Features of communication in the modern world.

Material overview

Target: The purpose of our work is to study the degree of influence of social networks on the communication process in modern society.


Determine how often middle and high school students, as well as parents and teachers of students, use social networks;

Analyze for what purpose the representatives of the above groups visit social networks;

Find out what the pros and cons are seen by survey participants in communication on social networks;

Establish whether the respondents consider online communication a worthy substitute for real communication;

Compare the results of the survey between representatives of different age categories;

Methods: analysis of various sources on this issue, questionnaires of students, parents and teachers of the gymnasium, comparison of information.

Subject of study: communication of people of different age groups in social networks

Study participants: 105 people aged 11 to 50 (students in grades 6, 10, parents and teachers).

Hypothesis: in modern society, more and more time is spent on communication in the Internet space, which gradually displaces live communication between people from our lives.

Relevance: In the modern world, people cannot do without communication. Any social activity is not complete without him. A person's personality is formed in the process of communication. Communication helps to organize joint work, build a person's personal life. Through communication with other people, we receive important information about the world around us, which forms our worldview and helps us to become cultured, educated, morally developed and civilized people.

The communication process in the modern world is developing rapidly, providing us with more and more new and improved opportunities. The Internet opens up significant prospects in this sense, allowing a person to communicate at any time and with any audience. To realize these opportunities, social networks were created, which are taking an increasing place in the life of modern society. Social networks have become part of our life. It is possible to argue about whether it is good or bad for a long time. If you think about the fact that before they were not at all, now it is almost impossible to imagine a day without visiting a personal page on the Internet, an opinion is formed about a certain degree of dependence. The question arises: have networks replaced live communication between people? This question determined the choice of the research topic and its relevance. The world around is becoming more dynamic, and communication and information are becoming one of the main development resources today. Our research demonstrates that social media is not only an opportunity to create new acquaintances and maintain relationships, it is also one of the ways to distance yourself from real life for an indefinite time. Social networks are the prerequisites for creating that virtual reality with which we may have to share real life in the future. In order not to get confused in what is happening, it is worth thinking about the pros and cons of communicating on social networks right now.

Theoretical part.

Literally 5-7 years ago, not many people knew about the existence of social networks, but today they have firmly entered our life and have become an integral part of it. Almost everyone now has their own page on the Internet.

The term "social network" was coined by the sociologist J. Barnes in 1954. The scientist developed an approach to the study of relationships between people using visual diagrams, in which individuals are represented as dots, and the connections between them as lines.

What is a social network now? First of all, these are sites designed to introduce and gather people with common interests, give them the opportunity to communicate on various topics, upload and discuss photos and videos, add each other as friends or foes, download and listen to music, search for long-lost friends, relatives.

The first social networks appeared in the West. The most popular of them are Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Badoo, Flickr, Last.fm, LinkedIn, XING, Bebo, Match.com, YouTube, MyAnimeList, HabboHotel, Google+, Tagged.com, Avaaz, Friendster. Soon they became analogues appear, such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki.ru, Moi [email protected], Hydepark, In the circle of friends, Privet.ru, My Circle, etc.

We can say that a social network today is, first of all, a tool for online communication, which the Internet offers us, and everyone has a choice whether to use it or not. Since its inception, social networks as a form of communication have begun to have a huge impact on the life of a modern person. Today, humanity practically cannot imagine life without communication in this or that social network.

In support of the above theses, we present the results of the survey conducted among students of the gymnasium, as well as parents and teachers.

Question. For what purpose do you go to social networks?

Social networks are used primarily for communication and news research. Young people aged 15-17 (50%) use social networks to listen to music. The overwhelming majority of respondents aged 30-50 (81%) reported that they use social networks for communication, although children aged 11-12 spend time online for fun (52%). For work and study, the Internet is used by 81% of respondents 30-50 years old and 71% of adolescents 15-17 years old.

The overwhelming majority of respondents noticed that they most often go to the Vkontakte social network. At the same time, some of the respondents reported that they most often go to the social network “Instagram”, “Odnoklassniki”, “Twitter”, “Facebook” [Appendix 1].

Social networks, having appeared not so long ago, certainly attract adolescents. According to some studies, adolescents are the predominant constituent of the audience on social networks.

A social network is an interactive multi-user site, the content (content) of which is filled by its visitors, with the ability to indicate any information about an individual person, by which the user's account (page) can be found by other network members. Simply put, a social network acts as a kind of social space in which communication as an activity is presented not in a traditional "living" form, but acquires the features of simple communication. Social networks contribute, firstly, to the organization of social communications between people, and secondly, to the realization of their basic social needs. Electronic communication has become an integral component of social media activity. Online acquaintance has become very popular now, since communication on the Internet helps to reduce the psychological barrier. After all, it is much easier and easier to “add as a friend” or comment on a photo than to walk up the street and get to know one another. The information presented on the user's page replaces the stages of acquaintance, since interests, hobbies, etc. immediately become known. It turns out that the first impression is formed when viewing a page on a social network, but it often happens that the information turns out to be fictitious.

The world of virtual life, organized by social networks, makes it possible to realize unconscious motives and helps a person to live those scenarios that he may never dare to live in real life, allows him to feel himself in the desired image. The main reasons that serve as the basis for the formation of a new Internet image and Internet behavior are self-doubt, dissatisfaction with oneself, low self-esteem, a desire to break out of a social vacuum. The user of social networks constructs his own image, collecting it like a mosaic of his fantasies, ideas about himself, opinions of others, expectations of society. In social networks, I-other is created in the image and likeness of one's own I. This new, "ideal" personality, created in the virtual world, very soon begins to influence a real person. This is due to the fact that in social networks, users see only the "virtual" side of the personality and begin to react precisely to it.

Thus, social networks provide a person with unlimited opportunities for communication in real time, become a platform for the manifestation of personality creativity and, in connection with this, personality transformation through cyber socialization. A person who tries himself in various virtual images, not only tries on the desired mask and works out a certain model of behavior, he also changes his inner world. A person in the process of being on social networks gets a new social experience, becomes an active part of virtual events. Thus, there is a creative organization of human life, namely the emergence of a creative personality in social networks.


Society as a whole and the individual cannot do without communication. Communication is a complex, multifunctional and multifaceted component of human life. Interaction of social groups aimed at joint labor activity, exchange of experience and skills is impossible without communication. Communication plays an equally important role in the formation of a social personality, the establishment of interpersonal relations, and the formation of human individuals.

Adolescence is the age of communication, the age of greatest desire for peer approval and the group that is significant to the adolescent. Many of their ideas about social roles and life values ​​are received by adolescents in communication. The modern Internet environment allows a teenager to realize those roles that are difficult for him to play in real life. It is in the networks that the real interests of modern teenagers are reflected, there is an active exchange of information, since there they are not subject to adult control. And for many of them, social networks are a prerequisite for life, many schoolchildren can no longer imagine their existence without the Internet.

However, the means of communication do not stand still and are developing very quickly. Throughout history, these tools have improved and changed: from footprints on the ground and rock paintings to television and Internet technologies. The whole life of modern society is filled with computer technology. The global Internet occupies a special place in the process of informatization of public life. As a new information network and communication system used to carry out various types of activities, the Internet presupposes specific methods of communication and promotes social interaction between individuals and social groups.

One of the earliest ways to communicate on the Internet was e-mail. Mail is certainly good, but in order to have someone to correspond with, you need to find those who will be interesting for communication. The main places for acquaintance are traditionally forums and chats. Forums are good for everyone, and, above all, for the balance of opinions posted on it, but the rhythm of life in them is somewhat slower. For those who want to communicate more intensely, there are chats. Chats can be thematic, but still, as a rule, it is just a place where people gather to chat on completely different topics. Everything would be fine in forums or chats, but they take a lot of attention, not allowing you to devote enough time to other things - for example, work. And here programs like ICQ are irreplaceable. ICQ (ICQ) is an Internet pager, convenient and simple communication with those users who, like you, are now on the Internet. In recent years, the method of communication on the Internet using social networks has gained immense popularity. And it is unlikely that Mark Zuckerberg and other developers of such resources, working on their creation, counted on such overwhelming popularity of their own brainchildren.

Internet-mediated communications are endowed with feedback elements, represent open and unlimited communication between people who are not physically nearby. This leads to the formation and continuous growth of societies, united by a common opinion, interests and goals, which do not take into account the social, cultural, political and other differences between the participants. Internet communication is an easy way to establish contact. Interpersonal interaction takes place in conditions of anonymity, emancipation, lack of non-verbal information, abnormality and some irresponsibility of the participants in the communication. A person in the network can show greater freedom of speech and action (up to insults), since the risk of exposure and personal negative assessment by others is minimal.

Also, communication is characterized by its own social dimension. A sociallect is a set of linguistic features inherent in any social group - professional, class, age, etc. In this connection, within the framework of this direction, it is possible to study the social spectrum of children's Internet communication, the professional "language" of those who work on computers, the literary language, computer slang in general, etc.

The neologisms most used on the Web can be conditionally divided into the following groups: computer terms, Internet slang, computer slang or jargon, youth slang.

The lexical stock of the electronic language is constantly replenished, as a result of which individual communicative flexibility is formed. A characteristic feature of network communication is the possibility of feedback and a kind of dialogue structure: improvisation, remarks, colloquial speech, humorous remarks, ironic exclamations, quotes and, as a result, the frequent use of slang, Internet slang (memes). The memes that have spread on the Internet have become the reason for the formation of various subcultural communities that are part of the basic culture, but differ from it in language, demeanor, etc. Examples of memes can be musical melodies, anecdotes, jokes, fashion trends, car brands, pictures , smilies, i.e. Any slang used on the Internet has its own origin story. Take emoticons, for example, which were invented in 1979 by Kevin Mackenzie.

The Internet language is divided into age and professional categories. Slang replaces the younger generation with complex linguistic constructions, which they have not yet mastered very well. In addition, young people tend to look for ways to be different from others, to isolate themselves from adults, to have their own secrets, to oppose new play forms to the boring traditional foundations, therefore they are the ones who own most of linguistic experiments and innovations.


It's no secret that communication in the virtual space has its own characteristics that hide both positive and negative sides. The advantages of contactless communication, of course, include the ability to neglect the distance that separates users, which allows you to communicate with any person from any corner of the planet, confidentiality, which contributes to the realization of deep psychological needs of a person, allowing him to show aspects of character that are not in demand in real life, the ability to help of personal communication to penetrate the culture of other peoples and races, and much more. Communication on the Internet is invaluable for people with disabilities, allowing them to receive a full-fledged education, work, and communicate with people.

To the question "What are the advantages of social networks?", our respondents gave the following answer options:

· You can chat with all your friends. Moreover, it is completely free and at any time.

· You can see who is currently on the site and write to him.

· You can publish your photos, share information, links, music.

· Ability to quickly receive the latest relevant information. It can be news of your country or the world, architecture, in the city, events with friends, etc.

· There are many apps to help you relax. These are flash games, tests, polls, etc.

The flip side of communication using the World Wide Web is the ability of the general public (including children) to access unwanted information that can harm both the data of users (various viruses) and their moral foundations (all sorts of obscene information). In addition, uncontrolled "sitting" in the Internet is fraught with the emergence of the so-called Internet addiction, and not only young people are exposed to it, but also fully developed and successful adults.

Here are the questions of the survey and its results.

Question. How often do you go to social networks?

38% of respondents noted that they log on to social networks 4 or more times a day, with the overwhelming majority being 15-17 year olds.

24% of respondents noted that they visit social networks 2-4 times a day [Appendix 2].

Question. How much time do you spend on social media?

The survey results showed that most of the time on social networks (more than 4 hours a day) is spent by adolescents aged 15-17 (37% of respondents), and least of all (less than 1 hour a day) by adults (71% of respondents) [Appendix 3] ...

Question. How long can you go without social media?

14% of respondents cannot completely abandon social networks, but the overwhelming majority of people 30-50 years old (57%) can do without social networks at all. 84% of respondents can do without social networks for 1-2 days [Appendix 4].

Speaking about the activity of adolescents in social networks, we note that not only adolescents, but also adults take an active part in social networks. Most of the teenagers we interviewed used the social network VKontakte, while the dominant network of adults is Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir, and Facebook. However, if for adolescents this type of Internet activity is the most important part of their communication, a "vital" type of "connection with the world", then for adults this resource is not so important, although they are considered by them as a sphere of interpersonal communication and a place of interesting leisure.

Internet addiction can lead to difficult family and school problems. Researchers note that people who are addicted to the Internet are haunted by a feeling of loneliness, they are also characterized by shyness, depression, and social solitude. Individuals who are addicted to the Internet have a significantly lower level of social activity than those who do not. Research shows that Internet users, when not online, become frustrated and anxious, overly sensitive and resentful.

Some topics and sites on the Internet are considered unconventional from the point of view of parents and the older generation. There are certain prohibitions on them, since they do not correspond to religious traditions and morality, accepted views. Thus, the Internet contributes to discord between parents and children.

The so-called "fake accounts" have become more frequent in social networks, which are not always used for a harmless purpose. The information on the page may be false. However, curiosity takes over, so young people stay up late, trying not to miss news updates, and gradually become addicted. A similar phenomenon is fraught with detachment from the outside world, disorientation in real life. A person becomes uncomfortable offline.

However, the above in no way diminishes the positive impact that the Internet has on the modern person. It's just that each of us must define our own clear line between the virtual world and the objective reality, remembering that no social network can replace communication with a close and dear person.

The Internet, along with real life, opens up a wide field of opportunities for the adolescent, expanding the space to meet his changed needs and aspirations. Moreover, they open up to absolutely everyone, regardless of personal characteristics, social status and other features. Unlike the real world, the social world limits it as a social object (by the boundaries of gender, age, nationality, professional affiliation, etc.), the information world is fundamentally unlimited. The anonymity feature of the Internet allows Internet users to create a network identity that may differ from their real identity.

We decided to find out what benefits our respondents see from communication in social networks.

Question. Do you think social media really benefits people? 50% of respondents believe that social networks bring real benefits to people. 12% of those surveyed believe that social networks do not bring real benefits to people. 38% of respondents find it difficult to answer [Appendix 5].

Question. What do you think are the main benefits of social media?

The overwhelming majority of respondents noted that social networks are most useful in communicating with people. 78% of children 11-12 years old, 66% of adolescents, 67% of adults agreed with this answer. The most unpopular was the answer of the game, only 17% of all respondents think so (they turned out to be children of 11-12 years old).

Output: Generation past, present and future ... We are representatives of different times. Both students and their parents and teachers today are representatives of different generations. The fact that people from different generations look at things differently is an indisputable fact. For us, it is important to have complete mutual understanding in joint activities, which is achievable with the help of internal communications.

Internal communications have changed, are changing and will change. Because the views, values ​​and needs of the target audience change. For generation Y - as sociologists call people born from 1981 to 2003, the source of information is mostly the Internet, the format of the material is pictures, photos, videos and short text messages. Generation Y is consuming information at any time of the day because smartphones and tablets are an integral part of their lifestyle. It's like keys, without which you can't go out and enter the house. Only in this case, tablets and smartphones are the key to the bottomless online world.

Today, researchers do not have an unambiguous answer to the question of whether social networks are an unambiguously positive phenomenon or, on the contrary, they are more likely to be harmful for communication between people. And it is unlikely that he will be found. After all, contradictions are inherent in our communication in real life. Social psychologist Susan Newman said: “We're just starting to figure out how 'likes' and 'tweets' affect our psyche. Everything new and unexplored causes rejection precisely for this reason - because the rules, traditions have not yet been developed, there are no clear boundaries between "can" and "must not". And they can only be determined empirically. "

Our research experience has shown that answering the question: “ What kind of communication do you prefer? ", 86% of respondents noted that they prefer direct communication, 14% of respondents prefer communication in social networks [Appendix 6].

To the question: “ Which communication option is the best for you: direct communication or through a social network? ", 46% of respondents noted that it is easier for them to communicate in life, 10% of respondents admitted that it is easier for them to communicate in a social network, 44% of respondents noted that it does not matter for them whether communication is direct or indirect [Appendix 7].

Thus, after analyzing the results of the survey, we came to the conclusion that, indeed, the 21st century has become a networked century. Many people, regardless of age and occupation, use the Internet and social networks to communicate with other people, older people use the networks for work or study. Having studied the survey data, we came to the conclusion that adolescents aged 15-17 spend the most time on social networks.

However, 86% of all respondents prefer direct, live communication to communication in social networks, and this cannot but rejoice, because this means that we will be able to look people in the eyes for a long time to come, when we communicate with them, to feel the touch. This means that at the end of the phrase "modern communication between people - communication in the network" we can still put a question mark.

Conclusion: Internet communication should complement life, and not be the basis of all our activities. Social media can be very beneficial. But overuse of social media can lead to addiction, loss of focus, waste of time, alienation, and dullness. Social media is both good and bad. It is in our power to take from them only the good and weed out the bad. In order for social networks not to harm health and psyche, each person must regulate their pastime in the virtual space.




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Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Department of Applied Psychology


in the discipline "Psychology"

on the topic: "The role of communication in human life"


Student of group STs1-1

Ivanova A.O.


Orlova Elena Alexandrovna

Moscow, 2011

What is the role of communication in a person's life? What do we understand by this concept?

Communication- a complex process of interaction between people, consisting in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of partners of each other. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living creature, but only at the human level does the communication process become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. A person who transmits information is called a communicator, who receives it - a recipient. The content of communication is information that is transmitted from one living being to another. The purpose of communication answers the question: "For the sake of what the creature enters into the act of communication?" This can be information about the internal (emotional, etc.) state of the subject, about the situation in the external environment. The content of information is most diverse if the subjects of communication are people.

Means of communication: ways of encoding, transmitting, processing and decrypting information that is transmitted in the process of communication from one creature to another. Encoding information is the way it is transmitted. Information between people can be transmitted using the senses, speech and other sign systems, writing, technical means of recording and storing information. One of the basic principles of modern life is the maintenance of normal relations between people and the desire to avoid conflicts. In turn, respect and attention can only be earned by observing politeness and restraint. Therefore, nothing is appreciated by the people around us as much as politeness and delicacy. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, disrespect for the personality of another person. In society, good manners are considered modesty and restraint of a person, the ability to control their actions, carefully and tactfully communicate with other people.

Do you know how to COMMUNICATE?

I'm sure everyone will say, "Yes, of course." But in what form does this communication take place? Most often it is just a conversation, an exchange of information. At the same time, everyone knows that the concept of COMMUNICATION is much broader than our usual one: “Hello! - Bye!". Although speech plays a huge role in the communication of people, everyone knows very well that people, for example, lovers, do not need words to express their feelings and thoughts.

It is enough for them to see each other. Also, the facial expressions of the interlocutors are of great importance in communication between people. Have you not had to communicate with someone yourself with the help of glances, gestures? Of course I had to! But if you understood each other, it means that this understanding was the result of a very difficult work. So what does it take to communicate properly? It is necessary, first of all, to respect the interlocutor, listen to him with the possible attention, without interrupting and letting him speak, not “noise” the communication channels. It is also necessary to look appropriately so that there is no mismatch, try to say only what we think, so as not to introduce dissociation.

All these, if not universal ways of communication, then at least they will help to communicate more correctly and find a common language with people.

We must not forget what our great compatriot Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov wrote 230 years ago:

"... When the prepared parts for the construction of some colossus lie separately and some of which do not mutually communicate a certain action to the other, then their whole existence is vain and useless. Similarly, if each member of the human race could not explain his concepts to another, then It was not only that we were deprived of this concordant current of common affairs, which is controlled by the combination of our thoughts, but hardly, if we were not worse than wild animals ... "

It is impossible to imagine the development of a person, the very existence of the individual as a person, his connection with society outside of communication with other people. K. Marx and F. Engels noted in this connection: "... the actual spiritual wealth of an individual depends entirely on the wealth of his actual relationships ...". Historical experience and everyday practice testify that the complete isolation of a person from society, his withdrawal from communication with other people, leads to a complete loss of the human personality, its social qualities and properties.

Communication includes all the variety of spiritual and material forms of human life and is his urgent need. It's not a secret for anyone, writes the Polish psychologist E. Melibruda, that "interpersonal relationships are of no less importance to us than the air we breathe." The irresistible attraction of communication for a person is well expressed in the famous statement of the French writer A. de Saint-Exupéry: "The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication." But how often do we think about the need to analyze the processes of our communication?

As you know, the need for communication is ultimately determined by the need for joint participation of people in the production of material goods. As for the sphere of spiritual life, here the central place is occupied by the individual's need for acquiring social experience, for familiarizing with cultural values, for mastering the principles and norms of behavior in society and a specific social environment, and all this is impossible without contacts with other people.

Interest in the problem of communication is rooted in the distant past. Communication, the processes of interaction between people, their relationships, the issues that a person encounters when coming into contact with other people have always attracted close attention. Psychologist and sociologist I.S. Cohn writes that "people invariably regard true friendship as rare and its flourishing is usually attributed to the past." This kind of longing for real friendship, for the sincerity of communication in the past is exaggerated. Indeed, in our time, you can observe many manifestations of true friendship of people, their sincerity and self-sacrifice. A striking example is the manifestation of friendship during the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War. But even now it is difficult to imagine a person who does not feel friendly feelings for close people, for comrades in the profession, for common inclinations, interests, aspirations.

It may seem that with the concept of communication, well known to everyone, there are no special problems. It seems that everyone knows perfectly well what communication is. This word is associated with the usual ideas about the contacts and relationships of people with each other, about meetings with friends and strangers, about personal relationships arising from professional, amateur, creative and other common interests.

The elementary function of communication is to achieve a relationship, and to begin with - at the most external, preliminary, formal level. It would seem that it could be easier! A smile, a handshake, an approving nod, a welcoming gesture ... But even at this simplest level, the most unforeseen and annoying misunderstandings are possible. Russians, British, Americans use a handshake as a welcome gesture. Laplanders rub their noses. Samoans sniff each other. Latinos hug, French kiss each other on the cheek.

When entering into contacts with other people, we do not always realize that we are using signs - units of a conventional code, a language that has come down to us from deep centuries, a communicative tool that has been created for thousands of years by huge creative teams - peoples and races. Elementary languages, like the language of welcome gestures, vary not only from one national culture to another, but also within the national culture itself, from one professional, class or gender and age group to another, and even from family to family. Hence it is clear how universal this source of mutual understanding or, on the contrary, misunderstanding of people is. But if this is the case in the sphere of the most elementary communication skills, then how great is the possibility of mutual misunderstanding, hidden in the semantic plane of human communication, which includes a gamut of complex psychological, moral, cultural and ideological motives, an alloy of thoughts, moods and feelings, which one a person exchanges in the process of communicating with others!

The needs of modern society, its spiritual and material spheres, make the problem of communication extremely urgent. Without the appropriate development of forms of communication, such areas of human activity as upbringing, education, health care, science, art, politics, ideology, etc. are practically impossible.

What is the starting point of any communication that engenders mutual understanding or, on the contrary, misunderstanding, rejection? Maybe this is a meeting, a handshake, a greeting, an acquaintance? Everything seems to be clear. To enter into communication, people must first see each other, meet. How could it be otherwise?

We see that the role of communication in human life is enormous! It is impossible to imagine not a day without communication. It is necessary for a person like air!

List of used literature:

1. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M., Aspect Press, 1996

2. Andreeva G.M. Communication and optimization of joint activities. Moscow State University, 1987

3. Voikunsky A.E. I say, we say ...: Essays on human communication. - M .: Knowledge, 1990

4. Leontiev A.N. Activity, consciousness, personality. - M., 197

Lecture 4.1. Introduction to the psychology of communication

The ability to communicate with people is the same commodity bought for money, like sugar and coffee. And I am willing to pay more for this skill than for any other commodity in this world.

J. Rockefeller

    Communication concept. Communication in the modern world

Have you ever thought about the role of communication in the life of each of us and society as a whole? How long can we live without communication? Can a person exist without communication at all? Communication is a natural human habitat. This is a complex process in which people interact, exchange information, influence each other, strive to understand each other.

Often the terms "communication" and "communication" are used interchangeably, synonymously. However, according to other researchers, communication Is a connection during which information is transmitted. In this case, the object receiving information can be not only a person, but also a machine, an animal. Communication is always a two-way process based on the interaction of equal partners - subjects of communication. Let us accept the first point of view and consider the terms "communication" and "communication" as synonyms, since communication in its pure form practically does not occur in human communication, because the transfer of information, as a rule, in society is precisely a two-way process, speech interaction.

Communication - the process and result of establishing contacts between people or the interaction of subjects through various sign systems; it is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy of interaction, perception and understanding of another person. "

The development of communication in the world is determined by the development of all social processes. Communication is changing not only due to the constant improvement of technical means of communication between people, but also due to changes in some social functions of a person as an individual, personality and subject of activity. Features of communication in the modern world associated with the values ​​that social control brings into the life of every person, and with the change in lifestyle and its relative standardization in connection with the development of mass culture.

1. If several centuries ago direct communication between people prevailed, then the last century has madedominant mass and mediated communication .

Ψ Internet, mobile phones

2. With regard to direct interaction, it should be noted that the number of forced contacts between people has increased . This is especially noticeable in big cities, where the very way of life determines the inevitability of contacts of complete strangers with each other. Traveling to work in public transport, shopping at a store, watching performances - all these are ways of spending time, which are associated with numerous contacts. The peculiarity of such contacts is that, firstly, they are numerous; secondly, they are superficial. Both are not a criterion for quality communication:

Ψ Proteins in the cell

3. In the last few decades, various educational communication technologies ... People are increasingly realizing that many of their problems are related to the inability to communicate. The development of civilization, which determines the constant improvement of communication facilities and diverse channels of information, leads to the contradiction between the form, means of communication and its content, depth. On the one hand, a person can easily establish contact even with those subjects that are far from him; on the other hand, the improvement of communication means does not ensure the quality and depth of communication. There is such a phenomenon as loneliness in a crowd - loneliness among people especially in big cities.

Ψ Vishnevsky "Loneliness in the network"

4. Many media create the illusion of communication ... Working at the computer or watching TV in the evening can help develop a sense of interaction with others. So, for example, sociologists have determined that the average urban modern person spends about 5 hours a day in front of the TV (!). This is a very dangerous tendency, since the subject, watching an information program that is interesting to him, creates the illusion of the presence of another person and communication with him. But in reality, no communication takes place. it quasi-communication, those. imaginary communication, imaginary, apparent. Prefix quasi(from Lat. -quasi) is used before a word to express the doubtfulness, imaginativeness of the indicated phenomenon. If an individual systematically watches any program, he has the illusion of meeting the presenters, the feeling that he knows them well, although in fact he just has some stable idea of ​​the television image (image) of the presenters. Increasing the share of quasi-communication in the interaction of a person with the world around him is also one of the features of modern communication.

Output. It is quite understandable that superficial, shallow, forced contacts between people with their diversity, an increase in the proportion of quasi-communication, as well as the predominance of the dominant mass and mediated communication, reduces its quality everywhere. How can the quality of communication be determined? First, the level at which the interaction takes place; secondly, the number of needs that a person satisfies in the process of communicating with other people; thirdly, the possibilities of personality self-development.

    Communication functions

Communication performs a number of significant functions:

    perceptual function - the perception of each other by communication partners and the establishment on this basis of mutual understanding;

    informative function - transmission of information, provision of necessary information;

    interactive - the organization of interaction between people, for example, the coordination of actions, the distribution of functions, the influence on the mood, beliefs, behavior of the interlocutor through the use of various forms of influence;

    motivational function (incentive) - encourages employees to perform better tasks using beliefs, requests, orders, etc .;

    expressive function - contributes to the emotional expression of feelings, experiences, attitude to what is happening and allows you to satisfy social needs;

    control function - tracking the behavior of employees in various ways based on hierarchy and chain of command.

    Levels and types of communication

Communication, along with communicative (transfer of information), also performs other functions: regulatory (serves to regulate behavior), perceptual (facilitates the interlocutors' perception of each other), suggestive (suggestion function), etc.

Types of communication

1) official - unofficial (private, private);

2) oral - written;

3) dialogical - monological;

4) interpersonal - public;

5) direct - mediated;

6) contact - distant.

Communication levels:

Communication can take place at different levels. Communication levels are determined, in turn, by the general culture of the interacting subjects, their individual and personal characteristics, the characteristics of the situation, social control and many other factors. Especially influential are the value orientations of the communicants and their attitude to each other.

The most primitive level of communication is phatic (from Latin fatuus - stupid). It involves a simple exchange of replicas to maintain a conversation in an environment where the communicators are not particularly interested in interaction, but are forced to communicate. Such communication has a certain character of automatism and limitation. Its primitiveness lies not in the fact that the remarks are simple, but in the fact that there is no deep meaning or content behind them. Sometimes this level is referred to as conventional (convention - agreement). If the word phatic indicates its simplicity, then the word conventional defines its standardization. Standardization of communication, in turn, occurs in such social situations that are common, well-known to individuals and therefore interaction occurs at the level of a simple habit. Such communication does not require any comprehension, does not contain any positive or negative aspects: it is not a source of human activity. At the same time, it should not be underestimated. Phatic communication is essential in standardized situations. If it is not adequate to the situation, then the person may face negative social sanctions. Often this level of communication is determined by the etiquette norms of the social stratum, which is represented by the subjects of interaction. The peculiarity of this level of communication also lies in the fact that the subject does not receive any new information.

The next level of communication is informational. At this level, there is an exchange of new information that is interesting for the interlocutors, which is the source of any types of human activity (mental, emotional, behavioral). The informational level of communication is usually stimulating and prevails in conditions of joint activities or when meeting old friends. It should be noted that the information layer is not only related to the content of the conversation. It can also be paralinguistic, contextual information. In any case, this level contributes to the active involvement of a person in the communication process. Often the levels of communication change in the course of a single conversation. For example, a dialogue begins as an informational one, but gradually moves to a phatic level, or vice versa.

Personal the level of communication characterizes such an interaction in which subjects are capable of the deepest self-disclosure and comprehension of the essence of another person, themselves and the world around them. This level of interaction occurs in special situations and under certain conditions, when a person has inspiration, illumination, a feeling of love, a feeling of unity with the world, a feeling of happiness, etc. These are special situations of spiritual uplift and personality development, therefore this level can also be defined as spiritual . The personal level is deeply moral: it removes any restrictions in interaction precisely because they become completely redundant. The personal level of communication is largely determined by the identity of the value orientations of the interacting subjects and the ability of the communicators to comprehend the essence of the phenomena of the surrounding world through insight (insight) in the process of interaction.

The personal or spiritual level characterizes only such communication, which is aimed at activating a positive attitude of the subjects of interaction themselves to themselves, other people and the world around them as a whole. Therefore, the personal level is the prosocial level, i.e. useful for society, because a side effect of such communication is the moral improvement of people. As for the phatic and informational levels, they can have a socially positive (prosocial) and socially negative (antisocial) context. So, the phatic level can be carried out with etiquette norms (prosocial) and vulgar (antisocial). The same can be said about the informational level. It should also be added that the informational level is either business, or emotional, or emotional-business. Moreover, each of the three subspecies of this level can be both pro-social and antisocial.

Theme: “The concept of communication. The place and role of communication in human life ”.

  1. Introduction.
  2. The concept of communication.
  3. The place and role of communication in life.
  1. Communication techniques.
  2. Forms of communication.
  3. Pedagogical communication.

"The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication."

Antoine de Saint-Exepury

I would like to start my essay with the concept of the subject being studied:

Psychology = psyche (psyche) + logas = soul + meaningful word =

meaningful word about the soul.

In a word call a unit of language that serves to name concepts, objects, persons, actions, states, signs, connections, relationships, assessments, and oral speech.

Speech in turn, one of the types of human communication, communication mediatedtongue.

It is quite possible to say that every individual in the animal world knows the language of its species from birth. Knowledge of the same language by a person is formed during his lifetime, in the course of his communication with other people.

The need for communication is a purely human need that is built on the fundamental foundations of people's desire for community and cooperation. The motives serving her can be mutually exclusive and complementary - from egoistic-manipulative to altruistic-disinterested. By forging relationships with others, a person may strive to dominate, dominate, impress, maintain an image of a friendly and benevolent person, etc.

Most likely, for the first time, elements of human speech appeared in the course of performing joint labor actions. It can be assumed that the first words indicated certain actions, tools, objects; they were also "orders" addressed to the cooperative partner. But very soon the language outgrew such "indicative" and "organizing" functions. After all, every word not only designates, but also generalizes. Thus, the results of cognition, which people shared with each other, began to be recorded in the word. This is how communication came about.

COMMUNICATION - the process of exchange between people certain results of their mental and spiritual activity: assimilated information, thoughts, judgments, assessments, feelings, experiences and attitudes ...

(Krysko V.G. Ethnopsychological Dictionary - M., 1999.- 343 p.)

COMMUNICATION - a complex multidimensional process of establishing and developing contacts between people (interpersonal communication) and groups (intergroup communication), generated by the needs of joint activities and includes at least three different processes: communication (exchange of information), interaction (exchange of actions) and social perception ( perception and understanding of the partner). Human activity is impossible outside of communication. The psychological specificity of communication processes, considered from the point of view of the relationship between the individual and society, is studied in the framework psychology of communication; the use of communication in activities is being studiedsociology.


I will dwell on interpersonal communication in more detail.

  1. The subject area of ​​the theory of interpersonal communication is set by both quantitative and qualitative parameters. Interaction between people can be characterized as interpersonal if it meets the following criteria: it is interaction between a small number of people; this is a direct interaction: its participants are in spatial proximity, have the ability to see, hear, touch each other, it is easy to provide feedback; this is the so-called personality-oriented communication, that is, it is assumed that each of its participants recognizes the irreplaceability, uniqueness of their partner, takes into account the peculiarities of his emotional state, self-esteem, and personal characteristics.
  2. Taking into account both everyday ideas and the judgments of specialists, the subject area of ​​interpersonal communication can be attributed to:

a) mental processes and states that ensure the transaction (interpersonal perception, needs and motivations, emotions and feelings, self-esteem, psychological defenses, etc.);

b) communicative practices that mediate interaction between people (speech, non-verbal messages);

c) norms and rules that make possible joint activity, often unconscious, developed within a certain socio-cultural group. The real communication process is a functional unity of all the listed elements. At the same time, for analytical purposes, such a separation of relatively independent blocks turns out to be expedient.

  1. The theory of interpersonal communication is fundamentally a field of interdisciplinary knowledge. Psychological, information-communicative and social-normative processes that make up the subject area of ​​the theory of interpersonal communication are studied by various disciplines of humanitarian knowledge: personality psychology and social psychology, linguistics (especially psycho- and sociolinguistics), sociology (primarily such areas of microsociology as symbolic interactionism and dramatic sociology).
  2. All known theoretical areas within which socio-psychological research is carried out - behaviorism, cognitivism, psychoanalysis, role theory, humanistic psychology - have contributed to the development of interpersonal communication problems.

Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of intelligent, cultural behavior. Through communication with psychologically developed people, thanks to ample opportunities for learning, a person acquires all his higher cognitive abilities and qualities. Through active communication with developed personalities, he himself turns into a personality.

Personal development in childhood occurs under the influence of various social institutions: family, school, out-of-school institutions, as well as under the influence of the media and live, direct communication of the child with the people around him.In communication, first through direct imitation, and then through verbal instructions the basic life experience of the child is acquired. The people with whom he communicates are the bearers of this experience for the child, and this experience cannot be acquired in any other way, except for communicating with them. The intensity of communication, the variety of its content, goals and means are the most important factors determining the development of children.

All social institutions act on personality development not directly, but through small groups of which the child is a member, through communication with people who surround the child in these groups. These are family members, classmates, friends at home, individuals with whom the child comes into contact.

This development can proceed normally only with sufficiently favorable relationships, in which a system of mutual support, trust, openness is created and operates, a sincere desire of people communicating with each other to selflessly help each other, to promote the development of each other as individuals is revealed. In case of bad relationships, on the contrary, obstacles arise on the path of a person's personal improvement, since people stop trusting each other, show themselves towards each other mainly from the negative side, and do not show a desire to help each other.

In communication, more or less stable ideas of the child about himself arise. They act as a direct reflection in his mind of what the people around him think about him. Communication plays a very significant role in the formation and development of self-awareness, and the correct image of "I" is formed in a child only when the people around him are sincerely interested in it.

Adults always communicate with the child - when they teach and teach, when they feed and walk, punish and play. The results of upbringing, and of course the general well-being of the child, and of the adults themselves, depend on how the communication goes. Therefore, it is very importantfriendly atmosphere of communication.

Such an atmosphere depends not only on the character of the adult and not only on the behavior of the child. It is created through the acquisition and use of communication skills.

In psychology, a wonderful way was found to help the interlocutor in cases when it is difficult for him to cope with the situation, to experience a failure, to express not yet completely clear feelings or thoughts. He got the name of the techniqueActive listening.

With active listening, the task is set - to understand the speaker and let him know about it. The word "understand" means not only the content of the words, but also the emotional experience.

It was found that the following technique helps to solve these both problems (to understand and to let know):

You repeat what the interlocutor said, and at the same time name his feeling or state.

If the answer is accurate, then the interlocutor feels, as it were, an attachment to his experience, a “separation” of his feelings. And this feeling is very important for everyone: what happens is what the wise proverb says: "Divided grief is halved, and shared joy is doubled."

  1. Reproducing what the interlocutor said, you can repeat a single word or phrase, or use a paraphrase; if the person spoke for a long time, then you can make a summary.
  1. Along with Active listening, the so-calledPassive listening... This is also a form of active attention to the problem of the interlocutor, only with a small number of words. It can be single words, interjections, head nods, an attentive look.

The Active Listening technique also includes a number of other rules and recommendations.

  1. Very important after the answer keep pause. It is needed in order to give the interlocutor space and time to think and, perhaps, say more. It also makes it possible to focus on the interlocutor, moving away from your own thoughts, assessments and feelings. This ability to move away from oneself and switch to the interlocutor's internal process is one of the main and difficult conditions for active listening. When it is done, rappor arises between the interlocutors. This foreign word means a particularly confidential contact.
  2. Another important detail concerns intonation. You need to repeat what has been said in an affirmative, not an interrogative form.
  3. To maintain contact, it is also helpful to adjust to the person you are talking to. non-verbally , that is, to repeat his posture, facial expressions, gestures, intonation, voice volume and tempo, eye and head movements. It is important that the eyes of the interlocutors are at the same level.
  1. Do not start listen if there is no time. The interlocutor may feel disappointed and even hurt and will be right.
  2. Do not ask.Direct questions and all the more questions are undesirable. The interlocutor may feel that the questioner is satisfying his curiosity.
  3. Don't give advice.Advice is the first thing that comes to mind when a desire to help arises. Moreover, a person in trouble often asks himself: "Tell me, what should I do?" Life shows that advice doesn't really work.

The considered "not" is not limited to the "pitfalls" that stand in the way of practical mastery of active listening. There are many more, and they include familiar phrases with which they respond to a complaint, misfortune or experience of another.

  1. Orders, commands. (It is clear that sympathy is far from here!)
  2. Warnings, threats. (There is no understanding and there is no desire to understand. In the first place - the goal is to "put things in order", and for this to intimidate.)
  3. Morals, lectures, sermons. (In response, a silent experience.)
  4. Criticism, reprimands, accusations. (One more click on pride!)
  5. Name-calling, ridicule. (You can't put labels on, and it's better to joke warmer.)
  6. Guesses, interpretations. (These phrases contain detached judgment and invasion of personal space. People don't like being calculated.)
  7. Sympathy in words, persuasion, admonition. (Instead of sharing the experience of the interlocutor, the "sympathizer" belittles or depreciates his feelings. This is unfair and offensive.

The influence of correct communication skills, or techniques, on a person's condition and his relationship with others, including his own child, is the presenta discovery that has been and continues to be experienced by all who believed in these techniques and began to master them.

The process of a child's own personal development under the influence of relationships that develop with the people around him can be represented as follows. In the types of activities available to the child (taking into account his age), appropriate forms of communication are formed, in which the child learns the rules and norms of human relations, develops needs, forms interests and motives, which, having become the incentive basis of the personality, lead to a further expansion of the sphere of communication and, therefore, to the emergence of new opportunities for personal development. The child's entry into a new system of activity and communication, his inclusion in the orbit of interpersonal contacts of new people, turning to new sources of information actually means a transition to the next, higher stage of development.

A.N. Leont'ev believes that the development of a child's personality is expressed in a change in the hierarchy of activity motives. Previous motives lose their motivating power, new ones are born, leading to a rethinking of relationships with people and their own behavior. Those types of activities and forms of communication that previously played a leading role are now relegated to the background. Interests and goals change, in general the meaning of life for a child, a new stage of his personal development begins. The transformation of communication, the complication and enrichment of its forms open up new opportunities for the child's personal growth. Initially, these opportunities are formed within the leading types of activities, and for preschool children - in various kinds of games. At an older age, learning and work are added to the game.

D.B. Elkonin identified four levels of development of children's games related to education. The first level is the child's play actions that reproduce the behavior of adults and are directed at another person, i.e. games involving the simplest form of human communication ("feeding" the doll, "bringing up" the doll, putting it to sleep, etc.). The second level is play actions that consistently restore the system of adult activity from beginning to end (“cooking” food, laying it out, feeding, cleaning dishes, etc.). The third level is associated with the allocation of a certain role of an adult in the game and its execution. In the content of the role relationship between people, living forms of human communication. The role determines the logic and nature of the actions performed by the child. These actions themselves are subject to certain rules, the adherence to which is controlled by children. The fourth level is the ability to flexibly change the tactics of behavior and move from one role to another within the framework of the development of the plot of the same game, controlling not only one's own, but also someone else's role-playing behavior, playing out an integral plot-role play in the game.

Communication as a means of personality development begins to take shape especially strongly on the child from the third level of development of the game. But this is also only the assimilation of forms of role behavior, without which real business and interpersonal communication of adults is impossible. At the fourth level of the development of the game, plot-role communication is improved, creating conditions for a more versatile personal development of the child.

Communication that develops in educational activities depends on the form of its organization. Such communication is most active in the context of group forms of organizing educational activities. Discussions, disputes, seminars, and other forms of organizing educational work contribute to the development of personality. In a form accessible to students, they can be implemented in almost all classes of the school, from elementary to graduation.

Labor opens up even greater opportunities for the development of a child's personality. Many of its forms have a collective character and, again, include moments of communication. Such work is easy to organize in the family and at school.

The relationship between people, in this case - children and adults, does not always proceed smoothly, contain many contradictions, external and internal conflicts, resolving which a person moves forward in his development. The assimilation and implementation of adequate forms of role-playing behavior that occur in play, in work and in collective types of educational activity, helps to overcome contradictions in the system of interpersonal relations. The contradictions in relationships with people themselves do not automatically become the engines of personal development; only having generated internal problems in him, forcing the child to change his attitudes and views, external contradictions turn into an internal source of activity aimed at the formation of new useful personal qualities.

If only external contradictions are resolved, but not internal ones, then the life of a person splits into one that creates the appearance of external well-being and internally conflicting. Such a child, while maintaining normal external relations with people, left alone, closes in on his internal problems. He has discrepancies between how he seems to the people around him (outwardly safe), and what he really is (internally conflicted). As a result, there may be a delay in personal development. When internal conflicts are removed, and external ones persist, this creates a situation of alienation of a person due to his inability to communicate with people, although he himself can be a completely good person. As a result, the individual is deprived of the opportunity to receive information useful for his personal growth from other people.

In order to avoid problems in personal development, a teacher is called upon. it is an adult, professionally trained person who is able to notice "something wrong" in time and influence the child's development through pedagogical communication.

Pedagogical communication- a set of means and methods that ensure the implementation of the goals and objectives of education and training and determine the nature of interactions between a teacher and children.

For a teacher in communication, professional qualities are very important, such as:

  1. Interest in children and working with them; presence of a need and ability to communicate, sociability.
  2. Ability of emotional empathy and understanding of children.
  3. Flexibility, operational and creative thinking, providing the ability to quickly and correctly navigate in changing communication conditions.
  4. Ability to feel and maintain feedback in communication.
  5. The ability to manage yourself.
  6. The ability to spontaneously (unprepared) communication.
  7. Ability to predict possible pedagogical situations, the consequences of their influences.
  8. Good verbal skills: culture, speech development, rich vocabulary, correct selection of language means.
  9. Possession of the art of pedagogical experiences, which represent an alloy of life, natural experiences of a teacher and pedagogically expedient experiences that can influence children in the required direction.
  10. The ability for pedagogical improvisation, the ability to use all the variety of means of influence (persuasion, suggestion, infection, the use of various methods of influence).

If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen, he would be doomed to remain half-animal until the end of his life, only outwardly, anatomically and physiologically resembling a person.

Used Books:

  1. R.S. Nemov Psychology: Textbook. for stud. higher. ped. study. institutions: In 3 books. - 4th ed. - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2003. - Book 2: Psychology of education. - 608 p.
  1. Introduction to general psychology: a course of lectures / Yu. Gippenreiter. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2009 .-- 352s.
  1. Educational psychology in diagrams, tables and supporting notes: textbook. manual for universities / O.V. Nesterova. - 2nd ed. - M .: Ayris-press, 2008 .-- 112s. - (Higher education).
  1. Gippenreiter, Yu.B.

Communicate with your child. Two books in one / Yu.B. Gippenreiter; artist G.A. Karaseva, E.M. Belousova, M.E. Fedorovskaya and others - M .: Astrel, 2012 .-- 528p .: ill.

  1. Kunitsin, V.N. Interpersonal communication: Textbook. for universities / V.N. Kunitsina, N.V. Kazarinova, V.M. Pogolsha; Ch. ed. E. Stroganov. - SPB .: Peter, 2002.
  1. Internet resources.

Activity communication and speech activity, speech situation and its components, types of speech interaction depending on the communication situation.

    Communication activities and speech activities.

A person's entire life is spent in communication. Accidental or deliberate isolation is the hardest test for people who for some reason are deprived of the opportunity to communicate. Let us recall, in this connection, the experiences of the involuntary "Robinsons", the state of the "lonely" cosmonauts, the horror of solitary confinement, the hardships of voluntary seclusion, the cruelty of being punished by a boycott. The fact is that communication is one of the main needs of a person, connected with his very essence: a person is a social being.

As a synonym for the term "communication" in science, the term "communication" is used. Communication is possible not only between people. Information processes also take place in the animal kingdom, in technical systems - everywhere where information is transmitted and received. When it comes to proper human communication (communication between people, human-machine communication, communication between humans and animals), the word “communication” is mainly used.

Communication permeates all our material and spiritual activities, supports, ensures it. It is easy to find that any production activity includes certain types of direct or mediated communication. Working collectively (employees, students, etc.), like family members, groups of friends constantly coordinate their efforts, exchanging oral or written messages, keep in touch with each other in the form of certain relationships. Even if a person works alone, he is not completely excluded from communication: his intentions, goals, tools and methods of work are largely created by others and passed on to him by social tradition. His forms of thinking, his knowledge, their speech embodiment, all material and spiritual culture connect him with other people, making up a part of mediated communication, no less necessary than direct communication.

We will consider the types and forms of communication, taking into account the important role that communication plays in human life.

The role of communication in our life is extremely great. In communication and through it, a person assimilates the organization and norms of the team, the adopted means of communication, language, culture. In the process of communication, you enter the team, socialization. Communication is carried out and impact on the team, in communication personality traits are also formed.

The success of individuals and society as a whole depends on the development of their communication means and ability to communicate. This is especially true for modern society, in which the role of information processes has increased so much that many philosophers now define it as an "information society".

As you know, animals also communicate. People, in contrast to them, inherit communication techniques not through biological (genetic) means, but through imitation and learning: our communication capabilities are not part of the biological nature of a person, his "nature" - they constitute an important part of culture or tradition, have a social character. A person gets the ability to communicate in the course of communication itself from other people, and communication is also directed primarily at others, at society. There are known cases of raising human cubs by animals (15 - wolves, 5 - bears, 1 - baboons, 1 - leopards, 1 - sheep, etc.). Naturally, in all cases the children had neither human speech nor human communication skills. They all displayed animal behavior.

Communication is so important for people that it takes place not only as part of some other activity, but also forms an independent type of activity - communication activities(friendly and formal meetings, visits, receptions, parties, picnics, family gatherings, etc.).

Communication activities are based on speech activity. The mechanisms of speech origin are studied by a special discipline - psycholinguistics. Consideration of the range of its problems is not our special task, therefore, in order to understand the problem posed, we will limit ourselves to a schematic consideration of the processes of the transition of mental activity into speech.

In order for a person to speak (normally), a motive or a group of motives is needed (motivational stage), then adaptation to the situation (afferentation) is carried out, possible consequences are taken into account. At the third stage, speech intention turns into speech activity. In the process of the preparatory stages, the choice of language is carried out, the level of language acquisition is taken into account, an orientation towards the system and the norm takes place. It is also important to take into account the action of the functional-style factor, emotionality, individual characteristics of the speaker - craving for stereotypes or neoplasms, etc.

As a result of the realization of the speech intention, the conditions for the speech situation arise.

    Speech situation and its components

The components of the speech situation are: the addressee (initiator of communication), the addressee (user of information), the observer (a random participant in the communication process, the nature of the relationship between the addressee and the addressee, the purpose of communication, the method of providing contact (auditory, visual or their combination), the communication code (option the language system used by the speaker), the conditions of communication, which also include the means of communication.