

Where were you?

Everyday stories are common. Let's see what home floods mean, what dreams of rusty water dripping from a tap mean, and everything else.

1. If you dreamed of a flood in your own home or room (apartment), a stream that pours from the ceiling or from somewhere else, then in reality you will literally be overwhelmed by emotions. Your house in a dream is a symbol of your inner world. And it will simply be filled with a strong feeling. Stand on your feet and soberly assess the situation, do not forget about reason.

2. If in a dream rust is pouring or dripping from a tap, this clearly indicates that old, unfinished things are haunting you and preventing you from doing something important and relevant. Do this, get old projects in order, set aside a separate day for this and finish everything that is “hanging.” This will make your life much easier, you will feel how easy it is to plan and implement new things!

3. Intrusive dripping in the bathroom or in the sink is a symbol that someone wants to “leak” into your life, find out something, or simply be closer to you. What kind of person (or people) is this, what he wants - find out for yourself, be careful.

4. If a stream comes from the tap in the house, there will be changes in your family. The time has come for them, and there is no need to resist them - they are for the better! Change of residence, renovation or addition to the family - it can be anything.

5. If you heated a kettle or boiled something, great joy will certainly await you. The dream book promises that there are many wonderful events ahead, fate is preparing good surprises. If now the period is not particularly joyful, believe me, this will change very soon. Your life streak will become brighter!

To obtain full interpretation When dreaming about water, one should consider not only its properties, but also where it was. Whether at home, in the bath or in the pool, it matters.

If you found it on the floor and had to walk on it, then you will have to overcome minor everyday difficulties. But nothing fatal will happen. Just some obstacles that you can overcome. In addition, small trials always make us stronger, more resilient, and teach us to approach life wiser.

Did you see yourself in the pool or next to it? This is a wonderful sign, promising joy, carefree days, fun. Especially if the pool was clean, pleasant to look at and beautifully decorated. If in this successful dream you felt good and pleasant, confidently expect great joy in reality. Believe me, there will be a reason for her, and more than one!

As the dream book says, the water in the lake, especially clear and blue, is a symbol of pure, calm happiness and harmony. There will be stability in relationships and family, you will feel peace, harmony and tranquility around you, you will understand that everything in your life is exactly as it should be.

A river or a large stream, any moving stream is a symbol of change. Moreover, not so much external as internal. Personal and spiritual transformation, change of feelings, transition from one state to a completely different one. Maybe your feelings for some person will change a lot, or for yourself. Your emotional sphere will be different.

To see something big and powerful is strong sign. A great feeling awaits you ahead! If the sea was calm, the feeling will gradually “cover” you, and will be very strong, stable, real. If there were waves, you will begin to “storm”, you will experience changes and excitement. Maybe there is great love ahead?

A full bath is a symbol of relaxation and bliss. It's time to rest, relax, let your body and thoughts come to a state of peace. Take a vacation or spend a weekend in peace, enjoy blissful idleness and relaxation. This will do you good!


Now remember, did you just see the sea, a bath or a flood, or did you do something? If you swam, drowned or drank, these actions should also be deciphered in order to understand and interpret what water means in dreams as fully as possible.

1.Swimming in a body of water, especially clean and transparent, is a wonderful symbol. Joy, carefree life, fun - all this awaits you ahead. If in your dreams you swam in a cold pond or even under an ice-cold shower, your health will be excellent and you will begin to feel a surge of strength.

In addition, much in the interpretation depends on emotions - by the way, if you felt joy and pleasant feelings in a dream, in reality everything will turn out very well, and pleasant events await you.

2. Why do you dream about water, any body of water in which you drowned? You are about to fall in love! This is exactly what dream books indicate. A trembling feeling will cover you, as they say, completely and turn your reality upside down. And don’t resist, love is stronger than reason!

3. If you swam and dived, the interpreter predicts a love date for you. Someone will invite you to meet and perhaps confess their love! Don't be surprised if you are a family man. This is also a good sign for you - renewed feelings for your partner, new stage love. You will remember the romance and seem to fall in love with your soulmate all over again!

4. Drowning in a dream is scary, but it is not a bad or ominous dream. He only hints to the dreamer that strong emotions will overwhelm you very soon and you will lose control. It is sometimes so pleasant and dizzying! But do not forget to use reason so as not to make mistakes. Be in power strong feeling- a rare happiness, but you always need to stand on your feet and analyze your actions soberly, as well as evaluate the situation with your mind.

5. As the dream book describes, the water you drank cold portends strong, good health. You will recover very soon and feel great. And if you are already healthy, you will feel an influx of new strength to achieve great goals. Take advantage of this, don’t sit still, you can do a lot!

6. If you scooped or collected water from somewhere, then great success is planned on the personal front. The person you like will reciprocate and you will be happy. You will have to forget about loneliness!

7. An unusual dream in which you happened to walk on a water surface symbolizes victory. Over enemies or competitors, over melancholy or depression, problems and difficulties, even over yourself. A big, unquestioning victory! Brilliant success awaits you. You can do anything!

8. As the dream book writes, holy water, with which you performed any actions - collected it, consecrated it, sprinkled something, and so on - is a symbol of the highest protection and good. Only the best awaits you in reality in the near future.

Listen to yourself - your heart can tell you a lot, and your intuition will tell you what times are coming. There are not only bright spots in life, but everything in it is harmonious and correct. Expect the best and know that only the brightest dreams will come true in your reality!