Finishing. Types of furniture materials, their operational features Types of facing materials

Facing the most various surfaces the most various materials found everywhere. This method of surface treatment has not only a decorative, but also a protective function.

Depending on the needs and type of surface, a variety of facing materials are used: from classic marble and granite, to innovative materials such as Lemesite flagstone when it comes to wall cladding. Or materials based on wood, polymers and impregnated papers - if we talk about furniture.

When restoring furniture, three main facing materials are used: sliced ​​veneer, material based on impregnated papers, polymers and material for processing edges.

Facing materials polymer-based are flexible decorative panels made of polystyrene, which are most often used for finishing facade surfaces of furniture or interior walls. Due to its structure, this material is very simple and convenient to work with, it can withstand vacuum processing perfectly, and has a wide color scheme And different kinds imitations of wood or stone.

Sliced ​​veneer is a material obtained by planing hardwood. When choosing veneer you should Special attention pay attention to its thickness. Too much thickness is irrational for the budget, and too little can result in troubles during the work process - for example, glue residues can seep through the thin veneer, thereby ruining appearance material. The texture of veneer depends on the species and anatomical structure of the tree from which it was planed.

Materials based on impregnated papers occupy 65% ​​of the total volume of all facing materials for a number of reasons:

  • wide variety of designs and models;
  • strength of painted textures, light fastness;
  • absence of connecting seams during installation;

Suitable material for furniture is selected based on its functionality and the conditions in which it is used. Despite the conservatism of this market segment, more modern and practical types appear every year. Therefore, craftsmen who make furniture themselves must constantly monitor new trends and the emergence of wear-resistant materials.

Technologies for the production of furniture materials are constantly being improved and developed. More functional new products are appearing on the market. These include MDF boards, waterproof plywood, and composite materials. Let's take a closer look at what materials furniture is made from.

Wood boards

The most popular variety is chipboard, or chipboard. For its manufacture, sawdust and shavings are used, impregnated with formaldehyde resin, which acts as a binder. This is the most practical material for the manufacture of cabinet furniture. Chipboard materials used in the kitchen and bathroom have increased moisture resistance.

With all the advantages, this type of plate has a significant drawback - the presence of harmful formaldehydes. Their secretions, especially in high concentrations, are hazardous to health.

Disadvantages also include its poor moisture resistance. If water gets under the laminated surface layer, the entire slab will swell and crumble. It should be taken into account that even furniture made of natural materials may suffer from conditions of excessive humidity and lose its appearance.


When making fiberboard, wood fibers are used in production. They are compressed by hot pressing of the mass. In addition to cellulose fibers, the composition includes water and synthetic polymers. Thanks to this technology, one side of the slab has a mesh texture. The other side is the front side, covered with a melamine film, creating smooth surface. Fiberboards are much thinner than chipboard and more flexible.

Rough fiber board is also used to make furniture. Its difference is in the front side, the surface of which is not covered with a film, but simply polished. The choice of material is influenced by its cost. In this case, money is saved, because this version of the board is cheaper than its laminated counterpart. The thickness of the plate ranges from 3 to 5 mm. Although it is believed that the thicker it is, the better, in this case everything is different. Fiberboard is used to make the base of pull-out cabinets and cabinet walls, for which the ideal thickness is considered to be 3 mm. Therefore, this is the most common thickness of fiberboard.

The reasons why you should choose fiberboard for making furniture are the low price of the material, good thermal insulation qualities and long term services. Disadvantages include fear of moisture and a narrow scope of application.


Furniture materials made from MDF are safe and environmentally friendly, since they contain only natural components, such as sawdust. Instead of binder resins in MDF boards natural paraffin and lignin are present. MDF board materials, due to their environmental friendliness, are used in the manufacture of children's and kitchen furniture. That is, they are suitable for use in premises where increased environmental safety requirements are required.

Another advantage of this material is its density and uniformity, which allows it to be used as a facing material for furniture. It is used to create facades and decorative finishes for furniture. Significant disadvantage slabs is their weight. They are quite heavy, so solid furniture They are not made from MDF. The cost of the material is even lower natural wood, but slightly higher than chipboard.


Plywood is more expensive than chipboard and fiberboard and is inferior to them in the variety of surface textures. For these reasons, the material is rarely used in furniture making.

Features of plywood:

This material is sensitive to humidity. Therefore, exposed parts of plywood furniture should be additionally processed.


Considering that the furniture is made from natural wood quite expensive due to the cost of raw materials, they are increasingly used in its production artificial species materials that imitate natural ones. One of them is furniture plastic. This one is layered decorative material made by pressing several types of special paper.

Furniture finishing materials such as plastic, especially post-formed plastic, are used to create furniture facades, cladding window sills and table tops. Plastic is great for making bathroom furniture where conditions exist high humidity and temperature fluctuations. A new trend on the market is furniture made from composite material. Its production is based on two elements – polymer and wood.


Glass can be used to create different types of furniture for different purposes. For example, a table with a glass top will look stylish in any interior.

Due to the ability of glass to refract and reflect light, this material is good decorative element in home design. At correct selection light, glass furniture facades enliven the room. Finishing materials for furniture such as glass are reliable, practical and look good in the interior of the rooms of the house. Even chairs, stools and armchairs of various fancy shapes are made from glass.


Materials for making furniture made of stone look quite attractive. The main advantage is its pleasant energy, texture and unique pattern.

Benefits of use:

  • Natural colors and textures do not require additional decoration;
  • Indisputable environmental safety, because the stone is one hundred percent natural material;
  • Doesn't need special care, it’s enough just to wipe off dust regularly;
  • Resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.

Used for making kitchen countertops and window sills, as well as garden benches and armchairs. Prominent representatives of this type of material are marble and granite. To make sitting on the stone comfortable, it is equipped with pillows made of soft fabrics such as velor, corduroy, microfur and others.

Natural wood

Thanks to its natural qualities, it best material for furniture production. First of all, it is environmentally friendly and does not emit toxins. Natural wood is a durable material. Products made from it have a long service life. Wood is easy to process and can be used to make furniture of any shape. This property allows you to create original designer headsets. The main tree species used: pine, birch, oak. In addition to these familiar species, rarer ones are also used: sandalwood and mahogany.


Metal is mainly used for making garden kits furniture. Three types of metals are mainly used. These are cast iron, steel and aluminum. Cast iron has a beautiful appearance, is strong and durable. Since it is very heavy, furniture made from it is difficult to move. This metal is subject to corrosion and therefore requires additional treatment with a special coating.

Made from steel garden tables, gazebos and sun loungers. Products can be made large sizes because they are easy to move. To protect against corrosion, use primer and paint.

Aluminum is very lightweight material. Therefore it is suitable for making chairs and armchairs. Resistant to corrosion and does not require additional processing.

Decorative coating of wood boards

Decorative coating of wood boards includes veneering, lamination and lamination of chipboards, as well as the production of postforming and softforming facades.

Laminated chipboard is created by covering the surface with canvas roll material using glue. The canvas is rolled with a roller at temperatures from 20 to 150°C and pressure up to 7 MPa.

The advantages of laminated chipboard include its low cost, ease of manufacture, and beautiful appearance. The disadvantages of using this material are short term service, low wear resistance, the original appearance is lost after 1-2 years.

Melamine coating

Melamine edge is used for covering furniture. It is made from decorative paper impregnated with resins. Used for finishing inside products or internal parts. The material is easy to use. You don't need any special equipment to apply it. The edge thickness is 0.3 mm, and it comes in one or two layers. Reverse side treated with a special adhesive solution.


The surface of the laminated chipboard is covered with a special finishing film. It is paper impregnated with resins. It is attached to the surface by chemical reaction with the participation of resins that are present in the film. There are two types of lamination:

  • Cold
  • Hot.

The process itself takes place in four stages. Namely:

  • Preparing the base;
  • Preparation of paper for coating;
  • Applying this finishing coating to the slab;
  • Forming slabs into pallets.


So called simple stove Chipboard with rounded corners. Used for the manufacture of furniture facades and kitchen countertops. Postforming facades are made without internal milling, which is why they are cheaper than their analogues.

For the manufacture of postforming facades, a standard chipboard sheet 2.44 meters long is used. It is sawn into pieces of various widths. Then, using special equipment - edge banding machine, paste over the ends of the facade using plastic edge. The ends can only be covered with melamine edges, but it is less durable and not practical.

On the finished product, the junction of the edge and the canvas should be smooth and free of glue residues. It is better to pack each part separately to avoid scratches and dents.


The basis of softforming is chipboard. Its edges are milled and covered with plastic protective film different color. Scope of application – furniture facades. The main difference from postforming is the internal milling of the edges of the blade.

The manufacturing process of softforming facades is no different from the production of postforming facades. Also façade canvas standard sizes sawed into separate products and pasted over the ends of the parts using special equipment. The only difference is that you can additionally make a groove on the inside of the parts for installing glass. Its width is 4 mm.

Furniture is necessary to create comfort, coziness and convenience. These items are found in every home and it is impossible to imagine life without them. modern man. To create these necessary items, materials are used that are reliable and long-lasting, environmentally friendly and safe. No less important is quality such as strength. In addition, the cost of a modern furniture set directly depends on the material from which the structure was made.

Main materials used

The most commonly used material for furniture is wood. But there are furniture sets, made of metal and glass, plastic or combinations thereof. The basis for the manufacture of furniture structures is wood or its materials obtained as a result of processing. Among them are:

  • melamine;
  • postforming;
  • veneer;
  • array.

All of them are used in the production of furniture. Is it wood fiber or particle boards. These furniture materials are similar in their basic qualities, but they also have many differences. The places and methods of their application differ. For example, natural wood has become widespread when creating furnishings in children's rooms, schools and preschool institutions.

Office furniture is assembled from chipboard or MDF, which are more suitable for the manufacture of sets intended for use under heavy load conditions. Modern artificial furniture materials are resistant to mechanical damage and exposure to negative environments. Such qualities are ensured by the fact that new technologies are used in the manufacture of furniture from lumber, allowing them to withstand high humidity or shock.

Chipboard used in furniture production is covered with a special film. This decorative coating can be laminated or melamine. The difference between films that increase the strength of wood boards lies in the percentage of melamine resin. In one case it is 20%, and in the other - 60%. It is this component that affects the heat resistance, impact resistance and moisture resistance of the material used for the manufacture of furniture structures.

Types of wood boards

The cost of furniture depends on the quality of the wood taken for its manufacture. Natural wood is different high degree resistance to negative impacts, mechanical damage, humidity and temperature changes. Solid furniture structures are made from natural wood. As for cabinet furniture, during its manufacture more suitable materials are wood panels obtained after processing wood.

Fiberboard is a material for furniture, the creation process of which requires dried wood fibers treated with special substances that act as binders. The layer-by-layer laying of fibers resembles the weaving of a carpet in its structure.

This material in the manufacture of cabinet and modular furniture is used only after the hot pressing process and application of the finishing (decorative) melamine coating or veneer. The cost of MDF is several times higher than the price of chipboard, but in terms of its qualities (strength and wear resistance) this material is better than others.

Chipboard, positive quality which (unlike natural wood) is the absence of knots and other defects. There are no internal voids or cracks in the chipboard. In order to make this material For furniture, sawdust and shavings are mixed with glue. After this, they are pressed and, after waiting for complete drying, they are sanded. The strength of the boards is given by melamine paper or veneer.

Chipboard is widely used in the manufacture of office furniture, educational institutions, public receptions. Ready-made designs have high strength, moisture resistance, resistance to aggressive environments and temperature changes.

Laminated chipboard. This stove is present in every home. Furniture structures and flooring, it can be seen as decoration on walls and ceilings. The surface of laminated chipboard is highly durable and resistant to mechanical damage.

The coating is created by applying a laminated film, which is a type of paper-resin film created on the basis of thermosetting polymers. This coating provides the material reliable protection and guarantees a long service life in areas with high traffic or high humidity levels. Resistance to moisture can only be ensured if the laminated surface is free of chips and scratches.

This furniture material is better known as hardboard. Lightweight, durable and easy to process. Holds self-tapping screws and screws quite firmly. Used for the manufacture of back walls of cabinet furniture as cladding for wood frames. It was used in this way because of its fragility and fragility.

To create chipboard and fibrous material used in the production of furniture, certain types of wood are required. Wooden furniture helps create comfort in the room, guarantees the safety of owners, and withstands various loads and negative influences. Before choosing such furniture, you need to clarify what kind of wood it is made of.

Important qualities of wood used to make furniture are strength, environmental friendliness and durability. Wood is selected according to several criteria:

  • texture and pattern;
  • coloristics;
  • hardness;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance.

For example, soft woods include birch, alder and pine. They are easy to process, but can hardly withstand minor mechanical damage. Oak, walnut, cherry or beech are medium-hard woods. Maple and most exotic woods are considered hard.

If we talk about color, then light textures include birch, pine, maple, and ash. Darker are oak, larch and cedar; the darkest are walnut, wenge, and rosewood. To make furniture from solid natural wood, you should not choose species with a pronounced pattern.

Most often, furniture is made from wood with a medium-expressed pattern:

  • cherry;
  • ash;
  • maple.

Particular attention should be paid to such characteristics as moisture resistance. Wood of high hardness and strength may not withstand high humidity. Furniture made from it quickly loses its attractiveness and breaks down.

Using coating for furniture material

Various types of coatings have been developed and created to protect wood. Before pressing, all types of chipboard chips are treated with chemicals that act as binders. For the manufacture of furniture, they choose materials made without the use of formaldehyde resins, since during operation such slabs emit harmful fumes.

Quality and Features decorative covering affect not only the cost of chipboard used to make furniture, but also its visual appeal, durability, and strength.


This is the fixation of special paper on the chipboard surface, which is later embossed or varnished. Furniture with such a coating can be installed in the living room or bedroom, but will quickly lose its attractiveness and become unusable if placed in places with high traffic or humidity.

Melamine coating or artificial veneer

It has a fairly high level of strength and wear resistance. Resistant to aggressive environments, high and low temperatures, humidity. Treatment wood shavings melamine and formaldehyde resins increase the wear resistance of the coating several times, making it possible to make kitchen and bathroom cabinet facades and countertops from such slabs.

One of the highest quality, durable and reliable coatings. Due to the application of a film created on the basis of melamine resins, the chipboard becomes several times stronger. Such materials are widely used in the assembly of kitchen furniture, sets for hallways, offices, and children's rooms. home distinguishing feature laminated surface - a structure, the features of which depend on the class of the laminate. CPL class material is absolutely smooth, and HPL class products made with high pressure, have a surface that imitates stone or wood.

Designed for the manufacture of furniture with rounded corners. Its base is plastic, made of paper and plasticizer. This material perfectly retains the shape that the master gives it using heat.


Furniture veneering is the process of gluing a sheet of natural wood onto chipboard surface. This coating guarantees high level strength, visual appeal, resistance to minor mechanical damage.

The processing method and the chosen coating for wood panels used in furniture production play a role important role in giving finished product the most necessary qualities.

Rules for choosing finished furniture products

When choosing furniture, it is important to clarify not only the features of the coating, but also the source material from which the chipboard is made. This choice is based on the characteristics of the upcoming operation and the installation location of the furniture structure. A living room set may not be highly resistant to temperature changes or wear-resistant, but furniture for a kitchen or hallway must be truly durable.

Beautiful, strong, durable furniture made from solid natural wood is very attractive, but such a set is expensive, and not every consumer is able to purchase it. Veneered products would be an excellent alternative. Externally, they are not much different from natural wood and in terms of performance they are not inferior to the most durable wood.

A budget option is chipboard or laminated chipboard, but these materials can guarantee the owner long-term use of the furniture if treated carefully and correct operation. When choosing furniture, it is important to know what kind of wood was used in the manufacture of chipboard, the degree of their moisture resistance, the level permissible load and warranty period. 2008/04/59_b.jpg

Since ancient times, the surfaces of wood panels used in the manufacture of furniture have been treated in order to make them more beautiful and attractive. The main method of such processing was gluing a facing material to the surface of the shield, giving this surface the desired appearance.


To imitate expensive types of wood, veneer veneer - the thinnest (0.1-3 mm) sheets of wood - has long been used and is still used today. Nowadays, for cladding wood boards (for example, and) valuable species began to be replaced with veneer made from cheap wood, made using technology. The veneer is attached to the surface using special adhesives.

Film materials content.php?id=462

Modern technologies have made it possible to create film materials, the application of which to the surface of furniture makes it not only more attractive, but also more durable. Such materials are films based on paper impregnated with synthetic materials, as well as films based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC films), acrylic butadiene styrene (ABS films), polypropylene (PP films) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET films). PVC and ABS films, unlike resin films, are less sensitive to imperfections in the treated surface due to their greater thickness 5.

Films can be transparent or colored, glossy, matte or semi-matte, rigid or elastic. They can have a design applied to them (for example, an image of wood texture). In addition, they are metallized and fluorescent. Their use makes further surface coating or coating unnecessary. Sorrento_734.html

For film cladding, two main methods are used - lamination and laminating.

At laminating the film is applied to it using glue covering either the plate itself or the film. Laminating can be hot or cold.

Lamination used for applying melamine films that are impregnated with resin that is not completely polymerized. When laminating, the film is applied to wood board without the use of glue, under significant pressure and with sufficient high temperatures. At the end of the process, the resin turns into a solid polymer.

Do-it-yourself decorative finishing of furniture is one of the ways to update, change and improve its appearance. It is not necessary to decorate only old furniture; for example, you can simply change new ones, giving it a completely different look. How do you like this option?

Before polishing over putty, you need to prime the surface with polish in several layers.

Make it out of an ordinary boring chest of drawers children's version. To implement this idea, you will not need to spend a lot of effort and money; you just need to familiarize yourself with some of the decor options that exist today and use one of them. But first let's talk about various compositions used in decorating furniture with your own hands.

Preparatory stage

So, in order to prepare the surface of furniture for decoration, the following are most often used: Construction Materials, as putty, mastic, mordant, primer, bleach, filler and others.

When waxing, it is applied to the surface of the furniture. thin layer wax and solvent, which are then treated with varnish.

  1. Putty and mastic are intended to level the surface to be finished. They are suitable only if the decorative finishing of the furniture is opaque. For these purposes, wax and paraffin are used, as well as other compositions based on resin (nitrocellulose or polyester).
  2. If a transparent finishing of the furniture surface is planned, then special primers and foam fillers are suitable. They fill everything out efficiently. tiny cracks, pores and crevices, and also prevent the so-called “subsidence” varnish coating. At the heart of these chemical compositions either emulsions or pastes containing polyvinyl acetate resins are used.
  3. If you want to give the wood a different tone, reminiscent of a more expensive type of wood, or enhance its natural color, then for this purpose you will need mordants (dyes). When selected correctly, they can easily imitate exactly the color scheme that you need. The main components of these compositions are aqueous and alcohol solvents.
  4. The use of bleaches is due to the presence of dark stains of various types on furniture. You can replace bleach, for example, with oxalic acid or bleach, more precisely with a 15% solution.
  5. For the final coating in furniture decor, materials such as varnish, paint, polymer film etc. These can be polyester, nitrocellulose and other varnishes.
  6. When using polyester (polyurethane) varnish, a film is formed on the surface being treated. It is quite hard and highly resistant to chemicals and thermal effects. It is distinguished by a high-quality mirror shine. Lower quality is inherent in nitrocellulose varnish. It dries quickly enough, but is inferior in its physical and chemical properties the previous sample.
  7. Another view finishing material used for - polishing pastes (liquids). They are good at eliminating various irregularities on the varnish surface and giving it shine, i.e. improve the appearance.
  8. The use of paint is most appropriate in cases decorative finishing kitchen furniture. With its help you can perform Finishing work opaque appearance. All paints based on nitrocellulose or polyester compounds have high quality, resistant to mechanical damage and exposure to chemicals and various detergents.

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A simple option for upgrading furniture

Best for removing old varnish sandpaper with fine or medium grain size.

As noted above, in order to simply update old furniture, you can use various paint and varnish compositions. But in any case there are a number of nuances. Updating furniture is no exception. You will need:

The procedure for updating furniture includes the following steps.

  1. First you need to remove a layer of old varnish from the furniture. This is done using sandpaper.
  2. Next, use a soft cloth to wipe the surface to be treated to remove dirt and dust.
  3. After the above procedures, you can begin to treat the surface with varnish. You need to apply at least three layers. Please note that each subsequent layer of varnish should have a less viscous consistency than the previous one (that is, more liquid).

In order to simply update the surface of the furniture, this will be enough. After this treatment, the furniture surface will become shiny and will delight you for many years.

If you want to not just update the surface, but add some decorative elements, then the easiest way is to use construction tape.

With its help it is very easy to make a drawing, for example, on a table surface. Next, apply paint over the adhesive tape pattern. desired color. Remove the tape, the table is ready.

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Decor of children's furniture

Drawings made from decoupage paper should be placed on the table surface and covered with a layer of acrylic paint.

Decorating furniture for a nursery is a very exciting and useful activity, since you can do this work together with your children. It could be old furniture or new, but very boring.

In any case, after decorating, you will receive completely different furniture, which, most likely, your kids will like and will become the pride of joint creativity.

So, you will need:

  • as in the first case, sandpaper;
  • decoupage paper;
  • primer composition;
  • putty for wooden surfaces;
  • oil and acrylic paints;
  • furniture varnish;
  • brushes, roller, etc.;
  • stencils.

After everything necessary materials prepared, you can get to work. Preparatory stage will be the same as with regular furniture renovation: removing the old layer of varnish, processing with a soft cloth, then a layer of putty, after primer, then paint, etc. And now directly about the decoupage of furniture.

To decorate furniture with mosaics, you will need ceramic tile adhesive.

  1. First, you need to cut out the required part of the design from decoupage paper and apply it to the selected area of ​​furniture.
  2. Next, a layer of acrylic paint is applied on top of it.
  3. On final stage work, you can tint the surface in the corners using oil paint.
  4. Once the surface has completely dried, you can install a new one. bright furniture to the nursery.