Arrangement of a Russian hut. Russian folk traditions in construction

Many Russians know about the Taoist art of organizing space and increasing positive energy flows, Feng Shui. And you can often see that the construction of wooden houses is carried out in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui. But this art does not quite correspond to our mentality, the traditions and beliefs of the ancient Slavs are much closer to us, the Russian people!

The Slavs knew that the family happiness and financial well-being of the owners of the house are closely related to how correctly the place was chosen to build the house. There is still a set of rules called “Home Guide”, which reflects many aspects of choosing a site for a house and its construction.

Rules for choosing a place

  • You cannot build on the site of a former cemetery or ashes.
  • You cannot start construction near existing or destroyed chapels, churches, or monasteries.
  • You cannot build a house where there was a road big road- happiness will “leave” from the family.
  • You cannot build in a geopathogenic zone. It’s easy to identify such a place - there are few bushes and green spaces, the terrain is very flat, and there are a lot of different-sized stones on the surface of the earth. These are signs of a fracture in the earth’s crust; the energy of such an area is not suitable for happiness and longevity. Ancient people noticed that residents of houses built in such inappropriate places suffered from headaches and insomnia, and abused alcohol.
  • When choosing a site for construction wooden house We chose beautiful natural landscapes, areas near water bodies and forests.
  • Vegetation can also be used to determine a good place or bad. Presence coniferous trees, rowan and maple were considered a good sign, but oaks, ash, willow, willow and aspen grow where they pass close groundwater. This is unfavorable for the foundation and leads to big problems during the construction and operation of the house.
  • Trees with “gnarled” trunks are also bad. Such flaws indicate infertile soil.

Rules for building a house from the ancient Slavs

  • It was recommended to begin the construction of the hut on the new moon and in early spring(during Lent). In this case, you can achieve success in all matters, not just in construction. Construction time was supposed to “capture” Trinity.
  • If you start construction on a day that is dedicated “on Christmastide” to the Great Martyr, then it will be very difficult to complete the construction. But the days that are dedicated to the Reverends are very favorable for starting any major undertaking.
  • In addition to the “Christmastide” holidays, the days of the week in the regular calendar are also important - it was recommended to do the “beginning” on Tuesday and Thursday - these are the days of traditional “men’s work”.

  • It is necessary to start laying the stove during the new moon (such structures will give off heat better). It was forbidden to start such an important task on the waning moon - such a stove would be short-lived or very cold.
  • The first crowns of the hut were laid lengthwise, and only then across. This promised relief from many of life's difficulties.
  • They tried to have the girl lay the “start” of the construction - then the house would be very warm.
  • It was forbidden to put the pillars upside down - happiness could leave such a house forever.
  • During the first laying, they placed in the front corner: a coin (for financial well-being), wool from a well-fed sheep (for warmth) and a piece of incense (to pacify the brownie).
  • The floors were laid strictly in the direction of the threshold, along the walls of the house; another direction of the floor boards “threatened” with the absence of a happy life.
  • Until the moment the frame crown was laid, the craftsmen did not leave the workplace; it was forbidden to insert an ax into a tree or hit the wood with the butt of an ax.
  • “Stocking” was an inviolable custom: after laying two lower crowns the owner gave the craftsmen a shot of vodka.
  • The house has never been oriented window openings, doors or entrance gate on North.
  • When laying the foundation for a log house, signs advised planting a rowan tree in the yard, and after erecting the casing (so that the walls were strong), planting an oak seedling.

Signs before moving in

In ancient times construction wooden houses associated with a large number of signs, there were many superstitions about this. Believe it or not folk wisdom, it’s up to you to decide, but it’s worth noting that each sign has been tested for centuries and many of them have confirmed their “right to life”!

“The house is bright - the fate is bright,
IN dark house do not seek goodness.”
Since ancient times, when man lived in unity with nature, instructions have been preserved on how to build a house in order to find comfort and peace of mind in it.

For the ancient Slavs, the construction of the house was completed deepest meaning, because in this case man was likened to the gods who created the Universe. Great importance was attached to the choice of building materials, the start time of work and the location of construction.
Orientation of the house according to the cardinal directions
Our ancestors considered it very important to correctly position their home relative to the Earth's poles. Ancient architects revered the laws of nature and built in obedience to them.
It is not for nothing that Russian villages are always located in picturesque places. A gentle hill on the banks of a river or lake was considered ideal for construction. Natural source water, our ancestors believed, brings vital energy into the house.
“Facing North. Look over your right shoulder - this is the view from your porch. Pull out right hand- Your bed will be there. Look over your left shoulder - the view from the kitchen window will open up. By left hand from you the storeroom will be equipped and the livestock must live behind the wall.” The advice of ancient masters is briefly conveyed in simple lines.
The Russian peasant set up his hut so that the rays of the sun, hitting the windows, would give as much light as possible. more heat and light, and the windows offered a wide view of surrounding nature. Free air currents wash a house located on a hill with energy jets, bringing goodness and taking away negative energy.
Orientation of the house according to the cardinal directions
Waking up early in the morning, with the first rays of the sun, a person receives energy and warmth, and is charged for the whole day. According to ancient building canons, the porch should face southeast. But the western wall of the house was “blank”, without doors or windows. According to ancient beliefs, it is the western wind that brings unexpected changes to a person’s life and “blows away” what has been acquired. As a rule, on this side there were outbuildings and livestock were kept.
According to the advice of ancient Slavic masters, it is better to orient children's and bedrooms in the house to the east or southeast, towards the rising sun. Kitchen - to the north or northwest. It is convenient if you can see the yard from the kitchen window so that you can watch the children playing without being distracted from household chores.
The house itself is better located in the northwestern sector of the yard. This will make it possible to beautifully decorate the central entrance with a porch and veranda, and protect yourself from the prying eyes of neighbors with a wall without windows.

Great importance was attached to the wind rose at the construction site. Large orchards in the courtyards they had not only food value, but also had a protective function. “Whatever stops the wind stops the energy.” The winds were deified. It is with them that the ancient Slavic beliefs about wealth and prosperity or, conversely, about the poverty that haunts the residents of an improperly built house are associated. On the south and east sides there might not be shutters on the windows of the house. But from the north or west, shutters decorated with intricate carvings protected not only from the cold, but also from adversity.
A good approach and access to the house is important. The road should be straight and not winding - then life in the house will be calm, measured, without unpleasant turns.
Under no circumstances should housing be built on the site of an old road. The space of the former busy route is penetrated by blowing streams and the energy of life will not accumulate in the house, but will flow through it along the old path.
Be sure to have a clean, well-kept yard. By cluttering the space around him, a person brings chaos into his life.

Compliance with such simple rules, proven over centuries, will give the residents of the new home peace and comfort.

KNOW YOUR MEASURE. Northern tradition of house building

Interview with the master of wooden architecture Igor Tyulenev, who creates houses according to the principles of old principles of house building and fathom proportioning. The interview was conducted specifically for readers of the Pashkovka newspaper.

“The foundations of our Russian, Northern Tradition found a deep response in my heart,” shares Igor Tyulenev. – Gradually I learned to perceive, understand and pass on the traditions of house building. And I continue to study. In Rus', osmerik or shesterik (a house with eight or six (like a honeycomb in bee hive) corners). And this is directly related to the harmony of the ascending and descending flows of power: The Earthly and Heavenly Yari are alive (as it is now fashionable to call these flows - Yin and Yang, and the Ancestors called them - the nature of the Father and Mother, male and female energy) with their flow in a spiral. The towers and huts were mostly round in shape. Everything in a house building has a certain importance, and the form is no exception.

For example, try, without changing the shape of the vessel or product, to fill ripe apples bottle from mineral water. It won’t work, either you’ll have to break the bottle or finely chop the apples. A basket is better suited for storing apples; they will breathe easily in it and, accordingly, will be stored well, but no one would think of storing fresh honey or mature kvass in a wicker basket. That is, everything needs a proper container.

Life is Power, and the form is activated by that Power, and the house is the filling. For example, a “gasoline” car will not move at diesel fuel. Thus, a form may or may not be able to accommodate and perceive this or that energy or force. The well-known expression: “a house is a full cup” is now perceived as a house full of all kinds of “good” - things, furniture, but initially no one put such a meaning into this expression-wish. “A house is a full bowl” is a house filled to the brim with harmoniously intertwined flows of the Earth and Heavenly power, which require a certain form for this, here the location of the house is also decisive.

I repeat, gradually dwellings and other buildings acquired a geometrically more “simple” shape, becoming square and rectangular. At the intersection of the walls, a right angle is formed, but the Heavenly force tends to flow down and the Earthly one to rise. The Force, like water in a river, does not flow at a right angle, and therefore in the corners of today’s brick, stone and panel houses, “negativity” constantly accumulates, there the current of the Force is disrupted, without movement it “fades out”, the river turns into a swamp. A permanent minus point is formed in the corner. Subsequently, to avoid this process in wood, already square houses, began to hew the walls, thus giving rounding to the corners, and allowing the streams of Power to flow.

– Why was wood preferred? building material?

– The trunk of a tree is essentially a revolving (coil, spiral, and Vita – Life) structure of tubular systems, since the entire trunk from the butt to the top is penetrated by bellies - channels through which, while the tree grows, sap flows - from the roots up the trunk , and materialized sunlight from the leaves of the crown - also along the bellies, spreading throughout the entire tree. Depending on the purpose of the tree: to receive or give out force, its trunk in the process of growth acquired a left-sided or right-sided twist, the so-called twist, and because of this, the felled log became “right” or “left”.

Previously, huts were cut by combining these logs proportionally, or consciously giving the structure certain qualities, placing predominantly right-handed or left-handed twisted logs into the frame. Thanks to the method of laying logs in rows in a log house (butt - top), a continuous flow of Zhiva and Yari in a spiral was achieved. In the cups (places of cutting), the poles of energy change, a phase transition of 90 degrees takes place - plus to minus, the Force of the Father “becomes”, filled with the Force of the Mother, and vice versa. But this only happens if the core, the core of the tree, is not damaged. That’s why they used to chop into the okhryap at home – into the lower bowl. Today, experts criticize this method of cutting, saying that moisture accumulates in the lower bowl, and the wood in the log house is more susceptible to rotting, and they offer log houses cut into a hook - into the upper bowl. At the same time, they avoid making fat-tailed locks, not realizing that the core of the tree damaged in the log house in this case is a disservice to the residents of such houses.

The roof closes the entire contour of the house. And here the angle of the roof, or rather the corners, already matters, since there are many options for them in the canon of house building. They built a house with one corner of the roof, and a barn with another... Nowadays, few people think about this, approaching this issue from the concepts of aesthetics, or the possibilities of the material, nothing more. The house is designed to accommodate Life with certain qualities. Thus, it is necessary to take into account the location of the installation (have you heard the expression “a house must be placed on a stone”, this is because the current of power intersects differently). Do not build houses on sand, not only because it can collapse, but also because sand is not a conductor, there will be no strength in such a house.

You also need to take into account the shape of the house, the angle of the roof, as well as the material from which the house is built, and then the house can be given any properties - Healing House, Ritual House, Residential House. All structures and houses must have 100% compliance with Form and Content.

By the way, the stove in the house, like its engine, must necessarily rely on load-bearing beams floor, and not on an independent foundation - as is often customary now. Depending on how the stove is positioned in the house in relation to the entrance, to the right or to the left of it, the stove can be Spinner or Unspinner, respectively. So in your house, either everything is “rushing”, going well, or not so much... We can and should talk about the magic of the Russian stove separately, its ability to Generate bread, warm the house and keep the Fire hearth and home, in itself is priceless.

– How were houses built in the old days?

- In the old days, houses were built by the whole Relatives, and often by the whole world, the term was - help, everyone got together and built them together. The ovens were made of adobe, and only virgin girls and boys were invited to “beat” the ovens; what power they put into the oven! “In your own home, even the walls help” - that’s what they say. Since we are talking about home as a concept, about the essence of its purpose, so to speak, I can say it more simply: Home is a place of Power that you create artificially. Home is an instrument of evolution given by Rod. Your house, universal tool, with which you can do everything! This house has now been built, but we don’t know how to interact with it. I mean with the house itself, with its space.

Of course, in order for the house to truly become yours, you must build it yourself, or at least take maximum part in its construction. You need to structure it for yourself, in the process of birthing a house, water it, where with your salty sweat, and maybe where even with a little blood if you get hurt, the more valuable it will become for you, the more of your strength you put into it, into your home. Previously, at least three generations of relatives lived in one hut: Father, Mother, Grandfather and Grandmother, and children. Knowledge was passed on naturally. There was a continuity of knowledge transfer, from grandfather and father to grandson and son.

– Have you heard that there used to be a concept of “Construction victim”?

- Yes it is. Before cutting down a tree, gifts were brought to each tree and permission to cut down was directly asked from each tree. Promising him continued existence in a new form, in the form of Dwelling. And if the tree gave such permission, then it experienced a state of supreme joy. As a result of this action highest emotion everything changed molecular structure wood, and now it was friendly to humans. In the new incarnation there is a new measure, this expression is equal to everyone. A tree cut down in this state will imprint it forever in its body, and a house built from such a log will constantly share this state of joy with the residents. It will also protect them from all misfortunes.

Now almost no one does this. But what I want to say: the attitude of a person himself towards home, towards Life can change everything down to the atomic level. It is very important what is inside you, in what mood you live and act. Even a house built from railroad sleepers impregnated with creosote can become a source of positive power if a bright person full of the Joy of Life lives in it...

House, Family Estate as an artifact.

The estate is not only a hedge, a garden, a vegetable garden, a forest, a clearing, a pond, but also a variety of buildings - a house, a storage room, a barn, a bathhouse, a gazebo.

Nature and man himself should be the model and measure for the structures created on the estate. Then all the buildings will be harmonious and beautiful, life will flow in them as beneficially as possible for the psyche and health, and it will become possible to discover and realize many of the abilities inherent in a person.

Today in architecture there are:

1. Estates and houses built to living dimensions.

These houses have the properties of all living beings - they were created taking into account the golden ratio and the so-called wurf coefficients. Wurf is a three-part division human body(will be discussed in more detail below). This includes houses created using the ancient Russian fathom system. This is how houses are built for a comfortable and pleasant life.

Basic fathoms in meters:

Policeman 2,848
Large 2,584
Great 2,440
Greek 2,304
Breech 2.176
Pharaoh 2,091
Piletsky 2.055
Tsarskaya 1.974
Church 1,864
Narodnaya 1,760
Chernyaeva 1,691
Egyptian 1,663
Masonry 1,597
Simple 1,508
Small 1.424
Minor 1.345

All 16 fixed fathoms, according to which it is proposed to design structures, are calculated based on the size of historical buildings - cultural monuments. Fathoms increase in accordance with the harmony coefficient of the musical series - 1.059.
I would like to emphasize that fathoms are a tool for creating volume, and not just a unit of measurement of length. You can make a fathom from any size.

Harmonious dimensions give buildings and structures the following properties:

1. Beauty;
2. Durability;
3. Durability;
4. Excellent acoustics;
5. Health effect for people;
6. Harmonization of space.

Before the introduction of design by meters, not only houses, but also parks and cities were created by fathoms; the name of one of the fathoms reminds us of this - gorodovaya.

The land on the estate varied in tithes - 1 tithe - 109 acres. One tithe contains 2400 square fathoms. 4,548 sq. m – square fathom.

2.848x1.597=4.548 sq. m;
2.548x1.76=4.548 sq. m;
2.44x1.864=4.548 sq. m;
2.304x1.974=4.548 sq. m;
2.176x2.090=4.548 sq. m;
1.508x2x1.508=4.548 sq. m;

When creating a house by fathoms, it is taken into account that in nature there are no identical figures - diversity pleases the eye and pacifies the psyche.

Amazing harvests were also noted on the ridges marked by fathoms.

A separate topic on the estate is the creation of a “living pond”, i.e. such a reservoir, where the water is self-purifying as much as possible (does not become overgrown), everything is favorable for the life of fish, crayfish and, at the request of the owners, for swimming. Of course, for the construction of a pond, it is important, first of all, to have a water source (source indicators are green grass, willow, alder), a clay bed, and the location of the banks along geodetic lines. And only then the pond is marked by fathoms.

The depth of the bottom should be different, and it is desirable that the reservoir be deeper in the north and shallower in the south. For convenience, it is possible to build 1 or 2 terraces deep into the pond about 0.5 m wide for planting aquatic plants, for example water lilies, reeds. It is advisable to extend the banks of the pond in the direction of the wind. The combination is important natural forms and geodetic lines. Thus, a pond in the shape of a shrimp or snake will not self-clean if built on a plain. But this form is perfect for a pond at the foot of a mountain or in a ravine.

Paths in the estate should not be straight. The energy moves in a tortuous way. A striking example represent the streets of old Moscow. Standing at the beginning of such a street, you will not see its end - it is so crooked. It is necessary to follow nature, and there are no straight lines in it, especially parallel ones. The same goes for ridges. It is better when long ridges are arranged in the shape of a meander or snake.

2. Dead estates and houses.

These structures slow down natural processes, therefore, they are used to preserve inanimate products and bodies, such as refrigerators, storehouses, and crypts. Such houses are based on regular geometric shapes that are not found in nature - a square, a circle, an isosceles and equilateral triangle. The exception here is the hexagon - a honeycomb, a regular geometric figure, but alive.

The earth is measured in squares - square meter, square weave, square hectare.

Ponds are created in the shape of regular geometric shapes, regardless of geodetic lines, cardinal directions and wind direction.

The paths are straight, turns at clear angles.

3. Other structures.

Not “living” and “dead” estates and houses. Such structures are created by amateurs or are intended for some unknown, cosmic purposes. These include new buildings and city apartments. The topic has not been studied, you can write a dissertation....

Used Books:

2. Seminar July 6-10 by Sepp Holzer in Krameterhof.
3. Website
4. Forum

Justification for the use of fathoms

God created the World, and the Harmony of the World distantly reflects the perfection of God. God gave people reason and feelings capable of perceiving the Harmony of the World. Moreover, Harmony is inherent in Man himself. And Man can not only perceive, but also reproduce the Harmony of the World in his works.

Harmony is measurable. One of the measures of Harmony is the human measure - the fathom. By creating something fathom by sazhen, Man imparts Beauty and Harmony to his works. As much as it is natural for Man to live in nature created by God, so natural is it for Man to live and use creations that reflect this Harmony.

It is natural for a person to live in a harmonious environment created by himself. This so-called “cultural” environment. It is a secondary, artificially created habitat by Man. However, this secondary nature must also comply with the laws of Harmony and be favorable for humans. Such a correspondence can be ensured by the fathom.

The uniqueness of the Old Russian fathom system is that “there is fundamentally no single standard measurement unit for fathoms, and the measurement system itself is not Euclidean.

For many centuries, the lack of a unified standard did not hinder, and moreover, contributed to the construction of magnificent structures, aesthetically proportional to the nature, also because in ancient Russian architecture all divisions were three-part, notes in the book “Golden Fathoms” Ancient Rus'"A.F. Chernyaev.

For example, fingers, toes, arms (shoulder-forearm-hand), legs (thigh, lower leg, foot), etc., have a three-membered structure. Moreover, a two-membered limb did not exist in nature.

The ratio of the 3 lengths makes up a proportion called wurf. Wurf values ​​across the human body vary, averaging 1.31.

Moreover, the coefficient of the golden section squared, divided by two, is equal to the wurf. (1.618x1.618):2=1.31.

Currently, most architects in Russia have undeservedly forgotten the design methodology by fathoms and use the metric system.

Let's look at the history of the meter. The meter was first introduced in France in the 18th century and originally had two competing definitions:

Like the length of a pendulum with a half-period of swing at a latitude of 45° equal to 1 s (in modern units this length is equal to m).

As one forty-millionth of the Paris meridian (that is, one ten-millionth of the distance from north pole to the equator along the surface of the earth's ellipsoid at the longitude of Paris).

The modern definition of the meter in terms of time and the speed of light was introduced in 1983:

A meter is the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in (1/299,792,458) seconds.

It turns out that the meter is an artificially derived unit of measurement, not directly related, and, accordingly, does not reflect the Harmony of the World and Man. Meter is a standard that forms a line. Fathoms are a natural measure for Man. They form a three-part (3 is a sacred number) system, according to which the area and volume are harmoniously formed.

Peter the Great, as D.S. writes. Merezhkovsky, in his work “Antichrist,” abolished the natural measures: fathom, finger, elbow, vershok, present in clothing, utensils and architecture, making them fixed in the Western manner. It was not for nothing that the meter was introduced in France and Russia during the revolutions. The destroyers knew why it was necessary to forget the wisdom and traditions of their ancestors, to destroy the roots...

Ancient people felt Harmony intuitively, without thinking about measurements. But the connection with God weakened, which is why rigidly fixed sizes of fathoms arose, and rules for constructing various structures according to fathoms appeared.

Our ancestors carefully preserved and passed on age-old wisdom and beauty, embodying them in the temples of Ancient Rus'. Life on estates and houses built by fathoms made it possible not to lose the feeling of the Harmony of the World and reminded Man of God.

Now we are visiting estates miraculously preserved after collectivization and urbanization. For example, in Moscow near Red Square family estate The Romanovs, where now only the house-museum remains, “House of the Romanov Boyars.” The house-museum and part of the estate of the artist Vasnetsov have been preserved in the former Troitsky Lane near the Sukharevskoye metro station.

On Novy Arbat, behind the high-rise buildings, a piece of the estate and the Lermontov family home are hidden. Everyone knows Boldino, the family estate of the great Russian poet Pushkin. A charming corner is the estate of the artist Polenov in Tarusa, where the museum is run by his descendants.

The family estate of the “father of Russian aviation”, the memorial house-museum and Zhukovsky’s estate are located in the village of Orekhovo, 30 km from Vladimir, on the Vladimir-Alexandrov highway. And there are many such examples.

The revival of ancient traditions of creating estates and estates will undoubtedly serve the socio-economic recovery and improvement of life in the country, the development of the spiritual, creative forces and abilities of new landowners.

Used Books:

  1. A. F. Chernyaev “Golden fathoms of Ancient Rus'”.
  2. Forum
  3. Wikipedia.

Variety of fathoms

Let's consider various options for using fathoms when designing a residential building. Common to all methods: when building a house by fathoms, the external dimensions of the house must have different dimensions along the 3 coordinate axes, and only an even number of fathoms is laid off. The space inside the house is planned in the same way, only an even number of half-fathoms, elbows, spans, pasterns or vershok is taken.

Details such as windows and doors rounded at the top, a high roof, various terraces and porches, asymmetrical elements and parts of the house make it original and memorable. A separate topic is decorating the house with carvings, the so-called “patterning”. This is a whole language of different figures, telling about the family living in the house. Furniture is made according to the size of the house and the owners. The color of the decoration complements the interior space of the house: curtains, carpets, paintings.

Design for 16 fixed fathoms

An even number of fathoms is laid out along the 3 axes, which must be different and not appear next to each other in the list.

1. Piletsky 2.055
2. Egyptian 1,663
3. Smaller 1.345
4. State-owned 2,176
5. Folk 1,760
6. Small 1.424
7. Greek 2,304
8. Church 1,864
9. Simple 1.508
10. Great 2,440
11. Tsarskaya 1,974
12. Masonry 1,597
13. Big 2,584
14. Pharaoh 2,091
15. Chernyaeva 1,691
16. Policewoman 2,848

So, the external dimensions of the house can be as follows: length - 6 church fathoms, height - 4 royal fathoms, width - 4 folk fathoms. If the house is round or polygonal, then the outer diameter is equal to an even number of fathoms, for example, 4 masonry fathoms.

Fathoms according to the owner's golden proportions.

It is proposed to take five consecutive numbers of the golden ratio 0.382/0.618/1/1.618/2.618. These coefficients must be multiplied by the height of the owner - the result is a series of fathoms proportional to his height. For example, with a height of 1.764 m, the scale will be as follows: 0.674/1.090/1.764/2.854/4.618 m. The specified series is successively multiplied by 2, 4, 8, 16... - a table is formed from which the sizes of individual fathoms are determined. The fathoms calculated by this method are divided into 2, 4, 8, 16, 32... parts, respectively. As a result, we obtain independent units: half fathoms, cubits, spans, pasterns, tops.

Types of “human” fathoms.

The most famous “human” fathoms:

- flywheel. This is the length of outstretched arms;

- height. Just the height of a person;

- oblique. The height of a person with his arm raised up.

Based on the specified fathoms, the house is designed taking into account the size of the owner and mistress. The external dimensions of the house are calculated according to the size of the owner, and the internal dimensions - according to the size of the owner. There is a hidden meaning here: such correspondence is intended to reflect the relationship between the roles of men and women in the family.

In conclusion, it should be noted that regardless of the units of length (distance can be measured in feet, meters or parrots), when designing by fathoms, we create a “living”, harmonious Human space for Love, creativity and relaxation.

Used Books:

1. A.F. Chernyaev “Golden fathoms of Ancient Rus'”.

Feedback from the owner of a house built according to the Old Russian fathom system about her house

My house is really built according to Russian fathoms. But only outside. Inside - that’s how it happened. It’s comfortable to live in it, we don’t want to leave it - we perceive it as Living being, very friendly and cheerful.

Is it the reason for this fathom, or the fact that it was built with Love by our like-minded person, very pure and kind person, with extensive construction experience – it’s hard to say.

Most often I hear the following words about my house: “how nice it is!” It seems small, but it seems not very, moderately tall, moderately wide, so strong - in a word - okay. But this, I think, is the merit of the fathoms.

It is pleasing to the eye with its proportions, and, of course, elegant (after all, we love it - so we dressed it up). Guests, coming in for a minute, do not leave for hours - they just sit on the steps or on the terrace. This is especially noticeable in children; the baby’s mother lowers him to the ground to go home, and he again climbs the stairs into the house - and is so happy.

Six months after the house was built, I attended Chernyaev’s seminar in Lipetsk. I found out there important thing, which everyone should take into account when building a house, even if the construction is not in fathoms.

Ceiling height in a house with stove heating should be as large as possible - superheated air rises and hangs near the ceiling. If the ceilings are 3 meters (Chernyaev says 3.20 is better), then everything is fine. If it is lower, then our head is always in the discomfort zone.

Indeed, in heating season my son couldn't sleep upstairs bunk bed(the height of our ceilings is 2.5 meters) - it’s very hot and stuffy up there.

I am for the settlers’ houses to be solid, beautiful and in good order. Extra costs“for beauty” pay off handsomely - how many times does my

In our fast-paced age, people especially need to feel protected and safe somewhere. And the natural place that gives such a feeling is one’s home. No wonder the popular saying says: “my home is my fortress.” But for a house to be a home, it must be properly built and equipped. Today, everyone is familiar with the art of home improvement, Feng Shui, which came to us from China; a little less people know the ancient Indian “Vastu Shastra”. However, our Ancestors – the Slavs – had their own art of home improvement, which developed over thousands of years and was in tune with our ancestral Spirit. In the ancient Slavic Volkhov art “VoyYarg” there was a whole section dedicated to the design and arrangement of a house, which was called “Lady House” or “House-Amulet”.

If we turn to the worldview of our Ancestors, we will see that the entire universe for them was built on the principle of similarity, where the small - Yar, reflects the great - Yarg. So the house was a semblance of the Universe, a kind of universe created by the owner and connecting him with the outside world. But in order for a house to become a semblance of a living Universe, it must be filled with Life Force - Vein. To do this, it was necessary to meet a number of conditions, the first of which was the choice right place for future housing.

There are strong, neutral and bad places. It is impossible to build housing on the latter; such places include cemeteries, places near existing temples and sanctuaries, or places where temples and sanctuaries stood and were destroyed. Also, places where one should not settle included steep bends of rivers, places where the road used to pass - it was believed that in such a place happiness and wealth would not linger in the house. The strong place is rich in underground springs, trees and bushes grow even and tall on it.

There was also a special ritual that helped determine whether the place was chosen to build a house.

The location of the house was also important; it was consistent with the cardinal points and, accordingly, with the so-called. geomagnetic network or, in the old way - Navi Lines. The house itself was built in the traditional span system of measures, which was tied to the human body. This means that it was initially friendly with its owner and was created exclusively for him. And a person in such a house felt free and comfortable. The internal layout of the house was consistent with the Kolovrat rocks generated by the elemental Streams of Heaven and Earth. Exterior decoration the house was framed with protective patterns in order to attract positive elemental Currents into the house and eliminate the impact of bad Currents. In the rooms of the house special Objects of Power were placed, dedicated to the patron Gods of these parts of the house.

When building a house, a mortgage was placed under its foundation - special amulets with runic symbols and spells that were supposed to attract, attract Zhilot into the house. The same amulets and signs were placed or drawn on the floor under the top covering, placed in corners, under baseboards and under the jambs of doors and windows.

The house itself was arranged according to a certain principle and every part of it was interconnected with the Gods. Horizontally, the house was divided by Perun's cross into four sectors, correlated with the four Gods - the organizers of the home space. Moreover, each of these sectors could also be divided according to the principle of nested spaces. Vertically, the house repeated the three-part structure of the world: the lower part - the foundation and the underground or cellar - Nav, the past, the foundation; the middle part is residential - Reality, the place where the life of the household takes place; attic and roof - vault of heaven, Rule - monastery higher powers. Heavenly Streams flow through the roof into the house, which is why in the old days the roof of any house had slopes, so that the Power flowing from Heaven would not stagnate and create unnecessary tension, but would wash the house like rain. The gable roof was usually located in the east-west direction, and horse heads were carved on the skates, symbolizing the chariot or boat of Dazhbog the Sun, in which he sails across the Sky.
The southern side of the house was considered the strongest, the side in which the Strib (element) of the earth ruled along the earthly Kolovrat elements, and the Strib of solar fire ruled along the heavenly Kolovrat. It was on the southern side, along which the Sun walks, that the facade was located - the face of the house. This side usually had the most windows.

On the south side of the house there was also a living room and a kitchen, since the south side is the side of fertility, prosperity and health. Moreover, the living room connected with the eastern side, for the eastern side carries wandering, nomadic streams - just to welcome guests. The living room was patronized by Belobog, the organizer of manifest life, and Striver, the master of space, the Father of the Winds. That’s why all important family matters were decided in the living room, family councils were held, and guests who came to the house were greeted here. The kitchen merged with the western side, since the west brings Streams of material wealth and stability. The kitchen is under the control of Chislobog - the keeper of time, numbers and the Deity of counting and calculations and Mokosha - the heavenly spinner, the patroness of women. The kitchen space from the stove to the southern wall was called the women's quarters - here the woman was a full-fledged mistress. In the kitchen there is also one of the most significant Places of Power in the house - the oven. According to ancient Slavic legends, the first thing that the heavenly forge Svarog cooked was a stove. And his first words were: “Let there be fire in this hearth!” And the light, already from the fire, appeared on its own. The first stove maker was God Svarog, that’s why all stove masters are Svarog’s brothers. The stove is the gateway to Nav - ancient world humanity. Behind every furnace lives the God of the beginning, our First Ancestor. He still lives there, but people have forgotten about it; those who are friends with the stove can see Him. He usually appears in flames as a Fireman. The female womb is designed in the image of the furnace, inside which Svarog placed the Life-giving fire. You put something raw into it, but you get it ready, with Spirit and Soul. The oven takes you from death to life, from the past to the future. The hearth in the house is life in the house. A house without a hearth is not a home at all; even a temporary home has a hearth. IN modern apartments The kitchens have gas and electric stoves. Fire can have any nature. Any furnace is a child of that Divine First Furnace. Any fire by which you warm yourself and on which you cook food turns your house into a temple. You need to handle the hearth with understanding, according to all the rules: keep it clean, just as you keep your body clean, wipe it down every day. If you ask for the stove well, it will protect the house from all evil spirits, and it will drive away illness and all kinds of sadness. You can burn your sadness in the oven, drive away any misfortune. You can also tell bad dreams and bad premonitions to a stove fire. The oven is almost like God, omnipotent! Prabog lives in a world called Nav, the Navyas - the Souls of the Ancestors - live there, and we will go there after death. From there new Souls come into the world. The stove is an image of Mother Earth. At the stove they pray for future children and bake premature and sick ones. In the furnace, wild fire turns into tame fire and serves man.

From the west to the south side there was usually an enclosure or veranda. Moreover, the entrance to the house should be from the rear side, so that Streams of material wealth and stability flow into the house. The hallway and entrance are under the control of Perun - he rules the streams flowing into the house. And standing guard over the boundary separating the space of the house from the alien world behind the house, he rules the flow of Lives in the house. WITH outside on the porch above front door They usually hang potkova, which has certainly been under a horse and found independently. To attract happiness and prosperity, they hang it with its horns up. A horseshoe placed in this way also symbolizes a full cup in the house. But with inside needles or a knife are usually stuck under the casing to interrupt the flow of bad streams and discourage those who come into the house with bad intentions. The platbands themselves above the front door and the pediment of the porch are decorated with carved signs of Perun - Gradins.
All material assets should be located on the back side of the house, be it money, jewelry or pantries with food supplies. Then prosperity and well-being will continuously reign in the house. In the west it is necessary to equip and business place, then any business will bring tangible material results.

These are just some of the principles of arranging a Good House by our Ancestors, which can be a talisman and a real family nest for those who inhabit it. The Slavic knowledge on home improvement itself is very extensive, and includes information about the creation of home amulets that ward off misfortunes and illnesses, and bring goodness, ancient rituals that call into the house the Power and Grace of the Gods and the Elements. And many many others.

And even if you don't live in own home, and in a high-rise apartment, using the wisdom of our Ancestors, you can turn it from a gray typical cold crypt into a native corner that warms the Soul and Heart.

Perunov - a cross is one of the variants of a protective sign placed in the house.

From time immemorial, the peasant hut made of logs has been considered a symbol of Russia. According to archaeologists, the first huts appeared in Rus' 2 thousand years ago BC. For many centuries, the architecture of wooden peasant houses remained virtually unchanged, combining everything that every family needed: a roof over their heads and a place where they can relax after a hard day of work.

In the 19th century, the most common plan for a Russian hut included a living space (hut), a canopy and a cage. The main room was the hut - a heated living space of a square or rectangular shape. The storage room was a cage, which was connected to the hut by a canopy. In turn, the canopy was a utility room. They were never heated, so they could only be used as living quarters in the summer. Among the poor segments of the population, a two-chamber hut layout, consisting of a hut and a vestibule, was common.

The ceilings in wooden houses were flat, they were often lined with painted planks. The floors were made of oak brick. The walls were decorated using red plank, while in rich houses the decoration was supplemented with red leather (less wealthy people usually used matting). In the 17th century, ceilings, vaults and walls began to be decorated with paintings. Benches were placed around the walls under each window, which were securely attached directly to the structure of the house itself. At approximately the level of human height, long wooden shelves called voronets were installed along the walls above the benches. On shelves located along the room they stored kitchen utensils, and on others - tools for men's work.

Initially, the windows in Russian huts were volokova, that is, observation windows that were cut into adjacent logs, half the log down and up. They looked like a small horizontal slit and were sometimes decorated with carvings. They closed the opening (“veiled”) using boards or fish bladders, leaving a small hole (“peeper”) in the center of the latch.

After some time, the so-called red windows, with frames framed by jambs, became popular. They had more complex design, rather than volokovye, and were always decorated. The height of the red windows was at least three times the diameter of the log in the log house.

In poor houses, the windows were so small that when they were closed, the room became very dark. In rich houses, windows with outside closed with iron shutters, often using pieces of mica instead of glass. From these pieces it was possible to create various ornaments, painting them with paints with images of grass, birds, flowers, etc.