How to install a marble staircase. How to make marble from concrete

Finishing work using natural stone- a very expensive pleasure. Choosing natural marble of the appropriate tone is quite problematic. Mastering the production of artificial marble with your own hands is not very difficult. Important point in the manufacture of artificial marble - a correctly made mold for casting.

In fact, artificial marble, the manufacturing technology of which is outlined in this article, is an alloy acrylic resins and mineral fillers. This material has sufficient strength, and when making artificial marble with your own hands, it can be given the desired shape. This could be a countertop for the kitchen or for a bar counter, steps, sink, sink or original vase for garden.

Composition and special properties of artificial marble

The main components of cast marble are polyester resin and pigment mineral dyes and hardeners. Having mastered the mixing technique, you can get streaks and stains that are practically indistinguishable from stains and veins on natural marble.

  1. The material is non-flammable and dielectric, i.e. does not conduct electricity, so it can be used for any finishing works no limits. Resistance to alkaline preparations and chemical solvents contributes to its hygiene and allows it to be used as countertops and kitchen sinks.
  2. The composition of cast marble has a homogeneous structure, does not delaminate, is resistant to corrosion and is environmentally friendly pure material. The outer surface of cast marble is gelcoat and has decorative and protective functions. The filler is polyester resin mixed with multi-colored mineral chips and pigment dyes. To obtain a durable mass, a hardener is added.
  3. More simple methods the manufacture of artificial marble involves the use of cement as a filler - concrete mixtures and crushed stone. Pebbles, quartz fine crushed stone and tinted sand are often used.

Manufacturing technology of artificial marble with concrete filler

This method is very simple and affordable, both in terms of manufacturing technology and costs. Due to this, this method is widely popular. Countertops and kitchen boards are highly durable, and environmentally friendly materials are used in their production.

  1. First of all, you will need a mold (matrix) made of polyurethane, plastic, gypsum or other suitable material. You can make a frame from a corner or wood, and make the bottom glass. It is important that the surface of the casting mold is perfectly smooth and dry, and that the frame is detachable for ease of removal finished product. The mold can be ordered from a workshop, but it is quite expensive.
  2. The inner surface of the mold is coated with gelcoat. Gel coats vary in color and environment of use. Choose a moisture-resistant gelcoat and only after it has completely dried, you can fill the form with concrete or gypsum mortar– filler. Used as a plasticizer and filler slaked lime or clay.
  3. Prepare the filler for the bulk of the product. To do this, mix sand and cement in a 2:1 ratio, add crushed stone or pebbles and a plasticizer as filler. Mix thoroughly, preferably in a mixer, until smooth. Pigment dye is added to different sectors of the container with filler in uneven portions and mixed until veins and spots are created.
  4. The form is placed in a strictly horizontal position and a mass of artificial liquid marble is poured into it in small portions. Make sure that all the voids in the matrix are filled. Excess mortar is removed with a spatula; cover the top with plastic wrap. Depending on the thickness, artificial marble dries from 24 hours to natural conditions and at above-zero temperatures. The dried slab is removed from the mold and processed grinder and transparent polish.

Cast marble based on polyester resins

This method is a little more expensive, but the result is a beautiful texture. outer covering. The material is very durable and lightweight, resistant to external mechanical and chemical influences.

  1. The first option is to prepare polymer concrete. Take 20-25% polyester resin and 80-75% filler. For this purpose, you can use quartz sand or other neutral colored mineral, finely crushed into crumbs.
  2. In the second case, instead of polyester resin, you can use a mixture of butacryl with AST-T in a ratio of 50x50 and add 50% crushed stone or quartz sand. Coloring is done with acrylic-based pigments.
  3. The form is filled and leveled over the surface of the matrix with a spatula. As a filler, you can use a chipboard board cut 5 cm smaller than the contour of the form. It is pressed into the mass, and the protruding excess is leveled back side castings
  4. The dried and hardened product is removed from the mold and can be easily processed. It is amenable to grinding, drilling and other mechanical processing.

Making artificial marble from gypsum

Making artificial marble from gypsum at home is an affordable process and does not require any special expenses.

  1. First, water is prepared, dry gypsum, wood glue and resin dissolved in a hot turpentine bath are added to it. Acrylic dyes or pigment are added to the thoroughly mixed mixture and stirred until streaks and streaks are obtained.
  2. To obtain the milky color of artificial marble, add 1000 technical alcohol and 50 dry gypsum to 200 grams of white gumax. For a brown or coffee tone, use orange humilax. To obtain a black polish, aniline dye is used.
  3. The liquid mass is poured into plastic or polyurethane mold. To remove excess water and set faster, the mass is sprinkled with dry plaster on top. After 8 - 10 hours the product can be removed from the mold. To create a waterproof front surface, it is treated with potassium silicate.
  4. Can be immersed in a bath or brushed generously on both sides. After drying, the surface is polished with soft felt or a similar abrasive agent with the addition of polish. the desired shade. The surface is processed until a perfectly smooth mirror surface is obtained.

A marble staircase is an expressive decorative element, a sign of the refined taste and well-being of the owner of the house. The color richness of marble and its plasticity allow you to create unique designs. Marble stairs have proven their durability and ability to be easily restored.

Features of marble stairs

Marble is a durable material that is used for finishing stairs. Let's consider a number of its advantages:

  1. Marble is a durable material. Its service life is over 100 years.
  2. Easy to care for. Marble does not require special care, resistant to thermal shocks and mechanical damage. It is also easy to polish and restores the original color.
  3. The versatility of marble is ensured by its range of colors and ease of production of pieces of various shapes.
  4. Aesthetics and beauty of products from the breed. Thanks to the variety of shapes and colors, marble stairs fit into the interior of any home.
  5. Easy to polish.

On to the cons marble finish stairs include:

  • high cost of material,
  • slipperiness

The first of which is justified by the durability of the stone. And, secondly, through special tricks, which we will consider in the tips section.

Types of marble

The marble rock consists of carbonate, calcite and other impurities. The latter of which determine the color and pattern of the marble after processing.

Assortment of marble according to physical properties can be divided into three categories. Namely:

  • white,
  • gray,
  • colored materials.

Group white marble exposed to external environment, often turns yellow and becomes spotted. This material is used for interior works around the house.

Gray marble is used for both external and internal cladding.

Colored marble is the most resistant to temperature and mechanical influences. Colors allow you to create unique ensembles marble stairs in the interior. The most valuable type is considered to be blue marble.

When decorating stairs, it is better to use fine-grained types of marble, which stand out for their elasticity and strength. Coarse-grained marble is used for wet areas, swimming pools and bathrooms.

When choosing a stone, you need to check its quality certificate. Which indicates the hardness of marble on the Mohs scale from 2.5 to 3, its density and chemical composition.

Spain, Italy and Türkiye are the main producers of marble. They are famous high quality products for home interiors.

Calculation of the dimensions of an interfloor staircase

When installing a staircase, we will initially draw up a plan for it. To do this, we determine its size, shape, angle of elevation, height and number of steps.

Let's consider the parameters for safe operation stairs:

  1. The steepness of the stairs is considered safe from 25 to 35 degrees of inclination.
  2. The safe depth of the step is from 25 to 30 cm. In this case, the heel of the foot will rest on the stair step.
  3. The height of the step is considered optimal in the range of 15-18 cm.
  4. Determining the width of the stairs depends on the availability of space under it and future loads on it. Typically, internal flights are made a meter wide or more. Stairs country houses they are already doing up to 0.8 m.
  5. It is safe to make the clearance of the passage between the stairs and the ceiling at a height of 1.9 m.

In order to properly install the staircase, we will draw up a plan. To do this, we determine the height of the future marble staircase, its angle of inclination, the number of steps and the type of construction:

  1. We determine the height of the stairs by summing two parameters. The first of them is the height from the floor of one floor to the floor of the second, taking into account the finishing coating. The amount of overlap between floors is added to this value. For example, the height of the planned staircase is 4 m.
  2. We calculate the number of marble steps for the stairs. To do this, divide the height of the stairs by the height of the rise. Subtract one step from the result obtained. Since half of the second floor will be this step. For example, the rise height is 16 cm. Then the number of steps of the marble staircase = 400/16-1 = 24 pcs.
  3. Determine the size of the tread. We multiply the number of steps by the step depth. For example, the size of the tread = 24*30=720 cm.
  4. We calculate the angle of inclination. Calculate using the formula 2a + b, where a is the height of the proposed riser, and b is the depth of the step. We divide the resulting amount by the number of steps. Playing with indicators a and b we achieve optimal angle stairs, according to safety indicators. In our case: tilt angle = (16*2+ 30)/24 = 25.8°.
  5. We make a drawing of the staircase based on the space allocated for it and the calculated indicators. Balusters and support pillars We draw the stairs in the diagram conditionally.

First stage: preparatory work

Marble stairs are monolithic structures lined with marble slabs. Therefore, the production of marble stairs begins with the installation of a base underneath. Let's consider the option of creating a concrete structure for a marble staircase.

Let's assemble the formwork for concrete structure. That is, temporary flooring to give concrete a certain shape.

For formwork we will need the following material:

  • waterproof plywood 18-20 mm wide,
  • board 25-30 mm wide,
  • construction timber 10 by 10 cm for connecting the formwork,
  • wood screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm,
  • steel angles for formwork assembly,
  • fittings with a diameter of 12 mm.

To assemble the formwork for a marble staircase, you will need the proper tools:

  • screwdrivers and screwdriver,
  • plumb and level,
  • hacksaw and jigsaw,
  • hammer,
  • welding machine.

Let's consider the order of formwork construction:

1. Use a jigsaw to cut materials for formwork required sizes. Required Items marble staircase, photo below:

  • beams for attaching the formwork to each other and to the walls (1),
  • segments wooden beam for fastening the boards that form the steps (2),
  • formwork 3 cm thick to form steps (3),
  • end formwork made of plywood 2.5-3 cm (4) according to the size and shape of the steps.

2. To assemble the formwork, we use wood screws. Screw them in with a screwdriver.

3. We fasten the formwork with inside using steel corners 2-2.5 mm thick. After assembling the formwork, we reinforce it to give it greater strength.

4. We attach reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm along the load-bearing edges. For strength, we connect it into a mesh using a welding machine.

5. We fix the reinforcement into the wall along the entire length of the stairs. To do this, drill holes in it and hammer in the pins from the mesh with a hammer. This will provide additional strength to the marble staircase.

After this, we begin concreting the structure. To do this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • cement 10 parts,
  • crushed stone size 10-20 mm 30 parts,
  • sand mass 20 parts,
  • water 7 parts,
  • trowel for leveling the concrete surface,
  • shovel for mixing concrete ingredients,
  • polyethylene film for covering the concrete after concreting is completed,
  • container for mixture and bucket,
  • protective clothing, shoes and gloves.

To mix concrete, it is good to use a special concrete mixer. The cost of renting it is not high. Renting such a mechanism will save time and allow you to maintain the concrete mixture in a viscous state.

You can also do the process of preparing a concrete mixture yourself. Let's look at the second method step by step:

  1. Pour 9 parts of water into the container.
  2. Pour 12 parts of cement into the water.
  3. Mix with a shovel until a uniform solution is obtained.
  4. Add 20 parts of sand evenly to the mixture. Mix the consistency well.
  5. Pour 30 pieces of crushed stone into each layer and mix until a homogeneous concrete composition is obtained. The proportions of the material should be changed until a uniform viscous mixture is obtained.
  6. We pour concrete into the formwork, starting from the top.
  7. We tamp and level the concrete using a special trowel.
  8. Cover the concrete with polyethylene and leave to dry. The average drying time for concrete is 3-4 weeks. After which you can begin finishing the stairs with marble.

Marble cladding of stairs

We begin facing the stairs with marble from the bottom of the stairs. With this method, installation errors are not so noticeable.

To cover the stairs with marble we will need:

  • marble in the shape of steps and risers,
  • grinding machine for preparing the concrete surface for cladding,
  • broom, rags for cleaning concrete,
  • primer for marble and plaster,
  • 2-component adhesive for stone and sand concrete,
  • rubber mallet for pressing marble.

Let's look at the process of cladding the stairs with marble step by step:

  1. We remove the stair formwork using a screwdriver and a hammer.
  2. Using a grinding machine we level the surface of the concrete.
  3. We clean the steps from dirt and dust.
  4. We prime the steps of the future marble staircase.
  5. We place the finishing floor level under the first step so that in the future the floor can be adjusted to fit under the stairs.
  6. We lay the marble tightly together, starting from the bottom up. We alternately place a riser and a marble step for the stairs. If the material has a pattern, we save it during assembly.
  7. Glue the fitted pieces of marble together two-component glue for stone.
  8. Next, we fix the marble with plaster, and fill the free space with a solution of sand concrete and glue in a ratio of 4 to 1.

A correctly laid riser will be higher concrete base by 10 millimeters. Correctly laid steps of a marble staircase hang equally over the stepper. And they have minimum slope towards the riser so that water drains from them, which is especially important for external stairs.

  1. We adjust the steps using a rubber mallet.
  2. We rub the joints of the marble slabs with plaster of a suitable color.

The marble cladding of the stairs has been completed.

Decorating a marble staircase

The marble staircase is beautifully complemented by balusters and marble railings. A more economical option is to choose metal analogues.

A variety of architectural elements allow you to combine beauty and practicality. Their durability is the same as that of marble stairs.

Posts and cabinets, railings and balusters are made to order in all regions of our country.

You can complete the ensemble of a marble staircase with lighting. The light will add warmth and comfort to the room, and will play beautifully on the smooth surface of the marble. Alternatively, light bulbs can be mounted in railings. Or build lamps into the wall, following the curves of the marble staircase.

Tips for installing and operating marble stairs:

1. When facing the stairs with marble, it is advisable to pre-treat the concrete with concrete contact.

2. Optimal thickness adhesive layer between marble and concrete 10 mm. If there are any unevenness on the concrete base, the adhesive layer can be increased to 40 mm.

3. The problem of increased slipperiness of marble can be solved in several ways:

  • lay a carpet on the marble steps for the stairs;
  • paste aluminum profile in the steps of a marble staircase;
  • purchase marble with a relief shape. Convex shape steps ensure safety due to friction;
  • fastening dot overlays and silicone stickers. But such elements are dangerous if your heel clings to them.

4. You can avoid yellowing of marble by using stainless steel elements for fastening it.
5. When caring for a marble staircase, it is necessary to wipe the surface of its steps with a soft velvet cloth. As for detergents, both special pastes for stone and neutral ones are suitable. Do not use acidic products when caring for marble. Before using a cleaning product, read the instructions for it.


The marble staircase has a truly luxurious look. It perfectly complements both the interior and exterior of a solid country house, combining aesthetics and reliability. And its cost can be reduced by finishing the structure with marble elements.

Basic elements of a classic marble staircase

If you already have a concrete staircase, then you can turn it into an expensive piece of furniture by finishing the steps and other elements with natural marble.

Marble steps with their advantages and disadvantages

Marble is not granite and does not have such unique hardness as the latter, but it has a sufficient margin of safety.

Marble steps can be different in shape, texture, and type of processing

Its advantage over other materials is not only this. Marble for finishing steps - perfect solution because of:

  • variety of colors and textures;
  • resistance to moisture, ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes;
  • long service life;
  • ease of care;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • practicality;
  • no creaking.

The safety of marble steps is negatively affected by their excessive slipperiness, but the problem is eliminated by treating the surface with a special compound. The steps do not change visually, but they become rougher.

When purchasing marble steps, you should know that in appearance they are as in the photo:

Polished steps with a glossy shine look rich

  • embossed;

    Marble steps are not only beautiful. but also safe. They do not emit harmful impurities, bacteria do not multiply on their surface

  • intentionally aged;

    Artificially aged marble looks noble and fits well into classic style interior

  • matte.
  • They also differ in geometry and can be straight, radial or non-standard shape. There is also the following classification of steps:

    1. Invoices. They are installed on a pre-made base made of concrete, metal or brick. Consist of 2 elements: treads and riser, if it is not open flight of stairs or screw design, then the second part is not needed. The size of the blanks corresponds to the dimensions of the stairs, there are no seams. The structure is stable and safe. The overlays are much lighter than ready-made steps and the technology for their installation is quite simple.

    Installing overhead steps is called cladding. For their installation you need a ready-made base

  • Whole. They are produced by cutting marble blocks into separate slabs.

    Solid steps completely ready for installation. They belong to the class of thickness gauges, this type is durable and reliable.

  • Facing slabs. This is an economical option. They are also made from separate modules; the number of seams increases, but the cost decreases.

    Finishing a marble staircase with overlay slabs will cost less than choosing other options

  • A marble riser is a vertical or slightly beveled strip located between two adjacent steps.

    There are 3 types of this staircase element:

    • solid;
    • typesetting with a figured profile;
    • direct typesetting.

    Shoes for marble stairs can be of 3 types. This element is made from the same material as the staircase, and in other versions

    A budget option is inlaid plinth. It must be installed after the steps and risers have been secured. The installation of a solid galosh is carried out first, and the steps with risers are moved towards it.

    The fencing system, called a balustrade, includes handrails, railings, and balusters made of marble or metal. They make the staircase not only expressive, but also safe. The space between the racks is filled with glass and beautiful grilles.

    There are many methods of working with marble, used depending on what qualities should be imparted to the material. The treated surface gets its name:

    1. Artificially aged or bush hammered. The stone takes on an ancient look, the relief has differences of up to 5 mm, and looks massive.

    Artificially aged stone takes on a solid appearance. Do not use strong chemicals to care for it.

  • Sawn. The pattern is well defined, but the surface itself is uneven and rough. The differences on the relief are the same as on a bush-hammered plane.

    Entire compositions are created from sawn stone

  • Polished. The stone surface is smooth, matte with a clearly defined natural pattern.

    On the polished marble tiles natural pattern stands out

  • Polished. The color of marble and the pattern on an absolutely smooth sparkling glossy surface are preserved to the maximum.

    The polished surface looks like a mirror, the stone acquires a rich color. Such steps are easier to clean, because... Dirt doesn't stick to them

  • Polished. The surface is slightly dull, matte with an anti-slip effect due to remaining traces of peeling. The structure of the stone is clearly visible.

    Polished green Italian marble is highly durable

  • Heat-treated, subjected to short-term heating to the melting point. The result is a solid, rough plane with visible traces of peeling.

    Indian marble Scorpio. Smooth, seemingly blurry lines of the drawing visually resemble a flow. Heat treatment makes the material especially durable

  • "Rock". Differences on a rough surface reach 20 cm.

    Scala marble has a rough structure. It is used mainly for finishing exterior stairs.

  • Watch a video on marble processing:

    Modern marble staircase very different from ancient staircase structures made of this material. In reality, only steps and some other elements are such in it. In most cases, designers use marble as a tool to give the staircase structure respectability, aesthetics, and visual lightness.

    And a marble staircase can look light and elegant. An elegant forged fence harmoniously combines with marble steps

    If you decide to decorate the steps with marble yourself, then follow the following technology:

    1. Level the surface of the structure using a grinding machine.
    2. Carefully remove dust and dirt, apply primer.
    3. Place the finished floor level under the first step.
    4. Start laying marble slabs from bottom to top.
    5. Glue the parts using 2-component stone adhesive.
    6. Adjust the steps using a rubber mallet.
    7. Select the grout color and fill the joints.
    8. Wash the marble slabs thoroughly before the glue dries.

    The staircase structure, finished with marble, will be harmoniously complemented by forged elements: railings, balusters such as those produced by our company. We can also offer stainless steel railings. Our company can also carry out installation; it is possible to manufacture fences and railings according to your measurements.

    This video might make your choice easier:

    We can make railings like the one in the photo according to your measurements, and also perform installation. Cost - 9,000 rub.
    Forged baluster costing 1,248 rubles. will be a great addition to a marble staircase
    Elegant forged element goes well with noble marble. Price - 1,248 rub.

    Sometimes safety considerations prevent you from choosing marble steps. Many people consider this slippery stone to be traumatic, but there are several solutions to this problem:

    1. Cover the stairs with a carpet.

    A rich marble staircase covered with a carpet is not only beautiful, but also safe

  • Install an aluminum profile into the steps.

    Aluminum inserts make the stairs less slippery

  • Use marble with a relief surface.

    To make the steps in this photo, marble with a corrugated surface was used, which increases the safety of movement on the stairs

  • Using point pads and silicone elements, however, another problem arises here: you can catch your heel on them.

    Self-adhesive multi-colored overlays for stairs reduce the slipperiness of steps, but their service life is short

  • Among the diversity modern materials for cladding, marble will never lose its relevance. No other material does staircase structure so majestic and elegant. In addition, this option is beneficial - great-grandchildren will be able to use such a staircase.

    Our company does not manufacture marble steps, but we can offer many elements that successfully complement the design.

    For centuries, marble has been used to decorate interior and external decoration Houses. This breed is rare and expensive natural material, which not everyone can afford. Latest developments In the field of construction, they have created an unusual finishing product - concrete marble, which can be made even at home.

    Properties of artificial stone

    A number of undoubted advantages can be achieved fake diamond the most popular material for finishing indoors and outdoors. The material imitates the shape and structure of a natural mineral. Thanks to the ability to use a wide palette of colors for painting concrete, you can get concrete panels various shades.

    Artificial marble has excellent physical and chemical qualities. It has durable properties. The material is not subject to deformation when exposed to high and low temperatures. It does not burn, so its use is important for finishing stoves and fireplaces.

    The stone has low thermal conductivity and can serve as additional thermal insulation for the facade. Another undoubted advantage is that it does not conduct electricity. It is often used to insulate and decorate ovens, radiators and other electrical devices.

    Unique color and pattern does not fade under ultraviolet rays. The material is well resistant to moisture. Thanks to its durable properties, concrete objects can last a long time. If cracks appear, unnatural marble can be easily restored and returns to its original state. appearance. In addition, it does not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere, which indicates a high level of environmental friendliness. The production process does not leave waste, so the use of concrete stone is effective and profitable.

    When all the ingredients are mixed, the resulting mixture can take any shape. The connection of its parts occurs according to the principle of puzzles. All joints are securely bonded to each other using adhesives and provide high strength the entire surface.

    Artificial stone is lightweight in contrast to natural mineral, so it is easier to process and install. Typically, the material is created according to the initially specified parameters. Natural marble requires additional polishing and trimming before installation.

    Application area

    The material externally accurately imitates the pattern of natural rock, but unlike it, it has an affordable price. It is 8-10 times cheaper and has its own operational properties not inferior to natural breed.

    Finishing with this building product will add chic and sophistication to the interior and facades of the building. For arranging surfaces indoors, it is used as Alternative option ceramic tiles, as flooring, making sinks and countertops, fountains or decorative sculptures, installing bar counters, fireplaces and much more.

    How to cook it yourself

    The technology for producing the material is not difficult, so marble from concrete can be easily prepared by yourself. Before you start manufacturing, you should study the specifics this process, then prepare all the necessary components.

    To mix the panels you will need the following materials:

    • cement marked M400 or M500;
    • polyurethane mold or matrix (any plastic container will do);
    • plasticizer S-3 - a special solution that increases the strength of concrete;
    • water;
    • fine sand;
    • polyethylene film;
    • a pigment that will not dissolve in water (oil paint will do);
    • fine gravel, pebbles or ceramic chips as filler;
    • drill with mixer attachment.

    All ingredients are mixed at home. If all the nuances of production are correctly observed, the resulting material will be so similar to natural marble that at first glance it will be difficult for an uninitiated passerby to determine what the object is made of.

    To make a stone you will need plastic molds. You can purchase special products or make them yourself. To make a window sill, a regular tray of the required size will do.

    If there is no suitable container, you can make them from plastic panels. To do this, the sheets are fastened together.

    Production technology

    After preparing all the necessary components, you should begin preparing the mixture. All work is done in a clean container. The mixing solution has standard proportions of 1 to 3 parts. Fine sand is added to dry cement, which is pre-screened.

    This must be done through a fine mesh so that the solution is homogeneous in consistency. Then the filler is mixed. Small pebbles or crushed stone are most often used as it. In addition, you can use crushed expanded clay, pumice or ceramic chips.

    Creating Color

    According to the technology, a coloring pigment is added to the finished solution. It does not need to be thoroughly mixed. On the contrary, in order for the artificial stone to be more like a natural mineral, the composition should be made as heterogeneous as possible. Paint of several shades is often added to create an unusual pattern on the poured object. Various bends, streaks, convolutions, dots or spots may appear on it. At this stage, you can give free rein to your imagination. Mixing colors in a variety of ways can lead to unexpected results. The amount of pigment should be 1% of the dry mass.

    After introducing the pigment into the solution, it must be shaken thoroughly. Typically a vibrating table is used for this. For frequent use, you can make it yourself. But if the artificial stone is being made for the first and only time, then just shake the resulting mixture with your hands.

    Next, water is added at a rate of one to two in relation to the dry component. First, about 80% of the solvent is poured in, everything is thoroughly mixed. Then a plasticizer is introduced, which serves to enhance the strength of the future object.

    This element must constitute at least 1% of the total mass. Mix everything again and leave it alone for a few minutes. The material becomes plastic and viscous. After this, the remaining 20% ​​of water is poured in and distributed throughout the composition.

    Then the prepared solution is poured into pre-prepared molds. Cover it with plastic wrap on top and leave until completely hardened. To increase the strength of the material, a metal reinforcing mesh is placed in the liquid mixture.

    After hardening ready-made panels taken out of the molds and subjected to careful polishing. For this purpose, special equipment can be used diamond blades. After treatment, the surface becomes even and smooth.

    The manufacturing technology must be strictly followed. If you skip any stage, marble from concrete may not meet the quality.

    Before installing the manufactured panels, it is necessary to prepare and clean the surface on which the installation will be carried out from climatic precipitation. This must be done with special care.

    Various materials and products made from cultured marble made from concrete are considered to be as attractive, elegant, durable and durable as similar items made from real natural rock. The production of this product in Russia first began more than 30 years ago, during which time it has been improved and reached high level. It copies the appearance of the stone so accurately that the untrained eye cannot distinguish the imitation.

    Artificial marble is a modern finishing material that is suitable for interior and exterior work. It differs from others in its aesthetic appearance and affordable cost. In addition, thanks to the simplicity of manufacturing technology and the low cost of materials, you can make it yourself at home.

    Artificial marble - what is it?

    Artificial marble is a modern finishing material that is suitable for interior and exterior work.

    Artificial marble is construction material, imitating natural stone. It can be produced in three ways:

    • made of concrete;
    • gypsum;
    • polyester resins.

    Fillers, hardeners and dyes are added to them, which, when mixed correctly, create streaks, spots and veins that repeat the pattern of natural marble and give it unique properties:

    • strength;
    • heat resistance - such marble does not burn and does not conduct electricity;
    • environmental friendliness - it is non-toxic even when heated;
    • resistance to chemicals, acids, alkalis, solvents, acetone and gasoline;
    • moisture resistance - the material does not rot or delaminate;
    • impact resistance;
    • heat resistance.

    The advantages of artificial marble include:

    • waste-free production;
    • ease of care;
    • low cost compared to natural stone;
    • wide range of colors and shapes.

    All of them significantly expand the scope of its application. Today, artificial marble products decorate not only residential buildings, apartments and offices, but also schools, medical institutions, including canteens, and maternity hospitals. It is used to make window sills, countertops, bar counters, bathtubs, stairs, vases, sculptures, fountains and sinks. It is used to finish ovens, ovens, heating radiators and electrical appliances. Some varieties of marble are used in industry.

    Cast marble sink


    There are 4 types of artificial marble:

    • casting is the most popular. It is a mixture of polyester resins and marble chips or quartz sand, which are poured into special molds for hardening. Thanks to this composition, it can perfectly imitate not only natural marble, but also jasper, onyx, malachite or granite.
    • liquid - a material made from marble chips and acrylic polymers. It has been used in construction not long ago, but has many advantages, including low specific weight, flexibility and environmental friendliness. It can be easily cut with a knife or scissors, replaces wallpaper and allows you to create a perfectly flat, seamless surface. Thanks to this, liquid marble is used in the process of finishing rooms of irregular shape.
    • Oselkovy - is a gypsum mass painted and polished to a mirror finish with hardeners. Its spectacular appearance allows it to imitate not only marble, but also malachite or lapis lazuli. It differs from other types in its special properties: lightness and high strength, thanks to which it is successfully used in construction. various designs. Often used in residential buildings and apartments to improve the microclimate, as it has unique properties absorption or release of excess moisture.
    • microcalcite, or ground - it is produced by grinding white marble. The resulting powdery substance is gray or white used in the production of plastic products, linoleum, paper, cleaning products, and paint and varnish products.

    Preparatory work

    Molds for making artificial marble can be either purchased or made yourself

    The easiest way to make artificial marble is from cement and sand. If the technology is followed, in this case the products retain all their properties. The main thing is not to make slabs that are too thin or thick. The former turn out to be fragile, while the latter are heavy.

    To make artificial marble you will need:

    • fine sand;
    • cement grade 500;
    • plasticizer S-3 (it improves specifications concrete);
    • pigment - an inorganic dye that does not dissolve in water, for example, oil paint;
    • filler - quartz sand, marble chips, dolomite, limestone or pebbles;
    • polyethylene film;
    • water.

    To work, you need to prepare in advance:

    • container for preparing the solution;
    • construction mixer with an attachment or a hammer drill with a mixing attachment;
    • polymer form - you can purchase it or make it yourself from polyurethane, gypsum or plastic. You can replace them wooden frame, at the bottom of which glass is placed;

    When choosing a mold, it is important to ensure that its surface is even and smooth, and that it itself is detachable. In this case, you can easily get the finished product.

    • vibrating table - it is indispensable in the production of artificial marble in large quantities. Regardless of the type of vibration - horizontal or vertical, it helps remove air bubbles from the solution and compact it. In the absence of such a design, you can simply shake the form vigorously constantly;
    • brushes for greasing the mold;
    • gelcoat sprayer;
    • grinding machine with diamond disc cups for processing finished slab.

    Manufacturing technology

    The process of preparing a solution for artificial marble is simple. However, it requires accuracy in proportions, compliance certain rules and the presence of minimum skills. It’s better to start with manufacturing simple designs, gradually making the task more difficult.

    Preparation of the solution

    To prepare the solution you need:

    • Pour cement into a clean, dry container and river sand in a ratio of 1:2. After thoroughly mixing these materials, drop into the resulting mixture marble chips or pebbles. Its quantity is determined individually and affects the size of the finished product fractions.
    • Following the filler, dye is added to the mixture. Its amount should not be more than 1% of the total mass of the mixture.

    At this stage, it is important to carefully mix the composition in order to maintain uneven coloring. This will allow you to replicate the pattern of natural stone as much as possible.

    • Afterwards, you need to shake the resulting mixture well several times or place it on a vibration table to remove air.
    • Then you can pour in water. It should be 0.2 parts, but this must be done in 2 steps. The first time, 80% of the total volume is added, and after mixing in the plasticizer (1% by weight of cement) and thoroughly mixing the mixture, the remaining 20%. After another stirring and vigorous shaking, the solution is ready.

    Preparing and filling out the form

    The resulting mass can only be poured into dry and clean molds placed in a strictly horizontal position. They are pre-treated with anti-adhesion material and gelcoat and left to harden. Ideally even slabs are obtained if the solution is poured in small portions, making sure that it evenly fills the container. Periodically, the molds should be shaken vigorously or placed on a vibration table to remove air.

    You can increase the strength of finished marble slabs using reinforcement. To do this, it is enough to place a strong, painted wire into the mass.

    Filled mold with solution

    After removing excess solution and leveling it, cover the mold plastic film and leave in a place protected from precipitation to harden for at least a day. In some cases, this process may take several days. There is no point in additionally moistening the surface of the concrete or interfering with it in any way.

    Thick slabs of artificial marble may break down later due to the presence of internal voids. This can be prevented by a vibrating table or a special solution preparation technique. According to it, the mixer should not be removed from the mass while mixing it. This way you can avoid the appearance of air bubbles.

    Finished slab processing

    After hardening, the product is turned over and removed from the mold, removing it like a cover. Then it is advisable to let it lie for a while outdoors and start sanding. This can be done using a grinding machine.

    Due to the high strength of the finished products, they can subsequently be cut only with diamond wheels.

    Video: DIY artificial marble

    Making artificial marble products with your own hands at home is not a problem. This is once again proven by the author of this video, demonstrating all the stages of the main work:

    Technology for making marble from gypsum

    The technology for manufacturing artificial marble from gypsum is simple and accessible

    This technology is popular and consists of several stages:

    • Preparation of working solution. To do this, put dry plaster into a container and add water, wood glue and resin, previously melted in a hot bath. After thorough mixing, pigments or acrylic dyes are poured into the mass and stirred again until veins form.

    White artificial marble can be obtained by adding to the solution a mixture of 200 g of white humilax, 50 g of dry gypsum and 1 liter of industrial alcohol. Brown is formed by mixing orange humilax, and black is formed by aniline dye.

    • Placing the finished mass into the mold. Excess water is easily removed with dry plaster, which is sprinkled on top. The hardening process of the finished product can take 8-10 hours, after which it can be removed.
    • To form a waterproof layer on top of gypsum marble, its front surface is treated with potassium silicate and polished with soft felt.

    How to make marble from polyester resins

    Artificial marble made from polyester resins is incredibly durable

    In this way you can get cast marble with a unique texture, which, moreover, will be incredibly resistant to mechanical and chemical damage. To do this, it is necessary to prepare polymer concrete from polyester resin and filler, mixing them in a ratio of 25:75. The latter would be quartz sand or another mineral crushed into crumbs.

    You can replace polyester resin with a mixture of butacryl and AST-T (technical acrylate), taken in equal quantities. The same amount of quartz sand or crushed stone and acrylic-based pigments are added to them.

    The resulting composition is laid out in a mold, where it is left until completely hardened. You can increase its strength using chipboard boards. Its dimensions should be smaller sizes molds by 5 cm. By pressing into the mass, it subsequently improves the technical characteristics of the finished product. After hardening and hardening, the latter is removed from the mold and sanded.

    Despite the high strength and excellent technical characteristics of artificial marble, it still requires some care.

    You can provide care by following simple rules:

    • Do not use cleaning agents that contain drying oil;
    • It is undesirable to use detergents with silicone;
    • It is better to use a soft cloth to remove dirt;
    • It is undesirable to use brushes, sponges and other devices that can scratch the finishing layer;
    • It is better to replace abrasive cleaning products for the care of countertops with gel ones;
    • Regular cleaning of artificial marble products is best done using detergent or soap;
    • You can maintain the glossy shine of surfaces by wiping them with special solutions (for 3 liters of water, 1 cap of liquid soap made from natural ingredients) and rubbing with a dry towel.

    Self-made artificial marble can be an alternative ceramic tiles. It can be used to decorate kitchens and decorate fireplaces. It can be used as flooring, demonstrating to guests good taste and extraordinary abilities.