The temple of the glasses broke off. Repair. Urgent glasses repair

It is known about the repair of glasses frames that this is a fairly popular and expensive service. But if there are some simple tools and with a couple of free hours you can do it yourself. With your own efforts, you can eliminate the natural wear of parts and various mechanical damage.

Products made of both plastic and metal can be repaired.

Universal inventory

To repair optical products of any type, you will need a number of tools that can be found in any home or purchased at a hardware store. These include:

  • miniature watch screwdriver;
  • the smallest pliers or small vice;
  • electric drill with small drills;
  • fishing line and/or thick thread;
  • sewing needles;
  • stationery erasers;
  • scissors;
  • degreasers, such as nail polish remover, rubbing alcohol, vodka;
  • French (English) pins with an iron tip.

Repairs cannot be done without glue, but not all brands have sufficient fixing ability and strength. Repairs are best done using the following varieties:

  • Styracryla is a medical composition used by dental technicians. You can buy it at any pharmacy. It is best suited for plastic products, but it must be diluted immediately before use, only in the required quantity. This is due to the fact that the mass hardens quickly even in a closed container.
  • Epoxy is one of the best options, suitable for any materials. To prepare the composition, you will need epoxy resin, hardener and filler, which should be combined in a certain ratio. If desired, the mass can be painted in any color with a special nitro paint.
  • Acetone is a strong and reliable solution that, after preparation, can be stored in a tightly closed container. You will need acetone, acetic acid, plastic shavings (combine in a ratio of 60:39:0.5).

If you don’t have the desire or ability to make glue yourself, you can use ready-made compounds. Repair of small and fragile parts is best done using “Bison Plastic”, “UHU Plast Spezial”, “Moment Plastic”.

Repair of moving parts

The only moving part is the hinge that connects the windows to the temples. Problems with them are common, especially if the glasses are used for a long time. Users encounter the following problems:

  • The hinges are loose, which is why the frame does not fit well on the face. The defect can be eliminated by tightening the screws with a small screwdriver or replacing them with new ones. Screws of the appropriate size can be pulled out of a calculator or purchased at a radio electronics store. If during the inspection a broken thread is discovered, it is better to replace the existing screw with another, but slightly larger one.
  • Part of the hinge joint, soldered into the frame, broke off - a familiar problem for owners plastic products. First, we get rid of the remnants of the hinge using side cutters or a needle file. If this doesn’t work, you can use a heated soldering iron, and then simply sand the melted area. Next, make a loop from steel wire of the appropriate diameter, and bend the edges so that you get the letter “omega”. Attach the resulting part with the resulting “antennae” to the place where the hinge was previously. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a soldering iron, and if desired, the joint can be fixed with glue.

If you have several pairs of faulty glasses at home, you can take bolts or hinges from them. Not only optical glasses, but also sunglasses are suitable.

We repair other parts easily and quickly

Any user of optical products has encountered a broken frame at least once in their life. It occurs due to an accidental fall, compression or other mechanical factors. Almost any repair to eyeglass frames can be done by yourself.

    • Bridge failure - first degrease both halves and prepare wooden ruler suitable length, rubber bands, tape to protect lenses. One half is placed on the ruler, fixed with an elastic band, and the second is pressed against it and secured in a similar way. Next, vertical holes are drilled in both halves, into which a thread of the corresponding color is inserted. One edge of the thread is fixed on the frame with tape, and the second needle is alternately threaded through the holes, thereby wrapping it tightly. The thread is generously moistened with glue and left to dry.
    • Split arc holding the lens - this damage can be repaired using regular reliable glue. But before using the fixing composition, the lenses are protected with tape, and the break points are degreased. For a more reliable fixation, you need to lubricate with glue not only the break, but also the entire area where the lens is attached. While drying, it is recommended to tightly wrap the window with thread, which will ensure a tight fit.
    • The earpiece is broken - to repair it you will need a metal pin 1.5-2 centimeters long and a drill with a small drill bit. Make holes in both parts of the temple at the split site with a drill, and then insert a pin into one of them. Lightly grease with glue, put the remaining part of the temple on the other end of the pin, press tightly, and coat the joint with “Moment”. The product cannot be used for at least a day until it dries completely.
  • Lenses fly out of the frame - the solution to the defect is simple and does not require much time and effort. First you need to take out the lens, and use a drill to make several holes (not through holes!) on the inside of the window. Next, glue is poured into the holes, the lenses are inserted into place, the window is tightly squeezed with your hands and held in this way for several minutes.

Often the plastic frame bends outward, which is why the glasses do not hold well and constantly slip off, which causes discomfort. To fix the problem, you need to bend the bridge or temple and return it to its original shape. For this purpose, the product is heated in boiling water, held with pliers, and then removed, given the required shape by applied force or a heavy object. It is worth remembering that in this way you can only change the shape of the temples and the bridge on the bridge of the nose. Lens windows must not be changed, as this will lead to glass falling out or breaking.

It is difficult for people with reduced visual acuity to do without corrective devices: glasses or contact lenses. The latter are not suitable for everyone, which is why many still use glasses. However, glasses are a rather fragile accessory that requires careful handling and proper care. Even with care, breakdowns are not uncommon. The first thought in this case is to contact a specialized workshop, but do not rush, because many of the damages can be repaired yourself. In this article we will tell you how to repair glasses at home and at minimal cost.

Causes and types of breakdowns

The main causes of glasses failure include wear and tear due to long-term use and mechanical stress. Glasses break from falls, squeezing, or rough treatment.

Most common problem is loosening or loss of frame and temple screws. Tightening the screw is usually not difficult, but how can you fix the temple of your glasses if the part is lost? Failure of the hinge mechanism is also not a rare occurrence. It occurs due to careless opening of the temples or if the glasses are accidentally sat on. The cause of breakage in metal frames is most often compression. An accessory without a case should not be carried in a pocket or bag. Plastic frames are quite fragile and often suffer from falls from heights. The reason for glass falling out is mechanical deformation of the frame, and scratches on the surface of the lenses arise from ignoring recommendations for the care and use of glasses.

The answer to the question of how to repair glasses with the above-mentioned breakdowns can be found below.

Required materials and tools

Repairing glasses will require use the following materials and tools:

  • A set of watch screwdrivers or a set for repairing glasses. The screws in the glasses are tiny, and you won’t be able to pick them up with a regular screwdriver. If suitable tool If you can’t find one, you can use a thin knife, but you should be careful not to tear off the notches on the cap.
  • Nippers and pliers. They will come in handy to make it easier to hold the frame and trim off excess wire.
  • Scissors.
  • Small hammer. This can be used to unfasten the bottom of the screw to prevent it from loosening in the future.
  • Glue. The choice should be made on a fast-hardening glue suitable for gluing the frame material.
  • Electric soldering iron.
  • Paper clips, wire and head pins. They will be needed to strengthen damaged parts of the frame and to replace lost or broken parts of the hinge mechanism.

  • Fine-grit sandpaper. Useful for polishing the restored area of ​​the frame and temple.
  • Fishing line 0.3 - 0.8 mm. Needed to repair half-rim frames with broken or weakened fishing line.
  • Strong thread.
  • Transparent nail polish. The repaired and protected area of ​​the frame may lose its shine; nail polish will return it to its original appearance.
  • Scotch. Useful to protect the lens from glue.

Replacing a lost screw

How to fix the temple of glasses if it falls off? The cause of the problem may be a loose screw holding the temple on the frame. Well, if the part was not lost, then it can be easily returned to its place by carefully tightening it with a screwdriver or knife. To prevent the problem from happening again in the future, you can rivet the bottom part of the screw with a small hammer. If you don’t have a miniature tool at hand, you can use a regular hammer and a metal rod.

However, how to fix glasses if the screw is lost? In this case, you can try replacing the screw with a new one. Kits for repairing glasses contain such parts. You can also use a screw from an old calculator or electronic watch. If the new part is slightly wider than the old screw, it doesn’t matter. Using careful force, the new thread can be cut. This method is also suitable for repairing glasses with broken threads or worn out due to long-term use of glasses. The excess length of the new screw is removed with pliers and riveted.

The question often arises: how to repair glasses at home if you don’t have a suitable screw at hand? In this case, you can replace it with a pin with a flat or small round head. The pin is inserted into the hole for fastening, the lower part is cut off and riveted.

Glasses repaired in this way do not lose functionality and will last longer. for a long time.

Replacing the screw in glasses with flex

Flexa is a movable bar that allows the temples of the glasses to open 160 degrees, unlike the conventional mechanism, where the temples open 100 degrees. Glasses with flex do not put pressure on the head, so they are more comfortable to wear. Repairing the temples of glasses with such a mechanism is not much more difficult than regular ones.

When there is no screw in the flex mechanism, the movable bar is pulled into the bow. As a result, the holes do not line up and the screw cannot be tightened. It is easy to return the bar to the required position with a needle, but then it will be inconvenient to screw in the screw. In this case, you can use a thin silk thread, threading it through the open hole. Use a thread to secure the mechanism in the open state and tighten the screw. Next the thread is cut. The remaining piece will not interfere with the functionality of the glasses.

It is even easier to make a similar repair by replacing the screw with a pin. No thread is needed, and the flex can be pushed out with the point of a pin. Next, the pin is cut and riveted. The renovated area becomes neat and inconspicuous.

Hinge mechanism failure

How to fix glasses if the hinge mechanism itself is broken? Repairs begin with careful removal of the damaged part, it is important not to damage the frame. A file is suitable for these purposes. When the surface is leveled, production of the replacement part begins. copper wire suitable diameter passed through the remaining intact loop of the mechanism and bent into the shape of the Greek letter omega. Next, the parts are connected and the wire is heated using a soldering iron, gently pressing it into the softened plastic until completely immersed. Thus it turns out strong connection. When the wire has cooled, the area is sanded and leveled. You can disguise the repair with a matching nail polish.

Unfortunately, this repair method is only suitable for plastic frames.

Plastic frame repair

Many people are faced with the problem: how to repair glasses frames so that the repair is not too noticeable? The easiest way to repair frames is made of plastic. First of all, it is necessary to protect the lenses from glue. This mainly applies to polymer lenses and lenses with anti-glare coatings; glue can be easily removed from glass with solvent or nail polish remover. Scotch tape is suitable for these purposes. They paste the lens around the perimeter. It is advisable not to touch the center of the optical surface so as not to damage its properties.

The next step is to coat the end of the frame and the fracture site with glue, insert the lens and fix it tightly. The glue sets in a couple of minutes. You will need to wait about a day until it dries completely. For a tighter fit, you can wrap the glasses with strong thread. After complete drying, excess glue is removed.

When the glue has completely dried, they begin to strengthen the broken area. To do this you will need a paper clip or staple. The paper clip is bent like a staple, leaving the ends 1-2 mm long. If work is carried out with a bracket, its ends are shortened. Next, using tweezers, hold the bracket over the breakage site, heat it with a soldering iron and carefully press it into the plastic of the frame. After cooling, the area is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper and masked with nail polish.

How to fix glasses with a broken bridge?

The procedure is similar to repairing the frame. First, the fracture site is fixed with glue. To ensure that the connection is tight and does not move during the drying process, use a structure of two wooden planks and stationery erasers. After complete drying, excess glue is removed, and the fracture site is additionally strengthened with a metal bracket. Such repairs are almost invisible and do not spoil the appearance of the glasses.

Broken fishing line in a semi-rim frame

In such a frame, the lens is held on one side by the frame, and on the other by a fishing line. The glasses look sleeker and weigh less. However, this design is less durable than classic version frames The most common failure is the breaking of the fishing line holding the lens from below. Is it possible to repair glasses with such damage? As easy as pie! To repair, you will need a new fishing line of a suitable diameter and a little patience. Fishing line can be purchased at any fishing tackle store.

First you need to remove the old fishing line. This is usually easy, but if the end of the line is stuck, a needle or thin awl may come in handy. A new fishing line is inserted into the cleaned hole, its end is melted and carefully fixed into the hole. The holes for the fishing line are made cone-shaped; they are narrower on the inside than on the outside, which allows you to fix the fishing line without a protruding edge. Next, insert the lens and secure it tightly with fishing line along the bevel. The edge of the fishing line is passed into the hole, it is cut and melted, tucking the end into the cone of the hole. If the melted ends of the fishing line protrude, they are carefully trimmed with a blade. After repair, the glasses look like new.

How to repair glasses with a broken metal frame is a question that arises often, because it is difficult to do without welding. Metal frames are usually very thin, and no adhesive will hold it strong enough. In this case it will do next way.

The essence of the method is to fix the lens to the frame using glue. The lens is covered with tape around the perimeter to protect it from glue. To clean the ends of the tape, you can use fine-grained sandpaper. Glue is applied to the end of the lens and inserted into the frame, tightly fixing the structure. When the glue has set, the glasses should be wrapped with strong thread and left to dry completely.

After a day, you can remove the fixing and protective materials and clean the glasses from excess glue. If the work is done carefully, the repair will be almost invisible.

Lenses falling out of frames

The reason for lenses falling out of the frame is most often the loosening of the screw that secures the frame, or its deformation. In the first case, it is enough to tighten the screw, and in the second it is necessary to return the frame to its original shape.

WITH metal structure easiest to work with. It is enough to fix it in a vice and slowly bend it in the desired direction. To avoid damaging the frame coating, use a piece of soft cloth or leather.

Before working with a plastic frame, it should be heated. It is best to heat it in a pan of boiling water. Hot steam will soften the plastic and make it softer and more pliable. Next, the frame is returned to its original appearance.

The reason for lenses falling out of semi-rimless frames is most often the loosening of the securing line. In this case the best solution will be replacing the fishing line with a new one.

  • If you are not confident in your abilities and are afraid of irreversibly damaging the accessory, it is better to contact a workshop where you can have your glasses repaired.
  • You can remove glue from glass lenses using acetone. However for polymer materials this method is destructive.
  • You can cover up chips and cracks in the frame by preparing a mixture of glue and regular baking soda. This “putty” will reliably hide the defect, and after complete drying it can be sanded.
  • You can disguise the traces of repairs with nail polish of a matching color. The surface will be smooth and shiny again.

Following simple rules for caring for glasses will allow them to last longer, without breakage or damage.

Glasses are a fragile thing that requires careful handling and care to avoid contamination and breakage. The most common areas that require repair are the hinge mechanism of the temples, falling lenses, and cracks in the frame.

Glasses are often a constant attribute modern man who has to spend a lot of time at the computer, because not everyone has the opportunity and desire to wear contact lenses. However, not only people with poor eyesight wear glasses; it's also quite stylish accessory, and sunglasses, waiting in the wings, lie on almost everyone’s shelf.

Whatever kind of glasses - for vision correction, perforated, sunglasses, decorative without lenses, expensive branded or cheap bought on the market for a hundred rubles - they tend to break. Frames usually break, but broken lenses are not uncommon. How often do we sit down on the sofa and suddenly hear an unpleasant crunch? This crunch indicates that it is time to buy new glasses.

It's a pity! Maybe it's not too late to fix everything? If, for example, you figure out what glasses are made of and how to fix them yourself?

Glasses design

The main element of any glasses is lenses made of glass or plastic. The lenses are inserted into the frame, to which using hinges temples or temples are attached. The hinge has a fixed part, fixed in the frame, and a movable part, welded to the metal core of the earhook and fixed in its plastic part. Some models use a headband or elastic band instead of temples.

The bridge between two lenses is called a "bridge", or nosepiece, and plastic or silicone pads protecting the bridge of the nose from strong pressure from the frame, - nose pads, which, like the temples, are attached to the glasses using hinges. The presence of nose pads is more typical for heavy metal glasses, whereas plastic glasses They are quite light and do not put so much pressure on the nose.

Any structural element of glasses can break, but the “bridge” and the junction of the frame with the temples (and nose pads, if any) are especially prone to breakage.

How to fix a nose bridge yourself?

1. Temporary repair of the “bridge” using paper and glue

The good news is that even a child can handle this task! It is only necessary find superglue ("Moment" will do) and glossy paper, which is not much different in color from the frame (however, you can play with the contrast).

The paper needs to be cut into thin strips and carefully wrapped around the nose piece to the desired thickness, not forgetting to coat it with glue. Before applying a new layer, you need to wait until the old one dries.

The glasses are ready! Now you can safely wait until you go to a repair specialist.

Pretty too interesting way. You will need a small saucepan or bowl of boiling water and a pin.

First you need to melt the plastic, for which the ends of the “bridges” formed during the split are lowered as close as possible to boiling water. When the ends softened, you need to insert a short pin into one of them (you can “pinch off” part of the pin with wire cutters), and then put the other end on it. The resulting gap should be smoothed out by hand before the plastic hardens. Glasses are like new!

3. Professional repair of the “bridge”

This method is essentially similar to the previous one, but requires more attention, accuracy and diligence. In addition, you will need various tools:

In the ends formed when the frame splits, it is necessary to drill two holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm and a depth of 5 mm, then drill from above and below them through holes with a diameter of 1 mm. Use a cutter to create grooves between the top two holes as well as the bottom two holes. Pour glue into holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm and insert a steel wire 9 mm long. Grease the ends with glue and connect. Fasten the structure with nichrome wire, passed through the upper and lower holes. Fill the holes and grooves with glue, and after drying, sand them with sandpaper.

How to replace a lost screw?

1. Temporary repair of the hinge

You can make temporary repairs to the hinge, which will allow you to wait for a trip to a specialist, using a toothpick, wire, pin or nylon fishing line.

Frame and temple of glasses aligned with each other so that a hole is formed in the hinge into which a toothpick is inserted (or whatever comes to hand from the list presented). The excess part of the toothpick must be cut off, the wire must be twisted, and the nylon fishing line must be melted in the flame of a lighter or match.

2. Repair of a hinge with a flex mechanism

Flex mechanism is used length of fixation of glasses temples in a certain position - very convenient for those who have custom size heads! Unfortunately, such a wonderful device has a serious drawback: a screw that has fallen out of such a hinge is very difficult to put back in place.

The fact is that between the two parts of the hinge there is a movable bar, which, when the screw falls out, is pulled into the arch. To pull out the bar, you need to fix the bow (for example, using a vice) and, holding the frame and the bar pulled out with a needle or screwdriver with one hand, screw the screw into the hinge. It may not work out the first time, but don't give up! A few tries and you're done.

How to adjust the temples yourself?

Sometimes it happens that after wearing for a long time in a bag or a brief unfortunate contact with something heavy, the glasses do not seem to be broken, but still they are not very comfortable to wear: they put pressure on the ears, the bridge of the nose, or, conversely, they constantly dangle and slide down. The reason may lie in incorrect adjustment of the temples and nose pads.

  • To check whether the nose pads are adjusted correctly, you need to place the glasses on a flat surface and compare their positions relative to each other. To change the height of the glasses, the nose pads should be moved (if the glasses need to be raised) or moved apart (if the glasses need to be lowered).
  • If your glasses are too tight or loose, you need to hold the temples in place for a while. hot water or heat them with a hairdryer, and then slightly straighten them or, accordingly, bend them more strongly. You must act carefully so as not to melt the arms or break them. This method is suitable for plastic frames. Wire frames are easily bent using small pliers.

With the help of simple devices, you can successfully repair glasses that are broken inappropriately or adjust the frames for maximum comfort.

Glasses can be easily damaged or broken. To avoid having to order them again after this, you need to know how to repair glasses at home, what tools to use for this, and how to make them last long enough.

In this article we will look at all the ways to repair glasses without the help of professionals.

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Glasses have a lot of positive qualities, but, unfortunately, many types are not durable and often break.

Failure occurs most often for two reasons:

  1. Due to natural wear and tear on small parts of the spectacle frame. This happens after a long period of use.
  2. Due to rough physical impact on the main frame of the glasses (frame).

The latter includes:

  • falls;
  • strong pressure (someone accidentally stepped on or sat on the glasses);
  • squeezing (when stored without a case, in a pocket, etc.).

Most breakdowns can be easily fixed at home using certain tools and materials. To repair glasses you will need:

  • scissors;
  • clock screwdriver;
  • a penknife or cutter (to make a cutter, just use an old hacksaw blade, secure it between two wooden halves and glue it with epoxy glue; they will serve as a handle);
  • electric drill with thin drill bits;
  • electric soldering iron;
  • fishing line 0.3 mm for fishing;
  • chisel (it can be made from a flat needle file with four edges, having removed the notch in advance; the handle is made in the same way as for a cutter);
  • sewing needle No. 100 (often used instead of a thin drill).
  • glue.

What glue to use and how to prepare it

There are several types of glue that can be used when repairing glasses. Next we will look at the main ones.


It is used by dentists. You can buy this glue at any pharmacy.


  • Glues plastic surfaces best;
  • dries quickly.

Important! It should be prepared only before immediate use.


It is widely used for gluing a variety of materials. To make it you need to use three components in a ratio of 10:1:3.

  • epoxy resin;
  • hardener;
  • filler.

The glue is prepared as follows:

  • the hardener is mixed with the resin;
  • aluminum (or steel) powder fraction is added to the resulting mixture to increase the strength of the glue;
  • the resulting substance is mixed with a wooden stick.

The glue must be used immediately after preparation, because... after an hour and a half it hardens. Can be painted in any color using nitro paint or paste used in ballpoint pens.

Acetone glue

To prepare it you will need:

  • acetone;
  • acetic acid;
  • plastic shavings.

The volume ratio should be 60:39.5:0.5.

Cooking method:

  • mix acetone with acid;
  • then dissolve the shavings in the resulting mixture.

It can be prepared in advance and stored in glass containers using a ground stopper.

With these tools and materials at your disposal, you can easily and quickly repair glasses or get rid of damage, which will be discussed below.

Examples of breakdowns and repair instructions

Repairing a broken nose bridge

You can perform this procedure in two ways:

Glue and paper

To temporarily solve the problem of a broken nose bridge, you need to:

  • clean the surfaces to be bonded using a varnish containing acetone;
  • cut paper (glossy wrapping paper is best) into small strips, the width of which will correspond to the size of the frame;
  • glue it to the frame one strip at a time (using a short strip to wrap around the broken nose bridge);
  • wait for each glued strip to dry and then repeat the procedure with the next strips.


To repair the nose bridge using this method, you will need:

  • threads;
  • thin needle;
  • electric drill;
  • a set of sandpaper;
  • glue;
  • wooden stick;
  • several rubber bands;
  • sheets of wax paper;
  • cotton pads;
  • nail polish remover;
  • cutter.

How to carry out repairs:

  • clean and sand the opposite parts (for this you need to take sandpaper);
  • prepare the surface for gluing (using a little nail polish remover (can be replaced with alcohol) and rub the joints);
  • both parts are secured together (cut off a piece wooden stick along the length, which corresponds to the interval between the temporal sectors of the glasses);
  • cover the optics with wax paper;
  • then wrap the end of the stick with rubber bands, strengthening it;
  • repeat the same steps on the opposite side;
  • carefully combine both halves so that there are several points of contact;
  • glue the nose bridge;
  • coat the seam where the tear is found required quantity glue, making sure there are no bubbles, gaps or voids;
  • Using a cotton pad, remove excess glue and wipe the surface of the glasses until it dries;
  • set the glasses aside for the glue to dry completely, which lasts more than an hour;
  • drill no more than two holes using a small drill;
  • use a cutter to cut guide holes on both sides of the repaired connection;
  • Carefully drill parallel holes on each side, placing the glasses on a soft cloth.
  • sew the repaired parts (for this it is best to take small size needles and 10-15 cm of thread matching the color of the frame);
  • when the nose bridge is sewn, you need to fill the holes with glue to impregnate the thread;
  • remove excess glue using cotton pads;
  • leave the glasses to dry for about an hour, but more is better;
  • wrap the nose bridge with the remaining threads: from the outer part to the inner part with one thread and the other in the opposite direction;
  • Fill the wrapped area with glue and leave it to dry for a day;
  • After this time has passed, you can use the glasses again.

Pin and temperature

This method is only suitable for glasses with plastic frames:

  • boil water (fill a small container with water and put on high heat);
  • melt the plastic base (after the water boils, you need to keep the damaged parts of the frame above the container at a fairly close distance to the heat, this will help make the edges soft);
  • insert a pin into the din from the edges and then place another on the same pin (while the plastic remains hot, you need to smooth it along the pin).

Important! Under no circumstances should the plastic frame be held directly above the fire.

Replacing a lost screw

A lost screw can be replaced in several ways.

Repair kit

If you lose the screw that holds the arch to the ear, repair the glasses using a special kit. It usually includes:

  • small screwdriver;
  • magnifying glass;
  • screws of different lengths.

To repair, simply install the screw in the corresponding hole, screw it in and then break off the tip.

Sometimes it is difficult to fit the necessary screws on the temporal and anterior parts. The reason for this is that the hinge inside the temporal region holds them in place. This situation is corrected as follows:

  • make a hook from a paper clip, pass it through the hole in the temporal region of the optical devices and pull it through;
  • to maintain the location of the hole where the screw is inserted, you need to insert another paper clip vertically into the “gap” created when pulling the screw out of the hole;
  • align both holes by inserting and tightening the screw;
  • after that, pull out the paperclip (this way, the recess for the screw will return to its previous location and create a strong fit for the glasses).


To solve this problem you can use toothpicks:

  • it is necessary to align the holes of the hinge mechanism in the rear and front parts;
  • after that, install a wooden toothpick through them as much as possible;
  • Finally, you need to break off or trim off the excess parts of the toothpick.



  • you need to remove the insulation from the wire;
  • position the holes at the same level by passing the wire through them;
  • twist it so that the temple area takes its original location;
  • cut off excess parts of the wire in order to remove the irritating factor (they may scratch).

In addition to wire, it is advisable to fasten the components of the glasses with a safety pin (price tags in stores are often attached to them). It is enough to insert it into the hole to hold both parts in place.

Removing and filling scratches on lenses

You can solve the problem of deformations that appear on your glasses by using:

Special means

All you need to do is apply the product that is used in glass engraving onto the lenses. Thanks to its properties, it will remove the anti-reflective, scratch-resistant surface (film) on plastic without touching the lens itself. This product can only be used to repair plastic lenses.

When removing scratches, there is no need to clean and polish the lenses to reduce their thickness, as this will change the quality of refraction and render the optics unusable.

Household cleaners

  • baking soda;
  • abrasive cleaners;
  • toothpaste;
  • wax products.

They will fill in small scratches. But using wax will reduce the visibility of your glasses and will need to be used on a regular basis after a certain period of time.

Alcohol (ammonia solution)

After treating your glasses with one of the reagents, you will need to polish the lenses using a soft cloth that is designed for wiping glasses lenses.

To reduce the risk of future scratches, follow these tips:

  • Use a glasses case. It will help protect fragile glasses lenses. The best place to store it is in a pocket or purse.
  • Clean your lenses. Clean your glasses lenses daily using soapy water. The best way to dry your glasses is with a clean, soft cloth.
  • Use only suitable equipment. Do not use napkins under any circumstances, and also avoid using paper towels to wipe glasses.
  • Do not use antibacterial soap.
  • Use caution when using hairspray, perfume, or nail polish remover. The substances contained in them destroy protective films on lenses.

Broken part of the hinge joint

How do I repair the broken part of the hinge that is pressed into the frame?

  • Using side cutters and a file, remove the remains of the hinge elements fused into the frame of the glasses. Or, after warming it up well with a soldering iron, remove the fragment from the frame using tweezers and sand the free space.
  • After this, bend the copper or steel wire into a loop and give this workpiece the outline of the letter omega.
  • Next, install the resulting hinge element in its original place. To do this, take it with tweezers and heat it with a soldering iron, after pressing it at the installation site. During the heating process, the created structure will deepen into the frame to the required depth.
  • When you reach a suitable depth, remove the soldering iron, wait until the plastic cools and the loop is fixed in the frame.
  • At the end of the repair, do some cosmetic work using a soldering iron to remove any rough spots and fine sandpaper.
  • You can return the shine to the frame by treating it with clear nail polish.

Diverging temples

Another problem follows from the problem of divergent temples - glasses practically do not stay on the face. They appear differently depending on the frame material (metal or plastic). But there is also a common reason - the holes in the hinge elements become loose due to prolonged use. How to get rid of the problem was described above.

One of the reasons why the temples of plastic glasses diverge is the erasing of the edges where they come into contact with the frame. This can be solved by restoring the erased part using:

  • fusing or gluing a thin piece of plastic onto the headphones;
  • applying a layer of glue, which after drying will become very hard, followed by processing.

In the case of metal frames, the temple will be attached to a bracket, which is one piece with the frame.

Glasses fly out of frames

This problem is often observed with rapid head movements. Is being decided this problem quite simple.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • remove the lens;
  • drill 4 holes that will be located on the inside of the window arc;
  • place a few drops of glue into the drilled holes, then insert the lenses back, squeezing the frame tightly;
  • leave for several hours (preferably a day) until the glue hardens completely. After this, you can use the glasses again.

The back of the earpiece is broken

Typically, such a breakdown occurs when there is no metal base (rod) in thick plastic earhooks. To repair them you will need to use:

  • glue;
  • metal pin;
  • electric drill.


  • You need to make a central hole in both one and the other piece of the frame.
  • Then insert the pin (size 1.5-2 cm).
  • Join the fragments into a single whole and treat the joint with glue.
  • Leave the glue to dry for about a day.

The arch of the lens window is cracked

Most often the plastic arch breaks. This problem is being solved simple gluing frame arms where the split appeared. However, for this you need to choose a suitable glue and this is quite difficult task. Professionals recommend reducing the load at the split site and gluing the lens itself to the arch of the frame.

To perform a small operation you will need:

  • a thread;
  • fishing line;
  • scotch;
  • nail polish (transparent);
  • Super glue;
  • sandpaper set.


  • cover the edges of the lens with tape;
  • handle inner part the arches and the fracture site with glue;
  • insert the lens into the frame and squeeze the gluing areas;
  • for greater reliability, fasten the frames of the glasses using fishing line and tape;
  • remove and clean the places where the glue got in;
  • If scratches appear at the stripping site, hide them by applying nail polish.

Outwardly curved frame and arched temples

Due to such deformations, glasses are very poorly secured to the face. For plastic frames this occurs when exposed to high temperatures. And since they are quite elastic, this property can also be used when repairing them. That is, by heating, return them to their previous shape.

  • Glasses usually heat up when boiled water using a pair of pliers. After bending the frames, they are removed from the water.
  • The position of the earhook is secured by pressing with a heavy object until it cools down completely.
  • The frame straightens on its own, fixing your hands until it cools down.
  • If metal frames or temples are deformed, they are straightened using the mechanical action of pliers or hands.

Glasses are a very fragile optical instrument. They are easily subject to deformation: frames break in different parts, ears break off, screws and lenses fall out. In order to return them to their previous condition, you need to have a number of tools and materials used in their repair. And the duration of use of the repaired device directly depends on how carefully you treat it.

If you can’t repair your glasses yourself, you can always turn to professionals. Glasses repairs are done in different cities, but best quality repair shops in large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg have.

Glasses is an optical device used for optical correction of human vision in case it deviates from the norm and protects the eyes from dangerous external influences.

Repairing glasses requires a tool that rarely anyone has at hand. If you do not have the opportunity to repair your glasses yourself, you can contact professionals who will repair them, and if repair is impossible, they will help you choose new ones.

If the screw for fastening the glass or in the hinge for fastening the temple (arm) is simply unscrewed, then even a child can handle such a repair; just take a watch screwdriver or a knife with a sharp end and tighten the screw, without applying more force, until it stops.

But if the frame of the glasses breaks at the place of the nose, or the temple breaks off at the hinge, then such a breakdown of the glasses is no longer easy to fix; repairs require tools and knowledge of technology.

In modern glasses, the temples are often attached to the hinges using flex. This mechanism is a spring that fixes the temple (arm) in a given position and allows the temples to move apart, in contrast to the standard 100˚ angle of ordinary glasses, by an angle of up to 160˚.

Frames with flexes eliminate pressure on the head when wearing glasses and distortion of the frame when removing glasses with one hand, so glasses with flexes last longer and are more comfortable to wear. But the more complex the glasses are, the more likely they are to break.

How to tighten a screw
in the hinge for fastening glasses frames with flexes

If it is not difficult to screw in a loose screw in the fastening hinge of simple glasses, then in glasses equipped with flexes it is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance. When attaching the temple, the screw passes through the movable flex bar, and if the screw is unscrewed, the flex bar is pulled into the cavity of the temple and the mounting hole in the frame does not coincide with the hole on the temple. It is impossible to tighten the screw.

When analyzing the breakdown, everything became clear; you need to pull out the flex bar and screw the screw into place. The bar can be easily pulled out using an awl or a needle if you thread it through the hole for the screw, but then there is nowhere to screw the screw. Otherwise, it seems like there’s nothing to grab onto. But if you look closely, it turns out that there is a ledge in the bar protruding from the temple, beyond which it can be pulled out. Only the problem of a lack of hands arises. A vice can serve as a third hand.

The temple is clamped into the jaws of a vice; if the material from which the temple is made is soft, then you need to place a piece of leather between the jaws of the vice. But even with the help of a vice, screwing a screw into the frame of glasses is not easy, since you have to hold the base of the frame with one hand and at the same time, with the same hand, use a small screwdriver to move the flex bar up so that the holes coincide. With your second hand you need to insert a screw into the aligned holes and screw it in. I only succeeded after a few tries.

The original screw was lost and had to be screwed in with a suitable diameter that came from a broken calculator. Before assembling the glasses, you must first tighten the new screw with force, thereby cutting a new thread. In order to prevent the screw from unscrewing again, I riveted it a little on the side where it exits the frame of the glasses.

If a suitable screw cannot be found, it can be replaced with a brass or steel rod of a suitable diameter for fixation by riveting its ends, as described below.

Repair of flex glasses frames with flex

I received a pair of glasses for repair, the temple of which broke off at the point where the hinge was attached to the flex.

The load on the junction of the temple with the flex is large and glasses can be repaired using superglue or epoxy resin would not provide a reliable connection. There's only one left mechanical method repair.

At the end of the temple of the glasses there was a hole with a rectangular groove, and the counter part of the part, which went into this hole and was fixed in the hinge of the frame, was a narrow flat steel strip about 1 mm thick. The only possible reliable method of repair was to connect the parts using a rivet.

Rivets industrial production to carry out such minor repairs can not be. But a brass sewing pin with a metal head 0.7 mm in diameter worked well as a rivet. The size of the pin determined the diameter of the holes that needed to be drilled in the parts to be joined.

Before drilling, you need to make markings. The first hole must be drilled in the earpiece (arm), at a point calculated so that it passes through the center of the strip secured in the hinge of the frame.

To do this, the earhook needs to be clamped in a vice. Between the jaws of the vice, so as not to damage the covering of the temples, place pieces of leather and use a core to mark the drilling point.

Next, you need to drill a hole in the earhook. It is difficult to drill a hole with a diameter of 0.7 mm with a powerful household drill without breaking the drill, since it is impossible to feel the pressure on the drill due to the greater mass of the drill and this will lead to inevitable breakage of the drill. For such work, you need a miniature drill, for example, like in a homemade mini drilling machine.

You also need to drill a hole in the flat plate that secures the temple to the frame hinge. Before drilling, you need to mark the drilling point. To do this, the plate is inserted all the way into the groove of the temple located at its end and in this form the assembly is clamped in a vice lined with leather. The temple of the glasses should take a position relative to the frame that corresponds to the glasses being worn on the person’s head.

The hole previously drilled in the temple will serve as a conductor; inserting a drill into it will drill a hole in the plate. You need to drill very carefully, using little force, as the drill can easily be broken.

The holes are drilled, and you can begin the final stage of repairing the glasses, connecting with rivets. The flat plate is inserted all the way into the groove of the temple, and the pin is threaded through the holes.

Using pliers, the pin on the opposite side of the head is shortened so that the protruding part is 0.2-0.3 mm high.

To complete the repair, all that remains is to flare the protruding part of the pin using a small hammer. To do this, you need to press the round head of the pin against the anvil and with light blows, changing the angle, flatten the part of the pin protruding above the temple.

If there is no small hammer, then you can flare the pin with a large hammer, striking weakly on the protrusion of the pin through the metal rod.

As you can see, the repair of the glasses is completed, the connection between the temples and the base with a rivet turned out to be neat and did not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the glasses.

While I was repairing the glasses, putting one temple in place, the second one broke. I had to repair it using the technology described above. Now the glasses will last a long time after repair, and time has confirmed this. I tested the technology for repairing glasses with rivets on several types of glasses frames; after the repair, the glasses at the junction of the temples with the console no longer broke.

Repairing the temple of glasses with a broken hinge

A neighbor approached me with a request to try to repair his favorite glasses, since a specialized workshop refused to repair him - they advised him to buy new ones.

The arm of the glasses broke at the hinge and at first glance it seemed that it was impossible to repair the glasses. But if you think about it, you can always find a way to repair it.

First you need to unscrew the self-tapping screw and glue the broken part of the loop to the earhook using Super-glue “Contact”. I often use this glue to glue any cracked or broken parts together. But in this case, the fracture area is small and the glue will not hold securely. Therefore, the parts were glued together mainly for the convenience of further repairs.

Next from paper clip The bracket was bent as shown in the photograph and, using heating with an electric soldering iron, fused in the longitudinal direction of the temple. The middle of the bracket should follow the crack line.

To ensure a secure connection, a second bracket was fused across the temple. To avoid burning your fingers and to fuse the bracket into the desired place on the earhook, it is convenient to hold it with tweezers. It takes up to a minute to warm up the brackets, there is no need to rush here. When the bracket warms up to the melting temperature of the plastic, it will easily fit into it.

After the brackets are fused into the temple, all that remains is to smooth out the protruding plastic and cut off the excess after it has cooled with a knife or grind it off with fine-grained sandpaper. If the bracket appears on the surface, then it can be heated again and sunk deeper.

Now the brackets are no longer visible, the resistance to breakage after reinforcement with steel brackets of the temple has become higher than before. The glasses will no longer break at this point. If desired, the joint can be polished, making it completely invisible.

The repairs have been completed and now the glasses look like new and, if treated with care, will last a long time. When I returned the glasses to my neighbor, he was very surprised that they were able to be repaired, but he doubted whether the temple would break off in this place again. After a month of wear, he started asking me what kind of glue I used to glue the glasses together. After all, he did not know that the bow at the site of the breakdown was reinforced with metal brackets.

Repair of the place where the temple of glasses is attached to the rim

Another pair of glasses with a broken temple went into repair. But in this case, the earhook was intact, but the place where it was attached to the headband was destroyed.

The earhook loop was made of brass so it didn't break. This failure is more likely due to a design flaw in the frames of the glasses, rather than to handling them.

The earhook loop was attached to a rectangular hole made in the frame using one self-tapping screw screwed into the metal of the loop. When wearing glasses, the screw slowly unscrewed, and the load on the plastic increased, which is why it cracked. Ultimately, the self-tapping screw was completely unscrewed and lost, causing the shackle to fall out of the mount.

There was no screw suitable for the size, so I had to use a standard M1.5. To do this, a thread was cut in the hinge bar with a tap.

The plate on the rim for securing the earhook loop had a crack. But installing a metal bracket to strengthen it was impractical, since it was necessary not only to strengthen the plate, but also to increase the support area of ​​the screw head

Therefore, a washer with a ribbed circumference was selected and fused into the plate by heating it with a soldering iron. As a result, the area of ​​support of the screw head on the plastic increased many times over, and the crack partially melted, which also increased its strength.

Next, the mating surfaces of the plates were lubricated with Super-Moment glue, the hinge plate was inserted into the square hole in the base of the glasses and the screw was tightened. At the same time, the broken fragment from the frame was also glued. It did not bear the load and therefore there was no need to strengthen its fastening with a bracket.

The next glasses were repaired with our own hands and their use for several months confirmed the reliability of the repairs performed.

Half-rim frame repair
with lens mount on fishing line

In a semi-rimless frame, the lenses are half mounted in the frame, and the rest of them are held in the frame by a fishing line, half recessed in the bevel (a groove running along the entire length of the end of the lens). Thanks to this method of attaching lenses, glasses have elegant look and less weight compared to rim frames, especially if the lenses are plastic.

But you have to pay for elegance with a more careful attitude during use, since such a frame, compared to a bezel frame, is less reliable. If you forget to take off your glasses and start to remove a piece of clothing over your head, it may well happen that the glass falls out or the fishing line jumps out of the frame, as in the photo. If the lens falls out, but the fishing line remains securely fastened in the half-rim, then due to the elasticity of the fishing line, the lens can be put back in place. If the fishing line is disconnected from the frame, you will need to replace the fishing line with a new one.

But don’t get upset and run to the workshop; such a breakdown of the semi-rimless frame of glasses is not difficult to fix with my own hands. For repairs, ten centimeters of transparent fishing line with a diameter of 0.8 mm is enough. You can ask fishermen you know for fishing line or ask at any fishing tackle store. They cut off half a meter for me as a thank you.

The first step when starting repairs is to remove the old fishing line from the frame. Usually it is enough to move the fishing line back and forth with force and it will move from the place of attachment. If its melted ends interfere, the line can be cut. It won't be needed anymore anyway.

After freeing the holes from the old fishing line, you need to check whether the fishing line purchased for repair fits well. To do this, you need to bite off one of its ends with side cutters or cut off obliquely so that the end of the fishing line becomes sharp. This will make it easier to insert it into the holes of the frame.

If the fishing line cannot be threaded through the mounting hole of the frame, it needs to be cleaned. This is best done using a mini drill with a drill bit with a diameter of 0.8 mm. But if this is not possible, then you can use a needle or a thin awl; an unbent paper clip will also do.

The holes in the half-rim of the frame are cone-shaped; on the lens side their diameters are 0.8 mm, and on the outer side 1.5 mm. This is clearly visible in the photograph. Thus, by melting the end of the fishing line, you can securely secure it in the frame.

First, the fishing line is threaded through the hole in the nose pad, without a lens. Next, the end of the fishing line is melted using a soldering iron and quickly, before the end of the fishing line hardens, it is pulled into the hole in the nose pad. You need to retract it slowly so that the line does not jump out of the hole.

If you have a high-power soldering iron at your disposal, you can wind several turns of any wire with a diameter of 1-2 mm, copper, aluminum or steel, around its tip. And with this improvised sting, warm up the fishing line. If you don’t have a soldering iron, you can melt the fishing line with a nail heated on the burner of a gas stove. To avoid getting burned, you need to hold the nail with pliers. You can use the sharp tip of a heated electric iron or, at worst, even a small flame from a lighter to melt the fishing line.

After fixing one end of the fishing line in the nose pad, the lens is inserted and the fishing line threaded into the hole on the side of the temple is stretched. Next, the fishing line is pressed with your fingers where it passes through the facet of the lens, and is cut so that its end protrudes from the hole by a couple of millimeters. Next, the lens is removed, the second end of the fishing line is melted and after cooling, its lens is installed in the half-rim.

The remains of the melted fishing line protruding from the holes of the frame must be cut off flush with a sharp knife.

The glasses have been repaired and are like new. The repair took less time than it took to read this article, which I hope was useful to you.

Repairing a broken half-rim of a glasses frame

A few years passed, and my favorite half-rim glasses on a fishing line cracked as a result of a collision with the right angle of a kitchen shelf.

As you can see in the photo, the frame broke in the glass installation area at the narrowest point. To repair it, gluing technology was used, followed by reinforcement of the fracture site with a metal bracket.

In the first step, the frame must be glued with Super-Moment glue or similar, intended for gluing plastic products. To do this, you must first apply a thin layer of glue to the inside of the rim of the frame, which is in contact with the glass along its entire length. Next, also apply a thin layer of glue to the end of the glass in contact with the frame.

After gluing, a small gap was discovered between the glass and the nose pad. To ensure reliable gluing, a small amount of soda was poured into this gap and then soaked in glue.

After such gluing, the frame received sufficient strength, but for higher joint strength, a metal bracket made from a paper clip was additionally installed.

The bracket was fused into the glasses frame using an electric soldering iron. For clarity, the photo shows the bracket not yet completely recessed into the plastic.

Ultimately, the bracket was completely recessed into the plastic of the glasses, the area was cleaned with sandpaper and polished with felt. There are practically no traces of repairs left.

In the same way, you can successfully repair the plastic temples and cracked frames where the nose rests with your own hands.

Repairing a broken plastic rim of a glasses frame

I had to repair glasses with plastic frames, in which one of the plastic glasses fell out of the rim.

Upon closer examination, it turned out that the rim at the bottom was cracked in half. This is one of the glasses breakdowns that you can fix yourself in a few minutes.

To do this, just apply Super glue to the crack and on the inside of the rim a couple of centimeters away from the crack. Next, insert the glass into the rim, squeeze it tightly and hold it there for a couple of minutes.

The rim of the glasses at the crack site does not bear any force load, and therefore there is no need for reinforcement with steel wire. The glasses have been repaired, the appearance has not changed, and now, if treated with care, they will last a long time.

Repairing metal eyeglass frames with a broken rim

They brought me glasses with metal frames with a broken rim at the bridge of my nose, which the repair shop refused to repair. The breakdown was really serious. Glue, even the strongest one, will not hold in this case, since the area of ​​the end of the rim at the fracture site was no more than a square millimeter.

I, too, immediately thought that this was a hopeless case and it was impossible to repair the glasses, but after a while I suddenly came up with an idea on how to do without welding metal. After all, you can repair the frame by gluing the broken metal frame directly to the lens of the glasses. The area of ​​the gluing surfaces will become large and, thus, sufficient strength of the frame will be ensured after the repair as a whole.

The universal super glue “Contact” is well suited for gluing frames. This adhesive is made on the basis of cyanoacrylate, has great adhesive strength and polymerizes upon contact with water in the air. The higher the air humidity, the faster the glue hardens, so you can glue even damp surfaces. The setting time of the glue, depending on air humidity, ranges from several seconds to several minutes. The glue hardens completely within a day.

By the way, not all home craftsmen know that if you need to quickly repair a crack or chip in hard materials, you can prepare homemade putty by mixing super glue with baking soda.

The lenses of the glasses were plastic, and to protect them from glue getting on the optical surface, strips of tape had to be glued on both sides around the perimeter of the lens. Cover the entire surface of the lens in one piece Scotch tape is undesirable, since after gluing it will be difficult to peel it off without damaging the optical surface of the lens. Excess tape on the ends of the lens can be easily removed using fine sandpaper.

If the lenses are made of glass, then there is no need to glue the tape. Super glue is easily softened with acetone, which is safe for glass. Therefore, to remove glue residues after repair from the optical surface of the lenses, it is enough to wipe them soft cloth, soaked in this solvent.

Before gluing, you need to think through all the movements and practice installing the lens into the frame before applying glue to it. When the movements are practiced, you need to apply glue to the end of the lens, accurately insert it into place in the frame and tighten the frame ring with your fingers for a few minutes. I could not take photographs of applying the glue and installing the lens, since only a few seconds were allotted for this operation.

When the glue sets, remove the tape and tighten the frame with thread, tying it as in the photo. The glasses should be left bandaged for a day until the glue has completely hardened. If there is a gap between the rim of the frame and the lens, it is advisable to additionally fill it with super glue.

Checking the glasses frame after repair with gluing showed that it has a sufficient margin of safety for further use. Appearance glasses remained without visible changes.

Repairing a broken eyeglass frame temple

At the request of a friend, I had to repair glasses where one of the temples had broken in half. The breakdown occurred at the junction of its metal part with the plastic extension.

The metal part of the temple was attached to the plastic part by means of a protruding pin, which was tightly inserted into the hole in the plastic part of the temple and secured with a screw. It was not possible to remove the pin from the plastic after unscrewing the screw, since the break occurred along the line of the plastic, and it was impossible for the tool to catch on the pin. I also didn’t want to grind down the plastic to shorten the temple.

The difficulty of repairing the earhook at first glance was aggravated by the fact that metal part It was all covered in openwork holes. But as it turned out, this was a plus. To restore the integrity of the temple, a specially shaped pad was made from a sheet of brass 1 mm thick. I do not give the geometric dimensions of the pad, since all temples are different and the pad for repairing a specific glasses frame will have its own dimensions, depending on the width of the temple at the point of breakage.

As you can see from the photo, two holes were drilled in the cover and three bends were made. The bends are needed to prevent axial swing of the connected parts of the temple. The dimensions of the holes determined the finished holes in the metal and plastic parts of the temple, and were 2.5 mm and 1.5 mm in diameter, respectively.

The metal part of the temple was secured to the pad using a shortened M2.5 screw with a conical head. The screw was used as a rivet.

It was inserted from the outside of the metal part of the temple and riveted from the inside with a small hammer. To ensure that the riveted part of the screw does not protrude into the plate, the hole was pre-countersinked.

The pad was secured to the plastic part of the temple using an M1.5 screw screwed into the previously existing threaded hole in the remaining pin.

The photo shows a view of the pad after installing the screw and rivet on the inside of the temple.

And in this photo is a view from the outside of the temple after connecting its broken parts.

All that remains is to attach the earpiece to the frame of the glasses using a standard screw and the repair can be considered complete.

This is what the glasses looked like after the repair. If you don’t look closely, it’s difficult to notice the restored place on the temple, it’s not noticeable. But the earhook has become much stronger and now it will definitely never break in this place.

Repair of plastic glasses frames
with broken headband and earhook loop

Glasses with frames made of thermoplastic plastic are easier to repair, since it melts easily when heated, adheres well, and is dissolved by certain types of solvents, for example, dichloroethane or benzene.

I was faced with the repair of glasses with plastic frames, which were broken in three places at once. The right ear hook of the frame was broken off.

Also, as can be seen in the photo, part of the rim on the side where the temple was attached to the base was broken off. Apparently, the glasses were accidentally sat on or stepped on.

The repairs had to be carried out in two stages. First, using super-glue “Contact” using the technology described above, used to repair a metal frame of glasses with a broken rim at the bridge, the broken plastic part of the rim was glued to its original place.

In the glasses being repaired, the temples were equipped with flexes, which, during use, would create a large load on the glued part of the rim. Therefore, to ensure sufficient strength of the rim, two steel brackets, bent from a paper clip, were additionally installed at the gluing site, fused into the plastic.

To fuse a paper clip, you need to take it with tweezers and apply it to the place with the crack, as shown in the photo. Next, use a soldering iron tip with a power of 12-40 W to heat the bracket, lightly pressing on it from above. This usually takes a few minutes. There is no need to rush here.

When the bracket has entered the plastic a little, you can remove the tweezers and then, pressing, continue to heat the bracket until it is completely sunk into the base of the glasses.

Next, the soldering iron tip smoothes out the plastic squeezed out by the bracket so that the bracket is completely hidden. After the plastic has hardened, the resulting unevenness is ground off with a file or sandpaper, and the roughness is removed by polishing with felt. After this, you can begin repairing the hinge joint.

First, you need to remove the remaining loop with side cutters and use a file to level the surface of the junction of the temple with the base of the glasses.

You need to bend a rectangular loop from copper or steel wire ∅1-1.5 mm. The photo shows a loop made from electrical wiring wire. Copper, unlike steel, bends easily and has sufficient strength.

Based on the size of the base, the ends of the loop are shortened to the required length and moved apart. This shape of the loop will ensure its reliable fixation in the plastic case of the glasses.

Next, the eyelet is placed on a flat surface covered with a soft cloth and pressed down with a heavy object. The base is placed close to it, as in the photograph. All that remains is to fuse the homemade eyelet into the body of the base of the glasses using the technology described above for the bracket. After cooling, the hinged joint made will hold quite tightly and work well. If the plastic at the melting point loses its shine, then you can cover this place thin layer liquid transparent nail polish. Varnish is usually solvent-based, which softens the thermoplastic plastic.

As you can see in the photo, the repaired hinge joint of the glasses turned out to be quite neat.

From the outside, traces of repair of the plastic frame are practically invisible. The glasses have been repaired and are ready for further wear.

How to repair glasses
with a broken bow at the hinge point

In the Guest Book, Margarita from Rybinsk asked me the following question:
– I have such a problem, the child broke his glasses! The bow broke off at the hinge with the screw, that is, the hinge with the screw remained on the frame, and the bow was without a hole. The frame is plastic. I took my glasses to a repair shop and they said they couldn’t fix them, I had to buy new ones. Maybe you can recommend something.

My advice:
– Everything can be repaired, but the complexity of repairs and the need to purchase special tools often make repairs economically impractical. This is exactly your case. But since the main cost of glasses is optical glass and their installation, you can repair glasses at low cost if you buy a cheap frame, from which the arms will match your glasses in color, method of fastening and loop size. It's even better to buy the exact same frame. Switching the temples from one glasses to another is not difficult. The glasses will be like new.