You can visit the temple on critical days. Why women shouldn't go to church while on their period

There is much debate about the rules for menstruating women attending church. Different opinions authoritative spiritual fathers have spoken on this score, from the first centuries of Christianity to the present day. Some opinions were inclined to believe that you can go to church during your period. Some priests do not perceive this permission so clearly.

Every Christian woman, wanting to keep everything necessary rules, asks at what time women can attend church, when it is impossible or undesirable to do so. If you have any doubts about this, it is better to seek advice from your spiritual father.

Is it possible to go to church while on your period?

The reason for the special treatment of menstruating women lies in the perception of menstruation as something “unclean”. Different religions have certain restrictions associated with the concept of “uncleanness” - it can be some kind of food, some animals, body parts, etc. Starting from pagan times, women with menstruation and in the first days after childbirth were mentioned among the unclean.

To understand whether it is possible to go to church with menstruation, you need to familiarize yourself with the reflections on this issue set out in the writings of the holy fathers. Their authoritative opinion boils down to the fact that, on the one hand, the doors of the temple are not closed to anyone, everyone has the right to enter the church when they feel the need to do so. On the other hand, there is still a special attitude towards menstruating women. Although Russian rules Orthodox Church do not regulate the visiting of the temple by women with menstrual flow, and their visiting of the church in critical days there is no taboo; it is generally accepted that visiting church service in this state it is better to postpone it.

The interpretation and interpretation of the holy scriptures, where reasoning on this issue is set out, can facilitate their understanding, but can also be misleading. The very discussion on this topic, according to Saint Athanasius of Alexandria, is an attempt to distract believers from their spiritual essence, from God, and to focus on the carnal. It is best for anyone who thinks about this question to act as his conscience tells him.

The Western and Eastern branches of Christianity sometimes approach the issue of church attendance by menstruating women differently. Therefore, in order not to go against the rules, believers will not be mistaken if they ask the priest in the temple what to do.

As it was before - Old Testament

During times Old Testament coming to the temple with menstruation was considered desecration of a holy place, because it was intended for communication with God, and a woman with bleeding is unclean, and her presence in this form can offend the Lord. It is possible to understand critical days as a phenomenon associated with the death of eggs during menstruation, i.e. with the death of a potential newborn, influenced this attitude of the ancients towards menstruation.

Read also 🗓 Why you can’t get a tattoo during your period

The Old Testament prohibitions applied to many situations involving death or illness. Those who were restricted from visiting the temple were:

  • suffered from leprosy;
  • touched the dead, corpses;
  • encountered seminal symptoms;
  • suffered from diseases accompanied by pus and its discharge;
  • had in this moment bleeding, menstruation;
  • recently delivered from pregnancy (in labor).

The Old Testament says that if a female child is born, the woman in labor is prohibited from entering the temple for 80 days after his birth. A male child reduces this period to 40 days.

Such restrictions were considered to have theological meaning. All prohibitions related to the topic of death, i.e. punishment of a person for his original sin. Therefore, during menstruation, a woman was instructed to be tactful towards the Lord and stay away from his sanctuary, so that by showing a reminder of death she would not offend her God and not incur his wrath. That is, the ban to some extent protected the woman from God’s wrath.

In order to remove the sin of desecrating a holy place, a woman with her period who entered the temple was ordered to fast for many days and perform daily bows.

What I Think Now - New Testament

Nowadays, the church does not prescribe any specific behavior for women on critical days. It is known that modern means Hygiene helps maintain the physical purity of the believer. No drops of blood, with appropriate hygienic protection, will fall on the floor in the temple. At the dawn of Christianity and beyond early centuries The woman did not know not only pads, but sometimes even underwear. Therefore, in order not to become the culprit of desecration of a holy place, the believer had to be careful not to stain the floor with blood and not attend church. Now there is no such danger. But the point is not only in physical, bodily cleanliness, but also moral.

Many adherents of modern views emphasize the words of John Chrysostom that Jesus Christ did not reject the “bleeding” woman, who, believing in him as in God, hoped to receive healing from her illness. For this purpose, she dared to touch the hem of the Savior’s robe. The Lord said that her faith saved her - and she was healed. That is, the main thing is not that a person is not worthy to touch the divine. The main thing is his faith; if it is strong, the believer will receive salvation.

Read also 🗓 Why you can’t get a tattoo during your period

One of the saints of the New Testament, Gregory the Great, spoke in favor of allowing a woman to choose whether to come to the temple or not. He clarified that if her refusal to visit the temple during menstruation is voluntary and associated with deep reverence for the Lord, with a reluctance to offend him, then this decision will be considered commendable, and the woman who accepted it will be considered pious.

Attending a church service is very an important event. There is no point in giving it up. At the same time, we must remember that churches are always open to their parishioners. By postponing church attendance for a week, perhaps a woman will use this time to prepare more thoroughly and, having purified herself, will hope that this decision more pleasing to God. In any case, the choice is up to the believer.

Of course, those who are suffering from an incurable, terrible disease, as well as those who are near death, have unconditional permission to visit the temple. In such situations, one cannot deny a person his desire to be closer to God. The presence of unbaptized people in the temple is also not prohibited. Everyone can come to church, because all people are God’s creations and can ask the Lord for mercy.

Priests' opinions

The clergy of our time cannot fail to take into account the changed conditions of life. Women with menstruation and other discharge, as a rule, do not emit any odor; there are no traces of menstruation, not only on the floor, but even on their underwear. All this is known, and the argument about physical impurity for a ban on entering the temple is not convincing enough. But one should not deviate from the generally accepted opinion that on critical days a woman is “unclean” and her way to the temple is prohibited. Thus, the question of whether you can go to church during your period or not remains open.

Christian women know that previously it was forbidden to attend church on critical days. To find out the priest’s opinion about this rule, many girls and women turn to their confessors for advice. Priests' answers to this question can be either negative or positive. Perhaps they will indicate the ban on lighting candles on these days or the acceptance of certain sacraments:

  1. Participles.
  2. Confession.
  3. Baptism.
  4. Weddings.
  5. Eating antidor and prosphora.
  6. Drinking holy water.
  7. Kissing icons, applications to them.
  8. Kissing the cross.

But it is important to remember that even sinners can be cleansed if their faith remains strong. Christian teaching says that the Savior does not expect the righteous to come to him, but rather sinners who want to repent. This is stated in the following words: “He did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

It is believed that the church is closed to a woman during her period.

You cannot go into church, much less receive communion.

Is it really?

And why has natural physiology caused so much controversy throughout the centuries of Christianity?

Is it possible to go to church during menstruation: reasons for impurity

There is no clear reason why a woman is prohibited from visiting the temple during her period. The thing is that the Old Testament contains a prohibition, linking the rejection of blood and tissues with the uncleanness of the female body in special days, A New Testament This ban does not directly cancel.

The most direct answer to the question of parishioners whether it is possible to go to church during menstruation and what is the reason for the ban was given in the 17th century by the Athonite Venerable Nikodim Svyatorets:

People consider all bodily secretions to be physical uncleanness, no matter where they come from;

the “uncleanness” of a woman during menstruation was supposed to become a ban on copulation, which is directly related to the successful bearing of a child and the birth of healthy babies;

The impurity of menstruation symbolizes the bodily, not connected with the will of man, and therefore sinful.

A double understanding of the very possibility of coming to church in an unclean state was outlined by Patriarch Paul of Serbia. He allows visiting the temple during menstruation (subject to compliance with the necessary hygienic procedures), but only for prayer, kissing icons, and participating in chants. But you cannot receive communion or be baptized during this period.

The concept of uncleanness of the female body in a certain period is also connected with the fact that in earlier times there were no reliable means of hygiene. Desecration of a temple with blood was considered almost a crime, because it is a symbol eternal life, opposing not so much physical as spiritual death.

In addition, during menstruation, life is rejected (symbolically): the egg dies, and along with it the hope of the birth of a new person, a follower of Christ, dies. Until the cleansing from defilement is completed, a woman has nothing to do in the Temple of the Lord.

Is it possible to go to church during menstruation: who is for and who is against

The opinion of the church fathers remains an opinion. The exact answer to the question can be given either by Holy Scripture or by the Lord himself. And there is something to think about here. The fact is that, according to the Gospel parable, Christ himself allowed a woman during a period of bleeding (in the Gospel of Matthew she is called the “bleeding wife”) to touch him for the sake of healing, addressing him with the words: “Be bold, daughter.”

Skeptical clergy retort: ​​the woman dared to touch only the hem of the robe of the Son of God, but not the body. Isn't there a ban on that?

When the laity asked whether it was possible to go to church during menstruation, they answered negatively:

Bishop of Alexandria Dionysius (III century): one can accept the Shrine only with a pure soul and body;

Bishop Timothy of Alexandria (IV century): you cannot take communion until you are completely cleansed;

St. John the Faster, who lived in the 6th century, demanded penance (punishment) for a woman who dared to accept the holy secrets of an unclean woman.

The concept of a woman's uncleanness is possibly related to the fact that dead tissue and blood are rejected. This is directly related to the idea of ​​death, which is contrary to the teachings of Christ. The Old Testament regulates all aspects of a believer’s life, giving Special attention food and disease. The New Testament rejects the Old Testament understanding of impurity, since the past has passed and a new time has come. Anyone who has died with faith in Christ will come to life, therefore the former bodily uncleanness has no meaning or meaning. The very question of the laity “is it possible to go to church during menstruation” does not matter. In the Gospel, Christ himself touches the dead and allows the “bleeding woman” to touch him.

The saints and recognized fathers of the Church of Christ allowed women to enter the temple during monthly purifications:

St. Gregory the Dvoeslov: a woman can participate in the sacraments (including the sacrament of Communion) during bleeding, because menstruation is natural physiological process, they are not sinners;

Saint Athanasius of Alexandria: everything created by God is pure, everything is good. The race of God does not carry anything initially unclean, but defilement comes from something else.

It is not surprising that different church fathers gave different recommendations to parishioners regarding visiting the Temple and participating in the sacraments. It is difficult for unchurched people to understand whether it is possible to go to church during menstruation. Nevertheless, the relevance of the problem is beyond doubt. It happens that a woman takes a long time to prepare for communion, but nature takes its toll. What to do?

There are more tragic situations. They may be associated, for example, with a serious illness. Is it possible to go to church during menstruation if you urgently need to take communion or venerate a shrine? Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that there are not even a few days to wait for cleansing.

Is it possible to go to church during menstruation: how to resolve the issue for parishioners

Today, the question of the possibility of coming to the temple is connected with how the abbot interprets it. In some churches, even wounded priests are prohibited from touching shrines: bleeding from a wound becomes a direct ban on participation in rituals. Parishioners are prohibited from confessing, receiving communion, and even getting married. The point is not that the woman is not pure, but that when bleeding, it is forbidden to touch sacred objects.

Orthodox priests Most people prohibit the sacrament of communion during cleansing by blood. The degree of categoricalness depends on the priest. “Don’t dare!” - this is the formula for the ban.

There are also clergy who consider the strict ban a relic of the past and do not prevent women from participating in either the service or the sacraments. The feminine nature from which man is born cannot be the source of sin.

So what should parishioners do? Is it possible to go to church during menstruation? An exact answer to this question can only be given by the priest of the church where the woman goes, or her confessor. You need to act as the clergyman orders in accordance with your understanding of Scripture.

Question: “Why can’t you go to church while you’re on your period?” controversial and ambiguous. The Orthodox Church, unlike the Catholic Church, still does not have a logical answer to it. Theologians cannot come to a common opinion, and perhaps they do not even try to do so. For example, Catholics have long dotted all the i’s: in their opinion, nothing can serve as a ban on a woman visiting church when she needs it.

But in our case, this topic will remain controversial for a long time.

Why can’t you go to church in Russia while you’re on your period? On the one hand, the reason is quite clear, but on the other hand, it is unconvincing, since it causes more questions than answers. The point here is not at all about some bans on women visiting churches and temples. Everything is much simpler than you think! The temple is not a place where blood is shed. It's difficult to explain, but we'll try. The fact is that only bloodless sacrifices are performed in the church, since the blood of Christ in the temple symbolizes red wine. And this is no coincidence. The Church does not accept real human blood within its walls, because its shedding here desecrates the shrine! In this case, the priest is forced to consecrate the temple in a new way.

It would seem that the explanation of why you can’t go to church while on your period sounds reasonable, since everyone knows that a person who cuts himself in a church with one object or another must definitely leave it and stop the bleeding outside it. But this explanation may not be convincing. Think for yourself, starting a family and having a child are natural processes that are not only approved by the church, but also blessed. This means that the natural cleansing of the female body, which occurs monthly, is not vile in the eyes of God!

So is it still possible or not?

Dear readers! It was a huge discovery for me to find out the reason why today you can visit temples during critical days! People who claim this directly point to miraculous tampons and pads that prevent direct leakage bleeding. From this they conclude that there are no obstacles to such women visiting temples.

The Orthodox Church itself does not comment on this situation. I listened to this opinion only because of the controversy regarding visiting the temple during happy holiday Easter. After all, holidays, as they say, are not chosen, and on the night of Easter many Orthodox women want to be present in church for the service. What if they are on their period? So, are they now barred from going to church? It is not right! This is where feminine hygiene products come to the rescue. In my opinion, everything here is quite logical. In any case, no matter how many versions there are of why you can’t go to church while on your period, or, on the contrary, why you can, they all need to be respected. And we can absolutely say that women are allowed to enter the temple whenever they please. Unless during your period you should play it safe with tampons or pads!

Generally in Slavic traditions Orthodoxy contains a lot of similar controversial situations and moments. I just want to say: “We invented it ourselves, and we suffer ourselves.” If you still cannot decide for yourself the issue of participating in the life of the church during menstruation, then consult with the priest. I think the holy fathers of the church will be able to help you. The main thing is not to be shy, because there is nothing shameful in this.

There is still a popular belief that women should not go to church during their periods.

Let's find out if this is true?

Here are the questions that women have about their menstrual periods:

Let's start in order, or rather with brief information where did such “rules” come from in our Church?

To begin with, I want to explain where the very concept of “Female Impurity” came from.

Menstruation is the cleansing of the uterus from dead tissue, cleansing the uterus for a new round of expectation, hope for new life, for conception. Every shedding of blood is the specter of death. But menstrual blood, this is doubly death, because it is not only blood, but also dead tissue of the uterus. Freeing herself from them, a woman becomes cleansed. This is the origin of the concept of impurity of women's periods. It is clear that this is not a personal sin of women, but a sin affecting all of humanity.

Rules of the Ancient Church.

In the Old Testament Church there were rules for women. If a woman was in uncleanness (postpartum state or menstruation), then within certain days she could not go to temple. The woman was considered to be in bodily uncleanness, since during this period blood flowed from the woman, and the shedding of any blood other than sacrificial blood in the temple was prohibited. Therefore, a woman could visit the temple again only after this very uncleanness had passed from her.

Current situation.

First: The hygiene revolution took over; in the past centuries there were neither showers nor underwear. Bloody meths have no place in the temple. Plus, excuse me, the smell. In the fourth century, Rev. Macarius of Egypt interpreted the words of the prophet Isaiah as follows: : “And all your righteousness is like the rags of a woman in her period.” With the advent of hygiene products, women now have no reason to worry that something might leak out of them when entering a temple.

Now in the New Testament Church animal sacrifices are not performed, but the bloodless sacrifice of the Eucharist is performed. Therefore, the shedding of any blood in churches is also prohibited. If, for example, a person has a nosebleed, then he must leave the temple until the bleeding stops. It’s the same with a priest, if the priest cuts himself in the altar or his nose starts bleeding, he must stop the bleeding and then continue the service.

Second: As for "Uncleanness".

If in the Old Testament, during female uncleanness, every woman was considered to be in uncleanness and the entrance to the temple was closed. These were special restrictions of God to the Old Testament people in order to educate the people and keep them within moral boundaries, teaching people like children through physical laws the spiritual laws of morality and purity.

Then in the New Testament, God gives man the perfect law of Love, abolishing the ancient rules.

What God has cleansed, do not consider unclean, said the Lord to the Apostle Peter (Acts 10.15)

Going to temple.

Let's remember the episode with the woman in “uncleanness”, who was forbidden to even touch the people of the Old Testament. A woman suffering from bleeding came up to the Lord from behind and touched the hem of His garment, and immediately the illness left her (Matthew 9:20). The Lord did not condemn her, nor did he make any reproach, but rather praised her for her faith.

A simple question: Why, if a woman with bleeding could touch the Lord’s garment and receive healing, a woman during her period cannot enter the Lord’s church?.. Since the woman, who in her illness touched the Lord’s garment, was right in her boldness, for some reason, What was allowed to one, is not allowed to all women suffering from the weakness of their nature?

Therefore, a woman who is in uncleanness can come to the temple of God - this is the answer to our 1st question.

Touching various shrines.

They say that you cannot venerate the cross or icons, or be present at the sacrament of baptism, etc.

I would like to ask a counter question: What is our pectoral cross, which we wear on our chests and the sign of the cross with which we sign ourselves are worse than temple icons and the priestly cross? - In terms of their holiness, they are equivalent!

Therefore, when entering the temple of God, you can venerate all the shrines, also be anointed with holy oil, take antidor and prosphora, and be present at the sacrament of baptism. This is not forbidden to a believer. This is the answer to questions 2,3,4.

Regarding the Sacrament of Communion.

According to the general opinion and agreement of the holy fathers, for the sake of reverence, it is better for a woman who is in bodily uncleanness to abstain from Communion, just as the Gospel woman who is in uncleanness did not touch Christ himself, but only His clothes. Again, this is a question of RECOMMENDATIONS, not rules.

Even in the breviary, when the priest reads a prayer to a woman on the 40th day for “CLEANSING,” he pronounces words of permission and blessing for the woman to AGAIN begin the Sacrament of Communion! , but not as a blessing to go into the temple, since a woman can come to the temple these days anyway.

Confirmation of my words by the Holy Fathers.

I want to say that all the saints who spoke on this topic said that a woman in such a state can be present in the temple, touch icons, eat prosphora, etc. But only a few of them said that Communion is not recommended.

1. St. Clement of Rome, A disciple of the Apostle Paul in his work “Apostolic Constitutions” even allowed communion in this state: “ If anyone observes and performs Jewish rites regarding the ejaculation of semen, the flow of semen, legal intercourse, let them tell us whether they stop praying, or touching the Bible, or partaking of the Eucharist during those hours and days when they are exposed to something like this? If they say that they stop, then it is obvious that they do not have in themselves the Holy Spirit, Who always abides with believers... In fact, if you, a woman, think that during the seven days when you have your period, you do not have in you Holy Spirit; then it follows that if you die suddenly, you will leave without the Holy Spirit and boldness and hope in God. But the Holy Spirit, of course, is inherent in you... For neither legal copulation, nor childbirth, nor the flow of blood, nor the flow of semen in a dream can defile the nature of man or separate the Holy Spirit from him, only wickedness and lawless activity separate him from [the Spirit]...the birth of children is pure... and natural cleansing is not abominable before God, Who wisely arranged for it to happen to women... But according to the Gospel, when the bleeding woman touched the saving edge of the Lord’s robe in order to get well, the Lord did not reproach her, but said: your faith saved you».

« A woman should not be prohibited from entering church during her menstruation, for she cannot be blamed for what is given by nature, and from which a woman suffers against her will. After all, we know that a woman suffering from bleeding came up to the Lord from behind and touched the hem of His garment, and immediately the illness left her. Why, if she, while bleeding, could touch the Lord’s garment and receive healing, a woman during her period cannot enter the Church of the Lord?..

It is impossible at such a time to forbid a woman to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. If she does not dare to accept it out of great respect, this is commendable, but by accepting it, she will not commit a sin... And menstruation in women is not sinful, for it comes from their nature...

Leave women to their own understanding, and if during their menstruation they do not dare to approach the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of the Lord, they should be praised for their piety. If they... want to accept this Sacrament, they should not, as we said, be prevented from doing so.”.

3. St. Dionysius of Alexandria advised not to proceed to the sacrament of Communion

“For even the woman who had a twelve-year hemorrhage did not touch Him for healing, but only the hem of her garment. Praying, no matter what state someone is in and no matter how disposed they are, remembering the Lord and asking for His help is not forbidden. But let him who is not entirely pure in soul and body be prohibited from approaching what is the Holy of Holies.».

4. St. Timothy of Alexandria expressed the same opinion on the same topic. When asked whether it is possible to baptize or admit to Communion a woman who has “The usual thing happened to women,” he answered: “Must put it aside until it is cleared».

5. Serbian Patriarch Paul

a woman, during her monthly cleansing, with the necessary caution and taking hygienic measures, can come to church, kiss icons, take antidor and blessed water, as well as participate in singing. She would not have been able to receive communion in this state, or if she was unbaptized, she would not have been able to be baptized. But in a mortal illness he can both receive communion and be baptized

The conclusion from all that has been said is that if women are unclean, you can visit temples, eat and drink holy things, but only abstain from Communion for the sake of reverence.

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Menstruation is an integral part of the life of every healthy adult woman. Surely many believers are concerned about the question: is it possible to go to church during menstruation? In this material I want to help you deal with it. But first let’s turn a little to the Bible, namely to the creation of the world by God.

If you want to know how the Almighty created our Universe, then you should carefully study the Old Testament. It tells that the first people were created on the 6th day by God in his image and likeness and received the names Adam (man) and Eve (woman).

As a result, it turns out that initially the woman was clean and should not have menstruated. And the process of conceiving and giving birth to children should not have been painful. In the world of Adam and Eve, in which complete perfection reigned, there was no place for anything unclean. The body, thoughts, deeds and souls of the first people were permeated with purity.

However, as we know, such an idyll did not last long. The cunning Devil took on the image of a serpent and began to tempt Eve to taste the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In return, the woman was promised power and higher knowledge. And she couldn’t resist - she tried the fruit herself, and also gave it to her husband to taste.

This is exactly how the Fall happened, which spread to the entire human race. and as punishment they were forever expelled from. The woman was doomed to suffer. It was said that from then on the process of conception and birth of offspring would cause her suffering. Since then, according to the Bible, a woman has been considered unclean.

What the Old Testament Forbids

For our distant ancestors, the rules and laws of the Old Testament played a huge role. It’s not for nothing that during that period of time it was created great amount temples in which people tried to establish a connection with the Almighty, and also made offerings to him.

As for the fair sex, they were not considered full members of society, but were considered in addition to men. And, of course, no one forgot about the sin committed by Eve, after which she began menstruation. That is, menstruation at that time was a kind of reminder of how the first woman was guilty before God.

The Old Testament made it very clear who had and who did not have the right to visit the Holy Temple of God. Thus, a ban on entry was imposed in the following situations:

  • on lepers;
  • during ejaculation;
  • for those who touched the dead;
  • for those who suffered from purulent discharge;
  • for a woman during menstruation;
  • for women who gave birth to a boy - up to forty days, and for those who gave birth to a girl - up to eighty days.

In times when the Old Testament was relevant, everything was perceived from a physiological point of view. So a dirty body indicated that its owner was unclean.

Women were strictly forbidden to go to church, and also to places where many people gathered. It was forbidden for blood to be shed in sacred places.

These rules were in effect until the appearance of Jesus Christ and until the time when the New Testament came into force.

Jesus Christ allowed menstruating people to visit the temple

The Savior placed the main emphasis on the spiritual, trying to help people realize the truth. After all, he came to this world to atone for all human sins, in particular the sin of Eve.

If a person did not have faith, then all his actions automatically fell into the category of unspiritual. The presence of black thoughts made a person unclean, no matter how pure and flawless his physical shell was.

The Temple of God ceased to be perceived as a specific place on Earth, but was transformed into human souls. assured people that the soul is in fact the Temple of God, His Church. At the same time, the rights of representatives of both sexes were equalized.

I would like to talk about one situation that outraged all the priests. When the Savior was in the Temple, one lady, who had been suffering from constant blood loss for many years, squeezed through the crowd of people and touched his robes.

Jesus felt the unfortunate woman, turned to her and said that from now on she was saved thanks to her faith. It was since then that a split occurred in human consciousness: part of the people remained faithful to the purity of the physical (adherents of the Old Testament, who were firmly convinced that women under no circumstances should go to the temple with menstruation), and the second part listened to the teachings of Jesus Christ ( adherents of the New Testament and spiritual purity who began to neglect this prohibition).

When the Savior was crucified on the cross, the New Testament became relevant, according to which the shed blood began to symbolize new life.

What do priests say about this ban?

Regarding representatives catholic church, then they have long found the answer to the question of whether it is possible to go to church with menstruation. In this case, menstruation is considered a completely natural phenomenon, so there are no prohibitions on visiting church during it. In addition, blood has long ceased to irrigate church floors due to the presence of large quantity hygiene products.

But the Orthodox holy fathers cannot find the right solution on this matter. Some are ready to give a million reasons why you can’t go to church while on your period. And others argue that there is nothing reprehensible in visiting the Temple if your soul so desires.

What is forbidden to do in the temple during menstruation?

The prohibitions mainly concern purely physical aspects. So, for reasons of hygiene, women should not go into the water so that others do not see how her blood mixes with the water.

The wedding process is quite lengthy and not every weakened female body will be able to withstand it to the end. And this, in turn, is fraught with fainting, and also with weakness and dizziness.

During confession, the psycho-emotional aspect is involved, and, as is known, representatives of the fairer sex have a slightly inadequate state during menstruation (and behave accordingly). Therefore, if a woman decided to confess at this time, she risked blurting out a lot of unnecessary things, something that she would later regret for a long time. As a result, you should definitely refuse confession during critical days.

So is it possible to go to church while on your period or not?

IN modern world It is not uncommon for the sinful and the righteous to be mixed. No one knows for sure who came up with the ban in question. All people perceive information in the form in which it is more convenient for them to do so.

The church is a room, the same as it was in the times of the Old Testament. This means that everyone, by inertia, continues to abide by the rules it has established. And they try not to visit the temple while on their period.

But in the modern democratic world many changes have been made. If previously the main sin in visiting church with menstruation was shedding blood in the temple, today you can completely cope with this problem - enough hygiene products (tampons, pads) have been invented that perfectly absorb blood and prevent it from spreading on the floor of holy places. This means that a woman is no longer considered unclean.

However, there is also back side medals. During menstruation female body a process of self-cleaning occurs. And this means that a female person is still considered unclean and is forbidden to go to temple.

But the New Testament takes the side of the fair sex. According to him, if you feel a spiritual need to touch a shrine, to be filled with Divine support, then visiting church is permissible and even recommended!

After all, the Savior provides his help precisely to those who sincerely believe in him. And then how clean your body is is not too of great importance. Therefore, it turns out that adherents of the New Testament are not prohibited from going to church during menstrual periods.

However, there are some amendments here. Based on which, if the Church and Temple of God is the very soul of a person, then it is absolutely not necessary for him to visit any specific place, wanting to receive help. Accordingly, a woman can just as successfully turn to the Lord in prayer from her apartment. And if her prayer was sincere, sincere, then it will certainly be heard, and much faster than in the case of visiting a temple.

In conclusion

Still, not a single person can give you an exact answer to the question of whether menstruating people are allowed to go to church. Everyone will express their point of view on this matter. And based on this, the answer to the question posed should be sought not in books and articles, but in the depths of one’s own soul.

The ban may or may not exist. At the same time, no small importance is given to the motives and intentions with which the lady is going to go to the temple. For example, if her desire is to receive forgiveness and repent of her sins, then attending church at any time is acceptable. The most important thing is that the soul always remains pure.

In general, during menstruation, it is advisable to think about the actions you perform. Often these days, a woman, in principle, does not feel any particular desire to leave her home. Therefore, let’s summarize that visiting the Temple of God during menstruation is allowed, but only if your soul really needs it!