How to renovate a small kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building with your own hands? Repair of the Khrushchev kitchen without mistakes Small kitchen with a water heater and a refrigerator.

Reading time: 8 minutes.

If you live in a house without a centralized hot water supply, you are forced to install a gas water heater in the kitchen. The presence of this water heating element often spoils the design ideas of the housewife and frightens the residents of the house due to the supposed “danger” of use.

In our article you will learn how to choose a speaker, place it without compromising the beauty of the room, and the rules for safe use.

Why install a column

A gas water heater in an apartment or house is necessary for comfort. The lack of hot water can infuriate any housewife. A gas water heater will make the process of cleaning, washing dishes, cooking, and taking a bath convenient and simple.

Unlike old generation water heaters, modern water heating devices are safe and easy to use.

The main function of a geyser is to heat water. On some models they install Digital Thermometer, which displays the water temperature on the device screen.

Types of geysers

The operating principle of all speakers is the same. Units for heating water differ from each other in the way they ignite the burner in the column. Several varieties can be distinguished.

Speakers with manual ignition

This type of speakers is outdated. These were used back in Soviet times. The gas was lit with matches, and the fire flared up after turning the gas supply switch.

Speakers with piezo ignition

The column starts working by pressing the start button. By pressing it, you supply a spark to the burner using the built-in piezoelectric element. Then you can open the tap and get hot water.

Automatic speakers

The water in them begins to heat up immediately after opening the water tap. The spark is supplied automatically to the burner. Pressing buttons and matches are not needed at all here. The spark supply is powered by AA batteries. Energy consumption is minimal, so they rarely require replacement with new ones.

Speakers also differ in power. The more powerful the column, the greater the volume of water it will heat in a certain time. If you have a large family, then choose a device with the highest power. For example, a column with a power rating of 24 kW heats 14 liters. This volume is enough for a shower for several people and washing dishes.

Naturally, water heating devices vary in price and quality. The most expensive models are considered automatic, with the greatest power, capable of heating water up to 50 degrees. This model will cost you 13-15 thousand rubles without installation.

How to use a geyser safely

The opinion that using a gas water heater in the house is very dangerous has a right to exist. Accidents, of course, sometimes happen. Almost always, tragedy was a consequence of failure to comply with basic rules safe operation device. Knowing the rules and not breaking them, you will protect your home and your family from misfortune.

Rules for using a kitchen gas water heater

Before using the column, be sure to check:

  • Presence of flammable objects near the burner;
  • Presence of gas leakage;
  • Serviceability of burners. If it smokes, you cannot use the device;
  • Pay attention to the color of the flame. If it has a yellow or red tint, call a technician; most likely the surface near the burner is clogged.
  • In case of malfunction or defects in operation, turn off the device from the network. Do not smoke near the speaker, do not use lighters or matches.
  • If a gas leak is detected, call a specialist immediately gas service. Open the windows. You cannot repair the device yourself until the gas workers arrive.

Before installing the device, read the rules for installing speakers in an apartment or house.

  1. Good ventilation is the first rule when choosing a room for installation. The best option There will be a kitchen and a bathroom.
  2. It is prohibited to block air access to the water heater.
  3. Do not place the speaker near flammable objects.
  4. Provide access to the device for inspection and verification of its operation, repair work on the spot.
  5. Do not hide the column in plasterboard structures, do not cover it with tiles or bricks.

There is an opinion among manufacturers that only old Soviet speakers can lead to an explosion. If you regularly check the gas duct, calling a specialist for a preventive inspection of the device, you should not be afraid of an explosion.

Let's dispel another fear. People installing speakers in their home are afraid of gas leaks. IN modern devices there is a pilot burner. It prevents gas from entering the room, since it begins to flow through the pipe only after a spark or fire appears.

After the fire is turned off, the tube shuts off the gas with a valve. If for unknown reasons the gas goes out, the valve also works. Designers and manufacturers always think about people's safety when developing new speaker models.

Advice! It is better not to install aluminum corrugation from the column to the flue, since it has a very short term services. Use steel pipes for this purpose. Failures of this part of the burner structure lead to accidents and fires.

Installing a gas water heater in the kitchen

The popular opinion that the presence of a speaker in any kitchen, and especially in a small one, spoils the appearance of the room, can easily be refuted. Modern models speakers differ from Soviet-era models.

They look like a small cabinet; the color can be chosen individually. Let's consider the algorithm for installing a column so that it does not spoil the appearance of your kitchen.

  1. If you are not an experienced gas installer and installer, you should not try to do this yourself in your home. Call a team of experienced craftsmen.
  2. Before purchasing an appliance, think about its future location in the kitchen. This depends on the size and model of the speaker you choose.
  3. You need to decide exactly where the speaker will be located before installation. Moving it even a couple of centimeters later is very a big problem. For such a movement, you will need to again contact the installation team and coordinate your actions with Gorgaz.
  4. The ideal place for a speaker in a kitchen, especially a small one, is a kitchen cabinet. It will be great if you order the headset after purchasing the device. Then a separate cabinet for the speaker will be provided in advance.

If you already have furniture and just need to install the speaker, proceed as follows:

  • Select a column white, since the standard refrigerator and stove are in this color scheme.
  • Order an additional cabinet for the heating device to match the tone and color of the rest of the furniture.
  • Sew the pipes in plasterboard construction, so the kitchen will look more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Hide the speaker in the closet and you can use it.

When ordering space for a speaker in a furniture showroom, consider the following recommendations:

  • The size of the cabinet should be different from the size of the appliance. The closet should be a little larger. The distance between the column and the cabinet wall must be at least 3 cm. This is necessary for ventilation and fire prevention, since the water heater also heats its walls.
  • Remove the top and bottom lids of the cabinet. They create an extra problem when the device heats up. The holes at the top and bottom will serve as additional ventilation.
  • Cover the cabinet walls with reflective film. This way they will heat up less from the device.
  • You can decorate the closet with painted film and hang magnets and photographs on it. Make any other manipulations to fit it into the interior.
  • There is an option with blinds. They will cover the column, but it doesn’t look as nice as the option with additional furniture.

Interior options with a geyser in a small kitchen

To create a cozy atmosphere in a small kitchen, use the services experienced designer. He will advise you on how to arrange the furniture and all the necessary appliances.

There are several interior options for kitchens with gas water heaters. The most common option would be a complex and expensive solution to the problem of a small kitchen, connecting it with a living room or another room. The space will become larger, and there will be more options for the location of electrical appliances and furniture. Unfortunately, this is not always possible by law.

Let's consider options that do not require moving walls. They are performed by choosing furniture, determining a less noticeable place for the speaker and decorating the device itself.

The speaker becomes part of the headset

We considered this option very similarly above. It remains to give advice: change old column to a new one if the previous one is too outdated. Modern models are smaller in size and take up less space, they are easier to hide in the kitchen of a Khrushchev-type apartment.

Create a comfortable work area

Corner kitchens are easy to use. Everything is at hand. And the gas water heater can be hidden in the corner of the room. The remaining cabinets will hang on the sides. This will make the additional cabinet less noticeable.

Placing a speaker between cabinets

This is a very practical option. No cost required. The column is located above the stove, and on the sides are the cabinets of your set. You can decorate the column with painting or other decorative elements as desired. By the way, this option is the most convenient due to the short length of the tubes from the stove to the column. They are easy to hide under a structure made of finishing materials.

The column becomes an element of the interior

There are many styles of room decoration. The loft style is dominated by technical motifs. That is, the speaker pipes become part of the design idea. They do not interfere with the owners at all, but only complement the style of the kitchen.

Country style

A country-style kitchen includes curtains, furniture in rustic style. You can hang additional wooden shelves on the sides of the column and place them on pottery. And on the column itself, draw such shelves with dishes or stick a photo or film with an image.

People have been using geysers for a long time and successfully. You should not give up this device in your country house or apartment, even if you have centrally supplied hot water. Sometimes water is turned off due to accidents, as planned. In such situations, a gas water heater will help you out.

Do not forget that gas is the cheapest energy source in our country. Gas water heaters are cheaper than electric water heaters.

Geyser in the kitchen real photos

Gas instantaneous water heaters are a necessity for many apartments and houses. These speakers are easy to use, take up little space and are easy to attach to the wall. For some they are the only source of hot water, for others they temporarily replace the central hot water supply.

Kitchen interior with an open gas water heater

Of course, the design of a kitchen with a column cannot be called the design of an ordinary room. Especially if the room is small and must accommodate a refrigerator, dining and work areas. You need to know the basics of safety, decorating secrets, technical requirements for installation and operation.

Features of small kitchen design

In a small kitchen, the main problem is the lack of space. For a kitchen in Khrushchev with a gas water heater Special attention allocated to the work area. A gas water heating system must be safe and aesthetically pleasing. Usually you need to find a compromise and come up with a layout so that there is room for kitchen set, dining area, water heater and refrigerator.

Interior of a small kitchen with a gas water heater

Ways to adjust space:

  • Light pastel colors interior decoration, furniture, large household appliances, curtains and textiles visually expand the kitchen in the Khrushchev-era building;
  • Gloss reflects light well: it can be furniture facades, flooring surfaces, ceilings, wall tiles, this also includes a refrigerator with a column.;
  • The height of the room is visually “raised” by tension PVC ceilings, they diffuse light well and visually make the room more spacious;
  • If the windows face north, then the layout and design of a small kitchen with a column in Khrushchev should take into account constant shading;
  • For central lighting, it is better to use lamps that emit white light. Additional sources help highlight interesting details.

White geyser in the interior of a kitchen with wooden facades

Thanks to the ergonomics of the workplace, you can place everything you need on it. The photo well illustrates how this is facilitated by a single countertop, built-in appliances and sink, corner cabinets, open shelves, backlight. It’s good if the distance from the sink to the dryer is minimal, and the window sill acts as a table.

Location of the gas water heater near the stove

Types of columns

Columns are usually characterized by the type of ignition and type of burners. By technical parameters there are no significant differences. It is more important to decide what will fit best into the interior of the kitchen in Khrushchev. Several photos of the gas water heater show its optimal location.

White open gas water heater

Geyser in the corner of the kitchen

Geyser in the closet

With manual ignition

This type is almost a thing of the past and is rarely used. To create a flame, you need to light a match and turn the handle. The gas accumulated in the igniter flares up and the flame is then adjusted manually. In the design project of a small Khrushchev kitchen, such a column is replaced with a safer model.

Geyser with manual ignition

With piezo ignition

Water heating begins only after pressing a special button. The piezoelectric element creates a spark. It ignites the gas in the igniter. It takes a little time to heat the water. Such devices are popular due to their low cost and lack of batteries. They are quite suitable for the interior of a kitchen in Khrushchev.

Geyser for the kitchen with piezo ignition

With electric ignition

Very easy to use, especially in a corner design. When you open the tap, the burner automatically ignites and heats the water. Gas is used strictly for its intended purpose, and thanks to this, the burner is considered the most economical. The lighter requires a battery to operate. There is a special compartment for it. The photo shows kitchens for Khrushchev apartments with a gas water heater, almost invisible among the furniture.

Stylish design of a geyser in the kitchen interior


If there are even slight doubts about safety, it is better to leave the gas water heater in plain sight. When choosing the layout and design of a kitchen with a column, you need to consult with specialists. The photo shows the correct location of the unit in the Khrushchev kitchen.

Small kitchen with gas water heater

Basic rules for installation and operation:

  1. Good ventilation of the kitchen in Khrushchev with a gas water heater;
  2. Absence of flammable objects near the column;
  3. Oxygen access must be ensured in the lower part;
  4. The ventilation hatch and chimney must be open for periodic inspection and cleaning;
  5. Work on moving the gas pipe and redevelopment must be approved by the relevant authorities.

The geyser is installed when required:

  • Instant heating. The water passing through the coil inside the column immediately begins to heat up under the influence of the flame.
  • Compact sizes. Absence storage tank, allows you to install it in a convenient place and choose the appropriate dimensions. This makes it possible to create any kitchen design with a column. For example, in a small Khrushchev building, the laconic design, as in the photo, provides both an unusual interior and compact storage systems.
  • Economical. Household geysers do not require constant heating. It is enough to turn them on as needed. In addition, you can adjust the power. This reduces the flame and saves fuel. They are suitable for both a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building and a country house.

Geyser hidden in the kitchen cabinet

The speakers have a power of 17-29 kW. If the column is designed for only one room, then 17-23 kW is sufficient. To provide hot water supply in the kitchen and bathroom, you will need equipment with a power of 24 kW or more. This affects the amount of liquid heated per unit time. Modern models process 5-16 l/min.

You should not neglect safety precautions. People's lives depend on it. A Beautiful design kitchens with a column can be achieved by knowing some decorating techniques.

Geyser in the kitchen interior

Column placement options

Often a column and household appliances the old type is closed with doors, imitating a continuation of the cabinets. The new generation models look stylish and are left open. There are two ways to place water heaters.

Geyser with meters zoned in the kitchen cabinet


If you want to design a kitchen with an invisible column, it is advisable to hide the pipes extending from it. Then the overall picture will not be disturbed by the appearance of fasteners, handles and other parts.

Kitchen design with a gas heater hidden in the closet

If the column is hidden inside or located between cabinets, the distance to the walls on each side cannot be less than 3 cm. The unit itself is mounted to the wall. And the front part is closed by the headset door. Such a cabinet should not have a bottom, top or back to ensure safety. Options for hidden columns can be seen in the photo below.

Geyser in the closet near the window

This method is used to make the geyser invisible. Perfect for kitchens that use a lot of hidden storage systems, retractable mechanisms. This approach saves precious centimeters.

The geyser is hidden in a wall cabinet


The most comfortable and safe way operation. Modern water heaters, in addition to their aesthetic appearance, have a convenient control panel. They can be installed between kitchen cabinets, on a separate wall, or form a composition with wall-mounted kitchen appliances.

Open gas water heater in the kitchen interior

For a classic kitchen, the color of the box should be in harmony with the furniture or household appliances. For the avant-garde bold decisions Contrasting combinations are acceptable in the interior.

Advice! In a small kitchen, it is better to place the column above the sink, where there is a wall apron made of heat-resistant material.

Geyser open type in the corner of the kitchen

With technology

The refrigerator, being the largest object in the kitchen, is installed on the side of the unit. It is important that the door is opened fully and the compressor is ventilated. Only models with a specific ventilation system are suitable for installation in a cabinet.

Geyser in corner cupboard near the kitchen

There should be at least 15 cm between the refrigerator and any heating objects. To separate it from the stove, you can make a retractable bottle holder. To protect against the geyser, build a small wall cabinet. The design of a kitchen for Khrushchev with a water heater and a refrigerator can be seen in the photo.

Kitchen interior with geyser


Depending on the color of the box and the placement of the column in the Khrushchev building, the general direction of the interior is selected.

Kitchen interior in a minimalist style with a gas water heater

High tech

The chrome-plated surface of the speaker perfectly complements this interior. It goes perfectly with glass, metal and the strict forms of this trend. Smooth surfaces and functional details emphasize the technological style.

Hidden geyser in the interior of a high-tech kitchen

A custom-made kitchen set must have plain or contrasting facades. An abundance of additional lamps adds shine to enamel or acrylic surfaces. Laconic metal handles, wall rails, table and chair legs will unite the entire composition into a single whole.

High-tech kitchen with gas stove

Scandinavian style

Traditional white water heaters of a simple, strict shape emphasize the main features of the snowy interior. Glossy or matte doors reflect light well and make the room feel more spacious. The set, which has framed facades with simple milling, is organically combined with textiles made from natural fabrics.

Hidden gas water heater in a Scandinavian style kitchen interior

To fill the interior with warmth and comfort, choose a countertop with a finish. natural wood or stone. Wooden retro chairs with curly backs or modern ones will complement the picture. plastic chairs with metal parts.

Scandinavian style in the kitchen with a gas water heater

Eco style

Perfect for him corner kitchens for a Khrushchev building with such a column. The unit box can be decorated as a landscape, still life or ornament. Natural colors - white, light green, brown - will well support the naturalness of materials - bamboo, wood, stone.

Kitchen interior using natural materials

Stylish details environmental theme I can be wooden blinds on windows, lamps with ornaments, textiles with images of nature or animals, metal dishes, decorative accessories in orange, red, blue colors. This style is more often suitable for small kitchens. The design of a kitchen with a column in Khrushchev is shown in the photo.

Kitchen interior with gas stove and hidden column in eco-style

Gas water heater in the upper cabinet

The design of a kitchen with a column requires taking into account the characteristics of the room and the laws of ergonomics. To bring a design to life, everything needs to be taken into account at the design stage. Having produced exact calculations by selecting modern materials and technology can turn a standard room into a favorite place for the whole family. Comfortable conditions for cooking, and a pleasant atmosphere will help create good mood and comfort.

Photo gallery (53 photos)

A kitchen with a gas water heater can look very attractive. For a person, a home is a kind of refuge from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The design of any home should be cozy, because this is one of the main requirements for residential premises. Upon arriving home, a person needs to relax and recover from a working day.

One of the family members, as a rule, spends most of the time in the kitchen and not everyone has spacious apartments. In addition to a lot of discomfort, the apartment project in Khrushchev includes a rather cramped kitchen, which often has a bulky gas water heater. And very often the upcoming renovation of such kitchens causes nothing but despair if you do not take advantage of the recommendations of designers, whose services not everyone can afford.

To create the most convenient, cozy and functional kitchen space with a gas heater in a small area, the designers have developed a lot of ideas, which will be presented below.

A geyser can become an integral part of the interior of your kitchen.

Kitchens with geyser

Kitchens in multi-storey buildings old-style models are quite small and can often include your own project ventilation duct or geyser. These seemingly obstacles, which reduce the useful space of the kitchen to a minimum, making its design unattractive, can be played up in different ways or hidden by doing the renovation correctly.

The geyser provides the home with regular hot water supply, but also spoils the interior of the kitchen.

To leave this necessary and functional device in the kitchen, it needs to be correctly integrated into the overall interior of the room. Ideal option is the solution when the geyser becomes an integral part of the design project, while at the same time not being bright accent, attracting attention.

With a properly planned design, a gas water heater can turn from a disadvantage of a kitchen into its advantage.

A gas water heater hidden behind the furniture facades will not attract attention and will not spoil the interior

What should you consider when renovating?

Renovating a kitchen in an old house involves drawing up a design project, according to which all further technical and decorative work is carried out. However, if you are planning major renovation kitchens in Khrushchev on your own, you should take certain precautions:

It is not recommended to replace old communications without the help of specialists

  • Getting advice. Before making repairs and, immediately before starting work on dismantling the geyser from the old place, you need to consult with specialists fire safety for a new place for the column.

Often, a gas water heater may be located above the sink, where it is planned to install a wall cabinet with a dish dryer, and it may be necessary to reinstall the water heater in another location.

  • Getting permission. If renovating a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building involves changes in the communications system, you cannot do it without permission from the utility services. Failure to comply with this authorization may result in civil or even criminal liability.

Where and how to place a gas water heater in a kitchen in Khrushchev

Competently drawing up a design - the project of a small kitchen in Khrushchev, which includes a gas water heater, is quite difficult, due to the small area of ​​​​the room. And the optimal solution for such a kitchen is to merge the column with a wall cabinet, which is part of the kitchen unit.

Thanks to this “disguise”, such an inappropriate architectural element will not interfere with transforming the interior of your kitchen in accordance with your plans.

The built-in geyser will not interfere with the arrangement of a cozy interior

To hide the gas water heater correctly, you should pay attention to some nuances:

  • Cabinet dimensions. Because minimum distance from the gas water heater to the cabinet wall should be at least 3 cm, it should be made to order according to custom sizes, which a fire safety consultant will help you draw up.
  • Ventilation. Such a closet should have sufficient quantity ventilation holes.
  • Insulation. The cabinet walls must be insulated with heat-reflecting materials.
  • Holes for communications. The cabinet must include special openings for gas pipes, water supply pipes and smoke exhaust.
  • If the cabinet in which the gas water heater will be installed was purchased in advance, you need to check its dimensions in accordance with the requirements for installing the water heater, as well as insulate the walls yourself and make ventilation and communication holes.

    Attention: if you decide to install a gas meter near the gas water heater, under no circumstances should you do this! According to SNiP requirements, there must be a distance of at least 1.5 m from the gas water heater to the meter.

    Rules for installing a geyser (video)

    Arrangement of the work area

    The kitchen in Khrushchev has a small area, which can create certain difficulties when updating its interior, because it is very important that the design of this room is not only cozy, but also functional. Repairing a small kitchen with a gas heater should begin with the installation of electrical wiring, the marking of which directly depends on the location of the future dining and working areas and their features. How to arrange a work area in a small kitchen?

    In a small kitchen, make the most of the height space

    Geyser in open form can become a decoration for the work area

    It is not possible to fit a large amount of furniture and appliances into the interior of a small kitchen, so what is important here is not quantity, but functionality and quality. To ensure that your kitchen is fully equipped with everything you need, you should pay attention to a number of tricks and recommendations:

  • Space in height. In small kitchens, it is recommended to use the useful space not in width, but in height, using two-tier wall-mounted modules and pencil cases.
  • Using the window sill. Instead of a traditional window sill, you can install a tabletop and make the window area an extension of the work area.
  • Dinner table. As dining table you can use a folding version that does not take up much space.
  • "Correct" technique. To prevent the kitchen in the Khrushchev-era from appearing cluttered, it is recommended to hide the equipment behind furniture facades.

  • hidden behind furniture facade geyser and built-in appliances – optimal solution for small kitchens

    What to do with kitchen appliances:

    • Hob. The traditional and bulky gas stove can be replaced with a hob with gas burners or a combined option. Modern industry can offer panels - transformers or folding varieties.
    • 2 in 1. Instead of the usual oven and microwave oven, you can use combined option. The 2 in 1 oven is very compact and can be installed in any place convenient for you.
    • Dishwasher. For a small family it is not necessary to purchase a large dishwasher; it will be enough to install desktop version or built-in model.
    • Washing machine. The apartment in Khrushchev does not have a spacious bathroom, so automatic washing machine many are installed in the kitchen. If you get by with a small dishwasher, the washing unit can be built under the kitchen sink.
    • Fridge. If there is no space for a refrigerator in the kitchen, you can install a horizontal model under the worktop.

    The built-in geyser must be located at a safe distance from the cabinet walls

    When selecting a furniture set, you should take into account the dimensions of the speaker built into it

    Color solutions

    When color designing a small kitchen with a gas water heater, it is worth considering that:

    • To decorate a small kitchen, it is recommended to use light natural colors; this will visually make the room less compact and add more light to the interior.
    • You can create a combined finish on the walls, which will contribute to the zoning of the room and diversify the interior.
    • You can choose a two-color furniture set, where the frames and tabletops are made in pastel colors, and the facades are bright accents.


    An apartment in a Khrushchev-era building is not very convenient for furnishing it according to modern standards, this problem especially concerns a small kitchen, the interior of which can often include a gas water heater. However, with the right approach, any flaw can be turned into an advantage by thinking through the design of the room and making competent repairs.

    Kitchens with a gas water heater in Khrushchev (design photo)

    Photo gallery (24 photos)

    Geyser - main headache lovers of modern and stylish kitchen. Very difficult to follow fashion trends and stick to a single design when such an awkward colossus hangs on the wall. Especially if she is older than you, or even your parents.

    However, there is a way out. Now there are many ways to hide or decorate this bulky, but so necessary equipment. As a result, a foreign object will turn into an interesting design element that is ideal for general style kitchens.

    The easiest way is to buy an ergonomic designer model. There are currently many models on the market gas water heaters– black, steel-look, plain in various colors.

    There are also original ones - with all kinds of designs, for example, animal prints, floral and Gzhel themes, and even Palekh painting. The downside of this option is the high cost. But there is no need to hide such a column; you can be proud of it.

    Hide or decorate?

    Before deciding what to do with a geyser, you need to decide what financial capabilities you are based on and to what extent you visually dislike this device. If you are ready to allocate a small amount for a more harmonious appearance of the speaker, and it does not cause much outrage, you can simply decorate it. If the rejection is strong and you want to hide it completely, you will have to spend a more serious amount.

    Putting it away in the closet

    It is advisable to decide on such an option at the stage of ordering a kitchen set. Then a single style will be maintained, the speaker cabinet will not stand out from the rest of the furniture, and the space next to gas equipment used as efficiently as possible.

    What you need to consider when making such a cabinet:

    • Its dimensions must exceed the dimensions of the column - this is the main safety rule;
    • There is no need to make the roof and bottom of the cabinet, as well as the back wall - otherwise ventilation will be impaired, which, again, entails great danger;
    • A gas water heater in the closet will take up much more space in the kitchen than without it.

    The front door of the box can be made blank - then the device will not be visible at all, and one can only guess about its existence. Either decorative - in the form of a lattice or other artistic elements. The latter option is more preferable not only aesthetically, but also from the point of view of air circulation.

    An interesting option from a design point of view is a door made of frosted or slightly tinted glass. Such a “house” for a speaker will look impressive and original. Tinted glass will be especially appropriate if you prefer black appliances or if it is one of the main colors in your kitchen design.

    Hiding between closets

    One option to harmoniously fit the speaker into the kitchen interior is to place it between wall cabinets. With this method, it is necessary to take into account that there must be at least three centimeters of free space on the sides of the device to ensure the necessary air circulation.

    The walls of adjacent cabinets must be insulated with non-combustible material.

    In this case, it is advisable to pay attention to the column itself - it should be a modern, attractive model that will look organically in the current kitchen design. It is advisable that the color of the column be additionally supported by accessories.

    Properly arranging a column in the corner

    If the water heater is located in the corner of the kitchen, it is easiest to put it in a corner cabinet. The requirements for it are the same as for other speaker cabinets - without a top, bottom and back wall. Essentially, it is just a door that closes the device.

    Also, the corner column can be separated by a special niche, which will visually separate it from general interior. Do not forget that the wall of the niche facing the device must comply with safety regulations - be covered with non-flammable material.

    We disguise it as a general interior

    One of the easiest ways to “bring” a gas water heater into the kitchen interior is to cover it with the same wallpaper as the walls of the room. Or cover it with a vinyl film similar to them in style and color. You can also match the shade of the film for the water heater to the kitchen unit.

    The best option is to paint the speaker with non-flammable paint to match the walls or furniture. Heat-resistant enamel, which is intended for coating metal, is best suited for these purposes.

    However, you can use a regular spray can, then even a teenager can cope with the task. In this case, do not forget to paste over masking tape the screen and handles of the device, as well as close the surface behind the column.

    Make sure that the blinds do not touch the column and have an indentation of several centimeters.

    Column as an art object

    If you want to have a designer column, but don’t have the money for it, you can decorate gas appliance on your own. All you need is a little diligence and attention, and a unique art object will appear in your kitchen, which can turn from an annoying bulk into the highlight of the entire interior.

    So, ways to decorate a geyser:

    1. Draw a picture. It could be a conceptual image, an interesting pattern, a funny or cute picture. If you don’t have any special talent or artistic abilities, but the desire is great, you can use stencils. The result will be no less spectacular decoration.
    2. Decorate with stickers. Funny, contrasting, thematic - our choice. Vinyl stickers are best. They look elegant and dignified - they will become an original addition to the interior, and will not destroy its concept.
    3. Use magnets. Hang magnets from the gas water heater different countries– this will make a very interesting rack. If there are children in the house, you can use children's magnets - funny or educational, for example, with letters of the alphabet or numbers. The main thing is to make sure that they do not hang carelessly, otherwise they will turn from decoration into chaos.
    4. Place motivational slogans and reminders on the column. Lose weight, don’t forget to water the flowers, greet a new day with a smile, call someone - the list of possible inscriptions is endless.

    How to hang a speaker inside the kitchen

    If you need to move the device less than one and a half meters, you can take this step without much thought - it will not require special permits or financial investments.

    If the distance exceeds this figure, the action will be regarded as a reinstallation, therefore, it will be necessary to make changes to the existing project and lay gas lines.

    You definitely can’t hang the column over a gas stove; it’s best to discuss other options with a specialist first.

    When moving an appliance inside the kitchen, you need to carefully consider the rationality of this action and determine its pros and cons. Decide in advance what you need the free space for and whether the speaker will become a hindrance in the new location.

    Moving the speaker outside the kitchen

    This is quite a labor- and financially-intensive option. It is especially relevant if the kitchen renovation has already been completed, but the gas water heater does not fit there, or the water heater was not originally intended for this room. But it’s worth taking such a step only if there are no other options.

    The new premises must comply with the standards determined by special services. The main ones are the volume of the room is more than 7.5 cubic meters, wall height of at least 2.25 m, as well as the presence of a chimney.

    Most often, the column is moved to the bathroom. However, if the bathroom is no different large sizes, it is unlikely that such a step will be beneficial. Instead of inconvenience in the kitchen, you get inconvenience in the bathroom.

    How to hide communications

    If the column can still be selected acceptable appearance and not to hide, then the accompanying communications - pipes, hoses and chimney - are definitely not worth showing. They usually look awkward and can ruin the most sophisticated interior.

    Most a budget option– paint the pipe to match the wall.

    The most aesthetically pleasing option is to hide it behind a box. Either behind the same as the column itself, or behind a separate one.

    It must be remembered that communications cannot be tightly walled up. They should always be freely available.

    Features of placing a speaker within a small kitchen

    The housewife tries to arrange the small kitchen especially carefully, because every piece of space, even the smallest one, is valuable. And the column, as a rule, occupies significant part walls. In addition, in a kitchenette this device looks even more bulky and inappropriate.

    First of all, the speaker in such a room should be installed in the smallest size. A mini speaker is easier to disguise and takes up little space. Another important point– the closer the communications outlets are to the water heater, the less space the communications themselves take up.
    And then you can use everything listed methods decorating the appliance - hiding it in a closet, decorating it to match the tone of the kitchen, or decorating it.

    The most profitable in small spaces The location of the column in the corner is considered, where it will not visually conceal the space so much and will allow optimal use of the rest of the wall.

    What you need to remember when working with a gas water heater

    A gas water heater is a high-risk device. Therefore, when installing, reinstalling and designing it, you must follow strict rules:

    • The device is installed on a wall covered non-flammable materials, the opposite wall should be no closer than one meter;
    • There should be a free space of 3 cm on both sides;
    • The column must be located at least 10 cm horizontally from the stove; It is strictly forbidden to hang it above the stove;
    • Pipes cannot be hidden tightly - walled up in the ceiling, wall or floor. If the pipe passes through them, you need to leave a gap of more than 1 cm;
    • If in the kitchen suspended ceiling, That minimum height its walls are 250 cm;
    • Distance from the speaker to the electrical cable and household appliances should be at least half a meter, and 200 meters to the batteries.

    And under no circumstances should you move gas pipes yourself. Permission from gas service specialists is required.

    Ergonomic kitchen design layout is becoming increasingly important: it is important that furniture and appliances not only reflect a single style, but are also conveniently placed in the space.

    The task becomes more complicated if your kitchen is limited in size, and you need to place a refrigerator and a gas heater in the interior, because they not only take up space, but also require compliance with certain layout rules. How to achieve the creation cozy kitchen in this case?

    In a small kitchen it is difficult to install everything the necessary equipment without sacrificing free space. And in this case, the overall interior design may also suffer.

    Two most simple ways registration kitchen interior– masking the speaker and refrigerator or selecting equipment in accordance with the size and design of the furniture. Which option will you choose?

    We invite you to make a choice by looking at a photo of a kitchen design in a Khrushchev building with a refrigerator and a gas water heater.

    Kitchen options in Khrushchev, photo

    Preparation for repair

    Undoubtedly important role In the kitchen, both the design of such equipment and the reliability of its use will play a role. But your result will largely depend on preparatory work: if the kitchen is not properly equipped, you will soon have to completely change the layout, and this will be an additional cost.

    So, what you should pay attention to:

    We've taken care of safety issues, now it's time to figure out how to make your kitchen comfortable and pleasant in appearance.

    Often, massive designs of geysers spoil the entire design of the room, and refrigerators do not harmonize with furniture or appliances: there are several ways to correct this shortcoming.

    Kitchen arrangement

    Placing a refrigerator in a small kitchen has always caused difficulties, so it is often installed in the hallway.

    If you do find a place to install it, make sure that no obstacles arise during operation. For example, the refrigerator door should open freely and not rest against the wall, blocking access to everything you need.

    It is advisable to place the refrigerator close to the kitchen work area, so that during the cooking process you do not have to move around the room, where there is already not enough space.

    Advice: It is advisable to place the refrigerator on the extreme side of the set, and not in its center: otherwise, to give harmony to such a layout, you will have to use tall cabinets and wall shelves, which will visually reduce your interior.

    Many of you already know "triangle rule": Ideally, the refrigerator, sink and gas stove should be located exactly like this. In order to ensure ergonomics, adhere to this rule even if you have a gas water heater.

    If the column interferes with the installation of a large refrigerator, choose a small-sized option.

    Certain nuances must be taken into account when installing a geyser in the interior of a small kitchen. Incorporate this type of technology into ready-made design A headset is not always possible. Therefore, the most common way to decorate a kitchen has become disguising the speaker in wall cabinets.

    The free space required to install such equipment may vary. If the size of a simple wall cabinet is not enough to hide both the column and all associated communications, you can select a corner cabinet in your kitchen for these purposes.

    Such a kitchen renovation in a Khrushchev-era building with a gas water heater should be safe and practical. Therefore, create ventilation holes inside the wall cabinet to allow air to circulate in the enclosed space.

    The presence of free air flow will not only allow the speaker to work at full capacity, but will also protect the equipment from fires and breakdowns.

    Advice: instead of ventilation holes in hanging shelf you can remove the bottom. This method is also convenient because it allows elongated speakers to be harmoniously integrated into the kitchen design.

    Kitchen with a column in Khrushchev: layout and design, photo

    Another condition for placing a speaker inside a wall cabinet involves usage insulating materials resistant to fire. It is not at all necessary to choose a set with heat-reflecting and fire-resistant properties: you can choose sheets of the desired shape made of non-combustible material.

    In addition to the protective holes, make sure there are holes that will ensure the functionality of the gas water heater. This is about conducting a communications system: the column must be connected to gas pipes, water supply and chimney.

    Another condition for placing a speaker inside a cabinet is size matching. The column must not only fit into the headset element, but also be located at a distance of more than 3 cm from each wall.

    Fit ready-made furniture and column to each other can be quite difficult, so make custom shelves, focusing on the parameters of the equipment you need.

    The next safe and practical option for placing a gas water heater in the kitchen interior is based on forming a holistic composition with furniture and equipment. In the photo you can see an example of such a layout: the height of the set and the dimensions of the tabletop are chosen in accordance with the dimensions of the gas water heater.

    note that the stove and sink are located at a sufficient distance from the column, but installed in such a way as to minimize movement during the cooking process.

    Kitchen design with a column in Khrushchev, photo

    This example of kitchen design is evidence that the column does not have to be hidden. But even in this case, the interior should look harmonious, so ensure compliance of equipment sizes and kitchen cabinets . A gas water heater, like a refrigerator, can be installed as the initial or final element of a holistic kitchen design.

    If your kitchen starts with a headset, the column is selected to fit its size. If the geyser will be placed at the very beginning, order cabinets that will not protrude from the background of the equipment.

    Attention! Some modern design projects may include cabinets that do not match each other in size. This headset is suitable for mounting speakers of almost any size.

    Small kitchen with a column in Khrushchev, photo

    Another way to decorate a kitchen involves installing a speaker in the center kitchen design . In this case, the dimensions of the headset must also correspond to the technical parameters. Ideally, it is better to turn to specialists who can match the kitchen design elements to each other without depriving the room of free space.

    When planning your kitchen equipment on your own, do not forget that to create a pleasant-looking design, you will have to mask not only the column, but also the communications. Masking pipes big size inside the shelves will deprive you of the free space needed to store food and kitchen utensils, so even at the kitchen planning stage, take care of the availability of new places to place them.

    Kitchen renovation with a column in Khrushchev, photo

    Design ideas

    The design of a kitchen in Khrushchev with a refrigerator and a gas water heater is not very diverse, but a few practical solutions will help you make your kitchen attractive even with large appliances.

    The first method involves installation of a geyser and refrigerator with a similar design. They should match in color and material and ideally repeat the style features of the headset and other appliances in your kitchen.

    If it is not possible to decorate all the equipment in the same style, disguise the speaker or refrigerator using a cabinet of a suitable size.

    Kitchen design in Khrushchev with a refrigerator, photo

    The second way to decorate such a kitchen is to masking both the speaker and the refrigerator. This design option is the simplest, since you don’t have to look for equipment that would at least slightly harmonize with your existing set.

    The process of adjusting the size of equipment and furniture will cause additional difficulties, but as a result you will get a holistic and harmonious design.

    If you decide to leave the speaker outside the wall cabinets, you can diversify its design using durable and fire-resistant paint (this option is ideal if you have furniture in bright colors) or vinyl stickers.

    Some types of speakers are initially designed in a bright style: for example, in the photo below you can see modern design columns with images on a marine theme.

    Small kitchen in Khrushchev: design, photo with gas water heater

    An unusual design of this type can be found in modern refrigerators and freezers. It is not at all necessary to stop at models with large subject images: Even the presence of a few sophisticated patterned elements is enough to highlight a modern kitchen design.

    Kitchen interior in Khrushchev, photo

    Advice: if you initially chose a monochromatic refrigerator design, diversify it vinyl stickers with a neutral palette.

    It is much more difficult to match the elements of technology to the color of the furniture. Appliances of any shade are suitable for light and dark sets. But, since the kitchen in Khrushchev is no different large area, It’s better to make the design of this room as bright as possible.

    If the furniture in your kitchen has a bright and rich color, not all colors of the appliances will always be universal. Most likely, the refrigerator and column will have to be chosen based on the characteristics of the palette: for example, purple furniture would be better suited black shade, and to light green – white.

    We told you about how to equip a small kitchen if you need to place a refrigerator and a gas heater in the room.

    To achieve the creation of not only practical, but also aesthetic design, you will have to resort to some tricks. You are now aware of all the intricacies of this process and the specifics of preparing to remodel a room, so you can invite specialists and begin creating a cozy and modern kitchen.
