How to get rid of dust. How to get rid of dust

To get rid of dust in your apartment, you can use numerous folk ways. Simple and inexpensive means will help completely destroy it on various open surfaces, inside upholstered furniture, in secluded and difficult accessible places or in the air. Some of them are also able to prevent its rapid appearance in residential areas after cleaning due to their antistatic properties.

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1 Cleaning upholstered furniture from dust

Upholstered furniture is an ideal dust collector. Housewives have long used a technique that helps cleanse it. A damp, well-wrung out strip of fabric (you can use an old sheet) is spread on a sofa, bed or chair and the furniture is knocked out through it with a clapper. The dust that is under the upholstery rises to the top and lingers on the damp sheet.

Additionally, after knocking out, the furniture can be steamed with an iron to destroy harmful microorganisms, such as dust mites. It is recommended to do this monthly or once a season.

Those who prefer to use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust are advised to wrap the nozzle in gauze. But first you need to hold her in for ten minutes. saline solution(one tablespoon of salt per liter of water). Then it is thoroughly wrung out and wrapped around the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner. This helps get rid of mites and at the same time refresh the upholstery.

It is advisable to remove wool coverings on furniture, feather pillows and replace duvets with padding polyester ones. Down absorbs dust, and padding repels.

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2 Removing dust from books

A lot of dust accumulates on bookshelves, but even with a vacuum cleaner it is impossible to completely clean the books. Be sure to then properly wipe their surfaces and shelves with a damp cloth. It is advisable to do this using a special mixture that repels dust. Its recipe is simple: glycerin is mixed with water in proportions of 1:10.

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3 Fighting dust on the ceiling and floor

You can remove dust from the ceiling with a mop with a long handle, the attachment of which is made of fabric with lint that collects dust. You can also use a cleaning brush. For suspended ceilings necessary soap solution. Using a soft nozzle soaked in soapy water, gently wipe the surface of the tension fabric.

Waterproof floor coverings(linoleum, laminate, parquet) wipe with a damp cloth.

Carpets can be sprinkled with baking soda and then vacuumed. There is another folk remedy for completely cleaning carpets. The recipe is simple: pour a liter of water into two glasses baking soda, add four bay leaves, a tablespoon of cinnamon or cloves. Mix everything thoroughly. Store in a tightly closed jar. Before vacuuming, sprinkle the mixture on the carpet and leave for two hours. Baking soda helps remove dust and dirt, and Bay leaf and cloves, due to their antibacterial properties, destroy germs.

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4 Recipes for home remedies for dust removal with antistatic effect

For furniture and hard-to-reach corners, where dust especially likes to collect, housewives have come up with products that not only clean surfaces, but also create an antistatic effect. It is convenient to remove accumulations from difficult places with a brush with natural bristles or a special broom for cleaning, then treat them with such a special product. This will not get rid of dust forever, but it will prevent its rapid re-accumulation.

5 Sprays

Homemade sprays that have an antistatic effect are very convenient for these purposes. They will allow you to get rid of dust in your apartment for a long time.

Since many essential oils are natural antistatic agents and have a bactericidal effect, spray recipes for dust control have been developed on their basis.

One of the most popular is prepared from a quarter glass of vinegar, two tablespoons of olive oil, 15 drops of essential oil, diluted with one glass of water. All this is mixed in a spray bottle, which is used to treat hard surfaces. Having sprayed this mixture, then you just need to wipe everything with a dry cloth.

Each ingredient in this composition plays its role:

  • vinegar removes all dirt;
  • olive oil repels dust from the surface being treated;
  • essential oils are bactericidal substances, many of which also repel insects.

Another spray is made with vinegar and other ingredients. Glass jar fill a quarter of the total volume with vinegar, then top up the vessel with any vegetable oil. Add half a lemon or a tablespoon of lemon juice to this mixture. Close tightly. The composition is stored in the refrigerator. Shake before use.

6 Saline solution

To save on more long term from dust, experienced housewives use a very simple method. Dilute a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, stir until it is completely dissolved, then wipe the surfaces with this.

7 Liquid-soaked wipes

Wipes soaked in lemon solution work effectively. They remove dust without leaving streaks on the furniture. You can prepare such napkins for future use. To do this, pour 7 tablespoons of vegetable oil into sliced ​​lemon. Leave for a week. Then dilute the solution with a glass of boiling water and strain. Dip a napkin into it, wring it out and dry it. It is ready for cleaning furniture.

Cleansing wipes can be prepared in another way. Pour a quarter of vinegar into a glass container and add water. Add a few drops of any essential oil to this composition. Place rags in it and close tightly. These rags are convenient for cleaning household appliances and kitchen surfaces. For such anti-dust wipes, you need to use cotton fabrics. You can use old, no longer needed items for these purposes.

8 Fighting construction dust

Dust has to be dealt with during repair work, and upon their completion. After repairs, there will be much less hassle if you protect glass, furniture, and doors as much as possible with a special film.

If the dust hangs around and does not settle, you should sprinkle both the air and the floor surface with water to which citric acid or vinegar has been added. In this case, slightly moistened construction dust will be easier to collect, and it will be possible to clear the floor and air from it much faster.

The easiest way to clean it is with a mop and sponge, changing the water frequently. After this, repeatedly clean the surfaces at height and the floor with a damp cloth and sponges. Dust marks on the floor can be completely removed only with clean rags soaked in water and vinegar.

9 Preventive measures

To prevent dust from accumulating in the air, special measures must be taken.

For this, ventilation is necessary. In warm weather, it is necessary to ventilate the room for at least 20 minutes. In winter, a few minutes will be enough. While ventilation is going on, it is advisable to do wet cleaning.

Powerful resistance to dust - humidified air in the living room. There are special devices that maintain the required level of humidity in apartments. But in their absence, you can use improvised means. So, a piece of fabric is attached to the fan, which is sprayed from time to time with a spray bottle. While working, the fan humidifies the air.

You can keep wide-necked containers filled with water near radiators. Or put fabrics on the batteries, which at one end go down into a vessel with water. With its constant evaporation, the air will be humid.

10 Helpers in the fight against flying dust

Indoor plants placed throughout the apartment will provide adequate, constant air humidification. Cyperus evaporates up to 3 liters of moisture per day. And regular watering and spraying of plants will also significantly help with air humidification.

Chlorophytum has shown itself to be a successful fighter against flying dust. This is the name of the flower, which absorbs toxins that enter the apartment and kills harmful bacteria. Several chlorophytums in the house will replace expensive air purifiers: within a day they absorb almost all harmful bacteria in the room.

Using these simple and affordable folk remedies for eliminating dust, you can keep your apartment clean without difficulty and expense.

Any housewife knows several methods of how to deal with dust in an apartment. However, no matter how you destroy the plaque on furniture, household appliances, paintings, it still appears again. Where do these annoying specks of dust come from?

Origin of dust

Scientists have calculated that forty-three million tons of dust settle on American territory every year. More than seventy percent is dust of natural origin. The remaining thirty percent comes from the one that appears as a result human activity. Its main producers are:

  • the soil;
  • oceans - small drops of water rising into the air, when evaporating, saturate the atmosphere with salt crystals;
  • volcanoes, forest fires - constant fires and eruptions on different continents of the planet throw more than fourteen million tons of dust and ash into the air;
  • Sahara Desert - air currents lift and spread around the world more than one hundred and ninety million tons of sand dust;
  • space – the remains of comets or meteorites that have flown by or burned up in the atmosphere settle on the planet;
  • pollen.

Even in an apartment with tight closed windows and without residents, in half a month more than ten thousand dust particles accumulate on one square centimeter of floor surfaces and furniture.

We fight dust with the help of devices

Consultants working in household appliance stores will advise you on how to deal with dust in your apartment. Devices that significantly facilitate this process are presented in several types:

  • vacuum cleaner - must have a wet air filtration function so that dust does not rise after cleaning;
  • air humidifiers - such devices, having built-in programs, instantly saturate the dry air of the apartment with moisture and will not allow dust particles to fly;
  • hygrometer - this device will show the level of humidity in the apartment.

Plants for dust control

A large number of plants do an excellent job of purifying the air in an apartment, collecting dust and other particles that harm residents. How to deal with dust in an apartment? Tips will help you identify plants that help with this:

  1. Chlorophytum. Absorbs substances toxic to humans in the air, including: carbon monoxide, formaldehyde.
  2. Ficus benjamina, aloe. Copes with toxic compounds emitted by plastic products and furniture.
  3. Spathiphyllum. Cannot be replaced in the fight against mold, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene elements.
  4. Geranium, citruses, bay laurel. Destroy pathogenic microbes, viruses, substances, bacteria.
  5. Mother-in-law's tongue. Fights nitrogen oxides.
  6. Gerbera, dracaena. They absorb benzene, trichlorethylene and carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen.
  7. Cypress. Attracts negative ions, which saturate the air electrical devices, and produces positive ions.
  8. Begonia. Humidifies the air, kills fungi and germs, reduces the harmful effects of electrical appliances.
  9. Dieffenbachia. It can deal with staphylococci, as well as toxic compounds (toluene and xylene) that are emitted by varnished surfaces.
  10. Scheffler. Absorbs smoking tar and nicotine, purifying the air for residents.

Dust collectors in an apartment setting

When you are in your own home, you involuntarily notice that there is a lot of dust in the apartment. How to deal with it if the devices don’t help much? First of all, it is necessary to review the things that are placed in cabinets and bedside tables and, if possible, get rid of or replace them, namely:

  • throw away or reduce the number of carpet products - you can leave them for beauty and comfort, if only you can vacuum them often;
  • incredible a large number of figurines, decorative crafts, pictures and napkins - must be folded in one place (closet or box);
  • items that are not used should be removed or thrown away;
  • thick curtains, heavy curtains - must be replaced with wooden or plastic blinds;
  • If possible, remove woolen interior elements, and replace the down or feather that is in the cushions or seats with synthetic filler.

We remove dust in hard-to-reach places

When starting cleaning, it is necessary to take into account that in any room there are many hard-to-reach places that accumulate a large number of dust particles.

One of these is the soft surface of furniture. In order to get rid of dust, a wet sheet is placed on the soft part. Taking a carpet beater in your hands, go through all the covered areas. The dust that is inside the chair or sofa will be absorbed by the damp sheet. After removing it, it is advisable to vacuum the soft parts of the furniture sets again.

Other dust storage areas include bookshelves. To remove dust deposits from books, you must first use a vacuum cleaner. To do this, use a brush with long bristles. Then be sure to remove the entire surface of the collected literature and bookshelves with a damp cloth.

A fairly large amount of dust also collects on the ceilings in the apartment. Dust deposits can be removed from suspended ceilings using a soap solution, a stepladder and a brush. Ceiling surfaces painted with paint or lime, clean using a regular mop with a damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner that has a long-hair brush.

Household chemicals - cleaning assistant

On store shelves you can find many special household chemicals. The most popular products solve the problem of how to deal with dust in an apartment effectively and quickly.

Furniture polish, in most cases, has an antistatic effect. When using this product for cleaning premises, the amount of dust particles settles much less. This effect is caused smooth surface. After use, the furniture shines and there are no streaks on it.

Wipes with antibacterial impregnation perfectly clean and disinfect any objects in the apartment. Using them, they rub furniture, adding shine. They are ideal for glass and plastic products, mirror surfaces, computer and digital equipment.

A special spray that removes dust from household appliances. This product removes dust deposits from televisions, desktop computers, keyboards, scanners, printers, and cameras. Despite being connected to the network, such a spray can be used on operating equipment.

Do-it-yourself dust control products

Many people do not trust ready-made cleaning products. How to deal with dust in an apartment? Homemade tips for preparing remedies will definitely help:

  1. Carpet cleaner. Pour 1 liter of water into two glasses of baking soda, four bay leaves, and a pinch of cinnamon or cloves. Treat the carpet with the solution. Vacuum after a few hours. Baking soda will remove dust and dirt accumulated in the carpet, while spices leave a light aroma and disinfect.
  2. Bathroom cleaner. Add half a glass of soda to a glass of vinegar. Mix these ingredients and apply to surfaces. Wash off after fifteen minutes, after rubbing the treated areas.
  3. Cleansing wipes. We cut old things into neat rags. Pour one fourth of the vinegar into a glass container, then add water. Add a few drops of any essential oil to the aromatization solution and lower the napkins. Close the lid tightly. These cloths should be used to wipe household appliances and kitchen items.
  4. Furniture cleaner. Add one-fourth of vinegar to a glass container under a lid, then fill to the top with any vegetable oil. Add the juice of half a lemon or one tablespoon of prepared lemon juice. Store the liquid in the refrigerator. Shake before use.

How to deal with dust? List effective ways begins with mandatory ventilation of the room. Favorite apartment is a closed space. There is always less dust outside, because the volume of dispersion is incomparable with the area of ​​the apartment. It is necessary to start cleaning with the windows wide open, in which there are Mosquito nets, protecting against dust from the street.

Next, we determine the amount of work that needs to be done. Place scattered clothes in the washing basket; we place scattered toys neatly in the children's room; We return things that are out of place.

We vacuum all soft parts of cabinet furniture. We use a damp cloth to knock the dust out of it. We clean carpets using special cleaning products.

If possible, wash windows and wash hanging curtains, curtains, and tulle. Before hanging clean items, it is advisable to treat them with hot steam or iron them. This process allows you to get rid of dust particles and disinfect window curtains.

We provide wet cleaning to plants that take care of the microclimate in the apartment. We wipe their leaves with a wet napkin, spray and water.

We wipe all items located in the home with a damp cloth, and wash the floor clean.

When asked how to deal with dust in an apartment, the famous actress replied that dust does not bother anyone if it is not touched. Universal remedy does not exist. We must remember that cleaning is much easier and takes less time if you keep your apartment in order every day.

Dust causes a lot of trouble, especially when it comes to allergy sufferers. It settles on upholstered furniture and shelves. A person regularly inhales dust that remains in the respiratory tract. All this has a negative impact on health. Even with regular cleaning, small particles appear again after an hour and a half. What to do in such situations? The problem urgently needs to be solved once and for all! Let's figure out together how to do this correctly.

Where does dust accumulate?

  1. Dust preferentially settles on products and interior items made of textiles. It's all about the material's ability to become electrified and attract small particles. Therefore, the main places where dust accumulates are soft toys, draperies, rugs, pillows, blankets, joints of upholstered furniture, curtains and tulle.
  2. A positive feature of a “dust collector” in the form of textile materials is that the particles immediately stick and do not float in the air. It is much easier to eliminate them by primitive wet cleaning, washing or knocking them out on the street.
  3. A negative characteristic is the inability to carry out wet cleaning of complex interior elements. In this case, you cannot do without regular, almost once every 2 days, washing or the use of an expensive washing vacuum cleaner.
  4. To get rid of dust on upholstered furniture, you need to arm yourself with a huge sheet of gauze cloth and moisten it with water. After pressing, the fabric is placed on a sofa or chair and knocked out special device. Dust is instantly absorbed into the material; it is enough to rinse it and, if necessary, repeat the steps again.
  5. Dust locations include the area under the ceiling, which is extremely difficult to reach. Typically, particles settle on high cabinet walls, shelves and other pieces of hard furniture. Not every housewife has the desire to climb upstairs and clean every week. In this case, it is better to cover the surface, which is closed from view, with newspapers or album sheets.
  6. Another place is considered to be cornices, the sides of paintings located high up, various hanging figurines, clocks and other small parts, chandeliers and lamps. There is no need to say how difficult it is to clean all these elements one by one. All parts that you do not want to wipe must be treated with Anti-Dust spray.

how to get rid of house dust

Where to start fighting dust

  1. First of all, cleaning the apartment must begin with the complete removal of all existing dust collectors. Everyone, or almost everyone if possible. This must be done because dust is harmful to health and allergies may soon develop. Not everyone knows that most of dust is concentrated at 1.5 m from the floor. Therefore, children and short people have the hardest time.
  2. It was already mentioned above that the favorite place for dust to accumulate is on the surface of small elements. These include soft toys, figurines, watches, decorative napkins, etc. These items accumulate harmful particles more than others, so you should get rid of them. If you don't want to throw things away, place them in a box or under glass in a chest of drawers.
  3. According to the above scheme, it is necessary to proceed with books. They quickly attract dust, so printed publications put it under the glass panel or in closed cabinet. It's good if you allocate a separate place for them.
  4. Dust accumulates in carpets placed on the floor or walls. They need to be vacuumed at least twice a week, and preferably more often. If you don't want to do this, remove the carpets.
  5. Things, shoes, accessories that no one uses hang on a hanger for years and collect dust. If you no longer need them, share them with friends or give them to those in need.
  6. Do not clutter your apartment with various decorations that can only be called dust collectors. Give preference to a minimalist style environment, this will make cleaning faster and save your health.
  7. Curtains made of thick and heavy materials quickly attract dust due to the electrification effect. The longer they hang, the more harmful the air in the room. Choose curtains to which nothing sticks, or light tulle. As for curtain rods, avoid hanging ones and buy ones that are attached to the ceiling.
  8. If you make your bed with a blanket made from natural materials, prefer synthetic ones. Wool quickly attracts microparticles because it is also quickly electrified. Synthetics have these properties, but to a lesser extent.

how to clean your apartment properly

Ways to eliminate dust

Humidifiers, ionizers and vacuum cleaners

  1. To cope with the appearance of dust, it is recommended to use vacuum cleaners with a water filter. Remember, dust is generated in large quantities when using ordinary fabric bags in household appliances. The bottom line is that after using such vacuum cleaners, half of the dust is returned to the room.
  2. Vacuum cleaners with water filtration do the job. The only disadvantage of the devices is that they can significantly increase air humidity. This phenomenon will provoke the formation of mold. Therefore, these vacuum cleaners are best used for cleaning smooth linoleum or tile floors.
  3. To prevent dust from accumulating in large quantities, it is recommended to purchase a robotic vacuum cleaner. Keep in mind that the device can quickly fail if shaggy animals live in the house. In other cases, the attribute will greatly save the situation. It is enough to turn on the vacuum cleaner, it will independently collect all the dust from the floor in the apartment.
  4. To solve the problem, no less than effective solution- air purifier. The device copes with dust, the only drawback is the small radius of action (about 1 meter). The air purifier removes flying dust particles. Keep in mind that the device is not cheap, but it copes with the task perfectly.
  5. IN modern houses You can often find a humidifier. The essence of the device's operation is based on cold steam. We can say that the attribute “washes” the air in the room. The device has a small range. Therefore, you will have to constantly rearrange it or acquire additional units. An undoubted advantage of the device is complete air purification.
  6. In addition to all the above devices, you can resort to the help of an ionizer. It reduces the amount of dust in the air. The ionizer weighs down the particles that settle on the floor. In this case, cleaning is much easier.

Household chemicals

  1. When cleaning an apartment, the use of household chemicals is inevitable. Such substances remove static electricity from household appliances on which dust sticks. If you systematically treat things with an antistatic agent, particles will practically not settle on surfaces.
  2. Alcohol-free glass cleaning fluids are considered no less effective in solving the problem. Such compositions easily clean almost any product made from various materials.
  3. Disposable napkins also showed good results. They can be universal or directed for all surfaces. Among the effective wipes are car wipes. They cope well with dirt and dust.

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Preventing dust

  1. Before embarking on an endless war against dust, you can try to eliminate the sources of its occurrence. If possible, ventilate the room every 2-3 hours.
  2. The apartment must have good ventilation. This is especially true for the bathroom and kitchen. In such rooms you need to install a hood.
  3. The room temperature should be at an average level, from 19 to 23 degrees. It would be a good idea to install an air humidifier. You shouldn’t skimp on this, health is more important.
  4. You can add special products to humidifiers that fight dust mites. Please note that this composition may harm the health of animals.
  5. If you have an impressive collection of books, they should be stored in a separate cabinet. Almost everyone knows that waste paper is the main dust collector.

To combat dust, remove dust collectors. Use a special spray with an “Anti-Dust” effect, buy an air humidifier, and clean with a vacuum cleaner. Spray the room with water and lemon juice.

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You can't remove large sources of dust from your life, such as clothing, furniture, carpets and, in fact, human skin. However, you can use quality home cleaning methods. Then the amount of dust will be significantly reduced.

Always wipe dust from top to bottom– otherwise dirt from surfaces that are higher than others will settle on the already cleaned furniture.

Carpets should be vacuumed and shaken every week. Carpets – world class dust collectors, and when you step on them, they “throw” dust back into the air.

It is worth taking care of the furniture. For example, sofa cushions, like carpeting, create, collect and spew dust into the air when you sit on it. Sofas, beds, and chairs can be vacuumed or knocked out using a thick, damp cloth. Also pay attention to the curtains: They need to be washed and steamed regularly.

Dust mites live in almost every home because they like warm, moist environments. They breed in bedding and other places where there may be a lot of epidermal particles, and contribute their waste products to the general dust level. In most cases, this is not a problem: just wash your bedding and care for your upholstered furniture regularly.

Take inventory of your apartment. Perhaps some things should be thrown out altogether, and others should simply be replaced. Instead of feather pillows, take padding polyester ones, get rid of the extra ones decorative items and unnecessary clothes, old upholstered furniture. Don’t forget about soft toys: they are great house for dust mites. There is absolutely no need to throw them in the trash; just wash them at high temperature or put it in the freezer for several hours.

Why is there a lot of dust in the apartment? The answer is simple: dust loves clutter. Clutter demoralizes even the most desperate housewives, forcing them to spend a lot of time and effort on cleaning. Store various trinkets and things you rarely use in a glass cabinet or drawer. Spend 5 minutes a day to put everything in its place - the dust will simply have nowhere to come from.

On total dust also affects our wardrobe. Just imagine how much dust we bring from the street along with our clothes! Pay close attention to laundry and closet organization. It is better to pack seasonal items in vacuum bags.

The worst accumulation of dust is located where it is quite difficult to clean, – under the bed, sofa, behind the refrigerator or closet, in the corners of the pantry, etc. When wet cleaning, it is recommended to pay the most attention to these places. Fortunately, mops and vacuum cleaners are now being produced with a variety of attachments that can get into hard-to-reach places.

The most difficult to reach places are at the top of the cabinets - to wipe them from dust, you always need to stand on a chair or stool. How to remove dust in this case? If you are not very concerned about the aesthetic appearance of the room, you can put old newspapers or large format paper on the “roof” of the cabinet - when the dust settles on it, it can be rolled up and thrown away. There is no need to deal with a thick layer of dust on the surface of the cabinet itself.

Another tip: if you need to remove dust from relief surfaces, for example from a picture frame, lampshade and others decorative elements, use an ordinary brush.

Dust causes a lot of trouble, especially when it comes to allergy sufferers. It settles on upholstered furniture and shelves. A person regularly inhales dust that remains in the respiratory tract. All this has a negative impact on health. Even with regular cleaning, small particles appear again after an hour and a half. What to do in such situations? The problem urgently needs to be solved once and for all! Let's figure out together how to do this correctly.

Where does dust accumulate?

  1. Dust preferentially settles on products and interior items made of textiles. It's all about the material's ability to become electrified and attract small particles. Therefore, the main places where dust accumulates are soft toys, draperies, rugs, pillows, blankets, joints of upholstered furniture, curtains and tulle.
  2. A positive feature of a “dust collector” in the form of textile materials is that the particles immediately stick and do not float in the air. It is much easier to eliminate them by primitive wet cleaning, washing or knocking them out on the street.
  3. A negative characteristic is the inability to carry out wet cleaning of complex interior elements. In this case, you cannot do without regular, almost once every 2 days, washing or the use of an expensive washing vacuum cleaner.
  4. To get rid of dust on upholstered furniture, you need to arm yourself with a huge sheet of gauze cloth and moisten it with water. After pressing, the fabric is placed on a sofa or chair and knocked out with a special device. Dust is instantly absorbed into the material; it is enough to rinse it and, if necessary, repeat the steps again.
  5. Dust locations include the area under the ceiling, which is extremely difficult to reach. Typically, particles settle on high cabinet walls, shelves and other pieces of hard furniture. Not every housewife has the desire to climb upstairs and clean every week. In this case, it is better to cover the surface, which is closed from view, with newspapers or album sheets.
  6. Another place is considered to be cornices, the sides of paintings located high up, various hanging figurines, clocks and other small parts, chandeliers and lamps. There is no need to say how difficult it is to clean all these elements one by one. All parts that you do not want to wipe must be treated with Anti-Dust spray.

Where to start fighting dust

  1. First of all, cleaning the apartment must begin with the complete removal of all existing dust collectors. Everyone, or almost everyone if possible. This must be done because dust is harmful to health and allergies may soon develop. Not everyone knows that most of the dust is concentrated 1.5 m from the floor. Therefore, children and short people have the hardest time.
  2. It was already mentioned above that the favorite place for dust to accumulate is on the surface of small elements. These include soft toys, figurines, watches, decorative napkins, etc. These items accumulate harmful particles more than others, so you should get rid of them. If you don't want to throw things away, place them in a box or under glass in a chest of drawers.
  3. According to the above scheme, it is necessary to proceed with books. They quickly attract dust, so put printed publications under a glass panel or in a closed cabinet. It's good if you allocate a separate place for them.
  4. Dust accumulates in carpets placed on the floor or walls. They need to be vacuumed at least twice a week, and preferably more often. If you don't want to do this, remove the carpets.
  5. Things, shoes, accessories that no one uses hang on a hanger for years and collect dust. If you no longer need them, share them with friends or give them to those in need.
  6. Do not clutter your apartment with various decorations that can only be called dust collectors. Give preference to a minimalist style environment, this will make cleaning faster and save your health.
  7. Curtains made of dense and heavy materials quickly attract dust due to the electrification effect. The longer they hang, the more harmful the air in the room. Choose curtains to which nothing sticks, or light tulle. As for curtain rods, avoid hanging ones and buy ones that are attached to the ceiling.
  8. If you make your bed with a blanket made from natural materials, choose synthetic ones. Wool quickly attracts microparticles because it is also quickly electrified. Synthetics have these properties, but to a lesser extent.

Humidifiers, ionizers and vacuum cleaners

  1. To cope with the appearance of dust, it is recommended to use vacuum cleaners with a water filter. Remember, dust is generated in large quantities when using ordinary fabric bags in household appliances. The bottom line is that after using such vacuum cleaners, half of the dust is returned to the room.
  2. Vacuum cleaners with water filtration do the job. The only disadvantage of the devices is that they can significantly increase air humidity. This phenomenon will provoke the formation of mold. Therefore, these vacuum cleaners are best used for cleaning smooth linoleum or tile floors.
  3. To prevent dust from accumulating in large quantities, it is recommended to purchase a robotic vacuum cleaner. Keep in mind that the device can quickly fail if shaggy animals live in the house. In other cases, the attribute will greatly save the situation. It is enough to turn on the vacuum cleaner, it will independently collect all the dust from the floor in the apartment.
  4. To solve the problem, an equally effective solution can be used - an air purifier. The device copes with dust, the only drawback is the small radius of action (about 1 meter). The air purifier removes flying dust particles. Keep in mind that the device is not cheap, but it copes with the task perfectly.
  5. In modern homes you can often find a humidifier. The essence of the device's operation is based on cold steam. We can say that the attribute “washes” the air in the room. The device has a small range. Therefore, you will have to constantly rearrange it or acquire additional units. An undoubted advantage of the device is complete air purification.
  6. In addition to all the above devices, you can resort to the help of an ionizer. It reduces the amount of dust in the air. The ionizer weighs down the particles that settle on the floor. In this case, cleaning is much easier.

Household chemicals

  1. When cleaning an apartment, the use of household chemicals is inevitable. Such substances remove static electricity from household appliances on which dust sticks. If you systematically treat things with an antistatic agent, particles will practically not settle on surfaces.
  2. Alcohol-free glass cleaning fluids are considered no less effective in solving the problem. Such compositions easily clean almost any product made from various materials.
  3. Disposable napkins also showed good results. They can be universal or directed for all surfaces. Among the effective wipes are car wipes. They cope well with dirt and dust.

Preventing dust

  1. Before embarking on an endless war against dust, you can try to eliminate the sources of its occurrence. If possible, ventilate the room every 2-3 hours.
  2. The apartment must have good ventilation. This is especially true for the bathroom and kitchen. In such rooms you need to install a hood.
  3. The room temperature should be at an average level, from 19 to 23 degrees. It would be a good idea to install an air humidifier. You shouldn’t skimp on this, health is more important.
  4. You can add special products to humidifiers that fight dust mites. Please note that this composition may harm the health of animals.
  5. If you have an impressive collection of books, they should be stored in a separate cabinet. Almost everyone knows that waste paper is the main dust collector.

To combat dust, remove dust collectors. Use a special spray with an “Anti-Dust” effect, buy an air humidifier, and clean with a vacuum cleaner. Spray the room with water and lemon juice.

Dust on household appliances in the house, furniture and in the corners of rooms, only the most untidy housewife may not irritate. The rest of the women, and many men, always try to eliminate dust accumulations whenever possible.

The process of dust formation cannot be completely interrupted, because it involves particles of our skin, fibers of clothing, bed linen, fluff from blankets and pillows.

The biggest danger from dust is its negative impact on the respiratory system: allergenic particles in the air and on all surfaces lead to the development of rhinitis, bronchitis, and worsen the condition of patients with bronchial asthma.

The amount of dust directly depends on the ecology of the locality and even on what pieces of furniture and accessories you use to create an individual interior and comfort. Innovative technologies and your perseverance, as well as a few small tricks that make cleaning easier, will help keep your home clean.

Dust control methods

If you are tired and do not want to spend your energy several times a week wiping all the furniture, appliances and floors, and the dust does not want to leave your home, then you need to reconsider not only your approach to cleaning, but also what your apartment is filled with . The easiest way to maintain cleanliness is in a room where there are no dense, thick carpets, thin curtains are used on the windows, and at the entrance to the apartment there is a rug that collects all the street dirt. In order to effectively and quickly deal with dust, you need to know where it is formed primarily and, based on this, prevent the accumulation of dirt in these places.

Sources of dust

The main sources of dust in the house are thick clothing, outdoor shoes, and floor mats. In order to minimize the amount of dirt in the house, cleaning must begin precisely from the most important places where dust particles spread.

  • A TV and computer in working condition are good at attracting any particles floating in the air. And therefore, it is recommended to turn it on only if you are watching a program, and remove dust not only from the top panel, but also from the screen itself.
  • Upper, winter clothes- an excellent place for the accumulation of germs and domestic mites. It must be dried periodically on summer days, and in winter it is advisable to freeze it outside.
  • It is recommended to change bed linen once a week. The mattress must be thoroughly vacuumed at least once a month. Pillows and blankets are taken out into the cold or into the hot sun about once every two weeks. Such measures prevent mites from accumulating in the laundry and get rid of many germs.
  • If there are pets in the home, their care should always be constant. Combing the fur and periodically bathing reduce the amount of epithelium falling from the body, and therefore makes the air in the apartment cleaner. After walks, animals must thoroughly wipe their paws.
  • Houseplants are also a source of dust, but at the same time they are also considered excellent air purifiers, so you shouldn’t give them up. The main rule when caring for plants is to periodically clean the leaves from dust using a damp cloth.
  • All microorganisms, dirt, sand, dust particles quickly accumulate in floor rugs and carpets. It is not always convenient to remove them completely from the apartment, so special attention must be paid to cleaning them.
  • Magazines, newspapers scattered around the room, open shelves in the walls, and all kinds of trinkets accumulate dust well. If the things in the room are of no real value to you, then it is best to get rid of them. This will not only make the apartment much cleaner, but will also free up the room, making it bright and spacious.
  • Unused seasonal items should always be put away in thick bags or special covers and boxes; this will also prevent dust from accumulating.

It has been noticed that there is the least dust in those rooms where the furniture is predominantly wooden or leather, there are not a large number of soft toys, and things are always kept in closed cabinets.

Cleaning steps

Any room, even one decorated in the most minimal style, needs periodic cleaning to keep the room clean. Apartment cleaning can be divided into routine and general cleaning. The first type of cleaning is carried out once or twice a week. The frequency of general cleaning depends on many factors, but it is still necessary to do it once every two months. Routine cleaning consists of:

  • Wiping dust from furniture and household appliances.
  • Cleaning sanitary rooms.
  • Washing floors.

To remove dust from carpets and floors, it is best to use a vacuum cleaner; a broom raises dust and it inevitably settles on all surfaces. It is necessary to periodically clean the vacuum cleaner bag from dirt, otherwise you will get the exact opposite result when cleaning. It is necessary to wash the floors and move away chairs, tables, sofas, in these places dust quickly accumulates in the form of large balls.

After using the vacuum cleaner, you need to once again go over all surfaces in the room with a cloth, this will allow you to collect settled particles.

General cleaning differs from current cleaning by being very labor intensive; some resort to the services of different companies to carry it out. It’s not difficult to do general cleaning yourself, the main thing is to allocate enough time for it. Extensive tidying up consists of several stages:

  • Dust must be removed not only from visible surfaces, but also from closed cabinets, chandeliers, and cornices. Don't forget about the top of the walls and cabinets.
  • During general cleaning, you need to wash curtains and tulle.
  • It is advisable to take the carpets outside and give them a good pat. If this is not possible, then you must vacuum both the upper and lower surfaces of the rugs.
  • A large accumulation of dust is always observed on shelves with dishes and books. Glassware is washed and dried thoroughly. Books vacuum well.
  • During general cleaning, it is necessary to ventilate pillows and blankets.
  • Existing soft toys should be washed and dried.
  • After dusting, airing and washing, all floors must be washed. If there are animals in the house, then it is better to do this with disinfectants, but safe for covering floors and humans.
  • When cleaning, pay close attention to the kitchen. IN work area There are always fat deposits, and in the kitchen cabinets there are always scattered cereals, crumbs from baking and coffee. All surfaces and shelves must be washed. If possible, you need to move kitchen set and get underneath it.

We shouldn’t forget about what needs to be done periodically in a residential apartment. redecorating. Dust accumulates well in paper wallpaper, gets clogged under baseboards and linoleum, and is attracted to the whitewashed ceiling.

Air purifiers, air conditioners with filters, and ionizers help reduce the amount of dust in the house. Refreshes the air in the apartment and open window, but it is better to open it after rain or when there is no wind.

It is difficult to deal with dust, but it is quite possible. The main thing is to keep the apartment clean all the time, and not from time to time. You should definitely involve your children and husband in cleaning, and then they will throw away their toys and clothes much less.

No matter how wonderful the hostess is, dust still appears in the apartment. However, knowing effective ways to combat it allows you to maintain ideal order. To ensure that each method achieves the best results, it is important to know the origin of the dust. Depends on right choice way to eliminate it.

According to the results of a study by scientists, more than 70% of dust is of natural origin. The remaining 30% comes from human life. These are the types of dust that appear in our homes.

TO natural includes dust from the following sources:

  • the soil;
  • water resources (oceans, seas, rivers);
  • forest fires, volcanic eruptions;
  • air currents in deserts;
  • space - the remains of burnt meteorites and comets;
  • flower pollen.
Dust from human activity has the following origin:
  • skin microparticles;
  • hair;
  • pet hair;
  • materials that make up walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, carpeting.

The most “productive” source of dust is residues human skin. This factor must be taken into account, and try to carry out body treatment procedures in sanitary rooms.

Basic rules for dust control

To minimize the accumulation of dust in the apartment, it is advisable to follow the following rules:
  • Use the vacuum cleaner correctly, change dust bags more often or empty the container promptly (after each cleaning). It is recommended to purchase a vacuum cleaner (see) equipped with an aqua filter.
  • Carry out wet cleaning regularly: washing floors, wiping areas that are not afraid of moisture with a damp cloth. The rest - with a dry cloth with by special means care for furniture and interior items.
  • Combing hair should only be done in the bathroom. Sweep them off the floor as often as possible.
  • The main attention should be paid to cleaning the kitchen, which is the leader in dust collection. It is better to keep crumbly products in closed containers. Take out the trash every day, regardless of its quantity. It is recommended to frequently change the hood filter above the stove.
  • Give preference to furniture covered with leather. This option is expensive, but such furniture will decorate the interior, it is easy to clean, and it hardly attracts dust.
  • Frequent changes of bed linen mean a minimum of dust consisting of skin particles.
  • Drying and airing pillows outdoors dry sunny weather. Regularly (at least once a month) shaking out blankets, rugs and bedspreads from dust.
  • Usage minimum quantity carpets and rugs. The ideal option is small rugs or paths that are easy to shake out or wet clean (see).
  • You should not keep unnecessary things in your apartment that do not serve any function other than as a dust collector.
  • Periodically contact a company that cleans upholstered furniture and carpets using special equipment.
  • The presence of living plants in the room that help purify the air. Indoor plants require regular spraying or showering, depending on the characteristics of the flowers.
  • Carefully care for pets (bathing, cleaning paws, combing).
  • Ventilation is recommended only during calm, windless weather, ideally after rain.
  • Do not smoke in the house, use special humidifiers and air purifiers.
  • It is more practical to use curtains that can be washed at any time. Blinds are less practical and much more difficult to clean.
  • To make it easier to wipe the furniture, especially at the top, it is advisable that it be at least 30 cm high from the ceiling.
  • If you wipe dust daily in all accessible places and do general cleaning once a month, order in the house and a minimum of dust will be ensured.

People have become more picky about using cleaning products to keep their homes clean. Most people prefer to use chemical-free products; they can be prepared at home.

Spicy carpet cleaner. Its preparation is reminiscent of cooking food, because the basis is taken food products, more precisely, spices: pour a pinch of cinnamon and cloves, 3-4 bay leaves into 1 liter of water, in which you have previously dissolved 2 cups of baking soda. Shake the mixture and you can start treating the carpets. Apply the product with a sponge or brush, rub and leave for several hours. After this, you will need a vacuum cleaner that will remove the dried soda residue along with spices and dust. Soda acts as a disinfectant, while spices create a pleasant aroma.

Bath fizz. Add half a glass of baking soda to 1 cup of 9 percent vinegar. Wipe the tiles, sink and bathtub with the resulting sizzling mixture. After 15-20 minutes, lightly rub, then rinse and wipe dry. The effect is stunning whiteness and shine, and a complete absence of dust.

Homemade cleaning wipes. Place soft rags from old unnecessary things in a basin with a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:3. Mute the smell of vinegar with any essential oil(a few drops). Leave it closed. Such rags will help out when cleaning kitchen utensils and household appliances.

Homemade polish. Fill the vessel 3/4 full with vegetable oil, add 1/4 vinegar plus the juice of half a lemon. This product is stored in the refrigerator. Before wiping surfaces wooden furniture shake well.

People's Councils using available safe means:

  • mustard powder instead of dishwashing detergent;
  • diluted vinegar instead of chemical glass cleaner;
  • baking soda for stains and dust on furniture (rub with a soft damp cloth with a pinch of soda sprinkled on it);
  • half and half vinegar with water for bath and toilet care;
  • cleaning tiles with raw potatoes;
  • using vinegar (add to water) to wash the floor and remove as much dust as possible from it.
We present to your attention a video that shows the preparation of citrus spray. This is a safe and effective home remedy for removing dust and dirt.

The main means of cleaning and fighting dust is water. It dissolves dust microparticles, washes away its accumulations, and removes odors. If you need to get rid of light dust, it is quite enough clean water with a soft cloth.

But sometimes you have to eliminate heavy dirt, all kinds of stains that appeared from a large amount of dust and turned into garbage. In this case, household chemicals will help. What exactly do you need to have to do? perfect cleaning? It is worth taking a closer look at the recommendations of professionals:

  • special liquid for the care of glass and mirrors;
  • bath and toilet cleaning products with a disinfectant effect;
  • floor cleaning concentrate;
  • air freshener.
Chemicals are presented on the market in various forms: gels, liquids, powders, concentrates, emulsions, pastes, creams, sprays. Their range is so wide that there will be no problems with purchasing - you can easily buy a product to suit your taste and needs.

When choosing household chemicals, you need to pay attention to the composition. If an allergy sufferer lives in the house, you should purchase a product without ingredients that cause allergies.

There are also general warnings: do not buy chemicals with content:
  • chlorine, ammonium and phosphates (contain toxins that cause malignant formations);
  • tricloban and triclosan (reducing protective functions organism);
  • flavorings based chemical elements– allergens.
Any chemical household products, even those with a gentle composition, often have harmful effects on the skin and respiratory organs. Therefore, cleaning should be done with rubber gloves in a ventilated room. If there is a thorough cleaning ahead, a protective mask will not hurt.

Technical assistants in the fight against dust

Cleaning can turn into a simple and even interesting activity, fast and of high quality. For these purposes, the industry produces household equipment presented in trading network in a wide range and variety of types:
  • vacuum cleaners (ideally, wet filtration);
  • humidifiers for the air in the room (too dry air is moistened and not saturated with dust particles);
  • hygrometer – determines the humidity of the atmosphere in the room;
  • special mops (see), brushes, brooms, brushes, sets of rags;
  • electric brushes (mini vacuum cleaners).

Houseplants and clean air

Growing indoor plants is not only an exciting hobby, it is also an opportunity to provide healthy air in the room. Many plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and absorb dust particles.

What types of plants are advisable to have in an apartment, and what properties they should have:

  • Chlorophytum- one of the most useful flowers, it is able to absorb formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and other toxic air elements.
  • Aloe (agave), ficus benjamina relieve residents from toxic fumes from plastic furniture.
  • Dieffenbachia has the unique property of killing staphylococcal infections, destroying xylene and toluene emitted by polished and varnished surfaces.
  • Spathiphyllum fights elements harmful to humans such as trichlorethylene and formaldehyde.
  • Schefflera“loves” smoking tars, nicotine, and frees the atmosphere in the room from them.
  • Begoniaceae prevent the harmful effects of electrical appliances, destroy fungi, microbes, and increase air humidity.
  • Bay tree, geranium, lemon purify the air from pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Dracaena and gerbera absorb carbon dioxide, benzene, trichlorethylene from the air and release oxygen.
  • Sansevieria removes nitrogen oxides from the air.

You need to take proper care of indoor plants so that they do not turn from being “useful” into an additional source of dust. They need to be regularly watered, sprayed, washed in the shower, and there will be much less dust and harmful substances in the house.

Subtleties of dust control

In addition to knowing how to do high-quality cleaning and remove dust, you also need to know and understand what is the main source of dust in your apartment. It is necessary to conduct a full “audit” of the things in it:
  • If the entire floor of the apartment is covered with carpets, carpet runners and carpets, immediately get rid of them or reduce them to the bare minimum (put small ones so that they can be easily shaken out or washed). Read more about carpet cleaning methods -.
  • There are too many figurines, accessories, photos on stands, napkins and other small crafts; it would be better to put them in boxes and hide them in a closet.
  • Determine the purpose of each item and throw away what is not needed, or put in the pantry items that will be used extremely rarely.
  • If the curtains in the apartment are too thick, they collect a lot of dust, so it is better to change them to lightweight ones that can be washed more easily and more often.
  • It is advisable to exclude woolen decorative and interior elements; it is better to replace sofa feather pillows with synthetic ones that can be washed and dried.
Fighting dust is an endless job, because dust appears again and again. However, based on the recommendations considered, we can conclude that first of all it is necessary to get rid of excess sources of dust, and for prevention, do wet cleaning more often using products that are safe for health.

The ubiquitous dust penetrates even the most secluded corners of our home, hides under sofas, makes friends with carpets and upholstered furniture, and is especially prevalent in the apartment on sunny days. How to deal with dust - the insidious enemy of all lovers of cleanliness and sterility?

Immediately come to terms with the idea that you will not be able to completely get rid of it. Of course, this is not a reason not to fight dust at all. After all, it not only looks unsightly, but is also harmful to health: it causes allergies and helps the spread of various infections. And how equipment and indoor plants suffer from it!

Home helpers

How to deal with house dust effectively? It is quite logical that the main assistant in this difficult task will be a vacuum cleaner. But not just any kind, but with a multi-stage filtration system. Otherwise, cleaning dust will be more like moving it around the apartment: first, this unit draws it in, then distributes it evenly throughout the home. Models of vacuum cleaners with an aqua filter deserve special attention; they retain almost 100% of the sucked dust. However, not everyone likes the fact that after each cleaning it is necessary to drain the used water.

But fighting dust at home with a broom is not a good idea. It lifts light particles into the air more than it collects them. If there is no other option, wet the broom before you start waving it.

Wet cleaning

Helps in the fight against dust on a regular basis wet cleaning. Thoroughly clean floors under beds, sofas, and cabinets. Do this cleaning at least once a week. And, accordingly, once a month - general.

Remove dust from shelves, cabinets, countertops and other horizontal surfaces with a damp cloth. Remember that simply swiping will not help you get rid of this enemy, but will only move you in space.

Books are excellent dust collectors, so store them on glass shelves. How to remove dust that has already found its way inside the closet? From time to time, vacuum books with a narrow attachment and wipe the shelves with a damp cloth. By the way, antistatic agents will help you efficiently remove this insidious enemy from your home and protect your equipment from it. Dampen a rag with them, wipe the surface of the furniture, computer, TV. Or follow the instructions.

Do you know how to properly remove dust from houseplants? It will not be possible to get rid of it with regular spraying from a spray bottle. It will simply thicken and damage the flowers even more. Wipe the leaves with a damp sponge and clean them with a soft brush.


Ventilate rooms more often, open windows. But along with fresh air Again, you are letting an invisible enemy into the house. Therefore, it is better to ventilate after rain or in calm weather.

Ventilate not only your apartment. Place pillows, mattresses, blankets, outerwear, soft toys in the sun in summer, and in the cold in winter.

The sun and frost will also help you remove dust mites - the culprits of allergies.


What to do with dust on upholstered furniture? Knock her out! But no one suggests taking the sofa out into the street. Just cover it with a damp sheet and give it a good beating. All the particles you knock out will be absorbed wet cloth and not one of them will rise into the air. It's better when at home leather furniture: it attracts dirt less, and it is much easier to remove it from the leather surface.

Even powerful vacuum cleaners are not always able to completely remove dust embedded in the depths of the carpet pile. Therefore, beat out carpets at least once every six months, if you have any.

Shake out blankets and bedspreads once a month.

To reduce dust in the house...

Hide small objects under glass - figurines, vases, candlesticks. Minimize anything that collects dirt from the air: artificial flowers, clothes hanging on chairs. Do not store unwashed shoes in the hallway.

Change your bed linen once every ten days. Wash curtains and drapes often. Blinds and products with an uneven surface should be systematically cleaned with a broom brush on the balcony.

Keep an eye on the humidity. The air in the house should not be too dry. If this problem occurs, use special humidifiers.

Dust fighters can install an air purifier in their home. But it will only be truly effective in conjunction with the other measures listed above.