Baby swimming neck circle. The secret to comfortable bathing with a circle for newborns

How to make bathing a baby a pleasure for both the child and the mother? Actual question, is not it? At least for me. After all, with my first child, under the watchful supervision of my mother, I bathed him exclusively in a bathtub, into which I poured boiled water, in a stuffy, heated room, this torture lasted up to six months! And to all my admonitions I received one answer: “That’s how it should be, I raised my children this way, and I won’t take your doctor’s opinion into account.”

It’s sad to remember how much pleasure my baby lost from bathing as a result of such a bath. I don’t even want to talk about my back and arms, which ached mercilessly after such events. As a result, we moved to a common bath when my rather large toddler did not fit in his own. And adapting to normal bathing was very painful - he did not like the unusually large volume, each bath was accompanied by tears and screaming. Of course, there was no talk of any sailing in such conditions.

I was alone with my second child almost from birth, so I approached the issue of bathing from a completely different angle. Until 40 days we bathed in a bath, floating freely on the palm of our hand. Closer to 2 months, the baby moved to a larger bathtub. It was then that a neck circle was purchased, which turned the daily procedure into an exciting activity.

How to buy an inflatable ring for swimming - rules for choosing

I bought a swimming circle at a sports store. I've even seen it on sale in toy stores. That is, buying an inflatable ring today is not a problem at all.

The material from which the neck ring for swimming is made is ordinary latex made in China. There may be more environmentally friendly models, but they cost an order of magnitude higher.

  • The price of the circle is 24,000 sum. In recalculation - about $3. A very budget purchase.

When choosing a neck circle for your baby, it is important to consider many nuances:

1 . Child's age. You can buy two types of circles - for newborns and children up to six months and for babies from 6 months. You should take into account the child’s body weight, for example, my baby at 3 months already weighed 7 kilos, so I purchased a circle for older children.

The main difference between swimming rings is the diameter for the neck. This important indicator- if the circle is too large, then water can flow under the circle and get into the child’s mouth and ears. And if the circle is small, it can strongly rub the baby’s sensitive neck.

2. Number of cameras. I bought a circle with two chambers, although this is not necessary for use in the bathroom. I’ll show you in the photo what the two cameras look like:

The photo shows that there is an upper transparent chamber and a lower yellow one. This nuance is very important if you use a circle for swimming in a pool or pond. If one of the cameras bursts for any reason, the second one will provide backup.

You need to inflate in the following order - first the lower one, then the upper one.

Construction of a circle around the neck for swimming

As I wrote above, the circle consists of two chambers. Internal seams the circles are smooth and do not cause irritation to the neck. The outer ones “stick out” a little at the junction.

The circle is connected in two ways. Using Velcro on the bottom:

And a safety net with a plastic latch on top:

For ease of swimming, the circle has a special recess for the chin. When putting it on, it is important to fix the product in this position so that your chin is in it - this prevents the head from slipping during bathing:

There are two handles that you can use to hold the circle and regulate the baby’s movement in the bath:

Inside the outer circle there are three rattles that my baby really likes: she constantly tries to grab them and moves more actively during the bathing process:

How to properly use and put a bathing circle on a child

What you should follow to turn bathing into a fun activity and minimize risks general rules, which are standard for bathing babies:

1. Like any new item used for a child, the circle should be thoroughly washed after purchase. I use regular laundry soap for this purpose.

2. You should bathe your baby only when you are feeling well and in a good mood. If the child is capricious or not in the mood, it is better to postpone the procedure.

3. You should not continue bathing if the child first starts crying when immersed in water. You can try to calm him down, but if he doesn't calm down, it's better to try again a little later.

4. It should be remembered that bathing with a neck circle is primarily BATHING, and not WASHING the child. Therefore, it is better not to wash his hair when he is in the circle. In general, I rarely wash my baby with soap while bathing - I wash my butt often, and daily procedures with plain water are enough to maintain hygiene.

5 . How much water to fill the bathtub for bathing is an individual question. The child should be comfortable. My baby does not like it when she touches the bottom while bathing, so I fill the bathtub to capacity.

And the most important rule is NEVER leave a child with a circle in the bathroom ALONE! While splashing, water may get into the nose and the baby will begin to choke.


Swimming with a circle - great option for the physical development of the child. However, the procedure is contraindicated for children who have problems with the nervous system, increased intracranial pressure and acute skin processes.

Many dermatological problems can be successfully solved by bathing in herbs. Pine-salt baths can also be done using a circle - it will help increase the duration of the baby’s stay in the water, which will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

Children, even the smallest ones, love to swim. Doctors have long been talking about the health benefits of early swimming. There are many baby bathing devices on the market. There was even a special circle to make it more convenient for the child to keep his head above the water. It must be chosen and used correctly so that the child and parents feel comfortable.

New for swimming

The neck ring for small children is an inflatable chamber. It consists of two circles that do not communicate with each other, shaped like a horseshoe. The parts of the inflatable horseshoe are connected using special Velcro fasteners. U good producers The fasteners are reliable and do not come loose in water.

There is a special recess for the child’s chin; it allows you to position your head comfortably while bathing. The water accessory itself is usually bright, with drawings, rattles, bells, balls, some models can be musical. Can be used from the first days of life to 2 years. Often parents are afraid, they prefer to hold the baby in the bathtub in their arms, and they begin to put on the circle at 1 or 1.5 months. Doctors advise to accustom babies to constant swimming after the umbilical wound heals, this is around the age of 3-4 weeks.

This water device will help parents; they will not need to hold the baby. You can use it even if the baby can’t hold his head yet. The child will be able to move his arms and legs freely and move around in the bath. With such a device, you don’t have to buy small baby baths; large bath The circle will be comfortable for the baby. Water procedures will be easier, simpler, and everyone will enjoy them.

Purchase and fitting

It is advisable to choose such a unique water collar in a large store, where you can return it if the product is defective. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the material from which it is made. You need to carefully inspect your purchase; the seams should be soft but tight. There should be no damage, holes, or strong chemical smell.

Before trying on, the collar must be inflated, but so that it is not too elastic. Often the circle has two or three valves for air supply; all of them must be “sinked” inside before putting it on. The baby should be seated in front of you, facing you, if he already knows how to sit. If he is not sitting yet, then one of the adults should pick him up vertically. The free ends of the circle must be stretched, put on the neck and fastened.

It is important to monitor the child’s reaction - you will see if the collar is tight or uncomfortable. To avoid squeezing the blood vessels, a gap of 2-3 mm should be left between the neck and the inner edges of the circle. The child's chin should be in a special notch. In this position, he will see everything, move freely, but will not be able to press his chin to his chest and choke on water.

Who shouldn't

In some cases, neck circles cannot be used for newborns. It would be good to consult your pediatrician before use.

Contraindications are:

  • high intracranial pressure;
  • recovery period after birth trauma;
  • congenital disease epidermolysis bullosa, in which slight friction causes a large wound;
  • high or low muscle tone;
  • colds and infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory skin diseases on the neck.

After treatment, the doctor may allow you to use the collar for swimming. It allows you to spend a lot of time in the water, which is very good for your health.

Bathing safety

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Even with such a reliable infant collar, it is necessary to ensure safe swimming for newborns. The circle is not a life-saving device; when using it, you should not relax your attention.

Bathing rules:

  • Do not leave the child unattended;
  • Do not use the circle at a depth of more than 1 meter;
  • The baby's feet should not touch the bottom of the bathtub;
  • Don't pull the circle.

Care must be taken when inflating. It is better to do this not with a pump, but with your mouth. This makes it easier to control the degree of inflation. Don't inflate too much, the collar shouldn't be too tight.

Putting on and taking off a circle is not easy; it is better to have the help of a second person. To prevent the baby from freezing while adults are fiddling with water accessories, the bathroom must be heated. The baby must be washed without a collar; it is designed only for free swimming.

Exercises in water with a circle

For a beneficial bath, you need to organize this time correctly. With water devices, it is better to organize bathing a newborn in a large bathtub. The space will allow you to move freely, even perform exercises in the water.

Before bathing a newborn, you need to show him the bathing collar, let him touch it, play with balls and rattles on it. The child must get used to the device so as not to be scared when putting it on.

You need to play and talk with your baby while bathing. If he is very small, then you can go behind his back and call him to turn around. Then go behind your back again and call. This way the baby will learn to turn faster. Next, you can hand him small toys in the water so that he touches them with his fingers or takes them in his hand. Then move away so that the baby has to get to the toy, splashing his legs and arms.

When your baby gets older, you can make the games more difficult.


Place floating toys into the water. Ask the child to collect them in a small bucket, first to show how to do it.

"Funny Ball"

Place a ball in the water in front of the baby and show how it will swing on the waves. Help the child splash his legs and arms, creating waves.


Pull the baby up to the side, place the child’s feet on it, and show the child how to push off. Such a swim should be carried out along the length of the bath.


Using a circle in a baby bath is convenient for adults and fun for children. Swimming with such a device develops coordination, promotes physical development, normalization mental state. You need to choose a water accessory based on size and weight, use it correctly, then everyone will enjoy the water procedures.

Bathing a newborn baby is a mandatory hygienic procedure performed by all parents. Young mothers and fathers need to know all the intricacies of this process. With the development of technology, many products are produced for bathing newborns. interesting devices, one of these is a special circle.

With its help, bathing becomes more useful and safe, the child swims on his own, jerks his arms and legs in different sides. Floundering in the water, the baby not only enjoys the pleasant sensations, but also gets used to the new environment, trains the vestibular apparatus and muscles of the whole body. Young parents should know how to choose a quality circle for bathing newborns, the basic principles of its use.

general information

Circle for bathing babies appearance very similar to a conventional device for swimming in reservoirs, but you can notice many differences. The swimming ring is placed around the baby’s neck, not around the waist, like on the beach version of the product. The shape of a circle, special fasteners are designed to firmly fix the baby’s head so that it does not slip out and the newborn does not swallow water.

Before three months Children retain a special flexor muscle tone. The phenomenon is characterized by the fact that the baby constantly tries to take the position in which he was in the womb (bends his neck, presses his arms and legs to his body). The manufacturers of the special circle took this aspect into account: inside the device there is a recess for the chin. The child cannot tilt his head too far and cannot swallow water.

Another feature of the bathing circle is that it consists of two independent air chambers, unlike regular product. If one half deflates, the other will keep the baby afloat, preventing a sharply negative outcome of the water procedure.

A children's bathing circle makes life much easier for young parents, especially if the process takes place with the participation of only mom or dad. The child is bathed every day; parents often complain of swelling of the arms, legs, and back pain. Special device brings joy to the baby, frees mom and dad from standing in an uncomfortable position.

Advantages and disadvantages

Some parents are skeptical about baby bathing equipment. Forgetting that movement in water has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical development of the baby. Many pediatricians advise purchasing an unusual product due to its usefulness and functionality. A circle for bathing newborns has a number of advantages:

  • significantly facilitates the procedure of bathing a baby (no need to constantly keep the child in the water);
  • helps equalize intrathoracic pressure, including in the lungs;
  • has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the baby’s body, accelerates adaptation to the environment;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps strengthen the child’s body;
  • bathing using a special circle has a beneficial effect on the back muscles, strengthens them, and contributes to the normal physical development of the child;
  • helps to relax the baby before bed, which increases the chances Good night without whims and nightmares;
  • normalizes intracranial pressure, has a beneficial effect on the baby’s nervous system;
  • makes water procedures absolutely safe.

Children who spend 20 minutes a day in water develop faster: begin to sit, stand, and walk earlier than their peers, and have increased mental abilities. Keeping a baby in the bath for more than a quarter of an hour is quite problematic, a great assistant in this case it becomes a circle for newborns.

Special classes with a circle are especially relevant for children with mental disabilities, physical development. Many pediatricians recommend that parents carry out such water procedures, strengthening all systems of the child’s body.

The product for newborns has no disadvantages. Trouble occurs only if parents use the circle incorrectly or purchase a low-quality product. Most mothers and fathers are satisfied with the purchase of the device and recommend that other parents buy a circle for bathing newborns.

Accessory safety

All mothers and fathers are concerned about this aspect. For safe bathing of a newborn, use only high-quality circles, be sure to follow the instructions.

At what age is it legal to use a swimming ring?

Most manufacturers indicate on the packaging that the product can be used from birth. In practice, such actions are not entirely justified. The baby's navel has not yet healed; long water procedures can disrupt this process.

The optimal age to start using a swimming ring for newborns is considered to be 1-1.5 months. During this period, the baby perceives the water procedure as a game and is very pleased with what is happening. The product can be used daily for up to two years, after which the child copes quite well without it.

Bathing newborns with a circle is only allowed in the bathtub. Open bodies of water pose a threat to the baby’s life due to the presence of currents and other unforeseen circumstances. In any case, leaving a baby alone in the water, even with a safe circle, is strictly prohibited. Adult supervision is a must!

Note to parents! A baby’s inability to hold his head up on his own is not a reason to refuse to use a swimming ring. When swimming in the product, there is no strain on the neck and there is no harm to the spine.

Before purchasing a swimming ring for a newborn, carefully study the product and pay attention to several important aspects:

  • An important criterion is the manufacturer. The choice of a company should be based on its reliability, longevity in the market (in particular the segment of goods for newborns);
  • be sure to ask the seller for related documents (certificates confirming the suitability of the product for use by children);
  • The smell emanating from the product plays an important role. If the aroma is unpleasant or has a chemical smell, it means that it is made of a toxic material, such a circle can cause an allergic reaction in a newborn. Choose products made from hypoallergenic materials that are absolutely safe for your baby’s health;
  • When choosing a swimming ring for a baby, pay attention to its size. Each product has its own marking indicating the age of the child. An important role is played by ergonomic properties (correspondence to the physiological structure of the baby), reliable fastenings;
  • It is desirable that the circle have two handles; such a device is convenient to operate; parents can direct the product in the desired direction;
  • guarantee period. The longer the warranty period, the better the quality of the product;
  • smooth seams. Internal seams will protect delicate baby skin from damage. Convex details on a circle for newborns indicate its low quality.

Don't skimp on your newborn's health. Low-quality, cheap circles cause dermatitis and are dangerous for the baby’s life.

Instructions for use

A child may get scared when he sees an unusual product. Familiarizing the baby with the circle a few days before the water procedure will help to avoid an unpleasant situation. Let the baby touch the product, feel it, get used to it, only then put the circle on it.

Step-by-step instructions for using a children's circle:

  • wash the circle thoroughly with soap and inflate. Listen to the sounds, make sure that the product is intact and is not blown away. Show the baby the device, let him study it, only then put it on;
  • The product is attached to the baby outside the water using special Velcro. Open the fasteners carefully, without damaging the device;
  • take away top part circle from the bottom, trying to open it;
  • pass the baby’s neck through the finished hole, fixing the chin in a special recess, correctly securing the baby’s neck. It is most convenient to carry out manipulations together. The fasteners should be at the back, fasten them carefully;
  • The water in the bath should be 37 degrees. It is convenient to bathe with a circle in a large bathtub; the children's bathtub is small in size, and the baby will not be able to move his arms and legs in it. The depth should be such that the baby can barely reach the bottom and can swim calmly and not just lie (the position is unnatural and causes discomfort to the newborn);
  • regularly turn the baby from the tummy to the back; it is very easy to do such manipulations in a circle;
  • After completing the bath, carefully remove the circle from the baby, dry the swimming product, and store it in a dark, dry place until the next water procedure.

Find out how to properly make inhalations for a child’s allergic cough at home.

Popular manufacturers

Products from such manufacturers are extremely popular:

  • BabySwimmer. Circles are different high strength, environmentally clean materials made, they are easy to put on the baby. average cost one product – 350 rubles, the specific amount depends on additional functions(special pens, musical device);
  • KinderenOK. Products are similar, different excellent quality, the cost of one circle is about 330 rubles. The variety of colors will amaze the imagination of any child;
  • Dolphin. It is distinguished by the presence of plastic fasteners; some parents believe that Velcro lasts less and behaves poorly in water. The opinion is incorrect, any fasteners are tested, undergo a lot of research, and are absolutely safe for children. The average cost of one product from this company is 450 rubles.

Choosing a swimming ring for your neck for swimming is a responsible task; pay attention not only to external indicators, listen to your heart. A mother's instincts rarely fail!

Most mothers and fathers are very pleased with the purchase of a circle for bathing their newborn. The product greatly facilitates the process of taking a bath and gives the baby a lot of pleasure. An important role is played by strengthening the child’s body, helping in mental and physical development. Don’t skimp on your baby’s health, choose only high-quality products.

A circle for bathing a newborn is an amazing device that has managed to win the love of many young parents. Follow the instructions and do not leave your child unattended.

Video - instructions for using a circle for bathing babies:

It is no secret that manufacturers of a wide variety of products actively take advantage of the desire of parents to give their baby everything that will help him be healthy, beautiful and smart. Designer clothes, shoes made using space technology, educational games. And now a fashionable novelty: a newborn child prodigy swims with the help of a special inflatable ring placed around his neck. Are there any benefits from such bathing and how to properly organize swimming in the bathroom for children?

Pediatricians have been promoting early swimming training for infants for over 60 years. It is difficult to find a more suitable way for children to harden, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develop the vestibular system and the ability to control their body. An inflatable circle for swimming babies will help normalize muscle tone, especially if the child’s muscular dystonia is not organic, but functional in nature. It often occurs when using a pillow to sleep, during the child’s first attempts to sit down or stand up, especially if he is “hurried” by his parents prematurely.

Hypertonicity in newborns may be a consequence of immaturity nervous system, excessive excitability. Regular swimming, not only in the pool, but also in the bathroom at home, will help relieve stress and improve sleep, even without medications.

What is the difference between an inflatable circle for bathing babies and the usual “rescue” ones?

Firstly, it is placed around the child's neck. Thanks to this, no matter the position of the baby’s body, his head is always above the water.

Secondly, along the inner circumference of the circle there is a special wide platform for the chin, which does not allow the baby to press it to the chest, risking choking. This is very important, since in children up to at least three months of age, flexor hypertonicity is observed. That is, the baby is constantly trying to take the position in which he was in his mother’s womb: bending his legs, arms and head and bringing them to his tummy. Practical advice: Always ensure that splashing water does not accumulate on the chin rest.

Thirdly, the inflatable circle for bathing babies is securely fastened at the back with fasteners made of adhesive tape. They can also be used to adjust the tightness of the neck coverage. But it is important to remember that the free ends of the circle must be pressed against each other, otherwise there is a risk that the child will choke when swimming in a supine position.

How to put on an inflatable ring for swimming

1. Inflate the circle as described in the instructions for its use. It should not be overly elastic. As a rule, safe products have several valves for air supply, which must be “recessed” inside.

2. The child must sit or stand facing the adult who is putting on the inflatable bathing ring for him. This way you can easily check that the special recess is located exactly under the baby’s chin. In addition, it is important to monitor the baby's reaction when fastening the Velcro so as not to put too much pressure on the neck.

3. Stretch the free ends of the circle so that the child’s neck can fit between them and put it on. How younger child, the more difficult it is for an adult to do this alone, especially if the baby cannot yet sit steadily on his own. Moreover, you often have to not only simultaneously stretch the circle and hold the baby’s body, but also lift his head by the chin in order to close the mouth that opened at the wrong time. After all, the baby so wants to try everything by heart.

4. Continuing to hold the child’s head in a slightly raised position by the chin, fasten the Velcro at the back. At the same time, make sure that there is a very small gap (about 3 mm) between the inner edges of the circle and the baby’s neck. In this position during swimming, water will not leak out, and the trachea will blood vessels will not be squeezed.

How to organize children's swimming in the bathroom

None fundamental differences There are no basic principles for organizing swimming for children. You just need to wash and rinse more thoroughly. detergent walls of the bathroom and make sure that there are no drafts in the room. If your baby likes to frolic in the water for a long time, it should be 1-2 degrees cooler so as not to cause overheating.

If your child is sleeping poorly or has difficulty falling asleep, it is recommended that you plan to bathe your child in a bubble bath in the evening. Water will provide the necessary emotional release, bring pleasure and bring a feeling of fatigue. Sleep after swimming will become stronger and more peaceful.

Which children should not wear a neck ring for swimming?

Despite the undeniable benefits of water procedures, it is not recommended to use an inflatable circle for swimming:

  • with increased intracranial pressure: with hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome, with viral infections;
  • in the recovery period after birth trauma: fracture of the clavicle, damage to the brachial plexus with the development of plexitis;
  • with congenital epidermolysis bullosa, in which even slight friction against the skin of an inflatable ring can cause the formation of extensive wounds;
  • if there are even single pustular elements on the neck, the contraindication is temporary, until recovery.

In these cases, it is better to use the old proven method of supporting children on the water - the hands of parents.

Every mother wants her little miracle to receive only positive emotions, including during bathing. In addition, some mothers are afraid that the child may slip out of their hands and choke. And although babies reflexively hold their breath under water, it’s worth being on the safe side. An inflatable ring for bathing newborns will come to the rescue.

The circle for newborns is essentially the same circle that is used for swimming by older children. Its only difference is that the product is placed around the child’s neck. This design feature Provides maximum comfort for your baby in the water.

The circle also serves to reduce the load on mommy’s lower back, which has a beneficial effect on her well-being. Decreases and nervous tension. Young mothers often experience a lot of fears when bathing their children. What if he slips out of your hands and choke? The newborn circle solves these problems.

Circles for newborns and older children serve the same purpose, so they are not particularly different from each other. They all consist of two air chambers and secure fasteners, Velcro to secure the baby's neck and a chin pad. They can be divided according to the following characteristics.


The circles are available in two sizes - for babies from 0 to 6 months and for children from 7 months to 1 year. Variations are possible depending on the manufacturer. For example, many manufacturers produce circles for children under 3 years old. The difference is in the size of the inner ring that covers the baby's neck. Regardless of age category, all circles have a similar design.

Clasp type

Circle clamps are produced in two types: plastic and Velcro. There is an opinion that Velcro is less reliable, and the baby is in danger in such a circle. This is not true - with proper use, Velcro is in no way inferior to a plastic fastener. Velcro for circles is made of a special material that is not exposed to water. Its fastenings and deposits on them, which manufacturers of wheels with plastic clamps do not forget to mention, do not form.

Concerning plastic retainer– it is reliable, safe, but less convenient to use. Another myth is that plastic fasteners can harm your baby. They are far from the skin, and while swimming the baby can only touch them in theory. Even for this case, everything is provided: the fasteners are absolutely smooth, without seams or sharp edges.


Due to the fact that the ergonomic properties of all circles are the same, manufacturers attract buyers due to their bright design. There are circles different colors, with or without drawings, with rattles, handles. They can be in the shape of a flower, an animal, or in the form of a regular circle. Some models are equipped with handles to make bathing a newborn with a circle even more comfortable for mommy. Which one to choose depends on your personal preferences; of the practical advantages, we note only the handle.

Baby's weight

As a rule, the manufacturer always indicates on the label what the minimum and maximum weight the product is designed for.

How to choose a quality model

To avoid getting unpleasant consequences in the form of a product that quickly breaks down or a baby has an allergy, you should choose the circle correctly.

  1. Point of sale . Purchase children's products only from certified points of sale. This is the only way you can be sure that you are purchasing an original and high-quality product.
  2. Manufacturer . Pay attention to the manufacturer of the circle. Give preference to products from reputable and reputable companies.
  3. Guarantee . A baby bathing ring, like any product, must have a warranty. Manufacturers usually provide a warranty of 3 to 12 months. Naturally, quality products have a longer guarantee.
  4. Documentation . The product must have a certification and hygienic certificate.
  5. Material . All circles for newborns are made from latex. However, the material is not always of proper quality. Buy a product made from environmentally friendly and high quality PVC– eco-friendly. This circle is guaranteed to be safe.
  6. Design . This option is at your discretion. However, there are nuances: the circle’s chambers must be the same size, otherwise there is a risk of water getting into the face or the active baby turning over. We also recommend purchasing a circle for children weighing from 3 to 15 kg. The exception is premature and weak babies, for whom it is better to choose a product for the smallest.
  7. Integrity . Inspect the product. It should not contain visible defects or sharp seams that are unpleasant to the touch.

Bathing a baby with a circle

The question of how to bathe a child with a circle worries many mothers.

To begin, straighten the circle and inflate it. Show the circle to the baby, let him play with it and touch it so that there is no fear. It is better to do this a couple of times before swimming. Then undress the baby, open the clasps and spread the parts of the circle so that the baby's head slides comfortably into it. Return the circle to its original position.

Make sure that the baby's chin is located in a special notch. Then adjust the clamps to grip the cervix without causing discomfort to the baby. Immerse the child in the water, carefully observing his condition. If hysteria begins, calm the baby down. It’s not worth removing the circle right away; it’s not a fact that the baby was afraid of it. If the baby turns his head, take him out of the water and carefully remove the circle. The attempt can be repeated the next time you bathe.

If the child reacted normally to the circle, let him work freely with his legs and arms and adapt. A couple of minutes is enough for the first time. In the future, the entertainment time can be increased to 10 minutes. Let him swim on his tummy and back. Even if the child is in a circle, never take your eyes off him!

After swimming, remove the ring and rinse your neck. It must be washed to eliminate the risk of irritation. Naturally, swimming one month old baby with a circle is different from bathing an older child. If the baby confidently holds his head, the circle can be lowered to the belt starting from 3-4 months. However, watch the duration of bathing and do not let your child get too cold. Especially when he received physical activity and swam with a circle.

Circle care

Like any baby accessory, the circle needs careful care.

  1. Wash your circle before your first swim. warm water with soap and rinse thoroughly. Treat with a disinfectant solution suitable for PVC.
  2. After each use, rinse the circle. There is no need to deflate it.
  3. Store the circle in a place where there is no contact with harmful substances, straight sun rays and the possibility of mechanical damage to it.
  4. Inspect the circle regularly. It should not bleed air, change color, all seams should be absolutely smooth.
  5. If the circle causes allergies, or a defect has formed in it due to proper storage and care, exchange the product.

A circle for bathing a newborn is a wonderful device for a baby, which also greatly facilitates the bathing procedure for the mother. It helps eliminate hypertension in the child and preserve swimming functions. And how much joy it will bring to the baby!