Mosaic on cucumber leaves. Treatment of cucumbers for mosaic

Cucumber mosaic, or cucumber mosaic virus, is a common viral disease that affects plants such as cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, bell and hot peppers, lettuce, beans and others. Cucumber mosaic is localized in living cells of susceptible plants, but the virus can persist in dry leaves, stems and soil for up to several decades.

There is no drug to treat cucumber mosaic, so plants affected by the virus must be promptly destroyed.

To defeat this disease, every gardener must understand how plants become infected, what properties the mosaic virus has, and what control measures need to be taken when plants are infected.


The disease is caused by viruses - Cummis virus 2, Solanum virus 1, Nicotina virus 1, and others. These viruses are so small that they are able to pass through the smallest bacterial filters, and that is why they are called filter viruses.

Cucumber mosaic destroys tissue cells, causing damage to chloroplasts, partial destruction of chlorophyll, breakdown of plastids and a decrease in carbohydrate levels. All this leads to the death of tissue areas and the death of the plant.

Until the moment when people did not suspect the existence of the mosaic virus, this disease caused enormous harm to agricultural plants, especially tobacco plantations. Today, several varieties of the disease are known, each of which has its own characteristics.

Tobacco mosaic

The mosaic virus was first discovered in 1892 by Dmitry Ivanovsky. The scientist noticed that when trying to filter a drug from infected tobacco, unknown particles remain in the filtered solution, which retain the ability to infect healthy plants.

Then it was assumed that the filtered solution contained either poison or some tiny creatures that the microscope could not see. This is how the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was discovered, and later it turned out that there are quite a lot of varieties of mosaic diseases.

Are you planting cucumbers in a greenhouse or open ground?


  • Symptoms Most often, this disease affects tobacco, tomatoes, and peppers, but sometimes it can also be seen on cucumbers. A mosaic marble pattern and emerald-beige stains form on the affected leaves. Those parts of the leaf that remain green swell and become lumpy, and subsequently die. The disease affects the quality and quantity of the harvest, the shape and size of the fruit.
  • Struggle. Soil and dead plant tissue can infect plants planted the following year. Therefore, it is necessary to observe crop rotation annually, planting crops that are not sensitive to mosaic in the infected area.

IN open ground TMV can remain alive for up to 5 years.

Control measures should consist of cutting off the affected parts with a knife, and it is imperative to use a knife treated with alcohol, a solution of manganese or vitriol. To get rid of the virus that remains in the stems and soil, you should burn the affected dry stems exactly in the area where the cucumbers grew.

Ordinary mosaic

Common cucumber mosaic is caused by the Cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) virus and primarily affects crops grown in greenhouses.

  • Symptoms

Zonal mosaic, deformation and wrinkling of leaves of young seedlings. As the pathogen develops, the leaf begins to wrinkle, become covered with mosaic spots with dark green and light green areas, and the edges of the leaves curl downwards. The plant stops growing, its leaves become small, internodes become shorter, and the number of flowers decreases. In some cases, you may notice cracking at the base of the stem.

Other cucumber diseases -

  • Control measures

To kill this virus, you need to keep it at a temperature of 70 degrees for 10 minutes.

The incubation period depends on:

  1. air temperature;
  2. degree of cultural sustainability;
  3. stages of development.

Thus, for resistant varieties the incubation period is about 20 days, for susceptible plants - 5-10 days.

Treatment of ordinary cucumber mosaic is overcome by composting plant residues for two months. In winter, the virus lives in the roots of quinoa, bindweed, woodlice, and thistle. Infection by seeds occurs only in pumpkins.

The fight against cucumber mosaic consists of the following preventive measures:

  • Throughout the season, as well as in the off-season, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the site and promptly treat it from weeds.
  • Only sterilized or composted substrates may be used.
  • If cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, then you cannot plant a pumpkin near it, since it can retain the cucumber mosaic virus.
  • To destroy surface infection, special treatment must be carried out before sowing. seed material. How to treat seeds? For such purposes, it is recommended to use a solution of trisodium phosphate or potassium permanganate.
  • During the growing season, spray with a 3% solution of Farmayod-3 at the rate of 0.3 kg of solution per hectare of area.

Green speckled mosaic

The development of green mosaic is caused by the CVD virus. The disease most often affects cucumbers grown in a greenhouse. Bushes that grow in open ground are extremely rarely affected.

The virus can cause crop loss of up to 50%. Green mosaic is also called English cucumber mosaic.

  • Symptoms

The disease occurs in both adults and young crops. Affected bushes grow poorly, light veins form on the leaves of cucumbers, sheet plates deformed. Spotting appears on the fruits, they become shortened, deformed and taste bitter. If you cut into the fruit of an infected cucumber, you will find that its seeds are underdeveloped. Sometimes the surface of the fruit may become covered with necrotic spots.

The disease can appear as early as 20-30 days after planting seedlings in the ground. As a rule, green mosaic affects pumpkin crops, but in some cases a disease of nightshades, as well as watermelons, cucumbers, and melons is observed.

If the source of infection is seeds, then two weeks after planting, young seedlings begin to get sick, and after a month the plants may die. If the source of infection is soil or weeds remaining in the soil from last year, the first signs of cucumber disease will appear a month after planting the seedlings.

It should be noted that the cucumber green mottled mosaic virus damages both the seed coat and the embryo.

After the plant is infected, the virus begins to spread through the vessels deep into the stem, and then into root system. If, while weeding in a bed with infected cucumbers, their leaves or stems are damaged and the juice gets on neighboring bushes, they will become infected. In addition, healthy plants can become infected even if they come into contact with diseased ones, which leads to an increase in the number of affected bushes.

  • Control measures.

To protect cucumbers from this virus, it is necessary to use uninfected seeds. To grow a healthy seed bush, set up a high agricultural background, plant seeds there and carefully look after them, preventing the proliferation of weeds.

Many gardeners don’t know what to do if it’s not possible to grow cucumbers for seeds yourself? In this case, a special diagnostic method should be used to determine the absence or presence of infection in seed purchased in a store. To do this, you need to select 10 seeds and homogenize them in phosphate buffer, then add them to the homogenate, crushed to a fine fraction quartz sand. After 10 days, diseased seeds will be covered with mosaic spots.

To prevent cucumbers from getting sick, they should be treated for aphids and other insect pests, since they are the ones who transfer pollen from diseased bushes to healthy ones. Cucumbers must be planted away from pumpkin crops.

As a preventive measure, as well as at the initial stage of the disease, it is recommended to spray cucumbers with one of the following means:

  1. 10% solution of low-fat milk.
  2. 10% milk skim.
  3. 10% solution of skim milk and 5% alcohol solution of iodine.

Treatment of green mosaic of cucumbers is the same as for ordinary mosaic virus. Thus, preparations such as trisodium phosphate and potassium permanganate are used to treat seeds.

If you are planning to spend heat treatment seeds, then the temperature will have to be increased to 90 degrees, since at lower temperatures the virus does not die. But after treatment at such a high temperature, the seed material will become unusable, so this preventive method must be excluded.

Control measures applied to cucumbers grown in a greenhouse should include recording the affected bushes and their timely removal.

White mosaic

  • Symptoms

First, fuzzy yellow-white spots near the veins begin to appear on young leaves. The spots are shaped like rings or stars. After some time, they acquire a greenish-white color, and as the disease progresses, the spots merge with each other, and the entire leaf becomes white or yellow. Plant growth is inhibited, which affects the quantity and quality of the harvest.

Especially favorable conditions for white mosaics are greenhouses with warm air and severe plant density. Places where pathogens are stored are fruit peels, plant residues, seed embryos, soil and equipment.

  • Struggle.

Control measures should be aimed at reducing the temperature in the greenhouse below 30 degrees, as well as thinning the plants and timely removal of weeds. It is necessary to remove diseased parts of plants or entire bushes. If at least one spotted mosaic sheet is found on the site, then it is necessary to disinfect work equipment as often as possible.

It should be remembered that treating cucumbers with chemicals is useless, so the fight should be aimed at preventing the spread of the disease and destroying sucking insects, which are the main carriers of the virus.

Medical alcohol is used to disinfect equipment. Before treating parts that have come into contact with contaminated soil and plants with alcohol, it is recommended to carry out preliminary disinfection with boiling water. Preventive measures also include the use of varieties that are resistant to mosaic and protecting plants from the sun in hot, dry times.

General prevention

Since mosaic is not affected by chemicals, it is first necessary to use varieties that are insensitive to the virus.

Mosaic-resistant varieties: Ofix F1, Pasadena F1, Semcross F1, Othello F1. Tolerant hybrid varieties F1 includes: Lord, Verenta, Arina, Zozulya.

The main preventive methods include:

  1. Fight against aphids (for this you can use any remedy against these insects).
  2. Use only healthy material for planting.
  3. Destruction of infected units, as well as soil from under bushes.
  4. Planting plants at a large distance from each other.
  5. Removing weeds from the site.
  6. Blade disinfection garden tools using boiling water, alcohol, vitriol solution (4 tablespoons per 11 liters of water), or manganese solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).
  7. Annual alternation of planting cucumbers with other plants.
  8. Removing the top layer of soil in the greenhouse (10-12 cm) and replacing it with fresh soil.

The variety of viral plant diseases is enormous. Moreover, it is very difficult to diagnose which virus a plant is infected with. The general viral nature of the disease in a plant can be assumed if spots or stripes of a different color than the leaves themselves form on its leaves.

A large group of viral plant diseases consists of mosaic diseases..

Mosaic plant diseases are a group of viral diseases characterized by mosaic (variegated) colors of the affected organs (mainly leaves and fruits), alternating spots of various sizes and shapes, having a green or white color of varying intensity. The shape of the leaf blade changes, the plant lags behind in growth. Mosaic is transmitted through seeds, with the sap of diseased plants during picking seedlings, during pinching, contact of diseased and healthy plants and slight mutual injury, for example, by wind. Mechanical carriers of the virus are bedbugs, soil. Viruses enter plants through damaged tissue; are stored in soil, plant residues and seeds. Of the mosaics, the most harmful are: tobacco and tomato mosaic, green cucumber mosaic and white mosaic, speckled potato mosaic and wrinkled potato mosaic, beet mosaic, cabbage mosaic, as well as soybean mosaic, peas, beans, mosaic diseases of fruit, shrubs and ornamental plants.


The first signs of damage are found on young growing leaves; they appear faintly lighter along the veins, light yellow rings and star-shaped spots. Subsequently, the spots become greenish-white, and when they merge, the entire leaf turns white or yellow. Sick plants look depressed, with small leaves. White mosaic develops more strongly at temperatures of 30°C and when the plants are too dense. The causative agent of the disease is transmitted with plant sap when caring for it. The pathogen is preserved in the peel and embryo of seeds, plant residues, on equipment and in the soil.


There are no effective methods to combat mosaic diseases. The only remedy– disease prevention and breeding varieties resistant to mosaic. In the case of a relatively mild infection, you can try to cut out the diseased areas of the plant, however, if the infection is severe, the plant must be destroyed.

Resistance to the disease decreases with sharp temperature fluctuations, too high temperature(30°C) and too dense placement of plants. Observe the thermal regime. Quite often, the virus spreads with plant pests; carefully monitor their appearance and take measures to destroy them. If a disease is detected, it is necessary to take preventive measures– isolate the plant, disinfect equipment. If the plant dies, thoroughly disinfect the pot and throw away the soil.

© Frank Vincentz

Control measures

Accurate identification of a specific viral disease, as already noted, is very difficult. Direct fight against viruses chemicals impossible. It is much easier and more reliable to prevent the disease by combating sucking insects, which, as a rule, are carriers of pathogens of viral diseases. The carriers of indoor flower viruses are aphids and thrips. But very often the infection is introduced even before the plant goes on sale through damaged areas of the roots or wounds on the stems and leaves. All affected parts of the plant must be removed and destroyed. After work, immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wipe the equipment you use with alcohol. Take cuttings only from healthy plants. In dry and hot times, the plant needs to be shaded and sprayed more often.


Ordinary mosaic

The causative agent of the disease is C virus. Young leaves develop small yellow-green areas and then become wrinkled. Plant growth slows down and flowering is inhibited. The fruits become variegated and warty.

Often diseased plants wilt. The virus is transmitted from diseased plants to healthy ones by aphids. In addition to pumpkin crops, this virus affects nightshade and umbrella crops. The pathogen overwinters in the roots of perennial weeds.

Green speckled mosaic

Distributed only in protected ground. External signs of the disease have much in common with ordinary mosaic. The virus persists in the seeds. It is transmitted by contact when caring for plants.

White mosaic

It affects plants only in greenhouses. Yellow and white star-shaped spots appear on the leaves. Often the entire leaf blade becomes white, only the veins remain green.

No leaf deformation is observed. Yellow and white stripes develop on the fruits. The virus is transmitted through contact when caring for plants, but it is not transmitted by insects. Preserved in seeds and plant debris.

The virus is found everywhere in protected soil.
One of the strains of VZKMO is the causative agent of cucumber white mosaic - VOM - 2A. Infection of cucumber plants by VOM - 2A is observed, as a rule, in the summer, when the daytime temperature in greenhouses exceeds the SLGS.

Cucumber affected by green mottled mosaic virus production conditions appears first on young leaves - in the form of lightening of the tissue along the veins. Then a clear mosaic appears - alternating light green and yellowish areas of the leaf with dark green bubble-like swollen areas. With a white mosaic, white or yellow spots star-shaped. The leaves of diseased plants are wrinkled and small. Plant growth is suppressed.

Symptoms on the fruit appear as bright mosaic colors, usually without deformation.
The primary sources of the virus in greenhouses are seeds collected from diseased plants, contaminated soil or artificial substrate.

The percentage of spread of the virus through seeds varies widely: from tenths of a percent to 15%. The degree of transmission by seeds depends on the strain of the virus that caused the damage to the plants, the age of the plants at the time of infection, the duration of storage of the seeds, the variety, the growing conditions of the plants in greenhouses and other factors. The highest percentage of transmission is observed when sowing freshly harvested seeds. According to A.M. Vovk, the virus is not transmitted through seeds with a two-year shelf life.

ICDMO is very highly infectious and is easily transmitted by sap from diseased plants during pinching, tying, fruit picking and other production operations.

VZKMO persists in the soil in plant debris, although over time they partially lose their infectivity. When planting plants 4-6 months after removing old ones, only individual plants become infected.

Unfortunately, many greenhouse farms in the country have switched to cucumber monoculture, and if previously ICDMO was more often diagnosed at the end of the growing season, now it can be detected and isolated already in the seedling department.

When growing cucumbers on artificial substrates, ICDMO appears earlier and develops more intensively than when grown in soil.

ICDMO can remain infectious on the inner surface of the greenhouse, trellises with which diseased plants came into contact, as well as on containers, equipment and workers’ clothing. White mosaic reduces yield by 50-90%. There are no cucumber hybrids resistant to the green mottled mosaic virus yet, so a set of preventive measures is needed to reduce its harmfulness and limit its spread.

Due to the fact that the primary source of ICDMO in greenhouse cucumber crops is seeds, the main attention in the fight against this virus should be paid to the use of healthy or disinfected seed material.

The most effective disinfection of seed material from VZKMO is a combined method, combining heat treatment according to the method of A. M. Vovk with pre-sowing treatment in a 15% solution of trisodium phosphate for 1 hour, followed by washing in running water. This allows you to disinfect not only the peel, but also the membranous membrane of the seed, i.e. precisely those parts in which the virus is localized.

Another source of ICDMO is contaminated soil or hydroponic substrate, where the infection enters with secretions from the roots of diseased plants, as well as with plant debris. It should be borne in mind that fungicides that are effective against pathogens of fungal diseases of cucumber such as blight do not inactivate the virus.

In greenhouses with high level To prevent the spread of green speckled mosaic, it is necessary to thoroughly steam the soil for 1-2 hours at a temperature of 9 degrees Celsius or replace it with a new one, free from the virus.

To prevent the transfer of the virus from the inner surface of greenhouses, it is recommended to burn the trellises with gas burners.

It is necessary to carry out phyto-cleaning, starting from the seedling compartment, to disinfect hands, knives, gloves with a 1% solution of KMnOd, 5% trisodium phosphate (Na3P04 or 10% reverse. During the growing season of plants, it is important to maintain optimal conditions temperature and illumination, avoiding sudden changes in night and day temperatures. It is recommended to limit doses nitrogen fertilizers, 1-2 times a week, carry out foliar feeding with microelements, which increases the nonspecific resistance of plants to unfavorable environmental factors.

With a high background of IBDMO, monoculture is unacceptable.

Plant mosaic is the cause of retardation in growth and development. How to diagnose a disease and cure a tree or bush. How to determine. How to prevent infection (10+)

Mosaic plant diseases

The material is an explanation and addition to the article:
Viral infections
How to identify viral plant diseases. The leaves turn yellow, turn white, curl, the flowers change color, and spots appear. How to cure a plant. How to determine. How to prevent infection

Viral diseases of plants are very diverse, and it is difficult to correctly determine which virus a plant is suffering from. As a rule, the nature of the disease is determined by external changes in the plant. The leaves change color, spots or stripes of a different color appear on them. One of the most common groups of viral infections is mosaic diseases.

Mosaic diseases that infect plants are viral diseases, manifesting themselves as a mosaic coloring of the affected parts of the plant. In most cases, leaves and fruits are affected. Spots appear different shapes and sizes, usually green or white of different intensity. The diseased plant begins to lag in growth, the shape of the leaf blades changes. The methods of transmission of the disease are different. The disease is transmitted by seeds and sap of a diseased plant when picking seedlings, pinching, or when parts of sick and healthy plants, especially injured ones, come into contact. The disease is transmitted by insect pests such as aphids, bedbugs, mites, and soil nematodes.

The viral infection penetrates plants through damaged areas, soil, and seeds. There are many mosaic diseases, the most common and harmful of them are mosaic diseases of shrubs, ornamental and fruit plants, mosaic of tobacco and tomato, cabbage, beet, pea, soybean, bean, speckled and wrinkled mosaic of potato, white mosaic and green mosaic of cucumber.

Tobacco mosaic has been a disaster for tobacco growers in many countries. It first affected one bush, and then very quickly spread throughout the entire plantation. The leaves became covered with bright green spots, and then swelled and lost their juiciness. As a result, they became completely unsuitable. The only way tobacco growers could combat the disease was the timely identification and destruction of infected plants. In 1886, scientists from Holland described this disease in detail. And the Russian scientist, D.I. Ivanovsky, in 1892, after a series different experiments, having researched by Dutch scientists, discovered the existence of viruses.

The whole difficulty of the situation is that no effective ways combating viral plant diseases. The only possible means of control is to prevent the virus and develop new varieties that are resistant to the virus. On initial stage plant diseases, you can remove the infected areas of the plant, but if the virus progresses, it is necessary to destroy the plant completely.

White mosaic. This virus is capable of damaging more than 300 plant species and can spread along with the green mosaic virus. The causative agent is Cucumis virus 2A.


It spreads everywhere, but prefers warm climates.


Signs of the disease are light spots along the veins on the leaves of young plants. Star-shaped spots and light yellow rings also appear. As the virus develops, the entire leaf begins to turn white or yellow. On diseased plants, the foliage becomes small, and the plant itself becomes depressed. A temperature of 30 degrees is the most suitable for intensive development of the virus. Plant density also contributes to the development of the disease. The most common way of transmitting the virus is through the spread of sap when caring for plants. The virus remains directly on the equipment, persists in the soil, seeds and plant debris.

Disease Prevention

To prevent viral infection, the thermal regime and plant density should be observed. The virus is affected by temperature fluctuations. The spreaders of the viral infection are pests, so it is worth monitoring and promptly destroying them. If the disease does appear, you should isolate the infected plant and treat all equipment. In case of complete death of the plant, it is necessary to destroy it, throw away the soil, and disinfect the pot with special care.

Ways to fight

It is very difficult to identify a specific viral disease. It is not possible to destroy the virus directly with chemicals, therefore, to avoid infection, it is necessary to carry out proper disease prevention. It is necessary to combat sucking pests, which are among the first to transmit infection. The most common are aphids and thrips. It often happens that the virus is transmitted through damaged areas of roots and stems. If contaminated areas are identified, they should be removed, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap, and the equipment used should be treated with alcohol. When choosing cuttings, you should pay attention to ensuring that the plant is healthy. Since the virus spreads at high temperatures, the plant should be shaded and sprayed more often.

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Judging by the photo of the cucumber leaf, external signs the disease is very similar to white mosaic. This is a viral infection that affects many crops growing both in open ground and in greenhouse (or indoor) conditions.

White cucumber mosaic is the most harmful of all types of mosaics and one of the most resistant to treatment. The virus is difficult to destroy because it has the ability long time persist in soil, plant debris and even on tools. In addition, mosaic also affects plant seeds, maintaining its activity for 2-3 years. But even after this time, a certain level of infection still remains.

Treatment methods for cucumber mosaic

First of all, you should urgently separate diseased plants from the rest in order to prevent the further spread of infection. Remove the affected leaves and treat the cucumbers with Actelikt or Aktara.

Tools that were used to care for diseased plants must be thoroughly disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate.

A slowing effect on the development of the disease also has folk remedies such as spraying:

  • low-fat milk (10%);
  • milk-iodine solution (10% milk and 0.1% iodine);
  • dandelion tincture;
  • decoction of onion peels;
  • tobacco tincture;
  • weak garlic infusion.

Causes of the disease

A favorable environment for the manifestation of the mosaic of cucumbers grown in greenhouse (indoor) conditions is:

  1. Increased room temperature (more than 25 degrees Celsius).
  2. Sudden temperature fluctuations.

The disease quickly spreads to all plantings and a short time can destroy them.

Cucumber mosaic is transmitted:

  • through infected seeds;
  • through contaminated soil or weeds;
  • through equipment used to process infected plants;
  • with the help of pests, in particular.

Characteristic signs of the disease

Cucumber mosaic most often appears at a “young age” of the plant and affects the foliage of cucumbers. Young leaves are covered with white or yellow spots, which gradually increase in scale and completely color the leaf, leaving only the veins green. However, the virus can and will lurk until the time when the cucumbers begin to bear fruit.

Folk remedies for the prevention and treatment of cucumber diseases - video