How to insulate a brick house inside with your own hands. Insulation of a brick house from the inside: features, materials, tips

Quality central heating leaves much to be desired, besides time and external factors negatively affect the condition of supporting structures. Heating bills are rising, but it's not getting any warmer. It makes sense to solve such problems by insulating the walls of your home. This is especially true for brick and panel houses.

Insulation efficiency

Choice of outdoor or internal method insulation is fundamental and requires a responsible approach. When installing an insulating barrier from the inside, the brick walls do not come into contact with the heat of the room and therefore can freeze to the limits of contact with the insulation.

This development of events negates the effect of thermal insulation, or even does not provide it at all. External insulation has reverse effect and therefore several times superior to the opponent. But there are circumstances in which installing insulation on the wall surface is impossible.

Reasons for carrying out work from the inside

The only argument in favor of internal insulation is:

  • a ban by local authorities on work related to changing the facade of buildings (architectural monuments, buildings on central streets, etc.);
  • there is an expansion joint located outside;
  • a wall separates the room from an elevator shaft or other technical room where there is no access for installing insulation;
  • internal insulation provided for by the house construction project.

If there are no options to avoid indoor insulation, then it is necessary to take seriously the organization of work, from the selection of thermal insulation composites to installation technology.

Features of internal insulation

Insulation of internal surfaces affects the position of the dew point, shifting it to the internal boundary load-bearing structure. This term denotes a conventional place on a plane where moisture is released (condensed) from the heated air in the room. It should be located no deeper than the middle section of the brick wall, but preferably as close to the outer edge as possible.

Constant dampness leads to the appearance of harmful microorganisms (mold), cracks and breaks in walls, and loss of the thermal insulation qualities of the barrier. Most susceptible negative influence moisture brickwork.

Thermal insulation interior walls, meeting the put forward requirements, will be made in the form of a new wall, mounted closely or with air gap. But you should be prepared for the fact that effective area housing will decrease. This is especially noticeable in small apartments.

Composite selection

When choosing a material for thermal insulation from the inside of a room, you must first of all proceed from the indicators of vapor permeability and moisture absorption. Next, it is worth considering that seams and joint gaps are places where moisture escapes into the room and air enters the cold surface.

What won't work

Polystyrene foam forms many seams that require additional sealing, and also has a high moisture absorption rate. From point of view fire safety It is better not to use it in a residential building, as it burns and releases toxic substances.

Polyurethane foam

It has excellent moisture protection and thermal insulation, as well as good adhesion on brick surfaces. The masonry does not require special processing or leveling. The only significant drawback is the complexity of installation.

Cured polyurethane foam is unstable to mechanical stress and requires additional protection. The moisture formation boundary will be either on the inner surface of the wall or in the thickness of the insulation. But due to the good sealing properties of polyurethane, condensation is not observed.

From available materials Also expanded polystyrene is suitable, obtained by extrusion under high pressure. Although it is mounted with education large quantity joints, but at the same time has good indicators of moisture resistance and vapor permeability, and when ignited, it smolders.

It is quite possible to install it yourself without involving professional builders. But you should strictly adhere to the assembly technology and process stages.

Sequence of thermal insulation work

Having decided on the insulation material and installation method, you can go shopping. It is important to remember that saving on composites or changing installation technology for this purpose can lead to big troubles.

Preparatory stage

Insulate brick house It is necessary at a temperature not lower than 20 0C and low air humidity in order to achieve maximum dryness of the walls. Before starting work, it is advisable to additionally dry the surfaces with a heat gun in order to dry the partition from the inside.

All generated debris and dust must be removed. A properly prepared surface should not contain anything other than load-bearing elements designs.

Places affected by fungal spores and exposed to prolonged exposure to moisture require increased attention. The fight against mold ends with applying antiseptics and primer to the wall deep penetration. Each applied layer must dry thoroughly.

Before using polystyrene foam, the surface is leveled with special water-repellent mixtures. The putty must dry and achieve the required strength from the inside. This is a matter of several days, and the use of heat-generating devices is not recommended.

The finished wall is covered with two layers of soil and allowed to dry. Brick structures require such careful preparation. Concrete panels They are quite smooth and only need to treat the joints with sealants. Next comes the layout thermal insulation material.

Working with polyurethane foam

When applied, polyurethane has a liquid consistency, so a layer thicker than 2 cm must be sprayed in several stages.

To distribute the material evenly over the layer, formwork and division of the plane into segments are used. Frame construction unacceptable, as it violates the integrity of the coating.

Work with polystyrene foam should begin after the brickwork has been leveled and primed. And as fasteners, use mixtures with moisture-proof properties, applying them evenly to the sheet so that air “cushions” do not appear.

The resulting seams, as well as the joints of the plates, must be carefully treated with sealants. And to build a protective layer, use a special profile, previously inserted into the seam and secured to the ceiling and floor.

Protective layer

The installed insulation must dry before laying the waterproofing barrier. After this, you can begin building the protective layer to be decorated (wallpaper, tiles, painting).
The most practical option is to assemble a frame for attaching drywall; only the fixation should be carried out to adjacent walls, ceiling and floor, so as not to damage the integrity of the layer. Or half-brick masonry is done.

It is quite possible to putty extruded polystyrene foam, covering it with a reinforcing mesh, but if there were flaws in the installation, they will soon appear, and besides mechanical strength and practicality is inferior to drywall.

A properly selected thermal insulation composite and strict adherence to installation rules will add to the external strength brick house internal heat and comfort.

Often there are apartments in brick houses that are cold even in summer. In winter, people dress warmly and still feel cold. Heating bills are rising every month. Apartment owners are beginning to figure out why the heat is not retained in their homes. They decide to insulate the walls themselves. The question arises of how and with what to insulate brick wall from the inside. It is believed that there is nothing complicated about this. Many people do not know that errors in work can lead to the walls freezing even more. Most often the wall is insulated with outside, but there are situations when it is possible to insulate the room inside. Such cases include insulating the end wall of a brick house from the inside. Let's consider this situation in more detail.

Cases when you can start insulation

Insulation of brick walls from the inside is carried out only in extreme cases, when there are no other options. alternative options. Such situations include the following:

In some cases, insulation from the inside was planned initially; it is prescribed in the project frame houses. In them, if desired, you can increase the insulation with the same material that was used during construction.

When the walls of a building are wooden, insulation is only possible with another layer of wood. If the apartment owners decide to insulate brick walls from the inside with their own hands, then this work must be approached with all seriousness. You need to study the insulation market, as well as find out how installation work is carried out.

Features of the insulation process from inside the room

It is necessary to study the problems associated with internal wall insulation. More and more people are wondering how to properly insulate the brick walls of a house. The main problem is that the wall begins to freeze even more with insulation. This happens due to an increase in the level of dampness, and due to the loss of thermal insulation properties of the material used. As a rule, brick walls suffer the most from destruction.

In order not to aggravate the situation with the walls, you need to choose materials with low vapor permeability and minimal moisture absorption. At installation work with insulation, joints and seams should not be visible. Do-it-yourself insulation of walls from the inside brick garage or other premises should take place according to a pre-prepared work plan.

What materials should not be used?

There are several restrictions. To insulate brick walls from the inside, it is unacceptable to use several materials:

  1. Mineral wool. Its properties do not allow it to be good insulation from inside the house.
  2. Liquid ceramics and cork covering.
  3. Drywall, as well as warm plaster should be used only at the final stage of insulation.
  4. Fibrous materials also not suitable for insulation.
  5. Expanded polystyrene is not used in this type of work, since it does not fit well with walls without special solutions. Joints only reduce the tightness of the structure.

Insulation requirements

In order for the insulation process to be successful, the following criteria are adhered to:

  1. The wall must be dry at the time of work.
  2. First you need to complete waterproofing work, as well as vapor barrier.
  3. The insulator must be moisture resistant.
  4. It is necessary to ensure that there are no joints or cracks on the heat insulator.

To ensure that all conditions are met, you can build another wall inside the room. It can be tightly docked with external wall. Another option would be to have an air cavity and a layer of insulation. Due to these repair measures, the temperature in the room will become higher, but the area will be significantly reduced. You can lose from three to seven cubic meters.

What materials are suitable?

There are several types worth considering building materials:

It is possible to insulate a brick wall from the inside with polystyrene foam. It is recommended to secure the required material with profiles in the shape of the letter “T”. They are placed between sheets of foam plastic and attached to the floor and ceiling. Fastening of material is not allowed anchor bolts. They destroy the seal of the coating. It is possible to insulate a brick wall from the inside with mineral wool; the technology of this process is no different from other methods. However, as noted above, this is not the best material.

In what order are insulation works carried out?

The first step to insulating a brick wall from the inside is choosing a method. After which people calculate the amount of materials that need to be purchased. When everything is in stock, you can begin installation work. After installation, carry out redecorating using wallpaper, painting.

There are certain conditions for successful insulation. Not worth saving cash on the material. It's better to buy quality products, even if more expensive than we would like. You can't skip any steps in technology. It is necessary to write an action plan in advance and strictly adhere to it. If at some stage you try to reduce costs, then in the future there may be serious problems. We'll have to re-insulate the walls. It is necessary to carry out the work in such a way that the money invested is justified and own strength.

When is the best time to carry out insulation work?

Insulation is carried out only in spring and summer. this work assumes above-zero temperatures and no precipitation. Humidity should not go beyond acceptable limits.

You must wait until the wall is completely dry. To speed up the drying process, you can use electric heaters or heat guns. Heat reduces indoor humidity as much as possible.

In what sequence are the walls processed?

The old coating is removed from the wall, even the bottom layer of paint or glue. Must stay concrete slab. It is cleaned of construction dust using a vacuum cleaner or a regular brush.

If you notice fungus on the wall, you cannot continue working without eliminating it completely. There are a number of drugs available to combat fungi and mold. They are applied to the surface, waited for a while and washed off. Sometimes the fungus affects neighboring walls, they also need to be cleaned. Better to use professional products, although many still use folk remedies combating the problem of mold and mildew on the walls.

The walls also need to be treated with an antiseptic solution. The next step The surface is being primed. Between work, the wall should dry. When choosing a primer, you should pay attention to the composition. It is better to choose one that penetrates deep into the wall.

When is plastering work carried out?

When heating elements are used in the design, it is necessary to first carry out plastering work. The wall should be smooth. It is better to plaster using beacons in the process. This way you can achieve a flat surface, even if there were differences on the wall.

Plaster applied even thin layer, takes several days to dry. This coating can be primed. After drying, apply a layer of sealant. It provides a good water-repellent coating.

When the preliminary work is completed, they proceed directly to installation. After it, the walls are allowed to rest and dry completely.

An additional wall is mounted, after which it is applied last layer finishing coating. Wallpaper and paint are used as the final layer. The option of laying tiles is possible. The most popular finishing option nowadays is special Venetian plaster. The result is walls with artificial unevenness. Covering for “tightened skin” is relevant. Often an insulated false wall is made under “ artificial brick" This coating imitates natural masonry. It has proven itself on the market due to the fact that it repels dust and is easy to clean.

When people choose high-density polystyrene foam, it can only be plastered. If the installation work is carried out efficiently, it will last for many years.


It is important to remember safety precautions during installation work. It is worth taking care of gloves and protective masks in advance. Work must be carried out in a ventilated area.


So, we found out how to insulate the walls of a brick house from the inside with our own hands. As you can see, you can choose different materials for insulation. The choice remains only with the owner.

It is worth studying the features of each insulating material and following the specifics of such work. First of all, such partitions need to be reinforced with a special film that provides reliable vapor barrier.

To maintain heat in any brick premises, regardless of whether it is a residential or commercial building, the following aspects are supported:

  1. The load-bearing partitions, floors and ceilings themselves are effective samples thermal insulation.
  2. A layer of insulating materials is formed during the construction of the building. From the inside, the brickwork is filled with a layer made of mineral wool sealants.

List of attributes for installation

In order for the events under consideration to take place in an organized and quick manner, the following devices are used:

  • insulation;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • glue;
  • special dowels;
  • screws;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • putty knife;
  • glue container;
  • drill or hammer drill.

To ensure that a brick house is reliably protected from the penetration of cold masses into it, external insulation is actively used. For this purpose, materials obtained by foaming are used: polystyrene, polystyrene foam and vapor-permeable insulation.

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Plastering the surface as a preparatory stage of finishing

To significantly reduce heat loss, they are often used various techniques. The walls of houses are decorated with materials such as:

  • special plaster that provides high level energy saving;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • mineral wool insulation.

In order to insulate walls from the inside with your own hands, they often use the most cheap way- This is plastering the base. However, despite its availability, the technique is characterized by the labor-intensive process itself. The work takes place in the following sequence:

  1. In a room that has already been used, the old coating layer is removed until brickwork. In new homes, you can remove dust from the surface with an industrial vacuum cleaner.
  2. Treating masonry with a primer.
  3. Application of agents that prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi.

Before applying a layer of plaster, slats are attached to the walls at a distance of 5 mm. They will create space between the base itself and the mesh intended for finishing works such a plan. This material is fixed on top of the slats.

As soon as the mesh material is fixed to the wall, it can be treated with special plaster. For this purpose, compositions with low thermal conductivity are used.

  1. Treating a wet surface with a thick solution, spraying. Its thickness should not be more than 10 mm. The layer should dry well.
  2. Applying 2-3 layers of plaster, the thickness of which corresponds to 5 cm. This mixture should be thicker than the previous composition.
  3. Covering the surface, the height of the layer must be 4 cm, the plane must be perfectly smooth.

Load-bearing structures of a brick house can be insulated different materials modern type, among them are polystyrene foam, foamed and extruded polystyrene. Basically, materials are fixed to the walls in the space between the sheathing. In some cases, a type of installation is used that excludes the use of frame foundations.

To begin work, the walls are prepared in a similar way: the masonry is thoroughly cleaned of dust, the surface is primed, then antibacterial compounds are applied to it. The presence of significant unevenness on the plane gives rise to preliminary leveling measures. To do this, the surface should be plastered. The installed sheathing, fixed to the surface with dowels and plastic sleeves, will help to seamlessly install sheets of drywall on top of the insulating material.

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Internal surface insulation with foam plastic

Using a spatula, the wall is evenly coated with adhesive. To prevent voids from forming on an uneven surface with depressions, they are filled with the composition first. Foam sheets are processed over the entire surface, without bypassing the central zones. The installed sheathing will reduce the amount of glue applied due to the fact that the frame itself reliably holds the insulation. The prepared panels are glued horizontally, close to adjacent planks.

The frameless method allows gluing in order of location chess pieces. The gaps that appear are filled polyurethane foam or remnants of insulating material.On top part laid insulation is attached plaster mesh, then the surface is leveled using putty. Walls with previously installed sheathing are sheathed with sheets of plasterboard, wooden clapboard, plastic panels.

While heating leaves much to be desired, making the microclimate inside the house uncomfortable, external factors constantly negatively affect the condition of its structures. Therefore, it is important to insulate the walls of a brick house from the inside or outside.

To insulate a brick house from the inside to be effective, you need to know about important factor, which we will talk about before we consider the main materials and technologies for insulating a brick house from the inside.

It is very important that it increases from layer to layer from the inner wall to the outer one. This factor is very important because during cool seasons the humidity in residential premises is significantly higher than outside. Everyone living in the house breathes, which means the air is filled with moisture. Household processes from cleaning to cooking also play a role; as a result, the air is humidified, but does not escape outside.

The warmer the air, the more moisture it can hold. To prevent the walls from sweating, condensation and dampness in the corners, it is important to correctly resolve the issue of vapor permeability of the materials used in insulation. If the insulation of brick walls does not include a vapor-permeable outer layer, the wall is guaranteed to become damp.

Insulating the walls of a brick house from the inside is not the most effective type of insulation, since the ideal situation is when the house is insulated from the outside. If everything is not done correctly, the dew point will fall on the brick wall itself, which will accelerate the destruction of the structure, especially buildings made of sand-lime solid brick, which is most susceptible to moisture. If your house is built of exactly this, in addition to insulating the brick wall from the inside or outside, protect the walls with roof canopies, but do not forget about the outflow of steam, which in this case becomes even more important!

Insulating brick walls from the inside leads to the fact that the dew point is located directly behind the insulation; violation of the technology is fraught with dampness and mold. External insulation, of course, will ensure that the entire wall is warmed up, steam escapes out, and there is no excess moisture.

But all of the above does not mean that it is impossible to insulate inside. There are many reasons why external insulation may not be possible. For example:

  1. We cannot insulate the outside of architectural monuments.
  2. The high-rise building is insulated, the upper floors are insulated, but the tower is not.
  3. The neighbors' walls are so close that there is no room to external thermal insulation was done correctly.

These and other reasons force us to accept the fact that external insulation is impossible. And if you choose internal option In order to insulate your home, you just need to understand well how to properly insulate a brick wall from the inside in order to be sure to follow the technology. Most main principle which is as follows: we should separate the wall and its insulation from the room and make them airtight.

And here there are two solutions:

  1. Internal insulation with a material whose vapor permeability will be extremely low. These can be considered penofol, which is an insulation with a layer of foil applied to polyethylene foam. Extruded polystyrene foam also has low vapor permeability if its surface on one side is denser. Required condition: Both the foil side of the foam foam and the denser side of the extruded polystyrene foam should be laid towards the inside.
  1. The following solution to the problem is also possible: insulation of walls from the inside should involve the presence of a vapor-proof film, which will be located with inside housing and hermetically cut off the insulation from the inner wall. If you go this route, you shouldn't leave even a tiny gap for moisture, be sure to overlap the vapor barrier film and carefully tape the seams

What does this look like in practice?

Now let's look at how to insulate a brick house from the inside, in practice.

If you chose expanded polystyrene, then your insulation is quite dense, 20-40 mm, and you can glue it directly to the wall. The denser part faces the inside of the house, as you remember, and then it can be finished off: wallpapering, plastering. By the way, if you are not insulating a house, but, for example, a bathhouse, but also made of brick, extruded polystyrene foam, as well as others polymer materials are not suitable here, since when heated significantly they will release toxic substances into the air.

When insulating walls from the inside, start by treating the walls: they must be leveled and primed with an antiseptic composition, which will guarantee the absence of fungi on the wall. Armed with regular tile adhesive or a special one for polystyrene foam, apply the adhesive composition with a notched trowel onto slabs that have been previously rolled with a needle roller, which will significantly improve adhesion. Glue the slabs tightly to each other, make a vertical spread between the seams of the rows. Wait until the glue dries, then fill all the resulting seams with silicone-based sealant. You must achieve maximum vapor tightness. You can cover the resulting surface with wallpaper, for which an aqueous solution of PVA glue will be sufficient. But if you want the inside of the house to be structural plaster, then the surface must also be reinforced with fiberglass mesh, for which the same glue is suitable, and after the mesh has dried, proceed to decorative finishing.

You may have chosen foam. This is a more affordable option, so you shouldn’t discount it; many owners of brick houses prefer it. The disadvantages of these materials for a brick house are high vapor permeability and low density. Therefore, proper installation is also very important here. And it is produced by lathing.

Therefore, before insulating a brick wall from the inside, we first take bars the same thickness as the slab of your insulation. With a step not much narrower than the slab of insulating material, we erect the sheathing on the wall. We fill the resulting windows with insulation; it must be laid apart. If you decide to insulate the brick walls of your house from the inside with polystyrene foam, then take such an additional measure of protection as foaming the seams.

When the insulation is laid, a vapor-proof insulating film is placed on top. However, the most ideal protection for internal walls it will be if you instead use penofol 2-3 mm thick, securing it with an overlapping stapler. Be sure to cover the seam with construction tape.

To complete the process of insulating a brick house from the inside, you need to attach a false plasterboard wall to the bars with your own hands; you can also use lining or wall panels.

Briefly about materials

Styrofoam - a good choice, however, during installation you will end up with many seams, and each of them can become a cold bridge. Safe and effective insulation will be possible only with absolute sealing of each of them, which in practice is not always possible for novice craftsmen to achieve.

Polyurethane foam is suitable for brick houses, but is difficult to install, which for many buyers is significant drawback. Mechanical instability can also be added to them, that is, the insulation requires additional protection. Extruded polystyrene foam is also great; you can do all the work yourself; the positive properties of the material outweigh its disadvantages.

As you can see, it is effectively possible to insulate the walls of a brick house from the inside, but if there is such an opportunity, it is better to carry out external insulation.

The video below shows in detail the entire process of insulating a wall from the inside:


Brick - classic material for the construction of a house designed for many decades of use. The thermal conductivity of brick walls depends on its thickness - the number of rows of masonry. If a wall in a brick house freezes in the first winter after construction, this means that the construction technology has been violated or the thickness of the enclosing structures is insufficient. In this case, it is necessary to solve the issue of thermal insulation external walls the buildings. Priority should be given to external insulation, but its installation is not always possible. Let's look at how to insulate a brick house from the inside, what materials are preferable to use and how to properly carry out the installation of thermal insulation.

How to insulate internal brick walls of a house Features of wall insulation

Human activity is associated with a large release of heat and moisture. Bodies radiate heat Appliances. Moisture is released during breathing, during cooking, using water for hygiene procedures, washing dishes, and watering flowers. And the warmer the air, the better it retains moisture.

If the walls are not insulated enough, condensation will form on them when the heated, humid air cools. It will provoke the development of fungus, and dark spots will appear on the surface of the walls and ceiling. Fungal spores are harmful to human health - they enter the respiratory system, causing asthma attacks or an allergic reaction. In addition, mold has a destructive effect on the materials from which the walls are built and irreparably damages the finish.

Wall with and without insulation

Before insulating the walls of a brick house from the inside, it is advisable to understand how this will affect the operating conditions of the external walls and the microclimate in the room.

Where to place the insulation?

It is correct to insulate buildings from the outside, otherwise condensation of moisture from steam cannot be avoided upon contact warm air with a cold front (dew point). Let's consider three types of brick walls:

  • There is no insulation. The dew point is located in the thickness of the wall, so it accumulates moisture during the winter months, becomes damp and deteriorates over time.
  • The insulating layer is located on the side of the room. The wall freezes through, causing the dew point to shift toward the room, to the inner surface of the enclosing structure. Because of this, moisture condenses between the heat insulator and the wall. To avoid the wall becoming damp, it is necessary to provide effective ventilation premises.
  • The insulating layer is laid on the street side. The wall does not freeze, so it remains dry and freely releases steam outside. It is important that there is a ventilation gap between the insulating layer and the brickwork to remove moisture coming from the room.

Internal instead of external

It is obvious that insulating a brick house from the inside is not The best decision. However, you have to resort to it if:

  • The building is an architectural monument, and it is prohibited to make changes to appearance facade.
  • The walls of the apartment are freezing multi-storey building. According to current standards, it is forbidden to install structures that change the appearance of the building without permission.
  • The buildings are located close to each other, which makes it impossible to carry out work on external insulation walls
  • The external masonry of the house is made of expensive facing bricks and it's a pity to close it new finishing, but to lay a new one outer layer made of decorative bricks after installing thermal insulation, additional serious financial investments are required.

The disadvantages of insulating internal walls include reducing the space of the room due to the fastening of insulation and the base for finishing. The thickness of the thermal insulation “pie” is usually at least 10 cm.

When installing a heat insulator inside the house, it is important to take into account that insulating the internal surfaces of the walls threatens condensation, which should not be allowed.

The ventilation gap improves the thermal conductivity of the wall

Vapor permeability

In order for the living space to breathe well and the air not to be overly humidified, high-quality ventilation is necessary. It is easy to breathe in buildings with brick walls, since the material is vapor permeable due to its porous structure. And so that excess moisture does not condense under the layer of insulation on the wall, but freely leaves the room, it is necessary to comply important rule– vapor permeability should increase towards outside, i.e. to the street.

This means that when insulating brick walls from the inside, you cannot use materials that allow steam to pass through better than the brick itself. Otherwise, this will lead to condensation settling on the structures. That is, covering a freezing wall with plasterboard will provoke constant dampening of the structures during the cold season.

Material selection criteria

When choosing how to insulate a brick wall from the inside, it is important to take into account the thermal insulation parameters of the material, as well as its vapor permeability. To protect freezing brick walls from contact with steam, choose one of three options:

  • They use a polymer heat insulator that does not allow steam to pass through. Extruded polystyrene foam, high-density foam (loose material is vapor-permeable), penofol, sprayed polyurethane foam will help to insulate walls from the inside.
  • Mineral wool insulation (as well as loose foam) is laid using high-quality hydro- and vapor barrier. Fiber insulation allows steam to pass through and tends to accumulate moisture. Basalt wool does not collapse under the influence of water, but its insulating properties deteriorate sharply.
  • Apply to enclosing structures thick layer heat-insulating plaster.

When deciding how best to insulate your brick house, take into account the method of installing the heat insulator. In almost all cases, you can do the insulation from the inside yourself. An exception is spraying polyurethane foam, since the work requires the use of special equipment.

Properties of materials and installation technologies

Let’s figure out which insulation is best for the walls of a brick house, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each option, as well as the installation features of popular materials.

Note! The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is calculated individually, taking into account the heat loss of the house and the thermal insulation properties of the selected material!

Mineral wool

Internal insulation of brick walls mineral wool slabs has a certain specificity due to the vapor-permeable structure of the material. The heat insulator must be covered with a vapor barrier film on both sides, ensuring tightness to prevent heated humid air contact with enclosing structures.

Scheme of insulation of internal brick walls with mineral wool

Work progress:

  • a vapor barrier film and joints are attached to the wall (with an overlap on the adjacent planes of the walls, floor and ceiling) roll material are securely taped;
  • a vertical sheathing is installed in increments slightly smaller than the width of the heat insulator, the depth of the cells should correspond to the thickness of the insulation;
  • Mineral wool slabs are inserted into the cells;
  • attached on top vapor barrier material with hermetically sealed joining seams;
  • a counter-lattice is inserted to secure the sheathing made of chipboard sheets, plasterboard or other materials.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Advantages modern material– excellent thermal insulation properties, lightness and strength. Extruded polystyrene foam is fire resistant. It is possible to insulate structures with this material by analogy with mineral wool, but the lathing promotes the formation of cold bridges, which lead to the formation of condensation zones.

Scheme for insulating brick walls with polystyrene foam indoors
Let's look at how to properly insulate a brick wall from the inside using extruded polystyrene foam:
  • the surface is cleaned, leveled with a thin layer of plaster and primed;
  • using polyurethane foam or foam glue, slabs of foamed polymer are glued to the wall - the elements are placed with a shift of half the width to avoid long vertical seams;
  • The joints are filled with polyurethane foam, and after hardening, the excess is cut off.

The best option after this work may be gluing reinforcing mesh and plastering the surface for painting or wallpapering. You can also use “fungi” dowels to attach pieces of metal profiles about 10 cm long, onto which you can then sew drywall. But the use of “fungi” violates the integrity of the heat-insulating layer.


The advantage of polystyrene foam is its low cost; in all other respects it is significantly inferior to extruded polystyrene foam. The main disadvantage of the material is flammability with the release of toxic substances. Foam plastic with a density of at least 35 kg/m 3 can be used as a heat insulator. To insulate the walls of a brick house from the inside, high-density material (about 50 kg/m3) can be installed using the technology of fastening extruded polystyrene foam, and looser, steam-permeable material can be used as mineral wool. In this case, the joints between the thermal insulation elements and the sheathing are sealed with polyurethane foam.

Scheme of insulating walls from the inside with foam plastic


Thermal insulation made of polyethylene foam can have a foil coating on one side or on both sides. The material is characterized by its low thickness and high thermal insulation properties. Penofol with a thickness of 4 mm can replace mineral wool with a thickness of 80 mm. At the same time, it is often used together with mineral wool slabs to increase thermal insulation properties“pie”, simultaneously reducing its thickness. In this case, it is attached instead vapor barrier film after laying the heat insulator into the sheathing.

You can make thermal insulation of walls and partitions from foam foam alone. Slats with a thickness of 20 mm or more are placed on the walls to create air gap. Mounted using brackets horizontal stripes penofol foil layer to the room, gluing the joints aluminum tape. Then they fill the counter-lattice for cladding the walls for finishing. The foil layer reflects thermal radiation, helping to retain heat in the house.

Sprayed polyurethane foam

Sprayed polyurethane foam will help create a warm wall without cold bridges. The foamed polymer is applied in an even layer to the prepared surface using special equipment. If the estimated layer thickness exceeds 3–4 cm, it is recommended to install formwork lathing, which will serve as the basis for fastening the sheathing under finishing. The disadvantage of the material is the high cost of work.

Internal insulated walls with polyurethane foam


Plastering walls – classic way insulation. This a good option, if you don’t want to turn the room into a sealed box with artificial ventilation, since the plaster layer is “breathable”, like the brick wall itself. The disadvantages include the duration and labor intensity of “wet” work - you will have to plaster in several layers to achieve required thickness thermal protection.

Application of plaster for brick walls


Knowing how to insulate a brick wall from the inside using different kinds materials, their advantages and disadvantages, easier to choose suitable option. If you plan to do the whole complex of work with your own hands, you must follow the instructions, because violating the technology can have serious consequences in the form of mold on the walls and gradual destruction of the brickwork. We must not forget that internal insulation requires arrangement supply and exhaust ventilation which will remove excess moisture.