Sea of ​​Okhotsk: resources, description, features and interesting facts. Sea of ​​Okhotsk (shores in Russia)

1. Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

2. The sea enters the Pacific Ocean basin.

3. Located in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, separated from the ocean by the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kuril Islands and the island of Hokkaido.

4. Located between 43° and 62° parallels north latitude.

5. The position of the sea is between 135° and 165° meridians of eastern longitude.

6. Length of the sea in directions in degrees and kilometers:

The length of the sea from south to north is 19° degrees, i.e. approximately 2100 km;

The length of the sea from east to west is 20° degrees, 1575 km.

The length in km was calculated based on the distance between parallels and meridians on a map with a scale of 1:35,000,000.

7. Washes the shores of Russia and Japan: Kamchatka Peninsula, Kuril Islands, o. Hokkaido, o. Sakhalin, Shantar Islands.

8. Neighboring seas: the La Perouse Strait and the Tatar Strait (via the Amur Estuary) connect the Sea of ​​Okhotsk with the Sea of ​​Japan.

Neighboring Ocean: The First Kuril Strait and a number of straits in the Kuril Island chain, such as the Fourth Kuril Strait, Kruzenshtern Strait, Bussol and Frieza Straits connect the Sea of ​​Okhotsk with Pacific Ocean.

9. Type of sea: marginal sea.

10. In winter, the water temperature at the sea surface ranges from −1.8° to 2.0° C; in summer, surface waters warm up to 10° C and higher.

11. Maximum sea depth: 3521 m (in the Kuril Basin), some sources indicate a depth of 3916 m, but I did not find this figure on the map, so you can use it if it is in your textbook.

12. Distribution of depths The shelf zone (0–200 m) occupies about 20% of the sea area, the continental slope (200–2000 m), on which individual underwater hills, depressions and islands are distinguished by a sharp change in depth, and the deep-sea basin occupies about 65%, and the deepest basin (more than 2500 m), located in the southern part of the sea - 8% of the sea area.

13. Distribution of water salinity: according to the map of the average annual salinity of surface waters of the World Ocean, in the northern and eastern parts of the sea the salinity of surface waters is up to 32 ppm, and in the central, western and southern parts of the sea the salinity of surface waters is up to 33 ppm.

14. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is located in a temperate climatic zone, while his East End(in the region of the Kuril Islands) is located in the maritime region temperate climate, and the rest in the monsoon temperate region.

15. Features of the bottom structure:

The bottom is a wide range of different underwater rises, depressions and trenches. The northern part of the sea is located on the continental shallows. In the western part of the sea there is a sandbank of Sakhalin, located near the island. In the east of the sea there is a continental shelf of Kamchatka. As noted in paragraph 12, most of the water expanses are located on the continental slope. The southern edge of the sea is the deepest zone; this part of the sea is a bed that is located along the Kuril Islands. The southwestern part of the sea is characterized by deep depressions and slopes. In the central zone of the sea there are two hills: the Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Oceanology, they divide the underwater sea space into 3 basins: the northeastern depression of TINRO (small depth of about 850 m, flat terrain), which is located west of Kamchatka. The second basin is the Deryugin depression, located east of Sakhalin, the water depth here reaches 1700 m, the bottom is a plain, the edges of which are somewhat elevated. The third basin, the Kuril Basin, is the deepest (about 3300 m) of these three.

16. Features of the organic world.

The flora and fauna, on the one hand, are distinguished by great diversity, and on the other hand, by the uneven distribution of this diversity. If in the southern, warmer part the number of fish species is about 300, then in the northern, colder part, the number of species is more than half that, only about 123 species. Nevertheless, the sea ranks first in the world in terms of commercial crab reserves. Salmon fish are of great value: chum salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon, chinook salmon, and sockeye salmon as a source of red caviar. There is also intensive fishing for herring, pollock, flounder, cod, navaga, capelin, etc. The sea is inhabited by whales, seals, sea lions, and fur seals. Stands out from the flora a huge number green, brown and red medicinal algae.

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is one of the largest bodies of water on the entire planet. It is also one of the richest in terms of biological resources. The sea provides about 60% of the entire Russian Federation. Its waters are home to rare and endangered species, and its banks are home to bustling bird colonies.

The western border of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is drawn along the eastern shore of two islands: Sakhalin and Hokkaido. According to its physical and geographical characteristics, it is an inland sea. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk also belongs to the seas of the so-called mixed continental-margin type. Its area is 1603 thousand square meters. km. And the average depth is 821 m. The maximum depth of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is 3916 m.

Straits of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk

The Amur Estuary, as well as those canals through which the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is connected to the Sea of ​​Japan. Which ocean gives rise to the Sea of ​​Japan? It, like Okhotsk, belongs to the waters of the Pacific Ocean. With the help of a huge number of Kuril straits, the sea is also connected to the Pacific Ocean. The deepest are the straits of the Bussol and Krusenstern islands. In accordance with the classification of geographer N. Zubov, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk belongs to the category of basin seas. The depth of its straits is much less than the depth of the basin.

Islands of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk

Which ocean the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is part of determines its outline. In this part of the Pacific Ocean there are a large number of islands of various origins. But she herself coastline considered relatively flat. The islands of the sea differ in their shape. There are also those located in the waters in compactly compressed groups. There are also loners. The map of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is dotted with many islands, including those that are located in a zone of seismic activity (for example, the Kuril Islands). Scientists also identify the so-called islands of the transition zone. The first group includes those formed by a single lithospheric plate with the continent.

And to the second, geographers include those that have the shape of elongated archipelagos. The first group includes small islands located near Eastern Sakhalin. This is the Seal and the Danger Stone. Seal Island has a flat surface and steep banks. And the Danger Stone is essentially a group of bare rocks located in the La Perouse Strait. Two hundred km. from Fr. Sakhalin is located on. Iona with rocky shores. Its height is about 150 m. And in the north-west is the Shantar archipelago, which includes about 15 islands, the territory of which is 2.5 km 2. The Southern Kuril Islands include the islands of the so-called Great Kuril Ridge.

Salinity and temperature

The salinity of the waters is determined by which ocean the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is part of. The salinity indicators of the sea are in many ways similar to those of the Pacific Ocean. Surface water The Sea of ​​Okhotsk has a salinity of 32.8-33.8 ppm. The intermediate layer has a salinity of 34.5 ppm. It is known that in the Pacific Ocean this figure averages 30-35 ppm. The temperature at the surface of the sea water in the cold season ranges from -1.8°C to +2°C. In summer, the readings rise to +18°C. But at a depth of about 50-150 meters, the water temperature remains constant all year round. It is about -1.7°C. Through the Kuril Straits, more than warm waters with a temperature of about 2-3°C.

Belonging to the sea

Since March 2003, Russia has been recognized as the official right to the sea enclave. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk, or rather, Substantial part its shelf area is about 52 thousand square meters. km. is now at the disposal of the Russian Federation. This event was especially important for local fishermen. After all, before they could not fish anywhere in the sea. After the transfer of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to Russia, they will no longer have competitors from other countries, which previously had to give away part of the fish they caught. In addition, other industrial workers have since had the opportunity to cross the maritime territory along the most convenient route.

Biological diversity

“The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is the basin of which ocean?” - this question is also often asked in connection with the description of its marine riches. The fauna of the sea is rich in species that came to these waters from the Pacific territories. Crabs, shrimp, sea urchins and stars, seals, whales, and fur seals live here. According to some estimates, it ranks first in the world in terms of the number of crabs. It is in the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk that the giant Kamchatka crab lives, whose leg span can reach 1.5 m.

There are also about 200 species of fish in the sea - herring, cod, navaga, pollock, and capelin. Sharks can also often be seen in this area. Their species composition is similar to the Bering Sea: katran, polar and salmon sharks are found here.

Other wealth

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is rich not only in fish stocks, crabs and various shellfish. Geologists claim that about 40% of its shelf area is a source of black gold - oil. There are also rich deposits here natural gas. Many experts are inclined to believe that the number of oil deposits at the bottom of the sea exceeds three billion barrels. But the complete transfer of the sea to Russia also means some obligations of Russia. The state must protect against poachers illegally fishing in the sea.

Bottom Features

The seabed is very diverse. There are depressions, troughs, and many hills. The type of ocean the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is part of determines the nature of its shelf. According to its characteristics, it is related to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. It is known that the Pacific Ocean contains the most big number deep-sea trenches on the planet. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is located in the transition zone between the Asian continent and the Pacific Ocean. The sea region is a huge lithospheric plate, which is located between the Eurasian, North American and Pacific plates. The Pacific Ocean on the world map is separated from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk by the Kuril-Kamchatka deep-sea trench.

Between the waters of the Japanese and Bering Seas is the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

This body of water limits the territory of Japan and Russian Federation and acts as the most important port point on the map of our country.

Previously, among the names of the sea were Lamskoye, Kamchatka, and among the Japanese - Hokkai, i.e. Northern.

Shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk

This body of water is considered to be one of the largest and deepest in Russia, as well as the coolest Far Eastern sea. The water area is 1603 km 2, and the depth is over 800 m on average. The maximum depth is almost 4 thousand meters. The coastal boundary of the reservoir is quite flat, with several bays running along it. However, in the northern part of the waters there are many rocks and sharp drop-offs. For the territory of this sea, storm warnings are completely normal.

The sea is separated from the Pacific Ocean by the Kuril Islands. We are talking about 3 dozen small areas of land that are located in a seismic zone due to the abundance of volcanoes. Also, the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk are separated by Kamchatka and the island of Hokkaido. And the largest island in this area is Sakhalin. Some straits of the reservoir act as a conditional border with the Sea of ​​Japan. Among the largest rivers flowing into the sea, it is worth noting the Amur, Bolshaya, Penzhina, and Okhota.

Cities on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk

The main ports and cities of the Okhotsk water area include:

  • Ayan, Okhotsk and Magadan on the mainland;
  • Korsakov on Sakhalin Island;
  • Severo-Kurilsk on the Kuril Islands.

Fisheries of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk

(Private fishing: fishing on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, which is only permitted during the open fishing season, but certain species, such as crab, require a permit, otherwise it may be considered poaching)

The natural resources of this northern sea are very diverse. Fishing, salmon caviar production and seafood production are actively developing on the territory of the reservoir. Famous inhabitants of these regions are pink salmon, sockeye salmon, cod, chum salmon, coho salmon, flounder, Chinook salmon, herring, crabs and squid, pollock, and navaga. In addition, there is limited hunting of fur seals on the Shantar Islands. Nowadays shellfish fishing is also popular. sea ​​urchins and kelp.

(Fishing boat in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk)

Industry in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk began to develop in the 90s. First of all, we are talking about ship repair factories and fish processing enterprises on Sakhalin. Hydrocarbon raw materials are also being developed in the Sakhalin region. Currently, 7 points with oil deposits have been discovered in the sea area, which began to be developed back in the 70s. last century.

This natural reservoir is considered one of the deepest and largest in Russia. The coolest Far Eastern sea is located between the Bering and Sea of ​​Japan.

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk separates the territories of the Russian Federation and Japan and represents the most important port point for our country.

After reading the information in the article, you can learn about the rich resources of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the history of the formation of the reservoir.

About the name

Previously, the sea had other names: Kamchatka, Lamskoye, Hokkai among the Japanese.

The sea received its current name from the name of the Okhota River, which in turn comes from the Even word “okat”, which translates as “river”. The former name (Lamskoe) also came from the Even word “lam” (translated as “sea”). Japanese Hokkai literally means "North Sea". However, due to the fact that this Japanese name now belongs to the North Sea Atlantic Ocean, its name was changed to Ohotsuku-kai, which is an adaptation of the Russian name to the norms of Japanese phonetics.


Before we move on to the description richest resources Sea of ​​Okhotsk, let us briefly introduce its geographical location.

Located between the Bering and Sea of ​​Japan, the body of water extends far into the mainland. The arc of the Kuril Islands separates the waters of the sea from the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The reservoir has for the most part natural boundaries, and its conditional boundaries are with the Sea of ​​Japan.

The Kuril Islands, which are about 3 dozen small areas of land and separate the ocean from the sea, are located in a seismic zone due to the presence of large quantity volcanoes. In addition, the waters of these two natural reservoirs are separated by the island of Hokkaido and Kamchatka. Largest island Sea of ​​Okhotsk - Sakhalin. The largest rivers flowing into the sea: Amur, Okhota, Bolshaya and Penzhina.


The area of ​​the sea is approximately 1603 thousand square meters. km, water volume - 1318 thousand cubic meters. km. The maximum depth is 3916 meters, the average is 821 m. The sea type is mixed, continental-marginal.

Several bays run along the fairly flat coastal border of the reservoir. The northern part of the coast is represented by many rocks and rather sharp cliffs. Storms are a frequent and quite common phenomenon for this sea.

The features of nature and all the resources of the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk are partly related to climate conditions and unusual terrain.

For the most part, the seashores are rocky and high. From the sea, from afar, on the horizon, they stand out as black stripes, framed on top by brownish green spots of sparse vegetation. Only in some places (the western coast of Kamchatka, the northern part of Sakhalin) the coastline is low-lying, fairly wide areas.

The bottom in some respects is similar to the bottom of the Sea of ​​Japan: in many places there are hollows under the water, which indicate that the area of ​​​​the present sea in the Quaternary period was above ocean level, and huge rivers - Penzhina and Amur - flowed in this place.

Sometimes during earthquakes, waves appear in the ocean reaching several tens of meters in height. One interesting thing related to this historical fact. In 1780, during an earthquake, one of these waves carried the ship “Natalia” deep into the island of Urup (300 meters from the shore), which remained on land. This fact is confirmed by a record preserved from those times.

Geologists believe that the territory of the eastern part of the sea is one of the most “turbulent” areas on the globe. And today quite large movements of the earth’s crust are taking place here. Underwater earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are often observed in this part of the ocean.

A little bit of history

Rich Natural resources The Sea of ​​Okhotsk began to attract the attention of people from its very discovery, which occurred during the first campaigns of the Cossacks to the Pacific Ocean through Siberia. It was then called the Sea of ​​Lama. Then, after the discovery of Kamchatka, trips by sea and shore to this rich peninsula and to the mouth of the river. Penzhins became more frequent. In those days, the sea already bore the names Penzhinskoye and Kamchatka.

Having left Yakutsk, the Cossacks moved east not straight through the taiga and mountains, but along winding rivers and channels between them. Such a caravan trail eventually led them to a river called Okhota, and along it they moved to the seashore. That is why this reservoir was named Okhotsk. Since then, many significant and important large centers have arisen on the sea coast. The name that has been preserved since then indicates an important historical role ports and rivers from which people began to develop this huge, rich sea area.

Features of nature

The natural resources of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are quite attractive. This is especially true for the areas of the Kuril Islands. This is a very special world, consisting of a total of 30 large and small islands. This range also includes rocks of volcanic origin. Today on the islands there are active volcanoes(about 30), which clearly indicates that the bowels of the earth are unquiet here and now.

Some islands have underground hot springs (temperatures up to 30-70°C), many of which have healing properties.

The climatic conditions for life on the Kuril Islands (especially in the northern part) are very harsh. Here long time fogs persist, and in winter time Violent storms occur very often.


Many rivers, mostly small, flow into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. This is the reason for the relatively small continental flow (about 600 cubic km per year) of water into it, with about 65% of it belonging to the Amur River.

Other relatively large rivers are Penzhina, Uda, Okhota, Bolshaya (in Kamchatka), which carry a much smaller volume to the sea fresh water. Water flows in to a greater extent in spring and early summer.


The biological resources of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are very diverse. This is the most biologically productive sea in Russia. It provides 40% of domestic and more than half of the Far Eastern catches of fish, crustaceans and mollusks. At the same time, it is believed that the biological potential of the sea is currently underutilized.

A huge variety of depths and bottom topography, hydrological and climatic conditions in certain parts of the sea, a good supply of fish food - all this determined the richness of the ichthyofauna of these places. The northern part of the sea contains 123 species of fish in its waters, the southern part - 300 species. Approximately 85 species are endemic. This sea is a real paradise for sea fishing lovers.

Fishing, seafood production and the production of salmon caviar are actively developing in the sea. Inhabitants of the sea waters of this region: pink salmon, chum salmon, cod, sockeye salmon, flounder, coho salmon, pollock, herring, navaga, chinook salmon, squid, crabs. On the Shantar Islands there is hunting (limited) for seals, and the hunting of kelp, mollusks and sea urchins is also becoming popular.

Of the animals of particular commercial value, beluga whales, seals and seals are of particular commercial value.


The resources of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are inexhaustible. The flora of the reservoir: Arctic species predominate in the northern part, and species from the temperate region predominate in the southern part. Plankton (larvae, mollusks, crustaceans, etc.) provide abundant food for fish throughout the year. The sea's phytoplankton are dominated by diatoms, and the bottom flora contains many species of red, brown and green algae, as well as extensive meadows of sea grass. In total, the coastal flora of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk includes about 300 species of vegetation.

In comparison with the Bering Sea, the bottom fauna here is more diverse, and in comparison with the Japanese Sea, it is less rich. The main feeding grounds for deep-sea fish are the northern shallow waters, as well as the eastern Sakhalin and western Kamchatka shelves.

Mineral resources

The mineral resources of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are especially rich. Only sea water contains almost all the elements of D.I. Mendeleev’s table.

The seabed has exceptional reserves of globigerine and diamondite silts, consisting mainly of shells of unicellular tiny algae and protozoa. Sludges are valuable raw materials for the production of insulating materials. building materials and high quality cement.

The sea shelf is also promising for searching for hydrocarbon deposits. The rivers of the Aldan-Okhotsk watershed and the lower reaches of the Amur have been famous since ancient times for their placers of valuable metals, which suggests that there is a possibility of underwater ore deposits being found in the sea. There may be many still undiscovered raw material resources in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

It is known that the lower shelf horizons and the part of the continental slope bordering them are enriched in phosphorite nodules. There is another more realistic prospect - the extraction of rare elements contained in the bone remains of mammals and fish, and such accumulations are found in the deep-sea sediments of the South Okhotsk basin.

We cannot remain silent about amber. The very first discoveries of this mineral on the eastern coast of Sakhalin date back to mid-19th century. At that time, representatives of the Amur expedition were working here. It should be noted that Sakhalin amber is very beautiful - it is perfectly polished, cherry-red and is quite highly valued by specialists. The largest pieces of fossil wood resin (up to 0.5 kg) were discovered by geologists near the village of Ostromysovsky. Amber is also found in the oldest deposits of the Taygonos Peninsula, as well as in Kamchatka.


In short, the resources of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are extremely rich and diverse, it is impossible to list them all, much less describe them.

Today the importance of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in national economy determined by the use of its rich natural resources and maritime transport. The main wealth of this sea is game animals, primarily fish. However, today it’s enough high level the danger of pollution of sea fishing zones with oil products as a result of discharges of oily waters by fishing vessels creates a situation that requires certain measures to increase the level of environmental safety of the work being carried out.

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk, whose resources are great importance for states, is one of the most large seas related to the Pacific Ocean. Located off the coast of Asia. It is separated from the ocean by islands - Hokkaido, the eastern coast of Sakhalin and the chain of Kuril lands.

It is worth noting that this sea is considered the coldest of all located on Far East. Even in summer, the temperature above it does not exceed 18 degrees on the southern side, and in the northeast thermometers show 10 degrees - this is the maximum.

Brief description of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk

It is cold and powerful. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk washes the shores of Japan and Russia. In its outline, the reservoir resembles an ordinary trapezoid. The sea stretches from southwest to northeast. The maximum length is 2,463 km and the maximum width is 1,500 km. The coastline is more than 10,000 km long. The depth of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (an indicator of the maximum depression) is almost 4,000 km. The type of reservoir adjacent to the outskirts of the mainland is mixed.

Volcanic activity extends both to the surface and to the bottom of the sea. When seismic movement or the explosion of an underwater volcano occurs underwater, it can cause huge tsunami waves.


The Sea of ​​Okhotsk, whose resources are used in the economic spheres of two countries (Russia and Japan), received its name from the name of the Okhota River. According to official sources, it was previously called Lamsky and Kamchatsky. In Japan for a long time The sea was called "Northern". But due to confusion with another body of water of the same name, the hydronym was adapted and now the Sea is called the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

The importance of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk for Russia

It cannot be overestimated. Since 2014, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk has been classified as inland waters Russian Federation. The state makes full use of its resources. First of all, it is the main supplier of salmon species. These are chum salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon and other representatives of the family. Caviar production is organized here, which is highly valued. It is not for nothing that Russia is considered one of the largest suppliers of this product.

The problems of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, as well as other bodies of water, have led to a significant decline in populations. It was for this reason that the state had to limit fishing. And this applies not only to the salmon family, but also to other species, such as herring, flounder, and cod.


Russia has achieved great results in the development of industry on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. First of all, these are ship repair enterprises and, of course, fish processing factories. These two areas were modernized in the 90s and are now of great importance for economic development states. Nowadays, many commercial enterprises have appeared here.

Industry is also developing quite well on the island. Sakhalin. Previously, in tsarist times, it was perceived negatively, since it served as a place for exile for people disliked by the rule. Now the picture has changed radically. The industry is thriving, people themselves are eager to come here in order to earn big money.

Kamchatka seafood processing enterprises have entered the world market. Their products are highly appreciated abroad. It meets the standards and is quite popular in many countries.

Thanks to oil and gas fields, Russia is a monopolist in this area. There is not a single state that could supply the same volumes of oil and gas to Europe. That is why a lot of money from the state treasury is invested in these enterprises.


There are few islands in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the largest of which is Sakhalin. Its coastline is heterogeneous: in the northeast there is a lowland, in the southeast it is slightly elevated above sea level, and in the west there is a sandbank.

The Kuril Islands are of particular interest. They are small in size; there are about 30 large ones, but there are also smaller ones. All together they form a seismic belt - the largest on the planet. There are about 100 volcanoes on the Kuril Islands. Moreover, 30 of them are active: they can constantly “disturb” the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Resources of the Shantar Islands - fur seals. The largest concentration of this species is observed here. However, recently their production has been regulated in order to avoid complete extermination.


The shoreline of the reservoir is slightly indented, although it has great length. There are practically no bays or coves in this area. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk basin is divided into three basins: the Kuril, TINRO and Deryugin depressions.

The largest bays are: Sakhalinsky, Tugursky, Shelikhova, etc. There are also several lips here - sea bays cutting deeply into the land, which form the depression of large rivers. Among them, Penzhinskaya, Gizhiginskaya, Udskaya, and Tauyskaya are distinguished. Thanks to the bays, water exchange in the seas also occurs. And on this moment Scientists call this issue quite problematic.


They are part of the Okhotsk basin. This is the one important element, which connects the reservoir with and also with the Pacific Ocean. In addition, low and shallow water and Nevelskoy are observed. They do not play a special role, since they are quite small. But the Krusenstern and Bussol straits are different large area, while their maximum depth reaches 500 meters. In many ways, they regulate the salinity of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Bottom and coastline

The depths of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are varied. On the side of Sakhalin and the mainland, the bottom is represented by a sandbank - a continuation of the Asian part of the mainland. Its width is approximately 100 km. The rest of the bottom (about 70%) is represented by the continental slope. Near the Kuril Islands, next to the island. Iturup is a diseased cavity. In this place, the depth of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk reaches 2,500 meters. At the bottom of the reservoir there are two large, towering sections of relief with quite original names: hill of the Institute of Oceanology and the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The coastline of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk belongs to different geomorphological forms. Most of them are high and steep slopes. Only the western territory of Kamchatka and the east of the island. Sakhalin have a lowland character. But the northern coast is significantly rugged.

Water exchange

Continental water flow is small. This happens for the reason that all the rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are not full of water and cannot play a significant role. The most important is r. Amur, it is here that more than half of the total waste flow falls. There are other relatively large rivers. This is Okhota, Uda, Bolshaya, Penzhina.

Hydrological characteristics

The reservoir is complete because the salinity of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is quite high. It is 32-34 ppm. It decreases closer to the shore, reaching 30 ‰, and in the intermediate layer - 34 ‰.

Most of the area is covered in winter floating ice. Maximum low temperature water in the cold season ranges from -1 to +2 degrees. In summer depths of the sea warm up to 10-18ºC.

Interesting fact: at a depth of 100 meters there is an intermediate layer of water, the temperature of which does not change throughout the year and is 1.7°C below zero.

Climate Features

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is located in temperate latitudes. This fact has a great influence on the mainland, ensuring that the Aleutian minimum dominates the territory of the reservoir during the cold part of the year. It greatly influences north winds, causing storms that continue throughout the winter.

In the warm season, weak south-easterly winds come from the mainland. Thanks to them, the air temperature increases significantly. However, along with them come cyclones, which can subsequently form typhoons. The duration of such a typhoon can be from 5 to 8 days.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk: resources

They will be discussed further. It is known that the natural resources of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are still poorly explored. The sea shelf with its hydrocarbon reserves is of greatest value. Nowadays, 7 are open in Sakhalin, Kamchatka, the Khabarovsk Territory and the Magadan administrative center. The development of these deposits began back in the 70s. However, besides oil, the main wealth of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is flora and fauna. They are extremely diverse. Therefore, fishing is significantly developed here. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is home to the most valuable species of salmon fish. Squid are harvested in the depths, and the reservoir ranks first in the world in terms of catching crabs. Recently, mining conditions have become more strict and harsh. And restrictions were introduced on the catch of some fish.

IN northern waters The sea is inhabited by fur seals, whales, and seals. Catching these representatives of the animal world is strictly prohibited. IN lately Fishing for sea urchins and shellfish is gaining popularity. From flora matter different types sea ​​waters weeds. Speaking about the use of the sea, it is worth noting its importance in the transport sector. It is a priority. There are important sea routes here trade routes, which connect big cities Korsakov (Sakhalin), Magadan, Okhotsk and others.

Ecological problems

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk, like other waters of the World Ocean, suffers from human activity. Recorded here ecological problems in the form of waste products of oil refining and residual gas compounds. Waste from industrial and household enterprises is also quite problematic.

Get dirty coastal zone began from the time of development of the first shelf fields, but until the end of the 80s it did not have such a large scale. Now, anthropogenic human activity has reached a critical point and requires immediate resolution. The greatest concentration of waste and pollution is concentrated off the coast of Sakhalin. This is mainly due to rich oil deposits.