Main types of lawn grasses. What types of grass are suitable for the lawn? Grass mixtures for different types of lawns

Many people who have summer cottages do not want to bother themselves by planting trees there, plowing the garden, etc. Therefore, most often the dacha plot is simply sown with grass, and after some time a green lawn appears.

But not always grass lawn The front of the house is smooth and green. And I really want perfection.

In this article we will look at the main criteria for choosing seeds for a high-quality, good lawn, as well as types lawn grass and the possibility of landing of one type or another.

Variety of lawn coverings

If you decide to sow your plot with grass, then first you need to figure out what grasses are most often used for lawn covering.

Typically, grasses that are unpretentious to weather conditions are used as seed crops - bluegrass, fescue, bentgrass and other meadow grasses.

Also in herbal mixtures large manufacturers you can see ryegrass as well hybrid varieties herbs that give the lawn a green appearance.

Let's look at the most popular crops

Meadow bluegrass is the leader among sowing grasses. Moreover, bluegrass is also found in nature - in meadows, fields and parks.

During flowering, bluegrass reaches a height of 1 m. Bluegrass has several advantages over other lawn crops:

  • powerful root system;
  • resistance to heat;
  • early reproduction;
  • quick recovery after mowing.

In addition, this seed grass is not at all afraid of walking on it. But bluegrass is quite picky: it is sown only in soil rich in nutrients.

By the way, a lawn based on this grass begins to turn green only a year after sowing.

Various types of fescue, like bluegrass, are quite unpretentious. But unlike bluegrass, fescue can grow on soils without proper nutrition. Despite this, fescue does not grow quickly.

Meadow timothy also does not require special care. It is typical for regions of the northern hemisphere. It grows quite quickly, reaching a height of 30-80 cm. It is very attractive in appearance, which is why it is often chosen as a seed crop.

Bentgrass gets along well with other sowing grasses, tolerates any weather conditions very well and has a rich green color.

Pasture ryegrass is rarely chosen as a lawn grass. This is explained by the fact that this grass does not tolerate the Russian winter extremely well: at temperatures below -13 and without sufficient snow cover, the grass will simply die, and next season there will no longer be such a lush grass cover as when sowing.

Very often, annual bluegrass is confused with meadow bluegrass. In the first season, this grass actively grows and turns green, but if it is regularly cut, the crop will not reproduce, and the once green lawn will wither.

Quality mark

Not all grasses are suitable for lawn cover. Some, like ryegrass, exhibit their best properties only in their homeland. And not all herbs can survive the harsh Russian winters.

It is best to purchase unpretentious meadow crops for lawn covering. But there are still a number of requirements for lawn crops:

  • Fast recovery. After mowing by hand or mowing with a cultivator, the lawn should return to its original fresh appearance relatively quickly.
  • Extensive root system. With such a system, the lawn will not require much maintenance; it will grow on its own. In addition, weeds simply cannot grow on such a lawn.
  • Decorative qualities: softness, long-lasting brightness and freshness.
  • Frost resistance – especially important quality in Russian frosts.

Already when directly purchasing seeds, such points as the purpose of the lawn, soil characteristics, planting area, groundwater etc.

Grass mixture is the best solution

Yes, most often a grass mixture is used when forming a lawn, because... All plants have both strengths and weaknesses.

The creators of grass mixtures combine the most strengths plants and supplementing weak ones. Therefore, grass mixtures can be divided into three types:

  • fast-rising, allowing you to get new lawn behind short term, or restore the old one;
  • drought-resistant, remaining fresh even in bright sun;
  • shade-tolerant, shade-tolerant.

It should also be remembered that any lawn must be mowed regularly, otherwise, no matter how high-quality the grass mixture is, without proper care it will become untidy and the lawn will have an unattractive appearance.

Photo of lawn grass

There are a few questions to ask yourself before creating your lawn. Firstly, what exactly do you need a lawn for? For beauty? For sports games on fresh air? Or for everything at once? Secondly, what are the conditions in the area intended for the lawn - sun, shade, wet, dry, high or low soil acidity? And based on this, make a choice from the list the best manufacturers lawn grass.

As a rule, for Russian climate zone Only certain varieties of herbs are suitable. Therefore, before purchasing, you should carefully read the composition of the mixture and determine whether it contains the following types: meadow bluegrass, red fescue and perennial ryegrass. Sometimes bentgrass (its different types) is added to them. Despite the certain scarcity of the main set, each species has many varieties that differ in appearance, growth rate, resistance to damage, and so on.

There are several requirements for high-quality lawn mixtures:

  1. they must take root quickly (even on soil poor in nutrients);
  2. after mowing, it grows more slowly, but the brightness of color and density should remain the same;
  3. can withstand temperature changes typical for Russia;
  4. be resistant to diseases and pests.

If the lawn at your dacha has already grown, you should think about buying a lawn mower; we have selected the best models for you:

In Russia, five manufacturers of herbal mixtures are most popular.

5. Green Meadow

The American company Green Meadow opens the rating of manufacturers of high-quality grass mixtures for lawns. It is one of the most famous suppliers of a variety of plants in both the USA and Europe. It has a rich assortment, however, Russian lawn lovers should remember that a rare mixture will take root on Russian soil. The basis of the mixture is perennial ryegrass; it is very beautiful to look at, but has a short lifespan. Ryegrass is included in many mixtures, as its rapid germination will provide the lawn with a beautiful, even color at the very beginning, and then give way to longer-lived grasses. However, it still does not tolerate frost well and dies at temperatures of -15 and below. Residents of the southern regions of Russia can enjoy its bright malachite color, but “Europeans” and Siberians should think twice about it.

4. Lilliput

The lawn mixture from Liliput is specially developed for the harsh Russian climate and is made as undemanding as possible. This is a lawn for the lazy (or for those who can't garden more than one day every couple of weeks). The grass mixture from "Liliput" is based on meadow bluegrass and four parts different varieties fescue All varieties are very hardy and resistant to negative factors. environment– from temperature changes to illnesses.

3. Green square

Opens the top 3 most the best mixtures lawn grass one more domestic manufacturer. It differs from “Liliput” in both a larger number of options and more favorable price. Although the difference in price begins to be felt on a large scale, for example, if the lawn area starts from 50 m2 or more. There are mixtures specifically designed for different climatic regions Russia - from the subtropical zone of the Caucasus to the arid Lower Volga region and harsh Siberia.


Powerseed lawn mixtures are adapted to western/central US climates and are therefore suitable for central and southern regions of Russia. One of the most popular mixtures is for quick recovery lawns. It is convenient that the old lawn does not need to be dug up, fertilized, or watered regularly. It just grows on its own - what else do you need?

1. Terragrün

One of distinctive features Terragrün – its own mixtures, in which different proportions wild species and cultivated varieties are mixed. At the same time, the germination rate of seeds from German craftsmen reaches 95% (one of the highest rates on the market). A wide range of products will help create a lawn not only in the favorable climatic conditions of the south of Russia, but also in other, colder regions.

The varieties “Universal”, “Canada Green”, and “Golf Master” are very popular on the market. By the way, the latter, despite the specialized name, is actually very stable and looks great in the lawn. The only drawback is that it requires good drainage system, since it does not tolerate soil freezing and may die.

Varieties and detailed characteristics These plants, the method of planting, and care must be learned before going to the seed store.

An ideal lawn with good dense turf can be obtained by sowing it with one type of grass. To choose the right type of lawn grass for your summer cottage, you need to take into account the characteristics of the soil, the function of the lawn and its location.

The proportions in which lawn grasses and its varieties are mixed are determined specific functions and the specifics of the future lawn in front of the house on summer cottage.

A universal lawn is easy to care for, and to create grass uniformity and turf strength, grass varieties such as meadow grass and red fescue are used.

The playing lawn must be stable and durable. Children playing on the lawn should not trample it. A play lawn requires grass varieties that are capable of rapid regeneration. One of the best varieties for this is perennial ryegrass.

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Features of a sports lawn

The sports ground must have excellent properties for the restoration of its vegetation. They will use it to kick the ball and kick the turf, so the regeneration process of the surface should be quite high. It is sown with a mixture of seeds: 2/3 of perennial ryegrass and 1/3 of meadow bluegrass. Such a lawn will require constant watering and fertilizing with complex fertilizers. Then playground will always be green and without bald spots.

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Front view of the site

The ground lawn is the main front lawn, which is the decoration of the site. It should look like a carpet, with a very dense, uniform turf and free of weeds. Such a lawn is the pride of the owners, and therefore the choice of grass variety for it must be taken responsibly. To create a flawless appearance, you need regular haircuts, fertilizing and timely watering. Main lawn country house is sown with a mixture of seeds in a certain proportion: red fescue - 75%, perennial ryegrass - 20%, meadow grass - 5%. This mixture of the most popular seeds allows the grass in the ground to be constantly green.

Proportions must be observed, because with the reduction of perennial ryegrass, the main area, covered with greenery, gains grace, but loses the strength of the turf. Then you will have to constantly fight against bald spots.

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Timing of seed planting and characteristics of lawn grasses

The lawn is an ecosystem that lives on general laws nature. After sowing lawn grass seeds, cultivated plants begin to fight weeds for the right to exist on their territory. Plants that develop slowly are suppressed by more active and tall competitors. Cultivated plants always lose to weeds. Therefore, it is very important not to miss planting deadlines and sow lawn grass seeds immediately after the end of frost - from the end of March to April 15. Then they will grow on time, and they will have a better chance of survival. Lawn grass can be sown from August 15 to September 1, when it subsides. summer heat, and the air temperature will be suitable for seed germination.

In mid-latitudes, a mixture of 3 grasses is used: meadow bluegrass, red fescue and perennial ryegrass. On playgrounds Running and thin bentgrass is often used, which has high regeneration and quickly twitches.

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Meadow bluegrass - traditional choice

Meadow bluegrass is the most frost-resistant and heat-resistant species. Meadow bluegrass is superior to fescue unusual beauty. But this grass is capricious, and if care is not taken care of, the lawn loses its shine and luster. With proper care, it quickly begins to turn green and completely restores its green cover, which will not turn yellow even in late autumn. In the first year, the bluegrass is weak and helpless and requires weeding, otherwise the weeds will crush it. In the second year of life, it forms a dense carpet that does not allow a single blade of grass to pass through.

In the spring, after the snow melts, the bluegrass begins to turn green very first, because it retains its appearance even in winter. On open place at proper care Bluegrass lives a very long time. The main enemy of this plant is powdery mildew. It is she who does not allow bluegrass to grow in the shade. If the lawn is located in the shade, then in this darkened the place is suitable another variety of bluegrass, squat or forest bluegrass,

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Red fescue - an unpretentious beauty

Fescue is an unpretentious grass. Even in the absence of any care, its roots constantly grow and form durable turf. With constant care for fescue, its grass will be soft and silky. It shimmers beautifully in the sun with different shades of green, pleasing the eye and soothing nervous system. Red fescue has such qualities as shade tolerance and drought resistance.

Poa and fescue live well together in the same lawn. These varieties complement each other well: in drought, fescue reigns on the lawn, and in the cold season, bluegrass is pleasing to the eye. The same lawn can be different depending on the time of year: it changes its appearance (shades of green), but never turns yellow.

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Perennial ryegrass - early maturing lawn

In order to get a lawn in the same season, you should pay attention to perennial or perennial ryegrass. It should be borne in mind that this beautiful lawn grass does not have rhizomes, which should ensure the evenness and density of the carpet. Perennial ryegrass bushes, forms tussocks, and thins out with minimal density. Ryegrass seeds can be found in any lawn mixture: when it is added, the lawn quickly begins to turn green. But its seeds of this variety must be sown annually.

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Bentgrass is the queen of golf courses

You can often find bentgrass seeds in lawn mixtures. It is planted as seedlings and is easily accepted when frequent watering, and in two months the sports ground will be ready for play. This grass is popular for golf courses. It needs frequent haircuts, requires regular watering and regular feeding. In the first 2 years it has increased growth, and then it jerks violently and eradicates itself. Due to the crowded conditions, the bentgrass is attacked by diseases that cause the grass to die. The bentgrass destroys all the grass near it. A lawn made from such grass requires updating after 3-4 years.

How to calculate the number of seeds? It is recommended to sow 20 g of seeds per 1 m² - this Matchbox with top. When using simple mathematical operations you can calculate how many seeds you need to buy for your lawn.

What lawn grass seeds are used in admixtures and mixtures? There are other types of grasses found in lawn grass mixtures that are not suitable for creating a good lawn.

Dachas and personal plots can serve not only for planting potatoes and constant labor. At the dacha you can simply relax from the bustle of the city. And it will help to decorate this unforgettable vacation beautiful lawn, planted with your own hands.

A little about lawns

A green lawn at the dacha will certainly please the eye. But the idea that you plant a lawn once and forget it is wrong. It also needs to be looked after and monitored, and this is not easy work. You need to be able to understand a lot of things. But if for some reason or due to your own laziness there is no opportunity to care for the grass, it doesn’t matter. There is salvation for the lazy.

Dwarf lawn

A good advantage of such a lawn is its unpretentiousness. You don't need to look after him that much. The basis for it is low-growing. They do not require careful care, weekly haircuts and leveling. Such a lawn grows on its own, waiting for the owner to have time to visit it. Low-growing lawn grasses, as the name suggests, do not grow particularly upward. They have all the necessary qualities.

In order for the lawn to be rich and beautiful, it is important to choose the right varietal composition of grass. The future green cover depends on what kind of grass is included in the seeds. It is best to purchase in specialized stores for florists and landscape designers. It is there that you can ask the consultant to select lawn grass seeds that would be more suitable for the conditions of the required green flooring.

What should lawn grass be like?

Lawn grasses have been selected by generations of florists. The bred plants have all the required qualities: bright and rich color, softness, and so on. First of all, low-growing lawn grasses should form a so-called dense carpet. Indeed, if you look at the lawn, it seems as if it is just a green carpet. It is this quality that is very important. Because without this you won’t get a full-fledged lawn. It will look like a carpet with holes in it. So, it is important that lawn grass covers the entire area of ​​the summer cottage.

Resistance to physical damage and trampling. If you plan to organize all kinds of picnics and parties, then the grass must be resistant to this kind of damage. Even to just walk around your site and not harm its appearance, it is important to know that the planted grass is resistant to trampling.

Drought resistance is a major factor in grass longevity. Those low-growing lawn grasses that are not naturally resistant to high temperatures and long drought, are theoretically not suitable for planting in a summer cottage. Such plants will dry out quickly, and all the work will pass in vain.

Typically, lawn grass seeds do not require much care. But if you want to quickly see the fruits of your labor, then you can add special fertilizers that speed up the process of seed germination. And so they can easily grow on their own.

In addition to various aesthetic qualities, plants must be resistant to disease, otherwise some epidemic will mow them down no worse than a lawn mower. This principle implies that the grass should be replaced every two or three years. After several years, the lawn becomes more vulnerable to disease. To avoid this, you need to pull out the old grass and sow new grass every few years.

Perennial or annual

There are different types: single- and perennial grasses are best suited for the lawn. Since after winter they will be pleasing to the eye for another year or two. They also grow much slower than their annual counterparts, and this is precisely the quality that should be present in low-growing grasses. Having made a choice to the side perennial herbs, you can provide yourself with a lawn for another couple of years.

Lawn grass: price

It is very important to buy good seed material. The future of the lawn depends on it. Lawn grass, the price of which depends on the composition and proportions of the seeds of various grasses, can range from six hundred to three thousand rubles. Depending on the variety, weight and quality of the seeds.

Grass vs weeds

Lawn grass that kills weeds is not a fiction. It is very unpleasant when some weeds grow in the middle of a beautiful green carpet. Most The best way weed control - frequent mowing. You can also pull them out by hand. If you don’t have time to resist such a scourge on your own, then you should give nature a chance to fight it.

Lawn grass that destroys weeds should consist of a mixture certain plants. Such a set should contain one that copes with its task very well. It requires frequent moisture for fast and normal growth, so it is best to plant it in moist and shady places. Meadow bluegrass and these cereals look great in the overall composition. Planting such a mixture - great way forget about the weeds on your site.

Lawn in spring time

Spring is the period of flowering and plant growth. By all measures this is best time year to plant a new lawn. Before planting, you should decide what kind of grass you need to sow. You also need to purchase seeds, and if this is the first lawn in your life, then some equipment.

The next step is to prepare the ground. If planting a lawn has been planned for a long time, it is better if the ground is prepared in the fall. This way, during a short period of time, weeds that survived the winter will sprout and can be easily removed. Before sowing a new lawn, care must be taken to ensure that the ground is as level as possible. After all, it depends on it future view summer cottage plot.

Lawn grass is planted in spring in the second half of April - the best time. It is at this moment that the soil can be prepared after winter, and it itself will be saturated with water from the melted snow.

By summer there will already be mature green shoots on the site. Then you can evaluate your work.

How to properly sow lawn grass

Before this, as already mentioned, it is necessary to prepare the ground: level and remove all weeds. Before planting, you can optionally apply fertilizer to speed up plant growth. So, everything is ready, all that remains is to sow the seeds.

The easiest way is to divide the site into sectors. Having sowed one sector, you can proceed to another. You need to sow so that the ground is evenly covered with seeds. Then you need to sprinkle them with earth and fill them with water.

How long does it take for lawn grass to grow?

Having sowed grass, you can already wonder how long it will take for the grass to sprout. In order for the lawn to sprout in the first two weeks, you need to take good care of it: water it at least every other day. Yes, it’s worth the trouble, but with regular watering, the grass will sprout in one and a half to two weeks (depending on the variety).

There is a lot of hassle with your lawn: does the grass look less decorative than on the package of seeds, does it freeze in places, turns yellow, thins out and is overgrown with weeds? Perhaps you chose the wrong varieties for our climatic conditions. What grass for the lawn would be better suited We’ll tell you exactly what varieties to choose today.

Rules for choosing seeds for a lawn

The grass on the lawn should be perennial, frost-resistant and fast-growing. This important conditions perfect lawn, but not the most important ones. We list the main factors for purchasing seeds for sowing on the lawn, which are best chosen in the store:

Don't neglect general rules choosing lawn grass: shelf life of the material, pre-treatment of seeds, manufacturer’s warranties, etc.

A short video about lawn grass

Types of grasses and lawn mixtures

It is best to use grasses for the lawn. They have good system roots, produce uniform green shoots, help remove weeds and have an excellent decorative appearance after cutting. The most commonly sown varieties of grass are meadow bluegrass, bentgrass, ryegrass, fescue and others. Various grass mixtures are also popular.

Ryegrass is one of the elite varieties of grass. It looks very beautiful in any place free from planting. This variety is sensitive to watering and loves mineral supplements

Herbal mixtures

  • Universal mixture. The herbs in this mixture have rapid germination and resistance to external conditions, remove weeds and are inexpensive. The only negative is that such a lawn requires frequent mowing.
  • Sports varieties. This is a type of cereal mixture for playgrounds, stadiums and places for active rest.
  • Mixtures for specific climates. It is important to choose grass varieties for the lawn not only by appearance, but also by climatic characteristics. There are special mixtures for areas that are under the scorching sun. If you want to sow shady places, it is worth paying attention to shade-tolerant varieties of grass.
  • Mixtures of flowers and herbs. Such compositions are sown to create a meadow-type lawn. You can choose ready-made mixtures forbs or create a mix of flowers and grasses that can bloom all summer in turn. For a neat, bright meadow lawn, low-growing greenery is suitable, and you can decorate the area in a rustic style with the help of tall herbs and flowers.
  • Elite composition for lawn. Although the mixture of elite herbs is capricious and sensitive to external conditions, it appearance justifies all means. Such herbs look very decorative and can decorate any unplanted areas.

The best varieties of lawn grasses for the Russian climate

1. Meadow bluegrass. This perennial variety- one of the earliest cereals. In its pure form, it is practically not sown, since the roots of this grass take root slowly. Bluegrass is an excellent base for a grass mixture. It produces soft and juicy greens, crowds out weeds and grows well with other grains.

Bluegrass - best foundation for a mixture of lawn grasses. The variety is unpretentious, produces vigorous shoots and can grow on poor soils

Meadow grass is a fast-growing grass, the shoots of which you will see earlier than other crops. It looks bright and very decorative

2. Polevitsa. The dark, rich green of fine bentgrass looks good in any lawn. This grass can withstand frequent mowing, cold winters, and will remove weeds over time.

Thin bentgrass grows densely, without bald spots. It withstands frequent haircuts, practically does not freeze and has a rich green color.

3. Ryegrass. This grass can be found in grass mixtures for lawns. She has excellent decorative qualities, but does not tolerate Russian winters well. Therefore, in its pure form it can be sown only in the southern regions of our country, or used as an annual lawn.

Ryegrass has leaves of medium width. This variety grows very quickly, so some gardeners prefer not to cut it. You can often find ryegrass as part of elite grass mixtures

4. Fescue. Fescue - perfect grass for the lawn, which does not require special care, both in mono form and as part of a herb. Within a month, the fescue sprouts thickly and is ready for shearing.

Fescue is an excellent grass for the lawn, both in its pure form and as part of a forb. Its succulent shoots appear quickly and fill the lawn with thick greenery

The most common questions about lawn grasses

Our experts will answer the most frequently asked questions of novice gardeners:

1. Why is ordinary grass not suitable for a lawn?

Lawn grass does not deplete the soil, as ordinary weeds do, has small roots and looks much more decorative. The sown grass will grow evenly and improve its decorative appearance after each new cutting.

2. How long does lawn grass take to grow?

Lawn grasses are perennial. Decorative look The seedlings will appear within 1-2 months after sowing. If you properly care for your green lawn, mow it on time, feed it and water it regularly, your lawn will delight you for many years.

Green ryegrass shoots will decorate any lawn. This grass is very thermophilic, so a lawn made of pure ryegrass can only be annual

3. What is the difference between a grass mixture and a single variety of seed?

You can choose a monoculture (one variety of grass) or a mixture of several species. Sowing of one variety is carried out for elite plots, playgrounds and decorative lawns. Such grass, although it produces a lush decorative carpet of greenery, is more expensive and sensitive to care and external conditions. Herb mixtures are more sustainable, produce uniform greens, and require less maintenance.

4. How to get uniform shoots?

It is necessary to prepare the soil well, level it, removing debris and weeds. A hand seeder will help you sow cereal seeds evenly on your lawn. If you don’t have one, mix the seeds in half with sand and sow them in the ground. After the first year of life, the grass may develop bald patches that need to be sown with new seeds in the spring.

Fescue does not require special care, tolerates sun, partial shade and harsh Russian winters well

Ready-made grass in a roll is very convenient option fast lawn. You just need to lay the rolls correctly, and the lawn is ready. The only disadvantage of such a lawn is the high price

A seeded lawn is a great way to remove weeds and decorate your yard profitably. A green lawn refreshes the yard and pleases the eye. Now all that remains is to decide what kind of lawn grass will grow on your site.