Sesame oil - beneficial properties of the health elixir and contraindications. Unrefined sesame oil benefits and harms

The tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves has been known to many since childhood. The story mentions the sesame plant, which contributed to the acquisition of wealth by the main character. To this day, sesame is widely popular among eastern peoples who idolize it. Seed oil is often used in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology. What is the sesame composition, what is its value and harm, let’s consider in more detail.

  1. Sesame oil must be consumed by all women without exception to maintain normal hormonal background. The product reduces pain and muscle spasms during menstruation, and reduces the frequency of hot flashes during menopause.
  2. For pregnant girls, the oil will help eliminate constipation, toxicosis, swelling of tissues and limbs in particular. In addition, the fetus will form correctly, eliminating the likelihood of possible defects at birth.
  3. Sesame oil reduces stretch marks after childbirth, rarely causes allergies, and improves the quality of milk (if taken during lactation). Frequent and dosed consumption normalizes hair and nails.

When should you take sesame oil?

There are certain categories of people who would like to include sesame oil in their daily diet. The product is accepted in the following cases:

  1. Anemia - the composition fights anemia, increases the level of iron in the blood.
  2. Pregnancy, breast-feeding- mother and baby need all the valuable elements present in the oil.
  3. Prostatitis, impotence - the product should be included in men's menus to increase blood circulation to the penis and increase sperm count.
  4. Diabetes mellitus - the composition is responsible for maintaining glucose at an optimal level, reduces the risk of obesity and metabolic disorders.
  5. Poor vision - sesame oil strengthens the eye muscles, lubricates the apple, promotes the production of natural traces, thereby improving vision.
  6. Bronchitis, pneumonia - sesame oil eases the course of diseases respiratory tract, removes mucus, removes dry cough.
  7. Weak teeth and bones - the accumulation of calcium in large volumes fills voids in the bones, eliminates crumbling teeth and bleeding gums.

How much sesame oil to take?

For an adult, the permissible daily intake varies between two or three tablespoons. The composition is consumed on an empty stomach, per 1 kg. weight is about 0.5-0.7 grams. oils

When it comes to welcoming children, things are a little more complicated. So, children aged 1-3 years are required from 3 to 5 drops per day. For a child 3-6 years old, 7-10 drops are enough. From 6 to 9 years old, treat your child with half a teaspoon. Children 10-14 years old can be given 1 teaspoon.

Sesame oil loses most useful vitamins and minerals after heat treatment. To extract the full value of the product, you cannot heat the composition to a temperature above 25 degrees. Therefore, take the oil cold internally and do not add it to hot dishes.

  1. For colds. The product can be used for bronchitis, signs of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, and colds. You should also rub the chest and neck areas with a warm or hot mixture. After this, you need to wrap yourself up and go to bed. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime. As for administration, drink 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals.
  2. For chronic constipation. If it is necessary to eliminate chronic constipation, the oil is consumed orally in 80 ml doses. in one dose on an empty stomach. On the second day you need to drink 2 spoons, on the third - 1. During the allotted period, the intestinal tract will be cleared, the stool will normalize. Next, for prevention purposes, drink a spoonful a day on an empty stomach.
  3. For infertility. Infertility often occurs due to low ovarian activity and anorexia. To stimulate full activity and restore ovulation with menstruation, you need to drink the oil before meals, 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach.
  4. For peptic ulcer disease. To heal stomach or duodenal ulcers, as well as reduce signs of gastritis, consume 25 ml after waking up in the morning. oils Further on for 15 ml. product before meals. In general, 4-5 techniques are obtained.
  5. For skin ailments. To treat skin problems such as dermatitis, rub sesame oil into damaged areas of the epidermis. It is better to mix the product with aloe vera juice, which has regenerating and bactericidal properties.

Harm and contraindications

  • children's age (up to 1 year);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • ailments of the kidneys (stones, sand), gall bladder and liver;
  • high blood clotting;
  • tendency to diarrhea.
Sesame seed oil should not be taken together with acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and other drugs that contain this substance. If you are allergic to peanuts, the product should be completely excluded from your diet.

You should not consume the oil internally if you simultaneously eat foods with oxalic acid. These include tomato, spinach, cucumber, etc. This combination, like acetylsalicylic acid, prevents the removal of calcium. As a result, there is a risk of developing urolithiasis.

Sesame or sesame oil has undeniable benefits to the human body. The product is effective for dermatological problems and ailments cardiovascular systems s and sexual dysfunction. To get the full value, it is necessary to exclude contraindications in advance and study possible harm.

Video: benefits of sesame seeds and sesame oil

Sesame seeds, cultivated from ancient times (7 thousand years ago) to this day in Pakistan, India, Central Asia, Mediterranean countries, and China, are used not only as a seasoning, but also as a raw material for the production of oil. First mentions of healing power These seeds are found in the tracts of Avicenna, and in Egypt, oil from them was used in medicine already in 1500 BC. Another name for the plant is “ sesame", which is translated from Assyrian as " oil plant"(the seeds contain valuable oil up to 60 percent).

Sesame oil, which has a lot of medicinal properties, is today widely used in medicine and cosmetology recipes, and is used in baking and pharmaceutical industries. In addition, it can often be found in the perfumery, canning and confectionery industries, in the production of various lubricants and solid fats.

How to choose

When choosing an oil, make sure that it is unrefined and produced using the 1st cold pressing method. This product can have either a dark or light color - it depends on the grain from which the oil was squeezed. A slight sediment at the bottom of the container indicates the naturalness of the oil.

How to store

The oil shelf life is 2 years. But remember that after opening the bottle and contact with air, this term decreases sharply. Therefore, try to choose oil in a small bottle.

It is recommended to store sesame oil in a cool and dark place. After the first use, the product should be placed in the refrigerator, tightly closing the bottle.

In cooking

Sesame oil is obtained from seeds by cold pressing. The unrefined product made from roasted seeds has a beautiful dark brown color, has a rich sweetish nutty taste and strong odor(unlike light sesame oil made from raw seeds, which has less pronounced taste and aroma).

Fragrant unrefined oil, rich in useful substances, has been used as an ingredient since ancient times Japanese dishes, Chinese, Korean, Indian and Thai cuisine (before the advent of peanut butter, sesame seed product was more commonly used in food in India). In exotic Asian cuisine, sesame oil, successfully combined with soy sauce and honey, is most often used in preparing seafood dishes, deep-fried, pilaf and sweets, pickling vegetables and meat, and dressing a variety of salads.

Just a couple of drops of sesame oil can add an original taste and unique aroma to dishes of Ukrainian and Russian cuisine - first courses, hot fish and meat dishes, purees, porridges and a variety of cereal side dishes, pancakes, gravies, pancakes, and baked goods. For those who find the aroma of unrefined oil too intense, when using it for culinary purposes, you can mix this product with peanut oil, which has a “softer” aroma.

Unlike other edible oils (mustard, camelina, avocado), unrefined sesame oil is not at all suitable for frying. So, it is recommended to add it to any hot dishes only before serving.

Due to its high content of antioxidants (including sesamol), sesame oil has good oxidation resistance and a long shelf life.

Calorie content

The calorie content of the oil reaches 884 kcal. But at the same time, it has high energy, as well as nutritional value sesame oil with a very high content of vegetable proteins, as well as fats that can be easily digested, is successfully used as a component of dietary and vegetarian nutrition.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of sesame oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

Having a very high nutritional value and a storehouse of beneficial properties, sesame seed oil is well balanced in the content of essential amino acids, vitamins, polyunsaturated acids, macro- and microelements and other biological active substances (phytin, antioxidants, phytosterols, phospholipids, etc.).

The oil contains essential fatty acids in almost equal proportions - polyunsaturated Omega-6 (40-45%) and monounsaturated Omega-9 (38-43%). At the same time, the Omega-3 content in sesame oil is very small - 0.2%. The Omega-6 and 9 oils included in the composition help improve the functioning of the sexual, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, normalization of sugar levels and fat metabolism, strengthening the immune system. They also help reduce the risk of developing cancer and neutralize the negative effects on the body of various kinds. harmful substances(toxins, wastes, carcinogens, heavy metal salts, radionuclides).

Sesame oil contains many antioxidant vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart and blood vessels, have a powerful immunostimulating effect, and have wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties. In combination with vitamins B, vitamins E, C and A, they help improve the functioning of the visual system and have a beneficial effect on the skin, nails and hair.

Sesame oil is an excellent source of essential macro- and microelements. In terms of the content of calcium necessary for the full development of cartilage and bone tissue, this oil is a real record holder among other food products. Thus, a teaspoon of sesame oil satisfies the daily need for calcium. Sesame oil contains a high concentration of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, and zinc.

Sesame oil contains phytosterols, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, immunity, reproductive and endocrine systems, and phospholipids, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the brain, liver, nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as for the good absorption of vitamins E and A.

Healthy sesame oil also contains the powerful antioxidant squalene, which is necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones, which helps strengthen the immune system and lower cholesterol levels, and has pronounced antifungal and bactericidal properties.

Useful and healing properties

Sesame oil has a fairly wide range of healing effects, including anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, analgesic, bactericidal, anthelmintic, immunostimulating, laxative, and diuretic properties. It has been used since ancient times not only as food product, but also how effective remedy traditional medicine. Thus, it is sesame oil that is often mentioned in Ayurveda as “warming”, “inhibiting mucus and wind”, “hot and pungent”, “strengthening the body”, “calming the mind”, “removing toxins”, “nourishing the heart” and a natural remedy for many ailments.

Sesame oil helps quickly neutralize high acidity, brings relief from colic, has anti-inflammatory, laxative, anthelmintic and bactericidal effects, helps eliminate all kinds of erosive and ulcerative damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa. Therefore, it is used in the prevention and treatment of gastritis with increased acidity, constipation, gastroduodenitis, ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, pancreatic diseases, helminthiases. Due to the content of phytosterols and phospholipids, which stimulate the process of bile formation and restore the structure of the liver, the oil can be introduced into the diet for the prevention of cholelithiasis and used in the treatment of such ailments as fatty dyskinesia of the biliary tract, liver dystrophy, hepatitis.

Sesame oil is extremely beneficial for vascular and heart health. The oil contains a complex of substances that strengthen and nourish the heart muscle, increase the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, and normalize blood pressure. In this regard, oil should be introduced into the daily diet as a effective means prevention and useful component in the treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic diseases, arrhythmias, tachycardias, heart attacks and strokes. Regular use of this product, which helps increase platelet levels in the blood, is especially useful for those who suffer from diseases such as hemorrhagic diathesis, Werlhof's disease, hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, and essential thrombocytopenia.

Sesame oil is considered a useful product for people with mental work. This product is rich in substances necessary for normal activity. nervous system and brain. Therefore, sesame seed oil, which has high energy and nutritional value, is useful to use daily during intense mental stress, memory impairment, constant stress, attention disorder. Also, constant consumption of oil rich in Omega-9 is a prevention of ailments such as Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis.

Sesame oil also has sedative and antidepressant properties. Thanks to the content of magnesium, B vitamins, sesamolin and polyunsaturated acids, this product calms the nervous system, protects it from negative influence stress. Regular consumption of oil will help eliminate apathy, insomnia, depression, fatigue and irritability. Massage with this oil helps relax tense muscles.

Also, sesame oil is balanced in the content of substances that have a beneficial effect on the functions of the female reproductive system. Therefore, its use may benefit women who experience discomfort before menstruation or during menopause. Also, sesame oil, rich in vitamin E, is necessary for the proper development of the embryo and full lactation, thanks to which it can take its rightful place in the diet of pregnant and lactating women.

The introduction of sesame oil into the diet will bring considerable benefits for diabetes and obesity, since it contains substances involved in the synthesis of insulin, as well as the ability to normalize metabolism, effectively “burning” fat deposits when overweight bodies.

Sesame oil is also useful for diseases of the joints, bones, and teeth due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. They ensure the proper development, functioning and rapid restoration of dental cartilage and bone tissue. Therefore, sesame oil is used in the treatment of injuries to the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, gout, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, caries, periodontal disease, and periodontitis.

Taking sesame oil will help with anemia, as it is rich in substances that are involved in the process of hematopoiesis - manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, phospholipids, zinc.

Sesame oil is also effective for diseases respiratory organs, including pneumonia, bronchial asthma, dry cough. It also helps eliminate dry nasal mucosa.

It is recommended to use this oil for diseases of the urinary system, such as urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, nephritis, cystitis, urethritis.

Eye diseases can also be treated with sesame oil.

And for men, this product is useful because it improves not only erection, but can also improve the process of spermatogenesis and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the prostate gland.

Constant consumption of oil is an excellent prevention of various cancers.

Sesame oil can be successfully used as a component of sports nutrition.

For children, the dose of sesame oil is:

  • 3-5 drops for children 1-3 years old;
  • 6-10 drops for 3-6 year old children;
  • 1 tsp. for a child 10-14 years old.

Use in cosmetology

Possessing wound-healing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, as well as important immunostimulating properties, sesame oil is a common remedy for treating various dermatological diseases and various skin lesions and improving skin condition.

This oil can penetrate deeply into the skin and contributes to its nutrition, excellent softening and hydration. Biochemical components of the product that promote collagen synthesis give the skin elasticity and firmness.

Also, sesame seed oil helps maintain normal water-lipid balance of the skin and restore protective functions epidermis.

The product perfectly cleanses the surface of the skin from dead cells, dirt and harmful substances and promotes the fastest possible regeneration of the skin.

Possessing bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, and being an excellent source of zinc, the oil is useful for acne, skin irritations accompanied by peeling, redness or inflammation.

Sesame oil may help prevent premature skin aging, including that associated with hormonal imbalances or exposure to sun rays. This oil contains sesamol, which absorbs UV radiation, and substances that help normalize hormonal balance.

Due to its properties, sesame oil is used in cosmetology as a base component for creams, lotions, balms, masks for the care of dry, aging, flaky and sensitive skin of the hands, face and neck, eyelid creams, lip balms.

You can use this oil as an integral component of all kinds of cosmetics for oily skin, as it can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Sesame oil is used both as an ingredient in sunscreen cosmetics and as a base oil for aromatherapy. Thus, the oil is best combined with essential oils of lemon, myrrh, bergamot, frankincense, geranium, etc.

Rich in “anti-stress” magnesium, good for relaxing facial muscles, sesame oil is an effective remedy for a relaxing massage.

It is also used as a stabilizing antioxidant for other base oils, since due to its good oxidation stability, this product is often used with oils that oxidize quickly. For example, almond oil increases oxidation stability in combination with sesame oil by 28%.

This oil is also suitable as a product for caring for children's skin, for removing makeup and gently cleansing the skin, and for nail care. External use of this oil in the form of baths promotes nail growth and prevents their separation and brittleness. In addition, due to its antifungal properties, sesame oil is used in the treatment of nail fungus.

Sesame oil is also a very effective remedy for hair loss and brittleness and an excellent restorative and nourishing component in masks for colored or damaged hair. This herbal product, which normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, is very useful in the treatment of seborrhea.

Dangerous properties of sesame oil

People with a tendency to blood clots, increased blood clotting, or varicose veins should consult a doctor before consuming sesame seed oil. Of course, you should not use it if you are individually intolerant to this herbal product.

It is an incredibly useful product. Our ancestors also proved its beneficial effects on the human body. It is equally useful for both men and women.

Sesame oil can be used as a food product and as medicine. It is rich in provitamin A, vitamin E and B vitamins, and is also high in copper, iron, selenium, manganese, zinc and dietary fiber.

In this article we will try to understand what sesame oil is. Benefits and harms, reviews about this unique product will also be considered.

What is sesame oil?

The heat-loving plant sesame has been known since ancient times. Another name for it is sesame. In Eastern countries, the seeds of this plant are very popular, adding them to almost all dishes. As one of the legends says, sesame seeds were part of a food that still haunts many people.

And in fact, sesame seeds have miraculous properties and, in addition to cooking, they are also used in medicinal purposes. From the seeds it turns out very healthy oil, which smells a little nutty but tastes incredibly delicious.

If you use raw sesame seeds for pressing, the resulting oil will be light color with the usual taste and aroma, but if they are fried, the oil turns out dark, with a delicate aroma and rich taste.

This product may have certain contraindications, so the benefits and harms of sesame oil for the body will be discussed further.


The value of sesame oil lies in the fact that its composition includes many useful substances that support human beauty and health. Thanks to the content it contains fatty acids, like omega-6 and omega-9, the immune system is strengthened, the functioning of the reproductive, nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems improves, and blood sugar levels return to normal.

In cosmetology, this product has become popular due to the vitamins A, C and E it contains, which strengthen hair and nails and also promote skin regeneration.

What benefits does sesame oil bring?

The benefits of sesame oil for the body are very great. Numerous studies have confirmed its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer; it also helps restore immunity and increases resistance to colds. The oil is beneficial for lung diseases. When coughing, it is used in the form of rubbing. To do this, it is heated to 38 degrees, the chest is rubbed and the patient is well wrapped. After such a procedure, it is advisable to use bed rest. To relieve cough, you should take sesame oil internally. The benefits come from it even when using one tablespoon of this product per day.

One well-known health science recommends rinsing your mouth with sesame seed oil every day, as a result of which the oral receptors are activated, the gums become stronger, the development of caries is prevented and the mucous membrane is restored. The active components contained in the oil help remove toxins from the oral cavity. This method is especially effective for ENT infections, especially if you lubricate the nasal mucosa with this product.

Insomnia and headache will no longer bother you if you wipe your temples, feet and thumbs feet with warm oil. For frequent dizziness, it is recommended to make lotions from it.

Sesame oil is also very helpful for hypertension or high blood pressure. Its benefits are great for thyroid gland, the function of which returns to normal and metabolism is normalized. In addition, it helps fight anemia, diabetes, exhaustion, and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. He can cope not only with hypertension, but also with stomach ulcers. Only in this case, the oil is taken before meals.

Because of great content Calcium oil perfectly strengthens the skeletal system. Therefore, it is extremely useful for the elderly, children and pregnant women. It also heals wounds well and is very effective for severe burns.

Benefits of oil for the nervous system

Sesame oil contains sesamolin, which helps the body cope with stress and overexertion. It is a wonderful antidepressant that improves well-being and mood. It is also used for preventive purposes against the occurrence of diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. Systematic use of this product allows you to forget about such ailments as apathy, insomnia, depression, and fatigue.

Harm of sesame oil

Not everyone benefits from sesame oil equally. This beneficial product should be taken with caution by those with increased blood clotting. A direct contraindication is varicose veins.

It is not recommended for people taking aspirin and, sadly, these are tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, parsley, fruits, and berries that are loved by many. If a person continues to use them, problems with the genitourinary system may arise. Rocks begin to form there. In rare cases, individual intolerance to oil occurs.

Benefits for women

The benefits of sesame oil for women are great. Sesame seeds contain two phytoestrogens considered unique: sesamin and sesamolin, which are plant analogues of female sex hormones. This is especially important for women over 50 years old. Hair masks made from oil very quickly restore their structure, restoring their shine.

Sesame oil helps women fight cellulite. To do this, add 1 tbsp to the body moisturizing cream. l. oils and the resulting mixture are applied morning and evening. The result comes very quickly.

Benefits for men

The benefits of sesame oil for men are also invaluable. Thanks to vitamins A and E, as well as magnesium, phytosterols, squalene and zinc, prostate function improves, erections become stronger and sperm production increases.

Sesame oil in cosmetology

Taking care of your facial skin using sesame oil is very simple and effective, thanks to which the skin retains its youth and elasticity. Thanks to the phospholipids, polyunsaturated acids, antibacterial components, vitamin E and lecithin contained in this product, the epidermis begins to smooth out, protein synthesis accelerates, cell membranes are restored, the appearance of wrinkles is prevented, and skin irritation disappears.

You decide to start using it in cosmetology depends on compliance with all recommended proportions, method of application, and frequency of procedures performed.

Sesame oil for healthy hair

Hair dye, heat from styling devices, unnatural shampoos - all this greatly spoils women's hair. If you use sesame oil for your hair, the benefits will be simply amazing. It can dissolve acids, stimulate growth, soothe the scalp, prevent exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and prevent itching.

To give your hair a healthy shine, you often add a few drops of sesame oil to your shampoo while washing your hair. So in a simple way a lifeless head of hair turns into healthy hair.

The following recipe will also help restore your hair. It is necessary to heat 3 tbsp. l. honey, add to it the same amount of oil and 3 egg yolks. Apply the warm balm to damaged hair, put on a cap and after 30 minutes, rinse everything off. This procedure must be done every time before washing your hair until complete recovery.

Recipes with sesame oil

There are many recipes containing sesame oil. The benefits from it are very great.

  1. To soften and moisturize the skin, take half a glass of sesame seed oil, add ¼ cup to it apple cider vinegar and the same amount of water. Mix and apply the resulting mixture to your face. Vinegar whitens the skin and kills bacteria.
  2. To soften your feet and relieve your heels from dryness and cracks, you need to massage sesame oil into these places and leave it to soak overnight, wearing cotton socks.
  3. To get rid of wrinkles, you should wipe your eyelids and face with oil before going to bed. You can also make a mask for 15 minutes by mixing sesame seeds and cocoa powder in equal proportions.
  4. To remove toxins, prepare a mixture of sesame oil and turmeric: 2 s. l. turmeric is diluted with oil until a thick mass is formed. It should be applied to the body and washed off after 10 minutes. You should be wary of allergic reactions, so skin sensitivity is checked in advance.

Is it possible to lose weight with sesame oil?

To lose weight and normalize metabolism, you can include such a wonderful product in your diet. What is the use of sesame oil in this case? Reviews from women confirm that it helps lose weight. To do this, you need to take 2.5 tbsp every day. l. oils and lead a normal lifestyle without any physical activity. But you should remember that stopping taking this product will lead to weight gain again.

The polyunsaturated fats contained in the oil help increase the level of leptin in the plasma - this is a hormone that regulates energy balance and suppresses hunger. If you take 1 tbsp every day. l. this product, the body is saturated for the whole day important elements and vitamins. But don’t get carried away, since 100 g of oil contains 900 kcal.

How to take sesame oil?

We figured out what sesame oil is (benefits and harms). How to take it with maximum benefit for the body?

Every day you need to take 1 tsp. sesame oil. This will provide the body required quantity useful substances. It should be remembered that the oil is very high in calories, so people with overweight it must be used in small quantities.


Thus, we figured out what sesame oil is. Its benefits are simply enormous. Due to its unique composition, it is used to treat a large number of diseases. It has also found its application in cosmetology. But still, when using oil, it is necessary to monitor how the body reacts to it, since intolerance to it may occur.

In Mediterranean countries, as well as in China, India, and Pakistan, sesame is widely cultivated and valuable oil is produced from its seeds. This product was mentioned in the ancient treatises of Avicenna; already in those distant times it was actively used not only for culinary purposes, but also for the treatment of certain diseases.

Sesame oil can have both benefits and harm on human health. IN Lately its popularity is more associated with the fashion for oriental cuisine. In Japanese cooking, this aromatic product is often added to salads and some other dishes. Its aroma is quite specific, with a nutty aftertaste. It is obtained by pressing seeds, which are also sometimes called sesame.

About the benefits of sesame oil

This product has beneficial properties, and all thanks to its composition, which includes the following components: healthy fats, some vitamins, phytoestrogens, minerals, which allows it to be used not only for preparing aromatic dishes, but also for cosmetic purposes, since it perfectly softens and smoothes the skin, prevents the formation of fine wrinkles.

It is also used for weight loss, despite its high calorie content, which is almost 900 kcal per hundred grams. In small quantities, its use has a beneficial effect on metabolism, which leads to a decrease in excess weight. Of course, to reduce body weight, introducing it into the diet alone will not be enough; you need to eat a balanced diet and exercise in general.

You can buy it both in the supermarket and in the pharmacy, because it is considered a medicinal product and helps to cope with some diseases. Recent studies have revealed that it contains antioxidants that prevent the development of cancer processes. Therefore, it can be used for prophylactic purposes if there is a history of malignant tumors in close relatives.

At present, the composition of this useful product, and it contains glycerides of stearic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic and some other acids, which are very important for the full functioning of our body.

Sesame oil is rich in mineral substance like calcium, therefore, it must be introduced into the diet of those who adhere to a vegetarian lifestyle in order to replenish the deficiency of this important component.

Due to its useful composition, sesame oil has a positive effect on the metabolic processes occurring in our body, to some extent accelerating metabolism, which has a positive effect on the condition of the figure as a whole.

This product is very useful for the fair sex, since, in addition to the presence of beneficial linoleic and oleic fatty acids, it also contains phytosterol, and this substance is considered a natural analogue of estrogen. Therefore, sesame oil must be included in the diet during premenopause.

You should know that sesame oil does not tolerate any heat treatment, therefore, it is recommended to add it only to cold dishes, for example, in a variety of salads, thus, you can prevent the destruction of many useful substances, and preserve the unique value of this product, taking which, you can improve the quality of your health.

This oil is actively used for cosmetological purposes, in particular, it is used for massage, as it helps relieve fatigue, promotes relaxation, and nourishes the skin with beneficial substances. It can be used as a night cream on your face before bed.

For example, Indian women infuse this oil with rose petals, after which the resulting cosmetic product It is used to treat the skin not only of the entire body, but also of the face, as it has a rejuvenating effect and helps get rid of age-related changes in the form of small wrinkles.

It helps strengthen the hair, for this it is recommended to apply it to the scalp for about thirty minutes, after which it is washed off with water in which the juice of natural fresh lemon has been previously diluted.

About the dangers of sesame oil

This oil should never be consumed hot, as it loses its medicinal properties, and acquires harmful qualities, for example, in India, it is subjected to quite high heating, and a construction varnish resembling drying oil is obtained from it.

It is not recommended to store it in the light, as in this case many useful substances will decompose, which will lead to the loss of beneficial properties. In this case, the container should be tightly sealed, since contact with oxygen can also deteriorate.

In some cases, sesame oil can cause an allergic reaction, which will manifest itself as swelling of the skin, rash and itching, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor.

Under no circumstances should this oil be used simultaneously with aspirin or with those products that contain a predominant content of oxalic acid. If you have increased blood clotting, as well as varicose veins, this product is also contraindicated.


Be sure to include sesame oil in your diet, but keep it in moderation, in this case it will only have a positive effect on the body.

Sesame is one of the oldest Pancake Day crops, widely used in cooking. But in addition to its direct and more usual purpose, the seeds of this plant can be used for the general health of the body. However, in order not to eat handfuls of sesame in this matter the best option- oil. It contains all useful substances in high concentration. We will tell you how and for what purpose you can use sesame oil in this article.

Benefits of sesame oil

This oil boasts an optimal and, importantly, harmoniously balanced composition of polyunsaturated fats and amino acids for the human body. It contains a lot of vitamins A, E, B2, B1, B3, C, microelements: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, magnesium, silicon, copper, nickel, manganese, iron, as well as other essential active substances, including antioxidants. It contains a lot of Omega-6 and Omega-9, which the best way affects the functioning of the reproductive, endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems. It helps normalize the amount of sugar in the blood, optimal absorption and metabolism of fats.

With its regular use, the risk of cancer is significantly reduced, the effects of many harmful substances are neutralized, such as heavy metals, carcinogens, toxins, waste and much more. The oil has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.

A complex of vitamins B, A, E and C has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of the skin, nails and curls. This product is a wonderful source of micro and macro elements that our body needs. It contains an optimal set of all elements for the high-quality development of bones and cartilage. And in terms of calcium content, sesame oil can generally be considered a record holder. Just one teaspoon a day is enough to satisfy the body's daily need for the mentioned element.

It is worth mentioning separately the fact that the oil contains phytoestrogens, which are very close in structure to the female sex hormone estrogen. For this reason, it will be especially useful for women to drink it in order to compensate for the lack of such an important hormone.

Phytosterols and phospholipids are essential for the proper functioning of the liver, brain, and nervous system, to normalize the condition of the skin, nails and hair, and to maintain a high level of immunity.

The oil contains a large amount of the antioxidant squalene, which is responsible for the correct synthesis of sex hormones, lowering the level of bad cholesterol, antifungal and bactericidal properties.

In addition, sesame oil has analgesic, anthelmintic, laxative, and diuretic properties. In some countries, this product is used not only as a means of prevention, but also as a complete element in the treatment of a number of diseases. It is especially popular in Ayurveda.

The oil neutralizes increased acidity in the stomach, helps with bloating and colic, erosive lesions of the stomach and intestines. It is used to treat constipation, colitis, ulcers, pancreatic diseases and much more. They are given preventive measures for urolithiasis, hepatitis, and dyskinesia.

Sesame oil will be useful for those whose activities are based on mental work. It helps restore normal memory and increase concentration. With regular use of this product you can protect yourself from Alzheimer's disease and sclerosis.

A positive effect on blood vessels and heart muscle was noted. The risk of ischemic disease, arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis is practically eliminated, the risk of blood clots is significantly reduced, and much more.

With its use, you can cure apathy, increased fatigue and irritability. Helps relieve muscle tension.

Sesame oil should definitely be included in the diet for:

  • Pregnancy and lactation. Great amount useful substances contribute to the proper development of the fetus, and then high-quality lactation.
  • . The oil stops the further progression of anemia.
  • "Male" diseases. The oil contains a fairly large number of elements that have a positive effect on the formation of sperm, erection and the functioning of the prostate gland.
  • Visual disorders. The complex composition helps restore vision.
  • Respiratory diseases. Relieves dry mucous membranes, treats pulmonary inflammation well, and helps get rid of dry cough.
  • . Helps normalize metabolic processes in the body, promotes the process of burning fat deposits.
  • Problems with bones and teeth. As mentioned earlier, it contains a lot of calcium and other elements that help bones recover quickly and continue to function normally. Therefore, the oil will be especially useful during the recovery period after fractures, dislocations and other injuries. Regular use prevents many diseases that are associated with both teeth and bones.

Harm of sesame oil

In rare cases, an allergy may occur to sesame oil, so at first you need to use it carefully, even if the body’s reaction to sesame itself is quite adequate. Harm from sesame oil can only occur with prolonged overdose or when taken with a contraindication. Therefore, always follow the recommended dosage and never overdo it.

Sesame oil contraindications

Sesame oil has no special contraindications, except for the presence of individual intolerance. However, as experts say, in some cases the oil should be consumed with extreme caution and in minimal quantities. So, for example, these are cases with urolithiasis. Due to its high calorie content (about 900 kcal per 100 g), it is not recommended to use it if you have weight problems.

Before taking the oil, you should definitely talk to a specialist if you have varicose veins, a tendency to thrombosis and high blood clotting.

Uses of sesame oil

Sesame oil is widely used in Asian cuisine. There they season salads with it and prepare many dishes with it. This product is especially compatible with soy sauce and honey, but as an important component it can often be seen in recipes for pilaf, fish and seafood dishes, deep-frying, meat and vegetable dishes.

But even our domestic cuisine is no stranger to the taste of sesame oil. It can add flavor to soups, fish, mashed potatoes, porridges and much more. In addition to improving taste qualities dishes in this way food can be enriched with beneficial vitamins and elements. But frying with unrefined oil is strictly not recommended, due to its excessive saturation.

Sesame oil is used in the medical field to maintain immunity, treat and prevent many diseases. It is also popular in cosmetology. A little later we will talk more specifically about the scope of its applications in this area.

Sesame oil for face

Rich chemical composition makes oil the most valuable element in cosmetology. Except aesthetic effect, the oil will help, mycoses, eczema and other skin problems.

The range of effects of oil on the skin is very wide:

  • It can penetrate deep layers and nourish, soften and moisturize from the inside. The oil saturates the dermis with oxygen and gives it a healthy appearance.
  • The chemical composition of the oil pushes the body to recreate natural collagen, which can lead to the return of the elastic and firm state of the skin.
  • The oil maintains the water-lipid balance at an optimal level, which normalizes the “defensive” functions of the dermis.
  • Sesame oil amazingly cleanses the dermis of dead particles, removes dirt and other harmful elements, and also promotes rapid regeneration.
  • The oil's richness in antioxidants can significantly slow down the aging process.

Thanks to such remarkable properties, the oil can be used as:

  • Base oil for the production of various home care cosmetics: lotions, masks, creams. Excellent for caring for aging dermis of the neck and face. Can be used in independent form as a lip balm and moisturizer for the care of the delicate skin of the eyelids.
  • An ingredient in cosmetic care for oily skin: it regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Basic component for aromatherapy and dilution of essential oils.
  • Oil for massage sessions, especially relaxing ones.
  • Cosmetic care product for sensitive children's skin.
  • Natural makeup remover.
  • Preparation for nail care. It helps stimulate nail growth, stops the delamination of the nail plate and treats brittleness. Thanks to its antifungal properties, it acts as a therapeutic and preventive measure.
  • Ingredient for hair care. Treats fragility, nourishes and restores the structure of damaged and exhausted hair.

We offer several options for face masks using sesame oil.

  • You need to combine ginger powder and sesame oil in equal parts. Mix thoroughly and leave to act for fifteen minutes, then rinse.
  • Combine cocoa powder and sesame oil in equal parts and mix thoroughly. Ready composition spread over the face and leave for a quarter of an hour. To enhance the effect, before applying the mask, you need to hold it in a water bath for a while.
  • Take four capsules of vitamins A and E on a large spoon of sesame oil. Mix everything well and apply with tapping movements to the entire face, including the delicate skin of the eyelids. Leave the composition to act overnight.
  • Nutritional composition. Mash a ripe banana with a fork and pour sesame oil into it. Stir and apply the finished mask to your face for a quarter of an hour.
  • This mask should be done once a week. It does not require rinsing, after about twenty minutes the face is simply wiped with a napkin and that’s it. Mix rosehip and sesame oil in equal parts and apply to facial skin.
  • For oily skin, a mixture prepared from a large spoon of sesame oil and a couple of proteins is well suited. chicken eggs. Leave on the dermis for about half an hour and then rinse with lukewarm water.

Sesame oil for hair

Sesame oil has a beneficial effect on the health of hair and scalp. It heals and brings shine to damaged and dull curls, stops hair loss and makes hair shiny and elastic. Ideal without exception for all types of hair, due to this it is considered universal. For the purpose of prevention and treatment, the oil can be used in its original form, in masks, and also as a means of enriching shampoos.

We bring to your attention several interesting recipes for hair masks:

  • The simplest version of the mask is to use the oil in its pure form. To do this, you need to warm it up a little in a water bath, then rub it into the hair roots with massaging movements and leave for forty minutes under a film and a towel. If possible, the mask can be applied at night and washed off the next morning. The course of prevention is a couple of weeks, and for hair treatment, the mask should be done every two to three days until satisfactory results are obtained.
  • Combine sesame oil and honey in equal parts, add egg yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and distribute over all curls. It is important to keep your hair clean and dry. You need to wash off the mask with shampoo and lukewarm water.
  • Combine the pulp of one ripe banana with warm boiled water until pureed. Add a spoonful of sesame oil and avocado. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to hair along the entire length, leaving for an hour under film and a towel.
  • Mix half a glass of sesame oil with fifteen drops of bergamot and lavender oils, ten drops of rosemary and five pine oils. Leave on the curls for at least half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.
  • In a ratio of 10 to 5, combine sesame oil and any essential oil. Mix thoroughly and distribute over all curls. Rub into the scalp especially thoroughly, for about five minutes. Leave it on your hair for some time and then wash it off with shampoo.

How to take sesame oil

The dosage of sesame oil directly depends on age:

  • children from one to three years old can drink three to five drops a day;
  • for children aged three to six, the dose is increased from five to ten drops;
  • for the age of ten to fourteen years, the daily norm is a teaspoon per day;
  • from fourteen years of age and older you need to drink a teaspoon three times a day immediately before meals.

Sesame oil: reviews

Very much about sesame oil good feedback, in all areas of its application: from cosmetic to preventive. Its regular use really helps to significantly strengthen the immune system and improve the external condition of the skin, hair and nails. At the same time, if you want to really get benefits from it, you need to pay attention to the quality of the product and its shelf life. It is highly advisable to purchase such items in a pharmacy chain and not on the market, which significantly increases the risk of running into a fake. Before using oil both internally and externally, always test for allergic reactions.