Is it necessary to protect larch and from what? Ladders for a summer residence made of larch - comfort with the aroma of pine needles. We hope this information will help you understand why, when choosing the material for our products, we chose larch - durable, beautiful and durable.

Larch is a summer-green sound tree conifer wood, the uniqueness of which lies in the shedding of needles before winter. Despite this, most young plants can retain their needles winter time. Favorable conditions germination allows larch to grow up to 50 meters in height and reach one meter in diameter. Among all types of trees, larch is a long-liver, since one plant can reach 300-400 years of age.

Why larch?

Compared to a number of other types of wood, larch has a number of advantages. Basically, they are associated with beautiful operational properties and good aesthetic appearance. Here are the properties of larch:

  1. Comparing the hardness of the material on a special Brinell scale, larch is only one point behind oak (110 versus 111). Therefore, larch wood is almost identical to oak.
  2. Treated wood weighs twice as much as pine.
  3. In terms of strength and density, pine lags behind larch by 30%. This is due to the fact that larch has a special composition, which tends to get stronger with each year of use.
  4. Larch logs have one of the highest rates of sound insulation and frost resistance.
  5. The chemical composition of larch resin consists of special substances, which together constitute a natural protection against decay and the influence of wood borers.
  6. In terms of resistance to fire, larch is two and a half times superior to pine.
  7. The logs of the house, when naturally heated by the sun, begin to evaporate natural phytoncides. High concentrations of these substances have a positive effect on human health.
  8. The durability of larch is confirmed by the example of Venice. The trunks were used as piles, which were driven under water in V-IX. According to ultrasonic studies, today the piles are in excellent condition, with almost no loss of their performance characteristics. Moreover, the salt water caused the wood to completely petrify. The ax blows left small scratches that were not noticeable from a long distance.

The properties of wood described above make it possible to realize any, even the most complex house designs. But here it is necessary to remember the quality of the material.

Despite the fact that larch has a lot of advantages, the buyer’s main task is to choose the most good stuff. By itself, larch strongly absorbs moisture. The prepared material must first be dried, and this must be done extremely carefully so that a certain supply of liquid remains in the structure. Poor-quality building materials can be seen almost instantly - there will always be breaks, cracks, chips and other defects on the surface. Regardless of the price at which you are offered to buy a timber with a similar condition, it is better to refuse it altogether.

To increase the service life of a house made of larch timber, it is recommended to carry out additional processing of the material. Special impregnations are designed for these purposes. Impregnation is applied in several layers, depending on what product you are dealing with.

Antiseptic treatment will extend the service life. Treated larch is able to withstand temperature changes and the effects of precipitation.

Advantages of using larch in the construction of country houses:

  • Possibility to obtain a design of any complexity;
  • The high hardness of the wood minimizes the amount of work required to create a strong foundation;
  • Reduced overall cost of the house as a result of reduced construction duration;
  • Minimal thermal conductivity (joints have increased density, the layer of timber fits better to the edges of the house);
  • Originality of wood texture and high quality surfaces make it possible to completely abandon modern finishes interior Ultimately, money is saved on creating a room design.


Larch - good construction material, whose qualities become better and better over time. But to maximize your potential, you need to be able to distinguish good products from low-quality ones. Practice shows: having done right choice in favor of larch, the built house will always delight you with elegant appearance, pleasant smell and low maintenance.

However, like any other wood building material, larch must be treated with special antiseptics. Otherwise, the service life will be noticeably shorter.

What is it necessary to protect larch from and how to do it?

Larch is a type of wood often used in residential and utility construction, as well as in interior decoration. It is known as the densest and most durable of tree species: larch tolerates high moisture and all types of temperature influences well. Famous example, proving the strength of this material: the pillars of the foundations of houses in Venice, which are always under water, are made of larch, and remain unharmed for more than a thousand years.

However, does this mean that when building a house, laying a terrace or finishing a bathhouse, it is enough to simply lay larch without treating its surface with anything? Not at all. Modern protective compounds will help to avoid damage that threatens this material various reasons and extend its service life.

The main unfavorable factors for larch

Larch, which is used as an external finishing or building material, is subject to the greatest loads: deck boards, facade finishing etc. The main reason for its possible damage is the climatic factor. In our latitudes, the climate is characterized by sharp temperature changes, which, together with high air humidity, can cause damage.

So, in the summer when high humidity air the tree accumulates moisture- This usually happens at night. When the temperature begins to rise during the day, moisture quickly evaporates from the wood. If it evaporates from different layers of wood with at different speeds, this leads to warping of its surface and disruption of the geometry of the products.

In winter time combination of moisture and cold also poses a danger. During a thaw, wood accumulates moisture, but when the air temperature drops sharply, the moisture in the wood structure begins to freeze and, accordingly, expand. This can cause cracks to appear in the wood, which will gradually increase.

Another unfavorable external factor for larch is ultraviolet radiation . The sun's rays cause the color of the wood to gradually change, it “fades” and becomes less attractive.

If larch is used as a finishing material for a bathhouse or sauna, it may suffer from frequent changes in humidity levels at elevated temperatures and, consequently, warping and cracking.

You should also take into account the risk of damage from mechanical loads, scratches from heels, animal claws, etc., especially if larch is used for flooring.

Hence, protective materials for larch must provide resistance against the following factors:

Mechanical influences;

Moisture penetration;

UV radiation.

Antiseptics for larch

Modern antiseptics provide protection against rotting and biological effects on wood (the appearance of mold, mildew, beetles), and also increase its hydrophobic properties, preventing the penetration of moisture. There are several forms of antiseptics, but the optimal ones for larch are formulations based on oil based. They are suitable for wood used both outside and indoors, as well as in saunas and baths. Oil compositions and impregnations create an elastic, durable film on the surface of the product and last for several years.

Antiseptics are applied to the surface of the wood using a brush or roller, preferably in two layers. Application by dipping is also possible, which is suitable for large volumes of wood.

It should be noted that materials that are connected to each other using a tongue-and-groove lock (lining, imitation timber, block house), it is enough to process only the front side and chamfers, provided that there is a ventilation gap between the coating and the base. For materials such as decking boards, planks, etc., where there is a gap between the elements, processing on both sides is desirable.

UV protection

To provide protection from sunlight, paints are used that can be transparent or opaque and change the color or tone of the wood. If you want to preserve the natural color of the wood, you can use modern oils that contain components that provide protection from UV rays without changing the color of the wood. However, it should be taken into account that such compositions need to be updated quite often - once every 2-3 years.

Larch is unique natural material, having mass useful characteristics And positive traits, due to which wood of this species is often used in the construction of houses.

However, staircases made of larch are still quite a rare occurrence; experts consider this material not the most successful for finishing. But let's be honest, professional craftsmen It’s just a pity to use such an excellent type of wood on stairs, but in vain, because structures made from this type of wood not only look good, but also have extraordinary endurance.

Larch is a material that is not afraid of water

It must be admitted that larch is really not afraid of water, but this is not its only unique property. It has a beautiful dense texture and rich color, thanks to which it goes well with different furniture and looks good in premium interiors.

Dacha stairs made from this type of wood can be painted in different shades, from yellow to dark brown. The last color signals that the structure is built from old wood, which, however, is not a drawback.

Prices for larch stairs are pleasing with their affordability. Due to its wide distribution in Siberia and Far East this raw material is supplied in abundance to manufacturers of all stripes. average cost equals $2500-3000 depending on the quality of the material and the complexity of the design.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dacha stairs made from larch, in addition to beauty and durability, have a number of advantages, the main of which are:

  • resistance to humid environments: country stairs not only are they not afraid of water, but, on the contrary, when moisture gets on the wood fibers they become even stronger and more durable;
  • resistance to rotting, especially after additional treatment with antiseptic agents;
  • affordability.

Of the disadvantages that they have economy stairs, we can highlight:

  • intractability in processing;
  • susceptibility to cracking.

The last drawback is found quite often in larch structures, but it should not stop you from purchasing. Unlike wooden stairs from beech or oak, samples from larch do not lose their positive properties after cracks appear and do not deteriorate externally.

Features of care

Considering that larch is not afraid of water, stairs made of this material can and should even be washed with a damp cloth, although you should not overdo it. Install next to heating devices, as well as pine stairs, larch structures are not recommended to avoid cracking. From time to time, all glossy parts require treatment with special wax-based care compounds and thorough polishing.

Among my friends, along with fashion wooden structures“The Legend of the Unrotting Larch” was spread for the garden. It seems that it was said somewhere that you can make anything from larch, even flooring on paths and platforms, not to mention gazebos and pergolas. Here, tell me: where is this written? And, most importantly, by whom? I will find the villain and wish him to kill himself and not disturb the public peace about things that he does not understand.
Yesterday, on the occasion of a family celebration, over a glass of tea, relatives had to read a report on the dangers of alcoholism and the use of wood in landscape works.
With your permission, I will present it here, since the harmful misconception about the miraculous properties of larch is terrible, how widespread it is. So Venice stands on larch stilts, and this city is many years old, more than a thousand. But these piles are under water, and air does not flow to them. In such conditions, larch wood almost does not rot; it becomes hard as stone, since it is heavily impregnated with resin. On outdoors unprotected larch wood is colonized by wood-destroying fungi, which leave it rotting. If you have seen landscape shows on TV or read somewhere that you can do beautiful path from “round pieces” - transverse cuts of larch, then see how such a path will look already on next year after the device: Blackened and covered with disgusting mucus paving elements - what kind of design is this? In my opinion, Nikakovsky. And this “beauty” will soon fall apart. Not a single type of tree will be resistant to rotting in our latitudes if it is in such close contact with the soil, so it is better not to dream of “village” paths made from saw cuts at all. Wood flooring, decks and walking paths can be made, but in such a way that their covering does not come into contact with the soil. And, of course, etch and impregnate! Their service life is approximately 5-7 years, but, fortunately, repairs are inexpensive. Now about the superiority of larch over other types of wood, which its sellers so often talk about. Let's compare it, for example, with inexpensive pine. In terms of resistance to biodegradation (in air without impregnation), larch and pine are approximately equal, and the sapwood (outer layers of wood) of larch is even weaker in this regard. To make any kind of landscape structures from wood, it must be impregnated with bioprotective compounds. A problem common to all types of wood: protective compounds for normal application poorly absorbed. Professionals use special equipment on which impregnation is carried out under pressure, and an ordinary summer resident can only take rocks that absorb all these solutions relatively well. This is certainly not larch; it resists impregnation very stubbornly. Better take pine. Larch wood is also very hard: sawing and planing will be difficult. And she also has internal tension: when it dries, it tightens with a “screw”. All these problems can, of course, be solved, but to do this you need to have professional knowledge and skills. And taking larch for country homemade projects will only spoil the expensive material. Why is larch sold? Is it worth the money spent on it? Yes, it’s worth it if these are professionally made products. If you know how to work with it, have powerful tools, appropriate equipment and technology, you can make very beautiful, abrasion-resistant parquet or steps (for your home) from it. Or garden furniture. Products made from larch are very beautiful due to the play of color: from golden to pink, they resist dents and scratches well. In a word, it is beautiful if used for its intended purpose. And for landscape structures it is better to use pine boards and timber treated with bioprotective compounds.

Larch belongs to the deciduous coniferous species and is actively used for production finishing materials(lining, panels, floor boards), furniture, moldings and much more. The Brinell hardness index is 109 units, while oak has 110 units. Due to its density and high gum content, wood demonstrates excellent resistance to water (including sea water), rot, wood borers, rodents, deformation and mechanical damage.

Manufacturers decking boards made of larch, it is recommended to cover it with protective agents with antiseptic and water-repellent properties. Three types of paint and varnish compositions are best suited for these purposes:

  • Protective impregnations;
  • Polymer-containing varnishes and enamels;
  • Fat-containing compositions: oils, waxes and oil-wax mixtures;

Application protective equipment on decking.

Let us remind you that the processing of larch decking boards is carried out only with products marked:

  • “for external use” - this means that the compositions contain frost-resistant and plasticizing additives that ensure the safety of the coating in any, even the most extreme operating conditions.
  • “for floors” or “for terraces” - that is, the coating for the decking board is especially resistant to abrasive loads and will last at least 5-10 years outdoors.

Protective impregnations

As practice shows, many consumers are not satisfied with the film-forming coating for decking boards. The preference is to preserve the warm surface of the wood, pleasant to the touch, without signs of processing or with light tinting. To ensure minimal protection of wood from biogenic factors, special impregnations or primers can be used. A whole series of products is produced for:

All products are preparatory (intermediate) used for finishing compositions. However, this does not prevent them from being used as independent products, because the wood treated with the above compositions does not form a surface film that clogs the pores. The downside is that impregnations are forced out of the decking during operation, so the protection must be renewed periodically - at least once every 2-3 years.

To ensure a sustainable effect, it is necessary to use covering products from a series of protective and decorative ones, that is, a variety of paints and varnishes and oil-wax compositions.

Varnishes and enamels

Film-forming transparent or translucent varnish compositions are colorless and colored (tinting). Good, high-quality products perfectly highlight the natural pattern of treated wood, forming a water- and dirt-repellent film on the surface.

However, the problem is that parquet, universal and furniture varnishes are mainly intended for indoor use. Only one series of products can be used for outdoor work - these are the so-called yacht compositions on an alkyd-urethane or polyurethane-acrylic base (Tikkurila Unica Super, Belinka Yacht, Eurotex Yachtny, etc.). They can process any wooden surfaces, not subject to severe abrasive wear: walls, ceilings, railings, gazebos, furniture (including garden furniture), as well as elements of boats not below the waterline.

Yacht varnishes are resistant to atmospheric stress and prevent fading or yellowing of wood under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. But they do not serve long as a finishing material for flooring materials - their abrasion resistance is low. Therefore, even if you treat a terrace board with it, the coating will not last long - 1-3 years, no more.

For larch decking boards, it is better to choose another type of film-forming composition - enamels. These are multicomponent compositions for external and interior work, forming after polymerization an opaque dense coating that is resistant to water, frost, sun rays, abrasive and other types of loads. Suitable for terraces:

  • Nitrocellulose enamels (NC) are time-tested paints that work great on any materials, from concrete to wood. The material is quite toxic, but after application to the painted surface it produces a smooth, glossy and durable film.
  • Polymer-containing enamels - alkyd, urethane-alkyd, polyurethane, polyurethane-acrylic. Release water paints and on solvents. The former are considered safe to use, the latter are extremely resistant to mechanical stress. The degree of gloss depends on the selected product. Foreign manufacturers, as a rule, offer glossy, matte, semi-matte and semi-gloss enamels. The assortment of Russian factories includes only the first two varieties.

Advice! When purchasing, pay attention: the label must be marked “for flooring”. This means that the composition contains special strengthening additives that increase the resistance of the coating to abrasion, impact, etc.

All enamels are produced in a limited palette: standard white plus 8-25 colors. But they can be tinted by machine or manually in more than 5000 shades. Painting can be done by anyone painting tool: roller, brush, sponge, spray gun.

Oils and waxes

Fat-containing compositions based on vegetable oils and natural waxes do an excellent job of protecting decking boards. Due to the content of various additives, the coating is not simply absorbed into the pores, but strengthens the surface of the wood, giving it water- and dirt-repellent, wear-resistant, fungicidal and anti-slip properties. On treated boards, impregnation does not form a film and partially protects the decking from fading and cracking in the sun. In assortment famous manufacturers There are colorless compositions, as well as tinted and pigmented ones. Thanks to the last two types, larch can be given the appearance of bog oak, reddish merbau or golden teak.

As a rule, oils and waxes for external use are produced in a kit consisting of:

  1. Primer impregnations with a liquid texture based on water or solvents;
  2. Finishing compounds with a denser texture and various additives. Some manufacturers even offer oils reinforced with polyurethane.

Note that larch mounted on the terrace is an unpretentious species, so for its finishing you can purchase any of the products available in the store. Apply oil or wax with a brush, pad, rag or sponge according to the instructions on the package.