Gout: treatment with folk remedies. Treatment of gout with folk remedies at home Purine content in lard

Gout is a disease that occurs as a result of metabolic problems. The kidneys are not able to remove uric acid from the body in a timely manner, which is why the latter accumulates in the cavities of the joints and crystallizes into tophi. Uric acid is formed due to the processing of foods rich in purine bases. Purines are chemical elements found in plant and animal products.

The accumulation and deposition of uric acid in the form of crystals provokes the development of gouty arthritis. This phenomenon is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the joints, severe pain, and limited motor activity. You can get rid of symptoms through dietary adjustments and medications.

Doctors give a negative answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat lard for gout, especially if we are talking about the stage of exacerbation of the disease. The product in question is of protein origin, as well as a high level of fat content, which will negatively affect the patient’s condition. But lard is permissible and even recommended to be used in the form of ointments and compositions for compresses and rubbing.

By properly organizing the menu, you can achieve stable remission. In the presence of pathology, it is allowed to diversify the diet with food:

  • vegetable soups without meat, you can add cereals;
  • crustaceans;
  • marine cephalopods;
  • rabbit meat;
  • pasta;
  • yoghurts;
  • low fat cheeses.

For lunch you can eat rye and wheat bread, add dill, and use vegetable proteins. It is important that the menu contains products containing a minimum amount of purines. It is recommended to enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits (apples), honey and nuts (in limited quantities), citrus fruits and berries (except raspberries).

With gout, the patient should reduce the amount of protein foods of animal origin consumed.

It is better to give preference to boiling and stewing foods; steaming is allowed. Fried food is allowed exclusively during the period of remission and only in limited quantities.

Nutritional Features

Cooking for gout also has its own characteristics. It is permissible to cook food not only with vegetable oil, but also with butter, but animal fat should still be avoided, especially for lamb and pork.

A gout diet requires the introduction of weekly fasting days, when you are allowed to eat only one dietary product. This way you can normalize a certain direction of metabolism. It is permissible to follow a vegetable, dairy, cottage cheese, fruit or kefir diet. The rice-apple diet, which is not only tasty and healthy, but also nutritious, is especially popular among patients.

In the presence of a disease accompanied by the formation of urate stones, patients are recommended to use “table No. 6”. Thanks to this diet, it is possible to normalize purine metabolism in the body in a short time, as well as significantly reduce the level of uric acid and its derivatives in the body.

You need to eat at the same time, four times a day. Hunger, as well as excess food intake, should be avoided, as they can trigger an attack of gout. If you are overweight, the patient will have to start losing weight, but sudden weight loss is also unacceptable.

For gouty arthritis, you can consume no more than 5-6 g of pure salt per day. It is necessary to take into account that some food products already contain salt.

What foods should be excluded from the diet if you are sick?

Animal fats will negatively affect the health of a gout patient, so they should be excluded from the diet. The following foods should not be consumed if you are sick:

  • fatty fish;
  • all types of alcohol;
  • beans;
  • spices (exceptions may be vinegar and bay leaf);
  • peas;
  • mushrooms;
  • beans.

Lard is also prohibited for gout, and it does not matter whether it is salty or not. Statistics confirm that as soon as a patient begins to allow himself prohibited foods and consume meat, lard, fried fatty fish, he immediately begins to experience an exacerbation of the pathology, accompanied by unbearable pain in the joints and a severe inflammatory process.

Smoked meats and sausages are dangerous for gouty arthritis. Mushrooms, despite their rich composition, are also not recommended. It is necessary to exclude all types of canned food, forget about sprats and other harmful delicacies. Rich meat broths, beer, coffee and even strong tea can cause aggravation. Overeating can also cause a gout attack.

Eating lard for gout

Eating lard, as well as using pork fat when preparing dishes for a patient with gout, is strictly prohibited. Such negligence will lead to increased inflammatory processes of a destructive nature in areas susceptible to pathology. Although lard contains biologically active elements and amino acids, in the case of the disease under discussion it will only have a negative effect on the patient’s well-being.

The main reasons for the ban:

  1. The content of an excessively high level of purines, which as a result of decay will introduce uric acid into the body.
  2. The high fat content of the product can cause rapid weight gain, and extra pounds will provoke an increase in the load on already weakened, diseased joints.
  3. An increase in cholesterol will lead to metabolic problems.

In extreme cases, if the patient cannot completely give up lard, even realizing the harm he can cause to his health, he must consume the product, following a list of strict rules:

  1. There are no more than two or three thin slices per week.
  2. A slice may contain a maximum of two thin layers of meat.
  3. Use only high quality product.
  4. Eliminate salt or minimize its amount.

Traditional medicine recipes for gout using lard

Although eating lard for gout is prohibited, its external use, on the contrary, is recommended. Traditional medicine is rich in various kinds of recipes that can reduce inflammatory processes in the joints of the legs and arms.


If the pain is constant and not episodic, you can use lard as an unusual compress on the affected area. To do this, you just need to apply a small piece of the product to the skin, wrap it with a sterile bandage or linen cloth, and leave it like that until the morning.

To make the procedure more effective, it is recommended to pre-grind the lard using a meat grinder. In this case, the product will melt faster and begin to act. You can enhance the effectiveness of the manipulation by adding honey or regular table salt to the composition.

Relief usually occurs the next morning, so you should definitely try using such a compress.


You can remove swelling and relieve discomfort in the joint area due to gout using a homemade ointment made from lard. To prepare the drug, you can use the following recipe:

  1. Take 50 grams of lard (salted) and melt it in a water bath.
  2. Pour 125 ml of milk into the product. Mix everything.
  3. Add 20 ml of aqueous ammonia solution and 50 ml of turpentine oil into the prepared pulp.
  4. Add 100 ml of camphor alcohol to the mixture. Mix everything until the components are fully combined.

In the absence of any of the above components, you can resort to the second recipe:

  1. Take 50 grams of pork lard and melt it in a water bath.
  2. Add 0.5 l. milk (choose the product with the highest fat content).
  3. Add 10 grams of ground red pepper.
  4. Mix the mixture thoroughly and let it cool completely.

You need to rub the prepared ointment before going to bed, be sure to wrap it with a warm cloth on top to enhance the warming effect.

If, as a result of applying the ointment, any adverse reaction of the body becomes noticeable, you should immediately wash the composition off the body and consult a doctor.


The development of the inflammatory process can be reduced by rubbing the skin area near the gout-affected joint.

To do this, you need to take lard, cut it into slices of about 5 cm each and rub the body with such pieces. The movements must be strong and rhythmic enough so that the skin has time to heat up. You need to choose good quality lard, use slices until they are comfortable to hold with your fingers. Just throw away the rest.

Such rubbing can be continued until relief occurs and the pain goes away.


Lard can be used for gout for therapeutic purposes only externally. Despite its usefulness, it is still worth understanding that traditional methods of treatment should act as auxiliary measures, and not as main manipulations. Only an integrated approach, including the use of medications and other traditional methods, will minimize the manifestations of pathology in gout.

One of the most important methods in the treatment of gout is diet. Dietary nutrition for gout will slow down the progression of the disease as much as possible and maintain the patient’s well-being. For gout (or increased excretion of urate in the urine), diet No. 6 is followed. Dietary nutrition for gout and arthritis is aimed at reducing the intensity of uric acid synthesis in the patient’s body and normalizing purine metabolism in general.

Four regular meals a day are recommended. It is strictly forbidden for a patient to go hungry or overeat, as this can provoke a recurrent attack. Doctors also recommend fighting extra pounds. Optimal weight loss is from 2 to 5 kg per week.

The approximate amount of water per day should be about 2 liters, and during an attack - up to 3 liters. A decoction of rose hips is considered beneficial for patients with gout. It is best to drink drinks between meals.

What should you not eat if you have gout?

What foods should be limited with gouty arthritis? Dietary restrictions must necessarily apply to meat and fish products.

A diet for gout on the legs involves strictly limiting the consumption of foods presented in the list:

  • fatty broths;
  • leguminous plants;
  • mushrooms;
  • caviar of sea and river fish;
  • animal organs;
  • spices;
  • smoked and dried meat;
  • fatty fish;
  • salo;
  • animal meat;
  • alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks (beer).

Prohibited foods for gout should be completely removed from the patient’s diet. Experts also do not recommend drinking strong tea, coffee, or cocoa. It is worth minimizing the consumption of the following products: raspberries, confectionery, chocolates, figs, grapes. The consumption of salty and spicy cheeses is prohibited.

Grapes for gout

Many sources write that grapes can be eaten by patients with gout in small quantities. Some sources even offer treatment with juice and decoctions from the fruits and leaves of grapes. Experts all recommend refraining from such a risky method using grapes. Traditional medicine often proves effective in the treatment of many pathologies, but in most cases only as an aid. With all this, you need to carefully study the proposed recipes for use and evaluate their possible risks. It is better to refuse treatment using grape fruits. Grapes are very useful for many people, but this product is not advisable for gout patients.

Lard for gouty arthritis

Many people believe that lard is pure fat, but in reality this is not entirely true. It is believed that lard, like meat, is a product rich in purine bases. If the patient has an uncontrollable desire to eat at least a piece of lard, you should choose a slice with a minimum number of meat veins. People with gout can eat lard only once a week, about one slice.

What can you eat if you have gout?

A vegetarian menu is considered the most beneficial for such people. First of all, such nutrition should include dairy dishes, vegetable soups, fruit compotes, and fermented milk dishes. It is allowed to include dietary meats in the patient’s diet: rabbit, young broiler, turkey. You can also eat cooked fish, laying hen eggs, shrimp, and squid meat.

It is considered very useful for gouty arthritis to consume low-fat cottage cheese and low-calorie varieties of cheese, and dishes prepared from them. It is recommended to eat pasta and cereal porridge. You can prepare porridge based on diluted milk.

Vegetables must be present in the patient’s daily diet. The patient is recommended dishes from: cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, potatoes, cucumbers. It is worth limiting rhubarb, peppers, spinach, cauliflower, radishes, and asparagus. Greens are generally beneficial for patients, but it is worth minimizing the consumption of parsley and green onions. Can you eat tomatoes if you have gout? Many people avoid these vegetables because of their oxalic acid content. However, it should be noted that its level in one tomato is minimal, which means there will definitely be no harm to the body from one tomato. Experts recommend not to give up these vegetables, as they contain many vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for sick people. The norm of tomatoes per week should be no more than 4 medium-sized tomatoes.

Patients with gouty arthritis are allowed to eat sweets (without chocolate), marshmallows, jam, natural marmalade, and natural marshmallows. Beneficial for the body will be: nut kernels, sunflower seeds, apricots, tangerines, oranges, persimmons, apples, terenas, plums and pears. Fruits help speed up the removal of uric acid from the body.

Drinks you can consume: chicory, fresh fruit juices, compotes, tea with milk or lemon, kvass, green tea, brewed rosehip, fresh fruit drinks. Fruit drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries, and permitted fruits will be beneficial for people with high levels of uric acid in the bloodstream. Alkaline mineral water and cucumber juice (up to one cup per day) will help remove excess purines.

It is allowed to eat black and white bread. Vegetable oil is recommended, but a small amount of butter is also allowed.

Is it possible to use honey for gout?

Honey is one of the permitted products on the menu of a patient with gouty arthritis. It is believed that honey is one of the most effective traditional medicine methods for eliminating pain. Compresses with honey, honey baths and rubbing have a beneficial effect on the inflamed joint. Quite often you can find various traditional medicine recipes for gout medications based on honey in combination with onions or aloe pulp.

Honey can successfully replace sweets in a patient’s menu. However, it is worth remembering that the beneficial properties of honey are preserved only if honey is added to warm tea, and not to boiling water.

Cranberry for gouty arthritis

Cranberries are rich in antioxidants, minerals and other beneficial substances. When consumed daily, cranberries can significantly improve the functioning of the digestive, genitourinary, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Thanks to this, cranberry is also useful for gout. It is recommended to include fresh cranberries in the patient's daily menu. However, it is not recommended to eat too many berries at one sitting, as cranberries can provoke an allergic reaction.

Can patients with arthritis eat garlic?

Garlic is a fairly popular remedy in the fight against many pathologies. Garlic also plays an important role in treating a gout attack. Basically, traditional medicine recipes suggest the use of various tinctures based on garlic. It is garlic that allows you to quickly relieve swelling, redness and other signs of inflammation, as well as eliminate pain in a short time. Garlic is a storehouse of phytoncides and other beneficial substances. Garlic in permitted foods is also likely to be beneficial for gout patients.

How to accustom yourself to a new diet?

The diagnosis of gout changes the patient's diet radically. The patient must clearly understand that eating prohibited foods can cause a new attack of gouty arthritis. It is best to first create a sample menu for the week and try to stick to it. It is also worth studying recipes for dishes useful for this disease. It is better to divide the list of favorite products into a group of allowed and prohibited, and then write them down in table form. This way, it will be easier to navigate the choice of products for preparing healthy dishes. Each person decides for himself what to eat and what not. Everyone is responsible for their own health.

About 2400 years ago! Considering that the disease has been known for a long time, there are various traditional methods of treatment, because in those days medicine was not yet so developed.

Treatment of gout with folk remedies at home has survived to this day. Many effective recipes have been preserved, which are described in detail in this article.

Signs and causes of the disease

Gout occurs when protein metabolism is disrupted. As a result, the joints accumulate excess uric acid salts, which leads to the formation of spherical growths or, as they are popularly called, “bumps.”

Factors influencing the appearance of gout, which cause its occurrence:

  • abuse of fatty, salty, spicy foods, overeating;
  • drinking alcohol in unlimited quantities;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • overwork;
  • impaired excretion of uric acid by the kidneys.

People who lead a healthy lifestyle are less likely to get sick.

Symptoms include the following:

  1. Sharp pain and redness of one or two joints at once (big toe, knees).
  2. The appearance of nodules under the skin.
  3. Sensitivity even when the joint is lightly touched.

The source of the disease is an incorrect diet and abuse of foods containing purines. These include:

  • cocoa and products based on it;
  • coffee;
  • red meat;
  • fatty fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • offal;
  • sharp cheeses;
  • sorrel, spinach;
  • legumes;
  • alcohol.

Important! When consuming these products in large quantities, the risk of uric acid metabolism disorders increases.

  • limit the consumption of foods containing salt, oxalic acid and purines;
  • monitor the amount of fat and carbohydrates you consume;
  • eat more vegetables, fruits, dairy products;
  • maintain a drinking regime (drink 2–3 liters of water per day).

List of prohibited products:

  • broths with meat, fish and mushrooms;
  • sauces, preserves, marinades, vinegar;
  • tomato sauce, ketchup;
  • smoked meats, lard, sausage, meat of young animals;
  • spicy and salty spices;
  • alcohol, caffeinated foods and drinks;
  • grapes, raspberries;
  • cauliflower, radishes, sorrel, legumes.

How to treat gout with folk remedies

Treatment of gout with folk remedies at home involves several options:

  • compresses;
  • treatment with berries;
  • phytotherapy;
  • ingestion of the drug.

Methods for treating gout can be combined with each other, which will bring a positive effect. Therapy with traditional methods will help not only cope with an unpleasant disease and reduce pain, but also avoid further exacerbations of the disease. Let's consider each of the above methods separately.


Compresses are usually applied at night. After all, at night the pain intensifies, and the affected area literally begins to burn. Several folk recipes will help avoid such consequences and make you feel better at this time of day.

Important! Honey is a healthy product, but very often causes allergic reactions in people. Before making honey-based compresses, check for allergies and other unpleasant symptoms. Apply a small amount of product to your wrist and wait to see if any unusual reactions occur within an hour.

Salt and honey compress

Take salt and honey in equal proportions and mix them. Spread the resulting ointment in an even layer on gauze and apply to the sore joint overnight.

Mustard and honey compress

Make a paste from mustard powder and honey and add a little soda. Apply the resulting mustard-honey mixture and wrap it in gauze, then secure the compress with a retaining bandage. Leave overnight. Carry out the procedure every day for 14 days.

Chamomile compress with elderberry

Such lotions are very effective in helping to cope with unpleasant pain. Recipe:

  1. and add equal amounts of water and wait until the water boils.
  2. Then let the tincture cool a little and brew.
  3. Gauze pads are applied to the affected joint at night.

Berry treatment

It's no secret that berries are not only tasty, but also healthy. Moreover, they have a truly miraculous effect and are irreplaceable “doctors”. When treating gout with folk remedies at home, the following berries will help:

  • elder;
  • cherry;
  • blueberry;

Strawberries, blueberries and cherries should be consumed internally. You can eat blueberries in any quantity every day. The course of treatment with cherries lasts a week, 300 grams per day.


Herbs are also useful for gout. Many plants, which traditional medicine traditionally uses, improve the general condition of a person by acting directly on the problem. Therefore, with the exception of contraindications, chamomile tea is useful for every person, regardless of diagnosis.

Lilac for gout

During the season, you should pick it and put it in a half-liter jar. Pour a glass of vodka over the flowers and leave to infuse for 7 days in a dark place. Directions for use: take 50 drops of tincture orally before each meal.

Recipes for oral administration

As already mentioned, gout occurs due to poor nutrition. Therefore, monitoring your diet is very important. A few simple recipes will help cope with the exacerbation of the disease, as well as prevent it.

Lemon and garlic

Four lemons and 4 cloves of garlic should be minced through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mixture with two glasses of boiling water and leave to infuse in a warm place for 3 days. Take the pre-strained infusion once a day, 50 ml.


Cut three large apples into slices and add 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil and then cook for another 15 minutes. You will get apple compote that will help cope with gout. You just need to drink at least 4 cups of compote during the day. If you wish, you can do more, it will be beneficial.

Lemon with sugar

Pour boiling water over 1 kg of lemons, hold for 5 minutes, then grind through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting pulp with 1 kg of sugar. Drink the mixture three times a day, adding a glass of water and half a spoon of baking soda.


Celery juice helps a lot. Three spoons of juice before each meal will significantly reduce the pain of gout.

Baking soda

Baking soda can neutralize acid, which is important for gout. An effective result can be obtained at the initial stage of the disease. Course of treatment: 10 days on, 10 days off. Dosage regimen: starting with 1/5 tsp. soda, gradually increasing to 1/2 tsp. Take one hour before meals daily.

Since baking soda can damage the walls of blood vessels, you can use the recipe with a bath. Take a bath of warm water (in a sitting position the water should be up to your waist), dilute 400 g of soda and 400 g of sea salt in it. Course of treatment: 10 procedures, then a 2-month break. During an exacerbation, swimming in hot water is contraindicated.

Bay leaf

An effective folk remedy for the treatment of gout:

  1. Grind 5 pieces of bay leaf and pour in 100 ml of ammonia, let it brew for a week.
  2. Rub the prepared tincture into the area of ​​the affected joint.
  3. Make an iodine grid on top. Carry out procedures until the exacerbation stops.

sunflower root

When treating with sunflower root, you need to reconsider your diet and exclude alcohol, fatty and fried foods. Recipe for gout decoction:

  1. Pour 1 cup of crushed sunflower root into 3 liters of boiling water.
  2. Place on the stove and boil for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Take 1 glass 3 times a day after meals.

The roots used to prepare the decoction can be used a second time, just boil for 2-3 minutes more.

Iodine and aspirin

To prepare a medicinal solution, you need to pour 10 ml of iodine into a glass container and add 5 tablets of crushed aspirin. After the aspirin has dissolved and the liquid has cleared, you can begin treatment. Before going to bed, lubricate sore joints with the resulting solution, then insulate them. In the morning, rinse with warm water. Doctors consider this method of treatment ineffective. When taking 1 tablet of Aspirin orally, pain and inflammation will disappear sooner.


Recipe for treating gout:

  1. Pour 15 g of crushed propolis into 200 ml of vodka, place in a dark place for 7 days, shake daily. At the end of the specified period, strain the tincture.
  2. Take 15 ml on an empty stomach, be sure to wash it down with milk. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  3. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.


For gout, potatoes can be used in two ways:

  1. Lotions. Grate the potatoes and apply to the resulting lump.
  2. Bath. Place the potato skins 2/3 full in a saucepan and fill with water 1/4 full. Put on fire and boil for 15 minutes. Pour the broth (300 ml) into a bowl of hot water, gradually adding potato liquid, maintaining the temperature. Carefully apply the peel to the cones so as not to get burned. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Hot procedures are prohibited for severe arthritis.

Treatment of gout with medications

Treatment must be comprehensive, for this purpose various means are prescribed:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for pain relief (Indomethacin, Methindol, Diclofenac sodium);
  • cytostatics block cell division (Colchicine);
  • corticosteroids, if the patient has hypersensitivity to the above drugs, in severe forms of the disease (Methylprednisolone, Triamcinolone, Dexamethasone);
  • hypoxanthine oxidase inhibitors that excrete uric acid by the kidneys (Allopurinol);
  • uricosuric drugs when taking antibiotics (Probenecid).

It is not recommended to select a drug to remove uric acid on your own. This should be done by a qualified doctor after receiving the results of laboratory tests.
The most popular drugs that remove uric acid and dissolve stones are: Avisanum, AUopurinolum, Benzobromarone, Blemaren.

Treatment with allopurinol

Taking this drug is designed to eliminate the cause of the disease. When treating, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  • start taking the medicine with small doses;
  • when the medication is discontinued, the level of acid in the urine increases sharply;
  • during an attack, relieve pain before taking the medicine;
  • at the beginning of treatment, in order to avoid an attack of gout, colchicine is prescribed in small doses;
  • Dynamic monitoring of urates is required.

Contraindicated for children, with, and if work is impaired. Treatment with Allopurinol should be accompanied by diet.


Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of gout are selected based on the symptoms and nature of the disease:

  • Aconite (at the beginning of an attack);
  • Arnica (severe pain when walking and touching);
  • Belladonna (redness, temperature);
  • Berberis vulgaris (attacks of stabbing pain, with kidney stones);
  • Bryonia (swelling, knees unable to bend, hot);
  • Calcarea fluorica (finger joints are affected and produce a cracking sound);
  • Colchicum (hypersensitivity to movements and touches);
  • Ledum (cold joints);
  • Nux vomica (for patients with indigestion);
  • Rhododendron (joints react to weather);
  • Rhus toxicodendron (for hot, very swollen joints);
  • Sulfur (itching, burning).

With an exacerbation of gout

The first step is to carry out anti-inflammatory therapy. For this, Colchicine is often used (the drug should be taken in consultation with the attending physician) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Naproxen) are used. If it is not possible to use a traditional treatment regimen, glucocorticoids are administered.

Timely seeking medical help will save you from such a disease as gout. Be healthy!

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are accompanied by a number of restrictions and prohibitions. Eating lard for gout is strictly prohibited, since this product is oversaturated with purines and can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Organizing a purine-free diet is the main preventive and therapeutic measure in the fight against gouty arthritis, so people who suffer from the “noble disease” need to be especially careful when selecting food products.

What is the importance of proper nutrition?

Scientists have found that one of the main reasons for the development of gout is metabolic disorders in the body. As a result of the processing of purines, uric acid is formed, mainly consisting of sodium and potassium salts, which are excreted through the genitourinary system. The severity of the disease is determined by a number of negative factors, among which it is customary to highlight:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • non-compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician regarding the organization of food intake (at least 4 times a day);
  • the presence in the diet of foods oversaturated with purines;
  • imbalance in kidney function, etc.

Due to the individual characteristics of each patient, the diet menu must be selected taking into account the recommendations of a rheumatologist, gastroenterologist and nutritionist.

The human body is able to process and promptly remove only a small part of purine substances. Excess uric acid compounds in tissues are converted into crystals, which eventually settle in the joint cavities and cause inflammation. Although a specialized diet requires strict adherence to the rules, the list of permitted products is still very diverse.

What can you eat?

Eating meat dishes is strictly prohibited.
  • Vegetables in any form and vegetable broths.
  • Fruits and juices (especially citrus fruits).
  • Berry fruit drinks.
  • Green and herbal teas.
  • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products.
  • Greens (except for spinach, sorrel, celery).
  • Eggs.
  • Seafood.
  • Vegetable oil.

You can ease the course of the disease by excluding from the menu dishes made from meat (and lard, including), fatty fish, legumes, mushrooms, as well as alcohol. It is known that table salt retains water in the body, and this also serves as one of the prerequisites for exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, gout sufferers should strictly ration the consumption of salty foods. Maintaining a water-salt balance greatly simplifies the process of cleansing the body.

Is it possible to eat lard if you have gout?

The maximum amount of purines is found in foods of protein origin. Pork lard is solid animal fat with a high concentration of substances harmful to gout patients. But given the beneficial properties of this product, doctors still do not recommend completely abandoning it. They say that you can eat salted lard, but only of a certain quality.

When choosing food, preference is given to products with a large fat layer and minimal presence of meat. A couple of slices of salted lard are consumed as a separate dish, no more than twice a month. Excessive inclusion of pork fat in the diet entails an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, which in turn provokes a failure of metabolism in tissues.

The question of whether it is possible to eat lard if you have gout worries patients who regularly include this high-calorie product in their diet. Doctors specializing in this disease strongly recommend refraining from eating lard. This is because it contributes to the exacerbation of the main signs of the pathological process.

Like other meat products, lard is not recommended for gout.

Some patients mistakenly believe that lard can be eaten for gouty arthritis. In fact, it is extremely undesirable to do this, since this product is a prohibited diet offered to patients with such a diagnosis.

Lard is considered very beneficial for the human body. It is enriched with a huge amount of valuable microelements, amino acids and other biologically active components that normalize the functioning of internal systems. However, lard is prohibited for gout. This is because the natural product has a number of features:

  • Lard contains a large number of purines. Their breakdown product is uric acid, which tends to accumulate in the human body under favorable conditions.
  • The product is high in calories. Therefore, it leads to excess weight gain. That, in turn, is an unnecessary burden on the joints, which are already suffering due to gout.
  • Fat increases the amount of cholesterol in the body, which can result in disruptions in metabolic processes.

After familiarizing yourself with these features, the patient will understand for himself whether it is possible or not to eat pork product if he has gout. If it is difficult for a person to completely refuse high-calorie treats, then he can afford to occasionally eat a small piece of lard.

To avoid negative reactions from the body during gout to lard, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. You are allowed to eat no more than 2-3 thin pieces of the product per week.
  2. For patients with gout, you should choose lard that contains no more than 2 thin layers of meat.
  3. It is necessary to use lard for gout exclusively in its pure form.
  4. The fatty product must be of high quality.
  5. It is not advisable to combine lard with a lot of salt. Its content should be minimal.

People with gout often have a tendency to become obese. Often people who are struck down by gout lead a sedentary lifestyle. All these factors do not allow the body to promptly get rid of excess calories received during meals. In this case, you have to completely exclude lard from the diet, since its fats simply cannot be fully consumed.

Salted lard is especially dangerous for patients whose doctor has diagnosed gout. It contains a large portion of purines, which pose a threat to the health of a person with such an unfavorable diagnosis. Therefore, salted pieces of pork product should not be eaten even in minimal quantities.

Doctors' opinion

Alcohol and lard are prohibited for gout

Experts consider gout as a disease that mainly affects people who abuse alcoholic beverages and fatty foods. Such nutrition leads to metabolic disorders in the body. Because of this, there is an accelerated deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints and tendons.

Abuse of lard, which contains a lot of fat, is fraught with exacerbation of gout. If a patient eats lard in large quantities, then he should expect his condition to worsen. Doctors have repeatedly focused their attention on this feature of many high-calorie foods.

Due to an exacerbation of gout caused by eating lard, the patient will experience paroxysmal pain, increased body temperature and redness of the area at the joint location. With such symptoms, he will need medical help. You can improve your situation by using folk remedies based on this product. In this form, lard is practically harmless to the gouty body.

Healthy Recipes

To the question of whether it is possible to eat lard, an unequivocal answer was received. Patients with gouty arthritis are strongly advised not to use it. With this diagnosis, it is recommended to use this product for the preparation of external folk remedies that alleviate the symptoms of the pathology.


Lard is contraindicated in patients with gout if used as food. But it is very useful when used externally. Salted bacon is ideal for preparing medicinal compresses that need to be applied to sore spots.

Lard ointment will help relieve inflammation

Compresses require homemade ointment, which is prepared from lard. They do it as follows:

  1. In a water bath, melt 50 g of salted lard well. This portion is enough to prepare the ointment.
  2. You need to add 125 ml of milk to the product. It can be of any fat content. The mixture should be shaken thoroughly.
  3. Next, the main ingredients of the medicinal ointment are combined with 50 ml of turpentine oil, 20 ml of an aqueous ammonia solution and 100 ml of camphor alcohol.

The resulting mass needs to infuse a little. When cooled, the ointment is recommended to be applied to the affected joint. The procedure is best done before going to bed.

It is recommended to apply a compress with homemade ointment to the joint every day for a whole month.

There is another recipe for preparing a healing ointment with lard for gout:

  1. You need to take 50 g of natural lard and melt it in a water bath.
  2. To the main ingredient add 0.5 liters of milk, which has a high fat content.
  3. 10 g of ground red pepper is also added to the total mass.
  4. The resulting mass is mixed well and left to infuse.

The frozen ointment must be rubbed into the sore spot every day before going to bed. It is recommended to additionally insulate it with a scarf on top. It will help enhance the warming effect of the medicine.

If, after homemade ointment with lard, milk and pepper, signs of irritation appear on the skin, the patient will have to refuse further use of the product prepared according to this recipe.


Rubbing with natural lard helps reduce signs of inflammation and relieve joint swelling. To carry out a treatment procedure at home, you must first cut off small pieces of a high-calorie product. Slices of about 5 cm are suitable. You should make sure that the lard is of high quality.

It is important to make sure that the lard is fresh and of high quality.

Pieces of lard must be thoroughly rubbed into the skin, while making quick and rhythmic movements. The procedure is carried out until the person feels comfortable holding the cut slices in his hand. Afterwards, the remaining lard can be thrown away, as it will become unsuitable for cooking. Such rubbing is used every day until the desired effect of home treatment is achieved.

Topical lard-based products actually help reduce the severity of the main symptoms of gout. Their effectiveness can be increased by a special diet, which must be prepared for the patient by his attending physician. Also, do not forget to take prescribed medications, which are the basis of treatment for this disease.