Which spring block to choose for upholstered furniture? Characteristics and production of spring blocks. Advantages and disadvantages of Bonnell spring blocks

A very important component of a mattress is its spring base. The service life of the product and its orthopedic properties depend on how well the block is made and what materials were used. To make independent spring blocks I use three components:

Almost every person who is faced with buying a mattress for the first time has a number of questions regarding the spring base of the mattress. What is an independent spring unit? How does he work? What are its differences? Why is it best to buy a mattress on such a block?

We will reveal the answers to all these questions during a thorough analysis of the spring block production process. You will see for yourself that everything is actually quite simple and understandable.

So let's get started. As stated above, the deposit good product in three components. The wire we use is made of hardened high-carbon steel, smooth without cracks or depressions, with a diameter of 1.8 mm. It is supplied in coils, which are tucked into a machine for the production of spring blocks. In the first compartment, the wire is twisted into a seven-turn, barrel-shaped spring and cut. The finished spring goes into the next compartment. It is important to note that modern technology performs everything very efficiently and quickly. The output springs are one to one, and the production flow has a very high speed. The technician can program the machine to required amount coils and spring height. Indicate what diameter of wire is used and all its characteristics, thus, modern equipment can produce several types of springs that will be used in the production of mattresses. The number of springs in the block depends on the diameter of the spring. In the TFK block of independent springs, the spring diameter is 5 cm, the density of springs per square meter is 306 pcs. In the block of independent springs Multipack, the spring diameter is 2.5 cm, the density of springs per square meter is 500 pcs. In the block of independent springs Micropackage, the spring diameter is 1.5 cm, the density of springs per square meter is 1000 pcs.

In the next compartment, the machine wraps the springs in durable spunbond non-woven material. This material was not chosen by chance. He has high strength, is not subject to abrasion, is well ventilated, keeps its shape, and most importantly is absolutely safe for health. In the next compartment, the springs are separated by a special press, each spring receives its own separate “bag”. The output is a spring tape. At this stage, it is important to note that although the springs have a common tape, they are completely independent of each other and do not contact each other in any way.

In the next compartment, the machine applies a thin stream of glue to the side of a row of springs and fastens them together. Again, it is the material that connects to each other, not the springs. A given number of rows glued into a single structure is tested under pressure and placed on the table, from where the master takes the finished block. The glue used in production has high adhesion, strength and heat resistance.

We have considered all the stages of creating a block of independent springs. We drew your attention to the fact that the springs in the block do not interact with each other; the bonding in rows occurs due to the material in which the springs are wrapped. This design of the block allows each spring, when compressed under load, not to affect neighboring springs.

The mattress, which is based on a block of independent springs, is able to bend under each part of the body in accordance with the load as much as necessary, maintaining the body position in an even state. It is this kind of mattress that is considered orthopedic, that is, capable of maintaining the correct body position while sleeping.

An important point is the absence of any noise or squeaks in the mattress, because the springs do not interact with each other.

On double mattresses, two people each have their own sleeping area, which do not intersect or affect each other in any way. Accordingly, turning over in your sleep, lying down or getting out of bed, you will not disturb the other person in any way. The same cannot be said about mattresses with dependent springs, where the entire surface is single and the slightest vibrations are transmitted over the entire surface.

Another one important feature block of independent springs, which affects the lifespan of the mattress - the compliance of the springs. Thanks to it, it is not the soft layer of filler that works in the mattress, pressing under load, but the spring block. Everyone knows that metal has greater strength than latex, coconut or polyurethane foam. In the Bonnell block, the springs are quite stiff and the filler in such mattresses is, as it were, in a vice - the load of the person lying on top presses on it, and the elastic spring below. Thus, wear of the filler in such a situation occurs much faster. In blocks with independent springs, due to the small diameter of the wire, the spring is easily supplied under the load transmitted through the filler, thereby minimizing the compression of the soft layers of the mattress.

A mattress with a block of independent springs will last a long time and will please its owner high level comfort!

Bonnell spring mattresses

Bonnell spring blocks The history of the production of orthopedic mattresses began with the production of mattresses based on Bonnell spring blocks. Let's figure out what underlies them? Spring blocks are dependent, that is, cone-shaped springs are interconnected by special units for additional rigidity. This design has both its advantages and disadvantages. As for the advantages:

Orthopedic mattresses based on a Bonnell spring block are suitable for people with large mass bodies, since due to their rigidity they are able to withstand heavy loads

These mattresses are quite durable, as they retain their elastic properties for a long time due to the use of durable materials

Between the springs there is air gap, which is also important, since sufficient air exchange causes the presence of the so-called bellows effect

Orthopedic mattresses based on Bonnell spring blocks belong to the most economical option, since their production does not require large expenses.

Unfortunately, these orthopedic mattresses are not without one big drawback - due to the way the springs are connected, a person’s weight is not distributed in the best possible way. in the best possible way. As a result, the spine cannot take the most optimal position.

The spring block of independent springs Pocket Spring consists of several individual springs, each of which is packed in a cover made of non-woven fabric (spunbond or fibertex), which eliminates the possibility of squeaking and noise.

Systems of independent spring blocks Pocket are able to adapt to the shape of the human body, ensuring a natural position of the spine during rest.

Due to the absence of a rigid connection between the springs, the “wave-like effect” when a person moves is eliminated. Therefore, in sleeping mattresses, manufacturers of independent spring blocks use various modifications of Pocket Spring.

A modern orthopedic mattress made from independent spring blocks is best foundation children's mattresses for children aged 3 years and older.

The Fortex company guarantees the high quality of spring blocks of independent Pocket Spring springs, as modern equipment and the latest production technologies are used in production.

Increasing the density of independent springs in an orthopedic mattress to 1000 per 1 m² allows for maximum orthopedic effect for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Classification of spring blocks of independent Pocket springs

Manufacturers of independent spring blocks use latest developments to improve the quality of orthopedic mattresses. You can buy an independent spring block Pocket Spring from Fortex in various modifications.

From the Fortex company you can buy an independent spring block “TFK” with a density of 256 springs per 1 m². The most common option for budget mattresses. Designed for people of average weight.

If you buy an independent “Multipocket” spring block with a density of 510 springs per 1 m², then your mattresses will withstand more loads. "Multipocket" is a system that guarantees the maximum level of softness and comfort. The best option for transformable mattresses.

If you plan to produce mattresses for people with increased weight over 130 kg. , then you will need to buy an independent spring block “Micropocket” with springs made of wire with a diameter of up to 1 mm and a spring density of up to 1024 pcs. per 1 m².

In our company you can buy independent spring blocks “Duet” - “spring in a spring”. This is an ideal double mattress base for couples with large weight differences.

You can buy an independent spring block “Zonal”; it includes from 2 to 7 zones of stiffness. If you want to create comfortable conditions For couples with differences in build or with different habits, manufacturers of independent spring blocks offer a “zonal” longitudinal filler with different stiffnesses.

The “zonal” Pocket spring block with transverse division into zones of rigidity: for the head, shoulders, back, pelvis, hips, legs and feet serves as the basis for anatomical mattresses of the “Elite” category.

A modern spring block of independent springs is elastic and is used in the production of “rolled” mattresses. Products of all sizes are manufactured on its basis. Any type of independent pocket spring block can be the basis of mattresses non-standard forms- round, oval or transformable mattresses.

In our company you can also buy dependent spring blocks, with their help you can create “Economy” class orthopedic mattresses, all information on dependent blocks can be found on our website in the section. Acquainted with general information by blocks can be found on the website in the section, more detailed information You can check with our managers.

Good luck with your choice!

We will be glad to see you among our clients!

Anyone who has bought a sofa or bed at least once in their life knows that not only appearance furniture, but also its internal content. Therefore, before making a choice, it is worth finding out what a Bonnell spring block is and comparing it with other types of similar structures.

Manufacturers of sofas and beds generally give preference to spring blocks, as they hold the shape of the furniture well, give it softness and elasticity, and resist sagging. It is these components that make up the comfort and quality of sleep of a potential buyer.

What types of spring blocks are there?

Spring block - what is it? This is the inner filling used in the manufacture of mattresses and upholstered furniture. It is a structure of springs interconnected in various ways and attached to the frame in different ways. Such structures allow you to support the spine of the person lying on them in the correct position.

The main types of spring blocks today are:

Both the first and second have their own advantages and disadvantages. Bonnell block is a classic furniture production, it has been used for over a hundred years. Many consider it outdated, but in addition to its affordable price, it also has other advantages. Modern mattresses with independent springs are considered more technologically advanced and comfortable, but they are also much more expensive. Let's look at this in more detail, starting with the characteristics of the Bonnell block.

Bonnell spring block - what is it?

Sometimes Bonnell is unknowingly confused with ordinary spring mattresses, which tend to quickly sag, and their springs jump out, digging into the owner’s side. In fact, a completely different technology is used to produce Bonnell blocks. It’s no wonder that mattresses with such “filling” are still in demand among millions of customers.

So what are Bonnell spring blocks? They are classified as dependent spring blocks. This means that all elements in this design are interconnected. When manufacturing it according to the Bonnell system, it is used special method fastening bicone springs, in which the radius of the coil either increases or decreases. They are narrowed in the center and widen at the edges, having a kind of “waist”. This is precisely what allows you to evenly distribute the load of the human body, maintaining its correct position.

The springs are made of high-quality steel and are connected to each other by a special frame or high-carbon steel wire with knots. To prevent them from unwinding on their own, fastening is done on the first and last turns to the block, which consists of two frames: lower and upper. Special “locks” are made on the turns of the final spirals.

Specially designed springs are woven in a specific sequence. The method used here prevents them from touching each other, so they do not creak or rub. Depending on the manufacturer, the number of springs varies: from 100 to 150 pcs. per 1 sq. m. For example, the Bonnell spring block used in the popular Ascona series mattresses is made with a density of 118 pcs. per 1 sq.m.

An orthopedic mattress can be based on two types of spring weaving:

  • four-turn;
  • five-turn.

In the latter case, the block turns out to be slightly taller and will be somewhat more expensive.

Advantages of the Bonnell block

This design can provide the mattress with a very high level of reliability and elasticity. It can withstand heavy loads and can be easily used by people weighing 115 kg or more. When weight begins to press on the spring, it hardens, allowing it to be evenly distributed. What is important is to avoid friction and squeaking. This effect called "progressive elasticity". Metal carcass also gives the mattress stability, preventing the springs from swaying and moving to the sides. These factors, as well as special heat treatment of the springs, which gives them increased elasticity, significantly extend the life of the mattress. Bonnell spring blocks last on average at least 15 years.

Layers of fillers are usually placed on top of the layer of springs:

  • felt;
  • polyurethane;
  • batting;
  • spandbond;
  • wool;
  • coconut fiber;
  • padding polyester and other materials.

This is done to soften the feel of the springs and at the same time increase the firmness of the mattress itself. Additional comfort is created, air and moisture exchange increases.

This type of spring structure is often used to make sofas. The most popular are:

  • book;
  • accordion;
  • Eurobook, as well as straight and corner models.

So, the main advantages of the Bonnell spring block are:

  • ability to withstand heavy loads for a long time;
  • presence of orthopedic effect;
  • long-term preservation of elasticity;
  • good air and moisture exchange;
  • low price;
  • reliability and durability.

As for mattresses with a single-sided and double-sided surface, the former are the most budget option, often used in hotels, children's camps, sanatoriums, and various recreation centers. Mattresses with a double-sided surface, differing high quality and durability, are mainly purchased for personal homes and apartments and are still very popular.

Despite all obvious advantages, the Bonnell design is considered somewhat outdated. Modern furniture manufacturers offer models of new spring blocks that surpass Bonnell in their technical characteristics.

What are the disadvantages of mattresses based on this system?

  • In extremely rare cases, when the unit is operated under heavy loads, the fastening may fail, break and straighten the spring. A strong spring breaks through both the filler and the cover. It will no longer be possible to sleep in this place.
  • The orthopedic properties of the Bonnell system are not perfect enough. When using a mattress, the so-called “hammock effect” is noticeable when the springs located nearby are compressed. This occurs due to the bonding of the springs to the frame. This effect is especially noticeable if two people sleep in the bed: the disturbance of the surface is also felt by the other person, who does not create it himself.
  • Mattresses with a Bonnell spring block are pressed down over time, which, of course, affects their comfort. To avoid this, it is recommended to turn the mattress about once every six months.
  • After a few years, the mattress may begin to creak, as the spring fastenings become loose under load. To eliminate this defect, manufacturers offer a more modern version in which the springs are reinforced with blocks of very dense polyurethane foam. This makes it possible to double the service life of the product, and permissible load increase to 180 kg.

The website recommends choosing Bonnell for a single bed. But it can also be quite appropriate as a marital bed, as long as the difference in the load on the sleeping places is not too great (preferably no more than 20 kg), so that the “hammock effect” already mentioned above is not created. And the increased strength of the structure has long been appreciated by children who love to jump and play on such mattresses without causing them any harm.

Despite certain shortcomings, Bonnell is an excellent option for those who want to maintain the optimal proportion of price and quality. To explain this more clearly, let us compare Bonnell with more modern mattresses with independent spring block.

In this type of spring block, a separate cover is made for each spring from nonwoven fabric– spunbond, fibertex and other similar ones.

Thus, it turns out that the independent springs in the mattress are not directly connected to each other. Any of them compresses as the load is applied to it and does not depend on the others. Typically, such structures are additionally glued with spunbond on both sides, which allows them to withstand geometric shape and block sizes.

In blocks of this type springs of a much smaller diameter are used when compared with Bonnell system springs. Accordingly, this increases their number by 1 square. m., due to which the mattress becomes denser, more elastic and flexible. The number of springs usually ranges from 265 to 1000 or more pieces per 1 square meter. m. However, experts say: best option– no more than 350 pcs. per 1 sq. m. In their opinion, if there are more springs, then they bend on the sides, touching others and dragging them along with them, and this does not have the best effect on the anatomical qualities of the product.

The price category of blocks of independent springs compared to Bonnell blocks is much higher. Their production is expensive, since each cylindrical or barrel spring must be sewn into a separate fabric pocket. And only then are they connected together. In this case, the connections must be extremely concentric so that each spring has the opportunity to fully demonstrate its elastic properties. This makes it possible to achieve an anatomical effect: the mattress follows the contours of the human body, the spine of a lying person remains straight, and the back muscles are relaxed. In combination with certain fillers, this will significantly reduce the risk of spinal diseases.

It should be noted that due to the high price, mattresses with an independent spring block are not available to everyone, unlike Bonnell blocks. That is why, for their simplicity, reliability and cost-effectiveness, Bonnell system mattresses continue to remain no less popular than in the last century. Although their technology, of course, has been seriously improved, this has had virtually no effect on the increase in price - it still remains low and affordable.

A Bonnell dependent spring block consists of rows of springs interconnected by spirals into one unit. It has high elasticity and is resistant to heavy loads, due to the thick wire from which the springs are made. Mattresses on the Bonnell block have been produced for more than one hundred and twenty years. During this time the block showed itself as solid foundation mattresses, sofas are still in demand on the market.

Main characteristics

The block springs are made of high-carbon steel wire with a diameter of 2.2 mm;

The spring consists of five turns, the upper and lower of which have a large radius;

The springs are fastened together with a spiral, the wire diameter is 1.2 mm;

The height of the block is 140 mm, with a diameter of the support coil of 90 mm;

The block type is dependent, i.e. all springs in the block are interconnected;

There are 2 main types of blocks: framed and frameless;

It has high elasticity and resistance to stress.

Positive aspects of Bonnell

Low price

Due to the low price of the block, the mattress itself is much cheaper, which contributes to its wide distribution. Hotels, children's holiday camps, sanatoriums, hostels, dachas, rented apartments are the main habitat of the mattress on the Bonnel block.

Lasts a long time

Our store is often approached by customers who want to update their sleeping area due to the fact that it is no longer comfortable to sleep on an old mattress. Fillers for for a long time wear and tear, but the spring block remained almost in its original form. The longest-livers reached the age of 15 years!


Thanks to the thick wire from which the spring block is made, it is able to withstand heavy loads and remain virtually unchanged over time. long term services. It is also recommended to buy mattresses for heavy weights over 100 kg.

Well ventilated

Since the base of the mattress on the Bonnell block is almost hollow, this ensures good air exchange and ventilation. Accordingly, the mattress quickly evaporates moisture.

Negative aspects of Bonnell

The design is outdated

On this moment New blocks have been developed that are superior to the “old one” in all characteristics.

The spring may shoot

The spring in the block is compressed and secured with a “lock”; if the fastening breaks, the spring straightens to its original position. The spring is not able to cause any harm to a person, since it does not have sufficient strength. As a result, we get a torn mattress and we can no longer sleep in the place where she shot.

Low orthopedic effect

All the springs in the block are connected to each other, the mattress has the effect of a hammock, that is, under load, it is not a certain area that bends, but almost the entire mattress, which contributes to the incorrect positioning of the body on the mattress. It also causes inconvenience when one person turns over, gets up from the mattress, or lies down on it; the disturbance of the surface is transferred to the second person.

Over time it starts to creak

All block springs are fastened together and have a rigid coupling. Over time, after 2-3 years, a skip appears on the mattress, as the fastenings wear out and become loose under load.

There are two types of spring blocks: with dependent springs and independent ones. Let's take a closer look at what their differences are.

Dependent spring block– in such mattresses all the springs have a bicone shape and are connected to each other by continuous weaving. As a result of this design, the mattress does not exactly follow all the curves of the body and has a “hammock effect”. That is, when one spring is compressed, the neighboring ones are also compressed, which reduces the anatomical properties of the mattress.

Independent spring block– the springs in the mattress are placed in separate covers and work autonomously. Each spring compresses separately from the others, which gives the mattress high point elasticity. A mattress with an independent spring block will better follow the anatomical curves of the body and support the spine in the correct position during sleep.


An independent spring unit is more expensive, but it has a number of advantages:


Independent spring blocks are different types and differ in cost. Usually the description of the mattress indicates the type of spring block that is inside. Each manufacturer may have its own designations for classes of spring blocks. Let's figure out what these strange markings mean.

  • Pocket Spring (TFK, S-500) is the simplest and most common type of block. It has a spring 5-6 cm in diameter and on square meter The mattress has 220-300 springs. The maximum load per bed is 110-120 kg.
  • Multipocket (S-1000) is a more advanced type of block, as it better follows the curves of the body. This is due to the fact that the spring density in it is higher. The diameter of the spring is about 4 cm, which allows you to fit up to 500 springs per 1 square meter. m. Its maximum load is also higher - up to 120-130 kg.
  • Micropocket (S-2000) - has the smallest springs with a diameter of 2-2.6 cm and the highest density - up to 1200 pieces per 1 sq. m. This block can withstand 140-150 kg per bed. In addition, it perfectly follows the contours of the body, as it has high point elasticity.
  • Hour Glass– these are springs, which are one of the latest achievements in the field of orthopedic mattresses. They got their name because of their shape in the form hourglass. This type of spring has three levels of stiffness at the same time and is suitable for partners with a significant difference in weight.
  • Dual Spring (spring in spring)– this type of spring is also suitable for partners with a large difference in weight. Their peculiarity is that in one block there are two springs at once - one inside the other. Spring larger diameter has lower rigidity, and the second, inside, has higher rigidity.
  • Reinforced - this type of springs is made of thicker wire and is designed to withstand a weight of up to 150 kg per bed.
  • With hard zones– this term refers to mattresses that have spring blocks of different stiffnesses. This is done to provide more accurate support.

Now you can easily understand all the characteristics of spring blocks and choose a suitable orthopedic mattress.