Maps for cs 1.6 in one file. First things first

Surely, what irritates many people when installing a new build is the lack of a large number of maps popular among the community, which is why already familiar locations have to be loaded for the hundredth time. In some cases, of course, added custom cards are included in the kit, but it is far from a complete set.

This assembly was made to save time. Now players will not have to wait a long time for all files to be downloaded - the maps are already built into the assembly. There are more than fifty of them in total, which is already not bad, especially if you add all the official ones here. This way, gamers will be able to instantly log in and change cards on the vast majority of servers. In addition, the assembly itself CS 1.6 with all maps has many other, no less important changes.

Main features of the CS 1.6 build with all maps

» All the most popular and interesting cards are installed (130 cards).
» You no longer need to wait for long maps to load when connecting to servers.
» The assembly is made entirely in Russian (Russian nickname, Russian chat, and so on).
» The assembly remained classic and only all the cards were added.
» Installed smart bots from Valve without any bugs.
» The latest patch version 43 has been installed.
» There is a fully customized and optimized config.
» The assembly works on all operating systems, including Windows 10.
» Fully working search for the best and most trusted servers.
» Working tab "Favorites".
» The most reliable client protection against hacking and advertising has been installed.
» There is a functional settings menu for the H key.
» Light assembly weight and quick installation!

First things first

Popular maps of almost all modes are built into the assembly. Naturally, if the server has its own modified version of a location installed, it will have to be loaded again. In all other cases, the built-in card will be used.

Smart bots are built into the assembly with the ability to fine-tune through me directly in the match. In terms of their level of play, they are quite capable of giving mid-level players a hard time. Thanks to this, they can be used to learn some tactics. You can also create your own local server to play with friends.

The assembly is completely Russified. The chat supports the Cyrillic alphabet, so players will be able to communicate with each other without resorting to transliteration, which could break your brain and eyes trying to understand what the other person meant. Your own master server will allow you to find a decent number of servers with a large online presence. This is a great way to test the build out in the field right away.


Now download Counter-Strike 1.6 with all maps possible in the form of a small assembly. You no longer have to wait for the next map to load, you can start playing right away. Since the set contains all the most popular cards, the rarest ones will still have to be loaded, but the assembly does an excellent job with the main task - saving time between matches.

It is worth noting the excellent stability of the client and the level of its protection. All of its files are protected from being overwritten, so admins will not be able to do anything with the config, nor will they have access to other parts of the client. The assembly is protected from advertising and spam, which makes it one of the most stable.

Perhaps you have already found some cool build of CS 1.6 for yourself, which has a lot of beautiful and interesting changes in its bins. What is this assembly with bots is it better and why is it worth downloading cs 1.6 with bots? Now we will go through all its main parameters in detail, but we can immediately say that this client is the standard among the original ones with several important changes, and it is also distributed free of charge and without viruses.

Built-in smart bots won't let you get bored!

The first feature of cs 1.6 with bots, as is already clear, is pre-installed bots. And not simple ones, but the smartest ones to date. They can compete almost equally with ordinary human players, sometimes even surpassing the latter in terms of their level of play. Let us emphasize that these are non-standard bots, that is, they were written from scratch and do not have all the ailments that surfaced in the official bots from Valve.

Why are smart bots needed in Counter-Strike 1.6? First of all, they open up opportunities for continuous training. You will not depend on the online presence on the server, on the admin’s mood, or on outright cheaters. Smart bots will allow you to train anywhere and anytime, even without the Internet. It is noteworthy that on a local server you can play against bots not just as one person, but even with friends, staging spectacular battles, say, 2 vs 16.

CS 1.6 with all popular maps included

We also made sure that you don’t have to spend a lot of free time searching and selecting cards for the game. We have already installed over fifty selected cards for you! This amount is enough for any public page, so you don’t have to wait for the next location to load when the server changes it. But most importantly, you can play on new maps with bots at any time.

The backbone of this cs 1.6 build is about 10 cards, which are exact copies of their counterparts from CS GO. They have gorgeous HD textures, excellent elaboration of the surrounding space and optimization. Even bots will be happy with the new maps.

All maps brought into the CS 1.6 client with bots are fully working, that is, when you access any server, you will not see an error window or anything like that.

What is in the brain of bots and what can they do?

Since bots are still a program with certain algorithms, behavior patterns can be identified among smart bots. Let's take a closer look at the 10 most common situations in the game and the actions of bots.

1. Use of weapons and special equipment

As befits a smart bot, computer players are not lazy to use all types of weapons in counter. Standard bots, unfortunately, do not think at all during the procurement time - what is best to buy with current funds. This is understandable; no one put their brains in a helmet. In this build, the situation changes dramatically, allowing you to observe situations where bots prefer truly effective types of guns.

Let's say, if they only have a couple of bucks in their wallet, then they will try to buy a Deagle and cartridges, without wasting money on useless submachine guns, because the main weapon can always be picked up from the ground.

In addition, smart bots are able to tailor their arsenal to specific tasks. At the beginning of the round, they can take the Scout and try to shoot the center with de_dust2, and then they can change weapons to the AK-47 and rush into battle for the bomb site. And such moments are all too often. In addition, now both shields and tongs will be used not just anyhow, but deliberately.

2. Reaction to player movements

In cs 1.6 with bots, those who like to trample with their boots will have a hard time, since the bots have learned to pay attention to any noise, including the noise when someone moves. Counter-strike 1.6 has always been famous for the fact that you can play it with your eyes half-closed, but with the volume switch turned up all the way. Just by listening to your surroundings, you can understand who, in what quantity and where they are.

Bots will use this skill, taking a step at the right moment to get around the enemy from the rear, or vice versa, accelerating if the air is suddenly disturbed by the sound of reloading. You will have to think more often about what could use holding Shift.

3. The ability to sneak

A consequence of the reaction to sounds was the emergence of a new skill for bots, namely the ability not to run under someone’s gun, but to carefully go around from the rear or just carefully look out.

Here you are sitting all handsome on the “site” and doing a shameful thing - camping. They shot at the enemy a couple of times, revealing themselves, and then sit there. Other bots will hold a grudge against you, but they will not forget that you are a sniper. Therefore, they will try to take you by surprise exclusively on shifts. They will know that any camper relies primarily on hearing and smell, so they will wash their feet in advance and try to be quieter.

4. Using grenades

The use of grenades is a sore subject for most bots. If they use them, it is extremely absurd, inappropriate, and in general their hands would be cut off for this. Therefore, in this build of CS 1.6, smart bots have acquired a new convolution called “Grenades”.

Throw an explosive grenade at the enemy's intended location? Why not. Blind the advancing enemy squad? Yes, easily. Throw a smoke screen to cover the Allied retreat? I can do this. These are the “thoughts” that will arise in the heads of smart bots. With this point, they will force even an experienced player to keep his eyes open and not miss the next “head” flying at him.

5. Camping

If the bot decides to take a sniper rifle, then hurry to see his presence at the same point for a long time. Of course, unless tactics require otherwise. Smart bots with rifles in their hands will hunt you like game, while protecting their teammates from afar.

Computer players used to disdain the preservation and defense of any strategically important place, but smart ones, on the contrary, will try to contain it, not allowing any mouse to get behind the lines of their allies.

6. Reaction to radio commands

Did you suddenly see an enemy in sight or did you decide that you couldn’t handle it alone? Then call your faithful bots to help. They will no longer stand like idols, but will begin to respond in a timely manner to your commands on the radio. This is how it was before - you say through the walkie-talkie to the bots “follow me” and they, like first-graders following the teacher, will run after you hand in hand. “Smart people” will understand that they need to distribute forces evenly across the map, so 1-2 players will respond to your call to help go.

Thanks to the use of radio commands, you can become a real squad leader, correctly calibrating tactics and directing your fellow tribesmen to the desired mammoth. Counterstrike from this can turn into a tactical shooter.

7. Ability to shoot

Any doors, walls and drawers will now have a hard time at the sight of a bot. The latter will definitely try to shoot at any attractive surface in order to make a beautiful “frag for their movie.”

8. Conversations and jokes in Russian

The smart version of the bots also implemented the function of Petrosyan and some streamer rolled into one. Now bots will not be embarrassed to speak into the microphone in Russian what they see in front of them. This could be either a spotted enemy, or the location of a bomb, etc. In addition, bots will even be able to make jokes in Russian!

9. Automatic creation and search of waypoints

Any non-standard map can be used for training with bots, because now they will be able to automatically create waypoints for themselves without any problems.

10. Three different difficulty levels

And the last point is a clear gradation according to difficulty levels. From ordinary to expert. At each of them, bots will perform the same actions, but with varying degrees of professionalism. Can you beat the same bots on Expert? You won’t find out until you decide to download cs 1.6 with bots.

Other features of building CS 1.6 with bots

Now let’s tell you a little about the other delights of this assembly. Naturally, it was all translated into Russian, saving you from such an unpleasant task as looking at the English interface. In addition, you will receive a Russian chat and nickname, which will give you free rein to interact with other players on the server.

This assembly is based on official Russian version without any admixtures of third-party mods, that is, you will receive a complete and at the same time pure version of CS 1.6. Non-original skins were not even installed here to give you room for personal creativity.

What about performance on different systems? This build is completely cured of the ailments associated with working on Windows 8 or 10. In addition, it will run on many computer configurations, and the smoothness of FPS will please you even on an old laptop. The graphics have really been optimized as much as possible through settings via configs, so you don't need to do this. As for the configs, here they are also completely original.

And to download cs 1.6 with bots, you don’t need to worry about file hosting services and third-party services. Our website has prepared this build of cs 1.6 in several available options - downloading from a torrent, from Yandex.Disk or via a direct link. The main thing is that all this is done without registration, without wasting your precious time.

And you can live and play counter-strike in peace, because the assembly is protected from unauthorized intrusions using the latest technology. Such protection will not allow unscrupulous servers to access your game files, since they may well replace your cfg or embed viruses and advertising into the client without your knowledge.

As a result, one of the most balanced versions of CS 1.6 was released, unencumbered by the notorious bright models, menu and interface design. This version is perfect for fans of the classics or simply for those who want to feel the spirit of the original.

From the list of maps included by the developer in CS 1.6, some have become truly iconic among the people due to their balance and thoughtfulness. De_dust2 is valued for its relatively large size and the logical layout of all passages, where opponents can fight both at long distances and in a dark room. There are as many as 3 roads leading to each plant, which makes their defense at least spectacular.

Fans of the game, of course, will not want to play in the same classic locations, so they have developed various variations of them, from which the same types can be distinguished by the method of change:

  • Reducing standard cards for playing with a small number of people;
  • Changing the style of the map (adding night, changing textures, seasons);
  • Expanding existing passages/areas and increasing the overall map area for a 64-person game:
  • Rearranging objects (boxes, fences) and walls.

All this adds a new touch to a picture that has already been viewed a hundred times, making it seem fresher and more pleasant. Particularly useful are maps cut down for a small number of players on CS 1.6 due to the fact that it is more convenient to train on them in pairs 2 by 2 or even just two people.

However, classic cards still do not lose their positions, since they are a kind of middle link between all these alterations. Over these many years, players have become accustomed to them and know all the nuances - where to shoot, where to throw blind grenades, etc.

Types of maps in CS 1.6

Now let's briefly go over the main types of maps in Counter-Strike 1.6. To begin with, it is worth noting that with the increase in the number of modifications for servers, the number of map genres also increased, since, for example, for zombiemod, ordinary maps for cs 1.6 from the public are not suitable.

CS 1.6 maps for a specific type of weapon

The first group includes locations that usually do not have zones for purchasing weapons, but give them out for free at the very beginning. This genre includes:

  • aim– popular guns like AK-47, M4A1, AWP are issued;
  • awp– it’s already clear from the name that only in the airfield there are battles;
  • 1hp and 35hp– only knives are allowed, and the number of lives from the beginning of the round is reduced to 35 (1) points;
  • he– battle with exploding grenades.

This category of cards is popular both on public sites and on highly specialized servers, for example, only for knife fights. But the battles on them are much more elegant and interesting, since the economic component of CS 1.6 is removed, that is, players do not need to worry about their cash balance and capabilities.

CS 1.6 maps for passing

There are maps in Counter-Strike where the main goal is to reach the end. Here we can highlight:

  • deathrun– the main crowd of players must reach the end of the map and kill the terrorist, who will interfere with the first by activating all kinds of traps;
  • bhop– with the help of jumping you need to crawl to the finish line, usually time and positions are kept track of: who will be the first to arrive and who will be the last;
  • Partly surf maps, which have a large size and variety of blocks for strafe;
  • Slide(speedrun) – the player slides at high speed along a “track” with obstacles.

And some little-known names. In general, the main point in such locations is not skillful use of weapons and the presence of phenomenal accuracy, but the ability to deftly wield strafe and the mouse.

CS 1.6 maps for modifications

This is one of the largest types of maps in CS 1.6 in terms of the scope of creativity. Based on dozens of modifications for servers, people have come up with a really large number of locations, let’s highlight the main genres from them:

  • Prison maps for the JailBreak mod, specializing in conducting mini-games by the players themselves (special forces) for others (terrorists);
  • Locations for fights with zombies on Zombie Plague, they are usually teeming with a bunch of corners and rooms for high-quality defense from hordes of the dead;
  • Game cards for modification of MiniGame, where the authors’ imagination really diverges in earnest, they create various situations from films, other games, based on unusual phenomena from the real world;

Plus lesser-known modifications, which also require their own cards. In general, the total number of maps for CS 1.6 is growing rapidly every day, already numbering more than 10,000 titles. For you, we have selected the most worthy candidates from this huge number and offer you to download them for free and without registration!

Cs 1.6 is one of the best games from the famous company Valve. There are not many games that have gained such popularity among gamers. Most fans recognize it as the best of the counter strike series. The original version of the game was released back in 1999, but thanks to the support of fans and developers, and in particular the creation of various mods and locations (the best of which you can download for free on our website, including rats, de modes), it does not lose its popularity to this day. Not only the environment, but also the mission goals and the choice of tactics depend on the choice of battle location. Typically, players are divided into two teams, terrorists and counter-terrorists. Each team has different tasks, it all depends on the corresponding mode (for example, rats or de) in the selected location. For example, terrorists guard hostages and plant bombs, and counter-terrorists free the hostages and prevent the bomb from being planted. For completing assigned tasks, players earn money, for which they buy new equipment and ammunition at the beginning of the next round. You can download the best additional elements for cs 1.6 (rats, de modes, etc.) for free using our resource.

At first, maps for cs were not as diverse as you can find today. However, thanks to the long work and ingenuity of the developers and fans of this series, many different modes and modifications have been developed. Recently, a huge number of new types of cards have been created. Many of them are developed by gamers themselves exclusively for their own game modes. Among such diversity, you can find and download various interesting options for free. This could be an open area intended for training shooting techniques, a sophisticated obstacle course where the enemy team sets traps at every turn, or a prison guarded by a special forces detachment from which terrorists need to get out. In addition, there are separate route options designed not only for team play, but also for single play. The range of different possibilities for players is not limited, especially since new maps for cs 1.6 are constantly being developed and are provided by our resource for free. Therefore, even the most experienced player will find something to download on our website, and besides, this can be done absolutely free. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that there are paid and free servers for playing cs 1.6. The obvious advantage of the former is that you play for free. As for playing on paid servers, such a service, of course, will not be cheap, but additional features will be available to you. Of course, each user independently determines which server to use. In any case, on our website you will find and be able to download for free the best maps for cs 1.6 (fy, he, de, etc.), which will work both on a paid server and on one that is provided for free. Recently, original types of maps (rats, surf, ze) have been gaining unprecedented popularity. Surf routes have fundamental differences from the classic gameplay of cs 1.6. An additional obstacle in the path of players are ramps, in front of which you slide along an inclined surface. On this route, not only the skills of the shooter are important, but also the ability to ride well. ze mode maps are rightfully considered one of the best and most interesting. Their main idea is that a zombie appears among the players and tries to infect all team members with an unknown virus. In this case, you need to destroy zombies and get out of the infection zone as quickly as possible, preferably with minimal losses. You can download the best routes of non-standard modes, such as ze, surf, rats, etc. for free from our website and fully enjoy the new gameplay features. Despite the length of its existence, the cs series still remains at the peak of popularity. This is largely due to the ever-expanding capabilities of the game, a regularly replenished assortment of cards (rats, he, de, etc.) and the best modifications provided to users for free. Our portal offers you to take advantage of the full range of different features and add-ons created for the famous Counter-Strike series of games. Here everyone will find something for themselves to download for free the best map options for cs 1.6 (rats, surf, ze, etc.), regardless of whether you are a follower of classic routes or a fan of new non-standard obstacles and opportunities. By visiting our resource, you will be able to appreciate all the advantages of the cult cs 1.6 and, without a doubt, you will want to download any new modification for free. It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or an experienced gamer - the CS 1.6 series with various modes (rats, ze, etc.) will not leave anyone indifferent. Counter-Strike is a classic in the field of online games and the number of its fans is constantly growing. If you decide to download this particular game for yourself, then our site was simply created for you! Nowhere else will you find such a wide selection of additions and modifications.

Cs 1.6 is one of the best games from the famous company Valve. There are not many games that have gained such popularity among gamers. Most fans recognize it as the best of the counter strike series. The original version of the game was released back in 1999, but thanks to the support of fans and developers, and in particular the creation of various mods and locations (the best of which you can download for free on our website, including rats, de modes), it does not lose its popularity to this day. Not only the environment, but also the mission goals and the choice of tactics depend on the choice of battle location. Typically, players are divided into two teams, terrorists and counter-terrorists. Each team has different tasks, it all depends on the corresponding mode (for example, rats or de) in the selected location. For example, terrorists guard hostages and plant bombs, and counter-terrorists free the hostages and prevent the bomb from being planted. For completing assigned tasks, players earn money, for which they buy new equipment and ammunition at the beginning of the next round. You can download the best additional elements for cs 1.6 (rats, de modes, etc.) for free using our resource.

At first, maps for cs were not as diverse as you can find today. However, thanks to the long work and ingenuity of the developers and fans of this series, many different modes and modifications have been developed. Recently, a huge number of new types of cards have been created. Many of them are developed by gamers themselves exclusively for their own game modes. Among such diversity, you can find and download various interesting options for free. This could be an open area intended for training shooting techniques, a sophisticated obstacle course where the enemy team sets traps at every turn, or a prison guarded by a special forces detachment from which terrorists need to get out. In addition, there are separate route options designed not only for team play, but also for single play. The range of different possibilities for players is not limited, especially since new maps for cs 1.6 are constantly being developed and are provided by our resource for free. Therefore, even the most experienced player will find something to download on our website, and besides, this can be done absolutely free. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that there are paid and free servers for playing cs 1.6. The obvious advantage of the former is that you play for free. As for playing on paid servers, such a service, of course, will not be cheap, but additional features will be available to you. Of course, each user independently determines which server to use. In any case, on our website you will find and be able to download for free the best maps for cs 1.6 (fy, he, de, etc.), which will work both on a paid server and on one that is provided for free. Recently, original types of maps (rats, surf, ze) have been gaining unprecedented popularity. Surf routes have fundamental differences from the classic gameplay of cs 1.6. An additional obstacle in the path of players are ramps, in front of which you slide along an inclined surface. On this route, not only the skills of the shooter are important, but also the ability to ride well. ze mode maps are rightfully considered one of the best and most interesting. Their main idea is that a zombie appears among the players and tries to infect all team members with an unknown virus. In this case, you need to destroy zombies and get out of the infection zone as quickly as possible, preferably with minimal losses. You can download the best routes of non-standard modes, such as ze, surf, rats, etc. for free from our website and fully enjoy the new gameplay features. Despite the length of its existence, the cs series still remains at the peak of popularity. This is largely due to the ever-expanding capabilities of the game, a regularly replenished assortment of cards (rats, he, de, etc.) and the best modifications provided to users for free. Our portal offers you to take advantage of the full range of different features and add-ons created for the famous Counter-Strike series of games. Here everyone will find something for themselves to download for free the best map options for cs 1.6 (rats, surf, ze, etc.), regardless of whether you are a follower of classic routes or a fan of new non-standard obstacles and opportunities. By visiting our resource, you will be able to appreciate all the advantages of the cult cs 1.6 and, without a doubt, you will want to download any new modification for free. It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or an experienced gamer - the CS 1.6 series with various modes (rats, ze, etc.) will not leave anyone indifferent. Counter-Strike is a classic in the field of online games and the number of its fans is constantly growing. If you decide to download this particular game for yourself, then our site was simply created for you! Nowhere else will you find such a wide selection of additions and modifications.