Which parquet board to choose for an apartment. The best parquet board for an apartment

Modern parquet board is formed from three layers. The layers lie perpendicular to each other. Thanks to this, the board was more durable and resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.

    The top layer is valuable, wear-resistant wood. Layer thickness 0.5-6mm.

    The middle layer is wood slats (lamellas) made from coniferous wood. The middle layer contains the connecting mechanism of the parquet board.

    The bottom layer is the base. It is made from pine (sometimes spruce) plywood. Thickness - 2 mm.

Dimensions of parquet boards:

    Length - 200-250 cm

    Width - up to 20 cm

    Thickness - from 0.7 to 2.6 cm.

Choosing a parquet board

Parquet boards have many qualities and characteristics that should be taken into account when choosing. All of them are listed below, and which parquet board is better and which one to choose, you decide for yourself.

Parquet board thickness

The thickness of the parquet board determines the stability. Also, special attention should be paid to the top layer, which is responsible for wear resistance and appearance.

Board thickness


The most undesirable option, easily damaged.

The stronger, 2.5mm top layer requires careful handling. Constant or severe mechanical damage leads to scratches and abrasions.

Most suitable option for apartments and houses. Here, the thickness of the working (top) layer of 4 mm is optimal in terms of wear resistance for a living space.

Suitable even for public places. In this case, the working layer already exceeds 4 mm.

25 mm and above

Suitable for installation on both concrete and joists. This board is made of heavy-duty material and can withstand strong mechanical loads.

Type of connection

The most popular nowadays is lock connection. It is very practical and convenient, and most importantly, it does not require gluing the joints.

Strength lock system- this is very important quality parquet board, since the density of joining the panels to each other depends on it.

The best are parquet boards with a connection system such as UniClinic, T-Lock.

Selection of planks

Selection of planks is the sorting of parquet boards based on appearance. The appearance of the board can vary significantly depending on the type of cut.

The type of cut of a tree trunk largely determines the type of texture and pattern of the tree species.

There are 3 types:

    Radial - when the cut is made parallel to the length of the trunk. This version of the parquet board has a very uniform pattern and is the most stable.

    Tangential - when the cut is made tangentially to the annual rings. Each board has a unique pattern.

    Rustic - produced at an arbitrary angle. This board is the most heterogeneous in color and pattern.

The boards are selected according to the type of cut.

Main types of selection:

    Natur - planks for radial or tangential cutting. This coating has a variety of patterns and color transitions. The presence of defects is not allowed, the presence of knots of small diameter is possible.

    Select - only radial cut planks. This board is of the highest quality. This plank is characterized by evenness, uniform color and beautiful wood grain. Has a high level of wear resistance and moisture resistance. Ideal for classic interior design.

    Rustic - selection is carried out by the quality and color of the wood, and not by the cut. This selection has a very interesting and bright color. The presence of knots and sapwood (a feature of wood) is acceptable; they make the design more lively.

Important! Depending on the type of selection, the price of parquet boards may vary.

Number of parquet board strips

When choosing a parquet board, you should pay attention to the number of rows (dies) on the board.

Based on the number of rows of dies, the board can be divided into one-, two-, three-, and multi-strip. Here you should rely on your taste preferences, as well as compliance with your room design.

Wood species

To produce the top (decorative) layer of parquet boards, a whole variety of tree species, starting with the most common (oak, beech, maple, walnut, birch) and ending with the most exotic (merbau, kempas, wenge). It all depends on preferences, design and material capabilities. However, when choosing, you should also be guided by the operational characteristics of each tree species.

Hardness is the main characteristic of wood. A high hardness index indicates high wear resistance of the future coating. The standard for this characteristic is oak. Oak parquet boards are the best in terms of wear resistance, so they will last a very long time.

On par with hardness important characteristic is stability. Stability is the ability of wood to maintain its dimensions during temperature changes and changes in humidity. High stability means that the board will not dry out or become deformed due to changes in temperature or humidity. If the parquet has low stability, it will require very careful maintenance and avoidance of changes in the microclimate of the room.

The hardness and stability of various types of wood are shown in the table.

Important! The most preferred humidity level for parquet boards is 40-60%.

The color of the wood has a huge impact on general form premises:

  • Light parquet boards visually enlarge the room and create a warm atmosphere.
  • Tan and tan floors are very versatile and will fit into almost any design.
  • The choice of mahogany is more exotic and original version, also suitable for classic design.
  • Dark colors visually make the room smaller.

Can also be combined with different inserts of different wood colors. In general, dark floors go well with light walls and vice versa.

Type of coating: varnish or oil

Parquet boards are coated with varnish or oil immediately during production. Parquet varnish is a standard finish for wooden floors. The texture can be glossy, semi-gloss and matte. The varnish, creating a film, prevents the penetration of moisture and dirt, as well as abrasion and rapid wear of the parquet board. On a high-quality parquet board, the number of layers of varnish can reach up to 7.

The big advantage of varnish coating is this fact. that such a surface is very easy to monitor. It is enough to wipe it with polish or other care products from time to time.

Parquet oil is a fairly modern type of coating for parquet boards. Oil gives a feeling of natural wood, emphasizes the variety of shades of the board, and does not disturb the structure.

Oil is considered the most environmentally friendly material for coating parquet boards.

Unlike parquet varnish, oil does not create polymer film on the surface of the board, and penetrates deep into the wood by 2 mm. Thus, it does not interfere with the natural air exchange of wood with the environment.

Both types of coating are easy to maintain. However, it should be noted that oil coating requires additional treatment (about once every 4 months) with mastic or floor oil.


Today, the market is filled with many brands that produce parquet boards for a wide variety of tastes and preferences.

  1. The premium class of parquet boards is filled with world-famous brands such as Haro (Germany), Weitzer (Austria) and Kahrs (Sweden).
  2. The average price range includes brands Karelia (Finland), Parador (Germany), Coswick (Belarus) and others.
  3. For budget option you can choose brands such as Waldkrone (Germany), Upofloor (Finland), Befag (Hungary) and a host of other manufacturers.

In the end, we can add that parquet boards have a huge number of characteristics and a variety of textures. We hope that this article has explained in detail all the aspects and questions that arise when you want to choose the highest quality and most suitable parquet board.

How to choose the right parquet board for the floor? Which company makes better parquet boards? How not to make a mistake?

This article covers these and many other questions in detail.

What is parquet board

Parquet board is a floor covering consisting of several layers with different purposes, while the top layer is made of valuable wood veneer (Figure 1 - layer No. 2).

To increase wear resistance, the top decorative wood veneer is coated with a varnish or oil coating (Figure 1 - layer No. 1).

To give the parquet board stability in case of changes in temperature and humidity, use HDF boards or lamellas of a less valuable type of wood, which are placed perpendicular to the decorative layer (Figure 1 - layer No. 3). The locking joints are cut out on the same layer.

Also, to give this structure even greater rigidity, another layer is used, its main purpose is to prevent the parquet board from bending (Figure 1 - layer No. 4).

Picture 1

Today, parquet boards are a prestigious and popular type of flooring. Due to the fact that this is a natural material, there will always be a cozy and comfortable environment in the house.

There is a huge variety of types and brands of parquet boards on the market. It’s easy to get lost in such diversity.

What is parquet board

Parquet board production technology

The production of parquet boards may include the following steps:

  • Selection of edged boards from valuable wood species, followed by drying them.
  • Cutting edged boards into boards of a given size. They are polished and adjusted to certain parameters. Next, sorting work is carried out.
  • Less expensive wood species are used for the middle and bottom layers. This edged board sawed into lamellas of a given size and often made from the same board into a veneer sheet. Subsequently, drying is performed.
  • Next stage- This is gluing together different layers. First, the decorative layer is glued to the middle one. In this case, the lamellas are glued transversely to each other. Then the veneer and middle layer are glued together.
  • On the middle layer using milling machine a locking connection is formed.

When producing parquet boards on HDF boards, the technology is almost identical. The difference lies in the fact that in such a parquet board, the task of the middle layer is performed by a high-density HDF board. A decorative and stabilizing layer is glued to this board to prevent the board from bending.

Parquet board - what is it?

Types and selection of parquet boards

Types of parquet boards:

  • Single-strip parquet board;
  • Two-strip parquet board;
  • Three-strip parquet board;
  • Four-strip parquet board;
  • Multi-strip parquet board.

Selection of parquet boards- this is the sorting of the top decorative layer according to such indicators as:

  • cutting method
  • presence, size and number of knots
  • presence and area of ​​sapwood
  • color spectrum
  • fiber inclination

The names and requirements for a particular sorting may vary among parquet board manufacturers. Therefore, I will describe the most common types of selection and in general terms about their characteristics.

Selection of the top layer of parquet boards:

  • Radial select
  • Select
  • Nature
  • Rustic
  • Country, rotubus

Radial select

This is the highest grade of cut. It has the most even texture and no pronounced heart-shaped rays. The presence of sapwood, knots, mechanical damage and other wood defects is not allowed. Characteristics are close to the parameters of category A, GOST 862.1-85

This variety is often used in the geometric installation method for panel parquet and very rarely for parquet boards, since such a floor does not have the zest inherent in wood. This floor looks too simple; it has a uniform and monochromatic uncomplicated pattern.

Select (Standard)

Select (standard) is the highest grade of parquet, mixed cutting. It has a pronounced natural pattern and has slight differences in tones. The presence of sapwood, knots, mechanical damage and other wood defects is not allowed. The characteristics are close to the parameters of category A, GOST 862.1-85.

This variety, unlike “radial select,” has a more pronounced natural pattern and does not have any special differences in shade and structure.


Natur is a type of parquet that contains boards of both radial and tangential cuts. It has a pronounced natural pattern and has clearly visible differences in tones. The presence of small knots of about 2 mm, heart-shaped rays, veins and sapwood is allowed. The percentage of availability of these parameters is determined by the manufacturer.

Mechanical damage is not allowed.

Rustic (country)

Rustic (Country) is a type of parquet that contains boards of both radial and tangential cuts. It has a pronounced natural pattern and has clearly visible differences in tones. The presence of large knots, heart-shaped rays, inclined fibers, veins, sapwood and minor mechanical damage is allowed. The percentage of availability of these parameters is determined by the manufacturer.

Characteristics are close to the parameters of category B, GOST 862.1-85

Economy (Robust)

Economy (Robust) is a parquet that does not have a cut or tone pattern. Thus, there are boards of both radial and tangential cuts, in any ratio. The presence of any knots, heart-shaped rays, slope of fibers, veins, sapwood, cracks and any mechanical damage is allowed. The percentage of availability of these parameters is determined by the manufacturer.

Cutting methods

Radial cut- this is when the cutting line passes through the center of the trunk. The advantages of this cut are obvious; such a board has excellent physical and mathematical qualities, since the coefficient of shrinkage and swelling is two times less than with a tangential cut.

Also, this cut has a more uniform color scheme and texture. The fibers in the board are directed along the annual rings and therefore the distance between the rings is minimal.

The disadvantage of this cut is a large percentage of rejection and thus this method has a high cost.

Tangential cut- this is a cut in which the cut line runs tangentially to the trunk. This board has a clearly visible pattern of annual rings and a very variegated color scheme. Technically, such a cut is inferior to a radial one, but due to the low rejection rate, it has a lower cost.

Heat treatment

Heat treatment is a process in which, using special technology, wood is heated above 195 ºС. As a result, the parquet board becomes more stable and can be painted through.

Thanks to this, the scratches left on dark floor, become less noticeable, and the parquet board is significantly less susceptible to drying out and swelling. This board can be used in conjunction with heated floors.


Under natural conditions, annual rings formed in spring are less dense than those formed in autumn and winter. Therefore, over time, these soft fibers in parquet are destroyed.

Brushing technology (artificial aging) is when, using special metal brushes remove soft layers of wood fibers. Thanks to this, the wood becomes more prominent and the structure of the annual rings is emphasized.

On such a floor, dents, scratches and cracks are less noticeable. And the three-dimensional drawing creates a special design.

Which coating is better, varnish or oil?

One of the main advantages of parquet boards is that, in factory conditions, they are covered with wear-resistant protective layer. And after installation, you don’t have to wait several days until the varnish dries and you can walk. The protective coating can be varnish or oil. Each of these coatings has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of varnish coating:

  • at correct operation varnish is more wear-resistant than oil. The wear resistance period is 1.5 - 3 times higher. Oiled parquet boards must be restored every 2-5 years, but varnish will last 6-10 years.
  • It is possible to coat it with glossy varnish.
  • You can remove the varnish and coat it with oil. If the parquet board is covered in oil, then it will not be possible to coat it with varnish.
  • varnished parquet boards are often cheaper than oiled ones.

Disadvantages of varnish coating and advantages of oiled parquet boards:

  • parquet boards under oil look more natural and more pleasant to the touch than under varnish.
  • oiled parquet boards can be restored locally. In case of scratches, a board coated with varnish must be sanded completely. Moreover, if the floor is laid using a standard floating method and is not glued to the base, then it only makes sense to restore a single-strip board. The fact is that a floor laid in a floating manner when sanded by machine will sag slightly on the locks. On a single-strip board, small curvatures in the floor are less noticeable. Also, with a three-strip board, re-pewing and restoring the planks is very problematic and expensive. Therefore, it is wiser to buy a new three-strip parquet board than to restore it.
  • The varnish breaks down faster when it comes into contact with water, and when the board dries, it cracks.
  • oiled parquet boards withstand changes in temperature and humidity much better.
  • oiled parquet boards are more suitable for use with heated floors.
  • Oiled parquet boards are more durable than varnished ones.

Table (hardness, stability and color changes)

Tree species

Oak is the most popular and traditional material for the manufacture of floor coverings.

The oak tree grows up to 28 meters in height and can be up to 2 meters in diameter.

The treated oak texture is pronounced, and the sapwood (young layers) is much lighter than its core.

Parquet board onHDFstove:

Baltic Wood is a Polish company, more focused on the European and US markets. The main advantage of this parquet board is the highest grade of selection of the decorative layer in cut and color. Each block is selected with special care, and the level of this selection exceeds many well-known brands. Here, perhaps, Haro parquet boards can compete. But in comparison with it, the cost of the board is lower. This price is due to cheaper raw materials than Haro. In Germany, the cost of wood is significantly higher due to environmental laws.

It is very important that Baltic Wood has such environmental certificates as: FSC and ISO 14001, as well as an M1 certificate confirming that the parquet meets the most highest standards on the emission of chemical harmful substances.

PD BV includes eight sortings in six board sizes. They can be covered:

  • UV varnish from Kneho with high abrasion resistance.
  • UV oil Osmo Holz und Color GmbH
  • natural ECO varnish
  • UV stain

Baltic Wood is perhaps one of the best options in terms of price and quality ratio. Few companies can boast of such a high level of selection in terms of cut and color.

Karelia- The most recognizable and popular brand of parquet boards from the Finnish company Karelia-Upofloor. The quality of this board has never been questioned and thus it has earned itself a good reputation. This parquet board is produced at the concern's facilities in Romania, Finland, Sweden and Russia.

The range is very diverse, and collections such as Urban Soul and Impressio have been awarded the Red Dot Award.

The parquet board is coated with either varnish or oil. I would especially like to note that this parquet board is maximally adapted to the latitudes of Finland, where air humidity varies significantly depending on the time of year, as in many regions of Russia. And therefore it compares favorably with its European competitors.

One of the disadvantages of this parquet board is the high price, although again it is lower than many other European brands.

Haro- for more than 140 years, a very famous German company has been producing parquet boards. The Haro parquet assortment has a lot interesting solutions, including manual processing and deep brushing. Haro parquet boards can have a finishing coating in the form of varnish, natural oil and oil-wax.

Haro parquet even has a collection for use in the bathroom. This parquet board has one of the highest technical indicators.

Quick-Step- a brand of parquet board that deserves special attention. Produced at the concern's facilities in Malaysia and the Czech Republic. The main difference between Malaysian production and Czech production is in the middle layer. In Malaysian production, hevea is used as the middle layer, in Czech production - pine needles. Hevea, unlike pine needles, is harder and less afraid of high humidity, but if the relative air humidity is below normal, then hevea is inferior to pine needles. It is worth considering that in our latitudes in winter, without a constantly running humidifier, the relative air humidity drops below the critical norm. And if you plan to use parquet boards in Russia, and not somewhere in the tropics, then you should pay due attention to this point.

A very big advantage of the Quick-Step parquet board is that the top layer is treated with ultraviolet light using a special technology, thanks to which the board does not change much in color over time. This moment is important, since it is not uncommon for a parquet board to be matched to the tone of the furniture or the color of the walls, and if the board is not treated with ultraviolet light, then within six months it will change its color and shade.

Timberwise- Finnish manufacturer of parquet boards. Just like Karelia, it produces very high-quality parquet boards. Can carry out work to order. It produces several versions of parquet boards. On standard basis from pine needle slats and on plywood. It should not be confused with parquet boards based on HDF. The plywood base is superior to the usual one in many respects, but inferior to HDF.

Kahrs- one of the most famous Swedish manufacturers in the world. Is a pioneer in the production of parquet boards. The company was recently acquired by the Karelia-Upofloor concern. Now, in addition to the production of parquet boards under the Kahrs brand, the plant also produces parquet boards under the Karelia brand, in connection with this the plant has been transferred to a single standard with the rest of the concern’s factories.

The main disadvantage of Kahrs is its overpriced. And also the fact that some of the products under the Kahrs brand are produced in China. The final packaging process is done in Sweden, so it is not possible to determine which board is made in China.

Tarkett- a well-known manufacturer of linoleum, laminate and parquet boards. Tarkett parquet boards are produced in Serbia and have a very wide range, from ordinary to designer colors. The most popular collection of Tarkett parquet boards is called Salsa. It has good technical characteristics, but has several disadvantages. Because of large quantity varnish applied to the board, the floor becomes cold, and is also visually and tactilely too similar to laminate. This varnish has good wear resistance, but due to this and insufficient drying of the board, it very quickly becomes covered with cracks.

Such a board is good for commercial premises, where people wear shoes and cracks and scratches look like a matter of course. In an apartment there is no point in having such a layer of varnish; there it is more important that the varnish is more elastic, and in case of changes in humidity and temperature, cracks do not appear.

Upofloor- a popular brand of parquet boards from the Finnish company Karelia-Upofloor. Technically, in terms of quality, this brand is not very different from Karelia parquet boards. But still, the selection requirements for Upofloor are lower. On decors similar to Karelia, Upofloor parquet boards will have more knots, more noticeable variations in color and more pronounced variegation of the pattern.

Coswick- a factory for the production of parquet boards in Belarus. It is not of poor quality, comparable to Tarkett parquet boards, but has more types coatings such as varnish, oil-wax and natural oil. Of the minuses: high price, although in order to save money they pack boards of different lengths, which other companies very rarely do. In principle, different lengths of boards create their own unique pattern.

Polarwood- parquet board from the Finnish company Karelia-Upofloor. Production is located in Finland, Sweden, Romania and Russia. In the economy segment, Polarwood deserves special attention, since its manufacturing technology is in no way different from the parquet boards of the premium Karelia segment. The only difference is the simplicity of colors and low selection, which is why the floor looks very colorful and full of knots. Perhaps this is the best option in the inexpensive segment.

Magnum- a Czech factory, which was recently acquired by Unilin to produce its Quick Step parquet boards. The factory is currently undergoing modernization. After which this parquet board will only improve its performance and perhaps after that it will be possible to raise the class of this coating in our rating.

Befag- Hungarian manufacturer of parquet boards, with significant investments and subsidies from the state. Thus, the quality of this board is the prestige of the state. The technical characteristics can be described as good, but the quality level of the select can only be described as satisfactory.

Barlinek- Polish mark popular for its low prices. It has production in Poland and Ukraine. Most often, Barlinek is sold in hypermarkets due to its low price. . Among professionals, the assessment of the quality of the board is, to put it mildly, not high. First of all, Barlinek has a problem with locks. They often break off during installation. Selection claims are not uncommon; knots and sapwood may appear where they should not be. But in essence, this parquet board is almost worth its price.

Parla- Finnish manufacturer of parquet boards. Has a very small assortment, which does not include color solutions worthy of special attention. The quality of the select is satisfactory. If you do not pay attention to some small flaws, the technical characteristics of this board can be safely classified as average.

Sinteros- Tarkett's own brand. Sinteros parquet boards are of economical quality and are produced only for sale in Russia. It has a cheaper varnish coating and the thickness of the top layer is almost half that of a standard parquet board, only 2 mm, which is why it has little resistance to loads. The thickness of the board is only 13.2 mm and Sinteros has a small range of colors and low selection.

Woodpecker- brand of a Russian company. The company itself does not produce parquet boards; its product range consists of two collections, produced at two factories. The Extra collection is produced at Karelia-Upofloor factories and has good characteristics. The Family collection is produced at the factory in Maykop. The quality of this collection leaves much to be desired.

The most durable parquet board

At the end of the 90s of the 20th century, a new type of parquet board appeared in Europe, the base of which was an HDF board. This type parquet thanks to the HDF base, is very different high strength and resistance to changes in humidity and temperature.

For a regular parquet board, lamellas (bars) made from wood waste and low-grade materials such as spruce, poplar, hevea, etc. are used at the base. Positioned perpendicular to the top decorative layer, they do their job well, but parquet boards are still very susceptible to temperature changes and especially high humidity and dryness. And in winter, if there is no humidifier in the apartment, the relative air humidity is about 5-10%, despite the fact that for a standard parquet board the air humidity should be at least 40%.

Due to the drying of the base, the top layer is deformed, which leads to the appearance of cracks and cracks on the parquet board.

HDF board is a high-density fibreboard and is much more stable than a lamella system like standard parquet boards. Also, the base of a parquet board on an HDF board, due to its high density, is harder than a regular one, and therefore there will be fewer dents on it from falling various objects.

Many manufacturers strive to produce this type of parquet board, for example, some collections of Kahrs, Golvabia, as well as Par-ky, Flexura, Meister, etc. But due to the huge difference in technological processes, it is necessary to install completely new equipment, which leads to a significant increase in cost. At the same time, she herself HDF board costs more than low-grade materials and wood waste. Which ultimately greatly affects the final cost of the product.

But European manufacturers have found a solution. They reduced the thickness of the top decorative layer to 0.5 mm. Thanks to this, the cost of the final product has become significantly lower. For example, a single-strip veneered parquet board about 1.3 m long costs the same as a regular three-strip parquet board.

Sometimes someone is scared by the thickness of 0.5 mm and fears that such a parquet board will easily wear out or be scratched.

These fears are unfounded, since the parquet board is covered with a protective layer of varnish, and if the varnish wears off, then if it wears off on a regular parquet board, then it must be replaced. Someone may object and say that a regular board can be restored, but a veneered one cannot. This is partly true, veneered parquet cannot be restored, but even an ordinary parquet board can only be restored theoretically, and it is not financially profitable. This is described in detail in the article “parquet boards or laminate”.

In fact, manufacturers of ordinary parquet boards themselves are not averse to using a decorative layer 0.5 mm thick. But the problem is that in a regular board the decorative layer is load-bearing and with such a thickness it will simply tear.

But still, parquet boards on HDF boards have disadvantages, for example, the fact that they cannot have deep brushing. The veneer is also selected so that there are no knots on it, since with such a thickness they can simply fall out. But for some this is more of a plus than a minus.

By the way, for those who consider the thickness of the decorative layer to be absolutely critical, the Maestro Overture parquet board has a 2 mm thick veneer.

Par-ky- the most famous Belgian brand of veneered parquet boards, part of the Decospan concern. The concern is one of the most large manufacturers veneer Thanks to this, Parka has decors with a wide variety of wood types. In your apartment, you can lay the most exotic types of wood on the floor, and thanks to the technology for producing veneered parquet, such a floor, even in the northern latitudes of Russia, in winter, with humidity below the critical minimum, will last for many years. It should be noted that ordinary parquet or solid wood boards of exotic species, especially from the tropics, do not tolerate low humidity conditions very well. HDF board is purchased from the Unilin concern (manufacturer of Quick-Step laminate), thereby you can be sure of high quality basics of parquet boards.

The factory's products are supplied all over the world and, due to the high technical characteristics of the boards, they are often used in business centers, hotels and restaurants.

Flexura- Belgian manufacturer. In terms of characteristics, the difference between Parks is not noticeable, the same supplier of HDF boards and veneer, except that the width of the boards is slightly larger and there are significantly fewer decors.

Maestro Overture- brand of a Russian company. The board is made to order at the Par-ki factory. The only difference is that the thickness of the veneer is not 0.5 mm, but four times greater -2 mm.

Kaindl- famous Austrian manufacturer. The main advantage of this parquet board is the highest environmental friendliness of the HDF board, like the Par-ky Deluxe collection parquet board. Only due to the use of glue, the parquet board has an environmental class of E1. but in any case, the emission of harmful substances from Kindle is significantly lower than from ordinary parquet boards.

The parquet board market in Russia is represented by dozens of manufacturers, including world-famous ones, each of which annually produces several collections of wooden floor coverings, totaling over 1000 items of parquet with different characteristics. How to choose a suitable parquet board among such a variety? What to look for when choosing? Our review aims to highlight these and other questions.

Choosing parquet boards for environmental friendliness

Security issue environment and concern for one’s own health has become increasingly apparent in recent years, so buyers are increasingly choosing natural wood for flooring. But this is not enough. If you really care about environmental issues, look for eco-labels on the packaging of parquet boards such as FSC® and PEFC™, which mean that the production of the parquet boards used environmentally friendly certified raw materials in volumes not exceeding new forest plantings.

In addition, some manufacturers, such as Par-ky® and HARO®, include additional environmental labels on the packaging of their parquet boards. Among them are the German Blue Angel eco-certificate, an A/A+ rating on the French scale of emissions of volatile organic compounds into the air, and an E1 emission class, indicating the minimal presence of formaldehyde in adhesives, varnishes and other parquet chemicals.

Choosing parquet boards by structure

The design of a classic parquet board has a three-layer structure:

  1. lower compensation layer made of coniferous wood (pine, spruce, hevea),
  2. a middle layer of solid wood lamellas, often coniferous (pine) or high-density fiberboard in economy class collections,
  3. top valuable layer of selected types of wood, including exotic ones.

All three layers are glued to each other mutually perpendicular to enhance strength and stability during operation. In fact, this structure may contain 2 more layers: a topcoat and an insulating backing, including a self-adhesive one, as in some HARO® brand collections. In his collections there is a parquet board with a two-layer structure, in which there is no bottom layer and which should not be confused with an engineered board.

Which structure to choose? From an environmental point of view, of course, there is nothing better than array tree, which is classic version makes up all three layers. However, when using heated floors, parquet boards with high-density fiberboard in the middle layer (HDF) are more stable. This difference is especially acute during the winter heating season, when natural wood begins to contract and expand with fluctuations in temperature and humidity, while fiberboard practically does not change its size.

But if you decide to give preference to a structure of three layers of solid wood, then we recommend that you take a closer look at the middle layer: the lamellas in it should ideally provide space between them for natural expansion and have a radial cut.

Parquet board is the only type of natural wood flooring that can take three-strip, two-strip and single-strip designs. In the first case, its top layer consists of three rows of dies glued together and imitating piece parquet. A two-strip board has two rows of boards, while a single-strip board - the most expensive - is made from a single board in the top layer and imitates a solid board.

When choosing between them, the following parameters play a role: design, price and stability of shape. A three-strip board is the cheapest, and for some, perhaps the most beautiful, however, when giving preference to it, like a two-strip board, you should more carefully evaluate its middle layer. If it is made of solid wood, then tangential cutting of the lamellas in it is undesirable, since such lamellas are more susceptible to climatic deformations, which can lead to cracks in the top layer.

Parquet board is a floor covering that is completely ready for installation and does not require any surface treatment, including varnish. Different manufacturers use different products as a finishing coating.

Among them: UV-curable oil, UV-curable varnish, white or colored oil, white or glossy varnish, pearl white varnish, permadur varnish, natural oil, naturaLin plus oil, oil-wax, including bioTec, matt or semi-matt varnish And this list is constantly updated with new products from manufacturers who develop and implement their own know-how.

To find out which parquet board is better to choose, with an oil or varnish coating, and which one is easier to care for, read our article “Parquet board: oil or varnish - which is better?”

Selecting parquet boards by manufacturer

The quality of parquet boards is very often directly dependent on the manufacturer, who bears full responsibility for the choice of its manufacturing technology, the introduction of modern equipment in production, the use of certified raw materials, the design and other parameters of the finished product.

Years of fruitful cooperation with each brand in the parquet board market have made it possible to create a trustworthy rating of manufacturers, which you can read in detail in our article “Parquet board rating”, taking into account its division into segments and based on sales statistics and customer reviews.

Parquet boards are produced in various formats. So, its thickness varies between 7.2-15 mm and largely depends on the design and number of layers. In thinner boards, the top layer most often contains veneer instead of solid wood, although it can also be found in 15 mm boards.

The choice of the thickness of the parquet board is of practical importance: it must be selected taking into account the height of the floor and doorways in your home. But density, reliability and durability depend more on the type and design of the layers, quality and manufacturing technology, rather than on thickness.

In addition, different brands in different collections have parquet boards that vary in length and width. In the assortment you can find both standard (150 x 1800 mm) and narrow (120-124 mm), long (1935 mm), short (868-1200 mm) and wide (190-194 mm) planks for every taste, in including extra-long (up to 2200 mm) and extra-wide (up to 240 mm), which opens up enormous possibilities for interior design. Thus, long planks allow you to create a deck design, and short ones allow you to create an artistic one by laying the parquet board diagonally or in another pattern.

Manufacturers produce parquet boards without a chamfer (bevel), with a double-sided chamfer (bevel only on the long side) and a perimeter chamfer (on four sides). Moreover, the depth and shape of the chamfer can vary: from a standard U- or V-bevel to a barely noticeable mini and micro format.

When choosing between them, you should take into account the beauty of the products, individual preferences and styling options. For example, a double-sided chamfer on a parquet board allows it to be laid in a deck manner.

It should be borne in mind that the presence of a chamfer can make it difficult to care for the parquet board, which will require more careful attention (you will have to manually or with a special attachment on a vacuum cleaner to clean out the dust accumulated in it).

Some parquet manufacturers still make it with tongue and groove (tongue and groove) joints. In this case, the elements of the planks are connected to each other by tapping using a tool and using glue.

Modern parquet boards are distinguished by a locking connection, the name of which may vary depending on different manufacturers. For example, parquet boards under the Quick-Step brand are equipped with a Uniclic Multifit® lock. The advantage of the locking system is the quick installation of parquet boards without the use of glue (the elements are simply snapped together with a lock).

Depending on the type of lock, parquet boards can be laid either horizontally or at an angle.

As a natural product, the top layer wood in parquet boards tends to change color over time when exposed to direct sunlight, which is very noticeable in this photo. All breeds behave differently in the sun: some fade, others darken, and others turn yellow. This is a natural process and is not a defect, which many manufacturers warn buyers about before purchasing parquet boards.

This chart helps buyers look into the future and see their hardwood floors after several years of heavy use in natural light. Based on it, you can choose a suitable shade for your interior, taking into account possible changes in its color. At the same time, manufacturers are trying to protect the parquet board from sudden changes in tone, in which they are helped by a variety of protective coatings, including varnish.

Parquet boards are available in four main colors: light, dark, red and brown. Color palette largely influences the choice of parquet boards for the appropriate interior style.

So, light shades(bamboo, ash, beech) create lightness and freshness in the interior, visually increasing the space, and fit well into styles such as Scandinavian, Mediterranean, retro, Provence and eco-style.

Dark, chocolate shades of parquet boards (wenge, american walnut, Burmese walnut, merbau, myroxylon) are designed to refine the interior, giving it a touch of mystery and luxury. Dark parquet in the interior looks very solid and is suitable for classic, English and Victorian styles.

Species such as acacia, ipe, kaslin, zebrawood, tigerwood, kempas, iroko, kumaru, jatoba and okan have reddish and rusty hues, reminiscent of the African red earth and radiating fire and warmth. They are good for creating cozy ethnic and colonial interiors.

Wood varieties with brown natural shades (oak, rosewood, sucupira, teak) personify harmony and tranquility, creating a feeling of security and solid support - the soil under your feet. The ideal application for them is country interiors, chalet styles, bungalows, grunge, modern, shabby chic.

Read more about each species in our article “Wood Species”.

Choosing parquet boards based on texture and surface treatment

To give more more individuality For flooring, the top layer in a parquet board is subjected to various surface treatments in production, which makes the wood texture even more original.

Brushing. It is found in almost every manufacturer, being the most popular method of wood processing. The name comes from the English word brush - “brush”, so the essence of the method comes down to treating the surface of the wood with a special brush. The upper soft fibers of the tree are removed, revealing the beauty of the growth rings underneath, so brushing is used mainly for species in which the pattern of the growth layers is clearly visible.

Liming. Processing the wood texture after brushing by filling its grooves with a special white compound.

Staining. A process in which wood is soaked in water for some time or kept in another special composition. This allows you to reveal its shade without changing the texture. As a rule, the color becomes darker, but it can manifest itself in other ways.

Artificial aging. Various surface treatment techniques that allow you to create all kinds of vintage effects (knots, chips, cracks, the effect of a board that has survived more than one generation).

Patination. Painting the pores of wood in special tones, creating the effect of a greenish-brown coating.

Toning. Painting parquet boards various colors to change the natural color of wood. This is what, for example, a walnut-tinted kaslin looks like.

Antique. Antique wood processing, including cracked wood. Recommended by manufacturers to imitate the interiors of ancient castles.

Heat treatment. Heat treatment allows us to give the wood growing in our region darker, exotic shades. It is in this case that you can find in the description of the board such names as merbau oak, mahogany ash.

Rough cut. A technique for treating the surface of wood to highlight its texture. Such parquet boards are characterized by rough transverse hooks and deliberate differences in height.

Smooth surface. Sanding the surface of wood to give parquet a special smoothness.

Bleaching. Special processing of wood, allowing to bring out its natural pigment down to white, coloring and tinting in light shades.

Planing. Processing planks using a plane.

Scraping. The technology involves processing with a scraper to create the effect of raw, untreated wood.

Retro structuring. An expensive technology that allows you to imitate the effect of used boards. 3D retro-structuring with chamfer is also practiced.

Since the parquet board consists of several layers, the top (valuable) layer plays a role first of all when choosing the type of wood. It is he who determines not only the quality performance indicators of the parquet board, including wear resistance, but also its texture, patterns, and designs.

All species differ in the color of the core and sapwood, curl, arrangement of fibers and core rays, which determine the appearance of the parquet, its shine and unique design. In addition, they react differently to climate changes, have different densities and are suitable for different interior styles. Make your choice suitable variety Our article “Wood Species” will help.

When choosing a parquet board, it is important to consider the hardness of its valuable (top) layer, unless, of course, you are concerned about the durability and impact resistance of the floor covering. There are several methods for measuring the hardness of wood, but the most common are those proposed by Professors Brinell and Janka.

Both methods are similar, but the approaches, quantities and applications are different. Thus, the Brinell method has a much wider application and is used to determine the hardness of not only wood, while the Janka method is highly specialized specifically for determining the hardness different varieties tree.

You can learn more about these methods in our article “Brinell and Janka Hardness of Wood Flooring,” where you can also see explanatory tables and hardness values ​​for each type of wood.

Wood selection has vital importance both for the aesthetic perception of parquet boards in the interior, and for its practical use in different conditions and styles.

First of all, we are talking about sorting the board depending on the cut and certain external characteristics of its upper valuable layer, the presence of knots, veins, core rays, uniformity of tone or defects in it.

Read more about sorting parquet boards in our article “Wood Selection”, which will help you decide what kind of parquet board you would like to see.

The price of parquet boards from different manufacturers ranges from 1,500 to 12,000 rubles per sq. m. m, so buyers have a reasonable question about how they differ and which one to buy. Here great importance acquire segments into which all parquet boards on the market are conventionally divided, forming premium boards and economy class collections, as well as segments of intermediate quality, which are described in detail in our article “Rating of parquet boards”.

Parquet is a beautiful, but expensive floor covering. It is demanding to install and demanding to maintain. There is a large selection of decors, types of wood and board designs on the market. How to choose exactly the parquet you need without spending extra money?

Ten important questions that any newbie to a parquet store asks. We answer them here.

1. Which parquet is better: solid wood, parquet board or engineered wood?

Indeed, there are several parquet options on the wood flooring market. But when laid, they will all be indistinguishable from each other, since their outer layer is the same - a valuable type of wood that has one or another factory decor. Therefore, from an aesthetic point of view, there is no difference between them.

The difference is in price, durability and partly in the installation methods for which one or another parquet is intended.

In other words, your task when choosing a floor is to decide for yourself: for how long you really need parquet in your house - for 20 years to next repair or for the rest of your life. All other nuances when choosing parquet will one way or another come from this.

Solid board: expensive, prestigious

Solid board is the most durable and expensive type of wooden flooring. Each board - whole piece wood. Service life - 50 years and longer, or in other words - forever, unless you want to change it earlier. In addition, a solid board can be sanded and restored - if dents or scratches suddenly appear on it due to careless handling.

Parquet board: cheaper, but also natural

This is an option for those who:

  • a) it is important that there is natural wood underfoot, not laminate,
  • b) but at the same time there is an understanding that parquet is purchased not for decades, but for 15-20 years - until the next renovation.

The essence of a parquet board: under the top layer of valuable wood - conifers, and therefore this board is cheaper than an array.

Parquet board design: top layer - the same as solid board, and underneath there is coniferous wood, which makes the parquet more accessible.

Another one design feature: locking connection between boards. This has both advantages (it is easier to lay and relay the floor - the boards are attached not to the floor, but to each other), and disadvantages: such parquet cannot be sanded, because the boards will corrode.

But on the other hand, if you buy parquet for 15 years, then sanding won’t be critically necessary?

Engineered boards: the advantages of solid and parquet boards combined

This is also a multi-layer board, but under the outer “expensive” layer there are not pine needles, but birch plywood. Therefore, the “engineer” not only looks like a solid board, but also fits like one - with glue - hence the possibility of restoration.

In terms of service life: an engineered board has a shorter lifespan than a solid one, but a little longer than a parquet board.

Engineered board: under the outer layer there is birch plywood. And the tongue-and-groove connection allows you to lay parquet in the most reliable way - with glue.

2. What type of wood is best for me?

The type of wood is another factor that can become a “trump card” when choosing a floor. There are three indicators by which wood is evaluated in parquet: decor, hardness and moisture resistance.

Of course, wood species also differ in other indicators (strength, weight, etc.), but specifically in the case of parquet they are either secondary or do not play any role. For example, you don’t care how much the floor you walk on weighs?

Board decor

On the one hand, almost any parquet that you buy in a store will have a final factory coating - that is, the board will be painted in one color or another, will have a varnished or oil coating, which in turn will either veil the natural decor of the wood, or on the contrary, emphasize it. But all this does not negate the fact that each tree has its own type of pattern. Or rather, not a separate breed, but a group of breeds.

We are more accustomed to classic patterns - oak, ash - when tree rings in cross-section they form wood patterns that are so familiar to us. Exotic species - trees from other continents and other latitudes - either do not have a pattern in the usual sense (for example, Kaslin), or they have one, but it is completely unique - for example, Walnut.

In general, this is a matter of designer taste.

Decor exotic wood Kaslin: almost complete absence of drawing in the usual sense. In the photo: Solid Parquetoff Kaslin board in Walnut color.

Board hardness

But this is already practical question: how actively the parquet will be used in the room - will there be a constant flow of people there or will it be mostly empty or will people walk on it only in slippers.

4. My room is 35 m2, but they told me to buy 37 m2 of parquet. Why?

This is not a deception of sellers, but a feature of the installation process itself, which has nothing to do with the type of flooring or the room.

When laying parquet against a wall, around pipes or protruding thresholds, some of the boards are cut off. In addition, the width of the room, as a rule, is not a multiple of the width of the boards. And finally, parquet is sold in packages - they are small, but the difference arises here too.

In general, these are those “extra” meters of parquet that you pay for when purchasing.

How much parquet exactly should you buy? When laying directly - as a rule, 5% more than the area of ​​​​the room. With a diagonal - 7%.

If the area of ​​the room is complex, the percentage becomes higher.

5. I have seen different types of parquet flooring: shiny and matte. Which one suits me best?

A common belief is that if a board is impregnated with oil, it is matte, and if it is varnished, it is glossy. This is wrong. Modern technologies Applying the topcoat allows you to make varnished parquet matte, and oil-impregnated floors - glossy.

So which floor is right for you - shiny or varnish? From a practical point of view, dirt and damage are much more noticeable on a glossy surface.

6. I'm worried that my expensive hardwood flooring will get scratched. How to avoid this?

Don't scratch it :-) But seriously, there are a few rules to remember that will allow you to avoid unnecessary damage to the floor.

And, of course, don’t drop irons on your parquet and don’t walk on it in heels :-)

7. How to keep parquet new?

If it is a board under oil, renew the coating (or sand it if it is too neglected). If the board is varnished, sand it (but this need rarely occurs).

We wrote in detail about all the nuances that relate to polishing parquet. . After this procedure, your parquet floor - no matter how damaged or dull it was before - will again look like a completely new floor.

You can only sand solid and engineered boards that are laid with glue. If you sand a parquet floor when the boards are simply joined together, you can damage the locks and the floor will be damaged.

8. How long does it take between purchasing and installing parquet?

In fact - not at all. Today you buy, today you start laying. But in reality, as a rule, much more time passes, and this is not connected with the parquet or the work of the store, but with the organization of repairs.

Parquet should only be laid when concrete base- screed - ready for installation: that is, completely dry. This means that if you buy flooring before screed work has begun, you will have to wait at least a month - this is how long it usually takes for a 5 mm thick base to dry. If the base is thicker, then the terms will increase.

How long can you store parquet at home? If the packaging is not opened and the seal is not broken, then you can safely store it for several months. Just not near the included batteries :-)

9. I have seen cases where parquet flooring has changed color over time. How to provide for this?

Generally speaking, this natural property wood - change its color over time. Moisture leaves, fibers age, and the natural process of rotting occurs. However, if the board has a high-quality factory coating (varnish, oil), then it does not rot. At the same time, for the sake of design, maybe imitate aging. For example, the light, almost whitish color of parquet that is so fashionable now is actually the natural color of old, worn, faded parquet.

Another thing is that some types of wood - mainly exotic ones - can change color Very strongly - literally from one to another (for example Amaranth). And others (for example, Merbau) become redder and richer over the years.

So to the question, “how to provide for this?”, we will answer this way - just provide for it.

10. Laying parquet is very expensive. Why can't I do this myself?

At one time, we published several texts in which we said: there are so many nuances in laying parquet that even of those who call themselves professional parquet installers, 75% actually do not know how to do it.

If we briefly summarize all the arguments against installing parquet yourself, they are as follows:

  • With a 99.9% probability, you will not be able to comply with all the necessary standards for humidity and clearances prescribed by the manufacturer.
  • And if you don’t follow them, you will, firstly, get parquet that will begin to warp or deteriorate ahead of time, and secondly, you will not be able to get a factory guarantee for this - since the parquet was not assembled according to construction and factory standards.
  • In some cases, you may simply not have enough skill: for example, a good parquet glue It dries very quickly, and you may not have time to glue the entire parquet :-)

At one time we published detailed instructions for laying solid boards. Read it, but don't try it yourself.

This is why professional parquet floorers hire more money, because they work with a guarantee and know all the nuances.

How to distinguish a truly professional parquet floorer from a charlatan? Most the right way- contact the manufacturing plant team. They know their boards and boards in general best. And they really value their reputation.

This is what it is - the art of choosing parquet and living with it :)

If you still have questions or have new ones, write to us: [email protected]

We will help and advise you!

Parquet board is one of the most popular floor coverings. The basis for this is the unique patterns of natural wood, the richest assortment and affordable cost in comparison with other types of floors.

Important parameters:

Wood species

  • Oak is considered the most durable material, the surface does not wear off, the structure is stable. During operation, the board does not crumble or deform due to temperature fluctuations. Attractive appearance with beautiful pattern texture.
  • Beech is characterized by calm patterns, so the material is often used for children's rooms, but the composition does not withstand high humidity. More often, products are made in yellow or red shades.
  • Maple is a durable and stable material in delicate cream shades. The color darkens over time. Cannot be used in areas with high humidity and frequent temperature fluctuations.
  • Cherry has a rich range of colors - from dark brown to light pink, allowing you to choose the right option for any room.

  • Walnut ─ the structure is clearly expressed, easy maintenance and increased performance properties, but the strength is lower than oak.
  • Merbau is a variety native to Indonesia. Brown with golden lines. The material is characterized by moisture resistance, resistance to fungi and mold. The structure is solid.
  • Wenge is a wood from Africa, moisture-resistant, durable, resistant to mechanical stress and temperature changes. The strength of the material is increased.

  • Kempas ─ wood from Africa, dense structure orange color with a golden tint. The material is durable, does not scratch, but is sensitive to temperature changes.
  • Ash ─ elastic, durable, yellow in color.
  • Pine is a popular wood, strong and breathable. The structure is homogeneous with a soft yellow or red color.
  • Bamboo is wear-resistant, not afraid of moisture and mechanical damage.

  • Wooden board. This option is the most expensive, but of high quality. The basis of parquet is natural wood, often oak. Used for all rooms except the bathroom.
  • Piece parquet. A common type, used in living rooms and bedrooms. Ash, bamboo, birch, and oak are used for production. The products are durable, resistant to mechanical stress, and durable.

The edges are equipped with special grooves for laying. Can be used in rooms with high humidity.

  • Ordinary parquet board. The structure is represented by two or three layers of wood. The lower one is made of low-grade wood, and the upper one is made of hard varnished wood.

Sold with grooves for installation, easy to install. The surface is fragile and afraid of moisture.

  • Panel parquet. The composition includes bases of rectangles or squares of fiberboard or boards covered with thin strips. The products are ready for use in bedrooms and living rooms. They don't make squeaks.

  • Pronto-parquet. Modern luxury option. The structure consists of several layers that are hardened and pressed. The material is durable, hard, resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations. There is only one drawback: high cost.
  • Laminated parquet. Used for high traffic areas. The price is low, and the technical characteristics are good. Retains color, is resistant to dust and dirt, but is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.
  • Artistic parquet. The structure is made up of individual planks of solid wood of the same width. Therefore, it is easy to create a pattern on the floor. Mounted using a special paper layer.

  • Varnish with glossy, semi-gloss or matte texture. A film is formed that repels dirt and moisture, preventing abrasion and wear.

The maximum number of varnish layers is 7. An additional advantage is easy maintenance, just wipe the surface with polish.

  • Oil refers to modern look coatings It emphasizes the naturalness of the material, its shades, and preserves the structure. The advantage of oil treatment is considered to be harmless and environmentally friendly.

The product impregnates wood by 2 mm, so it does not interfere with air exchange. The coating requires regular treatment.

  • Selection. The technique of cutting boards affects the design, color, and strength. Radial selection is carried out parallel to the trunk, which gives an even pattern and stability. Rustic cutting is carried out at any angle, so an unusual pattern is formed.
  • Lock system. The type of parquet board equipment affects the speed of product assembly. Thus, modern 5G locks with plastic inserts guarantee quick installation.
  • Compatible with heated floors. You cannot choose types of wood that absorb moisture well. This is maple, oak, jatoba.
  • Number of stripes. The top layer contains different quantities dies (1, 2, 3 and multi-lane).

Single-strip models (Full Plank) represent solid wood that forms a natural pattern. Some options are finished with a chamfer around the edges, which imitates the seams between the floorboards.

Two-way options consist of two strips of identical parameters. The structure of the fibers is quite interesting.

Three-strip board includes 3 strips in the top veneer layer. These are popular traditional models with herringbone and wicker patterns. Suitable for any premises.

Multi-strip board is a modern development. The top layer is made by hand from narrow strips, the edges are processed for a perfect connection with each other.

The appearance of multi-layer parquet reflects the richness of the wood palette. And when damage occurs, the defects are not noticeable.

  • Color. It is better to choose products during daylight hours in order to clearly see the shades.
  • Heat treatment. Special technology for heating wood above 195 degrees. This makes the board stable and the paint adheres better. Traces are less noticeable, the material is not subject to drying out, swelling, or crumbling.
  • Brushing. Process artificial aging by removing the top soft layers of wood. The texture takes on relief and the annual rings are visible. During operation, scratches, dents, and cracks are less noticeable.

The best glossy parquet board

Kahrs Beech Opaque White Glow is a wooden floor made according to innovative technologies. No solvents are used during production.


  • Suprime Shine Collection.
  • The wood type is beech.
  • Gloss varnish finish.
  • Chamfer equipped.
  • Selection City.
  • White color.
  • Number of stripes 1.
  • The top layer is 3.6 cm thick.
  • Dimensions 2420/187/15 mm.
  • Lock connection.
  • Pack of 8 boards.
  • The weight of one package is 8 kg.
  • Hardness 2.7-3.7.
  • Country of origin: Sweden.
  • Service life is 30 years.


  • Stylish design.
  • High quality product.
  • Used for heated floors.
  • Modern 5GS locks guarantee a strong connection.
  • Makes the room bright...
  • Environmental Safety.
  • The floor is simply assembled, disassembled, and re-arranged.
  • Adjusted lamella ratio.
  • The lamellas of the top layer are glued, so cracks and darkening do not appear.
  • Doesn't creak.
  • Thick layer of durable varnish.
  • Pleasant to the touch.
  • Easy care.


  • Overpriced.

The best unfinished parquet boards

Bolefloor Maple hardwood conveys the natural lines of living wood in the parquet.


  • Solid board type.
  • Maple wood.
  • The shade is white.
  • Tongue and groove connection.
  • Installation is traditional.
  • Made to order.

  • Length 500-3000 mm.
  • Width 150-300 mm.
  • Thickness 20 mm.
  • Natural dark marks from knots are allowed.
  • Four-sided chamfer connection.
  • Working layer 6 mm.


  • Beautiful and unusual look.
  • Environmentally friendly composition.
  • No toxic materials are used in production.
  • The surface is embossed, smoothly polished.
  • Gives a warm atmosphere to the room.
  • Noble, natural texture.
  • Good noise insulation qualities.
  • The boards do not dry out.

  • Easy care.
  • Exclusivity of products.
  • Ideal connection of lamellas.
  • Durability of the coating.
  • Affordable price.


  • Additional coverage required.

The best parquet board for the kitchen

Haro Newar Oak bleached resistance to mechanical stress and moisture makes it unique, suitable for any room. The structure of the laminate consists of five layers: protective, decorative, load-bearing slab, moisture protection, stabilizing bottom substrate.


  • Dimensions of the bar: 8/193/1282 mm.
  • Light brown color.
  • Wear resistance class 32.
  • Edge with 4 chamfers.
  • Single strip design type.
  • Connection with Top Connect locks.
  • The package contains 8 strips.
  • The area of ​​one pack is 1.98 m2.
  • Suitable for heated floors.
  • Warranty period 20 years.
  • Country of origin: Germany.


  • Dirt and dust do not stick.
  • Long operational period.
  • Environmentally friendly materials.
  • Easy maintenance, repair work.
  • Easy installation.
  • No glue required for installation.
  • Suitable for high traffic areas.

  • Noble, beautiful design.
  • Practical material.
  • No foreign odors.
  • Soundproofing properties.
  • Abrasion resistance.
  • Resistant to UV rays.
  • The surface retains heat, making it pleasant to walk on.


  • The surface is scratched.
  • After installation on an imperfectly level floor, small gaps remain.

The best bamboo flooring

Wood Bee Bamboo characterized by a unique bamboo composition that gives the room East style. The material is steamed and pressed using a special technology.

The coffee color is formed by carbonation (special heat treatment). Bamboo categories A, B without defects.


  • Classic Collection.
  • Thick outer layer 4 mm.
  • The lamellas are made of an identical structure.
  • Parameters 1860/189/15 mm.
  • Varnish coating, semi-matte gloss.
  • The chamfer is interlocking on 4 sides.
  • Load class 33.
  • Protected from moisture.
  • Weight 8 kg.
  • Hardness 4.7 kg.
  • Selection of Nature.
  • Number per pack is 8.
  • Suitable for heated floors.
  • Country of origin: Netherlands.
  • Manufacturer's warranty 15 years.


  • Reliable connection with click system.
  • The quality of workmanship is controlled at all stages of production.
  • Product safety.
  • The product reflects natural nature.
  • In production, varnishes and paints of natural origin are used.
  • Durable surface.
  • Suitable for children's premises.

  • Simple, reliable installation.
  • Withstands repeated disassembly and assembly.
  • The wood can be sanded.
  • Comfort and coziness in the room.
  • The upper texture is breathable.
  • Affordable price.


  • Marked, requires frequent cleaning.

The best parquet board for walls

Upofloor Walnut select the wall is effectively filled with finishing, creating bright accent in room.

Vertical placement will make the ceilings visually higher, horizontal position will balance the proportions, diagonal covering will change the contours. RealLOCK locks have a special design (the connection tightly unites and locks the elements).


  • Tree nut.
  • Selection Select.
  • Varnish coating UpoTop.
  • Dimensions: length 2266, width 188 mm.
  • Pack contains 8 panels.
  • Covered with six ultra-thin layers of varnish.
  • Working layer 3.5 mm.
  • Wood hardness 3.2.
  • 3 stripe design.
  • Thickness 14 mm.
  • The warranty period is 15 years.
  • Country of origin: Finland.


  • Moisture and light resistance of the material.
  • UV rays strengthen the surface.
  • Stylish exterior design.
  • The surface is protected from dirt and stains.
  • Scratches can be easily rubbed off with oil.
  • Doesn't lose its appearance.
  • Easy installation.
  • Strong locks.
  • Durable coating.
  • The product allows 5 grinding cycles.
  • The locks can withstand 5 assemblies and disassemblies.


  • Does not tolerate high temperatures and begins to crack.
  • Overpriced.

The best uncoated parquet boards

Stenwood Oak It has a regular, clear shape with a smooth surface without gaps or cracks. The lack of coating focuses attention on the natural grain of the wood. If desired, the parquet is covered with tinting or oil.


  • Solid board type.
  • Material: oak from the Caucasus region.
  • Sorting prime.
  • WEINIG GRUP technology.
  • The length of the product is 40-200 cm, width 18 cm, thickness 2 cm.
  • Equipped with a groove/tongue, four-sided chamfer 1.5x45 mm.
  • There are 6 boards in a package.
  • Wood oak.
  • Structure of composite boards.
  • Light knots are allowed (<8 мм), темные (<5 мм).
  • Peepholes are allowed.
  • Country of origin: Germany.


  • The warm tone of the product suits any interior.
  • Increased hardness and density.
  • Keeps you warm.
  • Guarantees sound insulation.
  • Abrasion resistance.
  • Naturalness and safety.
  • Long service life.
  • Reliable packaging with shrink film.
  • Unique lock design.
  • Fast, easy installation.
  • Consistent appearance over time.
  • Breathable material.


  • Contact with water is not allowed.
  • High price.

The best parquet board for heated floors

Baltic Wood Ash Choc & Choc stands out for its structure, emphasized by brushing. The 30-year guarantee confirms the outstanding quality of the floors. The connection is carried out using the BALTIC LOC 2G glueless scheme.


  • The tree species is ash.
  • Brown color.
  • Thickness 13.3 mm.
  • Size of 1 board is 2190/182 mm.
  • Three-lane design.
  • Lock connection.
  • Packaging 3.6 m2.
  • Surface coating varnish.
  • Brushing processing.
  • Matte varnish.
  • Collection Style Line.
  • Knots are present.
  • Available in four formats.
  • The warranty covers 30 years.
  • Country of origin: Poland.


  • Strict quality control is carried out.
  • Raw materials are selected carefully.
  • Noble appearance.
  • Precise installation system without glue or additional devices.
  • Homogeneous coating without traces of joint.
  • The parquet meets the standard for the emission of chemical substances.
  • Reasonable price.
  • Heat treatment of wood.
  • Scratches and sanding do not change the stable structure of the board.


  • Traces from impacts from heavy objects remain on the coating.

The best interlocking parquet board

Tarkett ROBINSON Merbau Exotic motifs are considered the main feature. The upper part is massive, which makes the connection reliable and eliminates the risk of divergence and gaps.

The surface is covered with moisture-resistant mastic. The lower part has become more concave, and the joint area has increased.


  • ROBINSON Collection.
  • Length 1292 mm.
  • Width 194 mm.
  • Thickness 8 mm.
  • Color red-brown.
  • Relief embossing processing.
  • Glossy shine.
  • Number of planks per package: 8.
  • Weight 1 m 2 6.8 kg.
  • Maximum temperature 27 degrees.
  • TC`Lock lock system.
  • Merbau wood.
  • Stability class 33.
  • Service life 25 years.


  • Moisture protection Tech3S technology.
  • Improved TC-Lock design.
  • Installation is simple and reliable.
  • High quality locks.
  • Interesting design.
  • The interlocking connection has passed the tensile test.
  • The new system is durable, convenient, and reliable.
  • Reasonable price.
  • The floors are not scratched, there are no marks from the furniture.


  • Stains remain after washing.
  • Not suitable for heated floors.
  • Slippery surface.

The universal model Kahrs Beech Opaque is suitable for home use, offices, and public spaces. The products are distinguished by stable technical characteristics.

  • The structure is represented by one strip made from a single piece of wood. This emphasizes the naturalness of the wooden floor.
  • The surface is varnished, which gives a glossy shine. Wood becomes aesthetically pleasing, moisture resistant and easier to maintain.
  • The thickness of the board is 15 mm ─ the best option for residential premises. The outer layer of 3.5 mm will withstand 2-3 sandings.

  • The planks are connected using Woodloc 5S locks quickly and without gaps. Floors become resistant to deformation and loads, and maintainability increases.
  • The parquet board is suitable for the system.
  • Brinnell hardness 3.6 is the average among wood types and the best for beech.
  • Another proof of quality is the manufacturer’s 30-year warranty.

The only drawback of the Kahrs Beech Opaque model is its unsuitability for use in rooms with high humidity.