Features of a folding staircase to the attic and the subtleties of its installation. Do-it-yourself attic staircase made of wood: tips for making DIY attic staircase hinges

Having a private house with an attic, there is often a need to install additional design, with which one could easily climb up to work on the second floor of the house. Making an attic ladder will be the easiest and most successful way to do this. Using a hatch will allow you to hide the structure when it is not needed, and making the staircase itself with your own hands will not allow you to doubt the quality and reliability of the structure.


In a good private house, an attic is most often installed during design. This non-residential premises, where most often all unnecessary things are stored for which there is not enough space in the house. If desired, you can make a full second floor out of it. In any case, no matter how this room is used, you need to be able to get into it. The simplest and most reliable option is a ladder.

Initially, private houses were built with external iron structures from the side, along which it was possible to get to the attic quite comfortably in good weather. If the ladder was not originally made, then the household used a simple extension wooden structure, which was placed only at the necessary moment. The disadvantage of any of the above methods is seasonality - only in the summer, in good weather and daylight hours, you can safely get into the attic and do all the necessary manipulations in it.

In view of these features, many owners of dachas and their own houses build attic stairs indoors. In order for it to take up little space and not disturb residents, most often the design is foldable. An attic ladder can be either metal or wooden; you can buy it or make it yourself. Each owner decides this moment for himself. To prevent a draft from blowing from the attic, dust not getting in, and simply not having a hole in the ceiling, it is closed using a hatch.

If the attic is equipped for living space, then most often a stationary staircase is erected so that you can quickly go up and down. For a non-residential area, the most logical thing would be a folding structure, which is hidden behind a hatch under the ceiling and can be accessed at any moment. Having the option of going upstairs inside your home means you don't have to worry about weather conditions or darkness if you need to take something from the attic or carry something you don't need away.

Types of structures

If you are concerned about buying or making a staircase to the attic, then first of all you need to understand what type of structure is right for you. Having determined the place where you will install the ladder, you can understand how large it can be, how much space it will take up, what type it will be, and only after that you can take some more serious steps.

The main options for attic stairs are:

  • foldable;
  • folding;
  • retractable;
  • spring;
  • telescopic.

Folding stairs are most often made of metal, because this material allows you to create a small-sized and easily folding structure. The main material for this is aluminum, due to its lightness and good strength characteristics. The advantage of this type is the versatility of the device, which is suitable for almost any type of house structure with a wide range of ceiling heights.

If this option is folded, the structure turns out to be small, and does not go beyond the box made for it. The only downside is the difficulty of folding and unfolding the mechanism, because these actions require a certain amount of physical strength. In addition, it is very difficult to make such a staircase at home. Here, each part must have a certain length and be fixed using the necessary hinge mechanisms, so it will be easier to purchase it in a store.

You can make a folding ladder from wood, but it will have a completely different appearance. You can do it yourself without much difficulty. It will consist of two parts. During folding, it will be attached to the longer part, and the entire ladder is not hidden anywhere, but is placed or attached to the wall. In the case of mounting, you need to make fasteners on the wall.

If there is a need to have portable ladder, then you can make a very simple but reliable mechanism using bars and a cable. Two bars are selected based on the height of the ceiling, steps are prepared - there should be no more than four of them, between two wooden ones there will be one step made of cable, which tightens the entire structure during operation. By loosening the cable, you can completely disassemble everything and place it in a closet or other storage location.

The folding type of attic ladder differs in the type of device. All parts of the structure are folded into one another and removed upstairs. The same principle is used when laying out - each section is opened one by one and the staircase is ready for use. This type of operation is achieved using a hinge mechanism, which is installed on both sides of each span. The uppermost part is attached to the hatch; when opened, additional handrails appear, which make the staircase structure more reliable and facilitate easy and quick climbing to the top.

The convenience of this option is that when folded, the ladder has the same dimensions as the box in which it is placed, which means it does not take up more space than necessary. If you wish, having gone upstairs, you can remove it so as not to disturb other inhabitants of the house if the position of the hatch is in a passageway.

For safety, grooves are made on the steps that prevent the foot from moving and the person stands confidently when going up or down to the first floor of the house. This is provided for initially in purchased designs, but when planning your own production, you need to remember this nuance. The type of fastening of steps in finished structures is called “dovetail”.

Retractable ladder may consist of two or three parts, which is regulated by the height of the ceilings in the house. The principle of operation of such a device is simple - each section extends one after another, as if on rails. The top section must be attached to the main beam in the attic to ensure the structure is strong. When planning the installation of such a lifting device, you need to make a special box on the ceiling into which the ladder will be mounted. It is important to have a strong and reliable design, otherwise there is a risk of the ceiling collapsing with anyone climbing into the attic.

A manhole cover is attached to the upper section, which should be shorter than the rest in length., and while the entire structure is folding, the window to the attic is automatically closed. It is not necessary to secure the hatch; you can close it yourself after the ladder is sent up.

Another version of the retractable design has two sections. The small one is attached to the hatch, and when it is opened, you can freely access it. By removing the special fasteners, you can release the second part and lower it to the floor level, resting it firmly and securely on it. Most often, wood is used for this option rather than metal. The hatch is raised and lowered on special metal folding guides, which are located on both sides.

If such a staircase is purchased, then the hatch is already included, and it is additionally equipped with thermal insulation so as not to let in warm air into the attic, but the cold one did not enter the room. If this structure is built with your own hands, then these nuances should also not be forgotten.

Spring stairs have special spring mechanisms, with the help of which each section of the structure is fixed, which does not allow them to fold spontaneously. Thanks to them, the reliability and safety of the device for climbing into the attic is achieved.

The telescopic ladder is made of metal and has the form of round guides that fold into each other according to the principle of a telescope. The steps move tightly together, and the entire structure takes up minimal space. It is very convenient and simple to use; any household member can handle it.

Lifting systems for attic stairs are more convenient than options for products that remain in the room. The sliding design allows you to quickly remove and fold the product, which is important for those who are used to working quickly. The automatic hatch slamming system eliminates the inconvenient procedure of climbing up to the ceiling level to further secure it when the ladder has been retracted. If you want to have a stationary staircase, but so that it takes up a minimum of space, then the best option will screw design, which will allow you to climb into the attic, making circular movements during ascent and descent.

Where to place it?

In a house with an attic, sooner or later the question arises of purchasing a staircase through which one can easily access it. The construction of such a structure for the street will not cause any special problems, although there will be little comfort from using such a device. In order to make access to the attic quick, you need to place lifting mechanism right in the house.

The first thing to take care of is right choice places for this. If the house is large, then finding an impassable corner in it will not be difficult, but in a small country house You will need to get out of the situation where one space serves as a kitchen, a bedroom and a living room. In this case, the most far corner from the entrance to the house. If there is a corridor, then you can also think of a hatch in it, where the ladder will hide.

Having a spacious kitchen, you can provide access to the attic from it, especially if something useful for cooking is stored there. If you need to hide a stationary staircase, you can fence it off from the general space of the room by making small corridor, which will have a door, creating the illusion of a room.

The staircase can also be used as a decorative item, but it is best to do this in the case when the attic is a living space and is used quite often. A folding design will only make it difficult to use, while a stationary one will allow people of any age and physical ability to climb up and down comfortably.


When planning to make a staircase to the attic on your own, it is important to purchase all the necessary materials. The first thing it all starts with is installing the hatch. This wooden frame, where the structure will be hidden. To make it, you need to have a 50 by 50 beam in cross section and ten millimeters of plywood. When making a staircase from wood, you need to prepare boards 20-25 millimeters thick and 120-150 millimeters wide.

To determine the length of the boards, you need to already know what kind of structure it will be - sliding, folding, how many sections it will have. The material for the steps is calculated, the distance between them and the thickness of the material are thought out. As for the hatch, an important component of its good operation are the components that are responsible for the shock-absorbing properties at the time of opening and closing. To secure the hatch to the box, you will need hinges. They must be powerful in order to cope with their task many times.

Important components are also the mechanisms that help hold the hatch together with the ladder. These unique shock absorbers can be purchased or made by hand if available suitable tool. Another important element is the hinges, which help fold and unfold the ladder. These accessories are sold in any furniture store, so there should be no problems purchasing them. Metal base everyone important elements allows you to have no doubt about the reliability and quality of the finished product and confidently use it for many years.

To make a ladder with a hatch yourself, you need to have the following tools:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • gun for working with polyurethane foam;
  • screwdriver with bits or a set of screwdrivers;
  • self-tapping screws of different lengths and widths;
  • tape measure of sufficient length;
  • card loops;
  • bars with a thickness of 20 to 30 millimeters.


The calculation of standards for the manufacture of stairs to the attic has long been established, so you just need to apply it to your premises. The width of the march should be kept at 650-1100 millimeters, and the height should be no more than 350 centimeters. If you make the structure taller, its reliability will be significantly lower.

When planning the number of steps, you should not make more than fifteen of them. If the situation requires it, you can increase the quantity, but first the entire structure is strengthened. The optimal distance between steps is fifteen or twenty centimeters. The step itself must be at least two centimeters thick.

Most right angle productions attic structure it will be sixty or eighty degrees. A larger angle will significantly reduce the safety of using the ladder. A small corner will require very little space, which is a significant advantage.

When thinking through the design, it is important to consider the weight that will be on the ladder during use. These are not only kilograms of the owner of the house and his relatives, but also any items that need to be placed in the attic or taken downstairs. It is worth taking care that the steps do not slip, otherwise you can fall off them and injure yourself.

The opening in the ceiling is made according to the dimensions of the finished staircase and the hatch that is attached to it. It is important to calculate every millimeter as accurately as possible and insulate the entrance to the attic so that cold air does not enter the house from it.

Step-by-step production

If you decide to make a staircase to the attic with your own hands, then the first thing you should take care of is drawings and creating a project. Homemade design is not difficult if you approach the process of its implementation correctly.

The first thing you need to do is pick everything necessary tools and purchase materials that you will definitely need for your work. After this, a simple extension ladder will be installed, with the help of which you can work with the ceiling and make a niche in it for the hatch.

Once the location for climbing into the attic has been determined, you need to cut a rectangular window in the ceiling and start constructing the manhole cover. To do this, you need to use a 5 by 5 centimeter beam, which is cut based on the dimensions of the finished hole in the ceiling. When the structure is fastened, plywood ten millimeters thick is stuffed on top. When everything is ready, you need to try on the resulting lid, and if you like it, you need to secure it with hinges.

Once the installation of the hatch is completed, you can begin making the stairs. It’s easy to do this yourself, especially if you chose the folding design option. To do this you need to use ladder, to which beams are screwed on both sides. At the bottom you need to fasten them securely, and at the top the fixation goes to the hinges. Next, the entire staircase is sawn into two parts - the upper one is large, the lower one is half as large.

In order to prevent such a staircase from slipping, you need to make additional rigidity bars that are installed diagonally.

The two parts of the folding structure must be connected using hinges. The upper part of the entire ladder is attached to the hatch with anchors, and the lower folding part is attached with a hook, which prevents it from opening on its own. The finished lifting mechanism is pressed against the wall and fixed.

You can make an attic ladder from three parts, which will fold and hide in the hatch. To do this, the ladder is divided into three parts, the first of which has the dimensions of a hatch, the second is smaller than the first, and the third has a length that is enough to place it on the floor. All parts must be secured with hinges, the operation of which must be carefully checked. The stairs need to be sanded well and varnished.

In order to make an attic ladder, it is not necessary to have unique skills and be a real master, you just need to approach the work correctly and do everything correctly and efficiently. Creating a lifting mechanism will not take much effort and time if you develop a clear action plan and enlist the support of family members.

The staircase to the attic is a simple design that you can easily create yourself. It can be solid - made of wood or metal, or it can have a light and convenient folding shape. What options are suitable for your attic and how to make and install an attic ladder with a hatch with your own hands, read our material.

The exit to the attic is almost always located in one of living rooms top floor of the house. Therefore, you have to either sacrifice space and spoil the interior, or use a portable stepladder. The last option is not only troublesome, but also quite risky, since unstable steps can break off, and in order to hold the stepladder itself, you often need to invite family members to help.

We suggest you make a choice in favor of a more reliable option - designing and implementing a new modern attic staircase. Types and recommendations for creating a good-quality staircase to the attic with your own hands, which we give below, will help you make your choice.

Attic stairs: overview of options

The main elements of the staircase are the bowstring and the stringer (side parts); tread (steps) and riser (for stationary stairs).

I. Capital steps

If there is enough space in your house, then we recommend building a stationary staircase to access the attic or attic. This option is reliable, practical and durable. Capital steps can be performed on the basis metal frame or quality wood.

Monolithic stairs can be marching, with one or more bends, or spiral (spiral). Marching options have steps in the form of rectangular plates (boards), which evenly move upward at the same distance. Spiral staircase folded around a central base, has steps narrowed towards the inner edge and is arranged in a spiral. The latter option is more compact and can be built even in small spaces, without sacrificing space.

The “advantages” of the capital option include durability, reliability and ease of use.

A capital staircase, in most cases, does not provide a hatch for access to the attic, therefore it is more suitable for houses with warm roof. For cold roof The exit to the attic must be closed with a sealed hatch. The standard dimensions of the hatch are 120x70 cm. It makes no sense to make the passage smaller, as this will complicate both getting into the attic and installing steps.

The material for the hatch is wood, metal or plastic. You can order a blank for the hatch at the metal-plastic structures factory with installation or self-installation. The hatch can be automatic or manual opening. With the latter option, a special pole is used to open the latch (lock) and lower the door with a ladder.

II. Portable ladders

Portable steps are the closest analogue of the “good old” stepladders. Such a ladder will only be reliable if you make a folding version with a platform. However, it is difficult to call such a design convenient. You will have to make extra efforts to get into the attic hole, and the issue of storing such a ladder will cause a lot of trouble.

III. Folding attic ladders with hatch

A very convenient and easy-to-implement type of attic ladder is folding steps connected to a hatch. Thanks to its convenient design, this type of steps has become the most popular among professional craftsmen.

Today there are many types of folding stairs, from which you can choose the most suitable option(telescopic, scissor, folding, etc.).

The folding mechanism is suitable for any attic spaces with a hatch onto which the staircase structure can be attached.

  1. Scissor steps. This type is made of metal. The steps themselves can be wooden. The ladder is a compressing mechanism. When folded, the design takes on a very compact shape and size, so it is perfect for a small attic hatch;
  2. Telescopic steps. They are a system of retractable sections (similar to a folding telescope). This option is made of aluminum and also looks very compact on a small attic door;
  3. Folding (folding) stairs. This type is the most popular, as it is characterized by practicality, durability, cost-effectiveness and ease of installation. Below we will describe it in more detail.

In general, most stairs schematically look like this:

Before we start designing an attic staircase, let's consider some standard specifications designs:

  • The width of the march for attic steps should not exceed 60-65 cm;
  • The height of the entire structure (taking into account the slope) is allowed up to 300 cm. Anything that exceeds this length becomes less stable and less strong. The higher the ladder, the less load it can withstand;
  • Based on the recommended length of the stairs, the number of steps is selected - 13-15 pieces, with a distance between them of up to 20 cm;
  • The most convenient and safe angle of inclination of the stairs is 60-700 degrees;
  • Steps are a direct recipient of the load when climbing, so they must have a dense structure and a thickness of 18 mm, and be positioned strictly parallel to the floor.

Selection of material for flight of stairs should be determined by the frequency of operation of the structure. Wood wears out faster than metal. So, if you go up to the attic every day, it is better to design the steps from metal. In other cases, the tree is like light material, environmentally friendly and easy to install, is very popular.

So, let's get started and create a modern attic staircase with a hatch with your own hands according to the drawings that our specialists have prepared for you.

Stages of design and installation of a staircase of three sections with a hatch

Any work must begin with a project. Determine the height of your future staircase, taking into account the height of the ceiling and a slope of 60-70 degrees. It is also worth accurately measuring the attic passage and drawing a corresponding diagram. The drawing must contain the following information: length of the staircase, angle of inclination, height of the ceiling of the room, dimensions of the passage and attic hatch, width of the flight, number and dimensions of sections, number, distance and dimensions of steps.

I. Preparation of the drawing

At this stage, the design is calculated. The length of the stairs is easy to calculate. We use a simple mathematical formula: D = B/, where α is the selected angle of inclination, B is the height of the ceiling. So, with a ceiling height of 3 m and an inclination angle of 60 degrees, the length of the staircase will be 3/0.867 = 3.46 m. ​​Craftsmen advise adding a few centimeters to the resulting figure in order to then more accurately measure and cut the required length:

The dimensions of the hatch should be slightly smaller than the opening itself. For the calculation, 6-7 mm is left on each side of the door.

We calculate the length of the sections according to the following scheme: the first section is the length of the hatch minus 10%; second section – length of the first section minus 10%; third section - the sum of the lengths of the first two sections is subtracted from the total length of the stairs.

Now you need to transfer the calculations to paper and start preparing necessary materials and tools.

II. Selection of materials and tools

To implement the project, you need to prepare carpentry tools: tape measure, chisel, hacksaw, screwdriver, welding machine(or capital connections for a metal frame), square, hacksaw, clamps, wood glue, masking tape, electrodes, wood glue.

The main materials that we will need: 50x50 mm bars for finishing the hatch (about 4-5 pieces); two boards for the bowstring 100x25 mm long, equal to the selected length of the ladder; board for steps 100x20 or 100x25 mm; plywood or material with similar characteristics (one standard sheet is enough for the hatch door); plates and angles for opening and hinges; nuts, bolts, screws, washers, etc.

III. Making a hatch door

Step I. Prepare the bars for the hatch. At the ends of the beams, make cuts-grooves to tightly connect the structure into regular triangle using mounting adhesive and fasteners. Protect the corners of the frame with temporary plywood plates to prevent the rectangle from moving.

Step II. Attach a sheet of plywood of the appropriate size to the base of the bars. Now you need to try on the hatch to the passage to the attic. It should be 6-7 mm smaller on all sides.

Step III. Provide a lock for the attic door. This can be an automatic mechanism, or a very ordinary latch, which can be opened with a pole with a tip.

Step IV. We install hatch opening/closing mechanisms. If you don’t want to buy ready-made mechanisms, you can make them yourself. There should be two fastenings - left and right. For work, purchase a 4x20 mm steel plate and a corner. The photo shows a drawing of the left fastening part. The right one is performed in mirror image. Dimensions are given arbitrarily. For more accurate calculations, consider your parameters. Before fastening, be sure to check the mechanisms in operation:

IV. Assembling the stairs

You can always order a ready-made sectional staircase from the craftsmen, which can be secured according to ready-made diagram on one's own. But if you decide to complete the work yourself, you can assemble the stairs from prepared materials.

Step 1. Mark on the strings the places where the steps will be installed. To do this, mark each part with a pencil, according to the selected angle of inclination of the stairs and the previously made calculations. Now press the ends of the boards tightly together and fasten them together masking tape. This is necessary to drill through holes at the junctions of sections. Drill a hole for the hinge with a diameter of about 25 mm at the junction of the first and second sections. Next, you need to remove the tape and turn the boards over, fastening them again. Now we drill a similar hole at the junction of the second and third sections:

Step 2. Cut the bowstrings along the marked lines. Next, grooves for the steps are made on the inside of the bowstrings using a chisel. The depth of the grooves must be at least 5 mm (this should also be taken into account at the first design stage). The lower section of the bowstrings should be beveled according to the angle of inclination of the stairs.

Step 3. We cut the steps according to the markings and attach them to the left bowstring. We put the steps on glue and secure them with self-tapping screws. We attach the right bowstring and also fasten it with self-tapping screws.

Step 4. Attach the hinges for the sliding mechanism of the stairs. Hinges, like hinge mechanisms, can be bought in a store, or made independently from metal tape. We need eight strips of metal (you can use leftovers from the door mechanisms). Weld small pieces of the same strip to the four strips. We drill two holes in each part (for fastening and hinge). We connect the hinge with the hinges. Now we join the cut sections and attach the hinges so that each hinge fits into the groove (25 mm holes drilled before cutting the sections). We fasten the loops on the bowstrings:

V. Final assembly

Now the top of the finished ladder needs to be secured to the hatch, having first checked the operation of the hinge mechanisms. The staircase should also be checked after installation. After making sure that all parts are in good condition and functionality, open the steps with varnish:

One more thing step by step guide for installation:

You can insulate and seal the hatch using foam rubber or construction wool. The edges of the hatch should be covered with rubber sealant tape.

That's it, your staircase with hatch is ready! This is exactly the option that is completely feasible “with one helmet.” We wish you fast and easy work.

The attic is a traditional room in almost every country house. Its functionality is unusually wide. For example, this room is used as a storage room or workshop; some homeowners even decorate the attic as a living room or bedroom. In fact, the functional purpose of such a room depends solely on your own imagination, as well as financial capabilities. However, despite the wide variety of design options attic space, it is worth knowing that the attic ladder with a hatch is an integral part of it. If you do not build this structure, you simply will not be able to get into this room. Creating an attic staircase is a fairly simple matter, for which you don’t even have to turn to professionals in the construction industry.

The attic staircase must be functional

Classification of structures

Actually, the most labor-intensive process in organizing the attic space is the design of the staircase segment. Before creating a project for a specific staircase for your home, you must first decide on the design category. The following options exist:

  • foldable;
  • stationary;
  • portable.

Approximate diagram of a folding ladder with a hatch

Features of various designs

Construction industry specialists call the broad marching structure the most reliable in the corresponding segment. It is worth noting that its durability, reliability and safety cannot be compared with structural analogues on the market. Meanwhile, despite a large number of benefits this option, choosing in its favor is sometimes impossible due to the banal lack of necessary free space. Thus, if you do not have large area for stairs, then a stationary model will not suit you. However, you shouldn’t despair, because you can always build a folding staircase. Its design has best characteristics from stationary and portable analogues. For example, it is not as reliable and safe as a stationary marching model, however, to organize such a structure it is necessary to have a very small amount of free space. In addition, folding models are the easiest to implement without the help of experienced professionals.

Simple two-piece staircase

Temporary solution

Portable models will be highlighted in separate category however, it is quite extensive. The variety of portable products is incredible. Meanwhile, we should not forget that the daily use of such a product can never become safe or comfortable enough, and the staircase itself is not able to compete with stationary and folding models in terms of operational and technical characteristics.

The staircase should be comfortable and functional

Selection of building materials

In the process of creating an attic staircase with your own hands, namely its preliminary drawing, it is worth paying attention to what building materials are usually used in this matter. Despite all the variety of products in the building materials segment, any experienced builder will tell you that there are certain types of goods that the best way show themselves during operation. As a rule, all main structural parts are made primarily of wood, while fastening and fixing elements are made of metals. Thanks to the competent selection of materials, a do-it-yourself attic ladder, the drawing of which was made by a non-professional, will be much stronger and more reliable.

Folding ladder on hinges

How to make your choice?

Due to the fact that building materials for folding stairs to the attic are presented in a variety price segments, source material and characteristics, it is quite easy to drown in a sea of ​​information about them. To minimize the time spent searching and selecting the best options, you should follow a number of rules:

  • Specify the type functional purpose design, as well as its main parameters, including design features, sectionality, width, etc.
  • Choose building materials in strict accordance with how actively the product will be used and under what conditions.
  • Identify negative factors that can reduce the service life of the product.

Another one typical diagram attic stairs

The main thing is to correctly define the function

Any specialist who has the required level of qualifications and experience in working with these types of objects will tell you that the final result largely depends on the correct definition of the functional purpose of the product construction work How to build a staircase to the attic with your own hands. This parameter allows you to calculate the indicator permissible load for each step of the product. The standard value of this indicator for a metal product is about 250 kGs, but wooden models designed only for 150 kGs. In addition, it is worth considering that the above indicators are valid for products made by professionals, while home-made objects have slightly lower parameters. Overall, the indicator permissible pressure one step does not mean that she cannot bear more stress. However, if you overload the structure too often, it will become unusable in a fairly short period of time.

When opening the hatch, you do not have to make much effort

So, the main criteria by which the choice is made optimal option, are:

  • area of ​​free space in the room;
  • functional purpose of the object;
  • required angle of inclination of the product.

The creation of the drawing must be carried out in accordance with regulations

Stages of work and their features

In fact, experts say that there is nothing particularly difficult in creating a ladder with a hatch with your own hands. Enough to stick certain rules, proven over the years. For example, when drawing up design drawings, you should be guided by regulatory and technical documentation, in which, in addition to the conditions general, specific parameters of standard products are also given. In addition, on the Internet there are a lot of ready-made schemes for every taste offered in the public domain. You can take ready-made option and begin to implement the project, or modify it a little in accordance with individual characteristics Houses.

Tools recommended by experts

Figure 9.

What to consider when designing?

Most General requirements regulatory and technical documentation can be reduced to a number of simple and understandable conditions:

  • the ergonomic range of product width is from 60 to 100 centimeters;
  • the best height is three and a half meters;
  • maximum number of steps – 15 pieces;
  • the distance between adjacent steps should be about 20 centimeters;
  • a comfortable step height for a person reaches about 20 centimeters, a deviation of 2 centimeters is allowed;
  • If we are talking about a folding structure, then when creating the project, a permissible load of 15 kilograms is taken.


Having decided to independently carry out construction work, it is very important to stock up on a certain set of equipment, so that in the process of implementing the product project you do not stop due to the banal lack of a screwdriver or tape measure. So, standard set tools consists of the following items:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • bars;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • hacksaw;
  • yardstick;
  • anchors;
  • screwdrivers.

Building a staircase is not difficult

Location Features

All the nuances of the location of the object in the room will become visible during the construction process. This is especially true if you are involved in the creation and subsequent implementation of the project yourself. Remember that the product cannot in any way reduce the comfort of the room. That is why stairs with hatches are not located in bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens. However, if necessary, you can diversify your staircase design interesting design. Thanks to this, the product can harmoniously fit into general interior premises.

Project implementation technology

By following a certain technology, you can quickly and efficiently implement even a complex project. So, if you have chosen metal as the main material, then remember that the following steps are carried out:

  • the drawing is applied to sheets of cardboard;
  • cardboard elements of the future product are cut out;
  • the hinge is marked on metal strips and special holes are prepared;
  • the prepared parts are fixed together;
  • the required angle is measured and the structure is moved apart in accordance with the obtained parameters;
  • on metal sheets markings are applied to those places that will subsequently be covered with corners;
  • by using special tool elements are cut out;
  • given aesthetic appearance object;
  • existing corners are rounded;
  • The workpieces are fastened in pairs.

Before starting work, install a temporary ladder

As you can see, the technology for implementing a staircase project with your own hands is quite simple. It applies not only to metal objects, but also to wooden products.

In order for the appearance of the attic staircase to be as attractive as possible, do not be too lazy to implement preparatory work on the surface building material. We are talking, for example, about applying a special primer before covering dye surface.

Do not be afraid of difficulties, because the technology for constructing stairs may seem problematic to you only at first glance and require experience in the construction industry. Applying the optimal amount of effort will help you achieve maximum results.

For country cottages, private houses and simple country houses, equipped with an attic, the presence of a convenient and reliable staircase leading to the mentioned room is a common necessity of life.

At the same time, the staircase does not have to be capital and bulky at all - you can assemble and install a beautiful folding design, which will in no way be inferior to stationary stairs.

DIY staircase to the attic

You can complete all the related tasks yourself, saving money and testing your own strength.

Choosing the type of staircase

There are several types of stairs that can be installed to access your attic.


Attic staircase

Stationary ladder

A staircase with wide flights and railings is the most reliable, durable and easy-to-use design. However, the possibility of arranging such a staircase is not available everywhere - it certainly cannot be equipped in small areas.


Portable option

They are used primarily as a temporary option, as well as for access to rarely used rooms. The main disadvantages of such a ladder are low safety and ease of use. Therefore, if possible, the use of such a design should be abandoned.


Folding ladder

They are something between portable and stationary ladders. In terms of ease of use and safety, they are almost in no way inferior to full-fledged ones. stationary structures and have, at the same time, a significant advantage - they require very little space for their arrangement. Therefore, when self-production It is recommended to give preference to folding stairs.

Selection of materials

No less important point is the choice of materials from which the stairs to the attic will be assembled. Wood is usually used to make the main elements of folding sectional stairs, and fasteners are traditionally made of metal.

Attic stairs

Currently there are many various materials, types of controls and fasteners, which makes it possible to easily assemble a folding ladder that will best suit your specific room.

When choosing materials for the manufacture of attic stairs, you need to take into account a number of important factors. First of all, decide on the functional purpose of the structure, its type, width, and optimal quantity sections.

Attic stairs

The functional purpose of the stairs to the attic is very important in terms of determining the maximum permissible load on the steps. So, for example, factory-made wooden stairs can withstand an average load of 150 kgf, metal ones - 250 kgf. For homemade stairs, these figures are slightly reduced.

This does not mean that the steps will not be able to withstand a higher load, but it is definitely not worth loading them regularly, otherwise the structure will break very quickly.

Attic stairs, drawing

The width of the stairs should not be greater than the width of the attic opening.

When choosing the dimensions of the attic ladder, be guided by proven and approved standards.

  • march width – at the level of 650-1100 mm;
  • height - no more than 350 cm. With more significant values, the staircase noticeably loses in terms of rigidity and overall safety;
  • number of steps – up to 15. In some situations, the number of steps can be increased with the obligatory additional strengthening of the structure;
  • the distance between the steps is 15-20 cm, usually they are placed at a distance of about 18-19 cm;
  • the thickness of the steps is about 2 cm, may deviate slightly in both directions;
  • the angle of inclination is about 60-80 degrees. Installing stairs at a small angle requires a lot of free space, while a large angle reduces the safety of the structure.
  • When designing a staircase, be sure to take into account the expected level of load on the structure.

    Stair dimensions

Remember: the steps must be installed strictly parallel to the floor surface. In addition, the steps of the stairs must be non-slip. To do this, you can stuff linings of any non-slip material over the base material.

Interfloor opening size

Guide to making a staircase to the attic

There is nothing overly complicated about making your own stairs to the attic. Of course, an inexperienced craftsman is unlikely to be able to assemble a structure with the same attractive appearance as factory-made models, but it’s definitely worth a try.

DIY attic folding ladder

Before starting work, create a drawing of the future staircase. If you do not have the necessary skills, order the creation of a drawing from a specialist or select suitable scheme from the options presented in open sources.

One of the drawings


Prepare all the necessary tools immediately so as not to be distracted by searching for missing tools in the future.

You will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • screwdrivers;
  • anchor;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • bars;
  • fastening loops;
  • yardstick.

    Almost complete set

    Markup Tools

Also, before starting work, you need to buy or assemble an ordinary ladder. To assemble this design yourself, you only need to fix the transverse steps between two long vertical posts and further strengthen the structure.

The finished staircase should be approximately 30 cm longer than the distance from the level of the opening to the attic to the floor.


Simple hatch

You can also easily handle making a hatch with your own hands. The only materials you will need are sheets of plywood and a wooden beam 5x5 cm.

First step. Choose a location to place the hatch and determine its optimal dimensions. Add approximately 7-9 mm on each side to the dimensions of the hatch so that in the future you can easily close the lid without squeaks or other noise. Make the opening according to the specific dimensions.

Hatch box

Second step. Cut the wooden beam into four parts in accordance with the dimensions of the hatch.

A simple scheme for constructing an insulated attic hatch

Third step. Make grooves at the ends of the bars. Lubricate the prepared grooves and connect the bars into a rectangular (square) structure. Additionally strengthen the connections using self-tapping screws. Screw the gussets so that the diagonal does not move.

Fourth step. Attach the plywood cover to the resulting base and try on the product in the hatch opening.

Fifth step. Install a regular latch into the hatch cover. You will open the latch using a handle. Attach it to the lid and finally fix the product in the pre-aligned opening. Usually loops are used for this.

The hatch should open easily

Simple folding ladder

Start making a folding ladder. It is assumed that you already have at your disposal the previously mentioned wooden extension ladder.

First step. Attach the width of the beam to the bottom of the ladder. Attach the same block to the top of the product. In this case, the lower bar must be fixed rigidly, and the upper one - on the hinges.

Second step. Saw the ladder into 2 parts. The upper part should be about 2/3 of the length total length stairs.

Third step. Attach a pair of slats to provide additional diagonal rigidity.

Fourth step. Connect the parts of the structure using loops.

Fifth step. Secure the top beam under the hatch using anchors.

Sixth step. Secure the bottom of the ladder with a hook - this will prevent it from opening spontaneously. Place the loop on the stringer above the cutting line.

Seventh step. Press the finished structure against the wall surface and secure.

The main disadvantage is this homemade stairs is not a very attractive appearance - the entire beam and fasteners remain visible. However, such a staircase copes 100% with the main tasks - ensuring a convenient and safe ascent and return descent.

Finished design

Folding attic ladder with strings

An improved and more attractive version of the previous design. There is also nothing complicated in making such a staircase; it is enough to follow all the instructions step by step.

Folding attic ladder with strings

First step. Share a regular sideboard wooden stairs into 3 parts. Make the first part according to the dimensions of the attic hatch, make the second a little smaller than the first, and make the third such that the remaining space to the floor surface is completely covered.

Second step. Take a small tool and measure the corner of the attic hatch. Transfer the angle to the boards, thus marking the location of the steps.

Third step. Drill holes where the hinges will be located between the individual stair sections.

Fourth step. Sand the edges of the structures.

Fifth step. Saw the boards at the hinge points.

Sixth step. Cut and sand the steps.

Seventh step. Prepare indentations for the steps in the strings.

Eighth step. Insert the steps into the prepared recesses. Use glue and further strengthen the connections with self-tapping screws.

Ninth step. Connect the sections of the stairs using special loops. To do this, the sections must be placed on a stable, flat surface.

Tenth step. Check the operation of all sections. If you find any defects or deviations, try to correct them immediately.

Eleventh step. Sand everything down wooden surfaces and coat them with varnish.

Twelfth step. After the varnish has completely dried, install the structure in the attic hatch opening. If necessary, make final adjustments to the structural elements.


Thus, self-assembly stairs is extremely simple and accessible to almost every event. At the same time, the cost of a homemade staircase will be much lower compared to the price of a similar factory-made design. Follow the instructions and everything will definitely work out.

Good luck!

Also read the article on our website - do-it-yourself staircase to the basement.

Video - Do-it-yourself staircase to the attic

An attic hatch with a ladder is the key to comfortable operation of the structure. In many houses, the attic is not just a room filled with rubbish, but a room quite suitable for relaxation or work, which is often used. In this case, the question of a safe and convenient ascent to this very room arises. You can, of course, use stepladders or other attached structures, but a ladder hidden in the attic hatch will be much simpler and more comfortable to use. Moreover, making such a thing with your own hands is not so difficult.

Folding attic stairs with hatch: sizes and types

Stairs that lead to the attic are divided into three main types: stationary (they cannot be moved), portable and folding.

The first type is inconvenient because it takes up a lot of space. The second is a rather troublesome option, since the ladder has to be constantly moved from place to place. But folding beds are exactly what you need. They are compact, can be removed at any time and, as a rule, are completely invisible if hidden in a hatch.

The attic hatch, despite the simplicity of its design, can be:

  • Horizontal- the most common type, mounted in the ceiling;
  • Vertical– its second name is a manhole, the most convenient to use;
  • Attic– it also leads to the roof, it has a complex device, so it is better to order it from specialists;
  • Audit– designed more for checking the room (usually used if the space is very small, but you need to monitor the room).

The dimensions of the hatch must clearly correspond to the dimensions of the stairs. Otherwise there will be difficulties with its operation.

Folding attic stairs come in three types

  • The height of the structure should not exceed 3 meters, otherwise its safety becomes jeopardized;
  • The width of the ladder can be from 60 cm to 1 m;
  • It is better to do flights of stairs in the area of ​​60-65 cm;
  • The number of steps should not be more than 15, and their height varies within 20 cm;
  • Also, the steps should not slide, and their location should be clearly parallel to the floor;
  • The angle of inclination of the stairs is recommended to be from 60 to 70 degrees.

The manhole cover can be made whole or from two identical halves. The last option is very convenient for wide openings. In this case, there is no need to lift the lid completely.

You can, of course, resort to a simpler option. Namely, buy a hatch with a ladder in the store. For example, in Ob. You can view the products directly in the online catalog and choose exactly what you need for your home or garden.

Do-it-yourself reliable attic ladder with a hatch: drawings and tips

In addition to the size, it is important to decide on the material from which the hatch will be made. To create it, wood or metal can be used, as for the stairs.

Before starting construction, it is necessary to create structural drawings and choose the place where it is most convenient to place the hatch.

  • Under no circumstances should the hatch hit the floor beam;
  • It is advisable not to touch the roof rafters either;
  • The direction of the hatch and its location largely depends on the direction of the rafters (you need to focus on them first).

You can make an attic staircase with a hatch yourself, but before that you need to create design drawings

The dimensions of the hatch must match the dimensions of the ceiling opening. Otherwise, the hatch may become crooked, which will complicate its operation, and over time may lead to the appearance of cracks in the ceiling itself.

The place where the hatch will be placed will require additional reinforcement in all directions. Moreover, if the attic is not heated, then you need to think about thermal insulation of the lid.

After creating the drawings and determining the location where the hatch will be located, you can begin to manufacture it.

Do-it-yourself sealed attic hatch with ladder

There is nothing difficult about making a hatch with your own hands along with a ladder leading to the attic. You just need to follow a certain sequence of actions and work according to the instructions.

The hatch itself can be a ready-made structure with existing seals on both sides and external strips around the entire perimeter. Taking this into account, the process of securing the hatch can be simplified.

Creating an airtight attic hatch is not that difficult, the main thing is to follow the instructions and sequence

So, the work of attaching the hatch to the attic consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparing the opening in the ceiling - all measurements can be taken while inside the room in the attic. It will be more convenient this way. You can use an electric drill to drill holes around the perimeter of the future hatch. And cut the hole itself with a jigsaw.
  2. Trying on the hatch - having removed all the linings on it and leaving only the frame, you need to lean the hatch against the opening and check the tightness of the fit. The hatch should fit into the hole like a glove. At the same stage, you can attach a latch to the hatch.
  3. Installation and fixation - it is better to do this work together. You need to start from the attic side. The upper outer strip is attached directly to the hatch and fixed in the hole. Then the bottom strip is attached to the side of the room and fixed to the ceiling. The lid is secured.
  4. Checking the design - do not immediately put the maximum load on the stairs. It's better to do this gradually.

If you wish, you can make a beautiful decoration of the entrance to the attic. If you want the hatch not to be noticeable, it is better to use the same materials that were used for the ceiling or, on the contrary, highlight it with a bright spot. If the hatch is made of metal, it can be painted.

How to make an insulated attic hatch with a ladder

To prevent heat from escaping from the room, the hatch can be made with additional thermal insulation. It is not difficult.

The process of creating an insulated hatch with your own hands looks like this:

  1. A frame is assembled from 25 or 30 mm planks rectangular shape 40 - 50 mm less opening on all sides;
  2. The hatch frame itself is covered with fiberboard, wooden sheathing or plywood;
  3. In order to make the hatch warm, a vapor barrier film is placed on its base, and on top mineral wool, polystyrene foam or any other insulating material;
  4. Next, the insulation is fixed with boards and glued, and the other side is treated with fiberboard or plywood;
  5. Then hinges are attached to the already insulated hatch and to the ceiling, and the opening is sheathed with platbands.

Additionally, the insulated hatch can be protected with a special rubber seal so that it fits tightly.

The attic hatch with stairs can be additionally insulated

The hatch is installed in the hole as follows:

  1. Two boards are installed on which the structure will be attached;
  2. Special spacers are used to install and level the frame;
  3. Next, the screws are screwed into the front and back of the frame, and any gaps are filled with thermal insulation;
  4. Then the mounting boards are removed and the ladder is checked by laying it out and inspecting it for distortions and unevenness.

You can also save yourself time and opt for ladders that already come complete with a hatch with an insulated lid and are manufactured by well-known companies.

For example, the Fakro company produces ladders that are famous for their practicality, reliability and come complete with an already insulated hatch cover. They are sold pre-assembled, so installation is quick and easy.

In addition to Fakro, it is worth noting the Velux company. Thanks to the consistent quality of its products, it has maintained a leading position in the market in its industry for many years. Residents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were able to appreciate her products.

All VELUX stairs can be divided into three groups:

  1. "Economy"- folding design consisting of three sections without insulation. It can serve well in the garage or in the country house.
  2. "Basic"- also has three sections and an additionally insulated hatch cover.
  3. "Compact"- consists of four shortened sections, has a special insulation. Great for small spaces where to put an ordinary staircase problematic.

As you can see, you have a choice - to make a hatch with a ladder yourself and thereby reduce your costs or buy a ready-made structure.

Standard attic hatch without ladder

The hatch does not have to be with a ladder; it can be without one. It is simpler in its design, but also less convenient. After all, the ladder will still have to be attached or fixed in some way.

The hatch itself is quite simple to make. As a rule, for these purposes they are used wooden blocks, which are assembled into a rectangle and screwed together at the corners with self-tapping screws.

You can make a standard hatch without a ladder yourself, and without much effort

Installation of the attic hatch in the opening looks like this:

  • Fixing the hatch in the opening - this can be done by placing it on boards laid across the opening to the ceiling;
  • Fastening the hatch - this must be done so that the distance on all sides between it and the opening is the same;
  • Next, wooden inserts are inserted into the slots and at least 3 screws are screwed in on each side;
  • The empty space between the opening and the hatch is blown in with foam, and after it dries, you can begin cladding and finishing.

Actually, that's all the work. This is easy to do even for a beginner. The main thing is not to be afraid and boldly get down to business.

How to install an attic hatch yourself (video)

Creating an attic hatch with or without a ladder is a troublesome task, but not difficult. You can buy a ready-made structure and simply assemble it, or you can do it yourself, purchasing only the materials. This is the choice of everyone. In any case, there are options on how to make the entrance to the attic beautiful, comfortable and safe.

What could an attic hatch with a ladder look like (photo examples)

The staircase to the attic is a simple design that you can easily create yourself. It can be solid - made of wood or metal, or it can have a light and convenient folding shape. What options are suitable for your attic and how to make and install an attic ladder with a hatch with your own hands, read our material.

Stepladders for the attic? It's in the past!

The exit to the attic is almost always located in one of the living rooms on the top floor of the house. Therefore, you have to either sacrifice space and spoil the interior, or use a portable stepladder. The last option is not only troublesome, but also quite risky, since unstable steps can break off, and in order to hold the stepladder itself, you often need to invite family members to help.

We suggest you make a choice in favor of a more reliable option - designing and implementing a new modern attic staircase. Types and recommendations for creating a good-quality staircase to the attic with your own hands, which we give below, will help you make your choice.

Attic stairs: overview of options

The main elements of the staircase are the bowstring and the stringer (side parts); tread (steps) and riser (for stationary stairs).

I. Capital steps

If there is enough space in your house, then we recommend building a stationary staircase to access the attic or attic. This option is reliable, practical and durable. Capital steps can be made on the basis of a metal frame or high-quality wood.

Monolithic stairs can be marching, with one or more bends, or spiral (spiral). Marching options have steps in the form of rectangular plates (boards), which evenly move upward at the same distance. A spiral staircase is folded around a central base, has steps narrowed towards the inner edge and is arranged in a spiral. The latter option is more compact and can be built even in small spaces, without sacrificing space.

The “advantages” of the capital option include durability, reliability and ease of use.

A capital staircase, in most cases, does not provide a hatch for access to the attic, so it is more suitable for houses with a warm roof. For a cold roof, the exit to the attic must be closed with a sealed hatch. The standard dimensions of the hatch are 120x70 cm. It makes no sense to make the passage smaller, as this will complicate both getting into the attic and installing steps.

The material for the hatch is wood, metal or plastic. You can order a blank for the hatch at the metal-plastic structures factory with installation or self-assembly. The hatch can be automatic or manual opening. With the latter option, a special pole is used to open the latch (lock) and lower the door with a ladder.

II. Portable ladders

Portable steps are the closest analogue of the “good old” stepladders. Such a ladder will only be reliable if you make a folding version with a platform. However, it is difficult to call such a design convenient. You will have to make extra efforts to get into the attic hole, and the issue of storing such a ladder will cause a lot of trouble.

III. Folding attic ladders with hatch

A very convenient and easy-to-implement type of attic ladder is folding steps connected to a hatch. Thanks to its convenient design, this type of steps has become the most popular among professional craftsmen.

Today there are many types of folding stairs, among which you can choose the most suitable option (telescopic, scissor, folding, etc.).

The folding mechanism is suitable for any attic space with a hatch onto which the staircase structure can be attached.

  1. Scissor steps. This type is made of metal. The steps themselves can be wooden. The ladder is a compressing mechanism. When folded, the design takes on a very compact shape and size, so it is perfect for a small attic hatch;
  2. Telescopic steps. They are a system of retractable sections (similar to a folding telescope). This option is made of aluminum and also looks very compact on a small attic door;
  3. Folding (folding) stairs. This type is the most popular, as it is characterized by practicality, durability, cost-effectiveness and ease of installation. Below we will describe it in more detail.

In general, most stairs schematically look like this:

Before we begin designing an attic staircase, let's consider some standard design characteristics:

  • The width of the march for attic steps should not exceed 60-65 cm;
  • The height of the entire structure (taking into account the slope) is allowed up to 300 cm. Anything that exceeds this length becomes less stable and less strong. The higher the ladder, the less load it can withstand;
  • Based on the recommended length of the stairs, the number of steps is selected - 13-15 pieces, with a distance between them of up to 20 cm;
  • The most convenient and safe angle of inclination of the stairs is 60-700 degrees;
  • Steps are a direct recipient of the load when climbing, so they must have a dense structure and a thickness of 18 mm, and be positioned strictly parallel to the floor.

The choice of material for a flight of stairs should be determined by the frequency of operation of the structure. Wood wears out faster than metal. So, if you go up to the attic every day, it is better to design the steps from metal. In other cases, wood, as a material that is light, environmentally friendly and easy to install, is very popular.

So, let's get started and create a modern attic staircase with a hatch with your own hands according to the drawings that our specialists have prepared for you.

Stages of design and installation of a staircase of three sections with a hatch

Any work must begin with a project. Determine the height of your future staircase, taking into account the height of the ceiling and a slope of 60-70 degrees. It is also worth accurately measuring the attic passage and drawing a corresponding diagram. The drawing must contain the following information: length of the staircase, angle of inclination, height of the ceiling of the room, dimensions of the passage and attic hatch, width of the flight, number and dimensions of sections, number, distance and dimensions of steps.

I. Preparation of the drawing

At this stage, the design is calculated. The length of the stairs is easy to calculate. We use a simple mathematical formula: D = B/, where α is the selected angle of inclination, B is the height of the ceiling. So, with a ceiling height of 3 m and an inclination angle of 60 degrees, the length of the staircase will be 3/0.867 = 3.46 m. ​​Craftsmen advise adding a few centimeters to the resulting figure in order to then more accurately measure and cut the required length:

The dimensions of the hatch should be slightly smaller than the opening itself. For the calculation, 6-7 mm is left on each side of the door.

We calculate the length of the sections according to the following scheme: the first section is the length of the hatch minus 10%; second section – length of the first section minus 10%; third section - the sum of the lengths of the first two sections is subtracted from the total length of the stairs.

Now you need to transfer the calculations to paper and begin preparing the necessary materials and tools.

II. Selection of materials and tools

To implement the project, you need to prepare carpentry tools: tape measure, chisel, hacksaw, screwdriver, welding machine (or capital connections for a metal frame), square, hacksaw, clamps, wood glue, masking tape, electrodes, wood glue.

The main materials that we will need: 50x50 mm bars for finishing the hatch (about 4-5 pieces); two boards for the bowstring 100x25 mm long, equal to the selected length of the ladder; board for steps 100x20 or 100x25 mm; plywood or material with similar characteristics (one standard sheet is enough for the hatch door); plates and angles for opening and hinges; nuts, bolts, screws, washers, etc.

III. Making a hatch door

Step I. Prepare the bars for the hatch. At the ends of the beams, make cuts and grooves to tightly connect the structure into a regular triangle using assembly glue and fasteners. Protect the corners of the frame with temporary plywood plates to prevent the rectangle from moving.

Step II. Attach a sheet of plywood of the appropriate size to the base of the bars. Now you need to try on the hatch to the passage to the attic. It should be 6-7 mm smaller on all sides.

Step III. Provide a lock for the attic door. This can be an automatic mechanism, or a very ordinary latch, which can be opened with a pole with a tip.

Step IV. We install hatch opening/closing mechanisms. If you don’t want to buy ready-made mechanisms, you can make them yourself. There should be two fastenings - left and right. For work, purchase a 4x20 mm steel plate and a corner. The photo shows a drawing of the left fastening part. The right one is performed in a mirror image. Dimensions are given arbitrarily. For more accurate calculations, consider your parameters. Before fastening, be sure to check the mechanisms in operation:

IV. Assembling the stairs

You can always order a ready-made sectional staircase from the craftsmen, which you can fasten according to the finished scheme yourself. But if you decide to complete the work yourself, you can assemble the stairs from prepared materials.

Step 1. Mark on the strings the places where the steps will be installed. To do this, mark each part with a pencil, according to the selected angle of inclination of the stairs and the previously made calculations. Now press the ends of the boards tightly together and secure them with masking tape. This is necessary to drill through holes at the junctions of the sections. Drill a hole for the hinge with a diameter of about 25 mm at the junction of the first and second sections. Next, you need to remove the tape and turn the boards over, fastening them again. Now we drill a similar hole at the junction of the second and third sections:

Step 2. Cut the bowstrings along the marked lines. Next, grooves for the steps are made on the inside of the bowstrings using a chisel. The depth of the grooves must be at least 5 mm (this should also be taken into account at the first design stage). The lower section of the bowstrings should be beveled according to the angle of inclination of the stairs.

Step 3. We cut the steps according to the markings and attach them to the left bowstring. We put the steps on glue and secure them with self-tapping screws. We attach the right bowstring and also fasten it with self-tapping screws.

Step 4. Attach the hinges for the sliding mechanism of the stairs. Hinges, like hinge mechanisms, can be bought in a store, or made independently from metal tape. We need eight strips of metal (you can use leftovers from the door mechanisms). Weld small pieces of the same strip to the four strips. We drill two holes in each part (for fastening and hinge). We connect the hinge with the hinges. Now we join the cut sections and attach the hinges so that each hinge fits into the groove (25 mm holes drilled before cutting the sections). We fasten the loops on the bowstrings:

V. Final assembly

Now the top of the finished ladder needs to be secured to the hatch, having first checked the operation of the hinge mechanisms. The staircase should also be checked after installation. After making sure that all parts are in good condition and functionality, open the steps with varnish:

And one more step-by-step installation guide:

You can insulate and seal the hatch using foam rubber or construction wool. The edges of the hatch should be covered with rubber sealant tape.

That's it, your staircase with hatch is ready! This is exactly the option that is completely feasible “with one helmet.” We wish you fast and easy work.

For country cottages, private houses and simple country houses equipped with an attic, the presence of a convenient and reliable staircase leading to the mentioned room is a common necessity of life.

At the same time, the staircase does not have to be capital and bulky at all - you can assemble and install an excellent folding structure, which will be in no way inferior to stationary stairs.

You can complete all the related tasks yourself, saving money and testing your own strength.

There are several types of stairs that can be installed to access your attic.


A staircase with wide flights and railings is the most reliable, durable and easy-to-use design. However, the possibility of arranging such a staircase is not available everywhere - it certainly cannot be equipped in small areas.


They are used primarily as a temporary option, as well as for access to rarely used rooms. The main disadvantages of such a ladder are low safety and ease of use. Therefore, if possible, the use of such a design should be abandoned.


They are something between portable and stationary ladders. In terms of ease of use and safety, they are almost in no way inferior to full-fledged stationary structures and, at the same time, have a significant advantage - they require very little space for their arrangement. Therefore, when making a staircase yourself, it is recommended to give preference to a folding structure.

Selection of materials

An equally important point is the choice of materials from which the stairs to the attic will be assembled. Wood is usually used to make the main elements of folding sectional stairs, and fasteners are traditionally made of metal.

Currently, there are many different materials, types of controls and fasteners, which makes it easy to assemble a folding staircase that will best suit your specific room.

When choosing materials for the manufacture of attic stairs, you need to take into account a number of important factors. First of all, decide on the functional purpose of the structure, its type, width, and the optimal number of sections.

The functional purpose of the stairs to the attic is very important in terms of determining the maximum permissible load on the steps. So, for example, factory-made wooden stairs can withstand an average load of 150 kgf, metal ones - 250 kgf. For homemade stairs, these figures are slightly reduced.

This does not mean that the steps will not be able to withstand a higher load, but it is definitely not worth loading them regularly, otherwise the structure will break very quickly.

The width of the stairs should not be greater than the width of the attic opening.

When choosing the dimensions of the attic ladder, be guided by proven and approved standards.

Remember: the steps must be installed strictly parallel to the floor surface. In addition, the steps of the stairs must be non-slip. To do this, you can stuff linings of any non-slip material over the base material.

Guide to making a staircase to the attic

There is nothing overly complicated about making your own stairs to the attic. Of course, an inexperienced craftsman is unlikely to be able to assemble a structure with the same attractive appearance as factory-made models, but it’s definitely worth a try.

Before starting work, create a drawing of the future staircase. If you do not have the necessary skills, order the creation of a drawing from a specialist, or select a suitable diagram from the options presented in open sources.


Prepare all the necessary tools immediately so as not to be distracted by searching for missing tools in the future.

You will need:

Also, before starting work, you need to buy or assemble an ordinary ladder. To assemble such a structure yourself, you only need to fix the transverse steps between two long vertical posts and further strengthen the structure.

The finished staircase should be approximately 30 cm longer than the distance from the level of the opening to the attic to the floor.

You can also easily handle making a hatch with your own hands. The only materials you will need are sheets of plywood and a wooden beam 5x5 cm.

First step. Choose a location to place the hatch and determine its optimal dimensions. Add approximately 7-9 mm on each side to the dimensions of the hatch so that in the future you can easily close the lid without squeaks or other noise. Make the opening according to the specific dimensions.

Second step. Cut the wooden beam into four parts in accordance with the dimensions of the hatch.

Third step. Make grooves at the ends of the bars. Lubricate the prepared grooves and connect the bars into a rectangular (square) structure. Additionally strengthen the connections using self-tapping screws. Screw the gussets so that the diagonal does not move.

Fourth step. Attach the plywood cover to the resulting base and try on the product in the hatch opening.

Fifth step. Install a regular latch into the hatch cover. You will open the latch using a handle. Attach it to the lid and finally fix the product in the pre-aligned opening. Usually loops are used for this.

Simple folding ladder

Start making a folding ladder. It is assumed that you already have at your disposal the previously mentioned wooden extension ladder.

First step. Attach the width of the beam to the bottom of the ladder. Attach the same block to the top of the product. In this case, the lower bar must be fixed rigidly, and the upper one - on the hinges.

Second step. Saw the ladder into 2 parts. The upper part should have a length of about 2/3 of the total length of the stairs.

Third step. Attach a pair of slats to provide additional diagonal rigidity.

Fourth step. Connect the parts of the structure using loops.

Fifth step. Secure the top beam under the hatch using anchors.

Sixth step. Secure the bottom of the ladder with a hook - this will prevent it from opening spontaneously. Place the loop on the stringer above the cutting line.

Seventh step. Press the finished structure against the wall surface and secure.

The main disadvantage of such a homemade staircase is its not very attractive appearance - the entire beam and fastening elements remain visible. However, such a staircase copes 100% with the main tasks - ensuring a convenient and safe ascent and return descent.

An improved and more attractive version of the previous design. There is also nothing complicated in making such a staircase; it is enough to follow all the instructions step by step.

First step. Divide a regular wooden ladder into 3 parts. Make the first part according to the dimensions of the attic hatch, make the second a little smaller than the first, and make the third such that the remaining space to the floor surface is completely covered.

Second step. Take a small tool and measure the corner of the attic hatch. Transfer the angle to the boards, thus marking the location of the steps.

Third step. Drill holes where the hinges will be located between the individual stair sections.

Fourth step. Sand the edges of the structures.

Fifth step. Saw the boards at the hinge points.

Sixth step. Cut and sand the steps.

Seventh step. Prepare indentations for the steps in the strings.

Eighth step. Insert the steps into the prepared recesses. Use glue and further strengthen the connections with self-tapping screws.

Ninth step. Connect the sections of the stairs using special loops. To do this, the sections must be placed on a stable, flat surface.

Tenth step. Check the operation of all sections. If you find any defects or deviations, try to correct them immediately.

Eleventh step. Sand all wooden surfaces and coat them with varnish.

Twelfth step. After the varnish has completely dried, install the structure in the attic hatch opening. If necessary, make final adjustments to the structural elements.

Thus, self-assembly of a staircase is extremely simple and accessible to almost every event. At the same time, the cost of a homemade staircase will be much lower compared to the price of a similar factory-made design. Follow the instructions and everything will definitely work out.

Good luck!

Also read the article on our website - do-it-yourself staircase to the basement.

Video - Do-it-yourself staircase to the attic