Features of planting and growing thuja brabant. Characteristics of thuja occidentalis Brabant and recommendations for growing

Thuja - evergreen tree or shrub of the Cypress family. This plant is ideal for creating a hedge that pleases with freshness and brightness. green even in snowy winter. Currently, thuja is often used in landscape design, which is due to the lush shape of the needles and the unpretentiousness of the plant.

Common varieties of thuja

There are several types of this plant, but there are several varieties that are most popular in landscape design:

  • Thuja Danica is a spherical shrub. It grows very slowly and reaches 80 cm in height. It should be used to decorate small garden areas or patios.
  • Smaragd is a tree of the Cypress family, with a broadly conical crown shape. The height of the plant reaches 5 m. The tree grows slowly, but is quite wind-resistant. Used by landscape designers to decorate park areas and personal plots.
  • Thuja Brabant, whose hollow qualities will be described below, is a fast-growing tree with lush needles, the most popular among the population.
  • Thuja Golden Brabant is another variety of thuja, with yellow-green needles and dense branches.

Popular evergreen tree

This plant is quite common in our latitudes and is known for the tart aroma of seaside boulevards and parks. Thuja Brabant is a frost-resistant tree, reaching a height of about 4 m. The plant grows quite quickly, and its growth is about 15 cm in diameter and 40 cm in height. The growth rate makes this plant the most preferred for planting hedges in park areas or summer cottages, because thanks to this property, you can create a beautiful evergreen living fence in a fairly short time.

The crown is branched, but at the same time compact and can reach the ground. The color of the needles is light green, sometimes acquiring a golden tint at the ends. A special advantage of this variety of thuja is that the color of the needles does not change even in winter period.

Advantages of a coniferous beauty

Thuja Brabant has received well-deserved respect from many gardeners and landscape designers, due to the many advantages of this coniferous plant. The main advantage is rapid growth. This tree can also grow in very wet or dry soil. But the most lush and bright green crown is obtained if you plant the plant in fertile soil and do not forget about watering.

Another advantage of thuja is that it does not have to be planted in the shade or in the light. But this plant still prefers sunny side, on which its growth and crown splendor increases. The frost resistance of the plant allows you to create a hedge of coniferous trees even in the northern regions, and such a fence will delight you with rich flowers in winter weather. Long known healing properties this plant. Thuja Brabant releases phytoncides that disinfect the air, killing germs.

Hedge - decoration of the site

With this decorative tree you can quickly and easily hide an ordinary fence behind a wall of a group of plants, which is especially suitable for impatient gardeners. Thuja occidentalis Brabant tolerates pruning well, so you can create flat wall or trim trees as you wish.

A hedge can surround a lawn or a garden gazebo. Playground surrounded by decorative coniferous trees, will create a unique comfort and will please the eye. A special advantage of living fences made of ornamental plants is that they can be made with my own hands, and a thick and impenetrable wall will reliably hide the yard from prying eyes.

Creating a hedge on a personal plot

Beautiful and rich green color all year round Thuja Brabant will delight you. Even a beginner in gardening can create a hedge from this plant. First of all, you should correctly calculate the distance between the trees. To create a dense hedge, it is recommended to plant plants in a row with a distance of at least 80 cm. If the soil is fertile enough, then you should retreat up to 1 m between the trees. When planting an alley, you can allow a spacing of 5-8 m between the trees. To create a hedge in two rows it is necessary to maintain an interval between them of 50-70 cm.

Planting thuja better in autumn. During this time, it will have time to take root before frost, and the rainy season will eliminate unnecessary watering, and in the spring the tree will begin to grow with renewed vigor. In the first few years, it is better to cover young plants with an awning from the scorching sun, and in the winter to cover them from frost with breathable material. Once the hedge reaches 1.5 m in height, it will become sun and frost resistant.

How to plant thuja correctly

Before planting a plant, the main rule should be taken into account - the roots must be dried, but not disturbed by the earthen ball on them. Thuja Brabant, the planting of which requires some rules, will be grateful if the auxiliary staff is prepared in advance. To do this, mix two parts of sheet or turf land, as well as one part each of peat, sand and humus. To improve the effect, you can add 0.5 kg of nitroammophoska to each tree.

The planting hole should be 70 cm deep and 1 m in diameter. Before planting, you need to put drainage and prepared soil in it. Next, the seedling is deepened to the required depth, trying to ensure that the root collar is completely covered with soil, and the roots and trunk do not change their location. If the soil is dense enough, then the amount of drainage layer should be increased to 20 cm, because stagnation of moisture can lead to plant diseases.

Mandatory plant care

The tree must be watered abundantly and constantly in the first months after planting. Mature plant almost does not need watering, if available sufficient quantity groundwater. In spring, it is better to feed the trees with organic matter and minerals at the rate of 100-120 g/m2. In spring it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove dry shoots.

It is better to trim the plant in the spring, as well as in mid-August. It is better to choose cloudy days for this to avoid burns of shoots hidden under the crown. You should not trim the plant down to the bark, as this will take a long time for it to become overgrown.

It is optimal to cut 1/3 of the length of the shoots. That's all the attention that Thuja Brabant needs. Caring for plants grown at home is more demanding.

First of all, the plant requires shade and a temperature of 10 to 15 °C. In summer, you can place the pot with the seedling outside in a cool and shaded place. Regular but moderate watering, as well as fertilizing with minerals, should be mandatory. If the air in the room is dry, then the needles should be sprayed with warm water.

Tree propagation at home

Thuja occidentalis Brabant propagates not only from seeds, but also by cuttings. At the same time, the cutting process is more preferable, because this is the only way to save time and the characteristics of the variety. For this, it is necessary to use lignified shoots that are 2-3 years old, at least 40 cm long, or semi-lignified growth, cut in June of this year, the length of which has reached 20 cm. The cuttings must be cut in such a way that a piece of old wood remains at the base.

Next, it is necessary to treat the shoots with a solution of heteroauxin and plant them in a greenhouse with a pre-prepared soil composition consisting of: equal parts peat, river sand and turf soil, the planting depth should be 1.5-2.5 cm. Plants must be sprayed and ventilated. At the end of autumn, established cuttings need to be insulated with sawdust or leaves, and in frosty conditions they should be wrapped in film.

Diseases of coniferous beauty

Yellowing and falling of needles can be caused by insufficient watering, burns from direct sunlight or severe winter frosts. In this case, there is no need to panic, but if the plant continues to be covered with brown spots, then it may be infected with Phomopsis or Cercospora. Then it is worth pruning diseased shoots and increasing watering of the plant.

Thuja Brabant - great choice for landscape design. With its help you can create not only a hedge, but also trim trees to an unusual geometric shape, such as balls, spirals or animal shapes. A special advantage of this plant is its ease of care and a fairly affordable price that families can afford even on a modest budget.

Many people like coniferous evergreens for their aesthetics throughout the year. Their greenery attracts the eye in any season, and when other plants are transparent and inconspicuous, conifers are still expressive and fresh. Most species have needles of the usual green color, however, plants with needles of silver, bluish, grayish and yellowish colors are widespread.

Thuja has become quite widespread in urban and yard plantings. It belongs to the cypress family, the genus thuja and includes six species. The birthplace of this plant is considered East Asia or North America. It can be either a tree or a shrub. Average age Thuja can reach up to 100-150 years, but there are specimens that are older. The western thuja species has become widespread, including several different varieties, one of which is Thuja Brabant.

Varieties and types of thuja Brabant

Brabant ( Western Thuja), the tree grows up to 5 meters high, the crown volume reaches 1.5 meters. The color of the needles is mostly green; if it is cold in winter, the color of the needles may turn brown. This is not significant, because by spring the tree becomes green again.

Every year the tree grows 35 centimeters in height and 50% of this height in width. The plant can be trimmed, it tolerates the procedure well. In winter, the tree does not freeze; the thuja does not need to be covered.

Columna (western Thuja) The tree can grow up to 7 meters in height; in winter the needles remain green. The plant is not afraid of frost and does not require any special composition of mail. The crown grows dense, of normal type. A tree can gain up to 20 centimeters in height per year.

Thuja can be pruned and thereby form the desired height of the tree. This type of wood is used to create partitions and hedges. If Columna grows alone on a plot, it will resemble a Crimean cypress. If you think about the idea of ​​landscape design, the tree will fit perfectly into the site.

Variety Thuja Sunkist. Thuja of this species can be of two types: a small tree or a shrub. It usually grows to a height of 3 meters. The needles have a light brown tint and grow in different directions. Young growth has a golden hue, and with age the tree becomes almost bronze.

The variety is characterized by very slow growth. In 10 years the tree will only reach a height of 2 meters. The tree should be planted where there is a lot of light. The land for planting can be any, but it is better to take land with good fertility and monitor the watering regime.

Variety Thuja Fastigiata. This tree is similar in shape to the Crimean cypress. It reaches a height of up to 6 meters. The shoots stretch quite quickly; in a year they can grow up to 30 centimeters of new volume. The color of the needles is green, it has an aroma characteristic of thuja and is soft to the touch. The tree calmly endures the winter middle lane countries. When the seeds appear in the form of cones, they are practically invisible on the tree.

Thuja should be trimmed and the desired crown formed. If this is not done, it may end up with the tree growing in different directions and turning into a huge and unkempt bush.

Thuja Claude of Gold variety. Thuja of this species can hardly be called a tree; its size rarely reaches 2 meters. The thuja of this plant can be in the form of needles or scales. Under the influence of reduced temperature it becomes almost copper-colored.

Thuja produces little growth per year and requires attention. It is good to plant it in fertile soil with good drainage. An important factor is the presence of alkali and optimal humidity.

Rules for planting thuja Brabant

Before planting, prepared soil and drainage are placed in it to half the depth, then the thuja seedlings of the Brabant variety are deepened by 0.8 m. The thicker and taller the western thuja, the deeper it is planted, taking into account that the root collar is strictly at soil level and was completely covered with earth. When planting thuja, it is necessary to take into account that dense soil leads to stagnation of water, which is not acceptable. Too moist soil has a beneficial effect on the formation of fungus and leads to possible death of the plant. Therefore, in areas with heavy soil and possible stagnation of water in the planting hole, it is necessary to increase the drainage layer to 20 cm thick; broken bricks can be used as drainage.

In order for the seedlings to delight with their beauty and feel comfortable, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • If it is a hedge, then the distance between seedlings should be no more than 2 meters and no less than 50 cm.
  • If it is a hedge in 2 rows, then the distance between the rows is from 50 to 70 cm.
  • If this is an alley, then the distance between plants is allowed at intervals of 5 m, and the width is no more than 8 m.

Propagation of thuja Brabant by seeds

Seeds are not used in landscape design, since the thuja may not grow as desired. Full-fledged seedlings take about 5 years to form. Therefore, this method is in little demand.

In winter, the seeds are buried in the snow. There they are saturated with moisture and hardened. In the spring, dig a small hole (up to 0.5 cm) and sow seeds into it. Sprinkle the top with soil and mulch (dry leaves, sawdust, fallen pine needles).

Before seedlings appear, the soil is cultivated and watered with a solution of manure and water in a ratio of 1:20. They do not stop watering even after the sprouts appear, since the plant needs fertilizer at this stage. The first shoots need to be protected from the sun's rays.

Propagation of Thuja Brabant by cuttings

When you want to get stronger plants, it is better to plant the cuttings in greenhouses. Take shoots with woody bark that are 2 or 3 years old. Or it will be a young shoot 50 cm long with a piece of “heel” (wood from the trunk). By sharply cutting off a branch, you get the following result.

Let’s not forget to achieve 70 percent humidity where we plant thuja. Why you can buy a humidifier or spray water constantly. And there should be enough light, so we make the walls and roof of the greenhouse as transparent as possible. You can also use backlighting. The soil is usual for thuja (soil, peat, sand).

The cuttings (with the needles removed at the bottom) need to lie in water for a couple of hours, and then they are treated with potassium permanganate and stuck into the grooves, deepening them by 2-3 cm. Then we spray them regularly and wait until new shoots appear. This means things are going well. Then you need to harden the plants by taking them out of the greenhouse into the air (when it is not cold). In November, we cover the babies well and send them off for the winter.

Care Basics

During the first month after planting the seedling in the ground, you need to water it weekly. During drought, add water more often.

It is important to regularly loosen the soil, to a depth of no more than 10 centimeters, since the roots of the thuja brabant pass close to the surface, and careless movements can easily damage it. It is recommended to apply peat mulch on top of the soil layer.

When preparing the green beauty for winter, you need to tie up the branches so that they do not break off under the pressure of the mass of snow.

Complex fertilizers for coniferous species, is also used in the spring, which allows the bush to grow faster.

For the first 2 years, young bushes need to be covered for the winter, to protect them from severe frosts, and in the spring from bright sun rays. You can use spruce branches for shelter. Adult specimens do not require such protection.

Thuja Brabant begins pruning from the third year of the plant’s life. The top is shortened at the moment when the thuja reaches the height required by the gardener. The first pruning can be done at the beginning of summer, the second at the end of August. Due to systematic pruning, the crown will be denser.

When pruning, you need to use sharp pruning shears, which can easily make even and neat cuts without squeezing the branches. Thus, wounds on the bush will heal much more successfully and quickly. Thuja tolerates shearing successfully, but the shoots need to be shortened by no more than 1/3 in order to maintain the strength of the crop.

Pruning thuja Brabant

Thuja pruning can serve different purposes:

  • sanitary – cleaning the crown from dry and diseased branches;
  • shaping - limiting the growth of the crown and giving it the desired shape.

Most species and varieties of thuja in the process of natural growth take a certain shape of habit (spherical, columnar or pyramidal). They need a shaping haircut only in two cases: when the density of the crown is not satisfactory or when the gardener wants to change the natural shape.

Sanitary pruning of thuja is an essential part of caring for this plant. It is required if dry, yellowed, pest or frost damaged branches appear in the crown.

Fertilizer application

Leeks: growing from seeds, when to plant?

Pests and diseases

Thuja Brabant usually has diseases such as:

  • root rotting;
  • trunk rot;
  • mold.

All these diseases are usually caused by fungi and indicate poor quality care of the plant. Since the disease is not very noticeable at the initial stage, it is recommended to inspect the plant more often. A signal to start treating thuja can be various plaques on tree branches, as well as changes in the color of the needles.

In addition, the disease can be caused by various pests:

  • sucking - aphids, thuja false scale, spider mites;
  • needle eaters - leaf roller, moth;
  • other root and stem pests – thuja beetle, scale insects, false scale insects.

Similar to cypress: same height, pyramidal crown, decorative. But unlike cypress, it grows freely throughout our country and has already reached Siberia. When planning a garden, gardeners willingly add it to their collections. How did she achieve such success?

Features of the plant, the reason for its popularity

Thuja occidentalis brabant has two life forms: tree and shrub. Thuja is used more as a shrub, since it is popular for creating hedges. Both forms are common in our country.

Thuja is a long-living giant. This is a representative of the family. Cypress trees, which grows up to 20m (in the middle zone - up to 4-5m) and lives up to 150 years. The conical and lush shape of the crown, the needles in the form of light green scales rising upward, make the tree decorative. The bark is brown, flaking. The ovoid-shaped cones are also brown in color.

This is a fast growing crop. A valuable species, the planting of which is limited to arid areas and areas with low temperatures (-30-35C). A photo of an adult plant can be seen in the article.

Which variety do you prefer: Brabant or Smaragd?

These are the two most popular varieties that gardeners prefer for decorating a site or creating a hedge. What are their features?

Brabant variety Variety Smaragd
A choice for those who want to see the creation of their own hands: a hedge of thuja in short time. Its growth rate is half a meter per year.
To create a dense and fluffy crown, it is necessary to cut the crop 2 times per season. And to obtain an impenetrable green hedge, planting should be done every meter.
It also has a conical crown and light green needles. The crown is narrow pyramidal, preserving green color throughout the year.
The crown is lush and does not require frequent pruning, because grows slowly. To ensure a dense green wall, plants should be planted 80 cm apart.
The needles are light green. The shape of the bush can be modified. Characterized by rapid growth.

Most often used to create hedges.

The color of the needles is more saturated. The crown “holds” its shape well. More decorative.
It is photophilous and tolerates waterlogging, but cannot withstand severe frosts. Shade-tolerant, can withstand frost of -40C, but the soil needs to be drained.

Both varieties, despite certain differences, tolerate cutting and shaping well. Compositions or geometric classics: the choice is yours.

How to plant a crop correctly?

Thuja Brabant is unpretentious to the soil. But, raised on fertile soil, it is more fluffy, and the needles are brighter. On poor soil it will look slightly different. So the soil affects the decorativeness of the plant.

The culture is photophilous, but it is better if the sun does not hit the thuja throughout the day. This leads to dehydration of the needles, and the bush (or tree) will overwinter worse. A little partial shade is quite acceptable, but in strong shade the crown will be sparse.

Having chosen a place, we proceed to planting:

  1. A young plant will tolerate planting and replanting well in any season if root system closed. But usually planting is carried out in the spring.
  2. The planting hole must correspond to the size of the root. Usually the diameter is up to 1m. If the soil is heavy, then drainage is necessary. These are pebbles, expanded clay, broken bricks.
  3. The pit is filled with a mixture of earth, the composition of which is: leaf soil, peat, sand (2:1:1).
  4. We place the root collar of the seedling at the same level with the ground. If it is raised or buried, the tree may die.
  5. If an alley of thuja is formed, then the row spacing is 6-8 m, and the interval between seedlings is 3-4 m. If it is a hedge, then the distance between plants is 0.5-07 m.

Care: seven basic rules

Care involves both traditional measures and special ones necessary for this type of plant. Step by step care looks like this:

  1. During the first month after planting water the seedling once a week. During dry periods this needs to be done more often.
  2. Regularly held loosening to a depth of 10 cm, because The root system of Thuja Brabant is superficial and easy to damage. It is advisable to mulch the top of the soil with peat.
  3. In winter the branches need to be tied up so that they do not break under the snow mass.
  4. In spring you need to remove diseased and damaged shoots.
  5. Complex fertilizer for conifers is also used in spring, which allows the culture to quickly grow.
  6. For the first two years, young bushes need to be protected from frost in winter., and in spring - from the bright sun. You can close it with spruce branches. A grown thuja will no longer need this.
  7. Pruning begins from the third year of life. The upper part is trimmed when the thuja has reached the height that suits you. The first pruning occurs at the beginning of summer, the second at the end of August. Thanks to systematic pruning, the crown is dense.

You need to know this: When pruning, use pruning shears, which do not injure the cut areas, making them even. This way the wound on the branch will heal faster. Thuja Brabant can withstand pruning well, but you need to trim no more than a third of the shoot so that the crop remains strong.

Thuja Golden Brabant: characteristics

An evergreen tree with a cone-shaped crown is distinguished by the color of its needles. As the name suggests, it should be golden. Indeed, in the sun the yellow-green color “plays”, and it seems that the branches are cast in a golden color.

The tree retains this color even in winter, so it looks simply dazzling against the backdrop of snow cover. The variety appeared recently, but it is already popular and loved by gardeners for its unpretentiousness, rapid growth, decorative qualities. Looks good in group plantings, like a tapeworm, when “building” a hedge.

The unpretentiousness of the “golden beauty” is expressed in the fact that she:

  • undemanding to soil;
  • tolerates short-term waterlogging;
  • withstands short droughts;
  • the variety is frost-resistant;
  • tolerant of haircuts;
  • grows in urban conditions;
  • fits well into any landscape.

You need to know this: An adult plant can withstand winter frosts, but in the spring, in bright light, it suffers from sunburn. It is important to shade the thuja, especially at a young age. To prevent the crown from being damaged by excess snow, the branches are pulled together for the winter. In the spring, sanitary pruning is carried out.

The price of thuja brabant seeds is within 700 rubles. The price of a seedling will fluctuate depending on the age of the plant. A small seedling can be purchased for 760 rubles, and an adult plant, the height of which reaches 3 m. – for 9,800 (Moscow prices).

Thuja Brabant hedge

A living wall made of thuja is a reliable and low-traffic fence, protecting garden plot owners are no worse than any fence. There are also internal fences, but these are borders, low and compact. Hedge, the landing rules of which were discussed above:

  • will cover boring landscapes and unattractive places on the site;
  • will create calm conditions for relaxation;
  • will give you the opportunity to breathe more than just clean air, and air containing phytoncides;
  • will protect from gases, noise, dust;
  • may look unusual because it can be given any shape;
  • has a high decorative value in different seasons.

You will create a refuge for yourself, a place detached from another, noisy and hectic world. It is possible that you are a lover of natural, natural beauty, then no trimming is needed. The natural shape also looks great.

But we will consider the question of how to cut thuja, since many people want to give their plot beautiful shapes and proportions. In addition, it is shearing that makes the plant more magnificent.

Pruning in spring is the first pruning. The thuja already has strength after wintering. The second is held in August, when she begins to prepare for winter. When cutting your hair, try to make it narrower top part. Then a lot of light will fall on the lower branches and the bush will not become bare. Remove young shoots, they recover faster.

It is convenient to use a coarse mesh in the work. It is pulled evenly and those shoots that “peek out” from the cells are removed. Regularly cut off dead branches. It is better to carry out pruning in cloudy weather so that those shoots that are open after pruning are not exposed.

This is interesting: After cutting, cuttings remain that are suitable for propagation. This rare plant, in which cuttings produce roots in a jar of water without any stimulants or additional manipulations. In the second year, well-rooted, they are planted in the ground.

An evergreen plant will decorate any personal plot. Bulky spruce trees are increasingly being replaced by representatives of the Cypress family, including Thuja occidentalis Brabant. Its rich color pleases the eye regardless of the time of year, and its slender crown is an excellent element of any flower bed.

Thuja occidentalis cones

The plant exists in the form of a shrub or tree. IN comfortable conditions The height of the thuja reaches 20 m, but in our region they grow no more than 5 m. The lush crown has a conical shape up to 4 m in diameter. The branches cover the entire trunk right down to the ground.

The needles are directed upward and resemble scales in structure.

The color of Thuja Brabant ranges from rich green to light and even yellowish shades, sometimes with golden tips.

The plant blooms in the spring, after which small egg-shaped cones form Brown. Reproduction goes well, most often by cuttings.

It is unpretentious to growing conditions and tolerates frost well. However, the plant will not survive if the temperature drops below 30ºC or the area is too dry. It loves moisture, but feels uncomfortable during a prolonged thaw with sudden temperature changes.

Brabant is a fast-growing thuja, annually adding 40 cm in length and 15 cm in width. Thanks to this advantage, it is widely used in the landscape as a hedge. The rapid growth of thuja implies frequent pruning shoots and crown formation. Haircuts should be done 2-3 times a year.

Video “Thuja occidentalis Brabant”

Planting a plant

Thuja occidentalis Brabant cuttings are best planted in open ground in spring, but it is also possible in early autumn. The main thing is that the plant has a month left to take root before frost sets in.

Thuja is unpretentious to soils, but feels better in fertile soil. You should prepare the mixture in advance by taking peat, sand and leaf soil in a ratio of 1:1:2.

Does not tolerate hot sun all day long or deep shade. It is worth giving preference to a slightly shaded place, but do not forget that the plant is light-loving.

The diameter of the planting hole must correspond to the root system. As a rule, a meter is enough. In heavy soils, drainage should be used:

  • expanded clay;
  • pebbles;
  • broken brick.

When planting a thuja, the root collar should be located in line with the surface of the earth. Excessive lifting or deepening will result in the death of the tree. Before planting the plant, it is necessary to remove ropes, burlap and other fastenings with which it was tied. Remove from the container carefully so as not to damage the root system. Dry the earthen ball slightly without destroying it.

Thuja occidentalis Brabant

The distance between trees should be 3-4 meters; if planting takes place in several rows, then the row spacing should be 7-8 meters. In order for thujas to form a dense hedge, they should be planted at a distance of half a meter from each other.

If the area where western thuja grows is exposed to strong winds, it should be tied up. To do this, three wooden pegs are driven around the trunk, which are tied together with rope, nylon or other durable but soft material. The trunk should not be fixed tightly; it should remain flexible under the influence of the wind so that the plant grows strong and resilient.

Video “Planting thuja”

Caring for Thuja Brabant

Thuja does not need Brabant special care, the tree adapts perfectly to growing conditions. Particular attention should be paid in the first months after planting in open ground. Regular watering is required (once a week is enough). One tree needs about 10 liters of water, and in hot, dry weather, irrigation is carried out once every 3-4 days at the rate of 15 liters per tree.

When the soil dries out a little after moistening, it should be loosened. The roots of the thuja occidentalis are located close to the surface, so do not bury the tool more than 10 cm. You can mulch with peat, bark, wood chips or compost. Mulch layer 7 cm.

Young thuja trees or shrubs (the first two years of life) need to be covered, protected from severe frosts and bright sunlight. To do this, use spruce branches or craft paper. An adult plant will not need such a procedure. However, do not forget to tie up the branches so that they do not break under the weight of the snow.

Preparing conifers for winter: how to cover thuja

With the onset of spring it is carried out mineral supplement thuja. You can use complex fertilizers for coniferous plants. It is necessary to inspect and remove damaged, dry or diseased shoots.

For 2-3 years of life of the western thuja, pruning can be done. A powerful garden pruner that does not leave damage to the cuts is suitable for this purpose. At making the right choice tool, the cut site will soon be closed and will not interfere with the development of the tree. It is best to prune in early summer, when all the branches and buds have formed. Repeated haircuts take place in early autumn.

Regular pruning of shoots will allow you to form a dense crown. This procedure will give the plant an aesthetic appearance, so that the thuja will become a real decoration, both in the garden and in the city flowerbed, especially when growing a hedge.

The cuttings 10-15 cm in length remaining after pruning do not need to be thrown away. They can be placed in a glass of water, where they will quickly take root. Such a plant should be transplanted into a pot, and in the second year it should be safely planted in open ground. For prevention and treatment, fungicides for coniferous plants are used, for example Fitosporin, Alirin, Gamair, Bordeaux mixture has proven itself well.


Yellow needles on thuja occidentalis Brabant

Poor quality care for Thuja Brabant often leads to the appearance of a fungal disease:

  • mold;
  • rotting of the root system;
  • trunk rot.

Such defeats on early stages are practically invisible, so it is necessary to inspect the plant more often. If an uncharacteristic plaque appears on the trunk and branches or the needles change color, you need to immediately begin treating the tree.


Aphids on Thuja occidentalis Brabant

Among the pests of western thuja, the most common are:

  • moth moth;
  • scale insect;
  • leaf roller;
  • spider mite;
  • false scale insect;
  • thuja beetle.

It is necessary to regularly treat thuja Brabant with insecticides, for example Fufanon, Aktara, Decis pro. To prevent the appearance spider mite You can spray thuja with water.

The plant's hardiness, frost resistance and unpretentiousness to growing conditions have made Thuja Brabant a favorite of landscape designers. Thanks to their flexibility in pruning, shrubs and trees of this species can be given a wide variety of shapes, as long as the gardener’s imagination is sufficient.

Useful video about thuja occidentalis

Video “Pruning thuja”

Video “How to propagate and grow thujas”

Thuja trees and shrubs are very popular among gardeners due to their lush greenery and lush crown shape. By planting thuja Brabant and providing necessary care this fast growing crops, you will soon be able to create amazing garden compositions on your site. This is popular unpretentious plant used to form fairly dense green hedges that are pleasing to the eye throughout the year.

Growing conditions

Spring work on planting a representative of the cypress family is carried out when the soil has completely warmed up. In the fall, the conifer needs at least a month for the seedling to take root before the first frost. A plant planted in open ground in August will require less watering. This is facilitated by the mild sun and frequent autumn rains.

Thuja Brabant prefers fairly bright light, but can be in partial shade for some time. Prolonged stay under straight lines sun rays leads to increased evaporation of moisture from the needles, which affects the decorativeness of the plant. A dehydrated tree has a harder time surviving the winter. Conifers placed in the shade will not be able to grow thick and lush crown. It is also necessary to take care to protect plants from strong winds.

It is advisable to hide young plants that have not reached a height of one and a half meters under an awning from the hot sun, and in the winter it is useful to cover them from frost with a breathable covering material.

Soil preparation and planting

Thuja Brabant is undemanding soil composition, but a carefully prepared substrate for planting will have a beneficial effect on its rooting. By receiving sufficient nutrients, the tree will grow a gorgeous green crown.

To obtain a fertile soil mixture, each seedling will need:

  • turf or leaf soil (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • humus (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • nitroammophoska (up to 500 g).

Most often, thuja occidentalis Brabant is used by gardeners and designers to create hedges. Therefore, to obtain a fairly dense decorative wall You should maintain a distance between plants of 0.5 to 1 meter. To create an alley, the interval between trees is maintained from 5 to 8 m.

The size of the planting hole depends on the size of the seedling's earthen ball, which should fit freely into it. The depth can reach 70–75 cm, the width is about a meter. When placing conifers on heavy soil with high humidity, take care of drainage. Expanded clay or pebbles can be poured into a layer of up to 20 cm at the bottom of the pit; the use of broken bricks. Before planting, it is recommended to dry the earthen lump of western thuja without violating its integrity.

The process of planting decorative conifers is not difficult.

  1. Part of the prepared substrate is laid on the drainage layer.
  2. The seedling goes deep into the hole so that the root collar remains at ground level.
  3. The sides and top of the rhizome are sprinkled with the prepared fertile mixture.
  4. The soil around the plant is compacted and watered.

Reproduction at home

When the conifer propagates by seeds, the plant loses its decorative properties. Thuja Brabant is quite easily propagated by cuttings. Cut woody branches at least 40 cm long will quickly take root if you place them in a container of water for a while. Cuttings with roots are planted in a pot. It is not recommended to transfer young seedlings to open ground in the fall. It is better to wait until the plant gets stronger, and in the spring transplant it to the main place of growth.

Plant care

During the first month, the conifer requires weekly watering. Each plant consumes at least 10 liters of water. In case of prolonged drought, the volume of watering increases to 20 liters per week.

Thuja needles evaporate a large amount of moisture, so regular sprinkling will have a beneficial effect on the richness of the green mass.

  • Thuja Brabant has a shallow root system, so loosening after watering should be done carefully.
  • Mulching the soil with peat or compost will not only protect the roots and add required amount nutrients, but will also prevent excessive evaporation of water.
  • In the spring, during the first two years after planting, the plants are fed with combined fertilizers, which must contain magnesium. During the summer, fertilizing can be repeated in June and July.
  • With the onset of spring, dried and diseased shoots are removed from the thuja.

Under the weight of snow, the branches of the plant may break, so it is recommended to tie them with rope for the winter. It is advisable to cover the roots of the conifer with spruce branches.

Caring for the plant at home is not difficult either. For thuja occidentalis grown in a pot, it is recommended to maintain temperature regime in the range from 10°C to 15°C. Brabant prefers diffused light or partial shade. Timely watering, spraying of needles and fertilizing of the plant are required. In summer, it is advisable to take the thuja pot outside to a cool, shaded place.

A change in the color of the needles and the falling of damaged shoots indicate diseases that can be caused by fungi or pests. To prevent fungal diseases, you must adhere to the basic rules of planting and caring for the plant. At the first signs of diseases characteristic of coniferous trees, it is necessary to treat thuja Brabant with special preparations. Spraying with Fufanon or Actellik is carried out in May.

A haircut

For the formation of hedges and garden compositions The plant must be trimmed regularly. To create a dense green wall, it is enough to adjust the shape of the conifer twice a year: at the beginning of June and at the end of August. Regularly shortening the top and trimming side shoots, you can maintain the required height and shape of the ornamental plant.

Thuja Brabant tolerates pruning well, which is carried out starting from the third year of life. Using a powerful pruning shears, you should evenly cut off the tops of the branches without unnecessarily injuring them. Only a third of the shoot is cut so that the plant does not weaken.

Among landscape designers, thuja occidentalis Brabant is deservedly very popular. A fast-growing, frost-resistant and easy-to-care coniferous plant is increasingly becoming a decoration for private gardens. The lush, dense crown, which has a pyramidal shape, is very decorative. It looks impressive both in combined compositions and in alleys and hedges.

Using this representative of the cypress family to create a stylish cozy garden will allow you to limit the space, giving it a decent frame.

One of the five types of thuja is the western thuja, which has many varieties, among which the thuja occidentalis Brabant stands out. A decorative frost-resistant, fast-growing tree with a compact columnar crown is widely used in landscape gardening.

Main characteristics

IN wildlife Thuja occidentalis, which is not without reason called “ tree of life", grows in eastern regions Canada and the northern USA. Introduced to Europe in the mid-16th century evergreen began to be used to decorate parks. In Russia, thuja of this species has a wide distribution area. It is cultivated in many areas, including Far East and in Siberia.

Having become acquainted with the description of thuja Brabant, we see that this variety is winter-hardy and can withstand frosts down to 30-35 °C. The plant is perfect for the harsh Russian climate. Brabant is one of the fastest growing varieties of western thuja; growth can be 30-35 cm per year.

In the Russian climate, the height of thuja Brabant does not exceed 3.5-4 meters. The crown shape is columnar, compact. The branches can bend all the way to the ground. The bark on the trunk is reddish-brown and peels off in places. Green needles turn brown in winter. In April-May, the thuja blooms; after flowering, small oblong brown cones are formed.

The thuja varieties Brabant and Smaragd are very often used to form hedges. Their characteristics are largely the same. Among the differences between thujas Brabant and Smaragd can be highlighted.

Brabant variety:

  • the needles turn brown in winter;
  • crown shape is columnar;
  • annual growth is 35-40 cm;
  • the hedge quickly grows into a dense green wall.

Variety Smaragd:

  • the needles do not lose color in winter;
  • pyramidal crown shape;
  • annual growth – 10-20 cm;
  • has less branching and does not require frequent haircuts.

Both varieties of thuja have varieties with golden needles - Golden Brabant and Golden Smaragd. Thuja Golden Brabant is characterized by a golden-yellow color, which persists even in winter.

Young trees have a dense cone-shaped crown, while older trees become looser.

How to care for Thuja Brabant

Although thuja occidentalis Brabant is unpretentious in care, it still has its own preferences for soil type, moisture, sunlight, and temperature. If you neglect the basic rules when growing it, your decorative functions may be lost. In particular, the main care consists of periodically trimming the shoots to form a beautiful crown shape.

When cutting thuja, you can take cuttings to use for propagation. Placed in a container of water, they will produce roots. Rooted seedlings can be planted in the ground.

Location and soil type

Thuja is a light-loving plant. It does not tolerate round-the-clock shade, losing the brightness of the color of the needles. At the same time, constant heat is also harmful to her. The best option When choosing a planting site there will be partial shade. On suburban areas It is advisable to plant trees on the western or eastern side of buildings.

The most favorable soil for cultivating thuja occidentalis Brabant is loam, although it can grow on any soil. On light soil, the plant develops better and looks more decorative. It is preferable to plant thuja in spring or autumn, but it is also possible in summer.


A planting hole is dug 60-80 cm deep and the width of the root system. The hole is filled with water and the moisture is allowed to be absorbed. If the soil is heavy, you need to lay at least 15 cm of drainage layer. The root collar is placed at ground level and the seedling is covered with a previously prepared soil mixture. It is desirable that its composition include peat, sand and leaf soil in a ratio of 1:1:2. To improve growth, nitroammophoska is added to the mixture. After this, water the plant.


After planting, regular watering is required, approximately once a week. When planting in hot weather, the frequency of watering increases. The plant responds well to sprinkling. To do this, you can use a hose with a sprayer. In dry soil, thuja develops poorly, the needles turn yellow and fall off.

The soil should be loosened to a shallow depth, since the plant has a superficial root system. To protect the roots from drying out and overheating, it is advisable to cover the soil with mulch - peat, compost, sawdust, bark.

From winter frosts Thuja does not suffer, but in the spring it can get sunburn. Young trees should be especially protected by covering them from the sun with material that transmits well. sunlight. In an evergreen plant, the process of photosynthesis occurs even in winter. In places where there is heavy snowfall, tree crowns are tied tightly with rope for the winter.

In the first year, while the roots are not strong enough, fertilizing is carried out up to three times per season. A year after planting, fertilize with complex fertilizer every spring. It is better to prune 2-3 years after planting. It is preferable to do this procedure twice – at the beginning of summer and at the end of August. Small adjustments to the crown are made throughout the season. As you can see, planting and caring for Thuja Brabant (photo) is not particularly difficult.

Using Thuja Brabant in garden design

The advantage of the variety is that it grows very quickly. This property of Thuja Brabant is successfully used in landscape design. Thuja is a universal element for creating a single ball, a neat cone, or a pyramid. Non-standard single wooden figures can be planted on any surface topography. But if you are planning a beautiful geometry of thuja Brabant or Smaragd, then the planting area should have a perfectly flat plane.

It is best to trim thuja occidentalis Brabant on cloudy days. This will avoid burning in the sun of young shoots that were hidden under long branches before cutting.

Arborvitae planted in a row will replace a hedge. If you trim such a fence under rectangular shape, it looks completely different. When planning to grow a hedge of thuja Brabant, seedlings should be dug in at a distance of about 1 m from each other, because the crown will be quite wide at the base. Over time, the crowns of the trees will close, and such a hedge with a dense green curtain will cover the area from prying eyes and serve as a wonderful decoration.

They begin to form the plant when it has reached the desired height. Pruning Thuja Brabant is the most labor-intensive part of caring for the plant. The haircut is carried out with sharp pruning shears, which will not cause dents at the cut site. To prevent the tree from weakening, a third of the shoot should be cut off.

Thuja Brabant, like all conifers, will delight you all year with lush greenery, purify the air, enriching it with oxygen. Another advantage is decorativeness. Combining with each other different kinds thuja with other shrubs and flowers, you can give the site a unique, inimitable shape.

Video about growing thuja Bradant

Thuja is an evergreen tree or shrub of the Cypress family. This plant is ideal for creating a hedge, which pleases with freshness and bright green color even in snowy winter. Currently, thuja is often used in landscape design, due to the lush shape of the needles and the unpretentiousness of the plant.

Common varieties of thuja

There are several types of this plant, but there are several varieties that are most popular in landscape design:

  • Thuja Danica is a spherical shrub. It grows very slowly and reaches 80 cm in height. It should be used to decorate small garden areas or patios.
  • Smaragd is a tree of the Cypress family, with a broadly conical crown shape. The height of the plant reaches 5 m. The tree grows slowly, but is quite wind-resistant. Used by landscape designers to decorate park areas and personal plots.
  • Thuja Brabant, whose hollow qualities will be described below, is fast growing tree with lush needles, the most popular among the population.
  • Thuja Golden Brabant is another variety of thuja, with yellow-green needles and dense branches.

Popular evergreen tree

This plant is quite common in our latitudes and is known for the tart aroma of seaside boulevards and parks. Thuja Brabant is a frost-resistant tree, reaching a height of about 4 m. The plant grows quite quickly, and its growth is about 15 cm in diameter and 40 cm in height. The growth rate makes this plant the most preferable for planting hedges in park areas or summer cottages, because thanks to this property you can create a beautiful evergreen living fence in a fairly short time.

The crown is branched, but at the same time compact and can reach the ground. The color of the needles is light green, sometimes acquiring a golden tint at the ends. A special advantage of this variety of thuja is that the color of the needles does not change in winter.

Advantages of a coniferous beauty

Thuja Brabant has received well-deserved respect from many gardeners and landscape designers, due to the many advantages of this coniferous plant. The main advantage is rapid growth. This tree can also grow in very wet or dry soil. But the most lush and bright green crown is obtained if you plant the plant in fertile soil and do not forget about watering.

Another advantage of thuja is that it does not have to be planted in the shade or in the light. But this plant still prefers the sunny side, where its growth and the splendor of the crown increase. The frost resistance of the plant allows you to create a hedge of coniferous trees even in the northern regions, and such a fence will delight you with rich flowers in winter weather. The healing properties of this plant have long been known. Thuja Brabant releases phytoncides that disinfect the air, killing germs.

Hedge - decoration of the site

With the help of this decorative tree You can quickly and easily hide an ordinary fence behind a wall of a group of plants, which is especially suitable for impatient gardeners. Thuja occidentalis Brabant tolerates pruning well, so you can create an even wall or trim trees at your discretion.

A hedge can surround a lawn or a garden gazebo. The playground, surrounded by decorative coniferous trees, will create unique comfort and will be pleasing to the eye. A special advantage of living fences made from ornamental plants is that you can make them with your own hands, and a thick and impenetrable wall will reliably hide the yard from prying eyes.

Creating a hedge on a personal plot

Thuja Brabant will delight you with its beautiful and lush green color all year round. Even a beginner in gardening can create a hedge from this plant. First of all, you should correctly calculate the distance between the trees. To create a dense hedge, it is recommended to plant plants in a row with a distance of at least 80 cm. If the soil is fertile enough, then you should retreat up to 1 m between the trees. When planting an alley, you can allow a spacing of 5-8 m between the trees. To create a hedge in two rows it is necessary to maintain an interval between them of 50-70 cm.

It is better to plant thuja in the fall. During this time, it will have time to take root before frost, and the rainy season will eliminate unnecessary watering, and in the spring the tree will begin to grow with renewed vigor. In the first few years, it is better to cover young plants with an awning from the scorching sun, and in the winter to cover them from frost with breathable material. Once the hedge reaches 1.5 m in height, it will become sun and frost resistant.

How to plant thuja correctly

Before planting a plant, the main rule should be taken into account - the roots must be dried, but not disturbed by the earthen ball on them. Thuja Brabant, the planting of which requires some rules, will be grateful if the auxiliary staff is prepared in advance. To do this, mix two parts of leaf or turf soil, as well as one part each of peat, sand and humus. To improve the effect, you can add 0.5 kg of nitroammophoska to each tree.

The planting hole should be 70 cm deep and 1 m in diameter. Before planting, you need to put drainage and prepared soil in it. Next, the seedling is deepened to the required depth, trying to ensure that the root collar is completely covered with soil, and the roots and trunk do not change their location. If the soil is dense enough, then the amount of drainage layer should be increased to 20 cm, because stagnation of moisture can lead to plant diseases.

Mandatory plant care

The tree must be watered abundantly and constantly in the first months after planting. An adult plant requires almost no watering if there is sufficient groundwater. In spring, it is better to feed the trees with organic matter and minerals at the rate of 100-120 g/m2. In spring it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove dry shoots.

It is better to trim the plant in the spring, as well as in mid-August. It is better to choose cloudy days for this to avoid burns of shoots hidden under the crown. You should not trim the plant down to the bark, as this will take a long time for it to become overgrown.

It is optimal to cut 1/3 of the length of the shoots. That's all the attention that Thuja Brabant needs. Caring for plants grown at home is more demanding.

First of all, the plant requires shade and a temperature of 10 to 15 °C. In summer, you can place the pot with the seedling outside in a cool and shaded place. Regular but moderate watering, as well as fertilizing with minerals, should be mandatory. If the air in the room is dry, then the needles should be sprayed with warm water.

Tree propagation at home

Thuja occidentalis Brabant propagates not only from seeds, but also by cuttings. At the same time, the cutting process is more preferable, because this is the only way to save time and the characteristics of the variety. For this, it is necessary to use lignified shoots that are 2-3 years old, at least 40 cm long, or semi-lignified growth, cut in June of this year, the length of which has reached 20 cm. The cuttings must be cut in such a way that a piece of old wood remains at the base.

Next, it is necessary to treat the shoots with a heteroauxin solution and plant them in a greenhouse with a pre-prepared soil composition consisting of equal parts of peat, river sand and turf soil; the planting depth should be 1.5–2.5 cm. The plants must be sprayed and ventilated. At the end of autumn, established cuttings need to be insulated with sawdust or leaves, and in frosty conditions they should be wrapped in film.

Diseases of coniferous beauty

Yellowing and falling of needles can be caused by insufficient watering, burns from direct sunlight or severe winter frosts. In this case, there is no need to panic, but if the plant continues to be covered with brown spots, then it may be infected with Phomopsis or Cercospora. Then it is worth pruning diseased shoots and increasing watering of the plant.

Thuja Brabant is an excellent choice for landscape design. With its help, you can create not only a hedge, but also trim trees into unusual geometric shapes, such as balls, spirals or animal shapes. A special advantage of this plant is its ease of care and a fairly affordable price that families can afford even on a modest budget.

Thuja Brabant propagates by seeds, cuttings and layering, so you need to use this. Where can I get seeds and cuttings? This is discussed on this page.

I found Thuja Brabant seedlings on the Internet at prices ranging from 300 to 2870 rubles, which, of course, is a bit expensive - you can buy several seedlings for 300 rubles, but if you need tens or hundreds of thujas, you need to master growing from seeds and propagating by cuttings and layering.

Thuja Brabant in large quantities It grows near Moscow State University, where you can collect cones under the trees in the fall or spring, extract seeds from the cones and plant the seeds compactly in a “school” to later plant them wherever you please. Thuja Brabant tolerates transplantation well. Having grown adult plants, it will be possible to further propagate them by cuttings and layering.

Thuja Brabant grows quickly and is exclusively decorative, therefore it is widely used in landscape design, as it is well suited for decorating a site.

Thuja Brabant has a columnar crown. Has a beautiful evergreen shiny needles with a color from light green to light green shades.

Thuja Brabant Grows best in places protected from the wind. It blooms in spring - in April-May. Then brown ovoid cones ranging in size from 0.8 to 1.2 cm are formed, which usually fully ripen by autumn.

Thuja Brabant has a high growth rate (every year up to 10 cm in width and up to 30 cm in height), so it is preferable to Norway spruce for creating planned Z And website.

Here is information collected on the Internet about Thuya Brabant:

Thuja Occidentalis Brabant– a tree up to 20 m high, crown diameter 3-4 m. The crown is conical. The bark is reddish or grayish-brown, flaking. The needles are scaly, green, and retain their color in winter. Thuja Brabant blooms in April-May, the cones are brown, oblong-ovate, 0.8 - 1.2 cm in length. The annual growth of thuja western Brabant is 30 cm in height and 10 cm in width.

Thuja Occidentalis Brabant- this is the fastest growing variety western thuja with beautiful light green needles. The resistance of thuja occidentalis Brabant to urban conditions allows this species to be widely used in urban landscaping, and the wide variety of decorative forms makes it possible to create a wide variety of compositions.

This variety of thuja is excellent for creating hedges; the recommended planting frequency is every 0.5-0.7 meters. Thuja occidentalis Brabant goes well with cypress, European larch, oriental spruce, etc.

Thuja Brabant

It is distinguished by a narrow pyramidal crown and green needles that do not change color in winter.

The homeland of this plant is North America, that is why this type has taken root quite well in Russia. Perhaps more beautiful and universal tree Can't be found for landscape decoration.

Description of thuja occidentalis Brabant

This tree has truly unique characteristics. In height Thuja Brabant reaches 15 meters, crown diameter is 3-4 meters. This species is very popular in landscaping due to its rapid growth; in addition, the tree tolerates pruning well. In a year, the tree grows approximately 30 centimeters in height and 10-15 in width. Thuja of this variety is not at all demanding on the soil, and it is not necessary to create any special conditions for its cultivation.

The plant tolerates frosts well, although it is better not to plant it in northern territories, since the lower temperature level is about -30 degrees C. In severe frosts, this variety of thuja may die. It is also not advisable to plant thuja in the south, since this species does not tolerate heat very well.

No, it is, of course, possible to plant Thuja Brabant in a hot climate, but the plant will have to be constantly watered, plus it will have to be planted in a shaded place.

But in central Russia, Thuja Brabant can be planted without problems. Popular this plant and in many CIS countries, it can be found in almost every arboretum, sanatorium or recreation center.

Thuja needles have a characteristic pleasant smell; the tree bears fruit in small grayish cones. By the way, wood is not afraid of polluted air, and it helps clean it.

Practice of application in landscaping

This type of thuja has a beautiful pyramidal shape, an elegant crown with small needles, so the tree looks great, even if it is planted in the middle of the lawn in a single copy. You can also make compositions using thuja - the bright green color of the needles will look especially impressive against the background of other plants with leaves of other shades.

Thuja is also planted next to alpine hills, as well as against the backdrop of large boulders. The greater the contrast, the better the effect – landscape designers actively use this technique.

But still, thuja occidentalis Brabant looks best as part of hedges, because it grows very tall and with its help you can make a real living fence through which practically nothing will be visible, even if there is a full height stand man. In this case, you can make either a continuous “fence” or a thinned one - it all depends on the cutting method, as well as on the distance from which the trees are planted.

This variety always remains green, so it is very convenient to use when decorating landscapes near office buildings, cottages, shops, banks and other buildings where strict landscaping that does not change color is necessary. In addition, thuja is a source of phytoncides, so it is often planted in summer cottages.

Planting thuja

To plant thuja you will need a shovel, water, and garden shears. First, the seedlings are prepared - they are examined to identify differences in the processes of the root system. Excess is removed using scissors.

Next, a trench is dug, the depth of which should be 15-30 centimeters deeper than the length of the root system of the seedling. When planting, the roots of a seedling should point straight down; to do this, they must be leveled.

Before planting, it is recommended to fill the trench with water and wait until the water is completely absorbed into the soil. Next, the seedling is placed in a trench and carefully buried with different sides, and it is very important that the roots and the plant itself do not change their position when buried.

Instead of ordinary land you can use a special soil mixture: 1 part regular soil, 1 part peat, 1 part sand and half part compost.

As a rule, thuja can be planted at any time of the year, except for frosty winter and autumn days. Better choice for landing semi-shaded places, away from the bright sun. Although, if it is possible for regular watering and periodic sprinkling, you can plant in open areas.

When planting hedges, it is necessary to dig a hole under each tree and maintain a distance between trees of 50-70 centimeters.

Thuja care

Thuja needs abundant and constant watering, especially in the first months after planting. The first few weeks need special attention monitor the moisture of the soil, as this is essential for the tree to take root well in its new location.

First year in winter time It is better to protect the seedlings from frost with something. You can use kraft paper for covering - it turns out inexpensively and effectively.

During the summer months, when the heat is very strong, it is necessary to water every day, especially if the tree is planted on open place. During the first year, it is advisable to use mulch around the tree - this will protect it from moisture loss and create additional fertile recharge. The mulch is laid in a circle with a diameter of 50-70 centimeters. In addition, in spring, the soil can be fertilized with universal fertilizers based on potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Thuja Brabant loves sprinkling the crown - after this the needles become strong, bright green. In spring, dry shoots must be removed, fortunately this is quite easy to do. After the tree reaches 1.5 meters, caring for the thuja comes down to watering and periodically fertilizing the soil.

Thuja diseases

If the needles are covered with brown spots or have turned yellow, do not panic, this may be due to insufficient watering or severe frosts in winter. However, if the needles continue to become covered brown spots, it is quite possible that the tree is infected with Cercospora or Phomopsis. In this case, the cinnamon shoots are pruned and watering is also increased - usually the tree copes on its own.

Mining midge or, as it is also called, mining miner - harmful insect, which affects thuja and can cause a lot of harm to it. Easily cured with standard pesticides that can be purchased at a garden center.

I will definitely first try to grow Thuja Brabant in, and then I will try to create the above-mentioned inscriptions.

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