Oxysize - breathing exercise to lose weight.

Breathing exercises for weight loss – effective way lose fat in unnecessary places with a minimum of effort. A technique that gives excellent results, is Oxysize - exercises involving breathing, conducted in static poses. Enough grueling training in gyms and strict diets - relax and properly pass air through your body, the extra calories will melt away without a trace.

This gymnastics was developed by the American teacher Jill Johnson. She herself suffered from excess weight and was looking for a way to give her desired shape to her figure without resorting to physical activity or restrictive diets. This is how Oxysize exercises appeared - a revolutionary method of losing weight, a simple and physiological way to lose pounds without straining.

Johnson has no medical education, so the program has been thoroughly researched by renowned physiologists, who have confirmed that it really helps tighten muscles and get rid of excess fat deposits.

What processes does breathing exercises activate:

  • relaxes nervous system;
  • gives muscle tone;
  • accelerates the breakdown of fat cells;
  • invigorates and reveals energy potential;
  • dulls the feeling of the head;
  • participates in digestion, helping food to be digested faster.

How it works

The Oxysize program is based on certain exercises, thanks to which oxygen penetrates the body faster and in larger volumes and burns excess fat by accelerating metabolism. Breathing should be abdominal - during inhalation and exhalation, all abdominal muscles are used. The diaphragm contracts and tenses more actively, stimulating increased blood circulation in all organs.

To start losing weight with Oxysize, you just need to learn proper breathing techniques and control muscle tension during exercise.

Training mode

The only way to achieve results with the Oxysize technique is regular breathing training. By skipping even one or two classes, you take a step back, because muscle tone increases gradually and only with constant exposure. Perform daily 20-minute exercises and achieve the desired success!

It is recommended to do Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss in the morning before breakfast or after drinking a glass mineral water. If you don’t have enough time in the morning, you can do the necessary exercises at lunch or in the evening, the main thing is that your last meal should be 2 hours before class.

After training, you can eat within 10 minutes.

There are some nutritional requirements that must be met:

  • do not drink sugary carbonated drinks;
  • give up fast food and food with dyes and preservatives;
  • follow a diet, eat small, balanced portions;
  • Do not disturb the water-salt balance, drink enough liquid.

After about 10 days of breathing exercises, the first achievements will become noticeable. You will feel a surge of energy and vigor, and your body will begin to improve.

Why breathing exercises are effective

  1. Has a calming effect on the nervous system. This is an excellent method to get rid of the habit of “eating” stress. The amount of food you eat will decrease, which will certainly affect your figure.
  2. Once in the body, oxygen oxidizes fat cells. The more it comes in, the faster the process of their destruction goes.
  3. Fat cells serve as reservoirs for harmful toxins, trying to protect vital organs from their effects. By doing Oxysize exercises, 60% of toxins are converted into gases that leave the body during exhalation.
  4. Oxygen supplied through deep breathing is a positive factor for the development of an alkaline environment and maintaining pH. In this environment, adenosine triphosphate molecules become most active and convert incoming food into vital energy. All of it is consumed without being stored in reserve in problem areas of the body.

Oxysize breathing exercises - video

How to breathe and lose weight using the Oxysize technique? With the help of a virtual instructor, you can learn basic breathing techniques that will be useful to you in the fight against extra pounds.

Oxysize gymnastics with Marina Korpan

Fitness trainer Marina Korpan adapted the Oxysize method for weight loss for Russian women.

It is based on delivering oxygen to those places that need work. The girl recommends starting a set of exercises to establish breathing with a light warm-up in a relaxed position. A total of 4 warm-up approaches are done.

After you have mastered the basic breathing exercises, combine them with muscle strengthening and stretching tasks.

Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss

Exercise 1 – basic breathing exercise

  • stretch your lips into a smile and inhale through your nose as much as possible possible quantity air, trying to completely fill the lungs;
  • take three short breaths in a row, raising your lower abdomen and tensing your gluteal muscles as much as possible;
  • Without opening your lips, exhale, while pulling in your stomach as much as you can;
  • Take 3 exhalations to empty your lungs.

Exercise 2 - Rocket

  • lie on your back on the floor and stretch your body as much as possible;
  • pulling your pelvis up, tighten your buttocks and repeat sighs - 1 deep, 3 short.

Exercise 3 – Cobra

  • lying on your stomach, place your hands in front of you and pull back;
  • Without lifting your hips from the floor, raise your body slightly while performing basic breathing exercises.

To see even more exercises using the Oxysize method, a video with Marina Korpan is offered for viewing.

Badly Great

Oxysize breathing exercises

Oxysize allows you to reduce body volume and weight by burning fat deposits, and not by losing water and muscle. This allows you to speed up your metabolism and avoid a strict diet.

Oxysize breathing exercises.

Sections of the article:
- The history of the creation of Oxysize for weight loss.

The history of the creation of Oxysize gymnastics

Founder of Oxysize breathing exercises Gil Johnson

Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss were founded by American teacher Jill Johnson.

As a young American teacher, Jill Johnson was constantly trying to achieve good slim figure. She went in for sports for a long time, exhausted herself with all sorts of different diets, but the result was not durable and the weight returned again. And then Jill realized that in order to lose weight, it is necessary to burn fat and this can be done without grueling training, you just need to increase the flow of oxygen to the muscles during training. This is how the Oxysize weight loss technique was born in the mind of Jill Johnson, which she carefully developed and tested first on herself, and then on her friends, relatives, etc. Oxysize was rapidly gaining popularity, first in America, and then all over the world.

Jill Johnson has specially transformed the technique of deep diaphragmatic breathing in order to maximize the saturation of the body with oxygen. At the same time, her breathing technique does not require any special skills. You just train, breathe and lose up to 3-5 centimeters in body volume in just two, three weeks.

What does Oxysize gymnastics do for weight loss?

1. This gymnastics, popular all over the world, does the impossible in achieving an excellent figure. Due to the burning of fat through a large accumulation of oxygen and, at the same time, tension in different muscle zones, this technique allows as soon as possible and without special effort reduce the volume of various problem areas and, accordingly, reduce body weight as a whole. Oxysize accelerates metabolism, allows you to give up strict diets, improve your health and lift your mood throughout the day.
2. The technique of such diaphragmatic breathing improves blood circulation; in addition, Oxysize breathing also improves the nutrition of muscle tissue, which in turn allows you to quickly and effectively recover after sports.

3. The Oxysize technique also includes classes for professional athletes; a program was created specifically for them, developed by American trainer Jill Johnson, called “Oxysize Level 3” and the “Oxysize Legs” training program.
4. Due to the fact that the Oxysize technique itself is simple, and the implementation of a set of exercises is easy to do, Oxysize easily helps you get used to physical activity as an active and useful way of life.
5. What is the peculiarity and main difference between the two oxysize breathing exercises and bodyflex is the ability to practice them during pregnancy. For pregnant women, a special modified Oxysize complex has been developed, which allows you not to gain weight during pregnancy, and also develops a habit of exercise and after childbirth, you will easily return to training and getting in shape. By the way, it’s no longer news to anyone that oxysize breathing saturates the body with oxygen, which also has a beneficial effect on both the expectant mother and the baby.
6. As you know, Oxysize breathing exercises include two types of training: isotonic training (exercises during which groups of muscles work and active movement occurs in the joints - these exercises build up pouch mass and increase a person’s physical strength) and stretching techniques (exercises similar to stretching or yoga technique), respectively, when practicing oxysize, you will not need any additional training with dumbbells, exercise equipment, kettlebells, and you will also not need to do yoga or try to do the splits using stretching classes. At correct positioning training program and its systematic implementation, you can achieve weight loss, muscle building, and even stretch your muscles and do the splits.
7. Speaking and worrying about muscle pumping, with oxysize you don’t have to be afraid of this, since the load on the muscles of the body is distributed evenly. Oxysize is an intense, but at the same time “soft” gymnastics, and when doing it, it is simply not possible to pump up any muscles in the body.
8. At first, after Oxysize classes, very dull pain in the muscles is felt, which allows you not to interrupt classes the next day, unlike strength training ( Gym, dumbbells, shaping, etc.) or aerobic training.
9. And of course it’s worth mentioning one more thing important advantage breathing exercises Oxysize - this is its so-called “omnipresence”. You can do Oxysize absolutely anywhere: on business trips, outdoors, at home, while traveling, and even at work or while watching a movie, since for these activities you just need a wall, a rug and a chair. And, by the way, even on your bed while watching the next movie masterpiece, you can also do some oxysize exercises, the main thing is to learn how to do them correctly and breathe correctly.

What other benefits can you get from Oxysize breathing exercises?

As mentioned above, the Oxysize method, in addition to performing physical exercises, includes the step-by-step execution of diaphragmatic breathing: inhale, exhale, DO INHALE, DO EXHALE, absolutely excluding the period of holding your breath. Therefore, it is the Oxysize technique that is actually more useful than similar breathing techniques.

An incomparable advantage of Oxysize breathing exercises is the ability to quickly and fairly easily get rid of fat deposits in problem areas and improve your health qualitatively. This method allows you to actively saturate the body with oxygen, which in turn improves blood circulation, accelerates the body's metabolic processes, normalizes blood pressure and helps to gradually restore damaged tissues of the whole body. It is these indicators that allow people suffering from hypertension to practice this gymnastics, diabetes mellitus, people with severe problems of the musculoskeletal system and many other diseases. In addition, strengthened muscles with the help of Oxysize gymnastics become the key to smooth functioning of the cardiovascular system, and, of course, the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Oxysize breathing exercises contraindications and precautions.

We said above that the Oxysize technique is one of the most useful, and therefore harmless, breathing exercises in the world, but with all this, one must take into account the fact that in sports, as in life, nothing is ideal, and in turn, This technique has its own contraindications and warnings, namely:
Oxysize gymnastics is contraindicated for those who:
1. Recently underwent any operations.
2. Suffering from diseases such as epilepsy, cysts, tumors of various types, increased intracranial pressure, kidney and even respiratory tract diseases.
3. carries infectious and viral diseases.
4. Pregnant women can do Oxysize, but only with a certain set of exercises for pregnant women and taking into account information about when you can start doing Oxysize after giving birth (recommendations from Maria Korpan).
It is also necessary to take into account that Oxysize gymnastics is mainly aimed at using the upper body, therefore it will be most effective for those who want to get rid of fat deposits in the abdomen, back and arms.

Nutrition when doing gymnastics for weight loss Oxysize.

It's no secret that if you eat inappropriately and irrationally, no sport will help you cope with excess weight, cellulite and fat deposits. And in Oxysize, of course, you can’t go anywhere without this rule. Only rational, balanced and, importantly, dietary nutrition will help you achieve truly significant results. When choosing the Oxysize method to improve your figure, it is necessary, in combination with Oxysize training, to strictly adhere to dietary nutrition or simply choose any diet. The main thing is that this diet is not strict, but balanced, and it is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol, flour, fatty and fried foods, and significantly reduce or eliminate sweets altogether.
The daily menu should be varied with fruits, raw and boiled vegetables, cereals (in moderation) and dairy products. A large number of Drinking water significantly speeds up metabolism, which in turn will additionally help remove excess fat from problem areas.

If you abuse the prohibited foods listed above, then you can’t expect results from Oxysize gymnastics, just like from any sport or physical activity.

At proper nutrition(use sufficient quantity water, saturation of the body nutrients and vitamins) in combination with daily Oxysize training, this technique will become an excellent and reliable “tool” for building a polished, beautiful figure.
The main rule of Oxysize to achieve the desired result is that classes must be regular, that is, daily. Each workout should last at least 20 minutes. For example, you can see below the Marina Korpan Non-stop complex, which is designed for just 20 minutes. Not regular classes “from time to time”, “every two days”, etc. will not bring any results - this is a fact and the practice of thousands who have already experienced Oxysize gymnastics.

Breathing Oxysize.

An important point in Oxysize gymnastics is Oxysize Breathing, which is fundamentally different, for example, from the Bodyflex breathing technique. And as mentioned above, it is more beneficial for the human body. Accordingly, before starting Oxysize classes, it is necessary to train your breathing technique to the point of automaticity, since it is the correct breathing that allows you to abundantly saturate the body with oxygen, and therefore burn fat, get rid of excess weight and become slimmer.

Oxysize breathing technique. Rules .

You can watch a video that shows in detail how to breathe correctly when practicing Oxysize, or read the rules of breathing technique below. To perform the Oxysize breathing technique well, it is better to do both - read and watch.
Video - Oxysize breathing.

Rules for the Oxysize breathing technique.

Steps required to master the Oxysize breathing technique.
Stage 1 - Stand up straight, move your shoulders (shoulder blades) back and slightly bend your knees.
Stage 2 - do not pull in the stomach too much and push the pelvis forward.
Stage 3 - take a deep breath through your nose, immediately tense your abdominal muscles and inhale even more air in three quick DO breaths.
Stage 4 - exhale deeply through your mouth, relax your muscles.
Stage 5 - immediately take three quick exhalations, completely ridding the lungs of air.
It is this sequence of breathing that is the most important principle of the entire Oxysize technique.

Oxysize weight loss exercises

Who among us has not dreamed at least once in our lives? lose a few extra pounds? Especially topical issue about weight and appearance becomes in the summer season, when you want to soak up the seaside. After all, you have to take off your clothes and stay in just a swimsuit - and now all the cakes and chocolates eaten on long winter evenings are literally visible to everyone.

We need to tighten it up here and pump it up there, but as luck would have it, we don’t have much time. IN modern world There are generally problems with time - we are always in a hurry and don’t really get anything done. And sometimes there is simply not enough persistence.

Beautiful body requires application, and such loads are not easy for everyone. Fortunately, several techniques have been created specifically for people who are not involved in sports to help them win without much difficulty. excess weight- and, therefore, to become younger and more beautiful. This is precisely the kind of miracle gymnastics that belongs to.

Oxysize exercises and their specifics

Arose oxysize in America as . Its creator Jill Johnson herself for a long time I couldn’t cope with my excess weight.

The complex is based on breathing. A special breathing technique promotes an anaerobic effect - all cells human body are saturated with oxygen, which is involved in oxidative processes and metabolism in general. Simple breathing exercises include different groups muscles. People with any physical fitness can master them.

The complex requires daily execution. Only in this case the positive effect will be maximum. In general, oxysize is quite effective. The tightening of all muscles that are stressed during exercise and the loss of at least three kilograms of weight will definitely be recorded by you in three to four weeks.

Exercises in combination with breathing have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, blood circulation improves, cholesterol is broken down, muscles become toned and overall well-being noticeably improves.

Breathing with oxysize is unusual for most people. Superficial inhalations and exhalations are replaced by deep ones, involving the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. With each breath, not only the chest expands, but also the stomach - the lungs are filled with more oxygen. This is where the special efficiency comes from. oxysize exercises and for the stomach and waist. Simply put, if there is no correct breathing, there is no expected result. There is diaphragmatic breathing - we lose weight every day.

Breathing consists of four stages

  1. Inhalation is done through the nose. At the same time, the filling of the lungs with air is controlled - the stomach should inflate like a balloon. The abdominal muscles are in a relaxed state. The pelvis is pushed forward!
  2. Three so-called dob-breaths are taken - short breaths. The muscles of the buttocks and perineum tense.
  3. Exhalation is done through the lips, extended with a tube. At the same time, the abdominal muscles are pulled inward, as if trying to fit under the ribs.
  4. The breathing cycle ends with three exhalations - a sharp release of the remaining air until complete liberation lungs.

When performing all stages, the back should be straight, the shoulders should not rise. In the first days of classes, slight dizziness may occur - this is normal and does not require stopping breathing practice. Gradually, the body will cope with the large influx of oxygen and health will return to normal.

A set of oxysize exercises in pictures

When starting exercises, it is necessary to gradually introduce new loads. The complex is built on the principle of going from easy to more complex.

All exercises described below were developed by Marina Korpan. Her technique is very popular in our country and has already helped thousands of women become slimmer.

On a note. In the first classes (one or two days), you need to do at least 30 breathing cycles with exercises. Classes are held daily. Exercises are performed in the morning on an empty stomach or three hours after eating. After class you cannot eat for one hour.

One breathing cycle is performed for each exercise!

We practice standing

Initial pose: you need to stand with your back straight. Feet shoulder width apart. The arms are spread to the sides and bent at the elbows at a right angle.

Exercise: Try to bring your arms behind your back, pulling your elbows towards your body. The upper back and arms are tense.

Exercise helps burn fat on your arms, back and shoulders.


Starting pose: Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. One hand is raised, the other is lowered.

Exercise: It is necessary to stretch your arms as far as possible while your shoulders are pulled back. Hands are tense. The “Mill” exercise is repeated for both hands (they change places).

The goal is to burn back fat and work on your posture.

"Splitting the Floor"

Starting position: Legs wider than shoulders, back straight. Toes point inward.

Exercise: The feet and heels are tensed - “the floor is stretched.”

Exercise helps burn fat on the outer thighs.

"Chipping the Floor"

Starting pose: Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. The toes point outward at approximately a 45-degree angle.

Exercise: The feet tense, as if pulling the floor towards the center.

Exercise helps to cope with fat deposits on the inner thighs.

Starting pose: Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight.

Exercise: Bend forward, palms resting above the knees. The legs are slightly bent, the body weight is transferred to the toes. The tailbone is pulled up.

The purpose of the exercise is to combat cellulite and tighten the back of the thighs.

Working with a chair

Starting pose: Leaning on the back of a chair, spread your legs as wide as possible and point your toes outward.

Exercise: Bend your knees and lower yourself to a level where your thighs are parallel to the floor. For beginners, you can lower yourself onto the seat with the chair facing you.

This exercise strengthens your thighs.

Back leg raise

Starting pose: Leaning on the back of a chair, spread your legs shoulder-width apart.

Exercise: The leg is pulled back (it needs to be raised low). At the same time, the toe is pulled forward.

The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the gluteal muscles and burn fat deposits.

Diagonal leg lift

Starting pose: Hands rest on the back of the chair, feet shoulder-width apart.

Exercise: The leg is moved back and to the side (diagonally). The supporting leg bends at the knee, the raised toe is pulled forward.

Exercise burns fat on the buttocks.

On a note. Leg raising exercises are not recommended for varicose veins!

"Sumo on a Chair"

Starting pose: Sit on a chair, spread your legs to the sides, toes out.

Exercise: Place your hands on a chair behind you, push your legs forward to stretch the inner thighs (knees are pulled back).

The goal is to strengthen the hips.

"Crossing Legs"

Starting position: sit on the edge of a chair, rest your hands on the seat. Legs spread.

Exercise: Bring your knees together and pull them down, feet on your toes.

The exercise is beneficial for all thigh muscle groups.

Raising your legs up

Starting position: Sit on a chair, leaning your back against the back.

Exercise: the straight leg is extended forward, the thigh is lifted off the chair, the toe is pulled towards you.

The purpose of the “Leg Raise Up” exercise is to strengthen the quadriceps femoris muscle.

Starting pose: Sit on a chair, legs brought together at the knees, feet together.

Exercise: Leaning with one hand on the chair behind you, the other will stretch back.

Exercise strengthens your back and abs, reducing your waist size.

Let's move to the floor

Tilt back

Starting position: kneel, arms extended in front of you, legs together.

Exercise: Lean back using your thigh muscles. The buttocks are tense, the back is straight.

The goal is to strengthen muscles and burn fat on the back, stomach, and thighs.


Starting pose: Sit on the floor, spread your knees to the sides, put your feet together.

Exercise: Lean your hands behind you, try to touch your knees to the floor, pulling your feet closer to you.

The exercise fights fat on the inner and upper thighs.

Starting pose: Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet behind the mat. The arms lie along the body, the toes are turned inward.

Exercise: Lift your buttocks off the floor using your thigh muscles and bring your knees together.

The goal is to strengthen the legs and buttocks.


Starting pose: Lie on your back, bend your legs. The foot of the right leg rests on the thigh of the left.

Exercise: Close your hands, clasping your left leg. Then the left leg is pulled towards itself. Swap your legs and repeat the exercise.

The exercise is aimed at burning fat on the hips.

Lying twist

Starting pose: Lie sideways, bend one leg, lean both forearms in front of you.

Exercise: Raise the second leg and pull it back and in the opposite direction (right to the left, left to the right).

Exercise helps strengthen your back, buttocks, and thighs.

"Beautiful hips"

Starting pose: Lie sideways, bend your lower leg, lean on your forearm.

Exercise: Raise the leg on top and pull the toe towards you. Buttocks are tense.

Exercise strengthens the back, buttocks, hips, and reduces waist size.

What the program should look like

  • A set of exercises can be performed in one day or divided into parts (in different days). You can also do more reps for some exercises, depending on which problem area you want to work on more.
  • But it is recommended to do at least thirty breathing cycles per day (per workout).
  • If the exercise is done in both directions (for example, for both legs), the breathing cycle is repeated twice.
  • The main thing is to do the exercises on an empty stomach. In the morning or at any convenient time (do not eat for two to three hours before classes). It is also not recommended to eat food immediately after exercise. The best option- Don’t eat for another hour.
  • An approximate series of exercises is designed for 15-20 minutes: first, exercises are performed standing, then with a chair, and at the end you need to move on to exercises on the floor.

To create an individual program, it is best to contact a fitness trainer who knows the oxysize technique.


Despite the benefits of oxysize exercises, the complex has contraindications:

– one of the most famous specialists and promoters of various breathing techniques in Russia.

Which is better, oxysize or bodyflex?

Closest to oxysize in terms of exercise technique and methodology is bodyflex. It has been noticed that if bodyflex turns out to be ineffective, oxysize will definitely help. The latter compares favorably for several reasons:

  • the result is not affected by taking pills (antidepressants and contraceptives);
  • You can exercise not only in the morning;
  • there is no need to breathe noisily, voicing your exhalation;
  • First of all, the waist decreases (with bodyflexion of the hips);
  • bodyflex is more effective with a healthy liver; for oxysize, the presence of problems with this organ does not matter;
  • there is no breath holding, which is dangerous for hypertensive patients;
  • exercises are performed during the respiratory cycle (in bodyflex while holding the breath).

It's safe to say that oxysize does not cause any health problems. Completing the complex will help you regulate your weight in the shortest possible time, tighten your muscles, improve your mood and well-being - and all this with a minimum of contraindications.

What do you think about this gymnastics? Have you done it or are you planning to do it? If you have already done it, what results have you noticed from the classes?

Antonina Kravetsinstructor of breathing exercises Bodyflex, Oxycise, Life Lift, founder and leading trainer of the Bodyflex studio in Moscow. Author of facial modeling and rejuvenation programs using breathing techniques; uses knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics in her work, which not only promotes effective weight loss, but also allows for maximum adaptation breathing technique to the physiological characteristics of students.

Breathing exercises oxysize

Breathing exercises are abdominal breathing techniques combined with exercises. Two popular areas of breathing practices - We have already studied how to do bodyflex. Today on the agenda is oxysize and its subtleties.

What is oxysize and what are the main principles of this gymnastics?

Oxysize is an original breathing technique of American Jill Johnson, based on combining continuous diaphragmatic breathing with physical exercise. The breathing cycle, in which one approach to the exercise is performed, consists of a sequence of inhalation, three pre-breaths, exhalation and three pre-exhalations.

What is the difference between the oxysize breathing technique and the bodyflex breathing system?

Firstly, oxysize does not involve holding your breath, and performing the exercises involves constant diaphragmatic breathing.
Secondly, oxysize is performed without a sharp tuck of the abdomen under the costal arch, which gives the technique a softer and more atraumatic nature of execution compared, for example, with the bodyflex technique.


Is it possible to master breathing on your own without the help of a trainer? What happens if you breathe incorrectly?

Mastering oxysize breathing without a trainer is difficult, but possible. The main advantage of oxysize in case of erroneous independent breathing is the absence of possible adverse health consequences, since oxysize does not involve holding the breath.

Hypertensive patients . An undeniable advantage of the oxysize technique is the reduction in blood pressure. I personally recorded a decrease in blood pressure in my clients by more than 30 units during the session, and this positive trend persisted after the workout for several more days.

Diabetics. The Canadian Diabetes Association, after a series of studies, concluded that oxysize exercises lead to a significant increase in the body's sensitivity to insulin. I train a young girl who has been diabetic since she was three years old. Before classes, she does not take the usual dose of insulin, because after several weeks of visiting the gym, she was surprised to discover that during training, her blood glucose level drops, i.e. breathing using the oxysize technique leads to a decrease daily dose insulin.

People suffering from joint diseases. Oxysize exercises, combined with a specially designed set of exercises, increase blood circulation, which allows you to stimulate the process of tissue regeneration and localize, and then create the preconditions for eliminating salt deposits. Thus, oxysize in combination with a competent program physical activity is a powerful weapon for successfully combating arthrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases. For more than two years now, a 64-year-old hairdresser has been attending my classes with a diagnosis of “arthritis of the right shoulder.” By the time she came to the gym, she was about to leave the profession: moving her hand during work caused severe pain. But after two years of constant classes, she continues to work actively and even opened her own hairdressing school!

People with problem areas on the back, arms, stomach and sides. My many years of practice have shown that oxysize is especially effective in combating excess volume in the upper body. At the same time, significant positive dynamics in losing weight in the hips and legs are also observed.

Oxysize: results

The oxysize technique, like bodyflex, involves daily exercises of 20-30 minutes. However, two to three hour workouts a week will also bring tangible results.

Oxysize: exercises

Classes should be carried out exclusively on an empty stomach, no earlier than three to four hours after eating. Otherwise, the work of the abdominal muscles during breathing will put negative pressure on the stomach and intestines, which can lead to nausea and other unpleasant consequences.

A fundamentally wrong belief. The oxysize technique is softer in execution compared to bodyflex, but combining it with exercises is much more difficult. Imagine for yourself: one respiratory cycle, consisting of a sequence of inhalation, three pre-exhalations, exhalation and three pre-exhalations, is accompanied by a whole series of contractions of various abdominal muscle groups. Try to combine this breathing with performing the most basic abdominal exercise - and your illusions about the ease of oxysize will instantly be dispelled.

You must perform strictly four breathing cycles in a row

In my coaching practice, I was convinced that you need to start with three, and in case of poor physical fitness, with two cycles. Otherwise, strict adherence to four breathing cycles during one approach can lead to overtraining and rupture of muscle fibers. The intensity of the load should increase gradually from lesson to lesson.

Oxysize is more effective than bodyflex

There is no more or less effective technique, there is a technique just for you! A hypotensive person, for example, may feel discomfort and dizziness due to a decrease in blood pressure. In this case, as in many others, bodyflex is more suitable.

Oxysize is more effective when combined with active loads and sports

Active sports and power training You shouldn’t combine it with oxysize exercises, otherwise you’ll hardly be able to lose weight.

Oxysize has no contraindications

And this is one of the myths! Find the list of contraindications on the next page.


Oxysize has contraindications, and neglecting them can lead to serious complications!

1. Pregnancy

2. Epilepsy

4. Myoma nodes

5. Pulmonary hypertension

6. Cardiovascular diseases

7. Aortic aneurysm

8. Cerebral aneurysm

9. Increased intracranial pressure

10. Hiatal hernia

11. Postoperative period (abdominal surgery was performed earlier than six months before the start of classes)

12. Kidney diseases (nephroptosis, glomerulonephritis)

13. Diseases of the organs of vision

Follow the updates in the section and don’t miss a selection of weight loss exercises combined with the oxysize technique.

The respiratory system confidently holds the palm among the most fat-burning fitness.

The most famous of them are the popular Bodyflex Greer Childers and the rapidly gaining popularity Oxysize of another American, Jill Johnson, which allow you to lose weight without strict diets and exhausting workouts.

The principle of action of both bodyflex and oxysize are similar: deep breathing enriches the blood with active oxygen, stimulating the burning of fat cells in the area of ​​muscles tense during exercise.
Oxysize is translated from English as “oxygen gymnastics”. The main difference between oxysize and bodyflex is the breathing technique. Jill Johnson proposed a new, gentler breathing technique. She has been developing and developing her Oxycise system for more than 10 years.

In Oxysize, instead of holding your breath and noisily exhaling “groin,” there is a long exhalation. The breathing cycle in Oxysize accompanies the exercise, unlike bodyflex, where deep breathing is performed before the exercise.
Oxysize, due to the absence of breath holding, has fewer contraindications, which makes it accessible to a group of people for whom bodyflex is contraindicated, people with hypertension and eye diseases, and even pregnant women.
You can do Oxysize at any time, but, nevertheless, morning workouts are more effective. The duration of the workout is 15-20 minutes.

Breathing exercises, in addition to helping you lose weight and get rid of fat in problem areas, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, cleanse the lungs, strengthen the back and spine, improve the condition of the skin, the functioning of the heart and the female reproductive system, and charge with vigor and energy. As you can see, there are only advantages! Is it really worth starting?

The only condition is that training must be regular, then the result will not be long in coming. After 10 days you can already check the volumes. They should decrease noticeably. Measurements are taken at the following points: stomach - top part, waist, stomach - lower part, hips and legs - upper part.

It is convenient to record control measurements of body volumes in a table every week

After 1-2 weeks, precisely in the most problematic for most women and men, the middle part of the body with correct execution Oxysize exercise volume will decrease significantly.

Learn proper Oxysize breathing by watching the original author's video with Jill Johnson or lessons from a professional fitness instructor.

According to Jill Johnson, to lose weight, you need to do at least 30 such cycles a day.

In Russian, Oxysize is best presented by bodyflex and oxysize trainer Marina Korpan

The most important component of breathing exercises is, of course, proper breathing, which helps burn fat, so let's start with that. Here I have collected some material that I managed to find on the Internet. In principle, nothing complicated.

Oxysize breathing technique

When performing an exercise in Oxysize, first you inhale and three small exhalations, and then exhale and three, also, small exhalations.

Oxysize breathing can be divided into stages:
Stage 1. Initial position
Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, knees slightly bent, shoulders down and back. relax your entire body down to your hips
Then pull your stomach in by about 30% of the maximum effort, while slightly tilting your pelvis forward and up, tighten your buttocks, and keep your lower back flat. Hold it still. Keep your pelvis in this position throughout the exercise.
Stretch your shoulder blades towards your spine, taking correct posture. It is in this position that you should do oxysayp breathing/

Stage 2. Inhale. Inflate your belly
Calmly, evenly, deeply inhale air through your nose, while inflating your stomach and at the same time tilting your pelvis forward, squeezing your buttocks and straining your abs. Stretch your lips in a smile so that air cannot leave your lungs.

Stage 3. Three breaths
Increasing the tension in your abs and buttocks, take three additional sharp short breaths through your nose, while inflating your stomach more for each breath.

Stage 4. Exhalation. Pull in your stomach
As soon as the air fills your lungs, begin the reverse movement through half-closed lips (not with a tube!) Exhale long, while simultaneously relaxing your buttocks and “unwinding” your pelvis. Pull your stomach in, keep your muscles as tense as possible, and try not to lower your head.

Stage 5. Three breaths
Then take three additional short exhalations, sharply pushing out the remaining air from the lungs,
At the same time, with each exhalation, draw in your stomach even more.

Inhale - Three breaths - Exhale - Three breaths - this is one approach. Four approaches are one Oxysize breathing cycle.

Demonstration video of the Oxysize breathing technique performed by Marina Korpan