GCD for drawing “Wintering Birds” in the middle group. Summary of drawing nodes in the middle group on the topic of wintering birds

Types of children's activities:


Cognition (FCCM):

Cognition (FEMP):



Progress of the lesson:


You are a blackbird, I am a blackbird,

You have a nose, I have a nose,

We're friends,

We love each other deeply.

What bird looks like an apple?

What bird sings blue-blue?

Can't walk.

2. Comparison of migratory birds.

How about you help birds?

The first to return are rooks and starlings, and when the first leaves appear on the trees, nightingales, cuckoos, and swallows arrive.

3. Physical exercise.

Music is playing.

In the spring it rushes towards us from the south

(waves arms and spins)

Black bird like a raven

There is a doctor for our trees,

Rooks eat all insects.

Children sit on chairs.

We have birds with their young visiting us. (picture: an owl has an owlet, a sparrow has little sparrows, a rook has a little rook, a crow has a little crow)

A child reads a poem:

Feed the birds in winter!

Let it come from all over

They will flock to our porch,

The flocks feel like home.

It’s impossible to count how many of them die

It's hard to see!

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for the birds.

Train your birds in the cold

To your window.

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring!

5. Summary of the lesson.

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“Summary of GCD in the middle group “How to help birds in winter?””

Summary of GCD in middle group“How to help birds in winter?”

General lesson on the topic “Birds”.

Integration educational areas: cognition, music, socialization, communication, Physical Culture.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, motor, cognitive - research.


Cognition (FCCM):

Teach children to compare wintering and migratory birds.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the names of birds and their meaning.

To form an understanding and create a desire to help birds survive in the cold.

Continue to work on developing the ability to correlate the names of birds with the names of their young.

Develop the ability to recognize bird tracks by their characteristic features.

Cognition (FEMP):


Practice using singular and plural forms.


Develop curiosity, visual memory, observation, ingenuity

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time. Children come in and stand in a circle.


You are a blackbird, I am a blackbird,

You have a nose, I have a nose,

You have scarlet lips, I have scarlet lips,

We're friends,

We love each other deeply.

Guys, we received a letter today. I'd really like to know who it's from. Try to solve the riddles.

What bird looks like an apple?

What bird sings blue-blue?

He knocks all the time, he hammers trees,

But it doesn’t cripple them, it only heals them?

Can't walk.

He wants to take a step, but it turns out to be a jump.

Guys, who are these riddles about? Of course, about birds.

And this letter is from our friends the birds. They write that they had a good life, they lived without suffering, they played and sang happily. But with the arrival of winter they became cold and hungry. And they ask us for help.

Why do you think it is necessary to help wintering birds?

Let's help the birds survive the winter?

2. Comparison of migratory birds.

Guys, what birds are called wintering birds? (They don't fly to warmer climes)

Red-breasted bullfinches and waxwings (show) come to us from cold regions. Crows, magpies, jackdaws, and tits move closer to human habitation. Here they find more food: in the bark and in the ground the birds hunt for beetles.

What do you know about bird life in winter time? By winter, the birds become silent, hide, their bodies are covered with down, and spend the night on tree branches. It is difficult for them to find food, we need to help them more often, hang up feeders and pour millet, bread crumbs, unsalted lard, seeds, and dried berries into them.

How about you help birds?

Look at this flock and tell me which birds stayed with us for the winter? (a feeder is drawn, circles are placed in the slots on it: brown, white, black, red, yellow, blue, tricolor. And birds are placed separately, which are inserted into the slots, onto a circle corresponding to the color of the circle. The child takes the bird and inserts it onto the circle. I think it's a sparrow because it Brown etc. Passes characterization external signs)

I agree with you. That's all, what kind of birds? (wintering)

What birds are called migratory? Those that cannot find food in winter gather in large flocks and fly away to warmer climes.

What migratory birds do you know? (swallow, cuckoo, crane)

The first to return are rooks and starlings, and when the first leaves appear on the trees, nightingales, cuckoos, and swallows arrive.

Pictures of migratory birds on the board. Children name the birds and show the picture.

What is the difference migratory birds from wintering? Wintering birds remain to spend the winter with humans. And they cannot do without human help. And with the arrival of autumn, when it gets cold, migratory birds gather in flocks and fly away to warmer climes.

Now let's play the game "One - Many".

Children stand in a circle, the teacher shows or names one bird, and the children plural. (tit-tit, magpie-magpie, woodpecker-woodpecker)

3. Physical exercise.

Music is playing.

In the spring it rushes towards us from the south

(waves arms and spins)

Black bird like a raven

(jump, make head movements)

There is a doctor for our trees,

Rooks eat all insects.

4. Cognitive and research activities.

Children sit on chairs.

Didactic game"Writing in the Snow"

Children, letters come to your home, who writes them?

There are letters written by the wind and frost. Have you seen them? Where? (on windows)

There are letters written by birds and animals, they are called traces. You can read them too. Let's try. (footprints are laid out near the feeder)

Determine which birds left their tracks at the feeder?

Children name the owner of the trail, show an illustration with his image, clarify his behavior (pecked, walked, stood)

Oh, guys, birds have flown to us, let's try to recognize them by their voices. (audio recording: crow, dove, sparrow, tit, owl)

A game to familiarize yourself with baby birds.

We have birds with their young visiting us. (picture: an owl has an owlet, a sparrow has little sparrows, a rook has a little rook, a crow has a little crow)

Now let’s count the owl’s chicks (from 1 to 5: one owlet, two owlets, three owlets, four owlets, five owlets)

How should you take care of birds in winter?

A child reads a poem:

Feed the birds in winter!

Let it come from all over

They will flock to our porch,

The flocks feel like home.

It’s impossible to count how many of them die

It's hard to see!

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for the birds.

Train your birds in the cold

To your window.

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring!

5. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what do you think, how should we treat birds in winter? (feed the birds)

If we take care of birds, will we help them survive the winter?

We have a feeder, what is it for?

Let's fill the feeder with food for wintering birds. (Children choose food: lard, millet, apple, berries, grass, leaves)

For helping wintering birds, children are given “Save Wintering Birds” emblem badges.

Olesya Ocheredina

Target: To form a generalized understanding of children about wintering and migratory birds, to teach children to distinguish birds by essential characteristics, to teach them to classify into wintering and migratory birds, to be able to convey their impressions and observations of birds in drawing, to cultivate a love for birds, a desire to help in winter conditions.

Activities: gaming, cognitive-research, communicative, motor, productive.

Preliminary work: Bird watching at the feeder and in the trees. Reading works. Memorizing poetry. Conversations.

Equipment: Subject pictures depicting birds (sparrows, tits, bullfinches, sippy cups, brushes, paints, pencils, album sheets, oilcloth.

Progress of the lesson: Psycho-gymnastics "Birds"

Night. The birds are sleeping, hiding their heads under their wings. They have pleasant dreams: about summer, about the warm sun, how they sing. In the morning, when the rays of the sun touch them, the birds wake up, spread first one wing, then the other, shake them and fly to the river. They drink water, throwing their heads back and looking around. And then they get down to business: they fly, sing, look for grains.

And now we will talk about birds, what do you know about them. Where do birds live? (In forests, gardens). Why do they live there? (They build a nest for themselves in the trees, cars don’t drive there, no one bothers them). When frosts begin, where do many birds disappear? (They fly away to warmer climes.) What are the names of the birds that fly away to the south? (Migratory) What are the names of the birds that stay with us? (Wintering) What do wintering birds eat? (Seeds and fruits of trees). With the onset of winter, the birds remaining for the winter move closer to people, to human habitation. Why? (They are cold and hungry).

For birds, cold is not as bad as hunger. There is little food in the forest in winter, so they fly to us. They ask for help. How do you help birds in winter? (Let's make feeders, feed the birds) What birds fly to the feeders? (Sparrows, rooks, tits, crows). These are our friends. (I hang up pictures of birds). And now I’ll tell you riddles, and you guess and show the right bird.

At least smaller than a sparrow,

I'm not afraid of winter either,

The bird you all know.

And my name is (titmouse).

Jumps briskly along the path,

Picks up crumbs from the ground.

Not afraid of pigeons.

What kind of bird?


It snowed, but this bird is not afraid of snow at all

We call this bird the red-breasted... (bullfinch)

The bullfinch is the first herald of winter; it gets its name from the word snow. The habitat of bullfinches is coniferous forests. This is a slow-moving bird; it jumps on the ground in short leaps, dives and bathes in the snow. The bird's wings are large, so the bullfinch's flight is smooth and wave-like. Bullfinches are very beautiful birds, your appearance decorate winter nature. Like red apples hanging on trees and bushes. Bullfinches feed on the seeds of cones, plants, and rowan berries; they take out the seeds with their beaks and throw away the pulp.

Finger game:

Birds are sitting in nests

And they look at the street.

Everyone wanted to fly.

The wind blew and they flew.

And now we will draw birds. Let's remember what the bird has and what shape it is (body - oval, head - circle, wings - semi-oval, tail, eyes, beak). What is a bird's body covered with? (Feathers).What are the feathers that keep birds warm called? (Pooh). What feathers help birds fly? (Tail, wings).

Guys, do you need to feed the birds in winter? Tell me, what birds did we meet today? What kind of bird did we draw? Let's all see together what kind of bullfinches you got.

Target: To form a generalized understanding of children about wintering and migratory birds, to teach children to distinguish birds by essential characteristics, to teach them to classify into wintering and migratory birds, to be able to convey their impressions and observations of birds in drawing, to cultivate a love for birds, a desire to help in winter conditions.



GCD for drawing “Wintering Birds” in the middle group.

Target : To form a generalized understanding of children about wintering and migratory birds, to teach children to distinguish birds by essential characteristics, to teach them to classify into wintering and migratory birds, to be able to convey their impressions and observations of birds in drawing, to cultivate a love for birds, a desire to help in winter conditions.

Activities: gaming, cognitive-research, communicative, motor, productive.

Preliminary work: Bird watching at the feeder and in the trees. Reading works. Memorizing poetry. Conversations.

Equipment : Subject pictures depicting birds (sparrows, tits, bullfinches, sippy cups, brushes, paints, pencils, album sheets, oilcloth.

Progress of the lesson : Psycho-gymnastics "Birds"

Night. The birds are sleeping, hiding their heads under their wings. They have pleasant dreams: about summer, about the warm sun, how they sing. In the morning, when the rays of the sun touch them, the birds wake up, spread first one wing, then the other, shake them and fly to the river. They drink water, throwing their heads back and looking around. And then they get down to business: they fly, sing, look for grains.

And now we will talk about birds, what do you know about them. Where do birds live? (In forests, gardens). Why do they live there? (They build a nest for themselves in the trees, cars don’t drive there, no one bothers them). When frosts begin, where do many birds disappear? (They fly away to warmer climes.) What are the names of the birds that fly away to the south? (Migratory) What are the names of the birds that stay with us? (Wintering) What do wintering birds eat? (Seeds and fruits of trees). With the onset of winter, the birds remaining for the winter move closer to people, to human habitation. Why? (They are cold and hungry).

For birds, cold is not as bad as hunger. There is little food in the forest in winter, so they fly to us. They ask for help. How do you help birds in winter? (Let's make feeders, feed the birds) What birds fly to the feeders? (Sparrows, rooks, tits, crows). These are our friends. (I hang up pictures of birds). And now I’ll tell you riddles, and you guess and show the right bird.

At least smaller than a sparrow,

I'm not afraid of winter either,

The bird you all know.

And my name is (titmouse).

Jumps briskly along the path

Picks up crumbs from the ground.

Not afraid of pigeons.

What kind of bird?


It snowed, but this bird is not afraid of snow at all

We call this bird the red-breasted... (bullfinch)

The bullfinch is the first herald of winter; it gets its name from the word snow. The habitat of bullfinches is coniferous forests. This is a slow-moving bird; it jumps on the ground in short leaps, dives and bathes in the snow. The bird's wings are large, so the bullfinch's flight is smooth and wave-like. Bullfinches are very beautiful birds; they decorate winter nature with their appearance. Like red apples hanging on trees and bushes. Bullfinches feed on the seeds of cones, plants, and rowan berries; they take out the seeds with their beaks and throw away the pulp.

Finger game:

Birds are sitting in nests

And they look at the street.

Everyone wanted to fly.

The wind blew and they flew.

And now we will draw birds. Let's remember what the bird has and what shape it is (body - oval, head - circle, wings - semi-oval, tail, eyes, beak). What is a bird's body covered with? (Feathers).What are the feathers that keep birds warm called? (Pooh). What feathers help birds fly? (Tail, wings).

Guys, do you need to feed the birds in winter? Tell me, what birds did we meet today? What kind of bird did we draw? Let's all see together what kind of bullfinches you got.

Municipal budget educational institution
"Brotherly educational complex"
municipality Krasnoperekopsky district of the Republic of Crimea
Summary of GCD (directly educational activities)
using unconventional drawing techniques
-2419353270250 “Wintering birds”

Developed and carried out:
middle school teacher
Berezyuk Irina Vladimirovna
Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group on the topic: “Wintering birds.”
Integration of educational areas:
Cognitive development
Speech development
Artistic and aesthetic development
Physical development
Form of implementation: direct educational activity.
Form of organization: group.
Goal: To form a generalized understanding of children about wintering and migratory birds.
Educational. Teach children to place the image in the center of the paper and finish drawing the head and beak with a brush. To develop the ability to distinguish birds by essential characteristics and classify them into wintering and migratory.
Developmental. Develop aesthetic taste, imagination, logical thinking, visual memory.
Educational. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds, interest and a positive attitude towards an unconventional drawing technique - with a palm print.
Materials and equipment:
Gouache paint, background for the image of a bird (A4 format), brushes, stands for brushes, rags, wet wipes, glasses of water, pictures of birds (sparrow, swallow, tit, woodpecker, bullfinch, owl)
Preliminary work:
Bird watching, reading works, memorizing poems, conversations about wintering birds, didactic games, guessing riddles. Vocabulary work: wintering, migratory, bullfinch, sparrow, tit, crow.
Progress of direct educational activities:
1. Surprise moment.
Educator. Guys, this morning I found a letter near the door. This is a letter from the forest
gnome, listen to what he writes:
“Hello, kids! I decided to write you a letter, because I’m so bored in the forest in winter. I can’t hear bird voices, some birds flew away, others stayed, I don’t understand anything. Maybe you know what’s the matter?”
2.Introduction to the topic of the lesson.
Educator. When frosts begin, where do many birds disappear?
Children. They fly away to warmer climes.
Educator. What are the names of the birds that fly south?
Children. Migratory.
Educator. That's right, what about those who stay with us for the winter?
Children. Wintering.
Educator. Well done.
Educator. Guys, do you like to solve riddles?
Children. Yes.
Educator. This is good, because the forest gnome not only wrote us a letter, but also prepared interesting riddles for you.
Riddles about birds.
When the children answer, the teacher puts on the board a picture depicting the named bird.
The back is greenish,
The belly is yellowish,
Black hat, striped scarf. (Tit)
Educator. What do tits eat?
Children. Tits feed on grains, crumbs, and their favorite delicacy is lard.
Knocking all the time
The trees are being hollowed out.
But it doesn't hurt them
But it only heals. (Woodpecker)
Educator. What does a woodpecker eat?
Children. The woodpecker feeds mainly on insects. In winter - by seeds pine and spruce.
Educator. What's his name?
Children. Forest orderly.
Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again. (Bullfinch)
Educator. What does a bullfinch eat?
Children. The bullfinch feeds on rowan seeds, buds and berries.
Educator. That's right, feeding on berries, it eats the seeds out of them, leaving the pulp.
Little boy
In a gray army jacket he snoops around the courtyards,
Picks up crumbs
Roams at night -
He steals hemp. (Sparrow)
Educator. What do we know about sparrows? What do they eat?
Children. Sparrows feed on grains and bread crumbs.
Educator. Sparrows are omnivorous birds; they feed not only on grains and crumbs of bread, but with great pleasure they peck at a piece of cheese or boiled sausage, or ready-made porridge.
Flies all night -
Gets mice.
And it will become light -
Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl)
Educator. What do owls eat in winter?
Children... In winter they feed on mice and small birds.
Educator. All owls are predators.
She lives under the roofs, makes her nest out of clay, fusses all day long, doesn’t sit on the ground, flies high in the clouds, eats midges on the fly, wears a little sweetie in a black tailcoat, and is it called?…..(Swallow)
Educator. Well done, you solved all the riddles. Look carefully, which bird is the odd one out and why?
Children. The extra one is a swallow, because it is a migratory bird.
Breathing exercises.
We raise our arms and wings
We inhale through our nose
We lower our wing arms
We exhale through the beak.
Didactic game “What has changed?”
In front of the children are pictures of birds: tit, woodpecker, sparrow, swallow, owl, bullfinch. A signal is given for them to close their eyes, and at this time one picture is removed or their places are changed. Having opened their eyes, the children must guess which bird is missing from the picture.
Finger game "Sparrows"
Sparrows - sparrows,
Little gray feathers!
Peck, peck the crumbs
From the palm of my hand!
No, they don’t peck from the palm of your hand
And they don't let me pet you.
How can we get along?
To let them pet you? Fingers form a fist, index and thumb extended - beak.
They move their straightened fingers.
They're knocking index finger right hand on the left palm and vice versa.
Blow into open palms.
pat back sides hands alternately.
Clap your hands.
Rub your palms together
Methodology for performing the work.
And now you and I will draw in an unusual way wintering birds, namely with the palm of your hand.
(First the teacher shows, and then the children perform.)
Before you draw, you should think carefully about what kind of wintering bird you would like to draw (a bullfinch, a titmouse or a sparrow). In order to draw a sparrow, what kind of paint do we need?
Children. Brown color.
Educator. Right. What if we want to draw a titmouse?
Children. Yellow and green.
Educator. And whoever wants to draw a bullfinch will need paint...
Children. Red and black.
Educator. And so, those children who decided to draw a titmouse.
We take the brush in our hands and smear all the fingers and half of the palm with black paint, the remaining half with red. Now place your bird in the very center of the leaf. To do this, you must open your fingers wide and place your palm on a sheet of paper. They pressed him tightly and sharply lifted him up. So we got the birds (they wiped their hands with wet wipes). Let's draw the head and beak. What shape is the head?
Children. Round.
Educator. Right. We'll take a brush and dip it in black paint. Let's draw a circle. Paint over it, leaving a small white round spot for the eye. And a beak. What a beautiful bullfinch it turned out to be. Anyone who wants to draw a titmouse applies green paint to all fingers and half of the palm, and yellow paint to the remaining half. Finish drawing the head round shape and beak. Well, those guys who decided to draw a sparrow apply brown paint to their entire palm and finish drawing the head and beak.
Independent activity of children.
3.Result of the lesson.
What did we do in class? (They drew birds).
How did you draw your birds? (Palm).What birds did you draw? (Bullfinches, titmice, sparrows).
Internet sites:
1.rutvet. ru.
2.nspotal. ru.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Brotherly educational complex"

municipal formation Krasnoperekopsky district of the Republic of Crimea

Summary of GCD (direct educational activities)

using unconventional drawing techniques

"Wintering Birds"

Developed and carried out:

middle school teacher

Berezyuk Irina Vladimirovna

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group on the topic: “Wintering birds.”

Integration of educational areas:

    Cognitive development

    Speech development

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    Physical development

Form of conduct: directly educational activities.

Form of organization: group

Target: To form a generalized understanding of children about wintering and migratory birds.


Educational. Teach children to place the image in the center of the paper and finish drawing the head and beak with a brush. To develop the ability to distinguish birds by essential characteristics and classify them into wintering and migratory.

Developmental. Develop aesthetic taste, imagination, logical thinking, visual memory.

Educational. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds, interest and a positive attitude towards an unconventional drawing technique - with a palm print.

Materials and equipment:

Gouache paint, background for the image of a bird (A4 format), brushes, stands for brushes, rags, wet wipes, glasses of water, pictures of birds (sparrow, swallow, tit, woodpecker, bullfinch, owl)

Preliminary work:

Bird watching, reading works, memorizing poems, conversations about wintering birds, educational games, guessing riddles.
Vocabulary work:

Wintering, migrating, bullfinch, sparrow, tit, crow.

Progress of direct educational activities:

1. Surprise moment.

Educator. Guys, this morning I found a letter near the door. This is a letter from the forest

gnome, listen to what he writes:

“Hello, kids! I decided to write you a letter, because I’m so bored in the forest in winter. I can’t hear bird voices, some birds flew away, others stayed, I don’t understand anything. Maybe you know what’s the matter?”

2.Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Educator. When frosts begin, where do many birds disappear?

Children. They fly away to warmer climes.

Educator. What are the names of the birds that fly south?

Children. Migratory.

Educator. That's right, what about those who stay with us for the winter?

Children. Wintering.

Educator. Well done.

Educator. Guys, do you like to solve riddles?

Children. Yes.

Educator. This is good, because the forest gnome not only wrote us a letter, but also prepared interesting riddles for you.

Riddles about birds.

When the children answer, the teacher puts on the board a picture depicting the named bird.

    The back is greenish,

The belly is yellowish,

Black hat, striped scarf. (Tit)

Educator. What do tits eat?

Children. Tits feed on grains, crumbs, and their favorite delicacy is lard.

    Knocking all the time

The trees are being hollowed out.

But it doesn't hurt them

But it only heals. (Woodpecker)

Educator . What does a woodpecker eat?

Children. woodpecker feeding, mainly insects. in winter- pine and spruce seeds.

Educator. What's his name?

Children. Forest orderly.

    Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again.(Bullfinch)

Educator. What does a bullfinch eat?

Children. The bullfinch feeds on rowan seeds, buds and berries.

Educator. Right, feeding on berries, eats the seeds out of them, leaving the pulp.

    Little boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yards

Picks up crumbs

Roams at night -

He steals hemp. (Sparrow)

Educator. What do we know about sparrows? What do they eat?

Children. Sparrows feed on grains and bread crumbs.

Educator. Sparrows are omnivorous birds; they feed not only on grains and crumbs of bread, but with great pleasure they peck at a piece of cheese or boiled sausage, or ready-made porridge.

    Flies all night -

Gets mice.

And it will become light -

Sleep flies into the hollow.(Owl)

Educator. What do owls eat in winter?

Children. . In winter they feed on mice and small birds.

Educator . All owls are predators.

    She lives under the roofs
    He builds his nest from clay,
    He fusses all day long,
    Doesn't sit on the ground
    Flying high in the clouds,
    Eats midges on the fly,
    Sweetheart in a black tailcoat,
    What’s the name?…..(Swallow)

Educator . Well done, you solved all the riddles. Look carefully, which bird is the odd one out and why?

Children . The extra one is a swallow, because it is a migratory bird.

Breathing exercises.

We raise our arms and wings

We inhale through our nose

We lower our wing arms

We exhale through the beak.

Didactic game “What has changed?”

In front of the children are pictures of birds: tit, woodpecker, sparrow, swallow, owl, bullfinch. A signal is given for them to close their eyes, and at this time one picture is removed or their places are changed. Having opened their eyes, the children must guess which bird is missing from the picture.

Finger game "Sparrows"

Sparrows - sparrows,

Little gray feathers!

Peck, peck the crumbs

From the palm of my hand!

No, they don’t peck from the palm of your hand

And they don't let me pet you.

How can we get along?

To let them pet you?

Fingers form a fist, index and thumb extended - beak.

They move their straightened fingers.

Tap the index finger of the right hand on the left palm and vice versa.

Blow into open palms.

Stroke the backs of your hands one at a time.

Clap your hands.

Rub your palms together

Methodology for performing the work.

And now you and I will draw wintering birds in an unusual way, namely with our palms.

(First the teacher shows, and then the children perform.)

Before you draw, you should think carefully about what kind of wintering bird you would like to draw (a bullfinch, a titmouse or a sparrow). In order to draw a sparrow, what kind of paint do we need?

Children. Brown color.

Educator. Right. What if we want to draw a titmouse?

Children. Yellow and green.

Educator. And whoever wants to draw a bullfinch will need paint...

Children. Red and black.

Educator. And so, those children who decided to draw a titmouse.

We take the brush in our hands and smear all the fingers and half of the palm with black paint, the remaining half with red. Now place your bird in the very center of the leaf. To do this, you must open your fingers wide and place your palm on a sheet of paper. They pressed him tightly and sharply lifted him up. So we got the birds (they wiped their hands with wet wipes). Let's draw the head and beak. What shape is the head?

Children. Round.

Educator. Right. We'll take a brush and dip it in black paint. Let's draw a circle. Paint over it, leaving a small white round spot for the eye. And a beak. What a beautiful bullfinch it turned out to be. Anyone who wants to draw a titmouse applies green paint to all fingers and half of the palm, and yellow paint to the remaining half. Draw the round head and beak. Well, those guys who decided to draw a sparrow apply brown paint to their entire palm and finish drawing the head and beak.

Independent activity of children.

3.Result of the lesson.

What did we do in class? (They drew birds).

How did you draw your birds? (Palm).

What birds did you draw? (Bullfinches, titmice, sparrows).

Internet sites:

1.rutvet. ru.

2.nspotal. ru.