The concept of personnel policy of the Republic of Udmurtia. Types of personnel policies

An organization's personnel policy is a set of well-known methods and techniques that can influence organizational process enterprises. All rules must be tested in practice and must improve not only production structure, but also the labor potential of workers.

What is the purpose of personnel policy

Each enterprise has its own methods and ways of transforming personnel policies, but not everyone has everything documented. It is worth noting that the main goal of personnel is to ensure a smooth work process, retain valuable employees, and create suitable working conditions.

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Formation of personnel policy: influence of factors

Activities in this area begin with identifying the needs that need to be satisfied. Potential opportunities in working with personnel are identified. To formulate the correct personnel policy, it is necessary to find out what is most important for the operation of the enterprise.

The formation of personnel policy is influenced by:

  1. Factors external environment These are phenomena that an enterprise must take into account. You cannot avoid them, since everything can be enshrined at the state level. This includes:
    • Market State work force.
    • Trends in the country's economic growth.
    • The legal framework of the country, which can make changes to the labor code.
    • Scientific and technological progress (if new technologies appear, then we need specialists who can manage them).
  2. Internal environmental factors– this is what directly happens at the enterprise itself. This can include:
    • Personnel management style.
    • Main goals for achieving results.
    • Method of leadership.
    • Methods of enterprise management.

Main directions of personnel policy: principles and characteristics

If we talk about different enterprises, then each has a certain direction. A more visual and common view is the following:

  1. Organizational personnel management – has the same management principle for both general and individual ideas. In this case, you have to look for constant compromises between employees and senior management.
  2. Selection and placement of personnel – consists of several principles - this professional competence, individuality, conformity, practical achievements. It is characterized by the fact that each employee meets his qualifications and occupies his position. He must be experienced and have professional skills, and have his own management style.
  3. Formation and preparation of a reserve for promotion to leadership positions – This area includes several principles: rotation, suitability for the position, manifestation in work, assessment of the individual qualities of the employee. It is characterized by the fact that promotion is carried out on the basis of a competition or tender. Produced active learning employee who is about to take up a management position. The candidate is determined based on his experience.
  4. Personnel assessment and certification – determined using the principles of indicator selection, quality of task performance and qualification assessment. Using this direction, you can determine the main indicators that should be adhered to in your work and which still need to be developed. In this way, it is possible to assess the potential of employees and ways to achieve profit maximization.
  5. Staff development - is built through the principles of advanced training, opportunities for self-development, and ways of self-expression. This direction is very necessary, as it will help to prepare qualified personnel as much as possible.
  6. Motivation and stimulation of personnel, remuneration important point, which is determined based on the principles of equal mix and incentives. In this case, tasks and deadlines for their completion should be set. There must be incentive factors, on the basis of which a person will use all his best qualities.

Types of tools

  1. Personnel planning– before applying certain methods to work, it is necessary to build a clear plan, which should be worked out beforehand. Having a good plan, you can build the right personnel policy.
  2. Current HR work- this is a process that is already involved in implementation, but before this, certain aspects have already been worked out by personnel inspectors.
  3. Personnel management– this is not an easy job, which is carried out by a specially trained person. He, in turn, must have skills in working with personnel. Such a person should be respected and listened to.
  4. Activities for its development and advanced training– this is an important point that contributes to good and high-quality work. Before introducing new activities, it is necessary to study the people and their work.
  5. Activities to solve social problems– in any team, disagreements and other problematic situations constantly arise that the administration must be able to solve.
  6. Reward and motivation– to obtain maximum output from employees, it is necessary to motivate the employee and reward him financially accordingly. Thus showing that his work is not in vain.

Production stages

Like any activity, it has its own stages of implementation. They also consist of:

  • Research of the enterprise's labor resources, on the basis of which the forecast is based.
  • Determining the main points and priorities of activities.
  • Familiarization of the administration and personnel of the enterprise with the adopted policy. The main way to promote information.
  • Determining the budget for the implementation of a new personnel policy that will ensure effective labor incentives.
  • Development of basic activities for the formation of personnel staff.
  • Achieving goals through special programs for development, adaptation of employees, and advanced training.
  • Summing up - analysis of all activities related to the organization of personnel policy, identification problem areas, assessment of employee potential.

Main types

By scale of personnel events:

Passive– the administration does not make global changes to personnel policy, it is only trying to solve existing problems, which indicates weak returns on the part of employees. The HR department starts working only in certain cases. This often leads to high staff turnover, which negatively affects the efficiency of work.

Reactive– is based only on the work of problem areas that can lead the organization to a crisis situation. This happens in businesses that do a poor job of defining mission and priorities. In such cases, the manager’s entire interest is only in removing the consequence, but not the cause of the crisis, which can repeatedly appear.

Preventive– is developed only for certain cases or for a certain period. It is not permanent and does not have to be assigned to the staff. Eat specific goal under it, respectively, labor resources that are aimed at performing a specific task.

Active– if an enterprise has forecasts, a specific forecast and a set of actions, then this type of personnel policy takes place. It is aimed at achieving maximum results. In such cases, we involve best employees who are capable of carrying out this activity. All priorities are clearly defined here, there are no exceptions. Management keeps the whole situation under control.

By degree of openness:

Open– it has become more modern. Characterized by the fact that it openly shows the possibilities of work. Career growth starts from the bottom to management. An organization with such personnel policy ready to accept any specialist if he has the necessary skills and qualifications. This system is typical for telecommunications and transport companies. Companies are thus trying to enter a new market and make a name for themselves.

Closed– in such a company, a managerial position can be taken by an employee who has been working for a long time. New employees can only occupy entry-level positions. It is typical for companies that have been working for a long time, they are satisfied with their activities and do not plan to grow.

Criteria for evaluation

  1. Quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel. Quantitative is divided into three categories - management, management and service personnel. If we discuss the qualitative composition, then employees are divided among themselves according to their level of education, work experience, and advanced training by employees.
  2. Staff turnover rate– one of the most important factors in modern business. An increased level is observed in enterprises where special education is not required. Thus, the entrepreneur wants to make a quick profit without spending money on personnel policies. And the most interesting thing is that initially you can achieve a good result, but after some time the development will be very weak, since there is no incentive for workers in their work.
  3. Flexibility of the policy– any activity must be manageable. When a new personnel policy is introduced at an enterprise, it is necessary that it can be implemented for any department. Each production department has its own goal and the implementation of new policies must correspond to their specifics.
  4. Degree of consideration of employee/production interests– any changes must be accepted by employees. This will help the staff to perform their jobs to the best of their ability. As stated in the previous criterion, the new policy must be consistent with the responsibilities being performed. Consistency with the team is the first step to success.

What activities are needed?

In order to improve personnel policy, it is necessary to use the following measures:

  1. The selection of personnel is based on certain criteria that will correspond to their responsibilities. The more experience a person has, the higher the level of productivity at work. Newcomers should also not be pushed aside, as they have a different perspective on work, and they can contribute to new discoveries that will have a positive impact on development as a whole.
  2. To ensure a stable and continuous production process, it is necessary to involve long-term cooperation.
  3. The personnel department must provide the enterprise with all the necessary staff as much as possible. Management should pay attention to this process. The company operates stably when all jobs are filled.
  4. HR specialists must conduct an analysis of the workforce at the enterprise. They are obliged to provide correct placement full-time employees, so that their qualifications correspond to the position held.
  5. The management of the enterprise must provide its staff with courses that can improve their skills. Thus, the company will have experienced workers who will be able to complete work of any complexity. Loss of working time and manufacturing defects can be avoided due to lack of experience.

The personnel policy of an enterprise is a very important point that contributes to the maximum development of the enterprise. There are several areas that help maximize enterprise profits.

Known directions contribute to the correct distribution of personnel in their places.

The enterprise's personnel policy must be updated from time to time. Over time, not only people change, but also their views on the work process. Innovation drives positive results that can be achieved by people with a fresh perspective. manufacturing process. You should not adhere to the old personnel policy, as it will not only be ineffective, it can lead the company to liquidation.

"Human Resources Department commercial organization", 2012, N 4


A company, like any organism, lives by certain rules, in accordance with which the system as a whole behaves and according to which the people within it act. A set of these rules, aimed at achieving certain indicators, constitutes the organization’s policy in relation to finances, partners, competitors, etc. This article is devoted to issues of the organization’s policy in relation to its employees - personnel policy. What is it intended for, and what is its place in the overall strategy of the organization? What are they characterized by? different types personnel policy? What requirements and principles should it satisfy? What areas of personnel policy are considered priorities?

Personnel policy as part of the overall strategy of the organization

An organization's employees are its main productive force, on the rational use of which the results of production and financial activities largely depend. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities.

High need for qualified specialists causes intense competition between employers. But it’s not enough to attract professionals; you need to be able to retain them.

More often the most important criterion The financial success of an organization is determined by a personnel policy that helps attract and retain qualified employees. Today, what matters to people is not only a decent level of remuneration for work, but also a sense of belonging to a dynamically developing, ethical, socially responsible organization that has a good reputation in the market.

A competent policy regarding the organization’s personnel not only allows you to create favorable conditions labor, but also provides the opportunity career growth employees, the necessary degree of their confidence in the future.

Personnel policy can be defined as a set of rules, principles and the resulting forms, methods and criteria for working with personnel, strict adherence to which: forms and organizes the requirements for hired employees; determines what education and level of special training a candidate must have to perform specific work; fosters a certain attitude towards financial investments in personnel; teaches to distribute and purposefully influence the employed workforce; leads to stabilization of the team (at least most of it); determines the attitude towards development, personnel training, and internal rotation.

Personnel policy is developed taking into account internal resources, the interests of all categories of employees and social groups labor collective, traditions of the organization and environmental factors; it is part of the organization's policy and must fully comply with the concept of its development. Personnel policy is aimed at ensuring optimal ratio processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and qualitative composition of employees, their development in accordance with the needs of the organization, legal requirements, and the state of the labor market.

Organizations use different strategies regarding personnel. When choosing strategies, management’s approach to personnel management and the characteristics of a specific situation in the organization will be decisive. A significant role in choosing personnel policy is played by the stage of the organization’s life cycle, the type of competitive and general development strategy of the organization, the sales market in which the organization primarily sells its goods and services, its specialization, the type of labor relations, the level of technology development and other factors.

Thus, at the stage of formation of an organization, personnel management, as a rule, is informal; personnel policy activities are reduced to the creation of a personnel management system as such, the formation of corporate principles.

At the stage of intensive growth, personnel policy is aimed primarily at attracting new personnel and optimizing organizational structure. During this period, more progressive and subtle methods of attraction and selection are used, a system of training and personnel development is developed, management processes are improved, and effective remuneration systems are developed. The goal of personnel policy at this stage is to achieve high degree employee commitment to the company’s values ​​and the formation of stable labor relations.

At the stabilization stage, the organizational structure is restructured. Workers are considered as the most important resource, measures are taken to develop them and improve their qualifications. Admission of newcomers is limited, and higher requirements are imposed on candidates. The payment system is becoming more complex, modern methods job evaluations. Are developing corporate culture and internal communications system.

At the crisis stage, the emphasis shifts towards rationalization, diagnosis human resources, optimization of personnel, staff reduction. Long-term practical approaches are rarely used during the crisis stage or are severely limited in order to reduce costs. Personnel activities are aimed at supporting the reorganization and resolving conflicts that escalate during this period of development of the organization.

In order for a personnel policy to serve its purpose, it must satisfy certain requirements. First, it must be closely linked to the strategic and tactical goals of the organization. Secondly, the development of personnel policy must be carried out through discussion and consultation at different levels of the organization, taking into account existing opportunities and the mentality of the people at whom it is aimed and who participate in its implementation. Thirdly, the personnel policy should cover the main areas of work with personnel and contain specific practical steps for its implementation. Individual elements of personnel policy must be interconnected, united by a common ideology and complement each other. Fourthly, personnel policy must be modern, that is, its forms and methods must be adjusted in accordance with changes in the tactics of the enterprise, production and economic situation, but the basic principles regarding personnel must remain unchanged. Fifthly, personnel measures must be economically justified; their development and implementation must be based on real financial resources organizations. They should be aimed at increasing the capabilities of the enterprise, taking into account the changing requirements of technology and the market.

Types of personnel policies

The personnel policy options that exist in organizations are usually grouped on two grounds. The first is the method of implementing the personnel management strategy, determined by the level of awareness by managers of the rules and norms that underlie personnel activities, as well as the degree of direct influence of the management apparatus on the current personnel situation in the organization. On this basis, passive, reactive, preventive and active personnel policies are distinguished. Secondly, what (internal or external) personnel does management focus on when filling vacancies, what is the degree of openness of the organization to the external environment when forming staff. On this basis, personnel policies are divided into open and closed.

With a passive personnel policy, the organization does not have a clear program of actions regarding personnel, no work is being done to forecast the personnel situation, a personnel development strategy has not been developed, and management does not seek to analyze and improve motivation and incentive mechanisms. The role of management in relations with staff is reduced to an emergency response to conflict situations, they try to extinguish them by any means, without trying to understand and eliminate the causes of employee dissatisfaction, or prevent the occurrence of similar situations in the future.

With an active personnel policy, management knows the development forecast and has the means to influence the situation. Anti-crisis personnel programs are being developed, the situation is constantly monitored, and program implementation is adjusted in accordance with the parameters of the external and internal environment. Depending on what grounds for the forecast (conscious or not amenable to structuring and description) the organization’s management has, two subtypes of active personnel policy are distinguished: rational, when management has both a high-quality “diagnosis” and a reasonable forecast for the development of the situation in the medium term and long-term periods and has the means to influence it, and opportunistic, when, despite the lack of means of forecasting the personnel situation, personnel activities are planned, aimed at achieving goals important for the organization.

Reactive personnel policy is a system of measures to control the signs of the current crisis situation, as well as to localize the crisis (establishing its causes, then determining countermeasures). A reactive policy is typical for organizations going through difficult times, when all funds are directed toward localizing and eliminating conflicts in the team, “patching personnel holes.”

Preventive personnel policy occupies an intermediate position between active and reactive. It is characterized by the fact that the management of the enterprise has a forecast of the development of the situation, but does not have the means (including financial) to influence it.

With an open personnel policy, the organization is focused on maximizing the attraction of new personnel, is transparent to potential employees, and any specialist with appropriate qualifications can be hired. For vacant positions at any level, both lower and higher, external candidates are considered, which makes it difficult for existing employees to advance their careers. This type of personnel policy is typical for organizations that are actively conquering the market, aimed at rapid growth and rapid entry into the first positions in their industry.

A closed personnel policy is focused on maximum integration of employees, “attaching” them to the organization. Contributes to the formation of traditions, norms, and corporate spirit among employees. A closed policy is characterized by the admission of newcomers mainly to lower-level positions, and higher-level positions are filled from among the organization’s employees. At the same time, high costs are required for retraining specialists and activating their creative abilities. A closed personnel policy exists in conditions of labor shortage, for example, in narrowly focused organizations, in conditions of a shortage of necessary specialists.

Formation of personnel policy

The process of forming personnel policy consists of several sequential steps. First, the goals and objectives of working with personnel are determined in accordance with the organization's strategy. Then those areas of personnel work that are most important for achieving the goals are highlighted. Next, you need to select the main forms and methods of personnel management, develop tools personnel planning. After this, a plan for personnel activities is drawn up, and the financial resources for the implementation of each of them are assessed. The final stage the formation of personnel policy involves the appointment of responsible executors, setting deadlines, as well as the development of criteria for evaluating planned activities.

A specific, clearly expressed and understandable strategy for the development of an organization helps to outline the range of tasks that need to be solved within the framework of personnel policy, identify the main directions of work with personnel, support and develop those values ​​that work for the organizational strategy.

The main directions of personnel policy are usually the recruitment and selection of employees, adaptation and promotion of personnel, education and training, effective and objective assessment of the labor potential of employees, motivation, and social security.

The objective of the recruitment and selection policy is to recruit employees who best meet the requirements of the organization. To do this, it is necessary not only to determine what personnel are needed to perform a particular job, where to look for them, what requirements the candidate must meet, to develop selection methods, but also to create a positive image of the organization as an employer to maintain constant interest in it from applicants. It is important to understand that a truly suitable candidate can only be selected if there is an excess of people willing to fill the vacant position.

The adaptation policy allows an employee to quickly enter the position, master his responsibilities, standards of behavior, reduce the number of possible errors, and the company - to form its positive image and in a short period of time reach an acceptable level of performance efficiency.

The policy of professional career advancement and personnel rotation allows an employee to expand his professional knowledge, grow and develop, and also allows the organization to reduce recruitment costs and reduce the turnover of qualified personnel.

An effective and objective assessment of an employee’s skills and abilities makes it possible to assess the degree of his professional training, determine his qualification level and establish compliance with the position held, stimulates the growth of qualifications and responsibility for work results, the development of initiative and business activity.

Motivation is perhaps the most important factor in personnel policy, therefore the most important task of personnel services is the formation of a motivational mechanism that will encourage people to effective work. As you know, there are two types of motivation - material and intangible. Financial motivation occurs when, in addition to fixed monthly payments, an employee receives additional remuneration (bonus) for achieving certain results. Material motivation can be of two types - negative and positive. If an employee loses part of the bonus for failure to meet target indicators, we are talking about negative motivation. With positive motivation, on the contrary, additional rewards are offered for completing particularly important tasks, a large amount of work, showing initiative, activity, etc. To the tools non-material motivation include additional compensation and benefits for the employee, the so-called social package (this does not include social guarantees and compensation established by labor and other legislation). There are quite a lot of options for non-material incentives, and taking into account the wishes of employees, the specifics of the activity, the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel, and the financial capabilities of the organization, you can choose exactly those that will make employees want to work intensively and effectively in this particular organization.

The specific content of personnel policy is determined by the framework set by the strategy that management develops in accordance with the stated mission of the organization. At the same time, both for commercial and for non-profit organizations people management is becoming one of the most significant strategic management functions.


Actions aimed at increasing employee engagement and satisfaction, designed to improve the moral climate in the team and increase loyalty, will not only contribute to staff retention and increase productivity, but will also have a positive impact on the organization’s image as an employer.

The most important factor influencing the effectiveness of managing people working in an organization is the position of top management. It is impossible to achieve positive results if top management does not consider the problem of personnel management and increasing the impact of human resources as one of the priorities in the organization's work or is not ready for interested and active support for activities in this direction.

Attention to each specialist, planning of his professional and career development, taking care of individual needs - this is the approach that will contribute to the formation of a highly professional and loyal team to the company. As soon as management begins to understand that the main resource is people, it begins to treat staff as human capital having its own value, there is a chance to grow and multiply this capital. And personnel policy will help with this.

V. V. Askarova

Journal expert

"Human Resources Department

commercial organization"

The organization's personnel policy is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at maintaining, strengthening and developing human resources, at creating a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing market demands taking into account the organization's development strategy.

Personnel policy is closely related to all areas of the organization's economic policy. From the main goal of personnel policy, subgoals for personnel management can be derived, for example, to provide labor resources of a certain quality and quantity to deadline, for a specified period, for certain jobs. Based on such targets, it is possible to determine the content of personnel policy in the organization.

The basic principle of personnel policy is that achieving individual and organizational goals is equally necessary.

The main principles of individual areas of the organization’s personnel policy can be called the following.




1. Organizational personnel management

equal need to achieve individual and organizational goals (core)

The need to seek fair compromises between management and employees, rather than giving preference to the interests of the organization

2. Selection and placement of personnel


professional competence

practical achievements


Compliance of the scope of tasks, powers and responsibilities with the capabilities of the person

Level of knowledge corresponding to the requirements of the position

Required experience, leadership abilities (organization of own work and subordinates)

Appearance, intellectual traits, character, intentions, style" of leadership

3. Formation and preparation of a reserve for promotion to leadership positions


individual training

case checks

suitability for the position

regularity of assessment of individual qualities and capabilities

Selection of candidates on a competitive basis

Systematic change of positions vertically and horizontally

Preparation of a reserve for a specific position according to an individual program

Effective internship in management positions

The candidate's current suitability for the position

Performance evaluation, interviews, identification of aptitudes, etc.

4. Personnel assessment and certification

selection of evaluation indicators

qualification assessments

assignment assessments

A system of indicators that takes into account the purpose of assessments, assessment criteria, frequency of assessments

Suitability, definition of knowledge necessary to perform this type of activity

Grade performance results

5. Personnel development

advanced training



The need for periodic review job descriptions for continuous staff development

Independence, self-control, influence on the formation of performance methods

Ability and opportunity for self-development

6. Motivation and stimulation of personnel, remuneration

Compliance of remuneration with the volume and complexity of the work performed

an even combination of incentives and sanctions


Efficient system wages

Specific description of tasks, responsibilities and indicators

Incentive factors influencing increased labor efficiency

Personnel policy is developed taking into account internal resources, traditions of the organization and external environmental factors. Personnel policy is part of the organization's policy and must fully comply with the concept of its development.

The formation of personnel policy can be divided into stages.

At the first stage The goals and objectives of the personnel policy are being formed. Standardization and programming - coordination of the principles and goals of work with personnel with the principles and goals of the organization, development of programs, ways to achieve the goals of personnel work established at the first stage.

The goals and objectives of personnel policy are determined based on the basic provisions of regulatory documents, from the set of goals and objectives to ensure the effective functioning of the organization and its divisions. The main goal of personnel policy is to fully utilize the qualification potential of personnel. This goal is achievable by providing everyone with work according to their abilities and qualifications.

Onsecond m stage held personnel monitoring- procedures for diagnosing and forecasting the personnel situation are being developed.

This stage consists of three blocks:

1) quality requirements for employees, which are determined based on the description of the workplace and the requirements for the applicant for the position;

2) quantitative requirements that are associated with determining the need for personnel by position, qualification characteristics, etc.;

3) the basic principles of personnel policy in the most important areas: selection and placement of personnel, formation and preparation of a reserve for positions, assessment of the degree of personnel development, remuneration, use of personnel potential, etc.

At the third stage the choice of basic forms and methods of personnel management is determined, and personnel planning tools are developed.

At the fourth stage A plan for personnel activities is developed, the timing and responsible executors of these activities are determined.

The development and state of the organization's personnel policy is influenced by internal and external factors.

Internal factors these are the goals and structure of the organization, the moral and psychological climate in the team.

External factors- this is labor legislation, prospects for the development of the labor market, relations with the trade union, etc.

Taking these factors into account, the organization's personnel policy develops within the limits established by external influences on the organization and is determined by the state of internal factors. This circumstance leads to different types of personnel policies of organizations.

1. The concept of personnel policy

The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out through personnel policy.

Personnel policy – the main direction in working with personnel, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel service of the enterprise. In this regard, personnel policy is a strategic line of behavior in working with personnel. Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to combining the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.

The main object of the enterprise's personnel policy is personnel (personnel). The personnel of an enterprise is the main (regular) composition of its employees. Personnel are the main and decisive factor of production, the first productive force of society. They create and set in motion the means of production and constantly improve them. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities.

The target task of personnel policy can be solved in different ways, and the choice alternative options wide enough:

· dismiss or retain employees; If you save, which way is better:

a) transfer to shorter forms of employment;

b) use for unusual work, at other facilities;

c) send for long-term retraining, etc.

· train workers yourself or look for those who already have the necessary training;

· recruit from outside or retrain workers who are subject to release from the enterprise;

· recruit additional workers or make do with the existing number, subject to more rational use of it, etc.

When choosing personnel policy factors inherent in the external and internal environment of the enterprise are taken into account, such as:

· production requirements, enterprise development strategy;

· financial capabilities of the enterprise, the acceptable level of costs for personnel management determined by it;

quantitative and quality characteristics existing personnel and the direction of their changes in the future, etc.;

· the situation on the labor market (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the labor supply by occupation of the enterprise, supply conditions);

· demand for labor from competitors, emerging level wages;

· the influence of trade unions, rigidity in defending the interests of workers;

· labor legislation requirements, accepted culture of working with hired personnel, etc.

The general requirements for personnel policy in modern conditions are as follows:

1. Personnel policy should be closely linked to the enterprise development strategy. In this regard, it represents the staffing for the implementation of this strategy.

2. Personnel policy should be flexible enough. This means that it must be, on the one hand, stable, since stability is associated with certain expectations of the employee, and on the other hand, dynamic, i.e. be adjusted in accordance with changes in the tactics of the enterprise, production and economic situation. Those aspects that are oriented towards taking into account the interests of personnel and are related to the organizational culture of the enterprise should be stable.

3. Since the formation of a qualified workforce is associated with certain costs for the enterprise, personnel policy must be economically justified, i.e. based on his real financial capabilities.

4. Personnel policy should provide an individual approach to its employees.

Thus, personnel policy is aimed at creating a system of working with personnel that would be focused on obtaining not only an economic, but also a social effect, subject to compliance with current legislation.

Alternatives are possible in the implementation of personnel policy. It can be fast, decisive (in some ways at first, perhaps not very humane in relation to workers), based on a formal approach, the priority of production interests, or, conversely, based on taking into account how its implementation will affect the work collective, what social costs this may lead to for them.

The content of the personnel policy is not limited to hiring, but concerns the fundamental positions of the enterprise regarding training, personnel development, and ensuring interaction between the employee and the organization. While personnel policy is associated with the selection of target tasks designed for the long term, current personnel work is focused on prompt resolution of personnel issues. Naturally, there must be a relationship between them, which usually occurs between strategy and tactics for achieving a goal.

Personnel policy is both general in nature, when it concerns the personnel of the enterprise as a whole, and private, selective, when it is focused on solving specific problems (within individual structural divisions, functional or professional groups of employees, categories of personnel).

Personnel policy forms:

· Requirements for the workforce at the stage of hiring (education, gender, age, length of service, level of special training, etc.);

· Attitude to “investment” in labor, to targeted influence on the development of certain aspects of the employed workforce;

· Attitude to the stabilization of the team (all or a certain part of it);

· Attitude to the nature of training of new workers at the enterprise, its depth and breadth, as well as to retraining of personnel;

· Attitude towards intra-company personnel movement, etc.

Properties of personnel policy:

1. Link to strategy

2. Focus on long-term planning.

3. The importance of the role of personnel.

4. A range of interrelated functions and procedures for working with personnel.

Personnel policy should create not only favorable working conditions, but also provide the opportunity for career advancement and the necessary degree of confidence in the future. Therefore, the main task of the enterprise’s personnel policy is to ensure that the interests of all categories of workers and social groups of the workforce are taken into account in everyday personnel work.

Human resources management within an enterprise has strategic and operational aspects. The organization of personnel management is developed on the basis of the enterprise development concept, consisting of three parts:

· production;

· financial and economic;

· social (personnel policy).

Personnel policy defines goals related to the enterprise’s attitude to the external environment (labor market, relationships with government agencies), as well as goals related to the attitude of the enterprise towards its personnel. Personnel policy is carried out by strategic and operating systems management. HR strategy objectives include:

· raising the prestige of the enterprise;

· study of the atmosphere inside the enterprise;

· analysis of the prospects for the development of workforce potential;

· generalization and prevention of reasons for leaving work.

The day-to-day implementation of the HR strategy, as well as at the same time assisting management in carrying out their enterprise management tasks, lies in the operational area of ​​HR management.

Personnel policy of the enterprise is a holistic HR strategy that combines various shapes personnel work, the style of its implementation in the organization and plans for the use of labor.

Personnel policy should increase the capabilities of the enterprise, respond to the changing requirements of technology and the market in the near future.

Personnel policy is an integral part of the entire management activities and production policy of the organization. It aims to create a cohesive, responsible, highly developed and highly productive workforce.

In education, as in a specific industry National economy, footage, play vital role. “Personnel decides everything,” but personnel can also become the main reason for failures. There are four key problems in managing university teaching staff. These are age, qualification and job structures and remuneration. Each of these problems requires control by the administration and the development of principles for solution, long-term and current management.

Efficiency depends on the state of the university’s teaching staff educational process, prestige and prospects of the university. The age composition of the staff determines the continuity of knowledge in the scientific and pedagogical school and the activity of mastering new areas of knowledge. It should be borne in mind that the age of teachers should not and cannot be a goal in personnel policy. Moreover, the teaching and research experience of a university employee appears after 10-15 years of work, and the retention of the most outstanding professors and associate professors is the key to high scientific and pedagogical prestige. However, any department, faculty and university as a whole must plan the internal process of self-reproduction of personnel and undertake necessary measures to cultivate and attract the most qualified specialists.

As a rule, the basic principles of personnel policy are developed by the Academic Council and the university administration, but in reality, personnel selection is carried out by each department independently.

2. Criteria for assessing personnel policy

For a complete analysispersonnel policy of any enterprise it is necessary to identify evaluation criteria.

1. Quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel;

2. Level of staff turnover;

3. Flexibility of the policy;

4. The degree to which the interests of the employee / production, etc. are taken into account.

For ease of analysis, the quantitative composition of an organization is usually divided into three categories: management, management and service, men and women, pensioners and persons under 18 years of age, working and on leave (for example, for child care, without pay and etc.), as well as for those working in the central office or branches, etc. High-quality composition in turn, an organization is usually divided into employees with higher, secondary special, secondary, etc. education, and also includes work experience, advanced training by employees, and other factors.

The level of staff turnover is one of the most indicative criteria of an enterprise's personnel policy.

Of course, staff turnover can be viewed as both a positive and a negative phenomenon. Firstly, the employee’s capabilities expand and his ability to adapt increases. Secondly, the enterprise team is “refreshed”; there is an influx of new people, and, consequently, new ideas.

The flexibility of personnel policy is assessed based on its characteristics: stability or dynamism. Personnel policy must be dynamically restructured under the influence of changing conditions and circumstances.

The degree to which the interests of the employee are taken into account is considered in comparison with the degree to which the interests of production are taken into account. The presence or absence of an individual approach to the employees of the enterprise is investigated.

3. Improving personnel policy

For improvement personnel policy The following activities are usually carried out.

Systematicity in personnel selection is being strengthened and this work covers the entire spectrum: from hiring to leaving an employee. The nomination procedure is being improved: information about vacancies, candidates, responsibility of recommenders, regulation of the right to nominate candidates, procedures for discussion, appointment and induction. If we take each of these points separately, they do not seem very significant. But taken together, they make it possible to raise all recruitment efforts to a new level.

For the purpose of stable operation of the organization and planning its development, long-term planning of the enterprise’s personnel policy is very important.

In most companies, HR departments or human resource management services are more accustomed to planning the number of employees in enterprises. Their main task is to ensure that the enterprise or organization has as many employees as it should have in accordance with staffing schedules.

It is advisable to conduct an analysis of external environmental factors to ensure that there is a supply of certain professions to staff the workforce with employees who are not already on staff of the organization.

As a result of forecasting the supply and demand for labor resources, any organization can find out the number of people it needs, their level of qualifications and the placement of personnel.

As a result, a coordinated personnel policy can be developed, including systems for recruiting, training, improving and paying personnel, as well as a policy for relations between management and employees. This strategic plan can be broken down into specific workforce programs.

The concept of workforce planning is simple. But its implementation is difficult. Corporate strategy does not always develop smoothly, since equipment is not always available on time, or it does not fulfill the tasks that were predicted. Sometimes there is greater than expected employee turnover in some areas of production and regions. The planned recruitment is not being carried out. Step-by-step training is calculated with errors, potential flyers are discredited. As a result, plans are not implemented. However, the existence of a plan at least provides a sense of perspective, and systematic monitoring and monitoring of its implementation can help correct deviations from the strategic direction.

A workforce plan is developed to make calculations regarding the number of employees that the organization will require and the professional structure that will be needed during a given period. Decisions should also be made about the sources of potential recruitment, and contacts should be established and maintained to ensure that the needs of the organization and the potential rewards of the work, monetary or moral, are known to the future workforce. Since companies hire people of all kinds professional level and require a wide variety of specialties, the recruitment network must be sufficiently wide and diverse. Local schools are a good source for recruiting junior employees, and many companies maintain useful contacts with them to take part in training arrangements for schoolchildren. Most large companies also take part in annual meetings with graduates of higher education institutions. educational institutions to provide them with information about career opportunities. Sources for recruiting more qualified employees for management positions are varied, including employment centers, specialist recruitment agencies and consultants, and executive search consultants. It is very important to create a reserve for recruiting highly qualified personnel in order to attract specialists to vacant vacancies high class. If this happens, then errors when recruiting frames become less significant.

The personnel reserve is usually internal and external. The external personnel reserve is usually maintained at the level of external sources (for example, graduates of educational institutions, etc.). When selecting a candidate from among them, first his business, moral, etc. qualities are studied, then the candidate is invited for an interview and, depending on the results, a decision is made to hire the candidate.

The internal reserve is characterized by the fact that the supply of necessary candidates for vacant or planned positions (for example, an employee’s retirement or maternity leave) is carried out dynamically within the organization itself. Based on questionnaires with personal data and a series of interviews with applicants for the position, an employee of the appropriate level is selected. The employee’s business qualities are already known, because he already works in this organization and there is no such need for study, as is typical for an external source of reserve. Also, in order to more quickly introduce an employee to the scope of work performed, he usually conducts initial stage selection by the immediate manager of this department or any supervisor of this area of ​​activity. This allows the employee who occupies this position to more quickly adapt to his new responsibilities without losing the quality of work.

Personnel policy is an integral element of the organizational culture of each modern company any form of ownership. In the article we will briefly highlight the main points that a personnel officer or other person responsible for implementing the relevant norms and rules should know about it.

Why do we need a personnel policy?

The normal operation of an enterprise directly depends on the efficiency and quality of work of its personnel. Due to the achievement of a certain level of standardization in equipment, the relative availability of fixed assets for a wide range of enterprises, as well as an increase in the specific share of the service sector in the economy, achieving competitive advantages by technical and other “non-living” means is becoming increasingly difficult. Therefore, only qualified, efficient and properly motivated professional personnel can help “outplay” rivals in the market. The efficiency of a company depends on the qualifications of employees, their placement and use, which affects the volume and growth rate of products produced and the use of material and technical means. This or that use of personnel is directly related to changes in labor productivity indicators. The growth of this indicator is the most important condition for the development of the country's productive forces and the main source of growth in national income.

Any personnel policy is aimed at increasing the useful return from the use of labor resources.

The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out through personnel policy.

Personnel policy is the main direction in working with personnel, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel service of the enterprise. In this regard, personnel policy is a strategic line of behavior in working with personnel.

Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to combining the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.

The main object of the enterprise's personnel policy is personnel (personnel). The personnel of an enterprise is the main (regular) composition of its employees. Personnel are the main and decisive factor of production, the first productive force of society. They create and set in motion the means of production and constantly improve them. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities.

It is interesting that the solution to the target problem of personnel policy is, as a rule, very multivariate.

So, for example, as part of the personnel policy, layoffs of employees may be carried out (or vice versa - a course is taken to preserve and retain all or key specialists). In this case, you should consider whether the reductions will be isolated or massive.

If there is a question about the need to have certain qualifications to perform certain jobs, then it is within the framework of the personnel policy that it is established whether the organization will prepare employees independently, send them for appropriate training, or hire new specialists.

Another important task of personnel policy is to calculate the optimization of the number of personnel. After all, it is often much more economical to make do with the staff you already have than to hire new workers.

How to properly develop a personnel policy

First of all, when choosing a personnel policy, the following factors of the company’s internal and external environment should be taken into account:

· organization development strategy;

· financial capabilities (the maximum level of costs that a company can afford for personnel management depends on them);

· quantitative and qualitative characteristics of personnel;

· the situation on the labor market, prevailing wage levels;

· the presence of trade unions, the degree of their loyalty and their actual ability to defend the interests of workers to influence the labor market;

· labor and related legislation, mentality, established corporate traditions and business customs.

Thus, the main requirements for personnel policy are reduced to four main postulates.

1. Personnel policy should be closely linked to the enterprise development strategy. In this regard, it represents the staffing for the implementation of this strategy.

2. Personnel policy should be flexible enough. This means that it must be, on the one hand, stable, since stability is associated with certain expectations of the employee, and on the other hand, dynamic, i.e. be adjusted in accordance with changes in the tactics of the enterprise, production and economic situation. Stable should be those aspects of it that are focused on taking into account the interests of personnel and are related to the organizational culture of the enterprise.

3. Since the formation of a qualified workforce is associated with certain costs for the enterprise, personnel policy must be economically justified, i.e. based on his real financial capabilities.

4. Personnel policy should provide an individual approach to its employees.

It turns out that personnel policy should be aimed at creating a system of working with personnel that would be oriented towards obtaining not only an economic, but also a social effect, subject to compliance with current legislation.

The personnel policy of a modern organization has the following properties:

2. Focus on long-term planning.

3. The importance of personnel.

4. A range of interrelated functions and personnel procedures.

Personnel policy is an integral part of all management activities and policies of the organization. Ideally, it aims to create a workforce that has the following characteristics:

· cohesion;

· responsibility;

· high levels professional development and performance.

Thus, personnel policy should create not only favorable working conditions, but also provide the opportunity for career advancement and the necessary degree of confidence in the future. Therefore, another main task of personnel policy is to ensure that the interests of all categories of workers and social groups of the workforce are taken into account in everyday personnel work.

What are the personnel policies?

As mentioned above, when implementing personnel policies, a wide range of alternatives is acceptable. For example, she can be fast, decisive, and not too humane towards employees. This personnel policy is designed, first of all, to achieve certain results in economic activity. The opposite is the policy that prioritizes the interests of the collective and the reduction of so-called social and psychological costs in the work collective. For clarity, a special coordinate system is often used, where one axis is taking into account the interests of the team, the other is taking into account the interests of the business. Its extreme points (manifestations) are usually called “rest home” (“everything for the people, nothing for the cause”) and “authority-subordination” (“everything for the cause, nothing for the people”). However, in practice, as a rule, “mixed” options prevail.

Contrary to popular (and erroneous) opinion, the content of personnel policy is not limited to hiring, but concerns the company’s fundamental positions regarding training, personnel development, and ensuring interaction between the employee and the organization. While personnel policy is associated with the selection of strategic targets, current personnel work is focused on promptly resolving emerging issues. However, a reliable and efficient relationship must always be maintained between these levels.

The competence of personnel policy includes the formation of:

· specific requirements for the workforce at the recruitment stage (for example, education and level of professional skills);

· attitudes towards “investments” in labor (for example, to receive additional education or language teaching);

· the required level of stability of the team (definition of acceptable and desirable “turnover”);

· the order of personnel movement within the organization (both “horizontal” and “vertical”).

In general, personnel policy should help increase the capabilities of the enterprise and respond to changing technology and market requirements in the near future.

It must be remembered that “Personnel decide everything.” Thus, personnel composition organization can become both the main factor of success and the main reason for failure. And this will directly depend on how effectively the company’s personnel policy is formed and implemented.

Strategic and operational personnel policies

In practice, a distinction should be made between strategic and operational personnel policies.

Human resources management within an enterprise has strategic and operational aspects. The organization of personnel management is developed on the basis of the company's development concept. This concept, in turn, consists of three parts:

· production;

· financial and economic;

· social (personnel policy).

The strategic level of personnel policy (also called personnel strategy) sets itself the following tasks:

· raising the prestige of the company;

· study of the working atmosphere;

· analysis of the prospects for the development of workforce potential;

· generalization and prevention of reasons for leaving work.

At the operational level, this refers to the day-to-day implementation of the HR strategy. In addition, human resources services should assist management in achieving the goals set for the company as a whole or for its individual divisions.


1. Personnel policy has the task of increasing the level of efficiency in the use of the company’s labor resources.
2. Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to combining the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.
3. Personnel policy uses a multivariate approach to solving problems.
4. Personnel policy should be aimed at creating a system of working with personnel that would be focused on obtaining not only economic, but also social benefits, subject to compliance with current legislation.
5. Personnel policy should help increase the capabilities of the enterprise and respond to the changing requirements of technology and the market in the near future.
6. There are operational and strategic personnel policies.