Round bed in the corner of the room. Round beds - a bold solution for the interior of a modern bedroom

Looking for interesting ideas for the bedroom? Then first of all you need to think about unusual beds- for example, about round ones. At the first moment it may seem that this shape will not be as convenient as the usual square one, but this is not at all the case. Round beds can be just as comfortable as regular ones.

Bedrooms with round beds - light wood and corner bedside table

It would seem that a round bed is a rather rare thing. Despite this, the design of a round bed can be very, very diverse: in a modern or classic style; wooden, leather or upholstered various fabrics; romantic, strict, luxurious and laconic. And the technical content can satisfy any request. Whether you want built-in, spacious cabinets or a lifting mechanism with storage space, finding a model that meets any (adequate :)) needs is quite easy.

Photo: round bed with a lifting mechanism

Don't like pomp, but prefer minimalism? Here you will also meet big choice. A round bed will look best in a round bedroom, harmoniously complementing the shape of the room. But also playing in contrast, focusing on unusual shape, you can decorate a square or rectangular room round bed.

Round bed in white in a modern style

There are models with a round base, and the mattress has a traditional rectangular shape. This is a practical compromise option in case you are reluctant to let new things into your life and do not want to suddenly switch to something unusual. An additional advantage of this option is that you do not have to suddenly stock up on new sets of bed linen.

Rounded partition for a round bed

We have selected for you many photos of round beds, some of which are elegant designer models, as well as options from which you can draw inspiration, in case you are planning to order the production of your own model in a furniture workshop. Here you will also find ideas for children's round beds that any child will be delighted with. Enjoy watching!

Round bed from Tosh Furniture

Although the black leather base of the model in the photo above is very convenient for use as a bedside table, this one designer bed There are two more built-in tables. The headboard is also covered in leather, making it comfortable to lean on while reading a book before going to bed.

Bedroom with a round bed in vintage style - Stella Marina model from Caroti

This romantic design will perfectly complement both the parents' bedroom and the room of a teenage girl. And the shape of a starfish gives free rein to imagination: adhering color range, the room can be decorated in a marine style.

Round bed from Mare

Zero-3 by Presotto

Bedroom with round Sfera bed from Tosh Furniture

Model by Ennio Arosio & Ivano Redaelli

Lullaby Due by Luigi Massoni

White round bed from Epsilon

Wooden model from Brazo

Jazz Night by Gamma

Miami by Bolzan Letti

Laconic design of a round bed in the Fluttua model from Lago

Round bed for newborns

More photos of round beds:

The interior of a bedroom with a round bed is well suited for those who are not used to drab everyday life, but want change, experimenting in their lives with different situations, including the use of a round bed. A bedroom with a round bed looks original, attractive and non-standard.

But does a round double bed meet the requirements that ensure normal, sound sleep and rest for a person? The article suggests getting acquainted with this issue.

Manufacturers produce several types of such products.

They can be:

  • Simple round beds with and without drawers for linen.
  • Products that have a lifting device.
  • Hanging, resembling a hammock, it is better to take them for spacious rooms.
  • Wall-mounted, having one single leg, invisible to the eye, which creates the effect of the bed hanging in space.
  • Rotating products around an axis.
  • A round sofa bed or a transforming bed.
  • Children's beds, the design of which amazes the imagination of their manufacturers: it can be a princess's bed or a gnome's stump taken from a fairy tale.

Round bed shapes require more space in the bedroom than their rectangular counterparts. That's why such items look more bulky.

To eliminate the bulkiness effect, you can try to choose a different model. There are beds that have a minimalist design, with a low frame.

And when choosing a narrow mattress, the unpleasant effect is easily smoothed out. The devices “floating in space” with one leg in the center look airy.

What are the features of round beds

Different manufacturers make beds with different diameters:

  • The minimum dimensions for such products are taken from 2 to 2.5 meters.
  • The diameters of “royal” beds start at 2.80 meters.

A round bed feels a little unusual, but it’s easy to get used to. In this case, there are no sharp corners and strict outlines.

These products differ:

  • Smooth lines.
  • Modern style.
  • Exciting shapes and a wide range of possibilities to use different decorations in the bedroom.
  • On such a bed you can go to sleep in any direction, which will satisfy the tastes of owners who prefer the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui.

Advice: According to this teaching, for each person you need to calculate the best direction for sleep, attracting good luck, health, abundance and prosperity into your life based on your date of birth.

  • Psychologists warn that sleeping with your feet or head towards front door not worth it. This may result in a feeling of psychological discomfort.

Tip: It is better to purchase a round bed with a headrest, and for more comfort and with armrests, then the pillows will not slide onto the floor while sleeping.

Where to place a round bed

For small rooms optimal solution is a rectangular bed. Strict geometric shapes allow you to define it against a wall or in a corner. If the bedroom is large and there is no need to save space, its interior will be decorated with a round bed.

In this case, the room can be divided into several functional zones:

  • Recreation area, where a round bed will be arranged.
  • Work place, where will stand with table lamp table
  • Reading corner with an easy chair and a floor lamp.
  • Mini gym with installation in one of the corners of the simulator room.

The instructions indicate that when determining the location of the sleeping bed, you need to take into account:

  • If there is no separate room for the bedroom, a collapsible round transforming bed is well suited. At night it can be turned into a comfortable sleeping bed, and during the daytime it can be used as a small comfortable sofa.
  • It is good to place a round bed in the center of the room, and make other accessories like the accompanying surroundings.
  • The most acceptable and common solution is to install the bed against a wall or in a corner. In this case, the main condition is free movement around the room and there is still the necessary area for installing furniture.
  • A varied assortment of round beds and their color designs allows a person to choose the most optimal option for the bedroom, one that fits well into the existing interior of the room, or to create a special interior in accordance with the design of the sleeping bed.
  • According to psychologists, an interior with a round bed has a calming effect on a person, relieves overstrain and stress that can accumulate over the course of a whole day. This product helps good rest and good sleep.

How does a round bed fit into the interior?

Despite the fact that round beds look impressive, modern and even sexy, not too many people choose them.

This is due to the fact that:

  • Not everyone has large bedrooms, and in small rooms a round bed often looks awkward and quite cumbersome.
  • Many people fear that such a stock, which does not have right angles, does not fit well into the chosen style. They think that a round bed is only suitable for modern or very pompous interiors.

However, this opinion is incorrect. Such a product can be organically used in any style: from pop art to hi-tech or from empire style to art deco. The only such piece of furniture in the interior may be inappropriate, but acceptable.

Range of round beds

There is a wide variety of round bed models:

  • With or without headboard. The first option is much more convenient. Their designs can be: round, straight, angular.
  • Armrests increase the level of comfort, which will be a continuation of the headboard.
  • Round beds are divided into two types according to the shape of the mattresses: round and rectangular. The latter place a standard, rectangular shape, sleeping area. This model can be taken by those who want to have a round bed, but there is doubt whether it will be comfortable to sleep on.
  • Round models can be equipped lifting mechanism and drawers on casters. In this case, the sleeping furniture will also be a storage place.

Bedroom design with a round bed

I often install a round bed when one of the walls is made in a semicircle. In this case, it fits most closely to such a wall.

Tip: With a standard layout, it is enough to specifically create a structure with a radius at the headboard so that the furniture is installed more practically.


  • Models with a round back fit well on straight walls.
  • Manufacturers make models that have a corner headboard. At the same time, such a product will ideally fit into the right corner of the room, which will allow for more practical use of its area, although their price is slightly higher than usual.
  • Round models with a radius headboard are installed in the middle of a very large bedroom, and in the center of the room they look royal.
  • When designing a DIY bedroom layout with a round bed, you can incorporate the circle theme into other elements of that shape. For example, build a rounded shape over the bed ceiling structure. This is a fairly common technique that brings harmony to the bedroom interior, as shown in the photo.
  • The circle theme can be supported by a rug of the same shape, a round podium, an arch, semicircular or round glass inserts in doors and furniture, and other decorative elements: clocks, mirrors, pillows.
  • Canopies are also used for this type of bed. To create it, you usually order large diameter a round frame or a simple canopy such as a mosquito net.

How a round bed or a double bed fits into the room can be seen in the video. This article gives some examples of its use.

Skillful hands don't like to rest

The high cost of such furniture cannot be an obstacle for people who know how to hold tools in their hands. Nothing stops lovers comfortable rest let us make a round bed with our own hands.

Pre-prepared necessary tools and materials, a mattress is ordered or purchased ready-made. Drawings and instructions will help you understand the sequence of operations and the essence of the entire process.

What do you need for work?

List of hand tools Power tools Materials
RouletteElectric jigsawMetal corners
HammerGrinding machineWooden beams with a cross section of 5 cm
Nails Foam rubber 25-30 mm thick
Furniture stapler Square plywood 1.5 x 1.5 m with a thickness of 15 mm
Simple pencil for marking Fiberboard boards
Cord or large compass Upholstery fabric with which the lower part of the future bed will be lined
Set of various self-cuts
Hacksaw for sawing boards


  • Making a bed yourself will cost at least 5 times less, and you can also show yourself as a designer.
  • In addition to the material listed above in the table, you need to stock up on a certain amount of boards.

Working on the bed

You must first remove everything unnecessary from the room that could interfere with your work. Working with wood always brings a lot of debris and sawdust, which are carried throughout the apartment.

The workspace should be free and convenient place activities:

  • The work begins with sawing off individual elements of the required sizes from the boards.
  • On each of two pieces of plywood, a semicircle with a radius of 1 m is laid out using a pencil or tape measure, so that their connection gives an even circle with a diameter of 2 m. It is convenient to outline the contour with a large compass or cord, whichever is convenient for you.
  • Using a jigsaw, semicircles are cut out according to the markings, trying to achieve as much as possible a smooth surface of the circle.
  • From the prepared bars, bases are made in the form of a cross, for which they are sawn off equal to the base diameter of 2 m. From two bars, sawn in the middle, four even products are obtained, which will go onto one base.
    For the second base, everything is done in the same way, in the end you get 8 cut, completely identical bars.
  • The connection of the bars is made on a wooden riser, which determines the height of the bed; it is cut from another wooden block.
  • To ensure the stability of the structure, 12 more risers are made, which are installed between the two bases.
  • The bases are held on the lower and upper parts by self-cutting.
  • For reliability, every two bars are fixed together with corners after screwing all four boards.
  • The corners secure the riser and the bottom of each beam.
  • At equal distances, markings are made for installing additional racks.
  • The racks are attached from under the bottom of the bars of the upper base using self-cutting tools, and the lower base is mounted to the resulting frame.
  • With the base ready, work continues on the circle for the bed.
  • The prepared semicircles are laid out on the floor and connected into a circle wooden plank and nails. The finished base is laid on top and matched to the dimensions of the circle.
  • At regular intervals of 20 cm, on an inverted structure, the circle is connected to the base.
  • Planks are attached throughout the circle, and additional legs are installed between each pair of bars adjacent to the circle.
  • It is clear that the planks cannot be made circular, so their corners are cut at 45º and the joining is made as close to the edge as possible.

Attention: Correctly measure the height of the legs before preparing them, it will be slightly less than the height of the racks with slats.

  • To move the bed around the room, wheels are attached to the bars.
  • Remained decorative works for arranging a side for the mattress, which is cut out of fiberboard and attached to nails or self-cuts.
  • The foam rubber is cut to size with an increase of 6 cm for bending and fastened with a construction stapler.
  • Upholstery, cut fabric with an allowance of 7 cm is stapled to the frame with a stapler.
  • The area under the mattress is also upholstered with fabric and all that remains is to put it in place to get a full-fledged bed.

Which bedding is chosen for a round bed

Along with beds and mattresses, their manufacturers often offer to purchase matching mattress covers, covers and fitted sheets, which can also be ordered from the studio. All other components of bed linen are the same as for regular products.

Tip: For those who want to buy a round bed, but do not like to specifically select bedding, round models with a rectangular sleeping area are suitable. In this case, you do not need to use special mattress covers and sheets.

A blanket is taken in the shape of a circle or rectangle. At making the right choice Design for a round bed will give any bedroom an attractive look and be cozy for its owners.

For those who are not accustomed to the drab routine and are eager for change, experimenting with different situations in their lives, they came up with a round bed at one time. The best remedy than a round bed, most likely, you won’t find one to combat stereotypes in the interior modern bedroom.

It is believed that the minimum dimensions of a round bed are 2-2.5 m.

What do you want most in the bedroom? Comfort, coziness and a relaxing environment. Yes, the interior of a bedroom with a round bed looks original, non-standard and attractive. But does a round bed meet all the requirements that should provide a person with quality rest in the bedroom? Let's figure this out.

Round design options

  • simple round ones without drawers and with drawers for linen;
  • design with a lifting device;
  • hanging - reminiscent of a hammock, good for spacious rooms;
  • wall-mounted - located on one single leg, which is not visible to the eye, which gives the effect of the bed hanging in space.;
  • rotating products around an axis;
  • round sofa bed - transformable beds;
  • children's beds - the design of children's products amazes with the imagination of the manufacturers: you can find a princess bed and a stump of gnomes from a fairy tale.

Due to their shape, round beds require more space in the bedroom space than their rectangular counterparts. That’s why such products look more bulky. To eliminate the effect of bulkiness, you can experiment with the choice of model. After all, there are beds with a minimalist design that have a low frame. And if you also choose a narrow mattress, the unpleasant effect can be easily smoothed out. The “floating in space” models (which have one leg in the center) look very airy.

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Product Features

Diameter may vary depending on different manufacturers. Minimum dimensions: 2-2.5 m. The so-called “royal” boxes begin their countdown from 2.80 m.

A round bed in a bedroom design is always a somewhat unusual perception of things, but it’s easy to get used to. There are no sharp corners or strict outlines here. These are smooth lines, modern style, exciting shapes and a whole range of possibilities to get creative with the decoration of the bedroom.

The main advantage of such beds is that you can sleep on it in absolutely any direction, which may appeal to admirers of the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. In accordance with it, each person has his own best direction (which is calculated by date of birth), in which he must sleep in order to attract good luck, health, abundance and prosperity into his life.

The only thing psychologists warn against is sleeping with your head or feet towards the front door to the bedroom. This may cause a feeling of psychological discomfort.

It is advisable to purchase a sleeping product with a headboard and, for greater convenience, with armrests. Which is very important when the dimensions of the bed are not too large: the pillows will not periodically slide onto the floor during sleep.

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Placement of furniture items

For bedrooms that are not too spacious practical solution There was once a rectangular bed. Bed with strict geometric shapes could be placed against the wall or found for her corner location. For large bedrooms that do not need to save space, found The best way To make the interior of the room stylish, unique, a truly cozy family nest - these are round beds. Banal interior items will simply fade against the background of such an extraordinary solution.

If the bedroom is large enough, it is divided into several functional areas, which include:

  • relaxation area (there will be a round bed in it);
  • workplace (it is advisable to place a table with a table lamp);
  • reading corner - easy chair with floor lamp;
  • mini-gym - exercise machine in one of the corners of the bedroom.

If there is no separate room for the sleeping place and it is located in common room, then in this case would be better suited installation of a collapsible round transformable bed. At night it will turn into a comfortable sleeping bed, and during the day it will take the size of a small comfortable sofa.

An unconscious desire arises to immediately place a round bed in the center of the bedroom, and turn all other accessories into the accompanying surroundings for it. The usual placement against the wall and in the corner is also acceptable. The main thing is that about round shape the products could be moved freely and the necessary area for furnishing remained.

Among the huge variety of round beds and their colors, you can choose the most optimal option for the bedroom, which can either fit into the existing interior of the room, or create an interior specifically in accordance with the design of the bed.

White, blue, light blue, orange, purple and many other shades will pleasantly please the most discerning buyer.

Round shapes

How appropriate is a round shape for a bedroom? Psychologists say that bedroom interior with a round-shaped bed, it has a calming effect on a person, relieves tension and stress accumulated during the day, and has a beneficial effect on overall well-being. Therefore, placing a round bed in the bedroom is a positive factor that influences the relaxation of the body, preparing it for good rest and sound sleep.

Sometimes, some purely external features - behavioral characteristics, selection of shades in clothing, tell more about a person’s character than heartfelt speech. In the interior, such a “talking” detail becomes stylistic or color accent– ceiling design, unique wall panel, furniture grouping, and, of course, the shape and style of the bed.

Round bed - business card courage and originality.

What is worth noting right away: this model attracts attention. The round bed is the center of the bedroom, and the rest of the furnishings are matched to it, and not vice versa. This item is so original and unusual that it completely attracts attention.

Here are a few rules for organizing the interior:

  • location– clearly not related to the classical style furnishings, the round bed, however, embodies main principle classicism - central symmetry. In the bedroom she is the sun, and all other objects are placed symmetrically in relation to her. A round bed is installed either exactly in the center of the room, or in the center more long wall. Installation in a corner is allowed only in minimalist styles, where the overall symmetry of the room is not expressed, and the furniture is grouped into zones;
  • room area- very big. In a small bedroom, a round bed will go from being the center of the room to the entire room;
  • proportions– the easiest way is to place the bed in the room square shape or close to it. In a very elongated room, any furniture installed in the center will act as a partition. In this case, it is better to clearly zone the room and place the bed in the corner.

The following video will tell you how round beds look in a bedroom interior:

Concerning stylistic decision beds, it is extremely diverse.

The model is not suitable only for a classic, simple bedroom or a room in a country style - rustic, rustic, chalet, etc.

Provence, although it is a variety French country, fully allows the use of such a model in appropriate design.

  • Baroque and Empire– even though such beds were not produced in the era of the Sun King, they can reproduce the spirit of that time. For this purpose, the models are decorated with a richly decorated high headboard: with gilding, carvings, brocade upholstery and more. Such a bed, without a doubt, easily serves as the sun.
  • Modern– willingly accepts a round bed, but prefers to decorate it with an asymmetrical headboard.
  • Techno, hi-tech, futurism welcome ascetic models without a headboard or sides. If the latter are still present, then they should be of a strict rectangular shape. However, this style actively uses another decorative technique: lighting around the perimeter of the round bed, which gives the interior an absolutely fabulous touch.
  • Eastern styles require the installation of a canopy or at least a canopy made of thin colored fabrics. This technique is used in both Baroque and modern interpretations. Minimalist styles offer a different design: the formation of a structure on the ceiling that exactly follows the shape of the bed.
  • Provence, Mediterranean will prefer a wrought iron headboard. Wooden ones are also suitable, but not decorated with carvings, but lattice ones.
  • Eco-styles or decoration in ethnic motifs involve the use natural materials for decoration. It is very popular to make the body of the product in the form of a wooden bowl with curved edges, as well as the use of rattan and bamboo for decoration.

Round bed in different styles

Ecostyle Provence East
Modern Baroque High-tech

Features and types

The round shape of the product is both an advantage and a disadvantage - depending on which side you look at. Sleeping on a round bed is very comfortable: you can lie in any direction, and the lack of a straight edge prevents you from falling. But this same feature is also the reason for the main difficulty when choosing a product - size.

  • If it has standard sizes 200*100 cm, then the round one is single with a diameter of 200 cm.
  • A European double bed has dimensions of 140–160*200 cm, and a full double bed has a width of 180–190 cm. A round double bed has a diameter of 2.5 m or more.

The circular design, in addition to its stylistic design, also offers some functional features.

Photo of bedroom design with a round bed

Installation method

  • On legs- a classic solution for a bed, although, of course, it will require large quantity supports Most often, such models are chosen for classic styles and modern. This option has one drawback: cleaning under the bed is difficult.
  • On the podium– the bed is a round platform that is installed on the floor. The bed itself - mattress and linen, can be either round or classic rectangular. The last option completely solves the problem of selecting linen: assortment and sheets non-standard forms the market is small.
  • hanging bed– secure the bed with rods to the ceiling. In this way, space is freed up and at the same time a completely unique design is formed. If the bed is placed high under the ceiling, then it is recommended to equip the model with sides.

Another modification of such a radical solution is a bed on a support. This is a purely design technique and does not serve any role other than aesthetic.

Types of beds by installation method

On legs Hanging On a podium

Design features

  • Model without headboard– as well as sides or footboards. This flat round base is essentially just a podium. Often equipped drawers, very roomy, since the bed area is large, or niches for shelves.
  • Bed with headboard– the headboard can have the most different shapes and decor depending on the style of the model. In minimalist utilitarian concepts, the headboard often functions as shelves and also includes drawers.
  • Product with sides– here they play a role decorative element to create an original image. For example, a flower bed in the Art Nouveau style, with wooden asymmetrical sides and a leaf-shaped headboard.
  • Illuminated bed– we are not talking about the usual LED strip along the contour of the product, but about a bed where lighting panels are mounted along the perimeter of the podium. This fantastic model has become a true symbol of techno.
  • Transformer– this model is a set of sections that, when assembled, make up a round bed, and when disassembled, a sofa of a semicircular or rectangular shape. This set often includes a round pouffe with drawers or even coffee table- This is the central section, which serves as the main supporting element of the structure.

Round beds with design features

Without headboard Transformer With backlight With sides With headboard

Price and places of sale

The price of a round bed depends on many factors.

  • All other things being equal, a round bed is distinguished from a traditional one by its high price. Models from even Chinese manufacturers cost at least 35–40 thousand rubles.
  • The cost is significantly affected by the material. So, an iron product will cost less than wooden models due to its low material consumption. A no-frills round bed made of steel can be purchased for 15–17 thousand rubles. Option with elements artistic forging will cost 33–37 thousand rubles.
  • Leather upholstery increases the cost of the product - from 65 thousand rubles.
  • The design of the model can inflate the price to 140 thousand rubles. and higher. This is the price, for example, for a model with leaf-shaped sides - Brazo. Lush decoration in the Baroque style can make the bed even more expensive.

It is also important to know where to buy a round bed. You can purchase furniture both on online platforms and directly in furniture showrooms. The second way is preferable, as it allows you to get acquainted with the product directly and verify in practice its convenience and quality of execution.

Most salons also offer other components of the bed - mattresses, pillows, linens. It is worth taking advantage of this offer, since round mattresses, like beds, are not so popular, and it may be difficult to select a product.

At the same time, online stores often set lower prices, and this is also an important fact!

Photo of a bedroom interior with a round bed

Not so long ago, round beds were an original and non-trivial element of the bedroom. Now they have begun to be used more and more often and have become as commonplace as rectangular models. However, not everyone chooses round beds. Not everyone can boast of a large bedroom where you can place such a piece of furniture. Let's try to figure out how to fit a large and round bed into the interior of a modern bedroom.

Large round bed

The main advantages of such furniture are:

  • originality, not every home can have such furniture;
  • comfort, such a bed can be much more comfortable and larger than its square counterparts;
  • safety, as there are no sharp corners, recommended for children.

Round bed with a headboard that turns into sides

Disadvantages of a round bed

Despite these advantages, a round bed also has its disadvantages:

  • impressive size, such furniture is absolutely not suitable for small spaces;
  • the difficulty of buying bed linen; finding round bedspreads, sheets and duvet covers is difficult;
  • psychological problems, many buyers claim that the first months after purchasing a bed, falling asleep in it is difficult and unusual.

Delicate interior bedrooms with round bed

A diverse range of round beds

Round beds are quite wide the lineup. A variety of characteristics will help you create your own individual bedroom interior:

  • a wide range of colors for furniture finishing;
  • wide range of models;
  • design features;
  • variety of mechanisms.

Round beds are divided into two main types:

  • models with a round mattress;
  • models with a rectangular mattress.

The second option for beds is usually preferred by those people who want to have round furniture, but doubt its comfort.

This classification is carried out according to the shape of the bed. There are beds with and without a headboard. The stores offer beds with armrests. This greatly increases convenience and comfort while sleeping. According to the variety of headboards, round beds are:

  • round;
  • straight;
  • corner.

As for size, furniture is selected from the following features:

  1. If a round bed is intended for a children's room, then in this case the diameter should be no more than two meters.
  2. If a bed is chosen for a married couple, then its diameter must be at least 2.5 meters.
    Almost all round beds are bulky. If you want to avoid this effect, then you should choose models without built-in drawers. In addition, you can create the effect of floating in the air. This can be achieved using lighting.

If the dimensions of the furniture do not scare you, then you should definitely consider models with linen drawers. You can store clothes, pillows, blankets and blankets in them. For this purpose they are used various systems opening:

  • sliding doors;
  • roll-out boxes;
  • drawers.

Related accessories for a round bed

Looking at the bed, the question immediately arises: “How and where to buy special bed linen?” If you think this is a big problem, then choose a bed with a round base but a square mattress. Depending on the model, the mattress may protrude above the base or be flush with it.

The free housing at the edges can serve bedside tables, on which you can place:

  • night light;
  • alarm;
  • telephone;
  • favorite book and much more.

Also, a rectangular mattress will relieve you of the discomfort that may arise when using furniture.

Round bed without headboard in a snow-white bedroom

Finding bedding for a round mattress is difficult, but it can be done. You can always find copies to order in online stores.

Round bed in the bedroom interior

A round bed can look like a couch. You can choose furniture with a headrest and side. The former make the product more comfortable. The headrest is able to emphasize overall design bedrooms. The sides are needed exclusively for protection. They are especially needed if the bed is intended for a child.

Round couch bed

If the bedroom has circles in its decoration, then this room simply needs a round bed. And if there is a semicircular wall, then the product will fit into it just perfectly.

A semicircular wall can be created artificially. To do this you will need drywall and metal guides. All this can be done easily and simply with your own hands.

If you want to get a luxurious interior in square room, then place a round bed right in the middle of the room. But still, for comfort, the sleeping place should be located in the corner. To use every available space, it is better to choose a sleeping bed with a corner headboard. If you live in one-room apartment, then it is better to choose a transformer model, which in addition to the bed will serve as a sofa, table and ottoman.

Round transformable bed

Compatibility of a round bed with various interiors

A round bed is most suitable for apartments and private houses decorated in modern style. Mainly:

  • loft;
  • high tech;
  • fusion;
  • techno;
  • minimalism.

Round bed in Empire style

Be especially careful when using such furniture in the following styles:

  • classic;
  • country;
  • Provence

Most likely, in these cases you should abandon the round bed if you do not want to spoil the interior. It is better to give preference to a traditional square bed.

Original bed with large leather armrest

If you are still a supporter of a rich interior, for example, such as baroque or classic, then a round bed must meet the following requirements:

  • high and pompous headboard;
  • the upholstery of the bed should be in noble shades, the fabric should be velvet or velor;
  • bed linen should be matched to the tone of the upholstery and have a rich finish;
  • At the foot, place a pouf to match the headboard;
  • All accompanying furniture in the bedroom should be selected in the same color and style.

Even though you will have a round mattress, you can use square bedding. This will add chic and charm to the interior.

Round bed in classic style

If you want to create a romantic and fairy-tale atmosphere in the bedroom, then the overall tone of the entire room should be white. The bed should be made in white and blue tones. If possible, the bed should be placed in the middle of the room. Add fabulous interior will help:

  • fur blanket;
  • snow-white carpet by the bed;
  • Lots of beautiful decorative pillows.

Fairytale and delicate bedroom design with a round bed

Another special interior is the design in black and white. Not everyone can afford such a bedroom. The bedroom looks perfect. A round bed should occupy first place in such a room and stand out from everything else. It is advisable to choose a body of the stock that is embossed, with a high headrest with black and white upholstery. Will complement the interior:

  • multi-level chandelier with candles;
  • black dressing table;
  • black bedside table;
  • snow-white wallpaper.

Bedroom design in black and white colors

Round bed - round accessories

Such furniture needs appropriate accessories. Namely:

  • on the bedroom floor;
  • round tables, ottomans, chairs, mirrors;
  • round lamps;
  • round vases, photo frames, various figurines.

Every detail in the room should correspond to the general style of the room in which the round bed is located. And to enhance the effect above the bed, you can install a round canopy or a radial panel at the head of the bed.

Cost of round beds

If you have a limited financial budget, but want to have a round bed in your bedroom, you can take a closer look at Chinese models. Their cost starts from 40,000 rubles.

Inexpensive round bed model

In stores you can find beds from well-known Chinese manufacturers, whose quality leaves no doubt. You can make yourself a pleasant purchase for 75,000 rubles. This bed is upholstered in leather and its diameter is about two meters.

Chinese Premier round bed model

Another model of a round bed, the “Gabriel” model, was presented by the Ascona company. Its starting price starts at 75,000 rubles and can end at 95,000. The price tag rises depending on the configuration, upholstery and additional accessories.

Round bed from Askona

For special patriots and lovers original furniture you can consider the Brazo model. True, the cost of this designer furniture starts from 160,000 rubles. This amount will have to be paid only for the frame. An additional mattress is purchased.

Domestic round bed “Brazo”

As you can see, round beds have a much higher cost than square ones. If you can’t buy a product, then you can try to make it yourself or find a furniture maker who will help you in this matter. In all other respects, choose for yourself whether you are ready to risk such originality and unusualness.

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