Small kitchen: every centimeter is useful. HereMoyDom - Men's workshop - Household with minimal costs Make the best use of every centimeter

Proper use of space in the living room is an issue that owners of both small and large rooms have to decide. A modest area forces us to look for non-standard solutions to accommodate everything we need. The owners of spacious living rooms, on the contrary, do not always know how to fill the free space. We share unusual ideas that will allow you to rationally use the entire living room area.

1. Mini library at the door

The space around the door is most often unfairly forgotten. An interesting option for using it is to hang open shelves above the door and on the sides of it, creating a mini-library.

2. Table overlooking the street

To make spending time with guests even more exciting, provide them with the opportunity to enjoy the views from the window. The console table at the window sill replaces the coffee table. Don't forget about comfortable chairs.

3. Move up

The opinion that the possibilities for placing shelves in the living room have been exhausted often turns out to be erroneous. Almost always, high shelves consisting of several tiers help solve the problem of storing small necessary items in the living room. The most spacious shelves will be from floor to ceiling.

4. Get the most out of... the coffee table

Even the most elegant coffee table can become a multifunctional element in the living room interior. It is enough to choose models that have a shelf at the bottom.

5. Useful TV environment

The TV, standing out against the background of an empty wall, often seems like an extra element in the overall interior of the living room. The solution to this problem is to create a useful environment for equipment in the form of shelves and cabinets that occupy most of the wall.

6. The wall behind the sofa is in order

The wall behind the sofa mainly serves only to place paintings or lighting fixtures on it. In order to rationally use this vertical surface, place a shelf on it. The optimal option in terms of safety for those sitting on the sofa is a shelf suspended as high as possible.

7. Console or bar counter behind the back of the sofa

You can effectively use the space behind the back of the sofa by placing a bar counter or console table here. Such a simple solution will make the living room interior not only non-standard, but also more functional.

8. You can never have too many poufs

Comfortable stools or poufs will never be out of place in the living room interior. Don't be afraid to add too many mobile seats: they will never be empty. After all, they can be used as a mini-table. In addition, there are models with a storage system inside.

9. Cozy home fire with candles

It is not possible to install a real fireplace in every apartment or house. An alternative to it would be a false fireplace, the fire in which is replaced by burning candles. Its upper part plays the role of a shelf or TV stand. Also, a false fireplace is a great way to decorate an empty wall.

10. Two is better than one

Sometimes the living room is empty for a long time, but sometimes the room is not able to accommodate a large, cheerful company. If this situation sounds familiar, then pay attention to double coffee tables. One of them, smaller in size, is easily hidden under the other. If necessary, a small table can be taken out, and there is twice as much space for placing food and drinks.

It will be useful to learn how to divide the living room into functional areas. We recommend that you read

A wardrobe room is primarily an organized storage system. There is an opinion among designers that an ideal dressing room should have about 12 square meters per family member. But most, with their typical 36 square meters, are very far from ideal. We will tell you how to use every centimeter using the science of ergonomics in this article.

Dressing room dimensions

The best shape for a dressing room is considered to be a rectangle, in which there are no protrusions and the number of corners does not exceed four. The minimum room area is 3 square meters. In this case, the length of one wall should not be less than 2 meters. In such small dressing rooms it is better to arrange the storage system in the letter “G”.

If you know exactly how many cabinets you need, then calculating the area of ​​your dressing room will not be difficult: count the number of horizontal compartments along a long wall, multiply by their width (usually the width of one compartment is 50, 75 or 100 centimeters) - that’s the length. Now, if the cabinets have drawers, then multiply the depth of the cabinets by two and add a minimum passage of 50 centimeters (optimal - 80–100 centimeters) - this is the width of the dressing room, where the cabinets are located along one of the walls.

Where and what is stored in the dressing room

  • The upper zone is at a level of 200–250 centimeters from the floor. Here are mezzanines designed for storing out-of-season or rarely used items. It takes about 50 centimeters.
  • The middle zone (located at a height of 60 to 170 centimeters from the floor) is the main space for storing things. This is where things will hang on hangers, towels will lie on shelves and various accessories will wait in the wings in drawers.
  • The lower zone occupies a space within 70 centimeters from the floor level. It’s convenient to build in shoe storage systems here or put things that are not used that often.

Storing things on hangers

  • Blouses, shirts, jackets on hangers take up about 1 meter in height, and about 5–7 centimeters in width on the bar; storage depth - up to 50 centimeters.
  • Fur coats, raincoats, long dresses, trousers differ from the above standards only in length - it is 175 centimeters.
  • The compartment for trousers and skirts is usually made 120–130 centimeters high.
  • Hangers with trousers and outerwear should be located no higher than 120 centimeters from the floor level, but not lower than 50 centimeters.

Shoe storage

  • Shoes can be placed compactly using special racks or drawers.
  • The distance between the shelves in height should be maintained within 20 centimeters for summer shoes and 45 centimeters for boots and boots. The width of one pair of shoes takes up approximately 25 centimeters; the recommended width of a shelf for shoes in a closet is 75-100 centimeters.
  • If you decide to store shoes in boxes, choose special ones - transparent, with windows or space for notes.

Accessory storage

  • Store tights, socks and underwear in shallow drawers (12–17 centimeters), after dividing them into sections 10–15 centimeters wide. The length is determined depending on the type of things. So, bras require longer sections, and square ones are also suitable for socks.
  • To store small accessories, such as ties, belts, belts or scarves, you can purchase special rods or hangers. But it’s better to hide hats and gloves in drawers - this way there’s less chance of losing them.
  • Store bed linen and towels on shelves as wide as possible, and small items (hats, bags), on the contrary, in narrow compartments with compact shelves - 15–17 centimeters high and about 25 centimeters deep.

Tip: in order to understand how much space in width certain things need, focus on their folded dimensions. The height is usually 25–30 centimeters.

Note: this is also important to know

1. If you have a lot of expensive, “capricious” things made from natural materials, think about internal, supply ventilation. Or make louvered doors: this way air will also penetrate into the dressing room.


Farm yard in the village. Ideas for your yard. Layout of the yard of a private house

You can create a sketch using special programs

Territory zoning

Large areas must be divided into functional zones. The main ones:

  • Front door. This is a place located between the main entrance to the house and the road.
  • Household. As a rule, it is reserved for buildings.
  • Gardening. Designed for growing various vegetables and fruit trees. Its size depends on the wishes of the owners, in some cases it may be completely absent. It is better to locate this area in well-lit and convenient places for watering.
  • Relaxation area. It is often placed in the courtyard, but there may be several such areas (sports ground, benches, etc.).
  • Gaming. The plot allocated for It is usually placed near the house or in another clearly visible place.
  • Parking lot. Parking space for personal vehicles.

Arrangement of the front area

When locating these zones on a site, the landscape of the area, as well as existing structures and plantings, should be taken into account. If there are fruit-bearing trees, then it is better to preserve them, organically fitting them into the overall design of the yard.

Choosing a Design Style

Having decided on the division into zones and the number of objects and buildings, it is necessary to think over a single design style for them. It can be developed independently, based on several design directions, or selected from existing ones. The most popular styles for decorating areas are:

Modern. This design is characterized by minimalism. All elements have their purpose, any unnecessary details are absent, and plantings are used as an addition and are of secondary importance.

English. A landscape made in this style resembles a miniature landscape and looks as natural as possible, but at the same time neat.

Italian. It is characterized by the use of various wooden products, untreated stone and lush vegetation in decoration. Often the focus of attention is on some artificial pond, reservoir or fountain.

Mediterranean. It is in many ways reminiscent of the Italian style, but the emphasis is on decorating with stone in the form of various terraces, walls and flowerpots.

Asiatic. These include traditional Chinese and Japanese motifs: minimalism, a large amount of stone, alternation of hills and flat areas, ponds, rounded shrubs.

Natural. With this design, the landscape is as close to natural as possible. However, it is important to take precautions so that the site does not seem abandoned. Preference is given to irregular shapes, winding paths and lawns of wild plants.

Regular. This style is quite strict, straight lines and regular geometric shapes predominate, and the principle of symmetry is observed whenever possible. It looks especially appropriate on large areas (from 15 acres or more).

Before making a choice, you should carefully study each of these styles and compare them with the size of your site and your financial capabilities. It is important to consider that for a harmonious appearance of the yard, all elements, from the facade of the house to flower beds, paths and garden lanterns, must be combined with each other.

Patio design: setting up a patio

As a rule, it is in the inner part of the yard that the main areas for recreation and entertainment are located, so it is worth considering the features of its design in more detail. In Spain, this part of the yard is called a patio and there is a small stone-paved area equipped with a table, benches, a canopy, and sometimes a barbecue or barbecue. Often, for greater comfort, it is surrounded on several sides by green spaces.

Cozy patio on the lawn

The design of the patio may vary. It is often placed at the back wall of the house or in the garden. If this is not possible, then hedges made of bushes or climbing plants can play the role of a fence. The dimensions of such a site usually do not exceed 4 square meters. m., and it itself is complemented by a standard garden set - a table and chairs or benches.

One of the main decorative elements of a patio is a paved area. Stone is traditionally used to create it, but it can be replaced with concrete slabs, paving bricks or even wood. However, you need to understand that a base made of boards will last several times less than a stone one and will require additional treatment with antiseptics.

It is recommended to choose natural and soft colors for the site so as not to disturb the atmosphere of rest and relaxation characteristic of this part of the yard. Good materials for patio furniture include wicker, wood, plastic or wrought iron. Sofas and chaise lounges, especially wicker ones, look appropriate here.

Patio adjacent to the house

And, of course, an integral attribute of the patio are the plants surrounding it or located inside it in pots and flowerpots. If you like evening gatherings in the fresh air, then you also need to take care of the lighting of the area.

Possible difficulties when decorating the site

Not all yard landscaping work always goes smoothly. One of the main problems that you may encounter is the unsuitable terrain of the site. Significant surface unevenness may make it impossible to plant some plants and locate buildings. Harsh climatic conditions or excessive soil moisture can also become an obstacle to the implementation of the plan.

In this situation, you need to think about how to turn existing disadvantages into advantages. For example, if the house is located on a hill, then it is worth focusing on its design. Uneven terrain can look good combined with terraces or a rock garden. And in the lowlands it is very convenient to place a pond or pool.

Properly selected decor will hide the imperfections of the site

If, on the contrary, the site is too flat, and you want to add variety to it, then creating artificial embankments is not recommended - they look unnatural. It is better to arrange an alpine hill, flower beds and a garden instead.

Beautiful landscapes of private houses (photos)

As you can see, there are plenty of options for decorating your yard and garden area. All you have to do is use your imagination, put in a little effort and your yard will turn into a real oasis. And beautiful landscapes will help you be inspired to create your own masterpieces

Even the tiniest bathroom will become cozier if you learn to use the available space and find a place for every item. Buy shelves, hooks, stock up on transparent containers. Remove the excess. Here are some ideas for organizing your new storage spaces.
Take the height

In a small bathroom, you can use the height of the walls and hang not one, but two or three shelves on top of each other. Inexpensive shelves and fixtures can be purchased at a furniture store. Place wicker baskets or beautiful boxes in which you can hide cosmetics, detergents and towels.
Stage a coup

In a combined bathroom, the space above the toilet is usually empty; several identical shelves can be hung there. An original idea is to place shelf fastenings not at the bottom, but on the sides of the shelves, turning them into a decorative element. Wooden carved fasteners are suitable for this. To hang these shelves, screw metal fasteners to the back of the shelf. For beauty, you can paint the shelf and fixtures white or the color of the tiles.
Mirror with a secret

In a small bathroom there is no point in hanging a simple mirror; it is better to make a cabinet behind the mirror. It may not be deep, but if you make it the entire wall, there will be enough shelves for storage. 12 more secrets for a cramped apartment.
Look under the sink

The cabinet under the sink is usually small, but you can also make shelves there, or even better and more convenient - drawers on rails. To prevent chaos in your drawers, place organizers and transparent plastic boxes there. When you open the drawer, you will immediately see what is there.
Secret Vault

If there is a spacious double-door cabinet under the sink, hang several drawers inside - organizers, and attach metal shelves to the doors for storing detergents and a hair dryer.
Instead of shelves - baskets

There is always a free corner of the wall next to the shower stall; use it for shelves. Wicker baskets hanging on stylized hooks look original. You can store everything in them - from toilet paper to towels.
Use every centimeter

If the bathroom is separate, you can also create new storage spaces in it. For example, build a closed cabinet behind the toilet for washing powders, brushes and mops. Or make open shelves, paint them white, and put beautiful bottles of cosmetics, decorative flowers, candles and vases on them.
We write two, three in our minds

Many people like to hang metal container shelves for shampoos in the bathroom. Instead of one shelf, buy three at once. Hang one on the wall near the shower, and place the other two in the cabinet under the sink. They are convenient for storing shampoos, cosmetics, hair dryers and cleaning products. Be sure to measure the height of your cabinet to ensure you buy the right size shelves.
Useful decor

A rustic wood panel is not only a bathroom design element, it can be used for practical purposes. Using metal brackets, attach several glass jars of different sizes to the panel - they have space for cosmetics, combs, makeup brushes and much more. Glass looks good in tight spaces.
Magnetic attraction

It's hard to resist the urge to lump metal files, tweezers and hairpins into one pile. A magnet will help you overcome your laziness. Attach a magnetic strip to a mirror and it will attract all small metal objects. Such magnets are sold in hardware stores for storing knives.
Mini spice racks

Not only jars of spices, but also bottles of lotions and shampoos look great on such shelves. In addition, they take up very little space and can be placed in any corner of the bathroom. Paint the shelves white and remove everything that is on the sink.
Way up

Another space that is rarely used is the space above the bathroom door. You can hang a super-tall large shelf there. It will become a new element of door decor and give your bathroom an original look. And most importantly, a lot can fit there!

No matter how many rooms there are in a house, there is always not enough space. Someone has long dreamed of an office, someone needs another children's or playroom for a child, someone needs a workshop... The owner of this mansion felt sorry for the unused space under the ceiling - so much space wasted.

He did not stop with just thinking about this idea and brought his wonderful project to life. It took time and effort to install the floor and special supporting structures, but the result is stunning! See how you can do it extra room- It seems to me that this is even much easier than renovating an ordinary room.

How to use the space above the stairs

  • How much space under the ceiling is wasted! The person who came up with the idea to build another room on this site is a genius. Of course, it's worth the effort - here's what the room looks like before you start.
  • The first step is to outline where the floor of the new room will be located.

  • Half of the construction work has been completed, laying the floor is the most difficult part.

  • This is what a cute little room we ended up with. Who would refuse extra space in the house if a child lives there?

  • The conversion is complete. It turned out to be a magical secret room under the ceiling.

  • The idea turned out to be brilliant! The additional room comfortably houses children's things; windows fill the space with light. Such a playroom is every child's dream. However, this place is so advantageous that any room could be arranged here - a reading room, an office or an art workshop.

    Spare guest bedroom- also an idea. If you have unused space in your home, remember that you can adapt it to your needs with just a little effort. A creative approach always brings better results.