How to plant garlic before winter? Planting garlic: winter and spring. When and how to plant garlic before winter


If you are late with planting, increase the planting depth by 2-3 cm to prevent freezing.

Planting material is inserted into the grooves by hand, bottom down and gently pressed into the ground with your fingers. Sprinkle soil or mulch on top in an even layer. If the winter has little snow, then the beds are covered with plant debris, roofing felt or polyethylene. In conditions of abundant snowfall, no covering material is required.


Bulbs will be given to next year single clove large onion. Having dug up the clove at the end of summer and dried it, it is planted again in the fall. Next year, an updated variety with a large head will grow.

A useful video will tell you how to plant winter garlic in the fall.

Simple rules for caring for winter garlic

It’s not enough to know how to plant correctly winter garlic, you also need to know how to care for it!

Care begins in April. As soon as the snow melts from the garden bed, you need to remove 2 cm of mulch. This will make it easier for the feathers to germinate. Why can't you remove all the mulch? Mulching material protects young shoots and helps retain heat. The first watering is done in May, when all that remains of the snow is memories, and the soil will obviously need moisture. Water the seedlings regularly. Garlic is fed three times: after the first greenery appears, urea or a weak solution of bird droppings is added in liquid form. The second time, the culture needs a nitrophoska solution (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). The last feeding in June consists of ash (a glass per bucket of water) or superphosphate (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).


Before applying fertilizer, the bed must be moistened to avoid chemical burns!

In summer, watering is gradually reduced. If the arrows have reached 10 cm, they are broken out, leaving a few pieces to determine the timing of ripening or seed propagation.

Garlic (lat. Allium sativum) is perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Onion of the Amaryllis family of the Allium subfamily. This vegetable crop has been popular among many peoples of the world for six thousand years - garlic is in demand both in cooking and in medicine. Not only garlic bulbs are edible, but also the leaves, shoots and flower stalks of young plants. The plant’s homeland is Central Asia, and it was introduced into cultivation in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Scientists have suggested that garlic originated from the long-pointed onion, which is common in the mountain gorges of Turkmenistan and the Tien Shan, and further research confirmed this guess - garlic is indeed genetically indistinguishable from this type of onion, so with a high degree of confidence we can say that garlic is a type of onion. It is grown both spring and winter. In this article we will tell you how to properly plant winter varieties of garlic.

When to plant garlic before winter

Dates for planting garlic in autumn 2018

When to plant winter garlic? Winter garlic is grown in autumn. The previous crop must be removed from the area where you plan to sow winter garlic no later than the end of July. Garlic is planted in the ground 35-45 days before frost. Before winter sets in and the soil freezes, garlic has time to develop root system 10-12 cm long, but green shoots will no longer appear. Optimal time planting garlic from September 20 to mid-October. However, if you decide to grow garlic from bulbs and not from cloves, then you can sow them in April.

If you believe lunar calendar, then the most favorable days for planting garlic in 2018 – September 4, 5, 12-15, and October 11, 12 and 13. Those who did not make it on these dates still have November 8, 11 and 16.

When is it better not to plant garlic?

Garlic planted too early will germinate, which should not be allowed categorically, and garlic planted too late will not have time to take root and will freeze, which is why it is so important to follow the planting dates for winter varieties verified by many years of experience.

In the photo: Winter garlic dug up in spring

After what crop should garlic be planted?

Before determining the site for winter garlic, you need to know after which garlic can be planted, that is, which crops can precede garlic, and after which it will not grow. Garlic will grow best after annual vegetables with a short growing season - cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, pumpkins, zucchini, grain crops or berry bushes. It is not recommended to plant garlic in an area where root crops grew - their harvest is harvested late, and it is unlikely that the soil depleted by root crops will have time to recover. Is it possible to plant garlic after garlic? Absolutely not. The same as after onions. The principle of fruit rotation suggests that you will be able to grow garlic in the place where it grew this year no earlier than in three to four years.

Garlic before planting - preparation

Unlike spring garlic, which reproduces only by cloves, winter garlic reproduces by both cloves and bulbs. In order to grow a full-fledged onion from a bulb, it will take two years, but from a clove you can get a large onion the next year after planting. Before planting garlic in the fall, the seed material is sorted out, discarding damaged, small and diseased cloves, as well as those whose shell is damaged, then high-quality cloves are disinfected for 2 hours in ash liquor - a solution of 400 g of ash in two liters of water, boiled in for half an hour and then chilled. Instead of ash alkali, a two-minute treatment can be used to disinfect teeth seed material V saline solution(3 tablespoons per 5 liters of water) followed by disinfection for a minute in the solution copper sulfate(1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water).

Soil for garlic

Where to plant garlic? Garlic is light-loving, so grow it under the sun in sandy, non-acidic soil, manured for the previous crop - fresh manure in the soil for garlic leads to the fact that it is more often affected by diseases and pests. If there is a need to add fertilizer to the soil after the previous crop, do this no later than one and a half to two weeks before planting garlic: dig up the soil using a shovel, adding 5-6 kg of humus per m², as well as 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salt, then pour the area with a solution of copper sulfate (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water). Before planting, cover the bed with film.

In the photo: Heads of garlic

How to plant garlic before winter

In the area prepared for planting, furrows are made 15-20 cm deep at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other; coarse sand is poured into the bottom of the grooves in a layer of 1.5-3 cm in order to prevent contact of the cloves with the soil and protect them from rotting . The distance between large cloves should be 12-15 cm, and between those smaller ones - 8-10 cm. After embedding the cloves into the soil, the area must be mulched with a two-centimeter layer of dry peat or sawdust mixed with soil. If the winter is snowless, you will have to cover the crops with roofing felt or polyethylene, but as soon as it starts snowing, remove the film so that the snow falls on the area.

If you use bulblets as seed material, they are sown to a depth of no more than 3 cm at a distance of 2 cm from each other with a distance between grooves of 10 cm. If you sow the bulblets in the spring, in April, then by autumn they will produce single-toothed bulbs, which need to be dug up, dried and planted again in the ground so that next year they produce a full-fledged bulb.

In the photo: Winter garlic is growing

Caring for garlic after planting in the fall

Planting and caring for garlic in open ground will not cause you any trouble. Winter garlic is a crop with increased cold resistance, and if only it manages to grow a root system by winter, it will survive the winter perfectly, especially if you mulch the area and cover it with roofing felt. In spring, cover is removed from the area and 2 cm of mulch is removed to make it easier for seedlings to break through the soil. At the end of June, garlic begins to throw out arrows, which must be broken out before they reach a height of 10 cm, otherwise the bulb will end up too small. As soon as the first greenery appears, add it to the soil nitrogen fertilizers- urea, mullein or bird droppings solution. The next fertilizing is a solution of 200 g of ash in a bucket of water - apply in June or July. It is better to feed garlic organic fertilizers. Watering garlic in the active growth phase should be plentiful; in the ripening phase of the bulbs, they switch to moderate watering, and if the weather is rainy, then there is no need for additional moisture, since excess moisture in the second half of the growing season provokes diseases and damping off of the bulbs. After watering or rain, the soil on the site is loosened and the weeds are removed. If you mulch the area after the seedlings hatch, you will have to fight weeds, loosen the soil and water the garlic much less often.

On the picture: Harvest winter garlic

Garlic should be harvested sunny weather when they turn yellow en masse lower leaves– this usually happens at the end of July or beginning of August, two weeks earlier than spring garlic ripens. The dug up bulbs of winter garlic are dried in the sun for 4-5 days, cleared of soil, the roots are cut off and the stem is shortened to 10-20 cm. Do not allow the garlic to overripe - its heads will fall apart.

Features of planting winter garlic

Planting garlic before winter in the Moscow region

Actually, there is not much difference between growing winter garlic in Ukraine and in the Moscow region - it all depends on when and how winter begins. If winter begins with snowfall, then you won’t even have to cover the garlic with film, but if the winter is snowless during severe frosts, the garlic will freeze without shelter. The most important thing is to prevent the crops from freezing in the soil, so be guided by the amount of snow: a lot of snow - do not cover the garlic, a little - cover it. In the spring, when the shoots appear, all your fears will be left behind.

Planting garlic before winter in the Urals

Ural gardeners recommend not mulching winter garlic plantings, but simply covering them from frost with roofing material or film. Mulch the area better in spring when the shoots hatch. In addition, if garlic becomes smaller and smaller over the years and is stored worse, the Urals recommend using bulbs rather than cloves as planting material: in the first year, the bulbs will produce medium-sized single-clove bulbs, but in the second year they will become noticeably larger. The Urals do not recommend loosening the soil, since when loosening the top row of roots is cut off, the plant may not receive enough nutrients, will become weaker and, perhaps, even get sick. A mulched area in the spring makes loosening an unnecessary procedure and preserves the health of the plant.

In the photo: Garlic flowering on the site

Planting garlic before winter in Siberia

IN Western Siberia The timing of planting winter garlic is earlier - from mid-September to the first week of October. In addition, covering the area with crops with roofing felt before snow falls is mandatory. Otherwise, planting and caring for garlic is not much different from these processes in other areas.

Varieties of winter garlic

In order to be successful in growing winter garlic, it is very important to choose a variety that is adapted to your area. There are varieties of garlic that shoot and do not form shoots. Those varieties that produce shoots are usually more hardy and winter-hardy. We offer you the characteristics of several popular winter varieties, among which you can find the one that is right for you.

  • Lyubasha– a variety of Ukrainian selection with good winter hardiness and dry resistance, perfectly stored for up to 10 months without loss of quality. The height of the stem is 90-120 cm, the number of cloves is up to 7 pieces, the average weight of one clove is 15-10 g. The bulb is white with barely noticeable purple veins.
  • Ukrainian white– cultivated as both spring and winter crops. The variety does not shoot, but is perfectly stored, the weight of the bulb is from 50 to 140 g, the number of cloves in the bulb is from 4 to 12 pieces.

In the photo: Good harvest of garlic

  • Saved- also a Ukrainian variety, bred by Lviv breeders, with high yield and keeping quality. The number of cloves is from 7 to 9, the average weight of the bulb is from 60 to 100 g. Resistant to nematode and fusarium.
  • Anniversary Gribovsky– one of the best old varieties with a very sharp taste, high yield, keeping quality and resistance to pests and diseases. The bulb weighs about 40 g and consists of 5-8 cloves.
  • Yubileiny 07– a productive variety, resistant to fusarium, well stored. The bulb is white-lilac with streaks, consists of 5-8 cloves, the taste is semi-sharp.
  • Reliable– a productive variety with a semi-sharp taste, stored for almost a year in a warm room, the bulb, white with lilac streaks, consists of 6-7 cloves.

Garlic, whose cradle is Central Asia, is a herbaceous, perennial plant from the genus Onion. The vegetable crop, recognized throughout the world, can be cultivated as a spring and winter crop. Before planting garlic before winter, it is worth learning about all the intricacies of winter sowing of a popular vegetable, in demand not only in cooking, but also in the medical field.

Choosing a planting site and preparing the soil

Sowing garlic, which is a light-loving crop, is carried out in sunny areas with loose, fertile soil non-acidic reaction. The place for future placement of garlic should be prepared 2-3 weeks in advance. The area is dug up to a depth of 20-30 cm with the simultaneous introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers at the rate of 5 kg of humus, 30 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium salt per 1 m2. Fresh manure, which makes the plant more susceptible to harmful organisms, should not be applied. After enriching the soil with nutrients, it should be disinfected - pour it with a solution of copper sulfate prepared from 1 teaspoon of the product diluted in 10 liters of water. For a better effect, it is recommended to cover the area with film.

How to determine when to plant a plant

To collect good harvest it is necessary for the garlic to stop growing, having managed to grow a root mass 12 cm long, without developing the above-ground part. Taking these requirements into account optimal timing fall in the second half of September until October 20, depending on the agroclimatic conditions of the cultivation area, since vegetable crops are planted 35-45 days before the arrival of frost.

Important! Winter garlic that is not rooted or has developed green mass will die. To avoid freezing of the vegetable, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the planting dates.

Choosing a variety for planting

One of the components of obtaining a large and quality harvest is the choice of a zoned variety of winter garlic. Among the most common and in demand are:
“Lyubasha” is a winter- and drought-resistant variety bred by Ukrainian breeders. It is represented by heads weighing 70 g, consisting of 7 cloves, as well as an aerial part up to 120 cm high.
“Ukrainian White” is a non-shooting variety that can be planted both in spring and autumn. An onion weighing 140 g has up to 12 cloves.
"Anniversary Gribovsky" - high-yielding variety with a bright pungent taste, distinguished by its resistance to pests and diseases. High degree keeping quality.
"Messidor" is a Dutch variety with excellent yields and large bulbs of 10 cloves.
“Purple Kharkov” is a disease-resistant variety that produces shoots. Obliged by the name purple color flattened bulbs, the weight of which can reach 70 g.

The correct technology and scheme for planting garlic before winter

In order to reap a rich harvest of this popular vegetable next season, you need to learn the nuances of how to properly plant garlic before winter.

After which you can plant garlic

Before choosing an area for cultivating a vegetable, you should decide on the optimal and acceptable predecessors, the placement of winter garlic after which will not reduce the potential indicators of its yield. Suitable predecessor crops are nightshades, pumpkins and grains with a short growing season. If root crops were cultivated on the site, depleting the soil from early spring and until mid-autumn, then you should find another place.

At what depth to plant garlic?

The depth of garlic planting will depend on the selected planting material.

Grooves with a depth of 15-20 cm are prepared for the cloves.

If the gardener decides to plant bulbs, which produce a full-fledged bulb only in the second year, then you should not dig furrows deeper than 3 cm.

How to plant garlic

The planting technology involves performing a number of mandatory manipulations:
1. The planting material is sorted and inspected: injured, rotten and damaged cloves are rejected.
2. Healthy teeth are disinfected by keeping them in ash liquor for 2 hours.
3. In the selected area, grooves are prepared with a distance of 20-25 cm.
4. The bottom of the grooves is sprinkled with a 1.5-3 cm layer of coarse sand, which will protect the cloves from contact with the ground and possible rotting.
5. Distance between planting material is maintained at 8-15 cm, which depends on its size.
6. After planting, the plantings are mulched with a 2-3 cm layer of peat or sawdust.
7. During winters with little snow, the beds are covered with roofing felt, which is removed immediately after the start of snowfalls to form a snow cover.
For your information! To prepare ash lye, it is enough to dilute 400 g of ash in 2 liters of cool water, previously boiled for about 30 minutes.

How to care for winter varieties

Garlic is a cold-resistant crop, which, if properly planted and winterized with a developed root system, will not cause much trouble and will delight you with an excellent harvest.

Soil treatment

With the arrival of spring, the plantings are freed from cover, if it has not been removed earlier, and from a layer of mulch, which will allow sprouts to easily and quickly break through. After the emergence of seedlings, the beds can be mulched again, which will save time on weeding and loosening, which is required after watering or natural precipitation.


Winter garlic requires abundant watering during the period of active growth. When the bulb formation stage begins, the volume and frequency of moisture is reduced, which further facilitates long-term storage of the crop. In rainy summer conditions, additional watering is not necessary.

Feeding and fertilizers

When shoots appear, you should feed the garlic with nitrogen, which it can get from urea, a solution of mullein prepared in a ratio of 1:5 with water, or a solution of bird droppings in a ratio of 1:10. At the end of June, it is recommended to carry out a second feeding using 300 g of ash per bucket of water.

Important! When choosing fertilizers, preference should be given to organic matter, to which garlic responds better.


At the beginning of summer, the development of arrows is noted, which should be cut off or simply broken off until they reach a height of 10 cm or the formation of a characteristic curl inside. In the absence of such a procedure, the bulb will not have time to develop properly and will remain quite small.

Treatment against diseases and pests

During a rainy summer or overwatering, manifestations of rust and fusarium may appear on garlic, which should be immediately combated by spraying the beds systemic fungicide. Garlic can also be attacked by insects such as onion moths and onion leaf beetles, which can be controlled with an insecticide used according to the manufacturer's instructions. Prevent garlic from colonizing even more dangerous pests– root mite and stem nematode– will help to maintain crop rotation and pre-planting treatment cloves
So, correct landing winter garlic in compliance with all agrotechnical requirements is the key to a large and high-quality harvest.

Garlic, like any other garden plant, is divided into 2 types according to planting dates: spring and winter. We are interested in the second option, and, most likely, it will be bolting, that is, its growth will be accompanied by abundant release of green feathers, unlike some spring species. There are quite a few hybrids, but we will consider only a few of them. First of all, it is worth mentioning the universal, that is, being at the same time spring, very spicy variety “Lyubasha”. He grows the most large heads, weighing up to 300 grams, on average – 140-150. In addition, among the advantages of this variety are frost and drought resistance.

Another variety, characterized by good germination, is called “Antonnik”; it is not as spicy as “Lyubasha”, but is more resistant to diseases, in particular to fungal infections. Its heads are also quite large, up to 70 grams, however, the number of cloves in them rarely exceeds 5 pieces, and the average is 4 cloves. Also, high germination rate was observed in the Dobrynya variety, which at the same time is not highly resistant to diseases. There are usually 4 lobes in the head, which rarely reaches a weight of more than 60 grams, rarely – 5.

Preparing garlic for planting

Even if you know how to properly plant garlic selected for early ripening in the winter, it should be properly “hardened” and provided with some protection from diseases in the fall. To do this, the heads divided into cloves are carefully inspected for brown spots, selecting the strongest slices. It is recommended to remove the husks from some to ensure the surface is clean. Then, to prevent damage by fungus and harmful bacteria, place the cloves in a weak brine, mixing 0.5 tablespoon of salt in a liter of water. Next, the planting material can be lowered onto a short time(2 minutes) into a solution of copper sulfate, taking its powder in the amount of half a teaspoon and mixing it in a liter of water.

A fairly universal solution is to soak the slices in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, throwing a few crystals per liter of water. Simply dip the garlic cloves into the pale liquid. Pink colour for only 20 minutes to ensure complete disinfection. Be sure to dry the planting material; garlic should never be planted wet in the fall. It should be remembered that you need to disassemble the heads into cloves immediately before planting the garlic in prepared soil for the winter begins. That is, the beds should be loosened and properly hilled before you sort out and process the slices.

It is important to remember that the woody, hard “sole” at the bottom of the garlic head must be carefully separated from the cloves that you plan to sow, otherwise it will prevent the roots from sprouting.

Preparing the soil for sowing winter garlic

When the time comes to plant winter crops, usually in the fall, warm days become rare, and at night the temperature noticeably approaches zero. In most cases, where winter comes early and the soil begins to freeze in mid-autumn, winter crops can be planted at the end of August and throughout September, and also, depending on the situation, in the first half of October. Where warm days last throughout the first autumn month, it is not too late to start sowing even in November. The only condition is that the soil must be suitable for garlic. It's hard to expect good shoots in waterlogged soil or where the sand content in the ground is too high.

To plant winter garlic in the ground before winter, the cloves should under no circumstances be pressed into loose soil; neat holes must be made in the beds where the planting material is placed. You can use an ordinary twig to make fairly neat indentations, but many people use tools specially designed for this purpose. In particular, a piece of pipe placed on the handle of a shovel is convenient, especially if a crossbar is welded to it, like on a spade. Then it is enough to place the tool vertically and lightly press with your foot to form a hole. Once the technology is mature, work goes very quickly. The crossbar will serve as a depth limiter, so it needs to be welded at a distance of 5-6 centimeters from the lower edge of the pipe.

Another technology is to make a long groove along the ridge of the entire bed, and plant cloves in it at the required intervals (about 10 centimeters). As a fertilizer and to reduce soil acidity, a small amount of ash is placed at the bottom of the ditch or holes. Garlic will also benefit greatly from a powder of sand. The fact is that heavy rains cause the soil to become limp, become sticky and fit tightly around the garlic cloves, preventing the access of oxygen and, after drying, moisture. Therefore, we sprinkle a little sand at the bottom of the holes, then put a clove there and sprinkle sand on top again, and only then level the soil over the planting material. The stages of work can be studied using video.

The subtleties of growing a good harvest of winter garlic

It is very important to protect your crops from freezing in winter if there is suddenly not a lot of snow. We plant garlic where the winds will not blow away the snow cover, and before winter we cover the beds with hay from weeds or straw or reeds. It will tell you how to do it correctly. The thickness of the covering layer should not be less than 15 centimeters. On warm days in the fall, as well as with the onset of clear weather in the spring, we rake the mulch so that the earth is warmed by the sun. There should be at least 4 centimeters from the top of the planted clove to the soil surface, preferably 5 to avoid freezing.

It is very important to take into account the size of the heads and, accordingly, the cloves of garlic; the larger they are, the greater the distance should be left between plantings so that they do not interfere with each other. Remember that garlic very quickly draws potassium from the soil, which is also actively consumed by any root vegetables. That is why it is extremely undesirable to plant garlic next to beds of potatoes, radishes or radishes. Planting spring garlic before winter is not recommended, firstly, spring varieties have lower yields than winter ones, and secondly, there is a risk that there will be no germination.

Garlic is one of the most popular and sought-after crops that can be found in almost every area. This vegetable spice gives dishes a special taste and aroma, and is also a true storehouse useful substances. Garlic is a fairly unpretentious plant; By following certain rules, you can significantly increase its productivity.

The best period for this is from the last ten days of October to the 20th of November. The crop tolerates cold well, and winter planting will only strengthen and harden it, ensuring harvest in the first spring months. It is recommended that the soil be sufficiently light, porous, and freely allow water to pass through, nutrients and oxygen. To obtain large garlic heads with a pronounced rich taste and characteristic aroma, the plant should be planted in areas that are sufficiently well lit and exposed to sunlight.

Why are antecedents important?

When choosing a place to plant winter garlic, it is extremely important to take into account the “predecessors”. This is the name given to plants that grew in this place during the previous season. The fact is that there are a number of crops after which it is strictly not recommended to plant garlic, since this will have an extremely negative impact on the quantity and quality of the future harvest.

This is due to the fact that after certain garden crops the soil tends to accumulate specific substances that interfere with the growth and development of plants, similar diseases and lesions, as well as store larvae and entire broods harmful insects. Sometimes, up to 60% of cases, it is affected by a stem nematode.

By choosing the right site for planting garlic before winter, you will be able to minimize soil cultivation associated with feeding and protecting the plant, automatically increasing the stability and viability of the root crop.

In addition, in order to develop and grow normally, crops belonging to a certain group require an appropriate complex of nutrients, mineral compounds, and chemical indicators. Obviously, with the onset of the next season, it is simply impractical to plant vegetables in the same place that require identical nutrition, since the soil is depleted. And suitable predecessors fill the soil with organic matter and, consuming other microelements, leave in the soil all the necessary substances for the full growth, comfortable existence and formation of garlic.

In addition, growing garlic in the same bed for more than 2 years in a row is also undesirable. It is recommended to take a short break of one season and allow the soil to recover, periodically feeding it with organic fertilizers. After this, it will be possible to plant almost any type of plant here, with the exception of garlic itself.

After what is the bed considered favorable?

Winter garlic has a short rhizome, therefore, according to people with experience, it is necessary that the plants preceding it have a long root system. This will ensure that you consume nutrients from a variety of soil layers. In this case, ideal predecessors are considered to be all kinds of cereal crops, with the exception of barley and oats. Their rhizome loosens the soil, making it more susceptible to access to air, nutrition and moisture, and the leaves and stems organically fertilize the soil, improve its chemical properties and significantly increase the level of fertility, which is perfect for the full development of winter garlic.

Planting after squash, cucumbers, zucchini, as well as representatives of winter crops gives excellent results and good performance. Garlic also grows well in those beds where berries were previously planted, especially strawberries and garden strawberries. Moreover, with a small plot area, experienced gardeners recommend growing it together with strawberries, since these plants will not interfere with each other and will be able to get everything they need from the soil.

Another favorable precursor for garlic is considered to be cauliflower, wheat, various herbs, white cabbage, pumpkin, table root vegetables, dill, parsley, cilantro, lettuce, celery, and legumes. Very often, garlic is planted after potatoes, but this is not the most the best option and can lead to damage to the vegetable by fusarium or nematode.

So, if the predecessors can be classified as favorable, but the soil itself is no different increased acidity, then such a plot can be considered suitable for planting garlic before winter. We only note that no later than a few weeks before planting, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the beds of previously growing plants (roots, leaves, etc.), dig up the soil and feed it with fertilizers, after which you can count on a high-quality harvest.

In what beds should you not plant garlic?

There are a number of garden crops after which garlic should under no circumstances be planted before winter. Otherwise, the plant will grow weak and extremely vulnerable to all external factors, planting will give minimal yield.

Experienced gardeners say that garlic should not be placed in an area where beets or carrots previously grew. The fact is that these root vegetables greatly deplete the soil, drawing out all trace elements and nutrients from it, making the soil unsuitable for the subsequent planting of any other vegetables. For the same reason not best predecessors for garlic and eggplants, which also increase the risk of damage to the crop by certain diseases and dry out the soil.

It is strictly not recommended to plant garlic before winter after the green, fragrant, onions, as well as onion varieties “Shallot” and “Batun”. This is due to the fact that the listed crops have and are susceptible to damage by the same pests, so the risk of garlic infection is extremely high. Besides this, both vegetable crops have a short rhizome, i.e. they absorb nutrients from the same layer of soil, which after one season is simply empty. It is also not recommended to plant winter garlic after tomatoes, radishes, radishes and the garlic itself.