Shrubs blooming with pink flowers in spring. Flowering shrubs perennials with photos and names

Lately, shrubs have been gaining popularity. And this is completely justified. They are easy to care for and decoratively they are very expressive. Shrubs vary greatly in size: from dwarfs 20-40 cm tall to giants over 3 meters high. This allows you to create three-dimensional compositions from them that are beautiful even without flowers. The color palette of leaves is also very diverse. Variegated varieties will add light to the garden, and with dark varieties you can play with contrasts. But highest form shrubs reach flowering time. And here they have no equal. The abundance of flowers on one plant causes delight, and a bright color accent appears in the garden. Let's talk about shrubs that bloom in spring. This is the period when you especially want beauty. After winter we miss flowers so much.

Forsythia- blooms very first. There are several types of forsythia. The ovoid forsythia (Forsythia ovata Nakai) is considered the most winter-hardy in the Middle Zone. To avoid making mistakes when purchasing, look for the Latin name on the label. Species plants (wild) are available for sale. They are sold from cars along the road and in spontaneous markets. But these shrubs do not bloom very profusely. But varietal plants bloom so that the branches are not visible. Many beautiful varieties have been created for forsythia ovate.

Goldzauber- a very valuable variety that tolerates frost better than others. The flowers are large, rich yellow.

Melissa- has a dense compact crown, large golden yellow flowers, suitable for small gardens.

Vic End- a shrub with shoots growing upward, the flowers are large, bright yellow, numerous, and open as soon as the snow melts.

Steppe almond, or Dwarf Almond, or Bean (Prunus tenella). Graceful shrub up to two meters tall. In the central zone it is grown up to St. Petersburg. It freezes only in severe winters and at the same time blooms in the lower part of the shoots that were under the snow. The flowers are pink, simple, very abundant. During flowering, the shrub resembles a pink cloud. The plant bears fruits - small fluffy “nuts”, but they are inedible. Fruit species of almonds do not overwinter here.

Spiraea. There is a special conversation about these shrubs. There are summer-blooming and spring-blooming spirea. The latter are also called white-flowered, since their flowers are white, small, collected in inflorescences. Flower buds are formed on last year's shoots, so spirea, blooming in spring, do not prune in the fall. This is the main difference from summer-flowering spireas, for which heavy pruning is used.

The group of spring-flowering spirea includes several species: Alpine spirea, S. vangutta, S. crenate, S. oak-leaved, S. St. John's-leaved, S. cantonian, S. many-flowered, S. nippon, S. sharp-toothed, or arguta, S. lovely, S. gray, S. plum-leaved, S. average, S. Thunberg, S. three-lobed, S. Emilia.

The very first to bloom are Argut spirea and gray spirea.

Spiraea arguta, or sharp-toothed (Spiraea x arguta Zab.) - a shrub up to 2 m tall, with a widely spreading crown. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, strongly serrated, up to 4 cm long. The flowers are white, up to 0.8 cm in diameter, in numerous umbrella-shaped inflorescences, densely covering the shoots. This spirea grows slowly, 10-20 cm per year. One of the most spectacular spring flowering spireas. Thanks to the abundance of flowers and the grace of thin, arched branches, it produces a charming impression both up close and at a distance. It is often called “Foam of May”, which determines the nature and abundance of its flowering. Winter-hardy, undemanding to soil fertility, but light-loving. It is used both in single plantings and for creating hedges.

Spiraea gray(Spiraea x cinerea) - highly branched shrub up to 2 m tall. Forms a beautiful rounded crown. The leaves are gray-green above, lighter on the underside, pointed at both ends. White flowers are collected in loose corymbs. They are so closely located to each other that they merge with each other, and the branches are not visible behind the flowers. The Grefsheim variety is especially good. Thanks to the arched shoots, the flowering bush resembles a whole fountain of white flowers. The spectacle is irresistible!

Gray spirea is very winter-hardy and blooms annually. It tolerates drought well, as proven by the last abnormal summer.

Golden currant(Ribes aureum) is a shrub, a species of the Currant (Ribes) genus of the monotypic Gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae). In appearance, the leaves resemble gooseberries, and the fruits resemble black currants. The plant is used as a fruit plant. For abundant fruiting, a pollinator variety is needed. The berries are tasty, although without the aroma of black currants. In spring, the shrub blooms beautifully with small yellow flowers collected in inflorescences. The main advantage is wonderful honey aroma. It is so strong that it can be felt from a distance. It is worth having such a “practical” plant in the garden.

Weigela- a now fashionable shrub that is widely available on sale. You should know that not all types of weigela are equally winter-hardy. Relatively winter-hardy species for Central Russia are: early weigela, Middendorff weigela (W. middendorffiana), flowering weigela (W. florida).

Most often sold weigela hybrida(W.x hybrida). Under this name, varieties and forms obtained from crossing weigela are collected different types. They have beautiful flowers of various shades: white, yellow, purple. But most often, hybrid weigels are not winter-hardy and require shelter for the winter.

Relatively winter-hardy weigela species for Central Russia are: - early weigela, c. Middendorf (W. middendorffiana), c. flowering (W. florida).

Weigela early(W. praecox). The shrub comes from the Far East. The height of the bush is about 2 m. The flowers are large, funnel-shaped. The color is lilac-pink or red-pink. The flowers are numerous. During flowering, the bush looks very decorative.

There are other spring-flowering shrubs, such as rhododendrons. However they require special conditions- acidic soil. The shrubs mentioned above were chosen because they are very unpretentious. They grow on any soil, except very wet ones. They do not require shelter for the winter. If you add lilac to this set of shrubs, then you are guaranteed a spring flowering holiday!

You can find this article in the newspaper "Magic Bed" 2011 No. 10.

Shrub with pink flowers allows you to create a feeling of boiling flowering; group plantings, where snow-white and pink buds bloom simultaneously, look especially interesting. The modern huge selection of decorative crops can confuse even the most experienced landscape designer, let alone an ordinary summer resident.

We invite you to find out about which shrub blooms with pink flowers; the photos and names of these crops on the page are presented in the editor’s choice. You shouldn’t focus your attention only on these plants. Perennial garden crops that bloom with pink flowers can be planted singly or in groups. Always consider the possibility of cross-pollination. So, if you plant an ornamental plum (and this shrub blooms pink) next to an apple tree, then after a year both trees will bloom with white or pink buds.

Look at the photo of a shrub with pink flowers, and the names of these interesting and unpretentious crops can be found further on the page:

The most popular pink ornamental shrubs

All pink ornamental shrubs can be divided into two: large groups. the first is the most popular crops known to all gardeners. The second is less common species.

Chaenomeles, or Japanese quince (Chaenomeles) is a beautiful flowering ornamental shrub with pink flowers from the Rosaceae family. Do not confuse Japanese quince with ordinary quince; these are different plants, although the fruits of Chaenomeles have a similar shape, are edible and healthy.

There are four species of this plant, distributed mainly in China and Japan. Based on them, many garden hybrids and varieties.

  • 1. Japanese chaenomeles (Chaenomeles japonica) is a shrub up to 3 meters in height with large orange-red flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences of 2-6 pieces. Blooms in May before the leaves appear. The fruits, which ripen by October, are about 6 cm in diameter.
  • 2. Chaenomeles maulei is also called low Japanese quince. The height of this shrub with pink flowers usually does not exceed one meter. In gardening, the most common hybrids are between Japanese quince and low Japanese quince.
  • 3. Beautiful Chaenomeles (Chaenomeles speciosa) - bush height is about 70-100 cm. The plant does not bear fruit and does not tolerate winters in the middle zone quite well.
  • 4. Chaenomeles cathayensis - the height of the bush is up to 3 meters, in the middle zone it is usually about 1.5 meters. In severe winters it can freeze quite strongly.

Chaenomeles is used in the garden both as an ornamental and as a fruit crop. Shrubs blooming with pink flowers are used to create low hedges and borders, planted in rock gardens, near ponds and on the lawn, alone or in company with other ornamental shrubs: mahonia, forsythia, weigela, spirea, heather. Chaenomeles is also used to strengthen slopes. Plants grafted onto a standard look amazing (ordinary rowan, wild pear or shadberry are usually used as a rootstock). You can also graft apple trees, pears, garden rowan or hawthorn onto chaenomeles itself. Those who like to experiment can enhance the decorative effect by grafting several species onto one plant.

To obtain fruits, it is necessary to plant 2-3 varieties of chaenomeles on the site. The fruits of the plant are sour and very aromatic, for which they received the name “northern lemon”. They are rich in vitamin C, pectin and microelements. Candied fruits, jam, jam, compotes, liqueurs, etc. are prepared from them.


Although magnolia is considered a shrub with pink flowers, in the wild it reaches a tree up to 30 m high. The leaves of the bush are dark green and have an elliptical shape. The flowers are often pink when opened and reach a diameter of 15 cm and have a fragrant aroma.

Magnolia blooms on the sea coast throughout the warm season. After flowering, a fruit with large seeds is formed, resembling a pine cone in appearance. The bark of the tree is gray in color, smooth and sometimes scaly to the touch.

There are species that live a little further north than is commonly believed. That's why garden centers started trading this plant. Unfortunately, it does not take root well in central Russia, since the climatic conditions of this region are not at all suitable for it.

Those gardeners who take the risk of planting star magnolia or lily-flowered magnolia insulate it for the winter. Since frosts can damage the delicate buds of this southern plant.

There are universally popular plant introduction centers with many different varieties:

  • 1.Royal Botanical Garden Kew (England) - has 40 species.
  • 2. Arnold Arboretum (USA) - has 46 species.
  • 3.Kiev Botanical Garden has 15 species, 4 hybrids and 22 plant forms.
  • St. Petersburg, Siebold magnolia grows and bears fruit in open ground.
  • 5. Magnolia Kobus has taken root in Moscow and Smolensk.
  • 6. Kobum and Sulanzha magnolias grow in Vladivostok.

Magnolia acuminata is a large tree with pointed leaves 20 cm long. The flowers are yellow-green in color and bloom when the tree already has foliage. It has a pyramidal crown shape, which gradually develops into a spherical shape. Loves moisture and grows in nature up to 24 m in height.

Stellata is either a shrub with pink flowers or a tree with a dense spherical crown. It grows no more than 6 m tall, with a bush diameter of about 3.5 m. The dark green foliage turns yellow in October. Very fragrant flowers with a diameter of 10 cm begin to bloom in April, but since this bloom is not friendly, the flowering stretches for almost a month.

Magnolia Siebold is a very beautiful shrub with pink flowers 4 m tall, having long leaves and white fragrant flowers located on a drooping peduncle. It begins to bloom after the foliage emerges.

Willow - this species rarely appears on sale. A shrub with pink flowers grows up to 10 m in height with a pyramidal crown shape. The tree has smooth silvery bark. Flowers with a diameter of 8 cm have a wonderful aroma. This plant is easily grown from seeds and blooms within the 5th year.

Garden shrub rhododendron with pink flowers

Rhododendron (Rhododendron) - genus beautiful flowering plants family Heather (Ericaceae). Some are tropical sissies (indoor azaleas), others can withstand harsh climates well. About 18 species are found in Russia, and we have made a selection of frost-resistant rhododendrons for growing in gardens.

This ornamental culture represents garden shrub with pink flowers or small trees that can be evergreen, deciduous or semi-evergreen. The bare or slightly pubescent branches are covered with harsh and dense leaves.

Quite large flowers, resembling bells, are arranged singly or in inflorescences such as a shield or umbrella. The color of the inflorescences can vary from snow-white and yellow to brownish-purple. Below are frost-resistant types of garden rhododendrons that are used in landscaping and landscaping.

Rhododendron yellow – deciduous species. Under natural conditions, this shrub with pink flowers can be seen in the North Caucasus. Cultivated since 1972. The height of this spreading beautiful shrub varies from 2 to 3 meters. Dense elongated leaves, painted in a bright green shade, become dark red or orange-red with the onset of autumn.

Very pink fragrant flowers bloom at the tops of shoots in multi-flowered inflorescences such as a shield or umbrella. Flowering occurs from April to May, when the leaves bloom. It lasts from three to four weeks.

This species has a large number of varieties, the flowers of which are painted in a variety of attractive shades. Hybrids with double inflorescences have also been created.

Yellow rhododendron reproduces both by seeds and by layering. It has its most spectacular appearance during lush spring flowering and in autumn, when the leaves change color.

Rhododendron ponticus. Under natural conditions, this shrub with pink flowers grows on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea. Beautiful elongated, harsh leaves with a glossy surface, painted in a thick green color. They are located at the ends of the branches of this evergreen shrub in the form of cuffs.

Purple-pink large flowers with spectacular yellow dots can reach almost 5 cm in width. They bloom in corymb-type inflorescences consisting of large quantity flowers. During the flowering period, which lasts almost 4 weeks, you simply cannot take your eyes off this original shrub.

This species reproduces by seeds, cuttings and layering, but most in a simple way Propagation using leaf cuttings is considered.

Rhododendron Ledeboura (maral). In nature it grows among piles of stones and screes. It can be found in the Sayan Mountains and Altai. The crown of this semi-evergreen shrub (about 2 m in height) is formed by numerous thin branches. Small oval leaves mainly overwinter on shoots.

Attractive pinkish-lilac flowers with open petals (about 5 cm wide) are located almost at the very tops of the branches, one or several pieces together. Annual abundant flowering falls in the month of May. At this time, the bushes are almost completely covered with flowers.

This fast-growing species of rhododendron tolerates transplantation well when young. It can be easily propagated using seeds.

Interesting types of shrubs blooming pink

There are other types of interesting shrubs that bloom pink - most of them can be seen in parks and even forests.

Rosehip May

May rosehip is considered the best remedy to strengthen the immune system and protect against infections thanks to the high content of vitamin C

  • Synonym: Cinnamon rose hip.
  • Latin name: Rosa majalis
  • English names: double cinnamon rose.
  • Common names: wild rose, cinnamon rose.
  • Family: Pink
  • Parts used: fruits, leaves, flowers, branches, roots.

Botanical description: perennial deciduous shrub with pink flowers up to 2 m high. It has twig-like branches covered with shiny brown-red bark. The shoots are covered with sparse thorns; flowering shoots are usually without thorns. Winter-hardy and unpretentious plant, used for urban greening. The leaves are imparipinnate, with 3-7 pairs of elliptical leaflets. The flowers are large, fragrant, from pale red to dark red. It blooms from May to July, the fruits ripen in August. The fruits are spherical or ovoid.

Habitat. Grows throughout almost all of Russia, with the exception of the southern steppe regions and Crimea, throughout the European part with the exception of the northern, Black Sea and Caspian regions, in Western and Eastern Siberia to Lake Baikal in forests, among bushes, along thickets near lakes, rivers, in meadows

Lovely collection

Among the ornamental shrubs that bloom in pink, in the country house or in the garden, the charming columbine is not so common. But whoever sees it blooming for the first time will definitely try to place it on his site. It’s not for nothing that kolkvitsia is also beautiful in the botanical sense. Her full Latin name is Kolkwitzia amabilis, where "amabilis" translates as "lovely", "pleasant", "sweet".

This beautifully flowering shrub comes from the mountainous part of Central China and is found in Manchuria. It is part of the Honeysuckle family of the genus Kolkvitsia. Among the botanical relatives of Colquitia are weigella, honeysuckle, and snowberry.

The genus was named in honor of the German botanist Richard Kolkwitz; it includes only one species - Kolkwitzia charming. Colquitia came to Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century (1901), and its first flowering here occurred in 1910. Soon the bush began to be planted en masse in gardens and parks. After 1914, the lovely colquitia crossed the ocean and also fell in love with American gardeners, remaining for several years the main decoration of their gardens. And the British were so delighted with the flowering of the colquitia and its simple maintenance that in 1923 they awarded it the Royal Horticultural Society award for services to gardening. What kind of charming woman charmed two continents at the same time?

This plant is a perennial shrub with pink flowers ranging from 1.5 to 3 meters in height. The small plant is covered with small hairs. An adult shrub has no hairs; it is covered with red-brown bark that peels off in plates. In the spring, green leaves up to 7 cm long, pointed towards the edge, appear on the kolkvitia; in the fall they turn yellow, and fall off by winter. The bush grows with several trunks, and abundant basal shoots appear annually. At first the shoots grow straight, then they bend in an arc, leaning towards the ground. Flowering occurs in the second year of planting in the ground in mid-summer. Colquitia buds are paired and are located at the ends of the branches; the flowers are pinkish-white with a pearlescent sheen. Among the flowering shrubs, the following also look beautiful: Manchurian aralia, magnolia, forsythia, lilac, Japanese spirea, rhododendron, hibiscus, heather and abelia. The fruits are round capsules covered with bristles; they ripen in late autumn. Kolkwitzia fruits Varieties and species In cultivation, this shrub is represented in a single form, Kolkwitzia amabilis - lovely kolkwitzia. The translation of the species name has many variations, including “gracious”, “pleasant”, “dear to the heart”. There are two varieties of this shrub: “Rosea” - with flowers of rich dark pink color; "Pink Cloud" - with creamy pink flowers.

Camellia is a perennial shrub with pink flowers.

Camellia (Camellia) is evergreen, belonging to the Tea family. This amazing perennial shrub with pink flowers was named after the Jesuit monk Camelius Georg Joseph, who first brought it to Europe. In the wild, the plant grows in tropical and subtropical zones in countries such as Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, India, China, on the islands of Java, and Sulawesi.

Surely the description of the camellia flower will be of interest to many florists. This beautiful plant is a shade-tolerant bush or tree, the height of which can vary from 2 to 20 m. Blunt or pointed leaves have a simple, elliptical, broadly or oblong-ovate shape, leathery structure, glossy surface, short petioles. They can be single or sequential. The length of the leaf plate is about 3 - 17 cm.

It is imperative to get an answer to the question of what this shrub looks like with pink flowers. Camellia produces many single buds. The diameter of blossoming flowers with numerous stamens can vary from 1 to 12 cm. The petals are fused at the base. Their color can be pink, red, white, variegated.

Concerned with the question of what camellia smells like, you should find out that its flower, which looks like beautiful rose, has no aroma. The fruit is a dry capsule, usually divided into 5 sectors containing seeds.

Popular types of camellia. Modern breeders have developed numerous varieties and camellia hybrids, using different varieties of the plant as a basis. Below are the most popular types.

Camellia japonica

This variety of shrub with pink flowers is considered the most famous, often used in breeding activities for the purpose of breeding indoor flowers. In the Land of the Rising Sun, this plant is revered on a par with the iconic sakura. The magnificent Japanese camellia flower (Camellia japonicaa) is cultivated as an indoor, greenhouse, and garden flower. It is often used as interior decor and for making bouquets.

Under natural conditions, the plant can have a height of 1.5 - 11 m. By caring for Japanese camellia at home, you can count on getting a tree-like shrub with stems up to 1 m long, blooming in November - January. Semi-double, double spherical flowers can have white, pink, red colors. In hybrid specimens, the petals often have a spotted or striped color. Flowers form in the leaf axils and cover the entire crown.

Camellia sinensis

This variety also has another name - tea bush. The leaves of the plant are used to produce green, black, and long tea. Dried flowers are components of various aromatic additives.

If you are interested in the question of where Chinese camellia (Camellia sinensis) grows, you can find out that the plant is industrially cultivated in many countries: China, India, Kenya, Japan, Georgia, etc. Our state is also engaged in the cultivation of tea camellia (Krasnodar region). Its cultivation indoors is quite rare.

Mountain camellia

Mountain camellia (Camellia sasanqua) grows naturally on the islands of Kyushu, Okinawa (Japan). In a cool room, it is fashionable to observe its flowering in the period November - February. The species is often taken as a basis when breeding indoor, garden varieties. The plant develops single buds or rosettes with 2 - 3 flowers. The red camellia flower looks very impressive; also, the petals can be white or pink.

Camellia saluyonskaya

This species is actively used in breeding cold-resistant varieties suitable for garden and greenhouse cultivation. A weakly branched shrub with pink flowers reaches a height of 1.5 m. Large flowers (8 cm in diameter) gradually bloom on it, the color of which can be snow-white, pink, dark red, burgundy. Saluen camellia (Camellia saluenensis) is considered the most unpretentious of garden plants of his family.

Camellia oleifera

The cultivation of this evergreen tree, about 10 m high, is practiced in the Chinese mountainous regions. Large seeds of the Camellia oleifera flower are formed in a large fruit capsule. Single bisexual or paired axillary flowers are characterized by the presence of a white color.

Heat-loving shrubs with pink flowers

The heat-loving shrubs with pink flowers discussed below in central Russia can be grown as container crops. In summer they can be taken out into the garden, and in winter grown in warm rooms house or city apartment.

Look at the names of shrubs with pink flowers, and the photos will help you make the right choice.


Azalea is one of the most spectacular flowering shrubs with pink flowers that turn the garden into a vibrant show of color in spring and early summer. From year to year, the culture is becoming more and more popular, and breeders are creating more and more new and unusual varieties. Today there are more than a hundred hybrids and varietal forms garden azalea, caring for which in open ground is not as difficult as many people think.

Among the highly decorative species, large-flowered and Japanese azaleas are popular.

Deciduous (large-flowered) varieties are characterized by tall growth and large flowers of various shapes. Flowering period is late May and early June. Most Popular winter-hardy varieties: “Chanel”, “Freya”, “Klondike”, “Tunisia”, “Sonya”, “Starus”, golden “Golden Lights” and “Golden Sunset”, one of the most beautiful late-flowering varieties is the bright orange “Gibraltar”.

Variety "Gibraltar". Japanese azaleas are characterized by slow growth and a more compact bush shape, not exceeding 60-100 cm. dwarf varieties no more than 30 cm in height. A shrub with pink flowers that grows wider rather than higher, so it can be used as a ground cover. Flowers delight gardeners in all shades of pink, lilac and purple. The leaves usually fall off in the winter, but not on all varieties. Several popular varietal forms: “George Arendes”, “Kermezina”, “Rosinetta”, “Silvester” “Rubinstern”, “Marushka”, “Blue Danube”.

Variety "Blue Danube". The duration of flowering, depending on the type and variety, varies from 3 weeks to 2 months, and the crop blooms for the first time in the 3rd year.

Garden hibiscus (Syrian)

Hibiscus is a bright representative of the Malvaceae family. The genus has about 300 species. This is a tropical plant. Its homeland is the tropics and subtropics of the Old and New Worlds. In the middle zone, only a few types of hibiscus are grown. Among them is the Syrian hibiscus. If this shrub with pink flowers is covered for the winter or wintered in the basement, the flower will take root and will delight with lush flowering even in regions with cold winters.

China is considered the birthplace of the Syrian hibiscus. In its natural environment, the size of the plant reaches 5-6 meters. As a rule, deciduous shrubs are grown in the garden, reaching a height of 1.5 meters. It has bright green ovate leaves and single flowers of various colors. The plant can also be grown as a standard tree.

Garden hibiscus is an unpretentious plant. The owners will not have any special troubles with it. It's easy to care for. When new green shoots appear, cut off old, dried stems. Hibiscus does not tolerate weeds in the neighborhood. It is necessary to ensure that the bush does not thicken and regularly pull out weeds.

Garden hibiscus is a light-loving plant. In order for it to delight with abundant and lush flowering, it should be placed in a well-lit place. It will look great next to roses. Thanks to its compact size, it fits perfectly into any rose garden. As a single plant it is no less attractive. It is very good to plant lavender bushes next to hibiscus. It is not only beautiful, but also useful. The scent of lavender repels aphids, which love roses and hibiscus. The plant does not tolerate drafts, so it must be protected from the wind.

When choosing a plant for planting, you should take into account that non-double varieties of garden hibiscus are more frost-resistant. Flowers with double petals are afraid of frost.

Trilobed almond

In the first half of May, the three-lobed almond tree (Louisiania) blooms and, it seems, there is nothing more beautiful than this white-pink and sweet-smelling cloud. An ornamental shrub with pink flowers picks up the baton of flowering from sunny forsythia and early species of rhododendrons, dressing the garden waking up after winter in a spectacular bridal outfit for several weeks.

The quintessence of beauty is grace, tenderness, trembling defenselessness.

There is no doubt that Louiseania triloba belongs to the Rosaceae family, but there is no such clarity regarding the generic affiliation of the shrub. Beginning in the mid-19th century, when the plant came from China to Europe, botanists revised its name and pedigree several times. Thus, several synonymous terms appeared in the taxonomy.

The three-lobed plum plant was named for the shape of its leaf - in the upper part it is divided into three lobes. There are several other characteristics common to the plum genus - a short peduncle, rich color of the fruit.

The shrub shares with the three-lobed almond a large single flower and fruits with a thin layer of amniotic pulp that dries when ripe.

Belonging to the Louiseania genus is determined by pubescent shoots and a spherical drupe covered with a bizarre relief pattern.

Externally, it is a shrub with pink flowers and a spreading crown, growing up to 2.5–3 m, or a miniature tree if the crop is grown on a rootstock. The plant blooms before the leaves bloom, on the shoots of last year. The flowers are double, with a diameter of 1 to 3.5 cm. Almonds amaze not only with the density of flowering, but also with the variety of the palette - from flesh and soft pink shades to bright crimson.

In China and Europe, the standard Louiseania crop is popular - it is an elegant shrub with pink flowers and a spherical crown consisting of radially protruding young shoots. Immediately after flowering, the plant is cut into a hedgehog, giving it the opportunity to grow young shoots and lay flower buds.

In everyday life, Louiseania triloba is sometimes called Siberian sakura. The plant does not have common ancestors with the cherry; here the comparison has rather a philosophical overtone - its bright but short-lived beauty symbolizes, like Japanese sakura, the transience of life, every moment of which must be lived to the fullest.

A flowering bush is the personification of awakening nature and spring mood.

Paradoxical as it may seem, the first breeder of Louiseania to obtain new ornamental varieties was an amateur gardener from Western Ukraine V. Batochenko. Experimenting with grafting and artificial pollination, he developed about a dozen new cultivars. They supplemented the existing assortment, enhancing the decorative effect of the shrub and expanding it color scheme. Without regard to frosty winters, we can safely recommend the following varieties.

Plena is the oldest decorative form of three-lobed almond with large double flowers reaching 3.5–4 cm in diameter. It blooms simultaneously with the appearance of leaves, forms a lush branched bush up to 2 m high. The plant is considered sterile, since the fruits fall off after flowering before mature.

Louiseania Kyiv is an old variety that has become the genetic basis for many decorative forms. It blooms earlier than Plena, the flowers are large, the color is more saturated and bright.

The standard variety Vesnyanka deserves attention. In addition to its high decorative qualities, it is also resistant to most diseases, especially monolithic burn, which often affects shrubs.

Almond three-lobed Rosenmund - characterized by a long flowering period (more than 3 weeks), compact size and large double flowers of pure pink color.

Louiseania Crimson is striking in its unusual coloring. During flowering, the straight shoots of a low, spreading bush are literally covered with crimson flowers.

The Chinese hybrid is more similar to sakura than others, as it was obtained by grafting onto a felt cherry. The flowers are not as gorgeous as those of the double varieties, but they bloom longer and more profusely.

The Tanyusha variety is distinguished by early flowering and special decorativeness. Each flower is a large double corolla, consisting of 30–40 slightly curled pink petals.

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In this article we will look at universal plants that are an integral part of any garden -.

- this belongs to the Olive family, has approximately 30 species. In the wild, it is found throughout almost all of Europe, and some species also grow in Asia.

The plant is highly valued for its decorative qualities ( beautiful flowers And pleasant aroma), as well as for easy care. In addition, lilac is quite resistant to frost. The lilac bush blooms in the spring mainly in May, but some varieties begin to bloom in the summer in June. The duration of the growing season depends on the variety.

Did you know? AsLilac, an ornamental plant, has been grown for about 500 years.

Lilacs should be planted from late August to September. The place for the shrub should be well lit and protected from heavy winds; it can grow in a shaded place, but in this case there will be very few flowers. Almost all types of soil in which moisture does not stagnate are suitable for the plant, but the best option would be neutral soil with low level acidity.

For good flowering on next year, it is necessary to cut off more than 50% of the shoots that bloomed this year.

Important!Lilacs are absolutely not suitable for areas that are flooded in spring or autumn.

- a genus of deciduous shrubs, blooming twice a year, belongs to the Honeysuckle family. The shrub blooms in pink, white, yellow and red. Weigela is planted in March or April; the place should be well lit and protected from the wind. The soil should be loose, with fertile soil (mixed with sand) and have, since the plant does not tolerate excess moisture.

Important!Plants that are more than three years old can be planted in early autumn.

This plant must be wrapped in protective material for the winter, and the trunk at the base must be sprinkled with foliage. If the plant is still frozen during wintering, it will need to be applied generously (about 10 liters); this procedure must also be performed during the summer heat.

- belonging to the Barberry family. This shrub has a very deep root system, which allows it to obtain the necessary moisture.

The soil for planting mahonia must be fertile with a low acid level and good drainage. The place can be either sunny or shaded. It reproduces by layering.

drought tolerant, and excessive watering leading to stagnation of water can have a detrimental effect on it. Transplant better in spring or autumn. Young plants need to be covered for the winter.

Did you know?Mahonia berries have the property of lowering blood pressure.

This is a perennial shrub or tree, belongs to the Plum family, is of Asian origin and has about 40 varieties. Valued for its beautiful flowers, pleasant aroma during flowering and for the usefulness of the fruit. Blooms pink in March or April.

Did you know?In favorable conditions, almonds live up to 80 years or longer.

The place for almonds should be sunny, since it is a heat-loving plant. The soil for planting can be almost any, but the most suitable is fertile, low-acid, well-drained.

And less suitable are clay soil with high acidity, as well as areas with high level groundwater. Almonds are planted in the fall, since the plant takes root less well in the spring. Diseased and dry branches are carried out annually, after the leaves fall and throughout the winter.

Important!Almonds do not tolerate severe frosts, when the temperature drops below -20°C the buds on the plant begin to die.

Also known as forsythia, it is small tree or a shrub that belongs to the Olive family.

There are 7 species of this plant. This yellow, sometimes white shrub blooms in spring from April to May.

Forsythia is not very picky about care. The area for its cultivation must be very well lit by the sun, and the soil can be of any kind. This plant tolerates drought easily, so you should always make sure that the soil is not over-moistened. For the best appearance and flowering, forsythia must be pruned after flowering.

is a shrub belonging to the Rosaceae family. The plant has about 100 species that bloom from early spring to late summer. This plant is frost-resistant and does not require special care, can grow in any soil, but you still need to follow some rules.

Spiraea has shallow roots and during drought the plant needs moderate watering, which should be done every 2 weeks. Most are not dangerous to spirea.

Most often, the plant is attacked by and. Pruning is carried out in early spring, before the leaves bloom. Every 6-12 years, all old shoots must be removed from the bush.

(translated from French - " snowball") is a plant that has large white inflorescences that resemble snowballs. It blooms for no more than 3 weeks. Buldenezh prefers soil with high humidity, but can also be grown in dry soil, provided there is good watering.

Lighting for viburnum should be moderate; shaded areas are suitable. In open areas, the leaves of the plant get burned, which leads to the death of the bush itself. Every year in the fall, dry and diseased branches are pruned, and for decorative purposes, young shoots are also pruned, leaving only one.


Fothergilla is a shrub that belongs to the Witch Hazel family. It reaches a height of 1 to 2 meters, blooms in May for 14 days, has white inflorescences up to 10 cm in size.

A sunny and wind-protected place is most suitable for this shrub. The soil should be fertile, non-acidic and drained. Plant pruning is carried out as necessary once every few years, all because The bush grows quite slowly. Fothergilla is very resistant to frost, but young bushes should still be covered in winter.

Plant forsythia (lat. Forsythia), or forsythia- a genus of small trees and shrubs of the Olive family, blooming in early spring with bright yellow flowers. The genus of forsythia is very ancient, and this is confirmed by the scattered nature of its natural habitat: six species of forsythia grow in East Asia(in Japan, Korea, China), in Europe, forsythia flowers, represented by the only species of European forsythia (Forsythia europaea), bloom mainly in the Balkans, although I was first struck blooming forsythia in mid-March in Germany. The forsythia flower was named in honor of William Forsythe, a Scottish botanist, head gardener at Kensington Palace and one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society. It was Forsyth who brought the first forsythia bush to Europe from China.

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Planting and caring for forsythia (in brief)

  • Landing: in spring or early autumn.
  • Bloom: 10-14 days in early spring.
  • Lighting: bright sun or partial shade.
  • The soil: dry, slightly alkaline or neutral.
  • Watering: during dry seasons 1-2 times a month. Water consumption is 10-12 liters for each bush.
  • Feeding: 1st time - in early spring with rotted manure, 2nd time - in April with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer. The third feeding is after flowering with mineral fertilizers.
  • Trimming: early spring - sanitary pruning, shaping - in summer, after flowering is completed
  • Reproduction: vegetative - green or lignified cuttings, layering. Seed propagation rarely used.
  • Pests: nematodes, aphids.
  • Diseases: moniliosis, bacteriosis, wilting, root rot.

Read more about growing forsythia below.

Forsythia shrub - description

Forsythia, as already mentioned, is a small tree or bush with a height of one to three meters. The bark has a rough texture and a gray-brown tint. Leaves individual species Trifoliate ones are found, but in most forsythia they are simple, without stipules, opposite, oval shape with jagged edges, from two to fifteen centimeters long. Bell-shaped flowers are bright yellow. Forsythia blooms in early spring and lasts up to three weeks, sometimes even longer. The fruit is a capsule with winged seeds.

Features of growing forsythia

Today it is impossible to imagine city streets, squares and private gardens in Europe without forsythia, and primarily because it is the symbol of the arrival of spring. On the gray, still winter streets, the yellow flame of forsythia flowers suddenly begins to blaze, and the townspeople, yearning for warmth and greenery, perked up and begin to prepare for spring. This early flowering of forsythia is a property that distinguishes it from other shrubs. What adds to its popularity is its undemanding nature in terms of care and location. What are the characteristics of this shrub, popular among gardeners, in care and cultivation?

  • Forsythia love light, but also grow in the shade.
  • The soil for the plant needs to be limed.
  • Forsythia looks most impressive against the background of dark green coniferous plants.
  • In autumn, forsythia's green leaves turn golden or purple-violet, and it once again attracts attention with its bright, variegated flame.

Planting forsythia

When to Plant Forsythia

Planting and replanting of forsythia is carried out in spring or early autumn, before the onset of frost, so that the plant has time to take root before winter. For this, choose a site protected from the wind in the sun or partial shade - although forsythia is shade-tolerant, it loves light. The plant is undemanding in terms of soil composition, but it grows best in slightly alkaline dry soils.

If the pH level in the area is shifted to the acidic side, it is better to dig up the soil with wood ash in advance.

In the photo: Growing forsythia in the garden

How to plant forsythia

The holes for forsythia should be 50x50x60 in size so that the root ball after planting is at a depth of 30-40 cm. If you are planting several bushes, then dig holes for them at a distance of one and a half meters from each other. Before planting, it is necessary to fill the holes with a drainage layer of broken brick or crushed stone 15-20 cm thick, then a ten-centimeter layer of sand, then a mixture leaf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:1:1 and 200 g of wood ash. Forsythia seedlings are lowered into a hole, covered with earth, which is then compacted, and watered abundantly.

If you planted forsythia in the spring, then in the future it will require regular care from you. Autumn planting and caring for forsythia is somewhat more complicated: they require mandatory mulching of the area, regardless of the type of plant you planted. The covering material must be breathable so that during short thaws in winter the flower buds do not rot under it.

Forsythia care

How to care for forsythia

Caring for forsythia is not much different from caring for any garden bush. If there is sufficient precipitation in the summer, the plant does not need watering, but if the summer turns out to be dry, then the forsythia will have to be watered at least once or twice a month at the rate of 10-12 liters for each bush. After watering, you need to loosen the soil and remove weeds, and you need to loosen it to the depth of a spade bayonet to ensure air access to the roots of the plant. After loosening, the tree trunk circle is mulched with compost or dry soil.

Planting and caring for lilacs - detailed information

Forsythia is fertilized three times per season: in early spring, a thick layer of rotted manure is spread around the tree trunk, but not close to the branches and trunk, then watered abundantly. Manure will serve as both mulch and organic nutrition for the plant. In April, complete mineral fertilizer is applied to the soil at the rate of 60-70 g per 1 m². After flowering, when the plant lays flower buds for the next year, forsythia is fed with all-purpose kemira at the rate of 100-120 g per 1 m².

In the photo: Spring flowering of forsythia

Forsythia propagation

Forsythia is most often propagated vegetatively. For example, green cuttings about 15 cm long, which are best cut in June. The lower leaves are removed, and the cuttings, having previously been treated with a root formation stimulator (root, epin or heteroauxin), are planted under a greenhouse in perlite or sand.

You can root and lignified cuttings, cut in October, and plant them directly in the ground in the garden, leaving two or three buds above the surface. You just need to cover the cuttings with dry leaves for the winter. In the spring, when you remove the cover, the established cuttings will begin to grow, and by autumn you will get beautiful seedlings.

Growing Thunberg barberry is a decoration for any garden

Forsythia is also propagated layering: In summer or autumn, bend the lower young shoot to the ground, having first pulled it at the base with wire and cut the bark on the side that lies on the ground, secure it, sprinkle it with fertile soil, and the shoot will very soon form roots. In the spring, cut this branch from the bush, and next year young plant will bloom.

Forsythia also reproduces in a generative way, that is, by seeds, but this is a conversation for specialists.

Pruning forsythia

Young forsythia bushes are subjected only to sanitary pruning - frozen, shriveled or broken shoots are removed. In adult plants, the frozen ends of the branches are cut off in the spring, but the main pruning is carried out in the summer, when flowering ends: faded branches are shortened by half, old and dried ones are cut off at a height of 4-6 cm from the soil level, and then they will grow side shoots. Pruning also helps to regulate the density, height and shape of the bush - cupped or spherical.

If you need to rejuvenate your mature forsythia, then it is best to trim all branches to a height of 4-6 cm, or at least 2/3, in order to stimulate the growth of young shoots. But you should not overuse such haircuts, because as a result the bush will grow stronger, but will stop blooming. Forsythia should be rejuvenated so that it does not lose its decorative qualities no more often than once every 3-4 years.

Pests and diseases of forsythia

This shrub is resistant to both pests and diseases, but is sometimes affected by wilting, moniliosis and bacteriosis. Wilting is treated by spraying with a two to five percent solution. Planting white dogwood, but there is no escape from bacteriosis, and the bush will have to be dug up along with its roots and destroyed. Moniliosis is expressed by the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. In case of illness, you need to cut out and clean all the affected areas to healthy tissue.

Forsythia sometimes has problems due to nematodes, and then the soil has to be disinfected with carbation.

Forsythia after flowering and wilting

To protect forsythia from winter frosts, the tree trunk circle is covered with a ten-centimeter layer of dry foliage, the branches are bent to the ground and pinned, and covered with spruce branches on top. In early spring the cover is removed, the branches are unfastened, dry leaves are removed from the trunk. Young plants are completely covered with spruce branches for the winter. In snowy winters, forsythia overwinters well even without shelter, but who knows in advance what kind of winter it will be?

Planting white dogwood - everything you need to know about care

Types and varieties of forsythia

The most common cultivated species in our latitudes is European forsythia (Forsythia europaea). This is a low (up to two meters) upright growing shrub with entire oblong leaves up to 7 cm long. Its flowers are single, bell-shaped, golden-yellow in color.

Forsythia giraldiana

Very similar to the European one, but more sensitive to low temperatures. It is the same height, its stems are also mostly straight, but tetrahedral, yellow-brown in color. The leaves are elliptical, dark green, up to 10 cm long. It blooms in May with large elegant light yellow flowers with twisted petals.

In the photo: Forsythia giraldiana

Hanging or drooping or drooping forsythia (Forsythia suspensa)

A taller shrub - up to three meters high, with a spreading crown, arched, drooping, thin tetrahedral branches of reddish-brown or olive color. The leaves on old shoots are simple, on growth shoots they are trifoliate. The flowers are large, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, golden yellow, collected in bunches of several pieces. Several forms of hanging forsythia are grown in culture:

  • variegated (forsythia variegata)– bright yellow flowers, yellowish variegated leaves;
  • Fortune (forsythia fortunei) with narrow trifoliate leaves, dark yellow flowers collected in bunches;
  • purple stem (forsythia artocaulis)– with dark red shoots and leaves at the moment of opening;
  • and others: forsythia Zimbold, forsythia deceptive, forsythia hanging Fortune.

In the photo: Hanging forsythia (Forsythia suspensa)

Dark green forsythia (Forsythia viridissima)

Tall, up to three meters high, shrub with upward-pointing green branches. The leaves are densely growing, simple, oblong-lanceolate, jagged at the top, very dark green in color, up to 15 cm long, up to 4 cm wide. Bright flowers of a greenish-yellow hue are collected in small bunches. Drought resistant.

In the photo: dark green forsythia (Forsythia viridissima)

Forsythia x intermedia

It is a hybrid of drooping forsythia and dark green forsythia. Grows up to three meters in height, blooms in the fourth year of life. Its leaves are oblong with a jagged edge, but they are also trifoliate, up to 10 cm long. The dark green color of the leaves lasts until late autumn. Bright yellow flowers are collected in bunches of several pieces. Blooms in April-May. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant, grows very quickly. Varieties:

  • Beatrix Farrand– bush height up to 4 m, flowers bright yellow with dark yellow stripes at the base;
  • Denziflora- a low bush up to one and a half meters high and about the same in volume, the flowers are pale yellow, twisted. It blooms in May for two to three weeks. Afraid of frost;
  • Spectabilis- one of the most beautiful varieties: the bush is only a meter high, but the crown reaches 120 cm in diameter. The leaves are green in warm weather, and purple and bright yellow in autumn. Dark yellow flowers up to 4.5 cm in diameter bloom at the end of April.

In the photo: Forsythia x intermedia

Snowy or white forsythia (Forsythia abeliophyllum)

Reaches a height of 1.5-2 m. The leaves are oval, up to 8 cm long; in summer, the underside of the leaves acquires a purple tint. The flowers, as the name suggests, are white, with a yellow throat, and soft pinkish in buds.

In the photo: Snowy or white forsythia (Forsythia abeliophyllum)

Forsythia ovata

A low shrub - from one and a half to two meters in height. The branches are spreading, grayish-yellow in color. The leaves are up to 7 cm long, bright green in the summer, turning purple in the fall. Single flowers are bright yellow and up to two centimeters in diameter. It blooms earlier than all other types of forsythia, grows quickly, is winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Popular varieties:

In the photo: Forsythia ovata

  • Spring Glory– up to three meters high, green leaves in summer become variegated in autumn – from pale yellow to dark purple. Blooms profusely in May with bright yellow large flowers;
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