How to make chalkboard paint. How to make a slate board for writing and drawing with chalk How to make a board for drawing with chalk yourself

Recently I came across a very interesting solution, how to organize a place for children to draw with chalk on the street without asphalt. This solution is especially suitable for a summer residence. It looks aesthetically pleasing, judging by the photographs and reviews, the children are delighted. IN general speech refers to a slate panel in the yard, most often right on the fence, on which children draw with chalk. Something like this beauty: Do you think people buy school boards? But no! This is all slate (or graphite) paint, which can be used to paint even a fence, even a sheet of chipboard...

Draw with chalk and make magnets. Right on the wall!

The video shows a master class on using Tikkuril slate paint. Previously it was only available in black, but now it is available in color! Liitu Tikkurila's new school board paint comes in more than 20,000 shades. You can paint furniture and walls in rich colors, and draw on them with crayons of any color! -In addition, with the help of another paint - MAGNETIC (Tikkurila) - you can make a MAGNETIC surface. Both colors are compatible! Read more: Decorate a creative area in the nursery by painting the facades with Liitu paint


Chalk boards are increasingly finding their use outside educational institutions. Strict rules for classic design school board blurred, in their place came interesting shapes and decorative appearance. The chalk board became part of the interior, allowing not only to decorate the room, but also to introduce a useful component into it. Having picked up newfangled trends, designers began to widely use slate surfaces in their projects, photographers included chalk boards in the list of necessary props for photo shoots, calligraphy artists began to paint slate photo zones at weddings and presentations. This creative boom has come about thanks to a new take on the good old chalkboard.

So I, inspired by this idea, decided to make a chalk board with my own hands. I just couldn’t find a special paint with a slate effect. As often happens, if you get excited about an idea, you need to start implementing it on the same day. I don’t have enough patience, my hands are itching to get to work. I started looking for an alternative, as it turned out, there is a simple and a budget option, which I will talk about in today's master class.

In order to do slate board with our own hands we will need:

Acrylic paint for wood;

Matte black (or another one of your choice) acrylic paint for the working surface of the board;

White Spirit;

Fugue for tiles (grout for filling joints between tiles);

Jigsaw or hacksaw;

Construction primer;

Brush and foam roller for decorative paint;


Ring screw, screws;

Baguette frame;

Twine (rope or cord).

Tip: To decorate a chalk board, you need to find a base with a large flat surface on which to apply paint. The base can be a wall in the room, a kitchen cabinet door, a baguette frame with a back wall (back), a sheet of plywood or fiberboard.

An old frame was found in the attic. The back wall is cut out of fiberboard according to the dimensions of the frame (48x38 cm, thickness 0.5 cm). Since the baguette frame had lost its pompous appearance over time, and the stucco molding had partially fallen off, it was decided to remove it and clean the frame of paint.

Gypsum stucco is easily removed with a spatula, and old paintwork sandpaper. We clean the plaster and paint, apply a primer to the cleaned surface. After the primer has dried, cover the frame with two layers of paint at intervals of 24 hours. All that remains is to decorate the frame itself. Take paint and a brush. Using light strokes, without painting completely, apply paint to the surface of the frame.

After about forty minutes, we moisten the cotton wool with white spirit and erase with it those places that were unsuccessful during painting. You can also walk over the surface to be painted so that the unpainted areas acquire the shade of the paint being decorated.

Leave the decorated frame until completely dry. Now is the time to work on the back wall, which will be the base for the slate. To ensure reliable adhesion of the paint and the fiberboard sheet, we clean it smooth surface sandpaper. Then we cover it with a primer, after about an hour, apply a base layer of matte acrylic paint.

Apply homemade slate paint on top of the base layer. In order to make paint with a slate effect, we need acrylic paint itself. matte paint and fugue (tile grout). Take 3 parts of paint and one part of fugue (3:1) and mix with each other until smooth.

Tip: In order to minimize the formation of lumps, add the fugu gradually while simultaneously stirring the paint. You can choose the paint color to suit your taste. If the paint is not light, then the chalk on it will also be clearly visible.

After the mixture of paint and fugue is ready, roll it out with a foam roller over the surface of the future board. Use a roller to roll out the paint evenly and in one direction. The roller needs to be pressed a little when rolling on the fiberboard in order to roll out small lumps and press the fugue particles into the paint. If you want the chalk board to last a long time, then cover the base of the board with at least 3 layers.

After the paint on the frame and on the base of the slate has dried, we combine the frame and the back wall together and secure them together with clamps. On back side We mark with a pencil the markings along which we will fasten the frame to the back wall with screws. We take a drill with a drill with a smaller diameter screw thread, drill holes and screw the screws into them.

Tip: By screwing the frame to the fiberboard, we get a gap between the frame and fiberboard sheet. Chalk dust will fall into the gap (where the glass is usually inserted), which will prevent chalk from staining everything around.

Having decided in what position the board will hang (horizontally or vertically), we drill holes for fastening the ring screw. A ring screw is a screw that has a ring instead of a head. You can thread a rope through this ring and hang the board on the wall. Based on the thickness of the frame and fiberboard, we measure the length of the screw ring so that when screwed in, it does not come out onto the front side of the baguette frame.

Along the measured length, we clamp the ring screw in a vice and bend it. Then we screw the screw with the ring into the holes until it bends. We insert a rope into the rings and tie it - the chalk board is ready! With proper decoration of the baguette frame, the coated board can fit into any interior.

Tip: To extend the life of your chalkboard, use soft crayons or a chalk marker.

Using the method discussed in today’s article, if necessary, you can paint any objects and surfaces. Using colored crayons you can create unique props for photo zones, wedding photo sessions and signs for messages to your loved one. If you cover with homemade slate paint metal surface, then magnets can be attached to the chalk board. This slate-magnetic board will be an excellent alternative to the refrigerator door. Housewives will appreciate the slate surface in their kitchen.

A chalk board is great for a child's room. You can use it to learn the alphabet, practice writing letters with chalk, draw and develop your child’s creative abilities.

Such a useful recording tool will be an indispensable assistant In workshop. It doesn’t matter whether it’s sewing or metalworking, there is always a need to make a drawing that will always be visible when performing work. The most important thing is that at any time you can make changes, erase everything and draw again.

The chalk board fit well into our interior and became a good helper for organizing time and tasks. In addition, a home organizer from time to time becomes a message board.

The other day I took out a large framing frame from the attic, which I plan to remake and hang in the room. You will find out what will come of this in the next article. Subscribe to site updates, join groups in in social networks, and you will be aware of new publications!

The convenience and functionality of flipcharts, as well as boards for drawing with chalk and marker, is beyond doubt. All these attributes have gained wide popularity among audiences, young and old. They are successfully used in educational institutions, offices and shops.

This sudden fashion for chalkboards has caused their prices to skyrocket. In other words, the cost finished product very modest, but its cost in retail chains leaves much to be desired.

You will probably be pleased to know that you can make such a mono board with your own hands at home. For this, there are special paints that, after drying, create a surface suitable for drawing with chalk or markers.

This coating is resistant to abrasion, it does not scratch and allows you to easily remove chalk residues from the surface with a dry or damp sponge. True, it is not easy to find such paint in our time. The easiest way to do this is to use the services of an online store.

The author of this master class set out to improve the former doorway, which he had previously covered with boards. There were many options for how the master could use his imagination, but the opening was located in the nursery, so the solution had to be acceptable for this. This solution turned out to be a homemade chalk board, made from floor to ceiling.

In order to make the same drawing board with your own hands you will need:


– a sheet of thin plywood according to the size of the future drawing board;
– board for making decorative cashing parts;
– wooden plinth for making a three-dimensional frame;
– remains of plywood for the frame;
– paint to create a surface for drawing with chalk (markers);
– paint for painting the frame;
– varnish for woodwork;
– wood glue;
– nails, screws;
– masking tape;
– board for making shelves;
– attributes for drawing: multi-colored crayons (markers), a container for chalk, a sponge for erasing chalk or marker.


Miter saw, circular saw or hacksaw;
– grinder;
– screwdriver;
– pneumatic nail gun or carpenter's hammer;
– paint brushes and a roller with a paint tray;
– construction tape and square;
- pencil.

Step one: preparing the base

As a base for the drawing board, the author used a doorway, which he had previously covered with planed boards. Remember that the base should be as level as possible so that the plywood does not bend during the marking process.

You can also use two layers of plywood with soundproofing material between them. Plywood is cheaper than real wood, so this will significantly reduce the cost of making a drawing board.

Cut a sheet of plywood to size and secure it to the base around the perimeter. Use small wood screws for this. The connections should be located in places that will later be covered by a wooden frame.

Ideally, the plane of the plywood sheet should be even and smooth. However, if its quality does not suit you, sand the plywood base using a sander. Use a fine-grit sandpaper attachment.

Start painting the base. For this you have already selected suitable paint black or dark gray. Follow the instructions and apply the composition to the plywood in two or three layers using a roller. This way, the paint will be distributed more evenly. Wait for the coating to dry completely and harden. The paint should not stick to your hands.

Step Two: Making a Frame for the Drawing Board

In order to arrange a beautiful and neat decorative frame, the author used wooden board and plinth and natural wood. However, it was assumed that the frame would be voluminous, and the thickness of the board was clearly not enough for this.

To compensate for the thickness, he used pads made from leftover plywood. This was enough, and the plinth lay exactly flush with the board.

He glued pieces of plywood along the entire perimeter of the future frame, and then attached cashing made from boards to them. The author sewed the end of the frame to match the width wooden baseboard. He made all the dimensions and notes directly during the work.

To ensure that the connection points are invisible, use small nails instead of screws. These parts do not carry any noticeable load, and studs will be quite enough.

Step three: painting the frame

Before staining wooden frame Cover the edge of the drawing board with masking tape to prevent it from getting dirty. Apply the paint carefully, without splashing it, otherwise the work will be ruined. Use for this paint brush suitable size.

The author picked permanent paint dark blue. Choose wear-resistant oil or nitro paints if you do not plan to varnish the surface of the frame. Most of them are self-sufficient and do not require surface protection.

If you chose paint on water based, also buy a varnish to go with it. Opt for durable alcohol- or solvent-based varnishes. Apply the varnish in two or three layers, allowing each of them to dry according to the instructions. Masking tape delete.

Step four: make shelves for drawing paraphernalia

The remains of the boards purchased for the frame will be used for this. You don't need a lot of material. Decide on the dimensions of the shelves and cut the parts into pieces of the length you need. Sand the edges with a sander. If the boards are not pre-sanded, sand the surface of the parts as well. This is necessary so that the painting composition applies evenly, and the paint itself is used sparingly.

Assemble the shelves using small nails and screws and paint the surface with any suitable means: paint, toner, stain or varnish. Some of them can and should be combined. For example, stain and varnish or toner and varnish.

slate wall And chalk board have long and staunchly occupied their niche in residential and public interiors. ABOUT different options I described the execution of this painting in a previous article. I would like to tell you today how to make your own chalk board or properly cover the wall, furniture slate paint. After all, something that is created with your own hands reflects a part of your personality and energy. Such a gift is much nicer than a purchased one, and in general, what is sold does not always match the color and shape intended.

Option 1. Chalkboard paint from manufacturers.

There are several companies represented in Belarusian and Russian market, which produce special slate paint: Tikkurila, Rust-oleum, Marat Ka, Siberia. Rust-oleum and Siberia are leaders in quality. The price issue is of course higher than the rest. They differ, firstly, in what they use marble chips instead of cement. It lays down more softly and is considered more pleasant to the touch. Secondly, it appears in several dark places at once color solutions, which expands the boundaries in decoration. From my experience I will add about Finnish Tikkurila. I use it myself and am completely satisfied. Reasonable price and proper quality. But the choice is yours.
In addition to slate paint, you will need a primer and a brush with hard bristles, like for gouache. Initially, the surface is cleaned of grease and dirt. If necessary, the area is sanded and rubbed. Next, a primer is applied. After drying (it is advisable to wait a few hours) – chalk paint. It is worth noting that glass can be coated without pre-treatment or base.

Option 2. Homemade paint.

For those who want to do absolutely everything with their own hands, not excluding the consistency of the solution, there is another way. You will need any glass for it acrylic or latex dark paint, 2 tablespoons of powder for grouting tile joints, a wide and hard brush, primer. The paint and grout are mixed well so that there are no lumps and applied in several layers to a cleaned, primed and dried surface.

Option 3. Adhesive film imitating slate/marker coating.

The creation method is very simple. It will require chalk film, the surface you want to cover, a paper cutter or scissors and your pens. It is important that the surface is perfectly clean. Otherwise, you will encounter inaccuracies, roughness, and the film will lie unevenly. Applied with a regular sticker as on decor items, furniture, and on the vertical parts of the premises. You can also purchase marker film instead of chalk film. Accordingly, you can draw and write with a felt-tip pen.

How to choose chalk.

Chalk is different, those who are worried about dust can let go of this moment. Today there is big choice special colored crayons intended for drawing on a slate board. They do not crumble and are thicker in consistency than regular school ones. Offers a good budget option Ikea.

Almost all young children love to draw, often using the floor, walls and pieces of furniture as a “canvas”. Taking into account the needs of their child, resourceful parents make certain adjustments to home interior, using special paint, which is easy to apply and just as easy to remove chalk. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to paint an entire wall or cabinet. A small chalk board, which can also be useful for adult family members, if you use it, for example, for notes and reminders about important matters, is quite capable of satisfying a child’s creativity.

Paint that has a chalkboard effect is very often used for furniture restoration, making the coating matte, velvety and pleasant to the touch. Its creator is considered to be British designer Annie Stone. In 1990 she developed a special finishing material, which it began selling under the ChalkPaint brand.

Making a chalk board unlocks ample opportunities for creativity

For your information! Given the name and consistency of ChalkPaint, it is logical to assume that one of its components should be chalk (calcium carbonate). However, the problem is that for more than 20 years original recipe was never revealed by its creator. Therefore, many clones have appeared on the market, created on the basis of a variety of materials.

In addition to an interesting visual effect, chalk paint has a number of operational advantages:

  • fits well on almost any material (wood, wood substitutes, metal, drywall, plaster, brick, tile and glass);
  • has excellent adhesion to the surface;
  • has good hiding power, hiding most defects of the old coating;
  • dries quickly;
  • has no pungent odor;
  • non-toxic.

The disadvantages of this finish include its price and scarcity. “ChalkPaint” is not supplied to Russia at all, and its analogues from the companies “Tikkurila” and “Siberia” are an order of magnitude more expensive than conventional paints and varnishes. Therefore, in order to save money, many try to make the slate coating themselves, using more accessible and inexpensive components.

Factory slate paint is available in several color options

5 recipes for making chalk paint at home

To make your own chalk paint, you can use several recipes. The essence of each method is to add a fine granular substance to ordinary glossy paint, which gives the coating the necessary roughness.

Acrylic or latex wall paint is suitable as the main component. The second one is also produced at acrylic base, however, due to the addition of rubber to the composition, it has increased strength characteristics. Therefore, if we are talking about making a chalk board, the coating of which will be constantly subjected to certain loads, it is better to choose the latex option.

Auxiliary ingredients you can choose from include sodium bicarbonate (regular baking soda), calcium carbonate, gypsum, tile grout, and even cornstarch. All options have the right to life, and their success primarily depends on the correct consistency.

Uses of baking soda

Application baking soda

Required proportion:

  • 2/3 paint;
  • 1/3 soda.

The preparation of such a composition is one of the most available options, since baking soda can be purchased at any grocery store. The process of creating paint is quite simple: you need to mix two components until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If the mixture turns out to be very thick, adding a small amount of water will help bring it to the desired consistency.

Advice! To avoid lumps, soda or any other bulk material must be added gradually.

When using this composition, complete coverage of the treated surface occurs when applying 3 layers of paint. Once dry, the finish has a fairly chunky grainy texture. If it is necessary to get rid of this effect, for example, for a chalk board, too large a grain size is unnecessary, it is enough to finish sanding the surface.

Applications of corn starch

Required proportion:

  • 2/3 paint;
  • 1/3 starch.

Just like soda, cornstarch is sold in almost any supermarket and has a very affordable price. Receiving technology the right mixture does not differ from the previous option, the only point is that you may need a little more water to obtain the optimal mass for application to the surface.

To completely paint the surface, 2 layers of coating are sufficient. At the same time, there is also a need for final sanding, since after drying the brushstrokes will be clearly visible, which can negatively affect the texture of the finish.

Applications of calcium carbonate

Applications of calcium carbonate

Required proportion:

  • 2/3 paint;
  • 1/3 calcium carbonate.

The price of 1 kg of fine calcium carbonate powder exceeds 200 rubles, so this chalk paint recipe is not the cheapest. But from the point of view of the result, adding chalk allows you to get, perhaps, best composition, which after drying has a uniform texture and does not require sanding. Full coverage of the part occurs after applying 2 layers of paint. With this finish you can safely open not only a chalk board, but also furniture.

Application of gypsum

Construction gypsum

Required proportion:

  • 3/4 paint;
  • 1/4 plaster.

The use of building gypsum (alabaster) is one of the most optimal options taking into account the price/quality ratio. This material costs an order of magnitude cheaper than chalk powder, while the coating after 2-layer processing has a uniform matte texture and, if the paint composition is of the correct consistency, does not require additional sanding.

Note! Gypsum dries very quickly, so after making the mixture it should be immediately applied to the surface.

Application of tile grout

Tile grout

Required proportion:

  • 3/4 paint;
  • 1/4 grout.

Tile grout is in medium price category between calcium carbonate and gypsum. The quality of chalk paint obtained using this material is quite high, so you can safely use it to decorate furniture. As a rule, it is enough to apply 2 layers of such a composition so that the coating is uniform and has no visible defects. In this case, finishing sanding is not required and after the surface has dried, you can immediately draw or write on it with chalk.

Master class on making a chalk board

Making a chalk board with your own hands is very simple if you have the necessary components, especially if the master has at his disposal - detailed instructions with clear illustrations.

Tools and materials

For work you will need following materials:

  • glossy acrylic latex paint;
  • fine granular component (one of those discussed in the previous section);
  • container and stick for making the mixture;
  • medium hard brush or roller;
  • paper tape if you need to protect the edges;
  • base for painting.

If the work will be carried out in a residential area, it is advisable to protect the workspace from accidental exposure paint and varnish material. For this you can use oilcloth or old fabric.

Note! The paint color for the chalkboard is selected individually. The choice does not have to be limited to the black option. Chalk will be clearly visible on brown, burgundy, blue, green and any other dark surface.

To make a slate board, use a standard tool set for painting works

Main stages of work

  1. Any material can be used as a base for the board: plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, natural wood or drywall. It is desirable that the base be smooth, without visible defects. Otherwise, you need to sand the surface using sandpaper. The same procedure (grinding) should be performed if the workpiece has a glossy finish. In order for the paint to have good adhesion to the surface, the gloss must be removed.

For this master class, the base was chosen to be the usual cutting board, which is available to any housewife

  1. Chalkboard paint can be prepared using any of the methods listed above. Most often, a combination of latex paint with gypsum or tile grout is used for such purposes.

If the surface to be treated has a small area, you can prepare the finish in any available container

  1. The resulting mixture should be applied immediately after preparation, as it dries quickly. To ensure an even coating, brush movements should be fairly smooth.

To completely paint the workpiece, a 2-layer treatment is usually sufficient.

  1. Drying time for chalk paint ranges from 30 to 60 minutes. If everything was done correctly, the surface will soon become matte and velvety.

If there are visible irregularities, light sanding should be done using fine-grained sandpaper.

  1. Once dry, the slate can be tested for functionality by making a small note or sketching a fun design.

The colors of the chalk and board should be contrasting so that the inscription is clearly readable

How to care for your slate board

Despite the excellent performance characteristics chalk boards, they can be easily scratched by hard objects. Therefore, you should not draw with cheap chalk, since it often contains impurities of sand and small pebbles. For home use, it is better to buy special crayons for drawing, which are gentle on the surface.

For your information! The composition of drawing crayons, in addition to calcium carbonate, includes a coloring pigment and a binder designed to reduce dust formation during operation.

Do not use abrasive material or aggressive cleaning agents to wipe writing off the board. To erase chalk, just apply a damp soft cloth or a sponge.

Application soft material for cleaning the board from chalk will significantly extend its service life

A DIY chalk board for drawing or writing will allow you to solve several problems at once. Such an accessory will decorate almost any interior, and all important tasks will be recorded, and therefore completed. But most importantly, the results of children's creativity will move from the walls, floor and furniture to the surface intended for this.