How to insulate walls in a panel house from the inside with polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene. Features of insulation of apartment facades Insulate the walls of a panel house

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Wall insulation is a series of measures aimed at increasing the comfort of living in a house by reducing its heat losses. High-quality thermal insulation of enclosing structures allows you to provide the premises with an acceptable temperature and optimal humidity level. Modern technologies for insulating panel walls make it possible to carry out the necessary procedures without temporarily eviction of residents and with minimal financial costs.

Choosing a method for wall insulation

Compared to brick buildings, panel houses have much less resistance to the effects of sudden temperature changes. IN winter period Concrete walls freeze very much, and with the onset of heat they condense moisture on their inner surface, which contributes to the formation of mold. In such conditions, the decorative finishing of the room can become completely unusable, not to mention the harmful effect of fungal spores on the health of the inhabitants of the home.

Only the right decision for concrete panel walls is their thermal insulation, creating a “thermos” effect in the interior of the house. There are two types of wall insulation: internal and external. The choice of any of them depends on the area of ​​the premises, living conditions, number of floors and financial capabilities of the owners.

Owners of private houses have the opportunity to do both external and internal insulation. External thermal insulation apartment buildings You won’t be able to do it yourself, because with outside At home, materials should be laid exclusively by experienced specialists who have permission to carry out high-altitude work and the appropriate equipment for an industrial climber. Such work is not cheap, so many apartment owners prefer to insulate the panel wall from the inside on their own.

Internal thermal insulation of walls has more disadvantages than advantages. With such insulation, the area of ​​the room is reduced by an average of 8-10 cm along the entire length of the walls due to the thickness of the insulation and decorative cladding. During the renovation, full use of the room becomes impossible. Polystyrene foam or mineral wool, which is used as insulation, can subsequently cause an allergic reaction in the body.

But most importantly, the insulation laid on the inside insulates Wall panels from the heating system. This means they are in the zone subzero temperatures. As a result, the dew point shifts to the inner surface of the walls, as a result of which condensation accumulates between the insulation and the enclosing structure, which contributes to the development of fungus. However, with proper internal insulation, many of its negative factors can be minimized.

If it is possible to insulate panel walls from the outside, it is recommended to give preference to this method. It has undoubted advantages:

  • The load-bearing walls of the building are covered with insulation and sheathing against weathering and precipitation, which extends its service life.
  • By moving the dew point to the outer surface of the walls, they do not freeze in winter and keep the room cool in summer.
  • The usable area of ​​the room is preserved, which is especially important for small apartments.
  • Unlike internal insulation, the room can be fully used during thermal insulation.
The materials used to insulate panel walls using this method have increased heat and sound insulation, high strength, durability, resistance to precipitation and changes in outside air temperature.

External thermal insulation changes the appearance of the facade. Sometimes this requires permission from the authorities.

Selection of material for wall insulation

Wall insulation is carried out using various heat-insulating materials, which differ from each other in their properties, scope and cost. The most popular of them in this case are foam, glass and mineral basalt wool.

Any wall insulation must be characterized by long-term operation, fire resistance, elasticity, absence of heat loss and the presence of biological protection. Their environmental safety is also extremely important, especially when used for internal insulation of premises, since low-quality material can negatively affect the health of their inhabitants.

To make the right choice, you need to know the properties of a particular insulation. Let's look at them in detail:

  1. Mineral wool. Basalt stone is used as the main raw material for its production. Vata has fibrous structure, thanks to which the material retains air, which in itself is an excellent heat insulator. Mineral wool is available in slabs or rolls. It has low thermal conductivity, good fire resistance and durability. Its only drawback will be instability to moisture. Therefore, when installing mineral wool, it requires careful waterproofing protection. The material is used for both external and internal insulation of walls in a panel house.
  2. Glass wool. The structure of this insulation is made up of thin glass fibers up to 5 cm long. Previously, the material was very popular, but in last years began to give way to more technologically advanced models. Glass wool does not burn, withstands low temperatures well, has good sound insulation characteristics and low cost. It is not suitable for rodents and does not support the development of fungus and mold. The insulation is environmentally friendly and elastic: if glass wool is compressed, it quickly acquires its original appearance after removal from the packaging. However, compared to other thermal insulation materials, the service life of glass wool is slightly lower. In addition, working with it requires the presence of protective equipment for the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. When the glass fibers of the material come into contact with the body, they cause severe itching, so it is recommended to install such insulation in thick clothing and gloves. Special glasses and a respirator will also not be superfluous.
  3. Styrofoam. This is the most common and economical insulation. There are two types of it: foamed and extruded. They differ in manufacturing technology, appearance and price. The first is cheaper, consists of sintered granules, and the second has a dense, fine-cell structure. Most often, polystyrene foam is produced in the form of slabs. It has excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics, excellent moisture resistance, light weight and durability when installed correctly. The disadvantages of this insulation include its fragility, which mainly concerns foamed foam. Therefore, when purchasing several slabs, it is recommended to take in reserve. Polystyrene foam is a flammable material that, in the event of a fire, releases toxins that are hazardous to health, although the fire itself can hardly be called safe. And lastly: this insulation does not have biological protection, so rodents and mold may appear in it. To minimize risks, you need to work with polystyrene foam in a strictly technological sequence.
  4. Penofol. It belongs to the new generation of thermal insulation. The insulation is made by foaming polyethylene and has a foil coating. It can be used for external and internal wall insulation. Penofol is produced in the form of rolls and is characterized by its small thickness, which does not affect its heat-insulating qualities. It is environmentally friendly, easy to install and compact for transportation. In addition, this material is characterized by high sound insulation, fire safety and low vapor permeability. The insulation is laid using a special adhesive composition.
  5. Fibrolite. The insulation is made from compressed wood shavings, using magnesium salt or Portland cement as a binder. Fiberboard goes on sale in the form of slabs covered with protective film, which prevents the penetration of moisture into the material and the formation of mold. The material is easy to process and easy to install. After installation on the wall, the fiberboard slabs are plastered. After this, the finished coating becomes hard and durable.
  6. Cork insulation. The material is used for internal insulation of panel walls. Of all the above insulation materials, it is the most environmentally friendly. Cork insulation has high strength, low weight, and low thermal conductivity. It is durable, multifunctional and shrink resistant. The material is produced in the form of plates. After installing them on the wall, there is no need to perform further finishing of the coating; it will already have a quite presentable appearance. In addition, cork insulation has good biological protection, which counteracts the appearance of various microorganisms in it. This material is expensive, but the price is more than compensated by its advantages.
  7. Foamed polyurethane. To apply it to the surface, special equipment and installation of formwork are required. The material goes through the polymerization process very quickly, and after its completion it is covered with a waterproofing film. The structure of the insulation resembles a frozen layer of polyurethane foam. Its strength is low, so polyurethane must be covered external finishing. Can be used as an additional hard covering plasterboard sheets or plywood. Due to the fact that the entire structure is mounted on a frame, the usable area of ​​the room will be reduced by the thickness of the internal cladding.
Before purchasing any insulation for panel walls, it is recommended to check product certificates and the material’s compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards.

Preparing the surface of panel walls for thermal insulation

Before insulating walls panel house selected material, it is necessary to prepare them with the preliminary purchase of appropriate tools. But first you need to determine the source of heat loss through the wall panels. As a rule, residents of the lower floors suffer more than others from cold and dampness. The same applies to rooms that are located at the end parts of the building. In such places there is the largest area of ​​contact between the walls and outside air and humidity.

Cold can enter the room through cracks in door and window openings, but the main cause of heat loss is poor-quality sealing or destruction of the material of interpanel seams. The main indicator of such a defect is the presence of traces of mold in the corners of the ceiling or floor. In addition, the air in the room is constantly damp. Therefore, any insulation of panel walls should begin with sealing the joints between their elements. For this purpose, special silicone-based mixtures are used.

Thermal insulation of panels is recommended to be carried out during the warm season, preferably in summer. The walls must be dry. During internal insulation, their surface should be cleaned of paint, wallpaper and other decorative finishes. When working outside, the façade must also be cleaned and dried. These procedures are performed using manual and electric tools: spatulas, scrapers, drills with attachments, industrial hair dryers, etc.

After cleaning the panel walls, they must be inspected to identify cracks, crevices, depressions and sagging. Lumps can be knocked off the surface using a chisel, and the remaining defects found can be sealed with cement or gypsum mortar. Problem areas Before repair, it should be treated with a primer for better adhesion of materials.

When minor defects panels will be removed, it is recommended to check their surface with a two-meter strip. The gaps between the wall plane and the attached tool should not exceed 2-3 mm. But usually no problems arise, since factory-made concrete products are initially smooth. If necessary, continuous leveling can be performed thin layer putties.

On last stage To prepare the walls, they need to be treated with a penetrating primer in 2-3 layers. The adhesive composition of the insulation on such a surface will adhere much better. At internal thermal insulation Before priming, the wall should be treated with an antiseptic to prevent the formation of mold. Each applied coat of primer must be completely dry. After final drying, you can begin internal or external insulation of walls in a panel house.

As mentioned above, thermal insulation of walls from the inside creates favorable conditions for condensation between the insulation and the inner surface of the wall. To minimize the risk of fungus formation for this reason, the layer of material must be hermetically sealed with a vapor-proof film and provide the necessary resistance to heat transfer when minimum thickness. The thicker the insulation layer, the lower the temperature on the wall and the higher the likelihood of steam condensation. In addition, for internal insulation, similar insulation is required for door and window slopes external walls.

Thermal insulation of panel walls with foam plastic

For thermal insulation of panel walls, foam plastic boards PSB-S-25(35), which have an increased density, are used. They are fixed to the surface with a special or tile adhesive, which should ensure maximum filling of the gap between the wall and the insulation.

After gluing, it is recommended that all plates be additionally secured to the wall with plastic disc-shaped dowels, the caps of which will tightly press the material to the base surface. Five dowels are enough for one slab. The coating must be airtight, so the joints of the sheets must be tightly adjusted, and large gaps must be filled polyurethane foam.

Then a layer of glue should be evenly applied to the surface of the thermal insulation and a fiberglass reinforcing mesh with cells measuring 3-6 mm should be pressed into it. After the mixture has dried, an adhesive leveling layer 2 mm thick should be applied to the coating, and the corners should be reinforced with perforated galvanized profiles.

When the glue has dried, the wall can be plastered for wallpapering, painting, or simply tiled.

Wall insulation with mineral wool

For such thermal insulation, a wall frame is required. It can be made from U-shaped metal profiles or wooden beam. The pitch between the frame posts should be 2-3 mm less than the width of the insulation boards. This will allow the material to be held apart between the vertical bars. Density mineral wool must be at least 75 kg/m3.

Unlike polystyrene foam, mineral wool is vapor permeable. Therefore, after laying the insulation into the cells of the frame, the heat-insulating material must be hermetically covered with a protective film. It is attached to the wooden frame using staplers, and to the metal frame with double-sided tape. Vapor barrier sheets are installed with an overlap of at least 100 mm, their joints are located at vertical elements frame and glued with metallized tape. The film must have overlaps on the floor, ceiling, openings and adjacent walls.

Places where the film is adjacent to pipes and electrical appliances, must be handled carefully. For this, special liquid sealants are used. The composition is applied to the junction, the film is pressed against it, and then secured with construction tape to prevent displacement.

After completing the thermal insulation of the wall, you can finish it. Plasterboard sheets, plastic panels, wooden lining and other materials that can be attached to the frame with screws.

Insulation of walls in a panel house with penofol

For internal wall insulation with this material you need wooden frame, which allows maximum effect use all its properties. Due to the fact that penofol has a foil coating, which has high electrical conductivity, it is necessary to check the insulation of cables running along the wall to avoid short circuits. If necessary, they can be stretched in a protective corrugated sleeve.

After making the frame, you should cut the penofol with a knife into sheets, and then attach them end-to-end to the wooden posts with staplers. Then you need to make another frame, leaving air gap 2 cm, and attach sheets or panels to it, which can later be puttied, wallpapered or painted.

Thermal insulation of walls in a panel house from the outside

There are two main methods of external insulation of panel walls: dry and wet. The first method of thermal insulation involves installing a special protective screen, which is called a “ventilated facade”. Its basis is a frame made of metal, on which the insulation is fixed, and then the external cladding is made.

Wet insulation is a frameless installation of insulation on walls followed by finishing with building mixtures. Usually this different kinds plasters, which may differ from each other color scheme, efficiency, relief and other advantages.

Work on external insulation of a house begins with the repair of interpanel seams. They are cleaned of seals, old plaster, and then primed and dried. Then a new seal is installed in the seams, and the priming and putty are repeated.

At the next stage, the walls are prepared. They are cleaned of dirt and old coating. At wet method Insulation foam is most often used as a thermal insulation material. The technology for its installation is practically no different from the method described in the previous section. The only caveat is that the finishing coating here should be used to protect the insulation. building mixtures, resistant to precipitation and temperature changes.

Using frame technology When insulating walls from the outside, the heat insulator is usually basalt wool, which is placed in cells metal structure ventilated facade and sealed with a vapor barrier membrane. External cladding the frame in this case can be made of profiled sheet, plastic panels, wood and other materials.

Watch a video about thermal insulation of walls in a panel house:

To summarize, I would like to add the following. We hope you have received the necessary information on how to insulate a panel wall in an affordable way. It became obvious that it is better to carry out such work from the outside rather than from the inside of the house. Finding performers for this task is not difficult. There are many construction companies who will insulate the apartment reliably, quickly and efficiently. But if your home is low-rise, you can do all the work yourself and spend the money saved on charity!

Panel houses have never been famous for their warmth due to thin walls - both external and ceilings, so apartment owners insulate a panel house from the outside at the slightest opportunity. Thermal insulation concrete panels helps not only to make the apartment warmer in winter, but also to keep it cool in summer, so insulation panel houses it could be considered universal remedy to ensure comfort in housing. You can carry out the work yourself if your apartment is not higher than the second floor - otherwise you will have to turn to industrial climbers or high-rise builders for help.

How can you insulate panel walls from the outside?

Thermal insulation of the external surface of the walls of a panel house is a much more reliable measure than insulation from the inside, and there are reasons for this:

  1. The dew point shifts towards the insulation, not the wall, and condensation does not linger in the concrete of the panel, which, in turn, does not cause mold. Also in winter, condensation does not freeze and does not destroy the wall material from the inside;
  2. Laying insulation on the internal surfaces of walls reduces the usable area of ​​the room;
  3. A layer of internal thermal insulation prevents full heating of the walls from heating devices, which leads to the appearance of microcracks and mold, especially in corner rooms, which are affected by wind and temperature loads;
  4. The condensation that will appear as a result on the walls of the apartment is a direct path to the destruction of concrete and the appearance of fungal diseases of the building materials of the panel;
  5. It is impossible to insulate the floors adjacent to the walls from the inside, but they are the perfect place where “cold bridges” appear;

Thus, it is necessary and strongly recommended to insulate the walls of a panel house only from the outside: internal insulation is an extreme measure. Insulation of walls from the outside consists of the following working stages:

Preparation of building materials for insulation

First we choose insulation. Requested materials are listed below. Demand is determined by the characteristics and cost of insulation:

  1. Extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam is the cheapest material (its price allows you to purchase sheets in any quantities), lightweight and retains heat well. The disadvantages that everyone knows about do not stop consumers from using polystyrene foam: fire hazards and fragility of the material. Both drawbacks can be eliminated in one way - by protecting the insulation by plastering. Recommendations for use: outside walls should be insulated with foam plastic with a density of ≥ 18 kg/m 3 ;
  2. Mineral wool is a material more durable than EPS, absolutely environmentally friendly, and non-flammable. Disadvantages: the price of this thermal insulation is higher, and when working with it it is necessary to use personal protective equipment - gloves, goggles, a respirator, since mineral wool microparticles get on the skin or in Airways causes irritation. The recommended density of mineral wool is ≥ 85 kg/m 3, the thickness of the roll (plate, mat) is ≥ 100 mm.

In addition, facade insulation will require the use of the following materials:

  1. Construction adhesive for fastening insulation materials– dry or ready-made mixture. For each type of insulation, it is recommended to use the appropriate adhesive, but there are also universal adhesives on sale;
  2. Insulation for sealing seams between panels is polyurethane foam, less often liquid polyurethane foam;
  3. Umbrella plastic dowels for fastening foam and mineral wool;
  4. Primer liquids for pre-treatment of walls;
  5. Reinforcing fiberglass or metal fine mesh;
  6. Perforated corner - galvanized metal or aluminum;
  7. Decorative plaster for finishing;
  8. Finishing paint.

The volume and quantity of building materials is calculated based on the insulated wall area plus a margin of 10-15%.

Preparatory work for walls

  1. First, you need to remove all the old coating from the walls - whitewash, paint, plaster, ceramic tiles, and other materials;
  2. The surface is cleaned of remaining dirt and dust; if cleaned with water, the surface is dried;
  3. Interpanel seams are insulated. If the seam is too thin or shallow, it is better to widen it so that it does not increase itself during operation under the already applied layer of insulation;
  4. The seams are also cleaned of dirt and moistened, after which they are filled with construction foam or filled with concrete putty;
  5. After the putty or foam has hardened, the protruding material is cut off or knocked down.

Fastening thermal insulation materials to walls

  1. To use the construction adhesive mixture more economically, it is preferable to buy it dry rather than ready-made. Preparing this glue is simple - mix it with water in the proportion specified in the instructions and stir with a construction mixer;
  2. Apply glue mixture onto polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam with a notched trowel. It is assumed that you have leveled the very uneven surface of the walls in advance with plaster. If not, apply glue to the insulation board in lumps to evenly distribute the composition under the pressure that will appear when gluing the sheets to the wall;
  3. Gluing slabs or sheets of foam plastic should begin from the corner of the wall and from the bottom up;
  4. In practice, gluing slabs and insulating the walls of a panel house from the outside is done by pressing the sheet against the wall; each sheet must be controlled using a building level;
  5. The second sheet needs to be glued on the opposite side of the wall, and a cord must be pulled between the sheets, along which all other sheets of insulation will be aligned. To make it easier to maintain vertical and horizontal rows, you can install perforated beacon corners on the wall. They are mounted on alabaster or plaster. This is how the first row of thermal insulation of a residential panel house is installed;
  6. The fastening pattern for the second and subsequent rows is the same, only the rows need to be shifted relative to each other to prevent the formation of “cold bridges” on long seams;
  7. If you are insulating a corner room from the outside, then it is also necessary to ensure that the slabs or sheets are tied along the edge of the corner, as shown in the figure below;
  8. Then all the slabs are additionally reinforced with umbrella dowels - five pieces per sheet or slab (one in the center, the rest at the edges). Holes the depth of the dowel length are simultaneously drilled in the insulation board and in the wall, the hardware is inserted and expansion pins are driven into it until the dowel head is buried 1-2 mm into the insulation. In addition to the indicated fastening scheme, dowels must be placed at the corners between the joints of the thermal insulation slabs;
  9. The slopes of window openings are also insulated with polystyrene foam, only it is first cut to size with an ordinary knife or steel string.

Preparatory work before reinforcement

Before the panel house is completely insulated from the outside, the surface of the thermal insulation is reinforced with fiberglass mesh. To do this, perform the following operations:

  1. The insulated surface is leveled by plastering and floated. In this case, all dowel heads must be covered with mortar;
  2. A perforated corner (aluminum or metal) is attached to the outer corners of the insulated surface and window slopes. It can be attached to glue, which is used to glue thermal insulation boards, but in order not to wait long, it is better to take alabaster or plaster;
  3. The gaps between the sheets of thermal insulation are sealed with scraps of polystyrene foam for the solution, or with polyurethane foam;
  4. If all this work was carried out on top of a layer of plaster, the damaged surfaces are plastered again. The result should be a smooth, seamless surface onto which the fiberglass bonding plaster will be applied.

How to reinforce an insulation surface

The surface of the thermal insulation layer on the wall is reinforced as follows:

  1. First, the reinforced mesh is attached to the window slopes - mesh sections of the required size are cut, and you need to add 10-15 cm for the overlap of the mesh on the insulated corner of the wall;
  2. An adhesive solution 3-5 mm thick is applied to the slope, the mesh is pressed onto it, leveling and healing movements are made on the surface of the mesh with a spatula, as a result of which the mesh should be completely pressed into the glue. Make sure that the surface is smooth - without seams or sagging mortar;
  3. After the first layer of adhesive solution has dried, another layer is applied, which also needs to be carefully leveled with a spatula with a wide blade (300-800 mm);
  4. After reinforcing the slopes, all walls with insulation are reinforced in the same way. The surface must be smooth so that the finishing layer of plaster can be applied without problems.


Before painting the insulated and reinforced surface, it is treated with primers deep penetration:

  1. Before use, shake the primer or mix it with a mixer in a separate container. Then it is poured into a tray designed for use with a paint roller;
  2. The roller is dipped 1/3 into the pallet and rolled out along the inclined surface of the pallet, and then the wall is primed with it. Primer drips should be avoided.
  3. The primer is applied in at least two layers.


Plastering with decorative plaster is a quick and simple process:

  1. The dry mixture is mixed with water and stirred according to the attached instructions;
  2. Using a narrow roller, the plaster is spread onto a spatula with a wide blade, and spread from the spatula in a thin layer, which should be even. The thickness of the plaster is determined by the size of the aggregate grains in the dry mixture. Usually this is 3-5 mm on a flat wall surface;
  3. After the initial hardening of the plaster (40-60 minutes), the layer is rubbed with a special board - a small board, to give the surface a patterned texture.

Painting the walls of a panel house

The last stage in insulating the walls of a panel house is painting the walls:

  1. Acrylic paint is thoroughly mixed and tinted in a separate container in order to cover as much of the surface as possible with one portion of painting;
  2. They work with paint in the same way as with a primer: the roller is dipped into a tray, the finishing movements of the roller along the wall should be in one direction;
  3. You need to spread the paint over the wall in a very thin layer so that there are no drips or sagging;
  4. Where the roller does not reach, touch up the paint with a narrow paint brush;

The paint is applied in two or three layers, each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried.

You should think about how to insulate a wall in a corner apartment from the inside even before the onset of winter frosts. Many people, especially residents of the northern regions, are well aware that they should not rely on the heating system at home. Therefore, it is best to prepare tools and materials in advance and insulate the corner apartment yourself. Moreover, doing this is not as difficult as it seems.

Why insulate corner apartments?

Despite the rapid growth in the number of modern residential complexes, many Russians still live in outdated Khrushchev buildings. These buildings are distinguished by their old heating systems and cannot withstand sudden weather changes. First of all, residents of corner apartments suffer from this. With the first cold snap, their homes become cold, because cool air very quickly penetrates the cracks in the walls of buildings. Another important reason for the need to install insulation lies in the layout of corner apartments. In them, not one, but two walls border the street, which further aggravates the situation of the residents. In such situations, even the presence of batteries and additional heaters cannot save the inhabitants.

Due to severe frosts, the corners of adjacent walls of the room freeze over. As a result, plaster and wallpaper come away from the surface, which causes mold and mildew to appear. IN corner rooms it becomes very damp, and an unpleasant odor is formed, which interferes with normal life. Unable to withstand such conditions, sooner or later people ask the question: “How to insulate a corner bedroom or living room?” With this necessary procedure You can not only make your stay more comfortable, but also save on heating costs. Plus, residents of the house will be protected from dangerous fungi that cause asthma and other diseases breathing apparatus.

Choosing a material - mineral wool or polystyrene foam?

Today, in order to, there is a mass various materials. They are classified into those that are used for installation outside and those that are intended for installation inside the house. It is worth remembering that some universal material does not exist, because each of the insulation materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Among the main requirements for materials are:

  • high thermal conductivity;
  • airtightness;
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • appropriate environmental friendliness;
  • flammability resistance;
  • long service life.

Using sheathing

To have an idea of ​​the properties of the most popular materials, it is worth considering each of them in more detail. Mineral wool has long been considered the most popular insulation material. The main raw material for the production of this insulation is basalt. The material is one of the products with a low degree of flammability. Even if the product starts to burn, it does not emit acrid smoke, capable of somehow harming a person.

Installing mineral wool does not require any skills. This material is very pliable and plastic; it presses tightly against the wall and does not lag behind it for a long time. However, after a certain time, the cotton wool absorbs moisture and begins to deform. In addition, research has revealed that the material contains a small proportion of substances that are harmful to the human respiratory tract. Among other disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the large mass of the product, which makes it difficult to install alone.

Another popular material is polystyrene foam or, as it is also called, expanded polystyrene. This is polystyrene well beaten with a powerful mixer, cooled to low temperatures. The prices for this product are very low, and installation does not require skills or much physical effort. The lion's share The composition of the material is ordinary air, so it is absolutely harmless to the health of residents. This insulation is one of the few that can be used both outside and inside a building. The reason is resistance to temperature changes from -170 to +60 °C.

The insulation can be installed on various surfaces. There is no need to use special fasteners. Another advantage of the material is its long service life. In addition to its advantages, insulation also has its disadvantages. Thus, the material cannot be used for installation in a wooden building, as it produces a large amount of condensate inside it. However, the product works great in a brick building or in buildings built from concrete blocks.

Installation of insulation inside a panel building - where to start?

Features of installing the material may vary slightly depending on the type of building. The first option we will consider is panel construction. In the rooms of a corner apartment, first of all, you need to clean the surfaces. Therefore, it is best to install the material immediately before performing cosmetic or overhaul. As soon as the surfaces are cleaned, proceed with the installation of waterproofing in the form of special polymer membranes. In the vast majority of cases, their role is played by polyethylene films with a thickness of no more than 0.3 mm.

Insulation of the apartment from the inside

When stretching waterproofing, it is very important to install the material as accurately as possible, without leaving any section of the wall open. To do this, select a membrane strictly in accordance with the area of ​​the apartment. If whole pieces of material are not available for sale, it can be purchased in the form of wide strips. The next step will be the installation of wooden or metal sheathing. Important nuance– if the structure is made of wood, it will need to be treated with an antiseptic before installation. The distance between the partitions of the sheathing should not be less than the width of one unit of insulation.

So, if you bought polyurethane foam slabs with a width of 2 m, then the distance between the partitions of the structure should also be 2 m. This way you can install insulation without leaving gaps

Installation of insulation

After installing the sheathing, it’s time to install the insulation material. Most products are produced in the form of mats, one side of which is springy. When you squeeze the material, it shrinks and then immediately returns to its original shape. This makes installation of insulation much easier. After installation, the surfaces of the material are covered with vapor barrier protection. It will ensure insulation of walls and insulation from condensation. At this stage you also need to try to act as accurately as possible, without leaving cracks or grooves. For greater reliability, it is worth applying a sealant at the joints of the vapor barrier.

Installing material in a brick building - tips for amateurs

The process of installing insulation inside a brick building has its own characteristics and is slightly different from insulating rooms in a panel building. At the same time, there should not be any special difficulties during the work process. Since polystyrene foam is considered the most popular material for this type of work, we will consider the operating algorithm using the example of this particular insulation.

Insulation with polystyrene foam

First of all, you need to properly prepare the surface of the brick wall. If there is no plaster on it, then it must be applied. If you are starting to install insulation in an already residential area, then dismantle the wall finishing and putty before installation. If necessary, level the surface of the walls, seal all gaps and cracks and apply a primer that will penetrate into the smallest and deepest pores. It is important that the primer contains substances with antiseptic properties.

In the next step, dilute the glue. This is done strictly in accordance with the instructions for use of the composition. We apply the mixture to the surface of the walls with a smooth spatula, after which we work the layer with a tool with teeth. Without waiting for the glue to dry, take sheets of polystyrene foam and apply them one by one to the wall, pressing tightly and holding for several seconds. There is no point in using dowels to fix the insulation, since the glue will hold the material perfectly on the wall.

We install slabs without gaps

When installing each slab, make sure that there are no gaps between them! Remember that the denser the material is installed, the warmer it will be in your apartment. Further actions depend only on your plans. If you are planning to apply putty over the insulation, you will need to prime the surface before doing this. If plaster will be applied, it is necessary to install a reinforcing mesh.

Foam brands are the most popular insulation

In stores you can find not one, but several brands of polystyrene foam. Depending on the method of production of the material, the inscriptions “PS” and “PSB” can be found on the packaging. The first means that the material was made using the press method, and the second – without pressing. In addition to this marking, there are also numbers on the foam packaging. What do they mean?

So, S-15- This is a very dense material produced using a non-press method. This foam is great for outdoor use in multi-storey buildings, it is often used to insulate attics and roofs. Among its properties, it is worth highlighting environmental friendliness, high moisture resistance and fire resistance. S-25 PSB- This is another insulation made using a non-press method. This type of foam is perfect for installation in corner apartments, since it has all the qualities necessary for this. In addition, this type of polystyrene foam is often used to insulate floors and loggias.

Polystyrene foam brand S-35 PSB

If there are a large number of communications in the walls, or their installation is just planned, then for better insulation you should choose foam plastic of the brand S-35 PSB. Big advantage The material is considered to be resistant to bad weather conditions. It is absolutely not afraid of mechanical damage and has high fire resistance. Expanded polystyrene brand is considered the densest S-50 PSB. It is often used in regions where hail often falls and strong winds blow. Such insulation is not afraid of precipitation, condensation or mechanical damage. True, its cost is quite high.

Mineral foam – how to decide?

This material is also in high demand due to its characteristics and reliability. However, not all of its brands are suitable for certain jobs. Yes, cotton wool with markings P-75 will be an excellent insulation material in corner apartments. She is not afraid of moisture and fire. However, if this material is not laid correctly, it will deform very quickly due to its ability to absorb condensate vapor. Mineral wool P-125 denser and stronger than the first type. It is often installed outside buildings made of brick and concrete in regions with mild climates. However, it is completely unsuitable for use in buildings located in the most northern regions Russia. Another disadvantage of this material is its high cost.

Cotton wool brands PPZh-200 And PZh-175 characterized by increased density and rigidity. She is not afraid of temperature fluctuations or the influence of frequent precipitation. The only drawback is the large mass of the slabs. To insulate a home, 3–4 people are required. As for the manufacturers of the material, the products of the companies are considered to be of the highest quality Isover, Ursa, Rockwool And Isorok.

Houses built over the last 2-3 decades retain heat much better than buildings from the past Soviet Union. This is especially noticeable in the cold season - “Khrushchev” buildings built from panels or bricks freeze an order of magnitude faster, so they require more insulation materials and heating. Since millions of people live in similar houses, the issue of wall insulation is especially relevant for them.

To normalize the microclimate of the room, residents can use one or two methods of thermal insulation:

  • external;
  • internal.

The implementation of the first method is often complicated by two factors:

  • location of the apartment on the upper floors;
  • layout of the living space, in which most of the walls border on the walls of neighboring rooms (it happens that only a balcony can be sheathed from the outside).

The second method is not without a number of disadvantages:

  • inevitable decrease usable area premises;
  • For good insulation the walls will have to be thoroughly prepared from the inside, destroying the usual way of life;
  • temporary relocation of residents is required, especially if work is carried out with materials containing harmful impurities;
  • insulation from the inside reduces the service life of the panel structure, since in winter the wall falls into the zone of negative temperatures.

However, internal wall insulation is preferable to external thermal insulation because it saves money - residents will not have to spend money on high-rise work. They will also spend less on insulation.

Materials for insulating the walls of a panel house

The operation of the apartment is accompanied by a periodic increase and decrease in indoor air temperature.

Consequently, the material must not only be an excellent heat insulator, but also have acceptable moisture-resistant properties.

This requirement is fully met by the two most popular insulation materials, which we will consider. Recently, they have been gaining popularity liquid insulation, but these are already topics of our other articles.

Insulation supplied in the form of foam that hardens after application. It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, so it holds heated air well in the house. For uniform application and crystallization, formwork must be used. Its role can be played by bars with a cross section of 25×25 mm or slightly larger, placed vertically and horizontally along the wall. The resulting cells (sections) will be evenly filled with polyurethane foam.

Thermal insulation of the walls of a panel house using polyurethane foam has several more features:

  • after the polyurethane foam has hardened, an additional layer of waterproofing must be laid (to reduce the amount of condensate formed);
  • the impossibility of finishing and cladding (you will have to build a second plasterboard wall on top of the polyurethane foam, on which you can apply wallpaper, plaster, etc.);
  • if the previously listed conditions are met, a minimum of condensation will occur, after which it will be discharged to the junction of the wall with the insulation.

The cost of thermal insulation of the walls of a panel house outside or inside using polyurethane foam is high - special equipment will be required, as well as skilled workers. Therefore, consumers prefer the second good material.

Extruded polystyrene foam (foam)

The biggest difficulties when working with the material arise at the installation stage. Polystyrene foam is supplied in even slabs of 100x50 cm or more, so when covering uneven walls, its distortion is inevitable. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prepare the original surface, otherwise air gaps where condensation will penetrate.

The slabs are attached to the wall with special glue, applied evenly over the entire sheet, and the joints are coated with sealant. The use of anchor connections is excluded - leaky transitions may occur throughout the entire foam layer. It is better to use a T-shaped profile fixed to the floor and ceiling.

Technology of work execution

When insulating, you should adhere to the stages of work described below.

  1. Choice of insulation method (outside/inside; the second is easier to implement).
  2. Calculation of insulated area, purchase of materials; transition to the preparatory stage.
  3. Drying the surface (using heat guns, heaters). The walls are insulated strictly in the warm season!
  4. Old coatings (wallpaper, paint, decor) are removed, the plaster is removed down to the concrete base.
  5. The surface is cleaned of dirt and dust (use a broom or vacuum cleaner).
  6. Treating internal walls with an antiseptic.
  7. Priming the original surface (it is better to use a deep penetration primer and apply it in several layers).
  8. Allow the walls to dry thoroughly.
  9. Leveling using special mixtures (those used in finishing bathrooms are acceptable). When drying the plaster, do not use heaters - this way it will acquire normal strength.
  10. Installation of foam plastic. Unlike polyurethane foam, it does not require formwork - the slabs are attached with glue directly to the dry surface. When using polyurethane foam, the insulation is applied a little later after the wooden frame is made.
  11. After the glue has completely dried, the joints of the plates are sealed with sealant.
  12. A second wall with final finishing is applied on top of the resulting structure.

If all steps are completed correctly, an increase in temperature inside the panel house is guaranteed. If the work does not bring results, you will also have to insulate the floor of the apartment.

Range good insulation materials are quite large, but few of them are suitable for panel buildings. Due to the impossibility of thermally insulating the apartment from the outside, residents have to interior work, which are not very complex, effective and do not require special skills or knowledge. Even residents of hopelessly freezing panel buildings can achieve an increase in room comfort if they use the insulation recommended above.

Quite a few owners of apartments located in a panel house have to deal with the fact that living in such real estate is simply impossible and very difficult, due to the fact that there is always severe cold in the premises. winter time. This is due to the fact that the walls of a panel house are usually very poorly insulated, as a result of which draft and cold penetrate through them, as well as through windows and other surfaces in the apartment, and it is not possible to cope with them even with the help of high-quality and reliable heating turned on at full capacity. As a result, living in such an apartment will not be very comfortable, pleasant, or safe, since you can easily catch a cold. That is why, in order to increase the comfort of living, every owner of an apartment in a panel house must take care of the full and effective insulation of your apartment, which should be not only internal, but also external. Only in this case can you achieve the best and optimal result of all planned work. Also, if possible or Money there is no need to carry out insulation both outside and inside, then in this case the most optimal solution would be to carry out work related to external insulation, since it is considered the most effective.

Features of insulation of a panel house

Initially, you should determine what material will be used for these purposes. It must meet certain requirements, which include safety for people, as well as high thermal insulation parameters, since in this case the insulation will truly be the right solution for complete and comprehensive insulation. Most often, popular and affordable mineral wool is used for these purposes, and it is also possible to use foam plastic, which meets all the requirements and is also a material that is very simple and easy to work with.

It is best to choose external insulation, since in this case not only the premises themselves will be reliably protected from the penetration of cold, but also the walls themselves will be well protected from the cold, which is considered the most effective and correct solution.

Internal insulation will ensure the creation of a thermal insulation layer that will protect the premises from the cold that is already penetrating through the walls of the house.

How to insulate the walls of a panel house from the outside?

This work can be performed using completely different methods, each with specific differences. To do this, you can make a curtain façade, which is considered the most optimal solution. In this case, a special frame of slats or profiles is formed around the entire perimeter of the wall, and slabs are laid in its cavity thermal insulation materials, which should be mounted with a small joint. Next, the resulting structure is sheathed with any suitable decorative materials, which will not stand out too much against the background of the overall decoration of the house. With this design you can get a truly ideal work result, but it will require quite an investment large quantity money, as well as the work itself has certain difficulties. Therefore, it is often simply impossible to cope with all the work with your own hands, especially if the apartment is located at a fairly high altitude, as a result of which you will have to constantly use special equipment for work.

Another method of external insulation is to create a heat-insulating layer on the walls of the house, which is then covered with a layer of plaster. This method is considered quite effective and efficient, as well as simpler and faster, and at the same time you can handle all the work quite easily with your own hands. However, you should first evaluate the wall for the presence of any defects or all kinds of obstacles to applying a plaster layer to the walls. The fact is that it is often simply impossible to carry out the planned work due to the presence of significant obstacles to this. In this case, you will have to create curtain façade. However, if there are no barriers to applying plaster, then you can proceed with insulation using this method. To do this, initially waterproofing materials begin to be fixed on the outer walls of the building, and it is advisable to choose special unique membranes for this, which will not only protect the walls from the penetration of moisture from the outside, but will also additionally allow steam and moisture to pass from the walls. After this, you can begin to fix the layer of foam plastic or mineral wool, however, in the latter case, it is advisable to additionally wrap each slab waterproofing materials. The fact is that this insulation does not have any resistance to moisture, which can even cause damage to the material or the fact that it will no longer cope with its main tasks. Fastening can be done using a special and reliable polyurethane glue or using dowels, and experts say that the most best result performance can only be achieved by a combination of these fastening methods. However, this can only be done for foam plastic that has a fairly high density. As soon as the thermal insulation layer is completely formed on the walls of the house, you can begin to create a decorative layer, for which decorative plaster intended for outdoor use is used. You can also install siding using suitable fastening elements. The specific choice depends entirely on what specific goals are intended to be achieved with the help of insulation, since it is often important not only to insulate the walls of the house, but even to decorate them, as well as to give them an updated and interesting appearance.

Features of internal insulation

The walls of a panel house can be insulated not only from the outside, but also from the inside, but it is advisable to carry out this work only in conjunction with external insulation. Also, internal work is the only solution if it is simply impossible to carry it out outside. Insulation inside the house is a fairly simple job, since for this purpose a frame of profiles is created along the entire perimeter of the walls, into which insulation is laid, and after that it is sheathed with sheets of plasterboard, onto which any suitable materials are applied at the last stage of work Decoration Materials. Such work is considered quick and simple, but as a result it will be necessary to reduce the area of ​​​​the premises, and the insulation will not be the most effective.

Thus, insulating the walls of a panel house is considered quite simple and fast work, which you can easily handle with your own hands, and at the same time you can independently choose which insulation method will be used.