How to sell on eBay from Ukraine: step-by-step guide and tips. What you need to sell and how to trade on eBay from Russia

Many users have often heard about it, but do not know how it works. For some, the process or auction seems like a lengthy affair. But in reality, selling on eBay is not difficult. Moreover, this process is somewhat delaying.

  1. If you want to participate in its work, you must register as a participant. The registration procedure is paid - only 30 cents. For this money, yours will be seen on eBay by millions of potential buyers.

  2. In order to sell products, you must provide a valid credit card during registration. This is necessary for your identification, and the auction will make sure that you are over 18 years old, and you, logically, will take both participants and goods more seriously. After registering, you can begin creating an offer for your products.

  3. To sell on eBay correctly and successfully, you must first become familiar with similar products offered for sale by other sellers. Look at how a similar product is described by others, which ones are loaded, what the seller did not tell about due to ignorance, or in order to hide something about the product. Remember that you must tell about the attractive and strong sides of the product.

  4. To begin the selling procedure, you must activate the Sell button at the top of any eBay auction page. The Sell Your Item page will load. On it you need to fill out sections about the subject of sale - the name of the goods and their description. Then you need to specify the minimum bid, which will be the auction step if there is demand from auction participants. Don’t be lazy and provide additional information about the product you are selling, and also include photographs of the product. One photograph of an item by the eBay Picture service is accepted for posting on the website. Additional photos per item cost 15 cents each. Specify the time frame during which the item will be put up for sale.

  5. In the Shipping & Payment Terms section, you must indicate the payment method acceptable to you, the address for payment, and the address for sending the goods. In addition, you need to fill out the columns about the cost of shipping, and, if necessary, write instructions for sending the goods. Check the information entered and confirm that everything is filled out correctly. From this moment your product is put up for auction.

  6. When the auction ends, based on its results, a letter will be sent to your e-mail, which will indicate the winner and the delivery address of the goods. When you receive a notification that funds for the goods have been transferred to your account, you need to send the goods to the buyer at the specified address. Depending on the chosen method of receiving money (bank or check), the buyer sends money to the specified address upon registration. Wait for the check to be cashed and send the item to the buyer.

  7. If the buyer paid by credit card, then for security reasons the funds will first go to eBay accounts, which will send a payment notification to your e-mail. Once the buyer receives the item purchased, eBay will credit your credit card.


  • sell on ebay


Find the product you are interested in. To do this, enter a keyword in the Search bar or simply look at the products in the categories. Read all the information about this product. Find out if delivery is available to your country, how and in what currency you can pay. Read the description and look at the photos to make sure this is the item you want to purchase. If the description page does not contain the information you are interested in, you can ask a question. To do this, click on the Ask Seller a Question link.

Look at the seller's reviews. On eBay, buyers can leave both positive and negative reviews for sellers. You can see the percentage of positive reviews of the seller on the page with the description of the chosen one. But it is also recommended to familiarize yourself with so that you can be sure that this seller can be trusted. Also look at the items this seller has previously sold. Positive sign– if these are goods of the same category.

You have two options for the selected product: offer your own price or at a fixed price without bidding by clicking on the “Buy Now” button. Of course, it is much easier to buy the product right away without starting for the lot, but this method is more expensive. Some items can only be sold through bidding, so you need to place your bid by offering a certain price. To competently conduct trades on auction eBay, check out other offers, the number of requests, take the time to participate.

If you purchased an item outright or won an auction, you must pay for the item before it is shipped. As a rule, Russians have a difficult time dealing with sellers from other countries, including the USA. To do this, it is recommended to register with the PayPal electronic payment system - this is the most reliable and quick way payment for goods.

After you have paid for the product, it must be sent within the agreed period. It is advisable to leave a review about the seller after receiving the product. On auction It is considered good manners to talk about the experience of working with participants.

Video on the topic


You can only cancel a bid on eBay in a few cases: if you entered the price incorrectly or if the description of the item has changed. An offer cannot be canceled less than 12 hours before the end of the auction.

On the international trading platform Ebay you can buy and sell whatever your heart desires, including the soul itself. Oddly enough, there is still supply and demand for this unusual product.

Despite the specifics of the product, selling a soul on Ebay is no different from selling any other things. Therefore, if you decide to become a seller of your own soul, just register on the website and place an item. When placing an item, remember that Ebay rules do not allow listing items that do not have a physical substance, otherwise your soul will be removed. To prevent this from happening, be sure to include an item with the lot and indicate this in the description. For example, it could be your personal item.

In the description of the lot it is also advisable to indicate exactly how the process of transferring your soul to the buyer will take place. There are no uniform rules and traditions in this matter: some sellers limit themselves to signing an agreement, others resort to the help of occult specialists - the choice is yours. You also determine the price for the product. Do not forget that Ebay is an auction, and during the bidding process the value of your soul can increase several dozen times.

The history of the Ebay auction knows more than one case of the sale of a human soul. So, in 2007, an American, who wished to remain anonymous, put up for sale his own soul in a glass vessel. According to the seller himself, he was prompted to do this by the lack of money for Christmas gifts for relatives.

Another seller of his own soul was 26-year-old British artist from Newcastle Gareth Malham. He managed to sell the "priceless property" for 11 pounds 60 pence. According to Malham, the buyer needed someone else's soul after he lost his own while betting on the results of a table hockey game.

Among the human soul was a resident of the Dutch city of Enschede, to whom he also preferred not to disclose his name. In the description of the lot, the seller indicated that his soul was kind and almost pure, and it could be an ideal and unusual gift. It was assumed that the buyer would receive the soul along with a contract signed in blood, which would indicate the “serial number” of the soul. The starting price at the auction was only $10. Potential buyers were found, but the deal to sell the soul never took place - Ebay management closed the auction, explaining their move by saying that the seller was unable to provide evidence of the existence of his goods.

Video on the topic

Tip 4: Why eBay will no longer sell magic items

The eBay online auction is known as the largest online resource on which users can put up for sale a wide variety of categories of goods, with the exception of those prohibited by law. Until recently, magic items were also listed on eBay, but this practice will come to an end in September.

Ebay is one of the world's most popular online auction sites, where you can purchase all kinds of goods from all over the world at a price lower than in many other stores. Registration on the resource is available to everyone and can be done through the site interface.


Go to the Ebay website using the browser installed on your computer. On the page that appears, select the register item in its upper left part. Wait for the registration form to load and provide the required information.

In the First Name field, enter your first name, and in the Last Name field, enter your last name. In the Email section, enter your address Email. It is worth noting that to register on the resource, it is best to use an email account on Gmail or Yahoo. You can also enter a Russian email address, but in this case there may be a delay in delivery of messages and registration confirmation code. In the Create you password field, enter the password for your account, and in the Confirm Password field, repeat the entered characters.

After filling out all the required information, click the Submit button. Go to your mailbox. You will see a message containing the data entered in the registration form on the site. Click on the “Yes, continue” link.

Wait for the page to load and confirm that registration was successful. To set up delivery addresses and places of residence, go to your personal account on the site by clicking on the My eBay – Summary link.

In the Account – Addresses section you can specify addresses for delivery of goods. In the Communication Preferences section, enter the telephone numbers and email addresses in use where you can be reached. To make payments for purchases, enter your PayPal account number in the PayPal Account section.

In this short article I would like to show you how you can put an item up for sale. Of course, as you understand, an auction is not a disinterested thing and you have to pay for trading on it. Therefore, here I would like to look at how to minimize eBay commission fees and further show examples of listing goods on eBay without any paid services.

First of all, let's look at what commission fees on eBay consist of:

  1. Fee for listing a lot for sale. That is, simply for exhibiting the lot, it turns out, you also have to pay. But not everything is so sad. You can list 50 items every month on eBay for free.. This is quite enough at the beginning of trading, I still do not go beyond this limit. If you sell more than 50 items monthly, then eBay will charge you $0.30 for each item for listing the fifty-first and subsequent items.
  2. Commission fees in case of successful sale. If the product is on sale, then the platform eBay will charge you 10% of its value.. Therefore, be sure to take this into account when calculating the price of the lot.
  3. Fees charged by Paypal for payment processing. They make up 3.9%. Also take this figure into account when setting the price.
  4. Fees for additional eBay services, such as: highlighting an item in search, displaying in recommended items, increasing the auction duration beyond 10 days, adding more than 12 photos to the gallery, setting reserve prices when bidding at an auction.

In fact, if you display up to 50 products per month and do not use additional paid services, then you do not pay anything for displaying the goods, so if you do not sell anything, then you do not lose anything (except, of course, the cost of purchasing goods, if you had any). And in case of sale, you will be charged 13.9% of its value. Therefore, simply increase the price of the product by this percentage. Moreover, 13.9% is taken from the sum of the cost of the product and the cost of delivery, so it does not matter whether you include the cost of delivery in the price of the product and select the “Free Shipping” option or set the cost of the product and the cost of delivery separately.

Instructions for placing a lot.

Now that you are familiar with the trading conditions, let's look at two examples of listing goods on eBay. In the first case, the video tutorial will tell you how to put a pair of shoes up for sale. This example is artificially simulated to simply show the process. In the second case, there will be more modern and detailed text instructions for selling tar soap. This is a real example of what is being sold from Russia to large quantities. And remember, the main thing is to start trying it yourself, because you can read instructions endlessly, but true experience comes only when you try to do everything yourself. Each situation is unique and somewhere you will have to think with your own head, but I think after looking at the examples given, you will have fewer questions. The main thing is not to be afraid and try.

Selling on eBay - Example 1. Displaying boots (video tutorial).

Selling on eBay - Example 2. We are displaying tar soap.

Now let's look at how to list a product on eBay using the example of selling Russian tar soap.

My account settings are set to English. If you have Russian set, then some menu items will, accordingly, be in Russian. However, not all part of the sales interface is translated from English, therefore, it is much more convenient to use English language. In addition, if you intend to trade with foreigners, then it is better to immediately get used to the terminology in the original language. The entire description below will take into account the English-language interface.

Select in the top menu of the site “My eBay” – “Selling” (My eBay – Sales)

A form opens in which you need to specify the name of the product. The name of the product should, if possible, be written in the way that a potential visitor will search for it through the search bar, so don’t hesitate to use keywords. In addition, since for such a product as Russian soap there may be a Russian-speaking buyer living abroad (as a rule, emigrants from the Russian Federation and CIS countries), I duplicate the name of the product in Russian. In this case, I am selling 2 bars of soap in one lot, so I write the following text in the title: “Russian Organic Birch Tar Soap 2 PCS | Tar soap - 2 bars.” After specifying the product name, click “Get started”:

A form for selecting a product category appears in front of you. Select the desired category. If you find it difficult to choose, you can find similar products from other sellers and see in which category they are located. In our case with soap it is “Bar Soaps”:

After selecting a category, click the “Continue” button and get to the next step, “Create your listing”, where we will need to make a detailed description of the product, including the price and terms of delivery and return. There are two options here, either work with this listing creation form, or switch to a simplified form, for which you need to click the “Switch to quick listing tool” link. If you want, you can try the simplified form, but personally, I always work with the extended form, so we won’t switch anywhere. Let's start filling out the form in order:

Title– This is the title that users will see in search results. We filled it out in the previous step, but if you want, you can edit it here.

Condition– condition – select New (well, I wish I could sell used soap - ;))

Add photos– a very important step, here we add photos of the product. Without photos, selling anything in the 21st century is generally pointless, so try to prepare high-quality and clear photographs of your product in good resolution in advance. Personally, after taking photographs, I edit the images in Gimp or Photoshop: I remove the background and make the image brighter and more contrasty. You can add up to 12 photos in total without additional fees. And this is what the images I added look like:

UPS– barcode – I never bother with this parameter, select “Does not apply”

Brand– brand, brand – you can select from the list or enter your own. Naturally, in this case there is no such thing in the list, so we manually enter “JSC “Neva Cosmetics”, Saint-Petersburg”:

Size type– type, size – they offer a choice of Regular, Sample Size and Travel Size. Select "Regular".

Formulation– shape – select “Bar” (bar).

Country, Region of Manufacture– country and region of the manufacturer – set “Russian Federation”

After all our body movements, I got the following picture:

Next comes the “Details” section, where we can give detailed description product. The better the description, the higher the likelihood that the product will be found and that it will be attractive to the buyer. I filled it out like this:

If you have been making purchases at this auction for several years now, then you know that many sellers have very beautiful descriptions and even contain images. This is possible if you switch to the “HTML” form. Of course, knowledge of html is necessary, and images must be uploaded to some image hosting and links to them provided here. In a separate article I will talk about how to do beautiful description with minimal knowledge of html so that anyone can figure it out. While, in principle, a simple text description is sufficient, many limit themselves to just that.

Go to the section on cost of goods and delivery “Choose a format and price”

On eBay, you can either put an item up for auction or set a fixed price, just like in a regular online store. I prefer to trade at a fixed price. Next we set the price of the product. I recommend paying attention to the option “ Allow buyers to send you their Best Offers for your consideration» (Allow buyers to send you their best offers for your consideration). For example, you put up a product for $10, and the buyer wants to buy it cheaper, he can send you an offer to sell the product, for example, for $8, and you will already consider it and, if you want, sell the product on the proposed terms. In this case, I do not select this option, but often it can be useful.

In field " Duration» we can specify the duration of the ad. When placing a product for free, you can post up to 30 days - that is, your ad will be displayed for no more than 30 days and then, if no one buys the product, the ad will be removed, but it can be placed again. The “Good ‘Till Canceled” option (submit an ad indefinitely until the lot is withdrawn by you) is paid, so I do not recommend choosing it.

Below you are offered to send part of the money from the sale to donate to some fund. Since I’m greedy, I haven’t donated anything to anyone yet and always put “I do not wish to donate at this time”

We go to the “Select how you"ll be paid" section - and indicate the Paypal account where we want to receive money and where we will receive a refund from if there are any problems with the order. We also check the box "Require immediate payment when buyer uses Buy it Now" (Require immediate payment when the buyer uses the "Buy it Now" button).

Go to the delivery section “Add shipping details”.

On eBay delivery divided into domestic and international. Moreover, since there is no separate Russian eBay site, delivery for us will always be international. And the internal one is actually delivery within the United States (or within the UK, Germany, Australia, if your account was created on these sites, but I have not met such users). In other words, if you are registered on, then you are considered an American user and therefore you are required to separately indicate delivery within the United States (U.S. Shipping) and separately delivery to other countries (International Shipping), including, by the way, Russia. Therefore, in our case, we simply indicate the cost of international delivery here and there. If you want to include the shipping cost in the price of the product and provide free shipping, then in the U.S. Shipping set the “Free Shipping” option, and in International Shipping just set 0, as in the picture below:

Handling time– order processing time is the time from the moment the buyer purchases the product until you send it to you with the tracking number on eBay. If you don’t work anywhere and plan to devote your time to trading on eBay work time completely, then you can set it for 1 day, but if you are busy with something else, then set it up to 3 days, like I did. But in any case, it is better not to bid for more than 3 days, this may turn off the buyer.

Here you can change the Item location by clicking on the “Change location” button. Here you need to indicate where the item will be shipped from. If you send it yourself, indicate your location. You can simply indicate your city, or only your country. If this field is not changed, then the auction will be set to a fragment of the address that you specified in your account.

The remaining fields may not be filled in.

If you did everything correctly, you should see the inscription “Your fees so far: $0.00.” This will mean that you do not need to pay fees for listing the product.

We click “Continue” and see a message stating that we “saved” 30 cents, since 50 products have not yet been displayed this month. Below we can see the choice of “Post our product”, “Preview”, or “Edit” again if you don’t like something.

Click “Preview” and if everything is good, then we publish it. You can also save your listing as a template so that when you post the same or similar product in the future, you won't have to fill out all the fields. Click – “Save this listing as a template and use it to sell similar items”

After this you should see the inscription “Congratulations!” and text stating that you have placed your first product.

Now, after placing the product, you can go back to your personal account in the “Selling” menu and look at your item. There you will see the number of views, how many days until the end of the ad and other data:

If someone buys your product, it will be displayed in the section Sold and you will be required to ship it and provide the buyer with shipping information. A separate article will be written about this.

If no one buys the product within 30 days, it will be displayed in the section Unsold and you can re-set it if you wish by clicking on the “Relist” button.

In the following articles, I will talk in detail about how to ship a product, how to provide shipping information, how to create an html template for product descriptions, and much more.

That's all, I wish you successful trading!

Good afternoon

First of all, my articles on effective sales are designed for people who know that selling online is possible, but that's all they know. They don’t know how to accept money or how to display goods. People who have sold a dozen cameras to the USSR already, in principle, understand what’s what.

For this reason, I decided to start the series of articles from the basics, where an individual unprepared for sales will at least understand what’s what. Well, you know, it’s like watching a shaman-mechanic go through the engine and wondering how he knows everything. And when you learn, there seems to be nothing complicated about it. It’s absolutely the same with online sales.

What can you sell on eBay?

Let's see how simplified online sales are:

- Product search.

Well, if you have your grandfather’s Zorki 4 camera or a commander’s watch, then this is not a problem for you. For example, my first product sold was Tula gingerbread. Honestly. For twenty-odd dollars when the price in the store is 100 rubles. What about the rest - articles about searching for goods are still to come.

- Determination of the site for sale.

Can be called: and other regional Ebay auctions.

(our initial choice, bourgeois the best!)

Hammer/aucro. (and domestic today)

Your own website. (More about this in one of the following articles)

Other auctions, e-crater for example, Amazon, but it’s hellishly difficult there.

- Opening/having an account in payment systems. If you decide to sell on ebay, then you need to open PayPal, regardless of whether you will accept money for it. You need it to open an ebay account. (Explanation - in this moment In the Russian Federation you can accept PayPal, but you cannot withdraw money into cash without having an account in a US bank. You have? For me, yes, but how old am I?))). For a beginner selling grandfather's Zorki 4 IMHO best option

– accept from the person who bought 50-70 dollars for the product on your PayPal and try to buy something that is cheaper from them, more expensive from us.

If you desperately need money, you need to register with an intermediary, who, having accepted the money for you, will withdraw it to Webmoney or in another way available to you.
I personally know of two ancient intermediaries, and
There are probably many new ones, but I advise you to use these.

The first one is flexible (it withdraws your money as soon as you provide a check), the second one is more, let’s say, conservative. Maybe a seller with many years of cooperation can be sent with a conclusion if, for example, urine hits him in the left hemisphere. But both are reliable.

We will not mention the fact that the person reading this article has a Webmoney wallet.

- Direct display and sale.

This is a rather intensive and fragile process for a beginner. This article cannot contain the intricacies of the exhibiting process.

- Receiving money for the product and sending it to the address.
If you have questions, ask in the comments. I will try to answer to the best of my ability and ability. But I sincerely ask you to spare my time. Please search the forum for the answer to your question, maybe it is already there.

Thank you all for your attention, Your Python.

All questions about how to sell on eBay ask

How to sell an item on eBay

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Many people know about such an Internet auction, a store like the eBay site, where you can buy or sell various goods. Sales can be carried out not only by a legal entity, but also by a simple buyer by choosing the seller mode.

That is, it turns out that with the help of this site, even simple individual has the opportunity to earn income. So, you want to understand how to sell an item on eBay?

How to sell an item on eBay

First, you should carefully study this service and the rules that the seller must follow. Now we move on to the first stage, to make sales.

When registering on eBay, you have the opportunity to register as a regular buyer or seller, if registered as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

After completing this procedure, in the first and second cases, you need to create an account in the PayPal payment system. My article tells about this payment system and registration in it: ““. The average buyer can do without it.

The eBay website provides the opportunity to become a seller without forming an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. But there is one important point, to make payments you must have PayPal to carry out payment transactions. When registering an organization, a corporate account is created in share pal.

In general, why is this being done? This payment system is the leading one on eBay and is the most secure in terms of payment transactions.

How to sell an item on eBay, step by step steps

While on the eBay service, go to your personal account by clicking “My eBay” at the top

On the page that opens, pay attention to the column on the left side of the site.

Click on the “Sell” tab - “All sales” - “sell product”.

You will be asked to fill out contact information to indicate it in the seller's profile as an address to contact you.

And only after specifying all the data, a page will open for adding a product and describing its properties, qualities, selecting a category and currency. Be sure to indicate payment rules, delivery methods, and product return policies.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the rules for posting advertisements and conducting sales;
  2. Select the product you plan to sell;
  3. Decide on the category to which the product belongs. If you don’t know what to classify it as, then in a search engine you can simply enter the name and see what category its analogue belongs to;
  4. Come up with good name store. When coming up with a name for your store, you need to try to make it interesting and memorable, preferably one that will reflect the essence of the lot put up for sale;
  5. Create ads to attract buyers. Pay attention to the quality and design of product photographs. Read the ads posted by successful sellers to get an idea of ​​what might attract buyers. Then create your own unique and interesting ad for sale;
  6. Think about what key phrases you can indicate in the ad so that with their help site users can easily find your product;
  7. Consider different marketing moves, including sales;
  8. At the final stage, when making a transaction, try to answer questions that interest the buyer.
  9. After the buyer confirms delivery, leave feedback about it.

With the help of such a simple plan, you can understand the overall picture of the sales system for the site. Now you can take a closer look at the rest.

Additionally, you can say the following:

  1. Be sure to try to monitor the auction and adjust your ad if necessary;
  2. If necessary, you can block buyers with a bad reputation;
  3. After making a sale, try to get paid as quickly as possible by issuing an invoice. Also, you can immediately leave good review about the buyer;
  4. Be sure to check the quality of the packaging. If the product is fragile or easy to break, place it in a special container. Also don't forget about packaging. She must be careful.

If any problems arise, there are two solutions:

  1. Just contact the buyer and resolve the issue directly;
  2. Contact the site administration to resolve the dispute.

What products can be put up for sale?

When deciding to start selling through eBay, an important question arises: what can be put up for sale and what cannot?

To products sold special requirements no, it is worth noting that there are a number of goods that are prohibited from sale:

  1. Alcohol, tobacco products and drugs.
  2. Animals.
  3. Used items.
  4. Plants and seeds, etc.

As previously mentioned, before starting sales, you need to decide on the assortment that you plan to exhibit. You can first study what exactly is in greatest demand among buyers.

It is worth noting that the greatest demand is for collectible goods or handmade crafts.

How does the sales process work?

You must choose the method by which the sale will be made. eBay offers two options for sellers:

  1. Carrying out sales through an auction. There is a standard auction, Dutch, private (for a certain circle of people) and with a reserve price. The minimum auction period is 1 day and the maximum is 10 days;
  2. Setting a single fixed price for which anyone who wants it can buy it.

However, when holding an auction, there is one caveat when putting goods up for auction: you should choose unusual and interesting lots. This is done in order to obtain maximum profit from the sale. In addition, when setting the duration of the auction, it is worth choosing a weekend as its end.

How to sell an item on eBay from Russia, additional fees

If you are interested in how to sell on eBay from Russia, then the principle remains the same. When opening an account in the PayPal payment system, if sales will be handled by an individual, the cost of the goods is indicated in foreign currency and is not available to buyers from the Russian Federation.

If legal entity or an individual entrepreneur opens a corporate account, then purchases become possible for buyers from any country. To post ads on eBay you will need to use platforms such as Ecwid or MIP.

During the grace period, commission fees for sales within Russia will be zero. If conditions change, we will receive Additional Information. In this case, only a commission is paid in the amount of 2.9% to 3.9% of the cost of the goods with delivery + 10 rubles for the operation.

If payments will be accepted by an individual, then it should be taken into account that in addition to the commission from PayPal, the following will be additionally charged:

  1. 10% of successful sales on the eBay website. Payment is made once a month;
  2. $0.30 for each lot displayed;
  3. Various additional paid services(extension of the auction period for more than 10 days 0.4 dollars, etc.).


Thus, before you start selling, you should weigh everything, carefully calculate, and think about it.

I believe that it is better to try something new and not be afraid to change your life. Even if the experience doesn’t turn out to be successful, it’s okay, treat life more simply, like a game. But you will gain knowledge and experience that will undoubtedly enrich you and will definitely be useful in life.

And already knowing how to sell goods on eBay, you can engage in drop shopping, which is very profitable nowadays, especially if you use the Aliexpress + eBay combination. It is quite possible that you will find your source of income in this niche. Good luck!

P.S. I am attaching screenshots of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone can do it, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already making money, that is, from professionals.

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If all your accounts have already been prepared and you are mentally ready to start selling goods on the largest trading platform in the world, then this article is just for you. After studying this article, you will be able to put your first product up for sale yourself. And immediately after the content of the article, you will find a video tutorial about the process of putting a product up for sale from a time-tested intermediary. It is possible that after watching the video tutorial you will not have to read the article further.


The content of this video tutorial fully corresponds to the real process of listing a product for sale, with one exception - at the very end of the listing process you must enter the address of your PayPal wallet! This is described in more detail below. The video tutorial shows an expanded product sale ad editor, while the article focuses on a simplified editor that successfully copes with its task.

Starting the process of listing a product for sale and selecting a category

Displaying goods on eBay the easiest way to start is with the page that appears on last stage editing a user account and adding permission to automatically withdraw money from the account PayPal under the buyer protection program eBay. This page looks like this:

The link to it should be saved in your bookmarks, unless, of course, you read and followed my recommendations. On this page click on the button List your item. If you do not have a link to this page, use this link that I found for you in the help system eBay. You can also find a link to start displaying an item for any item you purchased, unless, of course, you want to sell the item you bought on eBay or is it similar to the one you want to sell.

You will be redirected to the first step of adding a product. You need to enter the approximate title of your advertisement for sale; in most cases, a short name of the product is sufficient. After entering, click the Get started button

You will be presented with the most relevant categories for a given title. Use the checkbox to select a product category. The further success of your trade depends on your choice, since an incorrectly selected category will not allow a sufficient number of potential buyers to see your product in the search results.

If the search results do not give a suitable result, you can select a product category manually, continue listing the product by clicking on the link or the Browse categories tab and going down the category tree, find the one suitable for your product.

Regardless of the method that suits you, after selecting a category, click on the Continue button.

If you want to sell a fairly common product, then you can try to find a ready-made description of it. Use enter the name of the product, its model in the line and click the Search button. You may be shown the most relevant products from this category. If you want to sell one of which is offered, select it and click on the Sell your button. When choosing such a product, you will no longer need to add its main characteristics to the product description; several stock photos of the product can also be automatically added. We will consider the option of putting a product up for sale when there is no description of an identical product and will create one ourselves. Click the Continue with your listing button.

Choose how to create a product description. Fundamentally, these methods differ only in a more detailed (or rather simply more colorful) division of information into sections and the number of photographs that can be added in this product description editor. We will create a description of more in a simple way in a form called Keep it simple. Click the Go button in the column with the name of this form.

Creating a listing for selling an item on eBay

IN open form When creating a listing, all added information is divided into 5 semantic sections. In the first section, enter the title of the ad. Be sure to indicate in what condition the product is being sold: new – “Brand new”; new in box – “New in Box” or “NIB”; used – “USED”; used in perfect condition - “USED Viry Nice”.

Also in the header of the form for creating a product ad there is a link to go to the advanced editor and a Save for later link to save the current ad to drafts.

In the second section of this form you can add up to 4 photos. Minimal amount photographs – 1, but it is possible without photographs if the lot itself does not require it; maximum – up to 12 photos, which can be added in the extended lot creation form. For $0.35 you can choose additional service Gallery Plus, which will allow potential buyers to see enlarged photos of the product in the search results.

In the third part of the simplified form for creating a lot description, you must indicate the technical characteristics of the product and give its detailed description. This example uses screenshots of the process of putting a lens up for sale, so the column headings technical characteristics are replete with various expressions from the photo world and in addition to the standard Brand and Model, there are specific ones: maximum aperture, focal length, lens type - fisheye, standard, macro, and so on. All these indicators need to be filled out, because the more truthful information on your product is presented, the fewer questions and misunderstandings the buyer has and the greater the likelihood of a purchase.

At the bottom of the third part of the form there is a text editor for creating a back description of the lot. Describe the condition of the product, give a true assessment of its performance, and also indicate special conditions payment, return and delivery of goods, if any. If you do not send goods to African countries, South America also report this.

The fourth section of the form regulates the financial relationship between the seller and the buyer; it requires:

  1. indicate the method of sale: auction, sale at a fixed price, auction with a fixed price, format for selling goods with an offer of price Make Offer and auction with reserve price are available only in the advanced ad creation editor;
  2. enter prices for the selected sales methods;
  3. add available methods delivery and their cost;
  4. determine whether it is necessary to hide the advertisement for the sale of goods for residents of countries where there is no regional eBay site;
  5. indicate the order processing time in WORKING days;
  6. Using the “tick” switch, mark the possibility of returning a product that matches the description if for some reason the buyer is not satisfied with it.

It is worth noting that in the “simplified” ad editor on the site Only American delivery services are available such as , FedEx, UPS, that is, you will not have the opportunity to choose any other delivery method and, accordingly, will not be in the list of delivery methods Russian Posts and even Russian Post. Adding standard international shipping methods such as Economic Shipping, Standard Shipping, Expedited Shipping only possible in the advanced editor. To go to the advanced editor, follow the link Switch to form with more choices, which is in the header of this editor. In the advanced editor, scroll the page to the appropriate section and indicate the city in which the product is located. After this, you will be able to add to the list of used standard methods delivery. This is described in more detail in the video presented at the beginning of the article.

In the fifth section you just need to indicate the address PayPal, to which the buyer's payment must be sent. It is also possible to block the acceptance of bets from buyers who do not have a linked account. PayPal. This free feature will allow you to avoid unnecessary problems when, after winning an auction, the buyer refuses to purchase due to the fact that he is unable to pay through PayPal.

At this point, the process of creating a listing is completed, all that remains is to find out the amount of the fee for listing the lot for sale and carefully check the information that you provided. When listing the first 50 lots within a calendar month, you should strive to reduce the cost of putting the item up for sale to zero. After checking the information in the ad, click on the Save and preview button.

On the next page you will be shown the created ad, as it will look in search results and when viewing the ad in a separate browser tab. If you are satisfied with everything in the created ad, click Continue.

You will be shown a message notifying you that the item is up for sale. After this, you can go to the My eBay section or tell your friends in Facebook that you are selling a product on eBay!

From the following article you will learn what to do after the goods have been paid for by the buyer: how to properly pack and send the goods, how to deal with the tracking number that you receive in the mail?