Legends about flowers. Children's Interest Library

Spring has come. In a dark dense forest on the ground covered with dry spruce and pine needles, a very beautiful and delicate flower. He was yellow and bright, like the spring sun he had never seen. But the flower did not lose heart. He smiled and sang funny songs. It’s a pity, but no one in the dark and dense forest saw him or heard him sing.
The Flower became bored, and he went through the forest to look for friends. He goes and hums his song. Worm heard his ringing voice. He crawled out of the ground into the light to look at the singer. And the Flower, seeing the Worm, was delighted and said to him:
- Worm, worm! Let's be friends with you!
“No, that’s impossible,” answered the Worm. “You don’t want to follow me into the ground.” And I live there, and that’s where my home is.
- How do you crawl there, Worm?
- Yes, very simple. I make passages underground. They look like tunnels.
- No. I don't want to crawl underground with you. “I’d better look for a friend on earth,” Flower decided and moved on.
He goes on and hums his song. The Caterpillar, who was sitting on the trunk of a pine tree, saw him. She crawled closer and listened.
– You sing beautifully, Flower! - speaks.
– If you like it, then maybe you’ll want to be friends with me?
“No,” answered the Caterpillar. “I won’t be able to keep up with you.” Look how fast you are. You run like you fly!
“Well, as you know,” said the Flower and moved on.
He walked and walked all day, but still couldn’t find any friends. The dark forest grew even darker and night fell. The Flower fell asleep, and in the morning he again went in search of friends. He goes and sings his song.
And then he finally got lucky. A Crow flew next to him. She heard the Flower's song and said:
“You won’t find a friend in this dark forest, Flower.” Come on, I'll take you to the clearing. Sunny loves to go there. And the Sun is loved by bees, butterflies and dragonflies, grasshoppers and bugs. They all gather there in the clearing.
- Tell me, Vorona, will they want to be friends with me?
- Of course they will! After all, you are so joyful!
Crow brought Flower to a sunny meadow. And there - bees are buzzing, butterflies and moths are fluttering, grasshoppers are chirping! Oh, how fun, how interesting!
- Which beautiful flower, he's like little sun! – they all rang and buzzed in different voices.
They surrounded the Flower, looked at it and couldn’t get enough of it. After all, coming out of the darkness into the sunlight, it became even more beautiful and brighter!
The Flower smiled and asked:
– Bees, dragonflies, butterflies and moths! Will you be friends with me?
- Of course we will! You are so cheerful and joyful!
The Flower was delighted, spread all its delicate bright yellow petals, looked at the Sun, adjusted the green cap on its head and sang:

Everyone is living happily in the sunny meadow.
They lead round dances and sing songs.
And I am such a beautiful and joyful Flower!
I will sing you a song and tell you a poem.
And everyone who once came to me here
He will understand that you will never see such a clearing!

The sun listened to this joyful song of the Flower and smiled. And midges, butterflies and moths, bees and bugs danced.
Soon the whole clearing was in bloom! Many, many green blades of grass grew on it, and between them hundreds of babies opened their thin petals - flowers as delicate and beautiful as the bright yellow joyful Flower. The sun painted them in all the colors of the rainbow - purple, blue, light blue, green, yellow, pink, red, burgundy. Oh, how fun it was in the sunny meadow, how beautiful!
Now every day all the flowers sing funny songs, and bees, bugs, butterflies and dragonflies dance and kiss their beautiful heads.
And if you ever find such a cheerful and beautiful sunny clearing in the forest, then, of course, you will definitely see that same beautiful and Joyful Flower on it!

P.s. Picture for the fairy tale by Galina Polnyak.

Read my fairy tales at http://domarenok-t.narod.ru
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Fairy tales for kids are one of the necessary elements development and upbringing of the child. Children's fairy tales, in a clear, simple and accessible language for children, tell about good and evil, bad and good deeds, and show the right way out. various situations. By listening to and then independently reading fairy tales, the child subconsciously forms the foundations of communication and behavior, learns patience and perseverance, and develops creative potential, imagination and fantasy. Fairy tales about flowers and plants for children teach all this.

The very first fairy tale about plants for children is the everyday Russian folk tale "Turnip". It contains everyday life that is understandable even to children. folk wisdom- mutual assistance and mutual assistance always helps to achieve a positive result. The fairy tale also contains a mnemonic device for the development of memory in the youngest children - constantly adding fairy tale heroes who must be listed each time.

In the Belarusian folk tale "Light bread"The peasant tells the wolf how hard it is to have such a tasty and fragrant Rye bread, how much work and skill is required from a person to grow rye and bake bread.

  • Aksakov, Sergei "The Scarlet Flower""

Another wonderful example of kindness, honesty, loyalty and mercy is shown in the fairy tale by S. Aksakov. Everything in a fairy tale positive traits The merchant's youngest daughter is contrasted with the greed and selfishness of his elder daughters, who almost destroyed the enchanted monster.

  • Andersen, Hans Christian "Flowers for Little Ida"

This is Andersen's first fairy tale, invented by himself. The idea arose when he was once telling the little girl Ida, daughter of the writer Joust Matthias Thiele, about flowers in Botanical Garden. “I remembered several of the child’s comments and passed them on when the fairy tale was later written down,” the storyteller recalled. The story tells of a girl who learns about balls where flowers meet and dance. Quite by accident, one night Ida caught a glimpse of such a ball, at which she learned that flowers can be saved from death by planting them in the ground...

  • Bazhov, Pavel "Stone Flower"

The fairy tale allegorically says that no gems and gems, even skillfully processed, cannot compare with the natural beauty of ordinary wildflower. And even the Mistress Copper Mountain will not be able to breathe real life into an artificial stone flower.

  • Vogl, Krystle "Tales of the Flower Kingdom."

Do you love mystery and magic? Do you want to know the most important secret? Listen carefully, just shh, don’t say a word to anyone! Good little fairies and elves - the heroes of many fairy tales and legends - are not a beautiful invention. They really exist! They have assistants, enemies and even a magical queen. They quarrel, make peace, make friends and, like us, love beautiful flowers... But if you do not believe in miracles, if you do not want to learn about the wonderful world of fairies and elves, do not open this book under any circumstances!

  • Geraskina, Liya “Blue flower for mom”

Masha and Vanya, despite the prohibitions of their forester father, went into the dense forest to find a magical blue flower, which will help their mother recover faster. The search for the treasured flower led them to the Gingerbread House, whose owner turned out to be the cunning and insidious Baba Yaga. Having put the children in a cage, she invited Leshiy and Vodyany to the upcoming feast. But thanks to the help of their friends - Polkan, Penochka and Zyablik, the children managed to free themselves, escape from the chase and bring their mother a bouquet of magical flowers.

  • Emelyanov, Denis “Mouse and Snowdrop”

This book contains twelve tales about a little Mouse, touching and kind, who learns about the huge World around him. He lives in a hole with Mom and meets different inhabitants of the forest: the beautiful Snowdrop and the smug Earthworm, the beautiful Butterfly and the stubborn Snail, the wise Raven and the little Chick. He has so much to learn and understand. He loves to watch the sunset, listen to what the wind whispers about with the trees in the forest, and sometimes at night the little Mouse talks to the stars. These tales are written for the youngest readers, and for adults who were also once children.

  • Carême, Maurice "Kingdom of Flowers"

The little girl Annie from the book of the world-famous Belgian poet and writer C. Maurice, out of her own curiosity and by chance, ends up in the Kingdom of Flowers - the very source of cheerfulness. The kingdom lives its usual life for flowers and amazing for people. With amazing invention and imagination, based on excellent knowledge of nature, the author describes the life of flowers. In this life there is a place for adventure, love and friendship. And of course, the fairy tale has a happy ending - thanks to faith, hope and boundless maternal love, Annie returns to Earth.

  • Kataev, Valentin "Seven-flowered flower""

One of the wonderful modern fairy tales. An ordinary girl, at a difficult moment for herself, meets her sorceress grandmother and receives as a gift a magical flower that fulfills seven wishes - according to the number of petals of the flower. The fairy tale clearly shows that it is not consumer desires that bring pleasure from magic, but kindness and mercy that bring real joy.

  • Kolpakova, Olga “How the fairy Thorn cured summer”

If on a hot day you hear summer rain, sneezes of fog and coughs of thunder, call an ambulance flower help! Flower fairies will definitely cure the patient according to all the rules: chamomile infusion, mustard plasters and raspberry tea. And the fairy Thorn will not stand aside, she will write out the most unusual recipe and turns treatment into real fun. Miracles on Flower meadow continue, and summer promises to be bright!

  • Lopatina, A., Skrebtsova, M. Tales of flowers and trees: a book for classes spiritual education

A fairy tale can become a wise teacher, a kind assistant and even a doctor for a child! Don't believe me? We bring to your attention an interesting technique from kind writers and storytellers, authors of more than 50 books for children and parents. The book for classes on spiritual education includes selections of materials of a spiritual and moral orientation with didactic instructions and developments for teachers.

  • Platonov, Andrey "Unknown flower""

The story makes the reader think seriously about the difficulties human life, although, at first glance, we are talking about an ordinary flower here. However, not so ordinary...

A small seed fell in a place where it is very, very difficult for flowers to grow - “it nestled in a hole between stone and clay.” But still, the seed found the strength to germinate, and a small flower appeared on the stone. “He had nothing to eat in stone and clay; drops of rain that fell from the sky fell on the top of the earth and did not penetrate to its root, but the flower lived and lived and grew little by little higher.”

Despite all the difficulties, the flower lived and enjoyed life. “The flower, however, did not want to live sadly; therefore, when he was completely sad, he dozed off. Still, he constantly tried to grow, even if his roots gnawed at bare stone and dry clay.” The flower fought desperately for its life. He strove to overcome all difficulties at all costs, and fate smiled at him. A kind girl noticed a flower and wanted to help him. She told the children about the flower, and they brought manure and ash to the wasteland to fertilize the soil.

True, in the fall the flower died anyway. And the next summer, many beautiful flowers grew in the wasteland, among which was the son of an amazing flower. “This flower grew from the middle of the crowded stones; he was lively and patient, like his father, and even stronger than his father, because he lived in stone.”

This story evokes thoughts of perseverance and the desire to overcome all difficulties along the way. Often a person, like this flower, is subjected to the most difficult trials. And in order not to break down and go through all the trials with your head held high, it takes a lot of strength and courage. The story of an unprecedented flower gives hope to the reader. The hope that all difficulties will definitely be overcome. You just need to believe in yourself and fight until the end for your happiness.

  • Prokofieva, Sophia "About the little oak tree"

In one of the fairy tales about Masha and Oika, the author teaches children to take care of even the smallest tree sprouts, talks in interesting dialogues between girls, animals and plants about the benefits of an oak tree and the soil necessary for it, sunlight and water.

  • Rodari, Gianni “The Adventures of Cipollino”

Political fairy tales about plants highlight themes that are not entirely childish - the revolutionary struggle of the oppressed against the oppressors. For example, the favorite fairy tale of the famous Italian writer Gianni Rodari, “The Adventures of Cipollino,” is beloved by children. The hero of the fairy tale, the onion boy Cipollino, protects the poor from injustice, fighting the authorities with the help of his friends. People in the form of living fruits and vegetables in a fairy tale commit human actions, mistakes, their behavior is completely no different from the behavior ordinary people various classes. The fairy tale orients children to true friendship, honesty, devotion and heroism.

  • Staraste, Margarita "Stomach"

The tale of the Latvian writer tells about the adventures of little Zheludok in the forest and in the insect town of Travushkin. The exciting events happening to Zheludok make children re-read this story many times. The fairy tale gives children a simplified idea not only of the structure of an acorn, but also of many insects - spiders, bees, ants.

  • Saxe, Anna “Tales of Flowers”

More than half a century ago, the Latvian writer Anna Sakse wrote down several short stories for children, which she combined into one book, “Flower Tales.” This amazing book is not just fairy tales about a variety of flowers, but fairy tales, myths and traditions from all over the world. Flowers and trees in the magical garden can speak with human voices, many of them are formerly enchanted people. They tell little readers their stories (funny, touching or sad), talk about their destinies and different countries.

“Tales of Flowers” ​​by Saxe tell about how the destinies of people who lived in a particular era developed. For many characters, fate was such that they turned into various flowers. The answer to the question of why this happened can be found on the pages of this children's book, where trees can speak with human voices, and flowers can love.

Each fairy tale tells the story of a separate flower. It can be forest or just grow in a flower bed. Quite inconspicuous, like hare cabbage, or charming, like an orchid or water lily. But every time readers see the indescribable beauty that lies behind the name of the plant.

Anna Saxe wrote “Flower Tales” especially for children. But despite this, adults really like the book. After all, sometimes they want to immerse themselves in the world of their childhood, where their parents read these charming fairy tales to them, and the kids themselves looked at the colorful illustrations that depicted the most beautiful flowers.

  • Shunin, Anatoly “Hello, blue flower”: story

The hero of this story, a boy, watching a nameless flower, makes for himself important discoveries... The cornflower looked like a carnation, only smaller and blue. And my blue flower is blue. And without a peduncle at all. It bloomed most often in the fork of two branches. Even though the twig is hollow, if you try to pick it, it will be all worn out until it breaks off, and you will regret that you worked and ruined its beauty...

Dear parents, grandparents, read wise tales Read fairy tales aloud with your children, sparing no effort and time.

Fairy tales about flowers and plants of any genre are necessary for kids. They are the most effective means early education, education and development of children. Read how in the good old days, when there was no radio or television, adults read good fairy tales to children, introducing their children into adulthood with the help and protection of magical powers.

"Forget-me-nots" "Irinushka's tales" (for children 5-10 years old)

This methodological development intended for kindergarten teachers working with older children preschool age. This material may also be useful for teachers primary classes and creative parents.
Lychangina Lyubov Vladimirovna, teacher of the Central Children's Educational Institution kindergarten“Thumbelina” Municipal District Aldan, RS(Y)
Target: formation of initial ideas about spring flowers - forget-me-nots.
-in an accessible form, introduce children to the terms “seeds”, “seedlings”, “sowing”; introduce the ambiguity of the word “color”;
-repeat the concepts of “clothing”, “shoes”; introduce complex colors.
-develop children's speech, enrich them lexicon, expand your horizons;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards representatives of the flora.

Fairy tale "Forget-me-nots"

This story happened in one magical garden in the spring at the very end of May. There was a small misunderstanding with the owner of the garden - the flower girl. She accidentally mixed up the seeds of forget-me-not flowers different color. She thought and thought, and sowed all the seeds in the flowerbed as they were - mixed. The result was a mixture of forget-me-nots.

Two weeks later, friendly shoots appeared. And two weeks later, the lovely spring flowers bloomed. The flowerbed turned into a colorful carpet.
Looking around, the forget-me-nots began to argue among themselves - which of them is the most beautiful?
- Of course, me! - said the pink forget-me-not.
- Well, I do not! The most attractive one is me! - the blue one objected.

- What’s there to argue about! The most amazing one is, without a doubt, me! – a white forget-me-not intervened in the dispute.

They argued and argued and finally quarreled.
At this time, a lovely butterfly flew into the garden.

She drank the sweet nectar from each forget-me-not in turn.
Forget-me-nots turned to her for help:
-Butterfly is a beauty, judge us! Which one of us is the most beautiful?
The butterfly, after thinking a little, answered:
-Your petals, pink forget-me-not, are like the light of the evening dawn.
-You, little blue forget-me-not, nature painted you the color of the azure sky after the summer rain!
And you are snow-white, like the fluffiest cloud!
-You are all beautiful in your own way! And your nectar is equally delicious! It’s not for nothing that they call you forget-me-nots. Believe me, I will never forget your most delicate beauty!
The butterfly fluttered and flew away!

The forget-me-nots were at first confused, and then they were even glad that none of them was worse than the other! Nothing worse!... And everyone is equally beautiful!

But at that moment, a little girl Irinushka came out of the house, she looked around the world in surprise with huge brown eyes, she was wearing a pink blouse, sewn by her grandmother, and white sandals were on her feet. By this time, the flower girl had already bloomed and was fragrant. various colors.

Walking through the garden and admiring the multicolored plants, the charming child saw a flowerbed with forget-me-nots and quietly screamed with delight!
-Oh, what tiny flowers! And all of them are different colors - blue, pink, white - just like my clothes and shoes!
And the girl extended her plump hand to the forget-me-nots, intending to pick flowers for a bouquet. Poor forget-me-nots froze in horror...
At this time, the flower girl approached the girl.
-What are you doing, daughter?
- I want, mother, to pick a bouquet for you!
-No need, my dear, the picked flowers will wither and die, I feel sorry for them! And if you save them, then in a year, in June, we will already have two, even three flower beds of forget-me-nots.
-Three flower beds, mother? How is it?
-Each bush will first bloom, and in a month it will produce seeds, which will then give us new forget-me-nots! In addition, the bush will not die in winter, but will overwinter and grow larger by next spring!
The little girl nodded her head in agreement and did not touch the forget-me-nots.
From that time on, these lovely flowers all live together in a wonderful garden and never quarrel again!

After finishing reading the story, it is recommended to ask questions:
-What are seeds, sowing, shoots?
-Why can’t you pick flowers?
-Why are “forget-me-nots” called that?

Rodionov Maxim, student of 3rd grade B, Selin Alexander, student of 3rd grade B, Volkova Angelina, student of 3rd grade B, Burova Irina, student of 3rd "B" grade

The students were asked to write fairy tales about flowers. Everyone received photographs depicting various flowers and turned into storytellers, wizards who could hear the stories told by flowers. Here's what came out of it:



Rodionov Maxim

3rd grade student B

GBOU school No. 489

It was a spring day. The bright sun was shining, the flowers were smiling, but only one little twig was not in the mood, because his parents had gone to the country for a week, and he was left alone. I spent the first day well, the second too, the third too, the fourth too, the fifth too, but on the sixth day I already missed my parents and already wanted them to come quickly. So he went to bed. He wakes up and meets his parents.

Selin Alexander

3rd grade student B

GBOU school No. 489

A long time ago, in a village, poor peasants lived in a small hut. A mother, father and daughter lived in this hut. The daughter was so beautiful that it is impossible to say in a fairy tale, not to describe with a pen. And the news spread that the king himself would come to their village to see his possessions.

The next day the king arrived and as soon as he saw the peasant girl, he immediately fell in love. I thought and thought about what to give her and came up with one. He ordered to pick an orchid from his garden. And you will probably ask why this particular flower, and because this orchid is as beautiful as a peasant’s daughter.

Volkova Angelina

3rd grade student B

GBOU school No. 489

(Fairy tale)

"About the fairy princess of flowers"

There lived a princess. Not simple, but flowery, she was fabulously beautiful, and her name was Georgina. In her country there lived fairies called the twinkling Phloxes, the twins Ivan and Marya, the princesses Roses, the shoemakers Lapuha, and the mermaids Lilies. Amazing country!

And there lived in this country an evil witch named Nettle, and she wanted to destroy the beauty of all the princesses, including the princess’s beauty. One day the princess went for a walk, and suddenly stopped and saw Nettle.

Irina Burova, student of grade 3 "B"

GBOU school No. 489

Winter chrysanthemums.

They raised little chrysanthemums. They felt sad alone, and they decided to go on a journey to find a new world and friends. Approximately 200 km. there was a garden from their house. The garden belonged to Mrs. Zendor. Mrs. Zendor grew Geogreens. The dahlias also realized that they were sad alone, and a week later they saw new flowers in their company and immediately wanted to get to know them, because they were beautiful. The dahlias didn't know what they were called. They all managed to become such friends within a day that from then on they are Dahlias and Chrysanthemums began to live together in harmony. But you remember who we were talking about, the Chrysanthemums, and you realized that they achieved their goal! End!


They're like eyes! The yellow pupils are simply a miracle, and around the pupils of the planet in space there is a pink-violet shell! They seem to be talking about something with their own eyes. They tell you about their lives, how they grew up, how they made friends with each other, how they survived everything in the world! They are absolutely very beautiful, wonderful and amazing....

Wild Orchid.

Once upon a time there lived a girl and she had a potty. There was nothing in this pot. And for her birthday she received a Wild Orchid as a gift. The girl's name was Lisa, her last name was Kravtsova. Lisa was so happy and immediately put the Orchid in her pot. The Orchid was also happy that finally someone needed it. She stood in the forest for a whole month, alone, unwanted by anyone. And now Orchid and Lisa began to live together. Lisa looked after her so well that Orchid did not want to die. All!

So that children can develop logical thinking, there was a desire to understand the essence of objects and phenomena, the ability to analyze and correctly draw conclusions was formed, and an attentive and caring attitude towards nature was cultivated; a fairy tale about plants, composed by a child with some help from parents, works very well. This way you can teach how to build an associative series, and children’s imagination develops especially quickly.


Of course, the child should already have a certain base of rules characteristic of fairy tales. This is always accompanied by reading. Before writing, you need mandatory observations on walks, stories about the features various plants: whether it is beneficial or harmful, whether a weed grows wild or is a cultivated, ornamental, medicinal or edible plant. A fairy tale about plants usually begins in the same way as other fairy tales: “Once upon a time...” or “In a distant country...” - and this choice can be entrusted to the child.

Next, you need to jointly decide what kind of story it will be - scary, with adventures, kind or just educational. This decision and will determine the choice of the main character. Although a fairy tale about plants will be composed, the presence of a main character is mandatory. It can be a tree, a bush, a flower, or a berry, but the presence of a person is quite appropriate. For example: “Once upon a time there lived an old woman in her rickety hut. She wandered through the forest all day long and collected various herbs, berries and flowers. These were not ordinary plants, but healing ones. People from the village often came to the old woman for help: she and colds He will heal and reduce the bruises for the children."


However, it won't be interesting if there is no action in it. For example: “Once upon a time an old lady found a tall beautiful bush, and with unprecedented flowers. The petals are orange, with curved tips. And it’s as if everything in freckles is speckled. It grew up alone." The girls will probably choose a fairy tale about wild plant With beautiful flowers. They don’t yet know that their favorite “saranka” or “tiger lily” is called lanceolate lily, and it came to dachas and lawns just from the wild.

Such a fairy tale about a wild plant that has been domesticated will awaken curiosity and arm you with knowledge. Surely the lily in the children's story was enchanted, and the old woman will have to fight for the bulb of this plant to take root in her garden. You can think of how other plants helped the wild lily to enter their community, how this was prevented harmful insects, which were sent, for example, by the evil forest kikimora, and how good insects helped defeat the evil ones. And it will turn out to be a fairy tale about at the same time. It is necessary to clarify how the lily has changed, becoming beautiful year after year thanks to new conditions: the flowers have become larger and brighter, and the bush is taller and denser.

Little tales about plants

This can be done right on walks, because there are always plants underfoot that a child must learn from an early age. It will be both informative and interesting. For example, a fairy tale about medicinal plants It may well start with plantain, the first remedy for bruises and bumps, abrasions and scratches. One boy, who recognized this plant and then wrote a fairy tale about plantain, even tried to cure a broken wheel on a toy car with the help of such a green leaf.

And you can continue it about everyone’s favorite chamomile - also a useful plant, but a fairy tale about it usually turns out to be sad. It’s not in vain that people use the petals of a daisy to tell fortunes about their betrothed – whether he loves or does not love. And the flower is left with one lonely yellow center, which is immediately thrown away. And there was such a cute plant that delighted the eye. Short tale about plants should definitely teach attitude towards nature.

For schoolchildren

Such an essay is planned for a lesson on the course " The world". Every student must come up with a fairy tale about a plant (2nd grade). This is not so easy for those who were not read enough books in early childhood, and on walks their parents did not pay attention to the events constantly happening around them. A fairy tale about a cultivated plant is most often similar to the truth.

You can talk about the apple tree, which, thanks to good wizard began to bear fruits of different colors, sizes and tastes. To do this, parents need to take an interest in Michurin’s works themselves, for example. And look at photographs where the same tree grows large and round red apples on one branch, oval yellow ones on another, and pears on a third. Already miracles! Coming up with a fairy tale about a plant is very easy if you are interested in the topic.

Language development

In the old days there was a saying among the Russian people - “tea”. This is not a drink, but a replacement for the concepts “most likely”, “apparently” or “perhaps”. Even from here a fairy tale about a plant can be composed. This, of course, is Ivan-tea. How could a flower that wonderfully decorates all our July fields have such a strange name?

Once upon a time I lived in a village handsome guy- Ivan. And his shirts were all very beautiful: pink and crimson, scarlet and red. He used to put on his crimson shirt and go out to the edge of the forest for a walk. It can be seen far away among the greenery. That’s why one or another villager said, putting his palm to his forehead: “What is this? Oh, it’s Ivan, tea, walking there again!” Many, many years have passed, both Ivan’s children and grandchildren have become old, and people keep repeating: “What is that there? Ah, Ivan, tea.” Because beautiful crimson flowers have grown everywhere, which people call Ivan-tea. And botanists call this plant fireweed.

Poisonous but useful

Everywhere in vacant lots and near fences you can see lush bushes with bright yellow flowers. In Greek it is chelidonia, and in Russian it is celandine. The plant is very healthy, but you can’t eat it, because you can get poisoned. You can come up with a very interesting tale about this grass, be it short or long. For example, there once lived a young lady. Fair, tall, good-looking, but with a terrible character.

She once offended a hungry old woman and did not allow her to pick a sweet apple in her garden. And she didn’t break off a piece of her pie at her request. The old woman was not evil, but she was fair. “You cannot deceive people with such a beautiful and pure face,” she said, “if the soul is so black and callous!”


And immediately the young lady’s entire face and body became covered with sores - acne. And everyone who met along the way turned away to laugh at her ugliness. For a long time she hid in her chambers, but none of the doctors could cure her. The girl cried and gradually realized that now people treated her the way she had treated all people before, but she didn’t know how to correct the situation.

But the old lady returned after some time. In her hands she carried not lilies, not roses, not even poppies, but some kind of grass with small yellow flowers. The young lady warmly welcomed the guest, fed her, gave her something to drink and asked for forgiveness for the past. Then the old woman began to break the stems brought and lubricate the sores with the dark juice that appeared on the broken ends of the plant, saying: “I had a pure soul, so my body became pure!” The girl washed her face and saw that all the sores had disappeared! Since then, this plant has been called celandine, and its seeds were scattered everywhere by a grateful young lady.


Who hasn’t seen how brightly calendula flowers burn in a flowerbed! But this plant also has its own wonderful history. Once upon a time there happened a cold and dark time on earth, when the winds blew piercingly, and the snowflakes were so sharp that they hurt the skin if the blizzard blew in the face.

And many people caught colds and got sick. The children coughed and it was painful for them to even swallow water or milk. And there was no escape from the cold. There was loud crying everywhere, but spring still did not come.


Even the stars in the sky heard how hard life was for people. But they couldn’t help, and they didn’t want to. They are far away and they are indifferent. But among them there was one aster (aster is a star) who wanted to help. It fell from the sky and flew down to hit the ground, crumbling into thousands and millions of small pieces that fell straight into the snow - seeds. From this fall, from the terrible noise and roar, even spring woke up.

The seeds sprouted and lit up with wondrous flowers, which were called calendula. Everyone knows that they are from the stellar family, that is, asteraceae. And the stars are always so magical that almost all diseases on earth are cured: and sore throat, and cough, and wounds. Since then, people have been growing calendula all over the earth and affectionately call these flowers marigolds.

Field and forest plants

Around every city, even the largest city, there are always fields and forests, it just takes a long time to get to them. That’s why people love city parks so much, where almost all plants gather, for which only a forest or field can be considered a home. When parents take their baby for a walk, his attention needs to be paid to literally all manifestations of life: what the weather is like, where the breeze is blowing from, where the sun warms better, why shadow is formed, where grasshoppers live, when butterflies appear, and so on. Only under such conditions will the child’s imagination develop, and by the second grade of school he will be able to independently compose fairy tales about plants and animals.

For example, any clearing in the park can be presented to a child as magical. Smart and talking plants grow on any of them. They even know how to play ball using a drop of dew, and the wind blows it from bluebell to chamomile, from yarrow to St. John's wort. Living in the clearing is both interesting and fun for them. The paths are always framed by dandelions and plantains, which suffer more than others from careless running around, but they cannot be completely trampled. There would be many interesting tales about their vitality.


Parents base most children's stories for school lessons on ancient legends, epics, and even songs. For example, the fact that the name of the forget-me-not flower from all languages ​​of the Earth, including Japanese and Arabic, is translated the same way (“don’t forget me!”) will definitely arouse children’s interest. Here you can retell ancient greek myth about the appearance of this plant, and even then its own story may well appear.

The touching name of forget-me-not already predisposes you to write. For example, a man leaves for war and asks his family not to forget him. And he picks a little blue flower, which will lie among the pages of his favorite book until his return. And if the person does not return, the forget-me-not will turn into tears, because every clearing, every woodland, every meadow will remind of this person.


Bells are also called the same in all languages, only the words sound differently, but the meaning remains the same. There is a legend that the church bell appeared in Italy in 1500 not by accident. Its prototype is a flower that the bishop of Campania (an Italian province) liked so much that he even seemed to hear the ringing. Returning from a walk, he ordered a copper bell.

This story may well become the basis for a fairy tale about plants. Like, for example, a bell calls everyone to a council to help children lost in the forest. You can also compose a fairy tale about a coachman freezing in the steppe, which he saw in a dream blue flowers and I realized that you need to tie ringing bells to the horse harness, then you won’t get lost or go astray even in a snowstorm. Fairy tales about plants for children are very important. They need to be told so that the child understands how the story is built.


A fairy tale about plants should be life-affirming. For example, about a young apple tree that bloomed for the first time. Oh, what beautiful flowers she has! In this snow-white and pinkish veil, she is the spitting image of a bride! The apple tree is happy, even a little proud, although all the plants around are blooming and smelling, since spring is such a time of year. But the apple tree is now the most beautiful of all. And suddenly! What kind of misfortune is this? The breeze blew and carried away the petal. Then another one, and another!

And so the apple tree litters the last of its curls and cries. What peduncles have become inconspicuous... Gray, large, ugly nodules... But time went on and on. The apple tree, of course, did not forget the lost outfit, but life took its toll, and every day something on the branches became so heavy that it even became difficult to hold. It turns out that these are fruits! They grew large, glossy, and bright by autumn. And how joyfully people looked at this tree, decorated with fruits! And even when the apples were collected, and the branches felt light again, even when the last leaves of the apple tree had fallen, she was no longer upset, because she understood: spring would come soon, she would put on a snow-white veil again, then the apples would ripen red... Everything would be fine -ro-sho!