Roof for the gazebo - choose a simple, beautiful and reliable one. Do-it-yourself gazebo roof: photo Construction of a gazebo over the roof of a house

First, let's look at the classic contours. First of all, it is with a pitched roof; such structures are quite common due to their ease of manufacture. True, at the same time they resemble ordinary canopies, and in the presence of a terrace and light walls, which can be used as special curtains for gazebos - summer pavilions. Such a gazebo can be compared to a bus stop - it protects from the sun and rain, and that’s enough. However, usually owners of suburban areas want to have beautiful area rest and, in order to refine the structure, they make a gable roof.

If the roof is made of wood, it can be decorated carved platbands on the eaves and from the “gable” side. You can also equip the ridge with decorative elements, such as weather vanes.

Roof options for gazebos

Another type of roof is semicircular or, in other words, semi-cylindrical. It is quite simple to make, but only from metal, since the base of the roof will be trusses made from steel angles or pipes. For cladding, they usually use other plastic, less often galvanized steel sheet (or with a polymer coating). Next comes the tent structure with hipped roof. It is already more difficult to manufacture, since it does not have a central ridge, and the rafters must either be hanging or rest on a central support, which can be installed at the crossroads of the transverse beams. However, from an aesthetic point of view, this option is more beautiful than the previous ones.

A very impressive type is a cone-shaped roof, at the base of which lies a ring support. Most often, this design option is made of metal, since it is easier to obtain the desired shape from rolled metal than from lumber. However, by installing the supports exactly in a circle and strengthening the rafter leg on each one, you can make a cone from timber. Before making a roof for the gazebo, you need to lay a circular sheathing. Most convenient way covering - a soft roof, it can have any bending radius, and this will not affect its reliability. Depending on the angle of inclination of the rafters, the shape of the structure can be either cone-shaped or helmet-shaped; in the latter case, the slope is insignificant.

And finally, a hip roof is the least common option for a garden gazebo, since it is quite difficult to make it yourself. Most often this type is found in attics. In this case, the rafter legs are installed in 2 levels, usually with an intermediate transverse beam. The lower level of the slopes ultimately has the shape of a trapezoid, above which a second tier is built, already having the outline of a triangle. It also occurs combined type, combining elements of a hip roof with a hip roof, in appearance it is very close to a dome structure.

The shed roof of a gazebo is the fastest to make with your own hands; you only need two pairs of supports, some of which should be half a meter longer than the others. We install taller pillars on the front side of the gazebo, and shorter ones on the back. You can also slope the roof to the side, the main thing is that when it rains, water does not flow from the slope towards the entrance. Next, crossbars are placed on both pairs of supports; you can immediately install an inclined frame on all 4 pillars. Next, the sheathing is installed, and the roof is laid on it. If a polycarbonate sheet is used, instead of lathing, you can simply put a row of thin beams between the load-bearing crossbars.

Shed roof

A gable roof can be made in two ways. The first is classic, that is, load-bearing cross members are laid on supports of the same length, installed in 2 rows, or a frame is made on top, after which rafter legs with a ridge beam are attached. Or you can install 2 pairs of additional inclined supports to support the ridge beam and lay rafters on the resulting “swing” stand, the lower overhangs of which are attached to the main pillars, which form the walls of the gazebo. You can completely move away from the classics and tie the 4 main supports in the form of the letters X, such a gazebo will look especially impressive.

To make a semicircular roof, you can use the previous options for installing supports, with the only difference being that in this case there will be no ridge beam. Arcs made of metal are installed on supports, which can be free form, although also curved (for example, a very interesting option is when the gazebo has the shape of a cylinder laid on its side).

Semicircular roof for gazebo

In fact, the desired profile contour can be obtained using a pipe bender, and the corner can be bent quite easily by making triangular cutouts on one of the shelves and welding them. The arches are connected to each other by several crossbars, to which a polycarbonate roof will be mounted, which is optimally suitable for a gazebo of this type.

A rounded roof option, similar to a pitched roof, is also possible. To do this, we install the trusses not with the same distance of the support points from the ground, but at an angle, as a result, part of the roof turns into the back wall of the gazebo, inside which you can place, for example, a swing bench. What else should be done is to provide a gutter for rainwater drainage above the front edge of the roof, and it is advisable to make such a gazebo on a hill and dig it in with grooves so that it does not flood during rainfall.

The advantage of this roof is that it will not support thick layer snow. To make a pavilion out of a gazebo with a sloping semicircular roof, just close it on the sides, and in front install a wall with glazing and a door, you can use double-glazed windows.

For several centuries, the gazebo has been the most common element of the garden. This light elegant design often plays a key role in organizing a backyard landscape. It is designed in the same style as the house, using suitable materials.

After construction, the gazebo quickly turns into a favorite vacation spot for all family members. It serves as protection from rain and scorching sun rays, while allowing you to comfortably talk, read, drink tea or retire for reflection. The roof for the gazebo is not only a functional part; it defines general form the buildings. When choosing a roof for it, take into account the style of the gazebo, its configuration and material. In our article we suggest considering how to cover the roof of a gazebo inexpensively.

A romantic gazebo with outdoor furniture is a wonderful place to meet friends

Varieties of gazebo and roof designs

The whole variety of gazebos can be divided into several groups. They differ:

  • By design. Open gazebos are the most common option, built in most cases from wood. Enclosed gazebos are characterized by solid walls, glazed openings, a door and sometimes a stove (fireplace). Living gazebos attract romantics; they are formed by a frame framed by climbing or specially trimmed plants. Large barbecue gazebos are gaining popularity; their integral attribute is a fireplace or barbecue.
  • According to the shape of the base. There are gazebos with a round (rotunda), square (rectangular), oval or multifaceted base.
  • According to construction method. Gazebos can be built with or without a foundation; there are portable varieties (wedding).
  • By material. The choice of material is unlimited. When thinking about how to cover a gazebo at the dacha, they often consider materials such as wood, stone, metal, and plastic. You can find a gazebo woven from willow twigs or artificial rattan.

Metal gazebo decorated with climbing plants

  • By style. Classic options are ancient Greek, Roman and Renaissance style. Russian or Chinese style gazebos, chalet and country style gazebos are common.

In accordance with the shape and style, the roof of the gazebo can take the form:

  • Single-pitch. This roof is mounted on four-wall structures. Multi-level opposite walls serve as the basis for an inclined rafter system; the slope faces the windward side.
  • Gable. Perfect option for a rectangular gazebo. Depending on the project, the rafter system will be layered (the rafters have an intermediate support point in the middle part) or hanging (does not have intermediate supports).
  • four-slope. The slopes can be 4 triangles converging at one point. If the structure consists of 2 triangles and 2 trapezoids, it is called hip. The base of a hipped roof is a rectangle, the rafters on which are laid in a slanted or layered manner.

Openwork wooden gazebo - a classic garden decoration

  • Tent. A favorite option in private construction, consisting of 5 or more triangular elements held together by one vertex. The rafter system is similar to that used for hipped roofs. The tent option is suitable for round and polygonal gazebos.
  • Exotic. There are roofs in a colorful oriental style: Chinese or Japanese (multi-tiered, with ribs curved inward). Gazebos are decorated with domed, round and bell-shaped roofs; install multi-tiered and asymmetrical structures.

Roof design: choosing shape and material

The shape of the roof is a matter of taste for the owner, but the choice should be based on certain premises.

Roof structure: about the rafter system

The purpose of the rafter system is to determine the shape of the roof and support the weight of the roof. The rafters account for most of the pressure, which is further redistributed to the support pillars. Part of the load is taken by the sheathing.

When designing a rafter system (sections, lengths and distances between rafters, method of their location) take into account:

  • Roof shape (angle of inclination).
  • Roof weight.

Roof rafter system for hexagonal gazebo

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What to consider when choosing a roofing material

When choosing what to cover the roof of the gazebo with, consider:

  • Weight. Lightweight material will not require reinforcement of the rafter system. If, for some reason, is selected heavy material(you really like it natural tiles), be prepared for the fact that you will need a massive supporting structure, or even a foundation.
  • Price.
  • Roof shape. For pitched roofs, sheet materials are often chosen: metal tiles, corrugated sheets and slate. Hip and tent structures made from such materials will be expensive (installation time and the amount of waste increases). A soft roof (bitumen shingles) is suitable for them.
  • Location. If construction wooden gazebo planned near open water, the wood must be protected from the harmful effects of moisture. The structure is treated with oil-based impregnation; the procedure is repeated periodically.
  • Safety. Gazebos with barbecues are located at a sufficient distance from the house. In construction it is preferable to use non-flammable materials: concrete or tiles for the floor, tiles and slate for the roof.

Round combined gazebo-barbecue

  • Style. The architectural appearance of the gazebo and surrounding buildings must be combined. An elegant Chinese gazebo with a tiled roof will seem like an alien detail next to a bathhouse made of timber.
  • Climate. The amount of precipitation in winter or constant strong winds are the determining factor in choosing the roof angle. In the first case, it is increased (so that the snow does not linger on the surface), in the second, it is made small (to avoid windage).

Popular materials for gazebo roofing

To make the structure attractive in appearance and durable, the roofing material is selected as closely as possible to the shape of the roof. There are many different ideas for how to cover the roof of a gazebo in the country; the most common options are described below.

Metal tiles and corrugated sheets

Favorite options due to light weight, durability, affordable price, wide color palette and simple installation. Reinforcement of the structure is not required, but you will need a soundproofing layer (if you like to meditate to the sounds of rain in the gazebo). The disadvantages are a large amount of waste (when installing a roof of complex shape) and the risk of metal corrosion.

Airy polycarbonate construction

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer small form design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


Plasticity of the modern building material different shades allows you to create interesting roof shapes. The advantages of polycarbonate are:

  • low weight and price;
  • facilitated and accelerated installation;
  • flexibility and strength.

Polycarbonate has limitations in use:

  • without a protective film, the material is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • A polycarbonate roof provides little protection from the sun; it can be practical in a shady garden.

Flexible (soft, bitumen) tiles

The reinforcing base of the material is fiberglass; it is impregnated with bitumen and coated with basalt spraying. Flexible tiles look like a collection of small elements laid overlapping. The material is available in a variety of colors and shapes (beaver tail, dragon tooth, hexagon, diamond, rectangle). Flexible tiles are practical for many reasons:

  • The best option for roofs of complex shapes (easy installation and little waste).
  • Does not corrode; at correct installation the roof is sealed.
  • Long service life (25-30 years) and light weight.
  • Thanks to its softness, it has excellent sound absorption.
  • Opens up space for design.

Wooden gazebo with soft tile roof

Roofing a gazebo made of soft tiles has disadvantages:

  • Instead of lathing under the roof from bitumen shingles they arrange a continuous flooring of moisture-resistant plywood, which increases the cost of construction.
  • The use of bitumen makes it a highly flammable material.
  • Fades under the influence of the sun.
  • In terms of price, the material is in the average price category(more expensive than metal tiles, but cheaper than ceramic tiles).

Video description

About the gazebo from drawing to roof in the video:

Ondulin (soft, bitumen slate)

The material is produced using the same method as flexible tiles; Available in sheet form different color and profile. Ondulin is similar to tiles in terms of its properties - it is just as flexible, soft and flammable; it requires the installation of lathing with a pitch of at least 0.6 m. Ondulin is lighter than tiles, it is designed for a shorter service life and costs 2 times less. A professionally installed ondulin roof on the gazebo does not leak.


Slate is perhaps the most common material in the post-Soviet space. It is loved for its strength, durability and reasonable price. If you are planning a barbecue gazebo, slate will be the best choice for the roof. The disadvantage of the material is its fragility and weight; it will significantly complicate the installation of a complex roof.

Roof made of environmentally friendly ceramic tiles

Roof tiles

Natural (ceramic, baked clay) and cement-sand tiles are available on sale. Ceramic tiles is considered a premium roofing material. In many respects it is the optimal roofing material with many advantages:

  • Durability, frost resistance and strength.
  • Impeccable appearance. The tiles are made in their natural form, covered with glaze (a glassy mass with protective properties) or engobe (color-forming coating)
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Use for installation of complex roofing.

Disadvantages of natural tiles:

  • The material is considered an indicator of wealth and refined taste; the price is appropriate.
  • Installation of the roof is carried out manually and requires time and a certain amount of accuracy.
  • The weight of the tiles must be compensated by strengthening the rafter system (install rafters with a smaller pitch).

Gable roof under wooden shingles (shingles)

Other materials

There is a group of materials that are used less frequently for roofing:

  • Straw, reed and reeds. Eco-style is a popular trend in landscape design; a roof made of natural materials will give the gazebo a cozy look, despite their increased flammability (treatment with fire retardants is weak protection).
  • Shingle. Ecologically pure material, shingles (wooden planks). It looks original, but is difficult to install.
  • Fabric (awning or PVC). It is used for summer portable structures.
  • Roofing copper. Copper is a plastic material that is used to create roofs of the most unusual shapes. Copper roofing has a long service life and a high price.

Video description

About the construction of a gazebo in the video:

Hip-slope roof for a summerhouse: design and installation steps

Gazebo rectangular or square shape is the classic, most common option; the building is stable, it is convenient to place furniture in it (the area is distributed economically). Most often, such a gazebo is a frame made of wooden beams on a columnar foundation. The hipped roof gives it architectural completeness, an elegant and solemn appearance.

Installation of a hip roof truss system

There are several types of roofs with four slopes used for gazebos: hip, half-hip (Danish), hipped and Chinese. Installation of a hipped roof involves several stages:

  • Design. To make a design diagram, determine the angle of the roof based on the climatic conditions of the region and the selected roofing material. Then set the length of the roof overhang (its length from the highest point to the lowest).
  • Materials. Based on the diagram, calculate required amount roofing and rafter material.
  • Protection. When choosing options for how to make a roof for a gazebo, the rafters are in any case reinforced with water-repellent agents. To maximize the life of your roof, everything wooden elements treated with antiseptics and fire retardants.
  • Installation. The frame of the rafter system is assembled. Rafter beams are laid (with control building level), support bars; additional connections are created using rafters.
  • Installation of sheathing. The rafters are being lathed; under soft roof(flexible tiles) a continuous sheathing is made.
  • Waterproofing is being installed.
  • Roof. The rafter system is sheathed with roofing material.

Original gazebo with a hipped roof under a soft roof

Features of the Chinese hipped roof

Such an exotic option requires the development of a special project. The non-standard arrangement of beams and rafters turns the edges of the roof towards the sky, making the gazebo the center garden design and justifying the complexity of installation.

Classic Chinese hipped roof design


Regardless of the chosen roof and material installation work must be carried out in compliance building codes. A technically correct design of the gazebo and roof will allow you to build a reliable and beautiful structure that will give protection and peace to everyone who needs it.

At every dacha or suburban area there must be a place to rest fresh air. This is not why people travel tens of kilometers from home to sit within four walls! A gazebo allows you to simultaneously be outside and sit in absolute comfort. The foundation, benches, parapets are all very important, but the roof plays the most important role in the structure. It protects from the scorching sun and rain, and in winter time year does not allow snow to fill the interior space. The installation of a gazebo roof has its own specifics, and in this article we will consider in detail the technology of the work.

If you are building a residential building, the lion's share of effort, attention and money goes into laying a high-quality foundation. In the case of a gazebo, the opposite is true - the main thing here is the roof. It is this that protects the interior space from bad weather, creates a special atmosphere and complements landscape design plot. The roof of the gazebo can be seen from afar, so it is important that it is not only reliable, but also beautiful.

There are so many varieties of roof shapes that it would take more than one page to list them all, so we will only touch on the most common ones:

Despite the differences in shapes and design features, all types of roofs are united by one fact - they all consist of a rafter system, sheathing and roofing material.

Selection of roofing material

The choice of finishing coating for the gazebo roof should be approached very responsibly. Not only does it depend on him performance characteristics structure and its durability, but also the appearance of the entire site. When choosing a coating, you should not start from cost, but take into account the weight of the material, the method of its fastening and technical qualities.

So, how to cover the roof of a gazebo? First of all, roof covering The roof of the gazebo should not be heavy. Otherwise, you will have to build a rafter system for them of appropriate capacity, and thick rafters weigh a lot, so you will need to strengthen the foundation. So as not to create for yourself unnecessary problems, it is better to immediately abandon heavy ceramic tiles and similar materials.

The design of the gazebo roof must correspond to the climatic conditions of the area. This mainly concerns the angle of inclination. Information on this topic is described in detail in the relevant SNiP, but in short, the angle of inclination of the roof depends on the amount of autumn and winter precipitation, average speed wind, etc. If you live in the southern region, where the heat reaches unimaginable levels in summer, the roofing material must be fire-resistant. The same applies if you are going to place a barbecue or decorative fire pit in the gazebo.

There are hard and soft materials for arranging the roof of gazebos:

  1. Rigid - tiles, slate, composite slabs on polymer based, pulp and cardboard fiberglass.
  2. Soft - roofing felt, bitumen-based tiles, polycarbonate (relatively soft).

Recently, polycarbonate has been increasingly used to make gazebo roofs. This is a close “relative” of plastic, which has all the qualities to create perfect roof. Thus, it can be used for structures of any shape and any complexity, from single-pitched roofs to domed and hexagonal ones. Polycarbonate does not make noise during rain or hail, unlike corrugated sheets and metal tiles. This material weighs very little, which, as we have already found out, is important for a gazebo. As for aesthetics, in this regard, polycarbonate wins in all respects - a wide range of textures and colors allows you to implement any designer's imagination and harmoniously fit the gazebo into the landscape.

There is almost no need to maintain a polycarbonate roof - all dirt and dust will be washed away by rain. In extreme cases, you can wipe the surface with a rag. Despite the apparent transparency, the material protects well from the sun and does not transmit short-term UV radiation. It is able to withstand strong temperature changes, so it is suitable for use in all regions of Russia. Polycarbonate has only one drawback - upon direct contact with fire, it melts and emits acrid, toxic smoke, so this roof is not suitable for gazebos with a fireplace or barbecue.

Another popular material for arranging the roofs of gazebos is ondulin. It has an attractive appearance, high strength, durability and protective characteristics. It’s easy to work with, and even a self-taught craftsman can handle the installation, especially since all you need is a saw, fasteners and a hammer.

For large structures with main walls it is better to choose a tiled covering. This is a rather expensive option, but such a gazebo will serve you for decades. The only negative is that over time you need to clean the surface of moss, otherwise it will become covered with a fluffy green carpet and will collapse faster.

Shingles are also often used for roofs. It consists of wooden planks made from various types of trees (spruce, fir, ash, cedar, etc.). The thickness of the planks is no more than 2cm. This wooden gazebo roof is quite durable, environmentally friendly and, to be honest, very beautiful, but the cost of wooden “tiles” sometimes makes you think about alternative solutions.

Before you begin construction or even go for materials, you need to make drawings of the roof for the gazebo. Based on them, you can calculate the amount of building materials and determine the load on the rafter system.

Things to consider during calculations:

  • total weight of all parts of the rafter system;
  • mass roofing pie;
  • snow load in your region;
  • wind load;
  • the weight of the equipment that will be attached to the rafter system (antennas, ventilation, etc.).

The basis of the roof depends on the finishing coating and the method of its fastening. For example, roll materials They need a solid flat support, so they need to make a boardwalk or lathing from wooden slats.

Important: Pay special attention to the roof slope. First check out climatic features your region and SNiP regulations on this topic. Not only the design of the rafter system, but also the choice of roofing material will depend on the angle of the roof. So, some of them cannot be mounted on a roof with a strong slope, and vice versa. Also, the degree of inclination of the slopes determines the installation pitch of the rafters and the fastening of the sheathing, which in turn affects the total weight of the structure. As you can see, everything is interconnected, and these points should be carefully thought through and outlined at the stage of creating the gazebo roof project.

Rafter system

As we said above, all roofs have a base - a rafter system, which determines the type and geometry of the roof itself. The main material is rafters - wooden beams with square or rectangular cross-section. It is they who take on the main load of the roof, and the sheathing placed on the rafters evenly distributes it over the entire surface and supporting pillars.

It is very important to determine optimal cross section(thickness) of the rafters, and for this the following must be taken into account:

  • weight of the roofing pie (finishing material, insulation, sheathing, waterproofing);
  • rafter length;
  • rafter installation step;
  • roof slope;
  • roof type.

To make the structure rigid and stable, use a rafter transom, attaching it to the rafters, as shown in the image below:

Here you can see a structure consisting of inclined rafters:

Hanging rafters create a protective canopy for the gazebo, preventing precipitation or wind from penetrating inside:

IN wooden structures the rafter legs rest against the upper crowns, and in stone ones, against the frame and beams of the mauerlat. Gazebos are rarely built of stone, and most often they are classified as a type of frame wooden structures.

Mauerlat is an integral part of any rafter system. It acts as a connecting element between the rafters and the walls of the building. To install the Mauerlat, it is laid on the upper end of the wall and attached to the floor beam with powerful brackets, bolts or using a groove connection.

The choice of supports depends on the size of the gazebo, the type of roof and the method of placing the rafters. Hanging rafters, for example, are installed without central supporting elements. Their ends rest against the walls of the structure, and between the two rafter legs There is a connecting tie, which serves as a support.

Important: If the span width is less than 8 mm, you need to make a crossbar insert between the tie and the top of the rafters so that they do not sag. If the span is more than 8 mm, it is necessary to install a special vertical element- grandma.

Bolts, staples or tightening clamps are used to secure the headstock. First, the ends of the rafters are cut into the upper part of the headstock, and then tightened with bolts and an iron plate. Then do the same with the tightening. As an alternative, you can choose “sockets” on the headstock, and make “spikes” in the struts - this will make the connection more durable and stable.

Tip: If you are building a gable roof, then to fasten the headstock it is better to use a thick wooden overlay, nailing it to the ridge. If you are using iron sheathing for this, use large bolts to secure it.

The design of a roof with 4 slopes in this regard is much simpler - there the rafters enter the headstock with spikes, and the strength is strengthened by cross-linked crossbars, which are attached to the rafters with long nails.

Remember that if there is no ceiling in the gazebo, then backside The roof will become a decorative component of the interior, so you should try to make it neat and beautiful. In this case, it is better to replace the crossbars with struts, then the vault will be symmetrical. This solution often concerns four- and hexagonal roofs.

Shed roof

Let's start with perhaps the simplest design - pitched roof. In fact, this is an ordinary canopy located at a slight slope. To do this, it is attached to the walls at different levels. It is better to turn the slope towards the windward side so that in winter the snow is quickly blown away and does not lie on the surface. Most often, in such simple gazebos there is no separate ceiling, and the back side of the roof becomes a decorative part.

The choice of pitched roof angle depends on the roof covering, wind load and rainfall in your region. So, in arid climatic zones with a light wind, the slope can be only 5°, and in areas where strong winds constantly blow, there is heavy rain or a lot of snow falls, the angle can reach up to 60°.

Optimal roof slope angle for finishing coating:

  • metal tiles - 30°;
  • roofing felt and other rolled materials - 5°;
  • seam roofing – from 18° to 30°;
  • slate – from 20° to 35°;
  • corrugated sheeting - 8°.

If you make the roof slope less than the minimum, this will result in a lot of troubles - water will stagnate on the surface and spoil the finish coating. As a result, it will penetrate inside and the roof will begin to leak. In areas with strong winds, a flat roof will be subject to heavy loads - wind currents will blow under it, trying to tear it away from the base.

Inexpensive wood is usually used for the construction of the rafter system of pitched roofs on gazebos. coniferous species. Before installation, all wooden elements should be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants.

Building a roof

For a pitched roof you will need a basic rafter system.

Let's look in detail at how to make a roof for a gazebo with your own hands (we will use slate as the finishing coating):

  1. Lay inclined rafter beams across the mauerlat in increments of 70-80 cm, use long nails 100 or 120 cm for fastening. If the gazebo is concrete, secure the crossbar with anchors.
  2. To make it easier to move at height, place wide boards on the rafters - remove them when you lay the roofing material.
  3. Nail the sheathing to the rafters at a 90° angle. For lathing, slats made of 50x50 mm timber are most often used. The sheathing installation step should be such that the slate protrudes from both sides by 15-20 cm.
  4. Lay waterproofing on top of the sheathing, moving from bottom to top. Lay the material overlapping each other and on the walls by 15-20 cm. Connect the sections together with wide tape. Typically, the simplest film with a thickness of 200 microns is used to waterproof the roof of a gazebo. Nail the material to the sheathing with a construction stapler.
  5. Now you can start laying the slate. Make the first row at the bottom, laying the pieces of slate overlapping. The elements of the second row should also be slightly closer to the lower ones, so that water can easily drain from the roof and not get inside. At the intersection points of the sheets, nail the material to the sheathing with special slate nails. From the edges of the roof, nail each element with nails (2 pieces per sheet) at equal intervals.
  6. Nail the wind board to the rafter joists at the top and bottom ends of the roof. This way the wind will not be able to tear off the slate and will not blow snow and rain under the roofing material.

As you can see, building a pitched roof on a gazebo is as easy as shelling pears. Only polycarbonate can make this job even easier. In total, everything will take you no more than 1 day.

Hip roof

The hipped roof looks attractive, is simple to implement and easy to maintain. It creates a reliable shelter from bad weather and bright sun, and besides, it perfectly complements the ensemble of buildings on the site. This roofing is suitable for square or rectangular buildings. In the case of square gazebos, it will be a hipped analogue of a conventional hip roof and will consist of isosceles triangular segments.

The best part is that almost any finishing coating can be laid on a hipped roof; it does not block the view from the inside, and if you show a little imagination, you can stylize the entire structure and make, for example, a gazebo in an oriental style.

A roof with four slopes can withstand strong wind loads even with a slight slope. Precipitation does not linger on it, so you don’t have to worry about repairs. long years. A hip roof with wide overhangs perfectly retains heat inside the gazebo and prevents the wind from blowing leaves, rain or snow into it.

Among the disadvantages of this type of roofing, one can highlight the need for accurate calculations and measurements, which will be difficult for a beginner to cope with. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities and knowledge, it is better to entrust the design stage to specialists, and take on the practical part yourself.

A useful video on how to make a roof on a gazebo will help you avoid common mistakes during installation:

For such a roof, it is necessary to correctly calculate the load and determine the characteristics of the rafter “skeleton”. To ensure proper rigidity, the installation of struts and tie-downs should be provided. The roof diagram must indicate all the information regarding the location of parts, their sizes and installation technology.

To arrange a roof with 4 slopes, several types of rafters are used:

  1. Sloping elements are diagonal elements that define the very shape of the roof and can withstand heavy loads. To install them, you need to use double powerful beams.
  2. Central - connect the ridge to the supporting frame. In essence, they perform the task of the Mauerlat.
  3. Narozhniks are short rafters, which at one end rest against the support (mauerlat), and at the other against the slanted diagonals. Installation is carried out parallel to the central rafters.

How to take measurements

If you decide to take measurements yourself, be prepared to strictly follow the famous proverb about “Measure seven times...”, because in the case of building a roof, you will have to pay dearly for mistakes. To take measurements, use a measuring rod 2-3 m long.

Measurement stages:

  1. Define the axis at the top of the support beam frame.
  2. Find 1/2 of the thickness of the ridge beam.
  3. Mark the point where the first center rafter will be attached.
  4. Attach a measuring rod to the mark and mark the location of the second rafter.
  5. Repeat the procedure for each corner of the roof.

Building a roof

The hipped roof on the gazebo can stand on wood, brick, stone or concrete walls or on a rack support frame. In the latter case, installation requires a special approach and accuracy. Make sure that all the posts are firmly secured and positioned strictly perpendicular to the ground, otherwise the roof will simply collapse. The bottom of the rack must be tied with jumpers to increase the rigidity of the frame. The jumpers located at the top simultaneously perform the function of strapping. For greater reliability, also install diagonal jumpers so that the pillars do not “move apart” under heavy load.

How to build a roof for a gazebo with your own hands:

  1. Get started with installation ridge beam, attaching it to special struts and vertical supports.
  2. At the desired angle (roof inclination angle in accordance with SNiP requirements), attach diagonal rafters, forming slopes.
  3. Set a convenient length for the overhangs, increase them if necessary with thick overlay boards.
  4. Secure the central rafters and soffits.
  5. Lay a waterproofing film over the rafters and attach it with a construction stapler.
  6. Stuff on the waterproofing wooden sheathing. If the roof covering needs additional ventilation, then before laying the waterproof film you need to make a counter-lattice.
  7. Install the selected roofing material according to the technology provided for it.

If you want to make a hip roof, you can use the same instructions, only without installing the ridge element. Instead, tie the diagonal rafters into a ridge knot.

The following video clearly shows the specifics of roof installation:

Roofs of gazebos: photos

During the warm season, when visiting the countryside, all people spend most of their time outdoors. Some work in the garden, some have fun with friends, some sunbathe, and some eat. But if you urgently need shelter from the midday heat or unexpected rain, then you need a gazebo. With proper design and construction, it will become an excellent recreation area. In the article we will look at options for making a gazebo with a pitched roof with your own hands, demonstrate drawings, and also show photos and video instructions for its installation.

Among the advantages of a pitched roof are:

  • Ease of project creation.
  • Relatively easy installation.
  • The consumption of timber is reduced in comparison with the construction of gazebos with gable roofs.
  • Proper design of the slope in relation to the prevailing wind direction ensures resistance to constant winds.
  • The construction process takes relatively little time.

Before starting construction of a gazebo, you should determine several important factors, playing a decisive role in the work process. The following subsections will describe the differences between gazebos.

Gazebos can be closed, semi-closed and open.

  • Closed the structures are completely protected from snow, wind and rain. Typically, the walls of gazebos are made of double-glazed windows. Such gazebos can be used regardless of the time of year.
  • Half open partially prevent precipitation from entering the building.
  • Open- these are, in fact, canopies that are used for temporary location, protection from midday heat and light rain.

You can build a gazebo with a pitched roof from different materials:

  • Made of wood. This material is one of the most common.
  • Made of metal. Since the advent profile pipes metal gazebos began to push aside their wooden counterparts. Portable welding equipment can be used to assemble metal structures. Intricate wrought-iron gazebos have also become popular recently.
  • From stone. Such gazebos are built from sibit, cinder blocks and bricks.

There is a combined type of gazebos where they use different materials, for example, wood and metal, stone and metal or stone and wood.

The project should be created taking into account the fact that the gazebo will be built near the house. Also, before making a project, you should think about the purpose of the structure. Will it have a fireplace, stove or barbecue? It is also important to determine the load on the structure in order to select the cross-section of the fastening beams accordingly.

Determine the purpose of the gazebo:

  • For get-togethers with friends.
  • For children's games.
  • As a work office.
  • For family meals.
  • For storing garden tools.

It is important to take all these nuances into account when designing a structure. At the end of this article, ready-made drawings will be provided that may help you create an individual project.

A gazebo with a pitched roof of rectangular or square shape has no structural difficulties. The angle of the roof is determined based on several factors:

  • wind force;
  • roofing material;
  • the amount of precipitation in your area.

The roof inclination angle varies between 5–60º. So, when building a shed roof for a gazebo, you should take into account the indicators minimum inclination according to material:

  • metal tiles – 30º;
  • slate – in the range of 20–35º;
  • corrugated sheeting – 8º;
  • roofing felt – 5º;
  • seam roofs - in the range of 18–30º.

If you reduce minimum angle roof slope, there is a high probability that the structure will not withstand the loads. For example, a pitched roof made of corrugated sheets/galvanization may bend under the weight of snow.

A pitched roof should be built on the basis of an inclined rafter system made of wooden beams. In this case, all wooden elements must first be dried and also treated with protection against fire, water and pests.

If you have decided on the parameters, construction material and internal filling of the gazebo, then it’s time to start construction. Let's consider the whole construction process using the example of a semi-open gazebo with a pitched roof. To work you will need:

  • cement and sand;
  • edged board;
  • roofing felt;
  • nails;
  • beam for support;
  • roofing material;
  • impregnation, paint/varnish.

First you need to choose a place for construction, clear it of unnecessary objects and debris. Then the gazebo should be marked on the ground in accordance with the specified dimensions indicated in the project.

Install pegs in the corners and along the perimeter of the future walls of the gazebo and pull the rope.

The support pillars will serve as the foundation. To do this, dig holes that should be slightly wider than the pillars and 0.5–0.7 m deep. Make a ten-centimeter cushion at the bottom of the hole from compacted sand and crushed stone. Set the posts level, secure them, and then fill them with concrete. The timber is pre-treated with an antiseptic, and the part that will be immersed in concrete must be wrapped in roofing material.

On one side of the gazebo, the support pillars should be lower, so that the slope of the pitched roof can be formed. Next you need to do top harness support pillars. Then you need to install the transverse beams to which the sheathing will be attached.

The sheathing pitch depends on the roofing material you choose. For example, if it is a metal tile, then the lathing pitch should be 40–50 cm. After this, you will need to install the roofing material.

A decorative lattice, decorated with climbing plants, can serve as walls. Another option is to install railings around the perimeter of the gazebo, which are secured to support posts.

The floor in the gazebo can be made of paving slabs laid directly on the ground, or install decking.

You can decorate a gazebo in several ways:

  • You can plant climbing plants around the perimeter or hang hanging flowering plants in pots.
  • The lighting can be a garland of small light bulbs laid around the perimeter of the roof, a lampshade in the center, or lanterns under the ceiling.
  • You can also decorate a semi-open gazebo with bamboo curtains, textiles or curtains.


In the video provided, you can clearly see the method of making a gazebo with a pitched roof:


The photo shows several options for constructing a gazebo with a pitched roof:


The correct choice of the type of structure and material for the roof of the gazebo will not only allow you to relax comfortably on sunny or rainy days, but will also increase its durability. Often, inexperienced builders are faced with problems of roof collapse after the first winter, the appearance of a “steam room effect” inside during hot weather, and large waste of materials.

In this article we will look at how to make a roof for a gazebo with your own hands correctly.

Roof structure

  • Single-pitch- the simplest to make, but it has a small slope angle, which means that in winter snow will accumulate on it and there will be an increased load. To make it yourself, you need to install one row of pillars higher than the other, and then secure the rafters between them.
  • Gable– more difficult option, but allows you to make a sharp slope angle. It rests on walls of the same height.

  • Four-slope (hip)– most often used in square and rectangular gazebos.
  • Complex shapes (round tented, polygonal)– usually used for gazebos of unusual polygonal shape. Requires a lot of materials.

The rafters themselves are attached to the top sheathing using self-tapping screws and angles. The sheathing is fixed perpendicular to the rafters, onto which the roofing material is laid.

Roofing materials

There are several options for making a gazebo roof:

  • Polycarbonate;
  • Profiled sheeting;
  • Metal tiles;
  • Flexible tiles;

Let's take a closer look at how to make a roof on a gazebo from each material.


The most popular option for making a gazebo roof is cellular polycarbonate. This material is low priced and easy to work with.

Its main disadvantage is the high penetration rate of sunlight, so it will be hot and light inside the gazebo. It can withstand temperatures from -100 to +125 degrees, so it can be used in any region, and even for the roof of a gazebo with barbecue.

Related articles:

Instructions on how to make a gazebo roof from polycarbonate:

  • For installation you will need the panels themselves. cellular polycarbonate, self-adhesive protective tapes for the ends, connecting and end profiles, thermal washers or self-tapping screws with seals.

Note! Only one side of the polycarbonate has a protective coating against UV rays; the manufacturer’s proprietary film is applied to it. Installation should only be done with this side facing up, since unprotected material quickly becomes unusable.

  • Remove protective film before starting work and cut the panels according required sizes using a knife or hacksaw.
  • You need to stick protective tape on the ends and put on end profiles to prevent moisture and dust from getting inside.
  • If you are installing it on a rounded roof, you need to make sure that the cold bending angle of the panels will not be exceeded (you can find this out from the manufacturer or on the packaging). Also, with this installation, the profiles must be longer than the sheets themselves; their excess is cut off after installation.
  • The internal ribs of the slab should be located along the slope so that condensation does not accumulate inside, but flows out. To do this, perforated holes are made in the lower end profile.

  • First, a starting profile is attached to the sheathing, and the end of the polycarbonate sheet is inserted into it.
  • Then the underside of the sheet is attached. To do this, a hole is made in it 2 mm larger than the diameter of the bolt, and through a special bolt with a sealing washer it is screwed to the frame. The main thing is not to overtighten the connections; the sheet should move freely due to thermal expansion.
  • After this, the second side of the sheet is attached using a connecting profile, and if necessary, the sheathing continues to be mounted in the same way further.
  • For a gable roof, when joining at the ridge, a special ridge profile is used.

Corrugated sheet

The next option for making a roof for a gazebo is corrugated sheets. They are made of metal with a protective coating, so they are completely light-proof and durable.

This material is considered the most economical when it comes to making a round gazebo roof. Using S21K corrugated sheeting, you can turn it upside down, minimizing the amount of waste. In essence, this is an analogue of metal tiles with a different profile and a less presentable appearance, but lighter and cheaper.

How to make a roof in a gazebo from corrugated sheets:

  • The waterproofing is fastened to the rafters with a stapler and then the sheathing and perpendicular counter-lattice are nailed. This is necessary to leave a ventilation gap of more than 4 cm between the roof and the waterproofing.
  • The sheets are laid on the sheathing and screwed to it using self-tapping screws or roofing screws.

  • You need to fix the places where the lower part of the wave meets the sheathing. When attaching to the outer planks of the sheathing, you need to screw self-tapping screws into each wave, and in intermediate places you can install through one recess.

Note! To install corrugated sheeting on the roof, you cannot use nails or welding. You should also not make holes in sheets using these methods. Use a drill or screwdriver at low speed to screw in the screws.

Related articles:

Metal tiles

A roof made of metal tiles will look very beautiful and light, but if you are making a polygonal or round gazebo, the waste for trimming it can be about 50%.

  • First, the waterproofing and counter-lattice are attached in the same way as in the previous version with corrugated sheeting.
  • The first bar of the counter-lattice is attached almost flush with the end of the slope. The second block is attached in increments of 28 cm. This will allow the roof to be laid with a margin on the slope so that the water flows away from the walls. And subsequent bars are mounted with a standard step of 35 cm so that metal tiles can be attached to them.

  • Installation starts from bottom to top. To do this, a cornice strip is screwed to the bottom beam and a sheet of metal tile is laid on it.
  • The first row of screws is screwed into each wave through the eaves strip to the sheathing. Subsequent rows can be fastened one after another.

  • To join two sheets, they are overlapped and screwed with one screw to the sheathing.

Video installation lesson:

Flexible tiles

Before you make a roof for a gazebo with your own hands from flexible tiles, you need to prepare a rigid, solid and level base into which you can drive nails for fastening. To do this, you can use moisture-resistant plywood, OSB or tongue and groove boards.

The gaps between the base elements should not be more than 5 mm.

  • A metal drip is mounted on the eaves overhang with nails.
  • First, a waterproofing layer is laid underlay carpet with an overlap of 10-15 cm. Additionally, it is fixed around the perimeter with nails. Overlapping areas are coated bitumen mastic.
  • For starter tiles, you need to trim off the protruding petals so that they have an elongated rectangular shape.
  • Remove the protective film from reverse side tiles and stick them onto the waterproofing carpet. Additionally, nail it to the base with 4 roofing nails and a wide head.
  • Subsequent rows are also attached using a self-adhesive base and nails, overlapping the previous row. The caps should not cut into the tiles, but only lightly press them. The nails of the second row must simultaneously fix the 1st and 2nd rows. The specific method of fastening may vary depending on the type of cutting.

The video in this article talks about how to make a roof for a gazebo from Shinglas flexible tiles:


We have reviewed modern methods roof arrangement in gazebos. If you want to save money, you can also use roofing felt or slate, but they greatly lose in durability and appearance, and the difference in price for the roof small sizes will be minimal.