When to plant birch in autumn or spring. Birch - a classic of summer cottages

Every year countless numbers are planted different trees, among which the most favorite is the beautiful white-trunked birch. Any summer resident, being in garden center or at the market where tree seedlings are sold, one is tormented about what to choose. But, having chosen a birch tree, he begins to think about where and how to plant it?

To do this, you need to know how to do everything correctly when moving a birch seedling from the forest or from another area, so that it can take root and grow normally. The answers to these questions can be found in this article.

Basic rules for replanting birch trees

Often, those who want to plant a birch tree on their plot create problems themselves, both during planting and when growing it in unsuitable conditions. To this process passed without problems, you just need to adhere to the following simple rules:

  • Choose the right type birch;
  • Choose appropriate place for transplantation;
  • We comply with all agricultural technology requirements;
  • We carry out disease and pest control in a timely manner.

At proper care The lifespan of a green white birch can reach 55 years.

Where to plant a birch tree

Before you start looking for a suitable place to transplant a seedling of the white-skinned beauty, it will not hurt to know that this tree is a very capricious species. It contains substances that, when released into the soil, become poisonous to other plants. Probably many have seen how beautiful a grove is where only birches grow, but they can rarely be found in a mixed forest, since they do not get along well with other trees.

Having a vegetable garden, the area of ​​which is not large, there is no need to even dream of planting a birch tree. Only on big ones suburban areas their owner can afford to do this.
A suitable place to transplant young tree, the area will become well-lit. Only there can it grow beautiful tree with long hanging branches. If the new place of residence is in the shade, the birch tree will grow tall and with a crown only at the top of the trunk, frail and depressed.

In natural places where birches grow, the soil is moist. This means that the new place of “residence” must correspond to the previous one, the leaves of the tree will be fully illuminated by the sun, and at the same time the soil will remain cool. It is best to plant a birch seedling on the eastern or northern side of the building, where shadow will always be present in the afternoon.

In addition to the fact that the place for transplantation must be with a certain temperature and soil humidity, you need to know some more important facts. You cannot plant a tree under electrical wires, because an adult birch tree reaches a height of up to 20 meters. And one more thing that is very important to know before planting a birch tree near your house. Its pollen is one of the most powerful allergens; this fact must be taken into account.

The best soil for planting

Birch is not at all picky about soil quality. In the case where you plan to transplant a seedling to a place with poor drainage or where there are frequent floods, it is best to purchase black birch, which can grow even on dry hummocks.

It is believed that when birch is transplanted, it has a good survival rate in poor podzolic soils, as well as on solonetzes and chernozems, on sandy soil and loams. Slightly acidic soil is most suitable for the normal development and growth of seedlings, but it can also grow in alkaline soils. To make the soil more acidic, it is recommended to add soil taken from a coniferous forest or special chemicals.

Landing rules

Birch replanting must be carried out with great responsibility and skill. There are some rules regarding the location of the seedling relative to neighboring crops; they must be followed:

  • From the landing point vegetable crops, garden plants the distance must be at least 8 meters. If this is a group planting of birch trees, limit the free space between them to 5 meters;
  • It is better to plant trees in places on the northern side of the site so as not to shade other garden plantings;
  • The distance between the birch tree and the walls of the building, underground communications should be equal to 3 meters;
  • Since birch has allergic effects, this must be taken into account when planting it if there is a person with allergies in the house.
  • It is better to place the seedling in a place so that the future tree can cover the area from the prevailing winds in that region;
  • Poor survival rate during transplantation is observed in adult birch trees. It is recommended to replant them in the fall when frost sets in or in winter so that a large lump of earth remains on the roots.

Three-year-old seedlings will be able to perfectly adapt to a new place, so that after a few years they will delight people with their beauty.


A few days before planting, you need to prepare a planting hole. Its size should correspond to the size of the root system of the seedling along with the lump of earth. Then add a few centimeters to the calculation for normal placement of the seedling.

First you need to fill the dug hole with a drainage layer, this may be broken brick or gravel. Then fill one third of the hole with a mixture consisting of leaf soil, humus and 150 grams of complex fertilizer. To make the soil what it was in natural conditions habitat of the purchased birch seedling, you can also add soil from a coniferous forest or pine sawdust.

You need to hammer a peg into the corner of the dug planting hole. Before planting, it is recommended to dip the roots of the plant in a mash made of clay and water (our grandfathers did this). And after that, place the tree on permanent place, after pouring a bucket of water into the hole. After this, slowly begin to add soil from all sides of the hole, while trampling it down, starting from the edge and moving towards the middle.

At the end of this work, the seedling should be attached to the peg with a rope and immediately watered. And also, which is very important, the root collar should not be buried. This is explained by the fact that if it is even a little below the soil level, the mycorrhiza (fungi) on the roots of the plant will die, without which the growth of the birch will begin to deteriorate, and ultimately it will disappear.

Experienced gardeners believe that it is necessary to replant the birch tree in the spring, it will be able to stock up required quantity nutrients, for wintering. Late autumn is an excellent time to transplant - when the air temperature is below +10 degrees. Agrotechnical work carried out in autumn corresponds to spring planting.

The main thing you need to remember is that birch trees need to be planted with their roots covered. If it was purchased from a nursery or mall, the roots will be in the container. But when you have to deliver it from the forest, the tree must be with big lump her native land.


Birch is an unpretentious tree. Caring for her will not take much time, it is minimal. Watering will only be needed after replanting and during drought.

You can feed the plant in early spring, before the first leaves appear, as well as in last days spring. The irrigation solution is as follows: bucket of water, 1 kg. mullein, urea 10g, ammonium nitrate 15g. For one birch tree 10–20 years old you need to pour three ten-liter buckets of this fertilizer, after thirty years - five such buckets.

Care includes weeding and loosening the soil to a depth of at least 3cm. Mulching of tree trunk circles will also be required. wood chips or peat.


Agronomists note that birch trees are not pruned, otherwise the structure of the crown may be damaged. The tree does not tolerate this process well; no more than a quarter of the branches can be cut out per season.

The seedlings do not require aesthetic intervention. You can only regularly carry out sanitary pruning, removing dried branches. When caring for trees that no longer produce growth, you need to rejuvenate them by removing bulky branches. Such pruning is allowed only in autumn and winter, that is, during the dormant period for birch.

Diseases and pests of birch, protection against them

Birch has many pests, the most dangerous of them are Chafer and gypsy moth. The beetles damage leaves and shoots, and their larvae damage the roots. You can combat them by timely removal of damaged leaves and subsequent burning. It is also recommended to dig around the trunks. The soil can be treated with chemicals.

Silkworm caterpillars eat the leaves, leaving only the veins behind. If this pest is detected, you should immediately begin to fight it. To do this, the caterpillars need to be shaken off and the tree sprayed with one of the appropriate insecticides.

For birch trees, fungi - tinder fungi, which can greatly destroy the wood, pose a great danger. It is necessary to get rid of them in time. Rust can be combated by spraying the tree with fungicides.

Every year many are planted in Russia various trees, and the most favorite of them is birch. This white-trunked beauty is a real symbol of Russia. How to transplant a birch tree correctly so that it takes root and begins to grow well? To do this, you should follow several simple rules, the first of which is that it is better to plant birch trees in early spring, while the foliage has not yet begun to grow, then the trees will have a high survival rate.

You need to prepare in advance everything you need for transplantation:

Bayonet shovel;
- a strong peg 1.5 meters long;
- bucket;
- big piece cellophane;
- a piece of synthetic twine to tie the cellophane;
- 1 meter of rope to tie the seedling to a peg;
- clay;
- water;
- humus;
- complex fertilizer.

Planting holes for trees measuring 60x60x60 should be dug the day before planting, in a well-lit place. In bright light, the birch tree will grow thick, spreading, with dense foliage. A mixture of humus, garden soil and a handful of fertilizer is poured into the dug holes by one third.

Seedlings of paper, American, Dahurian and many other birches can be bought in nurseries, but the most cheap way to get seedlings - dig them up in a well-lit place. In large forest clearings or edges, birch shoots grow strong and strong, and you can find seedlings of silver or warty birch. You need to choose plants no more than 1 meter high - their roots will be less damaged when digging, and they will take root better.

You need to step back 30 cm from the trunk of the selected seedling and dig the soil around the trunk to the depth of the spade bayonet, trying not to damage the side roots. Then dig the shovel under the central root and, using force to pry up the roots, pull the seedling out of the ground. It is better to work with an assistant, otherwise you may break the young tree.

Dug up seedlings should not be left in the wind or sun - they can quickly dry out. The soil on the roots must be preserved so that the thin roots are not damaged. The earthen ball with roots is carefully placed on cellophane film, wrapped and tied with twine. The seedling can then be placed in a suitable container or placed in the trunk of a car and transported to the planting site.

You need to drive a peg into the corner of each planting hole, and in one of the holes you can make a clay mash by diluting the clay with water until it becomes thick with sour cream. Before planting, each tree is dipped with its roots in this mash and placed in a prepared hole into which a bucket of water has been poured. When planting, the root collar should not be buried - this will impair the growth of the tree.

Then you can start pouring soil into the holes, slowly trampling it from the edges of the hole to the middle. When planting, one person should hold the tree vertically, and the second should cover the roots with soil.

When the hole is filled with earth and compacted, the trunk of the tree is tied to the peg with a rope, twisting it between the trunk and the peg in the form of a rope so that the trunk does not rub against the peg in the wind. After planting, the tree needs to be watered. Water the seedlings twice a week if there is no rain. It is necessary to ensure that the soil in the tree trunk circles is always loose, then moisture will penetrate well to the roots of the seedling.

Birch is the beauty of Russian forests and one of the symbols of Russia. If you want to see it on your summer cottage, then you need to know how to plant a birch tree correctly, what is its care and how to grow it? Then she will delight you with her magnificent appearance every day, because she lives for a very long time!

Location on

A tall and slender birch tree can easily become a decoration for a garden or personal plot. It is undemanding to soil, but needs large quantities moisture. It literally sucks out any water within a radius of about 10 meters around the trunk. Therefore, before planting, you need to choose a place where ornamental or agricultural crops do not grow.

At first, a birch sprout seems small and fragile, but over time it turns into a tall, powerful tree, so you should choose the planting site wisely. A distance of 4 m should be maintained from gas and water pipes and building foundations. If there is not much space on the site, then you can choose one of the decorative types of birch. Among them there are low (7-8 m) trees that can coexist with other plants in a limited area. Of course, such trees do not grow in our forests, and seedlings will need to be purchased from nurseries.

Tree from the forest

If you can afford to plant a full-fledged birch tree in your dacha, then in a simple way will be its cultivation from the forest. In this case, the most important step there will be a search for a small seedling. Inexperienced gardeners who want to quickly grow a tree often plant fairly mature seedlings, 1-1.5 m tall. But in most cases, such a tree does not live long in your dacha.

The fact is that at this age the plant already has a fairly extensive root system. To replant it painlessly, you need to dig up the plant along with a lump of soil with a volume of about 1 square meter. m, which is an impossible task.

When going in search of a seedling, you need to look for the smallest plants. Good choice the tree will become 50-60 cm high, but ideally it is better to find a very young one, about 20 cm in height, because it is the easiest to grow. When digging, it is necessary to step back from the trunk by 30-40 cm and, if possible, save as much earth as possible (at least 10 liters). It is also recommended to note the location of the tree relative to the cardinal directions, and plant it on the site in the same way.

The planting site should be well lit, but in the first few days it is better to shade the sprout a little. It is also necessary to immediately water the plant abundantly, and if the first few days after planting are hot, then watering must be continued. When planting, do not forget that in a few years it will be a massive tree with a wide crown. Consider whether it will disturb your neighbors by shading their property or sucking up water and minerals from the ground. It is better to immediately assess the situation, how much territory your tree needs, in order to avoid conflicts in the future and grow it correctly; the plant lives for a very long time.

Planting from seeds

A more time-consuming, but at the same time reliable way to grow birch is to plant seeds. They can be purchased or collected from autumn time. You can tell that the seeds are ripe by running your hand over the earring. If this causes them to begin to crumble, then you can collect several earrings and tie them into a “broom”. After this, the earrings dry out within 7 days and the seeds can be shaken out of them.

It is advisable to plant the seeds in the same autumn when they were collected. Before planting, it is recommended to treat them with an antifungal agent and clear the soil of any weeds. In the first days after planting, it is necessary to regularly water the seeds, and in winter, cover the planting site with snow.

Growing Instructions

How to grow from a branch

You can even start growing this tree in an apartment. You can use his thread for this. Growing birch by cuttings is more difficult than most other trees, but if the care is correct, it is quite possible.

First of all, you need to cut the branches correctly. It is necessary to do this in the morning, or on a cloudy day, so that the cut cuttings retain enough moisture. It is better to choose a tree that lives 2-3 years. The length of the branch should be within 5-10 cm. We make the cut obliquely to increase the area of ​​​​contact with water. Upper part should also be cut, but perpendicular to the branch, to reduce moisture evaporation.

The cut branches must be placed in a container with a small amount of water and covered with a slightly damp cloth on top. You can also treat the lower part of the cutting with the drug "Kornevin" for better growth roots. When roots appear on the branch, you can replant it in the ground. Until autumn, the birch tree should be watered regularly and protected from direct sun rays. How many months will it take for the seedling to get stronger? In 3-4 months, if the care was correct, the seedling will be fully strengthened and ready for planting in open ground.

Growing at home

It is easier to transplant a seedling properly grown from a cutting into the ground than one dug up in the forest. In this case, you will definitely not damage the root system and the probability of tree survival will increase significantly. How much should you water it, you ask? After planting, it is necessary to water the seedling for 3-4 days. Birch is a fairly frost-resistant tree, it lives for a long time, so even a short autumn will be enough for it to strengthen for the winter and no matter how many frosts there are in winter, it will survive everything.

Starting next spring, you can begin annual preventative care behind the birch. It is not much different from caring for other plants.


An adult birch tree consumes a lot of water (a few trees can even drain a swamp). Therefore, on hot days it needs to be watered at the rate of 1 bucket per square meter. crown meter.

Loosening the soil

Many weeds will not grow under the birch tree, since most of them will lack moisture. For decorative purposes, loosening can be carried out to combat small herbaceous plants. But it is not recommended to go deeper than 3 cm, because the birch root system is located very close to the surface.

Pest Control

Pests and diseases cannot cause critical harm to the tree, but they can ruin it appearance. How many times should I do prophylaxis? For prevention, it is necessary to treat the crown and trunk with fungicides and insecticides once a year and the tree lives peacefully without pests.


To give the crown an attractive appearance, you can trim off excess branches. But this must be done in early spring, before the juices begin to flow. If you plant a birch tree correctly and properly care for it, it will live for more than 100 years and how many wonderful days it will bring you! Therefore, it will delight not only you, but also your children and grandchildren with its beauty and quiet rustling of leaves, the main thing is to grow it correctly!



However, from the point of view of ornamental gardening, the widespread drooping birch (Betula pendula) and downy birch (Betula pubescens) are not of interest. No, of course we love our birches. In forests, parks and groves. But we are in no hurry to plant our plots with them. But numerous decorative forms obtained from Betula pendula and Betula pubescens enjoy well-deserved success. So, for example, the silver birch ‘Yungi’ is interesting for its weeping, and the silver birch ‘Fastigiata’ has a columnar crown shape. At the same time, in terms of planting and care, they are quite unpretentious, like all birches. They put them on open places or in partial shade. Plants with decorative painting leaves lose color when planted in the shade.


The root collar is at ground level - this is very important for birch! Planting a birch tree below ground level means dooming it to suffering and inevitable death over the next few years. This happens because the mycorrhiza on the birch roots dies, without which the birch cannot live. For the same reason, birches do not tolerate pouring soil over the roots of mature trees and increasing the groundwater level. If groundwater are close, a drainage layer consisting of 10-20 cm of crushed stone or sand must be poured onto the bottom of the planting hole.

Soil mixture

Sod land, peat, sand - 2:1:2. Optimal acidity - pH 6.0 - 7.5

Top dressing

In early spring before the leaves appear and in late spring - early summer, fertilize with nitrogen-containing fertilizers: mullein - 1 kg, urea - 10 g, ammonium nitrate - 15-20 g In the fall, fertilize mineral fertilizers: nitroammophoska 15-20 g. The drug is diluted in 10 liters of water. One plant requires 10-20 liters of solution.


After planting - 20 liters per plant. Birch has a superficial root system, and therefore requires watering during dry periods at the rate of 10 liters per 1 sq.m of crown projection. Young plants during dry periods require more frequent and abundant watering, because... can trap moisture fruit trees, bushes and garden plants.


Loosening to a depth of no more than 3 cm to control weeds.


Mulching the tree trunk circle with peat, peat compost, wood chips. The thickness of the mulch layer is 8-12 cm.

A beautiful white-trunked tree, covered with a quivering green crown, looks very harmonious wherever it grows: near the house, in a grove, alone on the outskirts. But the main thing in the description of this tree is that the birch is a unique symbol of Russian open spaces. It is one of the first to become covered with emerald leaves after a harsh winter, so more and more people began to think about this tree when it was necessary to decorate it. personal plot or plant greenery on a street or a vacant area near an apartment building.

Botanical characteristics

This tree belongs to the Birch family of the Birch genus. Root system very branched, it needs enough nutrients and moisture. Therefore, gardeners are in no hurry to plant such a tree on their site, because then there will be more trouble with and if there is little moisture.

And some varieties are quite tall. In addition to its properties, the plant is very useful; almost all its components have healing properties: buds, leaves, catkins, birch bark, from which you can get unique medicinal properties. This one is very good for our health. Birch brooms are a real classic. The largest distribution area of ​​this beauty is middle lane Russia.

Did you know? There are approximately one hundred and twenty species of birch trees known. Almost all of them are accustomed to our climate. Tall species of these trees live longer than dwarf and shrub species.

The Birch genus is divided into four groups: Albae (with snow-white bark, height does not exceed fifteen meters); Nanae(); Costata (decorative species with multi-colored colors); Acuminatae (tall trees with large leaves).

Application in landscape design

Thanks to the crown, green in spring and summer and bright yellow in autumn, on a snow-white trunk with contrasting black spots, the birch tree looks charming. Therefore, it is increasingly used in design. For this purpose, low-growing trees are often planted: or. Decorative types have bark of white, pink, cherry, yellow and black colors. These trees look great. In the spring, charming “earrings” and delicate sticky leaves with a light green tint appear on these beauties; in the summer they are completely covered with thick emerald foliage, and in the fall a golden crown frames snow-white or multi-colored bark. They also experiment with tree shapes by pruning branches, but gardeners need to know how to prune a birch tree correctly. In addition, this tree always attracts birds, and for those who love their morning singing, no best option for decorating your site or planting it on the street near your house.

How to choose seedlings when purchasing

Birch trees are easily sown with the help of their “earrings”, so seedlings can also be dug up in the forest. But then it will be an ordinary birch. You can purchase a certain type, depending on your design ideas and needs. All varieties ornamental plants They are distinguished by their unusual bark color and foliage. So you need to buy them only for the purpose of decorating the site.

Tall species live much longer than other species, but they are less resistant to gusts of wind and are prone to self-seeding. But if it is necessary to dry a certain place on a personal plot, then the choice of planting such a tree is quite justified. The seedling for planting must be very young; mature trees almost do not take root when transplanted; the roots are significantly damaged in most cases. Main feature What helps a seedling successfully take root in a new place is that it must be sold with the roots located in a large clod of earth.

Selecting a location

Birch is not particularly demanding; it can grow in almost any conditions. But she needs enough light and moisture; she does not like too “clogged” soil.

Important!Birch has insufficient stability in strong gusts of wind.

All these factors must be taken into account when choosing a place to plant these representatives of the flora. The place should be lit, with good level humidity, but without stagnation that is dangerous for the development of these plants spring waters, and be at a sufficient distance from buildings and fences in case of natural disasters, and so as not to cause unnecessary inconvenience to neighbors.

The optimal option would be to plant it in soil whose composition is as similar as possible to the one in which the tree grew. And it can grow in any soil - both in loam and peat soil. Light soils are more suitable for some species. The soil reaction can also be varied: neutral, and even alkaline.

Preparatory work before planting

Before planting, first of all, you need to decide when to plant the birch tree. Suitable for landing early spring, in this case, the roots of the seedling should be in a large clod of earth, and its age should in no case exceed three years. It is also allowed to plant a birch tree at the age of seven in winter along with a frozen lump of earth. Seeds, by the way, can be sown both in autumn and spring. According to experienced gardeners, the best time to plant birch is in the fall.

Did you know? An old riddle speaks well about the benefits of birch: “There is a tree with a green color. This tree has four benefits. The first benefit is health for the sick. The second is light from darkness. The third is the healing of the decrepit. And the fourth is a well for people.”

Before starting the planting process, it is also necessary to assess the condition of the soil, and although birch is not very demanding on it, it does not hurt to prepare it. It may be different, but leaf soil - best option. You also need to stock up sufficient quantity water.

Step-by-step instructions for planting seedlings

All more people I am interested in how to properly plant a birch tree on the site. The scheme for planting it is practically no different from the order of planting fruit trees. First, dig a hole large enough to accommodate all the roots. We place the tree in it and water the roots. Next, fill the hole with soil above the level of the root collar, don’t forget to add. Then we water the filled soil around the trunk. You can humus it with dry soil to preserve moisture. At first, newly planted trees are necessary for better survival. If several trees are planted, the distance between them should be at least four meters.

How fast it grows

One of the main features of these trees is their relatively fast growth. Two to three years after planting, you can see an almost adult, slender beauty.

Important! One of the main disadvantages of growing birch is its rapid reproduction. In autumn, in the growing area, shoots of young birch trees, densely populated after flowering, become noticeable. If you do not remove them, then after a while your garden plot may become a grove.

The plants do not require special care. But still, certain factors exist that make them feel better.


On a regular and frequent watering Young trees especially need it. But as soon as they grow and become stronger, this can be done less and less, and over time, birch trees do not need watering at all. After planting, young seedlings can be shaded with branches, plants, or covering material, which is removed in the evening.

Top dressing

Feeding birch, like any other plant, will never be superfluous. Especially in the first years after planting, young trees need additional fertilizers. As a top dressing, you can use a mixture of mullein up to one kilogram, ten to fifteen grams and fifteen grams. Other types of fertilizer are also suitable.