Why shouldn't pregnant women be nervous? Nerves and pregnancy: what unnecessary worries can lead to.

How to stop worrying - What to do if the worry doesn’t go away?

- When do we get nervous?

- When do we get nervous?
— 7 lessons on how to stop being nervous
- How to calm down right now
— How to get rid of anxiety - instructions for action
- How to stop anxiety?
- Conclusion

Nervousness and jitters are that feeling of discomfort that you experience on the eve of important, responsible events and activities, during psychological stress and stress, in problematic life situations, and you’re just worried about all sorts of little things.

It is important to understand that nervousness has both psychological and physiological reasons and manifests itself accordingly. Physiologically this is related to the properties of our nervous system, but psychologically, with the characteristics of our personality: a tendency to worry, overestimation of the significance of certain events, a feeling of self-doubt and what is happening, shyness, worry about the result.

We begin to get nervous in situations that we consider either dangerous, threatening our lives, or for one reason or another significant or responsible. I think that a threat to life does not often loom before us, ordinary people. Therefore, I consider situations of the second type to be the main reason for nervousness in everyday life.

The fear of failure, of looking inappropriate in front of people - all this makes us nervous. In relation to these fears, there is a certain psychological attunement; this has little to do with our physiology.

Therefore, in order to stop being nervous, it is necessary not only to put the nervous system in order, but to understand and realize certain things, let’s start with understanding the nature of nervousness.

— 7 lessons on how to stop being nervous

Lesson 1. The nature of nervousness. Necessary defense mechanism or hindrance?

a) Nervousness does not bring any benefit, but only hinders.
b) You can get rid of it by working on yourself.
c) B Everyday life There are few real reasons to be nervous, since we or our loved ones are rarely threatened by anything, we mostly worry about trifles.

Lesson 2. How to stop being nervous about anything?

Think about all those events that make you nervous: your boss calls you, you take an exam, you expect an unpleasant conversation. Think about all these things, evaluate the degree of their importance to you, but not in isolation, but within the context of your life, your global plans and prospects.

At such moments, focus on the purpose of your life, think about the future, take a break from the current moment.

This psychological setting helps a lot to stop being nervous about anything.

Lesson 3. Preparation. How to calm down before an important event.

Free your head from thoughts, relax your body, exhale and inhale deeply. The most simple-minded people will help you relax breathing exercises.
It should be done like this:

a) inhale for 4 counts (or 4 pulse beats, you need to feel it first, it’s more convenient to do this on the neck, not on the wrist)
b) keep the air in for 2 counts/hits
c) exhale for 4 counts/beats
d) do not breathe for 2 counts/beats and then inhale again for 4 counts/beats - all from the beginning

Breath! Do not breath. 4 seconds inhale - 2 seconds hold - 4 seconds exhale - 2 seconds hold.

If you feel that your breathing allows you to take deeper inhalations/exhalations, then do the cycle not 4/2 seconds but 6/3 or 8/4 and so on.

Lesson 4. How to avoid being nervous during an important meeting.

a) Act calm.
b) Watch your facial expressions, gestures and intonation.
c) Eliminate all markers of nervousness.
d) Take your time.

Lesson 5. Let's calm down after the meeting.

Whatever the outcome of the event. You're on edge and still feeling stressed. It's better to take it off and think about something else. Try not to think too much about the past event. Just throw all thoughts out of your head, get rid of the subjunctive mood (if), everything has already passed, put your breathing in order and relax your body.

Lesson 6. There should be no reason to be nervous at all.

Typically, a significant factor in nervousness is the inadequacy of your preparation for the upcoming event. When you know everything and are confident in yourself, why should you worry about the result?

We must try not to create stress factors for ourselves in the future! Think ahead and prepare for business and important meetings, do everything on time and don’t put it off until the last minute! Always have a ready-made plan in your head, or better yet several! This will save you significant part nerve cells, and in general will contribute to great success in life.

Lesson 7. How to strengthen the nervous system and how to stop getting nervous over trifles.

In order to stop being nervous, you also need to bring your body and mind into a state of peace.

a) You need to meditate regularly.
b) Play sports and carry out a set of health-supporting measures (contrast shower, healthy eating, vitamins, etc.). Sport strengthens the nervous system.
c) Walk more, spend time outdoors, try to sit in front of the computer less.
d) Do breathing exercises.
e) Quit bad habits!

- How to calm down right now

Stressful situations, worries and unreasonable anxiety haunt people all their lives, but to become happy you just need to set your priorities correctly. You shouldn’t take everything “to heart,” this statement gives nothing to many, they don’t know how to stop worrying and continue to be nervous. It’s very easy to help yourself and your friends with this problem; find out how to overcome your fear and be happy in this moment so that it doesn't happen.

1) Perceive yourself and your actions with optimism.

Feelings of duty and responsibility for one’s actions are instilled from childhood; some parents, being a little overzealous, instill in a person their complexes and a constant feeling of guilt, hence the feeling of constant worry about one’s words and actions. To overcome this, you need to convince yourself that your actions are correct, and also adhere to the following rules:

a) Relieve yourself of guilt.
b) Get rid of imaginary problems.
c) Free yourself from fear.
d) Be yourself.

2) Believe only in the best.

An assessment of a problem or unpleasant event that has arisen should be carried out only after it has happened, in order to anticipate the course of the event, it is better to immediately think about what could happen in the worst case. Having sorted everything out, it may turn out that there is nothing terrible in the future, everything is explainable and solvable. To eliminate such concerns, you need to determine for yourself:

a) Goals in life.
b) Set priorities.
c) Interesting thing.

3) Appreciate what you have.

It is impossible to expect something more from life and not make efforts to achieve it, ideal conditions will not create themselves. Of course, sometimes favorable circumstances arise, and then you just have to take advantage of them correctly, and unfortunately, rarely anyone can do this. Most often, opportunities are hidden under far-fetched problems; after solving them, ways to solve the problems are immediately visible.

Take note of a few tips:

a) Live for today.
b) Limit communication with unpleasant people.
c) Don't pay attention to everyday little things.

4) Don't feel sorry for yourself.

You won’t be able to stop worrying right away, but by following the tips in question, you can soon cope with this difficult feeling and achieve any goals, as well as infect others with your optimism. The main thing to remember is that all thoughts are material, their fulfillment gives a joyful mood and faith in a better future, for which life is worth living.

— How to get rid of anxiety - instructions for action

Tip 1. Don't fight your anxiety.

During periods of intense anxiety, do not try to get rid of this condition.

This struggle sometimes takes more energy than simple excitement. Therefore, instead of fighting anxiety, accept it, feel it, find the reason for your anxiety and then you will feel better.
Also find the positives in an exciting situation, and then it will become much easier for you.

Tip 2. Play sports!

The anxiety caused by fear stiffens every muscle in our body.

In such situations, overcoming anxiety is quite simple! You just need to give your body a physical jolt. When endorphins flood into your body, the anxiety will noticeably subside.

Tip 3. Don't worry about trifles.

Very often we worry about an imaginary situation.

For example, we didn’t have time to submit a report today and we begin to worry that tomorrow it will be too late. But you can simply tell your boss that work on the report has taken a little longer.

However, in reality, we make life difficult for ourselves.

Tip 4. Breathing helps in the fight against anxiety.

Try Herry Herminson's breathing exercise called Balloon Breathing.

Sit down, close your eyes and imagine a tennis ball in front of you. Take a slow and deep breath, imagining the ball moving slowly and smoothly from your stomach to your throat. Exhale - and the ball moves down just as slowly.

After doing 10 repetitions, you will noticeably relax and be able to overcome anxiety.

Tip 5. Be positive and stop worrying.

During periods of unrest, we are often overwhelmed by phrases such as: “I can’t”, “I’m a loser”, “I’ll definitely disgrace myself”, etc. But know that these phrases are just limiters in our brain.

By repeating to yourself day after day about failure, you will truly become a failure.
That's why start programming yourself correctly!

Tell yourself:

a) I'll do it!
b) I'm the best!
c) I can do anything!

Many psychologists are sure that constantly scrolling through positive phrases helps a person cope with anxiety and achieve their goals.

- How to stop anxiety?

Here are some tips on how to stop worrying and start enjoying life right now!

1) Play with yourself the game “what’s the worst that can happen?”
Imagine the worst-case scenario so you can prepare for it or try to prevent it from happening.

The second step is to imagine something that you would be grateful for even in an undesirable situation. This gratitude exercise teaches you not only to prepare for the worst, but also to see the positive in it!

And most importantly, if you can imagine the worst, you can imagine the best!

2) Break the habit of worrying (yes, it's a habit!).
Get rid of thoughts that upset you and choose thoughts that focus on a positive outcome. Control your mind and stop worrying!

3) Be in the “here and now.”
You worry about what might happen in the future or about what happened in the past. But the truth is that you create the future NOW! Therefore, if you want to stop worrying, your thoughts must be devoted to what is happening NOW. Concentrate and think, feel, act and speak the best way... from the point of view of the present. These thoughts, feelings, actions and words improve your future!

4) Help others.
There are countless people who have it much, much worse than you. Help them as much as you can. This will help you look at your own problems more objectively, develop a sense of gratitude, and you will not have time to think about your problems when you are helping other people (or animals, environment etc.).

5) Talk positively to and about yourself.
How many times a day do you scold yourself for the mistakes you make? How many times a day can you say “I” along with something negative?

For example:

a) I'm poor
b) I'm lonely
c) I can't do it,
d) I will be rejected.

Don't say that! "I" is a word that has strong energy! There is no need to deal with these life situations. When you eliminate such negativity from your speech, your mental condition will improve and you will be less prone to anxiety. You will also be motivated to take positive action.

6) Action gives you confidence and control.
Take action. Think rationally, analyze the situation, weigh all options and choose the best option actions based NOT on reflexes or emotions, but on calmly taking the steps necessary to improve the situation, on what you want - on best scenario, which you visualize.

Action keeps you active, helps you focus your mind away from worry, and makes you feel GOOD because you feel more in control of the situation just by doing something yourself.

- Conclusion

Almost every person on the plane at least once experienced excitement and anxiety. Some people experience this feeling all the time. Sometimes this concern has no basis, but a person still continues to stress himself out over trifles, wasting precious time that he could spend on his self-development or on loved ones and friends.

How often do you worry about things that are not worth your attention? And how to stop worrying for no reason?

First of all, you need to realize that your anxiety will not bring you any benefit. Only harm. Train your self-confidence. Confident people almost never have reasons to worry.

And stop worrying about what doesn’t depend on you, it’s useless. It’s stupid to waste time on something that will only ruin your mood; it’s better to spend it on improving your skills and increasing your self-esteem.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

If your heart is beating so fast it's making it difficult for you to think, or your palms are sweaty and your mouth is dry, then you're probably nervous. Anyone gets nervous before an important event or event. However, it is necessary to learn to cope with (or at least minimize) nervousness. Although getting rid of nervousness is not easy, there are several different approaches, with which you can calm your mind and control your emotions. Try the methods below and choose the one that works best for you.


Calming exercises

    Learn to breathe correctly. People who practice yoga learn to breathe properly, which results in a calmer mind. While deep, slow breathing calms the mind and body, short, fast breathing does the opposite.

    • Close your eyes and breathe slowly to calm your mind and body.
    • You can control your breathing by counting to a certain number or repeating: “Now I breathe in, now I breathe out.”
  1. Visit your “happy place” or visualize success. You can imagine a "happy place" to move away from a place where you are nervous and go somewhere where there is no stress, be it shopping mall or a deserted beach.

    • Imagine being successful at something that makes you nervous. Positive visualizations can turn into real successes if you truly believe that you can succeed.
    • Banish sad thoughts and use your imagination to recreate positive rather than negative situations.
  2. Create a mantra. A mantra is a phrase or expression that is repeated out loud or silently as a meditative exercise. Think of words that inspire or calm you and repeat them every time you start to feel nervous. You can close your eyes while repeating the mantra.

    Meditate. Although meditation is not easy to learn, it is one of the the best ways calm down. Find a quiet place, find a comfortable position (you can lie down) and try to empty your mind for at least five minutes.

    Write down your thoughts when you are nervous. Don't suppress thoughts and feelings when you're nervous - write them down and then forget about them. Try to deal with nervousness rather than ignore it. Once you have written down your feelings, throw away the piece of paper (as a symbolic release of unpleasant thoughts and feelings) or leave it and think about it throughout the day.

    Listen to soothing music. Make a selection of songs that calm you down. When you're feeling nervous, turn on some music and get lost in it.

    Drink water. This will calm your nervous system and prevent dehydration. Always need to drink sufficient quantity water, but if you do it when you are nervous, water will do double the benefits.

    Massage your temples. Close your eyes and massage your temples with your middle fingers. A temple massage will help you relax and relieve stress.

    Do sports, or yoga, or tai chi. Sports will help you direct your thoughts in a different direction and get rid of nervousness. If you're really nervous about presenting at work or going on a date with a girl, do some cardio exercises daily (for at least 30 minutes).

    • Yoga is not only physical exercise, but also intense workout psyche, which will teach you to control your breathing. You can visit a yoga studio or practice at home using a video course.
    • Take up tai chi. This is a set of exercises designed to relax the body and clear the mind, as well as direct energy in a positive direction.
  3. Get enough sleep and eat well. This not only affects general state health, but also reduces stress levels and the likelihood that you will be nervous. Sleep at least 8 hours a day and eliminate fatty and sugary foods from your diet.

    A Rational Approach to Nervousness

    1. Embrace uncertainty. Some people strive to control every aspect of their life. Try to reduce control and come to terms with the fact that you cannot control absolutely everything in your life. You can give your life a specific direction, but you cannot avoid taking wrong turns or deviating from the intended course. And that's okay.

      • If you plan your whole life, it will turn out to be quite boring. Uncertainty is what adds color to the monotony of life. If you can't come to terms with uncertainty, learn to perceive it in a positive way - what surprises will make you happy today?
    2. Focus on the present rather than living in the past or future. What's done is done, and what hasn't happened yet hasn't happened. Don't get stressed by thinking about what has already happened or expecting something to happen.

      • Remember the expression “bringing trouble.” If you're worried about ruining tomorrow's speech, you may end up bombing your speech. Focus on the present moment. Don't think about what will happen tomorrow.
    3. Learn to be comfortable in situations that make you nervous. You cannot avoid every such situation, but by getting into them, you will learn to control your feelings and emotions. If you're nervous before a big one public speaking, try appearing in front of a small audience, and then move on to the big stage.

      • Your family and friends will help you cope with this problem.
    4. Imagine someone who makes you nervous in a vulnerable situation. An old trick will help you - imagine a crowd of people in their underwear. Even if your boss is too intimidating, convince yourself that he is only human. He also gets nervous sometimes and finds himself in vulnerable situations.

      • Remember that every person in this world has found themselves in a stupid or vulnerable situation at least once.
    5. Prepare for good and bad days. Even if you know how to relax, there will still be days when you will be nervous. Prepare yourself for success and failure.

    Determining the cause of nervousness

    1. Don't think that being nervous can have a positive effect. Many people tend to feel nervous, thinking that it will lead to positive results or push them to take action. But when you're stressed, you're simply wasting time that you could be spending on better things.

      • Worrying that the situation will soon be resolved in the worst (possible) way will not lead to positive results. By being nervous, you will not prepare for the situation better, that is, you will simply waste valuable time.
      • A healthy approach to nervousness is to not let anxious thoughts control your body. Be rational and control your nervousness.

In this article I will talk about how to stop being nervous. I will explain how to remain calm and cool in any life situation without the help of sedatives, alcohol and other things. I will talk not only about how to suppress states of nervousness and calm down, but I will also explain how you can stop being nervous in general, bring the body into a state in which this feeling simply cannot arise, in general, how to calm your mind and how to strengthen the nervous system.

The article will be structured in the form of sequential lessons and it is better to read them in order.

When do we get nervous?

Nervousness and jitters are that feeling of discomfort that you experience on the eve of important, responsible events and activities, during psychological stress and stress, in problematic life situations, and simply worry about all sorts of little things. It is important to understand that nervousness has how psychological so and physiological reasons and manifests itself accordingly. Physiologically, this is connected with the properties of our nervous system, and psychologically, with the characteristics of our personality: a tendency to worry, overestimation of the significance of certain events, a feeling of self-doubt and what is happening, shyness, worry about the result.

We begin to get nervous in situations that we consider either dangerous, threatening our lives, or for one reason or another significant or responsible. I think that a threat to life does not often loom before us, ordinary people. Therefore, I consider situations of the second type to be the main reason for nervousness in everyday life. Fear of failure, of looking inappropriate in front of people- all this makes us nervous. In relation to these fears, there is a certain psychological attunement; this has little to do with our physiology. Therefore, in order to stop being nervous, it is necessary not only to put the nervous system in order, but to understand and realize certain things, let’s start with understanding the nature of nervousness.

Lesson 1. The nature of nervousness. Necessary defense mechanism or hindrance?

Our palms begin to sweat, we may experience tremors, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, confusion in our thoughts, it is difficult to gather ourselves, concentrate, it is difficult to sit still, we want to occupy our hands with something, smoke. These are the symptoms of nervousness. Now ask yourself, how much do they help you? Do they help cope with stressful situations? Are you better at negotiating, taking an exam, or communicating on a first date when you're on edge? The answer is, of course not, and what’s more, it can ruin the whole result.

Therefore, it is necessary to firmly understand that the tendency to be nervous is not a natural reaction of the body to a stressful situation or some ineradicable feature of your personality. Rather, it is simply a certain mental mechanism embedded in a system of habits and/or a consequence of problems with the nervous system. Stress is only your reaction to what is happening, and no matter what happens, you can always react to it in different ways! I assure you that the impact of stress can be minimized and nervousness eliminated. But why eliminate this? Because when you're nervous:

  • Your thinking ability decreases and you have a harder time concentrating, which can make things worse and require your mental resources to be stretched to the limit.
  • You have less control over your intonation, facial expressions, and gestures, which can have a bad effect on important negotiations or a date.
  • Nervousness causes fatigue and tension to accumulate more quickly, which is bad for your health and well-being.
  • If you are often nervous, this can lead to various diseases (however, a very significant part of diseases stem from problems of the nervous system)
  • You worry about little things and therefore do not pay attention to the most important and valuable things in your life.
  • you are susceptible bad habits:, alcohol, because you need something to relieve tension

Remember all those situations when you were very nervous and this negatively affected the results of your actions. Surely everyone has many examples of how you broke down, unable to withstand psychological pressure, lost control and were deprived. So we will work with you on this.

Here is the first lesson, during which we learned that:

  • Nervousness does not bring any benefit, but only hinders
  • You can get rid of it by working on yourself
  • In everyday life there are few real reasons to be nervous, since we or our loved ones are rarely threatened by anything, we mostly worry about trifles

I will return to the last point in the next lesson and, in more detail, at the end of the article and tell you why this is so.

You should configure yourself like this:

I have no reason to be nervous, it bothers me and I intend to get rid of it and this is real!

Don’t think that I’m just talking about something that I myself have no idea about. Throughout my childhood, and then my youth, until I was 24 years old, I experienced big pain. I couldn’t pull myself together in stressful situations, I worried about every little thing, I even almost fainted because of my sensitivity! This had a negative impact on health: pressure surges, “panic attacks,” dizziness, etc. began to be observed. Now all this is in the past.

Of course, I can’t say now that I have the best self-control in the world, but all the same, I stopped being nervous in those situations that make most people nervous, I became much calmer, compared to my previous state, I reached a fundamentally different level of self-control. Of course, I still have a lot to work on, but I’m on the right path and there is dynamics and progress, I know what to do.

In general, everything I’m talking about here is based solely on my experience of self-development, I’m not making anything up and I’m only talking about what helped me. So if I had not been such a painful, vulnerable and sensitive young man and, then, as a result of personal problems, I had not begun to remake myself - all this experience and the site that summarizes and structures it would not exist.

Lesson 2. How to stop being nervous about anything?

Think about all those events that make you nervous: your boss calls you, you take an exam, you expect an unpleasant conversation. Think about all these things, evaluate the degree of their importance for you, but not in isolation, but within the context of your life, your global plans and prospects. What is the significance of a squabble in public transport or on the road on a life-long scale, and is it really such a terrible thing to be late for work and be nervous about it?

Is this something to think about and worry about? At such moments, focus on the purpose of your life, think about the future, take a break from the current moment. I am sure that from this perspective, many things that you are nervous about will immediately lose their significance in your eyes, will turn into mere trifles, which they certainly are and, therefore, will not be worth your worries.

This psychological setting helps a lot stop being nervous about anything. But no matter how well we set ourselves up, although this will certainly have a positive effect, it will still not be enough, since the body, despite all the arguments of the mind, can react in its own way. Therefore, let's move on and I will explain how to bring the body into a state of calm and relaxation immediately before any event, during and after it.

Lesson 3. Preparation. How to calm down before an important event.

Now some important event is inexorably approaching us, during which our intelligence, composure and will will be tested, and if we successfully pass this test, then fate will generously reward us, otherwise we will lose. This event could be a final interview for the job you dream of, important negotiations, a date, an exam, etc. In general, you have already learned the first two lessons and understand that nervousness can be stopped and this must be done so that this condition does not prevent you from focusing on the goal and achieving it.

And you realize what awaits you ahead an important event, but no matter how significant it is, even the worst outcome of such an event will not mean the end of your whole life for you: there is no need to dramatize and overestimate everything. It is precisely from the very importance of this event that the need to be calm and not worry arises. This is too important an event to let nervousness ruin it, so I will be collected and focused and will do everything for this!

Now we bring our thoughts to calm, relieve the jitters. First, immediately throw all thoughts of failure out of your head. In general, try to calm down the fuss and not think about anything. Free your head from thoughts, relax your body, exhale and inhale deeply. The simplest breathing exercises will help you relax.

Simple breathing exercises.

It should be done like this:

  • inhale for 4 counts (or 4 pulse beats, you need to feel it first, it’s more convenient to do this on the neck, not on the wrist)
  • keep the air in for 2 counts/hits
  • exhale for 4 counts/beats
  • do not breathe for 2 counts/beats and then inhale again for 4 counts/beats - all from the beginning

In short, as the doctor says: breathe - don’t breathe. 4 seconds inhale - 2 seconds hold - 4 seconds exhale - 2 seconds hold.

If you feel that your breathing allows you to take deeper inhalations/exhalations, then do the cycle not 4/2 seconds but 6/3 or 8/4 and so on.

You just need to breathe with your diaphragm, that is, with your stomach! During times of stress, we breathe rapidly from the chest, while diaphragmatic breathing calms the heartbeat, suppressing the physiological signs of nervousness, bringing you into a state of calm.

During the exercise, keep your attention only on your breathing! There should be no more thoughts! It is most important. And then after 3 minutes you will feel relaxed and calm. The exercise is done for no more than 5-7 minutes, according to how it feels. When practiced regularly, breathing practice not only helps you relax here and now, but also in general puts the nervous system in order and you are less nervous without any exercise. So I highly recommend it.

You can see my video on how to do diaphragmatic breathing correctly at the end of this article. In this video I talk about how to cope with panic using breathing. But this method will also allow you to get rid of nervousness, calm down and pull yourself together.

Other relaxation techniques are presented in my article.

Okay, so we are prepared. But the time for the event itself has already arrived. Next I will talk about how to behave during the event so as not to be nervous and to be calm and relaxed.

Lesson 4. How to avoid nervousness during an important meeting.

Pretend to be calm: even if neither your emotional mood nor breathing exercises helped you relieve tension, then at least try with all your might to demonstrate external calm and equanimity. And this is necessary not only to mislead your opponents about your current state. Expressing outer peace helps to achieve inner peace. This operates on the principle of feedback, not only how you feel determines your facial expressions, but also your facial expressions determine how you feel. This principle is easy to verify: when you smile at someone, you feel better and more cheerful, even if you were in a bad mood. I actively use this principle in my daily practice and this is not my invention, it is really a fact, it is even written about in Wikipedia in the article “emotions”. So the calmer you want to appear, the more relaxed you actually become.

Watch your facial expressions, gestures and intonation: The feedback principle obliges you to constantly look inside yourself and be aware of how you look from the outside. Do you seem too stressed? Are your eyes shifting? Are the movements smooth and measured or abrupt and impulsive? Does your face express cold impenetrability or can all your excitement be read on it? In accordance with the information about yourself received from your senses, you adjust all your body movements, voice, and facial expression. The fact that you have to take care of yourself in itself helps you get together and concentrate. And it’s not just that with the help of internal observation you control yourself. By observing yourself, you focus your thoughts on one point - on yourself, and do not let them get confused and lead you in the wrong direction. This is how concentration and calm are achieved.

Eliminate all markers of nervousness: What do you usually do when you're nervous? Are you fiddling with a ballpoint pen? Are you chewing on a pencil? Are you tying your left big toe and little toe into a knot? Now forget about it, keep your hands straight and don’t change their positions often. We don’t fidget in our chair, we don’t shift from foot to foot. We continue to look after ourselves.

Take your time: rush and bustle always sets a special nervous tone. Therefore, take your time even if you are late for a meeting. Since any rush very quickly disrupts composure and a calm mood. You begin to nervously rush from one to another, in the end you only provoke excitement. No matter how much you are rushed, do not rush, being late is not so scary, it is better to save your nerves. This applies not only to important meetings: try to get rid of haste in every aspect of your life: when you are getting ready for work, traveling in public transport, doing work. It is an illusion that when you rush, you achieve results faster. Yes, the speed increases, but only slightly, but you lose a lot in composure and concentration.

That's all. All these principles complement each other and can be summarized in the call “ watch yourself". The rest is specific and depends on the nature of the meeting itself. I would only advise you to think about each of your phrases, take your time with your answer, carefully weigh and analyze everything. No need to try to impress everyone accessible ways, you will produce it anyway if you do everything correctly and don’t worry, work on the quality of your performance. There is no need to mumble and get lost if you are caught by surprise: calmly swallow, forget and move on.

Lesson 5. Calm down after the meeting.

Whatever the outcome of the event. You're on edge and still feeling stressed. It's better to take it off and think about something else. All the same principles apply here that helped you pull yourself together before the meeting itself. Try not to think too much about the past event: I mean all sorts of fruitless thoughts, what if I had performed this way and not that way, oh, how stupid I must have looked, oh I’m a fool, what if...! Just throw all thoughts out of your head, get rid of the subjunctive mood (if), everything has already passed, put your breathing in order and relax your body. That's all for this lesson.

Lesson 6. You shouldn’t create any reasons for nervousness at all.

This is a very important lesson. Typically, a significant factor in nervousness is the inadequacy of your preparation for the upcoming event. When you know everything and are confident in yourself, why should you worry about the result?

When I was studying at the institute, I missed a lot of lectures and seminars, I went to the exams completely unprepared, hoping that I would pass and somehow pass. In the end, I passed, but only thanks to phenomenal luck or the kindness of the teachers. I often went for retakes. As a result, during the session I experienced such unprecedented psychological pressure every day due to the fact that I was trying to prepare in a hurry and somehow pass the exam.

During the sessions, an unrealistic number of nerve cells were destroyed. And I still felt sorry for myself, I thought that there was so much that had piled up, how hard it was, eh... Although it was all my fault, if I had done everything in advance (I didn’t have to go to lectures, but at least the material to prepare for the exam and pass I could provide myself with all the intermediate control tests - but then I was laziness and I was not at least somehow organized), then I would not have to be so nervous during the exams and worry about the result and about the fact that I would be drafted into the army if I I won’t hand over something, because I would be confident in my knowledge.

This is not a call not to miss lectures and study at institutes, I’m talking about the fact that you need to try yourself Do not create stress factors for yourself in the future! Think ahead and prepare for business and important meetings, do everything on time and don’t put it off until the last minute! Always have a ready-made plan in your head, or better yet several! This will save you a significant part of your nerve cells, and in general will contribute to great success in life. This is a very important and useful principle! Use it!

Lesson 7. How to strengthen the nervous system and how to stop getting nervous over trifles

In order to stop being nervous, it is not enough just to follow the lessons that I outlined above. It is also necessary to bring the body and mind into a state of peace. And the next thing I will tell you about will be those rules, following which you can strengthen your nervous system and experience less nervousness in general, be calmer and more relaxed. As a result of this you will understand how to stop being nervous over trifles. These methods are focused on long-term results; they will make you less susceptible to stress in general, and not only prepare you for a responsible event.

  • Firstly, in order to correct the physiological factor of nervousness and bring the nervous system to a state of rest, you need to regularly. This is very good for calming the nervous system and calming the mind. I’ve written a lot about this, so I won’t dwell on it.
  • Secondly, go in for sports () and take a set of health-supporting measures (contrast showers, healthy eating, vitamins, etc.). A healthy body has a healthy mind: your moral well-being depends not only on mental factors. Sports strengthens the nervous system.
  • Walk more, spend time outdoors, try to sit in front of the computer less.
  • Diaphragmatic breathing during a panic attack

Most pregnant women know that any emotional experience affects the condition of the baby. A close physiological connection with it manifests itself at the level of all organs and systems. What happens if you get nervous during pregnancy? Disturbances in the rhythm of breathing and heart, changes in the level of hormones, and the activity of the nervous system in the mother will immediately affect the child.

The gestation period is very difficult emotionally. A woman's anxiety arises due to many external reasons: features of pregnancy, its complications, the need to regularly undergo diagnostic examinations. There is always a more or less pronounced anxiety about the condition of the child, and at the end of the term - about the upcoming birth. All this is aggravated by changes in endocrine system. An imbalance of hormones makes a woman more tearful, restless, suspicious, and irritable. Why shouldn't you be nervous during pregnancy? What to do to avoid unnecessary emotional experiences?

All women experience nervousness during pregnancy; it is impossible to completely eliminate situations that cause emotional outbursts. But only intense and prolonged experiences can negatively affect the condition of the mother and child. Daily troubles do not cause significant changes in the pregnant woman’s body; compensatory mechanisms are triggered.

Nervous stress during pregnancy very quickly leads to disorders emotional state: tearfulness, hot temper, irritability, depression. With prolonged exposure to a stressor, depression can develop. All this negatively affects the course of pregnancy, since there is a connection between what the woman experiences and changes in the functioning of the body’s systems.

Why shouldn't pregnant women be nervous? Because prolonged emotional experiences can provoke a number of complications:

  • Spontaneous termination of pregnancy. If you are nervous in the early stages of pregnancy, the already existing risk of miscarriage increases. The more intense the stress factor (psychological trauma), the more dangerous the situation.
  • Early discharge of amniotic fluid. Prolonged emotional experiences lead to tension, which manifests itself at all levels (mental, physiological). As a result, the integrity of the bubble may be compromised.
  • Abnormal cessation of fetal development. The most dangerous is the 8th week. At this time, stressful circumstances can lead to...

Thus, prolonged and intense emotional experiences are dangerous for the course of pregnancy. Long-term exposure to a stressor or a sudden traumatic event can provoke termination of pregnancy.

Consequences of emotional instability during pregnancy

If you are nervous a lot during pregnancy, this will lead to the following problems:

  • Blood pressure will increase, heart rate will become rapid and uneven. This will lead to changes in the blood vessels of the placenta and fetus, and then to. As a result, the child does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients and begins to lag behind in development.
  • The manifestations will intensify.
  • The sleep-wake pattern will be disrupted and chronic fatigue, depression.

Being nervous during pregnancy is dangerous because it is fraught with undesirable consequences for the health of the child.

After birth, he may experience:

  • emotional excitability, increased anxiety and hypersensitivity to external stimuli, weather dependence;
  • disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, in severe cases leading to delayed mental and physical development;
  • insufficient weight gain;
  • susceptibility to asthmatic diseases.

Children of restless mothers are more likely to toss and turn, push, and kick.

How to cope with emotional experiences during pregnancy?

Since it is almost impossible not to be nervous during pregnancy, you need to try to reduce the intensity and duration of your worries.

It is easier to control the emotional state when its influence on the process of bearing a child and his health is clear.

  • Planning. Making a plan (daily, weekly, monthly) makes the future more predictable, certain and reduces anxiety.
  • Information about pregnancy. Communication on forums for young mothers, reading articles and books about bearing a child significantly reduces the level of anxiety of the expectant mother. It becomes clear what is behind all the processes and changes occurring in the body.
  • Support of a loved one. The help of relatives is always more effective than any other. For most women, husband's support is important. Often good helpers In the fight against anxiety and worry, close women (mother, sister, friend) who have already given birth to children become.
  • Contact with the child. You can even interact with the baby in your belly: stroke, talk, sing songs. All this helps to establish emotional contact with him and calm down.
  • Search for positive emotions. It is necessary to find time for what gives pleasure: books, films, walks, communication with positive people, tasty food. You can even write it down in the plan, then implementation will be more likely.
  • Maintaining a daily routine. It should include proper sleep, including daytime, five meals a day in small portions, walks on fresh air. By the way, when physical activity, even in the lungs, the production of the happiness hormone increases, so walking and light dancing can quickly lift your mood.

If a woman nervous work, during pregnancy it is worth developing a protective mechanism: do not take everything to heart, do not get emotionally involved in fulfilling your duties. The emphasis should be placed precisely on the functional component of the activity: what should be done, how, when. Most employees treat pregnant colleagues more leniently than others.

During pregnancy, a woman is often more impressionable and emotional, prone to extraordinary actions. Attention becomes less concentrated and future mom as if he is constantly in a state of “flight”. All these changes in the nervous system are provided by nature for the normal intrauterine development of the baby. To maintain calm and peace of mind At this time, various calming techniques, walks in the fresh air, aromatherapy and other methods of distraction are useful. Why shouldn’t you be nervous during pregnancy, how can this affect the health of the unborn child?

Read in this article

How do nerves affect a baby?

The calmness of a pregnant woman is the key to successful pregnancy. It’s not for nothing that there is an opinion that all diseases are caused by nervous overstrain. Including stress and anxiety affect the formation of the unborn child.

Practices of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) in intrauterine development looking for all the problems of a person in the future as an individual. And, for example, they believe that desired children and those whose appearance was sudden have clear differences in the processes of adaptation to the surrounding world and society. And the attitude and happiness of every person depends on this.

Even young and inexperienced mothers can notice how their baby reacts to stress or anxiety. He either begins to move violently and roll over (by the way, this can contribute to malpresentation of the fetus later), then he calms down, as if no one is there.

During the prenatal period, the baby’s connection with his mother is maximum; he reacts even to little things, not to mention the woman’s mood swings.

Reasons why you shouldn't be nervous early pregnancy, and how nervous overstrain affects the development of the embryo is not so little.

Disturbances in the formation of the chorion

One of the criteria for a successful pregnancy is the correct and calm development of the chorion in the early stages. The structures of the uterine wall and amniotic sac are involved in its formation. Subsequently, a full-fledged placenta is formed from the chorion - the baby's place.

During times of stress and anxiety, a woman’s body secretes great amount biologically active substances. One of the groups - vasopressors - is responsible for changes in the vascular wall. At the moment of strong emotional upheaval, a huge amount of adrenaline and norepinephrine is produced by the human adrenal gland. All this contributes to the reduction of the vascular wall of arteries, veins and capillaries. And their coordinated work is extremely important for the correct formation of the chorion. As a result of spasm of small vessels, the embryo cannot fully “penetrate and consolidate” in the wall of the uterus. All this can lead to pregnancy failure, delayed embryo development or other pathology.

If a woman, for some reason, happens to be nervous in the second or third trimesters, this can also lead to spasm of even normal placental vessels. And through them the child receives nutrients and oxygen. When they are deficient, hypoxia occurs and the normal development of the baby's cells, tissues and organs is disrupted.

Changes in the formation of the nervous system in a child

It is known that already from the second or third week, the embryo can imprint in its memory a negative attitude on the part of the mother (for example, if the issue of termination of pregnancy is discussed) or her strong feelings. Of course, in conscious life then no one will be able to remember these moments in a normal state. But under hypnosis or using other practices, it sometimes turns out that this is the whole root of a person’s problems.

In the later stages, the baby’s reaction to the mother’s stress can be felt - at this moment the baby begins to actively kick, roll over, etc.

Consequences of taking various sedatives

Often, in a fit of tears, resentment or anger, a woman may, out of habit, take some medications that are undesirable to take during pregnancy. It is especially dangerous if this happens systematically. They may not have a clear teratogenic effect, but most likely they will affect the development of the embryo as a whole. And this may manifest itself in the child’s predisposition to diseases, adaptation disorders, etc. in the future.

Consequences for pregnancy

But how not to be nervous during early pregnancy or at any other period, if there are so many problems around or something has happened in the family? Of course, not every woman can look at the situation “through her fingers”. Experiences, emotional breakdowns and the like can provoke various complications of pregnancy at any stage. Most often you encounter the following:

  • Adrenaline and other substances released during stress affect the contractility of the myometrium, the muscular layer of the uterus. As a result, this can provoke a threat of termination of pregnancy or even in the first trimester, and after 20 weeks it can cause premature birth.
  • Spasm (narrowing) of the blood vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord can lead to acute or even chronic fetal hypoxia - lack of oxygen. As a result, the baby may slow down its growth: it develops, and in combination with other unfavorable factors this can cause intrauterine death of the baby.
  • Constant psycho-emotional experiences of the mother can become inducers of the child’s development in the future diabetes mellitus, predisposition to arterial hypertension, overweight, allergic diseases and problems with the respiratory system.
  • Many researchers associate the development of autism and various phobias with the course of pregnancy and the conditions in which the woman was then.
  • Constant stress can contribute to the development of gestosis at the end of the gestation period and disruption of kidney function. This poses a threat to both mother and baby.

Due to the fact that all tests and studies on pregnant women and children are prohibited, there is no reliable data and no connection between stress and pathology of the baby. But the results of observations of animals prove that during pregnancy it is better to limit yourself from all kinds of experiences.

How to calm down

But sometimes unpleasant situations cannot be avoided. In such cases, you should know how you can easily and quickly calm down, thereby reducing the risks for the baby.

Simple tips to help you cope with any situation:

  • It is important how a person relates to events. After all, even the most unpleasant news, taken calmly and with a cool head, will not bring negative consequences.
  • It’s good if there is a person whom the pregnant woman trusts. Any situation is accepted completely differently if you discuss it with a loved one.
  • Walking in the fresh air in any weather is something that will help you look at recent unpleasant events differently and minimize the negative impact.
  • Even pregnant women benefit from exercise breathing exercises, yoga. But before you go for them, you should consult with your treating gynecologist, who will rule out all contraindications.
  • , a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, protein will also help cope with stressful situations.
  • You can also find a hobby, such as knitting or embroidery. If, of course, it suits your temperament.
  • It is useful to drink relaxing teas: with mint, chamomile, thyme and others.
  • Alcohol tincture of valerian and hawthorn are allowed during pregnancy and will help you calm down.

Expecting a baby is an important step. A woman in this position should avoid stressful situations. It is useful to always have a couple of techniques on hand that, in emergency cases, will help maintain a sound mind and calm, because the health of a developing baby is at stake.