Is it possible to purify water by boiling? Modern methods and systems for water purification in domestic conditions

It just so happens that tap water is often the only source of water for a modern city dweller. At the same time, such water in our country almost never meets the quality criteria, either for drinking or for cooking.

Not everyone can afford special filters, devices, and their components. What can be done in this case, how to purify water at home yourself?

Homemade water purification methods

These methods are simple and do not require any costs, or these costs are insignificant. The most famous of them are boiling, freezing, settling, as well as cleansing with activated carbon, silver, and shungite.


The main advantage of boiling is the guaranteed total destruction of bacteria. When boiling, chemical elements such as chlorine, ammonia, radon and some other heavy compounds decompose.

Boiled water is safe for consumption. A certain cleaning method by boiling exists, but has its disadvantages:

Firstly, this is a change in the structure of water. Boiling “deadens” water, since in this process, along with the destruction of harmful substances, oxygen is removed.

Secondly, in the process of evaporating some of the water, the concentration of salts in the remaining liquid increases. Salts in the form of scale and limescale are deposited on the walls of the dishes. Particles of this sediment fall into our stomach every day.

It is not difficult to imagine the consequences of such processes: these include kidney stones, arthrosis, and liver dysfunction.

Important! Several years ago, scientists proved that during the boiling process one unsafe substance is formed - chloroform. It is a derivative of ordinary chlorine and, when ingested for a long time, promotes the formation of cancer cells. Conclusion - the boiling method should not be the main and only method of water purification.


The essence of the method is to filter the liquid by crystallizing it. Freezing gives the best cleaning results. But in order to get truly purified water, it is not enough to simply freeze and defrost it. To achieve high-quality cleaning, you need to ensure that the freezing process occurs smoothly.

After freezing, you need to remove the frozen water located in the middle of the container; it is this that should not be consumed. When a liquid freezes, the main component crystallizes in the coldest place. That is, only clean water freezes first, and if it is separated from impurities and heavy metals, the purification is a success.

You can remove frozen liquid from the middle like this:

  • remove and place the central part under warm water, leaving it there until a thawed area forms in the center. After all, it is there that all the heavy metals and pollution that are undesirable for us will accumulate.
  • The ice that remains is the most valuable. This will be the most purified water.


This method is based on the fact that heavy metals will settle and the upper layers of water will become cleaner.

Most often, settling is used to remove chlorine from tap water.

The method is suitable if nothing else can be done. The water should stand for at least 2-3 hours and not be stirred.

After settling, the percentage of chlorine in the upper third of the tank will decrease significantly.

But settling does not in any way solve the problem of cleaning from dirt, bacteria, and pathogens. Therefore, after settling, the water still cannot be consumed without boiling.

Water purification with activated carbon

Activated carbon is part of many coagulants (lat. coagulatio coagulation), so we can assume that this method really works. Activated carbon is able to cope with unpleasant and specific odors, if any, and also, like a sorbent, it will “pull out” all harmful impurities from the liquid.

The cleaning process is as follows:

  • Five tablets of activated carbon are tightly wrapped in gauze and placed at the bottom of a container of water.
  • Cleaning time is five to six hours. Next, activated carbon begins to act.
  • After this, the water can be safely consumed. The method is simply irreplaceable in extreme conditions: on a hike, during military operations, and even on a desert island.


No less interesting is the method of purifying water with silver, which came to the world from Ancient India. The ancient inhabitants noticed the amazing properties of silver and copper dishes; the effect of water was especially strong if the contents of the vessel were exposed to the sun. Water that has received a charge of silver ions is not only completely disinfected, but also improves metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

“Silver water” has long won many adherents of this method around the world. Hundreds of scientific treatises have been written on the topic of water positively charged with silver ions. The whole “salt” is as follows: water enters into a chemical reaction with silver molecules, enriching it with positively charged ions.

Important! A concentration of 20-40 mcg makes silver water healthy and safe to drink.

For external use - masks, lotions, cleaning dishes - doctors recommend a concentrate - 10,000 mcg, which in its effect can be compared to a powerful antiseptic.

Carefully! It is absolutely forbidden to drink such a solution - this will lead to poisoning. Like everything useful, silver water has a downside, so the main thing is not to overdo it.

To purify water using homemade silver, simply immerse a silver spoon, bracelet or other silver jewelry in a decanter.

Water interacts with silver for 2-3 days and only after that it becomes ionized. With such an ionization period, there is no risk of obtaining a concentrate - this would require much more time.

Water purification with shungite

Another method that has gained wide popularity recently is water purification with shungite.

Shungite is a natural mineral. The uniqueness of the stone is explained by the rare form of carbon molecules called fullerenes. Shungite is used to condition water. When interacting with a liquid, the globular carbon of shungite shares its miraculous qualities with it. Possessing bipolar properties, it is able to mix with components of living and inanimate nature.

Shungite water is prepared as follows:

  • Rinse the shungite thoroughly.
  • Pour at the rate of 150 g per 2-3 liters of water.
  • Infusion for 3 days.
  • Can be used for bathing, drinking, cooking.

“Water” and “life” are related and complementary concepts. No water - no life.

The human body consists of two-thirds water and everyone, on average, drinks neither more nor less throughout life - about 75 tons of water. That is why it is very important to monitor the purity of this vital product.

How to purify water at home is up to you. The main thing is to make the right choice and enjoy the taste - after all, there is nothing more amazing than real clean water.

Today, the problem of drinking water quality worries many people around the world. Due to the lack of clean drinking water and regular consumption of poor quality water, more than five hundred million people in the world suffer from various diseases. For megacities, the problem of cleanliness and quality of drinking water is especially pressing.

There are many causes of drinking water contamination. All these reasons are directly or indirectly related to water sources. Often tap water is not of artesian origin, but is taken from accessible open surface sources. Each type of water source has its own characteristic causes that cause water pollution.

Many methods have been invented for the preliminary preparation of drinking water, as well as methods for its purification, which make it possible to obtain high-quality drinking water from almost any source.

Water purification is a special set of measures to remove various contaminants contained in it. Water purification is carried out at special water treatment plants, as well as at home.

Before reaching the end consumer’s tap, water undergoes disinfection (most often with chlorine, less often ultraviolet irradiation units are used) and comprehensive purification at water treatment plants.

Let's look at the most common methods and methods of drinking water purification.

Drinking water purification methods

Common methods of water preparation and purification:
— sedimentation;
— clarification;
— membrane methods;
— chemical reagents for oxidation;
— adsorption;
— deferrization;
- softening;
— desalting;
— air conditioning;
— disinfection;
— removal of organic contaminants;
— dechlorination;
- removal of nitrates.

The main methods of water purification can be divided into:

  • mechanical,
  • biological,
  • chemical,
  • physico-chemical,
  • disinfection.

Towards mechanical methods include various types of water filtration or filtration, water straining, water settling. All these methods are relatively inexpensive and accessible; their main use is to separate various suspensions from water.

Membrane method of drinking water purification consists in passing water through a semi-permeable partition, the openings of which are smaller than the size of the contaminant particles.

At the core biological methods of water purification lies the ability of microorganisms to decompose organic compounds. These methods are usually used to neutralize organic compounds dissolved in water.

By using chemical water treatment methods neutralize various inorganic impurities. Wastewater is usually disinfected, decolorized, and neutralized compounds dissolved in it using chemical reagents.

Physico-chemical methods of water purification used to neutralize colloidal impurities, dissolved compounds, and remove coarse and finely dispersed particles. These methods are highly productive.

Adsorption– one of the physical and chemical methods of water purification. This is the process of the so-called selective absorption by solid absorbers having a large specific surface area of ​​one or more components from a liquid medium. Various artificial or natural porous materials are used as adsorbents: active clays, peat, ash, coke breeze, silica gel, activated carbons, etc.

For final purification and disinfection of water, the following are mainly used:

  • Ultrafiltration;
  • Chlorination;
  • Ultraviolet radiation;
  • Ozonation;
  • Reagent-free methods of deferrization.

is the process of removing various mechanical and chemical impurities from water. Purification using this method is based on the chemical and physical composition of water, which is determined by special samples. Chemicals dissolved in water in quantities exceeding established standards are precipitated using special processes, after which the water is driven through filters of varying degrees of filtration, which retain certain impurities.

Softening is the process of extracting hardness salts (calcium and magnesium) from water. Selective removal of hardness salts is carried out by several methods: reagent softening, ion exchange, in which the ions of the contaminated solution exchange places with the ions of the ion-exchange material, which uses various ion-exchange resins. Water softening reduces the threat of deposits of poorly soluble compounds on the walls and leading elements of industrial equipment. Reverse osmosis installations at enterprises allow for deep water purification with maximum quality in most respects.

Chlorination does not allow water to be purified properly and contributes to the formation of impurities harmful to the human body. On the one hand, chlorinated water protects us from a number of dangerous viruses and pathogenic bacteria, on the other hand, chlorine destroys the protein structures of our body, affects the condition of the mucous membranes, kills beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which contributes to the deterioration of microflora and can provoke allergic reactions. In addition, chlorine does not kill pinworm eggs and Giardia cysts.

In the USA and Europe, economical and effective methods using ultraviolet light were developed in the 1970s, which made it possible to largely eliminate the chlorination of drinking water.

UV cleaning- the most popular method of water purification. The degree of water disinfection during ultraviolet treatment reaches 99%. This allows the method to be used in the food industry and in production that has particularly high requirements for water purity. The effectiveness of this method directly depends on the characteristics of the water - its transparency - turbidity, color, iron content. Therefore, this method is usually used in combination with other methods at the final stage of processing.

Water purification using ozonation based on the use of ozone gas. In the process of interaction with harmful chemical elements, ozone turns into oxygen. It has been proven that ozonation has a strong positive effect on the human body. Ozonation has an advantage over treating water with chlorine because it does not produce toxins.

Deferrization is the process of removing iron from water. Several types of water deferrization are used, choosing them depending on what kind of iron is contained in the water being treated: divalent, trivalent, organic or bacterial. Reagent-free deferrization methods are used to eliminate excess iron, nitrates and other contaminants in water, which give water an unpleasant taste, smell, color and rust. Often manganese is also removed from the water, a process called demanganization.

Nowadays, the level of pollution is quite high, so the process of purifying drinking water is very important. To select the most suitable and effective method of drinking water purification, it should be analyzed.

Water purification methods

There are many ways to purify drinking water at home. Let's look at the most popular ones.

I.Purification of drinking water without the use of filters.

Methods such as boiling, freezing or settling have been used since ancient times.

1. Boiling.

Boiling water is the simplest and most famous way to purify water. Boiling is used to destroy viruses, bacteria, microorganisms and other organics, remove chlorine and other low-temperature gases (radon, ammonia, etc.). The boiling process helps to purify the water to some extent, but has a number of side effects:

- when boiling, the structure of water changes, it becomes “dead”. The more we boil water, the more pathogenic organisms die in it, but at the same time the water becomes less useful for the human body.

— when boiling, water evaporates, which leads to an increase in the concentration of salts. They settle on the walls of the kettle in the form of scale and enter the human body. Accumulating in the human body, salts lead to various diseases - ranging from joint diseases, the formation of kidney stones and liver fossilization (cirrhosis), and ending with arteriosclerosis, heart attack and many others. etc.

- Many types of viruses can survive boiling water, since higher temperatures are required to destroy them.

- Boiling water removes only chlorine gas. Laboratory studies have confirmed the fact that after boiling tap water, additional chloroform is formed, even if the water was purged of chloroform with an inert gas before boiling. This hazardous carcinogenic substance can cause cancer.

Thus, after boiling, we get “dead” water, which contains fine suspension and mechanical particles, salts of heavy metals, chlorine and organochlorines, viruses, etc.

2. Advocacy.

Sedimentation is mainly used to remove chlorine from water. To settle, tap water is poured into a large bucket or jar and left for 8-12 hours. Without additional mixing of the water, removal of chlorine gas occurs from approximately 1/3 of the depth from the surface of the water, therefore, to obtain a noticeable effect, it is necessary to follow the developed settling methods.

It is important to remember that heavy metal salts will not disappear from settled water on their own—at best, they will settle to the bottom. Therefore, you should use only 2/3 of the contents of the jar, trying not to shake it while pouring water, so that the sediment at the bottom does not mix with more or less purified water.

The efficiency of water settling usually leaves much to be desired. To enhance the effect, water is also infused with silicon and/or shungite. After settling, the water is usually boiled.

3. Freezing or freezing.

This method is used for effective water purification using its recrystallization. Freezing is much more effective than boiling and distillation, since phenol, chlorophenols and light organochlorines are distilled along with water vapor.

Most people understand the following actions by the freezing process:

  1. pour water into the bowl and place it in the refrigerator until frozen
  2. Remove the ice container from the refrigerator and defrost it for drinking.

The effect of water purification in this way is close to zero, although the water obtained is slightly better than tap water.

Proper freezing is based on a chemical law, according to which when a liquid freezes, first of all, in the coldest place, the main substance (water) crystallizes, and then in the least cold place everything that was dissolved in the main substance (impurities) solidifies. That is, pure fresh water will freeze faster than water with salt impurities. All liquid substances obey this law. The most important thing is to ensure slow freezing of water, and to do it so that there is more of it in one place of the vessel than in another. (for more details, see the book: “Caution! Tap water! Its chemical contaminants and methods of additional purification at home.”, authors: Skorobogatov G.A., Kalinin A.I. - St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Publishing House, 2003) .

Monitor the freezing process, and when the water is half frozen, pour out the unfrozen water (all harmful impurities remain in it), and the frozen water can be melted and used for drinking and cooking.

Thawed (melt) water, drunk immediately after thawing, is extremely useful and healing; it can speed up recovery processes in the body, increase efficiency, and alleviate various diseases.

4. Purifying water using table salt. Fill a two-liter container with tap water, then dissolve one full tablespoon of salt in it. After 20-25 minutes, the water will be free of harmful microorganisms and heavy metal salts, however, such water is not recommended for daily use.

5. Water purification using silicon helps clean water from impurities. This method combines water sedimentation and silicon purification. The silicon must first be rinsed well in warm running water. Then put the silicon in a two-liter jar, fill it with cold water, cover the top with gauze and place it in the light away from direct sunlight. After two to three days, the purified water will be ready for use. The size of the silicon stone is selected at the rate of 3-10 grams of silicon per 1-5 liters of water. Carefully pour the purified water into another container, leaving 3-5 centimeters of water with sediment. Then the sediment is poured out, the silicon and the jar are washed and filled with a new portion of water.

6. Water purification using shungite. Recently, water purification using shungite has become increasingly popular. It is recommended to use large stones for cleaning, then they will less often need to be replaced with new ones. The cleaning algorithm is as follows: For each liter of water, take 100 grams of shungite stone. Water is poured into a container with stones for three days (no more!), after which the water is drained in the same way as when preparing silicon water.
Water infused with shungite has contraindications: a tendency to cancer, blood clots, high acidity and the presence of diseases in the acute stage.

7. Water purification with activated carbon. To purify water, you can use activated carbon - it forms the basis of most filters. Coal is an excellent neutralizer of unpleasant odors (for example, old rusty pipes, chlorine). In addition, coal absorbs harmful substances from tap water.
Place activated carbon tablets (at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter of water) in gauze, wrap and place in a container with water. In just 8 hours, clean water will be ready.

8. Water purification with silver. Silver can purify water, freeing it from chemical compounds, viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. In terms of antibactericidal effect, silver surpassed carbolic acid and bleach.
Place a silver spoon, coin or other object in a container of water overnight. After 10-12 hours, the purified water will be ready for use. This water retains its beneficial properties for a long time.

9. Other folk methods of water purification:

- water purification with a bunch of rowan - a bunch of rowan should be immersed in water for two to three hours.

- cleaning with willow bark, onion peel, juniper branches and bird cherry leaves - the cleansing process lasts 12 hours.

- cleaning with vinegar, iodine, wine. The substance is placed in water for 2-6 hours at the rate of: 1 teaspoon of vinegar, or 3 drops of 5% iodine, or 300 grams of young dry white wine per 1 liter of water. At the same time, chlorine and some microbes still remain in the water.

II. Purification of drinking water using filters.

To remove harmful impurities from water, various filters are used in industry, public utilities and everyday life. The cleaning technologies used in industrial and household filters may be the same, but the performance of household and industrial filters differs markedly.

Let's consider the classification of filters.

Based on the types of impurities being filtered, filters for purifying water from iron, from mechanical impurities, from organic compounds, etc. are distinguished.

There are filters intended for industrial water and filters used for drinking water. To filter drinking water, filter jugs and faucet filters are usually used, as well as complex multi-component filter systems. They are also distinguished by the degree of purification - the simplest degree of purification, medium degree and highest degree of purification.

Household filters also differ in the installation method: filters installed under the sink, tabletop filters, filters attached to the faucet.

Based on the filtration method, home filters for drinking water purification can be divided into two main types: storage and flow.

Storage filters usually consist of a storage tank for water and a filter cartridge for water purification. Most often these are filter jugs (Aquaphor, Brita, Barrier and others). The resource of effective operation of the filter cartridge directly depends on the quality of the water used. Replacement cartridges of this class of filters tend to accumulate contaminants, so they must be promptly replaced with new ones.

Flow filters are used for more thorough water purification. The degree of cleaning directly depends on the task at hand.

If you only need to purify water from odor, taste or chlorine, then you can limit yourself to using a carbon filter. A filter attachment on the faucet, which contains a water-filtering cartridge inside (polypropylene, carbon or ion-exchange resins), does this perfectly.

If the goal is to obtain good drinking water, then it is advisable to use step-by-step flow-through water filtration systems. For this purpose, multi-stage filters of medium purity are used. Depending on the model, such a system is installed under the sink or on the table.

Two-stage filters are designed for mechanical cleaning at the first stage, the second stage of cleaning is carried out using activated carbon. Three-stage filters, in addition to these two stages, have a third stage of purification - ion exchange resin or pressed activated carbon for fine purification, enriched with one or more additives: silver, ion exchange agent, hexametaphosphate crystals, etc.

If you need to obtain high-quality drinking water, then it is advisable to use staged water filtration systems of the highest degree of purification with membrane filtration - reverse osmosis systems, filters with an ultrafiltration membrane, nano-filters.

In the reverse osmosis method, the main filter element is a reverse osmosis membrane, which deeply purifies water from various types of contaminants: heavy metal salts, pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, viruses and bacteria. The membrane constantly cleans itself with part of the filtered water, discharging all debris into the sewer. This increases water consumption. Such purification removes all salts and minerals from the water, and regular use of such water flushes calcium, fluoride and other necessary substances from the body.

Water purification stages commonly used in reverse osmosis filters:

1st stage - a cartridge consisting of twisted or foamed polypropylene, which carries out pre-cleaning from mechanical impurities and suspensions (15-30 microns)

Stage 2 - purification with activated carbon from chlorine and organochlorine compounds, gases.

Stage 3 - fine cleaning from mechanical impurities (1-5 microns) or additional cleaning with compressed activated carbon (CBC-CarbonBlock), increasing the service life of the thin-film membrane.

Stage 4 - purification with a thin-film reverse osmosis membrane (pore size 0.3-1 nanometer)

Stage 5 - carbon post-filter

Sometimes an additional step is used - a purified water mineralizer.

Flow filters with an ultrafiltration membrane also belong to membrane water purification methods. The material for the ultrafiltration membrane is a tubular composite.

Externally, the filtration system is very similar to the reverse osmosis system, however, cleaning by reverse osmosis is carried out more efficiently compared to cleaning with an ultrafiltration membrane. All filtered contaminants remain in the pores of the membrane, gradually clogging it. These filters usually do not change the water hardness.

Filters with an ultrafiltration membrane also have a five-stage water purification system. It includes the following filtration stages:

At the first stage of purification, the water passes through a mechanical preliminary cleaning cartridge. It removes mechanical particles and suspended matter up to 10 microns (microns) in size. The material for it is foamed or twisted polypropylene.

At the second stage of purification, water passes through a cartridge with activated granular carbon. At this stage, the water is purified from chlorine and its compounds, gases, and organic substances. At the same time, the taste of the water improves.

At the third stage of purification, water is passed through a cartridge containing compressed activated carbon. At the same time, mechanical impurities with a diameter of up to 0.5 microns (microns) and organochlorine compounds are additionally removed from the water.

At the fourth stage of purification, water passes through an ultrafiltration membrane having holes with a diameter of 0.1-0.01 microns, made of a tubular composite. The membrane removes almost all impurities dissolved in water, organic pollutants, viruses, bacteria, salts of heavy metals such as mercury, iron, manganese, arsenic. The water then passes through an in-line cartridge made from activated coconut carbon. At this stage, final purification of the water occurs, its taste improves, and odors are removed.

Nanofilters are the latest development of Japanese scientists in the field of nano and biotechnology. This is a flow-through seven-stage complex of high-quality water purification, which allows you to remove all harmful impurities from it and make the water as beneficial as possible for the human body.

At the output, the system produces purified and structured drinking water, whose properties are similar to melt water. At the same time, the system allows you to regulate the pH level.

The quantitative indicator of hydrogen ions in water often affects the physicochemical properties and biological activity of proteins and nucleic acids, therefore, for the normal functioning of the body, maintaining acid-base balance is a task of exceptional importance. The fourth stage, consisting of bioceramic balls, performs the function of adjusting the pH level of the water to the pH level of human blood.

Anions emitted by tourmaline, which is part of the fifth cartridge, have a positive effect on the immune system, the endocrine system, cleanse blood vessels, and charge the blood plasma.

It is worth noting that a system with nanofilters has a fairly high cost.

Thus, modern people have access to many ways to obtain tasty, safe and high-quality water. Manufacturers of filters and water purification systems offer to select and use the most effective ones. The price range and wide assortment allows people with different income levels to choose the right device for themselves and enjoy the benefits of clean and healthy water.

What methods and methods of water purification do you use?

Write about it in the comments!

Regardless of the method and method of purification you choose, the water you receive as a result of treatment should become the right water. Only then will your body be able to get the maximum benefit from it.

And one more important point: the right water should be available to you wherever you are - at home, at work, on vacation, on the road...

How to make the right water from your water– .

Environmentalists around the world are sounding the alarm: the water is getting worse every year, and fewer and fewer places are left with clean spring or just drinking water.

And if a small African settlement with no water of any kind is far away, here everyone in their house has pipes through which tap water flows to their apartments. And not always of good quality.

Many residents immediately install filters on their taps, and also buy special water purifiers, with the help of which they always have clean drinking water available. But, despite the fact that some water purifiers are relatively inexpensive, most of the population cannot afford them.

Knowing about the negative impact of not very clean water on health, many are looking for more affordable ways to purify water from harmful impurities and microbes at home.

How to purify water by boiling

Perhaps the simplest and most accessible way to protect yourself from microbes entering the body along with not very good water is mandatory boiling. It is not for nothing that it is the first condition for the fight against intestinal infections.

To get rid of excess chlorine, simply boil tap water in a kettle or saucepan with the lid open for fifteen minutes.

But you shouldn’t drink this water right away. You need to let it settle, then pour it into another container, and only then can it be used. Moreover, you need to pour it carefully so as not to stir up the sediment at the bottom, which is mercilessly poured out along with the remaining water.

Although this conventional method also has its drawbacks. The fact is that boiling makes water “dead”. In such water there are no enzymes - biocatalysts, and useful microelements are modified.

There is a very good way to improve the condition of boiled water. Especially if there are doubts about its quality. You need to pour boiled and cooled water over any sour berries or fruits - sea buckthorn, lemon, cranberries, apple peels, lingonberries. After infusion, such water can be drunk without fear.

How to purify water with silver

People used silver to purify water in ancient times.

For example, the Persian king Cyrus disinfected water by storing it only in silver vessels during campaigns. And in India, a red-hot silver sword was dipped into it to disinfect water.

In Rus', silver coins were thrown into wells, and the nobility drank water only from silver cups and jugs.

The custom of blessing water with a silver cross has still been preserved.

Silver will not purify water from chlorine or heavy metals, but harmful microbes die in such water. This was proven back in the 19th century by the Swiss botanist Naegeli, who discovered the phenomenon of oligodynamy, in which traces of silver have a detrimental effect on microorganisms.

Therefore, cleaning with silver in our time deserves attention.

  • Doctors use silver water when washing and irrigating wounds.
  • It is used to disinfect water in swimming pools.
  • This water is used in factories producing juices, waters, milk, and butter.
  • “Silver water” with silver ions is on sale.

To get silver water at home, just dip a clean silver coin, spoon or silver jewelry into regular drinking water and leave for several hours. By the way, such water does not “bloom”; flakes and other sediment do not appear in it.

How to purify water by freezing

It is believed that if raw water is frozen and then thawed, it will become truly miraculous.

To purify water from impurities, proceed as follows:

  • Water is poured into a plastic container and placed in the freezer.
  • Wait until the water freezes by about 3/4 of its volume.
  • Then the unfrozen water is poured out, and the ice is thawed and used for drinking or cooking.

Such manipulations are explained by the fact that during freezing, ice crystals try to displace impurities into the unfrozen liquid in order to obtain a normal, “correct” ice structure.

By the way, this theory is also put forward by some scientists. Well, ordinary people believe that all sorts of microorganisms accumulate in unfrozen water, supposedly in this way trying to prolong their existence. And if you pour out such water in time, the rest of the water after defrosting will become much cleaner.

How to purify water with activated carbon

Activated carbon is known to everyone. And many people have it in their medicine cabinet. After all, it is what is prescribed for poisoning or indigestion in order to remove toxins from the body, since coal is a good adsorbent.

But charcoal can not only help the stomach, but also purify the water that people want to use for drinking.

To do this, 5-10 tablets are placed in a gauze bag and placed at the bottom of a jar or other container. Pour water and leave it for several hours. During this time, the coal will absorb all the impurities - and the water will become much cleaner.

How to purify water with shungite

Shungite is a carbon-containing mineral. It is considered to be the best sorbent on Earth. If you put it in water, it will perfectly cleanse it of impurities and make it transparent. They say that this water tastes like spring water.

This is due to its ability to mix with organic and inorganic compounds. At the same time, shungite enriches water with useful microelements.

This action is due to its unusual carbon structure. Its molecules are called fullerenes.

  • Shungite is washed in several waters.
  • Place it in a jar and fill it with water (for 150 g of shungite, take 3 liters of water).
  • They insist for three days.
  • The water is carefully drained and used for drinking, cooking, and washing.
  • And the stones are again filled with water and left for 8-10 hours.

Shungite should be washed thoroughly once a week, and the stone should be replaced with a new one every six months, as its effect weakens over time.

Silicon, which can be bought at any pharmacy, has the same property.

How to purify water by settling

This method of water purification is used all the time by housewives who have flowers at home. After all, they do not water their green spaces with water that they just collected from the tap.

Housewives pour water into a container and leave it for a day with the lid open. During this time, all the chlorine will evaporate, and small particles that may be present in the water will settle to the bottom.

This way water is also purified for home use.

The settled water is carefully poured into another container, and the sediment is poured out. If the water was previously very cloudy or rusty, repeat the procedure.

If this cleaning method is not enough, then the transfusion procedure can be carried out through a funnel into which a small piece of gauze or bandage and cotton wool have been placed. This will also help make the water cleaner. But this simplest method requires patience and additional free time.

  • Water that contains a lot of limestone is called hard water. But in soft water there is little of it. But hard water is healthier, as it contains more magnesium, calcium and other trace elements that help cope with insomnia, headaches, weakness, heart disease and other ailments.
  • And soft water contains a lot of sodium, the excess of which is deposited in the body in the form of salt, simultaneously pushing out calcium salts, phosphorus and other trace elements.
  • People who decide to replace ordinary tap water with distilled water should know that it is purified not only of harmful impurities, but also of useful substances. After all, distilled water contains only traces of calcium, fluorine, magnesium and other trace elements. And therefore it is practically useless for maintaining health.
  • If there is no filter for water purification in the house, then use this method: add one drop of iodine to one glass of unboiled water.
  • Some people recommend purifying water with salt. Even if there is a positive effect from this cleaning method, you should not drink such water, as it harms the kidneys.

Using any of these methods of water purification at home, we must not forget about the water that fills the rivers, streams, and lakes around. We need to do everything possible to keep the water and coastal area clean. After all, it may happen that clean water becomes worth its weight in gold. And the rest of the water will be so dirty that no cleaning will help.

Everyone knows the importance of clean water for our health. If we regularly drink high-quality water, it will be possible to avoid the occurrence of many diseases, including quite serious diseases. In addition, the quality of water also affects the taste of dishes prepared with it. You can buy expensive varieties of coffee or tea, however, by preparing them with bad water, all their value and taste will be lost forever.

Chlorinated water in our pipes can protect us from dangerous viruses and microbes, but chlorine itself is harmful to us: it destroys the protein structures of our body, worsens the condition of the mucous membranes in the body, kills beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which contributes to and provokes the appearance of various allergic reactions. In addition, chlorine does not kill pinworm eggs and Giardia cysts.

I think it is no longer a secret to anyone that the water that flows from our tap does not have the quality and purity that our body needs. If you have a filter, all you have to do is change the cartridges regularly to be sure that the water you drink is extremely healthy. But, just so you know, we can purify water at home without spending a lot of money on filters and cartridges, but using fairly simple methods.

Methods for purifying water at home

  1. The simplest and most famous way to purify water is to boiling. When high temperature acts on water, it is sterilized and the water is purified from microorganisms (viruses, germs) - this effect can only be achieved by boiling water for a quarter of an hour, without covering it with a lid, so that harmful compounds are removed with steam.

  • But, firstly, chlorine compounds still remain in such water, turning into health hazards: the carcinogenic substance chloroform, which causes cancer,
  • secondly, parts of the salts settle on the walls of the container in which you boil water (I think you saw them on the walls of your kettle), it turns out that when boiling we got soft water, in which the level of salts, nitrates and heavy metals became higher, than in ordinary tap water,
  • and thirdly, it’s not for nothing that boiled water is called “”, it does not bring any benefit to the human body.
  1. An equally simple method of water purification is its banal upholding. Simply pour water into the vessel and let it stand for 8 hours - during this time the volatile chlorine, along with other volatile impurities, will evaporate (it’s good if you stir the water periodically - this will help the “volatilization” processes occur more intensely). However, heavy metal salts will not go away from settled water; at best, they will settle to the bottom. Therefore, when you use this water, pour out 2/3 of its contents without shaking, so that the sediment at the bottom does not mix with more or less purified water.
  2. Water purification can also be carried out using ordinary table salt. You can fill the container with tap water (2 liters) and dissolve 1 tbsp in it. with a top of salt. After 15-25min. such water will be free from harmful microorganisms and heavy metal salts.

The disadvantage of this method is that this water should not be consumed daily.

  1. Freezing- today this is an increasingly popular method of water purification, which, moreover, is also considered the most effective. Water is poured into the container (some use a saucepan, some use plastic containers, but do not use glass), and do not pour water “over the top”, leave a small space free, since liquid can increase in volume when freezing.

Pure fresh water will freeze faster than water with salt impurities. Therefore, make sure that when the water in the container freezes halfway, pour out the unfrozen liquid (it contains all the harmful impurities), and melt the frozen water - it can be drunk and used for cooking.

Defrosted (melt) water, drunk immediately after defrosting, is extremely healing, capable of accelerating many regenerative processes in the body, increasing efficiency, and alleviating allergies, dermatitis, itching, etc.

  1. You can buy a small piece at the pharmacy silicon and use it to purify water from impurities. Rinse the silicon well in warm running water, put it in a 2-liter jar and pour cold water, cover the jar with gauze and place it in the light, but away from direct sunlight. After two to three days, the purified water is ready. Calculate the size of a silicon stone 3-10g per 1-5 liters of water. And do not drink the water to the bottom, carefully pour it into another vessel, leaving 3-5 centimeters of water with sediment.
  2. Recently, water purification with another stone called shungite. It is recommended to purchase large stones, then they will not need to be replaced with new ones, although, of course, once every six months they need to be thoroughly cleaned with a brush, a hard sponge or sandpaper.

Shungite water is prepared as follows: a 100 gram stone is placed in a liter of water (if you need more, then take more than one stone), for 3 days, no more, the shungite infuses the liquid, after which it is drained in the same way as when preparing silicon water.

Shungite water has contraindications: a tendency to cancer, blood clots, high acidity and diseases in the acute stage.

  1. If you do not have a water purification filter, you can use activated carbon. After all, most filters are based on carbon. This product is not only an excellent neutralizer of unpleasant odors (old rusty pipes, for example, or bleach), but also, like a sponge, coal can absorb harmful substances from tap water.

Simply wrap activated carbon tablets in gauze (1 tablet per 1 liter of water) and place in a bowl of water. The very next morning (8 hours later) you will have clean water ready.

  1. About cleansing properties silver we've known for a long time. Silver can purify water, freeing it from chemical compounds and harmful microbes and viruses. Just place a silver coin or spoon in a container of water overnight. In the morning (after 10-12 hours) you will have purified water, ready for use.

Silver has surpassed carbolic acid and bleach in its antibactericidal action, and water with silver retains its beneficial properties for a long time.

  1. Folk remedies For water purification the following also apply:
  • Purification with a bunch of rowan: just put it in water for two or three hours, and you will get a clear liquid that rivals in quality water purified with silver and activated carbon.
  • Cleansing with willow bark, onion peel, juniper branches and bird cherry leaves is also effective and good for obtaining clean water, but the cleaning process will take 12 hours.
  • Cleansing with vinegar, iodine, wine. For 1 liter of water proportions: 1 tsp. vinegar, or 3 drops of 5% iodine, or 300g of young dry white wine. All these “additives” are placed in water for 2-6 hours. The downside is that chlorine and some microbes still remain in the water.

  1. Many people try to replenish the required amount of water in their body. distilled water. Yes, you will not find harmful impurities in it, but it does not provide any benefit to the body, in addition, such water does not have any taste. Plus, with the constant consumption of distilled water, the minerals and salts we need are washed out of the body.
  2. Let's also consider one method of how to purify water at home, which is gaining popularity, but also raises some doubts - purification magnets. Plain water is poured into the dish, magnets are wrapped around it and left for 3-5 hours. There is even a recommendation to surround the water pipe supplying water to the tap with magnets.

You can be sure that this method will not clear the water of microbes and chlorine; at best, it will magnetize iron salts and clear the water of this mineral, and this can only be assumed theoretically...

Other options for water purification: a household filter in the form of a jug (it uses a carbon-silicon filter), which can remove bleach and toxic metals from water, provided that you change the cartridges monthly, various attachments and, of course, stationary filters. Despite their many advantages, they have a drawback - a considerable price. Although, of course, no matter how you look at it, the most valuable investment is in your own health...

What methods and methods of water purification do you use?

Summer has come. For many, this is the time for hiking and outdoor recreation. Our article is addressed to those who like to travel far from civilization and are not afraid of everyday difficulties. More often than others, they have to use water for cooking and drinking that contains ingredients that are not the most healthy for health. For them, we publish a list of methods for purifying water in field conditions.



This is one of the simplest and most common ways to purify natural (river, lake, etc.) water from most pathogenic microorganisms. The boiling time should be at least 5 minutes. If the water is taken from a region where there are frequent outbreaks of infectious diseases, it must be boiled for 30 minutes to an hour, and the boiling process must be continuous. If the amount of liquid is significantly reduced, the heating intensity can be reduced, but raw water cannot be added to the container.


Application of hot stones

It may happen that tourists do not have heat-resistant dishes with them suitable for boiling liquids in them. In such a situation, you can heat the stones in the fire (heat for 40-60 minutes) and place them in a container with water until they cool.

Warming up in the sun

Using wool thread

The simplest filter for water purification can be made from woolen thread folded several times. One end of such a “wick” is lowered into a container of water, and the other into an empty container. The liquid impregnates the thread, flowing from one vessel to another, and is freed from some of the harmful impurities.


During multi-day parking, settling can be used. Water is poured into large containers and kept, without shaking, for 10-12 hours, and then the upper part, which has become transparent, is carefully drained. This way you can get rid of a significant part of the contaminants and prepare the water for further processing.

The method will be more effective if you add a little starch or a few crushed raw potato tubers to the settling water.

Cleaning with iodine or potassium permanganate

A pharmaceutical solution of iodine is added to natural water to disinfect it in the amount of 3-5 drops per 1 liter. Leave the container with the well-mixed liquid for at least half an hour.

You can put several crystals of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) into the water; the liquid should acquire a pale pink color. The use of this method requires caution: ingestion of a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate is fraught with the development of dysbiosis or chemical burns of the mucous membranes.

Sand filtration

To make such a filter, you need to take an empty tin can and punch its bottom in 3-4 places. An alternative is a plastic container with a hole in the bottom. A layer of clean, thin cloth should be placed over the holes and covered with sand that has been previously washed and calcined over a fire. You should place the container on a support (tripod), under which the empty dishes are placed, and pour water in small portions into the upper container. The liquid will slowly flow through layers of sand and fabric, clearing itself of mechanical impurities.


Table salt has a strong bactericidal effect. By adding it to water (1-2 teaspoons per 1 liter) and letting the solution sit for half an hour, you can obtain a liquid suitable for cooking. Drinking such water is not very pleasant, but you can reduce its salinity by adding a handful of hawthorn berries to the solution.