Maintenance of a wall-mounted boiler. Maintenance of gas boilers: routine maintenance and major repairs

That is why routine inspections of boiler rooms should be carried out. Maintenance is carried out by special certified organizations. In this case, the inspection includes a visual assessment of parts and, if necessary, their repair.

Goals of servicing gas boiler houses by a service company

Everyone wants their gas boiler to last long years. But its performance depends on many factors. Poor performance provokes rapid wear of parts or their breakdown.

The problem can be prevented by regular checks, which are possible under warranty and post-warranty service.

After the end of the warranty period, six months must pass before the first inspection. The regularity of such inspections and repairs is specified in the contract between the client and the organization’s representative. If problems arise between checks, you should contact the organization, which will carry out repairs upon request.

Service goals:

  • Control of automation parts;
  • Determining the correct functioning of the burner;
  • Checking the functionality of all parts.

Each goal affects the maintenance of high-quality operation of the device. In addition, special attention should be paid to gas supply and exhaust pipes. The condition of the ventilation and chimney should be assessed. Certain tests will also need to be performed to adjust the burners. The tightness of the joints is checked using a gas trap and soap solution. Any problems should be corrected here. When an element cannot be repaired, it is replaced.

Types of servicing of gas boilers during operation

In total, there are 3 types of service: routine, routine and major renovation. The first type is carried out with a certain frequency. A schedule is made that must be followed.

Planned maintenance tasks:

  1. Maintain high-quality operation of equipment by regular cleaning and lubrication.
  2. Finding breakdowns and eliminating them. When replacing obsolete parts, serious emergency situations can be foreseen.
  3. Replacing elements that are not designed for long work. These include gaskets.

Routine repairs are performed when the system fails unexpectedly. Then they call a technician who fixes the problem. Major repairs are carried out periodically at a certain time, which is indicated in the schedule.

As a rule, major repairs are carried out every few years.

During the procedure, they change or restore functionality essential elements boiler A deep scan is performed to detect problems. At the same time, tests are carried out to check the performance of the parts.

List: what is included in the maintenance of gas equipment

Refer to the instruction manual for maintenance requirements. gas boiler. At the same time, the description of the work is quite detailed. To understand the need for such work, you should study the instructions in detail.

Maintenance Operations:

  1. Visual inspection of the boiler. The condition of the burner should be checked.
  2. Certain parts of the system need to be cleaned. These include ignition electrodes, fire sensors, and a retaining washer.
  3. The air sensors should be purged.
  4. Clean and, if necessary, replace filters.
  5. Boiler elements that interact with fire should also be cleaned. It is important to clean the gas burner itself. In addition, the system needs adjustment.
  6. Carbon deposits must be removed from the chimney. But this operation is not included in the service; it must be ordered and paid for separately.
  7. The electrical components of the boiler are checked and repaired if necessary.
  8. Adjustment gas burner and other elements. Its setting takes place after determining the composition of combustion products.
  9. Adjusting the operation of the boiler, if it is connected to the system.
  10. Security system check. This is a mandatory event. The security group does not work all the time, so there is no opportunity to verify that it is working properly. But its proper operation directly affects the safety of the entire family. The inspector creates simulated accidents and checks.
  11. Leak test solenoid valve, which blocks the gas supply.
  12. Checking the quality of all gas supply connections. Elements should be assessed for corrosion and leaks.

When performing major repairs, you will need to flush the heat exchanger. All operations should be done regularly. The life of the whole family depends on the quality of the equipment. Every detail must be in good working order.

Sequence of maintenance of gas boilers

Routine maintenance consists of cleaning, inspection and adjustment. Before work, turn off the gas supply. After which the system is given time to cool down. Next, the condition of the system is assessed by the appearance of the parts. The documentation and warranty seal are checked. Then attention is paid to all elements of the system. Next, they begin cleaning, having first cleaned the boiler.

Elements that need to be removed and cleaned:

  1. Support washer. Determines the location of the burner relative to the heat exchanger.
  2. Air sensor. Mixes air and gas.
  3. Flame detector. Lets you know when cravings are getting worse.
  4. Ignition electrodes. The mixture of oxygen and gas is ignited.

Any metal deteriorates when exposed to burning and soot. At normal operation burner fire has Blue colour. A yellow tint indicates the need to clean the equipment.

The burner is cleaned using a special brush. In this case, the event should be carried out regularly.

Checking the automation is considered the most important part of the work, since life depends on the performance of the automation. The safety system includes a thermostat, gas valves and fittings, controller, pressure switch. The main thing is to identify problems in time.

Choosing a boiler servicing organization: main rules

Not all boiler manufacturers have service centers. Special organizations receive a license for this, having required equipment and specialists. Such a company receives a certificate to perform a certain type of work.

Service center technicians must undergo training at the boiler manufacturer's plant. That's how they get necessary knowledge for work.

To find out the qualifications of specialists, you should read all the company’s documentation. However, there are a number of recommendations that should be followed when choosing an organization. These rules will protect you from scammers.

  1. The location of the company should be as close as possible. Ideally, this is the same city or at least region. This will reduce the time it takes for specialists to arrive.
  2. The organization must provide a certificate from the manufacturer.
  3. It is required to draw up an agreement with a detailed description of all services and responsibilities of the parties.

You can find out about service centers on the website of the gas boiler manufacturer. There should be a list of all organizations. This allows you to obtain a certain guarantee about the certification of organizations.

How gas boilers are maintained (video)

Gas heating devices require constant monitoring. It is necessary to evaluate not only appearance elements, but also to carry out certain checks of the quality of the system. Only companies that have certain certificates from the manufacturer can service boilers. Technical support will help maintain the functionality of the equipment.

Gas users heating equipment Questions are often asked - why is ANNUAL TECHNICAL (SERVICE) MAINTENANCE of a gas boiler needed and what work is carried out during this service? In this article, we propose to sort this out and at the same time tell you how to avoid “hackwork” when carrying out such work.

But first, let's briefly touch on legal side question:

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N549 dated July 21, 2008. "On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the household needs of citizens" "…user must ensure proper technical condition inside the house or apartment gas equipment, conclude a contract in a timely manner about its maintenance and repair";

All manufacturers of gas heating equipment directly indicate the obligation of regular maintenance. For example, according to the service policy of the Italian company BAXI: “ maintain effective and safe work Your boiler requires annual maintenance by a specialized service center.”, and the well-known German manufacturer of heating equipment VAILLANT notes in its instructions: “...a condition for long-term operation, reliable and safe operation, as well as a long service life is annual maintenance of the device by a certified specialist”.

Why does this come up for maintenance of gas heating equipment? Special attention? Let us name at least four reasons:

  • firstly, the gas boiler is designed for daily work, and during the heating season it is operated around the clock, at maximum load. Such intensive work invariably leads to increased wear of components and parts and, as a result, can lead to their failure. It is unlikely that anyone will enjoy being left without heating and hot water supply. To prevent the occurrence of such a situation, annual maintenance of the gas boiler is carried out. The main task of maintenance is to identify in advance components and parts that require repair or replacement, and thereby minimize the risk of breakdown and shutdown of the gas boiler, especially during the heating season. Therefore, maintenance-related work is recommended to be carried out in summer period. Unfortunately, very few users regularly service their boilers until it is too late, and then end up paying for expensive repairs or even a new boiler.
  • secondly, failure to perform or improper maintenance has a negative impact on the operational safety of the boiler, which creates a real risk of injury or material damage, due to fire, explosion, rupture of the heating system, etc. High-quality maintenance of gas equipment is a guarantee of its safe operation.
  • thirdly, competent maintenance ensures the most economical operation of the gas boiler and the entire heating system in general, which significantly saves your money. If you begin to notice changes in the efficiency of your gas boiler, then this is a good reason to schedule maintenance.
  • and the last, important argument in favor of the need for maintenance. All companies that manufacture gas boilers provide a warranty period for equipment - two years (24 months), from the date of its commissioning. But it is important to know that if the client refuses to carry out maintenance after a year of operation, the warranty for this gas equipment ends.

Now let’s talk about how to avoid “hackwork” during service maintenance.

In our opinion, every user should understand what work and in what order a service engineer must perform when servicing a gas boiler. Before signing a service agreement specific model, it is worth finding out what is included in the list of maintenance work. Then compare this list with the list of those works recommended by the heating equipment manufacturer. Most often, the instruction manual included with the boiler contains all the necessary information regarding its maintenance. Moreover, the features of maintenance are described according to frequency and type of work for various components and parts. That is, even a non-professional can understand what the minimum amount of maintenance should be carried out annually, and what work needs to be done or what parts and assemblies need to be changed and paid additionally.

What kind of work does certified technical maintenance consist of? Let's look at this using the example of a list of mandatory work when carrying out annual maintenance of a wall-mounted gas boiler with closed camera combustion BAXI MAINFOUR 240 F:

  • visual inspection of air supply/exhaust system connections flue gases;
  • draining the coolant from the heating circuit of the gas boiler, checking the membrane expansion tank and preliminary pressure in it. If necessary, swap;
  • dismantling and cleaning of contaminants of the flue gas exhaust fan and Venturi device. Reverse installation;
  • cleaning with a vacuum cleaner from dirt inside the combustion chamber;
  • inspection, external cleaning, monitoring the integrity of the heat exchanger;
  • dismantling, cleaning, control of the gas burner. Reverse installation;
  • dismantling, monitoring, cleaning, adjusting the location of the ignition and ionization electrode;
  • filling the heating circuit of a gas boiler with coolant, monitoring the operating pressure in the heating system;
  • checking the tightness of all hydraulic connections of the heating circuit and the hot water supply circuit;
  • checking the ignition and combustion process;
  • checking inlet static and dynamic gas pressure;
  • checking, adjusting (if necessary) the maximum and minimum gas pressure on the burner;
  • checking the tightness of gas path components using an instrument method;
  • checking the functionality of safety devices and safety systems;
  • consultations on the correct and safe operation of a gas boiler;

If the above listed works are included in the list and completed, this means that the gas boiler servicing was performed by the specialists of the involved organization with really high quality.

Carrying out servicing of a gas boiler on your own is not only prohibited, but also impossible. To do this, you need to undergo special training, obtain permission to perform such work specifically on your brand of boiler, have professional tool and experience. Definition technical condition installation of a gas boiler is impossible without special instruments: - gas analyzer, multimeter, leak detector, differential pressure gauge. All this should be obtained from a service company specialist.

If you want complete confidence and peace of mind, enter into an annual gas boiler maintenance agreement with our company, the official service partner

Choosing a technique important criterion there is its quality, especially when it comes to gas systems for everyday use. In addition, it should be taken into account that the gas boiler is planned to be used day after day, which can lead to rapid wear and tear of the equipment. Of course, you can seek the services of professionals.

However, if you yourself do not understand what needs to be corrected, what needs to be changed, then the specialist will be able to increase the fee for supposedly necessary service. We strongly recommend that you study how to carry out maintenance of gas boilers so as not to “get caught.”

Gas boiler service system

Everyone must understand that it is not knowledgeable person will not be able to independently service gas equipment. Only a person who specializes in this, working in this field, can service gas boilers. Before signing an agreement with a service company, you need to find out what services are included in the list.

Information on boiler maintenance can be found in its operating manual. Usually, it is written in order and according to certain species work and regarding each unit and part.

What work needs to be done when servicing gas boilers

Standard boiler maintenance list

Initially, an external inspection of the equipment should be carried out, because it is by looking at it with a professional eye that one can understand (to a specialist) what condition the device is in. At this stage, the burner is either dismantled or visually inspected.

Provided that the following actions are included in the list of works, then we can talk about quality service from the service center. These actions include:

Next, boiler maintenance begins with cleaning: the flame presence sensor, ignition device electrodes, and retaining washer. Purge the sensor responsible for the supply of air and the creation of a mixture of gas and air. Washing or replacing gas filters.

The burner is the most important link in a gas heating system, therefore, first of all, it needs careful maintenance. The burner must be inspected, cleaned and adjusted, and the rules specified by the manufacturers should be taken into account.

Regarding maintenance of the chamber where combustion occurs. It is necessary to clean almost all boiler elements that come into contact with the torch.

Internal gas channels must be cleaned, but without cleaning the chimneys, because this will already be Additional services. If necessary, electrical elements should be checked and repaired.

It is important to adjust all components and burners. To familiarize yourself with the entire list of elements and parts, you should read the boiler maintenance manual.

By analyzing the composition of the exhaust gases, you can understand how correctly the burner was set up in relation to a specific fuel and the correctness of its combustion.

Please note that, provided that the gas boiler is equipped with a boiler that is designed to provide hot water, then it also needs to be checked and, if necessary, adjusted.

The process of checking a safety-responsible automation system. To check, it is necessary to create a fictitious emergency situation and observe how the automated system reacts to such situations and how the devices operate.

Another manipulation, called maintenance of gas boilers, is the process of determining how correctly the shut-off valve operates and whether it is well sealed.

It is also important to carefully inspect the gas pipeline itself, which is already located directly in the house. It is necessary to check the pipes for corrosion and tight connections of pipes (welded, threaded and flanged). If the need arises, gas pipes have to be painted.

To the point capital service Gas equipment is subject to the concept of a thorough check after some time of its stable use. When this needs to be done is usually specified by the manufacturers in the service manual.

It should be noted that the major service involves targeted cleaning of the heat exchanger. But this can only be done with specialized equipment and the use of reactive substances.

Using a gas-fired boiler in extreme situations

We propose to consider a situation that is quite relevant due to what often happens in life.

Maintenance of domestic gas boilers


The cold weather has arrived, the temperature outside reaches -30 degrees. The houses are getting colder, and therefore all gas heating systems are turned on to operate at full capacity. Under the influence of such a temperature clash, most components and structural elements begin to wear out quickly.

And if, in addition, you use fuel that is not the most best quality, which, against the will of the homeowners, can get into the system of gas heating devices, then you can expect the same result of wear and tear. In general, there was an unexpected breakdown of the gas boiler. You need to immediately call a repair team, but this situation is not limited to your boiler.

Therefore, you need to wait until the team repairs one boiler and comes to you. In order not to get blown up in own home, you will have to call an expensively paid specialist. Will he be able to repair the boiler?

To avoid such situations, it is necessary to conclude a service agreement with the company in advance. In this case, specialists will carry out gas boiler maintenance in a timely manner and not at exorbitant prices.

When choosing any equipment, every homeowner gives preference to quality. Household gas equipment is no exception. Moreover, he is subject to special requirements, because, for example, a gas boiler is designed for round-the-clock operation. And such work invariably leads to increased wear, which can to some extent prevent the servicing of gas boilers. But here there is another dilemma: how to understand what is included in the list of mandatory manipulations, and what will simply be a pumping of money by an employee of a service organization? In our opinion, every homeowner should understand what procedures for servicing a gas boiler must be performed by a qualified technician and in what order. In this article, we propose to understand what manipulations, which are largely useless, can increase the cost of maintenance? In other words: how to avoid “hackwork” when carrying out servicing of gas heating equipment?

Before entering into a service contract

It is impossible to provide gas boiler service on your own - this is a fact. To do this you need to have special education, permission to perform such work, professional tools and devices. Naturally, a representative of the service company will meet all these requirements. But before you sign a service agreement with such an organization for a specific boiler model, it is worth finding out what is included in the list of services. Then this list with a list of those works that are recommended by the heating equipment manufacturer.

  • Checking the functionality of automation systems responsible for safety. This is a very important moment of maintenance, which involves simulating an emergency situation and assessing the operation of the corresponding devices under such conditions.
  • Determining the correct operation, as well as the tightness of the shut-off valve, is another procedure that is interpreted as maintenance of gas boilers.
  • A thorough inspection of the gas supply pipeline, which is the responsibility of the home owner. Here, during inspection, special attention is paid to identifying pipe corrosion and checking the tightness of existing connections (flange, threaded, welded). If necessary, the gas pipeline is painted.

What does capital service mean?

After approximately several years of full operation of the equipment, major maintenance of the gas boiler is carried out. More specific deadlines are also indicated by the manufacturer. Here, priority efforts should be directed toward flushing the heat exchanger. It is impossible to perform this procedure without special equipment and reagents.

Operation of a gas boiler and “force majeure”

Here, a description of a situation that, unfortunately, often occurs in life, will be relevant. So, there is severe frost outside and all gas heating devices are being operated to the limit. As a result, working parts and components wear out quickly. By the way, low-quality fuel, which is also often supplied to gas system. In a word, the boiler malfunctioned at the most inopportune moment, and during this period, the repair crews, as usual, are at a rupture and no one can say when the consumer’s request will be satisfied.

Equipment malfunction is easier to prevent than to repair later

In order to somehow take control of the situation, you will have to call the first “gas worker” who comes across, who, understanding the complexity of the situation, will charge a tidy sum for the services.

But in an emergency situation, can he carry out repairs at a high level? professional level this is big question. How to avoid such troubles? Of course, have a service agreement with a trusted company, whose specialists will complete all the work before the onset of the cold season, with high quality and at an adequate price.

Carrying out inspections and repairs gas units– one of the mandatory conditions for the safe operation of heating and water heating equipment. After all, round-the-clock operation of boilers leads to increased wear and tear. Prevention with the identification of existing defects allows you to prevent the occurrence of emergency situations. Who should carry out maintenance of gas boilers and what set of measures it includes, we will consider in the article.

Every user of a gas boiler expects its long-term operation. But the durability of equipment depends on many factors.

Uninterrupted operation of the boiler leads to rapid wear of its working elements and components, and unstable supply natural gas– and even lead to premature failure of an expensive device.

Failure of gas boiler equipment can only be prevented by timely prevention, which is implemented through warranty and post-warranty service.

According to the rules, the first maintenance must be carried out six months after the end of the warranty period. The frequency of technical inspections and troubleshooting is established on the basis of an agreement concluded between a representative of the technical department and the owner of the equipment.

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Malfunctions of gas units identified during the period between ongoing maintenance activities are eliminated at the request of the owners of gas boilers by employees of the organization with which the contract was concluded.

Boiler maintenance is designed to solve three problems at once:

  1. Monitor automatic control devices.
  2. Check that the burners are functioning correctly.
  3. Determine the current state of the internal heating elements of the equipment in use.

Each of these aspects is of primary importance in maintaining efficiency at entry level and extending the “life” of the boiler system as a whole.

In addition, a gas worker performing maintenance on a gas boiler is required to inspect the condition of the taps and connections of metal pipelines. He must evaluate the performance of ventilation and smoke channels, tightness of units.

During the routine inspection, gas combustion is visually monitored and, if necessary, the burners are adjusted. The tightness of connections is assessed using a soap solution or gas detectors.

During the maintenance of a gas boiler, the technical condition of the entire system must be assessed: checking the tightness of connections, the operability of taps, the presence of draft in ventilation risers and chimneys

All identified violations must be corrected immediately upon discovery. The operability of parts and mechanisms is restored; if repair is impossible, replacement is carried out. If necessary, parts and components of gas heating equipment are repaired in a gas workshop, with which a service agreement has been concluded.

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in carrying out preventive maintenance measures for boiler units. But you shouldn’t set up and clean a gas boiler yourself. And it's not just a matter of experience. Such a responsible procedure should only be performed qualified specialist, having the precise technology necessary to diagnose faults.

The quality of boiler equipment maintenance directly depends on the professionalism of the technician. Therefore, such work should be entrusted only to professionals with special permission.

In the event of an unforeseen situation, the master will be able to react correctly and quickly, thereby preventing unjustifiably serious, sometimes catastrophic consequences

According to paragraph 6.2 of the current SNiP, servicing of boiler equipment must be carried out by licensed organizations that have their own emergency dispatch service.

Leading manufacturers of gas boilers, in order not to open branded service centers in every region of the country, issue licenses to organizations specializing in the field of maintenance.

In addition to a certificate for performing a specified range of work, such organizations receive full access to technical documentation for equipment produced by the manufacturer, as well as the opportunity to receive new boiler components for warranty replacement. A list of certified companies is usually listed on the manufacturer's website.

When choosing a service organization and drawing up a contract, you should focus on two parameters:

  1. Certification of the boiler manufacturer, confirmed by the presence of a license to carry out work.
  2. The location of the service center in the same city or region, which will reduce the response time of the field technician.

In most cases, a service contract is signed before the boiler is fully put into operation. It clearly states the list of future works and the deadlines for their completion.

As a supplement to the contract, a boiler passport is attached, in which all design features systems, full list its components and elements, as well as the timing of maintenance

The work offered by service organizations is divided into three types:

  1. Routine maintenance– regular preventive maintenance carried out to assess the technical condition of the unit, identify and eliminate impending breakdowns, to prepare the unit for the heating season and after its completion before summer inactivity.
  2. Service upon subscriber's request– includes measures to identify violations and damage to the system, diagnose the performance of the gas apparatus or its individual parts, and eliminate breakdowns and malfunctions.
  3. Major renovation– a set of measures in the event of a unit breakdown, carried out in the event of emergency situations caused by exposure external factors or as a result of equipment failure.

The regularity of preventive maintenance of equipment depends on the purpose of the installed boiler unit and its design.

A list of mandatory “procedures” for routine maintenance and overhaul, as well as the frequency of their execution, is provided by the manufacturer for each specific model

On average, routine inspections are recommended to be performed 2 times a year. They are also carried out for devices included in heating circuit, and for aggregates DHW systems. Failure to meet the deadlines for such an important event can lead to serious consequences. Thus, a clogged pipeline can cause a failure of the heating system, and depressurization of a gas pipeline can cause an explosion and fire.

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Main stages of the current service

To fully control the situation, you should understand what work is performed when servicing various parts and components. Routine maintenance of a boiler generator includes three main types of work: cleaning, checking and adjustment.

Before servicing gas equipment, it is mandatory to turn off the system and gas supplies. The disconnected system should cool down slightly.

Visual inspection of the heating system

At this stage they form general idea about the current state of the operating system. First of all, the technician checks the documents and the warranty seal, determining whether the installation of the gas appliance meets the requirements of two main regulatory documents:

  1. SNiPu - sanitary building regulations and rules.
  2. "Rules technical operation and safety requirements in gas industry Russian Federation".

Since a gas boiler is a set of equipment that uses both gas and electricity, electrical elements are also subject to visual testing.

For an external inspection of a gas boiler, the protective casing is removed from the unit and all visible elements are sequentially inspected, identifying the degree of wear of parts

Checking the condition of the boiler unit is intended to clarify the following points:

  • integrity of the device structure;
  • gas valve pressure;
  • ignition electrodes, if available;
  • condition of gas supply connections;
  • electronics performance;
  • serviceability of emergency machines.

At this stage, the expansion tank is monitored and pumped, which is designed to protect the system elements and compensate for the pressure that is created during the expansion of the coolant.

During technical inspection visually and using instruments, the condition of the unit itself, protection devices and gas communications is examined

Pressure level in state cold water depending on the type of boiler, it is 1.1-1.3 bar. It is important to ensure that after heating the pressure does not exceed the recommended standard specified in the passport for the unit.

Cleaning system elements

Before starting work, empty the boiler. After this, they begin to inspect the gas burner, determine the quality and direction of the flame. To do this, remove and clean sequentially:

  • retaining washer - a device that regulates the position of the burner torch relative to the installed heat exchanger;
  • air sensor - it is designed to regulate the ratio of the mixture of air and gas;
  • flame detector sensor - it generates a signal when traction indicators deteriorate;
  • ignition device electrode – responsible for igniting gas-air mixtures;

All metal constructions Under the influence high temperatures and carbon deposits can become deformed over time.

To prevent scale from clogging the burner, which is a key working element of the boiler, it must be cleaned in a timely manner using special brushes.

During normal operation of the burner, the flame has the shape of a cone, colored blue. A yellowish color indicates contamination. Measuring and analyzing the boiler exhaust gases will help check the operation of the key operating element of the boiler and assess the compliance of the burner settings with the composition of the supplied gas, as well as the completeness of its combustion.

The fire area on the fuel combustion chamber and all parts of the boiler that are in direct contact with the torch must be cleaned. This task can be easily accomplished using a soft brush and a vacuum cleaner. Do not use when cleaning injectors. wire brush, the bristles of which can damage the surface.

Separately, unscrew and blow air through the gas channels of the boiler. The gas supply pipe to the burner is removed, disassembled and purged under pressure.

The heating system is equipped with two filter elements. The first is located in the hydraulic unit, and the second is located on the valve with cold water. These filters also require periodic cleaning from salt deposits by washing.

As maintenance is carried out, all faults discovered by the technician must be eliminated, replacing failed parts and assemblies with new elements.

Checking automatic regulation

Boilers modern production are equipped with automatic control systems, the main purpose of which is to ensure the operation of the unit without constant human supervision.

The degree of complexity of automation can be very different. But regardless of the model, its main elements are:

  • Thermostat is a regulating device responsible for maintaining the set temperature parameters of the coolant in the boiler.
  • Gas valves are designed to open and shut off the gas supply.
  • Gas fittings are an actuator designed to execute commands from the boiler control circuit.
  • The controller is an electronic device designed to implement a complex algorithm for controlling the unit depending on changing environmental conditions.
  • Minimum and maximum pressure switches are membranes that act on groups of contacts, turning off the unit if the pressure drops/increases below/above the setting value.

This technique “painfully” endures a regular drop in tension. The technician’s task is to promptly detect problems in the electronic system and possible problems with details.

The boiler connected to the gas boiler, which is designed to supply the DHW system, must also be checked annually and regularly adjusted.

To check the functionality of the boiler safety system and identify vulnerable areas of the equipment, the technician simulates the occurrence of an emergency situation. After starting the system, he monitors the speed of operation of the alarms, the tightness of the shut-off valve and other devices.

If the automation does not work correctly, the unit is disassembled and the failed membranes are replaced with new ones.

The introductory part is also subject to examination. gas pipe. It is examined for corrosion and other damage.

The master must ensure the integrity of the gas supply pipeline throughout the entire section laid in the house, paying special attention to the outer surface of the pipes and their connections

All connections of the gas path, including flanged, threaded and prefabricated, are tested for leaks. Measure the pressure in the gas pipeline. If necessary, adjust the gas fittings. Places where paint has peeled off from the surface of the pipe are repainted.

Having adjusted all components of the boiler unit, the technician sets the parameters recommended by the manufacturer.

At the final stage, it carries out a final inspection of the boiler. The master fills out certification documents, confirming with his signature personal responsibility for the quality of the inspection performed. Finally, he makes a note indicating the period for the next service.

What does a major overhaul include?

After the expiration of the operational period specified in the product passport, the gas boiler is subject to technical diagnostics. The main task of engineering and technical measures is to determine the possibility of further safe operation of the equipment.

Major repairs are carried out with the aim of restoring technical characteristics gas heating equipment. As necessary, worn parts and functional units are replaced.

In addition to diagnostics, as part of a major service the following is performed:

  1. Flushing the heat exchanger.
  2. Comprehensive inspection and cleaning of all closed boiler components.

A properly carried out set of measures guarantees the proper operation of gas equipment during the subsequent period of operation.

Scaling that forms in the heat exchanger coil due to improper maintenance leads to a gradual deterioration in the efficiency of the equipment

The heat exchanger is cleaned from scale after the first five years from the date of commissioning of the boiler unit. Although most service organizations recommend carrying out preventive flushing once every two years. Simple procedure flushing the boiler heat exchanger allows you to eliminate the problem at the stage of scale formation.

To carry out major cleaning, remove the device casing and disassemble all removable parts of the unit. Separately dismantle the heat exchanger and use pumping station wash it thoroughly with chemical reagents. This flushing allows you to remove all the scale that has formed in the pipelines and fins of the heat exchanger over several years. After this, the boiler is assembled and the system is filled with coolant.

In addition to servicing the gas boiler itself and the gas pipeline leading to it, it is important to regularly check the condition of the chimneys

Cleaning of smoke channels, designed to remove combustion products from gas appliances and create draft, is not included in the list of activities required to be performed by the master. He can do this work for an additional fee. Cleaning if desired chimney can be done and on our own. It is advisable to wash it at least once a year.

Operation of the boiler during force majeure

In case of emergency it is necessary to react to the problem as quickly as possible and try to return the boiler to working condition. Breakdowns, if they occur, occur only during the heating season. And the reason for this most often is that the unit operates on maximum power without a break for a long period.

The unit can fail at the most inopportune moment, working at the limit for a long period of time, which leads to rapid wear of parts

Low-quality fuel, which is often supplied to the gas system, often leads to the same disastrous result.

Having a service agreement in hand, the owner can only call the organization. Having received the request, the repair team will arrive on site and fix the problem.

Since service centers always keep records of boilers, specialists from the mobile team arrive on site already with necessary set tools and spare parts that correspond to the specific model of the gas boiler installed in the house.

But there are situations when, at peak heating season repair teams "to the point." And the masters may not satisfy the request as quickly as we would like. In this case, some owners resort to the services of “private owners”.

But it’s worth considering that calling the first gas worker you come across is not the best option. And it’s not even a tidy sum that the owner will have to pay. After all, no one guarantees that the master will be able to carry out repairs at a high professional level in an emergency situation.

Therefore, to avoid such situations and save extra expenses, you should not neglect the opportunity to carry out the current technical inspection before the onset of cold weather.

Video: sequence of actions during maintenance of a gas boiler:

Video guide for cleaning the burner:

Regular maintenance of a gas boiler allows for further initial stage identify emerging problems and not bring the situation to the point where the operation of the equipment begins to pose a threat to the health and life of household members.