How to plant balsam seeds. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

Nowadays, balsam is a very popular indoor flower not only in our country, but also in many parts of the world. He is often called capricious and Vanka wet. These names were given to it because of the droplets of liquid that protrude along the edges of the leaves. It is also called impatiens because its seeds scatter as soon as you touch them. And in England, balsam is called diligent Lisa, since it blooms for a very long time and abundantly. The flower is quite unpretentious; it is quite easy to grow balsams from seeds; almost any gardener can do this.
The plant grows from 25 centimeters to 1 meter in height. Some annual varieties grow up to 2 meters; they need to be grown only in the garden. Impatiens stems are fleshy and have light green color. The leaves are dark green, their edges are smooth or jagged. Balsam flowers are very beautiful; depending on the type of plant, they can be ordinary, double or similar to roses, camellias and carnations. Flower petals are red, pink, lilac, snow-white, and also two-colored. Although impatiens are considered by some to be a houseplant, in summer period it feels great in the garden, so many gardeners grow it in pots and flower beds.
With suitable care, and if the growing conditions are correct, impatiens will bloom all year round. Although the flower is light-loving, prolonged exposure should not be allowed sun rays on it, which can damage the plant. It is better to plant balsam in partial shade, on a western or eastern windowsill; here cultivation takes place without problems.

Selection of seed

Now there are a lot various types and hybrids of this flower, stores usually have a huge assortment of seeds, from which it is sometimes difficult to choose one specific type. When choosing seeds, you need to remember some simple rules:

  • to decorate a flowerbed or balcony in the summer, it is better to purchase an annual balsam, and to grow an indoor flower, it is better to choose a perennial plant;
  • if in the future you plan to grow balsam from your own seeds, it is better not to purchase hybrid species;
  • there is no need to buy a mixture of species if you need to get balsam with flowers of the required shade and shape;
  • When purchasing, you need to be interested in the time of seed collection. Although each seed can take approximately seven to eight years to germinate, it is advisable to grow balsam from fresh seeds.

Preparing for sowing

Many people ask how to grow balsam from seeds, when is the best time to plant balsam? When growing balsam from seeds at home, the planting date has virtually no significance. When to plant balsam to grow it from seeds? Answer: at any convenient time. However, if you plan to have flowers decorate your balcony in the summer, then the seeds should be planted in February. Before planting the seeds, they need to be disinfected; this is done in a low concentration manganese solution, in which the seeds need to be kept for 10-15 minutes. The solution is drained, and then the seeds need to be poured clean water, in which they must spend about a day, this is necessary procedure for proper reproduction.
After this, you need to take care of the soil in which the seeds will be grown. Seeds need to be planted in light, nutritious soil. Young balsam seedlings are very sensitive to the composition of the soil; they will grow well in loose soil with low acidity. Soil for balsam is sold at any flower shop, although some gardeners prefer to make their own soil. To do this you need to mix:

If there is no garden soil, then it can be replaced with vermiculite and peat. In such a mixture, propagation of balsam will be carried out as quickly as possible; balsam seedlings in this substrate will feel excellent. Before planting seeds, the soil needs to be heated in the oven for half an hour, or maybe more, to kill all pathogens. Store-bought soil can also be disinfected in the oven, before adding river sand to make the soil loose. After disinfection, Fitosporin is added to the substrate, thanks to which the soil microflora improves, and the seedlings will not suffer from blackleg, cultivation proceeds without problems.

Planting seed

  1. To propagate balsam using seeds, you need to take a wide pot or wooden box, the height of which is approximately 7 centimeters. It is necessary to pour pebbles or expanded clay onto the bottom, which will act as drainage. The thickness of this layer should be approximately 2-3 centimeters. Then the prepared substrate is poured into the container.
  2. How to plant balsam correctly? Soaked in water, swollen seeds spread out on the surface of the soil; they do not need to be planted very often. Each seed is quite small, propagation by this method is a very labor-intensive task; it is more convenient to take the seed with the tip of a toothpick. The seed cannot be immersed deep into the substrate, you just need to lightly press it to the ground, this correct option plantings are grown this way by experienced gardeners.
  3. Using a spray bottle, the surface of the soil with the seeds is thoroughly moistened, then the container is covered with glass or a plastic bag. Preferably for proper cultivation do not cover it too tightly, it is better to allow air to penetrate in small quantities into the mini-greenhouse.
  4. After planting the balsam, moistening the soil and covering it, it must be placed on a windowsill so that the container is sufficiently illuminated, but direct sunlight should not be allowed to fall on the soil and seedlings. The temperature in the room should be approximately 22-25 degrees. If it is cooler, the growth of seedlings will be slowed down.


After about 2-3 weeks, the first shoots will appear if the temperature and humidity were suitable. When they appear, the mini-greenhouse needs to be opened slightly and ventilated, the condensation must be shaken off so that moisture does not get on the young plants. Ventilation and removal of condensation should be carried out every day in the morning and evening. If the greenhouse is too humid, the planted balsams will be affected by fungus.
When each seed sprouts, you need to completely remove the bag or glass from the container, and then moisten the soil with a spray bottle. Subsequent cultivation of balsam involves illuminating the seedlings with a phytolamp, especially in cloudy weather and when the days are short. If roots appear from the soil, they need to be covered with substrate. It is advisable to water through a tray so as not to wet the root collars of the sprouts, otherwise they may rot.

Transplanting young plants

Picking balsam is done when the borings have reached a height of 1.5 centimeters. By this time, they should have formed two true leaves. At this time, the balsam is transplanted into separate cups small sizes. How to root young plants correctly? The soil for replanting should be used the same as when planting seeds. Place drainage material at the bottom of the glass. Long sprouts need to be buried a little more into the soil than short ones. After transplanting, planting seedlings grown from seeds, they begin to grow quickly if they have enough moisture, heat and light.

Removing tops

Do I need to pinch out the balsam? Yes, the pinching procedure is necessary for the formation of side shoots; in the future, the balsam bush will be more lush and attractive. How to pinch balsam? Pinching is done by removing the top young plant. It is necessary to remove above a couple of leaves.

When to transplant into permanent pots?

It is necessary to plant or transplant young plants from cups into pots for permanent cultivation only when the roots have covered the entire ground and a real bush has formed above the ground. The transplant procedure is performed after picking and pinching.
The pots need to be spacious so that the plants have room to grow for several years. It must be grown in the same soil in which the seeds were planted. The drainage layer should be 3-5 centimeters. After this, it is necessary to regularly spray and water the plants.

When can you plant it in the garden?

Some people plant balsam seedlings in open ground to have flowers in the garden. Planting balsam in open ground is done only when it is warm enough outside and there are no longer night frosts. It is best to plant balsam in open ground at the end of May or mid-June, and towards the end of June or in July the plant will begin to bloom.

Planting stems in the ground

In addition to propagation by seeds, this plant is also grown from stems, or cuttings. Propagation of balsam by cuttings is very simple, convenient and quick way flower propagation. Cutting balsam is cutting off the upper stems, the length of which is 5-6 centimeters. First, these stems are placed in water and remain there until roots appear on them. After this, the cuttings are transplanted into pots with soil and grown like ordinary plants.
So, balsam is a fairly popular, unpretentious plant that blooms for a very long time and luxuriantly. This flower can be propagated and grown from seeds or from cuttings. If you follow the tips in this article, you can propagate this plant without any problems.

Balsam is unpretentious plant, which pleases the owners abundant flowering And bright colors. The variety of shades of this flower surprises amateur gardeners who dream of having it not only in the garden, but also in their home. However, to ensure the cultivation indoor balsam from seeds, it is necessary to choose only high-quality planting material and follow agricultural practices. You also need to choose the right good soil and a complex of fertilizers.

In order to properly grow balsam from seeds, you need to use a wide container with sufficient quantity drainage holes. If seeding cassettes are available, then one seed is planted in them. Young plants dive after the appearance of several leaves. For planting seeds, loose, light soil, which does not contain organic matter, is used. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil and compacted a little, after which they are sprayed with a spray bottle. Regarding the timing, growing balsam from seeds: when to plant, usually in February-March, taking into account the variety of the plant.

Balsam varieties for growing in open ground and at home

There are many varieties of balsam that are grown in open ground and at home, but each species is heat-loving, and therefore requires a sufficient amount of light and heat.

Waller's balsam

The dwarf variety of Baby Waller's tropical balsam reaches a height of no more than 15-20 cm. It is distinguished by large, numerous brightly colored flowers. This type has a huge color scheme, which includes white, red, pink and lilac shades, and there are also two-color varieties. Cultivation of Waller's balsam from seeds begins from the end of February until the last days of March. In spring, seedlings are planted directly into the ground or into containers for balconies. Typically, growing Baby balsam from seeds involves picking young plants that are annuals. Used for planting soil mixture from the ground peat soil and sand, lay a layer of vermiculite on the bottom of the box.

Balsam Tom Thumb

The variety belongs to the dwarf group, as it reaches a maximum height of 45 cm. It has large, double flowers, camellia-shaped, and they are about 7 cm in diameter. This terry balsam comes in pink, white, red or lilac. It blooms already 3 months after sowing the seeds, delighting with its beauty for no more than 2 months. Tom Thumb balsam is grown from seeds using the seedling method at a temperature of at least +21 degrees. The flower is light-loving, but can grow in the shade, where its growth slows down and the leaves and flowers become smaller. Typically, growing balsam seedlings from seeds is done for planting in containers, vases or hanging baskets. It needs regular watering and spraying in hot weather, as well as fertilizing with complex fertilizers.

Impatiens Camellia

This variety is distinguished by double, bright, large flowers. The bush is no more than 50 cm in height, loves warmth, so it cannot withstand even light frosts. Garden balsam Camellia is planted for seedlings in March or April, for which drained, loose soil is used. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil, sprinkled thin layer soil and spray generously with water. The container is placed in a well-lit place where the temperature is at least + 20 degrees. To prevent the seedlings from getting sick, they are gradually taken outside and hardened off. In early June, young seedlings are planted in open ground. Camellia balsam grows on sunny lawns, but can also be placed in partial shade. The flower loves light, fertile soils, constant watering and regular fertilizing, and does not tolerate waterlogging.

Balsam New Guinea

New Guinea balsam is perennial shrub, which differs from other varieties in its growth and large, bright flowers. It is worth noting that this is one of the few varieties that blooms all year round. The color of the flowers also varies, for example, white, purple, pink, red, yellow and other shades of buds. The leaves of the bush are bright green and dense. There are varieties of this variety in which the leaves have a yellow center, which gives the plant a more decorative look. The leaflets are quite large in size compared to other varieties. Since the flower is light-loving and heat-loving, New Guinea balsam is grown from seeds indoors or winter gardens. After a while, young seedlings are planted in open ground or containers.

Balsam Safari

Impatiens Safari is a dwarf annual variety that blooms throughout the warm period. Its flowers come in white, coral, pink, purple, red and yellow, which are about 4 cm in diameter. This flower is ideal for decorating balconies, garden flowerpots or grown as indoor plant. Its seeds are planted on the surface of the soil in February or March and compacted slightly. Afterwards they are sprayed warm water. The first shoots appear after 7-10 days, after 4 weeks the seedlings are picked. Safari balsam is grown from seeds at a temperature of at least +18 degrees. Planting seedlings of this flower already in May, when there is no threat of night frosts. When choosing a place for planting, they give preference to sunnier places. Water the seedlings regularly and abundantly, preventing the soil from drying out. To make the seedlings more bushy, the plants are pinched. Grows and blooms very well in flower pots, since it has a moderately growing, root system.

Balsam Cutie

A beautiful, compact bush with dense foliage, reaching a height of no more than 20 cm. Its flowering is abundant, in the form of beautiful, white flowers. Used for planting on balconies, window sills, and on tangles. Since the Milashka balsam belongs to the group of light-loving plants, it grows well on sunny lawns, but can also be in partial shade, where there is fertile, loose soil. It flowers abundantly and tolerates pruning. For seedlings, seeds are planted in boxes and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. In order for growing balsam from seeds and care to give good results, the plant needs to be provided with abundant watering, fertilizing and a temperature of at least +18 degrees.

Balsam Strawberry with cream

This balsam is grown for planting on terraces, balconies, containers or in open ground. Since the plant is heat-loving, it is able to overwinter only at a sufficiently warm temperature, so it is often used as an indoor flower. By appearance balsam Strawberry with cream is a compact, branched bush that produces its first flowering in June and continues until the end of August. Seeds for seedlings are sown in March at a temperature of about +22 degrees, covering the boxes with film. When three leaves appear on the seedlings, you can dive it.

Impatiens dwarf Exotic

The variety belongs to the lowest group, so the balsam is about 18-20 cm in height. It is usually used for planting on a balcony, terrace, choosing the north-west or north-east side. According to the conditions of keeping balsam dwarf exotic is unpretentious, as it can grow in low light, having active flowering. This is a compact plant with very bright flowers up to 4 cm in diameter and lanceolate leaves. The color of the buds can be purple, pink or lilac. The flower grows on fertile soils. Its flowering begins in March and lasts throughout the warm season.

Balsam Kandy

The plant is compact in shape, very branched and blooms profusely, so it looks great in single plantings. Kandy balsam is quite varied in color. It can have red, pink, lilac and violet hues of flowers, and there are also bicolor varieties that feature bright hues. The flower blooms very early and delights with its decorative buds until late autumn. Its seeds are planted for seedlings in early spring using boxes or boxes for this. The top of the container is covered with film or glass, which must be periodically opened for ventilation. After 1-2 weeks, the first shoots will appear, which dive after the formation of several leaves.

Balsam Carmelita

This annual variety is quite tall plant Since it can reach a height of up to 70 cm, garden balsam Carmelita has a pyramidal shape and will be a wonderful decoration for any garden. The plant is heat-loving, moisture-loving and shade-tolerant; its stems are fleshy, so they can break at the nodes. Garden balsam Carmelita blooms with large, double flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, which have a camellia-like shape. Their color varies from white to dark purple. Flowering begins in June and lasts until September. The flower is very heat-loving, so it reacts to the slightest drop in temperature. Its seeds are sown in May or April, and seedlings are planted in May or early June. The distance between bushes should be at least 20 cm.

Balsam Super Elfin

An elegant handsome man who came from the well-known flower “Vanka wet”. It has compact dimensions, strong branches that reach a height of up to 25 cm, so balsam Super Elfin belongs to the dwarf group. The bush is about 35 cm wide, its flowering is long and abundant. Regarding the color color, this annual balsam has rich, bright flowers with a distinctive spot in the center. Seeds are sown for seedlings at the end of February or March, choosing sunny or partial shade. The distance between young seedlings for seedlings should be about 15 cm. Impatiens blooms from June to October.

Balsam Eurasia

The variety belongs to the group of annual plants, distinguished by the spherical shape of the bushes, which are up to 15 cm in diameter. Its flowers are large, up to 6 cm in diameter, and are distinguished by bright shades - cream, red, carmine or soft pink. Balsam Eurasia blooms from June until the first frost. Often the flower is planted on balconies, baskets or flower beds. Grows well in sunny meadows, but can withstand partial shade. For planting seedlings, it is better to choose fertile, loose soil, where there will be enough moisture and heat; the soil cannot tolerate waterlogging. Propagation by seeds occurs in March or April, for which seedling boxes are used. The seeds are sprinkled with sand in a 3 mm layer on top, and then sprayed with warm water. Next, the boxes are covered with glass and placed in a warm, well-lit place. After 14-19 days, the first shoots will appear, which will dive after the appearance of the first leaves. Young seedlings are planted in open ground or on a balcony in mid-May. If desired, the flower can be grown indoors.

Balsam Bambina

Ideal for decorating balconies on the northeast or northwest side.

Its color range is huge and includes more than a dozen colors. In appearance, Bambina balsam has a spherical shape and reaches a height of about 25 cm. Its leaves are dark green, the flowers are large and have different colors. Flowering begins in June and lasts until frost. This flower can grow in hanging vases, containers or boxes on balconies. It is unpretentious, shade-tolerant and moisture-loving, loves fertile soil where there is no stagnation of water. In mid-May, balsam can be placed on the balcony or in the garden. It blooms profusely and requires pinching.

Balsam Boy with Thumb

Beautiful, abundant flowering plant, which is distinguished by its compact size, highly branched stems and bright, terry large flowers. It can be grown as an indoor flower or in open ground. Seeds are planted on the surface of the soil at the end of February or beginning of April. At a temperature of at least +18 degrees, the first shoots appear, which dive after 4 weeks. On permanent place balsam Little boy can be planted in May, when there is no threat spring frosts. This variety loves sunny places, but is able to tolerate partial shade and even shade, where its branches and flowers will be smaller. The flower prefers abundant watering, as it does not tolerate drying out of the soil. To make the bush more branchy, its tops need to be pinched. Impatiens can grow in cramped pots and in open ground, where its size will be large.

Balsam Impreza

The plant is used for planting in balcony boxes or hanging baskets. The variety has the appearance of a bush with dense foliage and reaches a height of up to 20 cm. Its flowers are pale pink and have spots on the lower petals. Impreza balsam blooms profusely with bright, multi-colored flowers and is used for planting in hanging baskets, on balconies or terraces. The plant loves warmth and light, can grow in partial shade, and prefers fertile soils. To make its flowering more abundant, it needs pruning. Its seeds are scattered on top of the soil and sprinkled with fine-grained sand and sprayed with water. The temperature for planting seeds should be at least +18 degrees, the first shoots appear after 15 days. Seedlings are planted in the ground after the threat of spring frosts; a distance of about 20 cm is maintained between the bushes.

Balsam Acrobat

A unique ampelous balsam, which is grown from seeds. In appearance it is spectacular, bright, with beautiful red flowers. The plant quickly branches and forms a cascade reaching up to 40 cm in length. Balsam Acrobat blooms with large flowers, which are up to 5 cm in diameter. It is planted as seedlings, like other varieties of this flower.

Balsam Lollipop

How to pick impatiens, growing from seeds, when to plant plants in the ground - these topics always worry lovers of green spaces with the arrival of spring. Problems may arise when purchasing planting material because of large selection interesting varieties and hybrids of this beautiful flower for indoors or outdoor areas.

Balsam - growing from seeds

When planning to grow balsams from seeds at home, you need to choose the right varieties or hybrids of this crop, based on specific conditions. You can plant any species in a garden or flower bed. of this plant, but in an apartment it will be problematic to care for a flowerpot 1-2 m high. Garden balsam is not suitable for small indoor spaces; it is better to grow compact forms up to 25-30 cm high in a room.

Popular types of balsam:

To grow high-quality seedlings of this crop from seeds and then transplant them into open ground, it takes up to 3.5-4 months. Based on this, you can easily calculate that the optimal time for sowing balsam seedlings in most regions falls in mid-February or early March. Seeds are planted in peat cups or in a common container.

How to plant balsam seeds?

If you want to get your own healthy seedlings, then you need to first study the tips experienced gardeners how to grow balsam at home, growing from seeds, when to plant beautiful flower into unprotected soil. It is not necessary to purchase ready-made soil in stores; the nutrient substrate is easy to prepare yourself. You need to mix 1 part vermiculite, 1 part sand, 1 part leaf soil and 2 parts lowland peat.

Planting balsam seeds for seedlings:

  1. We pickle the balsam seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for 10 minutes.
  2. Next, soak the material for a day in warm water.
  3. It is advisable to select a container for sowing with a height of 8 cm.
  4. We make holes in the bottom of the box to drain liquid.
  5. We lay expanded clay on the bottom up to 2 cm high.
  6. Pour soil into the container.
  7. To disinfect the soil, you can bake it in the oven a day before sowing or treat it with Fitosporin.
  8. Soaked seeds should be planted in the ground without being buried, lightly pressing them to the surface with the tip of a toothpick.
  9. The substrate is moistened using a spray bottle and covered with a bag until shoots emerge, leaving a gap for air to enter.

When working with a small amount of planting material, it is more convenient to grow balsam in. In this case, the sprouts are strong, less dirt is formed, and the container is easy to place on the windowsill. The tablets are moistened with water until they swell. Then, without covering it with soil, we plant the seeds one at a time, gently pressing them to the ground. It is advisable to cover the container with film and place it in a warm and bright place, but not in direct sunlight.

IN optimal conditions Balsam shoots appear within a week. Often the sprouts do not hatch smoothly, but you should not despair. Planting material in stores is sold in different quality and shelf life. You need to wait up to 2 more weeks, during which time all living replacements will germinate. Be sure to remove the lid or bag after the sprouts appear and transfer the container to a bright place; grow at a temperature within 17-20°C.

Often, amateur gardeners experience the death of young shoots or a poor percentage of obtaining healthy seedlings. This occurs in inexperienced beginners who do not comply temperature regime, they water balsam incorrectly when growing from seeds, when to plant, and do not adhere to deadlines. There are several reasons that significantly influence the pipping of planting material, some depend on the gardener himself, and others on weather factors.

Why balsam seeds do not germinate:

Impatiens seedlings have stretched out, what should I do?

Often there is an unpleasant stretching of sprouts, which makes it difficult to care for, pick, and leads to lodging of plants on the soil. The reason lies in early stages sowing seeds, poor lighting in early spring, elevated room temperature. If the balsam seedlings have become very elongated, then the seedlings can be saved by adding soil to the level of the cotyledon leaves. When growing in deep containers or boxes, it is more convenient to do this, otherwise you will have to increase the sides to the desired height using waterproof material.

Timely balsam is produced no earlier than the young plant has fully developed two true leaves. Before this operation, we water the soil with the seedlings to reduce the risk of injuring the roots and thin stem. Use a spoon or spatula to pry up the seedling and remove it from the common box. The sprouts should be buried down to the cotyledon leaves. Picking can be done in plastic bags, glasses, cassettes. We make a hole in an individual container in advance to drain excess water.

Unpretentious and pleasing with abundant flowering balsam is a favorite of all gardeners without exception.

The bright variety of shades of its flowers makes you want to have as many as possible in your flower collection. more types this wonderful plant.

Buy seeds It is not difficult to grow numerous varieties of balsam.

And growing an elegant flower from seeds is even easier and even a novice gardener can do it.

Buying seeds

One of important conditions successful cultivation balsam - quality seeds. When choosing them, it is important to pay attention to the following aspects.

Best before date. Balsam seeds remain viable for 7 - 8 years. However, it is recommended to choose fresh seeds to ensure germination. When choosing, studying the information on the bag, it is important to pay attention not to the date of sale of the seeds, but to the date of their collection, by which you can determine their freshness.

Annual or perennial. Impatiens have both annual and perennial varieties. Annual varieties plants can decorate the balcony. For growing indoors, it is better to give preference perennial varieties so that they delight the eye with luxurious flowering for more than one year.

Variety or mixture. When purchasing seeds, it is important to know that a mixture of varieties makes it possible to grow flowers of unexpected shades for the grower, but it can also disappoint with the lack of varietal characteristics in the grown balsams. The classic variety guarantees the desired shape and color range of flowers.

Reliable manufacturer. Experienced flower growers It is advised to buy seeds only from large seed companies and in reliable, time-tested stores.

Harvesting balsam seeds

Those who like to experiment can try grow young plants from personally collected seeds house plant balsam.

However, in order get seeds V room conditions, the plant will need artificial pollination. To do this, during the flowering period, you need to collect pollen with a brush and spread it over the pistils with a few strokes.

After flowering ends, the plant forms fruit, which, when ripe, turn into dry translucent boxes with many very small seeds.

Collect seeds should be done very carefully. At the slightest awkward touch, the boxes instantly crumble and the seeds scatter in all directions. For this reason, balsam received the name “touch-me-not.”

A box with seeds you need to pick it in the morning, holding it between your fingertips. In the morning, the fruit with seeds is slightly moist and not so slippery, so there is a chance not to lose the contents. Collected seeds You need to dry it and put it in a paper bag.

Seeds will not lose germination for 7 - 8 years.

Growing balsam from seeds, you need to prepare for the fact that a plant with an unexpected color of flowers that has lost its varietal characteristics may grow from a seed.

Read about reproduction with us.

To make caring for your home zamioculcas flower a joy, take some practical advice.

If there is room in your garden for a new resident, take an interest in the views indoor palm trees. These exotics will perfectly complement the interior.

Preparing seeds and soil for sowing

Before sowing balsam seeds, place the seeds for 10 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then soak them for a day in warm water.

Next you should do land preparation for landing. Balsam seedlings are very sensitive to the composition of the soil, which should be loose and slightly acidic. A self-prepared mixture of equal parts the following components:

  • peat soil (2 parts);
  • leaf soil (1 part);
  • vermiculite (1 part);
  • river coarse sand (1 part).

You can buy ready-made land for seedlings in the store. But you must add one fifth of vermiculite or sand to it, which will make the soil loose and breathable. This will give the soil the opportunity to dry out faster, and weak seedlings will not die from excess moisture.

Capacity for seedlings you should choose a size of about 7 cm in height or a little more. To do this, you can take a plastic container, a wide bowl or a pot. It is necessary to make holes in the bottom of the container and provide it with a layer of expanded clay 2 cm thick.

Such precaution will not allow water to linger in the soil and will save the seedlings from root rotting. On the eve of sowing, you need to fill the container with soil and spill it with Fitosporin solution, which improves the soil microflora and protects against such a serious problem as “blackleg”.

Sowing seeds

When the basic preparations are made, you can begin propagating balsam by seeds.

Ideal sowing time- mid-March. In June it will be possible to admire the first blooming flowers of young impatiens.

When sowing seeds should be placed more spaciously and at an equal distance from each other to ensure uniform illumination of the seedlings.

Seeds should be sown shallow, gently pressing them into the soil with a damp toothpick, but not submerging them, so that the seeds receive enough light to germinate.

Next you need spray the crops water and place the container in plastic bag, filling it with air. Warm place and good lighting- an important component for successful seedlings. However, seedlings should be protected from direct sunlight.

Optimal temperature for seed germination - from +22 to +25 °C.

After about 3 weeks they appear first shoots. During this time, it is important to adhere to the following actions:

As often as possible ventilate crops and shake off accumulated condensation from the “greenhouse” to protect the seeds from stagnant air and fungal infection.

Moisten the soil from a spray bottle, avoiding both overdrying and waterlogging of the soil. Illuminate the seedlings with a phytolamp in the morning, evening and on a cloudy day.

When the first shoots appear add it carefully wet ground on young bare roots.

Watering seedlings, it is important to ensure that water does not fall on the root collar of a young plant in order to avoid its rotting. Experienced flower growers advise using the “bottom watering” method, that is, adding water to a tray on which a container with seedlings stands.

Thanks to proper care balsam seedlings are developing rapidly. When the first true leaves appear, you can pick the sprouts into separate containers. Small ones are perfect for this. plastic cups. It is important not to forget to do them drainage holes and put a little expanded clay on the bottom.

If seedlings have become too elongated due to lack of light, when picking, the lower parts of the long stems should be buried deeper. It is recommended to keep the glasses with small balsamins a little longer in the “greenhouse”, accustoming them to fresh air gradually.

At sufficient lighting and regular watering, the seedlings become strong and stocky, beginning to bush early. If young plants do not want to branch, you need to pinch the tops to actively form side shoots. The more new shoots grow, the more magnificent the bush will grow and the more abundantly it will bloom.

When young plants When they grow noticeably and their roots completely entwine the earthen ball, you can transplant them into new permanent pots and wait for the appearance of a bright scattering of delicate balsam flowers.

As we can see, grow balsam from seeds not that difficult. You just need to follow some planting rules, as well as give the seedlings a little care and love - and a balsam garden with a colorful scattering of beautiful flowers will bloom in your home.

And for the most curious, we suggest you watch a video of growing balsam from seeds.

To grow a beautiful and healthy balsam (sometimes also called Impatiens or Vanka Wet), you need to know the basic rules for sowing it for seedlings at home and further care, which will be described in detail below. Follow our recommendations and such a wonderful flower will delight you all summer with its lush and long-lasting flowering.

Popular varieties of balsam

The most common and popular types and varieties of balsam include the following:

Regardless of which variety you choose for planting, following all the basic rules for growing it from seeds and further caring for it in the open ground will definitely be rewarded with beautiful flowering.

Technology for planting balsam seedlings

Landing dates

Optimal time sowing balsam seeds for seedlings in Middle Zone(Moscow region) starts from the first days of March. The growing season of the plant is not very long, so it makes no sense to plant it in February, unless you are a resident of the Southern region.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

This can help you choose the optimal date for sowing seeds. Moon calendar.

So favorable days for sowing balsam for seedlings in 2019 according to the Lunar calendar are:

  • in February - 6-8, 11-17, 21-25;
  • in March – 12-17, 19-20;
  • in April – 6-8, 11-13, 15-17; 29-30;
  • in May - 8-17, 21-23, 26-28;
  • in June - 1, 2, 5, 6, 9-13, 16-20.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2019 The dates for sowing balsam are as follows:

  • in February - 4, 5, 19;
  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17.

According to lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Container and soil

Before planting balsam seedlings at home, you first need to select a suitable container for sowing and nutrient soil.

It is better to choose a large container: it can be either plastic or wooden boxes. But you can easily sow it in small boxes or plastic containers from store-bought salad or pie.

By the way! You can grow balsam from seeds in peat tablets- it is much lighter and noticeably easier to maintain.

The soil for planting balsam seeds requires light and loose soil; it must be well permeable to moisture and oxygen, so dense and heavy soil is not at all suitable for these purposes.

You can buy soil at a flower shop or prepare it yourself using the following recipe:

  • 1 part of garden or vegetable soil
  • 1 part peat (or coarse sand)

Important! Balsam does not tolerate organic fertilizers, so do not add compost or fresh humus to the soil mixture.

The soil must be mixed well and thoroughly sifted, and then disinfected. To do this, it can be shed with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate or a special fungicide. You can also steam the soil in the microwave for 5 minutes.

Planting seeds

Before planting, balsam seeds must be treated, or rather disinfected. It is best to do this in a warm 1% solution of potassium permanganate, soak for 20 minutes, after wrapping it in a gauze bag. Then rinse with warm clean water.

Sowing balsam seeds for seedlings is carried out in several steps:

  1. Using a spray bottle, carefully moisten the soil.
  2. Now you need to distribute the seeds evenly and superficially.
  3. In order for the seeds to stay in the ground better, you should spray them with water from a spray bottle one more time.
  4. Place the container in a plastic bag or cover it polyethylene film(can be closed with a lid).
  5. Place the planting container in a fairly warm (temperature 20-25 degrees) and well-lit place.

Video: sowing balsam seeds with a margin for pulling

Caring for balsam seedlings after sowing

From the moment of sowing to the first shoots, as a rule, it takes from 7 to 21 days.

By the way! It should not be a surprise to you that balsam will not sprout smoothly. So, some will already have real leaves, while others will just begin to appear.

Until the first shoots appear, it is necessary to ventilate containers with seeds daily, opening them for a few minutes. After the sprouts appear, you should first increase the time for ventilation, and after 3-5 days, completely remove the covering material.

After emergence, they will still need fairly good and bright lighting. As always, for this you can use lighting, for example, phytolamps or LED analogues.

It is imperative to monitor the soil moisture; it should not dry out. And, of course, the best way to support optimal temperature within 16-18 degrees.


As soon as 2 true leaves develop, you can start picking balsam seedlings.

It is optimal to plant the plant in separate containers, for example, in cassettes or plastic cups, where drainage holes should be made to avoid the accumulation of liquid.

Advice! Be sure to water the seedlings before picking so that the plants separate well and are not injured.

Picking balsam is carried out as follows: take an ordinary spoon and each plant, which already has 2 true leaves (remember, it develops very unevenly), is carefully lifted and separated. At the same time, it is important not to injure its root system. Now you need to make a small hole and place the seedling there, deepening it to the cotyledon leaves. All that remains is to sprinkle it with a little water.

Video: picking balsam seedlings

Care after picking

Further care for balsam seedlings after picking consists of regular watering and additional lighting so that there is at least 12 hours of daylight. The temperature should be within 18-20 degrees.

If suddenly the soil in the seedlings shrinks, then you should add a little soil so that, firstly, it does not dry out so quickly, and secondly, if there is not enough soil, then it means there is not enough nutrients for full growth of seedlings.

If the balsam seedlings begin to stretch out, then this means only one thing: either it does not have enough light, or it does not have enough nutrition, which means feeding is necessary. It could be mineral fertilizer or any humus (for example, Gumistar). It all depends on your capabilities and preferences.

Planting balsam seedlings in open ground

The optimal time for planting balsam in open ground is May, when the threat of return spring frosts has passed.

Impatiens require moderate sun (the plant does not tolerate strong sunlight and begins to wither) and good protection from the winds. That's why ideal place for planting it there will be a bed near the fence or a flower bed near sparse trees.

Garden balsam grows well in soft and loose soils that are well drained and never acidic.

Advice! You can successfully grow balsam in a flower pot or in a balcony box.

Before planting the plant, it is advisable to treat the soil with a special fungicide, and also add manure (not fresh!) and water it. You can also use vermicompost as a top dressing.

Now you need to remove the balsam seedlings from the containers along with a lump of earth and carefully place them in the hole, sprinkle them with soil and press them in a little. It will not be superfluous to mulch the planting with sawdust so that the soil around it does not dry out and you do not have to water it endlessly. In addition, this is an additional plus for the plant, since the root collar is mulched and thus the roots of the plant will not be washed away during watering.

The planting scheme for balsam is at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, because The flowers grow very luxuriantly.

Sowing seeds directly into open ground

If the air temperature rises to 20-25 degrees (and this is the end of May-beginning of June), then balsam seeds can be sown immediately in open ground. However, if the night air temperature drops below 19, then young crops will need to be covered with cellophane, or even better with spunbond or acrylic (depending on what you have), thereby creating a greenhouse effect.

Caring for balsam after planting in open ground

Further care for balsam includes the following procedures:

  • regular watering (it’s not for nothing that it’s called Wet Roly);
  • feeding.

Impatiens is a very moisture-loving plant, so it is necessary to constantly maintain its moisture, especially if the weather is dry and hot, but under no circumstances should it be overwatered. You need to water by sprinkling, getting on the leaves and flowers. The flower will be delighted with this watering.

Young seedlings should be watered 2-3 times a week as the soil near the flower dries out. And already mature flowers, if the weather is dry and hot, then in the morning and evening, that is, 2 times a day.

As for feeding balsam, nitrogen fertilizers are excellent for young shoots if you need to increase green mass, that is, flower buds have not yet begun to form. And already during flowering it is better to use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. With the end of flowering, feeding is completely stopped.

Advice! It is best to apply fertilizing along with watering to improve the availability of nutrients and avoid plant burns.

It will be very good if you fertilize the balsam with special fertilizers for geraniums, they are very useful for it.

What to do after flowering: collecting seeds

The flowering period of balsam can last until mid-autumn, that is, until October. As a rule, it finishes flowering at the end of summer.

After seed pods appear on the plant, they will need to be promptly collected and stored in order to plant balsam seeds again next year.

By the way! Balsam seeds remain viable for about 7 years.

Due to the fact that this annual plant, at the end of flowering they should be removed from the garden bed in order to be planted in the same place next year.

Thus, even a novice gardener can grow balsam from seeds. It definitely won’t cause you any special worries when caring for it in open ground; it only needs regular watering.

Video: growing and caring for balsam

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