The best radiators for heating a private home. What are the best heating radiators for an apartment: price and calculation

The choice of heating devices for a water system always remains the prerogative of the homeowner, even when the installation is carried out by hired craftsmen. But choosing batteries based on the advice of sellers or reviews of Internet users is not easy - the former often do not understand the topic and repeat advertising slogans, the latter “praise their swamp,” which is understandable. To find out which heating radiators are best to choose for an apartment or private house, we suggest using a simple and understandable algorithm.

Instructions for choosing batteries - a simplified approach

We hope the previous description helped you figure out which heating batteries are best for an apartment in terms of price and technical indicators. Finally, here are some practical tips:

  1. Please use the instructions at the beginning of this publication. Choose radiators that best suit your design and budget.
  2. The operating pressure of the coolant is important only for apartments in high-rise buildings; only bimetallic and aluminum batteries can withstand pressure above 10 bar. Any water heating devices are suitable for dachas and private cottages.
  3. If you are on a limited budget, feel free to buy steel panels - their heat output is not inferior to other heaters or convectors.
  4. For a gravity-flow system, you need to take radiators with a large cross-section of internal channels. It is better not to install stamped steel heaters, only tubular ones.
  5. In terms of price-quality ratio and set of operating parameters, the first place is occupied by sectional batteries made of lightweight aluminum alloy.
  6. It is worth paying for bimetal when there is no confidence in the parameters of the coolant - the pressure is unknown, hard water is used.
  7. Try not to purchase frankly cheap radiators made from unknown material in China. They will warm, but probably not for long.

Characteristics of heaters of the same size made from various materials, - comparison table

Conclusion regarding cast iron. Heating radiators of the old type MS-90 and MS-140 are cheap, but they look unsightly. Beautifully designed models are incredibly expensive, and therefore beyond the reach of average homeowners. Cast iron is becoming rare, and the outdated “accordions” of the MC series are becoming a thing of the past.

If your budget allows you to install designer heaters, carefully select each battery according to its dimensions. It is better to place a vertical steel heating radiator in a narrow wall niche, and stylish cast iron products under the windows. It is advisable to additionally attach heavy floor-standing versions to the wall using a pair of brackets.

Before you begin assembling a heating system for a country house, it is imperative to develop its detailed design. First of all, you need to decide on the type necessary equipment, as well as make all the required calculations. for a private home, how to choose the right boiler and pipes for the mains, what type of wiring will be better in this or that case - read about all this further in the article.

Main design elements

To assemble a heating system in a country house you will need to purchase:

  • radiators;

    circulation pump;

    pipes for highways.

You will also need to buy an expansion tank. IN modern systems For heating, mainly only membrane equipment of this type is used.

What to consider when choosing radiators

When purchasing batteries, you should first pay attention to:

    their design features;

    maximum working pressure;


    number of sections.

Which heating radiator is best for a private home: main varieties

Modern industry produces several types of such equipment. In specialized stores you can find batteries:

    cast iron;

    of steel;

    made of aluminum;


All these types of heating radiators are quite suitable for a private home. The choice in this case depends mainly on the operational characteristics of a particular system and the financial capabilities of the owners of the building itself.

Cast iron batteries

The main advantages of radiators of this type are low cost and durability. Cast iron batteries are not subject to corrosion and can last faithfully for up to 50 years. In addition, they are undemanding to the quality of the coolant and can easily withstand quite serious pressure in the system - up to 12 atmospheres.

Cast iron models thus have a lot of advantages, and therefore in some cases they can be an excellent answer to the question of which radiators to choose for heating a private home. However, despite the large number of advantages, such batteries are installed quite rarely in residential suburban buildings. The thing is that Soviet radiators of this variety look too old-fashioned. It is almost impossible to fit them harmoniously into a modern interior. In addition, these batteries weigh a lot and can mainly only be used in buildings with very strong walls. For example, they are absolutely not suitable for a house built from foam concrete.

Cast iron heating radiators are suitable for a private home, but when deciding to choose just such models, it is worth keeping in mind that they are not particularly high in efficiency. Such batteries heat up rather slowly, and their heat transfer is not particularly large.

Steel models

Radiators of this type, unlike cast iron ones, warm up very quickly. It makes them easy ideal option for heating systems with regulation temperature regime. In addition, steel batteries do not weigh too much. Therefore, they can be installed in buildings with walls made of any materials, including foam blocks or SIP panels.

Steel radiators for heating a private house are thus quite suitable. Their only disadvantages are their fragility and inability to withstand significant pressure. The second drawback for a private house usually does not play too big a role. After all, the pressure in the pipes in such buildings is most often not particularly high. If this indicator in the system does not exceed 7-8 atmospheres, you can safely buy steel models. However, you should also pay attention to the quality of the coolant. If an effective water purification system from a well or well is not installed in the house, you should still refuse to purchase such equipment. When using low-quality coolant, such radiators quickly rust and begin to leak.

When answering the question about which radiators to choose for heating a private home, you should also think about purchasing a relatively new type of steel equipment of this type, which recently appeared on the domestic market. We are talking about batteries made of stainless steel. Such radiators can last even longer than cast iron ones, are characterized by high efficiency and attractive appearance. However, such equipment, unfortunately, is quite expensive. Only owners of elite cottages can afford batteries of this type.

Aluminum models

The main advantage of such radiators is their attractive appearance. Aluminum batteries look very modern and easily fit into almost any interior. They are inexpensive, but, like cast iron, they are used extremely rarely in private homes. It's all about their increased demands on the quality of the coolant. In an acidic environment, aluminum reacts very quickly, releasing quite large quantity gas And this, in turn, leads to airing of the system and its failure.

Aluminum heating radiators for a private home are therefore only suitable when the lines use a sufficiently clean coolant. As for pressure, such models can easily withstand loads of up to 15 atm.

Bimetallic batteries

When answering the question about which heating radiator is best for a private home, you should think about purchasing a model of this particular type first. Bimetallic batteries this moment are perhaps the most popular type of such equipment. The design of radiators of this type includes elements made of two types of metal - aluminum and steel (or copper). Hence their name. The advantages of bimetallic radiators, among other things, include:

    ability to withstand very high coolant pressure (up to 35 atm) and water hammer;

    attractive appearance;

    light weight;

    durability (can last up to 25 years).

In general, bimetallic heating radiators are best suited for a private home. Reviews of models of this type available on the Internet clearly indicate this. Country property owners consider such equipment to be of very high quality, easy to install and operate. In appearance, such radiators resemble aluminum ones, but at the same time they are much more reliable. Their design is such that they look like a monolithic product. Since the performance characteristics of such batteries are better than aluminum ones, they cost a little more (about 25%).

Radiators power

When calculating the heating of a private house, you should start by determining this particular indicator. The selection of radiators for a large cottage, of course, should be entrusted to specialists. If the system is assembled in a small one-story private house, this procedure can be carried out independently, according to a simplified scheme.

    total area of ​​the room;

    necessary compensation for heat loss.

The latter indicator, when using a simplified calculation scheme, is usually defined as 1 kW of power per 10 m 2 of room (or per 1 m 2 100 W). That is, in order to find out which batteries of what capacity are needed in a particular case, you should simply substitute the required value into the formula N=S*100*1.45, where S is the area of ​​the room, 1.45 is the coefficient of possible heat leakage.

Next, let's look at how to calculate heating radiators for a private house using a specific example. This procedure is actually quite easy to perform. For example, for a room 4 m wide and 5 m long, the calculation will look like this:

  • 20*100=2000 W;

    2000*1.45=2900 W.

Heating radiators are most often installed under windows. They are selected accordingly required amount. Houses with an area of ​​20 m2 usually have 2 windows. Therefore, in our example, we will need two radiators with a power of 1450 W each. This indicator can be adjusted first of all by changing the number of sections in the battery. But, of course, in any case there should be just enough of them so that the radiator fits freely in the niche under the window.

The power of one section in different types of batteries may vary. So, for bimetallic radiators with a height of 500 mm, this figure is usually 180 W, and for cast iron - 160 W.

How to choose a boiler

So, we found out which heating radiator is best for a private home. If desired, for a country building you can choose either cast iron, aluminum, steel or bimetallic batteries. In this case, everything depends mainly on the quality of the coolant, the pressure in the system and the interior features of the premises. However, when drawing up a project, of course, you should determine the characteristics of other necessary equipment. In particular, it is necessary to calculate the boiler power. Modern industry produces four types of such equipment:

    gas boilers;


    liquid fuel;

    solid fuel.

These are the types of boilers that are mainly on sale today for heating private homes. How to choose a specific type of such equipment is actually not a very difficult question. Most often they are installed in houses. Installation of them is usually quite expensive. But at the same time, such equipment is quite economical and convenient to use. They are cheap, but are expensive to operate. Therefore, they are most often installed only if there is no gas main near the house.

Solid fuel and diesel boilers heating systems are used mostly in buildings built in remote areas. That is, where there is no gas supply and no power lines. Such equipment is usually quite expensive and not very convenient to use.

Boilers for heating a private house: how to choose power

In order to determine this indicator, a specialist is usually also hired. You can try to calculate the boiler power yourself only for a small country house. As when choosing radiators, in this case the basis is the fact that 1 kW of boiler power is required per 10 m 2 of room area.

Selecting a wiring diagram

Heating system lines can be laid in different ways. In small country houses usually used simplest system“Leningradka” or dead-end two-pipe. IN residential cottages In several floors, a collector circuit is more often used. IN one-story houses a very large area can be installed and a very efficient heating system called

How to determine the required diameter of lines

When calculating the heating of a private house, you should, of course, calculate this indicator. If the diameter of the lines is incorrectly selected, the system will not work effectively. To buy suitable pipes, you first need to decide:

    with the thermal power of the system;

    optimal coolant pressure.

The first indicator is calculated by the formula Q=(V*Δt*K)*860, where V is the volume of the room, Δt is the difference in air temperatures indoors and outdoors, K is a correction factor (depends on the degree of insulation of the building and is determined using a special table) .

The optimal speed of coolant movement in the system is 0.36-0.7 m/s. The resulting value of thermal power and the selected pressure indicator should simply be inserted into the table for determining the diameter of the pipes.

As for the material of highways, in our time both in small country houses and cottages, metal-plastic is usually used. However, if desired, you can install steel or even expensive and very durable copper pipes in a private residential building.

Buying a circulation pump

When choosing this type of equipment, you should decide mainly on two indicators:

    with working pressure;

    with performance.

The second characteristic is calculated by the formula P = 3.6 x Q/(c x ΔT) (kg/h), where ΔT is the difference between the air temperatures outside and indoors, c is the specific 1.6 dimension.

The required pump pressure can be determined by the formula J= (F+R x L)/p x g (m), where F is the resistance of the reinforcement, R is the hydraulic resistance, L is the length of the section, p is the density of the working fluid, g is the acceleration of gravity .

When construction works completed in the house, the question arises of how to arrange the heating system so that the house is warm. The main component of the heating system is, of course, the heating radiators. Their choice must be approached with particular seriousness, because the strength, durability and reliability of your system depend on it.

The downside is the prohibitively high price, which is inaccessible to the middle class. You can buy cheap models of bimetallic radiators, but all that remains of their qualities is the name.

It is not advisable to use bimetallic radiators for a private home due to their high cost. They have the greatest strength, but the local heating system network does not have high pressure, so the advantage of this radiator is useless in this case.

Based on their structure, radiators are divided into tubular, sectional, convector and panel.

Steel radiators

All batteries have their drawbacks, which are functional in nature. The convector radiator is durable, economical, safe and quite beautiful. The only negative is the high price, because they are made from high-quality and expensive materials.

Such a characteristic as power will help to correctly give preference to one or another type of radiator. It's easy to calculate: in a room with a ceiling height of 300 cm and one window, 100 W will be needed to heat one square meter. When the room has two external walls, add another 20%. If there are two external walls and two windows, add 30%. When the window faces north, you should add 10%. An important factor will be the installation of radiators, because no matter how good the batteries you purchase, if they are installed incorrectly, it will still be of zero use. Heat loss

  1. batteries must be placed under windows
  2. their length must correspond to the length of the window, or at least half the length
  3. V corner room you can install an additional pair of radiators along the outer wall
  4. It is better to install heating risers in corners. This will ensure they warm up and avoid blackening of the wall and the formation of mold.
  5. they must always be available.

When choosing heating radiators, you should rely on the technical characteristics of the radiators and the heating system itself, as well as your budget. With proper study, you can always find a middle ground for yourself.

The main elements of the heating system in an apartment are radiators or radiators. Their choice determines the reliability of the heating system as a whole, ensuring comfortable conditions indoors, maintaining optimal temperature. Properly selected batteries will also help create a unique interior in the apartment.

Among the aluminum, new-fangled bimetallic, modern cast-iron and even wooden radiators currently available on the market, having studied their characteristics, evaluating the pros and cons, you can choose those heating devices that are suitable only for you. Let's spend comparative analysis— which heating radiators are best for an apartment.

What types of heating radiators are there?

Now there are 4 main types of radiators: aluminum, cast iron, copper and bimetallic. Let's figure out which ones are better.

  • Bimetallic.

Bimetallic radiator batteries heating - construction made of steel pipes, on top of which there is an aluminum shell. The main advantage is the ability to withstand high hydraulic pressure. Also, steel is not afraid of the effects of alkali, which is poured into the central heating system to remove scale from pipes.

The aluminum case on top will allow the battery to retain heat longer. Thus, this type of radiator combines the best properties: strength, durability and high thermal conductivity.

Withstands pressure up to 40 atmospheres and retains its characteristics for decades. The only drawback is the high price due to difficult production technology.

  • Aluminum.

Aluminum radiators are the most popular in Russia due to their low price, beautiful design, and lightness. They are available in two versions:

  1. Cast - monolithic structure made by casting aluminum alloy under pressure.
  2. Extruded - an aluminum alloy profile is formed by a press and cut into individual parts. The finished parts are welded together to form a section. The last sections are connected to each other mechanically. The tightness of the structure is ensured by sealing materials.

Increased reliability and mechanical strength are more characteristic of cast batteries. In terms of other characteristics, extruded options are in no way inferior to solid ones.

Note! Under no circumstances should you completely shut off the 2 taps (valves) at the top and bottom of the radiator! In this case, the battery will burst due to pressure.

  • Copper.

Copper is an amazing metal that is not afraid of corrosion and is practically indestructible. chemical reactions. Due to the formation of a thin protective layer on inside copper products, they receive additional protection from damage without losing thermal conductivity.

In copper batteries, the inner surface of the heat exchangers always remains smooth without scale and deposits.

Heating radiators made of copper are superior to other batteries in terms of coefficient useful action. The thermal conductivity of copper is five times higher than that of cast iron and steel, and 4 times higher than that of common aluminum.

Let's look at the main technical characteristics of copper batteries:

  1. The technical properties of copper devices allow them to be installed in systems with both autonomous and central heating.
  2. The temperature of the coolant in copper batteries can reach 150 degrees, and the pressure in the system can reach up to 16 atmospheres.
  3. Copper radiators can be used in heating systems with liquid and steam coolant.
  4. Due to the softness of the metal, a copper heating system is not afraid of water hammer and subsequent depressurization.
  5. Copper radiators do not require painting, which simplifies their operation.
  6. Copper heating systems are lightweight, making them easier to install.

To be fair, it is worth noting that in addition to the advantages of copper batteries, there is one drawback - the price. But at the same time, the high cost of copper radiators can justify itself with long-term use.

  • Cast iron.

Cast iron heating radiators can withstand 10-15 atmospheres. The advantage is their durability - up to 50 years, resistance to water hammer and low demands on water quality.

However, despite the fact that many old houses still have cast iron radiators, they have maximum amount disadvantages:

  1. large mass (each section about 7 kg);
  2. low heat transfer;
  3. the need for regular washing and external painting.

Cast iron heating radiators require a large volume of water to work well, so they are not suitable for private homes.

And yet the main disadvantage cast iron batteries is their unattractive appearance. This opinion was formed thanks to radiators produced in Soviet times. Then the main task was to produce a large number of cheap heating devices at the expense of beauty and design.

In addition to the classic appearance of cast iron batteries, there are models with a modern design that can compete in the beauty of appearance even with more technically advanced aluminum and bimetallic radiators.

The tall radiators are shaped like statues. This is a narrow device consisting of a section or solid material. Such radiators are called vertical. They fit harmoniously into the interior of any room. Due to their height, radiators do not take up much space.

There are many types of vertical radiators. The most popular are aluminum, bimetallic, steel, copper-aluminum and even cast iron. Vertical radiators can have side and bottom connections.

All are shown in the photo available types high-type heating radiators. Before purchasing, you need to decide the right size batteries in height and width. It is also necessary to take into account the thermal power indicator of such a heating device so that it becomes not only beautiful decoration interior, but also fully functioned as an apartment heating radiator.

Vertical tall radiators made of aluminum have the form of vertical strips (sections) assembled into one large heater. High heat transfer and low price are the advantages of this type of radiator. But there are also disadvantages. These devices are not suitable for installation in central heating systems due to the low operating pressure.

This also includes steel panel models, which are also not suitable for centralized heating for the same reason. For autonomous systems, aluminum radiators are optimal solution due to price/quality ratio.

For central heating, it is better to choose bimetallic or copper-aluminum products. They are quite durable and have high operating pressure.

Separately, it is worth highlighting steel tubular radiators, which represent the premium segment of high-quality German heating devices. They have a chic appearance and excellent characteristics thermal power.

All vertical radiators are installed and mounted into the heating system in the same way as standard ones.

Small radiator radiators

Low heating radiators perform the same function. Namely, heating the room. They can and should be installed directly under the windows. Small heating radiators appeared not so long ago.

Their demand arose with the growing popularity of solid glazing with a low window sill or its complete absence. Low radiators can be installed on the floor or on the wall. This allows us to solve the problem of heating such a room with panoramic glazing of the building.

The selection of low radiators is also not small. You can buy a heating device consisting of a section or a solid panel. The height of these models varies from 12 cm to 30 cm. Like vertical ones, not all low ones are well suited for installation with centralized heating.

Bimetallic, tubular and copper-aluminum radiators are more reliable and have a high maximum operating pressure. It is better to install aluminum and steel models if the house has autonomous heating. All of the above models will fit there.

Beautiful heating radiators

The word “design” is clear to everyone, but no one imagined that in our lives, inconspicuous cast-iron central heating radiators would be replaced by heating devices made not only from different materials, but in beauty and perfection they are not inferior to works of art, while at the same time fully providing warmth to our homes.

Today, designer radiators with attractive appearance. They are characterized by:

  1. impeccable appearance and the ability to decorate any room without resorting to other accessories; the ability to quickly create the desired thermal atmosphere;
  2. efficient operation in wet areas; Easy installation that does not require professional skills. However, the technical characteristics of such devices are still inferior to traditional radiators.
  3. Beauty does not always coincide with power, however, in small rooms Such radiators can serve as the main source of heat, completely heating it. And in large spaces they can serve as additional sources, fitting harmoniously into the interior.
  4. It makes no sense to criticize such devices for some imperfections in technical parameters, because their main function is to decorate the room. And then heat it, although manufacturers do not forget about this function and impose strict requirements during design and manufacturing.
  • Bench radiators.

These are original space heating devices, which are tubular steel radiators. The devices have about 2 kW of power and can serve as the main heating circuit for the kitchen, bathroom, nursery, dressing room. They connect via the usual scheme to the heating system.

Zehnder benches may vary wood covering seats, which are selected individually, have different seat heights, are easy to clean.

In damp areas for gyms the seat can be galvanized or replaced with a Werzalit profile, which also does not leave scratches. It is very comfortable to sit on such a bench, it is durable and easy to use.

  • Stone radiators.

Family workshops Cinier (France) produce exclusive heating devices. Radiators made from natural stone white, first crushed and then restored according to special method, are real works of art.

The stone has the property of radiating heat at low temperatures, maintaining optimal warmth in the surrounding space. Cinier radiators radiate heat without emitting harmful substances, maintain oxygen concentration, do not reduce humidity in the room.

This promotes uniform distribution of heat from bottom to top, and as a result, a feeling of comfort and well-being.

  • Glass radiators.

Solaris heaters from a French factory have been producing glass heating radiators for more than 20 years. The principle of operation of such heaters is that one plate of durable glass is connected to a power supply and, when heated, transfers its heat to the second plate, which ensures further uniform radiation of heat.

It is the second plate that has decorative look, made of enameled durable glass and serves not only as a decoration for the room, but also performs a heating function.

Solaris radiators are available in different color range, power, can be both horizontal and vertical models, and radiators with heated towel rails, can be made in different weights, heights and widths.

  • Wooden radiators.

The designers didn’t ignore the tree either, creating unique options designer radiators from natural wood with built-in heating elements.

They are mobile, look like wall panels or floor decorations. Also available in the form of various clothes dryers or chairs. Alternatively, they can externally imitate bedding for a pet, while simultaneously serving as a heating device.

They come in different capacities depending on the configuration and size, so there is a wide choice.

It is impossible to consider all the variety of designer radiators, the possibilities of translating artistic ideas into a rational channel. But even from this little it is clear that designer radiators, being works of art, do not forget about their main purpose - heating the living space.

How to choose a heating radiator for an apartment

Criterion No. 1. Type of heating system.

This factor is paramount when choosing a battery, because different levels of water pressure in two heating systems lead to the need to choose different types devices.

In Russia there are centralized and autonomous heating systems. What is the difference?

In a centralized system, the water pressure is quite high and at the same time inconsistent. This is due to the fact that all batteries are connected to one pipe and are turned on one after another. When starting the heating, the centrifugal pump turns on abruptly, which can lead to water hammer and damage to certain materials.

In general, a centralized system does not spare the devices connected to it. The coolant in it is hard water, which damages metals. In addition, during periods of no heating, metals are subject to corrosion.

To decide which heating radiator is best to choose for an apartment, first of all you need to look at the pressure level at which this or that type of device will function. For heating apartment buildings you need a radiator operating at a pressure of up to 10 atmospheres. It must also be resistant to water hammer and the negative chemical effects of water.

The best choice for a central heating system would be:

  1. The battery is made of cast iron, since it can withstand pressure up to 15 bar, is resistant to pressure surges and does not rust.
  2. Bimetallic battery. Its operating pressure limit is 35 for sectional and 100 bar for monolithic structures. This battery is also highly durable and will last a long time.

If we talk about the autonomous heating system that private homes have, then the opposite is true. It consists of two pipes in which the coolant moves in a circle. The pressure level in such a system is 3-5 bar, and the water is less hard and acidic.

For an autonomous heating system, experts recommend aluminum radiators. It is preferable to choose this type because of its high heat transfer. Made of steel, as it is optimal combination quality acceptable for a private home, relatively low price and pleasant appearance. Sometimes you can even choose a battery made of cast iron.

Bimetallic models, of course, can also be chosen for a private home, but we do not recommend them due to their high cost, although less expensive types in this case they will work no worse.

Criterion No. 2. Heat transfer.

This is the second most important characteristic by which you can choose a heating device. In the store you can specifically learn about the thermal conductivity of each model. And in order to generally navigate the heat transfer of species, it is enough to know the average characteristics:

Heat transfer of one section:

  • Cast iron radiator - 100-150 watts.
  • Made of aluminum - 80-210 watts.
  • Bimetallic - 150-180 watts.
  • Total heat transfer of non-sectional radiators
  • Steel radiators - 1200-1500 watts.
  • Convectors - 150-10000 watts.

In general, aluminum has the highest heat transfer properties. This characteristic of steel is also quite high. You can also choose cast iron. It's not far behind, but the important factor here is that it takes a certain amount of time to warm up.

However, depending on the circumstances, this can also be a plus, because the cooling time of these radiators is also quite long.

Criterion No. 3. Reliability and durability.

Depending on the material from which the radiator is made, it will be able to perform its functions for different periods of time. To understand which heating radiator is best to choose for your home, you can also focus on its service life:

  1. Cast iron radiators – up to 50 years;
  2. Aluminum - 15-20 years;
  3. Steel – 15-25 years;
  4. Bimetallic – 20-25 years;
  5. Convectors – 10-25 years.

It is clear that in terms of durability, none modern material will not outperform good old cast iron. If a cast iron battery is made conscientiously, from high-quality raw materials and parts, then when buying it, you can count on half a century of uninterrupted operation.

In second place are radiators made of steel and bimetallic, since, as we have already said, they can last up to 25 years. Duration of each specific radiator depends not only on the manufacturer and model, but also on the quality of the water that will be used for heating.

Criterion No. 4. Appearance.

Cast iron radiators have, of course, begun to look a little different lately. Many models have significantly decreased in size and become flat. However, traditionally cast iron batteries are only coated with a corrosion-resistant primer and then painted. Therefore, they are still not particularly attractive.

Aluminum batteries have the greatest number of different styles and methods of external design. In addition to a wide variety of color options, it is possible to choose a model that suits your size. When you need to choose a battery for a limited space, this type will come to the rescue.

Panel-type steel batteries are good because their simple and uncomplicated appearance easily fits into almost any environment. Tubular-type devices, in turn, can have a very original shape and look good in a modern interior.

Among other things, such heating radiators have various practical functions in the apartment space. Bimetallic radiators are also different and very original in appearance and shape. In particular, models with rounded edges fit well into apartments with smooth corners.

Criterion No. 5 Installation and connection.

If you are going to connect the battery to the heating system while it is in operation, you will have to turn off the water. You can disconnect only your apartment from the system by turning the valves on the risers. If such valves are not installed in your apartment, then use a riser that turns off the heating in the house, since there is no other way out.

It is good to install a radiator when the heating is on in the house because you can monitor its reaction to pressure and check its integrity. If you carry out the installation with the heating turned off, then with the onset of the season you should pay attention to how the device works.

To understand which heating radiator to choose for a house or apartment, find out what type of connection is right for you:

  • Side connection, the most popular type. It is characterized by a pipe supply to the battery on one side and installation to a vertical riser. In this way, the coolant is supplied from above, and discharged from below.
  • Bottom connection choose the right one if the apartment does not have vertical risers. When the pipes are hidden under the floor, a radiator with such a connection is mounted directly to the wiring.
  • The top connection has a similar principle of operation, but is rarely used, as it leads to poor heating of the bottom of the heating battery.
  • With a diagonal connection, water is supplied from above, and drainage is made from below and on the other side. Due to the route of water movement, in this case, uniform heating of the radiator is achieved with minimal water consumption.

It is also necessary that the center distance of the radiator corresponds to the distance between the supply pipes in your apartment. This figure, measured in millimeters, varies depending on the model. To choose the right heating device, you need to compare its indicator with the one you need.

For apartments it is not recommended to: install steel panel-type radiators, since they have a fairly low operating pressure of only 6-8 atm, whereas in a centralized heating system the pressure can reach 10 atm, which can lead to deformation of the collector.

In apartments with centralized heating It is recommended to use bimetallic and cast iron radiators, which are the most resistant to corrosion and have a long service life.

The correct choice of heating batteries is not only comfort, but also tangible savings in the foreseeable future. After all, the hour is not far when all apartments with central heating will be equipped with heat meters.

What heating radiators are best to install in an apartment? There are only four options, and if you look, the choice comes down to two.

Aluminum batteries: cheap, but not cheerful.

Possessing high heat transfer, low price and modern design, such radiators have a number of disadvantages that make them unsuitable for use in central heating. They are quite demanding on the quality of the coolant and untreated water quickly corrodes them from the inside.

Aluminum heating radiators are extremely sensitive to water hammer. Read about what this is and how to avoid it in the article about the pressure reducer. The main drawback is that aluminum “cannot stand” contact with other metals.

Wedged batteries in existing system With metal pipes, you risk doing repairs soon. Moreover, not only in your apartment, but also with your neighbors downstairs.

Steel radiators: better, but still not the same.

They are slightly more expensive than aluminum ones, but this does not save them from the same disadvantages: sensitivity to pressure changes and water quality. Steel tolerates the ingress of oxygen especially poorly. After several summer seasons, even high-quality steel batteries can rust through.

This doesn't mean that steel radiators are bad. They are ideally suited for autonomous heating systems, where they can last for many years (just like aluminum ones). But in apartments with centralized system It is better not to install such heating radiators.

Cast iron batteries: classic in fashion.

Surely, many immediately imagined the old “accordions” that were installed in most apartments some 20 years ago. I hasten to reassure you, modern cast iron radiators differ from “Sovdepov” ones both in appearance and characteristics.

There are entire designer series that will fit perfectly into the classic interior of your apartment. And, of course, you no longer have to paint them every year. Thanks to the use of modern powder paints, radiators retain their appearance for decades.

The heat transfer of cast iron batteries of the “new generation” is twice that of their predecessors. Due to its chemical passivity, cast iron does not care about water quality, changes in temperature or pressure in the heating system, and corrosion will make itself felt in at least 40-50 years.

The only problem that has not yet been “conquered” is the weight of cast iron radiators. They're still heavy-duty, so don't even expect to hang them on drywall. But there are models that provide for installation on legs, without mounting to the wall.

Bimetallic radiators: expensive and effective.

The best choice for an apartment. As the name suggests, these batteries are made up of two metals. Inside, such a radiator has an alloy close to steel, which perfectly withstands all the tests of central heating. And on the outside it is coated with aluminum, giving it increased thermal efficiency and excellent appearance.

The only drawback of bimetallic batteries is their price, which is higher than all previous options. However, due to their characteristics, they will be much more economical to operate, so this choice is completely justified.

Thus, it is best to install bimetallic or cast iron heating radiators in an apartment. And it is better to leave steel and aluminum for individual heating systems.

What are the best bimetallic heating radiators?

Such batteries are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  1. Structurally - monolithic and sectional.
  2. By material - bimetallic and semi-bimetallic.

According to reviews and performance characteristics, the bimetallic option is better, but the semi-bimetallic one is somewhat cheaper. In semi-bimetallic batteries, the coolant is in contact with aluminum surfaces, which leads to a shorter service life.

Separately, it should be noted bimetallic models with a copper core. They work ideally in autonomous heating systems where the coolant is antifreeze. Aluminum-steel batteries quickly fail in such an environment.

There is no clear answer to the question which bimetallic heating radiators are better, monolithic or sectional. Sectional ones are convenient because you can calculate the battery power yourself, and if necessary, add or remove sections. But sectional batteries shorter service life. This is due to corrosion at the joints.

True, repairs are not difficult to do: specialized companies quickly replace a leaky section, and it is not as expensive as replacing the entire radiator when monolithic version. By the way, the price monolithic design 20 percent more than a similar sectional.

The coolant can be water, steam, antifreeze and oil, at operating temperatures up to 120°C. Working pressure is usually up to 18 atmospheres. Average term The service life of bimetallic heating radiators is approximately 25 years, although many companies promise much more, and judging by the reviews, these are not empty words.

Advantages of bimetallic radiators:

  • Fits into any design;
  • do not take up much space;
  • have a wide range of sizes and colors;
  • there are models for vertical installation, without using brackets;
  • are not afraid of high acidity and low-quality coolants;
  • withstand pressure surges up to 35-37 atmospheres;
  • have high heat transfer;
  • equipped with a thermostat to regulate the heating temperature;
  • repairable.

Disadvantages of bimetallic radiators:

  1. low quality coolant significantly reduces their service life;
  2. different expansion coefficients of aluminum and steel over time provoke the appearance of squeaks and reduce the strength and durability of the radiator;
  3. the cost of bimetal batteries is higher than cast iron, steel and aluminum products.

You need to choose only products from trusted companies that are professionally involved in the production of heating systems. Such companies use modern technologies and conduct tests before consumer use. The total service life of leading companies reaches 40–50 years.

The best bimetallic heating radiators are considered to be Italian. The products of the Sira company stand apart. It was this company that developed the first bimetallic batteries, and today it is the world market leader.

Also of good quality are products from the brands “Global Style” and “Radena”. According to customer reviews, Italian models are durable, compact, and elegant in appearance.

German manufacturers are not inferior to Italians either. Very good reviews about bimetallic radiators from Kermi. These are quite expensive products, but if you incur such expenses, then there is no point in saving.

At an affordable price you can buy an Italian radiator trademark"Radiatori 200". The reason is that it has not yet been promoted, and the batteries themselves are semi-bimetallic.

If you need an option with a copper core, then Mars batteries from South Korea are a good choice. They are not too expensive and of high quality. Polish copper-steel radiators from the Regulus-system company are also suitable for autonomous heating systems, in particular, they are good for coolants such as antifreeze.

Russian bimetallic radiators are not so popular, although they cost three times less than their Italian counterparts.

The Tenrad bimetallic radiator was developed in Germany, but is produced in China. It should be noted that this is one of the best offers in the economy segment, and also has a 10-year warranty. Reviews are mostly positive.

Let's consider what type aluminum radiators better: injection molding or extrusion.

Molded-type radiators have a higher cost. During their manufacture, each section is cast under pressure from an aluminum alloy - silumin. This alloy contains up to 12 percent silicon (for strength).

All connections of individual elements are made by welding in an inert gas environment. The manufacturability makes the radiators durable. Radiators of the required thermal power are formed from individual sections.

Their advantages:

  • Reliability and tightness of connections.
  • Possibility of modification by adding or subtracting sections.

Their disadvantage is their higher price.

To reduce the cost of producing aluminum radiators, the extrusion method was used to manufacture the central part. The part is not cast, but extruded in an extruder at high pressure.

Then it is pressed into place with the upper and lower manifolds (they are cast). Often, a composite adhesive is used to join the battery parts together, which makes the finished product even cheaper. The extrusion radiator cannot be disassembled.

Their advantages:

  1. Made from recycled aluminum, they have slightly higher heat output.
  2. The internal volume of one section is two or one and a half times less than that of a cast radiator.
  3. Less weight due to thinner ribs.
  4. Low price.

Their disadvantages:

  1. The battery cannot be disassembled for repair or modification.
  2. The weak point is the connection between the collector and the section. A leak can often appear here. Either the glue won't hold up, or the Teflon or rubber O-rings will wear out.
  3. Sometimes these radiators crackle due to temperature differences.

Molded radiators are more reliable. And if you look from this side at which aluminum heating radiators are better, then it is best to give preference to products made by casting. Extruded ones usually have thinner walls and withstand lower operating pressure.

You can take a closer look at extrusion radiators if finances are significantly limited or the low weight of products and coolant savings are essential. Just when purchasing any radiator (both molded and extruded), be sure to choose a reliable brand.

  • Italian manufacturers.

The best companies in this segment are Global, Sira, Ferroli. Can also be called Calidor and Faral. Radiator models produced by Italian manufacturers are distinguished by stylishness, elegance of form and excellent finishing. The price of one section is from 350 to 700 rubles (approximately). Now about the properties.

  1. The heat-resistant enamel coating does not crack even from boiling water.
  2. The inner surface of the products is especially durable and well processed, often even polymer coating. This is great - then no corrosion will definitely eat the aluminum.
  3. Good pressure indicators (16-20 bar).
  • Russian manufacturers.

Here the first place has long been firmly occupied by RIFAR. Note that it makes some radiators under license, which are a complete copy of the models Italian manufacturer– Global. Withstanding operating pressures up to 20 bar, they have a very attractive design.

And if you ask which company’s aluminum radiators are better suited to the harsh Russian conditions, you won’t have to wait long for an answer. Naturally, domestically produced, and more specifically, from the RIFAR company. The price of one “Rifar” aluminum section is about 400 rubles.

  • Chinese manufacturers.

The most famous and responsible manufacturers are Konner and Bilux. Their products can be called a budget option, costing 350 rubles and less (per section).

By the way, many well-known brands sell licenses for their products to China, so today it is quite possible to buy both inexpensive and very high-quality Chinese radiators. When purchasing them, follow two simple tips:

  1. Carefully study the characteristics of the radiator indicated in the passport. If they are not listed there or there is no passport at all, refrain from purchasing.
  2. Buy radiators only in a specialized store, and certainly not on the market. This way you will have a guarantee, which may come in handy (who knows).

When buying these heating devices, remember that any aluminum radiator, even the most “promoted” manufacturer, is afraid of water with a high pH level. In no case should it exceed 7.5 units. Therefore, it makes sense to install heating devices made of aluminum only if the quality of the coolant in the system meets these requirements.

Table: Technical characteristics of popular models of aluminum heating radiators.

The first place in the rating of heating radiators among aluminum products is occupied by the Royal Thermo Revolution 500 model (Italy).

Sectional heat exchanger with a power per section of 181 W. Possibly the lower and diagonal pattern connections. Maximum pressure– 20 bar. The coolant volume per section is 370 ml. Based on reviews, the German panel model was unanimously recognized as the best steel heat exchanger radiator Kermi FTV 22,500.

At the maximum permissible pressure and temperature of the coolant (110°C; 10 bar), the panel power reaches 5.8 kW. Bottom connection to CO. The model can be used in a central heating system. The most popular among our compatriots, cast iron radiator The heat exchanger is considered to be STI Nova 500.

The battery power can reach 1.2 kW. Lateral connection. Working pressure 15 Bar. Permissible temperature 150°C. The best bimetallic heating radiators, according to users and most experts, are Rifar Monolit 500 sectional heat exchangers.

The maximum operating pressure is 100 bar, permissible temperature coolant 135°C. The battery power depends on the number of sections and can be 2.7 kW. Wall mounting, possibility of bottom and diagonal connection to CO.

Advice! Choosing batteries for your apartment is a rather important step, which is best left to professionals.

  • Global ISEO 500.
RUB 5,233

The radiator is from the best, according to experts, manufacturer of similar products from Italy. When developing the cast aluminum model Global ISEO-500, its use in climatic conditions similar to those in Russia was taken into account.

The radiator has high heat transfer rates. A two-stage painting method was used, thanks to which the appearance remains unchanged for many years.

The width of each section is 8 centimeters, such compactness allows it to occupy a minimum of space. The maximum coolant pressure in the network is 16 bar, not the highest figure, but it is still sufficient to use a radiator in both apartment buildings and individual residential buildings.

Main advantages:

  1. double protective coating;
  2. high heat transfer;
  3. compactness;
  4. possibility of connecting up to 20 sections.

Cons: None identified.

  • Rifar Alum 500
RUB 4,736

Radiator from domestic manufacturer. It has a unique design of vertical channels: the holes in each section are sealed not by welding, but by plugs. They, as well as special rubber gaskets between the sections, allow you to use not only water, but also antifreeze as a coolant.

Heat transfer is high, while the dimensions of the radiator are very small. The maximum operating pressure is 20 bar, a fairly high figure.

Main advantages:

  1. Pleasant and ergonomic design
  2. High heat dissipation
  3. Excellent anti-corrosion and chemical resistance
  4. Compactness

Cons: The quality of painting on the corners of the sections leaves much to be desired.

  • Thermal RAP-500
RUB 3,127

Radiators with an interesting design. Produced at the Zlatoust Machine-Building Plant. Designed taking into account the characteristics of local heating autonomous and centralized systems. Can be used for heating low-rise and high-rise residential, office buildings, as well as industrial buildings.

They have fairly high heat transfer, good anti-corrosion treatment and painting. Maximum operating pressure is 24 bar.

Main advantages:

  1. high corrosion resistance;
  2. good heat dissipation;
  3. easy installation
  4. compactness
  5. ergonomic stylish design
  1. sensitivity to water composition;
  2. the need to install additional equipment to remove air pockets.
  • Lammin Eco AL-500-80.
RUB 2,403
Radiators are Finnish-made, designed taking into account the northern climate, certified according to Russian state standards. Injection molding technology made it possible to use the emerging convection effect, which means significantly increasing heat transfer (up to 185 W per section).

The quality of painting is excellent, the process is carried out in two stages. Technologically, it is possible to combine up to 12 sections. Maximum operating pressure – 16 bar.

Main advantages:

  1. Good heat dissipation.
  2. Wide vertical collector.
  3. Italian design.
  4. High quality painting.
  • Royal Thermo DreamLiner 500.
RUB 4,366
The European manufacturer produces these radiators at a Russian plant; they are fully adapted to domestic climatic conditions. The shape of the Royal Thermo DreamLiner is designed in such a way that deflectors are formed in the area where the heated air exits, which makes it possible to distribute the air throughout the room, avoiding unheated layers.

Both water and antifreeze can be used as a coolant. Additional fins on vertical collector sections (patented PowerShift technology) increases the heat transfer of the radiator by 5%. Maximum operating pressure is 20 bar.

Main advantages:

  1. Energy efficiency.
  2. Increased heat transfer.
  3. High reliability due to the use of alloying additives.
  4. High quality painting.
  5. Aerodynamic DREAMLINER design.

Cons: Sensitive to water quality.

Choice heating equipment with a center distance of 500 mm for compiling the rating is not accidental. The vast majority of modern residential premises have fairly large window openings, and the distance between the window sill and the floor is, as a rule, at least 60 cm.

Therefore, bimetallic radiators of this qualification are in greatest demand.

  • Royal Thermo PianoForte 500.

Many positive user ratings for this Italian radiator on, which fully confirm the reliability of the design, long service life, original design, puts him in first place in the ranking.


  1. heat output from 740 W to 2590 W (depending on the number of sections);
  2. the number of sections varies from 4 to 14;
  3. Power Shift technology, which increases heat transfer;
  4. steel collectors are designed for pressure surges in the system up to 30 atmospheres;
  5. resistant to the most aggressive coolants;
  6. wall and floor installation possible;
  7. original design;

Disadvantages: quite high cost.

In general, as the British say, we are not rich enough to buy cheap things. Therefore, in this case, the price corresponds to the quality.

Particular emphasis is placed on the presence of Power Shift technology - the presence of additional fins on the vertical manifold, which significantly increase the heat transfer of the model. In addition, in addition to the basic white and black colors, the buyer can order other tones or RAL palettes.

  • Rifar Monolit 500.

A domestic development that deservedly ranks second in the ranking in terms of the number of laudatory reviews collected in its favor. Features include the technology of the same name used in the production process - sections are connected using contact butt welding.


  1. monolithic design allowing operation in the harshest conditions;
  2. heat transfer from 784 W to 2744 W;
  3. complete set of sections – from 4 to 14;
  4. high resistance to aggressive coolants (pH 7-9);
  5. there is a bottom connection;
  6. Manufacturer's warranty – 25 years.


  1. a bit expensive for a domestic product;
  2. there are no odd sections - for example, 5 or 7.

However, in general, the radiator of this model receives extremely positive reviews. Moreover, management companies strongly recommend it for use, due to the model’s high resistance to corrosion and long guaranteed service life.

  • Global Style Plus 500.

Once again an Italian model that has collected a significant number of admiring reviews. Interior The radiator is made of alloy steel, and the outer one is coated with aluminum alloy.


  1. high strength;
  2. maximum working pressure 35 atmospheres;
  3. crimping pressure – 5.25 MPa;
  4. heat output in the range from 740 W to 2590 W;
  5. complete set – from 4 to 14 sections;
  6. pH value (coolant aggressiveness) – from 6.5 to 8.5;
  7. Manufacturer's warranty – 10 years.

Disadvantages: heat transfer drops slightly when the coolant temperature decreases.

Satisfied with the purchase, owners shower this model with extremely positive assessments - high resistance to pressure changes in the system, the presence of silicone gaskets between sectional joints prevent leaks, adjustment works stably, and so on.

  • Sira RS Bimetal 500.

Another Italian, appreciated by domestic users, as the reviews eloquently speak about.


  1. heat transfer from 804 W to 2412 W;
  2. complete set – from 4 to 12 sections;
  3. resistance to coolant is expressed in pH - from 7.5 to 8.5;

Disadvantages: high cost.

Well, that’s what premium class is for! In addition to satisfactory assessments of the technical characteristics of this radiator model, owners satisfied with the purchase note the unique design - smooth, curved shapes, complete absence of sharp corners.

  • Fondital Alustal 500/100.


  1. heat transfer from 191 W to 2674 W;
  2. complete set from 1 to 14 sections;
  3. high strength – working pressure up to 40 Bar;
  4. the most aggressive coolants (pH 7 – 10) are not scary;
  5. Manufacturer's warranty – 20 years.

Disadvantages: simple design.

In general, a minor minus due to the fact that this model is a continuous water chamber. But there is an internal anti-corrosion coating, as noted by the owners of this radiator, and a stroke pattern that prevents airing of the system.

The most convenient (and sometimes the only possible) option for arranging heating in a private house is to use an autonomous type system that does not depend on centralized water supply sources. Accordingly, most of the work related to its organization, installation and maintenance has to be solved independently. That is, the question: “what are the best heating batteries for a private home?” is urgent and relevant for huge amount homeowners.

Not only the comfort of living in it during the winter period, but also the amount of material costs associated with heating and maintaining the house depends on how efficiently and competently the calculations are made, the selection and installation of heating devices is made. Therefore, first you need to choose the type of heating system that will be installed in it. She may be:

  • Air.
  • Water.

In the first case, heating of the premises is carried out using furnace heaters or special electrical devices , which include infrared heaters.

Stove heating is the cheapest and simplest heating method, however, it has many disadvantages, such as:

  • Long warm-up period.
  • Low heat transfer coefficient compared to other energy sources.
  • High percentage of heat loss (most of the heat with such heating goes into the chimney).

Electrical and infrared devices are a more progressive way of heating private homes, but they are the most big drawback is high cost and inaccessibility for more consumers, as well as the high costs associated with their operation.

A more popular and widespread option for heating a private home are water heating systems, in which space heating is carried out by heating water moving through radiators and pipes.

Their advantages in a private home compared to a centralized system include:

  • Low pressure in the network;
  • No likelihood of occurrence;
  • Limited and adjustable coolant temperature;
  • Ability to control the acid-base balance of the coolant.

In addition, they are easy to use, efficient and economical.

Types of materials and design features

When answering the question of which radiators to choose for heating a private home, you need to determine for yourself what materials they will be made of. They can be made from the following types of metals:

  • Cast iron

Radiators made from it can withstand temperatures up to +150 degrees and pressure up to 6-9 atm. The thermal power of their section is 80-160 W. Period of use: up to 50 years.


— durability, strength and reliability;

— immunity to the quality of the coolant;

- possibility of combination various quantities sections;

- corrosion resistance.


- heavy weight and rough appearance. But, currently, models with original designs are also produced that can decorate any interior.

- high inertia, which will be a disadvantage for an autonomous one.

  • Become.

Some consumers, choosing which radiators are best for heating a private home, give a clear answer to this question: “Only steel ones.” And there is a completely objective explanation for this answer. Take at least a list of their advantages and advantages compared to other types of heating devices.

These include:

— excellent heat dissipation;

— low inertia;

- low price;

- light weight and neat dimensions.


— the need for periodic washing (every three years);

— low operating pressure (which is not a minus for an autonomous system, since it will be quite sufficient);

- the need for constant filling (otherwise they may rust).

Temperature limit: +110…+120 degrees. Working pressure indicator: from 6 to 10 atm.

  • Aluminum

Best suited for heating a private home for several reasons:

- they have a modern design;

— have high thermal power and inertia;

- easy to install.

Can be operated at operating pressure of 10-25 atm. and maximum temperature up to +110 degrees. The section power of such heating devices reaches 200 W.

note that thermal power- this is not only their undeniable advantage, but also a “weak point.” The fact is that at high heating rates warm air rises quickly, which can cause the temperature at the top of the room and at the floor to differ greatly. Therefore, before choosing heating radiators for a private house made of aluminum, it is necessary to calculate how much area will be heated, taking into account all the features of the room. Otherwise, the floor may remain cold when using them.

  • Bimetal

In this case we are talking about batteries made of two metals. Most often they have a steel core coated with aluminum. Devices of this type have a large number of positive characteristics:

— have increased resistance to water hammer;

— have increased heat transfer and chemical resistance;

- have attractive design and light weight, etc.

They operate at a pressure of 35 atm. Maximum temperature: +120 degrees. Sectional power: from 170 to 190 W.

However, due to their high cost, they are not very suitable for furnishing a private home, in which average in the heating system is 2-3 atm., and there are no water hammers and high level Coolant pH.

Making an independent selection of heating radiators for a private home, also it is necessary to take into account the types of these devices depending on their design features.

They can be:

  • Tubular;

They are structures consisting of several tubes connected to each other by collectors. They have an original design, a wide range of sizes and shapes.

  • Sectional;

Assembled from individual elements (sections). Made from a variety of materials, including cast iron, steel and aluminum.

  • Panel;

The design of batteries of this type includes one or more metal plates, between which coolant circulates, moving through channels located in their internal part.

Important: Only steel radiators are tubular and panel.

  • Convector.

They are made of plates attached to straight or curved pipes along which the coolant moves. There are water, gas and electric.

Convectors for water heating belong to a separate class of heating devices, which are based on a different operating principle (they are not radiators)

After choosing radiators, they need to be installed correctly. Various ones are described in a separate article on the site.

Calculation of the number and type of batteries for a private home

Many experts, before choosing heating radiators for a private home, recommend making a calculation with which you can choose the type of battery that is optimal for each specific case. In this case, the amount of energy required to heat 1 square meter of living space is taken as a basis. This figure, on average, ranges from 95 to 125 W.

The calculation also takes into account the parameters of the room. It is believed that in a room with a ceiling height of up to 3 m, one window and a door, the temperature of the coolant in the system for its normal heating should be about 70 degrees. When these parameters “shift” in any direction, appropriate adjustments must be made to the calculation.

For example: If the ceiling height is higher than 3 m, then you need to select heating batteries with a power increased as many times as this parameter differs from the specified one. And in a room with more low ceiling, the power of the radiators should also decrease.

When the coolant temperature decreases for every 10 degrees, the power of the batteries used should increase by 15-20%.

Another important factor: location of the heated room. In corner-type rooms with several window openings, the total thermal power of the radiators installed there increases by 1.5 times.

Speaking about heating batteries - which ones are best to choose for a private home and how, it is necessary to take into account the design features of the heating system of the house. In particular, in cases where the coolant supply is from below and the return is from above, the heat transfer efficiency of radiators is reduced by 10%.

Important: Regardless of the design and operating principle of the system, there is no point in installing it in the house heating radiators, the number of sections in which exceeds 10 pieces, since the energy output from the “extra” ribs will be very low.

Comparison of batteries for a private home

In order to figure out which radiators are best to choose for heating a private home, you can do a small comparative analysis, assessing the advantages and problem areas of each type:

Let us separately consider the technical parameters of heating batteries of various types and the possibility of installing them in a private home:

Variety Working pressure indicator, atm. Compatibility with the heating system of a private home Price
Steel, panel type 6-10 Yes Low
Steel, tubular type 8-15 Yes High (on model with original design)
Aluminum 6-25 Yes Low
Bimetallic 20-35 Yes High (on European model)
Cast iron 6-9 Yes Low (except for original decorative models)

Thus, to the question, what better radiators heating for a country house, we can answer that, based on material, practical considerations and ease of installation, the choice should be made in favor of batteries made of aluminum or steel, which have many advantages and have a low price.
You will also need to understand which heating batteries are best to choose in a private house, the video will help.