The main subsystems of the political system. Structure and functions of political systems of society

Political system of society

1) Political system of society (PSS): concept, structure, functions, typology

2) The main subjects of political power and their characteristics:

- state,

- political parties,

- socio-political movements,

- pressure groups,

- public organizations,

- church,

- mass media

Category " political system of society“Relatively recently, the theory of state and law entered scientific circulation - the 1960s. The starting point for the study of PSO is the idea of ​​it as a variety social systems.

Any system of society, including political, is a holistic, ordered set of elements , interaction which it gives rise to a new quality not inherent in its parts(remember synergistic effect inherent in the system when 1+1+1+1=7).

As a system, PSO is characterized by:

Ø integrity

Ø internal structure and interaction of its elements

Ø specific functions

Ø the presence of external boundaries and the need to respond to outside influences

Ø the ability to maintain one’s stability.

Unlike other systems of society, the PSO has the legal right to use coercion to maintain social order in society.

The political system of society (PSS) is a set of social institutions such as government bodies, political parties, social movements, organizations that exercise political power on the basis of law and other social norms, and ensure the stability of society and a certain social order.

IN political life various entities take part: first of all, it is state(specially designed for this purpose), in the 19th-20th century they came to the political forefront political parties, movements, trade unions, public organizations and so on.

However, the PSO does not include all public associations, but only legally recognized, i.e. legitimate, what should they be for? registered in order established by law . In the Russian Federation, registration takes place at the Ministry of Justice.

The emergence of PSO

PSO arises in the process of dividing society into classes and the emergence of the state. Primitive societies, where power rested on the authority of leaders, elders, observance of traditions and customs, did not have political system . But already in the era of antiquity, with the emergence of classes and the state, a political system of society emerged. Politic system ancient society, of course, was extremely different from the political system of modern democratic societies. The political system of ancient society was less complex and branched. Many elements inherent in a political system modern society, such as parliamentary parties, fighting for power, modern power structure ( legislative, executive, judicial), a bunch of public organizations , were absent from the political system of ancient society.

The political system can for a long time evolve, as, for example, in England, but can change quickly, revolutionary, as former USSR or Eastern European countries.

Despite all the dissimilarity of the political system, they have more or less the same structure. The differences lie mainly in the content of its constituent elements.

The following components or 4 subsystems of the political system are distinguished:

1) Institutional subsystem - political organization society, including the state, political parties and movements, public organizations and associations, labor collectives and so on.;

2) Normative subsystem – socio-political and legal norms - regulating the political life of society and the process of exercising political power:

3) Communication subsystem - political relations that develop between elements of the system regarding political power:

4) Cultural subsystem - political consciousness, behavior, characterizing the psychological and ideological aspects of political power and the political system;

Also of interest is the system proposed by D. Easton approach to the PSO structure:

The exchange of resources and interaction of the political system with the environment are carried out according to the “input-output” principle.

D. Easton distinguished two types of “entrance”: requirements and support.

Requirement can be defined as an opinion addressed to authorities regarding the desirable or undesirable distribution of values ​​in society.

D. Easton proposed to consider the functioning of the political system as follows:


In a political system there is a connection between what Easton defined as “input” and “output” (or “input” and “output”).

"Input" into the political system is demands and expressions of support from the side of society.

"Requirements" on the part of civil society may concern:

A) distribution(O wages and working hours, conditions for receiving education, medical and other services);

b) adjusting(on ensuring public safety, control over the manufacturer and the market, etc.);

V) communicative(about providing political information, about the use of political force, freedom of speech, etc.).

"Support" means strengthening the political system. It covers all positions and behaviors that are favorable to the system. The forms of support are very diverse:

– compliance with laws;

– payment of taxes;

– activity in elections;

– respect for authority, state heraldry;

- Military service

"Exit" is solutions and government actions, including programs, laws, tax decisions, and distribution of public funds. If the decisions of the political system suit people, then they provide it with appropriate support.

PSO functions:

1. Determination of goals, ways of development of society and organization of society to achieve set goals

2. Distribution of material and spiritual values

3. Coordination of the various interests of the state and various social communities

4. Development of rules and laws of human behavior and monitoring compliance with them

5. Providing internal and external security and political stability

6. Formation of political consciousness and involvement of people in political participation and activity

The most popular today is A. Almond’s typology:

1 typeAnglo-American political system which formed in Great Britain, USA. Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

In the history of these countries there were no revolutionary forms of change in forms of government; a high degree of political stability was achieved, which determines the following similar features:

1. homogeneity(homogeneity) of political culture citizens through recognition values ​​of society : personal freedom; the idea of ​​mass well-being; general security; anti-statism (negative attitude towards strengthening the role of the state);

2. established two-party system , in which the party in power personifies centrism and focuses on the mood of the electoral center;

3. continuity of history , i.e. the arrival of a new administration cannot fundamentally change the previously chosen political course, and does not generate expectations of change or construction of something new.

Type 2Continental European political system, characteristic of France, Italy, Germany, Russia also belongs to this group of countries. These countries are united by:

1. Heterogeneity of political culture , i.e. lack of agreement on fundamental values ​​and ideals. Politics is perceived as a struggle between different ideals and interests. Until now There have been debates about expanding the role of the state or free market for some time now. This is due to the fact that the presence in the history of these countries of revolutionary forms of changing forms of government left supporters of one course or another in society.

2. The electorate is polarized into “left” and “right” with a fairly small center. As a result, a multi-party system is formed. Due to the fact that political regimes changed radically in these countries in the 20th century, in Russia, for example, the so-called “red” belts are territories in which the electorate mostly votes for “left” parties in elections. In Germany there are “browns”, in which they vote for far-right parties of the Nazi persuasion. In France, a few years ago, a nationalist candidate (Le Penn) almost became president after reaching the second round.

3. Multi-party system

4. The cyclical nature of history, i.e. a change of party or leader in power can lead to a new round of history (From 1789 to 1958, 16 regimes changed in France).

Type 3 – Pre-industrial political system formed in a number of countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America (former colonies). It is characterized by:

mixed political culture: a mixture of Western values ​​and ethnic and religious traditions;

unclear separation of powers, in which the army and bureaucracy often take over legislative functions, and the legislature intervenes in judicial procedures;

Type 4 – Totalitarian political system ( Germany, Italy, USSR 30-50s. XX century) is characterized by:

single ideology(class or race) and orientation towards a charismatic leader;

total state control over all areas of life

– monoparty system

– political participation is decorative only;

the image of the enemy has been formed,

The political system is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. It covers the sphere of political relations and processes and ensures the unification of society through political power. In the most general form, the purpose of a political system can be defined as managing the affairs of society through political power. It is designed to ensure real practical participation of the population in the development, adoption and implementation socio-economic and political decisions.

In science, there are several basic theories of the political system of society.

T. Parsons' theory(1902-1979) is that society interacts as four subsystems: economic, political, social and spiritual. Each of these subsystems performs certain functions and responds to requirements that come from within or from the outside. Together they ensure the functioning of society as a whole. Economic subsystem is responsible for meeting people's needs for consumer goods. Function political subsystem lies in identifying collective interests and mobilizing resources to achieve them. Maintaining an established way of life, transferring norms, rules and values ​​to new members of society, which become important factors in motivating their behavior, ensures social subsystem. Spiritual subsystem carries out the integration of society, establishes and maintains ties of solidarity between its elements.

D. Easton's theory(1917-2014) considers the political system as a mechanism for the formation and functioning of power in society regarding the distribution of resources and values. His systems approach allows us to more clearly define the place of politics in the life of society and identify the mechanism of social change in it. Politics is a relatively independent sphere, the main meaning of which is the distribution of resources and the incentive to accept this distribution of values ​​between individuals and groups.

G. Almond's theory(1911-2002) (structural-functional approach) presents the political system as a system of interaction that performs the functions of integration and adaptation (within society, outside it and between societies) through the use or threat of use of more or less legitimate physical coercion.

While studying comparative analysis political systems G. Almond moved from studying formal institutions to considering specific manifestations of political behavior. From which he defined the political system as a set of roles and their interactions among themselves, carried out not only by government institutions, but also by all structures of society on political issues.

K. Deutsch's theory(1912-1992) views the political system as cybernetic, in which politics was understood as the process of managing and coordinating the efforts of people to achieve their goals. The formulation of goals and their correction are carried out by the political system on the basis of information about the situation of society and its attitude towards these goals: about the distance that remains to the goal; about the results of previous actions. The functioning of a political system depends on the quality of the constant flow of information coming from the external environment and information about its own movement.

Structure of the political system determined based on the chosen approach. According to most scientists, its structure includes such subsystems as institutional, normative, functional, communicative, ideological.

Institutional subsystem - a set of institutions (institutions, organizations) related to the functioning of political power. Consists of state, party, socio-political and social (church, means mass media) institutions. The leading political institution, which concentrates maximum political power, is the state. A special role in the political system is assigned to political parties and socio-political movements, including trade unions, business organizations, and various lobbying organizations created within the structures of the legislative and executive powers.

A specific place in the political system is occupied by such social institutions that are non-political in nature, such as media and church.

The media is sometimes called the “fourth estate,” meaning the other three are the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. The media to a large extent contribute to the formation of policy, participate in the preparation, adoption and implementation of political decisions, and in the activities government agencies, actively participate in ensuring the success of a particular party in elections, and shape the image of a particular politician. At the same time, they are scattered and often change political orientation. In this regard, it is hardly possible to unconditionally classify the media as the main elements of the political system of society. As a last resort, they can be recognized as tools, means of carrying out the activities of the main structural elements of the political system.

The political role of the church is determined, first of all, by the massive nature of its influence. For many centuries there was a struggle for power between the church and the state, which ended in the separation of secular and spiritual powers. IN democratic states This principle is carried out most clearly and consistently. In authoritarian political systems of Latin American countries, the church is a serious political force acting in opposition to dictatorship.

Regulatory subsystem- legal, moral, political norms and traditions that define and regulate the political life of society. Norms determine the behavior of people in political life, their participation in the processes of putting forward demands, turning these demands into decisions, and implementing decisions. Norms are divided into two types: norms-habits and norms-laws. In democratic countries, for example, the usual norm is the participation of citizens in political life, expressed in the activities of parties and interest groups.

Norms-habits largely determine the form of the political system within which norms-laws operate. Norms-laws establish (or do not establish, depending on the regime) the rights of citizens. Both types of norms contribute to political interaction and the establishment of order.

Functional subsystem expressed in forms and methods of exercising power, various directions political activity. This finds a generalized expression in the concept of “political regime” (democratic, totalitarian, authoritarian, which will be discussed in topic 5.6.)

Communication subsystem- a set of relationships and forms of interaction that develop between classes, social groups, nations, individuals regarding their participation in the organization, implementation and development of political power in connection with the development and implementation of certain policies.

Ideological subsystem- a set of political views, ideas, perceptions, and feelings of participants in the political life of society that are different in content.

In the literature there is another classification of the structural elements of the political system. Within its framework, the following elements of the political system are distinguished: political institutions; political relations; political principles and norms; political consciousness and political culture.

Functions of the political system of society:

  • determination of goals, objectives and ways of development of society;
  • organization of the company’s activities to achieve goals and programs;
  • distribution of material and spiritual values ​​within society;
  • coordination of the diverse interests of social communities and the state;
  • development of rules and laws of behavior of people and groups in society; ensuring internal and external security and stability of the political system;
  • formation of political consciousness, involvement of members of society in political participation and activity;
  • monitoring compliance with laws and regulations, suppressing actions that violate political norms.

These functions are characteristic of stable, established political systems. If the political system has not yet formed and is in a transitional state (as, for example, in Russian Federation, in Ukraine), then it will also be characterized by some other functions, in particular the function of overcoming crises, especially political ones.

Type of political system influences the specifics of the functions it performs. According to the Marxist approach, the types of political systems differ depending on the political interests of which class they express and defend. In accordance with these criteria, all modern political systems were divided into two types: bourgeois and socialist. At the same time, the contrast between the moribund bourgeois political system and the advanced socialist one was emphasized. This approach to the typology of political systems performed a mainly ideological function.

Based on the nature of the existing political regime, there are totalitarian, authoritarian and democratic types of political systems.

From the nature of the relationship with external environment political systems are divided into closed And open.

Closed political systems have weak connections with the external environment, are insensitive to the values ​​of other systems and are self-sufficient.

Open systems actively exchange resources with the outside world, assimilate the values ​​of advanced systems, are mobile and dynamic.

The listed types of political systems do not exhaust the palette of their classification. There are other criteria for classifying political systems. This indicates the multidimensionality of modern political life, the need to study and analyze political systems and their structural elements, taking into account different approaches, methods and criteria.

Political system theory shows that for the smooth functioning of the mechanism of power it is necessary: involvement in the political process officials and citizens and sustainable distribution of power activities vertically and horizontally; coordination of selected and generalized proposals and demands for the state, taking into account the interests of various parties and public associations; formation of legal space for the development of political decisions; gradation of the scope of powers depending on the level of authority and the specifics of the institution, observing the principles of hierarchy and competence, etc.

As indicators of the effectiveness of the functioning of the political system may be accepted:

  • timeliness and competence in making political decisions, which quickly turn into concrete actions in the interests of the whole society;
  • ensuring optimal political and legal conditions for the creation of material and spiritual values ​​and fair distribution, accumulation and consumption;
  • achieving non-conflict, socio-political stability and progressive development of society, etc.

All of them contribute to the integrity of the political system, its self-renewal and transition to a new qualitative state. It should be borne in mind that there is no single theory of the political system. Different vision the structure and types of political systems implies a multivariate approach to their study and the possibility of using the advantages inherent in each of them.

Review questions:

  • 1. What is the content of the concept “political system”?
  • 2. Name and briefly describe the main theories of the political system of society.
  • 3. List and characterize the main elements of the political system of society.
  • 4. What are the functions of the political system of society?
  • 5. List the main types of political systems.

The concept of a political system is one of the broadest categorical concepts in political science, providing a systematic description of political phenomena and processes in their close relationship and interaction with environment. This concept allows, on the one hand, to distinguish political life from the rest public life, and on the other hand, to bring together the main elements of the political life of society.

A political system is a universal governing system of society, the components of which are connected political relations and which ultimately regulates the relationships between social groups, ensuring the stability of society and a certain social order based on the use of political power.

Analysis of the functioning of a political system involves characterizing its internal structure. The political system acts as an integral entity, in the unity of its parts. At the same time, it consists of relatively independent subsystems.

In the structure of a political system, as a rule, the following interacting subsystems are distinguished:

1) Institutional subsystem. It consists of political institutions, each of which can be considered as an independent system. It includes the state and its bodies, political parties and interest groups, the electoral system, the media, the church, etc. A special role belongs to the state as the main subject of politics and power.

This subsystem plays a key role, since a legal framework is created here that determines the conditions, possibilities and boundaries of the functioning of the entire political system.

2) Normative subsystem. It is based on political and legal norms, historically established customs and traditions, and prevailing principles in society.

The normative subsystem regulates social relations, the formation and activity of political institutions, the functioning of the political system and society as a whole. It determines not only the goals and directions of the functioning of the entire political system, but also what is desirable and undesirable, what is permitted and what is not permitted from the point of view of its strengthening.

3) Functional subsystem. It is determined by the forms of political activity, methods of exercising power, and the predominance of violent or non-violent methods of control among them.

This subsystem is the basis of the political regime, which ensures the preservation of existing power.

4) Communication subsystem. It represents a set of relations that arise in the process of functioning of the political system (relations regarding the management of society, associated with the struggle for power, informal relations not enshrined in existing legal norms), and includes various forms and principles of interaction.

This subsystem establishes connections between various institutions of the political system (for example, parties - state, interest groups - parties, political system - economic system and so on.). This includes channels for transmitting information to the government and the media.

5) Cultural-ideological subsystem. It includes political concepts, theories, views and plays a significant role in determining political goals and ways to achieve them.

The cultural-ideological subsystem ensures the preservation and reproduction existing model society. At the same time, processes take place in it that are associated not only with the confirmation, but also with the modification of this model of social structure.

Each of the main subsystems of the political system of society is organized at three levels of government:

Mega level (central government apparatus);

Meso level (regional and municipal authorities);

Non-institutionalized micro-level (mass participation of public groups and citizens in politics).

This structure can be traced in the political system of any society, but in the specific conditions of different states these subsystems are created and function in various forms. Therefore, the real political systems of the modern world are very diverse.

The political system is designed to solve the following problems:

Political leadership of society (adequate goal setting);

Coordination of interests of individuals and groups, prevention conflict situations threatening the integrity social system(integration of society);

Orientation of members of society towards known ideals and values ​​(maintaining a model);

Perception and response to information flows (information and communication support).

The main purpose of the political system is the leadership and management of public affairs. Political leadership is the determination of strategic goals and prospects for social development, management is their implementation.




Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines


in the discipline Political Science

on the topic of:


Student of group 210

Maksimova Olga Valerievna

Vladimir 2010



1. Political system. Its elements and subsystems………………….…4

1.1 Political system and its functions………………………….……4

1.2 Elements of the political system……………………………..…7

1.3 Subsystems……………………………………………………..…..10


List of references……………………………….…………..13


Every class society is politically formed and has a mechanism of power that ensures its normal functioning as a single social organism. This mechanism is called the political system.

The topic is relevant because the concept of a political system is one of the main ones in political science. Its use makes it possible to distinguish political life from the rest of the life of society, which can be considered the "surroundings" or "environment", and at the same time establish the existence of certain connections between them.

The political system is made up of many subsystems, structures and processes; it interacts with other subsystems: social, economic, ideological, cultural, legal. The limits of a political system are determined by the boundaries within which the political decisions of this system are binding and actually implemented. In the case of the legislative system, we are talking about the operation of the law in a certain territory; in the case of a municipality, its acts are limited to its territory; in the case of a political party, the limits of the validity of the charter, program, and party decisions are taken into account.

The political system of any society is characterized by the presence of certain mechanisms that guarantee its stability and viability. With the help of these mechanisms, social contradictions and conflicts are resolved, the efforts of different social groups, organizations and movements are coordinated, social relations are harmonized, and consensus is reached regarding the basic values, goals and directions of social development.

1. Politic system. Its elements and subsystems

1.1 Political system and its functions

Politic system is a set of political subjects, their interactions on the basis of political norms, consciousness and political activity.

The essence of the political system is to regulate people's behavior through political power and political interests. Consequently, the political system of society is a set of organizations and citizens interacting in the process of realizing their social interests through the functioning of government institutions.

The essence of a political system is also manifested in its functions.

Functions of the political system:

1. Ensuring political power of a certain social group or the majority of members of a given society or country.

The political system is an institutional (ordered, fixed by norms) form of existence of power. Through the institutions that form the political system, the legitimation of power is carried out, the monopoly on the publication of laws of a generally binding nature and the use of coercion for their implementation is realized. A political system, according to G. Almond’s definition, is a legitimate, order-maintaining or transforming system in society.

The political system establishes and implements certain forms and methods of power: violent and non-violent, democratic and authoritarian. One or another subordination and coordination of political institutions is used.

The institutionalization of the political system is carried out through the Constitution - a set of legally approved models of institutions, laws and political and legal practice.

2. The political system is a governing system.

It regulates social relations, manages various spheres of people’s life in the interests of certain social groups or the majority of the population. Volume management functions, scales, forms and methods management activities political institutions depend on the type of social systems.

Thus, the sphere of influence of political institutions in modern developed capitalist countries on the economy is much narrower than in countries with a socialist orientation.

This feature is explained by two circumstances. On a positive note: socialism ideally presupposes the conscious creativity of the masses. Politics as a form of organizing mass activity is intended here to become the most important factor historical progress. In fact, the negative role of politics and its institutions in countries that have made a socialist choice has become excessive and deformed.

Political institutions have largely absorbed society, since it social organizations were not developed sufficiently and lost their roles to government agencies.

The action of the political system as a manager includes setting goals and developing, on their basis, political projects for the activities of social institutions. This function, called political goal-setting, cannot be absolutized.

The process of social life, under all historical conditions and systems, is not globally purposeful. The conscious is always combined with the elemental.

The dramatic pages of the development of our country refute the stereotypical characterization that has been propagated for many years Soviet history only as a practical embodiment of the scientific theory of Marxism-Leninism.

3. The political system performs an integrative function in society.

Ensures a certain unity of all social groups and segments of the population, as this is necessary to maintain the status quo of society. She brings these together social groups and layers around common socio-political goals and values, which makes it possible to realize both the interests of the system as a whole and the interests separate groups. The political system, writes P. Sharan, is a system of interaction found in all independent societies, which performs the function of their integration and adaptation through the use or threat of use of more or less legitimate coercion.

4. One of the most important functions of the political system is the creation of the necessary political conditions for the functioning and progress of the economy (legal consolidation of forms of ownership of the means of production, ensuring a single economic space, implementing tax policy, regulating the financial system, etc.).

5. Protection of this society and its members from various kinds destructive (internal and external) influences.

We are talking about protection from destructive elements, including criminal groups that are acquiring an international character in our time, from external aggressions (military, economic, ideological, informational), and finally, from environmental disaster.

In a word, the political system implements the function of goal setting and goal achievement, ensures order in society, keeps under control the processes of social tension in relations between people, ensures its unity, creates conditions for security (physical, legal, professional and others), distributes material and spiritual values ​​( directly or indirectly) between members of society, mobilizes resources to meet social needs.

As general points, uniting various political systems as one - ordinal phenomena, the following can be distinguished:

Their existence and functioning only within the framework of class society, their emergence and development with the emergence and development of classes.

The coverage of each of them by the entire class society existing within a particular country.

The presence of a political nature in each of them, the performance of these systems as political, and not economic or any other entities in nature.

The reliance of each political system of society on a certain type of economy, social structure and ideology.

Acting as structural elements of any political system of various state, party and public organizations participating in the political life of a particular country.

Thus, the political system is a complex, multifaceted subsystem of society. Its optimal functioning is exclusively important for the viability and normal development of both society as a whole and its constituent social groups and individuals.

1.2 Elements of the political system

The political system includes the organization of political power, relations between societies with the state, characterizes the course of political processes, including the institutionalization of power, the state of political activity, the level of political creativity in society, the nature political participation, non-institutional political relations.

An essential element of the political system are political and legal norms that exist and operate in the form of constitutions, charters and party programs, political traditions and procedures for regulating political processes. They make it up regulatory framework. Just as political regimes differ from each other (for example, totalitarianism and political pluralism), the principles and norms underlying the functioning of the corresponding political systems also differ. Political and legal norms regulate political relations, give them order, defining what is desirable and undesirable, what is permitted and what is not permitted from the point of view of strengthening the political system.

political party political system

Big legal dictionary gives the following definition of a political system: A political system (society) is: (as a complex constitutional and legal institution) a set of norms that establish the constitutional and legal status of the state as a special political entity, political parties, public and religious organizations and regulating the relationships of the above entities; (in the material sense) a set of state and public bodies and organizations through which state (political) power is exercised.

In other words, a political system is a set of interacting norms, ideas and political institutions, institutions and actions based on them that organize political power, the relationship between citizens and the state. The main purpose of this multidimensional formation is to ensure integrity and unity of actions of people in politics.

Every class society is politically formed and has a mechanism of power that ensures its normal functioning as a single social organism. This mechanism is called the political system.

The concept of a political system is one of the main ones in political science. Its use makes it possible to distinguish political life from the rest of the life of society, which can be considered the "surroundings" or "environment", and at the same time establish the existence of certain connections between them.

The political system is made up of many subsystems, structures and processes; it interacts with other subsystems: social, economic, ideological, cultural, legal. The limits of a political system are determined by the boundaries within which the political decisions of this system are binding and actually implemented.

This concept unites various actions and relationships of ruling groups and subordinates, managers and controlled, dominant and subordinate, theoretically generalizes the activities and relationships of organized forms of power relations - state and other institutions and institutions, as well as ideological and political values ​​and norms governing the political life of members of a given society. The concept of political system denotes the structures of political activity and relations and types of political process characteristic of a particular society.

The political system of society reflects the diverse interests of social groups, which directly or through their organizations and movements exert a certain pressure on political power. If properly recognized, these interests are realized with the help of political and administrative structures through the political process, through the adoption and implementation of political decisions.

Consequently, the significance of the political system and the expediency of its study are determined by the fact that the nerve of the socio-economic and spiritual life of society passes here, that it is here, through the collision and coordination of the will of various social forces, that decisions are made that have an authoritative nature and can influence different sides life of society.

The structure of a political system means what elements it consists of and how they are interconnected. The set of functions of a political system is directly related to its constituent elements. Depending on the functions and roles performed, the following elements can be distinguished:

  • 1. A political community of people, including large social groups - those bearing the social components of the system, the ruling elite, a group of civil servants, various layers of the electoral corps, the military, etc., in a word, all those who are in power, strive for it, demonstrate only political activity or alienated from politics and power.
  • 2. The set of political institutions and organizations that make up the structure of the system: the state, all levels of government from higher authorities authorities to local ones, political parties, socio-political and non-political organizations pursuing political goals(associations of entrepreneurs, interest groups and others).
  • 3. Regulatory subsystem: political, legal and moral standards, traditions, customs and other regulators of political behavior and activity.
  • 4. Functional subsystem: methods of political activity.
  • 5. Political culture and communication subsystem (media).

So, the elements of the political system include all institutions of social life, groups of people, norms, values, functions, roles, means by which political power is exercised and the social life of people is managed. The system includes political structures and a community of people with their characteristic way of political life and style of political activity.

Political institutions are one of the main elements of the political system. Each social institution occupies a certain place in the political system. The nature of institutions and their interaction are determined by the properties of the system as a whole. Since the existence and activity of political institutions are connected only with their inherent functions, roles and norms, they acquire relative independence within the system.

The core of the political system is the state. The state acts as an instrument of political domination of a certain class (or classes) and management of society. But this is only one of the modern concepts political science. Moreover, it should not be simplified. K. Marx, as is known, emphasized “that the state in a society with a class-antagonistic structure solves problems of two kinds: “the implementation of general affairs arising from the nature of any society, and specific functions resulting from the opposition between governments and the masses.”

The state is a multifunctional institution. This is a relatively independent subsystem of public power and management of society, including a set of hierarchically interconnected and complementary institutions and structures. These include: the institutions of legislative, executive and judicial authorities, the legal system, public administration, bodies of representative and executive power at the regional levels and, finally, institutions of local self-government.

Being an institutional mechanism for expressing general interests or the interests of the ruling classes, the state, however, as a rule, does not take on the function of articulating the group interests of various segments of the population. Their representation in the political process is carried out by other organizations: political parties and other socio-political associations, which are therefore included in the political system. This also includes opposition parties and organizations. The inclusion of the latter in the system means the fact of institutionalization of socio-political conflicts and indicates the democracy of society.

The properties of a political system, associated both with the way it actually operates in a given society and with the subjective orientation of members of society towards it, constitute political culture. The specificity of this element is its integration into all other components of the system, the ability to be a kind of human (subjective) criterion of progressiveness political society generally.

As for the communication subsystem, without it the political system can neither exist nor function simply because it is the essence of institutionalization joint activities people and their social relations.

The noted elements of the political system acquire their specific concretization depending on the type of system and political regimes. The specific set of elements in different societies is also different. Thus, in a number of countries, religious institutions are one of the main elements of political life (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan). In developed capitalist countries, the church, as is known, is separated from the state and does not play a significant role in politics. The political system in countries where one ideology and political party dominates is qualitatively different from others.

The political system, being an organized set of interacting political subjects, is entirely woven from political actions and relationships. That is why neither one nor the other makes sense to be considered as some separate elements of the system. In unity, political actions and political relations form the very content of the system. Indeed, social institutions are organized forms of functioning of political relations. Political and legal norms again fix patterns of interrelations and interactions of political subjects. The phenomena of political culture accumulate the political experience accumulated and internalized by subjects, including power relations. In a word, whatever structural element No matter what system we take, in all cases we are faced with the same matter - political relations. And everywhere their core is power, the struggle for power or participation in it, the denial of existing power or ensuring its stable functioning.