Nicholas the Wonderworker, God's saint. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Worship of the saints and hope for their help in difficult times life situations have always been and remain an unshakable tradition of Christianity. Many believers have “their own,” beloved defenders and intercessors, to whom they entrust their most secret thoughts and requests. First of all, this Holy Mother of God, Blessed Matrona, Ksenia of Petersburg, Seraphim of Sarov, Healer Panteleimon and others. Their names are often heard in prayers; lips fall to their icons.

But perhaps the most revered saint by the Russian people is Nicholas the Wonderworker. He is also called Nicholas the Pleasant and Saint Nicholas. After Mother of God it ranks second in the number of Orthodox and Catholic churches dedicated to him and built in his honor (Nicholas the Wonderworker is also revered by Catholics). In Russia alone you will find thousands of St. Nicholas churches scattered as if gems, in cities and villages. And how many there are around the world!

Nicholas the Wonderworker: life story and where he is buried

What special did this man do during his lifetime, and why did he become close and understandable to the hearts of millions of people? This can be learned from his biography. The future great saint was an unusual child from birth. He devoted himself to God early and served only him all his life, and he also loved people and helped every suffering person in any way he could.

He was born in 270 AD. e. in the Roman province of Lycia, in the city of Patara, in the south of the Asia Minor peninsula (thousands of Russians know this place as Antalya - a wonderful holiday destination on the Turkish coast). Nikolai was a long-awaited, late child in a prosperous Christian family. His mother was a sickly woman and could not have children for a long time. Together with their husband, they prayed to God to give them a child, and when they finally had a son, they immediately vowed to dedicate him to worship. After giving birth, the mother happily got rid of her illnesses, but Nikolai remained the only child - suffered through suffering and dearly loved.

From early childhood, Nikolai devoted a lot of time to the study of divine scripture. His close relative, the Bishop of Patara, observed the boy’s successes. He was pleased with the child’s desire to know God, he was proud of his nephew’s pious behavior, and a few years later he contributed to Nicholas’s elevation to the rank of priest. The flock fell in love with their young presbyter for his purity, mercy and readiness to help anyone. He often distributed things from his personal property to those in need, sharing money and food with them. He tried to hide his good deeds and in most cases provided support to people secretly.

However, some cases of his mercy received publicity. Many believers know the story of a bankrupt father of a family who, out of despair, was ready to offer each of his three daughters to any man willing to pay money. Having learned about this, Saint Nicholas filled three bags with gold and at night threw them into the poor man’s window, thus saving the family not only from hunger, but also from spiritual death.

And here is how the famous actor, priest Ivan Okhlobystin told the same story:

“It was like this: St. Nicholas’s neighbor went bankrupt and was ready to give his daughters in marriage to unloved but rich old men. When Saint Nicholas became aware of this unjust decision of his father, he collected all the gold of the church where he served as bishop in order to give it to his desperate father. Nikolai put the gold in a sock, and then threw it to his neighbor through the window.
The happy father paid off his debts, and his daughters were not harmed. It was around Christmas. This is how the tradition of hiding Christmas gifts for family and friends in socks was born.”

As a young priest, one day Nicholas decided to go to Jerusalem to venerate the holy places there. On the way, the ship on which he sailed almost got into a strong storm. But Nicholas the Wonderworker was able to predict the approaching storm in advance and pacify the raging sea with prayer. There, a tragic incident happened to one of the sailors: he fell from the mast and was broken, but thanks to the fervent prayers of Nikolai, the deceased was resurrected. These miracles were witnessed by pilgrims who sailed on the same ship.

Thus, during his lifetime, Saint Nicholas could change the fates of unfortunate people, and today they continue to do good and show mercy to everyone who sacredly believes in him.

Having visited Jerusalem and venerated the shrines associated with the deeds of the Son of God Jesus Christ on Earth, Saint Nicholas decided to retire to a monastery in the desert, but the voice of the Lord ordered him to return to his homeland, to Lycia.

Nicholas did not reach his native Patara, but settled in the town of Myra in Lycia, where he was soon elected archbishop. For his flock this great person has always remained a model of mercy, love for people and extraordinary modesty. During the reign of Emperor Diocletian (from 284 to 305 AD), he, along with other Christians, was imprisoned for his beliefs and spent 8 difficult years there.

After the accession of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine to the throne, Nicholas returned to his temple, where the people sincerely rejoiced at meeting their mentor and intercessor. All his life, Nicholas, a man pleasing to God, was also pleasing to his flock, which grew far beyond the borders of the Lycian World.

In the same town, on December 6, 342, a great man, St. Nicholas, died and was laid to rest. His relics were kept in the city cathedral church for more than 700 years, healing the sick and suffering. In 1087, the main part of the relics was transported to the Italian city of Bari, and a small part of them to Venice. They are kept there to this day.

The life story of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is not limited to our short story. During its long and good life he healed souls and wounds, preached Christian teaching everywhere and demonstrated at the same time strength and determination, meekness and humility. Today Saint Nicholas is considered the special patron of sailors, travelers, orphans and innocent prisoners.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is probably the most revered of the saints after the Virgin Mary. He performed and still performs miracles during his earthly life, helps people, responds to various prayers and requests for help.

God's Pleasant Nikolai helps travelers (once the saint, with the help of prayers, managed to escape the sea that almost sank a ship).

The saint is asked for the successful marriage of his daughters (he secretly donated money to their father for a dowry, thereby providing him with great help - saving the family from shame).

The saint was a deliverer from vain death, reconciled enemies, defended innocently convicted people ().

Saint Nicholas, God's Pleasant, helps in healing from illnesses; people pray to him for the well-being and preservation of peace in the family, for the intercession of children. He provides assistance in getting rid of poverty and in many difficult life situations.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not “specialize” in any specific areas. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


In 1953-1957 Radiological studies of the remains of Nicholas's relics were carried out. It turned out that the iconographic image of the saint corresponds to his portrait image, which was reconstructed from the skull from the Bar tomb. It also became possible to determine Nikolai’s height – 167 cm.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. But, unfortunately, after research it became clear that the life of the holy archbishop is mistakenly intertwined with the life of another saint, whose name was Nicholas of Pinar (VI century). Both saints lived in Lycia, but in different times. For example, the two-hour standing in the baptismal font attributed to the Pleasant of God was carried out by St. Nicholas of Pinar, and it was his uncle, the bishop, and not the Wonderworker.

You can learn more about the life of the most famous saint from the book “St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, the Great Wonderworker,” which presents the most accurate facts after the research of A.V. Bugaevsky and Archimandrite Vladimir Zorin. Publishing house TABERNACLE, Moscow 2001.


There is no exact time when Nikolai was born. Researchers believe that the saint was born in 260 in Lycia in the city of Patara (now the provinces of Antalya and Mugla in modern Turkey).

Immediately after birth, unusual things for babies began to happen to the saint - on Wednesdays and Fridays he took mother’s milk only once a day. And then, throughout his life, the saint spent Wednesday and Friday, according to Christian customs, in strict fasting.
When Nikolai grew up and began to study, he showed an aptitude for science, but he showed a special love for knowledge of the Divine Scripture. Presumably we can conclude that Nicholas the Wonderworker God's Laws studied privately, with one of the priests. At that time the empire was still pagan, and it is unlikely that Christian schools could exist then. They began to open during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great (306-337), when St. Nicholas was already about 40 years old.
Saint Nicholas always listened to his God-fearing parents; all the habits inherent in young people of his age were alien to Nicholas the Wonderworker. He avoided idle conversations with his peers and did not take part in various fun and entertainment that were incompatible with virtue. Nikolai excluded theatrical performances from his life forever. After all, at that time many theatrical performances were of an obscene nature, and actresses, according to Roman law, were equated with harlots.
The bishop of the city of Patara knew and respected the pious young man Nicholas and contributed to his ordination to the priesthood. After being ordained, he began to treat his life even more strictly.
After the saint's parents died, he inherited a large fortune from them. But wealth did not bring him the same joy as communication with God, so the Wonderworker asked Him to show him how best to manage his money.

It is known that with the help of Archbishop Nicholas, his neighbor saved himself and his three daughters from shame. Until recently, this family was wealthy, but circumstances led to the fact that this neighbor became a beggar and he even began to think about his children starting to engage in fornication and earn a living. By chance the saint managed to find out about this, and he decided to help this family.

But he decided to do his good deed secretly, as it is written in the Gospel:

“Be careful not to do your alms in front of people so that they can see you” (Matthew 6:1).

At night Nicholas the Wonderworker secretly placed a bag of money in a neighbor's window, and when the poor man found the gold, he immediately thought about God's help. This money went towards the dowry of the eldest daughter, who soon got married.
Soon Saint Nicholas decided to help his neighbor’s middle daughter and again threw him a bundle of money. When the unfortunate father again found money, he began to pray to the Lord to reveal a savior to him. When the poor man celebrated his second wedding, he realized that the Lord would give him help for the marriage of his third daughter. And then one day the saint of God decided to help his neighbor for the third time and again gave him money. But this time the owner caught up with the night guest, learned that it was Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, and fell at his feet, thanking the saint for a long time, who asked not to tell anyone that it was his help, so that no one would know about it good deed.

This act gave rise to a tradition in the Christian world in which children on Christmas morning find gifts secretly brought at night by Nicholas, who in the West is called Santa Claus.

Time passed, the parishioners fell in love with Nicholas. Ruling bishop, in public, ordained him as a presbyter, saying the following words:

“Brothers! I see a new sun rising over the earth. Blessed is the flock that is worthy of having him as their shepherd, for he will shepherd the souls of the lost, satisfy them in the pastures of piety, and appear as a merciful helper in troubles and sorrows.”

After St. Nicholas became a presbyter, many sources describe the Wonderworker’s trip to the Holy Sepulcher. But according to, we can conclude that there is a mistake; in fact, this story is about Nikolai Pinarsky.

Soon the head of the Church in Lycia died. The deceased bishop led a righteous life, was very loved by his flock, he was revered as a saint, so in his place they were looking for someone like him, who was not inferior to him in piety. One of the bishops at the Council suggested asking God for help and said that through their prayers the Lord would help them find a new primate.
After this decision, one of the participants in the Council had a night vision in which the Lord suggested that the person who would be first in the church in the morning should be appointed archbishop. This person will have a name - Nikolai. The first thing in the morning in the vestibule of the temple was a man who, when asked by the bishop about his name, answered:

“My name is Nikolai, I am a slave of your holiness, lord.”

The bishop was very pleased with such humility and meekness, and he happily introduced the future archbishop to the clergy and people.
At first, Saint Nicholas tried to refuse such an honor, but having learned about the revelation from above, he saw God’s will in this and agreed. At the same time, he, realizing the responsibility he had taken on before people and the Lord, told himself that now he needed to live to save others, and not just himself.

Nicholas the Wonderworker was elected archbishop of the city of Myra around 300. Despite his high position, he still remained for his flock a model of humility, meekness and love for people.
The saint's clothing was simple and modest, Saint Nicholas did not have any decorations, Lenten food took once a day, often interrupting or canceling his simple meal in order to help someone who needed his advice or help.
During the beginning of the ministry of Nicholas the Wonderworker as a bishop, in 302, the Roman Empire organized the extermination of Christians. By orders of the rulers Diocletian and Maximian, Christians were supposed to renounce their faith and become idolaters. Of course, Saint Nicholas did not do this and therefore, after living on earth for about 50 years, he ended up in prison, where he was subjected to torture on the rack and other tortures.
Cruelty towards Christians did not lead to the desired results and little by little, starting in 308, persecution began to weaken. In 311, shortly before the death of Emperor Maximian, a decree was promulgated banning the persecution of Christians.
As a result of radiological studies of the relics of St. Nicholas, bone abnormalities were discovered, characteristic of people who were under the influence of dampness and cold for a long time. This confirms that Saint Nicholas was kept in custody for a long time, most likely more than one year. But the Lord kept His chosen one because he was destined to become a luminary and a great pillar of the Church for his deeds and miracles.
When Nicholas the Wonderworker was released from prison (about 311), the saint again returned to his service to the Lord in the city of Myra, where, as a martyr, he again continued to heal human passions and illnesses.
But more than once in Lycia the persecution of Christians was renewed, which continued until 324, when the Great Equal-to-the-Apostles King Constantine did not finally defeat the ruler of Licinius and united the previously divided state into a powerful empire.

In Myra, as well as throughout the Roman Empire, there remained many pagan sanctuaries, which, out of habit, were worshiped by some of the townspeople. Saint Nicholas, taking advantage of the favor of Tsar Constantine to Church of Christ, began to wage an irreconcilable struggle with paganism. In those days, this required considerable strength and courage, because at that time there were still many fans of paganism, which even Emperor Constantine could not ban due to the risk of a state rebellion.
In addition, the enemy of the human race tried to test Christian Church another misfortune - the Arian heresy. Presbyter Arius created his theory, according to which Christ was a lesser God than God the Father and had a different essence, and the Holy Spirit was subordinate to Him. In addition, several more sects and movements arose that were fraught with danger for Christians, and therefore Emperor Constantine decided to convene the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325, at which the main provisions were adopted Orthodox faith and the Creed was born. The Arian heresy was also condemned.

Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Russia!
May 22 is the holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Great holiday for all Orthodox Christians. It is also called St. Nicholas Day and the holiday of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.
On the evening of May 21, a piece of relics was delivered from Italy to Russia for the first time one of the most revered saints - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In Christianity, he is the patron of travelers, prisoners and orphans; in the West, he is the patron of almost all levels of society, but mainly of children. In Rus', many churches and monasteries are named after him, and his icons stand in houses. The relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker were kept for 930 years in the Italian city of Bari in the Basilica of St. Nicholas, a Romanesque temple of the 12th century. As Patriarch Kirill noted, this is a unique event, since during the entire stay of the relics of St. Nicholas in Bari, they never left the city. The transfer of part of the relics became possible after Cyril’s meeting with Pope Francis on February 12, 2016.

May 22 at 14.00 in the main Orthodox Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow(Volkhonka St., 15, Kropotkinskaya metro station) access to the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was opened. Already on Monday morning, the line of people wishing to venerate the shrine reached more than one and a half kilometers in length. Moscow is ready to receive any number of pilgrims, and the queue, if necessary, can increase to 5 kilometers. More than two thousand law enforcement officers will be responsible for the safety of parishioners. In addition, near the temple, for convenience, there are 11 food and rest points for those who came.

On May 22, access to the relics will be from 14.00 to 21.00, and on subsequent days from 8.00 to 21.00. The queue for visiting forms from the Crimean Bridge. Volunteers in light green vests stand all the way from the Park Kultury metro station to the embankment.

Some of the relics are stored in an ark made of noble metals, which is covered with protected glass. It is believed that the ark contains the rib of the saint. From May 22 to July 12 particles of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will be available for veneration in Moscow, then - from 13 to 28 July they will stay in St. Petersburg. The Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra is being considered for their placement. After which the relics will return to Italy.

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In the Italian city of Bari, the precious casket was kept for 930 years in the basement of the Basilica of St. Nicholas under a marble slab. Every year, St. Nicholas Day is celebrated here in a magnificent manner with a popular procession, during which a statue from the basilica is carried through the streets. Look at the photo report from the ceremony of handing over the shrine in Moscow. The post also used photos from social networks.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker: history, traditions and who he helps

Orthodox Christians greatly reverence the Pleasant of God, and commemorate Him twice a year - on December 19 and May 22. "There is a lot in life historical figures that the world remembers. But, probably, there is not a single person in the world who does not know about the feat of St. Nicholas,” noted Metropolitan Pavel of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl.

Saint Nicholas was born in the city of Patara, in the second half of the 3rd century, into the family of pious people Theophanes and Nonna. The mother was very ill, but with the birth of her son, who himself stood in the baptismal font for some time unsupported by anyone, she received healing.

His life is amazing from the day he was born. From childhood he led an ascetic life. He was not interested in entertainment, empty conversations or games with peers. He studied spiritual literature and spent time in fasting and prayer. Seeing such virtues, his uncle, who was the bishop of Patara, took him as a reader, and then a little later elevated him to the rank of priest.

Nicholas with youth was characterized by great mercy, he always tried to help everyone who turned to him for help, and did it with great love. This earned him the love and gratitude of all residents of the city.

There is a known case when Nicholas set off on a journey to Palestine on a ship and, seeing a storm approaching, stopped it with his prayer. He resurrected a sailor who had fallen from the mast and crashed. And upon his arrival in Palestine, settling not far from Jerusalem, he wanted to pray in the temple at night. When he arrived, he saw a lock on the doors, but suddenly the doors opened on their own, letting him into the temple.

After visiting Jerusalem, he wanted to stay in the desert, in the Zion Monastery, but he heard a voice that another place of service awaited him, where he should be useful. And he went to Myra, where he lived very modestly, attending all church services.
And when it was necessary to elect a new bishop of the Lycian country, the assembled bishops, who did not come to a consensus on the candidacy, earnestly prayed to God to reveal this person to them.

And the oldest man in the vision was told: whoever enters the temple first for the morning service is this man, whose name is Nikolai. Saint Nicholas, who got up very early, came to the temple first, and the elder turned to him with a request to tell him his name. After the elder learned the name, there was no doubt. So he was elected to the chair of Mira. To this day, this city exists, although all the cities were destroyed by the Turks, and that temple, although in a dilapidated state, testifies to the mercy of God.

Nicholas the Wonderworker: miracles

A lot can be said about his miraculous help. When there was a famine in Lycia, one merchant, having loaded a ship with bread and food to sail somewhere to the west, saw Saint Nicholas in a dream, who told him to bring food to Lycia, and he would buy the cargo from him, and gave him a deposit three coins. Imagine the merchant’s surprise when he woke up and saw three coins in his hand. By taking food to Lycia, he thus saved the inhabitants from starvation.

Even during the life of the Saint, there were cases when he reconciled warring parties, acted as a defender of the innocently convicted, and delivered them from death.

It is known that sailors more than once turned and turn to the Saint during a storm, asking for intercession. The pagans also turn to him.

“And he hears everyone and helps everyone! When the Lord called Saint Nicholas to eternity, he rewarded him with other gifts that exist to this day. People know about this, widows and orphans pray to him, and he helps. The country is praying from hunger, cold... He is an ambulance, he secretly showed God’s mercy to everyone, with his deep faith, and therefore the Lord gave him such grace and strength,” explained the Bishop.

In 1097, Saint Nicholas appeared in a dream to a priest from the city of Bari, commanding that his relics be transferred from Mira to Bari.
This is what happened on May 22, 1097: the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker were transferred from Myra in Lycia to Bari (Bargrad).

“It was probably not by chance that the transfer of the relics of the Saint took place, but by God’s providence. The Greeks and Byzantines failed to preserve this treasure; it is taken away from us for our unpleasing life, and the Lord makes people understand this. If Saint Nicholas had not wanted to, his relics would have been in Myra until that time, but he could not bear such a cold-blooded attitude and, probably, in order for the relics to be preserved, they were transported to Bari, where to this day hundreds of thousands, millions of people come to worship.

Maybe not so much for worship, but for help. One abbess, when she needs something, simply turns to St. Nicholas. I have already noticed that if she reads the Akathist to Saint Nicholas, it means she needs something. And he, hearing her requests, helps, by God’s mercy. Therefore, I would like to ask everyone who is in heresies, in schisms - look at this great teacher of piety, a Christian, and follow his good example if you want to be saved. Because the Arian heresy, it has filled the world to this day, and today what seven Ecumenical Councils recognized as heresy is, unfortunately, spreading among us by our people and taking root through sects and schisms,” the Metropolitan stated with regret.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and a sad person, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, so that I may always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
People turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker with a variety of requests:

* about healing
* about the patronage of the family hearth
* for children
* about help in poverty and need
* about assistance in various trips
* about help in all difficult circumstances
* about the most cherished hopes.

If it rains today, then this is good luck. There is such a sign in the folk calendar associated with St. Nicholas Day. It often comes true. It is believed that Nikolin's day May 22 - although it is also a calendar spring, it is a symbol of the onset of summer, which means the summer will be warm.

On Nikola's day, May 22, it is customary to prepare special food: bake pancakes and cook duck soup. Be sure to leave a piece of pancake and throw it outside the window to the birds. The birds should peck the crumbs, then good luck will definitely come to you.

A special flight from the Italian city of Bari delivered the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to Moscow. At Vnukovo airport, the shrine was greeted by dozens of believers from Moscow parishes. Also on the airfield was a company of honor guard and clergy. Upon arrival, Metropolitan Arseny of Istra served a prayer service to the saint at the plane’s ramp. The remains of St. Nicholas were in Bari, Italy, for more than 900 years. The agreement to bring the relics to our country was reached a year ago. Until July 12, the relics will be in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, and from July 13 to July 28 - in St. Petersburg. More details - Vesti FM correspondent Boris Beilin.

Bishop Nicholas died in the middle of the 4th century and was buried in Myra - a city in Asia Minor, on the coast Mediterranean Sea(now the Turkish Demre is located there). The relics were kept in Myra in the local church for more than 700 years. In 1087 they were kidnapped by merchants from the Italian city of Bari. By that time Asia Minor actually passed from Byzantium to the Turks and there was a real danger of the capture of the remains. By the way, Bari himself for a long time was under the control of the Byzantine emperors. Among other things, the merchants from Bari hoped that their city, having become the owner of the relics of St. Nicholas, would become a center of pilgrimage, which, in turn, would lead to its prosperity. But in any case, it was a kidnapping, notes the Metropolitan of Volokolamsk Hilarion:

“This whole story was nothing more than the theft of relics. However, in the Russian Orthodox Church this event is celebrated as the transfer of relics and a great church holiday. This is connected with the veneration of St. Nicholas, because in Rus' he has been revered since ancient times.” .

In the 11th century, merchants from Bari were in a hurry. They dismantled the floor in the temple in Myra, opened the sarcophagus and took most remains. Approximately 2/3, including the head of the saint. A few years later, during the First Crusade, the Venetians visited Myra and took small parts of the relics remaining from the previous theft. By the way, the bone remains, which are now on display in a museum in Antalya, Turkey, do not belong to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Most likely, the sarcophagus from Roman times has nothing to do with the saint. It is now being passed off in Demre as the authentic coffin of Nicholas of Myra.

Thus, now the relics of the saint are in two Italian cities. The largest part is in Bari, the smaller part is in Venice, on the island of Lido. The Venetian shrine with relics was opened several times, and small particles were transferred to other churches. Nowadays there are such particles in many churches. Including in Moscow. But tracing their history and thereby establishing authenticity is difficult.

The tomb in Bari, which is located in the crypt of St. Nicholas Cathedral under the altar, was opened only once - during the restoration of the basilica in 1953. An examination was carried out at the same time. She confirmed that the remains in Bari and Venice belong to the same person. The crypt is located below sea level, and the relics themselves rest under three stone blocks with small holes with a diameter of 6 centimeters. It was through such holes in the blocks that a particle of the relics was extracted and sent to Russia. Laparoscopic equipment, which is used in medicine, was used for the operation. It was necessary to descend almost a meter. First, a micro-video camera was placed there to examine the remains. Then using special tools We chose the left edge. It passed through the hole without damage. This was the largest relic that could be removed without opening the tomb. Before being sent to Russia, the relics were placed in an ark made in Sofrino.

It is reported that during the operation a gold five-ruble coin was found at the bottom of the crypt late XIX century. Interestingly, it was not there in 1953. That is, she got there later through the hole. Perhaps it was dropped, accidentally or intentionally, by some Russian pilgrim.

The relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will remain in Russia for more than two months. From May 22 to July 12, they will be displayed for worship in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Access will be open daily from 8 am to 9 pm. From July 13 to July 28, the shrine will be in St. Petersburg. The Russian Orthodox Church promises that there will be no VIP passes for skip-the-line access to the temple. The only exception will be made for disabled people with damage to the musculoskeletal system and for parents with infants. All other pilgrims are planned to be allowed to visit the relics on a first-come, first-served basis.

To venerate the shrine, it is recommended to come not to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior itself, but first get to the Park Kultury metro station and walk to Prechistenskaya Embankment, where you can stand in line and from there go to the temple. Moscow authorities are ready to organize paid meals for pilgrims affordable prices, since it is possible that you will have to stand for several hours. More than 10,000 volunteers are involved in organizing the delivery of the relics. Replacing each other, they will help in the temples. At the end of July, the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will return to Bari.


22.02.2019, 10:07

America wanted Ukraine to fight Russia, and Ukraine wanted the United States

ROSTISLAV ISHCHENKO: “Klimkin literally yesterday made a statement that the agreement on Sea of ​​Azov. If you do not organize provocations in Kerch Strait, then the denunciation of the treaty in itself is harmful for Ukraine. If there is no agreement between the two states on how the territorial problem is regulated, including the delimitation of the sea, then the stronger has the advantage. There is no need to explain who is stronger in the Sea of ​​Azov."

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker was the bishop of the cities of Myra in Lycia. According to the Lives of the Saints, he was born into a wealthy Christian family in 260 in the Lycian city of Patras, and died in 343 in the city of Myra, where he spent most of his life. Nicholas became famous during his lifetime. Abandoned during the Diocletian persecution, he gave a bag of gold as a dowry to three beggars forced to earn a living by selling their own bodies. After this they got married and became respectable Christians.

Nicholas the Pleasant entered the history of Christianity under the name of Nicholas of Myra, that is, from Myra in Lycia.

Nikolai also brought back to life three little boys killed during the famine by the owner of the inn. And when he made a pilgrimage to Palestine, during a terrible storm he saved a ship from destruction.

Nicholas of Myra lived to a ripe old age and after his death was buried in Myra in Lycia. Literally immediately the relics of St. Nicholas became available. However, they began to venerate him as a saint only 800 years later.

Relics of Nicholas the Ugodnik

In 1087 eastern regions The Roman Empire was raided by the Saracens. Lycia was also devastated. At the same time, Saint Nicholas appeared in a dream to a priest in the city of Bari and ordered his relics to be transferred from the city of Myra to Bari. This city was located in the south of Italy, in Apulia, which has long been inhabited by Greeks. However, in the 11th century, power there belonged to the Normans, who were completely uninterested in the religious life of the local people.

An embassy was sent to Lycia on 3 ships. They safely delivered the relics of St. Nicholas to Bari. On May 9 (old style), 1087, the entire population of the city came out to meet the sacred relics. At first they were placed in John the Baptist, which was located near the sea. According to legend, this was accompanied by many miracles. At the same time, the miracle of the resurrection of a drowned baby occurred in Kyiv.

On the day of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas on May 9/22 to the city of Bari, the Russian Orthodox Church remembers St. Nicholas the Ugodnik. People call this holiday St. Nicholas of Spring.

Three years later, the Church of St. Nicholas was erected in the city of Bari. The relics of the saint were transferred there in a richly decorated shrine. There they are and.