How to properly connect the toilet installation. Installing a wall-hung toilet yourself

If you have chosen a wall-mounted toilet for your bathroom, then you should remember that the process of installing it is very different from traditional options. It is much more complicated, and the work requires much more time. But it should be noted that even inexperienced craftsmen can do the work, provided that they know all the basic features of the work process and perform all technological actions in the correct sequence.

Main elements of the system

First, let's figure out what the structure consists of and what parts you will have to install during the work process:

Basic structure It is durable metal carcass, which experts call installation for the simple reason that it is on this frame that the toilet is placed. When choosing, pay special attention to strength, since this unit will bear the main load. It is also important to have a system that allows you to adjust the height of the bowl, since the floor level in the room may be different
Tank It is made of plastic and has a shape that allows it to be placed inside the installation. There is a button on the front that is connected to the drain mechanism, through which access to the inside of the system is provided for maintenance and repair, so it is better if its size is large. It’s good if the design is two-button, this saves water
Toilet bowl It can have a variety of configurations and colors; you choose the option that will suit the interior. It is also important that the design ensures ease of use, so it is better not to buy outlandish shapes. The manufacturing material is most often earthenware or porcelain; the second option is more expensive, but its performance qualities are much higher
Fasteners It should be included in the kit, you need to check the presence of all the necessary components, their number is stated in the accompanying documentation. If the fasteners raise doubts about their strength, then it is better to purchase more reliable options with the same configuration

In addition to everything described above, you will need a branch to connect to the sewer pipe, as well as a water supply in.
These are the basic elements, although anything else may be used depending on the specifics of the object.

Description of work

Now let's figure out how to properly install a wall-hung toilet; the whole process can be divided into two parts - installation of the supporting frame and work on finishing and fastening the outer part of the structure.

Installation installation

If everything required is at hand, you can begin to carry out the work; they are carried out in the following sequence:

  • First of all, the location of the structure is determined, it is important that all communications can be brought there without problems, and that the structure does not interfere with movement. The system can be hidden behind a flat wall surface when the walls are made of plasterboard, or can be in the form of a protrusion if you do not want to reduce the space in small room. Marks are made on the surface that will serve as a guide for further work;
  • Next, you need to bring water and sewer pipes to the approximate location of the toilet. If they will go through the wall and screed, then take care of this issue in advance so that later you do not have to make the grooves with a hammer drill. The sewer outlet requires special attention; it must be positioned as accurately as possible, so when installing the liner, place the frame against the surface to make sure that everything is clear;

  • Then the frame is set and an inspection is carried out to determine whether it fits tightly to the surface, and whether there are any obstacles that need to be removed (mortar sagging, screed unevenness, etc.). After this, the holes that will need to be drilled to attach the structure to the wall are marked; accuracy and precision are important here;

  • Drilling is done with a hammer drill, holes are made in the floor and wall according to the previously applied markings. The diameter of the drill must correspond to the size of the dowels used or anchor bolts. When working, try to always hold the tool so that the drill is positioned strictly perpendicular to the surface of the wall or floor, otherwise the fasteners will be positioned crookedly;

  • After drilling, you need to attach the frame and make sure everything is fine. Next, fasteners are taken, and the structure is carefully fixed to the surface of the wall and floor; it is important, before final fixation, to check the position of all planes using a building level, so that you do not have to redo the work later;

  • Do not forget to fix the tank and other components on it before attaching the installation., since it is much more difficult to do this later. At the end of the work, make sure that all connections are reliable and there are no backlashes;
  • Next you need to set the corrugation correctly, which will connect the toilet to the sewerage system, everything is produced for this necessary measurements and the element is placed at the desired height. You shouldn’t fix it right away, as you need to make sure that everything is correct. You put the toilet bowl on the studs, and if all the elements fit together exactly, then the bowl can be removed and the liner can be fixed in the desired position;
  • Naturally, before installing a wall-hung toilet, you need to supply water to the tank. If for floor options optimal solution is a flexible liner, then for wall systems experts recommend using hard option. It is much stronger and more durable, which is very important, because the system will be hidden behind the finishing, and problems that arise may lead to the need to disassemble part of the wall.

Finishing and fastening of the bowl

Installation wall hung toilet- a process that takes a lot of time, mainly due to the fact that it is necessary to finish the structure and close it.

Let's describe the workflow step by step:

  • First of all, you need to build a frame from a plasterboard profile around the structure; this process is simple; it is important to use reliable elements, take accurate measurements and securely fasten them both to the wall and to each other. If the space is not wide, then the entire surface is sewn up; the photo below shows exactly this option for carrying out the work;

  • After installing the frame, you can begin to cover it; for this, take moisture-resistant plasterboard 12 mm thick; this is a durable material that serves well in rooms with high humidity. Measurements are taken and the sheet is cut into pieces of the desired configuration, Special attention pay attention to cutting out the hole for the button, it is better to do this in a single sheet than to combine several pieces around it, the fewer seams the better;
  • Fastening is done using special self-tapping screws with fine pitch; they are located at a distance of 20 cm from each other, thus ensuring high reliability of the structure. Do not press the fasteners into the surface too much - you will simply push through the drywall;

  • Further work depends on which finishing option you have chosen. If the option is to be painted, then the base is puttied until a perfectly flat plane is obtained, if applied decorative plaster, then again you need to putty the surface, and then apply one or another composition. If you decide to do tiling, then there is no need for leveling; you can simply seal the seams and prime the structure;

To make the tiles stick better, some experts recommend drilling holes in the drywall, glue will get into them, and the ceramics will stick much better.

  • When the finishing is complete, you need to install the button, or rather its decorative one top part into place and attach the bowl. This is done very simply: it is carefully hung on the studs, after which you need to combine and fix the sewer outlet and the water supply for flushing - everything is quite simple, accuracy and precision are important here. After making sure that all joints are secure, you can attach the toilet;

  • The last stage is to turn on the water and test flush; it is important to check whether there are any leaks and whether the system as a whole is working normally. If everything is as it should be, then the work can be considered successfully completed.


It’s not enough to choose a high-quality wall-hung toilet - how to install it will take much longer to figure out, but you’ll get excellent result. The video in this article will help you understand the issue even better, but if you still have questions on the topic, then ask them in the comments.

From the author: Hello friends! Agree, it’s good when you have a spacious apartment, or even a house built in accordance with personal preferences. As a rule, all rooms in such dwellings differ in quite decent dimensions, because comfort is the most important thing that we want to get from hearth and home. But still, more often there are situations when we are forced to live not in ideal, but in affordable housing. Take, for example, the well-known “Khrushchev”. You can still come to terms with the size of the rooms in it. In principle, there is room to spread out, and not everyone likes huge halls.

But the bathroom is eternal headache owners. As a rule, there is space for either plumbing or a person. You can still go there, but you can no longer turn around more or less freely. Therefore, in such cases, there is only one way out - to choose the most compact equipment possible. In today's article we will talk about how to choose and how to install a wall-hung toilet. Similar type products can save much-needed space in the room. Of course, its installation is more complicated than in the case of ordinary sanitary ware. But believe me, the opportunity to free up space will make you very happy in the end.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many people are very wary of such “delicacies”. We are accustomed to seeing toilets in the guise of equipment firmly standing on the floor, reliable and strong. Hanging options seem more flimsy, and in general, people usually approach anything new with caution. Let's look at what positive and negative features are characteristic of this type of sanitary ware:

  • aesthetic appearance. An ordinary toilet looks rougher and even, one might say, frankly. Whereas the models attached to the wall are beautiful and laconic;
  • ease of cleaning. Usually, when cleaning the bathroom, the toilet “leg” causes a lot of problems, especially in a cramped room where it is difficult to bend down. You have to get close to it, and then carefully clean all the bends that are there, while being in an uncomfortable position. With pendants, you can forget about such difficulties, since there is no leg - no problem;
  • all communications and the water tank itself are hidden in the wall. On the one hand, it is beautiful and, again, aesthetically pleasing. No pipes disturb the external harmony of the room. On the other hand, if something hidden suddenly breaks, problems may arise. Firstly, if there is a leak, it is difficult to notice quickly. Secondly, the repair will not be so simple, since the elements sealed in the wall will have to be somehow selected. Although I saw quite convenient options, when in a false wall at the level of placement of such equipment - in particular, problem areas such as joints, valves, etc. - a door is made. Outwardly, it does not stand out too much from the surface, since it is finished with the same decorative material, which is the whole wall. At the same time, the issue of access to communications is resolved easily and simply;
  • space saving. We have already touched on this issue above, but we should clarify this point. It is physical savings in terms of the size of the room that you will get about fifteen centimeters, no more, since some part will be occupied by a false wall, which we will talk about below. But visually it will become much more spacious. And then, in especially critical cases, the space under such a toilet can also be useful for placing some necessary things. So, in any case, there is a spatial benefit;
  • Some people have doubts about whether such equipment can withstand heavy loads. Such fears arise especially often among those who weigh a lot. Purely psychologically, an object hanging on the wall does not look very reliable, so obese people are usually afraid to use such things. In fact, the mount is strong enough to support a weight of about 150 kilograms. so there is nothing to be afraid of if your body weight does not exceed these limits. Otherwise, of course, it is better to take regular option, installed on the floor;
  • price. Here the wall-hung toilet has nothing to brag about: it is frankly more expensive than its floor-standing counterpart. True, it cannot be said that this option is available only to wealthy people. The cost range is quite wide, so you can still choose a model that suits your budget;
  • complexity of installation. This can also scare off many, especially beginners, masters. In general, it’s not in vain, since correctly installing a suspended model with your own hands is not such a simple matter. You will have to install not only the equipment itself, but also make a false wall. However, the difficulty of this activity is not prohibitive. So, with a little patience and attentiveness, you will definitely succeed.

Varieties of design

In principle, the essence of all wall-hung toilets is the same: they consist of a tank, a bowl and an installation. Of course, each of these parts is different from those typical for floor-standing models. The bowl has a different shape, the tank is flat and plastic. It’s worth talking about installation separately.


The installation is, in fact, the very structure thanks to which all other elements are safely held in suspension. It is a strong frame made of steel.

There are two options for mounting installations: block and frame. The first ones are distinguished by their compact sizes - as a rule, the dimensions are half a meter wide, a meter high and 10–15 centimeters deep. The volume of the drain tank, which is mounted on such a frame, varies from three to five liters.

Block installation is mounted only on the wall, without the floor. Therefore, the foundation must be very reliable. That is, to secure such a structure, only one is suitable, but not an interior one. This must be taken into account when choosing.

Frame installations are larger in size. Their width can range from 50 to 60 centimeters, height from 80 to 140 centimeters, and depth varies from 15 to 30 centimeters. The tank installed on this structure can hold from 6 to 9 liters of water.

Such structures are not hung on the wall. They are placed on the floor and attached to it. Some models are additionally fixed to the wall, but it does not have to be load-bearing.


The main operational location of such a toilet can be round, rectangular, egg-shaped, etc. - modern market offers many various options, among which you can choose the one that suits your taste. The bowls also differ in size. They can be compact, up to half a meter long, medium-sized, like regular toilets, as well as enlarged ones, the length of which varies from 65 to 70 centimeters.

In addition, you can choose models with some features:

  • bowls without a rim - there is no usual protrusion in the upper part, which makes cleaning the product much easier;
  • built-in bidet - in the normal state the washing nozzle is hidden in the back wall of the bowl, and if necessary it extends;
  • backlight As a rule, it is connected to a motion sensor, which makes using such a toilet extremely convenient at night or when there is a power outage in the house.

Of course, the design of the bowls can be very diverse. There are options made of glass, faience, metal and other materials, with and without drawings. The color range is also very wide. Here the choice depends solely on your personal preferences.

Installation procedure

Installation of wall-hung toilets can be done either with or without installation. The first option is more popular, so we’ll start with it.

Installation with installation

The first thing to check is the strength of the wall and floor. Ideally, they should be concrete. We remind you that if you decide to use a block version of the frame, then the wall must be load-bearing. The reliability of the installation of suspended sanitary ware depends on the strength of the connection between the frame and the base. So, let's get to work.

  1. We start, naturally, with the markup. We need to mark on the wall and floor all the points where the fastening elements will be placed, as well as the locations of the sewer outlet and water pipe. To make it easier, first mark the place where the cistern will be fixed. Usually it is located a meter from the floor, and the bowl is half a meter.
  2. Now you need to bring the water pipe to the appropriate mark. For this you can use flexible hose, but the best option would still be metal-plastic. It is more reliable and durable.
  3. We also bring the sewer outlet to the desired location. If your installation is of the frame type, then pay attention to the fact that it has a specific section for this pipe, according to which you need to place it.
  4. Next we proceed to fixing the frame. We drill holes in the places marked for fasteners; for this we will need a hammer drill. We install the dowels, then the frame, fasten it with anchor screws. Fixation is carried out first on the floor and then, if necessary, on the wall.
  5. We connect the drain tank to the water supply pipe, and also attach the sewer outlet to the installation.
  6. The steel frame has holes for screwing in special pins that come with the equipment. Put these elements in place.
  7. Now you need to mount the false wall. The best option For this purpose - drywall. But keep in mind that not everyone is suitable. Regular drywall tolerates exposure to water very poorly. Since we are talking about a bathroom (and it is often also combined), care must be taken to prevent the destruction of the wall. Therefore, use only waterproof drywall. Externally it differs from ordinary material greenish surface. Cut holes in a sheet of drywall for everything that will stick out from it: a sewer pipe, pins, a drain button, and the like. Mount the wall and then produce it finishing. This can be done using paint or tiles.
  8. We put the bowl on the pins, press it properly against the wall, and secure it with bolts.
  9. To complete the process, we install a drain button.

Let's check our design. To do this, open the valve on the supply pipe cold water, wait until the tank is full, then drain. We repeat several times. If everything is in order - performance is at the required level, there are no leaks, etc. - then you can put it into operation.

Installation without installation

You can do without a steel frame, but such installation is carried out only on load-bearing wall. You will need metal rods 30 centimeters or more in length, wooden panels, concrete, toilet structural elements and wall cladding material.

  1. We take it out from the wall.
  2. At the required height from the floor (that is, where the bowl will be fixed), we drill holes and install metal rods in them. It is advisable that the wall is drilled through and the rods are secured with nuts on the reverse side. If this is not possible - for example, there is a neighbors apartment on the other side - then do not drill right through, but add glue intended for concrete products into the holes before installing the rods.
  3. Next, around the sewer outlet and rods we install formwork from wooden shields, creating a box of three walls. Cover the pipe with thick film. We fix a piece of foam plastic on the central panel in the place where the bowl will be connected to the drain.
  4. We pour concrete into the formwork. You can make it yourself from one part cement, two sand, three crushed stone and required quantity water. We add soap as a plasticizer.
  5. After pouring, wait about a week for the structure to dry. We remove the formwork.
  6. We mount the bowl and tank in the appropriate places, connect the communications.
  7. We sew and finish the wall.

Both installation methods are not so simple. But using the installation is still more convenient and takes much less time. With concrete you will have to tinker as much as possible. Besides, similar works They are not particularly clean, and the block around the pins will take a whole week to dry.

On the other hand, this option is cheaper. So, if you prefer to spend effort rather than money, then go for it. Good luck!

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Installation of a wall-hung toilet

Installation of a wall-hung toilet

Consumers are increasingly choosing wall-mounted toilets for bathroom equipment. Of course, installation wall hung toilet a little more complicated than installing a regular floor-standing toilet in an apartment.

Before installing a wall-mounted toilet with your own hands, it is advisable to have an idea of ​​its design.

The entire structure is based on a rigid steel frame supplied by the manufacturer special device for height adjustment. This frame is securely attached to the floor and to a wall built of concrete or solid brick. Such equipment cannot be attached to plasterboard false walls. The toilet bowl is suspended from a steel frame using special pins. The toilet bowl is the visible part of the entire structure after installation.

Built-in flush cisterns for wall-hung toilets differ from conventional ones in that they are made not of ceramics, but of plastic. Their depth is 9 cm, and their width varies. The plastic drain tank is additionally insulated with styropol, a material that protects against the formation of condensation. The cistern is placed on a steel frame. The front part of the tank is equipped with a special cutout through which a push-button water drainage device is installed.

During operation, this hole provides access to the mechanism for repair and maintenance in case of replacement of faulty parts. Modern models are equipped with a function for dosing the volume of drained water using buttons. By pressing one, 3 liters are drained, and the other - 6 liters.

Before installing a wall-mounted toilet, make sure you have the necessary tool and material.

So how are u different manufacturers the equipment is different, first it is better to buy a toilet, and then buy everything necessary materials for its installation and connection, recommended by the manufacturer in the instructions. To implement installation work you need to prepare:

  • drill;
  • concrete drills;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver with bits;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • FUM tape (to seal the thread);
  • core;
  • corrugation for sewer pipe;
  • building level;
  • sheets of double waterproof plasterboard.

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Toilet installation

Fastening diagram: 1 – Rods for fastening; 2 – Monolithic concrete base; 3 – Pipe.

Installation begins with the need to install a rigid steel frame (installation), which must be firmly installed and secured with dowels to the main wall and to concrete floor. A sewer pipe with a diameter of 110 mm must be installed at the place where the toilet is installed. It is also necessary to provide for the supply of a water pipe.

The installation should be installed level relative to the horizontal and vertical planes, a building level is used for this. Installation is very easy, since the steel frame design has retractable rods, as well as special studs for attaching the frame to the wall.

The height of the bowl can be adjusted according to the height of the people who will use the sanitary product. The optimal installation height for a wall-mounted toilet can be determined experimentally. It is usually done in such a way that the seat is approximately 40 cm from the floor.

Next stage installations – connection of the wall-hung toilet outlet with sewer outlet, in this case you need to use corrugation. To check the functionality of the connection, attach the bowl to the frame and perform a test drain. Then the bowl must be removed, since its installation is carried out at the very last moment.

Then the installation site of the frame is sheathed with sheets of double waterproof plasterboard, which is directly attached to the installation and to the wall metal profile. The instructions supplied by the manufacturer with the hanging equipment contain a template for easy cutting of the front part of the casing. Its use facilitates the process of cutting out the required technological holes in a sheet of drywall.

After this, surface finishing work is carried out. ceramic tiles, color matching with common interior bathroom.

After the tile adhesive has completely dried, the toilet bowl is secured by hanging it on 2 studs. They are wrapped in a metal frame of the installation system, which is located under the cladding.

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Features of installing a wall-hung toilet

Device diagram simple toilet for comparison.

  1. All installation systems for connection to sewer pipes are equipped with nozzles with a diameter of 110 and 90 mm and an adapter coupling for connection to a plumbing fixture.
  2. The installation itself uses a pipe with a diameter of 90 mm to make it easier to obtain a small bending radius.
  3. The flush button is installed in the center of the front or top panel of the tank. In the event of a breakdown, by removing this key, you can gain access to the internal fittings of the toilet cistern. Usually the key is not included in the kit, but is sold separately.
  4. If the float mechanism fails, there is a built-in drainage hole, through it excess water is drained into the toilet.
  5. Almost all modern tanks modular systems equipped with a water saving function. It can be represented by two options: double flush key ( most of keys – full drain, smaller part – economical drain); Push/Stop system, which allows you to independently regulate the duration of the drain (pressing the button again stops the drain, and if you do not press again, all the water from the tank will be drained).
  6. For high-quality finishing tiles, it is necessary to correctly set the location of the installation system relative to the facing joints. So, the button for the cistern must be placed either in the center of the seam between the tiles, or in the center of the tile (otherwise there will be unaesthetic asymmetry). Therefore, the installation is installed with an allowance of 2 mm, and the laying of tiles always begins from the button.
  7. When using a mechanical flush key, the thickness of the wall that covers the structure should not be more than 6-7 cm.

U floor standing toilets Competitors have appeared in the form of wall-mounted models, which are increasingly being chosen by consumers to equip a bathroom in an apartment. Of course, installing a wall-hung toilet is a little more complicated, but if you wish, you can figure it out on your own using the included instructions. If you have any questions, then there are two options: either contact professionals or look for Additional information for installation of this equipment. This article will help you understand how to install a wall-hung toilet with your own hands and at the same time save several thousand rubles, which specialists ask for for providing this service.

This video shows in detail the installation process of the installation and wall-hung toilet, and each stage of work is examined in detail separately.

Installation of a wall-hung toilet

  • The basis of the design is a rigid steel frame, which is equipped by the manufacturer with a special device for adjusting the height. This frame is securely attached to the floor, as well as to a wall made of solid brick or concrete. Such equipment cannot be attached to false walls made of plasterboard. The toilet bowl is suspended on special pins to a steel frame.
  • A plastic drain tank, which is additionally insulated with styropol - a material that prevents the formation of condensation. Cistern located on steel frame. There is a special cutout on the front of the tank through which a push-button type water drainage device is mounted. During operation, the same hole provides access to the mechanism for maintenance and repair if it is necessary to replace faulty components. IN modern models the volume of drained water is dosed using buttons; pressing one of them drains three liters, and the other – six liters.
  • The toilet bowl is the visible part of the entire structure after installation.
  • Hardware and tools included with the product in the packaging to complete installation. When purchasing, you should check the integrity of the package containing the fasteners. Otherwise, problems will arise during installation.

Materials for installation

To carry out installation work, it is necessary to purchase a set of parts needed to connect the device, a polyethylene outlet for organizing drainage, Teflon tape, studs, a flexible hose with an angle valve, through which the water supply pipe will be connected to cistern. Since the equipment from different manufacturers is different, it is better to first purchase a toilet, and then purchase all the materials recommended by the manufacturer in the instructions for its installation and connection.

Installation technology for a wall-hung toilet

Is installing a wall-mounted toilet really much more complicated than installing conventional floor-standing equipment? Let's take a closer look at this process.

  • Installation work begin with the installation of a rigid steel frame (installation), which is firmly attached with dowels to the concrete floor and to the main wall. In this case, a sewer pipe with a diameter of 110 mm must already be installed at the installation site. We also need to worry about the water supply pipe. The installation must be leveled relative to the vertical and horizontal planes, for which a regular building level is used. Adjustment is very easy, because the design of the steel frame includes retractable rods, as well as special studs for attaching the frame to the wall. You can adjust the height of the bowl depending on the height of the people who will use this indispensable plumbing product. Optimal height The installation of a wall-hung toilet can be selected experimentally. Typically, a wall-mounted toilet is mounted so that the seat is located approximately 40 cm from the floor.

  • Next, water is supplied to the tank, while experienced craftsmen it is recommended not to use flexible liner, but a pipe whose service life is much longer. Do not forget that during the water supply the valve located in the tank closes.
  • The next stage of work involves connecting the outlet of the wall-hung toilet with the sewer outlet, using corrugation. To check the functionality of the connection, attach the toilet bowl to the frame and perform a test flush. After checking, the bowl will have to be removed, since its installation is carried out at the very last moment.
  • Next, the installation site of the frame is covered with sheets of double waterproof plasterboard, which is attached directly to the installation and to the wall metal profile. A template for quickly cutting the front part of the casing is available in the instructions that are included with the hanging equipment by the manufacturer. Using this template facilitates the process of cutting all the necessary technological holes in a sheet of drywall.

  • Next, work is carried out to cover the surface with ceramic tiles that match the color of the interior of the entire bathroom.
  • After the tile adhesive has completely dried, the toilet bowl is secured, which is hung on two studs. They are wrapped directly into the metal frame of the installation system located under the cladding.

Advantages of purchasing a wall-hung toilet

  1. Hanging models perfectly complement the interior of a bathroom or toilet when the bathrooms are located separately. Fulfilling their direct functional purpose flawlessly, wall-hung toilets bring a touch of modernity to the bathroom space.
  2. The design of the wall-hung toilet is quite strong, as it can withstand a maximum weight of 400 kg. Therefore people with overweight can safely use hanging models of plumbing fixtures.
  3. When developing the geometry of the bowl, manufacturers take hundreds of little details into account, which affects the comfort and ease of use of the toilet.
  4. With the help of water dividers built into the toilet bowl and helping water move at a higher speed, good washing of the inside of the bowl along the entire perimeter is guaranteed.
  5. By installing a wall-hung toilet, you increase the hygiene of the room and make it easier to further care behind the floor tiles.

Important! There is an opinion that installing a wall-hung toilet allows you to save space in the room. This is not entirely true, because we must not forget that additional space is also required to accommodate the installation.

Once upon a time, wall-mounted toilet models were installed only in elite interiors and were considered an expensive pleasure. However, with an increase in the supply of such equipment on the market, its cost decreases. Of course, wall-hung toilets are more expensive than regular ones. floor models, but an increasing number of buyers give them preference when replacing old plumbing fixtures. It is clear that installing a wall-hung toilet yourself allows you to reduce costs. If you feel that you can handle this task, then feel free to proceed. If you understand that you need the help of specialists, then contact a reliable, trusted company that guarantees the quality of the installation.