Apricot pruning scheme in autumn. Formative pruning of apricot in the fall - how to carry out work at this time of year

So that the tree is strong and healthy and gives big harvest, timely care is important. Apricot pruning in the fall is necessary. Often the percentage of yield depends on how well you follow the rules of care. The plant requires timely treatment of the crown in spring and autumn to ensure constant access of the branches to sunlight.

Autumn pruning of apricot - important stage tree care

Main types

The main uniqueness of the apricot is that it grows very quickly and can develop generative buds quite quickly. If the crowns and branches are heavily overloaded with fruits, this may cause the development various diseases tree.

The branches may dry out, which leads to a decrease in the number of fruits. It is important to prune the tree at least 3 times a year (except in winter). Autumn pruning is quite important, as it affects the development of fruit ripening.

Types of pruning:

  • for forming branches;
  • to control the shape and development of branches;
  • for rejuvenation;
  • for recovery after the winter period;
  • if the tree has an infection.

In autumn, formative, regulating and rejuvenating pruning is carried out. When choosing a pruning method, you need to take into account the age of the apricot.

Formative pruning is necessary only for young trees under 3 years old. This method makes it possible to create the correct crown shape and stimulate active fruiting.

If crown formation is not carried out, the fruits lose their size over time, appearance And taste qualities.

Main stages

In the first years of life, it is necessary to carry out strict pruning, and then switch to a more tolerant one. It cannot be carried out during fruiting.

  1. Regulatory pruning should be carried out only at the moment when the tree enters the fruiting period. The main objective of this type of pruning is to maintain a balance between good yield and good growth shoots.
  2. Pruning for the purpose of rejuvenation is carried out only for mature trees. Their growth of shoots, the length of which is a maximum of 20 cm, is significantly weakened. It enhances the growth of old branches and stimulates the appearance of new ones. Experts say that after pruning, the tree becomes more resistant to various temperature changes.
  3. If a tree is attacked by pests, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning in the fall in order to get rid of damaged and diseased branches. After the procedure, it is necessary to process the edges of the sections.

Autumn pruning is good method to prepare the tree for cold winter and improve the yield percentage next year. It is better to carry out all types of it at once to minimize harm to the tree.

If the tree survives the winter well, it will be possible to avoid additional injury in the spring.

Time to trim

If you live in middle lane Russia, trees should not be pruned in late autumn. A rainy and cold season will have a detrimental effect on the tree; it may weaken and not survive the winter well. The ideal air temperature is 8 degrees, at which the wounds will have time to heal well.

In the southern territories, it is better to prune apricots at a later date - late October-November.

In the northern territories, the most favorable time for pruning is September.

It is important to constantly prune the tree, especially during the first 6 years, this will affect the correct formation of the crown.

In subsequent years, the procedure will be necessary every few years. Experienced gardeners say that later it will be possible to get by only with spring pruning.

Required Tools

Before pruning, prepare the necessary equipment:

  • ladder;
  • garden scissors;
  • hand saw;
  • pruner;
  • garden var.

You will need garden shears for pruning.

All tools must be clean and well sharpened.

Crown diagram

Many gardeners do not know how to prune apricots in the fall. One of the basic rules for such pruning is to correctly form the crown of the tree, then the plant will be able to evenly distribute nutrients along all branches. From the very first years of an apricot’s life, it is necessary to form its crown according to a pattern.

Only sprouted shoots do not need to be heavily pruned until the plant itself is well established. As soon as the green growth on the tree is more than 40 centimeters, you can begin to form its crown.

Experts recommend forming a sparsely tiered crown of apricot trees: leaving 5-8 branches that are at a certain distance from each other (usually the distance is no more than 25-45 centimeters).

Sometimes you can find apricots with a flattened or improved cupped crown. This method is characterized by a single placement of all branches.

Greater preference is given to the tiered position method. Practically the same thing happens when pruning apricots in spring:

  1. In the first year, when the plant has already become accustomed to the new soil and place, you can start with the correct formation of the whip, removing one fourth of it. For apricot, only 2 main branches are left at an approximate distance of 30 cm, and all the rest must be removed using the ring method. The branches are removed in such a way that all the branches are 35 cm higher.
  2. On next year the remaining 2 branches need to be removed, shortened a little and continue the same method until the main conductor. The distance between branches should be more than 40 cm.
  3. In the third year, continue the method, reduce the distance to 15 cm. The emerging branches should already begin to grow. Shoots longer than 60 cm need to be cut twice. If they begin to grow above the whip, then they need to be removed.
  4. It is best to pinch small branches with fruits and leaves until they become strong.

The sparsely-tiered crown should consist of 4-8 branches, which are located at a distance from each other from 35 to 45 cm.

Scheme selection

The flattened crown method is used in areas with a small territory. This type of crown is formed when there are from 5 to 7 main branches close to each other. The main advantage of this pruning is that fruiting occurs early. This method is not suitable for an old tree, as the percentage of yield will decrease.

In the American crown, cups with a trunk height above 75 cm are created.

How to properly trim an apricot: the diagram is described below.

  1. On an apricot tree, it is best to leave only 3 main branches with a distance of 18 cm from each other. The main conductor needs to be cut to fit the ring.
  2. After a year, the height between the branches should be approximately 66 cm. Everything else needs to be cut into a ring, leaving seven semi-skeleton branches.
  3. In the third year, leave only 1-2 branches on the six main branches, and remove all the rest.
  4. In subsequent years, light pruning is necessary to shorten and clear heavily dense branches.

It is important to determine which scheme is suitable for your site. Try to complete all procedures within one week. Depending on your climate, determine when it is most effective to prune your trees. Pruning an apricot in the fall is an important step, thanks to which you can achieve incredible success in fruiting.

Pruning is a tree maintenance technique that helps regulate tree growth, fruiting, and health. During its execution, branches and shoots are selectively removed.
Pruning is most often done in early spring before the buds open and the sap begins to flow. IN autumn period, after the end of the growing season, do it if necessary. Summer pruning of apricots is also practiced.

Why is it necessary to prune apricot trees annually?

It is advisable to prune apricots annually for several reasons:

  • The growth of green mass of the crown of a crop occurs very quickly without regulation. The fruiting period begins faster. Over time, the plant, which does not independently control the amount of ovary, becomes depleted.
  • Frequent overload leads to illness, weakening general condition apricot tree.
  • As a result, the branches dry out, the quality of the crop and the winter hardiness of the crop decrease.

Types of tree pruning in the summer season and timing

In the summer, three types of apricot pruning are performed:

  • sanitary cleaning,
  • June recovery after fruiting,
  • rejuvenation of old trees in August.

Throughout the summer, as in any other season, the tree is sanitarily cleaned of dry, damaged, and diseased branches.

In the summer, gardening experts recommend restorative pruning for fast-growing trees. It increases the winter hardiness of flower buds. According to what scheme should it be carried out?

  • Strong stems that have recently come into force should be shortened to 30 cm.
  • Less - by a quarter - cut off the weaker shoots. The tree's strength will not be wasted; many new branches will soon form.
  • Leave about three of the strongest shoots, which are sure to become fruitful.

This type of pruning is done in early June. Early summer pruning creates conditions for strong growth. Until autumn, the plant restores the volume of foliage and lays buds for the future harvest. The fruiting of the tree increases. The size of leaves and fruits increases, the incidence decreases.
The results will be visible within a year and will remain unchanged for another three years. Therefore, more often than after 3 years, early pruning of apricot trees in summer is not recommended.

Rejuvenating apricot pruning

When summer pruning produced late, at the end of August, the amount of foliage decreases, no growth is observed, flower buds are not formed. This is the time for rejuvenating activities.
Pruning is done on neglected trees that have received virtually no care. In such a situation, the tree will quickly age, and the frame branches will be suddenly exposed. Fruiting occurs in the peripheral part of the crown.
Low yields and an increase in tree diseases are observed. Leaves and fruits become small. Trees are pruned following the following rules:

  • The worse the tree looks, the more it needs to be pruned. New shoots will no longer form, and the cuttings will be overgrown by the end of the growing season.
  • Remove all dry and diseased, damaged and unnecessary branches. It is allowed to trim branches that are 4,5,6 years old. Sections, especially large ones, are covered with garden varnish.
  • The rejuvenation process begins to be applied after 2-3 harvested crops, when shoot development is reduced to 20 cm.
  • Very old apricot trees are pruned more heavily in summer. After 2-3 years, the crown will recover and the ability to bear fruit normally will increase.
  • Pruning a tree with signs of aging must be carried out in several stages over a period of two to three years.
  • When pruning for rejuvenation, do not expect fruit from the tree. The yield of old apricots will decrease by 2 times.
  • When pruning, consider the shape of the crown - multi-tiered or sparse.

How to prune apricot branches correctly

The technology for pruning apricots in summer is to respect the shape of the cut and the distance to the bud. Follow these guidelines when making the cut:

  • You should cut off part of the apricot branch so that the stump does not protrude. The spine above the bud should be up to 2 mm. A stump left behind during pruning increases the risk of disease development.
  • Make an oblique cut. Start directly above the bud, bringing the lower end of the cut to the base of the bud.
  • The cut for the ring is made according to the flow on the branches.
  • Other cutting options are very harmful to the tree.

Features of pruning an apricot tree

Compared to other fruit trees, some apricot varieties are very susceptible to fungal diseases. Tree pruning should be carried out taking into account some features:

  • In summer, the pruned tree must be watered abundantly and the ground must be mulched with tree bark to prevent it from drying out.
  • If the summer is dry, it is better to postpone the event until next year.
  • Follow the process technology.
  • When pruning, use sharp tools. The use of blunt devices entails major damage to the cortex and, as a result, diseases.
  • Cut alignment experienced gardeners done with a garden knife.
  • Prepare in advance special materials and tools: pruning shears, sharp knife, saw, ladder, garden pitcher, paint.
  • Select a tool according to the thickness of the branches. Cut thin branches with pruning shears, thick branches with a saw.
  • It is better to trim 2-3 large branches than many small ones.
  • To prevent the tree from getting sick, immediately after pruning the apricot in the summer, be sure to treat the cuts with garden varnish. The layer of applied composition should be about 5 mm.
  • If treatment is not carried out, after some time the movement of juice along the cut line will be restored. A sticky environment promotes the development of harmful microorganisms.
  • You cannot use fresh manure or paint made from synthetic components for coating - they will cause burns to the apricot tree.

You can buy garden varnish at any gardening store. Or cook it yourself.

Production of garden varnish substitutes

There are several recipes for making:

  • The composition, which is called “Reshetnikova’s Var,” has a soft, viscous consistency at any air temperature. The water-repellent mixture is easily applied with a brush. To prepare it at home, you will need the following ingredients:
    • fir resin -100 g,
    • yellow wax - 10 g,
    • alcohol - 10 g.

    Mix resin and wax in a metal container, heat until liquid, and let cool slightly. Then add the alcohol heated until warm. Mix everything well. The product for treating cuts after pruning apricot trees in summer is ready.

  • The second version of the pitch hardens at normal temperatures. Before use, it must be heated in a water bath. For the recipe you will need the following ingredients:
    • rosin - 400 g,
    • beeswax – 220 g,
    • animal fat (unsalted) – 110 g,
    • linseed oil – 250 g.

    Melt the first 3 components in a metal bowl over low heat. Add oil to the hot but not boiling mixture. Mix the composition well, pour it into a vessel with cold water. Having greased your hands, knead the “dough” until it becomes homogeneous.

  • Instead of pitch, copper sulfate is often used, oil paint(on natural drying oil), clay.

Please note that if the applied layer falls off before the wound heals, you should apply the varnish again.
To maintain the healthy state, development, and full fruiting of fruit trees in the garden, it is necessary to constantly care and look after them - pruning, watering, feeding. Then the tree will thank the owner with a wonderful harvest.

Before the apricot bears its first harvest, you will have to work hard. One of the mandatory agrotechnical techniques When forming the crown, apricot is pruned. It is not enough to buy a tool, you need to understand the meaning of the operation and learn how to carry it out correctly, distinguishing between tweezing, pinching, and chasing. It's important to do correct cut fruit branch. Sloppy pruning done at the wrong time can destroy a fruit tree.

Types of pruning seedlings and fruit trees

Taking a closer look at the fruiting apricots, you will notice that there are trees various shapes, but they all have a sparse crown, formed by special pruning techniques.

The tree receives several types of pruning per season:

  • formative;
  • regulatory;
  • restorative;
  • sanitary;
  • rejuvenating.

Formative pruning is required so that the annual plant begins to branch, forming branches of the first tier.

The diagram shows the layerless formation of an apricot crown. Formation lasts 4 years until fruiting occurs.

Another forming method. In the first spring, 2 branches are left on the grown seedling, the central trunk is shortened by 30 cm, and the branches between the remaining branches of the first tier are pressed against the trunk, pointing down. All branches are shortened. In May, excess shoots are removed by pinching, and during the summer the shape of the lower tier is maintained by chasing and pinching. The next year, a second tier is also formed from the upper branches by pruning the apricot. The third tier is created from the fifth branch, and the tree takes on a compact, neat shape.

All branches are shortened annually, leaving a sparse crown. A tree is formed by pruning. Reception stimulates the growth of vegetative mass and accelerates fruiting. The diagram for pruning young apricots in spring is shown in the figure:

In the future, all types of pruning prevent the crown from becoming overgrown and form the tree for better lighting the sun.

Apricots set fruit buds 30 cm from the top of young branches. The fruiting branch lasts 2 years. In the future, it does not produce a harvest; new fruit branches need to be formed.

Rejuvenating pruning of apricots is required to stimulate the emergence of new shoots, on which the harvest is formed. This technique allows you to restore a second youth to an old tree.

Pruning an old tree is done according to the following scheme:

  • remove woody branches older than 5 years;
  • shorten the stem shoot, creating conditions for the growth of young shoots;
  • Some of the old branches should be left until the wounds from the first drastic pruning heal.

For anti-aging pruning old wood must be removed gradually. If the operation is performed at once, the tree will not recover and will die.

So, regardless, as it is called, it is aimed at increasing the vitality and fertility of the tree. Therefore, it is important to carry out any pruning, guided by the following rules:

  • injure the tree as little as possible, covering each cut with garden pitch;
  • use summer pruning of apricot, removing thin shoots, chasing, tweezing, in order to cause as little traumatic cuts to the woody branch as possible;
  • You can’t prune in early spring, but you need to do it before the sap flows;
  • autumn pruning is done only for early and middle varieties;
  • know the tricks correct pruning and own garden tools;
  • it is necessary to take into account the awakening of the buds and the shoot-forming ability of apricot.

Before you start forming a tree, it’s a good idea to watch a training course on pruning apricots in spring - video for beginners:

Spring pruning

As soon as the bark of the apricot tree changes color and the juices begin to nourish the wood, it’s time spring work. Everything related to the formation of young and fruit-bearing apricots must be done before the green cone appears. At the same time, sanitary and anti-aging pruning is carried out. During the operation, all sections are directed to the kidney. In this case, it is important to make the correct tilt, direction of the cut and distance to the kidney.

The correct cut has great importance for rapid wound healing. You need to have a sharp tool, practice and get your hand on the rods without fruit trees. At the same time, you can perform a sanitary cleaning of the crown and remove excess branches growing inward, directed towards the tree trunk.

Summer pruning

Caring for apricots in summer includes early and late summer pruning. Early pruning is also called pruning. Early pruning, carried out in early June. It promotes rapid growth of greenery. On the newly formed shoots, fruit buds have time to form - next year's harvest. The result will be a surge in yields over the next 3 years. If late summer pruning is used, the foliage does not grow, but a fruit bud is formed. At the same time, summer cuts heal quickly, without subsequent gum formation.

If the tree is sick or starving, pruning will not increase the yield, but will completely weaken the tree.

Autumn pruning

Apricot pruning in autumn is carried out in mid-October, in cool weather, when the tree is preparing for dormancy. In autumn, you can prune early and middle varieties of apricots. They carry out all types of pruning - shaping, rejuvenating, removing excess load from the tree. Pinch the main branches into 12 sheets. Long branches are cut to 50 cm, but the cut must be perfectly smooth. Open wounds are treated with garden varnish.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the most good tricks agricultural techniques may be useless if apricot is not studied. If the growth is weak, pruning should be gentle. But it is important to establish why the tree is developing slowly, examine the soil, and make sure that they are not harming groundwater. Each plant is cared for taking into account its characteristics.

Video about pruning apricot immediately after flowering

the main objective autumn pruning fruit trees - stimulation of the exchange of nutrients that the tree needs. It affects the growth of branches and root systems, as well as the metabolism between the crown and roots. There are several methods for forming a crown, including shortening, that is, removing parts of a branch, and thinning, when entire branches are removed to form a crown correct form. Pruning when shortening makes it possible for new buds to appear. Thinning makes the crown less dense and allows light to reach the fruit.

Without sufficient quantity After light, the fruits lose their taste. Light shade is considered optimal for obtaining good harvest. Formative pruning should be carried out two years after planting young seedlings, or after one season. You can begin this kind of pruning when the apricot has successfully overwintered. They do it for the convenience of collecting fruits. The crown is kept low so that the fruit can be reached from the top step of a portable ladder.

Care must be correct so that there is no disappointment when harvesting. We do not recommend neglecting the little things, since apricot is very capricious. This operation is carried out both in spring and autumn. In the spring, the peach is pruned to form a natural crown, so that the tree can be comfortably looked after, sprayed, and collected fruits. What benefits can you get from pruning? Thanks to it, fruits grow large and appetizing. For successful cultivation garden apricot needs to be looked after properly. It is important to know that apricot is very light-loving. It has thick branches that remain very flexible. To prevent the tree's crown from growing, pruning is carried out as quickly as possible. Sometimes the procedure is performed on an already mature tree. This procedure is carried out to rejuvenate the tree, preventing the crown from becoming oversaturated with new branches. How to prune correctly? The process is shown in the video below.

Some tips:

  1. It is best to trim the sap after movement.
  2. Stumps should not be left, they can become pathogens.
  3. The choice of tool depends on the size of the tree. You can use pruning shears, a hacksaw or a knife, but do not tear or cut the wood with a dull knife.
  4. When removing old branches, the cut areas are treated with garden varnish.

Before this, it is heated in a water bath. A mature plant must be thinned out, and then shoots that develop incorrectly must be removed. Young shoots are cut in the spring, up to half, and the procedure is repeated in the summer. If the crown is thick, then incorrectly growing parts are removed.


Rejuvenating an old tree can be a difficult task, since the fruits mainly grow only at the top, and in that place the crown is very thick, the branches may be diseased or dry. First, excess branches are removed and the crown is freed from oversaturation. This way the light hits the fruiting part of the tree.
For proper work, and this is especially important for an old tree, which can be very difficult to trim, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Garden shears or knife
  • Secateurs
  • Garden var
  • Device for heating garden varnish
  • Hacksaw
  • Ladder

Having such tools will make the work much easier, but there is no need to form a crown and help the tree develop properly better ways than preventing crown density and pruning work. This should be done with a healthy plant, where the summer growth is from 40 cm. You can verify the correct use of the described tools for your garden in the video at the end of the recording.

Trimming scheme

Formative pruning makes it possible to give the crown a certain shape. It also stimulates the growth of branches and makes it possible to get fruits earlier than usual.

Regulatory pruning maintains the yield at the previously obtained level. Anti-aging pruning is done to enhance the growth of branches, stimulate the appearance of young shoots, and normalize the harvest load. It also protects fruits from deterioration in quality.

Restorative pruning is used to protect the tree from mechanical damage or from freezing during the cold season. Often different schemes, methods and types of pruning are combined to obtain the highest quality result. The main purpose of cutting branches from an apricot tree is to form a crown. New shoots are removed every year. Any pruning method must be carried out according to established scheme, and the gardener needs to know each of these schemes.

If the sparse-tiered method is most often used to form the crown, then there are cases when another can be used. One of them is a method in which a crown is formed over a limited area. This method is also called flattening. The formation of the crown is done by growing 5-7 branches at a certain interval. Flattening is used when it is necessary to obtain fruit from an apricot very early. The exact sequence of actions is shown in the video.
Apricot differs from other crops in that it does not shed its ovary on its own, and the fruits ripen from a larger number of inflorescences. Peculiarity fruit tree can cause it to be overloaded with fruits, and as a result, even after some time, the crop is depleted and the branches break off. To maintain balance, excess growth is removed in the fall. Both formative and rejuvenating procedures for creating a crown on your own are suitable in this case.

In autumn, pruning is done in mid-October. Autumn is the time, but only the earliest ones. To restore growth, severe pruning of perennial wood is carried out. In the second or third year after planting, one third of the branches are removed using a sparse tiering system. Gardeners also recommend pinching the main branches as soon as 12-15 leaves appear on them. The longest fruit branches are shortened, their length should be 50 cm. For pruning, take a knife or saw, and the cuts are done very carefully. After pruning, the areas are treated with garden varnish.

Video “Rejuvenating apricot pruning”

A post on how to properly prune an old tree to prolong its life and improve its harvest.

The growth rate and fruiting of apricot trees directly depend on compliance certain rules care The fact is that this plant is considered to be light-loving, which is why it is prone to forming thick branched branches. This feature stone fruit may inhibit the development of new shoots. That is why every gardener should know the scheme for pruning apricots in the fall so that the harvest is of high quality and abundant.

Exist different opinions When to prune apricots - in spring or autumn. Experts recommend carrying out the procedure even more often - three times a year. To form the correct crown for the tree and ensure stable fruiting, unnecessary branches should be removed in early spring, mid-summer and late autumn. It is important to understand why pruning is needed:

  • Rejuvenation. If the crown is too thick and bears fruit abundantly, this leads to depletion and aging of the tree.
  • Formation of a beautiful crown. The gardener should remove overly long and protruding branches annually to keep the tree attractive and healthy.
  • Minimizing the risk of breaking off new shoots. It is important to regulate the amount of ovary on the branches so that they do not break under the weight of the fruit.
  • For sanitary purposes. Dry and affected shoots should be removed regularly.
  • Increased yield. If you do not carry out scheduled pruning, the fruits will become smaller each time. After a few years, the yield level may be reduced by half.

If you prune an apricot correctly in the fall, it will help form the correct crown, ensure abundant fruiting and prolong the life of the tree.

Types of pruning

The key feature of apricot is that this tree grows quickly and forms many generative buds. Since the crown has a strong branching, and the crop is annually overloaded with fruits, this can provoke the development of diseases and drying of the branches. That is why it is necessary to carry out scheduled pruning of apricot trees in the fall. Early and mid-ripening varieties need this procedure the most.

Depending on the chosen season, the gardener can use the following types trims:

  • Rejuvenating.
  • Formative.
  • Restorative.
  • Regulating.
  • Sanitary.

At the end of autumn, experts recommend using rejuvenating, regulating and shaping apricot pruning. The last option is most suitable for young trees, since special scheme allows you to create the most suitable crown shape. The performed manipulations stimulate the active growth of new branches so that intensive fruiting begins with the arrival of warmer weather.

If the gardener decides to leave the crown in its original form, then in the summer he will not be able to get bountiful harvest juicy apricots. Over time, the fruits will not only begin to become smaller, but also lose their presentation and taste.

It is better to postpone formative pruning until the second or third year, when the plant begins its transition cycle (before fruiting begins). All this time, the gardener can shorten only those branches that grow inward and greatly thicken the crown, which prevents the penetration of direct sunlight.

When the tree begins to bear fruit, you can begin regulatory pruning. The main task of this procedure is to maintain an optimal physiological balance between shoot growth and their yield.

Only mature trees whose growth of new shoots has deteriorated (they grow a maximum of 20 cm per year) should be rejuvenated. After this procedure, you can notice more intensive growth of old branches and the formation of new branches. In addition, apricot will acquire good resistance to seasonal temperature changes.

If a gardener notices any pests on a tree or a branch damaged by bacteria, then only sanitary pruning can save the crop - the complete removal of all diseased shoots. Trees are required to kill pests and eliminate diseases.

Autumn pruning of apricots allows you to prepare the plant for frost and increase its yield for the next year. It is worthwhile to remove unnecessary shoots in a comprehensive manner, combining all types of autumn pruning. If, after undergoing manipulations, the apricot tolerates it well winter frosts, then it will not need restorative treatment with the onset of spring.

Preparing tools

High-quality pruning of apricot trees is impossible without the appropriate equipment. All tools must be well sharpened. To keep your garden knife sharp, you need to use a wet whetstone, which is excellent at removing sawdust. A dull pruner should be disassembled before use to sharpen the cutting blade. After collection, the tool must be checked for functionality. You can adjust the pruning shears through the tension nut: if the grip is too tight, then loosen it, if it is loose, tighten it.

For apricot tree care you need to have the following tools:

  • Special grafting knife.
  • Secateurs.
  • Sharpening stone.
  • A product for sealing cuts (for example, garden pitch).
  • Strong twine for supporting branches and shoots.

Before using a garden saw, its teeth must be set in opposite directions (alternating their tilt to the left and to the right). In this case, all sharp parts should be directed inward. Instruments must be thoroughly disinfected to prevent diseases.

Proven scheme for beginners

Already in the second year of life young tree the gardener must begin routine removal of branches. Specialists a unique pruning scheme was developed, which even beginners can handle:

  • You need to cut off a third of the entire length of the branches.
  • Frame shoots that support the crown's shape should be adjusted to maintain optimal tree contour. Improperly grown shoots must be removed.
  • Frame fruiting branches are trimmed carefully, their length should be within 50-60 cm.
  • Dried and diseased shoots should be complete removal. The cut areas must be treated with a special protective composition. The very next year, young shoots will grow in their place.
  • If the main branches contain more than 15 leaves, then pinching (pinching off the tops) can be done so that the tree actively grows in width rather than in height.

Crown formation

To receive regularly quality harvest apricots, you need to properly trim the excess branches. Autumn crown formation is aimed at creating a tree optimal conditions for even distribution of nutrients. The gardener must monitor the growth of the apricot's central trunk and the placement of skeletal branches. You should not overdo it with shortening young shoots until the tree finally gets stronger. When the growth of greenery exceeds 40 cm, it is time to form the crown.

For fruit crops Experienced gardeners choose thin-tiered pruning. The tree should have 7-10 main branches located at a distance of 40 cm. In rare cases, original apricots with a cupped or flattened crown can be found in gardens. All branches are placed in single order.

Scheme of pruning an apricot tree to form a sparse-tiered crown looks like that:

  • Already in the first year after planting a seedling, you need to shorten the trunk by a quarter. The tree must be left with two main branches, which should be located at a distance of 30 cm from each other. All other shoots are removed under the ring. After all these manipulations, the branches are shortened so that the trunk is 40 cm higher.
  • The following autumn, the two most powerful shoots are slightly shortened. To form the second tier of branches, you need to increase the central trunk by 40-50 cm.
  • In the third year of the tree's life, new branches on the apricot at the base need to be shortened. The distance between branches should be increased by 15 cm.
  • All shoots on the central conductor are formative in nature. If the length of the branches exceeds 60 cm, then they are shortened by half. Short branches should not be touched. When one of the shoots has grown above the trunk, it must be left, and the trunk itself is removed under the ring.
  • If the gardener sees that the apricot has side branches with 10 or more leaves, but they are weakened, then they need to be pinched. This procedure can be repeated until they become strong and take a horizontal position. Later, such branches will become part of the fruiting part of the crown.

If the site area is limited, the flattening method can be used. As the apricot grows, the gardener leaves only the seven largest skeletal branches at a distance that will be suitable for the area. The advantage of this crown is that the fruiting period will begin much earlier. It is worth noting that an old tree with a flattened shape will produce low yields of poor quality.

Tree care

Experienced gardeners know that the restoration of apricots after scheduled pruning directly depends on subsequent care. Only a set of measures can protect a tree from damage by bacteria and pests. After removing unnecessary branches, the gardener must perform a series of actions:

  • All fresh cuts and wounds should be treated with high-quality varnish. This product promotes the rapid healing of damaged areas, so that bacteria and dirt do not get into them. If garden varnish is not available, you can use regular paint.
  • If there are larger sections on the trunk, they can be disinfected with a solution copper sulfate. And after that, apply garden varnish or paint.
  • The fastest recovery of the tree is observed after it has been fertilized with nitrogen or phosphorus.

Of course, it may seem to novice gardeners that the pruning process and subsequent care are quite complex procedures. However, if you follow all the recommendations, they will not be difficult, and the tree will delight you with abundant harvests.

If the gardener has not properly cared for the tree, then within five years the growth of new shoots will stop. But apricot has a good regenerative function - one rejuvenating pruning is enough for it to resume branch growth. With the arrival of autumn, the gardener must adhere to two basic rules:

  1. Identify the oldest branches or those that have already stopped bearing fruit. It is forbidden to remove all unnecessary shoots at once. For work you need to use a sharp saw.
  2. Among all the variety of branches you need to find the youngest ones. All shoots growing in a chaotic manner are cut down.

After such pruning, all nutrients will be directed to the development of the remaining branches and the formation of a good ovary. It is worth noting that old wood is not cut off immediately, as this can cause the death of the apricot.