We glue wallpaper for painting in the kitchen. Wallpaper for the kitchen: modern ideas in interior design

Kitchen wallpaper must meet several important requirements- be cleanable (look for three waves and a brush on the label), fire-resistant (look for the flame), durable and safe. Therefore, choose either paper with special impregnation or vinyl - this artificial material is very strong and perfectly protects walls from moisture, however, its quality depends on the thickness and density of the coating.

  1. Impregnated paper. Paper wallpaper impregnated with a water-repellent mixture costs only 70-80 rubles. per roll and allow you to wipe yourself with a damp cloth. But this option looks modest, lasts no more than 3-4 years and quickly fades in the sun - for cheap wallpaper they usually use paints that are not very light-resistant.
  2. Paper with a minimal layer of vinyl. This is thin and absolutely smooth wallpaper, on which a kitchen design is usually applied - tiles, teapots, fruits and vegetables. They look rustic and require perfectly smooth walls for gluing - any protrusion or dent under thin wallpaper will be very noticeable. However, this option is inexpensive - from 150 rubles.
  3. Kitchen. Among the variety of wallpapers, there are special kitchen ones - they are made from moisture-resistant foam vinyl and have thematic designs: tiles, teapots, cups, spoons (price - on average 250-500 rubles per roll). However, they still cannot be called ideal for the kitchen. Firstly, not everyone likes gastronomic motifs on the walls. Secondly, the wallpaper does not have a very dense vinyl layer, which can be easily scratched by a cat or damaged by a child.
  4. Silkscreen printing. This is a type of compact vinyl, only protective layer here it is rolled out very thin and made silky and pearlescent. Due to its strength and resistance to moisture, such an “outfit” can be perfect for the kitchen.
  5. Vinyl for painting. There are vinyl wallpapers that can be repainted up to 5-7 times (look for this information on the label). Initially they are white or colored. This is a very convenient option for the kitchen, because you can always cover up dirt or change a boring shade. True, white vinyl wallpaper for painting is sold only in large rolls - 25 m long and 1.06 m wide, so after wallpapering a small kitchen you may be left with a lot of scraps.

Miracle non-woven

When purchasing vinyl wallpaper, pay attention to what base it is made of - paper or non-woven fabric (non-woven fabric). The second option is considered more advanced today. In this case, the glue is applied not to the wallpaper, but directly to the wall, then dry sheets are placed on top and carefully straightened and smoothed. They fit perfectly - they don’t tear, don’t wrinkle, don’t shrink or swell, so the walls “dressed” in non-woven fabric look very neat. In addition, small cracks and dents can be hidden under them.

Color depends on light

Having chosen durable and moisture-resistant wallpaper, decide on its color. It is clear that the shade of the walls is a matter of taste, but there are general rules, breaking which you can bring disharmony into the interior. For example, for a 6-7 meter kitchen, it is not advisable to buy wallpaper in dark colors, as well as with large contrasting patterns or clearly visible vertical stripes.

Photo example of kitchen design with wallpaper.

Visually, they will further reduce the space. For a small room, you should prefer wallpaper with a small, sparse pattern or plain “background”. If your kitchen faces north, choose warm and light shades - yellow, orange, cream or pinkish. But a sunny, light-filled dining room will look better in cool colors - blue, blue, green, gray and marble.

Video on the topic: Video tip: how to choose wallpaper
In general, the kitchen accommodates a lot various parts interior (set, household appliances, table, chairs, sofa), and it is very important not to create a feeling of chaos, so be careful with the aggressive multi-colored design of the walls and their contrasting combination using a decorative border. In addition, when buying wallpaper, do not make a mistake with its color - light rolls that you purchased in bright sunlight may turn out to be much darker after wallpapering the kitchen. To avoid making a similar mistake, look at the product in different lighting and ask the seller if in a store with a special “wallpaper fitting room”.

Italians are in the lead

Our market offers the most German wallpaper. In second place are domestic ones, then Belarusian, Ukrainian, Italian and French. The most fashionable and modern “clothing” for walls, of course, is made in the homeland of Michelangelo, spaghetti and Valentino.

However, one should not diminish the merits Russian goods- today, in terms of quality and beauty, it is almost not inferior to European ones, but it costs an order of magnitude cheaper. Just be careful when buying Chinese wallpaper - some of them are made from low-quality vinyl that emits strong smelling substances. To make sure that your purchase is environmentally friendly, look for GOST on domestic wallpaper, and on imported wallpaper - the RAL symbol, which is a quality mark of the European Union of Manufacturers. The tested product does not contain toxic vinyl chloride, chlorocarbons or fluorocarbons and does not emit harmful volatile compounds.

Measure the perimeter of the room, subtract the width of the doorway and window from it, round the result and multiply it by two (if the wallpaper width is 51-53 cm) - this way you will get the number of panels needed for pasting. To find out how many of them are contained in one roll, divide its length by the length of the sheet (ceiling height plus 10 cm). True, this applies to wallpaper that does not have a clear pattern.

The sheets on which the figures coincide are cut, overlapping each other. There are usually no problems here. The most difficult thing is preparing wallpaper with an offset pattern. In this case, it is difficult to estimate the number of rolls, since a lot of scraps can go to waste, so you will have to buy them with a reserve.

Source: www.aif.ru

A bright spot in a white kitchen.

Despite the fact that ceramic tiles remain the most popular finishing material for kitchens, designers are increasingly suggesting the use of wallpaper.

Wallpaper for the kitchen with the imitation of old boards. Photo in the interior of the kitchen.

Wallpaper for kitchen walls should have special properties:

  • washable, easy to clean,
  • materials that absorb odors should not be used in wall decoration,
  • when choosing coatings, water-repellent wallpaper is more preferable,

You should buy wallpaper that is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.

The best wallpaper options for the kitchen

These are the options that look attractive, fit harmoniously into the interior of the room, and match the kitchen furniture.

Wallpaper, suitable for both the kitchen and dining room, will cope with these tasks perfectly:

  • Vinyl with a non-woven base. These are the most common options today, usually two-layer, with the vinyl protecting the bottom non-woven layer.
  • Wallpaper with non-woven and vinyl coating will protect the walls from moisture.
  • Vinyl moisture-resistant coverings on a paper basis.
  • Wallpaper made from fiberglass is able to retain its original appearance even after high humidity and temperature changes.
  • Silk-screen printing is an excellent choice for kitchens: the coating does not fade and holds color and texture well. This coating gives the kitchen aristocracy and sophistication, uniqueness and originality.

Photo wallpaper in the kitchen.

Often people buy textile wallpaper or regular paper wallpaper for kitchen walls. Over time, such coatings lose their attractiveness, fade, warp, absorb moisture and odors, and the kitchen begins to look sloppy.

Vinyl is an excellent option for those who care about the design of the room. The pattern on such wallpaper can be of any size or any theme; among vinyl canvases you can easily find those that will visually expand the room. You can hide uneven wall finishes by choosing the appropriate coating density.

It is important to purchase not only beautiful and pleasing to the eye wallpaper, but also to pay attention to the choice of color palette and pattern.

The color should depend not only on the size and its lighting. Ideal for a small kitchen - light, pastel colors. If the kitchen is different large sizes- Dark colors will look better here.

Wallpaper for a white kitchen makes it possible to use the entire arsenal of excellent design solutions. If the predominant shade of the furniture is white or very light, it is rational to buy contrasting wallpaper that will highlight the snow-white surfaces. Various patterns, ornaments, fashionable prints - owners of kitchens with white furniture can afford all this.

Coverings with decorative stone and other natural materials will look great.

To protect the coating without using tiles, some designers suggest paying attention to protective glass.

Design project for decorating a kitchen with wallpaper.

Source: wallpaper-store.ru

Video on the topic: Wallpaper for the kitchen: choice and tips

How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen

Today we will not delve into the intricacies of planning and functional zoning, but will simply talk about wallpaper for the kitchen. There are a lot of them on the market now. So.

1. Vinyl wallpaper for the kitchen

The best choice for the kitchen is solid, washable vinyl wallpaper. They are made from two layers - the bottom, paper or non-woven, and the top, decorative and protective PVC. A pattern or embossing can be applied to the top layer.

Video on the topic: How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen?

Wallpaper imitating brickwork.

2. Non-woven wallpaper for the kitchen

Non-woven wallpaper is made from compressed cellulose fibers, can be embossed or patterned and is most often ready for painting. The main advantage of non-woven wallpaper is that it “breathes”, which means that mold and mildew do not form under it.

Washable wallpaper is not a type of surface, but a characteristic that, in fact, any wall covering for the kitchen should have. Washable wallpapers are moisture resistant - they can be wiped with a soft damp cloth, washable - can be wiped with a cloth or sponge using slightly alkaline solutions, super washable - a sponge with soapy water, super washable and resistant to friction - even a brush can be used here.

4. Wallpaper design for the kitchen

The theme of wallpaper design is inexhaustible in principle. Options for color, texture and subject design are multiplying exponentially. However, it is still possible to make the right choice of wallpaper design for the kitchen. Answer yourself the question - what in this world causes you the least irritation, and look for wallpaper with a pattern that is as similar to this “something” as possible.

5. Modern wallpaper for the kitchen

Those of us who strive to always be on top fashion trends, know how fleeting fashion is and how difficult it is to discover something consistently relevant. Modern wallpaper for kitchens, which will not become outdated over the next 2-3 years, is, first of all, high-quality, practical materials and neutral ornaments that do not attract too much attention.

Photo of original black and white wallpaper.

6. Photo wallpaper for the kitchen

Photo wallpapers for kitchen decoration are chosen by the bravest of us. Of course, now we are not talking about tropical landscapes or outer space, or even about gastronomic delights in good resolution. For a minimalist kitchen interior, photo wallpapers with neutral interior paintings, inorganic macro photography and all kinds of architectural subjects are quite suitable.

7. Wallpaper ideas for the kitchen

Once again, the topic of ideas is inexhaustible, but if you don’t have specific internal preferences, turn to the furnishings of the kitchen itself or the interior as a whole. Surely there is already a general leitmotif, and all you have to do is pull the thread so that the idea for decorating the walls in the kitchen will appear on its own.

Video on the topic: Wallpaper in the kitchen - 70 real photos
8. Wallpaper color for the kitchen

Traditionally, it is believed that having "appetizing" drool-inducing shades is a great choice for the kitchen. And this statement is true, but only partly. Such colors are indeed excellent as bright details and accents, but as the main color for wallpaper in the kitchen, it is better to choose neutral, muted tones.

Photo of kitchen wallpaper in the interior.

Source: weekend.rambler.ru

Choosing washable wallpaper for the kitchen: types of moisture-resistant wall coverings

Photo of washable wallpaper in the kitchen.

Let's look at what materials there are for making washable wallpaper that will withstand harsh kitchen conditions and retain its original appearance for a long time.

Wallpaper in the kitchen. Design option.

Non-woven. Non-woven wallpaper for the kitchen combines everything necessary qualities: They are durable, waterproof and easy to clean. They consist of 70% cellulose fiber and are a non-woven material.
There are several types:

  • Single layer
  • Covered with a layer of non-woven fabric (two-layer), vinyl, paper, fabric.
  • For painting. Most the best option- We recommend covering them with a layer of washable paint.

Decorating the kitchen with beautiful wallpaper.

Acrylic. Multi-layer acrylic wallpaper with foamed polymer has a soft and voluminous pattern on the surface, so it requires gentle treatment - no detergents or hard rags!

Photo wallpaper for the apron in the kitchen interior.

Video on the topic: What wallpaper is now in fashion for the kitchen: fashionable wallpaper 2016

Vinyl wallpapers. This material is not afraid of moisture, and you can easily wash it without fear that the design will be erased or scratched. The decorative layer is protected transparent film. Vinyl washable wallpaper for the kitchen can be called the most practical and beautiful material among others. They perfectly imitate natural materials and create interesting designs.

Kitchen design with wallpaper in Provence style.

Vinyl wallpaper can be divided into 3 types:

  • Foamed - with a voluminous texture, ready for painting.
  • Flat - with a smooth surface.
  • Kitchen vinyl is the thickest. Perfect not only for the kitchen, but also other rooms with high loads.

Kitchen design with golden wallpaper.

Advice! Please note that it is difficult to wash dirt out of the recesses in three-dimensional designs. It is advisable to use wallpaper with a smooth surface, otherwise you will have to paint and re-glue it more often.

Video on the topic: Testing wallpaper for the kitchen.

Photo wallpaper in the kitchen.

Glass wallpaper. Made from natural and environmentally friendly materials and are ideal for use in the kitchen. They will allow you to hide small cracks and unevenness, and will not tear. And most importantly, they do not allow steam to pass through, do not support the vital activity of microorganisms, are hygienic and waterproof. Fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted up to 10 times, while maintaining its texture.

Many people often confuse glass wool and glass wallpaper - they think that they also prick after touching. In fact, they have completely different structures and are completely safe.

Liquid wallpaper. This material is sold in the form of a dry powder, which is diluted with water before use. The composition of this powder can include various sparkles, mineral chips to give a voluminous texture, silk and cellulose fibers.

Despite the fact that they are highly hygroscopic and allow moisture to pass through, they can be used in the kitchen if treated with a protective acrylic varnish.
Liquid wallpaper with added mineral chips
If dirt appears on any part of the wall, you can moisten the surface with water, remove the old coating and apply a new layer of liquid wallpaper.

Video on the topic: Photo wallpaper for the kitchen: 100 photos of interiors
Metal wallpaper. An original and little-known material is metallic wallpaper. They consist of porous paper, which is covered with a layer of aluminum foil, paint, and a decorative design. Often such wallpapers are decorated with gold, bronze or silver plating. The most expensive options are hand-painted, which further emphasizes the aristocracy of the owner.

Video on the topic: Wallpaper for the kitchen - 65 options in the interior
To glue them you will need a perfectly flat surface and special dispersion glue. The finished surface can be washed, but it will not allow air to pass through.

Purple wallpaper in the kitchen.

How do you know which wallpaper can be washed?

Determining whether a surface can be washed in a store is quite difficult, especially for people without experience. To do this yourself, pay attention to symbols on rolls of wallpaper.

Note! Waterproof wallpaper is not intended for washing. The roll should have a picture with a double or triple wave - only such wallpaper can be washed many times. 3 waves and a brush mean that they can be washed intensively, even with a brush.

Features of gluing moisture-resistant wallpaper

Below are tips from experienced craftsmen that will help you stick wallpaper efficiently and for a long time.

White kitchen design with sea green wallpaper.

  • Pay special attention to the seams - this is the most vulnerable spot.
  • Spend proper time on preparation: leveling the walls and mandatory priming. Small irregularities can be hidden if you use thick wallpaper or with a textured surface. After marking the vertical line at the window, the first canvas is glued.
  • Dense and thick vinyl wallpaper can be easily moved, re-glued if it does not lie smoothly the first time.
  • Use heavy wallpaper glue.
  • For a beautiful result, thick wallpapers need to be glued end-to-end, while thin wallpapers can be glued overlapping.

Care Tips

If you decide to wash the walls with detergents, do not rush to do it over the entire surface. Test how the material reacts in an inconspicuous place.

  • Despite its name, you shouldn't wash your wallpaper often. Only do this when they are really dirty, then they will last longer.

Source: remboo.ru

Panoramic wallpaper for the kitchen: subjects, features, aspects of choice

Unconventional and beautiful way decorating a wall in the kitchen - covering it with panoramic wallpaper. What panoramic wallpaper is suitable for this room? How to work with them? And which kitchen wall should be decorated in this way?

Photo of raspberry wallpaper in the kitchen.

Requirements for kitchen wallpaper

Wallpaper for the kitchen should be:

Photo of wallpaper for a small kitchen.

  • moisture resistant (marked with the image of a wave, two waves or three waves),
  • fire resistant (look for a picture of a flame on the packaging),
  • resistant to abrasive loads (indicated by a pattern with a brush and a wave or three waves),
  • creating an “appetizing” mood and giving comfort to the room (painted in shades suitable for the kitchen).

All four requirements are met by non-woven, vinyl and fiberglass panoramic wallpaper - beautiful and practical. Let's consider what features each of these materials has.

Non-woven fabric has a high density and is no less high strength. Non-woven wallpaper heals small cracks and effectively masks roughness. Non-woven fabrics are available for painting and with a pattern. Panorama is just one of the varieties of this material.

Vinyl kitchen wallpaper, otherwise called “compact vinyl”, has a smooth surface. This washable material is highly moisture resistant.

Panoramic glass wallpaper is the most expensive and most practical of all. Fiberglass fabric is completely waterproof. The second advantage of this material is its high elasticity.

Subjects and types of panoramic wallpapers

Interesting design solution for decorating the kitchen with wallpaper.

Panoramic wallpaper for walls in the kitchen can depict:

  • landscapes,
  • landscapes,
  • a window to another world (wallpaper with a recessed effect).

Kitchen wallpaper in a real kitchen.

According to the three-dimensionality of the image, panoramas are divided into:

  • two-dimensional (regular flat drawings),
  • three-dimensional (3D wallpapers known to everyone).

According to the nature of the image, panoramas are distinguished:

  • photographic,
  • drawn.

According to the location of the picture they are:

  • horizontal,
  • vertical.

Features of panoramic wallpaper

As for the dimensions of the canvas, its width is usually about 1.5 m, length - about 3.5 m. If necessary, the wallpaper can be trimmed - the composition will not suffer from this at all.

About which wall is better to stick wallpaper on: you can cover at least all the walls with it. One of the design techniques for decorating living rooms involves completely covering the room with a painted landscape or landscape. But most often only one wall is covered with a panorama - this method of design is considered the most advantageous in terms of the effect produced.

Kitchen design in rustic style with striped wallpaper.

Selecting a panorama. Choosing panoramic wallpaper is not a trivial task. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here - you buy wallpaper with a picture you like, stick it and enjoy the view of the Egyptian pyramids or the forest landscape... However, everything is not so simple. The picture must also have a suitable color scheme.

  • If the kitchen is not large, then choose a panel made in cool, light colors to decorate it. Blue, light green, shades of blue are optimal. It could be a seascape or a field with ears of wheat against a background of blue sky and clouds - there are no plot restrictions here.
  • If there is a lack of natural light, it is better to purchase a panorama with a predominance of warm shades - yellow, orange, peach. A pleasant pastime in the kitchen will be guaranteed.
  • Bright colorful wallpapers look good in a monochrome interior. In multicolor and variegated - monochrome.
  • Realistic wallpaper with a recessed effect is the best choice for a small kitchen. A path that “leads” into the forest or a park path will add volume to the interior and make it more capacious.

Using a panorama to decorate a kitchen

Wallpaper of this type is suitable for any kitchen. Moreover, the room does not have to be large - panoramas look good even in a small kitchenette.

There are not many ways to use panoramic wallpaper in the kitchen. Strictly speaking, there are only two of them:

  • creating an accent wall,
  • design of a kitchen apron.

In the design environment, an accent wall is usually called a specially decorated wall. An interior in which such a wall is present looks, to say the least, extraordinary.

3D wallpaper depicting a beautiful landscape is usually used to cover a kitchen backsplash. For greater safety, the wall with the pattern pasted on it is covered with tempered glass - an original and practical apron is ready.

Now about how to glue an artistic or photographic panel to a wall. Its installation is carried out in the same way as pasting walls with ordinary wallpaper - non-woven, vinyl, fiberglass. Read the instructions supplied with the material and follow the well-known rules for gluing walls.

Panoramic wallpaper for kitchen walls is a successful combination of modern technological innovation and high art. The originality and practicality of high-quality panoramas have brought them to the top of materials for finishing kitchens.

Source: interyerdizayn.ru

Video on the topic: Wallpaper for the kitchen. Which ones to choose and how to combine. Design ideas

Wallpaper for the kitchen: photos, styles, ideas

Choosing wallpaper for the kitchen is not as easy as it might seem. Special requirements are put forward for them: not to absorb dirt, grease, moisture and aromas of cooking food, easy to clean and at the same time ideally suit the interior of the kitchen.

Gray wallpaper in the kitchen.

Choose wallpaper that can withstand not only wet cleaning, but also complete washing, and exposure to water. Despite the fact that the working surface near the sink is usually covered with a kitchen apron, drops of water constantly scatter and settle on the wallpaper.

The kitchen is a high-risk area in our home, especially if you use gas stove. Therefore, when purchasing wallpaper, make sure that it is non-flammable. Usually this quality is ensured by special impregnation; vinyl wallpaper is also considered fire-resistant. And, of course, the most important requirement for wall coverings for the kitchen - so that they are in harmony in color, pattern and texture with the kitchen set and other kitchen furniture.


The following qualities are essential for kitchen wallpaper to ensure its long life and good condition.

Photo of a kitchen with wallpaper.

  • Moisture resistance - we have already mentioned the importance of this quality above,
  • Density. As you know, the denser the wallpaper, the better and longer it lasts,
  • Vapor permeability. Important quality for wet areas such as kitchens. Such wallpaper dries quickly and does not absorb fumes during cooking,
  • Light fastness. We rarely curtain the windows in the kitchen, so the wallpaper is constantly exposed to the sun. To prevent them from fading quickly, pay attention to their light fastness.


  1. Paper wallpaper is a classic among wallpapers, the cheapest and most practical option. Unfortunately, they are not suitable for the kitchen, since they do not have the above properties and will quickly deteriorate in the kitchen microclimate.
  2. Impregnated paper wallpaper and vinyl-based paper wallpaper are inexpensive, economical options, which combine the low price of paper wallpaper and have some of the qualities of more expensive ones. However, they are also not very dense and only stick to a perfectly flat wall.
  3. Vinyl wallpapers. IN Lately Vinyl wallpaper has become the most popular solution for the kitchen. They are durable, moisture-resistant and almost eternal, and they also allow you to apply almost any design.
  4. Non-woven wallpaper. In this case, we also mean vinyl wallpaper that was applied to a non-woven base. This material easily and quickly sticks to any surface, hides various irregularities and cracks in the plaster, has all the positive qualities of vinyl wallpaper and can be repainted several times.

Bright kitchen with black and white wallpaper.

Reading by icons

Choosing suitable wallpaper for the kitchen, with its eternal temperature changes and high humidity, be sure to read the label– on it the manufacturer informs us about the characteristics of their product.

In addition to the strength characteristics, you can also find tips on the wallpaper on how to apply it correctly. For example, the image of a roller with the handle pointing upward means that the glue should be applied only to the material, and with the handle pointing to the right - directly on the wall.

Zoning the space

Even the smallest kitchen is divided into at least two functional areas: the work area, where we prepare food, and the dining room. And if, by combining wallpaper, you visually emphasize the boundaries of these areas, the room will seem larger and more spacious.

For example, for a kitchen work apron you can use fire-resistant materials, wallpaper with photos taken in macro mode, depicting juicy fruits, colorful plants or panoramic landscapes.

As for the color and size of the pattern, pay attention to the unspoken rule: if the furniture is painted in bright colors or has an ornament on it, give preference to single-color wallpaper.

But for cabinets made in a monochromatic, inexpressive color scheme, an accent finish on the apron can become an original highlight that will refresh the design of the entire kitchen. Another interesting idea is to decorate a wall in the spirit of a retro cafe, covering its surface with old letters, black and white drawings or newspaper clippings. And to protect the coating from splashes of water and grease, cover it with transparent glass.

When decorating the dining area in the kitchen, you can use various decorating techniques:

Kitchen design project.

  1. For dark rooms of modest size, wallpaper in light, cold or pastel colors with rich splashes of yellow, azure, red or orange is suitable. But to paste over large area You shouldn’t use bright shades - let them remain small accent spots or even splashes.
  2. Low ceilings visually draw out the wallpaper with large vertical stripes, and a horizontal pattern will help “pull apart” the walls.
  3. For modern interiors decorated in urban design, glass wallpaper or metal-coated vinyl would be a good solution. These materials are easy to care for and have excellent strength characteristics, and the steel shine and silky smoothness of the wallpaper will appeal to fans of hi-tech and techno style.
  4. Wall-length photo wallpaper with a picture stretching into the distance looks impressive, but somewhat old-fashioned. But if you cover only part of the wall with a realistic landscape and highlight it with a “frame” of glazing beads. moldings or decorative stone - you will get an original false window, behind which the landscape of your dreams will open: a snow-white sailboat rushing towards the setting sun, the bustling lights of a night city or a quiet path leading deep into a shady forest...

Creating the necessary interior in the kitchen will certainly lead you to the choice of wallpaper. It is with this material that it is best to decorate a large area of ​​the walls in this room. You have to choose from a variety of types, among which there is a fairly universal and practical option - paintable wallpaper.

In a large kitchen it is acceptable to use a dark color palette

By choosing wallpaper for painting for the kitchen, we provide ourselves with a large backlog of functionality, and in addition, we leave the opportunity to change the interior. All that remains is to choose the type of wallpaper and paint material to be painted.

Types of Wallpaper

Wallpaper for painting, which can be glued to walls, is distinguished according to the classification of material:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • glass wallpaper.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they are all very similar.

Paintable paper wallpaper is produced using duplex technology, i.e. are created from two layers of paper. They are completely environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, as they are made from natural materials. The cost of such paintings is usually low.

The kitchen flows smoothly into the living room

In most cases, such wallpaper is used in a nursery or bedroom. They will not be the best option for the kitchen because they have poor moisture resistance. We do not recommend gluing such wallpaper to kitchen walls, since there are other, more suitable wallpapers.

Vinyl wallpaper for painting can be divided into two types: paper-based and non-woven. On a paper basis, wallpaper is created with a wallpaper width of 53 centimeters, while on a non-woven basis, the width of the wallpaper is 106 centimeters, which is twice as much.

The qualitative properties of vinyl give the wallpaper greater strength, wear resistance, and moisture resistance, while the backing is responsible for holding the canvas on the wall. Paintable vinyl wallpaper can be glued to the walls of any room, at least quality characteristics this material allows you to do this.

Positive kitchen colors

It is noteworthy that the non-woven backing is stronger, more reliable, it allows you to hold more weight wallpaper cloth. Therefore, you can paint non-woven wallpaper for painting more times. If the relief of the wallpaper and its texture are not important to you, then choose completely non-woven wallpaper.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting is created from several layers of non-woven material. This material does not have a thick relief structure, but it is very durable, does not change shape, and does not get wet. Gluing non-woven wallpaper on walls is a pleasure; it is absolutely simple and clean, since only the wall is coated with glue.

Having glued such canvases once, you will not have to do it soon the next time, since they can withstand up to 10 layers of paint.

The last type of paintable wallpaper that can be glued to walls in an apartment is glass wallpaper. Strong and durable material made from fiberglass. When installing such sheets, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.

Cozy interior of a large kitchen

Most often, glass wallpaper for painting is used in office and industrial premises, shops, hotels, but it is also acceptable to use them in an apartment. These wallpapers have a special texture that emphasizes the fiberglass weaving technique; they are durable and reliable.

For the kitchen, we can choose any of these types of wallpaper for painting, except paper ones, which do not meet the moisture resistance criterion. However, non-woven wallpaper will be the most optimal.

They are easy to stick to walls best quality, you don’t need any special knowledge to work with them, you don’t have to worry about your health, since the wallpapers are safe, and in terms of price and quality, they come first. It is also noteworthy that non-woven wallpaper can be painted both from the front and from the back, and you can also paint the walls themselves, and only then stick wallpaper on them.

Minimalist kitchen design in a country house

But the repairs will not end with wallpapering; you will also need to paint them, so that they blend perfectly with the interior. Let's look at the main types of paints that are suitable for us.


To paint wallpaper for painting, it is recommended to use water-based, latex (water-dispersed) or acrylic paint. Water-based paint is perfect for those rooms where wet cleaning of the walls is not expected, since this coloring composition is washed off with water. Water-dispersion or latex paint and acrylic composition are not washed off with water, so they can be used in any room.

The walls are painted olive green

To give washable properties to wallpaper for painting, it is necessary to use latex paint, so for the kitchen, a water-dispersion composition is perfect for us. But an even better option would be an acrylic composition. Acrylic paints also not be afraid of moisture, additionally not be afraid of ultraviolet radiation, which for a kitchen with its large windows very important, and also allow the wallpaper to “breathe”, let air pass through it.

All of the above compositions are safe for humans and animals, have no characteristic odors and are incredibly easy to work with.

To give the paint the desired color, tint is used. Kohler is a color pigment that, when added to white paint gives it a certain color. If you need to tint your paint, you can go two ways.

  • You can do the tinting yourself. To do this, purchase the color itself and simply mix it in a bucket of paint. For small painting jobs, this option is acceptable, but if you have to paint large premises, some difficulties arise. The most a big problem, is to make several buckets of the same paint. Despite the fact that you maintain the proportions exactly, there is a possibility that the color will be slightly different.
  • You can contact a paint store with a request to do tinting on a computer. This option is suitable for any volume of paint and varnish material. The computer will accurately calculate the amount of ingredients and carefully move the composition. Even if you don’t have enough paint, the procedure can be repeated, and the resulting color will be almost 100% consistent with the specified one.

Using a green color palette in the kitchen

It’s up to you to decide which option you choose, but don’t forget that the paint on the wall will be a shade lighter than in the bucket. Another important factor is paint consumption, on average it is 150-200 grams per 1 square meter. We will even remind you of some well-known brands of paints from construction stores that have long proven themselves to be of good quality: Tikkurila, Tex, VGT.

Whatever type of wallpaper you need to glue to the walls in the kitchen, be sure to read the instructions for applying them. Perhaps you won’t learn anything new there, or maybe, on the contrary, some nuances will be revealed. If you don’t want to study text materials, then watch videos on the Internet. There are a great many master classes on how to glue a certain type of wallpaper on the walls of a living space.

Practical plain wallpaper in the kitchen

If you decide to try wallpapering your kitchen for painting, and you are not bothered by the fact that paint and tools will become additional expenses, then go to a hardware store and purchase all the materials at once. For small room In the kitchen, one meter roll of non-woven wallpaper is enough, but determine the amount of paint on the spot.

After all the work done, you will get an excellent kitchen interior, practical and beautiful. In addition, the walls can be washed and, if necessary, repainted, updating the appearance of your kitchen.

Every person plans to change the decor and interior of their own home. The solution would be wallpaper for painting in the interior, the selection and painting of which will not take much time. They are selected according to the purpose of the room. It is better to cover living rooms and hallways with a vinyl layer that is resistant to wear, and for bedrooms with less intensive use, paper sheets are suitable. In the nursery and kitchen, where walls can be damaged, the best option is fiberglass types that are resistant to frequent renovations. Everything will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

Advantages of different wallpapers

There are many manufacturers of materials for finishing interior walls on the market. This is a wide selection of paints, liquid wallpaper, plasters, panels, etc. But it is difficult to stop paying attention and make a choice, since each sample has its own positive nuances.

A fashionable type of wall decoration is painting that transforms the interior. But you need to choose the right shade.

Wallpaper with a suitable texture increases the noise and heat insulation performance of the room. To update the interior, you will need to apply a new coat of paint.

Their advantages are as follows:
  • Simple sticking. There is no need to control the combination of joints, except for textured types with a bright plot ornament.
  • Variety of shades and colors. The use of a single tone or combination of colors can embody any design ideas, add a highlight or dim effect. Combining several shades is intended for visual zoning or decorating a space.
  • Resistance to overpainting. It depends on the type of front surface and base.
  • Variety of textures and textures. They are used to create additional volume, diluting the monotony of color. They create an imitation of surfaces with natural stone, brick walls, and the relief of decorative plaster. Depending on the type of base, they are washable with a moisture-resistant effect.

This type of room decoration is suitable for families with children. After the active work of little researchers, the consequences are easily eliminated with a new paint coating.

Which wallpaper is better?

Not every building material can be painted. For example, if you use simple wallpaper, “bubbles”, delaminations or damage to the structure will appear on it. Therefore, special coatings are selected. It can be:

  • non-woven;
  • paper;
  • glass wallpaper produced using different technologies.

They have sufficient density (thickness) and a low price per roll. They are mainly made in neutral, light or white colors. Non-woven wallpaper has a density of 100-150 g/m2, paper wallpaper has a density of 95-135 g/m2, and glass wallpaper has a density of 100-265 g/m2. Previously they were sold in neutral and white colors. Depending on your own wishes, a person can choose a paint color or apply several shades at once. They are suitable for finishing any room.

Properties of paper views

From the beginning they were used for coloring. The canvases are affordable, easy to glue, even on less-than-smooth surfaces. Compared to simple coatings, the paper version consists of two layers and is more durable. Wallpaper is thicker and denser than classic building materials, produced using proven technologies, and meets environmental safety standards.

With additional impregnation, the material becomes resistant to moisture. In addition to its advantages, the paper base has a number of disadvantages: the need for careful application of plaster, fragility, instability to abrasion and professional skills in work.

And to prevent the formation of blisters and peeling from the wall, after applying the first coat of paint on the paper wallpaper, you need to wait until it dries completely. With proper finishing, paper wallpaper can be used to decorate the ceiling and walls. For additional protection, it is advisable to apply waterproofing compounds to the surface.

Description of non-woven fabrics

When comparing non-woven and paper bases, the first option is denser with mechanical strength. The main feature of non-woven fabric is resistance to creasing. It has a different relief and interesting structure, since pre-foamed vinyl is applied to the wallpaper with special stencils. An important advantage of the coating is its strength, the ability to smooth out irregularities, cracks and small flaws on the walls. Other advantages of canvases:

  • Elasticity. This property increases protection against cracks and shrinkage of the house, since the coating is not damaged for a long time.
  • Ease of operation. The glue must be applied to the wall. Therefore, it is convenient to glue coatings to vertical surfaces.
  • Wear resistance and quality. The service life is about 30 years.
  • Surface washing and cleaning, moisture resistance.
  • Easy dismantling. In order for the entire strip to come off, the base must be pryed off with a spatula.

Therefore, many experts use finishing materials in organizing apartment interiors. After all, newly constructed buildings often experience shrinkage with the formation of cracks. And the properties of non-woven wallpaper will protect them from “discrepancies” and the appearance of flaws. They can be painted and protected from scratches.

When choosing wall coverings, you need to determine the quality of the vinyl, since its coating is fragile. And if it is applied poorly, peeling or scratches are possible even when the wallpaper is applied to the wall, environmental safety is reduced, since the coating is airtight and is prohibited for decorating children's rooms and bedrooms. However, they expand the possibilities of decoration and design.

Glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is a new product among the variety of finishing materials. The main raw material is fiberglass, where threads from quartz sand, lime, dolomite and soda are used and integrated onto paper base. In production conditions, threads can be woven using different methods (in the form of reliefs, patterns and ornaments), A popular pattern is:

  • "matting";
  • "herringbone";
  • "cobweb";
  • "diamonds".

Glassy wallpaper will last a long time. The variety of textures allows the canvas to be used to embody any designer fantasies in the office or living rooms.

They are more expensive than their analogues, but you need to take into account long term operation, savings on finishing materials that you won't have to buy again.

Fiberglass wallpaper is resistant to cleaning agents, so it is suitable for painting. They are easy to glue, but it is impossible to correct the glued parts. They are resistant to ultraviolet radiation and do not change aesthetic characteristics after using an abrasive. Gluing glass wallpaper does not require professional skills. One of the disadvantages is the high price and difficulty of tearing off the surface.

Buying textureless wallpaper

Texture-free coatings will be suitable for lovers of classics or creative activities. If you plan to paint a picture or drawing on the wall, then creative ideas may be disrupted by texture. The building material is ideal as an addition to the interior; it combines well with textured and textured analogues, without leaving a feeling of discomfort or cold. The big disadvantage of a monochromatic structure is fatigue.

A repair and construction specialist has a detailed understanding of the properties of all materials. He will answer any questions and select a quality product that meets your basic requirements.

You can do any interior finishing work yourself. In addition to saving money, there is no doubt about future results.


When painting wallpaper you need to be careful and careful. There is no need to use more than three colors, paint using similar and pre-selected shades.

Using construction tape you can achieve beautiful borders. Instead, you can use mosaics, paper borders, moldings or wooden slats.

When buying paint, it is advisable to perform calculations and add about 30% to the result obtained. This must be done when tinting the paint and again obtaining the same shade.

To glue wallpaper for painting, you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials:
  • roller;
  • brushes;
  • construction tape.
When choosing paint, you need to take into account the characteristics of some building materials.

For example, water-based paint is suitable for paper coverings and non-woven wallpaper. Acrylic or latex coating is suitable for fiberglass wallpaper. When choosing a paint coating, the type of maintenance of the finished surfaces after completion of the repair is taken into account. First, two layers of the selected coating are applied to the wallpaper, leaving at least 60 minutes between each layer. But you need to remember that with repeated staining, the relief of the canvas is reduced.

When selecting several paints to highlight the boundaries of shades, it is advisable to use a brush.

When combining different shades in the decoration of ceilings or walls, you can set different goals:
  • Diluting or adding accents.
  • Creation of a certain style in interior design.
  • Exhibiting creative and imaginative ideas.
  • Zoning in one multifunctional room.

This cannot be achieved with ordinary wallpaper.

When painting walls with several shades, you should remember some rules:

You should also think about the method of combining shades. Suitable for smooth borders masking tape, and an aluminum profile is used to connect the colors in the protruding corner.

The optimal coloring option is horizontal division, when the lower tone is painted over 1/3 of the entire surface height. This is a classic method, identical to decorating with panels, and is suitable for modern interiors and children's rooms. You can paint walls using other methods, showing imagination and creativity.

Creative people can decorate the interior using walls painted using the figured method. They reflect anything, including waves, geometric shapes, graffiti or landscapes.

Combination of shades in territory zoning

One of the methods is the zoning of space by dividing into functional areas of different semantic load.

Designers use a simple division of the area into eating and resting areas. The work will use wallpapers that differ in texture and color accents. By covering the walls with multi-colored coatings, the interior will be noticeably enlivened. A winning option would be to use warm shades in the cold part of the apartment. Cool shades are suitable for the dining area.

Combining related colors, giving the interior originality

In any room, the originality of the interior can be given by a combination of similar colors, which are located close to each other in the color scheme.

Related shades include:

A combination of identical tones allows you to create subtle color combinations. This allows you to create delicate and soft solutions.

Using Gradient Combination

This technique offers a wide scope for selecting a color palette. In essence, gradient combination is based on creating gradual transitions from one shade to the second. A combination of identical color gradations is in demand.

Using wallpaper combinations, gradient combinations are created that differ in soft transitions from light to richer and darker shades. This technique visually increases the space in any room.

Placement of accents, inclusion of contrasting and different colors

You need to be extremely careful when combining contrasting tones of paint, since when placed next to each other, they enhance each other and can create daring combinations. Only muted and bright shades will look decent in different proportions. To do this, one shade will be the main one, and the second will be its accent.. All pastel shades and colors go well together. At the same time, designers play on the saturation of color details. Bright colors can be muted with white.

The additional shade should be in harmony with the main one in a certain proportion:
  • Orange and blue – 1/2.
  • Purple with yellow – 3/1.
  • Purple and green in equal proportions.

When combining contrasting shades, attention is paid to saturation, temperature and “sound” so that these criteria are almost the same. For example, orange or orange can be combined with rich green.

If you choose muted orange, then green should also be soft. If you can’t combine colors yourself, then you can combine no more than two colors or contact a designer. Suitable choice- This is a combination of natural shades.

Choice of paint coating

Popular are easy to use, simple formulations on the water:

  • latex;
  • acrylic;
  • water-based;
  • water-dispersed.

Sometimes alkyd solutions with oils and resins can be used.

The composition of the water-based emulsion coating includes:
  • latex;
  • fillers;
  • fastening elements;
  • antiseptic;
  • chemical substances.

According to environmental standards, it can be used in places where people permanently reside. This is a moisture-resistant, odorless, non-allergenic solution that can be washed with a damp cloth without damaging the surface.

Silicone-based water-based paint is used in the kitchen and bathroom in conditions of high humidity. It differs from the acrylic composition in small fractions. The latter does not contain chemical or hazardous components, so it is widely used in living rooms. Acrylic compounds are odorless, allow the wallpaper to breathe, and do not collect fumes on its surface. Drying time is 24 hours. The coating is intended for non-woven surfaces, but manufacturers produce compositions for fiberglass and paper wallpaper.

Latex solution is performed with latex on water based. Styrene butadiene and acrylic latex can be used. This is a material with high elasticity, long-term use, and is presented in white color, so tinting is used. Soft shades are formed, since in practice it is impossible to achieve sharp tones. Latex paint is intended for glass wallpaper and non-woven coatings with a relief structure. Latex has a slight odor and is suitable for utility areas and living rooms, except for rooms with high humidity.

After applying alkyd solutions, a strong film appears that is resistant to frequent washing. The products are mainly used in the finishing of non-residential and ancillary buildings with fiberglass coatings. The disadvantage is the content of resins and oils in the composition, which can negatively affect health and the respiratory tract. Such walls cannot breathe; condensation forms on them.

Paint color

In order for glued canvases to become a decoration of the room, you need to make the right choice of shade and know the reflective properties of the paint. Initially, the canvases are colorless with different surfaces. First, they can be painted in any shades, mainly light ones. In living rooms, pastel colors are chosen; a delicate shade can be obtained by tinting.

When tinting at home, it is impossible to get the same shade in different containers, so computer color selection is offered. Tinting equipment will produce paint in the required range, it will be the same even in different containers. Even if the resulting volume is not enough, the tinting unit can produce the required volume of paintwork with an exact color match.

You also need to remember that each paint has its own reflective ability:

  • Gloss. Has a sheen that reflects light. It is advisable to use it in the decoration of northern rooms, but not in southern ones with bright lighting.
  • Semi-gloss. It features optimal light reflection and is used in many rooms, reflecting uneven walls (the base must first be leveled).
  • Semi-matte. It has low reflective ability, well suited for the living room and bedroom.
  • Satin. It reflects light strongly and glare appears in artificial lighting. Suitable for finishing bathrooms and kitchens.

Pros and cons of coatings in different rooms

After familiarizing yourself with the different finishes and color options, you need to study the features of the premises.

Original solutions for the living room

The main rule when decorating such a room is the comfort that guests and all family members should feel. To modernize the design of the living room, the wallpaper texture is selected correctly, which will provide a comfortable environment. Coverings should serve as a background without distracting from significant details.

Solutions with a chaotic pattern are suitable for a modern style; a coating with a geometric pattern is suitable for a strict design. Coatings with a three-dimensional effect that imitates volume also look original. It is advisable not to use very bright or dark shades.

The second option will hide space, having a depressing effect on the person’s condition. Bright colors can only be used for accents or design additions. A very colorful space has a tiring effect, quickly becoming boring and causing negative emotions.

Of course, when choosing a color, you should be guided only by individual preferences - after all, you wouldn’t buy wallpaper in a strictly dark color if you really like light colors?

OUTPUT from brief description All existing types of wallpaper are presented at the very bottom of the article.

Criteria for choosing kitchen wallpaper

  • The kitchen is regularly wet cleaned, including the walls, so kitchen wallpaper must be moisture-resistant. The most “delicious” part of our life takes place in the kitchen, however, in the process of cooking, drops of fat, oil, juices and other unpleasant little things often fall on the walls, which, in the case of incorrectly selected finishing materials, often force the owners to start new renovation and change the wallpaper. Moisture-resistant coatings can withstand wiping lightly soiled areas with a soft cloth or damp sponge, without the use of detergents or detergents. Washable wallpaper can withstand similar wet cleaning, but with the addition of special detergents. But super-washable wallpaper can withstand not only wiping with detergents, but also brushing.
  • An important indicator of the quality of kitchen wallpaper is density, which is directly related to the strength and durability of the wall decoration. In addition, the higher the density of the wallpaper, the fewer pores there are in them, in which dirt can easily accumulate.
  • Wallpaper for the kitchen must have high light resistance, that is, be resistant to fading in the sun, otherwise they will quickly turn yellow, losing their attractive appearance. This will affect not only the aesthetics of the room, but will also make it impossible to rearrange the furniture without first repairing the walls.
  • Another important parameter is vapor permeability, thanks to which the kitchen walls dry out quickly, which has a positive effect on the microclimate of the room.
  • When choosing paintable wallpaper for the kitchen, it is recommended to give preference to those types that are suitable for repeated painting.
  • When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, you should definitely pay attention to the product labeling: The “wave” icon indicates the moisture resistance of the material, and the “wave with brush” indicates resistance to mechanical damage.

From the assortment presented in stores and markets modern wallpaper, both domestic and foreign production, is breathtaking. Any whim can easily come true! A huge selection of wallpapers, at first glance, gives us the opportunity to choose exactly what we really need, but in most cases a common person You can simply get lost in such a variety, so it’s better to immediately discard options that are unsuitable for decorating your kitchen.

Paper wallpapers are completely unsuitable for covering walls in the kitchen. . Don't be tempted by the cheapness! Later it will cost you a pretty penny with its impracticality and fragility. Having chosen paper wallpaper, you can immediately begin preparing for a new renovation. Increasingly popular textile wallpapers made of cotton, linen or silk, as well as natural wallpaper, made from bamboo, veneer of rare tree species, leaves and stems of exotic grasses, certainly look impressive, but since they intensively absorb smoke, fumes and odors of cooking food, this is far from the best solution for the kitchen.

Acrylic options with protruding relief patterns, like all other types of embossed and corrugated wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern, are best left for decorating a living room, bedroom or hallway - in a kitchen, pretty flowers and curls will quickly become covered with a dark coating, which will be difficult to clean even with detergents.

As you know, colors tend to have a certain influence on a person’s perception - they excite, calm, and from contemplating the same color you can get tired, but you can also relax (mentally, of course).

So what colors are suitable for the kitchen?

Today you can select a variety of variations and combinations. But it’s still worth adhering to some subtleties.

Basic rules for choosing wallpaper colors for the kitchen

* Large drawing visually reduces the size of the room. * A small pattern, on the contrary, makes the room seem more spacious than it actually is. * Geometric patterns on the kitchen walls in the form of intersecting stripes, like the patterns on Scottish kilts, create the illusion of continuous space. * The vertical pattern “raises” the ceilings, visually “increasing” the height of the room. * The horizontal pattern and horizontal stripes on the wallpaper “expand” the kitchen, while simultaneously reducing its height. * Diagonal lines on the wallpaper bring dynamics to the kitchen interior, creating the illusion of movement. * Textured wallpaper looks very extraordinary. By endowing the surface of the walls with new qualities, they are able to create an additional dimension in the room. Thanks to the play of shadows and penumbra, interesting color nuances and unexpected alternations of textures, you can achieve a lot of interesting effects.

For rooms with low ceilingschoose wallpaper with longitudinal stripes or a vertical pattern. The narrower the drawing, the higher the ceiling.

Respectively, if the ceilings are high and the apartment looks like a well, a transverse pattern and horizontal stripes will help to visually equalize the height of the ceiling.

Small drawing or plain wallpaper will visually increase the space in a small room.

Large drawing and the rich colors of the wallpaper will make an overly spacious room more comfortable.

But wallpaper in cool shades (silver, blue, blue) will make the room visually wider.

The color of the wallpaper in the kitchen should certainly be pleasing to the eye and be pleasant - these are beige and cheerful orange tones, perhaps yellow patterns. But red not only causes aggression - it stimulates the appetite. But the most interesting, perhaps, will be the combinations - certain combinations of wallpaper colors for the kitchen.

Combining kitchen color finishes - “instructions for use”

The most simple option will be a combination of wallpaper from different textures, in which, if you choose the right colors, you can even divide the kitchen into functional zones, “raise” low ceilings and even “move apart” the walls.

You can use the same color, with a half-tone difference. With its help, you can highlight any unusual details of the kitchen layout.

For creating modern style You can choose several shades corresponding to one scale. At the same time, there is such a simple, but quite effective technique, like sticking several layers on top of each other. This way you can emphasize the difference between the zones of the kitchen space. Alternatively, you can play with one dominant color and decorate it with splashes of lighter/darker shades.

Another design option could be a game of contrasts - black-white, yellow-blue, red-black, etc. However, it is important not to overdo it with contrasts, since such “combinations” are suitable not only for any kitchen, but not even for all people. You can experiment with pairs such as “blue - silver”, “green - gold”.

If your kitchen is narrow but long, you can “expand” it with light wallpaper on the long sides and dark wallpaper on the short sides.

But square kitchens can be finished in any color - the main thing is that one of the walls is a richer color than the others.

Lovers of oriental exoticism can combine pairs such as warm yellow tones with “bamboo” wallpaper - images of bamboo thickets, oriental themes or wickerwork.


If you combine wallpaper, then try to maintain different kinds in the same price range. Elite models will not look at all with a cheaper option, even if the shades are very suitable for each other.

Brief description of the available types of wallpaper for the kitchen:

Vinyl wallpapersare ideal solution for pasting the kitchen. Vinyl is quite moisture-resistant, light-resistant, and quite effectively hides various minor imperfections in the walls. Having selected a material with sufficient density, you can confidently make such a purchase.

Kitchen wallpaper made of foam vinylslightly inferior to the wallpaper described above, despite its unambiguous name. These wallpapers are characterized enough low level wear resistance and are limited in terms of choosing a suitable pattern.

Compact vinylis a hot-stamping wallpaper that can imitate plaster, stone, leather and much more. Thanks to this, you don’t have to limit your design ideas. In addition, compact vinyl easily withstands all kinds of cleaning activities. However, you should pay accordingly for high quality, which will later pay off with a long service life.

Non-woven wallpaperor vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing. They glue easily, do not tear, do not wrinkle, do not deform when in contact with glue, do not swell, and are able to hide some surface defects.

Silkscreen printing. They are characterized by a smooth silk shiny surface, moisture and light resistant, and also resistant to mechanical stress. They are quite dense.

Paintable vinyl wallpaperwith the ability to repaint up to seven times, which allows you to often change the decor in the room.

Glass wallpaper- an excellent option that allows you to save time, effort and money. They do not require careful handling, can be repainted more than ten times, are fire-resistant, and moisture-resistant.

Impregnated paper wallpaper- economy option with short term operation. They are quite suitable for kitchens in rental apartments.

Paper wallpaper with a minimal layer of vinylcharacterized by a smooth surface, which quite clearly reveals the slightest imperfections in the gluing surface. It is for this reason that the walls should be ideally prepared for gluing.

Pasting different types of wallpaper is also charged differently. The cost of wallpapering directly depends not only on the types of wallpaper, but also on the degree of complexity of their application, on the preparedness of the working surface and on many other little things that are discussed directly with the customer.

Today striped wallpaper is gaining popularity. Striped wallpaper is simply an obsession for many designers. The well-known rule that vertical lines allow you to visually raise the ceiling works if your ceiling height is at least 250 centimeters. It is also worth remembering the following regarding striped wallpaper:

* if the furniture plays an overly active role in the interior, wallpaper in neutral shades with wide stripes can soften this influence, but wallpaper where different shades and widths of stripes rhyme come to the fore;

* the brighter the color and narrower the stripes, the more they distract attention to themselves. This ability allows you, if desired, to disguise the door, that is, to make it less conspicuous. But do not forget that such wallpaper is a powerful remedy and there is a possibility that after some time you will get tired of this type of room.

* Horizontal stripes are not suitable for rooms with low ceilings - they visually divide the wall into parts and thereby lower the ceiling. Although in the bedroom such a solution is acceptable. When selecting furniture, you should not try to match the exact tone of the striped wallpaper - it is quite enough if it matches the main color.

Those who are going to use beige and gray wallpaper of this type can be advised to abandon dark-colored furniture and accessories, since this combination gives the interior an absolutely neutral look.


Paper wallpaper with a special water-repellent impregnation is the most affordable option suitable for wallpapering a kitchen. However, they will last no more than three to four years, and besides, they quickly fade in the sun, and they are not particularly decorative.

  • Paper wallpaper with a minimal layer of vinyl
Very thin wallpaper with a smooth surface and, as a rule, a themed kitchen pattern, without any special pretensions to aesthetics. Their main drawback is that gluing requires perfectly smooth walls, otherwise any dent, crack or protrusion will immediately catch your eye.
  • Kitchen wallpaper made of foam vinyl
Despite the fact that wallpaper made from moisture-resistant foam vinyl is proudly called kitchen wallpaper, it cannot be called the best option for the kitchen. The thin vinyl layer is not particularly wear-resistant or durable, and thematic designs with gastronomic motifs will not appeal to everyone.
  • Vinyl wallpapers
The ideal “wallpaper” solution for finishing walls in the kitchen is vinyl - an artificial material that is not afraid of moisture, light and successfully hides wall imperfections. The main thing is to choose vinyl wallpaper with a sufficiently high density, which can be determined by squeezing the unrolled roll with your hands: if during this manipulation the material wrinkles easily, then it is not suitable for the kitchen. Vinyl wallpaper consists of several layers: a bottom layer of fabric or durable paper is complemented by a top layer of polyvinyl chloride film, which gives them increased strength. Among the positive qualities of vinyl wallpaper, it should be noted their durability, non-toxicity, moisture and light resistance, as well as resistance to the formation of fungi.
  • Compact vinyl
The best option for the kitchen – compact vinyl – hot-stamped wallpaper imitating stone, textured plaster, leather, textiles. Compact vinyl can be easily brushed, washed, or scratched without fear for the integrity of the coating. The material is durable, perfectly masks wall defects, and its original texture and variety of colors will help create a stylish and harmonious decor. Naturally, this option is not cheap, but it’s high time to get used to the fact that quality has its price.
  • Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing
Vinyl wallpaper is available on paper or non-woven backing. Non-woven fabric is a non-woven fabric, thanks to which the wallpaper acquires mass. positive characteristics: do not wrinkle, do not tear, fit perfectly on the surface, do not swell, do not shrink after the glue dries, perfectly hide small dents and cracks, giving the walls a neat and tidy appearance. Glue, in the case of non-woven wallpaper, is applied directly to the walls, after which prepared dry sheets are applied to the surface, carefully straightened and smoothed.
  • Silkscreen printing
A type of compact vinyl is multi-layer wallpaper on a paper backing with an outer vinyl layer with artificial or silk threads. Their main difference from ordinary vinyl ones is their silky shiny finish. smooth surface. The wallpaper is elastic, dense to the touch, resistant to sunlight, moisture and mechanical damage.
  • Paintable vinyl wallpaper
White or colored vinyl wallpaper for painting deserves special attention, which can be repainted up to 5-7 times if desired. Great option for those who like to change their surroundings often.
  • Fiberglass wallpaper
Fiberglass wallpaper has a number of advantages. Firstly, they lack a nutrient medium for the development of microorganisms. Secondly, being a dielectric, glass does not accumulate electrostatic charge. Thirdly, fiberglass wallpaper does not emit toxic substances into the air and does not cause allergies. At the same time, they are distinguished by high vapor permeability, fire safety, alkali and acid resistance. Fiberglass wallpaper perfectly hides seams between panels, small cracks and dents, allowing you to get a perfectly smooth, even, well-structured surface. After painting glass wallpaper with water-based or latex paints, you will receive a wear-resistant, durable coating that can withstand frequent brushing. Such wallpaper can be repainted up to 12 times without losing the relief of the pattern and the performance characteristics of the material. Glass wallpaper in the kitchen is convenient because it does not require careful treatment and labor-intensive maintenance, which allows you to save time, money and effort, which can be spent on more enjoyable activities.

The kitchen can rightfully be called the most important place in the house. It is in the kitchen that he spends most time the keeper of the hearth, the whole family gathers here for dinner, and meetings of guests take place. Wallpaper for walls sets the overall tone for the entire kitchen, harmonizes the space, makes it beautiful and complete. If you have decided to update an old kitchen or are renovating a completely new room and don’t know where to start, it’s time to pay attention to the choice of “clothing” for the walls. How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen? Where to start searching?

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are choosing kitchen wallpaper:

  • complement the interior and find wallpaper to match the kitchen unit
  • If you have bright kitchen furniture, choose wallpaper in a neutral pastel color to correctly place accents
  • look for wallpaper to make the kitchen space visually larger and larger
  • If you want to create a kitchen in a specific style, you select wallpaper from a specific series, for example, “Provence.”

Having decided on the main purpose of the wallpaper for the kitchen, you should think about what this wallpaper should be like in terms of operation and maintenance:

  • Kitchen wallpaper should be durable and wear-resistant
  • They should not be afraid of moisture and steam, and be such that they can be cleaned with any detergent without fear for the safety of color and design
  • You should choose types of kitchen wallpaper that do not absorb odors.
  • It is advisable to choose fire-resistant wallpaper for the kitchen, because the kitchen is a place of increased fire danger.

You can, of course, combine different materials in the kitchen interior - ceramic tiles, wall panels, different types of wallpaper, paint and decorative plaster. In this case, it is necessary to choose wallpaper taking into account the specific location where it will be applied.

The choice of wallpaper for the kitchen also depends on the lighting in the room - if there is artificial lighting as the main light source, it is better to choose light shades with an interesting texture. When purchasing wallpaper, do not forget about protruding niches, door and window openings, etc. And, of course, the purchased wallpaper should reflect the individuality of each family member and be the subject of everyone’s choice.

Types of wallpaper

What wallpapers exist and what types are more suitable for the kitchen? Let's try to figure it out.

Paper wallpaper. This type of wallpaper can be considered the pioneer of the wallpaper market. They are environmentally friendly as they are made from pure cellulose. Paper wallpapers are relatively inexpensive and come in a wide range of colors and patterns. Such wallpaper is unlikely to be an ideal option for decorating a kitchen, because it is short-lived and will not withstand wet cleaning.

A modern style solution for using paper wallpaper in the kitchen interior is to use it in the apron area. You can choose wallpaper of any design and cover your work area with it, placing the paper wallpaper under a sheet of fireproof glass the right size. This design option looks very unusual, but at the same time practical, and will definitely not go unnoticed by guests. Besides, kitchen apron from paper wallpaper under heat-resistant glass – inexpensive option, in contrast to the design ceramic tiles or similar glass with photo printing.

Another option for using paper wallpaper in the kitchen is to use it in areas of least pollution (for example, in the dining room). The areas around the sink, refrigerator, and stove can be tiled. Such a renovation will look decent and will be quite economical for the family budget.

Non-woven wallpaper. This is a so-called cellulose-based non-woven backing for tinting. Non-woven wallpaper is more durable than paper wallpaper and is superior in its performance characteristics.

This type of wallpaper has the following positive properties:

  • They are easy to glue: you can apply glue only to the wall, you don’t need to cover the wallpaper, which is very convenient;
  • Non-woven wallpaper is not afraid of water - it can be washed;
  • They are breathable, which means mold and mildew are not harmful to your kitchen;
  • This type of wallpaper is considered fire-resistant;
  • In addition, they are thick enough, so they can be applied even to rough walls;
  • This type of wallpaper does not fade in the sun for a long time;
  • Yes, and you can paint non-woven wallpaper several times.

The disadvantages include relief surface such wallpaper, so dust can often accumulate there. Upper layer Non-woven wallpaper is easy to damage and is unlikely to be suitable for families with small children and pets.

Vinyl wallpapers. This is wallpaper that also contains cellulose, but is distinguished by a special top vinyl layer. There are several types of vinyl wallpaper: foam vinyl, smooth vinyl, silkscreen and hard vinyl. Only foamed vinyl is not suitable for kitchen renovations due to the lack of its properties such as moisture resistance; other types of vinyl wallpaper are quite suitable for kitchen interiors.

Vinyl wallpaper has many advantages: they are very wear-resistant - they can be rubbed without fear of damage. Such wallpaper will hide the unevenness of the walls, and they will not fade in the sun. The range of vinyl wallpapers is very wide: you can choose wallpapers to suit every taste, even types that imitate wood and snakeskin.

Unfortunately, vinyl wallpaper is not without its drawbacks. They require additional treatment of the walls with antifungal compounds before wallpapering, since they do not allow air to pass through at all. Vinyl wallpaper is quite difficult to glue - it is necessary to apply glue both to the wall and to the canvas itself, which can lead to excessive wetting of the wallpaper, and it can easily tear. If you are new to wallpapering, it is better to use the services of professionals. In addition, vinyl wallpapers are expensive.

Glass wallpaper. Glass wallpaper is recognized as a higher quality, “breathable” type of wallpaper. This is the most durable wallpaper, well masking small cracks. Fiberglass wallpaper is fireproof and moisture resistant. They are hypoallergenic. Fiberglass wallpaper is a paintable wallpaper option. They can be painted up to 15 times with water-based or acrylic paint. And thanks to the relief texture in the form of diamonds, twigs, and all kinds of patterns, you can choose perfect option for any kitchen.

Liquid wallpaper. A type of wallpaper that has appeared relatively recently on the construction market, which can hardly be called wallpaper. On the wall, liquid wallpaper looks more like fabric or wood, and is even applied like plaster.

Liquid wallpaper is easy to “stick”, does not require additional preparation of the walls, and can hide significant surface defects. This type of wall finishing allows you to lay the covering without joints.

In the kitchen, liquid wallpaper should be used with caution - they are afraid of moisture, so you should not use them in the work area, next to the sink.

Fabric wallpaper. This type of wallpaper is very beautiful and certainly looks luxurious. Only in the kitchen should they be used when decorating the dining area and as decorative element in limited quantities, since such wallpaper cannot be washed and it absorbs odors.

Among modern models can be distinguished metallic wallpaper. The basis for this type of wallpaper is porous paper and aluminum foil. These wallpapers look unusual and stylish.

Relatively recently, cork wallpaper. Their base is usually paper or non-woven. You can care for cork wallpaper using a sponge and water with any detergent. According to the manufacturer, such wallpaper will last about 20 years. The only disadvantage of cork wallpaper is its limited color palette from dark brown to light brown. Moreover, the cost of this type of wallpaper is very high.

More and more wallpaper manufacturers recommend choosing washable options for the kitchen on a non-woven basis or based on fiberglass. Thus, given the huge species diversity Everyone can choose the wallpaper they like and can afford.

What color wallpaper will look good in a small kitchen? What wallpaper should I choose for a light green headset? How to harmoniously choose two colors for wall decor? A million questions arise in the mind of a person planning a kitchen renovation. Having decided on the type of wallpaper, you should begin choosing the color and texture of the material.

When choosing wallpaper, you should be guided by the following basic rules:

  1. It is not recommended to combine wallpapers of different prices. Choose wallpaper from one material price segment
  2. Wallpaper should be in harmony with the kitchen furniture - with the facades of the kitchen unit, the color of household appliances
  3. It is better to choose wallpaper of the same width, this way it is much better to minimize the joints.

One of the main features when choosing the color of wallpaper for the kitchen is its combination with the kitchen set. So, for a kitchen in the trendy green color today, wallpapers that are neutral in color are ideal: milky, beige, light gray. Of course, the choice directly depends on the shade of green that you have chosen for the kitchen set - the color of young greenery, mint, pistachio or a rich light green color.

It is not forbidden to choose white wallpaper to match a white kitchen, but be sure to use wallpaper with a pattern or a bright design so that the interior does not seem boring. This could be wallpaper with a grooved geometric pattern, vintage style, wallpaper with a bright pattern - flowers, animal or plant print.

A successful combination It could be a combination of white wallpaper with colored wallpaper in the Gzhel style or photo wallpaper with beautiful natural, animal motifs, and seascapes.

Also, white kitchen furniture can be diluted with bright colored wallpaper: natural green, stylish lilac, appetizing red (but you should be careful with this color - its excess can cause aggression). A combination of a white set with cocoa-colored wallpaper can turn out beautiful and warm.

Brown kitchen can be presented as classic color wood, and with the help of modern laminated facades in high-tech style. Brown color is considered natural, so the same natural shades of wallpaper will suit it: pastel, beige, creamy, chocolate, green, coffee colors, etc. Chocolate colors and shades of beige will add warmth and softness to a brown kitchen. Coffee wallpaper will bring peace of mind and harmony to the interior. Red wallpaper will be an interesting style solution for a brown kitchen; they will bring brightness and cheerfulness to the kitchen and are well suited for young, ambitious people.

For a beige kitchen, designers advise choosing wallpaper in a natural shade; darker-colored furniture – chocolate, wallpaper with imitation wood. If you want to keep your kitchen entirely in beige tones, you should choose wallpaper with an interesting texture. Beige kitchen furniture looks beautiful with colors such as lavender, cornflower blue, pistachio, and blue. You can use both plain wallpaper and wallpaper with a color print in a small flower or a geometric pattern.

When combining wallpaper, the main options are vertical and horizontal zoning of space.

Vertical division of the room will help make it visually higher, as if raising the ceiling line. For this method, use appropriate wallpaper with vertical stripes, placing them in the center of one wall or completely covering the entire wall. You can use wallpaper with stripes of the same color, or colored ones in combination with plain textures.

Wallpaper with horizontal stripes can give the room a decent width. You can combine wallpaper with horizontal stripes, placing them at the bottom, with wallpaper in a single color or with a small pattern, located at the top of the wall.

Brave and interesting solution would be the use of photo wallpaper with large bright objects, highlighting an accent wall with rich red wallpaper, orange flowers. This interior design is applicable only for relatively large kitchen-dining areas.

Wallpaper with imitation is ideal for a loft-style kitchen. brickwork or bare plaster - the effect of an uninhabited wild room is at the peak of popularity among interior design ideas today.


For a small kitchen, designers advise choosing light wallpaper, significantly expanding the space. But you shouldn’t make the kitchen a pristine white color, it will turn out uncomfortable, and besides, for a small room, such a sterile renovation requires frequent cleaning.