When is the best time to replant garden roses? How and when is the best time to replant roses: tips for gardeners

- famous perennial. Its buds are distinguished by abundant, long-lasting flowering and pleasant aroma. It can decorate and ennoble any piece of land. You just need to choose the right place and time for planting roses on the site. And after that, organize good care.

Reasons for transplanting roses

Sometimes, having planted a plant on a plot, you have to transplant it to another place.

Let's consider the main reasons for transplantation:

  1. Depletion of soil under the plant. Over the years, the soil in the area reserved for roses consumes all useful elements and microelements. And even making mineral fertilizers doesn't help the situation.
  2. Flower garden redevelopment or change landscape design. An individual rose bush may not match the new one. color scheme and stand out from the entire composition. In addition, new construction projects are being added to the site. Then a decision is made to move the plant or the entire rose garden to another place.
  3. An adult rose bush has become very large and interferes with the normal growth of other flowers. Sometimes it becomes necessary to replant old bushes from the foreground that are constantly sick or bloom poorly from year to year.

When can you replant roses in the garden?

Garden roses can be replanted in spring, summer and autumn. The choice of time of year for transplantation depends on the climatic conditions of the growing region.

Transplantation in spring

This is the most favorable time to transplant roses. Start work before the buds awaken, when the ground has already thawed and warmed up a little.

  • Upon landing standard rose It's better to wait until April. Such roses are less frost-resistant and soil frosts after transplantation can damage the trunk.
  • Regarding transplanting hollyhock roses, then in this case even a spring transplant is undesirable. It is not recommended to replant such a rose unless absolutely necessary, because the long stem may be damaged when dug up.
  • Decorative spray roses It is better to replant in April or autumn (October).

Autumn transplant of roses

Before winter, roses are replanted in the Moscow region (Moscow region) and in the southern regions of the country. Here the winters are less severe than in Siberia and the Urals, and the seedling will have time to take root.

Start transplanting flowers in autumn at the end of September - October, at a daytime temperature of +10. At this time the sun is no longer hot and the rainy season begins.

Plant the rose 3-4 weeks before frost. She will have enough time to sprout new roots and overwinter normally.

Is it possible to replant a rose in summer?

Summer replanting of garden roses is not recommended. The soil dries out quickly at this time. It is better to start replanting plants no earlier than August. If, nevertheless, there is an urgent need to move the flower to another area, then all shoots are shortened to the maximum. This way you will reduce the evaporation of moisture from the leaves and increase the chances of survival of the bush.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest With large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

General rules for transplanting garden roses

They begin to fertilize the transplanted rose after two weeks. At the beginning of spring, use fertilizers with a high nitrogen content for this purpose, and in the summer switch to complex fertilizers for flowering plants.

How and when to replant an indoor rose?

It is advisable to replant a home (potted) rose immediately after purchasing it in a store. Purchased flowers are sold in pure peat, which does not contain any useful substances. Therefore, without waiting for the end of flowering, carefully transfer the store-bought flower into a pot with new soil along with a lump of earth.

Transplant stages:

  1. To replant indoor roses, you can purchase a special soil mixture of peat, perlite, coconut fiber and sand.
  2. At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to pour drainage (granulated expanded clay) 5 - 7 cm high.
  3. Transfer the plant to a new pot, add new soil, lightly compact and water.
  4. Choose a place for the flower on the southeast windowsill.
  5. After a month, they begin to feed the indoor rose with complex fertilizers for flowering plants with a high potassium content.

For the winter, indoor roses are given a period of rest. The main thing in winter is to stop feeding the plants, reduce the frequency of watering and move the pot with the seedling to a cool, well-lit place.

It is also possible to transplant roses from a pot into open ground outside. In the garden during the summer months, an indoor rose will feel better than in a stuffy room with dry air. You need to feed with fertilizers several times a season. And for the winter it is advisable to cover the bush with spruce branches and agrofibre.

Video: Transplanting indoor roses

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they yielded more than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

Features of transplanting climbing (climbing) roses

It is best to replant climbing rose in the fall, but not late, from mid-October or spring, before the buds begin to bloom. The landing site should be lighted and spacious.

Basic transplant tips:

  • first you need to remove the rose from the support and trim the shoots, leaving sprouts up to 30 cm;
  • cut areas can be processed activated carbon and cover with garden varnish;
  • prepare a planting hole at least 60 cm deep;
  • plunge the bush into the hole; make sure that the roots do not bend upward;
  • deepen the root collar into the soil by about 5 cm;
  • Cover the roots with prepared soil and water the plant.

Difficulty may also arise during transplantation ground cover rose. These roses can be pruned to get close to the roots, and you can also gather the branches together and tie them up so that they don’t get in the way and don’t prick.

Frequently asked questions when transplanting roses

Question Answer
What to do if a transplanted rose withers? Don't forget to keep the soil moist. It will be easier for the roots of the transplanted rose to take root in moist soil.

When watering the soil around the rose, add rooting stimulants ( , Cornerost). The consumption rate is 1g per 1 liter of water. You can pour about 5 liters of water under the bush.

Treat the above-ground part of the plant Epin or Zircon. These drugs are adaptogens with anti-stress effects. Consumption rate: 1 ampoule per 10 liters of water.

When can rose cuttings be transplanted? Sadovaya of the current and last year. A shoot 10-15 cm long is used as a cutting, from which all thorns are removed. The leaves from below are completely removed, and from above they are only shortened.

Cuttings are prepared in the spring before flowering and in the fall when pruning the plant for the winter.. Cuttings planted in spring can be left to overwinter in open ground. It is only recommended to cover them with agrofibre and leaves.

Is it possible to replant blooming rose(in bud)?

This can only be done with homemade roses of miniature varieties. Such a flower with buds can be transferred along with a lump of earth into a larger pot.

This cannot be done with garden roses. You need to wait until the end of flowering, when 80% of the petals have fallen.

Is it possible to transplant a rose home for the winter? If we are talking about indoor miniature varieties of roses that you planted in open ground for the summer, then you can replant them home for the winter.

When it comes to street varieties of roses, this is strictly not recommended.. Such bushes have a powerful root system that does not appreciate constant replanting.

If you are afraid that a young bush will freeze during frost, then it is better.

When will the transplanted rose bloom? If you transplanted a rose in the spring, it may bloom in the same summer. Flowering will not be abundant. But all experts advise do not allow flowering in the first year after transplantation.

It would be better to cut off the buds that appear. This will help the plant grow its root system. And next summer you will enjoy lush flowering.

What soil should I transplant the rose into? Rose prefers light, turfy soil with a slightly acidic environment. It is better to prepare a special soil mixture. To do this, you need to take neutral peat, compost, sand in equal proportions.

It is advisable to add Vermiculite, Perlite or hydrogel to this mixture. This will reduce the frequency of watering.

Caring for transplanted roses

How to care for transplanted flowers:

  1. Regular watering and weeding the soil around the bushes.
  2. Summer pruning to form a bush. Includes thinning the bush, pruning broken and disease-damaged branches.
  3. Trimming faded buds. This should be done immediately after the bud dries out, so that the plant does not waste energy on forming the fruit. For varieties that bloom in clusters (floribundas, parka, Chinese, climbing, polyanthus and scrubs), the raceme is completely cut off above 2-3 leaves. At the rose Cordana and hybrid tea varieties Leave 3 - 4 leaves at the bottom of the shoot.
  4. Applying fertilizer once a month. It is better to use one with a high content of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P).
  5. Preventative treatment against diseases with fungicides. Roses are often affected by rust fungus, powdery mildew and black spotting.
  6. Treating bushes against pests. It constantly settles on roses, which is brought to the plant by gardeners. You need to fight both aphids and ants.

Video: How to transplant a rose correctly?

Each of the flower growers in his soul considers himself landscape designer, and the concept of a flower garden can change almost every year.

How to make your dreams come true without harming your blooming pets and at the same time not limiting the flight of your imagination? Let's talk about transplanting adult roses; they are the ones who most often suffer when changing a design project.

The reasons can be very different. Adult roses, like any plant, experience transplantation painfully, but often moving the plant to a new place is absolutely necessary:

  1. There is often a need to make room for other purposes.
  2. The planting site turned out to be poorly chosen (neighboring trees that grew up began to shade the rose, the topography changed and groundwater came too close to the surface), the plant cannot develop and bloom normally, and it must be replaced.
  3. Next landscape project involves placing roses in a different place.

When to transplant roses

This operation can be carried out from very early spring to early October, a month before the onset of cold weather. But you should consider:

  • spring (April) - limited by a narrow time frame and the ensuing difficulties: it is necessary to ensure the survival of the flower before the onset of hot, dry weather.

Note! Moving plants to another location in the spring is justified in areas with a cold climate and late onset of summer heat.

  • summer transplant flowering bushes technically complex, labor-intensive and fraught with injury to the plant: at this time the rose is actively growing and blooming, it requires abundant watering and care, and heat air does not help reduce transplant stress;

The optimal time for transplantation is in the fall, from late August to mid-September, depending on the region. It takes three weeks for seedlings to fully root. If you transplant too early, then after the bush has taken root, shoots will begin to grow and buds will bloom.

And such plants will not be able to survive the winter. At late transplant the plant will not have time to take root before frost. Transplantation should be carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening, after sunset.

In order not to make a mistake in the timing of transplantation, you need to focus on the average daily air temperature. If it is within 10-15 degrees Celsius, then the roots continue to grow, and the crown goes into hibernation mode.

Landing place

The modern rose traces its ancestry back to tropical plants, and therefore loves good light and sunny places. Roses cannot bloom normally in the shade. If the place is shaded and the humidity is high, there is a risk of fungal diseases of the crop.

The growing place should not suffer from excess moisture, the level groundwater should not be close to the surface. If necessary, drainage is done in the planting hole. Soil requirements are not critical - you can always fill the planting hole with a substrate of the desired composition.

The soil for roses must have a slightly acidic reaction (5.5-6.5 pH), therefore, when using peat, it is necessary to add deoxidizing agents (lime, chalk, dolomite flour).

Important: already in August it is necessary to exclude nitrogen from the list of fertilizers. It causes the growth of green mass, including shoots, which, before they have time to form, will die in winter cold, which can lead to the death of the entire plant.

At the same time, fertilizing with potassium fertilizers is a good preparation for winter.

Preparing roses for transplantation

It begins with intensive watering of the transplanted bush. Next, they wait 2-3 days and dig it up, trying to minimally injure the roots and preserve a lump of earth around the root system.

Most cultivated roses are grafted onto wild rose rootstock, the powerful taproots of which extend to great depths.

As a rule, they cannot be dug out completely and have to be cut down with a shovel. This does not harm the plant, the main thing is that the side leaves remain root shoots, the rose will restore the previous volume of the root system in 3-4 weeks with proper care.

The root system of non-grafted (own-rooted) varieties lies shallow and does not cause problems when digging up.

Transportation of dug up seedlings (and they can be heavy) to the place of new registration is carried out on a piece of durable film or bag, and if the distance is short, this can be done by dragging. By various reasons a lump of earth may crumble or, guided by convenience, it is deliberately disposed of during transportation.

Preparation for replanting a plant with an exposed root system begins with inspecting and removing dry and damaged root shoots.

Immediately before planting, the roots are soaked for 2 hours in a solution of a root-forming preparation according to the instructions. If planting is delayed, the root system is dipped in a clay solution with the consistency of sour cream. This will allow moisture to remain in it.

Rose transplant procedure

The planting hole for seedlings is dug with a reserve, filled with fertile loose soil, spilled with water and a seedling with a root ball of soil is placed in it.

Filling the hole with substrate alternates with its compaction and watering. This is done in order to avoid the formation of voids in the root system, which can lead to the death of the plant.

To prevent the roots from sprouting wild shoots, the root collar of grafted roses is deepened by 5 cm, and climbing varieties by 10-15 cm. This promotes the active growth of the rose’s own roots and suppresses the development of rosehip shoots.

Important! Only self-rooted roses should have a neck at ground level.

The scheme for planting seedlings with bare root systems is the same.

Activities after autumn rose transplantation

In transplanted plants it is weakened root system, so caring for them includes regular but moderate watering. Autumn replanting is carried out a month before the onset of cold weather and should include a set of measures to prepare the plant for winter. Simultaneously with planting, potassium fertilizers are fertilized.

Important! Do not water the transplanted rose with nitrogen fertilizers!

Roses, native to the tropics, are not deciduous plants. Therefore, it is necessary to remove (pluck or trim) all leaves from seedlings. In bushes, shoots are cut at a height of 25-30 cm. This does not apply to climbing and groundcover varieties.

Immediately before the onset of frost, to protect the roots, the plant is hilled to a height of 20-25 cm, using light garden soil, peat or sawdust. If these are not southern regions, they resort to additional measures to protect delicate roses from frost.

They are covered with spruce branches and then sprinkled with snow before the peak of cold weather. Another option is to wrap the top of the pine needle shelter with a sheet of agrofibre, folded in half, and tie it with a rope. Finally, you can build a frame (wooden or metal) over the planting and stretch the same agrofibre (dry shelter) over it.

The main thing for the operation of transplanting a rose to another place

  1. The most gentle period for transplantation is mid-September - October, 3 weeks before permanent frosts.
  2. 2-3 days before transplanting, water the bush abundantly.
  3. When digging, it is important to preserve the earthen ball around the roots, especially protecting the lateral root shoots.
  4. The soil around the transplanted rose is watered and compacted, making sure that there are no voids left around the roots.
  5. The neck of a rooted rose should remain at ground level, while that of a grafted rose should be buried 5-10 cm, depending on the variety.
  6. After transplantation, the rose is fed with potassium fertilizers and prepared for wintering: the foliage is removed, pruning and hilling are performed.

Knowing these simple rules, rose lovers will be able to make any changes in the design of the rose garden, and the damage caused by the transplant will be minimal. Good luck to you in creating hand-made beauty!

How to transplant a rose correctly:

There can be several reasons for replanting roses: changing the design of the site, planting an overgrown rose garden, transferring a variety you like from a neighbor to yourself.

Whatever the circumstances, when transplanting rose bushes you need to take into account some nuances:

  1. It is important to choose the right place for the rose: it does not like shade, stagnant moisture, or proximity to certain types of plants.
  2. It is necessary to properly prepare the bush for replanting and prepare a hole in advance.
  3. When digging up a bush, you need to remember that the root system of a rose has approximately the same diameter as the crown, so you need to try not to damage the roots when digging and transporting.
  4. You need to know when is the best time to replant roses in the garden.

Let's talk about the last point in more detail. The survival rate and further normal development of the plant largely depends on compliance with the temporary transplantation rules.

What time of year is it best to replant mature roses?

According to the rules, best time for replanting roses is autumn or early spring. Moreover, there are advantages to both autumn and spring replanting. You can choose for yourself when it is better to replant roses - in spring or autumn, depending on the possibilities and conditions.

When is the best time to replant roses in spring?

If you decide to do this work in the spring, this may be either a time when the danger of frost has passed and there is no need for shelter, or an earlier period. If you don't replant roses in early spring, and after the end of frost, this can lead to the bushes being under bright sun and will suffer from dry soil.

To prevent this, they need to be watered on time. But under such conditions they quickly grow, take root easily and develop well. And so that the sun does not immediately burn the rose, you must first cover it with spruce branches. This planting method is especially relevant in cold regions.

When is the best time to replant roses in the fall?

Experienced gardeners still prefer to transplant roses in autumn. The main advantage of this method is that the rose will have time to take root and harden, and as a result, they will be less susceptible.

Best period autumn for transplanting rose bushes is September 15 - October 20. At this time, the air temperature is still quite high, so the bushes have time to take root before the onset of frost. When the cold weather comes and the temperature drops sharply at night, the plants need to be covered.

The beauty of annual flowers lies not only in their beauty, but also in the fact that they make new flower beds every year, because nothing is permanent in the world. It’s a completely different matter with perennials, no matter how beautiful they are, sometimes you want to change their location, even luxury roses From time to time I want to change or simply redesign the flower garden. This is where rose transplantation comes on the agenda. When to transplant roses to another place, and is it possible to do this? Of course, it is possible to transplant roses to a new place, but you need to know when and how to do this so as not to harm the vulnerable beauty.

Reasons for transplantation

There may be several reasons that require changing the place where the rose grows, other than the whim of the owner. If a rose garden is in one place for many years, the soil under it is depleted, and pests, on the contrary, become more persistent every year, and diseases are increasingly difficult to prevent or cure at the very beginning. This reason is not as valid as it is natural, which underlies the law of crop rotation.

People are always improving something on their plots; during redevelopment, it may turn out that the rose fell into the shadow of a building or the tree next door has grown so much that it has blocked the flowers from the sun. It is easier, of course, to replant a rose.

Rose bushes also have a habit of growing, so it turns out that a few years after planting, you need to dig up the entire bush or part of it so that the flower garden continues to exist. Or, as a result of a disease, you have to throw away the bush in order to protect all the other plants, and then you will need to plant a new adult rose in its place.

It may be that after two years it becomes clear that the place chosen for the queen of flowers is not suitable, and if she is not moved to another, she will die. And it happens that the ants have settled nearby, and they are tired of fighting the aphids that they constantly drag into the plot, so the owners think about how to replant the rose, choosing the lesser evil.

There may be several reasons, but the result is the same - you have to think about when it is better to replant roses in order to get a good result, and not just trouble for the owner and stress for the plant.

Video “Correct transplantation”

From the video you will learn how to transplant bushes correctly.

When is the best time to replant?

Roses are transplanted at approximately the same time as young seedlings are planted in the ground. In the spring, they do this before the buds awaken, but the ground must not only thaw, but also warm up enough to accept a new plant.

It will probably be late in flowering, or maybe it shouldn’t be allowed to bloom; the buds should be removed so that the bush gets stronger in a new place, first forms a renewed root system, and forms new shoots. When replanting a rose in the spring, we do not limit its time; the entire growing season lies ahead.

Transplanting roses in the fall to another place should occur 3 - 4 weeks before frost, the bush should take root, grow new roots, only then will it overwinter well. It is best to replant roses in the fall where October will bring frosts, best in September, and in the south this is done in mid-October.

Autumn replanting is good because the temperature of the ground and air are optimal for quick establishment: the sun no longer burns, but the air is warm, the soil is moist enough, even autumn rains will not harm, but will help the roots adapt to new conditions. The plant no longer needs to bloom or form new shoots; it can devote all its energy to growing new roots.

The least acceptable time to change habitat is summer. But circumstances may arise that you will have to urgently replant an adult rose even in the summer. This can be done, but you will have to put in a little more effort, and the result will be less predictable compared to the beginning and end of the growing season. It will be difficult not only to move the rose, but to create conditions for it at first - you will have to cover it from the sun, moisten it more often, or, on the contrary, cover it from excessive rain. But nothing is impossible - even a rose can easily take root in a new place in the middle of summer if the transplanted bush receives enough care.

How to transplant

You can replant a rose in autumn or spring, but the main thing is to choose a good place and create conditions that she will like, will contribute not only to rapid adaptation, but to comfortable growth and development. It is advisable not to place the plant under the wall of the house so that water from the roof does not flow onto it and the roots do not rest against the foundation. young tree, planted nearby, will soon turn into a source of huge shade, and too wet a low spot will destroy the roots when it becomes a refuge melt water. The new place should be at least as good as the old one - sunny, open on the south side, protected from the north wind, slightly elevated. It may be a southern slope; it is important that the sun hits it in the first half of the day and the water does not linger.

Whenever the transplant itself occurs, the hole must be prepared two weeks before. It needs to be dug somewhat wider and deeper than the intended root system along with a lump of earth. It is believed that the roots occupy an area outlined by the width of the above-ground part of the bush. This is what you should focus on when preparing a new hole. Having dug it out, you need to clear the ground of stones, roots of perennial weeds, and too coarse clods of earth. Then the bottom is loosened, and the soil is mixed with fertilizers, it is good to add compost or humus, a little mineral fertilizers and wood ash. If the soil is dry, then it should be watered so that the fertilizer is thoroughly mixed with the soil. This is how the prepared pit should stand for at least 2 weeks.

When the time comes for the transplant itself, you need to prepare burlap, thick film or some other material to transport a huge earthen ball with the plant, as well as a crowbar that will help to get it out. Along the perimeter of the bush, even stepping slightly to the side from the most spreading shoots, you need to dig a groove the width of a spade bayonet. Gradually deepening this groove, you need to dig up the entire bush to desired depth. In grafted roses, the root has the shape of an overturned pyramid with a dominant shaft; it can grow up to one or even one and a half meters deep. In self-rooted plants, the roots spread wider and grow up to 50–80 cm in depth. This is what you need to keep in mind when digging up a plant.

Most likely, it will not be possible to dig up the bush without damaging a single root. It’s not scary, you just need to try to keep losses to a minimum; small roots will grow back in a new place. When the bush has been dug up enough to remove it, the shoots need to be shortened (especially if it happens in the fall), all flowers and weak branches should be cut out, and the remaining ones should be carefully tied to facilitate further manipulations. Then you can use an iron scrap as a lever, remove the root along with the earthen lump, transfer it to a cloth (or film), and move it to a new place. If there is a long transportation ahead, then you need to moisten the fabric along with the soil.

Then the bush is placed in a new hole, they make sure that the root collar is 3–8 cm below ground level, the roots are gradually buried, the soil is compacted, watered, covered with soil higher up or mulched with peat (or compost).

If the bush cannot be removed with a lump of earth, which may well happen, since the soil under roses is usually loose, then the roots need to be inspected, damaged or rotten (dried out) should be removed, and shortened slightly before planting. The appearance of the roots and the entire plant will tell you whether disinfection is necessary. If necessary, the roots can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or iron sulfate.

Planting can be done dry or wet. In the first case, prepared soil is poured in a heap at the bottom of the hole, the bush is lowered to the required depth (monitor the level of the root collar relative to the ground level), straighten the roots and carefully cover the soil. Then the soil around the bush is compacted and watered. The bush is mulched. In the second case, a bucket of water with a drug dissolved in it that stimulates root growth is first poured into the hole. Then they lower the bush to the required depth, cover the roots with prepared soil, compact it, water it, and mulch it.

After planting, the shoots are untied and the bush is mulched. At first, you will have to shade it from too much sun and moisturize it often. warm water. If planting took place in the fall, do not prune again before covering for the winter.

Video “Transplanting in autumn”

From the video you will learn how best to transplant rose bushes into autumn time.

Roses surprise with their beauty and diversity. But, having planted rose bush, sometimes there is a need to move it to another place. We will tell you how and when it is best to do this in this article.

When is the best time to replant roses?

The optimal time for replanting roses can be considered the beginning of spring or mid-autumn (so that the bushes take root before frost). Where there are early frosts, it is preferable to transplant in the spring. Summer transplants are not advisable, since active vegetation and flowering occur during this period, so the plants may die.

There may be several reasons for changing the landing site:

  • unsuitable soil composition (heavy, clay-dominated or too loose);
  • waterlogging of the site with surface soil water;
  • excessive deepening of the root system on sandy soils or pushing on clay soils;
  • proliferation of neighboring plants.

The consequences of these reasons are:

  • poor bush growth;
  • dying and drying of branches;
  • poor flowering or lack thereof;
  • crushing flowers;
  • yellowing of leaves;
  • loss of decorativeness.

And sometimes a plant needs to be replanted due to buildings erected nearby, redevelopment of a flower bed or the entire plot.

Necessary conditions for transplantation

When moving a plant to a new location, you need to take into account weather conditions. It is not advisable to do this on a hot and dry day. It is better to transplant in cloudy weather, when the sun is not shining and the humidity is higher. In such conditions, the plant will tolerate transplantation more easily. Optimal time The day is considered evening, and the temperature is from +10 °C to +15 °C.

Preparing for transplant

Transplanting plants to another place is not such a simple process, requiring preliminary preparation:

  1. Choosing a suitable location.
  2. Processing the hole for planting.
  3. Preparing and moving bushes.

Did you know? ABOUT medicinal properties Avicenna and Dioscorides also spoke of roses. The latter indicated that red flowers have astringent properties, and white flowers have laxative properties.

Selecting a location

When deciding where to grow roses, you need to consider that:

  • rose doesn't like shadow, it will affect appearance(small bush with small flowers), and will also lead to frequent illnesses, so you need a sunny place;
  • infection by fungal diseases will reduce the sun illuminating the bushes on the eastern side in the morning (the dew will dry quickly);
  • The “queen of flowers” ​​does not tolerate waterlogging. The place should be located on a hill so that there is no stagnation of water and flooding with groundwater;
  • The soil needs to be neutral or slightly acidic. Clay and too loose are not suitable;
  • the area should not be in a draft;
  • you need to avoid proximity to tall plants;
  • cannot be planted after rosaceous plants (apple tree, sweet cherry, cherry, raspberry, hawthorn and others), because there is a danger of infection with common diseases.

Preparing roses

To move the plant to a new location with minimal losses, you need to damage the root system as little as possible:

  • For this, the earthen ball with roots must be maximum. Its height should be about 40 cm, and along the perimeter - no closer than 20–30 cm from the base of the plant stem;
  • To prevent the lump of earth from crumbling, the bush is first watered. After absorbing the moisture, they begin to dig up the bush;
  • Grafted plants have a taproot system, so the long central root will have to be cut off. Ordinary roses have superficial roots, and this problem will not arise;
  • so that thorny branches do not interfere, the bush can be tied thick fabric or film;
  • digging a trench around the perimeter (depth about 40 cm), tie a lump of earth with durable material;
  • prying from below with a crowbar (the shovel may break), the bush is carefully removed from the ground;
  • For long-distance transportation, the fabric holding the roots is periodically moistened.

When replanting in spring, it is advisable to trim the shoots (hybrid tea - by 2-3 eyes, English - by 4-6). This optimizes root development. When transplanting in the fall, the branches are not pruned. Groundcover bushes do not need pruning; only the dried tops are removed.

Preparation and processing of the seat

The process of preparing a landing site consists of several stages:

  1. Clearing a space with a diameter of up to 1–1.5 m for 1 bush. It is necessary to remove all weeds, roots of other plants and stones from it.
  2. Dig a hole up to 60 cm deep and 2 times larger than the earthen clod. If the roots are without soil, then you need to focus on their size so that they fit freely in the hole. The depth should be such that the root collar is deepened by 2–3 cm.
  3. The top (fertile) layer of soil, about 20 cm, is set aside.
  4. The bottom of the hole is covered with a layer of drainage (small pebbles or crushed stone) about 5 cm thick.
  5. Then fill with base soil. Depending on the composition of the soil, additives are added to it (later in the article).
  6. The top is sprinkled with the remaining fertile layer.

To give the soil the desired composition, various components are added to it:
  • if the soil is sandy, then about 4 kg of peat (per 1 m²) is added to it;
  • medium loam will become lighter by adding about 15 kg of coarse sand (per 1 m²);
  • low acidity (below 6) is neutralized dolomite flour or chalk. 200 g increases pH by 1 unit. scales. Optimal acidity for roses is 6–7;
  • organic matter (for example, humus) increases soil fertility. For 1 m² 4 kg is enough.

Important! It is better to prepare planting holes in advance. For spring planting- in the fall. For autumn - in spring or at least 3-4 weeks before planting. This will ensure even distribution of nutrients X substances, as well as soil subsidence.

If you don’t have the time or desire to bother with analyzing the soil of your site, then we offer one of the soil mixture options:

  • 2 parts (buckets) of garden soil;
  • 1 part (bucket) of sand, humus and peat;
  • 0.5 parts (half a bucket) of clay;
  • 1 cup each of ash and bone meal;
  • a handful of Kemira universal fertilizer or superphosphate.

Rose transplant technology

In practice, two transplantation methods are used (classical and wet). The first method is used when the root system is exposed. In this case, you can carefully inspect the roots and cut off any dry or damaged ones.

The roots can be dipped in a mixture of clay (2 parts) and mullein (1 part) + 1 tablet of sodium humate. The mixture is diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. The roots treated in this way are placed on a mound placed in the center of the planting hole and straightened out well. The hole is filled with earth, compacted and watered.
Wet method landings are less complicated. With it, the roots are covered with an earthen lump and are less injured. A bucket of water is poured into the planting hole and the seedling is lowered. After the liquid is absorbed, the pit is filled up and compacted.

Important! When replanting, you need to remember that the place of budding (grafting) should be 3–4 cm below the ground level. This will prevent the growth of wild growth. U own root roses(grown from a cutting of a mother bush) the earthen lump is located flush with the surface.

Large or old flower

The peculiarity of moving old and voluminous bush lies in the fact that they are dealing with a plant with a well-developed and formed root system. In order for your home rose to undergo transplantation less painfully, it is more advisable to use the wet method.

The more roots remain in the earthen coma, the better, but so that it can be moved to a new place without any problems. If the ground still crumbles, you will have to use classical method. Before doing this, examine the roots and remove damaged and diseased ones.

During flowering

During the growing season, it is advisable not to disturb plants (including roses), since all energy is spent on intensive growth and flowering. Moving will be very stressful. But if this is necessary, you should be prepared for the fact that flowering may end there.

The rules are as follows:

  • moving with an earthen ball is used;
  • If possible, the long central root should not be cut off, but should be freed from the ground;
  • try to injure the rose as little as possible;
  • the bush should be planted immediately, watered well and, if necessary, shaded;
  • It is better to trim the flowers so that they do not consume the reserves necessary for the bush during this period.

Indoor roses You can transplant from pot to pot at any time. Use the method of transferring a lump of earth into a larger (2-3 cm) pot in diameter. In the first weeks, the transplanted flower needs to be provided with shade and sufficient, but not too much watering.

After purchasing in store

When choosing a rose in a store, it is better to give preference to a plant in a container, although it is more expensive. But among the advantages is that you can plant it at any time, and it will tolerate replanting more easily than a plant with bare roots. And landing wet method much easier.

Provide her good drainage and moderate watering, and the plant will delight you with abundant flowering.

If you buy a rose with bare roots, you should carefully inspect them to make sure they are not dry or rotten. It is better to abandon such a plant or you will have to remove all damaged roots. Such a bush needs to be planted immediately, because planting at a distance reduces the chances of the plant taking root as quickly as possible.

The rose needs to be watered abundantly in the first days and shaded from sun rays. Otherwise, the transplantation scheme does not differ from standard methods.

Climbing and curly

Moving these roses to another place has several features:

  • before transplanting, they are watered well and removed from their supports;
  • The above-ground part can be deeply pruned, leaving only 10 cm of shoots. But some gardeners are of the opinion that pruning is not necessary to maintain a source of nutrients;
  • the grafting site should be underground at a depth of 8–10 cm;
  • the planting hole should be slightly larger (about 70x70 cm) than for other varieties.

Otherwise, the same conditions are observed as for other roses.

Climbing roses are divided into ramblers and climbers. The former grow intensively and have flexible and creeping vines up to 10 m long. When transplanting, all shoots older than 2 years are removed. Climber roses are characterized by coarse and thick branches up to 5 m long. Such stems are cut in half when transplanted.

Did you know? Aromatherapy was proposed by the scientist N.A. Künzel in the 20th century. He advised using rose scent to treat problems nervous system, because he considered this smell a strong antidepressant.

Further care for roses

After the transplant, the following activities are carried out:

  • in the first month, the plant is shaded using film or a screen, low-growing ones - with buckets;
  • moderate watering (soft water is better), you can spray with water in the evening;
  • after watering, the soil is loosened to a depth of about 10 cm;
  • Sprinkle the ground under the bush with a layer of mulch (2–3 cm) made from peat, sawdust, rotted manure or deciduous bark. All these materials will later serve as an additional source of nutrients;
  • Young shoots that outgrow the rest are pinched after the 4th leaf. To induce branching, pinching is also used;
  • if the plant is young or weak, you need to trim the buds;
  • After 14 days, you can fertilize with complex fertilizers. For foliar fertilizer you can use “Bud Plus” (1 package per 2 liters of water) or “Zircon” (1 ml per 2 liters of water). Agricola-aqua (5 ml per 1 liter of water) is suitable as a root dressing.

What difficulties might you encounter?

But here are some possible problems:

  • Minuses
  • Care should be taken when applying fertilizers. It's better to underfeed than to overfeed. For example, nitrogen in large quantities in the autumn can awaken dormant buds and cause their unnecessary active growth, which will result in the death of the rose;
  • In the spring, night frosts occur, so fragile bushes should be covered with burlap or other material at night. suitable material, and in the morning remove the cover. If the plant has already been damaged, then you need to cut off the dry stems, spray with Epin and build a shelter for further protection;
  • at late autumn transplant roses may freeze. In order for the plant to take root, it must be planted 3 weeks before the first frost. For the winter you need to cover it well. Best to use ordinary land, since improper covering with other materials often causes the bush to become rotten and die.

Using these simple tips, you can easily create a gorgeous rose garden. Let the queen of flowers delight you every year with her lush blooms.