How to properly arrange shelves in a steam room. We build a bathhouse with our own hands: how to make shelves in a steam room

Building a sauna with your own hands, without using the service professional builders saunas and baths, you may be faced with the question: “How to assemble a structure for shelves?!” After all, sunbeds must be strong and reliable and can withstand a lot of weight.

We recommend using planed, dry material for the structure.
Choose shelves, and this is exactly the material on which they sit or lie, from the right types of wood: cedar, linden, abash. Why them?
The wood of these species has low thermal conductivity, thanks to which you and your guests will feel comfortable in the sauna without burning your body on the boards. Fasten the shelves with self-tapping screws in a hidden way, from the inside. We do not recommend using nails for assembly; however, they are not strong enough and in the future it will be more difficult to disassemble the structure, and you may need this when replacing shelves.

Required tools and fasteners

You will need the following tool:

  1. Roulette.
  2. Level.
  3. Square.
  4. Wood saw.
  5. Cordless screwdriver with Phillips bits.
  6. Electric drill.
  7. Set of wood drills.
  8. Crosshead screwdriver.
  9. Wooden hammer (mallet).
  10. Hammer.
  11. Pencil and ruler.
  12. Abrasive sandpaper for coarse and fine processing.
  13. Chipboard self-tapping screws for wood 4.0x40, 4.5x70, 5.0x90.

Below is a frame of the shelves with numerical indicators corresponding to the order of assembly.

  1. We make markings for the rear racks 1 and securely fasten them to the walls of the steam room. We pre-fix rubber gaskets at the lower ends of the racks.
  2. We carry out preliminary installation of the upper beams 3 and 4, securing them to the racks 1 and the walls of the steam room.
  3. Lightly screw the upper side beams 5 and 6 to the rear posts 1 and the upper wall beams 3 and 4.
  4. Holding the front outer pillars 2, we attach the side beams 5 and 6 to them.
  5. Installing the front load-bearing beams 7 and 8, we assemble the upper frame.
  6. Using a level, square and tape measure, we take measurements of the frame, set right angles and its horizontal level. We attach screws.
  7. In a similar way we assemble the lower frames from structural elements 9-15.
  8. We check the correct assembly of the shelf frame, finally set all the elements, maintaining required dimensions, angles, horizontals and verticals.
  9. We fix jumpers 16, 17 from 18.
  10. We tighten all the screws until they stop.

The design of the shelf and its dimensions depend on the area of ​​the steam room. With high ceilings, you can create seats in three tiers. For comfortable soaring, the distance from the top shelf to the ceiling should be 30-40cm from the head of a sitting person.

All fans know what a shelf is. These are benches located at different heights. Racks are needed to select the most optimal temperature while in the bathhouse. This is due to the fact that the air temperature in the steam room at different altitudes is very different. To make shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands, you need to consider step by step guide.

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How to make shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands

Do-it-yourself bathhouse shelves step by step detailed guide:

When creating a shelf for a bathhouse, you need to consider several rules. For example, you need to leave a distance between the bottom edge of the structure and the floor about 3 cm.

Important! If there is no clearance, this will cause disruption of circulation in the bathhouse.

It is also necessary to remember that the rack should be located along a blank wall. If you install a bed near a window, if it gets hit hot water on glass, the material may burst. The distance from the ceiling to the top of the shelf should be at least a meter. Planks are not allowed when creating a shelf. butt-butt, you need to leave a small distance between them.

Attention! It is worth remembering that each board for shelves in the steam room must be pre-treated special compounds. This will significantly increase the service life.

Bath shelf drawings

In order to create shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands and not make mistakes, you need to prepare a drawing.

To do this, you need to draw a plan of the room in which it will be located. created structure. The drawing must show the exact dimensions of all elements.

There are several schemes according to which a design can be created:

  1. Corner shelves in the steam room can be created even in small sauna. Most often they have 2 or 3 tiers.
  2. Longitudinal shelves located near one wall.
  3. Parallel. Such structures can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. They are usually located at opposite walls.

When creating a drawing, you can consider several options and then choose the one that suits you best. Thanks to the layout of all elements, you can easily determine the number of steps and their height.

How to choose the size of a shelf in a bathhouse

Many owners of suburban areas create shelves in several tiers. But for a standard bathhouse, a one-level arrangement is more suitable.

This is due to the fact that the ceiling in the room is usually quite low. Multi-tiered structures are installed in a sauna or bathhouse, which is large in size.

When creating a regiment, you need to focus on specific sizes:

  1. Height. On average the most comfortable height shelf is considered 70-80 cm. In this case, the design can be convenient for people of different heights. When creating a shelf, you must remember that the distance to the ceiling should be at least 110 cm. In this case, it will be comfortable not only to lie down, but also to sit.
  2. Lenght and width. The length should be not less than 220 cm. Width – minimum 90 cm.

Most often, shelves are created across the entire width of the wall, since the room has small sizes. If the steam room is large, you can expand the shelves so that two people can fit on it.


Wood is used to create benches only deciduous trees. This is due to the fact that no resin is released when heated. In this case, the boards must be resistant to temperature and high humidity. But the main selection criterion is the thermal conductivity of the material. Wood should have low thermal conductivity, as the material can burn the skin. The most commonly used boards are aspen, linden and maple.

To make a choice, you should consider features of various materials:

  1. Aspen wood is used quite often, as it is the most affordable wood. Material is durable, so you don’t have to worry about replacing boards even during long-term use. When choosing aspen for a bathhouse, it is important to carefully inspect it so that the boards do not have internal rot, chips, deep cracks, or a large number of knots.
  2. Linden is considered the most suitable material, since boards made from this species have an acceptable cost and are of high quality. This wood is ideal for creating structures, as it differs pleasant smell, durability and ease of processing. At the same time, the linden shelf does not burn the skin at any temperature.
  3. Abash. This wood is also called African oak. The described material is resistant to high temperature and humidity. At the same time, it also has low thermal conductivity. If desired, you can find both dark and light wood. If wood is properly treated before use, it can retain its original appearance for a long time.
  4. Maple. This material for shelves used quite rarely, maple is usually used for furniture production. It is easy to process and hard, thanks to which it adheres well to fasteners.

Larch wood prices

larch board

Before making shelves in the bathhouse, you should carefully consider each option indicated.

Options for creating a regiment

Before creating the flooring, you need to determine which shape will be more convenient. The most commonly created types are:

  • ordinary;
  • folding;
  • corner.

Regular shelf is created as follows:

  1. First, the dimensions are determined.
  2. After this, the frame is assembled and secured to the frames located on opposite walls.
  3. Then the shelf is created and laid on a fixed frame. To do this, you need to fasten boards of the same length to 2 crossbars. There should be a distance of 1 cm between the boards.
  4. On last stage side gratings are created and secured. The result is a structure that is covered with boards on all sides.

Do folding shelf for a bathhouse with your own hands it is more difficult, since it must be easy to fold and at the same time be reliable, since it bears a large load.

Can be designed in several stages:

  1. Definition of the most convenient place to accommodate. Such shelves are created only when there is not enough space in the bathhouse for a standard frame.
  2. Installation of the frames on which the folding lounger will rest. They must withstand heavy load, therefore, it is advisable to install not only horizontal elements, but also place racks under them, also fixed near the wall.
  3. Creating a shelf with hinges. At this stage, it is necessary to take into account that the frame must support the weight of several people. That is why you need to attach several racks to it.
  4. After fixing the structure on hinges near the wall, it is important to check whether all elements are installed correctly and whether it can withstand heavy loads. As a step with which you can climb onto the shelves, you can use standard wide bench. It is important to remember that the bench should not wobble during use, as this can lead to injury.

Corner shelves
is a more complex version of the standard design, but is manufactured quite simply. When creating the frame, you first need to secure the frames to both walls and join them.

Then you need to determine the length of the diagonal and, at the selected distance from the wall, fix the stand, which will be central element frame.

Having calculated the equal distance from the edges, you need to install the central post and secure it with horizontal bars. It is worth noting that if constructed incorrectly, the corner structure may begin to wobble.

After studying the step-by-step guide, doing everything yourself is quite simple. It's worth remembering what's right assembled structure resistant to lateral loads. That is why, if it is not located between the walls, it is necessary to strengthen it when using jibs.

When fixing elements, it is worth remembering that metal fasteners can burn when the air heats up. To avoid this, you should recess the caps of the fasteners and close them .

How to treat wood

Wood processing can be done by various means, which can be created on chemical or organic basis. Any product helps repel moisture. Most often, universal compounds are used that protect against moisture and high temperature.

Attention! It is also worth using mixtures designed to increase resistance to damage by fungi and insects.

The composition of the described solutions can be and water soluble. When using antiseptic impregnations, you must follow the instructions exactly, since such compositions are aggressive chemicals.

Shelves are one of the essential elements of a steam room. It is on them that you can sit and lie down, enjoying steam treatments or a pleasant one.

If you are building a bathhouse yourself, then at a certain stage of construction you will have a question: “How to make a shelf in a bathhouse with your own hands?” Since the steam room has a special temperature regime and a high level of humidity, its own standards and requirements are established for the construction of shelves.

Do-it-yourself shelves in the bathhouse: deciding on the shape and size

Types of shelves in the bath:

  • compartment - the shelves are located one above the other, like in a train;
  • in the shape of “G” - located on two adjacent walls;
  • foldable - the lower shelf extends and the upper one folds back;
  • stepped - usually they make 2 or 3 steps.

Bath shelves are often made multi-stage. The reason is simple: this increases the capacity of the steam room. In addition, the peculiarity of the bath is that the steam goes up, therefore, the higher the shelf is located, the higher the temperature will be. The multi-stage arrangement allows everyone to choose a place that suits their temperature. If it gets too hot, you can always sit lower and vice versa.

The most popular are two-stage shelves for a bathhouse with your own hands. Photo options of what they look like are presented below:

If your steam room is spacious and has high ceilings, then you can make three-level shelves for a bath. In this case, the temperature on the bottom shelf will be relatively low, and the most high shelf Lovers of especially strong steam will like it.

DIY sauna shelves in a steam room: what material to choose?

The next stage is the choice of material from which they will be made. Of course, the obvious option is wood. But you need to keep in mind that not every type of wood is suitable.

Materials have their own requirements.

It is important that the wood has low thermal conductivity. Keep in mind that you will be sitting and lying on the shelves; they should not get too hot.

The shelves must easily support the weight of one or more people, so you need to choose durable wood. The resin content should be minimal, a large number of Resins can be hazardous to health and can burn your skin when heated. In the steam room there are temperature jumps with a large amplitude, and there is also high humidity, the tree must cope with such a load.

Many people prefer to make it from aspen. It does not emit resin, has good resistance to temperature changes and moisture, and does not deform or fade over time. In addition, aspen has been famous since ancient times for its healing properties. But it also has an important drawback - at the joints with inside it may rot. You can protect the tree from this process using a special antiseptic.

A bathhouse is a wonderful place where both soul and body can relax. Many homeowners erect such buildings on their plots and spend quite a lot of free time in them. Important role It is not only the correctly constructed structure of the bathhouse that plays a role, but also its internal arrangement.


If you have decided to install a bathhouse on your property, you should remember that it should be as comfortable as possible. To do this, it is necessary to competently equip the resulting structure, equipping it with all the necessary components.

Elements such as shelves are very important for a bath structure. These parts are designed for installation in a steam room. Most often they have several tiers.

Their design features, first of all, depend on the area of ​​the room and its height. It is customary to place shelves for a steam room either along one of the walls or near two walls, located parallel to each other. There are also corner designs, in which the arrangement of tiers is completely different.

A feature of bath shelves for steam rooms is that they cannot be installed next to windows, if there are any in the room. This can lead to adverse consequences - under the influence of high temperatures, the glass can burst, and its fragments can injure people sitting on the shelf.

In real Russian baths, shelves with three tiers are usually installed. It is also known from physics lessons at school that heat always rushes upward, so it is always cooler on the bottom shelf in the steam room than on the top one.

When designing shelves for a steam room, it is necessary to take into account that an adult should easily fit on the top tier without resting against the ceiling - this is another important feature, which should not be underestimated when arranging a bathhouse.

A high-quality shelf in a bathhouse should have low thermal conductivity, otherwise it will be impossible to stand on it, as it will become very hot in the steam room. That is why such structures are made of wood, not metal, because it heats up very quickly.

Also well-made shelves made of suitable materials tolerate high temperatures and temperature changes without problems. Under such conditions, these structures do not deform, rot or collapse.

There are many options for placing a shelf in a steam room. Build suitable design Possible for premises of any layout and size. For example, for a compact steam room it is permissible to make corner benches, which take up little free space, but remain convenient for a comfortable pastime of users.

Shelves can be ordered from a specialty store. As a rule, such designs are expensive for consumers, especially if they are made of appropriate materials. If there is no need for unnecessary expenses, then you can make the shelves yourself. To do this, you must strictly adhere to step by step instructions and use it at work good materials and tools.


Another way to call a shelf is a bench. This is explained by the fact that it is a structure of benches with different heights, arranged according to a special pattern.

The standard design of these elements consists of two main components:

  • Frame. This element of bath shelves acts as a basis for fastening boards of stationary flooring or as a support for collapsible flooring. As a rule, the frame of the shelves is made of support posts, which are similar to the legs of a standard bench. These parts are connected to each other using transverse jumper boards. Less commonly, the shelf frame is made according to the principle of a ladder stringer. Steps are attached to such a base.

Users who prefer to steam in dry steam conditions (according to known Finnish technology), structures are often built without additional supports in the form of a railway shelf attached to the partitions of the steam room.

  • Flooring. Another component of the shelf is the flooring. It consists of a base of boards, packed in increments of 1-2 cm. As a rule, the flooring is fixed to the frame of the bench. Sometimes the necessary parts are nailed separately, making a structure reminiscent of floor ladders. If the flooring is not fixed to the frame, then it is very convenient to remove it and ventilate it outside the steam room. This component serves as a seat, a couch and a podium for the bath attendant who works with a broom.

Shelf flooring may vary. It can be equipped with backrests, side parts, special bath pillows, as well as elements designed to allow you to take the most relaxed lying position.


Shelves for a steam room must be made of well-processed and high-quality materials that are free from damage and serious defects.

When choosing wood for making a shelf, you need to consider several important factors:

  • the material must have minimal thermal conductivity, otherwise the bench will become very hot - sitting and lying on it will be uncomfortable;
  • there should be no resin in the wood - it will release at high temperatures and stick to the skin;
  • The wood must easily tolerate high humidity, otherwise the shelves will not last long in a steam room.

Below are the wood options from which it is best to make such structures.


To create high-quality shelves, this material is used quite often. At high temperatures, wood gives off a very pleasant natural aroma that has a relaxing effect on the human body. It is also worth noting that linden is lightweight material, therefore the benches are not very heavy as a result.

They are easy to install - it doesn't require much effort. Linden is processed without problems, as it is not very dense. In addition, benches made from this type of wood are long years retain an attractive appearance and are perfect smooth surface, which is especially important for the regiment.

Before making shelves for a bathhouse from linden, it is necessary to dry it thoroughly, otherwise the structures may darken over time.


Another popular material for making shelves is aspen. This type of wood also has a positive effect on the human body and has medicinal properties. In addition, aspen is inexpensive, so almost every buyer can afford it.

It is believed that aspen furniture neutralizes negative energy and also restores human strength. This material perfectly purifies the air in the bathhouse, so many experts recommend its use.

An aspen shelf will serve faithfully for many years without causing any problems. Such furniture will not require complex care from homeowners, as it is practical.

However, aspen has one serious disadvantage: this material is prone to rotting of the fibers located in the inner part.

In order for the benches to be of high quality and reliable, it is necessary to carefully select the wood for their construction. Doubtful materials with damage or signs of rot cannot be used.


Poplar is a good choice for making a shelf. Its wood is very soft and pliable. In addition, this material is lightweight. Poplar can have a whitish or light brown tint.

This wood makes very beautiful pieces of furniture, as well as decorative carved parts.

Alder and black alder

The shelves can also be made from alder. This type of wood is resistant to wear and temperature changes. In a steam room, such material will not deform, crack or lose its visual appeal. Even after several years, the alder remains light. If you need to install a darker shelf in the steam room, then you should use special black alder for its manufacture. This type of wood has been used since ancient times in Rus' in the construction of baths.

Alder is distinguished by the fact that it has a rather thin and uniform structure. In addition, this material meets the main requirement - it has minimal thermal conductivity. Sitting or lying on an alder bench will be as comfortable and safe as possible, since it hardly gets hot.


This is an African oak that boasts excellent strength characteristics. Shelves made from this high-quality material are not afraid of temperature changes or heavy loads.

In addition, benches made from African oak have a beautiful and expensive appearance. Abashi is not subject to rotting. Over time, stains, darkening and other defects do not appear on the surface of furniture made from this wood.

African oak shelves will not crack and will last for many years. At high temperatures, this type of wood emits a very pleasant and soft aroma, which has a positive impact on respiratory system person.

As for the disadvantages, it should be noted that the wood may darken in some places if it is used for a long time in conditions of high humidity.


To make bath shelves, it is also possible to use a type of wood such as maple. The main advantage of this material is its high strength. It is not so easy to break or damage a maple bench. For this reason, many consumers choose this material for building shelves.

In addition, maple is relatively inexpensive and lasts a very long time without causing any trouble. This material is wear-resistant. Working with maple is easy - it pricks easily and is processed without problems. Such wood has a homogeneous structure, in which there are no pronounced fibers. The main advantage of this material is that it is not afraid of high humidity and very rarely cracks. The most valuable is the bird's eye maple, as well as the sugar maple.. This wood has a beautiful structure.


Bath shelves can have various shapes:

  • Stepped. Bath shops like these are the most common. With such a structure, the shelves are installed on one wall, and they are arranged according to the principle of steps. A multi-tier structure may have two or three floors. As mentioned above, the traditional model for a Russian bath is a three-tier bench. In such models, the shelf at the very top is much hotter than at the lowest level.
  • Corner. The second most popular are corner shelves. Such designs are most often chosen by owners of small baths with the same compact steam rooms. In such conditions, a corner bench takes up a minimum of free space.

In corner structures, the shelves are arranged in such a way that the upper and lower parts adjoin the same partition, and the intermediate component is arranged on the adjacent wall.

  • Collapsible. Collapsible benches for baths are considered very convenient to use. In such designs, the upper and lower shelves are removable. Thanks to this structure, the wooden elements of the steam room dry much easier and faster.
  • Folding. To expand the available space in the steam room, you can use shelves with folding flooring. Such designs are ideal for cases when several people relax in the bathhouse at once. Otherwise, folding benches are called compartment shelves. The principle of operation of this bath furniture is very simple: if necessary, the top tier is raised towards the wall (just like a shelf in a train compartment) and also lowered to its original place.


You should not think that the shelves are unremarkable furniture for a steam room, the design of which does not need to be worked on. In fact, such designs can look stylish and interesting, transforming a bath room.

Designers argue that in a steam room there should be no lush combinations of colors. Here's the combination tree species having different shades is a good solution.

For example, shelves can be built from boards of contrasting shades, beautifully echoing each other. Of course, it will be more difficult to make such furniture, but it will decorate the steam room.

If the owner is a lover of non-standard and fresh solutions, then he should turn to decorating the shelf with light. LED lighting installed under a bench or in a box located under it will be an effective design technique.

The color of the backlight in this case can be anything: calm blue, bold red, which visually makes the steam room even hotter, or green. The choice of a suitable diode strip depends on the preferences of the owners.

If there is no need to install LED strips in the sauna, then you can turn to spotlights and install them around the perimeter of the room - right above the seats. Thus, you can focus on neatly made benches and make the steam room a little lighter.

Corner benches look beautiful and fresh, with a large seat at the top with a wavy edge. Such designs look modern and stylish, softening the angle of the steam room.

Some craftsmen make very elegant shelves for the steam room, in which the upper tier smoothly flows into the lower one. The production of such benches cannot be called very simple and fast, but their design can transform the room.

In the steam room, U-shaped “multi-story” benches with a separate back attached directly to the wall behind the longest seat look good. These structures not only look aesthetically pleasing, but are also strong and reliable. They look especially attractive in one ensemble with wooden basins and brooms.


If you decided to make a shelf for a bathhouse with your own hands, then first you need to draw up a drawing of it. To make a clear diagram, first of all, you should take into account the dimensions of the room, the location of the future structure, as well as the height of the ceiling in the steam room.

In order to make your plans a reality, you should familiarize yourself with standard sizes such designs:

  • To lie on a shelf with your knees bent, you will need a bench 1.5 m long.
  • The 1.8 m long bench will allow any average user to lie down on it without bending their knees. In this case, much depends on individual parameters person – sometimes even a two-meter bench may not be enough.

  • The shelves can have a minimum width of 40 cm. This parameter most often belongs to the lower tier, which is usually used as a footrest. This step is comfortable to stand on, but you can also sit down.
  • Most often, bath benches have a width of 60 cm. This parameter is optimal, but is not entirely suitable for steaming in a supine position.
  • To sit sitting (with your legs pressed) across the bench, you will need a structure with a width of 90 cm. A user with any physiological parameters will be able to lie on such a bed.
  • The widest wooden shelf is 150 cm in size. It is comfortable not only to sit on, but also to lie on.

Of course, there are other options for steam room benches. However, experts recommend making or ordering structures whose dimensions exceed minimum values. If the steam room has sufficient area, the dimensions of the shelves can be increased.

When designing shelves for a bath, it is important to take into account the installation height of all components:

  • 1.1-1.2 m– experts recommend maintaining this distance between the lowest step and the second shelf.
  • 40-60 cm– this gap is optimal if done between the first and second shelves.
  • 20 cm- this is the minimum permitted distance that should be left between the floor and the step located at the very bottom.
  • 1.5-1.8 m– these dimensional values ​​are the minimum for the length of the bath shelf.

When drawing up a design project for a steam room, you need to pay attention Special attention layout of shelves in the room:

  • There are 1-3 rows along one of the walls of the room, while the shelves can be installed one above the other.
  • There are also L-shaped designs. In such options, any number of steps is possible. For example, there may be two or three of them along each partition. The upper and lower parts can be located along the most long wall, and the middle one - along the shorter one located next door.
  • There are also models in which there are two parallel structures located along the walls opposite each other. These options are reminiscent of a compartment in a train carriage. These shelves can be either symmetrical or uneven with signs of asymmetry.

After this, it will be more convenient for the owner to choose optimal solution. Moreover, you can correctly calculate the required volume of lumber based on the size of the benches.

It is not difficult to draw up a design for bath benches - to do this, you just need to take into account all the parameters and the expected location of the structure. If you have doubts about the correctness of your actions, then it is better to hire specialists who will prepare a finished drawing.

How to do it yourself?

You can make shelves for a bathhouse with your own hands. To ensure that the result does not disappoint, you should strictly adhere to the step-by-step guide, and also use it in your work quality materials and tools.

Below are instructions on how to make shelves using the example of a steam room with dimensions of 2.5x3 m.

  • First of all, it is necessary to properly prepare the wood for further work. To do this, the boards need to be thoroughly processed - sanded and corners prepared.
  • It is imperative to coat the lumber with protective antiseptic compounds. Such products will extend the life of bath benches. Treated wood is not subject to rotting and cracking, so do not neglect this stage of work.

  • For example, in a steam room with dimensions of 2.5x3x2.5 m, it will be possible to place benches only along the long wall. For the frame frame of the shelf you will need bars with a section of 50x70 cm.
  • Blanks should be made in the amount of 12 pieces 1.1 m long, as well as 6 pieces 0.9 m long.
  • To make the tier below, you will need 6 half-meter parts and 6 bars 1.5 m long.
  • Also, to make a shelf you will need 3 boards. These components will be needed to connect the racks of the upper and lower tiers together.
  • Using three tie boards, you can knock together a neat U-shaped structure.
  • After arrangement, the resulting structure should be attached to the wall. It is recommended to fasten the shelf using special wooden pads (cubes). These parts will protect the surface of the bars from moisture.

  • From a set of racks prepared for the lower level, you need to assemble and knock down a single frame of an L-shaped structure. In the future, this structure should be docked with the racks of the upper step and securely fastened to it.
  • At the end of the work, the boards belonging to the upper and lower tier must be laid on the prepared frame frame.
  • Flooring should be made from planed boards with dimensions of 20x120 mm and a length of 3.5 m.
  • To secure the flooring to the frame, you must use special wooden nails or pins.
  • It must be taken into account that under the conditions provided, the total height of the shelves can be approximately 1.5-1.6 m.

Below is an option for installing bath shelves using a special Finnish technology.

  • First of all, you need to measure the length of the wall along which the benches will be installed. Approximately 20-30 mm should be subtracted from the obtained values. This must be done so that there is a gap between the shelves and the walls of the steam room.
  • After this you need to move on to creating the frame. To do this, you first need to make the main frame. Its length is already known, but you need to choose the width yourself.
  • To choose the appropriate width of a rectangular frame frame, it is necessary to take into account the size of the steam room, as well as personal preferences - the width of the structure directly determines how much free space users will have for relaxing in a sitting or lying position.

  • Then the frame needs to be fastened in the corners - for this it is recommended to use special metal corners. After this, the structure should be tightened using bolts or screws. It is better to carry out such work in the interior of the shops.
  • Intermediate cross bars should also be installed. Experts advise when installing them to adhere to a step of 50-60 cm.
  • After completing the assembly of the frame, you should make sure that it fits smoothly in the available space.
  • The next step is to fix a support frame on the walls, the length of which corresponds to the width of the shelves themselves. At this stage it is important to secure two wooden bars at the same height.
  • Then you need to make sure that all the parts are fixed correctly - for this it is best to use building level(it is recommended to use a bubble or laser tool).

  • To secure the supports, you need to use screws or self-tapping screws. Fastening should be done at 2-3 points.
  • It is also necessary to take into account this point: the longer the frame, the more fasteners there should be. Experts recommend maintaining a spacing of no more than 40 cm between fasteners.
  • The lower frames need to be secured with a slight protrusion relative to the upper elements. The length of the protrusion in this case should correspond to the width of the bottom shelf.

To leave the necessary gaps in the structure for ventilation, you need to outside line the bed with thin sheets of plywood.

  • Then frame structure must be placed on the installed beds. To make the structure stronger and more reliable, you should additionally attach the frames to the wall with screws or self-tapping screws.
  • After this, you need to lay the flooring on the frames. In this case, the boards can be laid longitudinally or perpendicular to the frames.
  • At the end of this work, it is important to close the space remaining between the top and bottom shelves.
  • You also need to assemble the backrest over the top tier: you can use it already finished design or make it yourself. To do this, you should vertically nail slats to the partition, the thickness of which is 1-2 cm. In this case, you should adhere to a step of 40-60 cm. Then you need to fasten the boards to the slats.

Finishing work

To finish the resulting bath benches, you can use special varnishes and impregnations. Such compositions will protect wooden structures from rotting and destruction. It is worth noting here that ideally The wood in the bathhouse should not be subjected to any treatment - just sand the material.

If there is good ventilation in the room, then the wood in it will not deteriorate and lose its visual appeal.

If high-quality ventilation in the bathhouse is not provided, then it will not be possible to do without special protective compounds.

To save wooden shelf from rotting and deformation, you can use some useful remedies:

  • Acrylic based varnishes. Acrylic varnishes, which are not afraid of dampness and moisture, form a special moisture-proof film on the surface of the wood. The structure of such products does not change in any way, even if the room temperature is +100 degrees. For this reason, acrylic varnishes are allowed to be used in Finnish sauna conditions.

  • Impregnations. Antiseptic impregnations designed to prevent the appearance of mold and mildew on wood. In addition, such compositions make natural material more resistant to moisture. Impregnations differ from varnishes in that they penetrate deeper into the structure of the wood, thereby providing it with comprehensive protection.
  • Bleaches. Such special compounds are used to bleach darkened wood.
  • Wax solution or linseed oil . Many experts advise treating the finished shelf with a wax solution. An alternative to this product is flaxseed oil. Such products should be applied to wood in two layers. One layer of oil dries in about 8 hours.

If you need to make shelves not in three, but in two tiers, then you need to take into account that the height of the lower level from the floor should be approximately 50 cm, and from the top - 90 cm.

Between decorative finishing ceilings and benches, it is necessary to leave a technological gap. Its size is usually 4 mm on each side, while it is necessary to take into account the expansion coefficient of wood when it swells.

To treat the shelf, you cannot use aggressive chemicals - at high temperatures and their changes, such compositions will release toxic substances, accompanied by unpleasant smell. As a result, a person may experience a serious allergic reaction.

For the manufacture of frame bases, experts recommend purchasing 50x70 cm timber. In addition, to prevent the wood from drying out, the thickness of the board should be approximately 4 times less than the width. When making a frame, it should be further strengthened. To do this, you can connect all the supporting parts using boards both below and above. It is recommended to wear special rubber pads on the legs of bath furniture - with such parts the shelves will not scratch the floor or slip on damp boards.

If the steam room in the bathhouse cannot boast of a large footage, then it is permissible to build a lower shelf in the shape of a triangle. Such structures should be placed indoors in such a way that one leg fits loosely against the wall, and the other against the adjacent shelf.

Most often, the lower part of the shelf structure is not secured in any way. Thanks to this solution, the floor under the structure can be washed, and it dries more efficiently. If the bottom of the bench is too bulky and heavy, then special runners can be built under it moving along rubber guides.

The use of self-tapping screws during the construction of the shelf allows you to firmly and reliably fix the resulting structure. In addition, it will be possible to easily disassemble the bath furniture in order to dry or replace any part. When calculating the required volume of materials, it is important to remember the technological indents.

It must be taken into account that shelves for a Finnish bath are always equipped with a back made of boards. This detail is needed to prevent bathhouse visitors from burning their bodies on the hot wall cladding.

Very it is important to properly sand the boards for the shelf flooring. The surface of these elements must be perfectly smooth and neat - sitting or lying on benches with burrs and knots will be uncomfortable and even dangerous.

It is not recommended to use coniferous wood for making shelves, despite their environmental friendliness and pleasant aroma. Such materials, when exposed to high temperatures, release a resin that will stick to the skin.

The width of the shelf should not be less than 0.4 m. If you build a narrower structure, then it will be impossible to sit or lie on it - there will not be enough space. When making a shelf, you should use special fasteners made of hard wood.

To details from of stainless steel It is permissible to use it only when constructing a frame base, which will later be covered with boards. This is explained by metal fastenings can get very hot in the steam room and you can accidentally get burned on them if they are on the surface.

Most often, shelves are made three-tiered. Of course, you can build two-level furniture. Models with a large number of levels should not be constructed– sitting on them without touching the ceiling will be almost impossible if all the work is done correctly.

It must be taken into account that the number of frame parts directly depends on the thickness of the bar. The shelf must be quite strong and wear-resistant in order to easily support the weight of several people sitting on it at the same time.

How to care?

Many homeowners wonder how to care for bath shelf. You can maintain the cleanliness of such structures as follows:

  • It is prohibited to use any modern cleaning products or aggressive chemicals to wash and clean the shelf;
  • Experts say that the best product for cleaning a bench in a steam room is laundry soap;
  • if present on the benches serious pollution, then for its mechanical removal it is permissible to turn to an abrasive material.

The steam room should always be clean and tidy, since in these conditions a person cares about his health and hygiene.

Beautiful examples

A bath shelf is not always simple and inconspicuous. Sometimes such designs transform a room, making it more comfortable and welcoming.

For example, a three-tier corner shelf made of light wood with a rounded edge will look amazing if built into its back Spotlights with light directed upward. This beautiful furniture looks harmonious in combination with a compact stove with an open stove in the shape of a pipe.

The three-level shop looks very beautiful and fashionable, in which inner part each stage is equipped with blue or LED backlighting of blue color. The diode strip should also be added to the backrest located above the seats. To dilute the “sea” glow, you can install corner lamps with warm yellow light lamps above the shelf.

A light wooden shelf installed along one wall will look great in a small steam room, in which one of the partitions is decorated with stonework. It is permissible to make the remaining surfaces of the room less noticeable - they can be sheathed, for example, with clapboard.

A shelf assembled from boards of different shades will look very original in a steam room., especially if various details make its designs curly - cut at an angle. The resulting design should be supplemented with warm wall lamps above the back and a white or yellow LED strip located inside the seats.

For a slightly casual bath rustic style you can build a rough shelf made of wood of a dark shade with a pronounced structure. Of course, the surface of the wood must be well processed and finished, regardless of the chosen style. Such designs do not need to be supplemented LED strips

- a true pleasure for a person. You can make shelves in the steam room with your own hands. To construct them, it is necessary to select the right material, size of parts and take into account all the rules for constructing regiments, not forgetting the invaluable experience of our ancestors.

Material selection

A steam room is a room with high levels of humidity and temperature, therefore all materials must meet the requirements of these operating conditions. These properties include:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • absence of resins in wood;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength.

The shelves are made of hardwood. These include: linden, birch and aspen. This choice is based on the absence of resins in them, unlike coniferous species tree. Resin protruding from high temperature, may burn the skin.

Linden board

Increasingly in Lately African abashi wood is used to construct the shelves. It has very low thermal conductivity and moisture resistance. This environmentally friendly material, does not emit harmful substances.

Abashi board

To increase moisture resistance and biostability (rot, mold, bacteria) wooden parts shelves created special impregnations for wood based on natural oils. They will perfectly protect the surface of the shelf and will not harm your health. From folk remedies You can choose linseed oil, which is inexpensive, saturates wood well and reliably protects against moisture.

Dimensions and location of the shelf in the steam room

The Russian steam room is different in that the air temperature in it is not the same in height. For every 30 cm, the temperature increases by approximately 10 °C. To ensure that the body heats up evenly, it is better to steam while lying down. Taking these features into account, the shelves in the Russian steam room are made in several tiers. The number of shelves depends on the height and size of the room. Each level has its own temperature and by going lower or going higher one tier, you can adjust the body heating temperature.

The lower tier is a support for the feet. People can also wash on it while sitting. Most often, shelves are placed along the wall with a height of no more than three tiers. If the height of the room does not allow installing three levels on one wall, then they are installed on two adjacent ones. In this case, the lower and upper shelves are made along one side, and the middle one along the other.

The width of the tier shelves should be selected based on convenience: in a lying position, since the procedure requires a relaxed state. It ranges from 400 mm for the lower shelves and up to 1500 mm for the upper ones. The length is taken to be at least 2000 m in accordance with the height of the person.

The figure shows how to choose the height from the stand to the ceiling so as not to touch it with a broom. Sometimes, for convenience in a sitting position, a bench about 300 mm wide is placed on the lower tier.

Sequence of regiment construction

Having decided on the design of the shelves, it is necessary to select all the elements of the frame, flooring and side cladding. To do this, it is advisable to make a drawing of the entire structure to scale. This will make it much easier to calculate the number and dimensions of each structural element. In fact, this will be the project of the future regiment. The more detailed and accurate the drawing on paper is, the easier and better the process of manufacturing the structure as a whole will be.

Next, you need to prepare all the frame parts from timber measuring 50x70 mm. Then the shelf structure is marked on the walls and floor of the steam room, observing the vertical and horizontal installation of the parts. The installation sequence depends on the chosen design. This may involve first pre-assembling individual parts and then installing them in a given shelf space, or installing elements immediately on site.

Below are several options for constructing a frame. It must be of a rigid structure and can withstand the weight of an adult. The presence of diagonal struts and jibs in the structure contributes to this. When constructing shelves, it is important to take into account the possibility of access to the floor underneath them. This is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the steam room.

The shelf flooring is installed on the finished frame structure. It should be even and smooth without sharp corners or burrs for the safety of human skin. The most commonly used board is 80 mm wide with rounded edges. They are laid with a gap of 10-20 mm to drain water and free air convection. The thickness of the board depends on the distance between its supports (L):

  • 22 mm for L = 600 mm;
  • 25 mm for L = 900 mm;
  • 44 mm for L = 1200 mm;
  • 63 mm for L = 1800 mm.

In this case, the width of the strip should not exceed the thickness by more than 4 times. This is necessary to prevent warping of the wood. For the back, you can attach a board 200-250 mm wide, or several narrower planks.

Metal fasteners must be recessed into the wood and covered on top with a wooden pin or decorative caps so as not to burn the skin.

Attaching the decking strips to the bottom will also protect the skin from high temperatures. You can use fastening using oak pins (dowels).

The shelves in the steam room should be durable, not creak and have an attractive appearance. It is better to make it open at the bottom for ventilation and for convenient cleaning of the floor underneath.

Care of the shelf during operation

To ensure normal operation not only internal equipment, but also in the steam room itself, it is very important to have good ventilation of the room. This will significantly extend the service life of all wooden elements steam rooms

You cannot wash off dirt from the shelves in the steam room with chemicals. To do this, you can use simple laundry soap. Heavy soiling You can rub it with a not very hard brush.

Convenient, safe and beautiful shelves in the steam room will add pleasure from bath procedure. In Rus' it was believed that the bath not only cleanses the body, but also frees the soul from the sorrows and hardships of life. “A bathhouse will wash away all sins,” one of the Russian proverbs says about this.