How to make flower vases. Vase decor - original decoration ideas (59 photos)

Everyone knows that a bouquet of flowers in a beautiful vase is a wonderful decoration for a table or home space in general. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy a vase that suits your interior. At the same time, it’s not at all difficult to find a very simple, inexpensive glass container or even a bottle and decorate it the way you want.

The process is creative and exciting, because modern decorative and Decoration Materials allow you to turn any ordinary vessel into a masterpiece. Special paints, contours on glass, and napkins for decoupage come to the aid of craftswomen. Needlewomen do not limit themselves special materials, but use the most unexpected things for decoration, such as: plaster bandages, cereals, pasta, jute twine, dry fruits and skeletonized leaves.

More interesting master classes

So the craftswoman Ann got the idea to decorate the vase in some unusual way, this is what she writes on her blog: “I had been chasing this idea in my head for a long time, some time passed and I finally decided to do it. I kept thinking about how I could get three-dimensional image on a vase, jar, box or even canvas. I didn’t like the options associated with cutting out shapes from foam plastic and gluing them to the base, and I also didn’t like the option of buying voluminous stickers. All this, in my opinion, required a lot of effort or investment Money, I knew there was an easier way. And this is what I came up with..."

So, to decorate a vase you will need:

  • suitable glass vessel,
  • glue gun,
  • drawing for transfer to a vase,
  • tissue paper or thin cloth,
  • alcohol-containing liquid
  • acrylic paint,
  • acrylic lacquer.

Step 1. To implement her idea, the author found this container at a sale, which cost her fifty cents. Take yours glass vase and treat it with alcohol.

Step 2. Find a design or design that suits your vase. The craftswoman used the pattern on her favorite cap as a template.

Step 3. Transfer the pattern onto the paper and fold the paper to make sure it is symmetrical and find the center of the pattern as shown in the photo. Attach the drawing to the desired location.

Step 4: Fill the pattern with hot glue. If during your work you accidentally go beyond the boundaries of the pattern, it’s okay hot glue You can easily clean it with a knife when it cools down.

Step 5. Take tissue paper, remember it, and tear it into squares no larger than 6*6 cm. You can also use thin fabric for these purposes.

Step 6. Place scraps of fabric or scraps of paper on the vase and glue them with PVA glue. Do this very carefully, try not to tear the paper. Cover the entire vase, smoothing out excess folds with your fingers. Dry the resulting relief.

Step 7. To smooth the relief and give it integrity, coat the vessel with PVA glue one more time.

Step 7. After this layer of glue has dried, use a foam sponge to tint the vase with light acrylic paint. At this stage, the craftswoman asks if you see the laughing face of a guy with a small mustache on the vase? Lush eyebrows, curled mustache? A goatee on your chin? She wants you to see this laughing Frenchman, she will be very pleased if you have the same rich imagination as she does.

Step 8. After the layer of light paint has dried, take a soft brush and paint in a contrasting color. The needlewoman used black, you may want to use Umber or some other color that best suits your interior. Make sure your brush is almost dry before applying paint. It's better to put too little paint on your brush than too much. But even if it happens that you applied too much dark paint, do not be discouraged, let the paint dry and paint over the dark spot with the light paint that was used earlier.

Step 9. After the paint has dried, cover the entire surface acrylic varnish. Ann really likes the result, she thinks that it turned out very rustic. As the craftswoman’s father, an engineer by profession, says: “If you can’t make it look perfect, emphasize its imperfection.”

Decorating glass vases with your own hands

The next master class, already in video format from Natasha Fokhtina. In it she will talk about how to make such cute vases from glass bottles.

To decorate them, the craftswoman used the decoupage technique.

This vase was made from a jar using a glue gun, metallic paint and decorative glass pebbles.

But this beauty was achieved using acrylic paints, semolina and contour, and on glass.

Watch the video tutorial, select suitable containers and create with inspiration!

Translation by Oksana Korshunova especially for the site:

Decoration plays important role in shaping the general mood in the room. Correct design can emphasize sophisticated style and create an organic look for the room. Creation harmonious interior in the house is possible without significant financial expenses. One of the popular methods of decorating a home is decorating a vase with your own hands. There are many ideas for decoration, in this article we will look at the basic tips for decorating a flower vase.

The vase can be painted black with a golden tint

Newspaper can be used as a decorative element by making flowers out of it

Artificial fruits with yellow leaves perfect for vase decoration

Using simple improvised means, you can create from an ordinary vase unique element interior In order for decorating to bring pleasure and the expected result, it is important to follow your imagination, combining incongruous things and introducing the most unexpected solutions.

Marine style vases

What do we associate with marine style? With shells, sand, sea knots, waves, ships.

To implement the simplest way to create a vase in nautical style You will need:

  • Several vessels of different shapes
  • Twine or twine
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors
  • Fabric dye (or Easter egg dyes)

The vase can be wrapped in beautiful paper, it will look very beautiful

An example of how to decorate a vase

Round vase

Prepare string according to the height of the container. Apply glue. Glue the ends of the rope. Make sure the base of the twine is tightly secured. Then start braiding the braid (see picture below), not forgetting to coat the surface with glue as you apply the rope. Cover the remaining seam with a layer of ropes using glue, securing them vertically to create a contrast with the weaving.

You can wrap ribbons around the vase, this will give it softness.

It doesn’t matter how you decorate the vase, the main thing is that the result turns out beautifully

You can put beads inside the vase

Vase "Ombre"

For this aesthetic DIY vase decor option, you can use a vase of any shape. We recommend using a cylindrical vase. Apply glue and start wrapping it with twine from the base to the very top. Wait until the glue secures the string tightly. Then place the bottom of the vase in the paint container. You can choose the saturation and consistency yourself. Leave the vase to dry. As soon as the vase is dry, you will be able to see the fruits of your efforts. A smooth transition of your favorite color on an exquisite vase.

It's time to run for flowers, isn't it?

You can also use shells for marine decoration.

Or do not carry out any actions with the appearance and place sea elements in it instead of flowers.

If you have the ability to draw, you can beautifully decorate a vase

You can make covers for the vase, it will look very beautiful

Do-it-yourself dot painting of a vase

This type of design is quite complex in execution, but it gives free rein to imagination and allows you to bring ideas to life.

What you need for painting:

  • Acrylic paints
  • Brushes, toothpicks, sticks (anything you can use to apply paint)

Apply raised dots with paint, using a ready-made pattern or style as a basis. Be careful not to touch the already applied layer. The most popular designs for dot painting are ethnic, Indian, and tribal patterns. However, the flight of your imagination can take you much further!

Beads are perfect for decorating a vase

An ordinary glass bottle can be wrapped in bright fabric and you get a beautiful vase

You can make a beautiful vase from an ordinary bottle

Decorating a vase with clothes

Dressing a vase in your clothes sounds ridiculous, but with this method you can quickly and beautifully decorate a vase.

  1. Sweater decor. If you have an unnecessary knitted sweater, then you can decorate a vase with it. Using a piece of a sweater and glue, you will get an original decorative element. Just imagine how cozy you can create it on a cold winter evening.
  2. Decorating with socks. Prepare the container big size. Trim the bottom of the sock or spats above the heel. To determine the size of the base, use a sheet of A4 paper and circle the size of the base. In accordance with the size of the bottom, cut a piece from the scraps of the sock. Sew the flap for the base with the sock and voila - the vase cover is ready!

Leaves in a vase will perfectly complement the interior

There are many ways to decorate a vase. a large number of, choose what is closest to you

Working with floor vases

In interior design they often use floor models, which give a special charm and fit perfectly into any design - be it minimalism, hi-tech or exquisite classics.

In order for the floor vase to sparkle with new colors, you should create an organic decor.

Cover the container with plain paint and decorate the neck with twine or twine.

A feeling of organicity and unity with nature can be achieved with the help of sections of twigs carefully glued to the outer surface. You can place pieces of warm-colored paper under the cuts.

Floor vases are ideal for interior decoration with stones, grains, artificial flower elements and other types of fillers.

A vase decorated with beads looks very aesthetically pleasing. In general, a creation made with your own hands will fill your home with special energy!

You can make simple lines and it will look beautiful

Golden abrasions will add elegance to the vase

You can use stickers to decorate a vase

Marble vase

Decorating with acrylic paint will help achieve a “marble” effect. For this you need a transparent container. The secret of the decor is that the painting will not be done on the outer surface, but on the inside.

  1. Rinse the vessel and degrease it.
  2. Prepare several shades of acrylic paints
  3. Do not add water to acrylic! It is necessary to rotate the vessel in a horizontal position, adding paint drop by drop.
  4. After spreading a layer of one shade, add a couple of drops of a darker color to create a marbling effect with the paint.
  5. Turn the vessel over and place it on a towel or other cloth to drain off excess paint.

Knitted covers for a vase perfectly complement it appearance

Beads can be used to decorate a vase very beautifully

Glasses and pebbles

Using glass pebbles, you can decorate the surface of the vase in an unusual way. For this you need a glue gun and PVA. Elements can be used different colors to make the decor even more original.

Simple vase decor

We invite you to familiarize yourself with ideas for decorating flower vases.

Using coarse threads you can create bright and cozy design for any type of container.

Romance! Fill the vase wine corks and artificial flowers.

For fall chic decor, use pine cones, twine and artificial flowers. Create the mood in your home!

Painting the can with copper paint. The most unusual vase in the house. The room decoration element can be decorated with artificial flowers.

Don't throw away broken saucers! Apply a layer of painted plaster and place the pieces of beautiful glassware in it. You can also use colored or glossy paper.

A vase with golden scuffs will look expensive

You can decorate a vase using available materials

Option for decorating a vase with fabric and paints

How to decorate a vase

Below is the table additional materials used for decoration.


Method of use

For decoration you will need craft paper. For design you need PVA glue. First of all, you need to paste over outside plain paper soaked in glue. Twist strips of craft paper into ropes. As soon as the container dries, start gluing the bundles. As a result, you will get a stylish design.


For filling you can use cereals, coins, stones, shells, earth, and beads. Using the layering method will create a beautiful, extraordinary contrast.

Sheet music, newspapers

Coat the cut materials with glue and stick them around the vase. Use a brush to smooth out any wrinkles. After drying, seal with varnish.

Sticks, branches

Dry branches prepared in advance can be glued to the surface, creating interesting design. It is also possible to use branch cuts different sizes for cylindrical vase

Having chosen the desired pattern and design, start gluing rhinestones to the base. Use self-adhesive rhinestones, or purchase glue and ordinary rhinestones in advance.

Twine, twine

Attach the end of the rope to the base of the container using glue. Then the thread is wound around the container. Don't forget to lubricate the vase with glue.

Apply a layer of colored plaster and place any decorative elements into the plaster. The dried version will exceed all your expectations.

This vase will harmoniously complement the decor of the room.

A black vase will look beautiful against a white wall

Create beauty! Use everything you see. Buttons, leaves, stones or coins. Let a vase created by yourself please you and create unforgettable experience from your interior.

There are many ways to decorate a vase, and some of them are so simple that even a child can do them. You can create works of art from bored old objects.

Original glass vase decoration

Using simple improvised means, you can make a fashionable and fashionable one from an ordinary glass vase. stylish element interior The main highlight of the item is the use of color layers. Special fillers can be purchased at the store, or you can create them yourself from simple cereals.

Any type of cereal is suitable for decorating a vase, for example, you can use pearl barley, rice, buckwheat or millet. When using each of them, different textures and colors are obtained, so it will be more interesting to use several at once. Lay out the selected cereals on paper, cover them with acrylic paint and let dry.

When the fillers are ready, place a glass or other suitable container inside the vase. Then fill the space between the glass and the vase with colored cereals in layers.

You can stop here - the vase will look impressive even in this form, but it can be supplemented with some other decorative elements, for example, lace and beads. The selected decorations can be fixed to the vase with glue, and their surface can be treated with varnish.

Stylish vase decor

You can make stylish vase decor with your own hands using a regular hot glue gun.

Apply it to a glass vase or beautiful bottle any pattern.

Wait for the glue to dry and cover the object with paint - acrylic or spray paint will do. You will end up with a vase with a beautiful relief design.

Simple vase design

Decorating a vase this way will not cause any difficulties. All you need is a vase, an original jar or bottle and paints.

Degrease the surface of the container and apply paint to it with a brush. Blot the piece with a sponge to give it a raised texture. After the paint has dried, use a pencil to mark a preliminary drawing on the surface of the vase.

Using a pen or toothpick, draw dots on the intended design. Make sure they are the same size and at the same distance.

Read also:

Pumpkin for Halloween – original ideas decor

Using the same principle, you can decorate a candy bowl - then you will get a whole set.

Decorating a vase with socks

An original vase can be made from ordinary socks.

Take any old vase, not too large, but any other of similar size and shape will do.

Trim the bottom of the sock above the heel. Place the container on cardboard or thick fabric, circle the bottom with a pencil and cut out along the contour. Attach the resulting shape to the rest of the sock, trace it and cut it out too.

Sew the cut sock and the piece cut out from the leftovers together. Place a form of cardboard or thick fabric. Insert the container into the case.

Decorating a vase with paper

Vases decorated with plain paper look original.

To make a vase you will need parchment or craft paper, PVA glue and a container.

Long strips are cut out of paper and twisted into peculiar ropes.

When the blanks are ready, glue even strips of paper onto the surface of the vase. Let the product dry a little and glue paper flagella to it.

To make the vase look more impressive, you can open it with colorless varnish.

An original idea for decorating a vase

This way you can very quickly decorate any vase or other suitable container.

When going for a walk, collect enough even branches of approximately the same thickness. When you get home, clean the material and cut it to the same length. Paint each stick with acrylic paint and leave to dry. After the branches have dried, glue them one by one to the surface of the container.

Today, only the lazy do not improve the design of their home. Fashion trends allow us to satisfy the most sophisticated tastes of demanding consumers. At the same time, the demand for decoration remained at all times. interior design tall floor vases. However, their affordability does not always coincide with the desired appearance. Like any other thing, you can make a floor vase with your own hands. Such a beauty will have the desired shape and the desired shape. color scheme, and much cheaper than their store-bought counterparts.
Materials for work:
Glass jar with a capacity of 3 liters – 2 pcs.;
Tea saucer – 1 pc.;
Plastic container for preserves – 1 pc.;
Silicone sealant – 1 bottle;
Liquid PVA glue (construction) – 1 liter;
Construction alabaster – 4 tbsp;
Potato starch – 100 g;
Egg racks – 4 pcs.;
Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
Vaseline – 1 tbsp;
Three-layer napkins – 2 pcs.;
Plasticine – 1 box;
Old tube of PVA glue with a narrow spout – 1 pc.;
Liquid nails glue, white and gold paints, blush, eye shadow, face powder, brush, colorless acrylic varnish, water.

Stages of work:
First stage: forming the basis.
We turn one jar upside down and glue “ liquid nails» a tea saucer turned upside down towards him.

We glue the bottom of the second can to the bottom of the same jar.

Cut off the bottom of the preserve container. We glue the inverted container to the neck of the second can.

Let the base dry for 1 day.

Second stage: give the vase the outline of a vessel.
Finely chop the egg racks.

Fill with water so that the entire torn mass is immersed in it. Leave it overnight.

Wring out the soaked grates.

We tear large pieces. Fill the entire mass with PVA glue.

Mix the soaked grates thoroughly until a homogeneous slurry is obtained.

Fill the space between the neck of the jar and the container with egg mixture.

Apply over the entire surface of the cans thin layer egg mass.

Let the base dry for 2 days.

We paint it white.

Third stage: apply a three-dimensional drawing.
Print out the stencil you like.

We make cuts along the contours, cutting out the necessary moments.

We place the drawing on the vessel in a checkerboard pattern, upright and inverted (2 times at the top, 2 times at the bottom; top and bottom facing each other).

Using a pencil we draw voids and slots.

Squeeze the silicone sealant into an empty PVA tube.

We put a sharp spout on the tube and squeeze out the sealant along the contour of the pattern.

If necessary, make adjustments with a toothpick.

Let the sealant dry for 1 day.

Apply blush tint to the drawing using superficial movements with a large brush.

Stage four: do it silicone mold.
Mix potato starch and silicone sealant.

Knead thoroughly until you obtain a dough-like mass.

We heavily coat the surface of the figurine blank (in this case, a magnet) with Vaseline.

Press the dough face down into the flattened dough.

Carefully prying the knife out, remove the workpiece.

Fifth stage: casting the figures.
Grease the inside of the silicone mold vegetable oil(pour it in, then turn the mold over and pour out the oil).

Pour a tablespoon of alabaster (or plaster) into the container.

Add a spoonful of water there and mix. If the solution turns out thick, add water.

Fill the silicone mold with alabaster solution.

Leave the solution to harden (you can check readiness by pressing your nail on the figure - no mark should remain on the surface). We pry the figure with a knife and remove it from the mold.

Repeat preparing the solution and pouring 3 more times.

Stage six: painting the angels.
We paint the blanks with white gouache.

We matte the bodies of the angels with face powder.

We dye our hair.

Drawing sponges.

Using a pen we draw the eyelids and eyebrows.

Use white gouache to cover the extra layer of powder (next to the bodies of the angels).

We draw the wings in gold.

We apply “liquid nails” to the back surface of the figures and glue them to the vase.

Seventh stage: making roses.
Knead the plasticine, lay it on a hard surface with a thin plate, and cut it into squares. In each square we make cuts in a circle from the center.

Gently prying up the central core, twist the spiral, moving from the center to the edge. We bend the square corners like large leaves.

We paint roses white.

We tint them with blush to match the color of the three-dimensional pattern.

We apply gilding around the edges.

Using “liquid nails” we attach the roses to the vase.

How to make a beautiful and original vase?
Attractive and unusual home decor has always been distinguished by one important feature - it requires considerable financial investments. Everyone knows what is being created beautiful furniture, vases, chandeliers, lamps and other important decorative details, many specialists always work there, they invest not only their physical efforts, but also their imagination, different ideas, which, by the way, are not so easy to come up with.

However, few people think about the fact that the original and unusual ideas You can implement it yourself, and for this you do not need to have a specific education, a penchant for art or great financial resources. It is enough just to notice the main thing in small things and details, to be able to make something extraordinary out of simple and ordinary things.

Moreover, for this you will not need much: desire and enthusiasm, a little free time, and also a few necessary materials, which you either already have at home or are sold in any nearby store.

A vase is always a necessary thing that can be simply cute and original decoration your home, and is always ready to accept bouquets of fragrant and colorful flowers into her arms.
And since we try to always place flowers in plain sight, the vase must be worthy, so that it fits into the surrounding decor and supports the overall color of the bouquet, because its appearance in a home environment will largely depend on this.
Vases can be very different - from the smallest, which can hold one or just a few flowers, and huge, for example, floor-standing, which can hold more than a dozen roses or any other flower beauties.
In order to take on the task of creating a new vase, you will need to decide what size it should be, as well as what manufacturing technique you will choose. Maybe it will be weaving, engraving on a glass surface, decoupage or craquelure, there are many options, we will give examples of just a few of the most interesting ones. Who knows, maybe you will become so passionate about creating and decorating vases that it will develop into your permanent and serious hobby.

Minimalist and stylish

Small vases for one or a pair of flowers

Glass and ball

One of the original and very simple ways- this is a vase for one flower, which consists of an ordinary oblong glass and an inflatable ball. It is better to choose a ball of some bright color, for example, red or cherry, cut it off top part, making a cut exactly on the widest part of the ball.

You can even make a vase out of a lamp

By the way, even the smallest schoolchild can make such a vase, ceremoniously presenting it to his mother on March 8 along with a flower. The ball itself must be pulled on top of the glass, and the “pump” through which the ball is usually inflated must be pushed inside the glass; the flower will now be inserted into it.

By the way, the glass itself can also be decorated somehow, for example, with a beautiful sticker or a pattern painted with acrylic paints.

Bottles and cans

In fact, you can make an interesting vase with your own hands from a variety of elements, for example, from plastic or glass bottles, jars or small boxes.

We present to your attention an option with plastic bottles. You will need one whole 1.5 liter bottle, preferably transparent, and about five 0.5 liter plastic bottles. All small bottles will need to have the neck cut off, then inner contour make four holes in the neck of a large bottle.

It is better that these holes are closer to the top, then there will be more space for water. The holes are traced along the contour of the neck of small bottles and then cut out with scissors.

All cut small bottles are inserted with their necks into the hole, creating a unique vase with five necks, each flower has its own hole. Such a vase, for example, can be placed in a country house or in a summer house, it’s unusual and very simple!

Of course, you can do it even simpler - cut off the neck from plastic bottle, and all that remains of it can be decorated with various other techniques.

However, in this case, it is better to use a small glass jar, for example, 1 liter in volume. Also suitable for these purposes glass bottles milk bottles that have an elongated neck. The easiest way is to cover the outside of the jar with corrugated colored paper.

Style is in everything

Just cut it into small pieces, choose a wide variety of colors. In order for it to stick well, it is better to use special glue for decoupage or regular glue PVA, only diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. After the glue dries, it will become transparent, and for greater effect the vase can be coated with clear varnish.

By the way, instead of corrugated paper, cut pieces of bright glossy magazines can be used; select them in approximately the same color scheme, and glue the jar tightly so that there are no gaps.
returning to corrugated paper- it can, for example, be cut into strips of different widths and glued to the jar in stripes as well, it is better that one overlaps the other when gluing. Colored electrical tape may be suitable for the same purposes.

Another interesting way- decorate glass jar knitted or fabric cover. This option, of course, is suitable for those who have experienced knitting and sewing techniques. Such covers can, for example, be changed depending on the time of year or the main color of the bouquet.

Making a floor vase with your own hands

For this you will need a cardboard box, various acrylic paints, acrylic primer, paper, water-based paint, decoupage glue and varnish. The cardboard box should be tall and narrow; gold powder or the same spray paint may also be useful.

Hand painted is gorgeous

The cardboard box is coated with a primer, which is necessary for good application of the next layers. Then we glue pieces of cut newspaper onto the surface of the box, we get papier-mâché. Now we cover the prepared box with white water-based paint so that the newspapers disappear from view.

After the first layers have dried, we begin to apply the main color, which will be quite noticeable already on finished product. As a decoration for a vase, you can use decoupage napkins, which are glued to the vase so that various relief protrusions are obtained, all of which is also covered with paint. The reliefs can be coated with golden powder, but so that the main color of the vase is visible.

For additional decoration, you can use a variety of elements, for example, golden ribbons, which can be folded into flowers or bows, or you can simply wrap them around the vase in a casual manner. Beads and iridescent stones are also suitable; you can create a pattern or some kind of design.

Original do-it-yourself vase

You can make cute vases with your own hands. To do this you will need a beautifully shaped bottle and beautiful bright threads. As a result we get:

Another photo tutorial:

Designer vase made from a bottle

How to make a beautiful designer vase in a few minutes using colored rope and twine.
To work you will need:

1. Colored rope, twine
2. Glass bottle
3. Scissors
4. Universal glue

All ends of ropes and twine should be on the same side.

How to make a beautiful vase from a plastic bottle (video):